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Art Appropriation Rubric (Part of Final Exam)

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Art Appropriation Rubric (Part of Final Exam)


PREPARATION Preparation is Some preparation Preparation is not No evidence of
obvious. There is has taken place. very much evident. preparation has
great evidence There is evidence Little effort is taken place.
that student has that student has manifested into
put a lot of effort put effort into the the making of the
into the project. project. project.
APPROPRIATIO Photo closely Photo resembles There is some Photo is way too
N resembles the the original resemblance far from the
original painting/sculpture between the photo original
painting/sculpture or innovation and the original painting/sculpture
or innovation done is creative. painting/sculpture or innovation
done is highly or there is some done does not
creative, witty and innovation done show creativity.
interesting. but lacks creativity.
MECHANICS All the basic One or two basic More than two Does not provide
documentary documentary basic documentary the basic
information in the information information details documentary
two photos are details in the two in the two photos information in any
provided photos are are provided. of the two photos.
completely. missing.

Rubric for Art Appropriation Essay

16-20 Shows original and critical insight into topic. Connections are relevant and explained in great
points detail. Response is supported using clear explanations and examples from the text and personal
experiences. Reflections are thoroughly explained and explored. Addresses the “so what” factor.
Not only clear but effective sentences that are varied in construction. Very few errors in grammar
and mechanics. No spelling errors.
No elements are omitted and all elements use effective word choice and sentence structure.
11-15 Reactions present but didn’t expand on explanation or give examples. Made some relevant
connections but support may be lacking in detail. Some reflections are made; support is
In addition to the basic elements of a paragraph, organization, ideas are presented in a logical
order, are unified and coherent.
Clear and correct sentences. Few errors in usage and mechanics. No spelling errors.
6-10 Content focuses on recall of information already provided. Attempted to reflect but the
connections are weak or irrelevant.
Organization is adequate. The paragraph contains a basic topic sentence, basic supporting
sentences, and a basic conclusion.
Sentences are generally clear and correct. Some lapses in usage, punctuation, and spelling, but no
major problems in these areas.
1-5 Entries are summaries rather than reflections.
At least one element of the paragraph is missing.
Grammar usage interferes with the understanding of the work. Sentences may be overly simplified
for college writing.

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