FT 107M Serv
FT 107M Serv
FT 107M Serv
FT- 107M
The FT-IO7M is a precision-engineered, high- The FT-107M receiver section features a Schottky
perfomance HF transceiver of advanced design, diode ring mixer, plus individually-tuned input
featuring al1 band coverage (160-10 meters) on bandpass filter networks, for excellent intercept
SSB, CW,.AM, and FSK. This transceiver operates characteristics. An audio peaklnotch filter is also
at an input power of 240 watts on SSB/CW, and included, in addition t o Yaesu's variable IF band-
8 0 watts on AMIFSK. width feature, which uses two 8-pole filters to
provide continuously variable width of the IF
The all-solid-state design aiiows instant band passband from 300 Hz t o 2.4 kHz.
C changes, without so much as a preselector adjust-
ment. Digital plus analog frequency display is used Designed for operation from a 13.5 VDC supply,
in this transceiver, with an advanced LSI frequency the FT-IO7M may be used with either the FP-107
counter providing accurate frequency readout intemal AC power supply o r the FP-107E externa1
without calibration when switchiig modes. VOX, AC power supply/speaker console. Either supply
an RF speech processor, and a built-in SWR meter will provide excellent regulation, for many years
are included for.maximum versatility. of satisfying opeiation.
Yaesu's exciting memory circuitry is available as an We recommend that you read the following pages
option, providing u p to twelve channels of fre- carefully, s o as to derive maximum enjoyment
quency memory, with clarifier adjustment allowing from the feature-packed FT-107M.
offset from memory channels. And Yaesu's new
Digital Memory Shift (DMS) aiiows u p t o 500 kHz
IF rejection:
Emission type: Better than 70 dB
LSB, USB(A3J), CW(Al), AM(A3), FSK(F1)
Transistor Germanium Diode
2SA564A 2SC1674L 1N270(GB) 18 IS1007(GB) 34
c 2SA733 2SC1815GR
2SA952L 2SC1815Y Silicon Diode
2SC3 72Y 2SC1959Y 10D1 2 IS1555 148
2SC38OY 2SC2290 lOD10 4
(2SC3 80TM-Y) 2SC233 1
2SC535A 2SC2395 Schottky Bamer Diode
2SC735Y 2SD235Y 1SS16 1O
2SC1000GR MPS-A 13
2SC1583 2N4427 Varactor Diode
2SC1589 FC63 1 l S7236
l S2209 1
2SK 19GR Zener Diode
YZ-O33 1 WZ090 1
pPA54H 1 MSM9520RS 1 LN224RP 7 GD4203SRD 3
p PC3 24C 1 MC14011B 1
pPC2002H l MC14016P l LED Display
TA7060P 1 NJM78L05 1 5082-7623 6
TA7063P 1 pPC14305 1
SN76514N I pPC14308 3
c 34024P 1
Specifications subject to change without notice
( l ) FWDSET ( 6 ) MIC
This switch sets the SWR meter sensitivity level. This eight-pin connector accepts the microphone
andio input, as we11 as the push-to-talk (PTT)
(2) VOX-CAIN and scanning control lines.
This control selects MOX/PTT/VOX relay control,
as we11 as adjustment of the VOX (voice-operated
TX/RX switching) circuit. The PTT position pro- This control vanes the noise blanker threshold
vides push-tc-talk operation from a microphone level.
PTT switch or a footswitch. The MOX position
provides manual transmit; this switch must be
returned to the PTT position for receiver recovery. This is a standard twc-pin phone jack for output to
- your headphones. The impedance is 4 ohms, and
(3) DRIVE the intemal speaker will be cut off when a plug is
On CW, FSK, and AM, this control sets the carrier inserted into this jack.
level. On SSB, with the RF processor ON, this
control sets the drive level. (9) COMP
This control sets the compression level for the RF
(4) MIC GAIN speech processor.
\' \
This control sets the AM and SSB microphone
amplifier gain level. (10) MODE
This switch selects the desired mode: LSB, USB,
(5) POWER CW-W, CW-N, FSK, and AM. When the optional C
This is the main power on/off switch for the 600 Hr or 350 Hz CW filter is installed, the CW-W
transceiver. position will use the two 8-pole SSB filters, while
the CW-N position will use the 6-pole CW filter and
the &pole SSB filter used for the variable band-
width feature.
(27) METER
The meter will display transceiver operating con-
ditions, according t o the setting of the meter
( l ) ANT ( 8 ) EXTVFO
This is a:standard UHF type female jack for con- This is a 6 pin DIN jack for interconnection to the
nection t o the antenna. FV-107 external VFO.
( 5 ) IF OUT 2 (1 2) FSK
This jack provides input for the FSK keying lead
This is wideband I F output for use with a band
scope (such as the YO-901). from your FSK terminal. The standard shift of
170 Hz is used.
(6) PTT
(13) ACC 1
This jack accepts push-to-talk control. When using
a footswitch, it should be connected a t this point. This is a 5 pin DIN jack for connection t o a linear
c amplifier or other station equipment. Included are
(7) ACC 2 make and break relay connections, as we11 as the
external ALC line.
This is a 7 pin DIN jack for use with the FTV-
107R transverter.
(14) +8 V
This is a +8 volt DC line for connection to the
FC-107 antenna tuner meter lamp. PIN No.
(1 5) BU (BACKUP) 2 GND
(21) FUSE
When using the FP-107 AC power supply, the AC
line fuse is inserted a t this point. For 100/1 10/117
VAC, use only a 10 amp fuse, and for 200/220/
234 VAC, use only a 5 amp fuse.
The FV-l07 is a solid state remote VFO for the The FVT-lO7R is an all-new transverter for the
FT-107M senes of HF transceivers. Featuring a FT-107M senes, capable of operation on the 50,
precision'analog dia1 coupled to a high quality gear 144, and 430 MHz bands. The basic unit comes
mechanism, the FV-107 includes clanfiers for the equipped with all control circuitry, and the
transmit, receive, or transceive frequency, allowing 430 MHz and either the 50 MHz or 144 MHz unit
offset of i 2.5 kHz from the dia1 frequency. may be installed as options (in the USA, the
144 MHz unit is built in). Power input is 20 watts
As many as six crystal-controlled channels may be DC on all bands.
installed, for fixed, channel operation (crystals
optional). Selection of VFO or crystal operation For satellite operators, three satellite bands are
is made by a convenient switch on the front panel provided, allowing full duplex operation through
of the FV-107. All power required by the FV-107 the transverter, using an extemal receiver in
is provided by the FT-107M transceiver. addition to the FT-107M. The operator may trans-
mit on 145 MHz while listening on 29 MHz or
435 MHz, o r transmit on 435 MHz while listening
on 145 MHz.
Y M-36
Telephone Line
The FT-107M is designed to be a single-unit trans- supply/speaker console provide this voltage with
ceiver for top-performance base station or mobile excellent regulation. These options are available
C operation. For operation from AC mains, the from your Yaesu dealer..
optional FP-107 intemal power supply or FP-107E
externa1 power supplylspeaker are available from Before attempting operation of the FP-107 or FP-
your Yaesu dealer. Please read the following sec- 107E from AC mains, check t o see that the voltage
tions carefully, so as t o understand the important specification on the rear of the s q p l y matches
steps required for a successful installation. your local supply voltage. This inspection must be
made before applying power t o the equipment.
Upori opening the packing carton, immediately Operation of the FT-107M directly from AC
give the transceiver a thorough visual inspection. mains, from improper DC voltages, or with an
Check t o see that the controls and switches are all improper fuse shall void the warranty on this
working freely, and inspect the cabinet for any equipment. Likewise, operation of the FP-107
sigiis of damage. If any dainage has been sustained, or FP-107E from improper voltages or iise of
contact the shipping company immediately, and an improper fuse shall void the warranty.
ddcument the damage completely. Save the pack-
ing carton and foam packing material for possible Please refer to the power transfornler primary con-
use at a later date. nectioii chart when changing supply voltages.
at 20 amps for proper operation. The FP-1 07 inter- ceiver. The ground wire connection to the station
nal power supply and FP-107E extemal power ground bus should not be longer than 10 feet.
+ 100
200V 117V llOV IOOV
The FT-107M is designed for operation from 13.5 Before connecting the DC power cable t o the trans-
volts DC, a t 20 amps maximum current on voice ceiver, check the battery voltage with the engine
peaks. As such,it provides exceptional performance mnning (battery charging). If the voltage exceeds (
as a mobile station. The DC cable is a standard 1 5 volts DC, the vehicle voltage regulator should be
accessory for the FT-I07M. adjusted, so as t o limit the maximum charging volt-
age t o less than 15 VDC. As well, d o not operate
For under-dash mounting, a special mobile mount- the transceiver if the DC supply falls below 12
ing bracket is available from your Yaesu dealer. volts. The transceiver should always be tumed off
The FT-107M should be located away from heater when the car is started, t o prevent voltage transients
ducts, and a minimum of two inches of air space from possibly causing damage to the transistor
on all sides is recommended, in order to allow circuits of the radio.
proper air flow around the cabinet. Especially
critical is the area around the heat sink fan ex- ANTENNA CONSIDERATIONS
haust port.
The FT-I07M is designed for use into a 50 ohm
The DC cable comes equipped with a 20 amp fuse resistive load. While minor deviations from the
in thé positive line. Use only a 20 amp fuse in this 5 0 ohm figure are of n o consequence, the auto- (
socket. matic fmal protection (AFP) circuitry will reduce
the power output if high SWR conditions are
When making battery connections, be absolutely encountered.
certain t o observe the proper polarity of the supply
voltage. cohnect the RED cable lead t o the POSI- However, your FT-107M AFP circuitry and final
TIVE battery terminal, and connect the BLACK amplifier components are tolerant of the minor
SWR conditions present in many amateur instal-
lead t o the NEGATIVE battery terminal. Reversed
connections could cause permanent damage t o the lations. At an SWR of 3:1, for example, 75% of
full rated output power will be obtained.
The Yaesu RSL senes of mobile antennas is avail-
able from yourYaesudealer,fok mobile installations.
Permanent damage will occur if reversed
supply polarity voltage is applied t o this trans-
ceiver. Our warranty does not cover damage
caused by reversed supply polarity.
The tuning procedure for this transceiver is not BAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Desired band
complicated. However, care must be exercised RXCLAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O F F
when operating this equipment so that peak CLARIFIER .......... 12 o'clock position f
performance is obtained. The following paragraphs M FINE ............. 12 o'clock position
describe the procedure for operating the FT-I 07M. ATT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O F F
APFINOTCH switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O F F
AGC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F
INITIAL CHECK NB/MARK switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O F F
METER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VCC
Before connecting the transceiver t o the DC power
source, be certaiii that a fuse o f the proper rating (2) Tum the POWER switch ON. The nieter lamp
is iii use. When iising the FP-107 or FP-l07E AC and digital display will becoine illuii~inated.
Power Supply, be certain that the voltage specifi- The meter needle should deflect to within the
cation for the power supply matches your local AC VCC range at the right side of the meter scale.
supply voltage.
(3) Adjust the A F GAIN control for a conifort-
able listening level. There is no "preselector" t'
FREQUENCY SELECTION o r other peaking required for this receiver,
because the preselector networks are all
Frequency selection on the FT-107M is by means preset.
of a digital as well as an analog display. The digital
display reads the true frequency, with accounting (4) When pulse-type noise is encountered, t u m
for the carrier frequency. Therefore, n o recali- the NB switch ON. Now, rotate the control
bration of the display is necessary when changuig clockwise until the noise pulses are elimi-
modes. The calibrator is chiefly useful for making nated. The best setting of the blanker for (
receiver adjustments. overall receiver performance is one tliat just
eliminates the noise pulses, without being
The digital display allows resolution t o 100 Hz, advanced too far. No noise blanker will
while the- analog skirt on the main dial allows eliminate all types of noise, but the FT-107M
1 kHz. One revolution of the main tuning dial blanker is a ,state of the art design that
corresponds t o a frequency change of 25 kHz. provides significantly improved blanking
The marker signal may be used t o set the 5 kHz capability over earlier designs.
marking of the analog dial skirt. t
(5) For varying the width of the I F passband,
A further coarse frequency determination may be rotate the width control. In the IF, two
made through the main dial window, which 8-pole crystal filters are used. One filter i s
contains a subdial calibrated every 5 0 kHz. fixed, and presents a boundary for the band-
width. The center frequency of the IF is then
RECEIVE OPERATION varied across the passband nf thc scsnnd
( l ) Connect a 50 ohm antenna t o the rear panel filter, using a mixing technique that results in
ANT jack. Preset the controls and switches as no change of pitch on the received signal.
The result is continuously variable bandwidth,
POWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O F F from 2.4 kHz down t o approximately 300 Hz.
VDX GAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PTT This system is highly effective in eliminating
NB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fully counterclockwise high-pitched "buckshot" on SSB, as well
MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Desired mode as interfenng CW signals. (
WIDTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 o'clock position
A F GAIN . Adjust later for comfortable level The WIDTH system is defeated during AM
RF CAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fully clockwise operation, and the received signal bypasses
APFINOTCH knob ... 12 o'clock position the second I F filter.
(4) Advance the DRIVE control so that the 1C the COMP control to the 10 o'clock position,
reading on the meter reaches exactly 1 0 and adjust the DRIVE control so that the
amperes. ALC meter needle does not go beyond the
ALC range of the meter. Now adjust the
(5) Set the METER switch to FWD, and adjust COMP control with the meter switch set to (
the FWD SET control so that the meter COMP; the meter should indicate between 5
needle is aligned with the FWD SET position and 10 on the COMP scale during voice peak
on the meter scale. coiiditions.
(2) Preset the controls and switches as follows: ( l ) Insert your key plug into the rear panel KEY
MODE . . . . . . . . Desired mode, LSB or USB jack. Key u p voltage is 7 VDC, and key-down
METER switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALC current is 1.5 mA, so most all electronic
MIC GAIN . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 o'clock position keyers will work without modification with
DRIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Set for full output the FT-107M.
(3) Close the microphone PTT switch, and speak (2) If you use a footwitch, connect its plug to
into the microphone in a normal voice. Adjust the rear apron PTT jack.
the MIC GAIN control so that the ALC meter
needle does not go beyond the ALC range of (3) Set the MODE switch t o CW-W or CW-N, and
the meter. With the meter switch set to IC, set the VOX GAIN control t o PTT.
the reading on voice peaks will be roughly
Samps, or about 113 to 112 of the full power (4) Activate the transmitter (close the footswitch
single-tone meter reading. or set the VOX GAIN control to MOX), and
go key down. Adjust the DRIVE control f o r t
(4) T o adjust the R F speech processor, place the the desired power input, up to a maximum
PROC switch ON. Speak into the microphone reading of about 18A on the IC meter.
in a normal voice, and d o not change the MIC
CAIN setting performed in step (3). Advance
( 5 ) For semi-break-in operation, advance the SELECT SWITCHESIMEMORY OPERATION
VOX GAIN control to the point where the
VOX relay is activated by the sidetone audio (Note: The memory unit is an available option
signal. The DELAY control, located on the for the FT-I07M)
rear panel, may be adjusted to control the
VOX relay hang time. Frequency control on the FT-107M is by means of
the internal VFO, the memory and DMS circuitry,
(6) For QRP operation, reduce the level set by an external VFO (such as the FV-107), or vanous
the DRIVE control. The power output may combinations of the three. The SELECT switch
be reduced t o O watts, if desired. will determine the circuitry in control of each
mode, and the selection procedure is descnbed
VFO This positioii selects TX/RX oper-
The FT-107M is designed for 170 Hz FSK oper- ation on the FT-107M internal
ation. VFO.
MR This position selects TX/RX oper-
( l ) Connect tlie lead from your terminal unit to ation on the FT-107M memory
the rear panel FSK jack.
f system.
(2) Set the MODE switch t o FSK, and set the RX MR This position selects RX operation
VOX GAIN control t o MOX. Advance the on the ineniory, with TX operation
DRIVE control for a reading of 5 anips on on tlie FT-107M internal VFO.
tlie 1C meter. Do not operate the FT-107M TX MR This operation selects TX operation
oii FSK a t the same power levels as stipulated oii the memory, with RX operation
in the sections regarding SSB and CW oper- on the FT-107M internal VFO.
ation EXT This position selects TX/RX oper-
ation on the FV-107 extemal VFO.
(3) The keying signal from your terminal will
now activate the FT-I07M transmitter. When RX EXT This position selects RX operation
using the optional CW filter, the CW filter on the FV-107, with TX operation
wili automatically be selected dunng FSK on the FT-I07M internal VFO.
operation. TX EXT This position selects TX operation
on the FV-107, with RX operation
AM OPERATION on the FT-107M internal VFO.
(1) Set the MODE switch t o AM, the METER In addition, changing of and offset from memory
switch to ]C, and rotate the MIG GAIN alid channels is controlled from the front panel. The
DRIVE controls fully counterclockwise. controls of interest are as follows:
M This button is used t o store a fre-
(2) Close the microphone PTT switch, and ad= quency in memory.
vcliice the DRIVE control until the reading M SFT This button activates the DMS cir-
on the IC meter reaches S amps. cuit.
RX CLAR This button selects offset tuning of
(3) Speak into the microphone in a normal voice,
alid advance the MIC GAIN control until a the receive frequency during VFO
slight downward deflection of the IC meter or mernory operation.
is noted on voice peaks. Do not advance the TX CLAR This button selects offset tuning of
MIC CAIN control too far, as any excess the transmit frequency during VFO
c energy above that required for full modu- or memory operation.
lation will be wasted in spurious emissions. T/R CLAR When both buttons are pushed, off-
set tuning of the transceive fre-
(4) In the AM mode, the R F speech processor .quency is provided.
and variable I F bandwidth control are not
usable. 1-19
M FINE The memory fine tuning control If DXIDX starts t o drift, press the RX CLAR
provides a very fine tuning adjust- button, and usc the clarifier. Alternatively,
ment for memory channels. The for slight dnfting, use the M FINE control.
available offset range is approxi- If DXIDX decides to QSY 10 kHz, press the
mately 500 Hz, making this con- M SFT button, and rotate the M SFT control f 1
tro1 ideal for tuning between the to the new frequency (e.g. 7080 kHz). The
100 Hz DMS steps. M SFT control will not affect the transrnit
M SFT The Digital Memory Shift (DMS) frequency, because the SELECT switch is
(knob) circuitry is controlled by the M set t o RX MR, and control of the transmit
SFT knob. When a memory channel frequency is by the VFO.
is programmed, and the M SFT
button is pushed, the memory fre- (3) You find DXIDX oii 21270 kHz, working
quency can be shifted up or down stations by order of call area. You also find
in 100 Hz steps, up t o and slightly DXOAA on 14145 kHz, listening oii 14205
beyond the 500 kHz limits of the kHz, also by call area. The meinory and no
normal VFO range. tune-up capability make this situation easy
M CH The memory channel selector t o cover.
chooses the desired memory clian- ( L
nel. First, tuiie t o 21 270 kHz oii the VFO. set the
M CH switch t o 1, and press M. Now. set the
handswitch t o 1 4 MHz, and the dia1 to 14145
TYPICAL MEMORY OPERATION kHz. Set the M CH switch t o 2. aiid press M.
Now movc the main dial t o 14205 kHz.
0peration:of the meinory system and DMS circuit-
ry is perhaps best described by the use of several To check DXgAA's frequency (14145 kHz),
examples. Following the exainples, soine advanced set the SELECT switch to RX MR. To check
programming techniques will be discussed. DXIDX's frequency, set the bandswitch t o t
21 MHz and the M CH switch t o 1. If DXl DX
(1) You are operatiiig on a net on 3970 kHz and is acknowledging your call area, set the
must QSY down 10 kHz t o handle a piece of SELECT switch t o M R and call him. To re-
traffic. With the SELECT switch set to VFO, check DXOAA, set the bandswitch t o 14 MHz,
set the main tuning dia1 t o 3970 kHz. Press and the M CH switch t o 2. If DXOAA is listen-
M t o memorize 3970 kHz in the desired ing for your call area, switch t o RX MR for
memory channel. Now move the main dial RX on 14145 Hz and TX on 14205 kHz.
down to 3960 kHz t o handle the message.
When finished, set the SELECT switch t o MR
Because there is no "preselector tuning" con-
trol, nor any transmitter peaking whatsoever,
for instant return t o 3970 kHz, the net fre- it may be seen that several stations on differ-
quency. For retum t o 3 9 6 0 kHz, again select ent bands may be checked in a niatter ~f
VFO. qeconds, without toucliing a VFO dial.
N M E S ON DMS OPERATION Tune the maiii dial to 14195 kHz, set the M CH
switch t o 1, and push M. Now set the SELECT
The DMS control will allow offsetting of the switch t o RX MR, and press the M SFT button.
meniory frequency in 100 Hz steps. Every several Rotate the M SFT knob until you find-the station
steps. however, a slight momentary "chirp" in the DXOAA is working on 14225 kHz (check the trans-
memory frequency may be observed. This is caused mit frequency of DXQAA instantly by switching
by a relocking of the memory circuitry during shift the SELECT switch t o VFO t o follow the calling
operation, and it is entirely normal. The "chirp" sequence). Now set the M CH switch t o 2, and
lasts only a small fraction o f a second, and no fre- press M. If the next QSO is with a station .on
queiicy stability whatsoever will result on tliat 14230 kHz, rotate the M SFT knob again t o that
.z step". The design technique that produces the frequency, set the M CH switch t o 3, and press
briel' "cliirp" also ensures cleaii local oscillator M. Follow this sequence until you have DXgAA's
operation, important for good dynamic range of favored listening frequencies in meniory. Now you
tlie receiver. can switch to TX MR, tum M SFT OFF. and
select the memory channel corresponding to the
Wlieii you turn on the M SFT buttoii, perform a most likely listening frequency for DXgAA, be-
sliiTt ~isiiigthe IL1 SFT knob, then tuni the M SFT cause 14225 kHz, 14230 kHz, 14235 kHz, etc.
huttoii OFF, the memory will return t o the will all have been stored in successive nieniory
original ineinory frequency. Howevcr, wlien you channels. Use the traiismit clarifier, if desired,
INISII the M SFT buttoii on again, you will not t o make a minor change in a frequeiicy.
rrpirii to the previous sliift frequeiicy; you will
start oii the oripiiial riieinory frequency, and a You riiay coiitinue t o shift off of any ineinory
iiew sliift must be prograinmed. An alternative cliaiinel, and use it t o program a new memory
soliitioii is sliown in the "Advanced Programrning channel, up t o the limit of 12 total memory
of Memory Chaiinels" sectioii, below. channels. This teclinique can also be used t o
advantage when operating ou a uet, if you
( Wlicii usiiip the M SFT control, it will frequeiitly want to store and check several frequeiicies
be useful t o use the M FINE control for tuning witliout leaving the net frequency (on the VFO).
betweeii the 100 Hz steps, especially on CW. The
M FINE control should, otlierwise, be set t o the
l I o'clock position. Wheii a frequency is stored SCANNING OPERATION WITH YM-35 MICRO-
iii nieniory. theii recalled, tlie M FINE control PHONE (OPTION)
sliifts the inemory frequency based on the position
of tlie M FINE control at tlie time of frequency The YM-35 scanning microphone (option) can be
( entry. Therefore, one can see that the offset used t o provide up/down scanning, as well as
capability of tlie M FINE control will be reduced scanning speed control, for coiivenient operation.
i i i 1 is iiot preset t o the 1 2 o'clock position. The YM-35 can only be used with a memory-
equipped FT-107M, because it depends on the
memory system for its scanning capability.
CHANNELS First, program any meniory frequency as a starting
poiiit. Now set the M SET button t o ON, and press
The parallel storage systeiii used in. the FT-107M the UP or DN scanning button on the YM-35. For
niemory allows a degree of flexibility not found in as long as you hold the UP or DN switch down,
other nieniory systems: the ability t o program a scanning will occur. Release the scanning switch t o
new memory frequency having shifted an earlier stop tlie scan.
memory frequency. An exaiilple will show how
this teclinique can be used t o good advantage. To activate the fast scanning feature, press both
the UP or DN switch and the FAST switch. Release
t Let us say that DXgAA is traiisiiiitting on 14195 both switches for stopping of the scan.
kHz, tuning between 14225 and 14250 kHz;
watchiiig DXgAA's operating practice, you notice
that he listens for stations at 5 kHz intervals with-
in the above range. Here's how t o proceed: