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Audley-Charles - 2011 Timor Tectonics

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Tectonic post-collision processes in Timor

Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, Gower Street,
London WC1E 6BT, UK
La Serre, 46800 St. Pantaléon, Montcuq, France (e-mail:

Abstract: Indian Ocean crust subducted northwards at the Banda Trench from about 12 to 4 Ma.
The Australian continental margin collided with the Asian fore-arc at about 4 Ma. Gradually the
Banda Trench was transformed into the fold and thrust mountains of Timor Island. Tectonic col-
lision processes developed when all ocean crust had been subducted and Australian continental
crust was refused entry to the subduction path below the Asian fore-arc. The Banda Trench was
then gradually converted into a Tectonic Collision Zone (TCZ) progressively filled by two
highly deformed Australian continental upper crust mega-sequences. Slowing subduction of Aus-
tralian sub-crustal lithosphere after c. 2.5 Ma led to uplift of the TCZ that raised Timor 3 km above
sea level. Asian Banda fore-arc deformation is linked to c. 30 km southeastwards rollback of the
subducting Australian mantle lithosphere. Two Asian fore-arc nappes were thrust southwards
from the Banda fore-arc onto the older of two highly deformed Australian continental margin
upper crust mega-sequences. The Wetar Suture was created as a thrust at the base of Australian
partially detached continental lower crust propagated into the Asian fore-arc. Re-interpretation
of BIRPS seismic and gravity data for the Timor region supports this collision model.

This paper discusses the key geological processes gave rise to Timor and the other islands of the
associated with the Timor tectonic collision. Timor southern part of the Outer Banda Arc (Fig. 1).
Island has mountains up to 3 km high, is over Audley-Charles (1986b) and others (e.g. Lorenzo
475 km long and has a width of 75 –100 km et al. 1998; Tandon et al. 2000; Hall 2002;
(150 km wide with its submarine southern slope). Londono & Lorenzo 2004; Woodcock 2004) recog-
Without including the volcanic islands, East and nized that the Timor Trough is a foreland basin and
West Timor are together larger than the 280  could never have been a Benioff subduction trench.
100 km Swiss Alps. The Banda Arcs are 2300 km Audley-Charles (2004) showed how the Banda
long, a length equivalent to the European Alps in Trench had been destroyed in the tectonic collision
France, Italy, Switzerland and Austria as well as but he did not recognize how the subduction passage
the Carpathian Mountains. Timor is not an accre- below the fore-arc had been partially blocked by the
tionary wedge of a volcanic fore-arc, nor a fore-arc inability of Australian continental crust to subduct
as some geological maps show, although its rocks from about 4 Ma.
include parts of the older volcanic fore-arc. It is com- Tectonic collision of the Australian continental
prised mainly of the Australian continental margin margin with the Asian Banda fore-arc in Timor
deformed by collision with the Banda volcanic fore- can be defined as beginning when the Australian
arc. After collision, none of the continental crust continental crust was first unable to enter the exist-
was subducted although subduction of Australian ing subduction passage below the volcanic fore-arc.
sub-crustal mantle lithosphere continued. At 4 Ma the Banda Trench was c. 6 km deep and
The Banda subduction trench began to develop 30 wide (Audley-Charles 2004). Following col-
between about 15 to 12 Ma from the eastern part lision, rollback of the subducting lithosphere con-
of the Sunda –Java Trench (Fig. 1) to form the tinued by c. 30 km with separation of Australian
Banda volcanic arc (Hall 2002). This trench has continental lower crust by delamination from the
been assumed by many writers to have been subducting mantle lithosphere. The former trench
located in what is now the Timor Trough south of became filled by thrust stacking of the Australian con-
the rocks that now form Timor Island (e.g. Hamilton tinental crust, and Asian nappes that were thrust
1979; Rangin et al. 1999), although the Timor southwards during rollback, and these rocks now
Trough is now underlain by about 26 km of Austra- form a region about 35 km in thickness and 110–
lian continental crust (e.g. Richardson & Blundell 150 km in length from NW to SE. There were two
1996; Snyder et al. 1996). Audley-Charles (2004) important decollements in the Australian continental
attempted to explain how the Benioff zone must upper crust; this thickening since 4 Ma was crucial
always have lain north of almost all the rocks that to the orogenic processes. This paper discusses the

From: Hall, R., Cottam, M. A. & Wilson, M. E. J. (eds) The SE Asian Gateway: History and Tectonics
of the Australia– Asia Collision. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 355, 241–266.
DOI: 10.1144/SP355.12 0305-8719/11/$15.00 # The Geological Society of London 2011.

Fig. 1. Plate tectonic reconstruction of part of the Indian Ocean, Banda Trench and NW Australian continental shelf
and margin at 10 and 5 Ma based on Hall (2002), and Spakman & Hall (2010). Note position of active Banda
Trench north of Timor. Tectonic collision of the Australian continental margin with the Banda volcanic fore-arc
proposed by Keep & Haigh (2010) between 10.8 and 9.8 Ma is not tenable.

fundamental roles of rollback, continuing subduction regional stratigraphical and structural geology of
of sub-crustal lithosphere, five major decollements, East Timor, including the first geological sketch
and the movement of the lower crust creating the map of all East Timor on a scale of 1:500 000.
Wetar Suture, and how these key processes led to Van Bemmelen (1949) and Hamilton (1979) in
the tectonic evolution of Timor Island. their compendious studies of the geology of the
whole of Indonesia produced summaries of the
geology of Timor. Lacking plate tectonic ideas
Summary of geological field studies and before the late 1960s limited the understanding of
regional mapping programmes in Timor the tectonics to the geosyncline hypothesis.
From 1959 until 2009 UK geologists and their
Before World War 2 (WW2) geological field studies research students based in London University
were focused separately in either Dutch (now Indo- (some of whom continued after completion of
nesian) Timor, being the western part of the island, their PhD when they moved to other universities,
or Portuguese (now Timor Leste), being the eastern notably Harris and students) worked in both East
part of Timor. By far the most important were the Timor and West Timor. However, from late 1975
studies in West Timor under the direction of to the 1990s access to East Timor was limited to
Brouwer, at Amsterdam University in 1937. This Bachri and Situmorang only, who were allowed to
produced four volumes of papers in 1942 that work there in 1994. Hunter (MSc thesis at West
reported in detail on the geology of many of the Virginia University 1993) and Reed et al. (1996)
key areas of West Timor and some of the adjacent had worked in East Timor during the 1990s.
islands of the Banda Volcanic Arc. After the end Between 1959 and 2009 Audley-Charles, Barber,
of WW2 geological investigations in Timor from Carter, Charlton, Giani, Harris, Kenyon and
1954 to 1969 continued to be conducted separately Tobing worked at various times in both East and
in West (Indonesian) Timor and in East (Portu- West Timor. These London-based geologists pro-
guese) Timor. In West Timor de Waard made sig- duced over 60 papers dealing the geology of both
nificant contributions focused on and around the parts of Timor, and 14 PhD and MPhil theses were
metamorphic massifs of the Mutis Metamorphic published on the geology of both parts of Timor
Complex and other key stratigraphical targets pro- by the University of London.
ducing very useful papers: de Waard (1954a, b, In 1968 Audley-Charles had published a recon-
1955, 1956, 1957). Work in East Timor by Escher naissance geological map of Portuguese Timor on
and Grunau (Grunau 1953, 1956, 1957) and a scale of 1:250 000. In 1979 the Geological
Gageonnet & Lemoine (1958) advanced the Survey of Indonesia published a geological map of

Indonesian Timor also on the scale of 1:250 000. continental margin sedimentary rocks exposed in
This includes the Kupang quadrangle and the Timor and all other islands of the Outer Banda
islands of Raijua, Savu and Roti as well as the Arc, ranging from Early Permian to late Middle Jur-
most western part of west Timor. It is based on assic stratified, mainly sedimentary, rocks. They are
the geological mapping of Suwitodirjo & Tjokrosa- now highly deformed and all other rock sequences
poetro (1996) and Rosidi et al. (1996). These geo- overlie them. The younger mega-sequence is
logical maps of Indonesian Timor employ a very referred to as the post-155 Ma rift mega-sequence.
similar stratigraphical scheme and nomenclature to This ranges in age from Late Jurassic to Pliocene.
that used in the geological map of Portuguese Timor It is strongly deformed with large-scale recumbent
(Audley-Charles 1968). Together these published folds, thrusts, with some strong to intense imbrica-
maps represent a joint account of the reconnaissance tion and pressure solution cleavage, all well
geology of all Timor and of the three adjacent exposed in the Kolbano region of SW Timor. The
islands of the Outer Banda Arc to the west of Timor. evidence of multiple deformation, and the presence
Since about 2003 Haig and Keep and their of large-scale flat-lying overthrusts distinguish this
students, including McCartain and Logan Barber, mega-sequence of younger rocks from the pre-Late
all based at the University of Western Australia, Jurassic rocks of the Gondwana pre-rift mega-
have carried out geological field work in parts sequence. In a structurally high position on Timor
of East Timor, and their papers are referred are rocks with an Asian affinity forming thrust
to below. sheets called the Banda Terrane (Audley-Charles
& Harris 1990; Harris 1991). This rests on the
highly deformed para-autochthonous part of the
Brief geological history of Timor Gondwana mega-sequence of Early Permian to
Mid-Jurassic age. The basement rocks of the
Geologically, Timor and all the islands of the non- Banda Terrane are known as the Mutis Metamorphic
volcanic, Outer Banda Arc are part of the Australian Complex in West Timor and are correlated with the
continental margin (Figs 1–3). Their oldest exposed Lolotoi Metamorphic Complex in East Timor.
sedimentary rocks are Early Permian in age and Banda Trench subduction seems to have been
associated with Triassic and Jurassic strata. These initiated at the easternmost limit of the Sunda –
rocks were deposited in a large Gondwana cratonic Java Trench and propagated eastwards (Fig. 1) so
basin that underlies much of what is now the conti- that it perhaps reached as far east as Seram (Hall &
nental shelf of northern Australia. The northeastern Wilson 2000; Hall 2002; Spakman & Hall 2010).
part of eastern Gondwana was rifted from Australia Following collision at about 4 Ma Timor Island
and New Guinea at about 200 Ma (Pigram & was created about 2 Ma by uplift, probably at least
Panggabean 1984). This cratonic basin extended partly isostatic, by the Neogene collision between
below what are now the islands of the Outer the NW Australian continental margin crust and
Banda Arc, into that part of Eastern Gondwanaland the fore-arc of the Banda volcanic islands of
that rifted from NW Australia at 155 Ma Wetar, Atauro, Pantar, Lomblen, Adonara and the
(Audley-Charles 1988; Metcalfe 1988; Powell eastern part of Flores. The collision was associated
et al. 1988). Thus, the younger sequence of rocks, with the inability of the lower density and thicker
of what is now Timor Island, began to be deposited Australian upper continental crust and the thinner
after about 155 Ma on the NW Australian rifted crystalline lower crust to be subducted with the
continental margin above the Australian Gondwana sub-crustal mantle lithosphere. The sub-crustal
cratonic basin. What was to become Timor mantle lithosphere continued to subduct below the
remained a submarine part of that margin until it former Banda volcanic arc. Rollback continued
emerged as an island in the Late Pliocene following southwards after 4 Ma by about 30 km creating a
the tectonic collision with the fore-arc of the large space that opened southeastwards progress-
southern Banda volcanic islands in the Mid-Late ively filled by the stacked upper crust.
Pliocene (Hall 2002). The age of the collision continues to be a source
Two mega-sequences can be recognized in the of controversy. This partly reflects the shape of
para-autochthon of Timor. The older mega-sequence the pre-collisional Australian margin and the differ-
crops out in the northern three-quarters of the island, ent times at which different parts of this margin
whereas the younger is exposed almost entirely came into contact with the Asian margin (Fig. 1;
in the southern quarter of Timor Island, and it con- see reconstructions in Hall 2002 and Spakman &
tributes numerous exotic blocks and clay matrix to Hall 2010). In this paper the collision refers to the
tectonic melanges exposed with the older mega- time at which the fore-arc of the Banda volcanic
sequence and with the Asian Banda Terrane. The arc made first contact with the distal parts of the
older mega-sequence is the pre-rift or Gondwana Australian passive continental margin in the Timor
mega-sequence. This includes the oldest Australian region.
Fig. 2. Summary of Timor autochthonous, para-autochthonous and allochthonous stratigraphy. The allochthonous stratigraphy is found only in the Asian Banda Terrane and its
cover rocks, and in the amphibolites of the Aileu Complex. Tectonic collision was N20, although locally N20 strata have been reported in the Australian autochthon. This may
indicate diachronous deposition and deformation. See text for discussion.

Fig. 3. The now invisible Banda Trench became filled with Australian continental crust and two Asian nappes that
evolved into the TCZ that became Timor Island and its submarine southern slope. Note filling and overriding of the
eastern end of the Java Trench by rocks of the Australian continental margin. The NNE– SSW strike-slip faults that help
shape the northern margin of the Australian continent in the Timor region (Audley-Charles 2004, fig. 1) are omitted here
as their precise location is unknown.

Dating the Neogene tectonic collision exhumation that has removed key sections, and the
somewhat greater degree of deformation seen in
In this paper geological events have been described East Timor.
in terms of their biostratigraphical age, such as Late
Pliocene or Early Miocene, with numerical ages
based on Gradstein et al. (2005), and/or in terms Micropalaeontological dating in the
of the foraminiferal zones of Blow (1969), slightly Kolbano region
modified by D. J. Carter for his use in the Banda
Arc islands; updated where necessary (Fig. 4) by The Kolbano region of SW Timor (Figs 3–5) has
BouDagher-Fadel (2008). The planktonic foramini- the key exposures by which to date the collision.
fera zonation scheme of Blow (1969) was modified Here the para-autochthonous sequences from
by D. J. Carter in Audley-Charles et al. (1979) and Permian to Early Pliocene reveal that these rocks
in Audley-Charles (1986a, Fig. 4), and in this have been notably indurated. A thin layer of the
paper. The key geological sections for dating the mixed matrix facies of the Bobonaro Melange
Neogene tectonic-stratigraphical event are in West has intruded the Neogene section. Above this is
Timor. One reason for this may be the greater the Lower Batu Putih Limestone composed of
uplift in East Timor, with the greater depth of foraminiferal (Fig. 2) calcilutites, vitric tuffs, and

Local zonation Planktonic zonation Important

(D. J. Carter) (Blow 1969) Benthonic species
Not differentiated on plank-
N23 Holocene

Ceratobulimina pacifica

Cassidulinoides infiatus

Bolivinita quadrilatera

Valvulineria jauana
Hyalinea baltica

Hoeglundina elegans
Gl. truncatulinoides Zone Pleistocene

Burseolina sp. 2
and Holocene
Up. Gl. oides quadrilobatus
fistulosus Zone N21 Late Pliocene


Favocassidulina favus
Sphaeoridinellopsis- Late N19 Early (and Mid-)
Sphaeroidinella Zone (? + N20) Pliocene
G. nepenthes- Early Pliocene
Sphaeroidinella Zone Early N19
G. nepenthes- Late Miocene
Sphaeroidinellopsis Zone N18 Early Pliocene

G., Globigerina; Gl., Globorotalia; Gl. oides, Globigerinoides; Up., Upper; Lr, Lower

Fig. 4. Biostratigraphic zonation used by D. J. Carter who used the scheme of Blow (1969) as his framework. Carter
modified this scheme for the local zonation as outlined in Audley-Charles (1986a).

East Timor

50 km

West Timor

Mt. Cablac
Viqueque Group { Plio-Pleistocene
Banda Sea Volcanics

Banda Terrane

Gondwana Sequence

Post <155 Ma Rift Sequence

Aileu Complex
Post-155 Ma sequence thrust
over Gondwana sequence

Fig. 5. Principal features of Timor geology simplified after Standley & Harris (2009). Line AB is shown on Figure 8.
Banda Sea volcanic rocks are part of the Banda Terrane. The Gondwana mega-sequence shown here includes the
Bobonaro Melange, its related broken formation facies, matrix mixed facies and a mixed block in clay facies. These
contain some the post-rift mega-sequence blocks and some of its shales and mudstones.

occasional turbiditic arenites (Kenyon 1974). These Group of the Central Basin of West Timor (de
were dated by D. J. Carter as zones N18 –N19 (in Smet et al. 1990) some 40 km or more to the
Audley-Charles et al. 1979) which correspond to north. This local absence of N20 zone microfossils
an age of 5.6 to 3.8 Ma. Microfossils in the Lower and the presence of diagnostic foraminifera for
Batu Putih Limestone dated by D. J. Carter (in N21 suggest that the strong structural processes
Kenyon 1974; in Audley-Charles 1986a) from that deformed the para-autochthonous sequence in
more than 50 samples as zones N18 to N19 were: Timor had begun about 4 Ma and ceased about
Globorotalia cultrata, cultrata, Gt. menardii, 2.5 Ma in the post-155 Ma rift Australian upper
G. tumida tumida (sinistral), Globigerina crust autochthonous sequence of the Viqueque
nepenthes, Pulleniatina primalis, Globigerinoides Group of Kenyon (1974).
gomitulus, Gdes des ruber, Gdes conglobatus, The microfauna identified by D. J. Carter (in
Gdes quadrilobatus sp., Gdes obliquus obliquus, Kenyon 1974; in Audley-Charles et al. 1979;
Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina knocki and Sphaer- Audley-Charles 1986a) from the Noele Marl turbi-
oidinellopsis subdehiscens paenedehiscens; dite facies that overlie the Upper Batu Putih Lime-
Benthonics: Textularia spp., Cibicides spp., Spiro- stone range from Late Pliocene to Recent, N21 to
plectammmina spp., Uvigerina, spp., Miliolacea, N23 zones, on the basis of Globorotalia truncatuli-
Bulimina spp., Nodosariacea, Planularia spp. and noides and Gt. tosaensis. Benthonics Hyalina
Oridorsalis spp. baltica, Bolivinita quadrilera, Hoeglundina elegans
Overlying these rocks with a disconformity is the are also present. This Viqueque turbidite facies in
notably different, soft and friable Upper Pliocene, the Kolbano region therefore ranges from about
Fatu Laob Member of the Upper Batu Putih Lime- 3.0 to 0.63 Ma. This correlates with the uplift and
stone that is overlain by the Sabaoe Calcarenite. subaerial erosion of the emerging Timor Island
The Fatu Laob Member was dated by D. J. Carter that appear to have begun by about 2 Ma in some
(in Audley-Charles et al. 1979; in Audley-Charles places. The main collision deformation could have
1986b) as zone N21, which correlates with about been over in the Kolbano region of Timor in about
3.0 to 1.81 Ma, by a microfauna including Globo- 1 million years during the mid-Pliocene, although
quadrina dehiscens dehiscens, Sphaeroidinellopsis some mild folding continued into the Late Pliocene
seminula seminula, Globigerina decoraperta and and Pleistocene N22 and N23 in places referred to as
Pulleniatina obliquilocata praecursor. the Mataian folding phase (Audley-Charles 1968,
By using the lower Batu Putih sequence from the 1986a; Kenyon 1974).
Kolbano imbricate zone, that is part of the Austra-
lian upper crust (para-autochthon) and the post-rift
mega-sequence, below which is the Gondwana
Relative dating of the collision by the degree
mega-sequence, one is sampling the youngest of induration and deformation
rocks in the strongly deformed part of the orogenic
All the stratified para-autochthonous rocks of
pile. The youngest rocks involved in the deforma-
Timor, ranging in age from Early Permian to Early
tion indicate the closest we can date the onset of
Pliocene, are indurated, strongly folded, faulted
collision, but obviously this date is older than the
and thrust, and the younger post-155 Ma rift mega-
beginning of the deformation owing to the erosion
sequence rocks are locally imbricated. The sedi-
associated with onset of deformation. The oldest
mentary rocks that belong to the autochthon and
rocks that sit here with a disconformity (the zone
range from Middle Pliocene to Pleistocene are not
N20 being locally absent) on the youngest member
indurated. These folded post-Middle Pliocene–
of the deformed sequence, namely the upper part
Pleistocene (N22 –23) rocks lack strong defor-
of the Batu Putih Limestone, date the rocks depos-
mation. These differences clearly distinguish those
ited after the strong deformation phase. This
that were deposited before the Neogene onset of
section, younger than N20, is the oldest part of the
the c. N20 tectonic collision.
Australian autochthonous sequence belonging to
the Viqueque Group. Together these two dates,
below and above the N20 disconformity, bracket Dating the Bobonaro Melange:
the onset of collision interpreted as the strong defor- pre-decollement activation
mation in the Tectonic Collision Zone that replaced
the Banda Trench, where Australian continental The Sonnebaitserie of Tappenbeck (1940) and other
crustal rocks were blocked from subducting below earlier workers in West Timor was mapped in
the Banda volcanic fore-arc. East Timor by Audley-Charles (1965, 1968) as the
It is notable that no N20 zone deposit has been Bobonaro Scaly Clay, regarded as an olistostrome
found in the para-autochthonous sequence of the emplaced in the Middle Miocene on the basis
Kolbano region in contrast to its reported presence of relative stratigraphic relationships. Later Harris
in the softer and friable autochthonous Viqueque et al. (1998) renamed this the Bobonaro Melange.

They also noted three end member subdivisions of Carter et al. (1976) found the youngest Kolbano
the Bobonaro Melange which are broken formation strata underlying the Bobonaro Melange were N17
facies, matrix mixed facies, and a mixed block- and that N18 faunas of 5 Ma age are found in the
in-clay facies. One can now consider that the Bobo- overlying Viqueque Group. This suggests that the
naro Scaly Clay exposures without exotic blocks Bobonaro Melange is not older than 5 Ma.
are matrix mixed facies. Locally this facies, Standley & Harris (2009) and Harris et al. (1998)
widely exposed in Timor, contains a N22 Pleisto- pointed out that the Bobonaro Melange is closely
cene foraminiferal assemblage identified by Carter associated with the allochthonous Banda Terrane,
as Globorotalia truncatulinoides, Pulleniatina obli- and they noted that it is present below the base of
quilocata, Sphaeroidinella dehiscens and ‘Globi- the Lolotoi and Mutis Metamorphic Complexes
gerina’ subcretacea (Audley-Charles 1986a). This that form the base of this terrane. It seems likely
indicates that the Bobonaro Melange matrix mixed that the Bobonaro Melange may have acted as, or
facies with Pleistocene foraminifera derived from with, the decollement on which the terrane moved,
the soft strata of the Viqueque Group exposed thus facilitating the terrane’s transfer upwards
upslope, is locally a younger reworked version of and southwards from the Banda fore-arc before
the Bobonaro Melange and is often associated its emplacement on top of the Australian para-
with landslips. autochthon. Harris et al. (1998) interpreted the
In an unpublished report D. J. Carter (1970, in Bobonaro Melange as ‘having formed along the
Audley-Charles 1986a) noted that, despite the inten- suture between the Asian-affinity fore-arc thrust
sive study of hundreds of samples, no species of sheets above and thrust duplex of Australian conti-
Oligocene or Miocene age (except those in exotic nental margin units below’. They also interpreted
fragments of allochthonous Cablac Limestone) has the maximum age of the injection of Bobonaro
been found in the Bobonaro Melange. However, Melange into the Kolbano sequence with its Vique-
Middle Eocene planktonic assemblages are que Group cover to be 5 Ma.
abundant: Globorotalia centralis, Globigerina
ampliapertura, Globigerina parva, Globigerina Offshore bathyal continental terrace
venezuelana, Globigerinatheka barri, Catapsydrax
echinatus, Hantkenina dumblei, Hantkenina alaba- Haig & McCartain (2007) suggested that ‘a middle
mensis, ‘Globigerapsis index’, Globorotaloides bathyal continental terrace setting continued in
suteri, Truncorotaloides topilensis, Hastigerina this region, at least on the southern side of Timor,
micra, Globigerina yeguaensis and Chiloguembe- from Cretaceous –Palaeogene to the Late Miocene
lina martini. and Early Pliocene’. This means that from 140 to
It is likely that the Bobonaro Melange, that is 4.5 Ma the Timor region, or at least its southern
mud-dominated and in many places in a scaly clay part, was in a medium to deep water setting. This
facies, as well as the broken formation facies makes a strong contrast with the shallow marine
would have been generated early in the collision cover rocks, such as the Eocene Dartollu Limestone
process where there was some chaotic crushing thrust onto, and the Upper Oligocene to Lower
and shearing of stratigraphic sequences that were Miocene Cablac Limestone found unconformable
trapped in the vice between the volcanic fore-arc upon, the metamorphic basement of the Banda
basement and the top of the Australian crystalline Terrane (Audley-Charles 1968; Carter et al. 1976).
lower crust. This seems likely to have preceded the
activation of the two important Australian upper Volcanic activity
crust mega-sequence decollements, D1 moving the
post-155 Ma rift and the D2 decollement moving When continental margins collide with volcanic
the pre-rift Australian mega-sequence (Figs 2 & 5). fore-arcs the volcanoes cease their activity. To the
These Australian continental upper crust rocks north of Timor is the longest and most obvious
were crushed and sheared so that the Jurassic clay extinct sector of the entire Sunda– Banda volcanic
shales and the Eocene clay sequences make a arc (Wheller et al. 1987) in the islands of Alor,
notable contribution to the Bobonaro Melange and Atauro, Wetar and Romang. All these volcanic
to the broken formation. islands are less than 50 km from the Australian con-
The age of the Bobonaro Melange is not easy to tinental margin that has overthrust the Banda
determine. Its age of emplacement is not known pre- fore-arc, and Atauro is only 25 km from the Austra-
cisely. D. J. Carter (pers. comm. 1980) commented lian continental margin. The four islands are no
that the microfauna found in the Bobonaro Melange longer volcanically active and activity ceased at
does not assist us in this matter, as all taxa are about 3 Ma (Abbott & Chamalaun 1981). Scotney
derived and reworked and range in age locally et al. (2005) studied massive sulphide and barite-
from Permian to Quaternary (Audley-Charles gold mineralization of Wetar Island triggered by
1968; Giani 1971; Kenyon 1974; Hamilton 1979). Banda Arc –Australian continental margin collision.

They obtained Ar –Ar ages of 4.7 + 0.16 Ma from uplift from depths of more than 5 km to emergence
biotite and 4.93 + 0.21 Ma from illite in altered of up to 1 km above sea level since 4 Ma (Fortuin
footwall volcanic rocks associated with mineral et al. 1997). The uplift of Timor over the last
deposits that formed on the flanks of a volcanic 2 Ma was at least 4 km in places (Audley-Charles
edifice at water depths of c. 2 km. These are 1986a). Furthermore, the production of clastic sedi-
covered by post-mineralization cherts, gypsum, ment from Timor over the last c. 2 Ma has built the
Globigerina-bearing limestone, lahars, subaqueous sedimentary slope, aided by the young D5 decolle-
debris flows and pyroclastic rocks. The youngest ment, that extends from the 3 km deep axis of the
dated volcanic rock is a dacite of 2.39 + 0.14 Ma. Timor Trough to many metres above sea level
Scotney et al. (2005) interpret the volcanic stratigra- along the south coast of Timor for about 480 km
phy and dating to indicate that the Wetar edifice length and over a width of 50 km.
formed at around 12 Ma by extensive rifting
and associated volcanism within oceanic crust.
Bimodal volcanism and a basement of basalts and Orogeny-engendered stratigraphic
basaltic andesite most likely formed around 5 Ma, diachronism
with mineralization between 4.9 and 4.7 Ma. Post-
mineralization dacite flows indicates that volcanism Some of the Pliocene para-autochthonous and auto-
continued until at least 2.4 Ma. chthonous strata of Timor and other islands of the
A similar history is recorded on Sumba where Outer Banda Arc are diachronous. Harris et al.
breakup of a carbonate platform began in the early (2009) and Roosmawati & Harris (2009) have
Middle Miocene leading to rapid subsidence from noted that in East Timor the Batu Putih Formation
about 16 Ma (Fortuin et al. 1994). There was a sig- (lower or upper parts not indicated) is overlain by
nificant increase in volcanic activity in the Middle N19/N20 Noele Marl clastic deposits (Kenyon
Miocene, and a change to volcaniclastic turbidites 1974). In the Central Basin of West Timor the
deposited on Sumba and in the Savu Basin upper sections of Batu Putih Formation (lower or
(Fortuin et al. 1992, 1994) from NN5 (14.8– upper parts not indicated) are dated as N20 by de
13.5 Ma) to NN11 (8.3–5.5 Ma). The very young Smet (1990). In Roti (immediately SW of Timor)
age of collision west of Timor is indicated by the the youngest Upper Batu Putih Formation is late
still active, or only recently inactive, volcanic arc N23 (Roosmawati & Harris 2009); further west in
in western Flores (Wheller et al. 1987), ongoing Savu Island the youngest Upper Batu Putih For-
deformation at the margins of the Savu Basin mation is N22/23. This represents an age range of
(Rigg & Hall 2011), and recent emergence of the 4 to 0.5 Ma for the Upper Batu Putih Formation.
islands of Roti and Savu (Roosmawati & Harris Diachronism is further illustrated by the signifi-
2009). cantly different results obtained for Neogene –
Quaternary vertical movements in the Central Basin
Uplift and erosion of Timor (de Smet et al. 1990) and those obtained in
West Timor outside the Central Basin by Audley-
The obvious has too often not been mentioned in the Charles (1986a). The Central Basin of West Timor,
debate about the age of Timor collision, and one that was at times subsiding and at other times rising,
important issue is the timing of uplift and erosion is located between the Kolbano younger mega-
expected as the Australian margin collided with sequence imbricate zone in the south and the Banda
the volcanic arc. In East Timor uplift seems to Terrane in the north (Audley-Charles 1986a). In the
have began at about 4 Ma (Audley-Charles 1986a) Batu Putih Limestone (lower or upper part not
with estimated average rates of uplift of 1.5 km/ indicated) of the Central Basin Viqueque Group
Ma. For West Timor de Smet et al. (1990) found Australian autochthon de Smet et al. (1990) found
that significant uplift began at about 2.2 Ma, and N20 foraminifera, but c. 40 km south, located above
that emergence from water depths of 1 km to the Kolbano imbricate succession of the post-rift
elevations of 0.5 km above sea level occurred in mega-sequence, underlain by the Gondwana mega-
the last 0.2 Ma at average rates of 0.75 to 1.0 km/ sequence, Carter (in Audley-Charles 1986a, b)
Ma. Haig & McCartain (2007) state that proximal reported that the N20 zone was absent below the
turbidite deposition from the rising island of N21 Upper Batu Putih Limestone.
Timor began at about 3.35 Ma. Quaternary lime- This orogeny-related diachronism could be
stones are mapped in West Timor at elevations the result of several factors: the irregular shape of
above 1 km (Suwitodirjo & Tjokrosapoetro 1996). the Australian continental margin, different times
Roosmawati & Harris (2009) show that for the during the collision at which different parts of
islands of Savu and Roti significant and rapid the post-155 Ma rift mega-sequence were deformed
uplift from water depths of more than 2 km to emer- in the Banda Trench, and continual stacking of
gence began at about 2 Ma. On Sumba there was the deforming Australian continental margin

mega-sequences in the TCZ; equally there is also a to 8 Ma collision fail to explain why arc volcanic
range in age of uplift in different parts of the 480 km activity continued until after 3 Ma in Flores and
long, 75 –100 km wide Timor Island. Wetar.
In fact, Keep & Haig (2010) make little attempt
Discussion of collision ages to explain events outside Timor and show only an
unscaled diagram which displays elongate promon-
In the Banda region, notably in Timor, interpretation tories projecting northwards in the regions of East
of ages has led to confusion and also claims of Timor and Sumba. Even a brief consideration of
multiple or pre-Pliocene collisions. As pointed out rates of subduction show that these narrow pro-
above, some of the variation in ages may be the con- montories would have to extend several hundred
sequence of diachroneity reflecting the irregular kilometres northwards to cause collision at 10 or
shape of the Australian margin, or an oblique col- 8 Ma. Reconstructions of the Banda region (Hall
lision (e.g. Harris 1991). Nonetheless, all the ages 2002; Spakman & Hall 2011) suggest that about
are consistent with a collision beginning at about 10 Ma the Banda Trench was located c. 600 km
4 Ma or slightly later. Deep-water sedimentation north of its position at 4 Ma. There is no evidence
continued into the Pliocene with a succession of for the Australian continental margin having
Plio-Pleistocene Viqueque Group friable chalks extended significantly north of what is now Timor,
deposited in lower to middle bathyal water depths even allowing for the overthrusting of the Banda
with a quiet tectonic interval. Proximal turbidite volcanic fore-arc and shortening of the Australian
sedimentation in southern Timor was dated by margin, although there probably were offsets in
Carter (in Audley-Charles et al. 1979) at 3 Ma, the continental margin (Harris 1991; Hall 2002).
and by Haig & McCartain (2007) at 3.35 Ma. All the evidence discussed above rules out
However, some authors have followed Berry & (Fig. 1) a tectonic collision between the continental
Grady (1981) and Berry & McDougall (1986) in margin of Australia and the Banda volcanic fore-arc
interpreting high grade metamorphosed rocks with at about 10.8 to 9.8 Ma, as claimed by Keep &
cooling ages of 8 Ma as marking initial collision Haig (2010). Other explanations of the 8 Ma meta-
of Australian crust with the Asian margin. Based morphic event are discussed below.
on deformation, principally fault reactivation, of
NW Shelf sequences in the Timor Sea south of
the Timor Trough (i.e. more than 100 km south of Composition and origin of the Banda
the southernmost deformation front located at the Terrane basement
axis of the Timor Trough, Fig. 3), an 8 Ma collision
age has been suggested in the Sumba region by Keep Metamorphic rocks and sedimentary cover
et al. (2002, 2003). An even older age has been sequence with an Asian affinity, derived from the
suggested by Keep & Haig (2010) for Timor, fore-arc of the Banda Volcanic Arc, were emplaced
where they proposed that tectonic collision began on what was to become Timor during the Neogene,
between 10.8 to 9.8 Ma. in structurally high positions as thrust sheets called
Pre-Pliocene collision ages are very improbable the Banda Terrane (Audley-Charles & Harris
in the light of the evidence summarized above, 1990; Harris 1991). They are found sitting on the
and ages of initial collision of about 10 Ma are highly deformed para-autochthonous part of the
untenable. Much of the Banda volcanic arc is sig- Australian Gondwana mega-sequence of Early
nificantly younger than 10 Ma. North of Timor the Permian to mid-Jurassic age (Figs 2 & 5). The base-
age of initiation of volcanic activity is uncertain ment rocks of the Banda Terrane are known as the
but there are few volcanic rocks anywhere in the Mutis Metamorphic Complex in West Timor
arc with ages greater than 12 Ma (Abbott & Chama- (Earle 1981; Brown & Earle 1983) and are corre-
laun 1981; Macpherson & Hall 2002). The oldest lated with the Lolotoi Metamorphic Complex in
volcanic rocks on Flores, NW of Timor are 16 Ma East Timor (Audley-Charles 1968; Barber &
(Fleury et al. 2009), based on unpublished K – Ar Audley-Charles 1976; Standley & Harris 2009).
ages from Hendaryono (1998), and volcanic rocks
there fall into two age groups, with ages from 16 Allochthonous Asian status of metamorphic
to 8.4 Ma and 6.7 to 1.2 Ma. On Wetar volcanic complexes
activity began at about 12 Ma and continued until
at least 2.4 Ma (Scotney et al. 2005). In the South The truly allochthonous nature of the Mutis and
Banda Sea back-arc spreading occurred between Lolotoi Metamorphic Complexes has now been
6.5 and 3.5 Ma (Hinschberger et al. 2001). A con- further confirmed by Standley & Harris (2009) in
tinuation of volcanic arc activity for a period after their petrological study of the Lolotoi Metamorphic
initial contact between the fore-arc and Australian Complex. They presented data indicating that one
margin is plausible, but advocates of a Miocene 10 sample from the Lolotoi has ‘a Late Cretaceous

sedimentary protolith deposited after 82 Ma’, and subduction system. The upper crust was stacked to
the ‘Lolotoi Complex has a metamorphic age of fill the trench, while the crystalline lower crust
46 Ma. It has cooling ages of 39– 35 Ma. The detri- seems to have been thrust northwards from the
tal zircon grains in the Lolotoi are as young as base of the Banda Trench over the downward-
82 Ma within the core of the Bebe Susu Nappe of flexing, northward-dipping, subducting mantle
East Timor’. The Eocene metamorphic age for the lithospheric slab, thus blocking the subduction
Lolotoi and Mutis Complexes are incompatible system against any continental crust (Figs 6–8).
with these complexes having been a part of the Aus- The suggestion of an 8 Ma tectonic collision any-
tralian continental basement of Timor Island, as where in the southern part of the Banda Arc finds
suggested by some authors (Grady 1975; Chama- no foundation in field observations or laboratory
laun & Grady 1978; Charlton 2002). Standley & science.
Harris (2009) also reported that ‘the Lolotoi Another way of thinking about the 8 Ma cooling
Complex records all the deformation events ages and the first and second deformation phases of
reported from the Mutis Complex’. The postulated the Aileu amphibolites in the narrow, Timor north
correlation of the Alieu with Lolotoi metamorphics coast strip and adjacent small islands seems to fit
(Kaneko et al. 2007) is also incompatible with the all the evidence. These cooling ages and defor-
detailed work of Standley & Harris (2009), for mation can be regarded as the product of meta-
example, no zircon grains younger than Permian morphism of a part of the fore-arc basement
are found in the Aileu Complex. Apatite grains in associated with thermal conditions in the fore-arc
the Aileu are highly annealed yielding exhumation adjacent to the active volcanism in Alor, Atauro
fission track ages of ,2 Ma whereas in the and Wetar Islands. Harris & Long (2000) reported
Lolotoi Complex apatite grains have model ages that fission tracks in apatite grains in the Aileu For-
of ,23 Ma. The Lolotoi and Mutis Complexes are mation are, highly to completely annealed, indicat-
also overlain by a Late Oligocene unconformity. ing an exhumation age of ,2 Ma. This Late
Pliocene exhumation age would correspond with
upward movement of the Aileu amphibolites facili-
Significance of Aileu Formation tated by the extension in the Banda fore-arc, associ-
metamorphism for the age of ated with its subsidence into the trench, caused by
tectonic collision rollback of the subducting sub-crustal lithospheric
slab, and result from the upward movements along
Keep & Haig (2010), citing the work of Berry & the Wetar Suture (Fig. 8). These Aileu amphibolites
McDougall (1986) on the 8 Ma cooling ages of the were taken from the fore-arc basement by the
Aileu Formation, claim that this implies ‘that the moving Wetar Suture and lower crust and carried
earliest collision of some part of the Australian upwards where they were moved together with the
margin occurred prior to this time, and that the Aileu glossy slates and phyllites (Fig. 8). These
rocks were subducted, metamorphosed and slates and phyllites could have formed deep in the
exhumed by 8 Ma’. Another view (Standley & TCZ but some distance above the lower crust.
Harris 2009) is that the metamorphism of the From there the decollement, at the base of the Gond-
Aileu with cooling ages of 8 to 4 Ma indicate wana mega-sequence, moving upwards associated
these rocks were present at c. 8 Ma about 35 km with the lower crust and Wetar Suture, late in the
below the Banda Trench. That means they were collision process, could have delivered these rocks
located in the fore-arc basement of the Banda Volca- to where we find them today (Fig. 8). ‘The structure
nic Arc before c. 8 Ma and would have been already of the Aileu is characterized by a very distinct layer
metamorphosed at that depth. and foliation parallel shortening that forms a layer
Keep & Haig’s (2010) suggestion of an 8 Ma col- normal cleavage and foliation’ (Standley & Harris
lision conflicts with the evidence presented above, 2009). This is different from the structure of the
and it requires, as does the Standley & Harris rest of the Gondwana mega-sequence, and may
(2009) model, that the Australian continental crust have resulted from it having occupied a deeper pos-
had been subducted to about 35 km depth below ition in the TCZ before its transfer upwards to its
the Banda fore-arc where it was metamorphosed to present position (Fig. 8).
amphibolite grade between c. 8 to 4 Ma. Tectonic Another explanation for Australian continental
collision is defined here as contemporaneous with basement in the Banda fore-arc is offered by Hall
the blocking of Australian continental crust in the (2002, 2011) and Spakman & Hall (2010). The
trench from subducting below the fore-arc. There Banda Terrane in Timor appears to be a complex
is no evidence that any Australian continental that includes continental crust, arc and fore-arc
crust was subducted in the Banda Trench system, that formed part of the Early Cenozoic Asian
quite the contrary, evidence suggests that much of margin together with their overlying sedimentary
the upper and lower crust were rejected by the rocks. The Banda fore-arc also included Australian

Fig. 6. Cartoon cross section of 5 Ma pre-collision. Note no Australian crust was subducted with sub-crustal mantle
lithosphere. When X2 arrived at X1 (4 Ma) all ocean crust had been subducted and the Australian continental crust was
refused entry to the subduction passage. This tectonic collision of the Asian fore-arc with the Australian continental
margin began at the Banda Trench which was to gradually become the Tectonic Collision Zone shown in Figure 8.

continental crust from the Sula Spur that collided in 1985). A 24 Ma age is recorded in Timor (Berry &
the Early Miocene with Asian Neogene arc and was McDougall 1986) although this has not previously
then extended during the Late Miocene during roll- been explained. During the Neogene Australian-
back (Spakman & Hall 2010). The first contact of origin crust added to the Asian margin by collision
the Australian and Asian margins was collision was extended by rollback in the Banda Embayment
of the Australian Sula Spur soon after 25 Ma (Spakman & Hall 2010). Extension was discontinu-
(Spakman & Hall 2010) and recorded by meta- ous, indicated amongst other evidence by oceanic
morphic rocks in Asian Sulawesi (e.g. Parkinson spreading in the North Banda Sea from 12.5 to
1998a, b; van Leeuwen et al. 2007) and dredged 7.2 Ma and South Banda Sea from 6.5 to 3.5 Ma
samples from the Banda Ridges (Silver et al. (Hinschberger et al. 2000, 2001), and an episode

Fig. 7. Cartoon cross section of pre-collision 5 Ma repeating the configuration of Figure 6. The pecked line shows
bottom of the Banda Trench profile after the X1 –X2 tectonic collision. It shows that there has been no subduction of
continental crust. It also shows the subsequent rollback and subduction of sub-crustal mantle lithosphere. Note
subsidence of Banda Trench-TCZ after 30 km of southeastwards rollback from 4 to 0 Ma, and accompanying northwards
subduction of sub-crustal mantle lithosphere. Note also subsidence of fore-arc (F.S.) linked with the rollback.

Fig. 8. Cartoon cross section of Timor today, (cf. Richardson & Blundell 1996, their BIRPS figs 3b, 4b & 7; and
their fig. 6 gravity model 2 after Woodside et al. 1989; and Snyder et al. 1996 their fig. 6a). Dimensions of the filled
40 km deep present-day Timor Tectonic Collision Zone are based on BIRPS seismic, earthquake seismicity and gravity
data all re-interpreted here from Richardson & Blundell (1996) and from Snyder et al. (1996). NB. The Bobonaro
Melange, its broken formation and other facies are not indicated, but they are included with the Gondwana
mega-sequence. Note defunct Banda Trench, now the Timor TCZ, filled with Australian continental crust and Asian
nappes that occupy all space between Wetar Suture and the 2 –3 km deep deformation front north of the axis of the
Timor Trough. Note the much younger decollement D5 used exactly the same part of the Jurassic lithology of the
Gondwana mega-sequence in the older D1 decollement that produced what appears to be much stronger deformation.

of arc volcanism from 8 to 3 Ma is recorded in the rocks are now found, because they have been
North Banda region (e.g. Honthaas et al. 1998) moved to their present positions by extension of
and the Banda Ridges (Silver et al. 1985). All the upper plate above the retreating subduction
these rocks record metamorphic cooling ages hinge, and the Neogene metamorphic ages record
associated with the Neogene extension. Similar extension of this complex upper plate (Spakman &
complex Australian crust is known from several of Hall 2010; Hall 2011).
the small islands east of Timor from Leti to Babar,
and Bowin et al. (1980) commented on the anoma-
lous pre-collision position of these rocks within the Asian cover rock sequences of the
Banda Outer Arc. Hall (2011) suggests the assump- Banda Terrane
tion that metamorphic ages mark contractional
deformation that accompanied an early collision is The Banda Terrane (Fig. 5) is now found occupying
wrong – the ages simply record cooling, which in high ground, usually as gently folded thrust sheets,
most cases resulted from extension. The ages do with much post-emplacement steep faulting. The
not record the time of collision at the place the metamorphic rocks are covered in places by

several different, mainly sedimentary sequences, found with angular unconformity on the Cretaceous
and some basic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks. Noni Formation in West Timor (see Tappenbeck’s
Tappenbeck (1940) explained the stratigraphy of map). This Mesozoic –Paleocene sequence is dis-
some of these rocks overlying the Mutis Meta- cussed by Tappenbeck (1940), Audley-Charles &
morphic Complex in terms of three distinct Carter (1972), Audley-Charles et al. (1974),
sequences, all of which have been found in the Rosidi et al. (1996), and Earle (1983).
equivalent stratigraphical and structural position in
East Timor (Audley-Charles & Carter 1972; Carter Middle and Upper Eocene
et al. 1976; Standley & Harris 2009).
What makes these stratigraphic sequences, The Eocene Dartollu Limestone (Audley-Charles &
which are unconformable or thrust onto the Mutis Carter 1972; Carter et al. 1976) is found resting with
and Lolotoi Metamorphic Complexes, so important a faulted base on the Lolotoi and Mutis Meta-
is that some of these supra-metamorphic sequences morphic Complexes in both West and East Timor.
are of Asian affinity, and the others seem likely to be It is possible that these Eocene rocks are locally
Gondwana mega-sequence thrust slices emplaced unconformable on the metamorphic complexes.
after the Banda Terrane arrived in Timor (Fig. 2). One importance of this limestone is the palaeontolo-
Here the key features of the cover rock sequences gical evidence of its Asian origin (Lunt 2003), as
are first summarized, and then some controversies this supports the allochthonous status of the meta-
concerning their status and significance are morphic complexes of the Banda Terrane (see
discussed. Tappenbeck’s map).

Triassic sequences Oligocene

Mapping on a 1:25 000 scale by Tappenbeck (1940) The Oligocene Barrique Volcanic Formation that is
shows exotic blocks of Upper Triassic Bahamian found widely in East Timor where it is locally found
limestones, mainly on the slopes of Mt Mollo in thrust on the Lolotoi Metamorphic Complex. The
West Timor, associated with exotic blocks of Barrique Formation is overlain unconformably by
Permian crinoidal limestones, as part of the Sonne- the Cablac Limestone of Late Oligocene to Early
baitserie (which today would be referred to as Bobo- Miocene age (Audley-Charles 1968; Standley &
naro Melange). His map strongly suggests that the Harris 2009). These Oligocene volcanic rocks
Bobonaro Melange with various exotic blocks have been shown to be typical of volcanic arcs
once covered the whole of Mt Mollo which is a and are incompatible with Australian continental
massif of the Mutis Metamorphic Complex. Keep margin igneous rocks (Standley & Harris 2009).
et al. (2009) reported similar Bahamian-type lime-
stones of Upper Triassic age in a thrust stack high Upper Oligocene – Lower Miocene
on Mt Cablac. They might be Australian, or
perhaps Asian and truly allochthonous. The Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene Cablac
Limestone sits with eroded unconformity on the
Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous Palelo Mutis Metamorphic Complex of West Timor, in
Group sequences places with a cobble–pebble basal conglomerate,
(Tappenbeck 1940, 1:50 000 map of Mt Booi) in
The lowest sequence of the Palelo Group rocks, West Timor, and is also present on Mt Mata Bia in
referred to as the Metan Formation, is comprised East Timor (Standley & Harris 2009). Its presence
of mainly agglomerates and tuffs. It is thought on the lower slopes of Mt Cablac was reported by
to be of Late Jurassic age because it is found Audley-Charles (1968) and Carter et al. (1976).
below Lower Cretaceous cherts, dated as Aptian – Standley & Harris (2009) also reported it sitting
Turonian with radiolaria (Haile et al. 1979) of the unconformably on the Lolotoi Metamorphic
Cretaceous Noni Formation (Earle 1983). These Complex on Mt Cablac. In contrast, Haig et al.
rocks are commonly in fault contact with the (2008) claim that ‘No Upper Oligocene to Lower
Mutis and Lolotoi Metamorphic Complexes and Miocene stratigraphic unit has been found on
are often associated with the Bobonaro Melange. Cablac Mountain’. This contradiction is discussed
This is shown by Tappenbeck (1940) on his below.
1:25 000 map of Mt Mollo.
Pliocene Manamas Volcanic rocks
Paleocene Palelo Group sequences
Standley & Harris (2009) reported that these typical
A Paleocene sequence of volcanic rocks and volca- arc volcanic rocks are the youngest members of
niclastics, known as the Haulasi Formation, is the Banda Terrane found locally on the north coast

of Timor, having been derived from the basement (1976), had mapped Triassic limestones and Juras-
of the Banda volcanic fore-arc. This discovery sic lithologies belonging to the para-autochthonous
provides further support for Pliocene tectonic pre-155 Ma Gondwana rift sequence overthrust
collision and late emplacement of this allochtho- onto the Oligocene– Lower Miocene Cablac Lime-
nous terrane. stone on the lower slopes of Mt Cablac.

Upper Oligocene – Lower Miocene Cablac

Stratigraphic and tectonic significance of Limestones
the Mt Cablac Range, East Timor
Audley-Charles (1968), as part of his mapping of
The Mt Cablac Range (Fig. 5) is 15 km long. Its base East Timor at a scale of 1:250 000, described the
is a thrust sheet of the Lolotoi Metamorphic variety of limestones he found cropping out on the
Complex that functions as the base of the Banda lower slopes of the Mt Cablac Range as hard,
Terrane throughout East and West Timor (Fig. 5) massive calcilutites and calcarenites. Samples of
where it is usually overlain unconformably by the these rock types were dated by D. J. Belford (of
Cablac Limestone. the Australian BMR) in 1960, reported in Audley-
Charles (1968) as Te, Early Miocene. In 1963
Mesozoic sequences D. J. Carter (reported in Audley-Charles 1968)
studied samples from these lower slopes collected
Triassic limestones on Mt Cablac, which occur in a by Audley-Charles and confirmed their Te status
Bahamian facies on the upper slopes, were not and Early Miocene age. Later, Carter et al. (1976)
mapped by Audley-Charles (1968) because Mt visited the same lower slopes of Mt Cablac Range,
Cablac was then considered sacred by local people which Carter sampled and confirmed their age as
and investigation of the upper slopes in 1959– N3 to N8 (zonation of Blow 1969) which is Late
1962 was prohibited. Oligocene to Early Miocene.
Upper Triassic –Lower Jurassic limestones are What Audley-Charles (1967) identified on Mt
now known from the higher levels of Mt Cablac, Cablac as a brecciated, polymict intracalcirudite
thanks to the more recent investigations reported belonging to Upper Oligocene –Lower Miocene
by Haig & McCartain (2007), Haig et al. (2008) Cablac Limestone has since been interpreted by
and Keep et al. (2009). Keep et al. (2009) published Haig et al. (2008) as a Pleistocene crush breccia in
a geological sketch map at a scale of 1:100 000 con- a local fault zone. On the basis of that revision
cerned with the geology of part of the Mt Cablac Haig et al. (2008, p. 10) stated ‘No Upper Oligocene
Range. This map is described by Keep et al. to Lower Miocene shallow marine stratigraphic unit
(2009, p. 151) as ‘detailed geological mapping’, has been found on Cablac Mountain’.
whereas on page 155 they describe it in their This claim that no Upper Oligocene to Lower
figure 5 caption as a ‘generalized geological map Miocene shallow marine limestones are present
of the Cablac Mountain Range’. It includes some unconformably on the Lolotoi Metamorphic
discoveries, including an Upper Triassic Bahamian Complex contradicts the micropalaeontological
limestone, that appears to be similar to that and petrological analyses by D. J. Belford in 1960,
mapped on Mt Mollo in West Timor by Tappenbeck and those by D. J. Carter in 1963 reported by
(1940). The variety of lithology and age of sedimen- Audley-Charles (1968), and Carter et al. (1976)
tary rocks and the igneous cover rocks reported by when Carter re-confirmed his earlier finding. The
Haig & McCartain (2007), Haig et al. (2008) and claims by Haig et al. and Keep & Haig (2010)
Keep et al. (2009) on the Mt Cablac Range are all cited above, appear to imply that two very experi-
very similar to rocks reported from diverse Lolotoi enced micropalaeontologists, Belford and Carter,
and Mutis metamorphic massifs (where the uncon- must have mistaken Triassic or other Mesozoic for-
formable Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene aminifera for all the Late Oligocene and Early
Cablac Limestones are also found) in East and Miocene foraminifera in every limestone sample
West Timor. they reported on from Mt Cablac. This seems
The Mesozoic and younger limestones reported extremely improbable (Marcelle K. BouDagher-
by Haig et al. (2008) on the higher slopes of Mt Fadel, pers. comm. 2009). Moreover, more recently,
Cablac appear likely to be either: (i) the remnants Standley & Harris (2009, p. 85) also reported
of a more extensive overthrusting of the Mesozoic finding Oligocene to Miocene Cablac Limestones,
and other rocks onto the upper slopes of Mt very similar to those reported by Audley-Charles
Cablac in a post-2.5 Ma event, or (ii) as on Mts (1968) and by Carter et al. (1976), on the lower
Mollo, Booi, Mata Bia, and many other massifs in slopes of the Mt Cablac Range where they can be
East and West Timor, exotic blocks that are part seen sitting unconformably on the Lolotoi Meta-
of the Bobonaro Melange. Earlier, Carter et al. morphic Complex.

Tectonic processes associated with the seems to have been deformed separately in the col-
Australian para-autochthon and Asian lision complex. The initial chaotic phase seems
likely to have been responsible for the origin of
allochthon the Bobonaro Melange and its facies.
The collision was associated with the rejection of
Australian continental crust by the Timor subduc- Australian continental margin upper crust
tion system when it met the Banda volcanic fore-arc sub-late Jurassic decollement D1
at the Banda Trench. Maybe the low density and
the increasing thickness in the proximal slope of Once the Middle Jurassic part of the Wai Luli
the submarine terrace or plateau led to its rejection. Formation (Audley-Charles 1968), comprising con-
In contrast, Australian sub-crustal mantle litho- siderable thicknesses of shales, acted as a decolle-
sphere appears to have subducted normally. Audley- ment, this must have allowed the younger, Late
Charles (1988, fig. 14), Haig et al. (2008) and Jurassic to Neogene post-rift mega-sequence to be
Roosmawati & Harris (2009) considered this strongly deformed with large-scale recumbent
Australian upper crust sequence similar to the folds, thrusts, and with some strong to intense imbri-
Exmouth, Scott and related plateaux. The great cation, as is well exposed in the Kolbano region of
differences in structural style between the younger SW Timor. Extensive development of pressure
post-155 Ma rift mega-sequence and the older solution cleavage and inversion of strata, evidence
pre-rift mega-sequence can be largely attributed to of multiple deformation, and the presence of
the significant differences in the sedimentary lithol- large-scale flat-lying overthrusts distinguish this
ogies that characterize the different Australian post-155 Ma rift sequence (Barber et al. 1977)
mega-sequences. It is not known whether two mega- from the structures in the older Australian mega-
sequences, each with their own principal decolle- sequence comprised of the pre-rift part of the
ment, were activated simultaneously or not. para-autochthon. This younger of the two mega-
sequences is exposed almost only in the southern
Tectonics of the Australian continental quarter of Timor Island, although it contributes
numerous exotic blocks and clay matrix to the
upper crust para-autochthon and its two Bobonaro Melange, while the older Gondwana
mega-sequences mega-sequence crops out in the northern three-
quarters of the island. The widespread Bobonaro
The mechanical solution, that nature exploited,
Melange and the associated broken formation
while the subcrustal part of the lithosphere contin-
facies suggest that without these two great decolle-
ued subducting, was to provoke the continental
ments, D1 and D2, most of the two pre-collision
upper crust, of mainly stratified sedimentary rocks,
sequences would have made Timor, as Fitch &
that remained in the trench to activate decollements
Hamilton (1974) wrongly claimed it is, an island
at the base of the two mega-sequences: namely D1 at
of mainly chaotic melange.
the base of post-rift mega-sequence ranging in age
from Late Jurassic to Neogene, and D2 at the base
of the Gondwana mega-sequence ranging from The Australian continental margin upper crust
Lower Permian to Middle Jurassic (Figs 2 & 8). sub-Permian decollement D2
The two mega-sequences remained attached to
each other south of the subducting slab, where the The oldest Australian continental margin sedimen-
lower mega-sequence remained attached to the tary rocks of the Gondwana mega-sequence are
Australian lower crust and thus to the continental Early Permian to late Middle Jurassic rocks that
mantle lithosphere. This caused the Australian are highly deformed and exposed throughout
upper crust to be pulled northwards into the trench Timor where all other rock sequences overlie the
where the compressive and related stresses must Gondwana mega-sequence. This distribution serves
have increased significantly, as the Australian to emphasize the effectiveness of the decollements
crust began to be packed ever more tightly. Even- in the TCZ where they separated the mega-
tually the two principal decollements were acti- sequences tectonically.
vated. This allowed the movement of the two The folds of this older mega-sequence range
mega-sequences in a coherent and discrete manner. from ‘large scale culminations and depressions up
In this way, each of them developed its own very to c. 10 km wavelength, with limbs often broken,
different deformation style related to the very differ- and in thinner bedded sequences crumpled into
ent lithologies comprising the two mega-sequences. smaller folds of 10 m or less in amplitude with
Another important consequence of the activation of axial planes vertical or steeply dipping southwards.
these two decollements was that, after the initial Many overturned folds are towards the south but
chaotic crushing phase, each mega-sequence then some are overturned northwards. Hinges are

mostly broken and all rocks extensively affected by metamorphosed to the north of Timor, and their
later faulting’ (Barber et al. 1977). last provenance must have been at about 35 km
depth in the fore-arc basement of the Banda Volca-
nic Islands. This metamorphism can be attributed to
Asian fore-arc basement, sub-allochthonous the heat associated in the fore-arc basement when
Banda Terrane decollement D3 the Banda volcanic islands of Alor, Wetar and poss-
ibly Atauro were active.
The Lolotoi (East Timor) and Mutis (West Timor)
Long after their metamorphism the Aileu amphi-
metamorphic complexes are found at the base of
bolites were carried upwards from this fore-arc
the Banda Terrane throughout Timor. For the most
lower crust in the Wetar Suture that emplaced
part, the Banda Terrane is underlain by the Bobo-
them in the northern part of East Timor at about
naro Melange wherever the base of these meta-
2 Ma (Standley & Harris 2009; Spakman & Hall
morphic thrust sheets can be seen (Standley &
2010). These metamorphosed sedimentary rocks
Harris 2009). The Bobonaro Melange was produced
seem likely to have been stacked in a deeper part
from the Jurassic shales of the Gondwana mega-
of the TCZ than the unmetamorphosed Gondwana
sequence and from the clay-rich zones of the
sequence (Fig. 8).
Eocene rocks of the younger post-rift mega-
sequence. They could have contributed to the lubri-
cant for the decollement that facilitated the transport The Australian sub late – Jurassic post-rift
of the Banda Terrane. The structurally high position
mega-sequence decollement D5
of this terrane above the deeply eroded Gondwana
mega-sequence, indicates it must have been The sub-Late Jurassic D5 decollement, mapped
emplaced relatively late in the collision process by Hughes et al. (1996) with BIRPS deep reflection
(Figs 2, 5–8) following the deep erosion of para- seismic, was active in same Middle Jurassic Wai
autochthon. The Bobonaro Melange is also often Luli Formation shales that function as the D1 decol-
found on slopes of the allochthonous Banda lement provoked by the collision event of about
Terrane. 4 Ma. However, the D5 decollement was a notably
younger event than that involved in the D1 decolle-
The Australian Aileu – Maubisse Gondwana ment. This D5 decollement is only present and
active north of the deformation front located in the
mega-sequence sub-Permian decollement D4 deep axis of the Timor Trough. South of the defor-
The sub-Permian decollement at the base of the mation front there is no D5 decollement, but of
Gondwana mega-sequence must be present at the course the same Middle Jurassic shales continue to
base of the Aileu Complex, that is only found in be present, where they are part of the undeformed
north part of East Timor (Figs 2 & 8) and in some Australian autochthon that occurs south of the
of the very small islands north and east of Timor bathymetric axis of the Timor Trough (Fig. 12).
including Kisar, Leti and Sermata (Kaneko et al. This D5 decollement thus marks a sharp transition
2007). The Aileu Complex lithologies range from from the Timor foreland, represented in the Timor
amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks to unmeta- Trough and Australian Shelf, and the collision
morphosed sedimentary rocks of Permo-Triassic zone north of the deformation front (Figs 8 & 12).
age. This complex is found in the most southerly An additional contrast (cf. Figs 8 with 12) is
part of its crop to interdigitate with the para- the lack of any indication of a decollement or
autochthonous rocks of Maubisse Formation of deformation below the two undeformed mega-
Permo-Triassic age (Barber & Audley-Charles sequences that Hughes et al. (1996) mapped in the
1976; Prasetyadi & Harris 1996). The most north- Australian autochthon south of the deformation
erly, highly metamorphosed part of the Aileu front in the Timor Trough. This is another piece
Complex is exposed only along a narrow north of evidence that conflicts with the suggestions
coast strip and in some small islands a few kilo- that the Timor Trough is or has been a Benioff
metres north and east of Timor. This part of the subduction zone.
Aileu Complex reaches amphibolite facies grade
(Berry & Grady 1981). The metamorphic grade
declines southwards in a relatively short distance Tectonic processes associated with
from the north coast of Timor, with slates and phyl- the Banda Trench, Wetar Suture
lites that interdigitate in the southernmost part of the and Timor Trough
crop with the Maubisse Formation. It thus appears
that, except for the amphibolites, the Aileu The Wetar Strait is part of the Banda volcanic
Complex is a part of the Australian Gondwana fore-arc and separates the volcanic islands Alor,
sequence. These amphibolites must have been Atauro and Wetar from Timor. The strait drops

precipitously to more than 3 km depth and varies in located east of 1208E and south of 68S, where the
width between about 25 km (Atauro), 35 –75 km subduction zone refused to subduct the Australian
(Alor) and 50 km (Wetar). In these islands most of continental crust at c. 4 Ma. This is called the
the volcanic activity ceased in the Pliocene (Abbott Banda Trench because its subduction of Indian
& Chamalaun 1981). The Wetar Strait opens west- Ocean crust gave rise to the Banda Volcanic Arc
ward into a 200 km wide fore-arc basin of the from c. 12 Ma. The Wetar Suture has carried north-
Savu Sea that also descends steeply from the north wards the Timor tectonic collision zone (TCZ), with
coast of Timor, and from the submarine margin of the stacked c. 40 km thickness of Australian conti-
the Roti-Savu Ridge (Audley-Charles 2004, Fig. 1). nental crust and allochthonous Asian nappes, over
The downward flexing Australian plate compris- the Banda volcanic fore-arc. All those islands of
ing only mantle lithospheric slab and ocean crust the Banda Volcanic Arc that are now less than
(Snyder et al. 1996) is subducting below northern 50 km from the Australian continental margin
Timor, the Wetar Strait and the islands of the have been dormant for over 2 Ma. This part of the
Banda Volcanic Arc. This subducted slab is trace- Australian continental margin correlates positively
able by earthquake seismology (Figs 8 & 9) to with the North Timor–Wetar aseismic triangle, an
depths beyond 600 km (Engdahl et al. 1998). area in which there are almost no hypocentres
between 75 and 300 km depth (Engdahl et al. 1998).
The Wetar Suture (Fig. 8) can be interpreted as a
The Banda Trench and the Wetar Suture major thrust zone developed early in the collision
The Banda Trench was the morphological c. 6 km phase, intimately associated with the lower crust
deep trench to the east of 1208E that continued the whose response to the deforming forces was very
Sunda–Java Trench from about 12 to 4 Ma. It was different from the much softer, well stratified Aus-
tralian upper crust Gondwana mega-sequence. The
Australian continental lower crust in the Wetar
Suture carried the Gondwana mega-sequence
nappes. This is also implied by the BIRPS data
(Richardson & Blundell 1996), and the gravity
data of Woodside et al. (1989), re-interpreted in
this paper. It is indicated by regional geology and
the extraordinary amount of impingement of the
Australian continental margin on the Banda
fore-arc to the north of central and eastern Timor
(Audley-Charles 1986a, b; Hall & Wilson 2000).
The continental margin post-rift mega-sequence
may also have been carried northwards over the
Banda volcanic fore-arc, but these younger rocks
have been eroded from most of the northern part
of Timor.

The Wetar Suture and associated

Australian lower crust
The elevation difference between the bottom of the
Wetar Strait and the north Timor coastal zone
approaches 4 km in places. The exceptional steep-
ness of the gradient between them suggests faulting,
on what was postulated (Audley-Charles 1981;
Audley-Charles 1986a, b) as the southward-dipping
Fig. 9. BIRPS profile and earthquake seismology from Wetar Suture (Figs 7 & 8). Richardson & Blundell
Snyder et al. (1996, fig. 6a) with annotations by the (1996) mapped multiple south-dipping thrusts
present author: A is bathymetric deep axis of Timor from BIRPS seismic data in the Banda fore-arc
Trough; B is Banda Trench now defunct and 40 km deep immediately east of Wetar and Kisar islands
Timor TCZ, cf. Figure 8 of this paper. C is fore-arc basin, (Figs 10 & 11) that correspond closely with the
note steep, south-dipping slope of Banda Trench, now
TCZ, corresponds to Wetar Suture on Figure 8. D is postulated position of the Wetar Suture. Moreover,
Banda volcanic fore-arc, E is Banda volcanic arc. F Masson et al. (1991) and Snyder et al. (1996)
indicates that interpreted Australian continental crust found a south-dipping thrust near the north coast
extends only 6 km below the Banda Trench in the Snyder of Kisar, but none of these authors noticed any con-
et al. interpretation (cf. Fig. 8). nection with the postulated Wetar Suture. Breen

North E D C B A South
3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0
51 1

6 53



7 8 9


Wetar Thrust
Alor Banda

r Tro NW Shelf
126 E 128 E 10 S

Fig. 10. BIRPS seismic profile of ‘Damar Line’ from Richardson & Blundell (1996) with geological re-interpretation
by the present author. A is the bathymetric 2– 3 km deep axis of Timor Trough; B is eastward continuation of submarine
ridge of Timor Island 130 km east of Timor; C is fore-arc basin between Timor and Wetar east of those islands. D is
Banda volcanic fore-arc; E is dormant Banda volcanoes. WS reflector is Wetar Suture and Australian lower crust
(cf. Fig. 8).

Fig. 11. Cartoon of BIRPS deep seismic profiles immediately east of Timor Island summarized and interpreted by
Richardson & Blundell (1996) and re-interpreted by the present author. A is 2– 3 km bathymetric deep axis of Timor
Trough coincident with southern limit of deformation and southern limit of Banda Trench now the Timor TCZ filled
with Australian continental crust and Asian nappes. B is the Hughes et al. (1996) BIRPS profile as interpreted by
Richardson & Blundell 1996 in their figure 7 (cf. Figs 8 & 12 of this paper). C is Timor Island. D is northern limit of
northward overthrust of Australian continental margin (represented by former Banda Trench, now the Timor TCZ) that
was carried over 50 km of Banda fore-arc driven by lower crust in Wetar Suture. Note Wetar Suture principal reflector
immediately north of Kisar Island. E is reflectors associated with Wetar Suture located in the Banda fore-arc.

et al. (1989), Harris (1991) and Prasetyadi & Harris different physical properties of the crystalline
(1996) also found south-dipping thrusts close to the lower crust, have led to it being overridden by
north coast of East Timor. what seems to have been the very effective sub-
Harris et al. (2009) mapping Savu Island Permian decollement D2 (Figs 2 & 8). These prop-
(150 km SW of Timor) found a major south-dipping erties of the lower crust would have facilitated deta-
fault zone in North Savu that carries the Australian chment of the well stratified, much softer rocks of
para-autochthon and the Bobonaro Melange, that the upper crust Gondwana mega-sequence from
is a part of this para-autotochthon, northwards the crystalline, relatively strong and rigid Australian
over the Banda fore-arc basement. This Savu continental lower crust during the deformation
Thrust Zone is structurally similar to the Wetar processes in the Banda Trench, and its progressive
Suture, but the two have no physical connection replacement by the TCZ during fore-arc collision
although they may have the same effect as the from c. 4 to c. 1 Ma. The deformation of the two
Wetar Suture, as shown by Rigg & Hall (2011). mega-sequences suggests that the lower crust
The overthrusting of the Banda fore-arc implied retained its discrete response to the forces involved
by gravity and BIRPS seismic data suggest the in the 4 Ma collision at the deepest structural levels
Wetar Suture was created by movements of the (Figs 7 & 8).
Australian continental lower crust. This suture
(Figs 3 & 8) is found along most of the northern The Timor Trough
margin of Timor (Audley-Charles 2004) and may
continue as far east as Sermata where it would The Timor Trough is a depression 700 km long and
have a strike length of c. 650 km. It has carried between 30 and 75 km wide. Its depth is mainly
the Australian continental margin by as much as about 2 km but reaches a maximum of 3.2 km. It
50 km over the Banda fore-arc, so the suture is located entirely within what is now the Australian
seems likely to have had the Australian continental continental slope (as defined by bathymetry), its
lower crust as its base, implying that the lower crust southern boundary being the shelf edge. It is under-
had become detached from the northward subduct- lain by Australian continental crust and lithosphere
ing part of the Australian continental sub-crustal (Richardson & Blundell 1996; Snyder et al. 1996).
mantle lithosphere by de-lamination at the Moho. The Timor Trough, partially filled by marine
The lower crust thrusts upwards and northwards sediment, has the characteristics of a foreland basin
from where this mantle lithospheric slab bends (Audley-Charles 1981; Price & Audley-Charles
northwards to subduct below the northern parts of 1987; Lorenzo et al. 1998; Hall 2002; Londono &
the TCZ. The lithosphere subducts below northern Lorenzo 2004; Woodcock 2004). It continues as a
Timor, the Wetar Strait and the Banda volcanic bathymetric trough north-eastwards through the
fore-arc. BIRPS seismic and gravity modelling 1 km deep Tanimbar Trough, and then passes south
across the Inner and Outer Banda Arc east of and east of Kai, from where it follows the arcuate
Timor (Richardson & Blundell 1996) can be con- strike of non-volcanic Outer Banda Arc islands,
strued as supporting this interpretation of the passing through the Seram Sea north of Seram
Wetar Suture, as the Australian lower crust Island where it, like the Timor Trough, has a depth
moving northwards on a major thrust zone over of mostly 2 km, but which, in the Seram Trough,
the sub-crustal lithosphere, and over the Banda vol- deepens locally to more than 3 km.
canic fore-arc (Figs 8 –13). The driving force for The Timor Trough, like the Tanimbar and Seram
this must be the pulling force of the .600 km Troughs, are all Bally-type Ampferer subduction
deep northward dipping Australian lithospheric zones (defined by Bally 1983) because there is no
mantle slab (Engdahl et al. 1998). It is this subduct- ocean floor subduction linked to any of the three
ing Australian sub-crustal mantle lithosphere that is troughs. When the Banda Trench had an ocean
pulling all the Australian crust from south of the floor that was subducting ocean crust from 12 to
point where the sub-crustal lithospheric slab bends 4 Ma, that trench was north of the Australian conti-
downward and northward. Thus, the Australian nental margin into which the northwards-subducting
crust above the Wetar Suture continues to ride slab sank into the mantle (Fig. 1). Since the blocking
over the Banda fore-arc as the subduction passage of that trench at 4 Ma no Australian crust has been
has been unable to accommodate any continental subducted because it has been stacked in the post-
crust (Figs 7 & 8). This supports the suggestion of trench tectonic collision zone (TCZ) in which some
there being no Australian continental crust sub- of that Australian continental crust has overridden
ducted from Timor. the subducting sub-crustal lithosphere, and it is
The crystalline lower crust must be present still overriding the Banda fore-arc (Figs 7 & 8).
below what is now the exposed mega-sequence of The morphological Banda Trench failed as a
Permian to Jurassic stratified, highly deformed, Benioff zone about 4 Ma when it was progressively
para-autochthon, whose base is seen nowhere. The converted into a TCZ. That also led to the Timor

Fig. 12. A is an annotated BIRPS deep seismic profile across deep axis of Timor Trough (see also Figs 8 & 11).
Reflectors identified by Hughes et al. (1996) as follows: A is Mid– Late Tertiary; B is Mid-Base Tertiary; C is Mid–Late
Jurassic break-up unconformity; D is Top Permian? The basal decollement of the wedge is labelled.

Trough being formed as a perisutural foreland basin, of the Viqueque Group (Kenyon 1974), whose age
and the underthrusting Australian crust moving can be determined from the foraminifera. The
under Timor is part of a Bally-type Ampferer sub- lowest Noele Marl turbidites, described by D. J.
duction zone. South of the bathymetric axis of the Carter as high Upper Pliocene to Pleistocene
Timor Trough is the Australian foreland to the N21 –N22 zone, equivalent to about 2.2 to 1.8 Ma,
Banda orogen. and widely exposed throughout Timor (Kenyon
Hughes et al. (1996) showed by deep seismic 1974), record the first erosion products produced
reflection profiling that the Jurassic shales of the from the emergence of northern Timor as an
Wai Luli Formation, that are below the almost island undergoing sub-aerial erosion. This uplift
entirely submarine accretionary wedge off southern was associated with extension of the Banda fore-
Timor, are there underthrusting northwards. How- arc produced by the rollback of the subducting
ever, south of the deep axis of the Timor Trough, lithosphere slab below Timor (Figs 7 & 8). Then
there have been no active decollements because the Wetar Suture thrust system broke through to
this region is part of the Australian autochthon. the surface in the Wetar Strait. This could have
The two great mega-sequences whose stratigraphy reduced compression in the Timor tectonic collision
in a strongly deformed state, are present north of zone that confined all the deformed Australian crust
the deep Timor Trough axis belong to the Australian and Asian nappes until the Wetar Suture carried
para-autochthon (Figs 2, 8 & 12). them to the north.
The Late Pliocene to Pleistocene turbidites of
N21 –N22 age are overlain by the Pleistocene
Late orogenic block faulting and uplift: fluvial gravels and fringing coral-algal reefs that
possible relation to extension linked to are found on and around much of Timor Island
Wetar Suture today (Audley-Charles 1968; Kenyon 1974) indicat-
ing that Timor had begun to emerge as an island by
The timing of the uplift of Timor from a submarine the latest Pliocene or early Pleistocene at about
position to become an island almost 3 km above sea 2.5 Ma. This uplift had been accompanied by Plio-
level is indicated by the evidence of the first sub- Pleistocene faulting (Price & Audley-Charles 1987).
aerial erosion provided by the siliciclastic turbidites The faulting affects the Quaternary reef limestone

N S The most important tectonic event in building

Model 2 100
the Timor orogen was the blocking of the Australian
continental crust from subducting at the Banda
0 Trench. This was probably caused by the c. 10 km
thick lower crust being driven over the subduction
passage at the bottom of the northern limit of the
-200 Banda Trench where it met the Banda fore-arc at
c. 6 km depth. This blocked any relatively low
N D C E B A 2670 S density continental crust from subducting. Another
2770 early important event was continuation of the roll-
3070 2670 2800
back of the sub-crustal mantle lithosphere below
F 3100
50 the Banda Trench by 30 km after 4 Ma together
with the pull-down effect of the subducting sub-
100 crustal mantle lithosphere. Many other key tectonic
events followed. The continual pull of the subduct-
ing sub-crustal lithosphere was the engine for the
3200 movements of the two major decollements below
the Gondwana mega-sequence and post-rift mega-
200 sequence; and for the detachment of the Australian
lower crust from the Moho above the zone where
250 the mantle lithospheric slab continued to subduct.
200 150 100 50 0 -50
This enabled the lower crust to ride over the
Distance from Timor Trough Axis (A) km
fore-arc; and was responsible for the 800 km long
Fig. 13. Gravity data model of Timor region from Wetar Suture thrust zone. The removal of the
Woodside et al. (1989) interpreted by Richardson & allochthonous Banda Terrane metamorphic base-
Blundell (1996, fig. 6). Densities of polygons are in ment with its range of Asian cover rocks including
kg m23. The model was intended to constrain crustal the Cablac Limestone from the fore-arc, and of the
thicknesses in the central part of the Banda orogen. Note Asian allochthonous Aileu amphibolites also being
the grey area corresponds very closely with the defunct removed from the fore-arc, all followed from the
Banda Trench, now Timor TCZ, filled with Australian creation of the Wetar Suture. The range of Bobonaro
continental crust in Figure 8 of this paper. The gravity
model annotations by present author are: A is
Melange facies were a consequence of the initial
bathymetric 2– 3 km deep axis of Timor Trough; B is chaotic compression and shearing of Jurassic Wai
Timor; C is Banda volcanic fore-arc; D is Banda volcanic Lui shales and the Eocene clay-rich rocks present
Arc; E draws attention to the overthrusting of the fore-arc in the tectonic collision zone.
by the Australian continental margin represented by the
fill in Banda Trench, and later TCZ fill, moved in Wetar
I am much indebted to discussions and joint fieldwork
Suture by Australian lower crust. Note strata south of the
over many years with Tony Barber, Luigi Giani, Robert
Timor Trough axis are all horizontal, being the
Hall, Ron Harris, Chris Kenyon, John Milsom; and most
autochthonous Australian foreland to the non-volcanic
especially with David Carter whose micropalaeontology
part of the Banda Orogen represented here in grey.
supported our fieldwork for years, and with whom I bene-
fited from many discussions. Ron Harris has given me
many helpful tutorials by email since 2003 and he also
plateaus (see the 1:250 000 geological maps of East helped by reviewing this manuscript. Robert Hall has
and West Timor: Audley-Charles 1968; Rosidi et al. given invaluable help with the early version of the manu-
1996; Suwitodirjo & Tjokrosapoetro 1996), some of script, the illustrations and with tutorials on rollback, and
which have also been gently folded (Kenyon 1974; his review of the MS was helpful and constructive. His
Audley-Charles 1986a reported N22 and N23 indication, when I began to write this paper, of the probable
gentle folding and tilting). absence of any Australian continental crust subduction
from the Timor region was a turning point, and it is of pro-
found importance. His invitation to write this valedictory
Conclusions: collision tectonics of the paper was a stimulation and encouragement. I have been
helped by discussions and correspondence with Marcelle
Banda Orogen – Timor region K. BouDagher-Fadel who checked and corrected micro-
palaeontological identifications and zonation status. Ian
The early evolution of the Banda Trench led first to
Watkinson redrew many of the figures making notable
the development of the Banda Inner Volcanic Arc improvements in the process. I remember my indebtedness
from about 12 Ma, and then after the 4 Ma collision to the late Sahat Tobing, and to many other local people in
the Banda Outer Non-Volcanic Arc developed into the islands where I have explored the geology. My field-
the 2300 km long fold and thrust mountain belt work in Timor would not have been possible without the
reaching 3 km above sea level. dedicated help of Raimondo Soares, Domingo Soares,

Anotonio Salshinha, Valenti de Jesus, Nahac Mauc and Ah Banda Arc and northern Australia. Journal of the
Sung. My fieldwork was supported and sustained by Timor Geological Society, 136, 547–568.
Oil Ltd and International Oils Ltd over very many years. Bally, A. W. (ed.) 1983. Seismic Expression of Structural
Styles. Studies in Geology, American Association of
Petroleum Geologists, 15 (3 volumes).
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