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Earth Science FINAL EXAM

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Multiple Choice. Read carefully the questions and shade the letter of your answer in the answer sheet provided.

1. It is the processes which occur on earth’s surface.

A. Weathering B. Exogenic processes C. Exogenic forces D. endogenic processes
2. It is the mechanical and chemical hammer that breaks down and sculpts.
A. weathering B. endogenic processes C. exogenic processes D. exogenic forces
3. It refers to the breakdown of rocks without a change in its composition.
A. Chemical weathering C. Mechanical weathering
B. B. Physical weathering D. Both Mechanical and Physical weathering
4. Which is TRUE among the following statements?
A. The main driving force behind all agents of erosion is rain water.
B. Weathering always follows after erosion.
C. All of these choices.
D. Erosion always follows after weathering.
5. Water can carry almost any size of rocks.
A. Maybe B. Somehow C. True D. False
6. It is the geomorphic process by which soil, sand, and rock move downslope.
A. Mass movement B. all of these choices C. mass wasting D. slope movement
7. Steep and unstable slopes are ______ to have a mass movement than gentle and stable slopes.
A. Less likely B. more likely C. possibly D. perhaps
8. It is a layer of solid rock that has so much pressure and heat the rocks can flow like a liquid.
A. Lithosphere B. Geosphere C. Hydrosphere D. Asthenosphere
9. Differences in temperature, pressure, and structural formations in the mantle and crust cause _____ to form in
different ways.
A. Mantle B. Core C. Magma D. Crust
10. Earth is divided into three general layers. Which is false among the following?
A. Core is the superheated center. C. Crust is the top layer on which we live.
B. None of these choices. D. Mantle is the thick, middle layer.
11. It is the placement of magma within and at the surface of the outer layers of a terrestrial planet.
A. Plutonism B. Volcanism C. Magmatism D. None of these choices
12. The main places where partial melting occurs are:
A. All of these choices B. hotspots C. mid-ocean ridges D. subduction zone
13. Magma leaves the confines of the asthenosphere and crust in one major way.
A. True B. False C. Somehow D. Maybe
14. When the magma cools and hardens, this intrusion develops into a pluton commonly known as a/an _____.
A. Sedimentary rock B. magma C. lava D. Igneous intrusive rock
15. PLutonism is probably a metonymy for “Pluto” who is the ruler of the _____ in classical mythology.
A. Planet B. underworld C. none of these choices D. universe
16. It occurs when hot magma forces its way up into the crust.
A. Contact metamorphism C. Hydrothermal metamorphism
B. Regional metamorphism D. metamorphism
17. It occurs when either an extraterrestrial object collides with the Earth’s surface or during an extremely violent volcanic
A. Shock B. ultrahigh pressure C. dynamic D. impact metamorphism
18. It means after form.
A. Regional metamorphism B. metamorphism C. Hydrothermal metamorphism D. Contact metamorphism
19. It is the result of the interaction of a rock with a high-temperature fluid of variable composition.
A. Regional metamorphism B. metamorphism C. Hydrothermal metamorphism D. Contact metamorphism
20. It occurs when large are of rocks are exposed to intense pressure.
A. Regional metamorphism B. metamorphism C. Hydrothermal metamorphism D. Contact metamorphism
21. It is defined as the force that could create deformation on rocks in their shape and/ volume.
A. Stress B. Strain C. Electric Force D. Gravity
22. This is when a rock is stretched apart or pulled apart.
A. Compressional stress B. Tensional stress C. Differential stress D. Lithostatic stress
23. This is when a rock is pressed, squeezed, or pushed together.
A. Differential Stress B. Compressional stress C. tensional stress D. lithostatic stress
24. It is the change in size, shape or volume of a material rock.
A. Strain B. Physical change C. Deformation D. Stress
25. It is divided into two forms: Oceanic and Continental
A. Crust B. Mantle C. all of these choices D. Core
26. It represents about 85% of the total weight and mass of the planet.
A. Mantle B. Core C. Crust D. all of these choice
27. A huge ball of liquid and solid iron.
A. Crust B. Core C. all of these choices D. Mantle
28. It protects us from the dangerous radiation of space.
A. All of these choices B. mantle C. Crust D. Core
29. The layer of the Earth that is composed of solid rocks and minerals.
A. Mantle B. All of these choices C. core D. Crust
30. The uppermost layer of the oceanic portion of a tectonic plate.
A. Asianic Crust B. Oceanic Crust C. Pie Crust D. Continental Crust
31. The layer of rocks that forms the continents.
A. Pie Crust B. Continental Crust C. Oceanic Crust D. Asianic Crust
32. The first 50 miles of the mantle is ________.
A. None of the choices B. Superheated solid rock C. Solid, sturdy rock materials D. Very hard and rigid rock
33. It is the gradual movement of the continents over time.
A. Continental drift B. Oceanic drift C. Rotation D. Revolution
34. The top layer of the earth’s crust is broken up into large slabs called _____
A. Piece B. plates C. drift D. block
35. What are the evidences that support the continental drift?
A. All of these choices B. Topographic Evidence C. Rock Formation D. Fossil Correlation
36. These are traces and remains of organisms that lived in prehistoric times.
A. Landmarks B. rocks C. fossils D. Glaciers
37. Wegener noticed that the continents seemed to fit together, not at the continuously changing shoreline but at the edge
of their continental shelves.
A. None of these choices B. Fossil Correlation C. Rock Formation D. topographic evidence
38. Africa and South America which were believed to be once joined together broke apart forming the
A. Atlantic Ocean B. Arctic ocean C. Antartic ocean D. Pacific Ocean
39. A fresh water reptile which is like a small crocodile.
A. Gonwana B. Dinosaur C. Glaciers D. Mesosaurus
40. The rocks located in the southern hemisphere were of the _____ type and _____ age.
A. Same, same B. different, different C. different, same D. same, different
41. He studied the relative positions of sedimentary rocks.
A. Arthur Hae Soo B. Nicholo Steno C. NIchola Steno D. Harry Hess
42. What is the science of rock strata of layers?
A. Polygraphy B. geology C. stratigraphy D. Layering
43. Rock layers are also called _____.
A. Strata B. layering C. none of these D. stratigraphy
44. Scientists can relate layers at one location to layers at another location. This critical for stratigraphic correlation.
A. The Principle of lateral continuity C. the principle of Original Horizontality
B. The principle of superposition D. the principle of Faunal Succession.
45. it refers to the use of animal bones to determine the age of sedimentary layers and the materials embedded within
those layers.
A. Radiometric dating B. Relative dating C. Absolute dating D. Faunal dating
46. Dating techniques are procedures used by scientists to determine the age of rocks.
A. Somehow B. False C. Maybe D. True
47. Relative Dating is based on the Principle of ________.
A. Superposition B. lateral continuity C. Original Horizontality D. Faunal Succession
48. Define by scientists as any trace of living creatures.
A. Index fossils B. Marker fossils C. Fossils D. Guide fossils
49. There are certain fossils of animals or plants that are preserved in the rock record of the Earth.
A. All of the choices B. guide fossils C. marker fossils D. index fossils
50. Microfossils are used in the architecture of geologic time for defining ages, epochs, periods and eras of the geologic
time scale.
A. False B. Maybe C. True D. Somehow

Prepared by: Checked by: Recommending Approval: Approved:

Mary Jane T. Baniqued Veronica A. Del Prado Violeta M. Datuin, Ed.D. Christopher L. Infante, Ed.D.

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