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Oculus: Pentacam Pentacam HR

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Pentacam® HR
The Gold Standard in
Anterior Segment Tomography

We focus on progress
Providing the best care
to your patients
> The eye is extremely sensitive.
Loss or impairment of sight is inconceivable for your patients.

> Your patients appreciate the fast,

non-contact measurement.
You can establish a good doctor-patient relationship by showing the intuitive
Pentacam® displays to your patients and discussing treatment options.

> Your staff appreciate the ease of use and the seamless
connectivity to the electronic medical records.

> The OCULUS Pentacam® wins patient trust.

Establish the basis for long
term relationship
with your

Glaucoma screening
My eye doctor used a Pentacam® and identified
that I am a glaucoma risk patient. I am very
grateful that he checked my eye and discovered
that I have a very small anterior chamber and a
small angle.

Cataract surgery Corneal surgery

Following a Pentacam® examination, my doctor I was happy with the quick Pentacam® examina-
showed me my cloudy lens . I was surprised that tion and the competent consultation with my eye
I could see anything at all! My doctor explained doctor. He showed me some Pentacam® images of
the operation using his PC. This gave me the my eye and explained the surgery in detail. I felt
sense of assurance I needed before the interven- like I was in good hands with this physician.

More than a topographer
First introduced in 1999, the Pentacam® is commercially avail-
able since 2003. It is the first automatically rotating Scheimpflug
camera. During the rotating scan that takes max. 2 seconds, up to
50 Scheimpflug images of the anterior eye segment are captured.
The examination is released automatically and is user indepen-
dent. During the scanning process the patient’s eye motions are
captured using a second camera and compensated mathemati-
cally. Ray tracing is used to compensate for optical distortions.
This combination is the basis for calculating solid data for further
evaluation. More than 100 published studies and papers prove the
efficiency of this concept.
The Pentacam® measures the cornea from limbus to limbus. It
supplies topographic data on elevation and curvature of the en-
tire anterior and posterior corneal surface. The corneal thickness
(pachymetry) is measured and presented graphically over its entire
surface. A topography based keratoconus detection and quantifi-
cation are performed. The anterior chamber depth, chamber vol-
ume (size) and the chamber angles are calculated and presented
for the Glaucoma screening. The illumination of the eye using
blue LED light makes corneal and lens opacities (cataract) visible.
For patients information the anterior chamber can be visualized
and displayed with the virtual tomography model.
After the examination, Pentacam® provides an indice report that
summarizes the abnormalities found during the scan. This report
is based on clinical published studies and articles that define ab-
normalities. The Pentacam® can be customized with two software
packages and several software modules to fit your exact needs.
Basic software:

Basic Software: Now available with a new

iris camera optic to provide the
 Qualitative assessment of the cornea HWTW measurement automatically.
 Topography and elevation data of the anterior and
posterior corneal surface
 Overall pachymetry, absolute and relative
 Glaucoma screening
 Pachymetry based IOP correction
 Chamber angle, -volume and –depth
 Topography based keratoconus detection and
 Indice Report to detect abnormalities
 Comparison and differential displays
 Superimposition of Scheimpflug images
 Tomography
 Automatic measurement of the corneal diameter HWTW

Pentacam® HR
The Professional Model
The Pentacam® HR produces sharp and brilliant images with its
outstanding hardware. The high resolution CCD chip and opti-
mized optic design measures up to 138,000 true elevation points.
For a detailed analysis of the cornea up to 100 Scheimpflug imag-
es can be captured during the rotating scan. A moveable fixation
target insures high ametropic patients a comfortable exam.

The high resolution Scheimpflug images of the Pentacam® HR

impressively show the IOLs and pIOLs, as well as corneal rings,
corneal injuries and corneal opacities such as, Fuchs dystrophy.
The crystalline lens is displayed from its anterior capsule to the
posterior capsule, even if opacities are present.

The Pentacam® HR is equipped with basic software and can be

customized with two software packages and several software

The unique 3D pIOL simulation software including aging prediction

is available as an option.

This is what makes the HR special: Now available with a new

iris camera optic to provide the
 Sharp Scheimpflug images to display corneal opacities, HWTW measurement automatically.
implants, rings etc.
 Sharp presentation of IOLs and pIOLs to determine
position and detect PCO
 Special scan mode to display pIOLs
 Precise measurement of the cornea with up to
100 Scheimpflug images
 Moveable fixation target
 3D pIOL simulation software including aging prediction

The comprehensive

Keeping it organized – Adjusting the height –

the drawer the motorized table
The keyboard and the mouse can be stored neatly inside The motorized table features illuminated up/down arrows,
a slim and convenient drawer. There is also a nearly invis- helpful in darkened examination rooms. The stylish silent
ible docking station for the optional iPad 2. table is patient-friendly and moves effortlessly.

Impressively brilliant – Fully integrated – sleek and

the Apple iMac ergonomic designs
The Apple iMac monitor displays the high resolution The large screen can easily be slewed to the side. The
Scheimpflug pictures of the Pentacam® with optimal iMac’s stand is fully integrated into the table – shapely,
clarity. The examination results are even more vivid and functional and without tangled cables. This system is in-
impressive on the large LED backlit widescreen display. tegration at its best.

Data Network

Physicians want a highly efficient practice and more time for patients.
The Pentacam® offers both and comes with the patient data manage-
ment software.

EMR compatibility DICOM compatibility

The Pentacam® software is compatible with many com- The Pentacam® software is fully DICOM compatible. The
mercially available EMR systems. Pentacam® software receives information from the DICOM
Modality Work List (MWL) from the Hospital Informa-
tion System (HIS) and transmits the results to the Picture
Archiving and Communication System (PACS) for storage
and further evaluation.

Software licenses
In order to fully read and evaluate the Pentacam® exams
at remote desktops, software licenses are required. The
software license includes the Pentacam® Basic software.
It is customizable and can be expanded to include addi-
tional software modules. With a software license, you can
display and review any exam from any Pentacam® unit.
The cutting edge technology
The Pentacam® iPad-App

Easy, intuitive, and up-to-date

Pentacam® exams can be transferred to an iPad with the
free Pentacam®-App.
OCULUS sets a new standard in patient consultation
and information. The personal Pentacam® exams can be
transferred to the patient’s iPad too.

Pentacam® exams can be every-

where, whenever you need them.
Once the exams are transferred to an iPad, they are
stored and can be reviewed easily.

Brilliant images
Precise measurements

Glaucoma screening Cataract

The Pentacam® provides a comprehensive and completely The Scheimpflug images produced by the Pentacam® sup-
automatic analysis of the anterior chamber. Immediately ply a clear representation of lens opacity. The 3D cataract
after the eye has been examined, the instrument displays analysis combined with the PNS (Pentacam® Nucleus Stag-
whether the patient has an increased risk for glaucoma. ing) is a unique feature. The center of the cornea and its
Post-operative evaluation of the anterior chamber shows anterior and posterior surfaces are measured very precisely
alterations, for example, after an iridectomy or other sur- for optimal calculation of the refractive corneal power. For
gical interventions. your patients this means a perfect calculation of the IOL
power – even after refractive surgery.

Cornea Cataract/Refractive surgery

The Pentacam® stands out by virtue of its high-resolution On the basis of measurements made by the Pentacam®
images and precise measurements for optimal surgical one can determine whether the eye is suitable for surgical
planning. Intelligent analysis programs help to substanti- intervention or not. The surgery can be explained to the
ate your decisions. Surgical success is documented com- patient on the basis of the obtained results in clear and
pletely from start to finish. Even the smallest irregulari- easy terms. In addition the Pentacam® offers the possibility
ties in the healing process are detected early. An exami- to simulate in 3D the position of iris fixated phakic IOLs,
nation using Pentacam® offers your patients the highest including simulation of age-related growth of the crystal-
degree of safety. line lens. The selection of the aspheric IOL for purposes of
reducing spherical aberrations is improved considerably
by the unique corneal wavefront. The position of the im-
planted IOL can be located on the Scheimpflug image and
assessed in detail in terms of centering and tilting.

The Software Packages
Refractive software package:
 Freely selectable reference bodies for elevation maps
 Overview display for refractive surgeons
 Corneal thickness progression analysis for early
keratoconus detection
 Fourier Analysis Display
 Freely selectable four maps display
 Extended comparative and differential analysis of
up to four examinations
 Side-by-side comparison of two examinations
 Side-by-side comparison of topometric and pachy-
metric data

Cataract software package:

 True measurements in the Scheimpflug images
 Corneal Wavefront and Zernike analysis of the
total cornea
 Cataract Pre-op display (developed in collaborati-
on with Prof. Naoyuki Maeda, MD)
 Detailed corneal assessment to select premium
 Power Distribution Display / Total Corneal
Refractive Power
 Improved IOL calculation
 Orientation of toric IOls
 True Net corneal power
 PNS and 3D Cataract Analysis
 Extended comparative and differential analysis of
up to four examinations
 Side-by-side comparison of two examinations
 Side-by-side comparison of topometric and
pachymetric data
 Four maps, anterior chamber
 Four maps, topometric
 Anterior chamber depth map
 Anterior chamber angle in 360°, automatically

These functions are unique and are only available

with the OCULUS Pentacam® 11
Basic software
Discover the Possibilities

Topography Maps of the anterior Pachymetry maps

and posterior corneal surface

Applications: Applications:
 Keratoconus detection  Pre-surgical planning of refractive corneal surgery
 Pre-surgical planning of refractive corneal surgery  Absolute and relative presentation
 Follow-up after corneal surgery  Glaucoma screening
 Calculation of IOL refractive power  Relative pachymetry map for early keratoconus
 Planning of astigmatism-reducing incisions (LRI) detection
 Follow-up after refractive surgery  IOP correction taking into account measured corneal
 (pre-post LASIK, PRK; PKP, LKP, DSEK) thickness based on various correction formulas
(for e.g. Ehler, Shah, Dresden etc.)
The rotating measurement principle guarantees high Details:
resolution of the measuring points in the central cornea. An overview representation in color shows the corneal
Topographic analysis of the anterior and posterior corneal thickness from limbus to limbus. The measured values
surfaces is based on the measured real height data. These can be displayed in a pre-determined grid or represented
provide the basis for: manually at any point via mouse click.
 Sagittal (axial), tangential (local) curvature maps, Automatic representation of:
refractive power maps of the anterior and posterior  corneal thickness in the centre of the pupil
corneal surface  corneal thickness in the apex
 Elevation maps of the anterior and posterior  the thinnest point of the cornea
corneal surface
 Four color coded maps display for refractive
 Topometric display for detailed corneal shape
assessment including True Net Power
 Topography based keratoconus detection and
 Comparison and differential displays

Iris Camera Anterior Segment Tomography

Applications: Applications:
 overview image of the iris to recognize landmarks  Fast overview of gathered data
 automatic determination of the corneal diameter  Changes which become visible in the Scheimpflug
(HWTW) image are represented amazingly well in a 3D model.
 determination of pupil location and shape
Details: The rotatable and moveable 3D model of the anterior
The Pentacam® as well as the Pentacam® HR are now eye segment proves to be an enormous help in patient’s
equipped with an improved iris camera optic. The corneal education. The patient can see his eye from all sides.
diameter (HWTW) is calculated automatically from the Irregularities can be explained easily in this way.
iris photo and can be used for the selection and calcula-
tion of IOLs and pIOLs as well as for contact lenses.

These functions are unique and are only available

with the OCULUS Pentacam® 13
Basic software
Discover the Possibilities

3D Anterior Chamber Analysis Superimposition of

Scheimpflug images

Applications: Applications:
 Glaucoma screening  Comparison of the Scheimpflug images of two
 Pre- to post-operative comparison of changes in different exams
anterior chamber, e.g. after Iridectomy  Visualization of changes after surgical intervention
 Patient information – up-to-date
 Tomographic representation, virtual model of anterior Details:
segment The superimposition of the Scheimpflug images includes
 Automatic calculation of a blending function to qualitatively visualize and analyze
 Anterior Chamber Angle (ACA) the changes in the anterior chamber.
 Anterior Chamber Volume (ACV) Examples:
 Anterior Chamber Depth (ACD),  Cornea, before and after LASIK
internal or external  Anterior chamber, before and after iridotomy
 Progression of lens opacifications (cataract)

Additional software

PNS and Contact Lens Fitting

3D Cataract Analysis

Applications: Applications:
 Objective quantification of lens opacities  Automatic display of all necessary measurement data
(densitometry) in 2D and 3D for fitting contact lenses
 Graduation of lens opacities (PNS)  Automatic suggestions for contact lenses
 Visualization of lens opacities  Realistic fluo image simulation
 Visualization of posterior capsular opacities (PCO)  Integrated and expandable contact lens database with
 Representation of Bowman’s membrane over 65,000 lens geometries

Details: Details:
Opacities of the natural lens are made visible by blue With the dynamic fluo image simulation, the fit of the
light illumination. The excellent quality of the Scheimp- contact lens from the integrated database can be viewed.
flug images allows automatic and objective quantifica- The simulation makes it possible to adjust inclination and
tion of lens opacities. to shift the contact lens while automatically making a
The PNS and 3D Cataract Analysis are part of the Cata- new fluo image calculation. The integrated and expand-
ract Package. able conact lens database contains over 65,000 lens
geometries. The contact lens geometries can be adjusted
individually in cases where fitting is difficult. The user
can establish his own rating list for contact lens manu-
facturers and expand the database with new or further
contact lenses.

These functions are unique and are only available

with the OCULUS Pentacam® 15
Additional software

Holladay Report and Corneal Wavefront Analysis

Holladay EKR Report

Applications: Applications:
 Comprehensive clinical comparative representation  Selection of aspheric IOLs for correction of corneal
 EKRs (Equivalent Keratometer Readings) for optimized spherical aberrations (Z4.0)
IOL-calculation for post-refractive patient eyes, if no  Fitting of corneal rings in reference to the axis of
pre-op data are available the coma
 Determination of low and high order aberrations
The Holladay Report was developed in collaboration with Details:
Jack T. Holladay, M.D.. It supplies data for calculating The Zernike Analysis of the Pentacam® consists of two
the optimal IOL refractive power for patients who have parts:
undergone refractive corneal surgeries such as LASIK and  The calculation of the corneal wavefront of the entire
RK especially if no pre-op data are available. The Hol- cornea (anterior and posterior surface) is performed via
laday Report calculates the real relationship of the pos- ray tracing – and is thus independent of the shape of
terior corneal surface to the anterior corneal surface. The the cornea (e.g. post LASIK, PRK, LKP, PKP etc).
overall refractive power of the cornea is calculated and  The surface based Zernike Analysis is performed using
described using the EKRs (Equivalent Keratometer Read- e.g. a theoretical, optimal corneal ellipse (ecc = 0.751).
ings) in various zones. They can be used in IOL formulas, It can be shown for the anterior and posterior surface
e.g. the Holladay 2. of the cornea.
The Corneal Wavefront Analysis is part of the Cataract

Belin/Ambrosio Enhanced 3D pIOL Simulation Software
Ectasia Display

Applications: Applications:
 Minimizes “false positives” and “false negatives“  Pre-surgical planning of an iris-fixated pIOL
 Detection of keratoconus in very early stages (phakic Intra Ocular Lens)
 Simulation of post-operative position of the
Details: iris-fixated pIOL
The Belin/Ambrosio Enhanced Ectasia display is the  Simulation of age-related lens growth and the position
first screening tool which combines elevation data of of the iris-fixated pIOL resulting from this
the anterior and posterior corneal surface with corneal  Patient selection
thickness progression analysis. It was developed in col-
laboration with Prof. Michael W. Belin, M.D. and Renato Details:
Ambrosio Jr., M.D.. The examiner enters the data on the subjective refraction.
Originally designed for myopic eyes it is now available for Depending to the selected pIOL type, the software cal-
hyperopic eyes too. In addition to its overall more precise culates the necessary refractive power using the van der
keratoconus detection this screening facilitates early Heyde formula. The examiner selects the pIOL from the
detection in particular. The corneal thickness progression current data bank accordingly. The position of this pIOL
analysis is calculated using concentric rings, starting at in the anterior chamber is automatically calculated in 3D
the thinnest point and extending to the periphery. The and represented in the Scheimpflug images. The minimal
evaluation of deviations from the standard elevation map distances between:
and the enhanced elevation map is made easier by dis-  the pIOL and the crystalline lens,
playing the results in green, yellow and red.  the pIOL and the endothelium
Several single indices are individually calculated. They are are calculated automatically in 3D and displayed numeri-
then combined into one global index and displayed color cally and in a color map. The results can be shown to the
coded. patient. This software module is available for the Pen-
tacam® HR only.

These functions are unique and are only available

with the OCULUS Pentacam® 17
Pentacam® Hardware

Pentacam®  / Pentacam® HR
Basic software 
Apple iMac 21“ 
Apple iMac 27“ 
Apple iPad 2 
Design lift table 

 included  optional

Pentacam® HR Premium
Nothing left to be desired.

Software fully equipped

(except pIOL)
Apple iMac 27“ 
Apple iPad 2 
Premium design lift table 
2 additional software licenses 

 included  optional

Pentacam® Software
Pentacam® HR
Basic software Pentacam® Pentacam® HR
Overview of all captured Scheimpflug images   
Topography maps of the anterior and posterior corneal surface   
Pachymetry maps, absolute and relative   
Elevation maps of the anterior and posterior corneal surface   
3D Anterior chamber analysis   
Anterior segment tomography   
General overview display   
Keratoconus detection and classification, topometrically   
Four maps, refractive   
Comparative and differential analysis of two examinations   
Comparison and super imposition of Scheimpflug images   

Pentacam® HR
Optional software modules Pentacam® Pentacam® HR
Package Refractive   
Package Cataract   
Belin/Ambrosio Enhanced Ectasia   
Holladay Report and Holladay EKR Detail Report   
PNS and 3D cataract analysis   
Contact lens fitting   
3D pIOL simulation software including aging prediction –  

Pentacam® HR
Optional hardware Pentacam® Pentacam® HR
21“ iMac   –
27“ iMac   
iPad 2   

Pentacam® HR
Software licences Pentacam® Pentacam® HR
Additional software licences included    (2)

  included   optional  –  not available

This is included in the packages:

Package Refractive: Package Cataract:
 Freely selectable reference bodies for elevation maps  Side-by-side comparison of two examinations
 Overview display for refractive surgeons  Extended comparative and differential analysis of up to four
 Corneal thickness progression analysis for early keratoconus examinations
detection  Side-by-side comparison of topometric and pachymetric data
 Fourier Analysis Display  Power Distribution Display / Total Corneal Refractive Power
 Four maps, freely selectable  Cataract pre-op Display
 Side-by-side comparison of two examinations  Anterior chamber angle in 360°, automatically
 Extended comparative and differential analysis of up to four  Four maps, anterior chamber
examinations  Four maps, topometric
 Side-by-side comparison of topometric and pachymetric data  Anterior chamber depth map
 True measurements in the Scheimpflug images
 Corneal wavefront and Zernike analysis of the total cornea
 True Net Power
 PNS and 3D cataract analysis

Technical Data
All Pentacam®-Models
Feature Pentacam® Pentacam® HR
Camera digital CCD camera digital CCD camera
Light source blue LEDs (475 nm UV-free) blue LEDs (475 nm UV-free
Processor DSP with 400 mil. operations/s DSP with 400 mil. operations/s
Speed 50 images in 2 seconds 1) 100 images in 2 seconds 2)
Dimensions (HxWxD) 535 x 280 x 360 mm 535 x 280 x 360 mm
Weight 9 kg 9 kg
PC minimum requirements Pentium IV, 1.5 GHz, Windows XP, 1 GB RAM, Pentium IV, 1.5 GHz, Windows XP, 1 GB RAM,
VGA graphic card 1024 x 768 true colour, VGA graphic card 1024 x 768 true colour,
SB interface SB interface

Measurement Range Pentacam® Pentacam® HR

Curvature 3 – 38 mm 3 – 38 mm
9 – 99 D 9 – 99 D
Precision ± 0,2 D ± 0,1 D
Reproducibility ± 0,2 D ± 0,1 D
Operating distance 80 mm 80 mm

Scheimpflug image of the entire anterior segment
Cornea fine scan

in accordance with Medical Products Directive 93/42/EEC

7.99 inch 10.71 inch
203 mm 272 mm

Specifications and design are subject to change without notice and may vary depending on region.
19.88 – 21.06 inch
505 - 535 mm

14.17 inch 11.02 inch
360 mm 280 mm


Postfach • 35549 Wetzlar • GERMANY
Tel. +49-641-2005-0 • Fax +49-641-2005-295
E-Mail: •


• OCULUS Asia,
Oculus is certified by TÜV according to • OCULUS Czechia,
DIN EN ISO 13485/DIN EN ISO 9001 • OCULUS Iberia,

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