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Remotely Driven 2 DOF Arm - Asada and Slotine PDF

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104 Dynamics

5.2. Lagrangian Formulation of Manipulator Dynamics

5.2.1. Lagrangian Dynamics

In the Newton-Euler formulation, the equations of motion are derived from Newton's
Second Law, which relates force and momentum, as well as torque and angular momentum.
The resulting equations involve constraint forces, which must be elimiu3.ted in order t.o obtain
closed-form dynamic equations. In the Newton-Euler formulation, the equations are ' not
expressed in terms of independent variables, and do not include input joint. t.orques expliciUy.
Arithmetic operations are needed to derive the closed-form dynamic equations. This represents
a complex procedure which requires physical intuition, as discussed in the previous section.

An alternative to the Newton-Euler formulation of manipulat.or dynamics is the

Lagrangian formulation , which describes the behavior of a dynamic syst.em in t.erms of work
and energy stored in the system rather than of forces and moment.a of the individual members
involved. The constraint forces involved in the system are automatically eliminated in the
formulation of Lagrangian dynamic equations. The closed-form dynamic equations can be
derived systematically in any coordinate system.

Let qI' ... ,qn be generalized coordinates that completely locat.e a dynamic system .
Let T and U be the total kinetic energy and potential energy stored in the dynamic system.
We define the Lagrangian L by


Note that, since the kinetic and potential energies are fUllctions of qi and qi ' (i = 1. ... ,I!) ,
so is the Lagrangian L. Using the Lagrangian, equations of motion of the dynamic system are
given by

i=l,' . . ,n (;)-21)

where Q i IS the generalized force corresponding to the generalized coordinate qi ' The
5.2 Lagrangian Formulation of Manipulator Dynamics 105

Figure 5-11: Centroidal velocity and angular veloity of link i.


generalized force can be id entified by considering the virtu al work done by non-conse rv a tive
forc es acting on the system.

5.2.2. The Manipulator Inertia Tensor

In this section and the f.o llowing section , we d erive th e equatiOl:s of motio n of a
manipulator arm using the Lagra ngian. We begin by deriving th e kinetic energy st ored ill a n
individual arm link. As shown in Figure 5-6, let v ci and wi be the 3 X 1 velocity ve cto r o f th e
centroid and the 3 X 1 angular velocity vector with r eference t o the base C'oordinat e fr am e,
which is an inertial referenc e frame . The kinetic energy of link j is then given by

T.I = -21 m·v

. v . + - w · I. W .
CI 2 I I I

where m i is the mass of the link and Ii is the 3 X 3 inertia t ensor at the centroid expressed in
the base coordinates. The first t erm in the above equ ation accounts for the kin etic energy
resulting from the translational motion of the mass 7II j , while the second term represents th e
kinetic energy resulting from rotation about the centroid. The total kinetic energy st ored in
the whole arm linkage is then given by


since energy is additive.


106 Dynamics

The expression for the kinetic energy is written in terms of the velocity and angular
velocity of each link member, which are not independent variables, as mentioned in the
previous section . Let us now rewrite the abov e equations in terms of an independent [lnd
complete set of generalized coordinates, namely joint displacement.s q = ['II' ... ,q"IT. In
Chapter 3, we analyzed the velocity and angular velocity of an end-effect.or in relat.ion t.o joillt
velocit.ies. We can employ the same method to compute t.he velocit.y and a.ngular nlocity of nn
individual link, if we regard the link as an end-effector. Namely, replacing subscripts 11 and e
by i and ci , respectively, in equations (3-19) and (3-23), we obtain

v . = J(i)q
CI LilLi
+ . . . + J(il q•.I = J(i 1q·
w. =
J(i) q
Al 1
+ ... + J(i)q'
J(il q·

where J~;. and J~~. are the fth column vectors of the 3 X n Jacobian matrices J~) and J~2, for
linear and angular velocities of link i, respectively. Namely,

J(i) = [J(i1 OJ
J(i) = [J(i1
A Al

Note that, since the motion of link i depends on only joints 1 through j , the column vect.ors
are set to zero for j 2 i. From equations (3-26) and (3-27) each column vector is given by

Jt).= {b j_l
for a prismatic joint
for a revolute joint
J J- O,CI'
for a prismatic joint
J(i).= { 0
AJ b for a revolute joint

where rO,ci is the position vector of the centroid of link i referred to the base coordinate frame,
and b.i-I is the 3 X 1 unit vector along joint axis j-I.
5.2 Lagrangian Formulation of Manipulator Dynamics 107

Substituting expressions (5-24) into equations (5-22) and (5-23) yields


where H is the n X 71 matrix given by


The matrix H incorporates all the mass properties of the whole arm linkage, as reflected to the
joint axes, and is referred to as the manipulator inctlia tenso~. Not.e the differenrp b€'tween t h€'
manipulator inertia tensor and the 3 X 3 inertia tensors of the individual arm links. The
former is a composite inertia tensor including the latter as ('omponents. Th e manipu13,tor
inertia tensor, however, has properties similar to those of individual inertia tensors, As shown
in equation (5-28), the manipulator inertia tensor is a symmetric matrix, as is the individual
inertia tensor defined by equation (5-2). The quadratic form associated with t.he manipulat.or
inertia tensor represents kinetic energy, so does the individual in€'rtia tensor. Kinetic energy is
always strictly positive unless the system is at rest. The manipulator inertia tensor of equation
(5-28) is positive definite, so are the individual inertia tensors. Note, however, that the
manipulator inertia tensor involves Jacobian matrices, which vary with arm configuration.
Therefore the manipulator inertia tensor is configuration-dependent and represents the
instantaneous composite mass properties of the whole arm linkage a.t the current arm

Let Hi) be the [i,ll component of the manipulator inertia tensor H , then we can rewrite
equation (5-27) in a scalar form so that

1 n n ••
T= 2'2: 2: HiJqiqJ (5-29)
i=1 i=1

i Tbis standard terminology is an abbreviation of manipulator inertia tensor matriz : strictly speaking, H is a
matrix based on tbe individual inertia tensors.

108 Dynamics

Note that Hi} is a function of ql' .. . ,qn '

5.2.3. Deriving Lagrange's Equations of Motion

In addition to the computation of the kinetic energy we need to find the paten t.ial
energy U and generalized forces in order to derive Lagrange's equations of motion. Let. g be
the 3 X 1 vector representing the acceleration of gravity with reference to the base coordinat e
frame, which is an inertial reference frame. Then the potential energy stored in the whole arm
linkage is given by


where the position vector of the centroid C i is dependent on the arm configuration. Thus t.he
potential function is a function of ql' ... , qn'

Generalized forces account for all the forces a.nd moments acting on the arm linkage
except gravity forces and inertial forces. We consider the situation where actuators exert joint
torques r = [T1 , ... , TnlT at individual joints and an external force and moment F ext is
applied at the arm's endpoint while in contact with the environment. Generalized forces can
be obtained by computing the virtual work done by these forces. In equation (4-g), let us
replace the endpoint force exerted by the manipulator by the negative external force -F ext.
Then the virtual work is given by


By comparing this expression with the one in terms of generalized forces Q = [Q l' .. . ,Q ,JT,
given by


we can identify the generalized forces as

502 Lagrangian Formulation of Manipulator Dynamics 109

Q= r + JTF ext (.5-33)

Using the total kinetic energy (5-29) and the total potential energy (5-30), we can now derive
Lagrange's equations of motion. From equation (5-29), the first term in equation (5-21) is
computed as


Note that H I).. is a function of Q1' ... ,qn ,so that the time derivative of H I).. is given by

dH .. -
---.!.1. En fJH .. _dqk -
----..!J. 2:n fJH ..
----..!J. 0
dt - oqk dt - oqk qk
k=l k=l
The second term in equation (5-21) includes the partial derivative of the kinetic energy, given

L (5-36)
j= 1 k = 1

since Hjk depends on qj' The gravity term Gi is obtained by taking the partial derivative of
the potential energy:

E (5-37)
j= 1

since the partial derivative of the position vector ro ,C). with respect to q.1 is the same as the I~th

column vector of the Jacobian matrix J~] defined by equations (5-24)-(5-26). Substituting
expressions (5-34) through (5-37) into (5-21) yields

n n n
E HI..)q.+"
) L...J "L...J h I" k)qO). qOk + G. = 1
Q.1 i = 1, ... ,n (5-38)
j=1 j=1 k=l
110 Dynamics


h I)··k (5-39)



The first term represents inertia torques, including interaction torques, while the second term
accounts for the Corio lis and centrifugal effects, and the last term is the gravity torque. It is
important to note that interactive inertia torques Hij qj (j -:/:- i) result from the off-diagonal
elements of the manipulator inertia tensor and that the Coriolis and centrifugal torques
h ijk qj qk arise because the manipulator inertia tensor is configuration dependent. Equation
(5-38) is the same as equation (5-13) derived from Newton-Euler equations. Thus the
Lagrangian formulation provides the closed-form dynamic equations directly.

Example 5-2

Let us derive closed-form dynamic equations for the two degree-of-freedom planar
manipulator shown in Figure 5-2, using Lagrange's equations of motion.

We begin by computing the manipulator inertia tensor H . From equation (5-10),

velocities of the centroids C 1 and C2 can be written as


-11 sin (81 ) - Ic2 sin (81 + 82) -lc2 sin (91 + 82 )

11 cos (8 1) + Ic2 cos (8 1 + 82) Ic2 cos (9 1 + 92)

The above 2 X 2 matrices are the Jacobian matrices J~) of equation (5-24) . The angular
5.2 Lagrangian Formulation of Manipulator Dynamics 111

velocities are associated with the Jacobian matrices J~) , which are 1 X 2 row-vectors in this
planar case:


Substituting the above expressions into equation (5-28), we obtain the manipulator inertia

The components of the above inertia tensor are the coefficients of the first term of equation
(5-38). The second term is determined by substituting equation (5-43) into equation (5-39) .

h111 =0 , h122 = -m 2 i1 i c2 sin ()2 ' hU2 + h121 = -2 m 2 i 1i c2 sin ()2

h211 = m 2 / 1/ c2 sin ()2 ' h222 =0 , h212 + 1£221 = 0

The third term in Lagrange's equations of motion, i.e., the gravity term, IS derived from
equation (5-40) using the Jacobian matrices in equation (5-41) :


Substituting equations (5-43), (5-44) and (5-45) into equation (5-38) yields

112 Dynamics


Joint 1

Figure 6-7: Remotely driven two d.o.r. planar manipulator.

Note that, since no external force acts on the endpoint, the generalized forces coincide with the
joint torques, as shown in equation (5-33). Equation (5-46) is the same as equation (5-11),
which was derived from the Newton-Euler equations. .j.j.j

Example 5-3

Figure 5-7 shows a planar manipulator whose arm links have the same mass properties
as those of the manipulator of Figure 5-2. The actuators and transmissions, however, arE'
different. The second actuator, driving joint 2, is now located at. the base, and t.he out.put.
torque is transmitted to joint 2 through a chain drive mechanism. Since the act.uator is fixed
to the base link, its reaction torque acts on the base link, while in Figure 5-2 t.h e reaction
torque of the second actuator acts on link 1. The first actuator, on the other hand, is the same
for the two manipulators. Let us find Lagrange's equations of motion for this remotely driven

The manipulator inertia tensor and the potential functioll are the same as for the
manipulator of Figure 5-2. Let us investigate the virtual work done by the generalized forces.
Letting T•1 and • be the torques exerted by the first
T2 and the second actuators, respectively, the
virtual work done by these torques is

5.2 Lagrangian Formulation of Manipulator Dynamics 113


Comparing th e above expression with (5-32):

where 6ql = 6(\ and 6q2 = 6()2 ' we find that the generalized forces are


Replacing and T2 in equation (5-46) by Q 1 and Q 2 ' resp ectively, we obtain the dynamic

equations of the remotely driven manipulator.

5.2.4. Transformations of Generalized Coordinates

In the previous section, we used joint displac ements as a complete set of independ ent
generalized coordinates to describe Lagrange's equations of motion. However, any complete set
of independent generalized coordinates can be used . It is a. significant feature of t.he
Lagrangian formulation that we can employ any convenient coordinates to describ e the syst em.
Also, in the Lagrangian formulation, coordinate transformations can be performed in a simple
and systematic manner.

As before, let q = [ql' ... ,qnl T be the vector of joint coordinates, which represents a
complete and independent set of generalized coordinates.
We now assume that there exists
another set of complete and independent generalized coordinates, p = [PI' ... ,Plll T , that
satisfy the following differential relationship with q :

dp = Jdq (5-49)

The Jacobian matrix J is assumed to be a non-singular square matrix within a specified region
in q-coordinates. Let us derive Lagrange's equations of" motion in p-coordinates from the ones

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