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Now We're Talking Book 2 Appendix

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APPENDIX A: Classroom English

Classroom English: Group work

English Translation English Translation

Tome asiento Párese
Take a seat. Stand up.
Tomen asiento Páresen
Guarde eso. Por favor, repita después de mí.
Put that away. Please repeat after me.
Guarden eso. Por favor, repitan después de mí.
Encuentre una pareja Share your answers with Comparta sus respuestas con su
Find a partner.
Encuentren una pareja. a partner pareja.
Hable con su pareja. Haga esto usted solo.
Talk to your partner. Do this on your own.
Hablen con su pareja. Hagan esto ustedes solos.
Vaya a la página ... Any volunteers to ¿Algún voluntario para
Turn to page ….
Vayan a la página ... answer? responder?
Mire la imagen. Señale la imagen correcta.
Look at the picture. Point to the right picture.
Miren la imagen. Señalen la imagen correcta.
Marque con un círculo la
Circle the correct respuesta correcta. Underline the correct Subraye la palabra correcta.
answer Marquen con un círculo word. Subrayen la palabra correcta.
la respuesta correcta.
Espere un momento. Entregue la tarea.
Hold on a second. Turn the assignment in.
Esperen un momento. Entreguen la tarea.
We are running out of Nos estamos quedando sin
Let’s take a break. Tomemos un descanso.
time. tiempo.
Let’s wrap it up. Pensemos a terminando. Time is up. El tiempo se acabó.

Classroom English: Asking questions in English

English Translation

What is ______ in English? ¿Qué es ______ en Inglés?

What does _______ mean? ¿Qué significa _______ ?
How do you pronounce this word? ¿Cómo se pronuncia esta palabra?
How do you spell ________? ¿Cómo se deletrea ________?
Can I go to the restroom? ¿Puedo ir al baño?
Can you repeat that? ¿Puede repetir eso?
When is the homework due? ¿Para cuando es la tarea?
What’s the answer to _____? ¿Cuál es la respuesta de/para _____?

Classroom English: Using Wh-Questions and FRED to speak and write more
Use the following cues to help you think of more things to say and write on topics.


What? Who? When? Where? Why? How?

Example: Tell me about your dream house in your future.

What? My dream house is big. It has many rooms. There is also a swimming pool!

Who? There are my future husband and three children in my house. There is also a dog.

When? I will have my house in about 10 years.

Why? I need a big house so I can have a big family.

How? In the future, I will be rich!

F → Facts
R → Reasons
E → Examples
D → Details

Example: A: Can you recommend a good restaurant?

B: A good restaurant is Wong’s Garden.

F → Facts It serves Chinese food. It’s near Main Street in the downtown area.
R → Reasons It has great food and is not very expensive.
E → Examples My favorite dish is Kung Pao chicken, and I also love their spring rolls.
D → Details You can have a good lunch there for about $7.

Note that you do not have to have a sentence for every category. Just try to have additional
sentences for most of your answers.

Example: A: What is a dish or meal that you know how to cook or prepare?
B: I can make spaghetti.
F → Facts I make it with noodles, salt, and spaghetti sauce from the store.
R → Reasons I make it because I love spaghetti, and it’s very easy to make.
E → Examples (skip)
D → Details First you boil some water and add the noodles and a little salt.
Then you drain the noodles and add the spaghetti sauce. That’s it!


Classroom English: Teacher Talk

In this course, you will spend a lot of time speaking in English with your partners. The following
expressions and vocabulary are very common in classroom conversations and group work.

Agreement/ Disagreement
I think so too. That’s exactly what I think. Definitely! I agree with you on that.

I’m sorry, I don’t agree. I have to disagree. Well, I don’t think so. No way!

Making group decisions:

Can we agree on _____? What’s the problem with ________?

Are we all OK on ____? Can we compromise on________?

Time management
What do we have left to do? There is not much time left. Let’s hurry and decide.

Asking for clarification

I’m not sure that I understand. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.

Wait, I don’t get it. Could you say that one more time?

I’m sorry, but did you say __________? What did you do? Where did you go? Who did you talk to?

Offering an explanation
Let me explain. What I mean is ________. I am trying to say that ________.

So what you are saying is ________. It sounds like you think ________. So in other words, you ________.

Excuse me, but can I say something? I’m sorry, but can I interrupt for a second?
Hold on. Can I ask something? I’m sorry to interrupt, but ________.

Involving your partner

I’d like to hear your ideas. We haven’t heard from Maria yet. What do you think?
How about you? What’s your opinion? What’s your answer?

SECTION 2: Information transfer
Unit 4, Page 54: Sam’s Schedule

Student A Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

9 a.m. Bus Gym Breakfast

10 a.m. History class Bus History class

11 a.m. Math class Work on history project

12 a.m. Math class Lunch Lunch

1 p.m. Do biology homework Lunch Exercise/TV show

2 p.m. Biology class Biology class Read

3 p.m. Study in the library Go home

4 p.m. Go home Work

5 p.m. Go home Work Meet Diana

Unit 8, Page 106: SPEAKING: Information gap








Unit 4, Page 54: Sam’s Schedule

Student B Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

9 a.m. Bus Bus

10 a.m. Bus Household chores

11 a.m. Coffee with Diana Study in the library

12 p.m. Lunch Lunch

1 p.m. Lunch Study for test!

2 p.m. Biology class Study in the library Biology class

3 p.m. Meet with Prof. Hale Tennis

4 p.m. Tennis class Work Tennis

5 p.m. Watch TV Work

Unit 8, Page 106: SPEAKING: Information gap



Juliana Oliver





SECTION 3: Language Support

Parts of Speech
Nouns: people, things, places, actions and ideas
• People and other living things:

ð My neighbor owns two dogs and three cats.

• Places
ð Switzerland has beautiful mountains and thousands of lakes.
• Actions
ð She likes jogging and dancing.
• Ideas and concepts
ð Knowledge is power.

Pronouns: Words that can replace a noun

• Subject pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they
ð If she comes to the party, he will be happy.
• Object pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, them
ð If my boyfriend meets her again, I will leave him.
• Possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its
ð That book isn’t mine. It’s hers.
• Demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these, those
ð Don’t touch that. It’s hot.

Verbs: Action or states of being

• We eat breakfast at 7.
• He seems nice.
• You are driving too fast!
• They were here in the morning.
• We watched the game on TV.

Adjectives: Word describing a noun

• She drives a new car.
• Your friends are so strange.
• They live in a small but lovely home.


Adverbs: Word describing a verb (how or when something is done), an adjective, or another
• She quickly ran to the car. (how)
• They usually walk to school. (when)
• The answer was completely wrong. (describing an adjective)
• He walks very quickly. (describing an adverb)

Prepositions: above, at, behind, between, by, from, in, of, on, to, with, etc.
• My keys are in my room on the table by the computer.
• He works with me at the restaurant.

Articles: a, an, the

• I met a man.
• The man was an accountant.

Conjunctions: and, nor, but, or, yet, so

• It’s raining outside, so you should take an umbrella.
• There’s a test tomorrow, but she hasn’t started to study yet.

Cardinal Numbers: 100-100,000,000

101 One hundred and one 1101 One thousand one hundred and one
102 One hundred and two 10,000 Ten thousand
200 Two hundred 10,502 Ten thousand five hundred and two
300 Three hundred 100,000 One hundred thousand
1000 One thousand 1,000,000 One million
1001 One thousand and one 100,000,000 One hundred million
1,000,000,000 One billion

Ordinal Numbers
1st first 11th eleventh 21st twenty-first
2nd second 12th twelfth 22nd twenty-second
3rd third 13th thirteenth 30th thirtieth
4th fourth 14th fourteenth 40th fortieth
5th fifth 15th fifteenth 50th fiftieth
6th sixth 16th sixteenth 60th sixtieth
7th seventh 17th seventeenth 70th seventieth
8th eighth 18th eighteenth 80th eightieth
9th ninth 19th nineteenth 90th ninetieth
10th tenth 20th twentieth 100th one-hundredth


Spelling: progressive and present participle

Verbs ending in
Verbs ending in ie:
Most verbs: Verbs ending in an e: consonant-vowel-consonant and
Change -ie to y and the final vowel is stressed:
Add -ing Remove -e and add -ing
add -ing.
Double final consonant.

walk → walking ride → riding die → dying begin → beginning

play → playing live → living lie → lying regret → regretting
pick → picking have → having tie → tying stop → stopping

Special spelling: Third person singular verbs

Verbs ending in -ch, -sh, -s, Verbs ending in consonant + y:
Other irregular verbs:
and -z: Add -es Delete y and add -ied
watch → watches try → tries
have → has
wish → wishes study → studies
go → goes
kiss → kisses cry → cries
do → does
buzz→ buzzes copy → copies

Spelling: Regular verbs--simple past

Verbs ending in Verbs ending in consonant +
Most verbs: Verbs ending in an e:
consonant* + y: vowel + consonant:
Add -ed Add -d Add -ied Double the final consonant**
work → worked serve → served study → studied plan → planned
play → played use → used apply → applied beg → begged
help → helped move → moved carry → carried stop → stopped
wash → washed like → liked copy → copied step → stepped
ski → skied hope →hoped marry → married regret → regretted

* Consonants: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, z
** Never double w, x, and y: row → rowed fix → fixed stay →stayed

Grammar: Count nouns: Singular and plural

shoe → shoes For most nouns, add -s to make a noun plural

coin → coins
map → maps
dish → dishes For nouns ending in -sh, -ch, -ss, -x, add -es
watch → watches
dress → dresses
box → boxes
tomato → tomatoes For nouns ending with a consonant + o, sometimes add -es
hero → heroes and sometimes only add -s

video → videos
kilo → kilos
activity → activities Nouns ending with consonant + y → -ies
party → parties
knife → knives Some nouns which end with an /f/ sound end in -ves
loaf → loaves
shelf → shelves
wolf → wolves
life → lives
wife → wives
leaf → leaves
sheep → sheep Irregular nouns with identical singular and plural forms.
fish → fish
deer → deer
buffalo → buffalo
shrimp → shrimp
child → children Other irregular forms
mouse → mice
person → people
cactus → cacti
foot → feet
tooth → teeth
goose → geese
man → men
woman → women


Grammar: Non-count nouns

Natural events and
Food and drink Abstract concepts General categories
meat snow advice furniture
fruit rain happiness equipment homework
rice wind health money
air education transportation
ice research clothing
water knowledge luggage
fire information jewelry
salt gold time traffic
pepper metal work
milk wood

Grammar: Comparisons
Comparisons Superlatives
Short adjectives (1 syllable): -er + than Short adjectives (1 syllable): the -est
Tom is taller than Carlos. Tom is the tallest student in this class.
Diana runs faster than Tom. Diana is the smartest person that I know.
2-syllable adjective ending in consonant +y: -ier than 2-syllable adjective ending in consonant +y: the -iest
I am happier than I was last year. It was the happiest day of my life.
Sam is busier than Carlos. He’s the busiest man in the office.
2+ syllable adjectives: more...than 2+ syllable adjectives: the most ~:
His watch is more expensive than my car. This is the most expensive car on the lot.
I feel more confident about this than before. She’s the most confident person here.

Irregular adjectives: Irregular adjectives:

good → better good → the best
bad → worse bad → the worst


Capitalization Rules

1. The first word of a sentence

Everybody knows what you did.
It’s a great day for a picnic.

2. The names of people, places, products, and organizations

I hear that Marcus got a job at Samsung. He does marketing for their Android phones.

3. The names of rivers, lakes, mountains, oceans, and planets

The Amazon River, which is the largest river in the world, gets much of its water
from the Andes Mountains.

4. Nationalities and Languages

Most Brazlians speak Portuguese, while Spanish is spoken by most other Latin Americans.

5. A title when preceding a name.

What do you think of President Vladimir Putin?
Is Ms. Lee coming into work today?

6. Days of the week, months, holidays and holy days

We won’t have class on the last Friday in March because of the Easter Holiday.

7. Most words in titles

Always capitalize the first and last word of the title
• Of Mice and Men
• Where I Am Going To

Capitalize all other words in titles EXCEPT:

• Short prepositions: A Night of Terror Looking for Love
• Articles: Breaking the Bank Finding a Good Job
• Conjunctions A Matter of Life and Death For Love or Money
• ‘To’ of infinitives Things to Do in Lima Who I Want to Be


Irregular Verbs
Base Form of Verb Simple Past Past Participle

be (is, am,are) was, were been

beat beat beaten

become became become

begin began begun

bend bent bent

bet bet bet

bid bid bid

bite bit bitten

blow blew blown

break broke broken

bring brought brought

build built built

burn burned/burnt burned/burnt

buy bought bought

catch caught caught

choose chose chosen

come came come

cost cost cost

cut cut cut

dig dug dug

dive dove dived

do did done

draw drew drawn

dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt

drive drove driven

drink drank drunk

eat ate eaten

fall fell fallen

feel felt felt

fight fought fought


Irregular Verbs: Continuted

find found found

fly flew flown

forget forgot forgotten

forgive forgave forgiven

freeze froze frozen

get got gotten

give gave given

go went gone

grow grew grown

hang hung hung

have had had

hear heard heard

hide hid hidden

hit hit hit

hold held held

hurt hurt hurt

keep kept kept

know knew known

lay laid laid

lead led led

leave left left

lend lent lent

let let let

lie lay lain

lose lost lost

make made made

mean meant meant

meet met met

pay paid paid

put put put

read read read


Irregular Verbs: Continuted

ride rode ridden

ring rang rung

rise rose risen

run ran run

say said said

see saw seen

sell sold sold

send sent sent

show showed shown

shut shut shut

sing sang sung

sit sat sat

sleep slept slept

speak spoke spoken

spend spent spent

stand stood stood

swim swam swum

take took taken

teach taught taught

tear tore torn

tell told told

think thought thought

throw threw thrown

understand understood understood

wake woke woken

wear wore worn

win won won

write wrote written


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