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The Challenges of Learning English As A Foreign Language Among Undergraduate Students

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1, June 2020 e-ISSN: 2528-3804

p-ISSN: 2621-7295



Alpino Susanto1, A Malik2, Mitrayati3

Special Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
University of Karimun
Jl. Canggai Putri, Tebing, Karimun-Kepulauan Riau, 29663 Tel/Fax: (+62777) 7360578
English Study Program of Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
State Polytechnic of Bengkalis
State Administration Study Program, Social and Humanities Faculty
University of Karimun
Jl. Canggai Putri, Tebing, Karimun-Kepulauan Riau, 29663 Tel/Fax: (+62777) 7360578

Abstract : As one of the foreign languages in Indonesia, English must be

learned from junior high school to undergraduate level. As a foreign language,
challenges arise both in terms of the teacher as the one who give instruction or
students as objects as well as subject learners. Various responses can be found
in class related to these problems, especially in the attitude of students during
the learning process, student learning outcomes, and participation in carrying
out group activities. This study aims to explore the obstacles faced by students
in learning English and its causal factors in the environment of Karimun
University. This study uses a qualitative approach with a questionnaire,
observation, and video recording instrument. Analysis of research data is done
in three ways, namely, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing
conclusions and verification. The results showed that the research subjects had
various learning difficulties in English. This happens due to the different levels
of English mastery between individuals.

Keywords: Challenges, Undergraduate, English.

INTRODUCTION are interested is concomitance. English

Mastering international is expected to bridge the necessary
languages such as English is an information gap, facilitate
absolute must for students today. The communication with outsiders where
expectation of English competence the mother tongue is not reliable.
and other competence/skill that they Nowadays, being bilingual or

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2020 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

mastering international languages class learning (Susanto, Fazlinda,

other than mother tongue is a measure Nuwrun, 2018).

of academic success and must be had To be a good communicator,

by university graduates (Rodriguest, one must master the skills of speaking,

Carrasquelo, & Lee. 2014) writing, listening and reading from a

The hopes for the role of foreign language (Sari, 2019). This

English language skill to help students covers to the English learning process

in global competence without state called listening and reading as

boundaries, indicated by government receptive skills while reading and

regulations that make English as a speaking as productive skills. There is
compulsory subject for students to have an opinion tendency from ordinary
from elementary school to high school people that mastering speaking is an
level as well as at the higher education indicator of mastering a foreign
level. In fact, all study programs at the language. It is not entirely true.
higher education must provide English
Because other language skills such as
course for the first and second semesters
writing, listening and reading also
even though the discipline taken is not
need to be mastered. For example,
related to English. Ihis is a proof of the
when someone opens the Internet and
importance of mastering English at the
wants to respond to an e-mail, of
level of higher education in Indonesia as a
basis for academic achievement from the course it takes the ability to read

initial level. (Munadzdzofah, 2017)). carefully along with the ability to

There are two types of English write with the correct language

instruction, so called General English structure so that it can provide the

and English for Specific Purposes (or appropriate answer. In addition there

ESP). How ever as long as the learners are three elements of language that

know the instruction in class, and can play an important role in supporting

extend their knowledge beyond the the four skills, namely pronunciation,

curriculum which is very limited to vocabulary, and grammar.

undergraduate, they do not get English To achieve optimal English

subject burdensome. The language language skills, professional language

learning process is a lifetime process, but instructors are needed to produce
can be measured and engineered during quality alumni. Apart from the quality

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2020 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

of the teaching staff and the mastery of comprehension lies in the lack of
teaching materials, the balance knowledge about reading material and
between theory and training portion is ignorance of how to connect ideas one
very influencial. However, to realize to another sentence within the text or
an ideal language class is not as simple the text beyod their vocabulary level
as expected. In addition to having (Susanto & Suhardianto, 2018,
sufficient material experience, a Susanto, 2017).
language instructor should know the Writing skills are considered
level of language mastery of each quite difficult to acchieve as they
student. If all conditions are require complex and systematic
generalized, it could be difficult to thought processes. However, such a
achieve the expected learning goals. writing skill need to be mastered by
Allegedly, every student has different English learners. In communication
characteristics, including learning writing skills are also important to
strategies and the ability to understand master whose benefits will be felt
the material being taught as in the when the written language is published
concept of multiple intelligence and read by others (Rukmini, 2011).
(Stanford, 2003). Thus, the writing text level of quality
In the process of learning must always be upgraded. In term of
English, a student certainly has an speaking skills, Megawati &
obstacle experience to learn. These Mandarani (2016) in their research
obstacles can lead to less than the found that the students difficulties
optimal outcomes. This can happen to dealing with limited of vocabulary.
anyone, either they are taking English Vocabulary is the basis of achieving
study program or not. Hasan (2000) English language skills either as a
states that the difficulty faced by many second language or a foreign language
English learners is the lack of (Susanto, 2017; Susanto, Fazlinda, &
understanding of English Nuwrun, 2018; Susanto, Salleh,
pronunciation expressed at normal Fazlinda, 2018).
native speaker-speed through listening Aforementioned, it certainly
course. In reading skills, it is argued encourages a teacher or language
that the problem faced for reading text instructor to pay more attention to the

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2020 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

conditions of their students followed process delivered. To fulfill their

by readiness in the implementation of obligations as students at a university,
learning. Without careful and well they are required to take English
preparation, learning activities may courses and even have to pass a
not run effectively. The preparations TOEFL test with a high enough score.
can be seen from the Learning For students who do not have a strong
Implementation Plan (RPP), material, background in language starting from
media, and assessment. By elementary to high school would feel
understanding the problems faced by very-burdened by the situation. So as
students, an educator can reflect on English learners who do not explore
themselves to find out how effective knowledge in their fields (ESP
the implementation of the learning learners) have the potential to produce
process in the classroom as well as to a variety of responses in the learning
improve students’ level of quality. process (Zuomin, 1995).
Based on the concepts
presented in the introduction, it can be
concluded that there are many
Problems in learning English
difficulties faced by students when
are not only found at the level of
learning English, especially as a
primary, secondary and upper
foreign language because the language
education only, but continues to the
is used in certain conditions and
tertiary level. Several studies have
people rather than in daily activities.
proven this for each English language
Therefore, in this article the
skill (Panggabean, 2015; Megawati &
researchers are concentrating to
Mandarani, 2016; Lituanas et al.
explore the obstacles experienced by
(1999); Hasan, 2000). This applies
students dealing with the four
also to students who are not from the
language skills. This is considered
English department. Each student must
necessary to be done as information
have an interest in different fields of
material which can later be used to
science. So that, not all like English
improve the concept of effective
and choose English majors. This
English learning for students who are
cannot be separated from the problems
not from the English department.
that will arise when the learning

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2020 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

were then observed especially in

METHODOLOGY OF STUDY aspects of the appearance of student,
Based on the purpose of this attitudes, and speech delivery.
research, which is to determine the Observation took place during
difficulty of students in learning one semester of learning activities to
English, this type of research is a observe students who are classified as
qualitative research that produces active, less active, and passive.
observable written or spoken words. Students can be categorized as active
The study was conducted from when in the learning process showing
November 2019 to February 2020. their participation to answer questions,
The research subjects were ask questions, and often express
Karimun University students who took opinions, suggestion, fast response
English subject II. Where before they during group activities. For those who
had obtained English subject I which are less active, it can be seen from the
discusses the basic concepts of intensity of interaction that is rarely
English. The number of research happened between the student and the
subjects was 38 students. Data lecturer. They are only active when
collection was carried out using a asked or appointed by the lecturer to
questionnaire, recording, and express their opinions and comments.
observation method. The questionnaire The latter category is passive where
was distributed to research subjects to students almost never contribute
find out students' responses about the verbally during the class and having
learning experience of English for two low score (<50).
semesters including the difficulties The validity of research data
experienced in the learning process. In from the technical and referral sources
addition, researchers also collected was measured using triangulation
data through recordings at the end of (Sugiyono, 2008). In this study, the
semester activities where students data gathered then analised in three
were asked to describe the journal they stages, namely data reduction, data
had read in the form of video presentation, and drawing conclusions
recordings for approximately 5 or verification.
minutes. The results of the recording

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2020 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

Data Reduction difficult to master. Not a single skill

The researchers summarize the has been missed. However, when
data collection process during the compared from one language skill
learning activities taking place by with another language skill, the results
looking for important points as the show that Speaking is at the highest
focus of the research. This is to level.
classify answers related to difficulties Some factors that became the
encountered when learning activities reason why they chose Speaking were
according to the level of student. because of the lack of vocabulary,

Data Presentation difficult pronunciation, affraid of

The researchers present the making mistakes, laughed at by

results of the research data that has friends, and lack of grammar

been summarized by describing in knowledge. Several factors cause

detail and clearly things that are student difficulties due to affective

related to students' obstacles in the factors. This is reinforced by Afisa &

process of learning in English class. Yolanda (2015) in their research

Drawing conclusions states that the factors causing

In the initial stages, difficulties in learning to speak

conclusions are still temporary, which English are the number of frequencies

can change if no supporting data is of English speaking practice and

obtained to reinforce the results of psychological /affective factors.

data collection. When there are valid The second position lies in the

and consistent supporting references, Listening skill. When listening to an

the researchersthen can draw credible english video, students feel unable to

conclusions. keep up with the normal speed of the

sound of native English speakers.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION Then the lack of mastery of

vocabulary and understanding of

A summary of the English accents makes them not

questionnaire that has been distributed understand the content spoken in the

that all students have diverse opinions conversation even though the speed

about the skills that are the most has been adjusted to Indonesian or the

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2020 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

speakers were not native. Listening apporach in writing is highly

problems were also discovered by recommended by linguists. This is
Darti & Asmawati (2017) who because to put an idea in writing
examined the English learners of requires a process of developing ideas
students at UIN Makassar that the lack and designing sentences that reinforce
of vocabulary, grammar and accent is one another. In addition to developing
the dominant thing experienced in ideas, appropriate learning media are
mastering English. needed, so that the difficulties
Writing is the most complex encountered can be minimized through
activity to master for the learners in these media. One of the media that can
this context. However, only a few be used is comic strips if the ideas to
students make writing a difficult skill be developed are related to narrative
to learn. This is because in the texts
learning process, they approach the The importance of the process
writing process where there are several apporach in writing activities is highly
steps that must be passed before they recommended. It is because in order to
publish the results of their English express an idea, a process of activities
writing. is needed. The process can develop
The writing process consists of ideas and improve the elements in
outlining, drafting, creating, editing, them. In addition, appropriate learning
revising-checking on the accuracy of media are needed so that the
the relevance of the content, and the difficulties encountered can be
last as publishing. If outlined more minimized by these media. (Megawati
specifically, outlining is intended to & Anugerahwati, 2012).
arrange a paragraph outline, drafting The lowest difficulty in
to make the initial paragraph draft, learning English lies in Reading. Most
editing to check the accuracy of students think that reading skills are
writing, revising to check the accuracy the easiest thing to do. The factor
of the content between paragraphs and which is used as the basis of answers
titles, and publishing is to publish the by students is because of their interest
results of writing to be read by others. in reading activities. So even though
The importance of the process the language of instruction given is

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2020 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

English they still enjoy the activity. researchers classified student

The second reason is that when recording results into three categories.
reading students have a text that can They are active, underactive, and
be directly used as reference material passive students. The analysis showed
to answer questions related to that students who actively participated
understanding text. But opinions that in the English class were able to carry
state reading as a difficult skill cannot out the project confidently and fluently
be ignored even though the numbers with pronunciation that was almost
are very few. right. This can be seen from their
From the information obtained, expressions which not showing tense
students find it difficult to understand and eloquence when explaining
the contents of reading in English due journal they have read. They
to the low mastery of vocabulary, so confidently explain what they got from
that messages that are comparable to their own chosen journal in English
what they read are very difficult to and explain in front of the class in
interpret. This can be used as input for their own language and expression.
all language teachers to pay attention For students who are less
to the level of difficulty in the active in the learning process, their
selection of English reading with performance is quite good, especially
student competence (Susanto & in the pronunciation of English
Suhardianto, 2018). vocabulary even though it still sounds
The results of the recording of halting because they have not
the student's final project are analyzed memorized or read the text in hand
as supporting data. Before recording, notes. The notes that have been
students are asked to an English- prepared help provide ideas that will
language journal thay prefer within the be conveyed on the recording. In term
scope of the study program they are in. of their expressions, they look relaxed
From the results of their understanding and not tense when describing what
of the journal, they make a summary they understand from the journal they
and present it to the class and do read.
explain in brief. In order to facilitate However recordings of
the analysis of recorded data, the students who passively participated in

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2020 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

class during the English class, showed Speaking is the most difficult thing to
that they were not confident to explain master and it is very unattractive to
in their own language about the speak in a foreign language among
journal they had chosen. While Indonesian environment.
explaining, their voice was very slow,
and expressions showed a shy or
agitated expression. Mostly
Indonesian words were chosec to
The process of learning English can
express what they want to present.
not be separated with the emergence
This is due to the English they use
of various difficulties that occur
cannot represent what they want to
mainly among students. These
say. In addition, the structure of the
difficulties can be seen from each
language used is not well arranged
language skills or as a whole. In an
grammatically. This can be seen when
English class that have different
they try to pronounce English
language competencies, the difficulties
vocabulary intermittently and
encountered are also vary. In this
repeatedly because they are not sure
research showed difficulty learning
what was said. This is due to
English in four skills in the most
limitations in translating Indonesian
difficult to easiest sequence as follows
into English without double checking
Speaking, Listening, Reading,
or proofread.
Writing. The factors that cause
From all the research results, it
learning difficulties in English are
can be concluded that the difficulty of
very much influenced by the level of
learning English in achieving full
language mastery of each student.
language competence is influenced by
Active students tend to choose writing.
the level of language mastery of each
However, passive students tend to
student. This can be seen from the
choose speaking as a difficult thing to
statement of research subjects who are
practice. Video recordings show that
classified as active in the opinion that
active and less active students can
Speaking is the easiest skill. This is in
carry out the final project well in terms
contrast with students who are
of confidence and grammar. But for
classified as passive stating that
passive students, the results show that

INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2020 e-ISSN: 2528-3804
p-ISSN: 2621-7295

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