Laste A 10 Bombing Guide
Laste A 10 Bombing Guide
Laste A 10 Bombing Guide
he addition of LASTE and CCIP weapons delivery greatly error is the only correction you add to base altitude, altimeter lag
improves the A/OA-10 system. We need to fully un- and installation error are added to track and release altitude for
derstand the system to maximize our effectiveness, ac- diving deliveries. For 10,000' MSL and 250 knots, installation er-
curacy, and safety. CCIP is a great asset for improving weap- ror equates to 70 feet, at 2,000' MSL the error is 55 feet. Due to
ons delivery, but with this addition comes many new tech- LASTE HUD altitude corrections, the normal weapons delivery
niques for employment. The intent of this paper is to provide modes of the HUD are not suitable for instrument cross-check or
guidance for using the many weapons delivery techniques deconfliction. When in NAV mode or Air-to-Air mode, the HUD
available, it in no way replaces the guidance and instruction will match the cockpit altimeter.
received in academics and flying training. If you have any There are some limitations to understand with the HUD.
questions about what is discussed in this paper, take your Complications occur more frequently with high mil depression
notes and/or VTR tape to your weapons officer and seek an deliveries and/or with high crosswinds. The HUD is capable of
answer. Some of the topics can be confusing; diagrams are displaying a no-crosswind solution down to 310 mils. Anytime
provided to help aid in understanding the concepts discussed. the pipper is outside the HUD Field-of-View (FOV) you will get a
Practice and film review will lead to a more solid understand- dashed Projected Bomb Impact Line (PBIL). The HUD projection is
ing and result in better cross-checks and more accurate weap- round not square, this creates a problem with high crosswinds at
ons delivery. This paper will start first with LASTE systems high mil depressions. Due to the projection being round you will
knowledge. I will then discuss suggested habit patterns, display the highest crosswind at the maximum width of a circle -
switchology, and delivery techniques. For further study, go - the center. Therefore, you will be able to display a solid PBIL with
to your FCIF library and pull out T.O. 1A-10A-34-1-1, in the the most crosswind in the center of your HUD at 140 mils depres-
front you will find a supplement, 1S-33, a thin addition ex- sion. Refer to figure 1 below.
plaining in great detail, yet easy to comprehend, informa-
tion on LASTE, switchology, abort cues, fuzing, etc.