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Aldo Rossi: Architecture and Memory: Keywords: Memory Fragments Analogy Typology Autonomy

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Aldo Rossi: Architecture and Memory

Seungkoo Jo

Professor, Tongmyong University of Information Technology, Korea

Architecture has a long tradition of evoking memory, one that goes beyond the memory of shelter and
dwelling. To imagine an architecture of memory is to understand the relationship that can exist between physical
reality and mental meanings. Individual memory collects experience about the meaning of typology of fragments
within a city. The memory shows a highly personal confrontation with the city, and the built form is an incredible
example of how our lived experience in the city can be in one way a memory building. Rossi argues that the
city has existed continuously through time as the basis for an attitude of exclusion that limits his formal
repertoire to the most architecture of forms. Rossi employed memory as a valuable means, a starting point for
creating architectonic structure rich with meaning and rich with potential which exploits thinking, reading, and
responding. Based upon Rossi’s projects and writings, this study shows how Rossi elaborated instruments of
typology and analogy, and reinterpretation of memory for operating the formal autonomy of architecture and
architectural meaning on the city. Finally this paper argues that type can be operated through memory, individual
and/ or collective, to convey meaning from the original context to the new site and situation.

Keywords: memory; fragments; analogy; typology; autonomy

Life is a continuous flow of experience; each act or artifacts, having value in the whole as well as individually
moment of time is preceded by a previous experience as form, in a particular place(Rossi, 1982). The primary
and becomes the threshold for the experience to elements in architecture become the means by which
come(Bacon, 1967). Every historical process is a the city can be understood in terms of its significance.
dialectical one in which one form of life generates its It is the relationships between architectural elements that
opposite. In a city, it is intriguing to see a dialectic of becomes important, not simply the elements themselves.
manifestations of different eras. Thus, buildings, towns Here lies the essence of how to deliver and infuse
and cities are much more than physical artifacts, but also meaning into architecture, and in turn, the city itself.
are reflections and incarnations of human aspiration and The city has always occupied a privileged place in the
ontological meaning. Since a specific architectural form architectonic dream—it is the place where all orders are
and style mainly depend upon the rate and pattern of possible(Agrest, 1991). It is within this set of ordering
human interaction in relation to environment, life- systems that the city takes form, reflective of those
perspectives is deeply rooted in time-perspectives, and respective senses of order and representative of them.
thus our society has dissected humanity and built for One of the conditioning factors which effect an
itself a mirror for its own reflection and architecture architectural intervention is locus. Aldo Rossi (1989)
reflect a society’s views of time and change. identifies locus as a relationship to the specific location.
Would a more severe emphasis on social context in The locus is related to the memory—the memory of the
the built environment from a reality with continuities of society. The remembrance—the ability to reminisce
meanings beneficial to society? Can we justify the selectively and to call to consciousness the significant
singular emphasis of a person or social attributes? Can biography and geography of one’s mind—is at the core
the city have totality of formal allusions and devices from of what makes us human. Through remembrance we
one needs to draw when designing in the city? The can inhabit the imagination with a symbolic environment
experience of the city is what permits the discovery of extending far beyond the spatial and temporal limitations
these elements, and identification of them as urban of individual existence. The development of
remembrance was not simply an inner mental event. It
*Contact Author: Seungkoo Jo, Professor, Tongmyong University required the creation of artifices—language, ritual, and
of Information Technology, #535 Yong-dang Dong, Nam Gu, artifacts.
Busan, Korea Few theorists have investigated the formal nature of
Tel: +82 (051) 610-8582 Fax: +82 (051) 610-8579 the city as extensively as Aldo Rossi has. Rossi described
e-mail: the city as an artifact that possesses its own history. This
(Received November 8, 2002 ; accepted February 21, 2003 ) artifact leaves traces of its history; these traces embody

Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering/May 2003/237 231

the memory of the city. As a diverse totality, the city is to a site spirit and specificity that combines to a form a
haunted by meaning which the collective memory meaningful architectural intervention. In addition, the
extracts from the traces. These traces are called intention is to light some elements of our understanding
permanence by Rossi, the urban artifacts that preserve of time and change as revealed, as well as to indicate
the history of the city as built form. The process, then, further directions of enquiry regarding the significance
by which a city is imprinted with form constitutes its of a temporalizing order in design. Through Rossi’s
urban history(Rossi, 1982). The succession of events investigations and operations on the city, his instruments
over time, usually represented by some form of of typology and analogy, and reinterpretation of memory
permanences, hold the memory of the city(Rossi, 1982). will be elaborated how architecture’s meaning is re-
Time, and its associated memories, are an important established through individual and/or collective memory,
piece of information in reading individual artifacts in a and how the formal autonomy of architecture constructs
city. The past is a part of the antiquated equation the world in which we live.
affecting society. The futurist myth of historical process,
which is sustained by forgetting what has happened, is The Embeddedness of Time into Architecture
in contrast to the construction of history that looks To imagine an architectural memory is to f irst
backward. Walter Benjamin sees the modernity by understand the relationship that can exist between the
seeing the present in terms of events of the past(Buck- two. Frances Yates(1966) argues how the memory
Moss, 1989). This is very critical to create and read an imprints images onto built form, showing knowledge
architecture of memory on the historically rich site, by being transmitted. The memory is in the sense that it is
constantly reconsidering the events of the past. a deliberate attempt at recollection. One learns to see
Sometimes critical, sometimes problematic, that the world in the detail only a designer would see as a
history becomes an important part of the continuous and result of the sudden consciousness of a new world,
constant dialog with the past is considerably significant. resulting in no perception being taken for granted. From
History is a statement made by no one, but it is conceived this, architecture has a long tradition of evoking the
as a statement, a discourse. The readers’ perception memory, one that goes beyond the memory of shelter
dissolves the author in favor of the reader, who and dwelling.
approaches a prior external text and reconstitutes its According to Cicero(Yates, 1966), he described the
meaning according to the culture’s or his own system or mnemonic of places and images, and explained how the
set of interpretive codes. The author acts and creates Roman rhetors utilized the technique of imprinting
the text; the reader re-enacts to create his own images on specific places in order to both recall, and
text(Strozier, 1988). Consciousness is important because provide an ordering system. Moreover, he describes the
this is the means for shifts in theory as transformations artificial memory in terms of the speech further: persons
from one era of theoretical analysis to another. desiring to train this faculty (of memory) must select
By considering the events of the past, we can better places and from mental images of the things they wish
understand the future, create the vital form through the to remember and store those images in the places, so
vast reservoir of memory, and transform the narrow that the order of the places will preserve the order of the
boundaries of lived experience into wider environments things, and the images of the things will denote the things
of shared experience. The loss of most of buildings, themselves and we shall employ the places and images
which are in transition from the traditional homogeneity respectively as a wax writing-tablet and the letters written
to a new way of architectural thought seems incoherent on it(Yates, 1966). This memory can be improved by
either in physical or metaphysical form. If the history long speeches with great accuracy.
of a building has some value to society and its citizens, If a specific building or space wants to be remembered,
its meaning is evoked by the contrast of each tectonic images derived from each space of building should be
structure representing its own time. Memory propagates placed in a logical sequence so that the orator can literally
collective and individual meanings. Memory is walk through while he recites his speech. Therefore,
accumulative and based upon past experiences. Our the memory system can hold the knowledge in a logical
understanding of temporal meaning operates much more sequence, and retain that knowledge for a long period
subtly, for ming in advance our pre-reflective of time, dependent mainly on the strength of the memory
understanding of the significance of entities in the world. of the loci rather than the images. Yates(1966) argues
Inasmuch as life-perspectives and temporal meanings further that the formation of the loci is the most important
are so embedded in architecture, architecture can be read step for three reasons: the strength of the visual within
as a start to reinstate a collective memory into the built memory, the ability of the loci to act like wax tablets
environment. that can be erased and written over again, and the ability
Based upon Rossi’s works and writings, this paper is to use any spatial construct, from the house, to a public
to identify the continuity of thought represented in built building, to the city.
manifestations, and to describe that the notion of memory It was by this method of this artificial memory that is
is a major contributor to a continuity of images in a built established from places and images, the stock definition
setting and that this continuity of site conditions can lead to be forever repeated down the ages. A locus is a place

232 JAABE vol.2 no.1 May 2003 Seungkoo Jo

easily grasped by the memory, such as a house, an which acts in a deeper way that is perhaps more closely
intercolumnar space, a corner, an arch, or the like. related to our own conception of reality and our position
Images are forms, marks or simulacra (formae, notae, within the universe. Rossi(1982) sees the city as the
simulacra) of what we wish to remember. For instance theater of human events, the locus solus that not only
if we wish to recall the genus of a horse, of a lion, of an contains events but is itself an event; it constitutes an
eagle, we must place their images on definite loci(Yates, event. The locus Rossi(1982) defines is the intersection
1966). of space, time, form, and site of a succession of both
Aristotle was interested in the mental picture for the ancient and more modern events. Rossi’s theater was
understanding and thinking processes in association with designed to be a floating structure to move through the
knowledge and memory. He put memory in the same canals of Venice, literally constructing situations within
area of the soul as the imagination, in a sense that the city. As the progeny of sixteenth century floating
imagery is created for remembering new knowledge. pavilions, the theater was in the form of round canopies,
The ability for the image to remain as a sense impression and belonged both to a family of floating machines and
is described as memory, and is described in terms of to the genre of ephemeral festival structures like towers,
movement, as in the movement of a ring imprinting a gateways, and fountains built for special civic occasions.
wax tablet. To disclose how human beings make The Teatro is related to both to the tradition of the floating
intelligible the world within which they find themselves, building and to the idea of a structure intended to
Gaston Bachelard(1964) reads the world as it is temporarily alter the landscape of a city.
spontaneously, and links memory to imagination. He Rossi argues in his book, A Scientif ic
describes the house, not as an abstract object, but in Autobiography(1981), that his model, the Teatro, was
terms of the primary virtues, those reveal an attachment Shakespear’s Globe Theater, revealing the similarity even
that native in some way to the primary function of in the common names of Theaters of the World. Rossi
inhabiting. Bachelard asks his readers to imagine quoted Shakespear’s dictum, All the World’s stage, and
stairways, and concludes that in so doing, we will find looked for the universal knowledge of the world in the
that in our imagination, we most often go down the one Teatro, where it seems likely that the Globe would have
which leads to the cellar; yet we go up when we imagine searched for a way to express the space of theater.
ourselves on the attic stairs, which are often steeper and According to Rossi(1981), the Teatro was built at the
perhaps more primitive. Since to do so requires some Fusina shipyards and towered by sea to the Punta della
conscious effort on our part, over time the memory can Dogana that seemed a place where architecture ended
be effaced. Images like an architectural object may leave and the world of the imagination or even the irrational
a deeper impression on the mind because of their ability began. In relation to memory, Rossi uses the
to be experienced immediately. Shakespearean Theater as a model to produce its
The range of loci seems very important to us in that intimate, using geometric configuration. The notion of
the art of memory is a technique for a mental mapping floating images means literally wandering in the canals
system. Yates(1966) describes the increasingly elaborate of Venice, constantly creating situations within the city.
memory systems created during the Middle Ages and In addition, the nature of the theater works as a memory
Renaissance, leading to the creation of the memory loci within the city.
theater. During the Middle Ages, Thomas Aquinas very Since there are no longer universal truths in Rossi’s
much dominates the teaching of the artificial memory, world, the position of the theater is reinterpreted,
and what Aquinas has recorded is a continuation of constantly creating reinterpretation of memory. A sketch
classical memory treatises, expounding the importance by Rossi for the theater is quite related to the attempt to
of memory loci, and images upon which attach to them. recall something within his personal memory. When
From this teaching, however, the Middle Ages seemed we are asked to imagine some beautiful house, we each
to move toward a tradition of icons as images, and the are free to attribute our own characteristics to this house
creation of a structure within which these striking images at will. Someone may imagine this home as a historic
would active memory. mansion in downtown; others may imagine a modern
In the Venice of modern times, Aldo Rossi tried to one in suburbs. In both cases, we are totally free to
grasp the highest reality through a magically activated conjure up specific images at will, as each such image
imagination in his project, Teatro del Mundo(1979), remains wholly within our own individual control. Like
where the mind and memory of man was considered this example, the memory represents a highly personal
divine. As Vidler points out in The Architectural confrontation within the city. Thus, based upon the
Uncanny(1992), the notions of an architectural sublime geometric spaces which can be consciously manipulated
and other notions of architecture’s ability to evoke and measures, our lived spaces and experiences which
emotions cab be linked to its ability to tap the hidden or engage our entire way of being can be a memory theater.
repressed memory of the unconscious mind, often
making the unfamiliar all to familiar. This architecture
of uncanny is acting as a powerful memory device that
is allied with that of the classical artificial memory, but

JAABE vol.2 no.1 May 2003 Seungkoo Jo 233

Analogy collage of the city to be created through a typological
Rossi argued that architecture should achieve formal memory of the city, thus haunting the city with meaning.
autonomy, to gain identity, in order to meaningfully relate Here the notion of collage as a means of representation
and to convey meaning. By establishing a unique, finds itself very much aligned with the situation present
separate identity, each form could be read more easily in the comprehension of contemporary city. It provides
in opposition to another. In relation to the discipline of a means of contending with a diverse sense of order by
architecture, Rossi accepted the visual form of the city, association and dependence on the relationships of
to a larger degree, of factors which operated outside. To disparate elements, not necessarily the elements
Rossi, the discipline is very much autonomous, and thus themselves.
he intended to put his attitude of operating within a given Rossi(1982) makes the observation that forms have
context from an interventionalist point of view. an autonomous life which supersedes the functions for
Rossi is very much concerned with the concepts of which they were designed. As proof he cites the
fragments and collage, disregarding scale and context, existence of building types in the city that transform
but searches for the relationship of memory to the city. through history while retaining their vitality. Rossi
His individual architectural fragments experience the applied his meaning-laden type-forms to the actual
city in the way of flaneur, attempting to observe and geography of the city, and thus suggested two kinds of
locate the traces of that truth within the context of the transformation for further readings and imaginations:
city. Rossi argues the city is the locus of collective dislocation of place and dissolution of scale. In this
memory, and by this means that the city acts as a wax sense, Tafuri(1988) argues that at the origins of the
tablet that gathers up the traces of lived experience in critical act, there always lies a process of destroying, of
order to create its monuments. Monuments as a means dissolving, or disintegrating a given structure. No
of memory is to return to an idea of consciousness, to criticism exists that does not retrace the process that has
remind and hence restore a thought of life. Memory is given birth to the work and that does not redistribute the
not an exact science; it is never accurate and is often elements of the work into a different order, if for no other
cumbersome if so. Monuments could be metaphors for reason than to construct typological models(Tafuri,
events, places or spirits. 1988). Rossi’s process of analogically transforming
Rossi stated, the idea of analogy can never be fully typologies traced the memory of an artifact back toward
possessed by the conscious and rational mind, this is its constantly removed origins.
what makes it real to the human psyche. In the Tetro theater and Modena cemetery(1971), Rossi
Over time, as I began to grasp this meaning(that dissolved the subject/ object dichotomy of the audience/
analogies not only exist within the discipline of actor relationship by housing both together in a floating
architecture, but are also the essence of its meaning), stage that was at once a stage for the city to observe and
each project became extremely simple, substituting observation point. In addition, the division of space
observation and study for construction. The task was between actors and audience was dissolved. Subject and
no longer, as I had once thought, to describe object became integrated. Rossi(1982) defined the city:
architecture, to catalogue and order form. Thought By architecture I mean not only the visible image of the
still fascinated by what is unexpected in catalogues, city and the sum of its different architectures, but
from dictionaries and botanical tables to engineer’s architecture as a construction, the construction of the
manuals. I now saw how the catalogueing was city over time. As a process over time, the city represents
organized according to an analogical procedure in multiple fragments and sedimentations. Rossi’s method
which the end of an operation differed from its of reading these fragments was to establish binary
means(Rossi,1979). oppositions: type and program, part and whole, specific
place and universal, and history and present.
The drawing of the Analogous City(1976) by Rossi This establishment of oppositions is constructed to
shows how the city can be depicted, using the meaning highlight the relationships between forms and
that resided within the identifiable or referenced forms. ideas(memory). It was not really a logical process of
For Rossi’s Analogous City, there is no real site existing. thought, but analogical one, following the comparison
Michel Foucault’s(1974) type of history throws light on that was elaborated by Jung to Freud. Jung wrote:
the analogous city: for he defines a history of ruptures, “Logical thought is thinking in words. Analogical
interruptions, and discontinuities, a history that searched thought is sensed, yet unreal, imagined, yet silent. It is
among the strata and layers of time for the points where archaic, unexpressed, and practically inexpressible in
concepts were displaced and transformed, or the words(Moneo et al, 1985).” Rossi regarded the
moments where history was moved. Tafuri(1988) analogical process not as a discourse, but rather as a
explained the rule of describing city: “The law of mediation, an interior monologue. In Canaletto painting
assemblage was fundamental. And since the assembled in the Parma museum Rossi noted that the various works
objects belonged to the real world, the picture became a by Palladio and their removal in space constitute an
neutral field on which to project the experience of shock analogue representation related to the history of both
suffered in the city.” Hence the Analogous City allows architecture and the city itself that could not have been

234 JAABE vol.2 no.1 May 2003 Seungkoo Jo

expressed in words(Moneo et al, 1985). According to Rossi(1982) recognizes historical process: type reacts
Rossi, the collage showed aspects of memory, a memory dialectically with technique, function and style. As an
circumscribed within the city, north Lombardy. example, he cites the house with a loggia: the basic plan
Tafuri(1988) argues that Canaletto’s painting and of organization has existed for centuries, but changes in
Analogous City were combinatory manipulations of real social customs, construction techniques, and family
and ideal places. Rossi wanted to take in the whole of hierarchies have caused many variations in its actual
reality, object and subject, history and memory, the city design. In this sense, Rossi’s interpretation of building
as structure and the city as myth(Tafuri, 1988). These is both acultural and ahistorical. Type is the abstraction
analogical, fragmented constructions of type-forms left of memory to which will be referenced, and type is an
the observer to play out the game proposed by the abstract principle concerning basic needs and beauty
architect, throwing oneself into the deciphering and while specific forms depend on historical circumstances
recognition of the elements of his puzzle(Tafuri, 1988). and social context.
In such readings, the meaning would come from As a device, Rossi used type-forms to make a new
motivations behind the architecture, individual or kind of classification for interpretation, and to initiate
collective (Moneo et al, 1985). The fragmentation of design processes in the Teatro project and Modena
the city emphasized on associations, correspondence, cemetery. Type was operated through memory,
and relationships as the bases for an underlying order or individual and/ or collective, to transport meaning from
structure. the original context from which Rossi adopted the form,
to the new site and situation. No type can be identified
Typology with a particular form, but all architectural forms can
Typology has been an evolving notion from the be referred to types(Moneo, 1976). Similarly, Plato
beginning of mans construction of his environment. thought of ideas as generic concept which is assigned to
Peter Eisenman defines the idea of type in introduction a word. In the Republic Plato(1992) refers to form as
to Architecture of the City(1982): follow: We have been in the habit, if you remember, of
The new time of architecture is thus that of memory, positing a form, wherever we use the same name in many
which replaces history. The individual artifact for the instances, one form for each many. Rossi argues that
first time is understood within the psychological architecture is constructed with known primary and
construct of collective memory. Time as collective intelligible elements.
memory leads Rossi to his particular transformation For Rossi, within an urban environment there are some
of the idea of time. With the introduction of memory primary elements(monuments) with the collective
into the object, the object comes to embody both an memory of the urban populace. He interprets
idea of itself and a memory of a former self. monuments as the vehicles of public images, rituals and
Typology becomes transcendent of form and allows myths. This capacity of primary elements is contrasted
memory to be carried throughout the history of with the general fabric of the city, including residential
architectural piece, connected rather to the events of the and commercial buildings, places for everyday life which
city. Plato describes the meaning of form between the accommodate variable human activities over an extended
abstract world of ideas and the sensible world of physical period of time. Rossi(1982) mentions permanence and
things. According to Plato(1992), the world of reality is architectural forms through history and memory as
composed of ideas while the world of experience is made follow:
of images which are only the shadows or reflections of When a project or a form is not utopian or abstract
the intelligible forms or ideas. Thus, if ideas are but evolves from the specific problems of the city, it
transcendent, intelligible, unique, immutable, eternal and persists and expresses these problems both through
non-spatial, then images are immanent, sensible, its style and form as well as through its many
multiple, mutable, ephemeral and spatial. Rossi believes deformations. These deformations and alterations are
that the history of the built environment can be analyzed of limited importance precisely because architecture,
in terms of typologies. Rossi(1982) suggests that in or the fabbrica of the city, constitutes an essentially
architecture type is the product of the history, the spatial collective artifact and derives from this its
composition and the use of Building. This interpretation characteristic features.
does not contradict the definition of type in Quatremère Citing the Palazzo della Ragione in Padua,
de Quincy’s treatise. Rossi’s interpretation of Rossi(1982) insists that one can still experience the form
Quatremère’s type, however, is both literal and of the past in this monument and the physical form of
idiosyncratic. For Rossi, type is something that precedes the past has assumed different functions and has
the form; it is the principle that remains unaltered in spite continued functions. Alan Colquhoun(1981) voiced the
of the changes of the form. In this sense, type is seen as communicative value of type and exploiting tools to
an objective, logical principle. A type is suggestive and create new forms. He believed that a design should stem
general, and thus architectural type has no precise form from the proper understanding of the problem at hand,
or content. To Rossi the buildings are architectural and that the fact that a designer needs to rely on the
celebrities rather than characteristic examples. Type—as inherited form, or mental picture of the final

JAABE vol.2 no.1 May 2003 Seungkoo Jo 235

design—is only a remedy. Moreover, he recognized that Each typological element is effective in the way that
type, like language, fulfills a communicative and social multiple readings of form and function can be made by
role, linking tradition with the present. He thinks that individual. Having rationalized his own theory of
while in the stage of craftsmanship, the form of an object typological dependence and autonomy of architecture,
was the carrier of message, i.e. the image that craftsman Colquhoun insisted that architecture never free from
had, in a later stage the communicative value persisted forms of the past and stressed the folly of theories that
in artistic forms, not as the expression of the artist’s idea assumed so. Colquhoun established the place for the
but as a system of representation which embodies these general physical or mathematical laws within the process
values. of architectural problem solving. He argues: Because
In the Modena cemetery, Rossi believed that type can the general laws of physics and empirical facts are even
be transformed, creating a dialogue that can be saturated less capable…in the world of architecture…of fixing a
with meanings and cross references, and hence he final configuration than in the case of an airplane or a
thought about the memory of type from personal bridge, recourse to some kind of typological model is
experience of place rather than the historical formal even more necessary(Colquhoun ,1981). What he made
memory of type. His typological reading of the cemetery clear was the importance of using the idea of type as
is that of a city for the dead, and is meant to be read on apparatus, as Rossi prescribed, with which to operate on
the scale of the city. To Rossi, the necropolis is a memory the city, creating new meanings. The ideas that took
system, utilizing the typological construction of the city from the typological soup of the collective memory,
to allow for the collective memory. Rossi confirmed, were to be the substance for analogical

Architecture is a part of the social history of man,
and as such, can be associated with events, places,
people, and ideals. With this association, time and space
is infused into the medium of memory. An object, place,
or event can become a richer experience for all who
participate with it. Time and space can exist in a single
architectonic structure in which past memories are
Fig. 1. Modena Cemetery
integrated, interpreted, and modified through new eyes,
or in a adjacent structure in which meaning is reinforced
In relation to the recovery of typology, Moneo by the contradiction.
mentions Modena cemetery: death is in this way To Rossi, architectonic structure can be always
incorporated in the graveyard, to an artificial social reinterpreted, for in this world there seems to be no longer
milieu whose meaning is found in ritual(Moneo, 1981). any universal truths, but rather a constant reinterpretation
Rossi performed the operations of dislocation of place of memory, the continuous juxtaposition of the fragments
and dissolution of scale on type-form to evoke new from one to other fragments, the constant alteration of
meanings from his own suggested readings. The typology which invests the monument with its ability to
columbaria which enclosed the cemetery were overscaled hold a discourse with the city. The memory represents a
for a prominence and for a dramatic sense of closure. highly personal confrontation with the city, and the built
This insistence on built form to house the dead brought form is an incredible example of how our lived
to full objectification Rossi’s underlying analogy of the experience in the city can be in one way a memory
cemetery as a house for the dead. Rossi employed the building. Rossi employed memory as a valuable means,
type that was well-established in the collective Italian a starting point for creating architectonic structure rich
memory and was in fact represented as a paradigm in with meaning and rich with potential which exploits
the adjacent Costa Cemetery. The analogical operation thinking, reading, and responding. The validity of Rossi
upon this type involved an allusion to the house as a today, is about the use of type and memory as an
microcosm of the city, hardly a new concept. Rossi instrument for operating in a city, offering tremendous
developed the Modena enclosed, complete, and interpretative flexibility, and allows the architecture to
autonomous in a relational manner by analogical read as a poem within our collective imagination. His
reference. The intervention of an urban artifact in the ability to modify the context and the system that the built
larger urban scale is an analogous process acting through environment reflects, is revealed in his projects and
typology, and thereby memory, with which Rossi writings, and his autonomous architecture, in addition,
transcended from as merely archaeological artifact and is expressed in the development of a typology of
brought the “process of architecture into the realm of relationships between architecture and the city.
the psychological, transforming both subject and object
(Rossi, 1982).”

236 JAABE vol.2 no.1 May 2003 Seungkoo Jo

References and Projects, New York: Rizzoli International
1) Agrest, D. I.(1991) Architecture from Without: Theoretical Framing 9) Plato,(1992) The Republic, A. D. Lindsay(trans.), J. M. London:
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2) Bachelard, G.(1964) The Poetics of Space, Boston: Beacon Press 10) Rossi, A.(1979) Aldo Rossi in America: 1976 to 1979, Cambridge:
3) Bacon, E. N. (1967) Design of Cities, London: Thames and Hudson MIT Press
4) Buck-Moss, S.(1989) The Dialectics of Seeing: Walter Bejamin 11) Rossi, A.(1982) The Architecture of the City, Cambridge: MIT Press
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5) Colquhoun, A.(1981) Essays in Architectural Criticism: Modern Subjectivity, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter
Architecture and Historical Change, Cambridge: MIT Press 13) Tafuri, M.(1988) Architecture and Utopia: Design and Capitalist
6) Foucault, M.(1974) The Order of Things, New York: Vintage Books Development, Cambridge: MIT Press
7) Moneo, R.(1981) “Aldo Rossi: The idea of Architecture and the 14) Vidler, A.(1992) The Architectural Uncanny, Cambridge: MIT Press
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8) Moneo, R., Arnell, P., & Bickford, T.(1985) Aldo Rossi: Buildings Chicago Press

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