Como Te Llamas Project
Como Te Llamas Project
Como Te Llamas Project
Fecha: ______________________________
Proyecto de noviembre
1. ¿Cómo te llamas?
16. Farewell
-Work on this project the night before it is due- There is a reason why I am
giving this to you so early. Some of us may underestimate this project, but I
will not accept a book that has been put together in two seconds!
-Complete this picture book on sheets of looseleaf- You will need to use
either construction paper, or white paper to decorate. If you feel that this
may be a problem, PLEASE COME AND TALK TO ME!
-Write one word answers to the questions: You must answer all questions in
complete sentences.
-Be creative! If you prefer to draw, please do so! If you want to take personal
pictures or take pictures from the internet that is fine too. Just make sure that
you complete the questions and answers.
-Use construction paper or white plain sheets of paper (if you are going to
use those please decorate them)