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FBI Interview of Igor Danchenko (OCR'd)

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Department of Justice
Office of Legislative Affairs

Office of the Assistant Attorney General Washington, D.C. 20530

July 17, 2020

The Honorable Lindsey Graham The Honorable Marco Rubio

Chairman Acting Chairman
Committee on the Judiciary Select Committee on Intelligence
United States Senate United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Dianne Feinstein The Honorable Mark Warner

Ranking Member Ranking Member
Committee on the Judiciary Select Committee on Intelligence
United States Senate United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20510

Dear Chairmen and Ranking Members:

We write in further regard to matters pertaining to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance

Act (FISA) and other matters contained in the December 9, 2019 report by Department of Justice
(Department) Inspector General Michael Horowitz.
As we described in our letter of February 7, 2020, the Attorney General has determined
that it is now in the public interest to release to Congress additional documents and information
related to these matters to the extent consistent with national security interests and with the
January 7, 2020 order of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC). We began to
provide such documents to you on February 7. A twelfth production is enclosed herein, Bates
numbered SENATE-FISA2020-001106 to SENATE-FISA2020-001167. This submission
contains a February 9, 2017 Electronic Communication and an annotated New York Times news
article. The attached production is unclassified in its current format.
Pursuant to longstanding Department policy, the Department has made redactions
relating to certain personally identifiable information or to ongoing investigations, enforcement
activities, and certain law enforcement operations, methods, or techniques.

Today's submission, along with forthcoming productions of additional documents, is

based on extraordinary and unique circumstances, and should not be construed as precedent
setting in any regard. The production of these materials does not waive any applicable
The Honorable Lindsey Graham
The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
The Honorable Marco Rubio
The Honorable Mark Warner

We hope this information is helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if we
may provide additional assistance regarding this or any other matter.

,: :·- .• : O FFICIAL R ECORD
FD- 1057 (R,-· 5-8-10) ,:,[~.•:·
Electronic Communic ation

Title: - Inter v iew o f Primary Subsource Date: o:;0 ~1:017

- 1
~ ~ct:

Approved By:

Drafted By:



Synopsis : -
interv iewe-
int erview.
I nt erview of
r ee days , thi
Primary Subsource
. .

c--ur:, o f the

Reason: l . 4(c)
Derived From : Multiple
Declassify On : 204212 3 1

Full Investigation Initiated : ,:,7 /31/: 1:i l c

Enclosure(s): Enclosed are the following items :

l. - I nfo fr onliliiillllllll
~ ffer Agree~ d by Primary Subsource

Details :

Declassified by FBI - C58W888 6 l

on 7/16/2020
This red acted version only

Primary Subsource

- During the c,:,urse of three days , Primary Subsource

was interv i ewed in the FBI ' s Washington ' s Fi eld off i ce (WFO) by FBI

personnel al ong with attorneys fr om the US Department of Justice ,
Nationa l Security Di vision . ~ wa s accompaniej by his atti:rne:i·
Primary Subsource· Attorney Below is a consol idatej write-up o ~ the
three days o f intervi ews .

24 January 2017 (1330 - 1700 )

FBI Washington Field Office Interview Room

Present :

Primary Subsource , inten;iewee

Primary Subsource·s , interviewee ' s attorne;

FBI Agent , FB I si:,ecial Agent •

FBI SIA , FB I Supervisory Intelligence P,nalyst •

, Chief , Nat i onal Security Di vision , US Department of


Primary Bac kground


(U//FOUO ) - ·,1a s born city - on

He describes hi s fami ly a which included
. ~ comple t ed his high scho,:,l
indi cated that his i s i:,rc,bably tie,j

Primary Subsource
- .•
RC: I IJ: / ,) ~ / : C

to the fact high schoo l years ,

and was als(, an
, he attended a high
some ·11eel:s in

(U/ / FOUO) For university' , lii:limlillllll attended
, at which time he graiuated

) '

o f Congress , anj during

, he assisted and tra·:elei ·,,ith the :lelegatic,n - and
other cities in the

(U / / FOUO) Primary desire had alwais been t o obtain a graduate

:legree in the United States . He appliei t o a number of schools , and
received the best - ani one of the onl~ - ~f~er ! fr om the
invo lve
happene:I that
studies in
s tay an:!
, with the hope of getting his Ph . D. He
eventually was accepted not to a , but t (,

Primary Subsource
Re :

on research projects f o r
in the ~ebri~fing,

We indicat'='d that tv'':-

had , and that it 1vas o ur undc::rstandi:1 .,--: t hat i:-=- had d::>!1-c- that 1vo rk 1,ith
111111111•11111111• con
t 1· rmea' t na
· t · 1'

(U// FOUO) - explained that he s oc,n hit a glass ce il ing at

- because o f hi s '
t irne, he

circ _ , stayed
t o try hi s hanj at
For a time , he did v ari ous analyti cal pieces o n
with . In time, some o f the work mo vej into the
area of due diligence a nd business inte ll igenc e . - says that he

:. he
s aw o ppo rtuniti es to use his existing netwo rk o f friend s and colleagues

and anal::,s i s
, he served a s the
he direc tej o ther s
in doi ng business intell i gence on various t o pi cs/sub-regi on s , including
. He helped analyst s under him figure

o u t how t o best handle a ss ignments and talk t o c lie nts . He al so put
together week ly , bi - weekly and mo nthl :,· rep,n ts . ~ wc,rl:e,j f ,:,r

- thro ugh the which time - parent comi:,an 1
went bankrupt and

(U// FOUO) - described hi s travel to - ui:, thro ugh the •

perio d as sporadic and personal . a trip back t o ,juring
• in o rder t o do research f o r his rest ..:,f
his trii:,s - during this _time - which he said too l: place every
1(1 years or so - were centered o n and
celebrating New Year ' s .\ suti ..,1Hlft1•

II. Early Relationship and Eventual Employment with

Christopher Steele and Orbis Business Intelligence

(U / / FOUO) Christopher Steele [hereafter Steele] in

was br o kereJ through
_ , who , with Steele ' s
~ he f or wor k , f o ll owing the
end o f his tenure at was invo lved with helping
- t o try and find new employment OJ:•J:•Ortunities . - f o un,j out
that Steele was set ting up a new bu s ine ss , Orbi s , and that he was on
the lc,okout for analytical help . - sugges ted that - might
consider looking at Orbis , and helped t o broker an email introduct i o n
t o Steele . Acco rding t o - this was just o ne o f the comi:,anies
- helped t o broker introducti o ns .

met in per so n with Steele at a Starbucks in

an ho ur in the cof fee shop , an i then
went to Steele ' s ho tel , where the y sa t and ta l ked f o r about 30 minute s .\ SulhUtHt , ~
- said that they really ' t tall: in-dei:•th about
P111ll , H\ ~tlh ,dtlf f ,,
background , but rather discussed basic biographical

Primary Subsourc
Re :

information , h i s contacts/netw0t:1: , anJ his c,:,rrnections i r- . N,:, wc,rl:

was offered at this time , but Steele said that "If we [Orbis] get a
project , we ' ll get in t ouch . "

(U// FOUO) In circa , Steele contacted -

anJ asl:ed that he fulfill a project - an open source analys is o f what
thought were three o f the best sectors o f l ow-risl: investment
. - wro te a few pages, highlighting ri s l: s and
opportunities , and submitted them t o Steele .
sure at th i s time what Orbis ' primary said
that i t was not clear if it was about due diligence a nd busines s
intelligence . For the short risl: assessment rei:":.rt , - was i:,ai j
a few hundreJ do llar s , direct-deposited int o his a ccount . He saij he
was very api:,reciati\·e .:,f thi s , because he didn ' t reall:,- have- an incc,me
at this time .

(U / / FOUO) Later in - '---=-:_e_:le t oU him tl:at he- ha:i rea.j anj lil:e:i his
ri s l: assessment an,~ wa s ~0 rma::y brought o n board witt Orbi s .
He signed a confidentiality agreement, which he :ii:in ' t thinl: twi c e
about signing because it wa s fairl; s tan:iar:i - he c0mpared it t o the
types o f pai:,erwor l: he s igned at - · inclu:iing se:-:ual harassment
policy , etc . All contact with Steele was being :io ne at this time via
email and Skype . - signed the confidentiality agreement ,
scanned it , and sent it bacl: t o Steele ,,·ia email . - -: iid no t
s ign a "no n-comi:•ete" agreement with Orbis , an.j he- desc1ibe.j hi s •,;c,rl:
with Orbis initial!~· as •• ·,;or l:" and ,. projects" a s he wa s st ill
with . Orbis wa s jus t part o ~ hi s o~er all portfolio at this
time .

(U// FOUO) Initially , hi s wo1 l: with Orbi s was in the open so ur ce sphere .

He d id no t have any 'Jisibili ty int o Orbis ' end cl ient s . -
commen ted that during his time with Orbi s , he has always been tr y ing tc,
understand the tangible result s o f his wo rl: - attorney
added that his client , "never asl:ed , and was never t o ld [about final
clients] ." The project requirements were always l:ept vague with few
concrete parameters - e . g. "Can you do some checking o n this?" Al so ,
initially with Orbis , hi s sole contact was with Steele . He was in email
and Skype communicati o n with Steele and was info rma l ly intr o,:luce:l t c,
o ther Orb i s employees during Sl:ype c all s , but - was never fl o wn
o ut t o the UK t o meet with Steele and the Orbi s team .

(U // FOUO) In • · - had his first Orbis-financ~ ~ ~

. Hi s s pecific project involved inquires abo ut a -
[whicl- did no t name] and the cc,mr.,a ny ' s owner , •,1hich
he describe:! as a f o rmer Rus s ian s enator and Duma deput y . It was a :lue
diligence assignment , and he was meant to lool: f or company / management
linl:s t o o rgani=ed crime and Russia ' s regiona: and fejeral po wer
structures . For thi s , he wa s wirej $3 , ~00 . He use J $1,500 t o purchase a
r o und-trip ticl:et, and $1 , 500 t o co7e r expenses f o r the trip . He used
his existing contacts and dai sy-chained fr om them t o try t o identif y
o thers with relevant informati o n . For e:-:ample ,_ e:-:r-,laine:i , he
wo uld use pre-existing contac t s to find out if anyo ne he l:new ha:!
wo rl:ed in public relatio ns o r advertising f o r a
- did no t pay anyo ne for infc,rmation , and repo rted bacl: t <.;
Steele verbal ly either via Sl:ype or in-per so n in London .

(U/ / FOUO) traveled f o r the in

his life bo th a per sonal trip and a
business trip . Orbi s paid f o r the trip, anj during hi s time in the UK,
- met Steele - "for the secon:l or third time in my life" - an.:!

also introduced t o o ther Orbis employees , including and
, about whom - described as an analyst who ha:i
graduated fr om an English university . - described the time with
Orbis as "general meetings , (pitchi ng) potential projects , anJ
discussing general rumors about Putin and Putin ' s new thi1d term as
president . There was tall: about what the "biggest rumors" or the
"biggest compromising info" regarding the Russian government ~a s .

(U / / FOUO) - could no t remember e:-:actl~· when he had first

learned that Steele . Ee thought it ~a s aroun:i :)1: o r
:,:i13 . He couldn ' t remember if someone t o ld him that fact , someone
menti oned it , or if it was just " commc,n l:no·, 1ledge" that he had i;,icl:e:i
ui;, over time . (AN.~Li"ST NOTE: I:1 dis ::ussi:1g l:is J:n ,:,1,leciqe of St-=-el-:- ' s
remark-:-d that t-=-
ciidn' t r-:-ally .:ar-:- L ' J:n .:>ti su:::: thin,1s and 1,•anteci t,• " stay ,•ut ~'f th-=-

,1overnment ' s L1 usin&ss" - to i;hi ::/J his att.::-rney said , " vi":-11 , y ...· u l:,,H·-:-n ' t
.:: k,n,;, a very ,1ood job of that . ")

(U/ / FOUO) - cont inued t,::, wo rl: 0n a number o: i:·roj ects : c,r Orbis
on all kinds of subjects , including Russian leadersh ip, banl:ing , and
the . He wou!d pr0v ide reports every month o r every
other mo nth .

(U / / FOUO) Through _ ,
contractual relationship , and
to get a security clearance and set up his
own business . However , with the . bankruptcy c,
parent company - and the subsequent closing of '
- found himself _in a :iifficult s ituati o:,n , . tie

Primary Subsourc
Re :

needed an entity t o - and as Orbi s

couldn ' t do it [as Orbis was a

that they could only help him 0ut if l,e ha·d a source o f income . 1',t that
po int, - intr0ducej Steele anJ
arrangement was set up between Orbis and
se rved as
a monthly salary f or hi s w0 rk
employee c, f
. Out o f the
was t he only o ne - as far as he l:nows - who was worl:ing
sole ly f or Orbis , and - believes that ,:,nly - l:nows ,:,f
his wo rl: f o r Orbis . Prio r t o this ar~angement , the only paperworl: tie
between - and Orbis was through the banl:ing/ wi~e transacti,:,ns,
but after th i s , the onl y regular paper~orl: tie wou:J be between
- a nd sai:i that he received afte1
Jeductions , [...:\N.-Ul°ST /llC' TE : -
als o gavi: a figur,;, l:ut i s :12 t c l-=-ar :,,,1, muc~

1111 cha rges Orbis f o r 11 1111 1.11\ ...... l,~ l ,\llHt , .

S-=-n:i.:es , 1o1hi cil 1.;..) uld i ndicat-=- til-:-
mak':-s fr 2m
directly , g i ve assignment s ani direct

III.~ olicies and Procedures While Traveling Abroad for

Orbis ; - Contacts with Russian Intelligence and Security


(U // FOUO) - wa s a s l:ed how he " covers " hi s querie s with hi s

Primary Subsourc

sources . He typically tells hi s sources that he i s wo rking o n a

research pr o ject o r an analyti cal pro juct . He was also asked if there
were friends , ass oc iate s anj /or sources who l:new that he wa s collect ing
info rmati o n f o r Orbi s . He sa id ";es and no ," and explained that some of
hi s cl oser frienis under stand that he wo rk s in the area o f jue
diligence and bu s iness inte ll i ge nce . Many o f them think that he i s
, the SIA

They don ' t know that he wor ks f o r Orb i s , as he s igned a no n-d i sc l os ure
agreement and t o ld no t t o ta l l: about the compan; . He has never
menti oned Ch ri s Steele o r Orbi s t o hi s ~riends ani assoc ia tes . He
emphasi=ed that "yo u [ the FBI] are the fi rst people he ' s t o l d . "

(U// FOUO) F' \' ~uti·,< llll ( t ' wa s asked if he take s notes o n the info rmation he
i s co llect ing fr om his sources , ,n if he keep s any l:in :l o f re cc, r :ls . He
wa s t o ld by Steele that it i s a sec urit y risl: t o tal:e no t es ; he hasn ' t
kept no tes o r electronic records . He occasi o nall y mal:es sc ribbles
and/or c hicken sc rat ch no te s here and there , but gives verbal debr ief s
in f ol l0wing h i s tr ips - . P,l t ogether , with
r es pect t o the election-related repo rting , he had three trips

He also had o ne
was primaril:,•

(U/ / FOUO) - had nc, communi cations with Steele ·,;hile - .

He was alway~ advised by St eele that they we re no t t o have
communicatio ns , o r t o minimi= e communi ca tio n s , s a v ing them f o r o nl y
emergency or urgent matter s .

iPrimary Subsource
, o: ;.:, c, ;

(U // FOUO) During the conver sa ti o n abo ut Source 1 [see beh,w] ,

- was asl:ed if Orbis had ever asked him to br,) l:er direct
contact with o ne o f source s , or ~hether Orbi s was
intermediary between the sources
and the company . that Orbis has always l:ept him
as the intermediary .

(U/ / FOUO) - indi cated that , t o his l:n0', 1ledge, he has nu t ha j

any contacts with the Russian intelligence c,r security se r v i ces . [ ..:'.\N.-lil"
ST NOTE : His att orney -=-mpha si ::,:-.::1 " t-~ h i s k no id-::dqe- " d uring thi s part -~ f

the discussion . ]
government o fficials , as he s aid, in the
- -but he jeniej any c o ntact - again , "a s far a ~ he
- knew , " with anyo ne in the SVR, GRU or FSB .

Pnmar1 Subsource
IV. Initial US Election- Related Assignments for Orbis

(U // FOUO) Around Marc h : 0 1 € , and Chri s Steele had a vo i ce

conver sation during whi c h time Steele asl:ed - t 0 .see what he
P11m,H\ sut,·~nur rP could find 0 ut ab0u t Paul Manafo rt , in cl ud ing hi s

reputation in the United States , hi s connec ti o n s t o the Yanul:ov i c h

regime in Ukraine , and any corrupti o n ties . He related some o f Steele's
collectio n-related questi o ns - "Do you l:now [abo ut) Manafort? Fin j ou t
about Manafo rt ' s dealings with Ul:raine , hi s jealings with o ther
countries , and any corrupt schemes ( to which Manaf o rt i s co nnected) . "
- said that he wa s " cl uele ss " ab0ut wh0 Manafc,rt was , anj ti at
this wa s a " s trange t a s l:" t o have been given . It wa s s t r ange bec au se
- had no t do ne US-relatej projec ts f o r Orbi s befc,re, a nd he was
a bit uncomfortable wor l:ing o n a t o pic dealing with
Steele did not give him a tight jeadline o n thi s assignment . At this

Primary Subsource
R-=- .•

r:,o int , - was ,:,n salary with Orbi ~· through , an :l

there was no difference in financial remuneration for this assignment .
He had no inclinati ons as to why , or for whom, Steele was asking about
Manaf ort . - carefully asl:ed arc,und some c,f his -
friends . He said he may have asked friends and con tacts in Russia , but
he couldn ' t remember 0ff-hand . He added that , for this topic , his
friends and contacts in Russia couldn ' t saJ very much because they were
"too far removed " fr om the matter . - recalled that he was able
to find articles about Manafo rt ' s ties to Ukraine and the Philippines .
reported some o f the findings on this assignment t 0 Steele
, a secure messenger app, whi ch he has use:i , in addition t o
Skype , for communicating with Steele .

(U // FOUO) In the , _ t0c,I:

an Orbis-related primarily on a business

the US presidential
election , including com1:iromising materia.:.s on Donald Trump . -
said he could not remember if Steele had asked - to asl: aroun:i
f or compromising material s on just Trumr:,, v r Trumr:, and Hillary Clint,:,n
- at which pc,int att0rney indicated that - ha,:i tc,l :i
him [the attorney] previously that it had been bo th presidential
can-:i i dates . The request did no t - · but it ·,;as - again -
outs ide the normal scope o f wo rk and it wasn't c ompletely comf0rtable
for him . Like the Manafo rt assignment, it was not really a
Russia-specific job and i t invo lved , indirect.:.y, his
." He wa s nervous and cautio us when asking around about
the topic in Russ ia , but he felt like he ha:i t o rep0rt something ba c k
to Steele about it. Steele did not place any higher pri ority on the

Primary Subsource

election-related requirements ; it was st il l a s i de effo rt t o the

. It was, t o _ , "unplea sant ," but he
made inqu i ries and had a few election-related conversati o ns, but it
wasn ' t the main f ocus o f his trip .

Pru11df\' s uti·~m 11 cP
V. Contacts on his . Trip -

(U/ / F C'UC' ) Source 2

eco nomi c sanctio ns , and acti o ns

a friend o
the company ' s public and g overnmental

that the two o f them should try and do projec t s t oge ther for money.
- t o ld - that there wa s compr o mi s ing material o n Trumr.· .

(U/ / F C'UC' ) Source 3

Primary Subsource

(U / / FOUO} was b o rn i - . She i s a close,

. She is o riginally fr o m . , and then
have been friends since [the equivalent

. Upon reflecti on ,
- corrected h i mself, indicating that she had been a year behin:i
him in the She moved - in
field . She did a bit o f

t ool:
and als(,

s ure what

and - have remained friends f,.:,r man y years .

Her him financiallJ 1ears ago - he woul:i borrow money
, and her rei: ayinent . More

rece ntl y , he has finan c ially - probably aroun:i

- over the l a st II years.

. Through

Primary Subsource
Re :

inf ormati on far Orbi s across a wide range o f t o pics - maj o r Russian
firms ; Russian sta te entities , including the Kremlin . §"1"11@ "big
con nection " - thoug h emphasi:ed that it is not nece ss arily

whon;m has relied t o get o ut hi s o wn messaging .

wasn ' t sure , but he tho ught these co ntacts may include
met whi le he was at

al so become g ood friends with

the , who wa s assaulted in Rus s ia

(U / / FOUO) ' " " " ' " is o ne o f the in diviiuals who l:no ws that -
wo rk s f o r due diligence and business intel l igence . [ As an aside at thi s
p o int, n:::r:m:::n:::r insist,;-.i that pr.:-L1 a L, 1y has a 1:-=-tt-=-r
i.iea abo ut this tha:1 ::1.:-£:-s j1•j•jjjf• be::aus e- 1111 i s al1,1ays trying t :>
mo:1':: ti :e hi s relationship 1,1i t n-jjjjfit8it1jjjilft . fl'l'l'fl'tt:ltf r':-i t7ra t-=-d a:7a in t ,,
th7 intervie1,1-=-rs that 1111 tvill often pit :::; money-making ideas .:-r

proj e c ts - " Let's 1,1::,rk t oge t h-=-r . T §j•j•@f .::an try a:1d :7e t. - t.:>
ans1ver a quE- s t i on , 1:-ut I ' l l ne-1::.::i som€: mon-=-Y to d o i t . "]
" connected . " In fact,
mo rning or and asl:ed him
f o r help in in the
United States are viewing the Trump a:lmini s trati o n . She i s asl:ing him
by the weekend, pr obably so s he can se ll it to a friend
in Moscow .

Primary Subsource
' ,) '.:: /l)S,/ '.::0

(U/ / FOUO) ntntr•·•as o ne o f the l:ey sources f o r the "Trumr,, foss i er . "
She i s direc tly quo t ed at po ints ; ho wever , - is no t sure if she
real i=es that the quo tations come fr om her . Right
She is l:eepin
used t o wo rl: in t he country of

(U/ 1
F C:UO) Source 4

. He i s -
0 n an


speciali=es in regi ona l politics , parti c ularl~

also addresses US-Russian relations , US elections ,
and a hos t of i ssue s involv ing US-Russian competition and confli ct ,

(U// FOUO) - everyday job duties a s a

v ary . One day , he coulJ be
- ; the ne:,:t
while the next , he could he al so
has contact with friend s • ."t.s

e~:plained , it would no t be to remarl: t <:,

things l il:e , ": just heard such-and- such from someo ne in the

Primary Subsource
Re :

- ," or "I just

heard this from a Deputy Minister , " o r"! just overheard such-and-such
about an i ssue ."

(U / / F OUO) - and 0-\'!ftfj

drinl: heavily
always lool:s forward t o getting t oge ther with is

in t o wn . - l:nc,ws that 1•1•:ttf• travels

(U/ 1 FCUO) Source 1

(U / / FOUO) - has l:nown

part of a
He has r.,art ,:,r
ol,:i and
comes fr om , where he served in c ity and regio nal
government positio ns , inclujing and -
things did no t wo rl: o ut well f or
he move :i t o - and began
- parti c ularly with

(U // FOUO ) - bacl:gr ound a s a former means that,

from a young age , he has been involvej in polit i c a l activities . He ' s
been in some form o f politic s s ince he was a teenager . He is al so a

s in ce hi s

they me et t ogether whene ver goes t c- .

._ 7

Primary Subsource

(U // FOUO ) Orbi s knows mo re abo ut n·r:e:• becau s e , a s a favo r t o

o ut t o Orbis t o s ee if Orbi s coul j help get
a scho larship f o r language cour s es in the
a s l:e.:J - : o r a ss i s tance , an.:J -
turned t o Orbi s f o r help . P,s part o f this , _ e:-:i::,laine.:J ·,1h0
§•l'!fid' •,1as , and wh y he ·,;as a s l:ing Orbi s f o r a ss i s tanc e .

(U / / FOUO) 1• 111•

is always trying t o get s tart i::•H ,jec t s
a n :i mal:e money t ogether - - relate.:J , lil:e o ther s ,
i s always asking que s tio n s lil:e , " Can you get u s s ome pro jec t s? " o r
" Can yo u get us financing?" o r "Let ' s j o something together deal ing
with !" - d oe s n' t c o ns ider thi.:: a s hi s sour c e
"ta s king him" but as simply the no rmal c o urse and scope o f netwo rl:ing

- went t o the Library ,.:i f Congress, perfo rme:i a1 c hi':al re .o: ear..::r.,
and also talked t o a c ademics he knew . "

(U / / FOUO )- l:no ws that rt"l':ttt• trav el :: t o the

relati o n s hip with

, man y things abo ut, and fr om,

relati,:,nshii::, wit ~ ,
c o llec t info rmatio n o f inter es t t o Orbi s ,
including Russian d o mesti c i::·ol iti cs a n :i m,::, r e s pe c iali=ect s ubj e c t s l il:e
~ r s tan:is that
fr om fflll tenure in There,
wi t h the regi o nal Fede ra l Sec urit y Se r v i ce (FSB),

Primary Subsource
, o: ; os-r.:.0'

as well as with individuals in the - wh0 were ass ociate,j with

p 0 litically-c0nservative anJ strongly Russian - circles . It wa s
through these tha wa s introduced t o - .
was asked if devo ut Ortho,j o :-: believer -
did no t believe s o , but tho ught that he might have been at
one time .

never met - · He ' s never been t o o ne o f

, and said that he doe s n ' t believe he ' s e ver

(U I FCUC' ) Source 5

(U / / FOUO) Source 5 is an has met her in

perso n , and they are been
friends many mL1tua1iiallll
friends . She is tied to , and she ha s ties t o
the ties t o the Russ ian int e llige nce
and remarked that things have become
" per s onal" between and - be c ause c,f sto ries that ha·,e
been written [ANALrST NOTE : Thi s may be a r'7"feren c: ec- t .:> the- fa :: t t h at i n
. The ,::arter
Page-Sechin meeting references in the "Trump d oss ier " would ha v e been
deriveJ fr om - ·

VI. Dossier Report Number 2016/95

(U / / FOUO) The intervie·,ier s aske-cl - t o re- v iew Repo rt : iH E/ S- 5 .

This material was collec t e d during the peri od where the

Primary Subsource
Re :

election-related theme was still a " side pr0 ject." The election-related
material became a mu ch more impo rtant projec t in the July-Augu2t :0 1 €
peri o:I .

(U// FOUO) This repo rt involves reporting fr om " Source E" - reporting
which - ties , at least
related the story about his contact with
or July :1)lc
journalist for
questions Orbis had tasked him with regard ing Trump ' s Russian

contact with another o f his

contact information, and tha ~

was , accor:ling to
- · someone with whom "they" talking . There
was even tall: about - meeting up in pers,:,n , but
it did no t happen .

(U/ / FOUO)- reached out uf•l':ttffl via emaE t•,;i ce . He ne\·er

received a response fr om the first attempt , but after the second
attempt , he received in circa lat ~ : C1 l € a very s t!.ange phone call
fr om a Russian ma le whc, he believed t o be n·!'•ft!I
but wh0 never
identified himself . The in:lividual on the ot her end of the call never
identified himself . The two o : them talked f or a bit , and the two of
them tentati~el~ agree:! to meet in per son in enj
o : July . .r..t the end of July , - tra·,.reled to
but the meeting never t oc, I: place and nc, one ever calle:I
back . Alt ogether, he ha:! only a s ingle phone call with an

individual he thought t o rcM"l'!fj!fl The call was either a cellular

Primary Subsource
- .·
R ,:-

ca:..l , o r it was a communi cation thr0 ugh a f-'h0 ne api;:, . - will

l o0 k back at his pho ne t0 see if he c an get cal le1 inf0rmatio n .

VII . Dossier Report Number 2016/ 94

(U / / FOUO) Th i s repo rt invo lves the purpo rted Ca1ter Page meeting with
Sechin , as well as the purpo rted Carter Page meeting with Igo r
Diveyl:in ·- - : :·iicated that the sourcing f o r this rei;:,c, rt :ier i·:es

fr om his com·ersat10ns with anj .

(U / / FOUO) ."A.s ~ ls , Carter Page ·11a s c,ne o f 4-5 name s that

Steele provided t o - · r;arter Page , a s - relate s , had
his meetings in Moscow in early July :01€ - either the € through the c

o r the 5 th t i r o ugh the 0 . -
, ti:,1. - that s he ha:i
heard that Carter Page was going t,) meet with Sechin , and then later ,
in writing , that the Page-Sechin meeting ha:i
a c tually s aid that he wo ul:i co nfirm the date ,
time and c irc ums tance s under whi c ~ confirme:i t o him
that the Page-Sechin meeting had taken place . He wi ll c hec k
hi s pho ne , but he recalls that he rec eived the confirmati o n fr om
via te:-:t in September :1)1€ when he was at
- ·,;as ab:..e t o confirm that the Page-Sechin meeting
took place thro ugh o ne o ~ her contacts -
. Altogether ,
him about the Sechin-Page meeting , and then later conf irmed via te~t
that the meeting had taken pla ce .

travel s t o the

Primary Subsource

VIII. Media Contact/Outreach to -

(U / / FOUO) - received two me.Jia in-: :iuiries on the dossiet . One

was from a speciali=ed j o urnal , while the o ther was from
no t respo nded t o either inquir~

25 January 2017

FBI Washington Field Office Interview Room

Present :

Primary Subsource , interviewee

, i n terviewee ' s att o rney

, FBI Special Agent .

, FBI Supervis o ry Intelligenc e .?..nal ys t •

, Deputy , Natio nal Secur it~ Di v i s i o n , US Department o f


I . Recent Communication by Christopher Steele

(U // FOUO ) reportej that Ch ri s t opher Steele haj reached 0u t t 0

him t oday . He has no t repli e,j , but is 1:,lanning to ,j o so
eit her t onigh t o r tomo rrow . Hi s plan i s t 0 s imr:,l:i s ay that he ha:=.: been
meeting with hi s

Primary Subsource
Re :

II . Documents

(U / / E"OUO) - brought three d<:,cument s f or the interviewers . The

first was the Russian-language te:-:t interacti on between - an.J
- regarding the Sechin-?age meeting in July : Cllc. The second

document was a copied pastiche o f a number ,:,: profiles , business car-:ls
and pictures , which will be explained in further detail below .

(U// E"OUO) Regarding Document #1 , the text interac ti on between

- and _ , he e:-:r:,laine:I that the date he had given
yesterday was incorrect . The
versus _ , and it wo uld have been
immediately following hi s - trip in
when they had the interac ti on . Interviewers
indicated that it wo ul:l be tran sl ate,.:l , but - wanted t o r:,o int
o ut that the Russian initials [which, transliterated into Engli s h would
be I . I . S . ] s tand f o r Igor I vanovi ch Sechin .

(U // E"OUO) Regarding Document 1: , these are pi c ture s an.:l pro file s o f the
l' llrll.11\ ~11h--.1HH1 'f'
friends and associates in networ k discussed the previ o us
day . atto rney balked at the use o f the term "network ,"
stat ing that the preferred term was "soc ial circle . " One of the
as having s tudie:l

(U// E"OUO) Regarding Document #3, the f ol lowing informatio n wa s

provi :led:


Primary Subsource
Re :

(U // FOUO) In the upper left hand co rner ,

dire c t interac tio n

with him, and - ha v e direc t contac t .
o n friendly terms .

(U // FOUO) Underneath - pho t o i s a bus iness c ard fr o m

, n o ted as Deputy Directo r,
bu s ine ss c ard i s what appears t o be a

Medvedev's peo pleu abo ut what the Kremlin wa s d o ing with res pec t
t o involvement in the US pre s i -jential ti o n . - remarl:e :i
h ow the Rus s ian influenc e i ss ue wa s con s idered an " open s e c retu
and that he was hearing s imil. ar s t o ri es fr om o t he r sources -
1:,ro babl y Source 3

(U // FOUO) Ne~t t o the Windo ws Outl oo k sc r een s h o t o n

there i s a list o f pri c ing with the titl e , tran s lat e d fr o m Ru ss ian
P rlflldl\ ~ub-.nur n_)
a s " c o lle cti o n bankno te United Stat es . doc . u at t .:,rne y
empha s i:e d that h e d id no t be l i e7e thi s repres ented anything
i l leg a l o r illi c it
thi s in
and hi s
I· he we nt t c

Primary Subsource
Re :

rubles - using the current exchange rate . As he remarkej the

previ ous day , - i s an and has been ,j o in9 sc,
for decades . The pricing list is a "wish list . " [As an aside,
frien,fa , -

(U//FOUO) In the upper right hand corner, _ i ,jentified

. She is curre ntly serv ing as the head c

[.4.NALYST NOTE : This may i:,e a misi.:ientificati on . The h':"ad o f

] , who in turn i s
- ha ~;
direct . - sai,j that he has n,:, t
,. '-'- I ",• -~ • -· ! 1 • f"~

use as a s o urce f o r the repo rts, but that they are

good friends and that he has kno wn her f o r at least - years .

Russian official Russian official , Veterans Pension System, and


Dossier Report 2016/111 , including Paragraph #5

~-· 1· , ... ,~'T'~·~1 f ~: ,,....

(U// FOUO) Underneath the picture o I i s a business card

and s ancti on s .


Primary Subsource
Re :

- first s aid that he l:no ws that - ha s been bacl: in Ru ss ia

sin ce August : OlE , but then tho ught a b it mo re and s ai::i, "maybe s umme r
: •H6 . " - described
in the [Trump] do s s ier . "

i sn ' t
positive abo ut that . He reca l l s that they had a co nversati on later in
spring : OH during which time - s aid that hE' tr'tnt::•tr:
had "put
in a wo rd" and wo ndered if it had helped . They had a 5-1 0 minut e c hat
ANAL'l"ST NOTE : It i s u:1cl ear i f i t lea s s ame s pr inq : 01 o .::.:-nv-;-r s a t i,0 n
o r a later .::o n v -::-rs ati c•n] during whi c h time - confided in
- that h1t'ttr::·trr:
wa s getting tired o f do ing what he wa s n't
really suppo sed t o be do ing in hi s j ob -

"e xpo se d" in the US electi o n . It wa s

(U / / FOUO)
mov ing bac k t o Rus sia and

explained that sin c e hi s time a

fr om dipl omat s at the Russ ian Emba s sy . He an::! USPER
conta c t with a sec retar y at the Embas sy - a strange gu y wh,:,
was pes tering them . They gave thi s in::ii v i d ua l open s ou rce inf o rmati o n .

abo ut Ukraine and the Orange Revoluti o n, an::! USPER recommended

Primary Subsource
Re :

that they keep him at a distance .

related to the intervie~ers

inf:-rmat i o:1
t c, travel t ,j - somet i mes jriving
. - cc:,mpletel~· ,j1opped c,:f
the map sometime ar ounJ :001-:00e .

(U // FOUO) Loo ki ng at Rer.,O1t :,:, 1u 111 , - wa s asked about the

report ' s use of the descriptor , " a tru s ted compatrio t . u - as in
paragraph one , " Speaking i n con fiden c e t o a trus t ej compatriot in
mid-September : c1E..."
1 he was the "trustej
cc,mpatr i o t " in the se s aiJ that it might be him , but
tlat it could al so be 0 the1s . atto1ne; tten jumped in ,
s tating that the " l iterary Jevice" usej by Stee le in the j 0ssie1 ~as
no t cons i s ten t and not clear , so he wanted t o be careful about mat c hing
that descriptor t o his cl ient . - sai J that , tc, the best c,: hi s
knowledge , he i s no t s u1 e if he wa s the o nl j o ne working on this i ssue
f o r Orbi s [and therefore he 1s not clea r if he is always the " trusteJ
compatriot" menti o ned in the documents] .

(U // FOUO) In terviewer s drew attenti on t o paragraph 5 o : the

same repo rt , where Mikhail Kalugi n [written a s Kulag in ] i s menti oned .
- i s n,:it clear how
indicated that no MFA 0 ::ic 1al

Primary Subsource
Re :

"a bright young guy . " has no idea where the language in this
parag raph regarding "clean in thi s regard" (with resi:•ect
t v l:nowledge and in,:olvement in US electi,:•n matter s ) .

IV . Dossier Report 2016/94

(U // FOUO) Regarding Paragraphs land: , interviewers went bacl: 0ver

fr om the previous day , particularly the issue
had hearj fr c,m - - that the Page-Sechi n
meeting was going t o har:,pen , that it had happene j, or both . -
e~plained that he didn ' t recall ~1 0 had t o ld him that the meeting was
going t o happen - it might have been thrc:,ugh - -· but the mc,re
he thought , the mo re he believed it was fr om someone else , and he
couldn ' t recall who . He reported the meeting t o Steele in July, and
then , in Oc t ober , he the confirming
- joes n,:,t
l:now the identity

(U // FOUO) Regarding Paragraph 3 on Ca rter Page ' s meeting with Igo r

Diveyl:in , _ _sa id that this info rmation c ame fr om Source 3

~ had a phone conversat i on , or maybe Sl:ype, but
remembers that it wa s a ·vo i ce c ommuni c atic, n which lasted
a bout 30 minutes . - sa id it wa s juring the summer , because he

remembers having the c onversat i 0n while ·,1as at the public sw imming poo 2.
and "whateve r" with
wa s relating inf o rmati o n that she ~as hearing from her sources -
jid no t asl: her about the ijentit1 es o f these sc,urces .
could probably f ollo•,:-ui::, ·,11th ~ ut the sources , but
he e}:plained that he has no reas,:,n t ,:, do~
. He trusr-tn•!ftffl
! (11) ~ .

Primary Subsource
Re :

(U//FOUO) On the Diveykin identificatio n , this was the name her sources
gave her . He was in the Domestic Policy entity and was one of the
people i n c harge of US-Russia relations (.r,N.Z:,LYST NOTE :
description was someone unclear here , because he added ,
"election-related stuff, " but then went back to referring to it as
"US-Russia relations . " lf"i'!ttffl suggested that there was an attempt t o
masquerade things or c raft a fa~ade because "the f olks who were in
domestic p oli cy were wor king external [foreign] policy, while the folks
doing e xternal were working domestic matters . "

explained that , o n the who le , his conversations

with ~ - - ~ in an opaque way , so as to be careful
security-wi se . f"!'!@P and - l:new that when they tall:e,j , they
were talking about the US election issue, but wouldn ' t necessarily
refer to it .

(U/ / FOUO) - is the one who t.:,l d - that the Russian

government was sitting on " l: ompromat" as state,j in r:,aragraph 4 .

(U / /FOUO) att o rney stated that it was his client ' s

assessment that t his informatio n from M"l'!@fl was credible and
accurate . It is conclusion that the informatio n in
paragraph 3 c ame from his conversation witr. n·!'!fifd

(U // FOUO) - i s "inco nclusi 11e" about 'JJhere e:-:ac tly the

informati o n in paragrar:,h -l came from . He thin l:s he an-.:l f•l'!f1P may have
spo ken about it - • - is tiei to b.:,tl- and I vanov - but he
would o fficial close t o Ivanov ." When
asked by interviewers how descr ibe.:1 f"!':tffl to


iPnmary Subsource

r:hristopher Steele , - said that he :iescribed her as "my frien:i

who knows someone in the Kreml i n wi th direct/indirect access to Sergey
Ivanov . "

IV. Dossier Report 2016/134

(U // FOUO) The informati o n in the fir st paragraph o f thi s repo rt came

from text inter cha nge with Source 5 in Oc t ober :Oli .

(U/ / FOUO) - wa s less con clus i ve about the const ru c ti ,:,n 0f

paragraph ~ The final se ntence about the lifting of s anc ti ons was
te:-:t in October , but - neve r mentic,ne:i
to had been offered any brokerage of the 10 ~
Ros neft stake . There were speculations and " open secrets" about Ros neft
and f o reign offerings . For example , , an energy
analyst and pro fes sor [ AN~L'i"ST NOTE : Thi s app':-ars to be- id-':.'1ti -. ::al ro
t,ho as o f _ t,a s the- - of Russia' - -
s uggested in broa-:i terms t o - ir;m
that o nce sanct i o ns were lifted , Rc,sneft
could find itsel f in a " pri·.;ileged" sta t e . As an aside , -
remarked tha ~ is often dismisse:i intrinsically a s being a
Ga =pr om lobbyist.

V. Michael Cohen, Prague and Dossier Reports 2016/135 , 2016/136, and


(U/ / FOUO ) - began his e:-:planati,:,n ,:,f the Prague and Michael
Cohen-related reports by stat ing that Ch ri stopher Steele had give n him
4-5 name s t o r esea r c h f o r the election-related tasking . He could only
remember three of the names : r: arter Page , Paul Manafc,rt and Michael
Cohen . When he talked t o Source 3 in the fall 0~ :01E - he be:ieves

Primary Subsource

Re : , 1) : / ,) s, / : O

it was a phone call - he rattled off these name s and , out of them , he
was surprised to hear that . immediately [l ater - s o ftened
this to "almos t immediately"] recogni:ed C0hen ' s name .

(U // FOUO) In Report :,)!E/ 135 , - did not 1:now the or igins ,:, f
paragraph 1 . He said that it didn ' t come fr o m him , and that he doesn ' t
kno w where the info rmati0n i s from . He described it as "too general . "

(U // FOUO) In paragraph:
recogni : ed material from his conversat i ons
middle of the paragrar:,h . §•f••iffj had t old
three o ther unidentified peo ple had flown
later , "assumed they had flown"] into Prague in August-September '2 0 1€
and had met with a gro up fr o m Russia . - a s ked her wh,:i
besides Cohen haj come int o Prague fr om the US sije - she didn't kn ow ,
but she was willing to go back and find o ut . She never got back t o him
abo ut this . - also asked abo ut the participants on the Rus sian
s ide . She didn ' t know , but she iniicateJ that her "best gue ss " or "her
understanding" was that they were ~r a m "Legal Affairs" or "Legal
Department . " - indicated thaf"l''ftffl di j no t say why she
tho ught that . wasn ' t aware that such an entity existed - he
was not able t o find it through research .

(U // FOUO ) Reflecting 0 n the Prague-related material , _ _

believes he had: , maybe e ven 3 , conversations with - - ;~
this topic later in October . No thing o n Prague and Cohen wa s
collected during the . trip in ~ he fir s t conver sat i ,)n
is the o ne during which he believe~ no tej her recogniti on
o f Cohen ' s name . The second conversatio n is the o ne in whi c h she
discussed Prague , t he visit of Cohen plu s three o ther indi v iiual s ,

Primary Subsource
Re : , i)'.::/OS-/ '.:: 0

and the meeting with the Russian side . There may have been a thir ,j
conversation o n the topic , bu~ could no t re c all e:-:actly
and said that they had also tall:ed abo ut "a pri\·ate subject . "

(U// FOUO) In paragraph ~ doesn ' t believe he jiscusse :! Paul

Manaf o rt with S'i'tt•. ~ 't bring up Carter Page or Manaf.:,rt
during these Oc tober conversat i o ns . The direct quo te " ... to sweep it all
under the carpet ... " i s fr o- . - did no t sa 1 , ho wever , why Cohen
went t o Prague instead of Carter Page .

(U//FOUO) In Dossier Report '.:: 1)1U lee, Source 3 i s the o ne who

pro vided the Rosso trudnichestvo informati o n and the identificati o n o f
_ _ saict that during either the sec,)nd o r third
conversation wit~ abou t the Cohen matter, S'/'Mffl had initial!:,:
tho ught the meetings involvect the " legal department " but then
identifie-d - and Rossotrudnichestv0 . - l:er:,t r:,ushing
n·r:ne f o r info rmati o n ab(.'Ut the ijentities o f the us participants,
but she dict no t l:now . On the Russian s ide, - re-.:iuested that she
go bacl: t o her sources, and it was after that s he c ame bacl: with the
identificati o n o f . However , - said that - ne·.rer
mentio ned o r s aict was worl:ing " under Rossotrudniche stvo
cover ," as i s state-d in the repo rt . - had done hi s o wn research
and confirmed that existed .

(U // FOUO) In the same report , the o ne who menti o ned

"deniable cash pa 1 ments" pu s he-j - f o r the
s ub st ance o f the meeting in Prague , but he i s no t sure ~ wa s
brainstorming here , o r if she is rela ting informati o n fr o m her sources .

o f Primary Subsource
Re : , ,) : / ,) '=' r.. C

the other ,fay to asl: an article abo ut Ru ss ian
speakers and Trump . currently visa t0 c o me t o the
United States . To questions p o sej by FSI S.!\. - an :l comment s
made by his atto rne:,, , - in:li c ate:i that he coul:l c arefully
Source 3 , perhaps e v en meet her in a third c o untry . To
try and get additio nal info rmatio n o f inter es t t o the FBI wo ul:l
require in-perso n conversatio n , and - ·::iuipped that he ' d
never been - . said that he had i:,lans t c, vi s it
her earl i er this year , but that it d i:ln ' t wo rk o ut .
s aid that she tne w that he ha:l plan s t 0 vi s it her in
the two o f them had talked thr o ugh the p:an s . When
wo uld be c o mf o rtable talking t o the FBI ,
wasn ' t s ure .

(U // FOUO)- s ummari:ed that , when it comes t c, the d oss 1e1 , t he

Page material regarding Sechin came fr ,:,m - -· while the
Co hen / Prague material came fr o rr n•1•:,e1
(U / / FOUO) In paragraph 3 o f P.ep.::, rt :,:ii u le c, - sai,:l that he
be:ieves that the material " s tro ngly co rres r:,o nds " t o a recent , De c ember
2 0 1 6 c o nversati o n that he ha:l with Source 3 . Thi s wa s a s eparate ,
f o llo w- o n c o nver s ati on t o the Oc t o ber c o n~er s atio n s menti o ne:l bef o re .
The material is no t wo rd-fo r-wo r:l ::r,:,m his com·er s atic,n with f·l':ttf•,
but partially-based 1.,n their December : 0 1 c te:epho ne conver s ati,) n . F,:,r
e:-:ample , in their com:ersati ,:,n , ·,,hile he do e s n ' t remember he r s a:,·ing
- he :lo e s recall her saying He rec all s that s he ta l l:e:i


Primary Subsource
Re : , c,::::;o~;::::o

about "affiliates " but she jid n o t mention the Dem0cratic

Party in the way that the report says . As he menti o ned earlier , he
stated their conver sat i ons were held in the overall conte~t of the US
elections and hacking , but he is not sure if she menti o ned a specific
political party or candidate at thi s time . She did mentio n "por n
traffic" as menti oned in this paragraph . - does no t recall
- reference to a specif i c time frame of March throu9h September
'.::OH .

(U/ / FOUO) 1'f'!@M d i d mentio n both who

she mentio ne d - as sta ted in the report - w0rk " u nder the FSB ." She
ment i o ned - and all o f his smal ler subsidiaries and compani-=:s .
sa id that - , which
sa i d wa s 0ne
the interv iewer s that his understanding of this t o pic (i . e . cyber) was
is not an IT specia li st herself . ne 1:erf'i'!tftf
said that was involved in any of this . He said that
paragraph 3 has references and ke yworjs involv ing payments and cover-up
fr o m his conversat i on with f'f'!ftM
(U // FOUO) With respect to paragraph 4 , Source 3 gave this as a kinj
o f e~ample . She didn ' t offer any specif i c information o r evidence , but
that this (e . g . Romanian hackers heading t o Bulgaria t o lay low) is a
l:ind of e:,:ample [..J.N.l';L'r"ST NC-TE : It SE-':-mc=-d~ d-=-SCripti,'il

that this miqht b':- - analysi s ] . ~ t sure where the

term "bolt hole" is fr o m, and triej , unsuccessfullj , t o think about
what Russian term this might be representing . When asked if everything
in this paragraph came fr o m f'f''fffl - said that it was
difficult t o say with certainty . It sounds like material that ~,~,"Ii~.,~«:-••
would say . Looking back thr o ugh the paragraph , - said that


Primary Subsource
Re :

everything before the term " lay low" is definitely while

he is no t sure about everything after that term .
about the specifics in this paragraph anj agreed with int erviewers that
the report has mo re specific language (p:ace names; ethni c it~ o f
hackers) than o ther report s . Interviewers brought up the fa c t that
- had mentio ned the i:,revious day s po l:i l i a l l l l
and had a family va cation home ji.j not l:no·,1 if
the family home was in _ , but asl:ej was " on the c-:,ast"
because that ' s where typi c al family vacation homes were located .

Source 6 RIA Novosti, and Dossier Report 2016/95

(U/ / FOUO) - was as ked t o go bacl: ove r the rer,..:,rts discussed in

brief the previous day regarding his interacti on with Source 6
- sa i d that Christor:,her Steele had a sl:ej him t o :ind sources
linked to the Trump team , who couli answe~ the ove rar ch ing ~ue s t10ns
regarding Russia ' s connections t o the team , etc . - turne:l t-:,
his contacts at , and hi s contacts there t o ld him
f ) fl llldl \ '.'--, ( Jtl ,I ll lfl t'
that there was "thi s guy , Source 6 " that he
I 111rn .i f\ '.'--.1Jt1 ,tlllll •.
should tall: t o .

met in pers on with

understands) and who is o ne o f

said tha I

them met over lunch at a Thai restaurant . He didn ' t want t o a sk

USPER very targeted o r revealing questi ons f o r the electi on
·- tw-:, ,:,f

assignment , so he kept them broaj in scope ("Do yo u

know anyone who c an tall: about all of this Trump / Manafo rt stuff , or
Trump and Russia? " USPER commented about how there wa s a ,;ireat


Primary Subsource
Re :

amount of speculatio n about Russian influence and Ru s sian ties , but

that he was s keptical and no thing substantive had turned up .
·,1ith hi s
[i s ] thi s
hi s
co ntact informatio n." in the enj,
USPER gave him email , and that he
I 1
1111 1.11\ ,t, 111 1 , .
never met
if he still ha s th~ ~mail]

(U // FOUO) ~ led June o r Jul 1 '.::(•le - but

it was aft~ trip did not . -
receive a response fr om thi s email , but says that it wa s at that po int
that "things go t s trange . " In July '.:: 0 lf , he received a te l ephone c al l
from an unidentified Ru ss ian guy . He th.:,u,;_iht it ·,1a s M"l'!ftl - he s ti ll
thinl:s it waf•1::tj!ffl - but the in :ii·;iJual never identified hims e l : a s
M"!'•fttl They tall:ed f o r about l •:+ minute s , anj then arrange i t ,:, meet
t ogether up US City

(U// FOUO)- remembe r e d that they maie i:,lans t o mee t \'221·

and that o ffer e d t o come up "an 1·t1me" - wa s a vailable .
r·1··11e wouldn' t
c ould be a commit t o a s pe c ific time , but -
" f o r a co uple o f days . "
s aid that he
could not re c all i:
n·r:1111sa i j he 1 i ve ,j
that he did . Fo ll owing
travelej ••e,f with prepared questio ns ,
vi s it would have been near the end o f Ju:y . ~ith

l i l i l i l l "who that it woul j be


Primary Subsource
I 0'2./t)(_,/":_

hard to reach out to him - now because he was in

- ·- remembers providing Christ o pher Steele with the
info rmation about - whereabc,uts in

(U/ / FOUO) - tried o ne more

":.OlE . He decided
inv0 lved in
pro ject , so , sent
him a brochure abo ut that it
genera te a respo nse . po int , S-l"ftf1
and - became could not
remember which o f them

a nd the person he believed - and still

believes - t o be o ne 1(1-15 minute conversation . -
says that " Source E" in Report ":.Oli / 05 sounds l ike it i s fr om thi s
conversation . Dur ing the phone ca ll , he remember s menti o ning Manafo rt
and Page . - recall s that thi s li:1-15 minute co nversati c,n
incl uded a general discu ss i o n about Trump and the Kremlin, that there
was " communication " be tween the part:ies , anj that it wa s an o ng.:,ing
relatio nshir:, . - rec all s that: the injividual believed t o be
,.,..., , said that there was "e:-:c hange of info rmatio n" between Trump and
the Kremlin , and that: there wa s "no thing bad abo ut it: . '- said
that some of this info rmati o n e:-:change cou lj be goo,j f o r Ru .s s ia, and
some could be damag i ng t o Trump, but deniable . The injividual sa i d that
the Kremlin might be o f help t o get Trump elec ted, but - did
no t r eca ll any discussion o r menti o n o f Wiki leak s .

(U/ / FOUO) Be s ide s the 1(1-15 minute co nve r sati o n, - had no

further c,:,ntact wit:h ft"!'•fjffl ior the person he believed t o be r::,,.··1,•lf·,,-,.).


Primary Subsource
I i): ;o s- ; :o

VI. Trump , the Ritz Carlton and Dossier Report 2016/80

(U/ / FOUO) The interviewers bro ught attentio n t o the repo rt

regarding Trump ' s alleged unorthodo ~ se~ual activity at the Rit:
Carlto n Hotel - specifi c ally paragraph 3 o f
said that this info rmati o n came, partially ,
Source 2 circle of ass ociates and friends , o nce
more , is primarily in the - sphere , but his s o cial netwc, ri: is
vast , and he has o ther, random ass oc iates . In fact , as another e~ample,
travels to SIA SIA

(U / /FOUO) When - asked - in early June :1:,H (the -

) about whether he knew of any c ompromising materials o n
sa i d that there wa s a "well known sto ry" abo ut Trump ' s
activities in the
the Rit: Carlto n .
preparati o ns
invo lved the allegati o n that Trumi:, wa s "into water spo rt s " and had
engagei in that activity "in the pres iJe ntial s uite" at the Rit:
Carlt on . In terms of whether the sto ry wa s true , - e:-:plaine d
that pe ople "kno w" but that it " o n l y becomes fa c t if people come
forward . " - sai d that the ho tel i s buggeJ , and "heaven ,:,n l y
knows " who o r what has been filmed by the FSB. said t o

(U // FOUO) As - e:-:plained it , the fa c t o f ho te l bugging an,:! the


Primary Subsource
Re :

use o f filmed "l:ompromat" is no t uncommon . - relatej t he name s

o f thos e who have been targeted in thi s way - [Yuriy] Skuratov ,
[Mikhail] Kasyanov , and Vladimir Ru shkov [unclear , maybe Ry =hl:ov) .
- has also been able t o comment o n hotel bugging because it i s
generally l:nown , a s he explained t o interv iewers , that if yo u want t o
visit Moscow and no t be vulnerable t o being buggej , you have to s tay
away fr om the Rit= Carlto n , the Ho tel Moskva , and the Ho tel Peking.

Regarding paragraph 4 in Rer-,c, rt : ,Hc/t'•) ,

asked about " thi s stuff abo ut Trump at the ho tel . " Hi s interl oc ut o r ~
laughed it o ff , stating that "all l:in js o f thing s har-,r-,en at the hc,tel"
and with celebrities , "o ne never kn,::iws what they ' re doing . " -
said that it wa s n ' t a jenial . Anj asking the hotel staff who were
as s isti ng with the li1I arrangement s , ,:,ne girl commente :I that "anything
goes" at the ho tel , and added that , " o ffi c iall y , we don ' t have
r-,ros titutes . "

(U // FOUO ) Fo r thi s s t o ry , Chri s t opher Steele wa s given the names o~ the

management at the Rit= r~arlto n. - s aid that he repo rted Trumr-,' s
unorthodo x sexual acti v ity at the Rit= a s "rumo r and speculatio n" anj
that he had no t been able t o confirm the story .

(U // FOUO) In the same re port , paragraph s l , 4 an,j 5 , -

identified " So urce B" a s - th1 ,)ugh • - .

f·Wttt• repo rt ed that he "had a conversat i o n" abo ut

the content in the repo rt . that the y had "embarrass ing
s tuff - s e:rnal / po rnographic material" on a number ._,f fol l: s , " in c lu:iing
Trump ." - sa id that the e nd o f paragrar,h 4 regarding the


Primary Subsource
Re : , 0':./0':-/'.:.Ci

ability t o blackmail Trump was "logical conclusion " rather than

t oo k place in June ':.0li at

himself] .
paragraph 5 was part o f
a conversation between - but -anf•i''fttl,
has nc, i ,jea
where the mentio n o f "Department K of the FSB" i s from . He does not
recall hearing that , or mentioning that t o Christopher Steele .
Additio nall y , the years over whi c h the "k ompro mat" file was colle c tej
F'llllldl\ ~11t1 ,dtll ( l '
were al so never mentio ned , t o rec,:,lle c ti o n .

26 January 2017

FBI Washington Field Office Interview Room

Present :

, interviewee

, inter viewee ' s att orney

, FBI sr:,ecial .Z\gent •

, FBI Supervis o ry Intelligence P,.nalyst •

, Deputy , Natio nal Security Di vision , US Department o :


I. Recent Communication by Orbis Representative; Overall Wellbeing

Primary Subsource
Re :

(U/ / FOUO) his attor ney related that Chris Steele haj
mor ning . One of Steele ' s associates at
Orbis , - an analyst who said he- ha s
seen appro:,imately 1: times - rema rl:e.:I that
- "had been lying t o0 low ." that " [Orbis] ha.:ln ' t
heard from him ove r the past 1 0 .:lays , and that they wanted to l:now what
was going staying in a hotel
and at hi

talking to an attor ney

(U / / FOUO) - dij not s peal: with Steele during thi::: cc,nversat i on :

- hear,.:! from - that Steele was still "l ying l ow" but that
"everyone " was concerned about • • • ·,1ellbeing . [,lNALi"ST 1'X' TE :

i:1.:ii.:atio:1 o f :10 1, ilis ~·liEnt ,,as put tr.rouqh th.;: r,;-.;ruitm.;:nt .::,-c:1-=- -
initially r-=-·::ruit-:-.:i L-y Chris Ste,;-]-:, , but passed ::-ff t .:- und-=-rli:1 01s L 0 r

.:iay-t..::--.:iay manaq-=-m-:,nt . ] - an,j - discussej s0me p c,ss ible

future assignments - " s mall due jiligence assignments unrelated to
po.:.itics" - and - ind i cate.:! that they ·,1ould run s tuff by him if
something came up - but [and i t I,as ,L' t .:1-=-ar i f this ivas -
actual .:.:>mm5-nt or r""fl-:,::ti .:-:1] pr0bably n.:,t much in the area

of Russia . There was tall: about wiring past due monies f,:>r - to
. Or , - adde._:! , there ·,1as also jiscussio n ab,:>ut
getting him mo ney through " someone we l:no w [ in the United States]"
- was hesitant abo ut arranging payments in any ·,1ay that " lool:ed
strange . "

(U / / FOUO) - told - that since the Bti=:fee:l stor:i hit the

news , Orbis has received : 0 , 000 emails .

Primary Subsource

(U// FOUO) No one from

typically wo rks from hi s
home . He works o ff-h ours , given the time difference bet wee1- - - - - - - -
Mosco w and Lo ndo n . There i s space and s ome de s ks he ca n use~
. , but mo st of his work is do ne at home .

(U // FOUO) - commented that , unles s his name go e s public , he i s

fine when it comes t o his s o urce netwo rk . He d oesn ' t believe he c an
be in janger and , as he put

(U // FOUO) - indicated that Orbi s does kno w the identitie s o f

some o f his s o urce s - they have s ome first and last name s . Fo r example ,

(U // FOUO) - s aid that he had go ne bad: t o chec k f o r electro ni c

communicatio n reco rds , but le s aid that he haj deleted most o f the
electio n-related co mmunic ati o ns " mo nths ago . " i-le al so ha s a different
pho ne fr om the o ne he used prev i ous_:;. He diJn ' t jel ete communi c ati ,:,n
invo lving USPER 2 [see prev i ou s day ' s interv iew], and he haj
repo rteJ that c ommunicati o n t o Chri s t opher Steele .

(U//FOUO) Dossier Report 2016/86

(U / / FOUO) - wa s a s ked a numbe r o f ,.:iues ti c,n s regarding the

s o urcing and info rmati o n abo ut the FSB c yber-related d oss ier repo rt .

(U // FOUO) In parag raph l , the "fo rmer senio r intelligenc e o ffi c er" i s
Former Russian Intelligence

info rmati o n direc tly t o

Primary Subsource
Re :

cafe .

(U// FOUO) Some of the material in paragraph: was no t familiar t 0

. In general , the material tracl: s with comment s made to
by , with corro bo rati o n via open source
material . Loo king more over the paragrai:,h, - said that the
- material begins with the sentence , "To compen s ate f o r thi.s
shortfall..." - does not recall using the terms "first tier" (in
the fir s t se ntence) in his repor t s t o Steele - he is no t sure that
info rmatio n came fr om him l 11ir11,H\ ~ 11h -..rnHrt•

(U// FOUO) The material in paragraph 3 could be referencing material

gleaned from o ne o f friends Friend

- · When he wa s c aught
"fac ilitating payments f o r a po rnographi c website . " He wa s o ffered a
deal - cooperate with the FSB o r po tentially go t o jail . He ended up
doing some wo rl: f o r the FSB, but - doesn ' t l:nc.w what type ,:,f

WO l ~ did f ,)r the FSB [:l/l!ALrS T NC·TE : Thi s i s i:1 ::ont r a.:h .·ti, :1 0

t o • • • • • • stat1c-m'c'nt tile fir st day, at 1,hi::h time he indi::ar-;-d that

he did no t have any :::>nta -:: t s a ssociat ed 1,ith the Russia:1 intelliq-;-:1::.;-
i s a couple o f years younger than
_ , and he t o "normal l if e" [that i s , post
FSB activity] aro und - t old - that he
knew o f many o ther peo ple who ha ve been put in a sim ila r situation
[with the FSB) . Present:y, - ; however,
- is unclear tho ught that -
mi ght be wo rking f o r for the banking
industry, and /or
asked i would cons i der - a
s aid " yes , like myse l f, but in a di fferent [s e c t or ) . "


Primary Subsource
Re :

(U // FOUO) In the same paragraph - paragraph 3 - the po rti on that beg in s

wi th "In one case a US c iti:en ... " ·,1a s ,jeri\·ej fr om a cc,nver s ati on wit h
related thi s s t ory , indi c ating that the US
friend ·,1h0 Joe s worl: •, ;ith " educ ati o nal api:,s c, r
something . "

(U// FOUO) Fo r paragraph .J , - c o uld no t attribute it t 0 any

source in particular . The "fo reign dire c t o r o f a compan1 ," re c alled
- · is a f o reign j irec t .:,r 0n the boar j <:, f - · but he d i :l
know the exa c t identity .

(U// FOUO) Fo r paragraph 5 , - said that some o f the info rmati0 n

d i scuss i o ns with the Rus s ian

is an inc,.)rrec t
t 0 him
l ' llflldl \ ...... ut, ,l llllt , .

(U / / FOUO) Regarding paragrai:,h c,_ compromi s e :i .

conc lusively t o any particular source . He said that he c an ' t confirm

it , but he bel i e ve s the source may ha ve been Source 2
c0u l,j nc,t attribute it

Some .:, f it
i s open s0urc e , however .

(U//FOUO) General Summarizing about Sources

(U/ / FOUO) The inter·:iewers a s l:e-:i - i: , generally s peal:ing about

the dos s ier a s a who le , the me ntio ns o f Dmitri y Pes l:ov [Putin ' s press
s ecretary] and Sergey I vanov c an be t '/ picall :,r source j t ~ .
- s aid ye s - M-i'!fffl has :iirec t and ind irec t contac t ·,;ith a
deputy , o r multiple deputies , in . As s tat ed ear l ier,


Primary Subsource
Re :

sa i d that , thr ough

deputies ani assistants she uses f or ge t ting her in format i o n .
and the

(U//FOUO) Whe n it come s t o any materi al o n

related a story from c irca 20 15-2 0 16 . For a d ifferent assignment ,
got tall: t o th~ . Dur ing that
indicated that po wer and authorit y when
it came t o press relati ons had centrali:ed ,)n Pesl:ov . - - -
frien.:J indicated that " [we ' re] all un,jer Pesl:ov now ," ·~!~
t ook t o mean that authority within the Presidential A,jmini s trati o n' s
PR/ GR c ircles ha.:J entered a r.,yramid-type stage with Pesl:ov at the tc•r.•
of the pyrami d .

(U// FOUO ) On t he ma t er ial regarding the replacement o f Sergey I va no~

with .L.nto n Vai no , this was al s,) der i vej from e•r'fttl . as well as " two
o t her friends" [whi c h - left vague and didn ' t identify]. The
part o f the reports connecting I va nov ' s replacement by Vaine t o the
fall o ut ove r Russia's influence efforts against the US election was ,
according t o - · his analyti cal co nclus i o n . M•f''@fj " conf i rmed
that it had to be true , ,, said - - n·l'!f1P
t old him someth ing
like " [Ivanov ' s dismissal because o f US -e lection rela ted fallout] just
had t o be true" or else she sa id something like "Of cou r se , it has to
be t hat ... "

(U//FOUO) General Summarizing of Debriefings by Orbi s

(U/ / FOUO) The intervi e wers as l:ed - about how Ch ri stopher Steele
would go about debriefing him after hi s v i s it s , spec ifi ca l ly about how


i Pnmary Subsource
Re : ' ,): /,) <:: I

Steele asl:ed him abo ut distinguishing between what hi s s o urces have

told him versus his analytical j tdgments __ s aij
that Steele would o ften asl: him , "hre yo u sure [abo ut what yo ur sour c e
is telling yo u , " and sometime s wo uld repeatedl y pre ss him abo ut a
certain repo rt - emphasi:ing ".Z:,,re you s ure ? Are you s ure ? "
- said that he was very carefu l abo ut c a veating
during debrie~s with Steele . He wo ul:l te l l Steele if something wa s his
analytical judgment ("As an ana lys t , I thin!: ... ") , explain hi s confiience
levels ("It is poss ible v s . lil:ely" o r " : t i s plau s ible") , and e~en
tell Steele whethe r something had jus t no t been expli c itly :lenieJ ("No
one has denied it ·11hen I ' ve br,:,ur;iht it up . ") . At time s he wo ul d tell
Steele that "I ' ve t o ld yo u what I ):no w. " When pre s se,:i b y Steele t o try
t o get additio nal info rmatic,n , - wou l d e:-:pl ain that he :li:i nc,t
want t o go bac l: t o his frien ds " 3 o r 4 time s " t o try t o get a dd iti o nal
material - it wo uld l ool: ba:i and it wou l :l rai s e s us pi c i on s . St e ele
might a s l:, f o r example , " Do any o f 1o ur Primary Subsource s ourc e s ):now if
I vano v wa s s a c l:e:l be cau s e o f the US presidential e:ecti on?"

(U // FOUO) No t wanting t ,, c aus e s us pici on s with friend s and a ssoc iate s ,

- wo uld try anJ corr c,bo rat e the r e i:•.:, rting he .
received in o ther ways . The interv i ewer s als o a s l:ed 1f wo ul:i
characteri:e hi s s o urce s t o Steele ('. t old me :~" ,:, r ' • · t .:,1 :1 me
Y") . - said that ·,1as no t al".-Jays the c a .c: e .

(U // FOUO) - said that hi s -,·e:::ba2. debr ie f ings •,1ith Chri s t.:,i:,he r

Steele were held at Orbi s ' o f~i ce , no t at hot els . Steele wo ul d :lebr ief
- solo , and ·11o u: .:1 tal:e hand·,nitten no te s o f wha ~ wa s
telling him . - r e marl:e,:l that it [S tee:e tal:ing handwritten
no t e s] wa s just lil:e "yo u [ the FBI inter~iewer s ] are Jo ing t oda y . "


Primary Subsource
Re :

(U / / FOUO) Go ing back o ver his note-tal:ing , - s aid that he wc,uld

not really wr i te detailed n o tes abo ut his sour c e meetings . Ev en o n the
SIA SIA flight , returning fr om trips , he might s crat c h o ut a
few tentative p o ints - i . e . "5 days , 17 meetings " - and maybe some
cryptic reminders . He might also write a te~t message t o himself , but
he c o mpared it t o preparatio n t o a c o nferen c e panel presentatio n -- a
few n o tes jotted o n a no tec ard befo re o ne heads t o the panel . He t o l d
the i nterviewers that he had de s tr o yej any o ! these s cribbled no tes .

(U / / FOUO) Prirnt11\ ~lit) ~cHII< t ·

was asked h o w Stee l e tasl:ed him - by emai l , Skype
Pr1111,u, ~lJthl urn•
o r pho ne . said it was a combinati o n o f the s e thing s .
- described the US electi o n - relate:l ta s l:ing came in three
waves : (1) the initial tasl:ing abo ut Paul Manaf o rt ; ('.:) the ta s l:ing
abo ut any c ompro mi s i ng materials o n Do nald Trump ; (3) tas l:ing abo ut
Sergey Ivano v ' s invo lvement in the US ele c ti o n ; and (~) l ater o n, in
the fall o f '.: C•lE, 4-5 names tc, ask abo ut [which - tall:ed ab,:iut
earlier , including Carter Page and Mi c hae l Cohen].

(U / / FOUO)- was a s l:ed if Stee le h ad e ve r mentio ned g c, ing t o the

press abo ut with the elec tio n-relate d info rmati o n . To
l:nowledge , Steele ne ver went t o the pre ss abo ut thi s material .
- never heard Ste ele voi ce an:,: thing s ugges ting that thi s
material needed t o get int o the hands o f the press .

(U / / FOUO) - wa s asl:ed if he wa s tas l:e.:i with anything el s e

s imilar t o what wa s in the :loss ier , but d o e s n o t appear in the d o ss i er .
He said n o , and r e p e ated that these t ypes o f ta s l:ing s [ o n the elec tio n
matter] made him unc o mf o rtab l e . St e ele pu s hed - t o t ry and
either f o ll o w- up with peop l e o r c o rr o b o rate the repo rting , but
- was n ' t able t o do so . Mo reo v e r , - a d d e d, att e mi:-t s at


Primary Subsource
Re :

getting corroboration o n these subjects made him uncom f or table - he was

very nervo us about the Russian s find ing ou t about it .

(U//FOUO) The inter v iewers later asl:ed - t o review his

anno tated versi o n of the dossier , asl:ing specifically if there were any
additi o nal source names that had not been cove red in the 3-day
intervie·,1. - saiJ that there were nc:i o ther source name s .

(U/ / FOUO) - s aid that he did not have any UK-ba sed friend s (,r
social netwo rk connections from whom he collects informatio n .

(U//FOUO) More Information about Trips

- --
(U/ /F0U0) Ill 2016

(U// FOUO) The . '.::O le trip was completely pai..:! by Orbis .

(U//F0U0) 2016

(U//FOUO) He remarl:ed that the - trip wa s " odd , " e:-:plaining that,
upo n entry , he was interviewed mo re pointedly than usual . This was the
o nly time it ha s happened . For about five minutes , he was peppered with
questions and sta tements lil:e , "What exactly are you planning to do
here? Who are you visiting? Your r~o t o lool:s

. All the while, hi s questioners at entrJ

checl:ing o n the computer . He reported this incident to Steele .

4 '?

iPnmary Subsource
Re : , t)':. /0 ':' / _

{U // E'0U0 ) Go ing bacl: over the - trip , the interviewer s a s l:e,:! if he

made it up tc , particular l y s in c e some o f the material
. He did
- . He went f o r a "private weel:end" t o that had
nothing t o do with wo rl: . He flew - fr om
- said that no ne o f the material in the dos sier was deri ved
fr o m his weel:end trip t·

(U / ff0U0 ) The trip was completely pai:! by 0 rbi s .

(U/ /FOUO) - 2016

(U/ / E'0U0) What alarmed - mos t abo ut hi s SIA :i:1 1c v i s it


wa$ "ho w perfectly it all •,1ent . " No thing ba,:! happened . There were a
number c,f event s f o r which he was the fa c ilitato r . He had t o mal:e su re
peo ple were where they were s uppos ed t o be, and he al so gave a

witho ut a hitch .

(U / ff0 U0 ) During the -

pre s entatio n t o the delegati o n wa s
o ne o f 3-4 speal:ers
i s the o nly per son ,: luring this trip whose name ma,:!e it
into the d oss ier ; ho wever , the materia l o n - wa s no t :!eri\·e :! fr .:,m
trip . did no t s pend an y time

c o llect anything

Primary Subsource
, ,) : 1 or:: r:. o

(U// FOUO) Steele debriefed - after the - trip . No thinq

specific was prov ided ; he and Steele just had "o ng oing c o nversati o ns "
abou t the general situation . Orbis c o ntributed t o the costs of the
- trip , but the trip wa s paid by - . It was during thi s lay0ver
period in Lo ndo n that - recei ved the te:-:t cc,n firming Page's
meeting with Sechin .

(U//FOUO) - 2016

(U / / FOUO) - traveled tc, the Ur- at the end .:,f - : ,:,ic. The
trip was j o intly finance,:! by Orbis anj - himself . He met with
Steele , but mos t o f the rest of Orbi s staff wa s o n a retreat in Dublin .
He and Steele went o ut , had a glass o f c hampagne, and had o nl y ge neral
conversations. There was no discussio n 0 f the elec ti o n, and no
dis cuss i on o f the electi o n-re lated pr oj ect .

(U//FOUO) St. Petersburg & Dossier Report 2016/112

(U / / FOUO) - e:,:plained that the 0ve rall subject 0 f thi s re1:.0 rt -

Govorun , Alfa Bani: - has been a t opic he wo rl:ing
f or over ten years . It hearkens with
USPER , where they wo uld hypo thes i:e abo ut relationships
between Russian co rrupti o n and the Alfa Fell ows hip .

(U // FOUO) As an a s i de , ~ ano corr upti o n-re lated s t o ry

whe re in Source 1 ~; I d - that [som~2ne had t o ld him ] abo ut
how Marat Bashiro v , who had been head o ~ t he Lugan s l: ?e ople' s Re publi c
(LPR) and has been s anctio ned by the EU , left the LPR after 5-f mo nth s
to become a t op l obbyist for Renova Group - s pe c ifi c all y Ren0va ' s arm
dealing with heating and power distributi o n . Bashirov i s a Moscow-ba sed
l obbyist who is wo rking t o get the EU sanc tio ns lifted .

Primary Subsource
Re : , ,:, : 1.:, s- r:. o

(U//FOUO) S t . Petersburg-Related Information

(U // FOUO) The material regarding St . Peter2burg ani Trump real estate

deals came from . - - suggestei that one i:,e rs on t o
look at regarding compromising material on Trump was [Aras] Agalaro~,
as well as , one 0f the biggest real estate deveh,r:,e1s .

• (U// FOUO) - also tall:ed to a frien ,j o f his whc, [.-~J':.- u.r

ST NOTE : -::-itiler had or J:n-:-1-1 s.::>mec-n-? 1,h.) had) escorte-i Trumi:, while
in St . Petersburg . , who he knew as a
- i~ , was a who live.j in Moscow. She
was about lliJyears old when she iie,j , suddenly , last • .
- heard the news from her boyfriend , who sent him a pic ture
of her gravesite . She wr0 te stor ies whi ch were on the c ritical s iie

(U//FOUO) Reactions of Friends to the Dossier

(U/ / FOUOJ - has had friends r-each .:,u t t o him about Trumi:, an·i
the dossier . He ' s cons i derei it no rmal joking -

.,C _

Primary Subsource

He simply jokes back . None of his friends or social

networ k has broken off contact because o ~ the election or the 1eleas e
of the jossier .

(U//FOUO) Friends ' Travel to the United States ; Approachability

(U I F 2UC, ) Source 3

(U / / FOUO) if he ' d in the

Uni tej sai.j that he met States
during :::,:, 1-: . She had a trip t(• a number of
desti na t i ons in the United States , anj she stoppej over in

I· She , - · and
and to a restaurant
, went sh(•J.:'ping
came out f 0 1 her
He doesn ' t know e~actly where she visited
while in the United States , but he thought it was

(U/ / FOUO) - believes that n•1•!f1tl ha d als o traveled r.,re·:i,:,usl:i

to the Un ited States - perhaps as many as times . He kn ows that
she was o n a in the mid-'.::0 00s . She
has stayed at hotels , as well ac at place .

FBI . He

received a plausible job offe r , she might come over .

that he could carefully inquire about her plans over the coming 1ear
('.::017) and see if there are poss ibilities - he reiterated that he owes
0•1•:en an - ove r the ne:-:t few ja:_;s abou t tl e ·dews ,:, f P.uss ian
speakers in the Unitej States t o ~arjs Trump .


Primary Subsource
Re : , ,~,: /,:,Sor:. C

(U; / F,:,UC') Source 4

(U/ / FOUO) M'l'!ftf• ha s n o t been t0 the Unitej States in r:,r.:,babl:,· II

yea!:s .

1u guc·J Source 1

(U / / FOUO) c irc a - - nc,t

l0ng after · met him in the Unitej States .

tie s ·,1ith - ·

Source 5

(U / / FOUO) • ha s occasi<:,na.:. tra ·,el tc, Eui-:,r:,e an :I s ,:,uthea~,t .Z..s ia

- · She w0 uld pro babl:,' be ·,1illing t..:, tra·;el t ..:, the Unite:l S tate,:: ;
h o wever , 1eiterated that she r e p 0rtedly has " sen i o r
an:! - · Of :- ha n:le:lly· , - ~:ai:l that
- has her c,wn "l: urat(,!: " [hanjl er] but when inter-:iewe!." s
press ej him on thi s p o int , he s,:ftene:I that statement , inji cating that
- " pr,:,jecu: an ima9e that she has the-se tyr:,es .:.,: [.se,:rc-t]
conne c t i<:,ns" an,:! "l:n,:,ws the : in tel.:.. i qe nce] l in·;r,:, . " !ie ne·: er re1:,(,r te :l t<:·
Steele that - had a "l:urat,:-!." ."

(U//FOUO) Given his language abilit; and hi s o v erseas tra~el as an

- student , - ·,1as asl:eJ i: he ha,:! e ·:e r been ar:·r.•r•:,ac he:i b:,·
Rus s ian intelligence an:l /or secu rit; ser~ i ces when he was a s tu:le nt in
• . - sai ,:I n c, . TJ-.e ,:,nl:,· in:li·:i:iuah· •,;itL ·,11·.,:,m lie ha~· c:, nta c t
wh0 were connecte:i t0 Russia ' s intel ligence an:! security ser~ices were

iPnmary Subsource

(1) his :riend, Fnend •,;he, ·.-10rl:e :l fc,r the FSB in c,r :ier t ,:,
t:tay out o f jail SIA Russian official

I who menti o ne,:l in the

who interacted with
..-: ~
:1 r radi -- r-=-:i

Russia ' s inti:-lligen::i:- ani s.;:-::urir:y 3 -=-rvi::-:-s, a:1.:i i t al so ::::ntra.ii::t-=-.::i

his !:-arli1c-r statem7":1ts r7"gar::ii.1.:7 .1 o t r7"all~· J::u1v1:1~1 i f lillil.illll ,,as
a ..-:tually
. ::.:::rn7::t-::-d L · Russia ' s i:1t7"lli }7:l ::7 a:1 .:i s -:- ,::uri ty s-:-n·i :: -:- :s . ]

(U / / F0U0 ) - alsc, relate,:! a s tc,r~- re9a.r,:lin;i Source 2

interacti o n with the FSB . - ,::ai :i that h e,:l this s t ,:., r:,·
" .right bef o re I talked to yo u [the FBI] thi s weel: . " Cir c a

- t o l ,:i him
a pi c tur e 0: the :loo rs at
FSi3EQ , - wa s -:1ue s tic,ne :I
had made about the lea:ler sh ip
tLreatene :I.
P,cc ,n :li n9 t,:,:..:l that "he Source 2
shc,ul :l be s h oul :l wat c h hi s mo uth an:l
act respo nsibly . " - en:lect abc, ut thi s int e ra c ti ,:,n ,
an:i recei ·.;e:l a l,:.,t o f j o l:ing abc, ut

Primary Subsource
- ·.

(U / / FOUO) - brushe.j asi.Je tr.e ijea ,:, :: being ar-·r-·r-~,ache:i b:r· the
intelligence and security ser~i ces as a s tu.:lent . He explained that it
was the late the uni~ersity set ting was rather lax .
class a~l that o ften bec ause hi s
language was alread; g o0.j an.J the classes weren ' t that useful . Peo ple
sm0l:e,.:l in class an.j -.:lressed d0wn .

(U//FOUO) - and Russia ' s Diplomatic Corps

(U // FOUO) - was asl:ed if he ha.J e·,er c-~·n s i -.:lere:l a career ·,;ith

Russia ' s diplomat i c corps .
f c,r , ·,1hich he identifie:l a 0

gra.:luates were t o l.J ,

example , that theJ were slated f o r big things in life an.J wo ul .J be
aimed t o·,1ar.Js uni·:ers i t:,· at - · , ,:, r
, with future career::: in ·.:liplomac~·, intE-rpretat i ,:,n ,:,r " g,:,ing
years later , - remarl:e.:l, r-•r -:,bably ...., o f the ::: tu:ient s
are abr0a.J , in places lil:e Lo n·::lo n an:i e:se·,1her e .

(U / / FOUO ) - t c, ld the inter·:iewer s that he ne·,·er ser i ,:, u s l:,·

con s i.Jere,.:l going int,) the .Jir:,l0macic c,:, q ,s . He ne-;e r te:::ted f ,:, r it, an.:!
he ne ver ai:,r:·lied f 0 r any c, f the maj c,:· uni·:ersities l i ste-:i abc,·:c- [·,1hi ch
wo ul.:l feed into Russia ' s .Jip:0matic cor p s] .

Prunmy S11t1~ow c.e

(U//FOUO) Additional Contacts from .

(U / / FOUO) - ·,1as asl:ed if - besi:ie M"i'tff an::! c,ther .'.:: he ha s

mentio ned - if he has used o ther ol:i frien.:l s hips , sc hoolmate s , an:i
l:no wn a ss,::,c i ates fr 0 m • as s0urce s ,:, :: infc, rmati c,n . - ba:l:c- :l,
meandered in the con?er sat i o n, an.:! di.:! no t really an s wer the qu est i ,:,n .
The inter7iewers .:lid no t press him o n thi s at this p o in~ .


Primary Subsource
Re :

(U//FOUO) Contacts in Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs


(U//FOUO ) - was asl:ed alx,ut his c,:,ntac t s in the MFA . He-

remarked t hat, over the year s , he has coilected numerous bus i ness carjs
o f MFA pers o nnel , usually th r ough contact at conferences anj e7ents . He

met Yuriy Us h ako7 a few times - a n,j remarl:e,:i hc,w ll:::hal:<:,\"
i s l:no wn tc, 01;erate "inder.,enden t" of La1.rr,:,,i .
. . , a-'-s
. ,:, met Sergey
i-:islya l: at a couple o f events - he recal2.e,j c-ne e\;ent that ha r.·r-enc- j ,;n
hi s

(U // FOUO) .Z \.fter thinl:ing ab<:-ut it a bit m,:,1c- , - whisi:,ere:I ,:-tit

" ':'he inter\·iewers asl:ed him f,:,r ad,:liti,:,nal
jetails . not remember the indi7i-:iual ' s surname at
first . He said that . .. ·,;as ::ro _ , an,j that he
" stra n ge c haracter " met year . He met
M,:iscow. bac l:groun,j wa s in pp.;,-:;p ·,1ith the
career with the MFA .

- described MFh j ob as " a je:i7c-r; boj" but addej that

" d ij not seem t o be 1ualifiej for the job
that he had [at the MFA] . " Eventua l l1·, - recalled tha ~
surname was Surname

C •

Primary Subsource
, ,"J: ; ,:,~ r:.c,




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