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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | Apr 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Study on Horizontal Curved Bridge – State of Art Literature Review

Himani Patel1, Dhruv H Patel2
1Post graduate student in Structural Engineering, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar
2Assistant Professor in Structural Engineering, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar
Abstract - Bridges are important and efficient structures moments within the horizontal plane. However, as curved
which are comprised of variety of elements and substructures, bridges will suffer from torsion still as vertical loading
namely the deck, abutment and foundation and possibly effects, the presence of the prestress may prove beneficial in
additional intermediate supports. Recently the horizontally resisting any additional torsional effects, plus the sectional
curved beam bridge has become more desirable in modern geometry of the beam.
motorway systems and massive cities. While numerous
amounts of research are current to analyse and understand
1.1 Curved Bridge
the behaviour of all kinds of box-girder bridges, the results
from these different research projects are unevaluated and
Box girder cross sections may take the shape of single cell
dispersed. Therefore, a transparent understanding of an
(one box), multi-spline (separate boxes) or multi-cells with a
accurate study on straight and curved box-girder bridges is
standard bottom flange. Box girders offer better resistance
to torsion, which is especially of benefit if the bridge is
In this paper, the analysis of horizontally curved prestressed
curved in plan. because of the high torsional stiffness of the
concrete beam upper deck is studied by using three
closed cross section of the box girders, which frequently
dimensional modeling and analysis. Section geometry and
ranges from 100 to 1000 times larger than the torsional
material properties are same altogether the models while its
stiffness of comparable I-shaped sections, the torsional
radius of curvature are different. Analysis is administered
moment induced by the curvature of the girder may be
using the 70 R wheel IRC loading. The 3D Finite Element
resisted by the box beam. The fabrication of the box beam is
Models are prepared using CSi Bridge software. The results for
dearer compared to the I-shaped girder, but this extra cost is
shear force and bending moment are observed by keeping the
sometimes balanced by the reduction in sub structuring for
identical material properties.
the box beam, the highest of the box beam will work because
the deck. Additionally, for long span bridges, where the
Key Words: Curved beam bridge decks, prestress concrete, segmental method of construction is chosen, prestressed
finite element model in csi bridge software, structural analysis, concrete box girders have proved to be economical.
bending moment, shear force. The box beam comprises various sorts of geometries and
forms, but the cross-section can generally be divided into
1. INTRODUCTION single-cell, multi-cell or spread box beams as shown in figure
Prestressed curved box beam bridges are amongst the
foremost common sorts of highway bridges. These bridges
allow long spans to be achieved thanks to the prestress (as
an economic solution), and are excellent in resisting torsion
thanks to their ‘closed’ sectional nature. The look of those
bridges has evolved over time, and therefore the design of Single cell box girder
prestressed bridges which are horizontally straight in form
may be a well understood process. However, the client
and/or engineer may be faced with the case where a
horizontally curved deck solution is preferable. The
traditional design consideration for prestressing is that the
resistance of vertical load actions, hence prestressing cables
are usually curved within the vertical plane to provide Multi cell box girder
bending moments which oppose those produced by the
loading (effectively causing an opposing ‘equivalent’ load). A
horizontally curved bridge, by its geometric nature, would
force the prestressing cable to follow the curve within the
horizontal plane. This doesn't necessarily require the
prestress to own deviation of horizontal distance from the
section centroid which might otherwise cause prestressing

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1866
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | Apr 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

position of the element in the polar coordinates can be

written as,

a = -R (1 – Cosφ ) EQ-1.2.6

b = R Sin φ EQ-1.2.7

The integrals are calculated as follows,

Spread box girder
Fig-1: Types of cross sections L L

 
Mx = dMx = ( b ) (w dl ) = R w ( 1- cosθ ) EQ-1.2.7
1.2 Analysis of curved girder 0 0

 
A curved girder with a horizontal radius of curvature of is My = dMy = ( a ) (w dl ) = R w (θ - sinθ ) EQ-1.2.7
taken into account. The girder is assumed to possess a hard 0 0
and fast support at one end and a free support at the The moment Mx is that the bending moment of the curved
opposite end. This assumption for the boundary conditions girder at the support and therefore the moment My is that
doesn't hurt the generality of the matter. Also, it's assumed the torsional moment developed within the cross section of
that the girder is under the uniform gravity load of. The the girder at support. The noticeable fact is creation of
length of the girder is and therefore the angle subtended by torsional moment because of just gravity load, like self
the girder is Ѳ. weight, which is unheard within the case of straight girders.
To verify the above equations, the values of Mx and My are
evaluated for a special case of R=∞ which could be a straight

Lim R⟶∞ Mx = w Lim R⟶∞ R2 (1-cos θ) = Wl2/2

Lim R⟶∞ My = w Lim R⟶∞ R2 (θ -sin θ) = 0

A curved girder with a horizontal radius of curvature of is

taken into account. The girder is assumed to own a hard and
fast support at one end and a free support at the opposite
end. This assumption for the boundary conditions doesn't
hurt the generality of the matter. Also, it's assumed that the
girder is under the uniform gravity load of. The length of the
Fig-2: Plan View of a Curved Girder under Gravity girder is and therefore the angle subtended by the girder is
Loads in z Direction Ѳ.
To find the support reactions, the equilibrium equations
about the axes x, y and z are

Rx = Ry = 0 EQ-1.2.1 2.1 Review of selected Literature

Rz = wL EQ-1.2.2 1) A. S. Khairmode and D. B. Kulkarni -In this

paper, the analysis of horizontally curved
L prestressed concrete beam upper deck is studied by

Mx = dMx EQ-1.2.3
using three dimensional modeling and analysis.
Section geometry, material properties and radius of
curvature are same all told the models while angle
L of curvature is varying from 0o to 90oand angle of

My = dMy EQ-1.2.4
curvature are kept constant as 30°,60° and 90° and
its radius of curvature varying from 25 m to
50m.Analysis is disbursed using the IRC Class AA
Mz = 0 EQ-1.2.5 loading. The 3D Finite Element Models are prepared
using SAP software. The results for stresses are
In order to calculate the moment reaction about x and y observed by keeping the identical material
directions, an infinitesimal element of the girder with the properties.
length of dl and location coordinates (a,b) is considered the

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1867
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | Apr 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

2) Pragya Soni and Dr. P.S. Bokare Many studies have more initial torsional modes but whereas for
are available on suitability of box beam bridges for straight bridge the initial modes were transverse
various spans and effect of stresses for skewed box and longitudinal. The amplifications in torsion were
beam bridge. The curvilinear nature of box beam large compared to other parameters for curved and
bridges together with their complex deformation skewed bridges compared to straight bridge.
patterns and stress fields have led designer adopt
approximate and conservative methods for his or 5) Vraj J. Shah - This paper present a literature review
her analyses and style. Recent literature on straight associated with Curved span PSC beam. The
and curved box beam bridges has prohibited curvilinear nature of beam bridges with their
analytical formulations to raised understand the complex deformation patterns and stress fields
behavior of those complex structural systems. It had have led designers adopt conservative methods for
been found that researchers have used finite analysis & design. Recent literature on curved
element method for the analysis of box Beam girder bridges to know the complex behavior.
Bridge. However, not much studies are available for Within the present study a trial has been made to
the look of box beam bridge. Hence, this study review the importance of PSC Box Girders & Type,
emphasized on the look and analysis of box beam Curvature effect of span, superload effect, wrapping
structure. The literature also indicates that the stress in curved beam, Shear Lag & Torsion effect
assorted researchers have used ANSYS, MIDAS and thanks to curvature. Comparative study of study &
Stadd-Pro for the analysis of Pre-stressed Concrete design of PSC T-girder with PSC beam using
Structures using FEM. software Staad - pro, Normal & Skew beam with
3) Ashish B Sarode, G R Vesmawala - The different geometrical combination has been
horizontally curved alignments for the urban included.
interchanges or highway bridges are getting more
common and it's necessary to construct the 6) M K Harish, V R Chethan and B T Ashwini – The
structures curved in plan. Because of the effect of design of a Highway bridge is critically conditional
horizontal curvature of the box girders, torsional standards and criteria for the protection, quality
moments are predominant. Also the support and overall cost of the project. beam bridges are
reactions on the outer supports increase whereas terribly unremarkably used. The box girder
on inner support decreases, which can leads the ordinarily includes of pre-stressed concrete, steel or
instability of the box beam. The outer web is longer steel concrete. Various software's is used for the
than the inner web because of which the mid-span Analysis and style of bridges which is able to be far
deflections are more at the outer web than the inner better and fewer time consuming compared to
web. During this paper, the many models for curved manual calculations. This project discusses the
box girders are analysed using LUSAS FEA software Analysis of beam bridges under AASHTO loading of
for various parameters like span lengths, radii and two differing types Single1cell and Multi cell with
loadings and also the flexural and trosional AASHTO standard codes followed superstructures
behavior, stability and mid-span deflections of the subjected to load of heavy vehicles to grasp its
curved box girders of assorted parameters are structural behaviour and to come to a decision
discussed. which section is healthier when comparing the ends
up in determining the economical section all told
4) Syed Habibunnisa, Komma Hemanth Kumar aspects for the assumed problem statement. Also to
Reddy and Mukkala Priyanka - In this paper a grasp about the modelling pattern using CSi bridge
parametric comparison was made between straight and to grasp the structural behaviour1considering
bridge and different curved bridges and skew the bridge object responses and horizontal
bridges. Then these bridges were analyzed for dead, moments of both single cell and multi cell box
modal and moving load cases. This was tired order girders under AASHTO loading conditions.
to review difference within the results obtained
between straight, curved and skewed bridges for 7) Rishabh Jain and Mr. Ajit Singh - This paper
dead and moving load cases. The modeling a part of presents a literature review on the duration Curved
the both bridges was done by using SAP 2000 Box PSC beam. The curvilinear nature of beam
within which there's an option named bridge bridges with their complex patterns of deformation
wizard by which modeling of the bridge can tired a and stress fields have led designers to adopt
sequential order. After analyzing for burden case conservative methods for analysis and style. Recent
unlike straight bridge there's torsion within the literature on curved girder bridges to know the
curved and skew bridges along the length of the complex behavior. during this study, an endeavor
bridge as there's unsymmetrical mass distribution was made to review the importance of the PSC Box
in curved bridge about horizontal axis. Modal Girders & Type, the wide curvature effect, the effect
analysis showed the curved and skewed bridges of the payload, packaging stress in curved girder

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1868
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | Apr 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Box, Shear Lag & Torsion effect because of the and pushover results were tabulated and compared
curvature. Comparative Study of the analysis and with other bridge models. The software used for the
style of the PSC T-beam with the PSC beam with the study is CSI Bridge 2016 v18 subjected to seismic
Staad software - pro, Normal and Skew beam with
load subjected to code of 1893 2002 and IRC 6 for
different geometrical combinations has been
included. vehicle loading.

8) Kiran Kumar Bhagwat, Dr. D. K. Kulkarni 3. CONCLUSIONS

and Prateek Cholappanavar - Box girder
From review of above papers, following findings are
bridges are the widely used upper deck systems
thanks to cost effective and artistic solutions for
1. With increase in the radius of curvature and angle
over passage, under passage, separation structure
and viaducts found in today’s modern highway of curvature, the stresses at the top of the
systems. The behaviour of beam bridges is complex prestressed curved bridges increases while stresses
in nature thanks to the non-uniform distribution of at the bottom of the bridges decreases. As the radius
stresses in longitudinal and transverse directions. of curvature and angle of curvature of prestressed
Recent literature on beam bridges suggests that concrete curved bridge increases the midspan
finite element method is suitable and effective in vertical deflection goes on decreasing. 1
analyzing box sections. During this study linear
analysis of three box girders (Rectangular, 2. After going through the existing literature on
Trapezoidal and Circular) has been meted out using
analysis of RCC box girder it was found that many
finite element software CSi Bridge 2017 as per
Indian Road Congress (IRC) provisions. The researchers have studied the comparison between
behavior of box girders with uniform increments various section of box girder bridge and from the
full has been discussed. Detailed study is conducted study it was found that rectangular box girder
for various parameters like deflection and section is economical and hold good strength for
longitudinal stress. The validity and accuracy of this torsional,warping stresses.2
work has been also accessed by comparing the
software results with manually calculated results. 3. Deflection increases with increase in curvature
almost linearly and with skew angle it does not
9) Mulesh k. Pathak - In this paper, various
follow a regular pattern it might decrease or
behaviours like bending, shear, axial & torsion are
increase on the skew angle.3
presented for horizontally curved RCC box bridges
considering 3-D FEM using SAP software. FEM 4. The literature deals with: - (1) elastic analysis and
models are prepared for four different span lengths (2) experimental studies on the elastic response of
keeping the identical material properties with box girder bridges. In elastic analysis the author
varying degree of curvature from 0° to 90° for represents the orthotropic plate theory method,
various load conditions & combinations to induce grillage analogy method, folded plate method, finite
multiplication factor for various actions like BM, SF, element method, thin-walled curved beam theory
etc 5
AF & TM w.r.t to straight bridge to multiply the
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© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1870

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