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Study On A Multicell Box Culvert Taking PDF

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



Kritee Chhetri1, Rajendra.S2, Kavitha.N3

P.G Student, Department of Civil Engineering, N.C.E.T, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Bangalore, India
Professor and Head (P.G), Department of Civil Engineering, N.C.E.T, Visvesvaraya Technological University,
Bangalore, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, N.C.E.T, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Bangalore,

Box culverts are very important part of a transportation network as they provide an economical alternative to heavy bridges. Box
culverts do not require a separate extensive foundation system and they are ideally suited for medium spans. Structurally, box
culverts are complicated structures as they are buried completely in soil and because of their self-stabilizing nature. Hence, there
is need to for a detailed parametric study on multi-cell box culvert structures in order to understand their structural behavior and
to study the influence of various parameters effecting its structural behavior. In the present study span to height ratio of the
culvert is analyzed by taking 3D analysis and dynamic vehicular analysis result is compared to a simplified static analysis. An
attempt is made to carry out a parametric study on the behavior of a multi cell box culvert subjected to dead loads as well as IRC
wheel loadings. The box culverts are modelled using SAP 2000 software using effective width method. IRC 70R loading is used for
the analysis and design of culverts. The results of the study reveal that the dynamic study has significant influence on the result of
the analysis and should be carefully considered.

Keywords: Dynamic Vehicular Analysis, Multicell Box Culvert, Span To Height Ratio, SAP 2000.

RC box culverts are rigid frames which are designed to
support vertical loads (earth and vehicular loads) and lateral
earth pressure. Box culverts can be either-single cell or
multi-cell depending upon its purposes. Box culvert is
generally used for the flow of water under a road, railroad, Fig 1: Typical cross-section of box-culvert
and other obstructions from one side to another. Water can
also be allowed to flow above the land through a structure 2. COEFFICIENT OF EARTHPRESSURE
known as aqueduct. Single cell or multi cell box culvert are
simple structures but the load applied during the Depending upon the condition of the site, the earth exerts
pressure which may be active, passive or the pressure at rest.
construction and throughout their service life may be
Box culvert is filled by earth after the construction, now the
complicated. Box culvert was first constructed in Minnesota
box is stationary hence the pressure will be at rest.
in 1974 and the structure performed very well. Nowadays,
precast box culvert are used to reduce time for plan
For the box culvert, the coefficient of earth pressure taken is
production and construction. Structure which are under soil
i.e. box culvert carries vertical loads through a combination 0.33 for Ф=30 for active condition from the books of design.
Since the earth pressure coefficient has less effect on the
of soil around the structure and the internal capacity, this is
structural sizes of the members of the box culvert, hence
known as soil surface interaction. Bridge and culvert does
active pressure will act on box culvert.
not have much difference because both of them are designed
for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacles. The
main difference is the span lengthto demarcate between 3. EFFECTIVE WIDTH
bridge and culvert. If the span is less than 6.5m i.e. 20 feet, Effective width along the width of the culvert is mainly
it is known as culvert and if the span is more than the affected by the moving live load. Effective width plays an
specified length than it is known as bridge. Box culvert are important role in considering the live load for the design of
used to transmit water during runoff period and remains dry the culvert without cushion. The live load becomes the main
rest of the year and is used for wildlife transmission. load at the top slab and this load needs to be divided by the

Volume: 05 Issue: 06 | Jun-2016, Available @ 368
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

effective width so as to evaluate the effect per unit run. Thus, from the result obtained, it can be said that the
Effective width is basically the slab width which is rectangular section is stiffer than the trapezoidal section.
perpendicular to the span and is affected by the load applied
at the top of the slab. PavanD.Tikate and S.N Tande (2015) have carried out a
parametric study on box culvert using finite element method
In order to calculate the effective width an equation for and the software used to prepare the modal is STAAD Pro.
simply supported and continuous slab for different width to Here in the paper the analytical study and design of box
span ratio is given in IRC 21-2000. The effective width culvert is carried out considering it as rigid frames and
needs to be calculated for the box culvert so as to evaluate taking the bending moment at theend supports as same. For
the area affected by the moving load used for the design. determining the final moments at the frame joints, moment
distribution method is used. For slabs and walls, the
4. IMPACT OF LIVELOAD moments at midway and supports are determined from
different sequences of load and the design of member is
The impact of the moving load depends upon the type and performed by taking the maximum moment. From the study
class of the load. The formula to get the impact factor is it can be concluded there is a little influence of coefficient of
given in IRC: 6-2000 Code for different load types. The box earth pressure on the final moments. Hence 0.5 can be taken
culvert with no cushion whose top slab is likely to be as coefficient of earth pressure for safety purpose. In this
subjected to impact needs to be designed for live loads along paper, it is noticed that the results of analysis obtained from
with the impact loads. There is no effect of impact on the moment distribution coefficients are in agreement with those
bottom slabs and the vertical walls of the box culvert. Hence obtained by FE method.
it is not considered in design.
NehaKolate et al (2014) have carried out an analytical
5. BENEFITS OF CULVERT study on design of RCC box culvert. In this study, they have
Precast box culverts are cost competing with cast in place given a brief idea about a box culvert and usefulness of the
structures. Box culverts are quick and easy to install. It box culvert in reducing the flood level. In this paper, the box
involves preparation of site, placement and backfilling of of 3mX3m with and without cushion of 5m has been taken.
box culvert sections. The amount of work on site and the Different load cases are calculated and are checked for shear
impact of weather on the schedule of the project are reduced for the box culvert. The results of analysis and design have
by precast fabrication of box culvert. Inspection of the box discovered that RCC box culvert has many advantages over
culvert can be done with an ease. Precast concrete culverts slab culvert for cross drainage work across high
have greater durability and require low maintenance embankment. In box culvert it’s easy to add length for
solution. They also have flexibility in design configurations. widening of road and is structurally rigid and safe. The
examination and analysis revealed that box does not need
6. LITREATURE REVIEW any elaborate foundation, it’s easy to construct, requires no
maintenance and small variation in coefficient of earth
RajendraThakaiet all (2016) have carried out the pressure has little influence on the design of box without
analytical study of the box girder bridge for rectangular and cushion.
trapezoidal cross-section. The model is analyzed using the
software SAP 2000 which is economically accessible for the B.N Sinha and R.P Sharma (2009) have worked with box
finite element analysis. The model is studied for the culverts made of RCC without and with the cushion. In this
combination of loads i.e. dead load and live load taken from study, design of RCC box culvert has been done manually
IRC 70R loading for zero eccentricity for continuous and and by computer method. RCC box culverts are modeled
simply supported span. In this paper, the work is done for and analyzed using STAAD Pro. The structural design
the bending moment and longitudinal bending stress in both involves consideration of load cases like box empty, full,
the top and the bottom flanges. Some of the assumptions surcharge load etc. and factors like live load, effective
which are made during the analysis are: width, impact force, coefficient of earth pressure. Relevant
IRC codes are referred in this paper. The designs are done to
The vehicular loads taken are from class 70R wheeled withstand maximum bending moment and shear force.
vehicle having seven axles given in IRC. The box girder Effective width in case of box culvert plays an important
used in this paper is of rectangular and trapezoidal section of role without cushion as the live load becomes the main load
single celled box girder bridges. on the top slab and effective width should withstand this
load. Impact of live load, shear stress, distribution
The study can be concluded by the following conclusions: reinforcement, load cases have also been discussed in this
 Rise in the depth of the box girder increases the bending paper. It has been concluded that the box culvert have more
moment but decreases the bending stress in both the top advantages than slab culvert, easy to add length for
and the bottom flange. widening of roads. Box culvert is structurally strong, rigid
 Between the rectangular and the trapezoidal cross- and safe and does not need any elaborate foundation.
section, the bending moment is highest in trapezoidal Rahai Ali R (1996) has studied the behavior of buried box
section under the combination of loads (DL+LL). culverts. The different parameters taken are earthquake
effect and the culvert buried at different depths. The finite
element method is used for the linear and nonlinear dynamic
Volume: 05 Issue: 06 | Jun-2016, Available @ 369
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

analysis of modals. Here in this paper two models of 8. INFLUENCE OF SPAN TO HEIGHT RATIO
dimensions of 8X15m and 8X5m at the depths of 3.5, 7.5,
15, 20, and 30 meters are used to study the behavior of OF MULTI-CELL BOX CULVERT FOR DEAD
boxes. For both the linear and nonlinear performances three LOAD CASE
types of soil, dense, semi dense and soft silty sand have been
chosen. The result obtained when the box models were In this part different span to height ratio are taken and
analyzed in two different depths and two different maximum negative and positive bending moments are
conditions were the tangential stress and the vertical compared for dead load. For this purpose three different
pressure which was executed on the wall of the box. The culverts with span to height ratio varying from 0.8 to 1.3 are
result also showed that to a certain specified depth, the considered.Figure 2, figure 3, figure 4 and figure 5 shows
amount of displacement have increased and decreased the comparison of span to height ratio for maximum positive
consequently. It is seen that the displacement for the and negative bending moment for dead load.
nonlinear behavior of the soil is more as compared to the
displacement for the linear behavior of the soil. This
difference rises as the depth lowers. It is also seen that the
Bending Moment in Top Slab
decrease in the rigidity decreases the vertical pressure on the 200

Maximum B.M (kN-

walls of the box. It has been concluded that whatever the positive
100 bending
data obtained from thee analytical study, it shows that the
extent of loads exerted and the displacements of the buried 0 moment

box in some parts outstrip the static values. 0.6 1.1 1.6 negative
Ahmed M et al (1993) have studied the behavior of a Span/ Height moment
double cell box culvert. The main parameters taken are the
soil pressure, moment and deflection. The main objective of Fig 2: Comparison of maximum positive and negative
this paper was to provide some information regarding the bending moment with different span to height ratio for top
structural response of full skill functional culvert. For the slab for dead load case.
experimental phase, the culvert selected was double cell cast
in place RCC box structure whose inner dimension was 12ft Bending Moment in Bottom Slab
X 12ft, skew angle is 35” with respect to road way.
Maximum B.M(kN-m)

Permanent fill height was taken as 8.5ft over the top slab, positive
compaction water content was 21% - 25%. Moment bending
measurement was done indirectly by measuring strains in 100
outer and inner reinforcement of concrete wall. The readings 0
were taken periodically during construction and backfilling 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
process. From the obtained result, it was found that negative Span/ Height moment
moment increment was produced in the top slab for the fill
height 3.5ft or less and the height above 3.5ft moment
Fig 3: Comparison of maximum positive and negative
increment became positive and continued thereafter. Some bending moment with different span to height ratio for
of the values were predicted and were obtained from a FE bottom slab for dead load case.
solution using CANDE computer program (Culvert Analysis
and Design). The conclusion generated after this
investigation can be used by either researchers for to verify Bending Moment in Side Walls
the field results obtained from the FE computer program. 250
Maximum B.M (kN-m)

210 positive
On the box culvertIRC 70R tracked loading is considered. bending
The study is done for variation of bending moment taking moment
dynamic vehicular loading and span by depth ratio. Road 170
bridges and culverts are divided into classes according to 150 bending
loading. In this study, multi cellular box culvert with four 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 moment
span is taken. The dimension of the multi cellular box
culvert is taken as per existing culvert. SAP 2000 is to be Span/ Height
used for the analysis and design of the culvert. Relevant IRC
codes are used i.e. IRC class AA loading or 70R loading as Fig 4: Comparison of maximum positive and negative
applicable according to IRC. bending moment with different span to height ratio for side
wall for dead load case.

Volume: 05 Issue: 06 | Jun-2016, Available @ 370
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Bending Moment in Interior Walls Bending Moment in Bottom Slab

23 120

Maximum B.M (kN-m)

21 100
Maximum B.M (kN-m)

19 80 positive
60 bending
40 moment
15 positive
bending 20 negative
moment 0 bending
11 moment
negative 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
9 bending
7 moment Span/ Height
Fig 7: Comparison of maximum positive and negative
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 bending moment with different span to height ratio for
Span/ Height bottom slab for wheel load case

Fig 5: Comparison of maximum positive and negative Bending Moment in Side Walls
bending moment with different span to height ratio for
interior wall for dead load case. 95
Maximum B.M (kN-m)
80 positive
LOAD CASE 65 negative
In this part different span to height ratio are taken and 60 bending
maximum negative and positive bending moments are moment
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
compared for wheel load. The maximum positive and
negative bending moment for wheel load cases are taken for Span/ Height
different span to height ratio. Figure 6, figure 7, figure 8 and
figure 9 shows the comparison of span to height ratio for Fig 8: Comparison of maximum positive and negative
maximum positive and negative bending moment for wheel bending moment with different span to height ratio for side
load. wall for wheel load case

Bending Moment in Top Slab Bending Moment in Interior Walls

130 80
Maximum B.M (kN-m)
Maximum B.M (kN-m)

110 65 bending
positive 60 moment
100 bending
moment 55 negative
90 50 bending
negative moment
bending 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Span/ Height
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Fig 9: Comparison of maximum positive and negative
Span/ Height bending moment with different span to height ratio for
interior wall for wheel load case
Fig 6: Comparison of maximum positive and negative 10. DYNAMIC VEHICULAR ANALYSIS
bending moment with different span to height ratio for top
slab for wheel load case In this part, a multi-cell box culvert subjected to both static
and dynamic loads are analyzed. For the static case, mass,
speed of the vehicles and the time are not taken into
Volume: 05 Issue: 06 | Jun-2016, Available @ 371
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

account. But in case of dynamic analysis, mass, speed of the

vehicles and the time are taken into account. The speed of Static (Side wall)
80kN/hr has been taken for the dynamic load case in the 80
present problem. The analysis is done using SAP 2000
software. SAP 2000 converts the vehicular movement into a 60
time history function and hence from this, time history

Max BM (kN-m)
analysis is carried out. 40

20 Max BM in
Dynamic (Top slab) side wall
300 0 10 20
200 -40
Max BM (kN-m)

150 Time (sec)

50 Max BM in top Fig 13: Maximum Bending at side wall due to static
slab vehicular loading
-50 0 1 2 3
-150  SAP 2000 has proved to be an efficient tool to analyse
Time (sec)
multi-cell box culvert both by effective width as well
as by 3D finite element analysis.
Fig 10: Maximum Bending at top slab due to dynamic  The change in span to height ratio of the culvert alters
vehicular loading the relative stiffness of various members in the culvert
and hence affects the internal forces in the members.
The results of bending moments have shown
Static (Top slab) considerable variations with the span to height ratio of
100 culverts.
 Vehicular dynamic analysis has revealed that the
Max BM (kN-m)

maximum bending moment occurs for the dynamic

60 vehicular load case. In case of top slab maximum
40 bending moment is 65% more with dynamic case and
Max BM in in case of side wall maximum bending moment is 85%
20 top slab more with dynamic case. Hence, it can be said that for
0 a multicellular box culvert dynamic vehicular loading
analysis is necessary.
-20 0 10 20
First and foremost we would like to thank our Principal for
Fig 11: Maximum Bending at top slab due to static
guiding us in the right direction and helping us with his
vehicular loading
valuable suggestions. We are also grateful to the authors of
various papers and journals cited in our research paper.
Dynamic (Side wall) Lastly we would like to thank our friends, family and the
Department of Civil Engineering for providing us with their
600 support and help.

Max BM (kN-m)

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