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Geometry of Shadows: David C. Knill

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3216 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 Knill et al.

Geometry of shadows

David C. Knill
Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, 3815 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

Pascal Mamassian
Department of Psychology, New York University, Washington Square, New York, New York 10012

Daniel Kersten
Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, 75 E. River Road, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

Received December 5, 1996; accepted June 9, 1997

Shadows provide a strong source of information about the shapes of surfaces. We analyze the local geometric
structure of shadow contours on piecewise smooth surfaces. Particular attention is paid to intrinsic shadows
on a surface: that is, shadows created on a surface by the surface’s own shape and placement relative to a
light source. Intrinsic shadow contours provide useful information about the direction of the light source and
the qualitative shape of the underlying surface. We analyze the invariants relating surface shape and light-
source direction to the shapes and singularities of intrinsic shadow contours. The results suggest that intrin-
sic shadows can be used to directly infer illuminant tilt, qualitative global surface structure, and, at intersec-
tions with surface creases, the concavity/convexity of a surface. We show that the results obtained for point
sources of light generalize in a straightforward way to extended light sources, under the assumption that light
sources are convex. © 1997 Optical Society of America [S0740-3232(97)02212-6]

1. INTRODUCTION ometry for simplified, local reflectance models,6 these re-

lations are not likely to generalize to real scenes. Shad-
Artists have long understood the importance of shadows
ows, on the other hand, contain multiple cues for
for generating an impression of three-dimensionality in
segmentation and thus, at least in theory, may be accu-
paintings.1 Figure 1 shows two examples of how shad-
rately measured in natural images. As a first step in
ows can be used to depict surface shape or spatial dis-
studying the perceptual interpretation of intrinsic shad-
placement in scenes. Although both images are clearly
ows, therefore, we have undertaken a theoretical analysis
two-dimensional depictions, they nevertheless induce
of their information content. In this paper we present
strong percepts of three-dimensional structure. Figure
the results of this analysis and suggest a number of im-
1(a) is an example of intrinsic shadows: shadows formed
plications they could have for human visual perception.
by an object on itself. Intrinsic shadows, with which we
are primarily concerned in this paper, provide perceptu-
ally salient information about the shapes of objects and A. Approach
the direction of illumination in a scene.2 Figure 1(b) is One approach to studying the information content of
an example of extrinsic shadows: shadows cast on one shadows would be to formulate a ‘‘shape-from-shadows’’
object by another. Extrinsic shadows provide particu- problem within the classical inverse-optics framework so
larly salient cues to the relative positions and orienta- often applied to problems in computer vision.7–10 In this
tions of objects.3,4 The information provided by extrinsic context, points along intrinsic shadow boundaries provide
shadow contours about surface geometry has been exten- constraints on surface shape that can be used as bound-
sively analyzed by Shafer and Kanade.5 ary conditions for surface interpolation within shadow re-
One view of intrinsic shadows is that they provide a gions, much as occluding contours can be used to con-
coarse description of the shading pattern on a surface. strain shape from shading. The main constraints
The information provided by shadows, however, is quali- provided by shadow boundaries are that (1) the surface
tatively different from that provided by shading, in that normals at points along an attached shadow contour are
the former is fundamentally contained in the geometric perpendicular to the lighting direction and (2) attached
relations between the curves formed by shadow bound- and cast shadow points that lie on the same illuminant
aries and surface and lighting geometry. Furthermore, ray in the image lie on the same illuminant ray in three
shadow contours in natural viewing conditions are not dimensions (they have the same height in a light-source-
simply a special case of isophotes. Isophotes (curves of centered coordinate system).
constant luminance in an image) are determined by mul- Although it is potentially useful in shape reconstruc-
tiple factors, including internal reflections on a surface tion algorithms, the approach described above does not
and between surfaces. To the extent that one can model make explicit the nature of the information provided by
the geometric relations between isophotes and surface ge- intrinsic shadows about surface shape (as well as about

0740-3232/97/123216-17$10.00 © 1997 Optical Society of America

Knill et al. Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 3217

• The global properties of intrinsic shadow contours

and their relationship with surface shape, including the
evolution of intrinsic shadows as an object is moved rela-
tive to a light source (creation, destruction, merging, and
splitting of shadows).
• The relationship between the local shape of intrin-
sic shadow contours and surface shape and illuminant di-
• The types and natures of singularities in intrinsic
shadow contours and their relationship to surface struc-
• The behavior of intrinsic shadow contours at inter-
sections with surface creases.
• The behavior of intrinsic shadow contours at inter-
sections with smooth occluding contours.

Since we are targeting both computational and psycho-

physical audiences, the theoretical discussion will be at
times technical and at times informal, and we will include
both rigorous mathematical proofs and qualitative sum-
maries of results. The paper is organized so that a
reader who does not wish to wade through the details of
the definitions and proofs can do so without missing the
Fig. 1. Examples that clearly demonstrate the role of shadows core of the discussion. We will explicitly indicate sec-
for the perception of three-dimensional surface geometry. (a) tions containing technical proofs that can be skipped by
Artists commonly use intrinsic shadows in pencil and ink the more casual reader.
sketches to induce a sense of three-dimensional surface shape— In Section 2 we provide a qualitative characterization
much more surface structure is evident in the left image than in
of how intrinsic shadows are formed on smooth surfaces,
the right, in which the shadows have been removed. (b) The
shadow cast by one object on another provides perceptually sa- for both point and extended sources of light. In Section 3
lient information about the relative placement and orientations we describe the geometry of intrinsic shadows on smooth
of the objects in three dimensions. The only difference between surfaces illuminated by a point source of light. The
the two images in (b) is the orientation of the shadow cast by the analysis in this section is, for the most part, a straightfor-
pole, yet the pole in the right image appears more upright rela-
tive to the background surface than does the pole in the left im- ward extrapolation of earlier analyses of smooth occlud-
age. ing contours11,12 and of singularities in surface shading
patterns6,13; therefore we derive most of our results by
analogy with these earlier analyses and do not recon-
scene illumination). Our intuition tells us that it is the
struct the corresponding mathematical derivations. In
shapes of intrinsic shadow boundaries that directly pro-
Section 4 we extend the analysis to smooth surfaces illu-
vide information about surface shape and illumination.
minated by extended light sources. Since this section re-
In this paper, therefore, we take a direct approach to
quires a different mathematical analysis from what has
specifying the information content of intrinsic shadows by
been presented before, it will be substantially more tech-
analyzing the geometric constraints on the shapes of in-
nical than previous sections. We will, however, summa-
trinsic shadows and the relationship between the behav-
rize the major results at the end of the section. Section 5
ior of shadow contours and surface shape and illumina-
will present an analysis of the behavior of shadow con-
tion. This is akin to the approach taken by Shafer and
tours at or near creases of piecewise smooth surfaces. In
Kanade5 to understanding the geometry of extrinsic
Section 6 we will discuss the implications of the theoreti-
shadow contours, though the requisite mathematics is
cal results for perception and suggest possible ways in
more in the spirit of Koenderink’s differential geometric
which intrinsic shadow information might be used by the
approach to contour interpretation. The goals of the pa-
visual system for the perception of surface shape, illumi-
per are twofold. First, we hope to provide a complete
nation direction, and contour labeling.
characterization of the local geometric and global topo-
logical behavior of intrinsic shadow contours. An under-
standing of this behavior is, we feel, a prerequisite for
studying many problems involving intrinsic shadows. 2. SHADOW FORMATION
For a theoretical discourse of this type to be useful to the We begin our discussion with a qualitative description of
visual scientist, however, we must at least point to its po- how intrinsic shadows are created on smooth objects (Fig.
tential implications for human vision; therefore a second 2). Two types of shadow regions may be contained in an
goal of the paper is to outline these implications and to intrinsic shadow: attached and cast. Attached shadow
suggest possible predictions for human perception. regions contain points on a surface that face away from a
light source. If the light source is extended in space (e.g.,
B. Outline a light bulb), the constraint must hold for the entire sheaf
We will analyze five aspects of intrinsic shadow contour of rays connecting the point on the surface to points on
geometry: the surface of the light source. A cast shadow region con-
3218 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 Knill et al.

tains points that face a light source but are occluded from gions within intrinsic shadows are ‘‘created’’ by attached
it by a distal part of the surface. Cast shadows on a sur- shadow regions on a surface (Fig. 2) and always abut at-
face illuminated by an extended light source have penum- tached shadow regions. We will refer to the attached
bra; that is, fuzzy boundaries formed by the gradual tran- shadow in such a pair as the parent of the cast shadow.
sition between fully illuminated regions of a surface and Not all intrinsic shadows have cast shadow regions, as il-
fully shadowed regions. For purposes of definition, we do lustrated by the dark side of a ball, whose shadow is en-
not consider penumbra to be part of cast shadow regions; tirely attached; thus intrinsic shadows on surfaces are ei-
that is, we define cast shadows to contain surface points ther entirely attached or contain both attached and cast
that are occluded from all points on a light source. The shadow regions, but they are never entirely cast.
boundaries of cast shadows, then, are the interior edges of We will define shadow regions by their boundary
penumbra. curves and characterize the shadow formation process by
For the sake of analysis and discussion, we will distin- the relationship between light sources and these bound-
guish between visible and invisible shadow boundaries. ary curves on surfaces. Figure 2 shows the geometric
As we have defined them, shadow regions may be nested constructions that allow one to trace out the shadow
within one another or may abut one another along some boundaries on surfaces. For a light source at infinity, the
segment of their boundaries. A large hill, for example, light rays are parallel and attached shadow boundaries
may cast a shadow over small hills, yet by our definition are formed anywhere that a light ray is tangent to a sur-
of shadow regions, the smaller hill might still have an at- face; that is, where the surface normal is perpendicular to
tached shadow on it, though that shadow would be invis- the direction of illumination. The sheaf of rays passing
ible. The boundaries of the small hill’s attached shadow through points on an attached shadow boundary form an
would then be invisible (regardless of viewpoint), as it imaginary surface, which, using the terminology of Shafer
would be hidden by the larger shadow. Cast shadow re- and Kanade,5 we will henceforward refer to as the illumi-

Fig. 2. Regions of a surface facing away from a light source are said to be in attached shadow. For point sources [(a) and (b)], the
boundaries of attached shadows are formed where light rays from the source are cotangent to the surface. For extended sources [(c)],
attached shadow boundaries are formed at points on a surface that share a tangent plane with points on the light source. The rays
connecting attached shadow boundaries to points on the light source that share a common tangent plane form an envelope over the
surface and the light source that is cotangent to both. When a surface region in attached shadow occludes part of the surface from the
light source, a cast shadow is formed that is contiguous with the attached shadow.
Knill et al. Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 3219

nation surface. For a point source at infinity, the illumi- face. Similarly, shadows are destroyed at parabolic
nation surface is cylindrical. For a point source a finite points. When a new shadow is created at a parabolic
distance from a surface [as in Fig. 2(b)], the light rays point, the shadow spreads to either side of the parabolic
may be visualized as radiating from the source, and, as line; thus it contains both elliptic and hyperbolic regions
before, attached shadow boundaries are formed where of a surface. It also necessarily has both attached and
any of these rays lie in the tangent plane of the surface. cast shadow regions.
In this situation imaginary illumination surfaces are
conical, being formed by the sheafs of rays connecting the
source to points on attached shadow boundaries. The
first points of intersection (away from the attached
shadow boundary) between the illumination surface and
the physical surface form the boundary of an attached
shadow’s child cast shadow.
For extended light sources, one can intuitively see that
a surface point will be visible to a point on the surface of
the light source if the two surfaces face each other at that
point [Fig. 2(c)]. As we have defined it, a surface point is
in an attached shadow if it faces away from all points on Fig. 3. The attached shadow on a toroid has two disjoint bound-
an extended light source. The boundary of such a region aries: one formed by the exterior of the donut, the other formed
by the interior. The illumination surface associated with the in-
is formed at surface points where one can draw a ray be- terior boundary has the interesting property that it is self-
tween the surface point and a point on the light source intersecting. This is always true for that part of an illumination
that is in the local tangent planes of both the surface and surface associated with an attached shadow boundary in a hyper-
the light source. The imaginary illumination surface bolic surface patch.
passing through an attached shadow boundary is there-
fore a surface that is simultaneously tangent to both the
illuminated surface and the light source (Fig. 3).
In general, objects that are bounded in space (having
compact surfaces) have at least one intrinsic shadow
whose boundary is entirely attached. Such a shadow will
migrate over a surface as the surface is moved relative to
a light source, but it will never be destroyed. We there-
fore refer to this shadow as an object’s basic shadow.
Other shadows on an object may be created or destroyed
as the object is moved relative to a light source. To pic-
ture this, imagine taking a series of aerial photographs of
a desert over the course of a day. At night, the entire
desert is in shadow, but as the Earth rotates and the Sun
crosses over the sky from dawn to dusk, the shadow
breaks into successively more and smaller shadows on the
dunes. As noon approaches, the shadows shift and many
disappear. More new ones appear as the afternoon
progresses and eventually merge back into one at night-
fall. Similar events occur on a smaller scale as a surface
rotates relative to a light source.
The singular events in the dynamic evolution of shad-
ows come in two basic types: the creation or destruction
of new shadow regions and the merging or splitting of
shadows. To understand the nature of these events and
where they occur on surfaces, we draw on an analogy be-
tween shadow boundaries and smooth occluding contours.
For a point source of light, intrinsic shadow boundaries
are formed at the loci of points on a surface that project to
occluding contours from the viewpoint of the light source.
We can therefore generalize results obtained by Koen- Fig. 4. The evolutionary events in shadow boundaries that oc-
derink and van Doorn11 and Koenderink12 on the singular cur as a light source is moved relative to a surface are qualita-
events in the evolution of smooth occluding contours to tively similar to events in the evolution of occluding contours
that occur with motion of an observer relative to a surface. The
similar events in the evolution of shadow boundaries. first row of the figure shows an event corresponding, in this case,
The results also hold for extended light sources, which to the creation of a shadow at a bump on a surface, although in
can be treated as compact collections of point sources. general it might occur at a dimple. The second row shows the
splitting of a shadow into two, in this case, corresponding to two
bumps on a surface. The last row shows an example of two in-
• Shadow creation/destruction (row 1 of Fig. 4). New trinsic shadows merging as a result of occlusion of one attached
shadows are always created at parabolic points of a sur- shadow by another.
3220 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 Knill et al.

• Shadow merge/split (rows 2 and 3 of Fig. 4). There ary of its child cast shadow (as defined in Section 2). The
are two ways that shadows can merge together (or split other type of junction that can occur between attached
apart) on a surface. From the point of view of the light and cast shadow boundaries corresponds to what would
source, these correspond to merging two smooth occluding appear to the light source as a T junction in an occluding
contours into one smooth occluding contour (Fig. 4, row 2) contour. Such a junction maps to two concave L junc-
or forming a T junction between smooth occluding con- tions between unrelated cast and attached shadow bound-
tours (Fig. 4, row 3). The first type of merge occurs at aries (point a in Fig. 6).
parabolic points on surfaces. It results in the merging of What information, then, is provided by the shadow con-
both attached shadow boundaries and their child cast tours that result from projecting intrinsic shadow bound-
shadow boundaries. The intrinsic shadow boundaries re- aries into an image? We answer this question individu-
sulting from such a merge are smooth. The second type ally for each of the qualitatively different points along
of merge creates a junction between unrelated attached such a contour.
and cast shadow boundaries and results in a concave L
A. Regular Points of Attached Shadow Contours (Point
junction in the visible boundary, one arm of which is at-
a in Fig. 5)
tached, the other arm of which is cast.
As mentioned above, a surface is convex in the direction of
the light source at visible points of an attached shadow
3. SHADOWS ON SMOOTH SURFACES: [excepting the end points, where attached shadow con-
POINT LIGHT SOURCES tours join with their children cast shadow contours, see
Subsection 3.B]. Although this is useful information in
Shadows formed on smooth surfaces by point sources of its own right, the shape of attached shadow contours po-
light provide the easiest case for analysis, since most of tentially provides more quantitative information about
the results follow naturally from previous analyses of surface shape. We might hope to extract information
smooth occluding contours.11,12 Attached shadow bound- about surface shape similar to that provided by smooth
aries are curves on surfaces that would appear as self- occluding contours, for example, in the relationship be-
occlusion boundaries from the viewpoint of the light tween contour curvature and surface curvature (e.g., the
source. Figure 5 shows the geometry relating the two sign of curvature of an occluding contour indicates
types of boundaries. In formal terms, we say that at- whether a surface is convex elliptic or hyperbolic). Un-
tached boundaries are the preimages on a surface of self- fortunately, since we view shadow boundaries from arbi-
occluding contours from the point of view of a light source. trary viewpoints, no such simple invariants hold at regu-
These curves have a number of interesting properties: lar points on attached shadow contours. In Appendix A
• They are everywhere smooth. we derive the quantitative relationships between at-
• The surface is convex in the direction of the light tached shadow contour shape and surface shape. The lo-
source over the visible extent of an attached shadow cal orientation of a shadow contour is related to the local
boundary. Visible attached shadow boundaries therefore curvature and orientation of the underlying surface. The
traverse regions of a surface which are either hyperbolic, curvature is determined by these plus the local third-
parabolic, or convex elliptic, but not concave elliptic. order structure of a surface (derivatives of curvature).
• At points where they change from being visible to Although local attached shadow contour shape seems to
being invisible (end points of occluding contours), they are be a weak form of static information about local shape,
tangent to asymptotic directions on a surface (point b in one could potentially use controlled viewer motion to ex-
Fig. 5) and to the light-source direction; thus surfaces are tract reliable information from dynamic changes in con-
hyperbolic at these points. tour orientation and curvature (much as this strategy has
been applied to occluding contours14).
The point at which an attached shadow boundary be-
comes invisible is a junction between the attached shadow B. Parent–Child Intersection between Attached and
boundary and a cast shadow boundary. We refer to such Cast Shadow Contours (Point b in Fig. 5)
a junction as a parent–child junction, because it connects The parent–child junction between attached and cast
the boundary of a parent attached shadow to the bound- shadows is a particularly interesting point on an intrinsic

Fig. 5. We can distinguish several qualitatively distinct points on an intrinsic shadow contour (see text for discussion): a, regular
points along attached shadow contours; b, points of intersection between cast-shadow contours and their associated attached-shadow
contours; c, points of intersection between attached shadow contours and occluding contours; and d, regular points of cast shadow con-
Knill et al. Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 3221

surface curvature at the point (see Appendix A). Al-

though this point is theoretically true, we suspect that ob-
taining reliable measures of these curvatures would be
difficult, making the information provided rather weak.
We therefore do not dwell on this. On the other hand,
the point of intersection does provide very reliable infor-
mation about light-source direction. For a point source
at infinity, it gives the tilt of the light source in the image
Fig. 6. When the light source’s view of a surface contains a T plane. For a point source a finite distance from the sur-
junction in the occluding contour, an L junction is formed be- face, a ray drawn along the tangent direction passes
tween one hill’s cast shadow and another’s attached shadow. through the projection of the light source into the image.
Similarly, an L junction is formed at the junction of the two hills’ Localization of two points of intersection between at-
cast shadows. All of these singular points lie along the same ray
from the light source. tached shadows and occluding contours thus determines
the projected position of the light source in the image,
shadow contour, because at this point we know two which would be given by the intersection of rays drawn
things: (1) that the asymptotic direction of the surface is along the tangents of both points.
in the direction of the shadow contour and (2) that the A corollary to the above result is that the tangent di-
light source tilt, i.e., its direction in the image plane, is in rections of attached shadow contours at intersections
the direction of the shadow contour (leaving the slant of with occluding contours and with child cast shadow con-
the light source away from the line of sight of a viewer un- tours are parallel, for point sources at infinity, or inter-
defined). Suppose that the visual system can detect junc- sect at a common point, for finite point sources. This pro-
tions between attached and cast shadows, for example, by vides a direct way to detect child–parent shadow contour
using luminance information across the contours for con- intersections without relying on the mediating variable of
tour labeling.15 It would clearly be useful to tell if it is a light-source direction.
parent–child intersection or an intersection between un-
related shadow contours. A study of the behavior of in- D. Regular Points on Cast Shadow Contours (Point d
trinsic shadow boundaries at parent–child intersections in Fig. 5)
reveals an interesting fact (and one which we have not The local shape of a cast shadow contour is determined by
found analogs to anywhere in the literature on occluding a large number of factors. These include the direction of
contours): the boundary is smooth at such an intersec- light source, the local shape and orientation of a surface,
tion, in the sense that the tangent directions of a parent and the shape and orientation of the surface along the at-
attached shadow boundary and its child cast shadow tached shadow boundary from which the cast shadow was
boundary are the same at the intersection (as drawn in formed (see Ref. 5 for a full analysis). The local shape of
Fig. 5; see Appendix B for a proof of this result). Generi- the cast shadow contour component of an intrinsic
cally, unrelated attached and cast shadows will form an L shadow contour would therefore seem to be particularly
at their intersection; thus the geometric behavior of the uninformative about surface shape. As it turns out, how-
contours at an intersection indicates the nature of the in- ever, we can derive a useful invariant relating the behav-
tersection. We should also point out that knowledge of ior of cast shadow contours at intersections with surface
the light-source tilt (for a point source at infinity) would creases to both light-source direction and surface shape.
allow one to detect parent–child intersections by finding We leave this to Section 5, which concerns the behavior of
points on an intrinsic shadow contour that are tangent to shadows on surfaces with creases.
that direction.

C. Intersections between Attached Shadow Contours 4. SHADOWS ON SMOOTH SURFACES

and Smooth Occluding Contours (Points c and d (EXTENDED LIGHT SOURCES)
in Fig. 5) Analyses of shading information and models of shape
Two types of intersection between attached shadow con- from shading generally rely on the assumption that the
tours and occluding contours may occur, corresponding to directional component of illumination comes from a point
whether the surface on which the visible attached shadow light source.17,18 Many environments in which humans
boundary sits belongs to the occluding contour (point c). operate violate this assumption, containing as they do ex-
It is only the former point of intersection that is of special tended light sources. It is therefore important to ask
interest. At such an intersection, shadow contours are how analyses and models using shading information gen-
generically cotangent to smooth occluding contours (like eralize to extended light sources, if at all. For our pur-
other contours that project from markings on a surface).16 poses, we need to ask whether the behavior of shadow
Unlike at regular points along an attached shadow con- contours changes substantially when the illuminant is
tour, the curvature of the contour is determined entirely changed from a point source to an extended source. The
by the orientation and curvature of the surface at the in- answer is clearly no for light sources that are extremely
tersection point and not by the derivatives of curvature. small relative to the size of an object, in which case the
Since the surface orientation is given by the normal to the point-source assumption holds approximately. We are
occluding contour, the curvatures of the shadow contour concerned, however, with cases in which the spatial ex-
and the occluding contour together provide two con- tent of light sources (when projected onto a surface) is on
straints on the three unknowns needed to specify local a scale not much smaller than that of the objects. Many
3222 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 Knill et al.

objects with which humans are concerned—for example, the condition that at every point on the curve, the surface
the Sun—cannot be treated as simple point sources of normal either points away from or is perpendicular to ev-
light. ery point on the light source [satisfies Eq. (1)], and is per-
The mathematical tools needed to analyze the geom- pendicular to at least one such point. That is, a is de-
etry of intrinsic shadows created by extended light fined by the condition
sources are qualitatively different from those used to de-
rive results for point sources of light (which follow simply
~ ;t P @ 0,1!! ~ 'xL P L ! ^ N S @ a ~ t !# , a ~ t ! 2 xL & 5 0
from results on the singularities of projective mappings of and ~ ;xL P L ! ^ N S @ a ~ t !# , a ~ t ! 2 xL & > 0
smooth surfaces,19 as applied to occluding contours). The (2)
mathematical tools we will use for our analysis are drawn One can easily show that condition 2 holds for points on
from the elementary differential geometry of curves and the surface that share a tangent plane with the light
surfaces. Because of the novelty of the analysis, we will source and that have parallel surface normals $ NS @ a (t) #
describe it in detail in this section. The basic result con- 5 NL (x L ) % (see Fig. 7). We can therefore rewrite (2) as
cerns an abstract geometrical property of attached
shadow boundaries, from which the more concrete conse- ~ ;t P @ 0,1!! ~ 'xL P L ! ^ N S @ a ~ t !# , a ~ t ! 2 xL & 5 0
quences described above for point sources derive. The
reader not interested in a detailed geometrical analysis of and N S @ a ~ t !# 5 N L ~ xL ! . (3)
extended light sources may skip sections 4.A and 4.B, The illumination surface connecting an extended light
which contain the bulk of the mathematics. The end re- source to points on an attached shadow boundary is tan-
sult is that the general characteristics described for in- gent to both the light source and the surface. This sur-
trinsic shadows with point light sources also hold for sim- face is necessarily developable (i.e., it can be unfolded,
ply convex extended light sources (such as a ball or without stretching or compression, into a plane), a fact
ellipsoid), with the caveat that light-source direction var- that will prove useful later in the paper.20 Each point on
ies over the extent of a shadow boundary. Some of the an attached shadow has a corresponding point on the sur-
results do not hold for nonsimply convex light sources face of the light source that matches condition 3. We will
(light sources with hyperbolic and possibly concave- refer to this point as the light source’s image of the corre-
elliptic regions), and these will be pointed out where they sponding point on the attached shadow boundary. The
occur. light source’s image of an attached shadow boundary is it-
self a curve on the light source, which we will write as
A. Formal Characterization of Intrinsic Shadow l : l(t); 0 < t , 1. We will assume l to be parameter-
Boundaries Created by Extended Light Sources ized so that l(t) is the light source’s image of a (t). Re-
In order to perform our analysis, we need to rigorously de- writing condition 3 in terms of the attached shadow
fine intrinsic shadow boundaries on surfaces. A first step boundary and its light source image, we obtain
toward this end is to define the conditions that hold for
points in shadow. In particular, we are concerned with ~ ;t P @ 0,1!! ^ N S @ a ~ t !# , a ~ t ! 2 l ~ t ! & 5 0
points within attached shadows. Let S represent a
smooth surface and L the surface of an extended light and N S @ a ~ t !# 5 N L @ l ~ t !# . (4)
source. A point on the surface, x S P S, is said to be in an
A cast shadow boundary is formed by the intersection
attached shadow if and only if it faces away from all
of an attached shadow boundary’s associated illumination
points on the light source, x L P L, a condition that we
surface with the surface being illuminated. By this defi-
state more formally as the condition
nition, cast shadow boundaries are the internal edges of
~ ;x L P L ! ^ NS ~ xS ! ,xL 2 xS & , 0; (1)
that is, for each and every point on the surface of the light
source, the angles between the rays from that point to
points within an attached shadow are all in the range
[90°, 270°].
The boundary of an attached shadow on a surface is
clearly a curve. For surfaces with holes, this curve may
be disjoint (i.e., the boundary may consist of two curves,
for example, on the inside and outside of a donut). For
simplicity, we will consider attached shadows that have a
single connected curve for a boundary, though the analy-
sis holds for each of a set of disjoint curves that may con-
stitute an attached boundary on a surface with holes. Fig. 7. Points on a surface, such as p, that face toward at least
some parts of an extended light source, are said to be illumi-
Without loss of generality, we will assume this curve to be nated. Points on a surface that face away from all points on a
parameterized by its arc length normalized by the total light source are in shadow. The boundary between the two re-
length of the curve. Thus an attached shadow boundary gions is formed where the envelope of the surface and the light
is a curve on the surface, a : a (t); 0 < t , 1. Since illu- source intersects the surface. The intersection between this en-
velope and the light source forms a curve on the light source
minated points on a surface are defined by the condition analogous to the attached shadow boundary on the surface. We
that there exist points on a light source for which the sign refer to this curve in the text as the light source’s image of the
of inequality in Eq. (1) is reversed, this curve is defined by attached shadow boundary.
Knill et al. Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 3223

penumbra; that is, they demarcate regions on a surface ]

that receive at least some illumination from a light source ^ N S @ a ~ t !# , a ~ t ! 2 l ~ t ! & 5 ^ N S8 @ a 8 ~ t !# , a ~ t ! 2 l ~ t ! &
from regions which do not receive any illumination from
the source. For an attached shadow that casts a shadow 1 ^ N S @ a ~ t !# , L8 ~ t ! & 5 0 (7)
on its surface, there exists for each point on the attached
shadow boundary a corresponding point on the cast ^ N S8 @ a 8 ~ t !# , a ~ t ! 2 l ~ t ! &
shadow boundary that lies along the same ray from the
1 ^ N S @ a , ~ t !# , a 8 ~ t ! 2 l 8 ~ t ! & 5 0 (8)
light source. We will write the collection of points on the
cast shadow boundary, therefore, as a curve, g : g (t); 0 ^ N S8 @ a 8 ~ t !# , a ~ t ! 2 l ~ t ! & 1 ^ N S @ a ~ t !# , a 8 ~ t ! &
< t , 1, defined so that g (t) lies along the same light
ray as a (t). 2 ^ N S @ a ~ t !# , l 8 ~ t ! & 5 0. (9)
Noting that N S @ a (t) # 5 N L @ l(t) # and that ^ N L @ l(t) # ,
l 8 (t) & 5 0 (which implies that ^ N S @ a (t) # , l 8 (t) & 5 0), we
B. Geometry of Attached Shadow Boundaries for obtain finally
Extended Light Sources
In this subsection we use the geometrical relations be- ^ N S8 @ a 8 ~ t !# , L~ t ! & 5 0, (10)
tween attached shadow boundaries and their images on
an extended light source to derive the fundamental geo- the desired result.
metric properties of attached shadow boundaries. We In order to prove the first part of the proposition, that a
will show that they behave qualitatively like attached is everywhere smooth, we need to show that at each point
shadow boundaries for point sources. In particular, we a (t), a unique, nonzero vector v exists in the tangent
will show that such boundaries are everywhere smooth plane of S at a (t) such that (a) ^ N S8 (v), L(t) & 5 0, and (b)
(their tangents are everywhere well defined) and are N S8 (v) 5 N L8 (w) for some vector, w (possibly 0), in the
everywhere conjugate to the direction of illumination; tangent plane of L at l(t). We then have a 8 (t) 5 v and
that is, the derivative of the surface normal taken along l 8 (t) 5 w.
the tangent to the shadow boundary at each point is per- Condition (a) is immediate under an assumption of gen-
pendicular to the illumination ray at that point. Al- eral light-source position, since for nonplanar surface
though the latter property may seem somewhat abstract, points the conjugate direction of any given vector is
it underlies the constraints relating shadow boundary unique. This determines the direction of v. It merely
shape and surface shape. As an application of the result, remains to show that a vector, w, may be found such that
we show that the behavior of intrinsic shadow boundaries condition (b) holds. We consider two cases.
at intersections of parent–child attached and cast shadow Case 1: a nonparabolic point of S. Choose the vector
boundaries is the same for extended sources as it is for v that matches condition (a) and has unit length. NS8 (v)
point sources. We state the result more formally as a is a vector in the tangent plane of a (t). Since L is as-
proposition. sumed to be simply convex [the point l(t) is elliptic], a
Proposition 1. Let S be a smooth surface illuminated vector w exists for which NL 8 (w) is equal to any other vec-
by a convex light source, L. Assume that S contains no tor in the tangent plane of the surface at l(t). Since a (t)
planar points. Let a : a (t); 0 < t , 1 be an attached and l(t) share the same tangent plane, NS8 (v) is in the
shadow boundary on S that matches condition (4). As- tangent plane of L at l(t), and it is clearly possible to de-
suming general position of the light source, a is a smooth fine a vector w for which NL 8 (w) 5 NS8 (v).
curve; that is, a 8 (t) Þ 0; 0 < t , 1. Furthermore, the Case 2: a parabolic point of S. Assuming a general
tangent of a is everywhere conjugate to the direction of il- position for the lighting, the vector v matching condition
lumination. (a) is in the asymptotic direction of the surface and is per-
Proof. We will first show that if a 8 (t) Þ 0, then a 8 (t) pendicular to the parabolic line.21 Thus we have N S8 (v)
is conjugate to the direction of illumination. We want to 5 0. Since the light source is assumed to be elliptic at
show that for nonzero a 8 (t) every point, no nonzero vector w exists in the tangent
plane of L for which N L 8 (w) 5 0; therefore, we must
choose w 5 0. With this choice, condition (b) is met and
^ N S8 @ a 8 ~ t !# , L~ t ! & 5 0, (5) a 8 (t) is in an asymptotic direction of the surface. Since
w 5 0, we have l 8 (t) 5 0, and the image of an attached
shadow boundary on a convex light source has a cusp sin-
where N S8 @ a 8 (t) # is the derivative of the surface normal
gularity where the boundary point is parabolic on the sur-
computed in the direction a 8 (t) on the surface.
The direction of illumination at a (t) is given by L(t)
Since cases 1 and 2 include all points on smooth sur-
5 @ a (t) 2 l(t) # / i a (t) 2 l(t) i , where l(t) is the illumi-
faces, a is everywhere smooth, proving part 1 of the
nant’s image of a (t), as defined above. By condition (4),
proposition. Q.E.D.j
we have
One of the important invariants we derived for point
light sources that relates the behavior of intrinsic shad-
ows and surface shape is that parent–child intersections
^ N S @ a ~ t !# , L~ t ! & 5 ^ N S @ a ~ t !# , a ~ t ! 2 l ~ t ! & 5 0. (6)
between attached and cast shadow boundaries occur
where the tangent to the boundary is in an asymptotic di-
Taking derivatives, we obtain rection of a surface (point b in Fig. 5). This type of inter-
3224 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 Knill et al.

section is distinguished from other attached–cast shadow this type of analysis here, though we will point out one
intersections by the fact that the visible intrinsic bound- result that is interesting; namely, that such cusps can
ary is smooth at the intersection (up to first order), where create nonsmooth (i.e., corner) parent–child intersections
other types of intersection form corners. We can use the between attached and cast shadow boundaries (effectively
result obtained above to show that these invariants hold created by cusps in the attached shadow boundary). One
for intrinsic shadows formed by extended light sources. lesson from this is that one has to be careful about gener-
A parent–child intersection between attached and cast alizing results from constrained domains such as point-
shadow boundaries occurs where an attached shadow source illuminants to more general domains without first
boundary goes from being potentially visible to the light testing them by rigorous analysis.
source to being invisible to the light source, since at this
point the attached shadow boundary curves interior to
the apparent shadow. The potential visibility of an at- 5. SHADOWS AT SURFACE CREASES
tached shadow boundary to the light source is determined Surface creases are edges on a surface formed by discon-
by the curvature of the surface in the direction of the il- tinuous changes in surface orientation. Attached shad-
luminating ray: if the surface is convex in that direction, ows may intersect surface creases or may be formed by
the boundary is potentially visible; if it is concave, it is in- surface creases. Cast shadows may also intersect surface
visible. Parent–child intersections between attached creases. In this section we will analyze the geometric be-
and cast shadow boundaries, therefore, occur at points of havior of intrinsic surface shadows as they intersect or
attached shadows at which the normal curvature of the are formed by surface creases. As it turns out, signifi-
surface in the direction of the illuminating ray changes cant information about surface geometry and light source
from positive to negative. We show that at these points, direction can be gleaned from the geometry of intrinsic
the attached shadow boundary is in an asymptotic direc- shadows at surface creases. It can determine whether a
tion of the surface. crease is convex or concave, what the tilt of the light
Proposition 2. Let S be a smooth surface illuminated source is, and whether an edge in the image is, in fact, a
by an extended light source, L. Assume that S contains crease between connected regions on a surface or is the
no planar points. Let a : a (t); 0 < t , 1 be an attached occluding contour of one object placed in front of another;
shadow contour on S that matches condition (4), and let that is, it can be used to infer contact between surfaces.
L(t) be a unit vector in the direction of the illuminating Three significant shadow events can occur at a surface
ray at a. Assuming general position for the light source, crease:
a necessary condition for the surface curvature in the di-
• Intersection between an attached shadow and a
rection of the illuminating ray $ k n @ L(t) # % to change sign
surface crease [Fig. 8(a)].
at a point a (t) is that a 8 (t) be an asymptotic direction
• Formation of an attached shadow along a crease
of S.
[Fig. 8(b)].
Proof. A necessary condition for the point at which
• Intersection between a cast shadow and a surface
k n @ L(t) # changes sign is that k n @ L(t) # 5 0; that is, L(t)
crease [Fig. 8(c)].
must be an asymptotic direction of S. But where L(t) is
an asymptotic direction of S, a 8 (t) is in the same direction In the following sections we will analyze the qualitative
as L(t), since a 8 (t) is everywhere conjugate to L(t) and structure of shadow contours at such events and charac-
an asymptotic direction is self-conjugate. The condition
that L(t) be an asymptotic direction of S is therefore
equivalent to the condition that a 8 (t) be an asymptotic di-
rection. Q.E.D.j

C. Summary of Results
For simply convex light sources, the major results found
for point sources generalize to extended sources. For
light sources that are not simply convex, the situation is
not nearly so happy. We have noted above that the im-
age of an attached shadow boundary on an extended light
source may have cusp singularities, precisely at points
whose corresponding attached shadow boundary point is
a parabolic point on a surface. This may seem a pedantic
point until we consider the symmetry of the definitions of Fig. 8. Three categorically different shadow events at surface
attached shadow boundaries and their images on a light creases. a, An attached shadow boundary may intersect a
source (see Fig. 7). The symmetry suggests that if a light crease. If the crease is concave and the surface apposite to the
attached shadow faces the light source (as in the figure), the side
source were hyperbolic, cusps could appear in attached of the crease with the attached shadow boundary will cast a
shadow boundaries of an illuminated surface. The shadow on the other side. The resulting cast shadow boundary
analysis of intrinsic shadow geometry for light sources will intersect the surface crease at the same point as the at-
that are not simply convex requires looking in more detail tached shadow boundary and will be cotangent to the crease (see
text). The crease may, of course, be convex. b, The crease may
at the behavior of the illumination surfaces for such light itself form an attached shadow boundary. c, A cast shadow
sources. Because we feel that nonconvex light sources boundary may intersect a surface crease, which will generically
are the exception rather than the rule, we will not present form a tangent discontinuity in the cast shadow boundary.
Knill et al. Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 3225

Figure 11 illustrates the local information available at

a point of intersection between an attached shadow con-
tour and a crease contour. This includes the direction of
the crease contour, the light-source direction, and a label
specifying whether the surface apposite to the attached
shadow contour is in shadow or is illuminated (the direc-
tion of the attached shadow boundary is largely irrel-
evant). Depending on what the orientation of the surface
crease is relative to the light-source tilt, illumination of
the apposite surface may reflect either convexity or con-

Fig. 9. A concave crease is formed when a surface is created by

the solid union of two objects. A convex crease is formed when
one solid object is subtracted from another.

terize the information contained therein about both the

geometry of the surface crease and the light-source direc-

A. Definitions
We will formally model surface creases as having resulted
from the solid union or difference of two objects,22 as dem-
onstrated in Fig. 9. In either case, the local shape of a
crease at a point of intersection between two surfaces is
determined by the surface normals of the two surfaces.
In the case of solid union, the crease is concave, and the
surface normals of the creased surface at either side of
the crease are simply the surface normals of the two in-
tersecting surfaces. In the case of solid difference, the
crease is convex. The surface normal on one side of the
crease is equal to the surface normal of the subtracted-
from surface, while the surface normal on the other side is
the negative of the surface normal of the subtracted sur-
According to the synthetic model just described, surface
creases are formed at the curves of intersection between
two surfaces, h 5 S 1 ù S 2 . We will assume h to be pa-
rameterized as h : h (t); 0 < t , 1. The surface shape
along h is given by pair of surface normals, N1 S (t) and
N2S (t), immediately to either side of the crease, and the
unit tangent of h is defined as tc 5 (N1 2 1 2
S ∧NS )/ u NS ∧NS u .

B. Intersections between Attached Shadows and

Surface Creases
Figure 10 shows two examples of situations in which an
attached shadow boundary intersects a surface crease.
In general the attached shadow boundary will not extend
continuously on either side of a surface crease. Rather,
the surface on the side of the crease apposite to the at-
tached shadow boundary will be either illuminated or in
shadow. Intuitively, one would think that knowledge of
whether the surface on the side of a crease apposite to an Fig. 10. Two examples of attached shadows intersecting a sur-
intersecting attached shadow boundary is illuminated or face crease. (a) The side of the surface apposite to the attached
in shadow could determine the direction in which the sur- shadow boundaries is illuminated, and the crease is convex. (b)
face bends at the crease, that is, whether the crease is The side of the surface apposite to the attached shadow bound-
aries is illuminated, and the crease is concave. The inference of
concave or convex. This turns out to be true. We will crease convexity/concavity from shading across the crease de-
describe here the invariant structure that can be used to pends critically on the direction of the surface crease relative to
make such a determination. the light-source direction.
3226 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 Knill et al.

Fig. 11. Information available at an intersection between an attached shadow and a surface crease (point p): tc8 ( p), the tangent di-
rection, in the image, of the surface crease; L8 ( p), the light-source direction, as projected into the image (i.e., the light-source tilt); and
S ( p), a binary labeling of the shading on the side of the crease apposite to the attached shadow boundary—that is, indicating whether
it is illuminated or in shadow. The interpretation rule described in the text is illustrated here. (a) The tangent to the surface crease
is on the side of the light-source vector opposite to the attached shadow. (b) The tangent to the surface crease is on the same side of the
light source as the attached shadow.

cavity. If the tangent to the crease, oriented in the same ing ray. By definition, it also contains the tangent of the
direction as the light source, is on the side of the light- crease at the point of intersection. We can treat the sur-
source vector ‘‘opposite’’ to the attached shadow bound- face discontinuity at the crease as being formed (locally)
ary, then the following inference holds: apposite surface by folding the tangent plane along the tangent of the sur-
illuminated⇒concave crease; apposite surface in face crease. If it is folded up, the crease is concave; if it is
shadow⇒convex crease. If the tangent to the surface folded down, the crease is convex. It is easy to show that
crease is on the same side of the light-source vector as the if the crease tangent is parallel to the light-source direc-
attached shadow, then the opposite inference holds; that tion, the attached shadow boundary will extend continu-
is, apposite surface illuminated⇒convex crease; apposite ously (with a tangent discontinuity) across the crease re-
surface in shadow⇒concave crease. gardless of how the surface is folded at the crease; that is,
We will only sketch the proof of the interpretation rule the surface immediately adjacent to both sides of the
here. To do this, we consider the relationships between crease will be on attached shadow boundaries. This re-
crease direction and surface shading in the tangent plane quires nongeneric positioning of the surface, however,
of the surface. The surface normal on the attached and in general the surface apposite to the attached-
shadow side of the point of intersection is perpendicular shadow boundary will either be illuminated or in shadow,
to the light-source direction, since it is on the attached as stated above.
shadow boundary; therefore the tangent plane of the sur- For convenience, we can define a coordinate system in
face on this side of the crease contains the local illuminat- the tangent plane of the surface (on the attached shadow
Knill et al. Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 3227

side of the crease) in which the light source direction is

taken to be vertical. Similarly, we can define the orien-
tation of the crease tangent so that it points in a positive
y direction in this coordinate system (i.e., it points toward
the light source). With these definitions, consider the
case that the crease tangent points to the side of the ver-
tical that contains the attached shadow boundary [Fig.
11(b)]. In this case, it is easy to show that folding the
surface up on the side of the crease apposite to the at-
tached shadow boundary will put that side of the surface
in shadow, whereas folding it down will expose that side
of the surface to the light source. If the crease tangent
points toward the opposite side of the vertical, the oppo-
site relations hold [Fig. 11(a)]. Since the qualitative re-
lations between light-source direction and the crease tan-
gent are maintained under perspective projection, the
same rules apply in the image, taking the light-source tilt
(the projected direction of illumination) as the vertical.
This results in the interpretation rule illustrated in Fig.
11. Fig. 12. The uniqueness constraint limits the range of plausible
If the crease is concave and the surface apposite to the light-source directions for a cast shadow making a particular
angle in the image at an intersection with a surface crease. The
attached shadow boundary is illuminated [as in Fig. 8(a)], physically realizable light sources lie in quadrants of the image
the surface on the attached shadow boundary side of the demarcated by the tangent directions of the cast shadow contour
crease will, in general, cast a shadow on the other side of immediately to either side of a crease, as shown.
the crease. The cast shadow boundary intersects the sur-
face crease at the same point as the attached shadow and surface crease. The shape of the cast shadow contour
is cotangent to the surface crease at the point of intersec- provides information about both the light-source direction
tion (see Appendix C for a proof ). The cotangency of sur- and the shape of the underlying surface. This results
face crease and cast shadow boundary is a useful property from what we will refer to as a uniqueness constraint on
for contour labeling, a point we elaborate on in Subsection the correspondence between attached shadow boundaries
6.C below. and cast shadow boundaries. Each point on an attached
shadow boundary may project to one and only one point
C. Formation of Attached Shadows at Surface Creases on a cast shadow boundary along the illuminating ray.
Surface creases, when convex, can themselves form at- Similarly, only one point on a cast shadow contour may
tached shadow boundaries when the surface on one side project along the image of an illuminating ray. In the
of the crease is illuminated and the surface on the other figure, L* is not a physically possible light source, regard-
side is in shadow. Holes in surfaces are classical ex- less of crease convexity/concavity.
amples of such events. Attached shadows of this sort A qualitative constraint on surface shape interpreta-
provide no information about surface geometry that is not tion follows naturally from the light-source constraint. If
provided by the shape of the crease contour itself, al- the image of the light source lies in the concave side of a
though a determination that an attached shadow bound- cast shadow contour at a crease, the crease should be in-
ary is also a surface crease does imply that the surface terpreted as being concave; otherwise, it should be inter-
crease is convex. preted as being convex. This follows from the facts that
the image of the casting edge must be on the same side of
D. Intersections between Cast Shadows and Surface the contour as the light source, and, as Shafer and
Creases Kanade5 showed, the convexity/concavity of a crease can
A final type of intersection between shadow contours and be determined by whether the shadow contour at the
surface creases is formed where a cast shadow boundary crease bends away from the casting edge or toward it.
intersects an ‘‘unrelated’’ surface crease, as in Fig. 8(c). Note that the image of the casting edge is not needed to
Shafer and Kanade5 have shown that the behavior of cast make the inference, only whether the illuminant is from
shadow contours at such intersections provides strong one side of the contour or the other. Thus in Fig. 12 an
quantitative constraints on surface interpretation when assumption that the light source is from above should dis-
the casting shadow boundary is a straight surface crease ambiguate the qualitative shape of the crease to be con-
and is visible in the image. These constraints are, how- vex.
ever, by no means enough to uniquely determine surface
shape at a crease. In this section we report two related
qualititative constraints on scene interpretation provided 6. IMPLICATIONS
by the shapes of cast shadow boundaries at intersections In this paper we have exhaustively analyzed the qualita-
with surface creases. These constraints do not require tive geometric structure of shadow contours, for both
any information about the shape of the casting edge and smooth surfaces and piecewise smooth surfaces (surfaces
hence may be applied locally. with creases) and for both point light sources and ex-
Figure 12 shows an example of a shadow cast over a tended light sources. Along the way, we have high-
3228 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 Knill et al.

lighted features of the geometry that can provide useful proach would be to extend the notion of an aspect graph24
information about scene structure. Since these observa- to include the topological structure of shadow contours.
tions were scattered through the different sections of the Unlike for regular (smooth) points on a surface, intrin-
paper, we will summarize them here in a concise form. sic shadow contours, both attached and cast, provide
We have not attempted to derive techniques for inferring strong constraints on qualitative surface geometry at sur-
surface or light-source geometry from shadows for the face creases. The local structure of intersections between
simple reason that the information provided by shadows attached shadow contours and surface creases, in con-
only loosely constrains such inferences. Using only junction with the qualitative shading at the point of in-
shadow information to interpret surface geometry, for ex- tersection, reliably determines the convexity and concav-
ample, would require imposing strong prior constraints ity of a crease [Subsection 5.B]. The shape of cast
on surfaces. Shadows do, however, provide salient infor- shadow contours at intersections with surface creases
mation that would be useful in conjunction with other also determines crease convexity/concavity [Subsection
cues, and it is in this spirit that we present our summary 5.D].
of results.
C. Contour Labeling
Shadow contours provide salient cues to contour labeling
A. Light-Source Direction and attachment (to which side of an image a contour be-
Light sources located a large distance away from a sur- longs). In particular, the geometry of shadow contours at
face may be approximated as point sources at infinity and intersections with other contours can provide a useful cue
characterized by the global slant and tilt of the rays illu- to the nature of the intersecting contour. If an attached
minating the surface. Intrinsic shadows provide two lo- shadow contour is cotangent to another contour at a point
cal sources of information that directly determine the tilt of intersection, one can reliably infer that the contour is a
of surface illumination: the tangent direction of attached smooth occluding contour and that the contour is at-
shadows at intersections with smooth occluding contours tached to the side with the attached shadow contour (this
(equivalently, the tangent directions of occluding contours derives from previous analyses of extrinsic and intrinsic
at such intersections) and the tangent direction of at- surface markings16). The constraints on shadow geom-
tached shadow contours at intersections with their corre- etry at surface creases also allow one to draw inferences
sponding cast shadows. Moreover, global information is about contour labeling and attachment. When a surface
provided by the implicit lines connecting L junctions be- to one side of a concave crease casts a shadow on the other
tween cast and attached shadow contours and corre- side (see Fig. 8), the cast shadow contour intersects the
sponding L junctions between cast shadow contours (see crease at the same point as its parent attached shadow
Fig. 6). Taken together, these cues overdetermine the il- contour and is cotangent to the crease at the point of in-
luminant tilt, itself an important parameter in the esti- tersection. Violations of either of these constraints for
mation of shape from shading. cast shadow contours provide information that the inter-
secting contour is not, in fact, a surface crease but rather
B. Surface Shape a contour occluding the surface containing the cast
The cues provided about surface shape by intrinsic shad- shadow. In a naturalistic setting, such information can
ows may be broken into two classes: smooth surface be used to determine the contact between objects (e.g., be-
shape and surface shape at creases. The local informa- tween a cylinder and a tabletop).
tion provided by intrinsic shadows about smooth surface
shape is sparse. The local orientation of an attached
shadow contour provides some constraint on the curva- APPENDIX A
ture structure of surfaces (see Appendix A), but given the We derive here the quantitative relationship between the
multidimensional character of local curvature, the con- shape of an attached shadow contour and the shape of the
straint is weak. Somewhat counterintuitively, the local underlying surface, assuming orthographic projection
curvature of attached shadow contours, except at inter- into the image plane. Because the analysis depends only
sections with occluding contours, depends not only on lo- on the fact that an attached shadow boundary is conju-
cal surface curvature but also on the third-order structure gate to the illumination direction, it holds for all three
of local surface shape. Unlike smooth occluding con- light sources considered in the text: infinite point
tours, inflection points in attached shadow contours do sources, point sources at a finite distance from a surface,
not have any useful invariant relationship to local surface and extended light sources. The resulting relationships,
shape. The only such invariant relationship that exists however, increase greatly in complexity for extended
is that at points of intersection between related attached sources, since the variables describing light source direc-
and cast shadow contours, the tangent direction of the tion at a point are local.
contours is an asymptotic direction of a surface. A more For simplicity, we will consider a point source at infin-
promising application of shadow information for smooth- ity for the analysis and comment on how it generalizes to
shape interpretation may be to the global structure of sur- the other types of light sources. Two cases are of interest
faces; that is, as a source of information about the pres- to us: the local behavior of an attached shadow contour
ence of hills, dimples, etc., on surfaces. In this context, at a regular point and the local behavior of the contour at
qualitative shadow information could well be incorpo- an intersection with a self-occluding contour. For both
rated into qualitative shape-reasoning systems proposed cases we assume the surface to be locally parameterized
for occluding contours.23 An example of such an ap- @ S : X 5 X(u, v) # so that X u 5 e1 5 L∧N and X v 5 e2
Knill et al. Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 3229

5 L, where L is a unit vector in the direction of the light curvature of the surface, we can relate the curvature of
source and N is the unit normal vector of the surface at the contour, k s , to the normal curvature of the surface.
the point of interest. The unit vector that is conjugate to This is given by
L, as expressed in terms of the coordinate system
$ e1 , e2 % , is given by ks 5 k n ~ t! , (A7)
sin2 f
t5 F ~f 2
1g ! 2 1/2
~f 2
1 g 2 ! 1/2
, (A1) where f is the angle made by the tangent vector of the
curve and the viewing direction and k n (t) is the normal
where f and g are the last two coefficients of the second curvature of the surface in the tangent direction, t. In
fundamental form of the surface.25,26 Since the tangent the coordinate system defined above, we have for the nor-
vector of the attached shadow boundary is conjugate to L, mal curvature in the tangent direction of an attached
we may consider t to be the unit tangent to the attached shadow boundary (based on the fact that it is conjugate to
shadow boundary. the lighting direction)
The tangent vector t of the attached shadow boundary g ~ eg 2 f 2 !
may be related to the tangent vector of its image (the tan- k n ~ t! 5 , (A8)
gent of the attached shadow contour) t̃ by f 2 1 g2
where e, f, and g are the three coefficients of the second
~ t̃ ∧ V! ∧ N fundamental form of the surface. We therefore have
t5 , (A2)

u ~ t̃ ∧ V! ∧ Nu
1 g ~ eg 2 f 2 !
where V is the unit normal vector of the image plane di- ks 5 . (A9)
sin2 f f 2 1 g2
rected toward the surface (the viewing direction). Using
the relation It remains to express sin2 f in terms of e, f, and g and the
direction of illumination. Letting f 5 u 2 s , where u is
g the angle made by the tangent of the attached shadow
^ t, e1 & 5 ^ t, L ∧ N& 5 , (A3)
boundary and the illuminant direction, and s is the angle
~f 2
1 g 2 ! 1/2
made by the viewing direction and the illuminant direc-
we have tion, we have

u ~ t̃ ∧ V! ∧ Nu
^ ~ t̃ ∧ V! ∧ N, L ∧ N& 5
~ f 2 1 g2!
, ks 5
~ sin u cos s 2 cos u sin s ! 2
F g ~ eg 2 f 2 !
f 2 1 g2
G .

(A4) (A10)
Noting that the tangent direction of the attached shadow
boundary is (g/ Af 2 1 g 2 , 2f/ Af 2 1 g 2 ) T in the coordi-
~ ^ t̃ ∧ V, L& 2 ^ t̃ ∧ V, N&^ N, L& !
u ~ t̃ ∧ V! ∧ Nu nate system $ (L ∧ N), L% , we have

g g ~ eg 2 f 2 !
5 , (A5) ks 5 . (A11)
~ f 2 1 g2! 1/2
~ f sin s 1 g cos s ! 2

and, since ^ N, L& 5 0, we have, finally, For a sphere, we have e 5 g 5 1/R, where R is the ra-
dius of the sphere and f 5 0, so that
1 g
^ t̃ ∧ V, L& 5 . (A6) 1
u ~ t̃ ∧ V! ∧ Nu ~ f 2 1 g 2 ! 1/2 ks 5 , (A12)
R cos2 s
We see that at regular points of an attached shadow con-
and since for a sphere the curvature of the occluding con-
tour, its orientation, as expressed by t̃ ∧ V, is directly re-
tour, k c , is given by k c 5 1/R, we have
lated to the local curvature structure of a surface. The
curvature of the contour is related to the third-order dif- kc
ferential structure of the surface. cos2 s 5 , (A13)
At a point at which an attached shadow contour inter-
sects a self-occluding contour, the previous analysis does so that in this special case, the light-source slant can be
not hold, as the normal of the surface is orthogonal to the determined by the ratio of curvatures of a self-occluding
line of sight. We note that the curvature vector of a contour and an attached shadow.
curve may be decomposed into orthogonal components; The above analysis generalizes to point sources a finite
one in the direction of the surface normal and one in the distance from the illuminated surface and to extended
tangent plane of the surface. In the case that the surface light sources. The only difference is that the orientation
normal is orthogonal to the line of sight, only the compo- of the local coordinate system used to define e, f, and g
nent of a curve’s curvature in the direction of the surface varies more in the latter two cases as an attached shadow
normal affects the curvature of the contour to which the contour is traversed, since L changes. Moreover, the il-
curve projects. Since the length of the curvature compo- luminant slant becomes a local variable defining the slant
nent in the normal direction of the surface is the normal of the local illuminating ray.
3230 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 Knill et al.

APPENDIX B g 8~ t ! a 8 ~ t ! 1 L~ ^ g 8 ~ t ! , L& 2 ^ a 8 ~ t ! , L& !

lim 5 lim ,
In Section 2 we claimed that a shadow boundary is u g 8~ t !u u a 8 ~ t ! 1 L~ ^ g 8 ~ t ! , L& 2 ^ a 8 ~ t ! , L& ! u
t→t 2 t→t 2
smooth up to its first derivative at a junction where it (B5)
changes from being attached to cast. We offer a simple
proof of this here. Recall the definition of a cast shadow and since a 8 ( t )/ u a 8 ( t ) u 5 L, we obtain
boundary given in Section 2: that as the curve g on the
surface S formed by the intersection of the sheaf of light L^ lim g 8 ~ t ! , L&
rays passing through a (the illumination surface) and S g 8~ t ! t→t 2
lim 5 5 L. (B6)
at points away from a. More formally, we chose the par- u g 8~ t !u ^ lim g 8 ~ t ! , L&
t→t 2
ticular parameterization of g that associates each point t→t 2
on g with the point on a that lies on the same light ray; This completes the proof for a point source at infinity.
thus we have as the defining condition for g : Case 2: point source at a finite distance from the sur-
g~ t ! 2 a~ t ! The situation differs from the previous one in that L(t)
5 L~ t ! ; g~ t ! Þ a~ t !, is not a constant but rather is given by L(t) 5 ( a (t)
u g~ t ! 2 a~ t !u
2 l)/ u a (t) 2 l u , where l is the position of the light
g ~ t ! P S, k n @ a 8 ~ t !# . 0, (B1) source in space. Since the left-hand side of Eq. (B1) does
not involve L(t), we need merely show that the right-
where L(t) is a unit vector in the direction of the light ray hand side, when differentiated, is equal to 0 at t 5 t , as it
illuminating a (t). The last condition captures the fact was for a point source at infinity. We have
that only potentially visible parts of an attached shadow a 8~ t ! ~ a ~ t ! 2 l ! ^ a 8~ t ! , a ~ t ! 2 l &
(where the surface is convex in the direction of the illumi- L8 ~ t ! 5 2
ua~ t ! 2 lu ua~ t ! 2 lu3
nating ray) cast shadows on the surface.
Since g is defined only for potentially visible portions of a 8 ~ t ! 2 L~ t ! ^ a 8 ~ t ! , L~ t ! &
a, we are interested in the limiting behavior of g 8 (t) as we 5 (B7)
ua~ t ! 2 lu
approach the point, t 5 t , at which g joins with a (at this
point a changes from being potentially visible to being in- Setting t 5 t and noting that a 8 ( t )/ u a 8 ( t ) u 5 L( t ), we
visible, hence g is undefined at t). We will assume that a obtain
is oriented so that t is increasing as a(t) is approached
a 8~ t ! 2 a 8~ t ! ^ a 8~ t ! , a 8~ t ! & / u a 8~ t ! 2
from the potentially visible part of a; thus we are inter- L8 ~ t ! 5 5 0,
ested in the one-sided limit, limt→t 2g 8 (t). The tangent ua~ t ! 2 lu
vector of a at t 5 t , a 8 ( t ), is in the direction of the light (B8)
ray illuminating the point (see Subsections 2.C and 3.B); completing the proof.
therefore we can express the proposition in the relation Case 3: convex, extended source.
The situation is similar to case 2, differing only in that
g 8~ t ! L(t) is given by L(t) 5 @ a (t) 2 l(t) # / u a (t) 2 l(t) u ,
lim 5 L~ t ! . (B2) where l(t) is not a constant but rather is the illuminant’s
u g 8~ t !u
t→t 2
image of a (t), as defined in Section 3. We will find it
convenient to express the cast shadow boundary con-
We will prove this assertion for the three cases considered
straint in a somewhat different form, namely,
in the text: a point source at infinity, a point source at a
finite distance from the surface, and a convex extended g~ t ! 2 l~ t ! a~ t ! 2 l~ t !
5 ; g~ t ! Þ a~ t !.
source. u g~ t ! 2 l~ t !u u a~ t ! 2 l~ t !u
Case 1: point source at infinity. (B9)
Differentiating both sides of Eq. (B1), we obtain Differentiating both sides, we obtain, with some simplifi-
g 8~ t ! 2 a 8~ t !
g 8~ t ! 2 l 8~ t ! L~ t ! ^ g 8 ~ t ! 2 l 8 ~ t ! , L~ t ! &
u g~ t ! 2 a~ t !u 2
u g~ t ! 2 l~ t !u u g~ t ! 2 l~ t !u
@ g ~ t ! 2 a ~ t !# ^ g 8 ~ t ! 2 a 8 ~ t ! , g ~ t ! 2 a ~ t ! & a 8~ t ! 2 l 8~ t ! L~ t ! ^ a 8 ~ t ! 2 l 8 ~ t ! , L~ t ! &
2 5 0, 5 2 . (B10)
u g~ t ! 2 a~ t !u 3 u a~ t ! 2 l~ t !u u a~ t ! 2 l~ t !u
(B3) Taking the limit as t → t 2 and noting that limt→t 2g (t)
5 a ( t ), we obtain
since L(t) 5 L is a constant. Substituting from Eq. (B1)
and simplifying gives lim g 8 ~ t ! 5 a 8 ~ t ! 2 l 8 ~ t ! 2 L~ t ! ^ a 8 ~ t ! 2 l 8 ~ t ! , L~ t ! &
t→t 2

g 8 ~ t ! 5 a 8 ~ t ! 1 L@ ^ g 8 ~ t ! , L& 2 ^ a 8 ~ t ! , L& # . (B4) K

1 l 8 ~ t ! 1 L~ t ! lim g 8 ~ t ! 2 l 8 ~ t ! , L~ t ! ,
t→t 2
Normalizing and taking the limit as t → t 2, we obtain for (B11)
the unit tangent vector of g which, when simplified, gives
Knill et al. Vol. 14, No. 12 / December 1997 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 3231

t→t 2
lim g 8 ~ t ! 5 L~ t ! lim g 8 ~ t ! , L~ t ! ,
t→t 2
L (B12) 3. A. Yonas, L. T. Goldsmith, and J. L. Hallstrom, ‘‘Develop-
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g 8~ t ! t→t 2 5. S. A. Shafer and T. Kanade, ‘‘Using shadows in finding sur-
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u g 8~ t !u u lim g 8 ~ t ! u
t→t 2 22, 145–176 (1983).
t→t 2 6. J. J. Koenderink and A. J. van Doorn, ‘‘The singularities of
This completes the proof. the visual mapping,’’ Biol. Cybern. 24, 51–59 (1976).
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rithm for the derivation of shape from shadows,’’ in Pro-
APPENDIX C ceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Com-
puter Vision and Pattern Recognition (IEEE Computer
In Section 5(b), we claimed that when the surface on one Society, Washington, D.C., 1988), pp. 486–491.
side of a concave surface crease casts a shadow on the sur- 8. J. R. Kender and E. M. Smith, ‘‘Shape from darkness: de-
face on the other side, the resulting cast-shadow bound- riving surface information from dynamic shadows,’’ Pro-
ceedings of the IEEE 1st International Conference on Com-
ary is cotangent to the surface crease at the point of in-
puter Vision (IEEE Computer Society, Washington, D.C.
tersection between the two (Fig. 8). We prove this 1987), pp. 539–546.
assertion here for an extended light source. 9. M. Hatzitheodorou, ‘‘The derivation of 3-D surface shape
The cast-shadow boundary formed by a smooth at- from shadows,’’ in Proceedings of the DARPA Image Under-
tached boundary is the intersection of the illumination standing Workshop (Morgan Kaufman, Palo Alto, Calif.
1989), pp. 1012–1020.
surface corresponding to the attached boundary and the
10. D. G. Lowe and T. O. Binford, ‘‘The interpretation of geo-
illuminated surface. The tangent direction for a point on metric structure from image boundaries,’’ in Proceedings of
the cast-shadow boundary is then given by the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop (Morgan Kauf-
man, Palo Alto, Calif., 1981), 39–46.
Na ~ t ! ∧ N g ~ t ! 11. J. J. Koenderink and A. J. van Doorn, ‘‘The shape of smooth
tg ~ t ! 5 , (C1) objects and the way contours end,’’ Perception 11, 129–137
u Na ~ t ! ∧ N g ~ t ! u (1982).
where Na (t) is the surface normal at a point along the 12. J. J. Koenderink, ‘‘What does occluding contour tell us
about solid shape?’’ Perception 13, 321–330 (1984).
smooth attached-shadow boundary (and thus of the illu- 13. M. Ferraro, ‘‘Local geometry of surfaces from shading
mination surface along the corresponding ray), and Ng (t) analysis,’’ J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 11, 1575–1579 (1994).
is the surface normal at the corresponding point of the 14. K. N. Kutulakos and C. R. Dyer, ‘‘Recovering shape by pur-
cast-shadow boundary. Let us represent the point of in- posive viewpoint adjustment,’’ Int. J. Comput. Vis. 12,
113–36 (1994).
tersection between the smooth attached-shadow bound-
15. One local luminance cue that would distinguish between at-
ary and a concave crease as h (t). As h (tau) is ap- tached and cast shadow contours is the behavior of the field
proached, Na approaches N2 S ( t ) (the surface normal on of isophotes in the neighborhood of the contours. On sur-
the casting side of the surface crease) and Ng approaches faces with locally constant albedo, isophotes are cotangent
N1S ( t ) (the surface normal on the other side of the surface
with attached shadow contours at their junction but inter-
sect cast shadow contours (whether regarded as the interior
crease); thus we have at the point of intersection or exterior of penumbra at sharp angles).
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Na ~ t ! ∧ N g ~ t ! N2 1
S ~ t ! ∧ NS ~ t ! cal framework,’’ Int. J. Comput. Vis. 6, 103–124 (1988).
t g ~ t ! 5 lim 5 . 17. Langer has developed a model of shape from shading that
t→t u Na ~ t ! ∧ Ng ~ t ! u u N2 1
S ~ t ! ∧ NS ~ t ! u assumes a hemispherical sky as a light source. This is
(C2) qualitatively different from spatially compact extended
sources, which are the subject of our analysis.
This is the definition of the tangent direction of the
18. M. S. Langer and S. W. Zucker, ‘‘Shape-from-shading on a
crease; thus, tg ( t ) 5 th ( t ). The tangent directions of cloudy day,’’ J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 11, 467–478 (1994).
the cast-shadow boundary and surface crease are equal at 19. H. Whitney, ‘‘On singularities of mappings of Euclidean
the point of intersection. Cotangent curves in the world spaces I: mappings of the plane into the plane,’’ Ann.
project to cotangent contours in the image. Q.E.D.j Math. 62, 374–410 (1955).
20. A developable surface is a surface with zero Gaussian cur-
This work was supported by U.S. Air Force grant vature: all developable surfaces can be generated by fold-
ing, without stretching, a flat surface. That an illumina-
AFOSR 90-2074 and National Institutes of Health grant tion surface from an extended source is developable follows
NEI-EY09383. The authors thank an anonymous re- from two facts: first, since it is formed by a sheaf of light
viewer of an earlier version of the manuscript for sugges- rays, it is clearly a ruled surface; second, the surface nor-
tions that greatly improved the paper. mals of the illumination surface along a ruling (light ray) at
the two distinct points where the ruling intersects the light
David C. Knill’s e-mail address is knill source and the illuminated surface are equivalent. The
condition that the surface normal along a ruling of a ruled
surface be equivalent at two distinct points is uniquely met
by developable surfaces.
21. At a parabolic point, the conjugate direction of the
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