Electro-Optical Kluges and Hacks: Phil Hobbs, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights NY
Electro-Optical Kluges and Hacks: Phil Hobbs, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights NY
Electro-Optical Kluges and Hacks: Phil Hobbs, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights NY
Phil Hobbs,
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Yorktown Heights NY
Hacks Of The Day
Quantum detection
A little noise theory
Low noise front ends
Design tricks and circuit hacks
Detailed example: bootstrapped cascode TIA
Noise Cancellers & Their Relatives
Other linear combinations (locking a laser to an etalon)
High-Performance Pyroelectrics
Low speed wins!
Higher speed
Impedance transformation: transformers, reactive networks,
constant-resistance T-coils
Quantum Detection
(Optical View)
(And, just between you and me: small detectors are really hard to align)
Analytic Signals
Circuits people use one-sided BW
Analytic signal convention
Measurable quantities are
Analysis is easier in complex
Analytic signal definition
Double signal at f >0
Leave DC alone
Chop off all f < 0
A bit problematic at DC
Causes mysterious factors of 2:
Mean square AC power doubled
1-s boxcar has 0.5 Hz noise BW
1/2 1/2
N in 1s is (2N ) in 1 Hz!
Noise Physics
Johnson Noise:
Classical equipartition & fluctuation-dissipation theorem
Johnson noise PSD pNJ = kT J/s/Hz when matched
1/2 1/2
vN =(4kTR) , iN =(4kT/R) in 1 Hz (unmatched)
Noise temperature TN=Tamb (resistor), TN<< Tamb (LNA)
Shot Noise:
Photodetection is a Poisson process: variance = mean
1/2 1/2
Shot noise limit: iNshot=(2eIdc) > (4kTN/R) when:
Signal drops 50 mV across RL (300K)
Signal power >7 µW in 50Ω (very quiet amp [35K])
NB: It's easy to make currents with no shot noise (metal resistor)
Pauli principle forces electrons to be highly correlated: noise
power suppression is ~ (mean free path)/(length of resistor)
Photon counting:
N < 10 photons/s (40 pW @ 500 nm)
Use PMT or Geiger-mode APD (< 1 MHz)
Useful BW (20 dB SNR) ~ N /200
Shot-noise limited:
Id RL > 50 mV @300K
Can always get there with bigger RL(Si, InGaAs) but BW suffers
Otherwise Johnson-limited:
Nice quiet photoelectrons are immersed in circuit noise
Circuit constants are the problem
Circuit hacks can be the solution
Escaping Johnson Noise
To escape Johnson
Smaller detectors, higher bias (reduces C)
Low noise amplifiers (reduces noise)
Electron multiplying detectors or cooled CCDs (increases signal)
Impedance transformation networks (increases signal)
Other circuit hacks
Low-Level PIN Photodiode Front End
Design Parameters:
Bandwidth: B >= 1 MHz
Obese 1 cm Si PIN Photodiode, Cd =100 pF (fully depleted)
Photocurrent: i phot = 2 µA
Photon arrival rate N = iphot/e = 12.4 THz
Load resistor
Transimpedance amplifier
Bootstrap + load resistor
Cascode transimpedance amp
Bootstrapped cascode TIA
Load Resistor
First Try
RL =1 MΩ : BW = 1600 Hz (ick)
Everything is wired in parallel:
Signal and noise roll off together
SNR constant even though
signal rolls off by 55 dB
Subsequent amplifier limits SNR
Lower R increases BW, but SNR
drops due to Johnson noise
Shot = Johnson when IR = 2kT/e
(~50 mV@300K)
Optimum R drops ~ 200 mV
Ropt = 100k, BW = 16 kHz
Transimpedance Amp
0.5 pF
Connect PD to virtual ground
Op amp wiggles output end
of RF to keep input end still
Improves BW but not SNR
1/2 LF356A
3 dB BW ~ 0.5(fRC*GBW)
Unity gain stability unnecessary
Transimpedance (Ω) CNR (dB
Big improvement but don't push
it too much:
Noise and instability problem
due to capacitive load on
summing junction
Fast amplifiers are worst
0.5 pF Cf helps instability
but can't fix SNR problem
Transimpedance Amp
Transimpedance BW
Less than closed-loop BW
Depends on values not ratios
Actual BW obtained depends on
frequency compensation
Low noise
Amplifier noise dominates at
large Rf
Active devices can have
TN << 300K (TN = eNiN / 4k)
~ 10K for good bipolar op amps
Even lower for FETs but needs
inaccessible impedance levels
DIY Op Amps
Bootstrap transistor
Follower forces cold end of D1 to
follow hot end
No voltage swing
->no capacitive current
Speed set by rE Cd not RL Cd
50x faster than RC at Idc=300 µA,
RL=100 kΩ
Superbeta transistor
β ~ 1000: Very low base current noise
Noise Voltage
Limited by Rb' and rE(2eIC)
Noise multiplication similar to TIA
Can be applied with other techniques
Cascode TIA
Final performance:
Within 1 dB of shot
noise, DC-1.3 MHz
600x bandwidth
improvement over naive
Three turns of the crank to
get 1 MHz BW with 100 pF
& 2 µA
Not much more juice
available here:
optical fix needed next
Bottom: Dark noise
Top: 2 µA photocurrent
Detectors With Gain
Technical Noise
Usually dominant in laser measurements, especially bright field
Dominates in large-signal limit (pN ~ Popt )
Laser RIN, demodulated FM noise, wiggle noise,
below-threshold side modes, mode partition noise, coherence
fluctuations microphonics, 1/f noise, noisy background, phase of
the moon, pink elephants,.....
Many strategies for getting round it, such as:
Reduce background: Dark field and dim field
Move to high frequency: Heterodyne interferometers
Move at least a little away from DC: Chopping
Compare beam before and after sample: Differential detection
Apart from shot noise, Isig and Icomp are perfectly correlated
Optical systems are extremely linear and wideband
Photodiodes can also be extremely linear and pretty wideband:
He-Ne showing a strong mode
beat (oscilloscope traces)
Lower: Cancellation to
0.5 dB above shot noise
(comparison beam unblocked)
He-Ne in quiescent period
Upper: TIA mode, showing
noise and 22 kHz ripple
Lower: Cancellation to
0.5 dB above shot noise
50-70 dB RIN reduction at low
frequency, ~40 dB to 10 MHz
No critical adjustments
Cancellation at high currents
limited by differential heating
System design
Etalon fringes:
Keep design simple, avoid perpendicular surfaces
Spontaneous emission:
Use an efficient polarizer right at the laser
Spatial decorrelation:
Don't vignette anything after the beam splitter
Path length imbalances:
Keep path lengths within ~ 10 cm of each other
Photodiode linearity:
Keep current density lowish & reverse bias highish
Transistor linearity: ID > 1 mA requires differential model or RE
Keep balance somewhere near 0 V (big negative voltages hurt)
Applications Advice
System design
Temperature stability
Etalon fringes drift like crazy (>10% transmission change/K)
Photodiode windows a common culprit
Log ratio output proportional to TJ
Temperature-stabilize TJ using monolithic quad (MAT-04)
1 heater, 1 thermometer, 2 for diff pair
~ 10 absorption stability in 1 hour
Care and feeding of photoelectrons:
Never put photodiodes on cables--put the amplifier right there
Photodiode electrical shielding often required
Alarm conditions:
Use a window comparator on the log ratio output to check for
fault conditions, e.g. no light
Applications Advice
Spontaneous emission
Has different noise than laser light & will split differently
Measurement Physics
Coherence fluctuations
All optical systems
are interferometers
Time delays
Delaying one arm reduces noise correlation due to phase shift
To get 40 dB cancellation, phase shift ω∆t < 0.01 rad
Summary: Low Frequency Front Ends
+ + + + + + + + +
3 micron
- - - - - - - - - - Carbon Ink
Voc= 0 E free= - E bound 9 microns
Poled PVDF
+ + + + + + + + + +
- - - - - - - - - - 3 micron
Carbon Ink
7.5-13 µm
Slow is Beautiful
Thermal Design
Signal Power ~ G
Johnson Noise Is Flat 1
Thermal Mass Limit Sampling Function
(Fluctuation PSD ~ G) (0.2 s Boxcar - Last Boxcar)
Thermal Conduction
=> Insulate the Sensor & 0.01 Pixel Thermal Response
0.001 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 1 3 10
Frequency (Hz)
50% Reflected
Light 85% Reflected
Semitransparent Metal
75% Area Coverage Carbon Ink
188 Ohm/Sq
25% Area Sensitivity proportional to
9 micron 42%
surface emissivity
PVDF Absorbed
in metal
Carbon ink is shiny at 10 µm
"Swiss-cheese" ink blanket
800 Ohm/Sq
Semitransparent Metal
halves the thermal mass
75% Area Coverage Tuned metal coating
increases ∆T
Ink lattice on tuned metal
should give ~ 20 dB more
Sensor Design:
Nanoamp Leakage
Control And Data Paths Not Separate
Unidirectional And Nonlinear: Bias Required
~1 pA
Bias Pixel
LED 1k Vbias
~1 pA
Bias Pixel 100pF
CS -
0 Switch
+ Out
CS1 1/4 LMC
(Raw data,
Person 2
1 sq ft pixels,
28 µm metallized
Person 1
Person 4 (Pseudo-integral,
1 sq ft pixels, 4 µm
carbon ink on 9 µm
Person 3
Person 2 PVDF)
Person 1
Person 4 (Pseudo-integral,
1 sq ft pixels, 4 µm
carbon ink on 9 µm
Person 3
Person 2 PVDF)
Person 1
More if time permits....
Going Faster: RF Techniques
Impedance Transformation
Reactive networks
Transmission-line transformers
Constant-resistance T-coils
Low-noise RF amps
35K noise temperature: 9 dB
improvement vs 300K
Driving 50Ω
Noise Figure & Noise Temperature
Noise Figure
NF = 10 log[(SNR before)/(SNR after)] (300K source)
3 dB is garden-variety
< 0.4 dB is the state-of-the-art @ 1-2 GHz (Miteq)
Noise Temperature
Very low NFs awkward to use
TN = PN / (kB)
TN = 300K(10 -1)
3 dB NF = 300K TN, 0.5 dB NF = 35K TN, LT1028 = 15K (@1kHz)
TN << Tambient! (F-D theorem doesn't apply to active circuits--or
refrigerators for that matter)
Impedance Transformation
PD is a current source
Signal power proportional to Re{ZL}
Increasing ZL at the diode can improve SNR
Want all-reactive networks
Resistors in the matching network dissipate power uselessly
and add a 300 K noise source to a ~ 40 K system
Not an impedance matching problem for λ < 1.8 µm!
Available power not fixed for Si, InGaAs PDs
Source impedance poorly defined
IR diodes, e.g. InAs, InSb, HgCdTe have low shunt resistances:
Available power is fixed, so impedance matching is relevant
Impedance Transformation
Quiet RF amps are all around 50 Ω (amps are typically 2:1
VSWR, so it might be 100Ω or 25Ω )
N:1 turns ratio gives N impedance change
Transform 50 Ω up for Si PD, or down for, e.g., InAs
Bode Limit
|Γ| is the return loss (fraction of power reflected from the load)
RC has 1.03 dB average passband loss (to 3 dB points)
Choose |Γ| = 0.21 (79% efficiency, or 1.03 dB signal loss)
BW increases 4x vs RC, for no net signal loss whatsoever
3 elements will usually get within 0.5 dB of this limit
Increasing mismatch gains bandwidth almost reciprocally
|Γ| = 0.5 gives 9x BW @ 3 dB loss
L-Network or Series Peaking
Simplest Reactive Network
Direct connection to 50 Ω
BW = 1/[2p(5pF)(50Ω)]=640 MHz
Shot noise limit: Iphot >= 1 mA
(300K), 370 µA (35K)
Bode Limit:
4x BW increase, resistive load
RL = 2550 Ω
SN Limit: 20 µA (300K), 2.4 µA (35K)
17 dB SNR improvement
Beyond there, you have to trade off SNR
or reduce Cd
Example: 5 pF PD, 250+-5 MHz
Bode Limit:
4x BW increase, resistive load
RL=12.8 kΩ
SN Limit: 4 µA (300K), 0.5 µA (35K)
24 dB SNR improvement vs 50 Ω