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Autism Spectrum Disorders and the Gut Microbiota
Antonella Fattorusso, Lorenza Di Genova, Giovanni Battista Dell’Isola, Elisabetta Mencaroni and
Susanna Esposito *
Pediatric Clinic, Department of Surgical and Biomedical Sciences, Università degli Studi di Perugia,
06132 Perugia, Italy; (A.F.); (L.D.G.); (G.B.D.); (E.M.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-075-578-4417; Fax: +39-075-578-4415

Received: 20 January 2019; Accepted: 25 February 2019; Published: 28 February 2019 

Abstract: In recent years, there has been an emerging interest in the possible role of the gut microbiota
as a co-factor in the development of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), as many studies have
highlighted the bidirectional communication between the gut and brain (the so-called “gut-brain
axis”). Accumulating evidence has shown a link between alterations in the composition of the
gut microbiota and both gastrointestinal and neurobehavioural symptoms in children with ASD.
The aim of this narrative review was to analyse the current knowledge about dysbiosis and
gastrointestinal (GI) disorders in ASD and assess the current evidence for the role of probiotics
and other non-pharmacological approaches in the treatment of children with ASD. Analysis of the
literature showed that gut dysbiosis in ASD has been widely demonstrated; however, there is no
single distinctive profile of the composition of the microbiota in people with ASD. Gut dysbiosis could
contribute to the low-grade systemic inflammatory state reported in patients with GI comorbidities.
The administration of probiotics (mostly a mixture of Bifidobacteria, Streptococci and Lactobacilli) is the
most promising treatment for neurobehavioural symptoms and bowel dysfunction, but clinical trials
are still limited and heterogeneous. Well-designed, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials
are required to validate the effectiveness of probiotics in the treatment of ASD and to identify the
appropriate strains, dose, and timing of treatment.

Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder; brain; gut microbiota; microbiota transfer therapy; probiotic

1. Introduction
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex group of developmental disorders characterized
by impaired social interactions and communication together with repetitive and restrictive behaviours.
Among ASDs, autism represents the primary type. Recent epidemiological studies reported prevalence
rates in the general population of 58–67/10,000 [1] and an incidence of 1 in 68 children in 2012 in
the United States, suggesting that ASD affects many families and represents a serious public health
problem. Various factors have been associated with the development of ASD, including both genetic
and environmental factors such as nutritional deficiencies or overloads, exposure to viruses, errors
during embryonic neural tube closure, dysfunctional immune systems and allergies [2,3]. The genetic
background of ASD is complex and includes genes involved in the development of the central nervous
system (CNS) [3]. More than 100 genes and genomic regions have been implicated in the aetiology of
ASD, and a greater number of genes (350–400) may confer autism susceptibility [4,5]. Accumulating
evidence has highlighted the role of environmental factors, which are now believed to play a much
more important role in ASD than previously assumed [6,7].
Even if the exact etiopathogenesis of ASD is poorly understood, in recent decades, research
has pointed to the interaction between the gut microbiota and the brain in patients with autism or

Nutrients 2019, 11, 521; doi:10.3390/nu11030521

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other neuropsychiatric diseases. A considerable number of subjects with ASDs have significant
gastrointestinal dysfunctions, particularly altered bowel habits and chronic abdominal pain,
that accompany their neurological alterations [8]. The gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms of individuals
with ASD seem to correlate strongly with the severity of their ASD [9].
The microbiota, a microbial community of trillions of microorganisms and at least 1000 different
bacterial species, few eucaryotic fungi and viruses, that covers every surface of the human body,
plays a contributory role in many infections, immune-mediated disorders, rheumatologic diseases and
disorders of the nervous system [10–12]. The microbiome, instead, is the collection of the whole genome
sequences of those microorganisms, consisting of more than 5,000,000 genes [13,14]. Gut microbiota
is strictly linked to the chronological age of each individual and modulates host physiology and
metabolism through different mechanisms. Microbiota role in health and disease is as crucial as
is complex. Alterations in normal commensal gut microbiota result in an increase in pathogenic
microbes that deranges both microbial and host homeostasis. This microbial imbalance is known as
dysbiosis and it has been widely reported as a key contributor to the multiple system dysregulation
observed in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular metabolic, neuroimmune and neurobehavioural
conditions [15–17]. The alteration of the gut microbial community contributes to the pathophysiology
of many gastrointestinal conditions, such as inflammatory bowel diseases, functional bowel disease,
food allergies, obesity and liver diseases [18]. Furthermore, recent studies have suggested that
alterations in the gut microbiota composition (i.e., dysbiosis) in children with ASD may contribute to
both gastrointestinal and CNS symptoms [19,20]. Thus, research has focused on changes in the gut
microbiota as a risk factor in individuals who are genetically predisposed to ASD; these changes in
the gut microbiota are thought to influence the risk for ASD by influencing the immune system and
metabolism [21,22].
In recent years, several studies have shown significant changes in the composition of the gut
microbiota in children with ASD [23,24] and have suggested that GI symptoms in ASD may be
a manifestation of the underlying inflammatory process [25]. In particular, dysbiosis is associated with
a disruption of the mucosal barrier that leads to increased intestinal permeability of exogenous peptides
of dietary origin or neurotoxic peptides of bacterial origin (such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS)) [22]
and the production of inflammatory cytokines [25]. Indeed, the gut microbiota and the related
metabolites play a crucial role in the so-called “gut-brain axis” [26–29], a physiological bidirectional
complex network of communication between the brain and the gut [27,30,31]: The disruption of neural,
endocrine and metabolic mechanisms that are involved in gut-CNS signalling seems to be involved
in neuropsychiatric disorders, including autism and ASDs [22]. In this paper, we review evidence
of dysbiosis in ASD, focusing on the possible link between gastrointestinal disorders, inflammation
and neurobehavioural symptoms in autistic children. Finally, we discussed the current therapeutic
approaches. The originality of our manuscript is the analysis of the necessity to consider or not the
importance of gastrointestinal disorders in children with ASD. PubMed was used to search for all of
the studies published over the last 15 years (from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2018) using the key
words “autism”, “gut” and “microbiota” or “microbiome”. Approximately 250 articles were found.
Only those published in English and that investigated overall neurological disorders, specifically
autism spectrum disorders, were included in the evaluation.

2. The Gut Microbiota

The human gut is inhabited by several trillion microorganisms that live in a symbiotic relationship
with the host and account for approximately 1 kg of the weight of the gut [32]. The collection of all
the microorganisms that live in the human gut, such as many different species of known bacteria,
viruses, fungi, protozoa and archaea, is termed the microbiota [33]. The genome of the microbiota,
including both genes and gene products, is defined as the microbiome [34]. The healthy adult gut
microbiota is composed of 4 major phyla that together account for more than 90% of the total bacterial
population [35]: Bacteroidetes (Gram negative such as the Bacteroides and Prevotella genera), Firmicutes
Nutrients 2019, 11, 521 3 of 24

(Gram positive aerobic and anaerobic bacteria such as Lactobacillus, Clostridium and Ruminococcus),
Proteobacteria (e.g., Enterobacter species) and Actinobacteria (e.g., Bifidobacterium), followed by the minor
phyla Fusobacteria and Verrucomicrobia [35].
The partnership between microorganisms and the host is essential for health and survival.
First, the gut microbiota offers a barrier against the proliferation of pathogenic organisms and
works synergistically to metabolize toxins, drugs and dietary compounds and to provide essential
nutrients [36]. The functions of the gut microbiome include the production of metabolites such as
butyrate or lactic acid that can have beneficial effects on the host due to their anti-inflammatory,
anti-tumorigenic and antimicrobial properties [37]. Furthermore, recent evidence has shown that the
microbiome is involved in the maturation and functionality of the host adaptive immune system [38].
The development and function of the CNS are also influenced by the production of microbial
metabolites [35]. An experimental animal study showed that the absence of the microbiota during
early life increases transcriptional pathways in the amygdala, a brain region involved in emotions,
anxiety and social behaviours [39].
The composition of the gut microbiota varies widely from birth to adult age. Recent data suggest
that the initial colonization of the foetus gut may occur before birth during intrauterine life via
placental colonization [40]; then, further colonization occurs during delivery after the passage through
the vagina [41] or, in the case of caesarean section, after contact with environmental microbes [35].
Other postnatal factors, such as antibiotic therapy, infections, breast-feeding vs. formula feeding, stress,
diet and host genetics, determine the composition of the microbiome [42–44].

3. Dysbiosis in Autism Spectrum Disorder

A maternal high-fat diet during pregnancy alters the microbiota in neonates and might be
associated with ASD in humans [45]. Breast-feeding is associated with a lower risk of ASD if continued
for 6 months, while formula-fed infants show a greater representation of Clostridium difficile in the
gut [46,47]. Antibiotic treatments, even if undertaken for a brief period, may induce long-lasting
alterations in the gut microbiota, both in humans and in animal models [48,49]. Yassour et al.
demonstrated that children treated with antibiotics during the first 3 years of life have different
gut microbiome compositions [50], while Korpela and colleagues showed that a long-lasting alteration
in the gut microbiota in children after a course of macrolide antibiotics may be associated with obesity
and asthma [48]. Gut dysbiosis is reported in several conditions, such as immunological defects,
Crohn’s disease, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and abnormal behaviours in children
(including those with ASD) [27,38,51,52].
Alterations in the composition of the microbiota and its metabolites have been demonstrated both
in animal models of ASD and in ASD children as well as in those with pervasive developmental
disorder-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) [22,28,44,53]. In mice, the administration of the
antiepileptic drug valproic acid (VPA) to the female during pregnancy induces autism-like social
behaviours and differences within the Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes phyla in the offspring [54].
The enteric microbiome of children with autism is different from that of neurotypical siblings and
healthy controls, and differences have also been noticed between individuals with autism disease (AD)
and the other ASD that do not meet all the diagnostic criteria of AD (e.g., PDD-NOS) [22]. Increased
microflora and reduced microbial diversity characterize the ASD gut microbiota; this combination
of factors can lead to the overgrowth of harmful bacteria contributing to the severity of autistic
symptoms [55,56].
By pyrosequencing the gut microbiome from faecal samples, lower levels of the phylum
Firmicutes with a relatively higher abundance of Bacteroidetes have been reported [23]. Bacteroidetes
are shorty-chain fatty acid (SFA)-producing bacteria, and their metabolites, especially propionic acid,
may influence the CNS and autism behaviour by modulating the gut-brain axis [23]. De Angelis
and colleagues demonstrated that the abundance of Firmicutes is lower in the faecal samples of
autistic children than in faecal samples of healthy children, but no differences have been noted
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between the abundance in individuals with PDD-NOS and controls [22]. Decreased levels of the genus
Bifidobacterium, which could have a protective role in autism through its anti-inflammatory properties,
have also been reported, as well as reduced levels of Prevotella, Coprococcus and Veillonellaceae, which are
responsible for carbohydrate digestion and fermentation [56,57]. Lactobacillus, Clostridium, Desulfovibrio,
Caloramator, Alistipes, Sarcina, Akkermansia, Sutterellaceae and Enterobacteriaceae have been found to be
more abundant in children with ASD and in the sibling controls than in healthy children [22,24,55,58].
Desulfovibrio, an anaerobic bacillus that is resistant to common antibiotics such as cephalosporins,
is more common in individuals with ASD [23,58,59]. Autistic children had significantly more ear
infections and were given greater amounts of antibiotics than control children [58], and this may lead to
an overgrowth of Desulfovibrio species that produce important virulent factors (i.e., lipopolysaccharides)
involved in the pathogenesis of autistic social behaviours [60]. Duodenal biopsies taken from ASD
patients with GI problems revealed an increased level of the genus Sutterella, which is associated
with mucosal metabolism, and these data were confirmed by another study of stools from ASD
children [61,62]. However, the differences in gut microbiome composition found by Finegold in 2010
did not appear to be statistically significant between the sibling controls and the several autistic
subjects. Since there is a great amount of evidence of multiple cases of ASD in families, it has
been proposed that autistic children could transmit their faecal microbiota to their siblings or mates,
which concurs with the development of autism in predisposed children [23]. Among the Firmicutes
phylum, the overgrowth of the genus Clostridium in autistic children has been documented in several
studies [23,57,61,63,64]. Parracho et al. reported a higher incidence of Clostridium histolyticum in autistic
children than in the control group of healthy children, and the abundance of Clostridium perfringens
in the stools of autistic children was confirmed by several other studies [24,57,63,64]. The possible
role of Clostridium in the etiopathogenesis of autism was proposed for the first time in 1998 by
Ellen Bolte, a mother of a child with regressive autism who observed the onset of neurobehavioural
changes after repeated courses of antibiotics and consequent chronic diarrhoea [65]. Furthermore,
the hypothesis of Clostridium as a potential risk factor for ASD was supported by a study in which
children with regressive autism were treated with a 6-week oral course of vancomycin (an antibiotic
used against Clostridium), which resulted in a significant improvement of both neurobehavioural and
gastrointestinal symptoms [66]. However, relapsing gastrointestinal and neurobehavioural symptoms
occurred gradually after treatment interruption, possibly because of the spores of Clostridium that
were resistant to vancomycin and could turn into infective forms later [65,67]. Clostridiaceae are also
able to produce some metabolites, such as phenols, p-cresol and indole derivates, that are potentially
toxic to humans [68]; these metabolites were detected in faecal samples of children with PDD-NOS
and in even greater amounts in samples from children with AD [24]. Interestingly, a recent review
postulated the role of glyphosate (GLY), an environmental pesticide, in the pathogenesis of autism
by increasing the growth of the toxin-producing Clostridia [69]. Indeed, Clostridium perfringens and
Clostridium botulinum are known to be highly resistant to GLY, unlike other beneficial bacteria such as
Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. Thus, environmental levels of GLY may deleteriously influence the
gut-brain axis and contribute to the pathogenesis of autism through the alteration of the microbiome
and the production of Clostridium toxins [69].
Because there is evidence that autistic individuals have maldigestion and malabsorption problems,
a recent study analysed the microbiome of the duodenal mucosa of subjects with autism and found
no differences in microbiome oral bacterial diversity compared to the healthy control group, as well
as no difference in disaccharidase activity [70]. The oral microbiota has been recently investigated,
but no differences have been found in the richness and diversity of the microbiota in salivary samples
of individuals with AD and healthy children. However, a minor but statistically lower bacterial
diversity was observed in toddlers with ASD compared to controls [71]. In particular, a low prevalence
of Prevotella, a commensal microorganism involved in the metabolism of saccharides and in the
biosynthesis of vitamins [72], was detected in salivary and dental samples of individuals with ASD [71].
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As autistic patients are thought to have impaired carbohydrate digestion [61], restoring the relative
deficiency of Prevotella may have a therapeutic potential for ASD symptoms [71].
Dysbiosis in ASD involves not only bacterial species but also yeasts, as reported in recent
studies [24,73–75]. Gastrointestinal Candida albicans is two times more abundant in toddlers with
ASD than in normal individuals and can release ammonia and other toxins, inducing autistic
behaviours [74,75]. However, the role of fungi in ASD has not been clearly elucidated, and more
studies with large samples are needed.
In summary, although many studies have been published on dysbiosis in the gut microbiota of
individuals with ASD, there is still little consensus on the exact composition of the gut microbiome that
is specific to individuals with ASDs, and some studies have described opposing results. The possible
reason for these opposing results may be the lack of homogeneity in terms of age, diet, pharmacological
treatment, geographic area, comorbidities, and the severity of neurobehavioural and gastrointestinal
symptoms among the patients enrolled. For example, the faecal microbiota of younger people contains
proportionally fewer Bacteroidetes compared to that of older people [76], and the microbiome profile
can vary depending on the section of the GI tract from which the sample was taken [59]. Therefore,
to correctly compare and evaluate findings on the gut microbiota in ASD, studies on homogeneous
patient groups are needed.

4. Gastrointestinal Abnormalities in Autism Spectrum Disorder and the

“Inflammation Hypothesis”
The hypothesis of a connection between gut microbiota disruption and ASD originated from the
evidence that children with ASD may have GI disturbances. A wide range of GI abnormalities have
been reported, such as diarrhoea, constipation, vomiting, feeding problems, reflux and abdominal
pain [25]. According to two recent studies, approximately 40% of ASD patients complain of GI
symptoms [77,78], and according to a clinical meta-analysis, functional GI disorders occur more often
in ASD children than in healthy children [79]. It has been hypothesized that the presence of an altered
microbiota associated with GI problems in a child with a genetic predisposition for ASD may facilitate
the expression of an autistic phenotype or increase the severity of neurobehavioural symptoms [80].
Indeed, children with both ASD and GI disturbances may display more severe anxiety, irritability and
social withdrawal compared with those without GI disturbances [81]. The severity of neurobehavioural
symptoms seems to increase the risk of having GI problems [77] and vice versa [9]. In the CHARGE
(CHildhood Autism Risks from Genetics and Environment) study, the incidence of GI abnormalities
was associated with more consistent autism behaviours, as measured by the Aberrant Behaviour
Checklist. On the other hand, autism severity measured by the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist
(ATEC) was correlated with a higher GI severity index [79]. There is increasing evidence that GI
disturbances in autistic children may be related to gut dysbiosis due to the inflammatory state [82–86],
and the abnormal faecal microbiota in both patients with inflammatory bowel diseases and in ASD
children with GI disturbances suggests this correlation.
Although there is still little consensus, some studies have demonstrated different expressions
of inflammation markers in children with ASD [87–90], and many recent reviews are pointing
to the correlation between inflammation and immune dysfunction in ASD children with GI
comorbidities [25,81,85]. By comparing the transcriptome profiles of gut biopsies from children
with ASD, ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD), a group of researchers showed that
the transcriptional profile of ileal and colonic tissues in the children with ASD was similar to that
of individuals with inflammatory bowel disease [82]. However, other studies have not found an
increase in faecal calprotectin, lactoferrin, secretory IgA or elastase in ASD patients compared to
typical children [44,53,83]. Nevertheless, infiltration of lymphocytes, monocytes, natural killer cells
and eosinophils has been observed in tissues from gut biopsies of children with autism as well as
in individuals with other diseases such as immunodeficiency and food allergies [25]. An excess
accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) has been reported in autism brains.
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Through their interaction with their putative receptor RAGE, AGEs can promote neuroinflammation,
oxidative stress and neuronal degeneration. However, Boso and colleagues have suggested systemic
inflammation as a result of the disfunction of the AGE-RAGE axis in autistic children, with higher
levels of RAGE (i.e., receptors for advanced glycation end products) and their proinflammatory ligand
S100A9 in the blood of those patients [84]. A recent study has shown that astrocytes derived from ASD
children have higher levels of proinflammatory cytokines compared to control-derived neurons [85],
and this could contribute to the altered development of neurons and synapses in children with ASD [7].
Behind this “inflammation hypothesis”, there is the idea that a disruption of the gut epithelial
barrier, which is physiologically involved in controlling the transit of molecules from the GI tract
by tight junctions, can lead to altered gut permeability [86]. The microbiota and its metabolites are
crucial in maintaining epithelial barrier integrity; therefore, dysbiosis in ASD patients may alter
gut permeability [91]. This condition, called “leaky gut” [21], may allow the passage of bacteria,
toxins such as LPS and metabolites that activate the immune response and induce an inflammatory
state into the bloodstream [86]. The activated immune system releases inflammatory cytokines and
chemokines, which can modulate the CNS and contribute to the pathogenesis of autism by influencing
the early stages of brain development [5]. Increased plasma levels of proinflammatory cytokines such
as interleukin (IL)-1B, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12p40, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and transforming
growth factor (TGF)-beta as well as hyperactive cellular immune responses in children with ASD
have been reported, and these immune/inflammatory profiles may be related to the severity of the
ASD-related neurobehavioural symptoms [92,93]. Hsiao and colleagues found a significant deficit
in intestinal barrier integrity in mouse models of ASD, as reflected by the increased translocation of
FITC-dextran across the intestinal epithelium and into circulation [91]. In addition, higher intestinal
permeability in autistic children has been demonstrated by the mean lactulose/mannitol test in
patients and in their first-degree relatives [53]. ASD children also have higher plasma levels of
the gut permeability-modulating protein zonulin than typical toddlers, and the increase in zonulin
levels seems related to the severity of autistic symptoms [85]. In contrast, other reports have not
found differences in intestinal permeability in autistic toddlers [44,94–96], suggesting that gut barrier
disruption may not be a marker of autism in all cases but only in children with ASD and GI problems.
An interesting recent study by Rose and colleagues included four groups of children and distinguished
between ASD children with irregular bowel habits (ASDGI), ASD children without GI symptoms
(ASDNoGI), typically developing children with GI symptoms (TDGI) and typically developing children
without current or previous GI symptoms (TDNoGI) [81]. After TLR-4 stimulation, compared to the
ASDNoGI group, the ASDGI group showed increased plasma levels of IL-5, IL-15, and IL-17 and
a lower production of the regulatory cytokine TGFb1 [81], which is associated with worse behaviour
scores [97]. Moreover, the ASDGI and TDGI groups had different microbiome compositions, suggesting
that dysbiosis in children with ASD is independent of the presence of GI symptoms [81], confirming
the idea that the gut and systemic inflammation state may contribute to pathogenesis, especially in
ASD children with GI comorbidities.
Moreover, gut dysbiosis may influence the CNS and modulate emotions, anxiety and
behaviour. The bidirectional communication between the gut and brain through neuroendocrine
and neuroimmune pathways, autonomic nervous systems and microbial toxin production represents
the gut-brain axis [90].
First, as discussed above, the gut microbiota contributes to the control of gut epithelial
permeability [7,91,93].
Secondly, the intestinal microbiome plays an important role in the maturation of the host
immune system by modulating the innate and adaptive immune system, especially regulatory
T-cells, which prevent inflammation [36]. Dysbiosis in ASD children leads to an activation of the
immune system and the release of inflammatory cytokines that regulate the CNS through the vagal
system [7,98–100].
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Third, the gut microbiota can send signals to the CNS via the ENS or via the afferent fibres of the
vagus nerve, both directly and through the release of neurotransmitters in the bloodstream [4].
The administration of Lactobacillus rhamnosus in mice stimulated the transcription of
γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors through the vagal nerve, inducing behavioural and
psychological responses, but this effect was reversed after vagotomy [101]. Several bacterial species
can send signals to the CNS via the vagus nerve [4,7]. In top-down signalling, the autonomic nervous
system and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis influence the gut microbiota as a neuroendocrine
pathway [36].
Finally, the gut microbiota produces metabolites such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), phenol
compounds, and free amino acids (FAA), which are thought to play a critical role in ASD [7].

5. The Emerging Role of the Serotonin Pathway in the Autism Spectrum Disorder Gut-Brain Axis
In animal models, germ-free (GF) mice show higher levels of monoamines (noradrenaline,
dopamine, serotonin) and lower levels of BDNF and anxiety-like behaviours than conventional
mice [19,102,103]. An interesting recent study points to the role of the neurotransmitter serotonin
(5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) as a link for the gut-brain axis in ASD [104]. In addition, 5-HT is thought
to be involved in the development of both the CNS and the ENS [105].
Hyperserotonemia in children with ASD has been demonstrated since the 1970s [106,107],
and a correlation with gastrointestinal symptoms have recently been found by Marler and
colleagues [108]. Because 90% of whole-blood 5-HT is synthesized by intestinal enterochromaffin
(EC) cells, it has been postulated that higher levels of serotonin in ASD children may be caused by
a gastrointestinal 5-HT hypersecretion [104]. Israelyan and Margolis studied serotonin transporter
(SERT) variants and their correlations with hyperserotonemia in ASD children and incorporated
the most common variant, the SERT Ala56 mutation, in a mouse model [104]. However, further
investigations are needed to better understand whether 5-HT agonism may rescue behavioural
abnormalities, and human studies are required as well.
The causes of elevated levels of serotonin in ASD patients are not only genetic. Infections,
gastrointestinal disorders and immune system impairment are also thought to be involved [109,110].
Interestingly, recent animal studies have found altered microbiome compositions in ASD mouse
models that were associated with GI disorders and increased intestinal production of 5-HT [111,112],
supporting a connection between enteric serotonin production and dysbiosis. A clinical study
performed on children with ASD and GI disorders revealed that, compared to children with ASD and
no GI symptoms, the children with ASD and GI disorders exhibited a higher prevalence of Clostridiales
species on their gut mucosa, which was associated with elevated levels of cytokines, serotonin and
tryptophan in mucosal biopsies [113]. However, hyposerotonemia, lower synthesis of 5-HT in the
brain, has been reported in children with ASD [114]. According to De Theije, due to low-grade gut
inflammation, EC cells, mast cells and platelets are stimulated to produce serotonin, which leads
to intestinal dysmotility and the consumption of tryptophan [80]. On the other hand, tryptophan
is a precursor for a number of metabolites, most notably kynurenine and serotonin. Consequently,
less tryptophan is available for the synthesis of serotonin in the brain, which may explain the mood
and cognitive impairment associated with ASD because a reduction in tryptophan in the diet seems to
worsen autistic behaviour in adults. Dysbiosis can directly affect the availability of tryptophan to the
host by decreasing the number of amino acids that are absorbed from the diet [4].
However, clinical evidence of a link between hyperserotonemia and autistic behaviours (i.e.,
stereotypy, social impairment) is still inconsistent [115,116]. Neither the addition of tryptophan in the
diet nor selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI, i.e., that increases the brain’s levels of serotonin)
administration in ASD children have been proven to be effective treatments.
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6. Gut-Microbial Metabolites Pathway

Gut bacteria produce toxins, metabolite and co-metabolites that can cross the gut-blood and
blood-brain barriers, thus influencing the brain, behaviour and gut [117]. Due to the effective
measurement techniques of metabolomics, it has been possible to identify alterations in various
metabolites in ASD through analyses of urinary, serum and faecal samples [22,62,118]. Children with
ASD have high faecal [22] and urinary [119] levels of p-cresol and its co-metabolite p-cresyl sulfate,
which are phenolic compounds that are produced by bacteria and that express p-cresol-synthesizing
enzymes (i.e., C. difficile, Bifidobacterium) [42]. Early exposure to p-cresol may contribute to the severity
of behavioural symptoms and cognitive impairment in ASD toddlers, as well as to gut infections and
GI disorders [119,120]. High levels of SCFAs have also been reported in stools of ASD children [62,117].
According to De Angelis and colleagues, children with ASD had higher levels of propionic acid
and acetic acid but lower levels of butyric acid [22]. SCFAs, such as acetic acid (AA), propionic acid
(PPA) and butyric acid (BA), are the fermentation end products of non-digested carbohydrates [121]
and they are thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of ASD [122]. The mechanisms through which
SCFAs influence the CNS include alteration of mitochondrial functions and the epigenetic modulation
of ASD-associated genes. PPA, produced by ASD-associated species (i.e., Clostridia, Bacteroides and
Desulfovibrio) is used as a preservative in the food industry [67] and has several functions, such as
modulation of neurotransmitter synthesis and release [123], anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects,
and modulation of mitochondrial and lipid metabolism [121]. PPA can also induce autistic-like
behaviours in rodents [117,124–128].
Butyric acid (BA) is another SCFA produced by the gut microbiome that modulates gut
transepithelial transport and plays a role in mitochondrial function, stimulating oxidative
phosphorylation and fatty acid oxidation [129]. The administration of BT may be therapeutic
in several neurologic conditions, such as dementia and depression [130–132], possibly due to
upregulating physiological stress pathways [133]. In animal models of ASD, BA positively modulates
neurotransmitter gene expression by inhibiting histone deacetylase and, contrary to the action of PPA,
can rescue behavioural abnormalities in mice [134,135]. In an interesting recent study, Rose and
colleagues pointed to the role of BA in the mitochondrial dysfunction observed in ASD [133].
They developed a lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL) model of ASD with a subset of LCLs presenting
mitochondrial dysfunction and demonstrated that BA has a positive effect on cells from both healthy
and ASD children that are under physiological stress. Further in vivo studies are needed to assess the
potential therapeutic effect of BA in many diseases associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, such as
ASD. Children with ASD also have a dysregulated metabolism of free amino acids (FAA), which are
derived from the hydrolysis of proteins and peptides [136].
The concentration of total and individual FAA in faecal samples has been found to be higher in
children with autism than in healthy children and children with PDD-NOS, and these data correlate
with the prevalence of proteolytic bacteria in children with autism [22]. Glutamate, which is found
in the highest levels in individuals with ASD, is an amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter in the
CNS and is thought to be involved in the etiopathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders [137].
Conversely, lower levels of glycine, serine, threonine, alanine, histidine, and glutamyl amino acids,
as well as low levels of antioxidants, were observed in children with ASD using metabolomics in
urinary specimens [136]. Children with ASD have a greater urinary excretion of tryptophan, the 5-HT
precursor, and its degradation fragments, which is similar to the findings associated with other
neuropsychiatric conditions [138]. In addition, increased levels of 2(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate,
taurocholenate sulfate [136] and 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-3-hydroxypropanoic acid were detected
in urinary samples of children with ASD [22,138,139], and significantly lower levels of
3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propionate and 5-aminovalerate were also observed [136]. In particular,
3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-3-hydroxypropanoic acid is a phenylalanine metabolite of Clostridium and has
been demonstrated to induce autistic-like behaviours in animal models [139].
Nutrients 2019, 11, 521 9 of 24

Several factors such as diet, the gut microbiome and different gene expression may explain these
findings in patients with ASD. Metabolomic characterization of ASD could help to develop new
diagnostic strategies as well as therapeutic approaches based on diet and restoring the physiological
gut microbiota.

7. Dietary Interventions: What is the Evidence?

Dietary interventions in children with ASD are very popular but could be potentially harmful.
Restrictive diets further limit the variety of food intake since individuals with ASD already
exhibit picky eating behaviours, so restrictive diets can result in macronutrient and micronutrient
deficiencies [140,141]. On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that a Mediterranean diet impacts
the gut microbiota and associated metabolome as well as cardiovascular diseases and neurobehavioural
health outcomes [142–145]. Thus, investigating the physiological effects of dietary interventions on the
gut-brain axis is critical to understanding the different potential therapeutic diets.
Individuals with ASD seem to have decreased digestive enzyme activity (i.e., saccharolytic
enzymes) and impaired protein digestion that, together with increased gut permeability, could be
responsible for the elevated levels of urinary dietary peptides, altered plasma amino acid profiles and
high levels of faecal putrefactive metabolites (i.e., propionic acid) reported in children with ASD [146].
These findings have arisen from the not widely accepted “opioid excess theory”, which posits that
the breakdown products of dietary protein, especially casein and gluten, act as agonists of opioid
receptors that can exert effects on the CNS and neurobehaviours [147]. The main premise of this theory
is that autism is the result of a metabolic disorder. Peptides with opioid activity derived from dietary
sources pass through an abnormally permeable intestinal membrane and enter the CNS to exert an
effect on neurotransmission, as well as producing other physiologically-based symptoms. An extended
gluten-free and casein-free (GF/CF) diet in patients with ASD seems to reduce urinary peptide levels
and improve behaviour [148], but supporting evidence is still weak and limited [149]. In addition, GF
and CF diets only reduce levels of two toxins, gluteomorphins and caseomorphins but cannot heal
the mucosa or restore gut microbiota composition [150]. Studies on the efficacy of the GF/CF diet
are conflicting [53,151,152]. The different outcomes may be explained by the replacement of wheat
and dairy proteins with other kinds of proteins (i.e., from maize or legumes) that are also difficult to
digest by a fragile gut and the increased simple carbohydrate intake, which promotes the overgrowth
of toxic bacteria in the gut of children with ASD [146]. Due to the heterogeneity of the ASD subtypes,
it is reasonable to assume that at least one subgroup of these children who have GI problems with
increased intestinal permeability or food allergies could respond to and benefit from a GF/CF diet,
resulting in improvements in both GI and neurobehavioural symptoms [153].
Improvements in seizure control and neurobehavioural symptoms have also been reported in
ASD animal models and children with mild-moderate types of ASD as a result of following a ketogenic
diet (KD, i.e., a high fat diet that has demonstrated beneficial effects on mitochondrial dysfunction
and epilepsy) [154,155]. Unfortunately, these children also experienced adverse effects, including
constipation, hypercholesterolemia with higher inflammatory risk, menstrual irregularities, and the
potentially life-threatening conditions, such as vomiting and dehydration [155]. The dangerous side
effects and the increase in harmful bacteria in the gut microbiota associated with the limited number
of positive results after KD administration, necessitate more research in this field. The main limitations
of all dietary intervention studies are the short duration of the treatment, the lack of a division into
subgroups with and without GI problems and the lack of testing for compliance [146].
Probiotic administration could represent a potential better alternative to restrictive dietary
interventions because, in addition to general safety and tolerance, probiotics can heal the intestinal
mucosa, protect the epithelial barrier through the production of mucin and fortifying tight
junctions, increase the production of digestive enzymes and antioxidants, and modulate the immune
response [141].
Nutrients 2019, 11, 521 10 of 24

8. Therapeutic Perspectives
Currently, no definitive or effective therapies for ASD exist. The approved and recommended
treatments for ASD essentially include rehabilitation, educational therapy and psycho-pharmacological
approaches [140]. This has led parents to look for alternative treatments without solid scientific
evidence; these treatments, such as the administration of vitamins and other supplements or the
adoption of elimination diets, are often expensive and potentially dangerous (i.e., a gluten-free and
casein-free diet) [156]. Vitamin A (VA) supplementation may positively influence the gut microbiome,
but it remains unclear whether the VA concentration is associated with autism symptoms [157]. The use
of antibiotics in ASD is controversial. Children with ASD experience significantly more ear infections
and use greater amounts of antibiotics than non-ASD children [157,158]. During pregnancy, antibiotic
use may be a risk factor for autism [159]. Conversely, a clinical trial of 10 toddlers with ASD showed
improvements in autistic behaviours in 8 of the toddlers after a short oral course of vancomycin [64].
Because of the emerging role of gut dysbiosis in ASD, research is focusing on rebalancing the
gut microbiota as a possible therapeutic approach for such diseases; this approach includes oral
pre-probiotic administration and FMT.
Prebiotics are non-digestible compounds (i.e., inulin, oligosaccharides) that are metabolized by
the intestinal tract and support the proliferation of beneficial gut bacteria such as Lactobacilli and
Bifidobacteria [160]. For instance, galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) have been shown to have a bifidogenic
effect in autistic and non-autistic children [161] and may suppress the neuroendocrine stress response
and ameliorate attentional vigilance in healthy volunteers [162].
However, studies have mostly focused on the potential role of probiotics in the treatment
of ASD. Probiotics are living non-pathogenic microorganisms that can provide health benefits in
a variety of conditions, such as obesity, IBD, colorectal cancer, and neurological diseases [5,35].
Several pre-clinical studies have shown the potential beneficial effects of probiotics in treating
neurological diseases [91,163–168], whose findings have been confirmed by clinical trials performed
on humans [169,170].
Faecal microbiota transplant (FMT) and microbiota transfer therapy (MTT), a modified FMT
protocol, have recently attracted the interest of researchers because of their effectiveness in the treatment
of recurrent Clostridium difficile infections [171] and their promising role in the treatment of IBD [172].
FMT consists of transferring the faecal microbiota from healthy volunteers to patients with gut
dysbiosis [5], and this may alleviate GI and neurobehavioural symptoms in children with ASD by
rebalancing the physiological intestinal microbiota [173].

9. Microbiota Transfer Therapy

Microbiota transfer therapy (MTT) appears to be an alternative and promising new approach to
treating gut dysbiosis in ASD. In an open-label clinical trial, Kang and colleagues developed a modified
FMT protocol (MTT) that consisted of 14 days of oral vancomycin treatment followed by 12–24 h
of fasting bowel cleansing and then either oral or rectal administration of standardized human gut
microbiota (SHGM) for 7–8 weeks [159]. The researchers observed improvements in ASD behavioural
symptoms that continued for 8 weeks after treatment ended and a good tolerance in the patients
enrolled (7–16 years of age). A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study is required to
confirm these promising results.

10. Probiotic Administration in Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment

Because probiotics can reduce gut inflammation and ameliorate GI symptoms in children with
IBD [174–177], it has been postulated that probiotics may reduce the inflammatory state and reduce
behavioural symptoms in children with ASD [25].
The most interesting pre-clinical study of probiotics in ASD treatment was carried out by
Hsiao and colleagues on the maternal immune-activation (MIA) model of ASD, in which either
Nutrients 2019, 11, 521 11 of 24

autistic-like behaviours or GI disorders with abnormal gut microbiota were displayed. The oral
administration of Bacteroides fragilis (1 × 109 CFU) in a pre-clinical model of MIA offspring improved
gut permeability, restored intestinal microbiota and improved autistic-like behaviours [91], suggesting
microbial modulation as an effective and safe treatment for ASD. Interestingly, in early midel only
Bacteroidetes and no other species could ameliorate anxiety, stereotyping and communicatively impaired
behaviours, indicating that probiotic therapy requires some specificity [35].
There is increasing evidence that maternal obesity and diabetes are linked to autism [178,179].
A maternal high-fat diet (MHFD) induced alterations in gut microbiome composition and social
withdrawal in offspring [180]. Notably, the administration of Lactobacillus reuteri, but not other species
of probiotics, could reverse social behavioural abnormalities but not repetitive behaviours and anxiety,
again suggesting the specificity of effects among probiotics strains. Furthermore, Lactobacillus reuteri
increased the oxytocin levels involved in the mesolimbic dopamine reward system, which is thought
to be dysregulated in ASD [180,181].
A recent study performed on hamsters in which autistic-like behaviours were induced by PPA and
clindamycin administration studied the therapeutic effect of a three-week oral treatment with a mixture
of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli strains (ProtexinR). Clindamycin and PPA increased brain glutamate
excitotoxicity in hamsters, inducing a depletion of Mg2+ and GABA [182]. Previous studies on animals
have shown that Mg2+ deficiency, resulting in an excess of Ca2+ and glutamate, might underlie
repetitive and impaired social behaviours [127,128]. Moreover, changes in the gut microbiota with
the appearance of Clostridium species were detected in the stool samples of hamsters treated with
clindamycin and PPA. ProtexinR administration was effective in rebalancing the previous microbiome
and counteracting glutamate excitotoxicity [182].
Clinical trials performed on children to study the effect of probiotics on neurological diseases have
mostly investigated ASD [35]. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study recruited 62
children with ASD from 3 to 16 years of age who were given Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 (daily dose,
4.5 × 1010 CFU) for three weeks. Children were divided into two groups: Group I received a placebo
during the first feeding period (3 weeks) and a probiotic during the second (3 weeks) and vice versa
for group II. The behavioural/emotional impact of both feeding regimes (probiotic and placebo) was
assessed through a standardized Development Behaviour Checklist (DBC-P). No differences between
the two feeding periods were reported. However, behaviour and emotional problems scores were
significantly higher (p < 0.05) at baseline compared to those during both the probiotic and placebo
periods [183].
Oral supplementation with Lactobacillus acidophilus twice daily for 2 months in a cohort study
of 22 children (age range 4–10 years) with ASD ameliorated their ability to concentrate and
fulfil orders such as following directions. Unfortunately, no effects on behavioural or emotional
impairment were reported [184]. Tomova and colleagues investigated the faecal microflora of 10
children with autism by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The abundance of Desulfovibrio
spp. in the stool and GI disturbances in autistic patients strongly correlated with the severity of
autistic behaviours. Dietary supplementation with one capsule of “Children Dophilus” (3 strains of
Lactobacillus, 2 strains of Bifidobacterium and one strain of Streptococcus) in autistic toddlers three times
a day for 4 months normalized the Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes ratio and Desulfovibrio spp. abundance,
and reduced TNFα levels in their stools [59]. However, no clinical assessment after probiotic
administration was performed.
A randomized clinical trial was performed on 75 infants who were followed for 13 years;
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG was given to 40 subjects for the first six months of life and a placebo was
given to the other participants. At the age of 13 years, 6 of the 35 patients in the placebo group were
diagnosed with Asperger syndrome (AS) or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but none
of the participants in the probiotic group were diagnosed with these conditions (p = 0.008). It has been
postulated that Lactobacillus administration early in life may reduce the risk of developing further ASD
Nutrients 2019, 11, 521 12 of 24

or ADHD; however, more confirming studies are required. Moreover, probiotic administration could
act independently from gut microbiota alterations [185].
Two case reports showed a regression of autistic symptoms after probiotic administration [186,187],
which was reversed after the term of the therapy. VSL#3 (a multi-strain mixture of 10 probiotics) given
daily to a boy with ASD and severe cognitive impairment could reverse his neurobehavioural and GI
symptoms [187].
A survey conducted on caregivers showed that daily administration of Delpro® , a mixture of
five probiotic strains with the immunomodulator Del-Immune V® (Lactobacillus rhamnosus V lysate),
for 21 days in children with ASD can improve multiple domains (speech, language, communication,
sociability, cognitive and behaviour), as evaluated through the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist
(ATEC) [188]. However, this is not a validated controlled clinical trial, and we cannot accurately
interpret these results compared with the others.
A recent study included 30 patients with ASD between 5 and 9 years old who were given
supplemented formula containing Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacteria
longum for 3 months and who were then evaluated through the ATEC. The overall ATEC scores
significantly decreased after probiotic treatment (p = 0.0001), and a significant decrease in severity
of autistic symptoms was reported in the speech/language/communication categories of the ATEC
(p < 0.0001) [189].
Interestingly, a still ongoing randomized controlled trial will determine the effect of a 6-month
supplementation with Vivomixx® , a probiotic mixture containing one strain of Streptococcus
thermophilus DSM 24731, three strains of Bifidobacterium, and four strains of Lactobacillus, on children
with ASD with or without GI symptoms. The posology protocol includes 2 doses per day for the first
month and one dose per day in the following 5 months of treatment. A clinical assessment will be
performed on the groups treated with probiotics (with and without GI symptoms) and with placebo
(with and without GI symptoms)to evaluate the possible improvements in GI symptoms, cognitive and
language impairment, autism severity and behavioural symptoms. Moreover, changes in plasmatic,
urinary and faecal biomarkers related to dysbiosis and neurophysiological patterns will be analysed
after probiotic treatment [140]. Conversely, other investigations have shown that probiotics could not
reverse dysbiosis and that other interventions may be studied (i.e., engineered bacteria) [190].
In summary, the possible positive effect of probiotic treatment on neurobehavioural symptoms
in children with ASD is still controversial. The main limits of the clinical trials mentioned above
are the lack of homogeneity in the patients enrolled (i.e., age, presence/absence of GI symptoms,
different therapies and dietary habits), small sample sizes, distinct duration and number of probiotics
administered as well as different scales used for autistic symptom evaluation after treatment.
Table 1 summarizes the main clinical trials performed on the effects of probiotics on children
with ASD.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 521 13 of 24

Table 1. Main clinical trials performed on the effects of probiotics on children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Authors Study design Treatment Effects

Randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study on Improvement of disruptive antisocial behaviours, anxiety and
Parracho et al. [183] L. plantarum WCFS1 vs. placebo for 3 weeks
children with ASD from 3–16 years old communication problems in probiotic arm
Improvement in their ability to concentrate and fulfil orders,
Kaluzna-Czaplinska et al. [184] Cohort study of children with ASD from 4–10 years old L. acidophilus strain Rosell-11 for 2 months with no impact on behavioural responses to other people’s
emotions or eye contact
At the age of 13 years, 6 out of 35 (17.1%) children in the placebo
Randomized trial, placebo controlled study on infants L. rhamnosus GG vs. placebo for the first group were diagnosed with ASD or
Partty et al. [185]
followed for 13 years 6 months of life attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, but none in the probiotic
group were
Real-time PCR on faecal samples of 10 children with A mixture of Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria and Normalization of Bacteroides/Firmicutes ratio and Desulfovibrio
Tomova et al. [59]
autism before and after probiotic administration Streptococci given 3 times a day for 4 months spp. abundance. No clinical assessments were performed.
Improvements in school records and attitude towards food
Blades M. [186] Case report of a 6-year-old child with ASD Probiotic administration for two months
reversed after probiotics discontinuation
A mixture of Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli and
Grossi et al. [187] Case report Reduction of neurobehavioural and gastrointestinal symptoms
Streptococci given daily for 4 weeks
Delpro® (Lactocillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei,
Lactobacillus delbruecki, Bifdobacteria longum, Decrease in ATEC (Autism Treatment evaluation checklist) score
West et al. [188] Cohort study of 33 children with ASD
Bifidobacteria bifdum) and Del-Immune V® in 88% of children
(Lactobacillus rhamnosus V lysate), for 21 days
Cohort study of 30 children with ASD from Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus Improvements in gastrointestinal problems and decrease
Shaaban et al. [189]
5 to 9 years old and Bifidobacteria longum for 3 months in ATEC score
Randomized, placebo controlled trial of a group of
100 children with ASD. They were classified as Vivomixx® , a probiotic mixture containing one The study is still ongoing. All participants will be assessed at
Santocchi et al. [140] belonging to the GI group or the non-GI group, blind strain of Streptococcus thermophilus, three strains of baseline, after three months and after 6 months in order to
randomized 1:1 to regular diet with probiotic or with Bifidobacterium, and four strains of Lactobacillus evaluate gastrointestinal and neurobehavioural changes.
placebo for 6 months.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 521 14 of 24

11. Conclusions
Alterations in gut microbiome composition have been confirmed in children with ASD. However,
the available data do not allow us to define a characteristic and unique profile of ASD, and some
results are conflicting, perhaps due to the heterogeneity of the patients enrolled. Bowel dysfunctions
are frequent in ASD children and may correlate with the severity of autism but are not present in
all cases of ASD. This finding suggests that we should consider two subtypes of ASD, with different
grade of inflammation playing a possible role in the etiopathogenesis of ASD associated with GI
comorbidities. This dichotomy of the presence or not of gastrointestinal disorders in ASD patients
may explain the non-consensual results of studies on dysbiosis and ASD [191,192]. Among all the
therapeutic approaches to autism, the potential usefulness of probiotics in reducing autistic symptoms
has been investigated. Clinical trials with children have suggested promising results, but they are still
limited and lack safety and tolerability evaluations. In addition, several limitations exist in the methods
of microbiota analysis, reducing the possibility of targeted metabolomics approach [193]. Further
well-designed, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials are required to validate the effectiveness
of probiotics in ASD treatment and to identify the appropriate strains, dose and timing of treatment.

Author Contributions: A.F. wrote the first draft of the manuscript; L.D.G. and G.B.D. gave support in the literature
review; E.M. evised the text; S.E. critically revised the text and made substantial scientific contributions. All the
authors approved the final version of the manuscript.
Funding: The publication of this research was funded by the Section of Pediatrics, Department of Surgical and
Biomedical Sciences, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italy (grant 2018-PED-03).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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