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CLAAS Jaguar 830

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The key takeaways are that versatility provides advantages over horsepower alone, and the JAGUAR harvester is very versatile being able to harvest different crops like maize, grass, grains and more.

The JAGUAR harvester has strong drive concepts, optimum crop flow, robust feed systems, perfect chop quality, and power options from 345-623HP. It also has features like the CLAAS comfort cab, field computer, central lubrication and more.

Engine options for the JAGUAR include Daimler Chrysler OM 502 LA V8, OM 460 LA R6, and OM 460 LA R6 providing power ratings between 254-453kW.


870 850 830

provides an advantage.
Horsepower is good.
Versatility is better.
on performance.

Comfort cab 8
Engines/cooling 12
Feed 16
Chopping system 18
Crop flow 22
Ground drive 24

on versatility.

Grass mowing with DISCO 28

Whole crop harvesting
Maize harvesting with ORBIS 32
Picking maize with
Salix harvesting with HS-2 34

on reliability.

Maintenance 40
Service 42
Milestones 44
Specifications 46
Benefits 49

Versatility is limitless.

Harvesting maize is fine, but if you want a machine to be Perfect for biogas.
successful on the market, it should master more than one
discipline. Because only if the investment costs are Biogas production is becoming increasingly important for
distributed over a high number of hours does efficiency many farms. This is where the strengths of the JAGUAR
and profitability increase. are shown to be of especially great advantage. Thanks to
its variable front attachments, you can harvest grass,
whole plants and maize in flexible year-round use and
Versatile in use. base your biogas production on several substrates.

The JAGUAR is the best selling forage harvester in the

world. This status is attributable to, among other things,
its enormous versatility. Harvesting or picking maize,
whole-plant cutting, swath pickup, grass mowing, grain
and salix harvesting – wherever outstanding chop quality
is demanded, the JAGUAR is in its element. In Provence
it is even used in the lavender harvest.


"My drivers want a chopper that gives maximum performance and from
which you exit in top shape in the evening. My customers want
excellent forage quality. And I want a machine that brings all of this
together under one hat."
(Felix Ilemann, contractor, Oldenburg)
Strong drive concept Perfect chop quality
Optimum product flow Power from 345 to 623 HP Focus on performance
Robust feed drive TIER 3 exhaust standard
The CLAAS Comfort cab. • Spacious two-seater cab
• Complete glass enclosure for unrestricted view on all
Good drivers get the most out of their machine, provided sides
that the working environment is ideal, letting them • Front windscreen with an all-round washer/wiper
concentrate on what matters. system
• Side wiper for the best viewing conditions
In the JAGUAR GREEN EYE there is simply nothing that • Easily activate the knife grinders and shear bar
distracts you. The noise level is minimal. Steering column adjustment from the cab.
and driver's seat can be adjusted and adapted in many
ways. Thanks to logically arranged displays and control All operations can be activated simply and monitored with
elements, you quickly have a handle on the JAGUAR; the help of the clearly laid out terminal on your right.
even after the shortest time, you are driving it intuitively.
Roller sun visor, air conditioner, radio and beverage
refrigerator are an extra touch to make you always feel
good. No matter how long you are on board.

The best
chopper in the
world is
only as good
as its driver.

The ground speed control lever –

simply great.

You can now control the new JAGUAR GREEN EYE even
more precisely. The new multifunctional lever no longer
functions as a sliding tube but as a pivoted lever, the
sensitivity of which you can modify to perfectly meet your
requirements. You have the choice of three transmission

• Multifunction lever integrated in the right arm rest

• Perfectly adjustable to your size
• Handrest for even more comfortable working
• All work-relevant functions in one handle
• For example direction of travel, ground speed, raising
and lowering front attachment, reversing the feed drive

Comfort cab
Multifunction handle

It's good to know
that so much
technology can
be controlled
so comfortably.


An intelligent operating concept plays an important part in In addition, the clearly laid out terminal of the CLAAS
increasing the productivity of your day-to-day work. With COMMUNICATOR supplies you with all important machine
the JAGUAR GREEN EYE, you can get the most from data:
your machine with just a few hand movements or at the
touch of a button. • Engine hours
• Intake hours
The CLAAS information system CIS is a vehicle information • Yield per hectare
unit and on-board computer in one. With the push of a • Area covered
button you call up all machine and service data. The new • Throughput in tonnes per hour or tonnes per work
diesel consumption indicator calculates exact data for record
invoicing. The new engines are so efficient and powerful • Total diesel consumption, per hectare or per hour
that you can drive the JAGUAR even easier at the limit.
The determined values can be assigned to specific jobs
and printed out (optional). In just a few seconds, you have
CLAAS QUANTIMETER everything in black and white: the exact crop volume,
diesel consumption and all data for performance-based
The JAGUAR QUANTIMETER keeps you up to date invoicing.
throughout the harvest. The machine determines the
throughput volume from the intake width, crop flow
height and intake speed.

Lighting concept
There are no time limits on your productivity with the
JAGUAR GREEN EYE. When it gets dark, you can simply
turn night into day. The powerful H9 headlamps light up
even the darkest corner of your working area, meaning
that you can continue working during twilight hours or
when night falls.

CIS info system

Automatic air conditioner

It loves hard work.
And shows its thanks by
providing maximum throughput.

Powerful DaimlerChrysler engines. Unique and only from CLAAS.

You should always run your new JAGUAR at maximum The elastic connection of engine and chassis minimises
torque, because your engines will then develop optimum noise and vibrations. The best of both worlds: overwhelming
performance at lowest fuel consumption, and the chopper power plus maximum driver comfort.
achieves maximum throughput.

• 6- or 8-cylinder drive units from DaimlerChrysler Integrated compressor.

• power from 345 to 623 HP
• Fuel-efficient and quiet It goes without saying that a vehicle driven in dust and
• Meets the emission values of the TIER-3 Emission rain is bound to get dirty. With the integrated compressor
Standard as required by law (600 litres/min at 9.5 bar), you can simply blow the dirt
• Clear increase in the engine output up to the ideal away. You can carry out cleaning work immediately, in the
speed of 1,800 rpm field. You can also clean the windscreens, cab or filter at
• Electronically controlled injection for optimum any time. A connection for air-driven tools is provided to
responsiveness and low fuel consumption. make day-to-day servicing easier.

In conjunction with the compressor, you can equip the

JAGUAR GREEN EYE with an optional trailer braking
system, so that air-braked trailers can safely be used on
the road.

GREEN EYE Innovation.

JAGUAR 870 with
V8 engine – like its
big brothers.

Effective cooling.
Record-breaking performance is no excuse for breaking
into a sweat. Effective cooling in the JAGUAR is ensured
under all harvesting conditions by the horizontal slab
radiators. The large screen surface areas keep air speeds
down, which reduces dirt build-up. The screen itself is
kept clean by a rotating extractor arm.

Compressed air cleaning
Trailer braking system

Drive proven a thousand times over. • The chopping mechanism is driven directly by the
engine crankshaft via a maintenance-free, long power
The revolutionary drive concept of the JAGUAR was belt.
developed in 1993 by CLAAS engineers and has been • The direct drive guarantees a high efficiency of power
setting the standard to the present day. Its intelligent transmission and simultaneously holds down the
design and the reliable, direct power transmission have specific power requirement.
proven themselves in practice a thousand times over. • The transversally mounted engine is very easily
An excellent reason to leave everything just as it is. accessible from all sides.
• Maintenance operations are carried out quickly.
Also in the case of the JAGUAR GREEN EYE we have • The durable main clutch is maintenance free.
remained true to our concept of installing the engine • The drive for the feed and the front attachments is
transverse to the direction of travel. This has important extremely low-maintenance.
advantages, from which you profit daily: • The constant exact tension of the strong main drive
belt ensures a very long service life.

90 t maize per hectare is normal. As are temperatures of

up to 50 °C, high levels of dust generation and up to
1,800 working hours per year per machine.
At Danell Bros. in California there are 20 JAGUARs in use.
That says it all.

The best thing that could
happen to this drive concept:
We haven't changed a thing.

High efficiency is a guarantee

for low diesel consumption.

Robust feed drive.
As with everything in the JAGUAR GREEN EYE, the drive
of the feed rollers is also extremely high-performance. The
proven low-pressure hydraulic system ensures optimum
belt tension. The cutting length can be adjusted to six
settings depending on your requirements. Robust
compression rollers reduce wear. The bars are replaceable
and are available in two versions for different operating

STOP ROCK stone detector.

As powerful and robust as the feed drive is, it reacts just
as sensitively to foreign objects. The new STOP ROCK
stone detector, increases the reliability of the JAGUAR
GREEN EYE. If it detects stones in the swath, it stops the
intake immediately. You can define the stone size for
yourself. The sensitivity is conveniently adjustable from the

Exclusive CLAAS
Technology! The new
detector immediately stops
the intake.

Only the forage
finds its way in.

Hydraulic reverser.
The hydraulic reverser ensures a slow, controlled and
sensitive reverse rotation. The chopping product is fed
gently. When used with a pick-up, the roller crop press is
raised automatically, and the auger too on an optional
basis. Incremental reversing allows the foreign objects to
be located near to the intake rollers where they can be
quickly and safely removed.

Sensitive metal detector.

The metal detection system installed in the front feed
rollers locates magnetisable ferrous objects in good time.
A quick-stop mechanism halts the intake immediately,
ensuring no wear and tear.

STOP ROCK stone detector

Hydraulic reverser
Metal detector

For of perfect chop quality:
the V-drum from CLAAS.

Chevron-shaped arrangement
of knives.

The effectiveness of the knife drum in the JAGUAR

GREEN EYE is legendary. Each level of the 750 mm wide
knife drum is fitted with two knives. The chevron knife
arrangement produces a pull-through, guillotine cut with a
minimum of effort. At the same time, the forage is guided
towards the middle, and this reduces wear and friction
losses on the sides of the housing.
• Robust design
• Minimum power requirement
• High throughput power
• Best chop quality
• Excellent discharge

The knives are individually bolted onto the knife drum with
sturdy bolts. The V24 cutting cylinder is standard equipment.
A V20 for greater lengths is also available. The
V28 supplies extremely fine chopped straw – ideal for
biogas production, because it provides the micro-
organisms a maximum of surface for methane gas

Adjustable drum discs. Fully automatic knife sharpening.
The smooth drum disc is standard equipment on the Exact cut and consistent chop quality is only possible
JAGUAR GREEN EYE. In order to achieve an optimal crop with absolutely sharp knives. The sharpening of the
flow even when the knives are not yet reset, it is possible grass or maize knives can be digitally controlled from
to make a quick adjustment using discs. This makes it the cab. The entire process runs fully automatically.
possible always to have a minimal distance to the cutting
cylinder. You can also control the shear bar setting digitally
from the cab (optional). The shear bar doesn’t need to
Thanks to the good accessibility, you can quickly refit the be loosened for this operation. Instead, the mounting
JAGUAR: block is pivoted and moves gently towards the knife
• with a four-bar plate for late maize harvesting drum with the shear bar firmly fixed on top. Knock
• with a friction concave plate for whole plant sensors register contact.
cutting/MKS harvesting

Chopping system

The success of your work stands or falls with the quality Heavy-duty CORN CRACKER.
of the silage that you chop. With the JAGUAR you have
decided on a machine whose chopping system and Maize silage is one of the most important forage products.
CORN CRACKER are among the most effective that the It is essential to open up as many ears as possible to
world market currently has to offer. This is so you can ensure that maximum nutritional value can be extracted.
supply excellent fodder quality, which is what is expected The HD CORN CRACKER on the JAGUAR GREEN EYE
of you. doesn't miss a single one.

• Intensive opening of the ears

• Rows of saw teeth running in opposite directions
• Saw tooth rollers with a choice of 80, 100 or 125 teeth
• Differential speed of the two rollers
• Gap between the two rollers conveniently adjustable
from the driver's seat or hydraulically/mechanically
directly at the CORN CRACKER.

Brought into working position in just a few minutes.


grain is
good grain.

Cleaning and maintenance are easy to carry out thanks to

the modular design. If the rollers are worn, only the jacket
needs to be replaced. Shafts and bearings can be used

Hard-chrome-plated rollers
for a long service life

We make the
crop flow fast,
so you can
finish earlier.

Straight line product flow. Automatic discharge chute swivel.

Optimum product flow is one of the decisive factors for When discharging to one side, the driver has his hands full
daily work output. Without deflections, the crop flows in at the headland. The front attachment needs to be raised,
a direct line through the entire machine. It makes no the machine has to be steered, and the chute may also
difference here whether the work is done in the grass need to be swivelled. Unless you are driving a JAGUAR.
without the CORN CRACKER or in maize for silage with it. Thanks to its automatic swivel function, this work can be
It is simply inserted in the product flow when needed. The carried out at the touch of a button. First, you define and
crop is accelerated from one station to the next and is save the end positions of the discharge chute. You can
further centred by the chevron arrangement of knives and program positions on the right and left or forward and rear on
accelerator paddles. This results in maximum performance one side. At the push of a button, the chute automatically
with minimum power consumption and guarantees a high switches into the desired position.
degree of operational reliability.

GREEN EYE Innovation.

Long service life with minimum wear:
the new accelerator with a reinforced
housing and optimised storage.

Crop flow

Ground drive with high tractive power. SPEEDSTAR 40 km/h.
When your team leaves the yard, the JAGUAR GREEN In second gear, you travel over the field at up to 25 km/h
EYE SPEEDSTAR is right at the front of the pack. You and on the road even up to 40 km/h. Turning times at the
save valuable harvesting time and increase the efficiency headland are shortened, and the time-consuming
of the entire harvesting chain. stopping to change gears is no longer necessary. These
two factors together considerably improve your work
The tractive power of the transmission is impressive. You rates.
have huge reserves, even under the most difficult
conditions. In first gear, a harvesting speed of up to 16.8
km/h is possible. The OVERDRIVE technology ensures the PROFISTAR 20/25 km/h.
right level of traction in every stage.
The alternative to SPEEDSTAR is the PROFISTAR with
a permitted road speed of 20/25 km/h. Both machines
reach full speed at greatly reduced engine speeds. The
electronically controlled ground drive automatically sets
the engine speed and matches it exactly to the required
output. This cuts fuel consumption and reduces noise

A clean business. Large mud guards over the

rear wheels stop mud from being thrown about.

Built for
the field
the road.

Active vibration dampening.

The active damping function guarantees that you travel not
just quickly, but also comfortably. You simply activate the
function when on the road, and the hydraulics effectively
dampen the front attachment movements and let you
travel safely and quickly on the road.

On-demand all-wheel drive.

In difficult working conditions, the electro-hydraulically
activated four-wheel drive ensures maximum traction. The
power flows mechanically to the rear axle via a drive shaft.

10.5 m turning circle.

The JAGUAR GREEN EYE also offers excellent
manoeuvrability. The large steering angle gives you a small
turning circle of just 10.50 metres, depending on tyres.

Ground drive

One of its strengths is,
that it has so many.

Maize harvesting with ORBIS

Picking maize with CONSPEED
Whole plant cutting with DIRECT DISC
Swath pickup with PU 300/380 HD
Grass mowing with DISCO
Grain mowing with CLAAS UNI adapter
Focus on versatility
Salix harvesting with CLAAS HS-2
Innovative transport logistics with the FIELD SHUTTLE

Mowing grass with DISCO 8700. Swath pickup with

High investments require as extensive a use as possible
PU 300/380 HD.
during the year. The fixed costs are distributed over a high
number of hours; efficiency and profit increase significantly. After the mowing, you simply put the pick-up out on the
The all-round capability of the JAGUAR GREEN EYE makes field. The CLAAS pick-ups are designed for tough operation
it a solid investment. For example, you can use your free over long periods and also cleanly pick up the thickest and
JAGUAR capacity for effective grass harvesting. In most irregular swaths.
combination with a DISCO 8700, the machine produces
high rates of work. You have a perfect view of the mower • 3.00 m or 3.80 m working width
unit, and the front attachment adapts perfectly to the • Robust drives
ground conditions. • Roller crop press for smooth crop flow
• Adjustable suspended guide wheels to protect the turf
• CLAAS CONTOUR for perfect adapting to ground

Unimpeded access when looking for foreign objects.

410 litre additive tank. Automatic steering via
Providing silage additives today is part of the standard service
of professional contractors. The JAGUAR GREEN EYE has
everything that you need to offer your customers the highest The very forward-looking LASERPILOT guides the
silage quality. forage harvester with pickup exactly centred over the
swath. This improves the fodder pickup from the field
In the standard, easy-to-fill additive tank, you carry up to and reduces losses because the parallel drive can be
410 litres of liquid. The dosing of the high-performance better controlled. Moreover, the transport units can be
pump is set via the CIS information system. The premixed loaded more precisely and higher transport weights
additive is injected directly into the discharge accelerator. can be achieved. Everything together makes for
A display informs the driver about consumption. noticeably higher daily yields.

The trend is toward reduced application quantities and
higher concentrations. The new ACTISILER 20 (optional)
exactly doses lactic acid bacteria in concentrated solution.
The control of the dosing amounts, the detection of the
applied amount and the monitoring of the robust pump is
accomplished from a separate terminal.

GREEN EYE Innovation.

DISCO 8700
Exact dosing, simple operation –
PU 300 HD
the new ACTISILER 20 for all
available concentrates on a lactic
acid bacteria basis

In recent years, whole crop silage has become a significant Whole-plant cutting with
feature of modern farming practices. The plants that are
cut in the semi-ripe stage are used for animal feed, or the
crop is used as biomass for efficient energy production.
The DIRECT DISC 520 with a working width of 5.20 m
So it makes sense for your JAGUAR GREEN EYE cuts crops with a disc mower, then delivers them reliably
to have a cutter bar that enables you to harvest to the intake auger via a paddle roller and sends them
green forage and produce whole-plant silage as through the auger to the forage harvester feed drive. The
simply, quickly and economically as possible. crop is then cut by two proven DISCO cutter bars. The
quick knife change drastically reduces the time required
for maintenance.

mow and
chop in a single

The LASERPILOT automatically guides the

DIRECT DISC 520 along the crop edge, DIRECT DISC 520
enabling you to make the best use of the COMFORT
full working width.

for still
more bite.

You are well aware of the difficulties of the maize harvest. maize, heavy undergrowth or thin-stemmed crop. The
Uneven, bumpy ground and slopes mean that you frayed stubble profile provides protection against maize
constantly have to adjust the height. Adverse harvesting borer infestation and accelerates the composting process.
conditions with a poor view or damp, soft ground reduce
daily output. With the new ORBIS maize header and the • Optimum crop flow: longitudinal feeding of the plants to
CLAAS Autopilot, JAGUAR GREEN EYE puts an end to the feed drive
these difficulties. • Compact construction: low axle load, high manoeuvrability,
best visibility
• Easy-running drive: very low power requirement, can be
Maize harvesting with ORBIS. switched on and reversed under full load
• New design: large feed discs, short distance from knife
The new row-independent ORBIS maize header combines and transport discs
the world-wide experience of the RU model series with • Easy accessibility: six individual segments per module
completely new ideas with regard to structural design and • Best adaptation to ground contours: suspended frame
drive. ORBIS is connected easily to the JAGUAR and geometry for ideal lateral compensation
guarantees an absolutely perfect chopping quality at
working widths of 6-7.5 m.

You will profit from the advantages of this concept in every

minute of use. A secure harvest is possible even under
difficult operating conditions, such as in the case of stored

GREEN EYE Innovation.
The new row-independent maize header ORBIS.
ORBIS maize header
For the first time, working widths of up to
7.5 metres are possible.

Picking maize with Grain harvesting with the

The CLAAS CONSPEED maize header is a powerful You can also fit the new JAGUAR GREEN EYE with a
addition to the ORBIS front attachments. Simply use the conventional combine cutter bar at any time. As a result,
UNI Adapter, which is also the connection between the you can easily harvest grain fields without leaving heavy
JAGUAR GREEN EYE and combine harvester cutter bar in undergrowth. The CLAAS UNI adapter allows you to fit
the whole-plant-cutting harvest. You can therefore use the cutter bars with a working width of up to 6.60 m. The
JAGUAR again after the silo maize harvest and considerably gearbox drive can be reversed via the adapter to the front
increase its annual utilisation. attachment in question.

The strength of the JAGUAR axles enables you to travel at

40 km/h on the road even with a heavy 8-row CONSPEED
maize header.

With the central coupler you can make all the connections
on the front attachment quickly and easily. The feed roller
inside the adapter ensures that the crop flows smoothly.
The power flow from the chop length gearbox means also
that the adapter can be reversed with the maize picker.

Its versatility
is limitless.

Harvesting salix with the HS-2

wood harvesting attachment.

Rapid-growing tree types, such as Salix (willow) are ideal

for use in energy production. This type of cultivation is
currently being tested in various parts of the world; in
Sweden there are already large salix plantations. The
plantings are laid out in double rows so that the crop
can be harvested every 3 to 5 years using mechanised

With its specially developed HS-2 wood harvesting

attachment, the JAGUAR GREEN EYE produces the
bulk quantities of wood chips, which can be transported
directly from the field. Its two hardened metal saw
blades cut stems up to 70 mm in diameter; thin
branches protruding from the main stems are gathered
by two side-mounted augers.

A new path to energy: Salix harvest with the

JAGUAR GREEN EYE and wood harvesting CLAAS HS-2

JAGUAR FIELD SHUTTLE. Ideal for biogas farms.
The JAGUAR FIELD SHUTTLE perfectly combines the For many farms, biogas generation has become an
high-performance modern chopper technology of the important supporting element. Also in this case, the
JAGUAR with powerful 35 cubic meter transport JAGUAR FIELD SHUTTLE is fully in its element. Thanks
technology. to its variable front attachments, you can harvest grass,
whole plants and maize in flexible year-round use. In
• Permanent filling and bunkering in the non-stop- this way, you support your biogas production equally on
procedure multiple substrates and safeguard the process.
• Filling of the bunker even during cornering via
automatic curve control You can also drive the biogas substrates from the field in
• No waiting time on the headlands, when changing 70 cubic metre units, which saves time. Thanks to the
vehicles or when cutting the fields pickup plate, the JAGUAR can be combined with standard
lorry trailers without a problem.
This clearly drives up the degree of efficiency of your
harvest chain again. You reduce transport units and The trailer is simply parked on supports. The FIELD
personnel costs and minimise the wait times equally SHUTTLE docks up. The hydraulic connections are
for the chopper driver and the transporter. coupled. The whole process takes just 2 minutes.

Track-offset driving thanks to OFF SET steering:

in this way you unload with precision while minimising
pressure on the ground.

your logistics.

"We need powerful system solutions to ensure the profitability of our

drying plant. For the harvest we use several JAGUAR FIELD SHUTTLES.
Each machine puts in 1,900 working hours per year."
(Gerard Funés, Operations Manager, EUROLUZ, France)

"Chopping is our passion."
(Hubert Erdmann, Product manager JAGUAR, Harsewinkel)
Focus on reliability
When every hour
counts, maintenance
should take
only minutes.

High reliability.
Every minute counts in the short forage harvest. Time-
consuming maintenance is not only a nuisance, it also
reduces the acreage covered, adds to costs and reduces
the return on your investment.

Automatic central lubrication and grinding device with

shear bar adjustment are just two examples of how
maintenance times can be reduced and operating times
boosted. In addition, you can also increase reliability
during the season with highly wear-resistant components
in the crop flow of the JAGUAR GREEN EYE. THE CLAAS
AUTOPILOT AND SPOUT extension make the harvest
less stressful when large working widths are used. Last
but not least, CLAAS can offer you the right tyres for any
working environment.

So your JAGUAR is always where it belongs: out in the

field, doing what it does best, namely working hard for
your profitability.

Minimal maintenance work.
• The inspection of the chopping mechanism takes a few
minutes. Once you have undone the lock and opened it
up hydraulically, you have a perfect view of the knives
and shear bar.
• It takes just 10 minutes to separate the cutting cylinder
from the feed drive on the JAGUAR GREEN EYE. The
feeder housing can stay on the front attachment.
• The large storage compartment for tools and spare
parts is easily accessible right at the access steps.
• Important engine maintenance routines are handled
quickly. The service points are easily accessible from
all sides.
• Automatic central lubrication with eight litres of grease is
enough for around 120 operating hours. The bearings
are continuously greased with no effort on your part.
• The large entrance on the right-hand side gives you
unlimited access to the cooling system, the CORN
CRACKER, and the accelerator.
• The CORN CRACKER can be removed quickly and


Service at
not just promised;
it is a reality.

You can count on the professionalism and reliability of our We speak the same language.
FIRST CLAAS SERVICE ® team in every minute of operation.
CLAAS importers and sales partners provide optimum spare CLAAS sales partners are some of the world’s most efficient
parts supply and reliable round-the-clock customer service agricultural machinery companies. Not only are they fully
world-wide. trained and equipped with specialist tools, but they also
have intimate knowledge of the workings of your farm and
your expectations regarding competence and reliability.
We are where you are.
You can rely on this: we supply your farm anytime with We make reliable diagnoses.
the ORIGINAL CLAAS parts that you need. Our central
spare parts stockroom supplies all ORIGINAL CLAAS The many years of experience of our service specialists
parts quickly and reliably all over the world. The multitude in conjunction with the most modern diagnostic
of CLAAS partners guarantees that they reach their systems, such as CDS 5000, guarantee you the fastest
destination as soon as possible – wherever you may be. troubleshooting as well as reliable configurations and
updates. If you want, even right on the field.

Highest material quality, best function, long service life.

Assurances that only ORIGINAL CLAAS parts can give.

Think economically, and
ensure your success!

With the reliable service packages and the individual

MAXI CARE® product range, CLAAS offers you a
maximum degree of reliability and professionalism.

Post-harvest/annual checks for maximum performance,

maintenance agreements for more reliability at a fixed
price and a flexible selection of different modules for
extending the warranty allow you to manage your costs
predictably, transparently and measurably.

The comprehensive package for maintenance and repair:

• Post-harvest and annual checks – well tested.
Better prepared.
• Maintenance agreement – FIRST CLAAS quality:
maintenance at a fixed price.
• MAXI CARE® – more reliable all-round protection.



in chopper

1972. The first self-propelled forage harvester from CLAAS.

1983. Doubled output and optimised crop flow ensure

enormous throughputs in the JAGUAR 600 series.

1993. The revolutionary drive concept of the completely

redesigned JAGUAR 800 series set a standard.
And continues to do so to the present day.

2003. The JAGUAR produces in only 12 hours over

2,000 tons of chopped forage and is the world champion
in throughput.

2004. 20,000 units sold. With a 50 % share of the market,

JAGUAR is the most successful and best selling forage
harvester in the world.

2005. The JAGUAR GREEN EYE comes onto the market.

2006. The ORBIS maize header opens totally new

dimensions in efficiency.

2007. The successful model series continues. Its reliability

speaks for itself.


Focus on details.



Engine Type

Output according to ECE R 24
at 1800 rpm kW (HP)
Cubic capacity l
Engine speed when used for harvesting rpm
PROFISTAR on the road 20 km/h
SPEEDSTAR at 40 km/h
Fuel tank + optional auxiliary tank l
Fuel consumption measurement
Ground drive 2-speed automatic OVERDRIVE transmission
4-wheel mechanical shaft drive
Water additive tank l
Maize header, row-independent Rows/width
Automatic steering mechanism for maize headers
Pick-up m
Preset cutting height control + CONTOUR ground pressure
LASERPILOT for pick-up
Hydr. folding support wheels for PU 300 HD
Feeder housing width mm
No. of feed and compression rollers
Feed rates
6-gear mechanical, cutting lengths with 20-24-28 knives mm
Cutting cylinder
Width mm
Diameter mm
Rotational speed rpm
Knife arrangement
Number of knives
Knife sharpening: manually from the driver's seat/or automatically
Shear bar
CORN CRACKER with 100 teeth and 20 % speed differential
CORN CRACKER HD with 80 teeth and 30 % speed differential
Accelerator, width mm
Upper discharge chute with break back protection
Swivel range of chute degree
Automatic chute swivel
Comfort cab with heat
Air suspension comfort seat
Fieldwork computer
Air conditioner
Passenger seat
Central lubrication
Basic machine without front attachment
Transport length mm
Working length mm
Transport width, dependent on tyres mm
Transport height mm
Working height mm
Weight kg
Tyres Drive axle

• Standard • Option

CLAAS continually strives to adapt its products to meet practical requirements. Thus, all products are subject to changes. A
This brochure is designed for worldwide use. Please refer to your nearest CLAAS dealer and their price list for local specific
yourself, to avoid any risk of danger. In this respect, please refer to the relevant instructions in the operator's manual.

Daimler Chrysler DaimlerChrysler DaimlerChrysler

OM 502 LA OM 460 LA OM 460 LA
V8 R6 R6

333 (453) 303 (412) 254 (345)

16 12,8 12,8
2.000 2.000 2.000
1.100 – 1.950 1.100 – 1.950 1.100 – 1.950
1.100 – 1.950 1.100 – 1.950 1.100 – 1.950
850 + 150 850 + 150 850 + 150
• • •
• hydrostatic • hydrostatic • hydrostatic
• • •
• 410 • 410 • 410
10/7,5 + 8/6 + 6/4,5 m 8/6 + 6/4,50 m 8/6 + 6/4,50 m
• • •
3,80/3,00 3,80/3,00 3,80/3,00
• • •
• • •
• • •
5,20 5,20 5,20
• • •
730 730 730
4 4 4
6 6 6
5/6,5/8,5/11/17/21 = 20 knives 4/5,5/7/9/14/17 = 24 knives 3,5/4,5/6/8/12/15 = 28 knives

750 750 750

630 630 630
1.200 1.200 1.200
Chevron, offset Chevron, offset Chevron, offset
•/• 20/24/28 •/• 20/24/28 •/• 20/24/28
•/• •/• •/•
double-sided use double-sided use double-sided use
• • •
• • •
•/680 •/680 •/680
• • •
190 190 190
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •

6.431 6.431 6.431

5.921 5.921 5.921
2.990/3.295/3.480/3.995 2.990/3.295/3.480/3.995 2.990/3.295/3.480/3.995
3.728 3.728 3.728
5.600 5.600 5.600
10.840 10.840 10.840
650/75 R32 16.5/85-24 14 PR
800/65 R32 540/65-R24
900/55 R32 700/50-26.5
1050/50 R 32

All descriptions and specifications in this brochure should be considered as approximate and may include optional equipment that is not part of the standard specifications.
cation details. Some protective panels may have been removed for photographic purposes in order to present the function clearly. Never remove these protective panels

A JAGUAR can do more
than grass and maize.

• Direct drive of the chopper mechanism for high efficiency of the power transmission and
low specific power requirement.

• Optimum, straight-line crop flow from the feed rollers up to the accelerator in the discharge tower.

• Powerful, robust feed drive with overload protection, metal detector and STOP ROCK stone detector.

• HD CORN CRACKER for clearly increased service life.

• Chopping system and CORN CRACKER are among the most effective systems
currently available on the world market.

• DaimlerChrysler engines in TIER 3 standard (254 kW/345 HP to 458 kW/623 HP)

for even more power at the lowest specific fuel consumption.

• Hydrostatic motor with impressive tractive force.

• Active vibration dampening for the greatest possible safety for road travel.

• Roomy comfort cab with outstanding all-around visibility.

• CIS information system and CLAAS COMMUNICATOR (optional)

for fast checking of all machine, service and consumption data.

• Multifunction ground speed control lever for even more convenient and precise operation.

• ACTISILER additive system for the efficient use of ensiling agent.

• Fast, simple execution of all maintenance work.

• FIRST CLAAS SERVICE® round the clock
Postfach 1163
33426 Harsewinkel
Tel.+49 (0) 52 47 12-0
11/08 (DC) englisch 20/000 256 221.1

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