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Feng et al.

Molecular Cancer (2020) 19:100

REVIEW Open Access

Severe acute respiratory syndrome

coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): a review
Wei Feng†, Wei Zong†, Feng Wang* and Shaoqing Ju*

In recent years, the prevalence and spread of coronavirus has had a huge impact on global public health. Due to
the incomplete understanding of the pathogenic mechanism of the virus, it is difficult for humans to fight against
the virus quickly and effectively once the outbreak occurs. In early 2020, a novel coronavirus was discovered in
Wuhan, China. Soon after, similar cases were found in other countries around the world, and the number of
infected people increased rapidly. So far, the global cumulative number of infected people has exceeded 3 million,
and more than 200,000 people have died, which has had a huge impact on global human health and economic
development. Every outbreak of disease makes a deep impression on mankind. Herein, we summarize the virology,
epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of SARS-CoV-2, and hope that countries
can control the outbreak as soon as possible to minimize the loss.
Keywords: Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, Epidemic, Virus detection

Background found that 27 of the 41 initially confirmed cases had had

It is known to all that since the twenty-first century, direct contact with a local seafood market in Wuhan,
there have been three human pathogenic coronavirus initially assuming that the new coronavirus might have
outbreaks, which have caused global transmission, bring- come from wild animals sold in the market [8]. Gao
ing huge challenges to global public health and eco- et al. collected alveolar lavage fluid from three infected
nomic development [1]. They are the Severe Acute patients and successfully isolated the new coronavirus
Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2003 [9]. Electron microscopy has showed that the virus has
[2], the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus an envelop, the particles are round or oval with the
(MERS-CoV) in 2012 [3], and the new coronavirus (Se- diameter of about 60–140 nm [4]. Whole genome se-
vere Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus2, SARS- quencing analysis has showed that the virus belongs to a
CoV-2) in 2019 [4]. At present, there is no specific treat- new type of coronavirus of the β genus [4]. In addition,
ment plan. Shi et al. obtained almost identical genome-wide se-
In early 2020, a case of novel coronavirus was con- quences in virus samples from 5 patients. The sequence
firmed in Wuhan, China [4]. Within a short period of of the new coronavirus was 79.5% similar to SARS-CoV
time, the number of confirmed cases was increasing, and and 96% similar to the coronavirus carried by bats,
those infected could develop fever, cough, and even se- which might be the potential source of infection [10].
vere respiratory syndrome [5], which quickly drew the Another study found that the receptor binding domain
attention of the Chinese government [6, 7]. Researchers of SARS-CoV-2 was the closest to the coronavirus car-
ried by pangolins. Thus, the origin of SARS-CoV-2 re-
mains to be determined [11].
* Correspondence:;

Wei Feng and Wei Zong are contributed equally to the work. The World Health Organization (WHO) officially de-
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Affiliated Hospital of Nantong clared SARS-CoV-2 to be a public health emergency of
University, No 20, Xisi Road, Nantong 226001, China

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Feng et al. Molecular Cancer (2020) 19:100 Page 2 of 14

international concern on January 31, due to its rapid HCoV-HKU1, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV. The newly discov-
spread. Furthermore, the WHO declared SARS-CoV-2 ered SARS-CoV-2 also belongs to the β genus [9, 15].
to be a global pandemic on March 11, 2020 [12]. The The reason that coronavirus can cause human pan-
last time that the WHO declared a pandemic was H1N1 demic is closely related to its special structure [16, 17].
in 2009, which affected more than 70 countries and in- The sequencing results of SARS-CoV-2 genome se-
fected more than 60 million people in the United States quence showed that its genome contains about 29 kb
alone [13]. As of May 27, 2020, SARS-CoV-2 had a total bases and 11 protein-coding regions (Fig. 2), including
of 5,715,077 confirmed cases worldwide, including 352, 1ab, 1a, S, 3a, 4, M, 6, 7a, 7b, 8, N, 10 [16]. The entry of
912 deaths. Therefore, it can be seen that it has strong SARS-CoV-2 into host cells was mediated mainly by the
transmission and pathogenicity (Fig. 1). use of spike protein (S) [18]. Therefore, we performed
This review mainly investigates the current status of the phylogenetic analysis of S protein of the human patho-
epidemic, provides information of SARS-CoV-2 on vir- genic coronavirus (Fig. 3). S protein is a prominent tri-
ology, clinical features, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, mer structure on the surface of the virus, containing two
prevention, and the role of internet new media, highlights functional subunits S1 and S2, where S1 is responsible
the major issues that still need to be studied and addressed. for binding to host cell surface receptors, and S2 is re-
sponsible for membrane fusion between the virus and
Virology the cell. There is a furan cleavage site at the boundary
Coronavirus is the longest known RNA virus, with a between S1 and S2 subunits, which is mutated during
length of 27–32 kb [14]. In 2014, the International Com- virus invasion, thus distinguishing SARS-CoV-2 from
mittee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) divided corona- SARS-CoV [16]. Veesler et al. showed that SARS-CoV-2
viruses into four genera, α, β, γ, δ. Of the four coronavirus entered cells using S protein by utilizing the
genera, seven have been found to be pathogenic to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor on
humans, α: HCoV-229E, HCoV-NL63; β: HCoV-OC43, the surface of host cells, which is widely present in

Fig. 1 The latest data on SARS-Cov-2 on 27 May 2020. a SARS-Cov-2 mainly affects countries; b top 10 confirmed SARS-Cov-2 cases; c top 10
SARS-Cov-2 deaths
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Fig. 2 SARS-Cov-2 genome organisation and structure

human respiratory and intestinal mucosal epithelial cells, for researchers to determine the time of infection of an
enabling SARS-CoV-2 to infect humans and cause trans- person, track the source of infection, and determine the
mission in humans, which is similar to the transmission route of transmission [23, 24]. It can also provide an im-
mechanism of SARS-CoV [16, 19]. In addition, studies portant theoretical basis for the air defense time of pre-
have shown that the expression level of ACE2 gene in vention and quarantine of infectious diseases. On
the lungs of smokers is significantly higher than that of January 31, 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
non-smokers, and smokers are more likely to be infected and Prevention (CDC) announced that all residents
with SARS-CoV-2 [20]. These findings provide an im- returning from the outbreak would be subject to a
portant theoretical basis for drug development and epi- mandatory 14-day quarantine.
demic prevention and control. In addition, an analysis of Through investigation and analysis of 88 patients diag-
the SARS-CoV-2 genomic phylogenetic network re- nosed with SARS-CoV-2 in the early stage, Backer et al.
vealed three types of variation, which the researchers preliminarily proved that the average incubation period
tentatively named A/B/C, where A is the ancestor type, of the disease was 6.4 days (95% CI, 5.6 to 7.7 days) [25].
A and C mainly exist in Europe and the United States, Another study on the incubation period of SARS-CoV-2
while B mainly exists in east Asia, providing a new idea showed that the incubation period of the infectious dis-
for the origin of SARS-CoV-2 [21]. ease ranged from 2 days to 14 days [26]. The latest study
analyzed 181 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infectious using the
Clinical features log-normal model and predicted that the patients would
The incubation period show clinical manifestations within 12 days [23]. The
The incubation period, it is to point to from causative above research indicates that the average incubation
agent invader airframe or produce action to airframe period of SARS-CoV-2 is about 14 days, but it is possible
commonly, arrive airframe begins to appear reaction or to extend the isolation observation period appropriately
clinical symptom when arrive. The incubation period of if necessary.
different infectious diseases is different, mainly related to
the number of pathogens, pathogenicity, feculence and Adult performance
the autoimmunity of the infected person [22]. Determin- The clinical symptoms of patients infected with SARS-
ing the incubation period of infectious diseases is helpful CoV-2 are mainly fever, fatigue and cough, but more
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Fig. 3 Phylogenetic tree of human pathogenic coronavirus S protein

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than 50% of the infected patients even have no obvious symptoms tend to subside, slightly infected people or
symptoms, which is easy to cause missed diagnosis and even no symptoms, just positive nucleic acid test [43].
misdiagnosis [27, 28]. In addition to respiratory symp- More than 80% of infected children have detectable viral
toms, some people who are infected also experience di- nucleic acids in their faeces [44]. One study found that
gestive symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and of the 10 children infected outside the Wuhan, 8 had
vomiting [29]. Some severe cases can progress to acute direct contact with adults with a history of travel to the
respiratory distress syndrome or even multi-organ failure city. The symptoms of infection in children are relatively
(ECMO plays an important role in the treatment of crit- mild and not easy to be found, but the imaging examin-
ically ill patients) [30, 31]. Diarrhea, a common symptom ation often shows patchy infiltration, if not timely treat-
of SARS-CoV-2 infection, also accounts for a high pro- ment, children’s growth and development is seriously
portion of SARS-CoV-2 infections [32, 33]. In addition, affected [27, 45]. Therefore, children who may contact
the total number of white blood cells in adult infected with high-risk groups should be closely monitored and
patients is normal or slightly decreased in general la- isolated for early detection and intervention [45, 46].
boratory examination, in which the decline of lympho- Since the symptoms of infected children are mild, treat-
cytes is more obvious, C-reactive protein (CRP) can have ment with large doses of antiviral drugs or empirical an-
a slight increase, and there is a slight increase in erythro- tibiotics is not necessary, unless the condition is severe
cyte sedimentation rate (ESR) [34]. In obese patients, as- and no other specific treatment options are available
partate aminotransferase, LDL cholesterol and [47].
lymphocyte counts decreased significantly [35]. Mean-
while, a retrospective study found statistically significant Epidemiology
reductions in eosinophil levels in patients with poor Source of infection
prognosis [36]. Imaging finding suggested that most of Studies have shown that coronavirus α and β originated
the infected patients had pneumonia. Chest CT is usu- in bats, and the other two viruses originated in birds [1].
ally characterized by ground-glass opacity (GGO). Pro- A comparative analysis of genome sequences showed
gressive chest CT indicated increased lesions, the that SARS-CoV-2 was 96% similar to coronavirus from
accumulative range of lesions was expanded, and in se- bats, and bats were likely the natural host of SARS-CoV-
vere cases, diffuse consolidation of both lungs presented 2 [10, 48]. However, there may be one or more unkonwn
as “white lung” [37, 38]. So far, most of those infected intemediate hosts between bats and humans, just as the
have mild symptoms and a good prognosis, but the mor- intermediate host of SARS-CoV is civet cat and the
tality is as high as 17% for the elderly or those with intermediate host of MERS is dromedary camel [49, 50].
chronic disease [39]. According to the statistical analysis Most of the original SARS-CoV-2 infections came
of the current infected data, the infected age is mainly from a local seafood market in Wuhan [51]. The internal
between 40 and 60 years old, among which the male pa- environment of the market was similar to the place
tients are slightly more than the female patients, the in- where SARS-CoV was discovered in 2003 [52]. The wet
fected children are rare, and most of the families of and dirty environment provides favorable conditions for
infected children have other family members infected the virus to survive and reproduce. In addition, a variety
[40]. In addition to the typical clinical manifestations of of seafood was sold in the market, and there was also il-
the respiratory and digestive systems, many patients legal trafficking of wild animals, the pathogen was likely
were treated for obvious skin manifestations (mainly red to be one of the intermediate hosts or some wild animals
rash on the back of trunk, urticaria, etc.). Therefore, it is [53]. According to the latest research, the virus strain
necessary for our clinicians to find such patients in time isolated in pangolins is 99% similar to SARS-CoV-2 in
to avoid misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis [41, 42]. sequence [54]. It is suspected that pangolins may be the
potential intermediate host of the virus. Pangolins were
Children performance also sold in the market [55]. It was likely that the first
Although the current statistical analysis shows that the infected people ate the infected pangolins, causing
infection rate of children is low, it does not mean that human-to-human transmission. After the outbreak, the
children are not susceptible to disease, perhaps because local government moved quickly to close the market and
children have less contact with the outside environment conducted a thorough disinfection. Of course, pangolins
and most families pay more attention to the health pro- may not be the only intermediate host, as coronaviruses
tection of children, which need to be taken into account. have been found in many animals, such as camels, pigs,
Some studies have found that the average incubation goats, and pangolins. With further research, it is believed
period of children is longer than that of adults, the clin- that more potential intermediate hosts will be found
ical manifestations of infected children are relatively [56]. In addition to wild animals, the researchers found
mild, cough and fever are also common manifestations, that chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs were less susceptible
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to SARS-CoV-2, while cats were more susceptible to coronavirus in sewage in Massachusetts, USA. These
SARS-CoV-2, providing important information for fu- studies have shown that a novel coronavirus can survive
ture animal management [57]. After the outbreak, many in water and be transmitted using water. Therefore, if
regions in China have introduced relevant laws and reg- the water is infected by the virus, even with the current
ulations, and some animals have been put on the fasting stringent control measures, there is still a high risk of
list. human infection. A newborn born during the outbreak
at a local children’s hospital in Wuhan was reported to
Route of transmission have been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection 30 h
At present, the pathogenic mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 after birth, and it was considered that SARS-CoV-2
is still little studied, and its transmission route and might also cause an epidemic through vertical transmis-
transmission mode are also greatly uncertain due to sion [68]. However, another study did not find the pres-
virus mutation and other factors. Epidemiological data ence of SARS-CoV-2 in the samples of amniotic fluid,
show that SARS-CoV-2 has a strong infectious capacity breast milk and other body fluids of 9 pregnant women
and is highly infectious. The known transmission route infected with SARS-CoV-2 [69]. The newborns were not
is mainly based on the history of the infected person, infected, and no evidence of vertical transmission of
and the sample of SARS-CoV-2 can be detected to make pregnancy was found, possibly due to the small sample
a guess. The presence of SARS-CoV-2 was found in size. For health workers, the possibility of vertical trans-
nasopharyngeal swab specimens of the infected person, mission still exists and needs to be taken seriously in the
and the cases of cluster infection all suggested that air- process of disease control [70]. In addition, there have
borne droplet transmission was the possible main trans- been reports of infection in laboratory specimens, and
mission route [58–60]. Confined space, poor ventilation human conjunctival epithelium is susceptible to infec-
and so on are important causes of cluster infection [61]. tion by infectious aerosols [71].
To this end, on January 23, 2020, the Chinese govern-
ment imposed a “city closure” on Wuhan and travel re- Infected people
strictions on other cities to minimize unnecessary An important indicator to measure the ability of the dis-
crowds. Currently, disseminated by respiratory droplets ease to spread: Basic reproduction number (R0), refers to
and direct contact is clear, a study collected in different the average number of infectious diseases that can be
regions of the hospital air SARS-CoV-2 testing, found in transmitted to others without the need for external inter-
the region of the medical staff and room toilet space vention [72]. The critical value is 1. The greater the R0
existing in the small area is relatively high concentra- value, the more difficult to control the epidemic. With the
tions of the virus nucleic acid, but whether these aerosol participation of all countries in the world, the R0 value is
form of the virus has spread ability is not yet clear, these also changing. Initially, Zhao et al. estimated that the ini-
need to pay attention to the prevention and control of tial R0 value of SARS-CoV-2 was between 3.5 and 5.5,
hospital [62, 63]. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was also detected in slightly higher than SARS-CoV. The latest study shows
blood samples from infected patients [5, 64, 65]. The that R0 is around 2.68, roughly the same as the R0 re-
real-time fluoresence quantitative PCR showed that the ported by the WHO and the Chinese CDC [73, 74]. At
PCR cycle threshold was 35.1, indicating that there was present, SARS-CoV-2 is spreading rapidly all over the
a low concentration of viral nucleic acid in the blood world, with the cumulative number of infected people
samples, and blood transmission might also be a poten- excedding 160,000. If no corresponding measures are
tial transmission route of SARS-CoV-2 [66]. It also in- taken, the epidemic situation will worsen. As a “global vil-
creases the difficulty of blood donation in blood centers lage” such a big family, the global countries should unite
and blood banks. The high expression of ACE2 receptor and work together to control the R0 value below 1 [75]. A
in the gastrointestinal tract indicates that SARS-CoV-2 retrospective study of patients infected with novel corona-
can use ACE2 receptor in the gastrointestinal tract to virus in a local hospital in Wuhan found that elderly men,
enter the human body, so the fecal-oral pathway may be patients with hypertension and heart disease were more
a potential transmission route of SARS-CoV-2 [67]. It is likely to suffer from serious complications, with a poor
reported that the Chinese center for disease control and survival prognosis and a high mortality rate, which were
prevention isolated the SARS-CoV-2 strain from stool required close attention [76].
samples from a confirmed patient in Heilongjiang Prov-
ince, indicating that SARS-CoV-2 could survive in feces. Diagnosis
A similar study found low levels of SARS-CoV-2 in the Laboratory diagnosis
feces of some infected children [44]. In addition, the The diagnosis of infectious diseases depends on the
government of Paris detected a novel coronavirus in a identification of the pathogen [77, 78]. The identification
non-potable water system and an active novel of pathogens mainly includes “virus isolation” and
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“nucleic acid detection”, but because “virus isolation” re- collection of these samples is susceptible to sampling ma-
quires a high level of biosafety in the laboratory, it is terials, sampling sites, sampling time and sampling per-
mainly used in scientific research. Clinical diagnosis of sonnel’s operation. Therefore, it is recommended to test
SARS-CoV-2 mainly relies on “nucleic acid testing”. Ac- negative specimens for patients with suspicious clinical
cording to the transmission characteristics of SARS- symptoms multiple times, take samples from multiple
CoV-2, nasopharyngeal swabs, sputum, respiratory se- sites, and conduct standard sampling by skilled personnel.
cretions, alveolar lavage fluid, blood, feces and other
samples of the infected person can be used as the source Evaluation of test results
of samples for viral nucleic acid detection [79]. In a Due to the sudden outbreak of the epidemic, there are not
study, by detecting the nucleic acid content of novel cor- enough clinical samples of the detection kits developed by
onavirus in sputum samples of 92 infected patients, it various companies or scientific research insitutions for
was found that the virus content in sputum samples of complete performance confirmation. Therefore, the stabil-
severely infected patients was higher than that of mildly ity and reliability of various nucleic acid detection kits
infected patients, among which 11 patients with aggra- need to be further verified. Here, it is recommended to
vated illness had higher nucleic acid content of novel use the detection kit containing the control, and it should
coronavirus in sputum samples [80]. In addition to de- match with the laboratory equipment, and extract virus
tecting viral nucleic acids, antibody detection in serum samples in strict accordance with the standard operating
of healthy people is a relatively fast screening method. procedures of the kit, and set up detection procedures.
Studies have shown that IgG and IgM can be detected in The detection personnel should also analyze the situation
the second week after SARS-CoV-2 infection [81]. At of the whole amplification curve and the individual ampli-
present, SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid detection kit ap- fication curve after amplification, and the amplification
proved by China national medical products adminstra- curve is required to present a single peak specific smooth
tion mainly uses real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR curve, followed by adjusting the detection procedure ac-
method to detect specific genes of viral nucleic acid [82]. cording to the dissolution curve. In addition, a reasonable
The detection kits of real-time fluorescence quantitative indoor quality control scheme is of vital importance. We
PCR are mainly divided into two categories: double real- suggest that one weak positive quality control and three
time fluorescence quantitative PCR and triple real-time negative quality controls should be set up for each batch
fluorescence quantitative PCR, both using Taqman of test. All three negative quality controls should be nega-
probe method. The target genes detected by double tive, and weak positive quality control should be positive,
method were mainly 1ab and N gene, while those de- which is considered as the control of this batch of test.
tected by triple method were 1ab, N and E gene. In Otherwise, it is out of control and cannot issue a test re-
addition, viral genome sequencing can also identify the port. If necessary, it should be retested. For positive re-
sequence and function of SARS-CoV-2. This method is sults, we should ensure that the fluorescence quantitative
better than the real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR PCR results of at least two targets (1ba/N/E) in the test
method for the detection of early samples with low virus are positive. When only one target is positive, rechecking
content, but it is also less applied due to the lack of se- and even resampling should be requested as much as pos-
quencing equipment and bioinformatics analysts. There- sible. For the negative results, the infection cannot be
fore, real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR is the main completely excluded, and comprehensive analysis of the
method to detect viral nucleic acid. As a designated hos- patient’s symptoms, medical history and imaging findings
pital for local nucleic acid testing, the department un- is also needed [83, 84]. Standard and reasonable test re-
dertakes the testing of most suspicious samples in the port is very important for clinicians to make correct judg-
region and surrounding areas. In order to ensure reliable ment. With the spread of SARS-CoV-2, countries all over
test results, we have developed a set of quality control the world need rapid and effective methods to detect their
procedures, hoping to provide assistance for nucleic acid own people. A rapid detection method of CRISPR-cas12
testing. was found, which was mainly used to detected SARS-
CoV-2 in respiratory throat swab, with a sensitivity of up
Specimen quality assessment to 95% and specificity of 100% [31]. There are similar col-
The quality of samples determines the sensitivity and loidal gold immunochromatography, side flow immuno-
specificity of viral nucleic acid detection. The virus de- assay, which can quickly and sensitively detect specific
tection rate of bronchus/alveolar lavage fluid is relatively antibodies in the serum [85].
high due to the relatively high viral load in the respira-
tory tract specimens of infected persons, but sampling is Imaging presentation
difficult to get. Routine clinical collection of nasopharyn- In addition to laboratory tests, imaging findings are crit-
geal swabs, blood, stool and other samples, but the ical for disease diagnosis. Routine X-ray examination is
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convenient and quick. However, because the overlapping clinical application [97]. Clinical trials of the drug have
images will affect the observation of doctors on the le- also been carried out in China, which has a large num-
sions, and the sensitivity and specificity are low, it is easy ber of infected people. Favipiravir was approved for the
to miss diagnosis, which has not played an obvious role treatment of influenza virus infection in 2014. Through
in this outbreak. CT examination is another important the clinical comparison of 200 COVID-19 patients, it
imaging examination for respiratory diseases and plays was found that the pneumonia symptoms of the patients
an important role in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 pneu- receiving favipiravir were significantly improved, with no
monia [86]. Patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 can be obvious side effects [98]. With the increasing number of
divided into three stages according to their condition. studies on confirmed cases, some drugs with immuno-
The early CT manifestations of the lesion were mainly regulatory and anti-inflammatory effects have also been
local lesions, patchy, segmental distribution, and the le- used in the treatment of COVID-19 patients. Studies
sions were mostly seen in the outer 1/3 lung field and have found that the hypercoagulable state of blood is re-
subpleural. In the progressive stage, CT mainly presents lated to the severity of the disease. An anticoagulant
increased lesions with expanded scope, involving mul- drug dipyridamole (DIP) can inhibit the replication of
tiple pulmonary lobes, with most of the lower lobes. In novel coronavirus, significantly improve the condition of
the critical stage, CT mainly presents diffuse lesions, severe patients, and play a positive role in the treatment
lung consolidation, distorted structure, and “white lung” of patients [63]. Chloroquine, originally used to treat
in severe cases [37, 38]. Imaging findings of diseases also malaria, was found to inhibit the activity of the SARS
played a crucial role in early diagnosis, which should be virus in vitro during the SARS epidemic, mainly by alter-
paid more attention in the case of epidemic [87, 88]. ing the glycosylation of the viral receptor ACE2, thereby
affecting the virus to invade cells. Recent studies have
Therapy shown that the combined application of ridsivir and
In addition to early detection and early diagnosis of the chloroquine can effectively inhibit the in vitro activity of
disease, early treatment is crucial to the prognosis of the SARS-CoV-2 [99]. In addition, chloroquine also has im-
disease. Since the outbreak, many research institutions munomodulatory effects, can inhibit the emergence and
around the world have been conducting clinical trials, progression of viral diseases [100]. Abidol has a broad
using existing potential drugs for in vivo and in vitro re- spectrum antiviral effect on respiratory virus and can
search. At present, there are mainly antiviral drugs, anti- also inhibit the activity of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro [101].
inflammatory drugs, and some drugs have achieved sig- Currently, the treatment of new coronavirus pneumonia
nificant effects, but it is still some time before the treat- by abidol has entered into phase 4 clinical trials, and is
ment of COVID-19 patients [89, 90]. Studies have likely to be applied in treatment in the future. Many
shown that ACE2 is the receptor for SARS-CoV-2 to studies have shown that steroids can effectively suppress
enter cells, and ACE2 is present in large quantities in lung inflammation, but they can also inhibit the body’s
human lung and small intestinal epithelial cells, which is immune response and pathogen clearance [102]. Steroids
essential for the spread of the epidemic. Similarly, ACE2 were widely used during the SARS and MERS outbreaks,
is a potential therapeutic target [91, 92]. It has been but their side effects also had a huge impact on patients’
found that recombinant human soluble ACE2 can in- health. In the current outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, the
hibit the growth of SARS-CoV-2 and significantly block WHO on clinical management of severe acute respira-
the early stage infection of novel coronavirus, which is tory infection recommend against the use of steroids un-
an important discovery for the treatment of patients less specifically requested. If steroids are used, it is
with new crown disease [93]. In addition, the use of necessary to pay attention to monitor blood sugar, elec-
ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) trolytes during use, and may even appear symptoms of
can provide protection to the cardiovascular and renal central excitation, such as insomnia, etc., can be symp-
systems of COVID-19 patients [94]. There are many tomatic treatment. In general, steroid therapy is not rec-
similar therapies that inhibit the action mechanism of S ommended in the clinical treatment of SARS-CoV-2
protein and ACE2 [95]. A combination of broad- [103]. Fibrinolytic enzyme levels and increased activity
spectrum antiviral drugs, lopinavir and ritonavir has were found in blood tests of confirmed patients. In vitro
been recommended for clinical trial in the latest guide- experiments, it was found that the serine protease in-
lines [96]. In addition, Remdesivir, also a broad- hibitor TMPRSS2 could prevent novel coronavirus from
spectrum anti-coronavirus drug, has been shown to in- entering cells, significantly improving the clinical prog-
hibit SARS-CoV-2 cell infection in vitro [89]. The first nosis of patients [104]. Vaccines are essential for pre-
SARS-CoV-2 patient in the United States showed a venting and treating infectious diseases. In addition to
marked improvement in symptoms after being treated protecting healthy people from infection in an outbreak,
with RDV, which opened the possibility for further vaccines can also help those infected rebuild their
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immune systems to control or cure the disease. Cur- resulted in significant improvements in the city’s air
rently, many research teams are developing new corona- quality [110]. In the event of a global pandemic, un-
virus vaccines. The university of Pittsburgh study found necessary travel should be avoided. In addition to limit-
a vaccine against SARS-Cov-2, which in animal studies ing the movement of people and cutting off potential
has shown to make mice produce antibodies against transmission, it is also important to protect individual
SARS-Cov-2 and neutralize the virus [105]. In addition, residents from travel. In the early stage of the outbreak,
some medical teams in China are using plasma from in- due to the shutdown of various enterprises, insufficient
fected patients and traditional Chinese medicine treat- production capacity of medical protective equipment
ment regimens. A study using convalescent plasma such as masks and protective clothing, residents could
therapy found that in four of five infected patients, body not buy enough protective equipment, or even buy fake
temperature returned to normal after the infusion of protective equipment, which could not play a protective
convalescent plasma, and in three patients, mechanical role. A study of both surgical and cotton masks found
ventilation was not required after 2 weeks. Although the that the virus appeared on the outside of the masks and
number of cases in the study is small and the effect of did not completely prevent the virus from spreading, so
convalescent plasma therapy still needs to be further hands must be disinfected when came into contact with
verified, the effect is quite significant [57]. At present, the surface of the masks [36].
there are successful cases of patients with new crowns
all over the world, but it is difficult to carry out these
protocols on a large scale due to the lack of systematic
Mental health
The general public
control analysis. Therefore, we look forward to the early
To prevent outbreaks during epidemics, it is usually ne-
development of effective treatments [106, 107].
cessary to isolate high-risk groups and areas, restrict travel
and movement of people, and try to avoid transmission
between people. Since the outbreak, some measures have
In the current situation of rapid spread of the epidemic,
been taken all over the world, especially in China, where
and there is no special treatment, effective epidemic pre-
there has been a massive quarantine. For those who have
vention measures, to contain the spread of the epidemic
experienced isolation, it is often an unpleasant experience.
is crucial. At present, China’s “sealed” measures, restric-
For uninfected people, during the period of isolation, they
tions on residents’ travel and traffic control have played
lose their freedom, lose their security, and tend to be im-
a significant role in controlling the spread of the epi-
pulsive and angry. During the period of isolation in vari-
demic. Retrospective studies have found that traffic re-
ous areas, there will often be conflicts between residents
strictions have significantly reduced the number of cases
and epidemic prevention personnel. For those who are in-
outside Hubei [108]. For China, which is celebrating the
fected or may be infected, they will lose their freedom dur-
traditional “Spring Festival”, the traditional way of com-
ing the period of isolation, be separated from their
memorating has been changed. All live parties have been
families, and have insufficient understanding of their own
cancelled, all scenic spots have been closed to tourists
illness. As a result, they are more likely to have psycho-
and crowds have been avoided by all means. Meanwhile,
logical problems. In severe cases, they even give up their
in an effort to prevent further spread of the virus, the
lives and commit suicide. Therefore, for large-scale isola-
Chinese government paid for the construction of two
tion, it must be implemented on the basis of adequate
new hospitals in Wuhan in 10 days to treat the infected,
measurement. In response to the outbreak, tens of thou-
and sent medical teams across the country to provide
sands of infected people in China, where quarantine mea-
support. For countries outside China, the monitoring of
sures were first introduced, did not experience mass
passing tourists has been increased at airports, ports and
unrest. Instead, everyone was very cooperative with med-
other transportation arteries, mainly including
ical workers. People living in isolated homes and interact-
temperature detection and symptom screening, to avoid
ing with each other have been reported in the global
the occurrence of imported cases. At present, China’s
media. Good mental attitude is also crucial for the recov-
epidemic control is relatively stable, and its various mea-
ery of the disease.
sures have been copied by other countries [109]. Al-
though the source and transmission route of SARS-
CoV-2 are not clear enough, the main method is still to The medical staff
control the population flow, the early detection of cases, As front-line medical workers, during the epidemic
isolation of cases, and isolation of susceptible groups, do period, their workload significantly increased and their
a good job of disinfection measures to prevent the fur- work risk also significantly increased. Therefore, their
ther spread of the disease. In addition to significantly mental health needs more attention. High intensity med-
limiting the spread of the disease, the closure has also ical work, lack of rest, but also need to undertake some
Feng et al. Molecular Cancer (2020) 19:100 Page 10 of 14

patients do not understand the negative emotions, easy outbreak of the epidemic, the public has an urgent need
to focus on the work, poor emotional control and other for information. New online media can disclose informa-
uncomfortable performance. In order to timely under- tion timely, accurately and comprehensively, and some
stand the psychological health of medical staff, the an- mainstream media can even invite the authorities to give
onymous psychological questionnaire can better help professional explanations on the epidemic situation to
medical staff to solve psychological problems, help psy- meet the public’s information needs. 3、Actively guide
chological counseling staff to better reduce pressure, en- public opinion, set up a correct value orientation. In a
hance the information of medical staff, help them relieve sudden outbreak, the general public will experience
psychological pressure, and better engage in medical panic and negative behavior to some extent. In addition
work. to timely transmission of information, mainstream net-
In a word, in order to minimize and avoid psycho- work media can also carry out public opinion guidance,
logical and social problems caused by isolation, the most help the public correctly understand and analyze events,
important thing is to shorten the isolation time as far as and cultivate the public’s psychological bearing capacity.
possible, the longer the isolation, the greater the impact.
Scientific and reasonable isolation period may be able to Conclusions
make people more understanding, understanding, willing SARS-CoV-2 is a highly transmissible virus that has
to accept, cooperate. In addition, the quarantined should caused a worldwide epidemic. At present, there is no
actively provide more information to the quarantined specific treatment plan, which can only reduce the inci-
during the quarantine period, and fully understand dence of new cases by reducing the crowd gathering,
themselves’ health conditions and the status of the epi- virus elimination, personal protection and other work. In
demic control, so that the quarantined can reduce fear. the nearly 4 months since the outbreak was discovered,
In addition, the quarantined personnel during the period more than a million people have been infected world-
of isolation, the loss of economic resources, the loss of wide. Most countries around the world are testing their
basic security of life. Therefore, adequate material sup- populations for potential cases, isolating them as nearly
port is necessary for the quarantined people to meet as possible and preventing the spread of the disease
their basic living needs and provide them with psycho- [116]. At first, it was thought that the virus would dis-
logical comfort, making them more willing to believe appear in nature as temperatures rose, but the current
that the national community can help them survive the global outbreak appears to be under control, with thou-
epidemic [111–114]. sands of cases still being diagnosed in many countries
every day. Some scholars predict that SARS-CoV-2 may
The role of new media persist in nature and may erupt repeatedly each winter
The emergence of new infectious diseases is a great chal- [117]. In this outbreak, China performed very well and
lenge to global human health, public health and social actively supported other countries to fight the epidemic
development. In today’s society with developed network after its own outbreak was under control. Facts have
technology, the sharing of epidemic information plays an proved that China’s action to close down the city is cor-
important role in the prevention and treatment of infec- rect. The rapid control of the epidemic cannot be
tious diseases [115]. Under the strict epidemic preven- achieved without the joint efforts of the government and
tion measures, the network and new media play an the public. The whole country and all walks of life have
irreplaceable role of traditional media. But because paid a huge price. Most Chinese companies have grad-
cyberspace is a virtual world, there are real messages, ually resumed production and most schools have
but also false messages. Some malicious organizations or opened. Wuhan, which had been “sealed”, has reopened.
individuals use false information to cause social panic To prevent a repeat of the outbreak, the Chinese govern-
and hinder the prevention and control of the epidemic. ment has mandated that all returning workers and stu-
At this point, the mainstream media needs to clarify in a dents be quarantined for 14 days, and that everyone in
timely and accurate manner to prevent the situation high-risk areas and occupations be tested for antibodies.
from getting worse. Besides have obvious symptoms of infection, the crowd,
The Internet and new media have played a crucial role there are a large number of asymptomatic infection, al-
in the outbreak. 1、Be the first to disclose the epidemic though these people themselves in good health, but will
situation and play an early warning role. Network media be coronavirus is positive for nucleic acid detection, and
workers as social current affairs scouts, with keen eyes, these asymptomatic infections can still will infect the
flexible ears and wise mind, constantly monitor the situ- others around you, the prevention and control of epi-
ation around, and can be the fastest speed to convey all demic diseases bring huge challenges, only symptomatic
kinds of news to the public. 2、Assisted traditional infection control is not enough [118–121]. There are still
media to transmit epidemic information. After the many difficulties in preventing and controlling the
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