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Units and Measurement: Fill Ups

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Units and Measurement

Fill Ups

Q.1. Planck’s constant has dimension ________. (1985 - 2 Marks)

Ans. ML 2 T –1


Q.2. In the formula X = 3YZ2, X and Z have dimensions of capacitance and

magnetic induction respectively. The dimensions of Y in MKSQ sytem are
_________, ________. (1988 - 2 Marks)

Ans. M –3 L –2 T 4 Q 4


Q.3. Th e equation of state for real gas is given by The

dimensions of the constant a is _________.

Ans. ML5 T –2

Subjective Questions

Q.1. Give the MKS units for each of the following quantities. (1980)

(i) Young’s modulus

(ii) Magnetic Induction

(iii) Power of a lens

Ans. (i) N/m2;

(ii) Tesla;

(iii) Dioptre;

Solution. The M.K.S. unit of Young’s modulus is Nm–2.

The M.K.S. unit of magnetic induction is Tesla.

The M.K.S. unit of power of lens is Dioptre.

Q.2. A gas bubble, from an explosion under water, oscillates with a period T
proportional to padbEc. Where ‘P’ is the static pressure, ‘d’ is the density of
water and ‘E’ is the total energy of the explosion. Find the values of a, b and c.

Ans. a = – 5/6, b = 1/2, c = 1/3

Solution. Given that T ∝ PadbEc

⇒ [M0L0T1] = [ML–1T–2]a [ML–3]b [ML2T–2]c

∴ [M0L0T1] = [Ma + b + c L–a –3b + 2c T–2a – 2c]

∴ a + b + c = 0, – a – 3b + 2c = 0

– 2a – 2c = 1

On solving, we get

a = – 5/6, b = 1/2, c = 1/3

Q.3. Write the dimensions of the following in terms of mass, time, length and
charge (1982 - 2 Marks)

(i) magnetic flux

(ii) rigidity modulus

Ans. (i) [M1L2T–1Q–1] (ii) [ML–1T–2]

Solution. Magnetic Flux = [M1L2T–1Q–1]

Modulus of Rigidity = [ML–1T–2]

Q.4. Match the ph ysical quan tities given in column I with dimensions
expressed in terms of mass (M), length (L), time (T), and charge (Q) given in
column II and write the correct answer against the matched quantity in a
tabular form in your answer book.

Column I Column II

Angular momentum ML2T–2

Latent heat ML2Q–2

Torque ML2T–1

Capacitance ML3T–1Q–2

In ductan ce M–1 L–2 T2 Q2

Resistivity L2T–2

Solution.. Angular Momentum [ML2T –1] ;

Latent heat [L2T –2] ;

Torque [ML2T–2]

Capacitance [M–1L–2T2Q2] ;
Inductance [ML2Q–2];

Resistivity [ML3T–1Q–2]

Q.5. Column -I gives three physical quant ities. Select the appropriate units for
the choices given in Column-II. Some of the physical quantities may have more
than one choice correct :

Column I Column II

Capacitance (i) ohm-second

In ductan ce (ii) coulomb2–joule–1

Magnetic Induction (iii) coulomb (volt)–1

(iv) newton (amp-metre)–1

(v) volt-second (ampere) –1

Ans. Capacitance coulomb-volt–1, coulomb2-joule–1

In ductance ohm-sec, volt-second (ampere) –1

Magnetic Induction newton (ampere-metre)–1

(b) Refer to solution of Q. 3, type D

Q.6. If nth division of main scale coincides with (n+1) th divisions of vernier
scale. Given one main scale division is equal to ‘a’ units. Find the least count of
the vernier. (2003 - 2 Marks)

Ans. a/n + 1 units

Solution. (n + 1) divisions of vernier scale = n divisions of main scale.

∴ One vernier division = a/n + 1 main scale division

Q.7. A screw gauge having 100 equal divisions and a pitch of length 1 mm is
used to measure the diameter of a wire of length 5.6 cm. The main scale reading
is 1 mm and 47thcircular division coincides with the main scale. Find the curved
surface area of wire in cm 2to appropriate significant figure.

(use π = 22/7)

Ans. 2.6 cm2


Diameter = MSR + CSR × (least count)

= 1 mm + 47 × (0.01) mm = 1.47 mm Surface Area = πDl

= 2.6 cm2 (Rounding off to two significant figures)

Q.8. In Searle’s exper iment, which is used to find Young’s Modulus of

elasticity, the diameter of experimental wire is D = 0.05 cm (measured by a
scale of least count 0.001 cm) and length is L = 110 cm (measured by a scale of
least count 0.1 cm). A weight of 50 N causes an extension of X = 0.125 cm
(measured by a micrometer of least count 0.001cm). Find maximum possible
error in the values of Young’s modulus.

Screw gauge and meter scale are free from error. (2004 - 2 Marks)

Ans. 1.09 × 1010 Nm -2

KEY CONCEPT : Maximum error in Y is given by

It is given that W = 50 N; D = 0.05 cm = 0.05 × 10 –2m;

X = 0.125 cm = 0.125 × 10–2m;

L = 110 cm = 110 × 10 –2m

∴ Maximum possible error in the value of

Y = DY = 0.0489 × 2.24 × 1011

= 1.09× 1010 N/m2

Q.9. The side of a cube is measured by vernier callipers (10 divisions of a

vernier scale coincide with 9 divisions of main scale, where 1 division of main
scale is 1 mm). The main scale reads 10 mm and first division of vernier scale
coincides with the main scale. Mass of the cube is 2.736 g. Find the density of
the cube in appropriate significant figures.

Ans. 2.66 gm/cm3

Match the Following

DIRECTIONS (Q. No. 1) : Each question contains statements given in two

columns, which have to be matched. The statements in Column-I are labelled A, B,
C and D, while the statements in Column-II are labelled p, q, r and s. Any given
statement in Column-I can have correct matching with ONE OR MORE statement(s)
in Column-II. The appropriate bubbles corresponding to the answers to these
questions have to be darkened as illustrated in the following example :

If the correct matches are A-p, s and t; B-q and r; C-p and q; and D-s then the correct
darkening of bubbles will look like the given.

Q.1. Some physical quantities are given in Column I and some possible SI units
in which these quantities may be expressed are given in Column II. Match the
physical quantities in Column I with the units in Column II and indicate your
answer by darkening appropriate bubbles in the 4 × 4 matrix given in the
ORS. (2007)

Column I Column II

(A) GMeMs , G – universal gravitational constant,

(p) (volt) (coulomb)(metre)
Me – mass of the earth, Ms – mass of the Sun

(B) 3RT/M , R – universal gas constant,

(q) (kilogram) (metre)3(second)–2
T – absolute temperature, M – molar mass

(r) (metre)2 (second)–2

F – Force, q – charge, B – magnetic field

Me – mass of the earth, Re – radius of the (s) (farad) (volt)2 (kg)–1

Ans. (A) → p, q ; (B) → r, s ; (C) → r, s ; (D) → r,s

Solution. A : p → q

Reason : Unit of GMeMs = Fr2 = Nm2

= kg m3s–2

Also (volt) (coulomb) (metre) = (joule) (metre)

= (N - m) (m) = Nm2 = kg m3s–2



∴ Unit of v2 is m2s–2 which is further equal to FV2 kg–1.


DIRECTIONS (Q. No. 2) : Following question has matching lists. The codes for the
lists have choices (a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Q.2. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes
given below the lists: (JEE Adv. 2013)

List I List II

P. Boltzmann constant 1. [ML2T-1]

Q. Coefficient of
2. [ML–1T–1]

R. Planck constant 3. [MLT–3K–1]

S. Thermal
4. [ML2T–2K–1]


(a) 3 1 2 4

(b) 3 2 1 4

(c) 4 2 1 3

(d) 4 1 2 3

Ans. (c)

(c) is the correct option.

Integer Value Correct Type

Q.1. To find the distance d over which a signal can be seen clearly in foggy
conditions, a railways-engineer uses dimensions and assumes that the distance
depends on the mass density ρ of the fog, intensity (power/area) S of the light
from the signal and its frequency f. The engineer finds that d is proportional to
S1/n. The value of n is (JEE Adv. 2014)

Ans. (3)


Q.2. During Searle’s experiment, zero of the Vernier scale lies between 3.20 ×
10–2 m and 3.25 × 10–2 m of the main scale. The 20th division of the Vernier
scale exactly coincides with one of the main scale divisions. When an additional
load of 2 kg is applied to the wire, the zero of the Vernier scale still lies between
3.20 × 10–2 m and 3.25 × 10–2 m of the main scale but now the 45th division of
Vernier scale coincides with one of the main scale divisions. The length of the
thin metallic wire is 2 m and its cross-sectional area is 8 × 10–7m2. The least
count of the Vernier scale is 1.0 × 10–5 m. The maximum percentage error in the
Young’s modulus of the wire is (JEE Adv. 2014)

Ans. (4)


Here F, a and L are accurately known.

Q.3. The energy of a system as a function of time t is given as E(t) = A 2 exp(–αt,)
where a = 0.2 s–1. The measurement of A has an error of 1.25%. If the error in
the measurement of time is 1.50%, the percentage error in the value of E(t) at t
= 5 s is (JEE Adv. 2015)

Ans. (4)

Solution. E = A2 e–0.2t

∴ loge E = 2 loge A –0.2t

On differentiating we get

As errors always add up therefore

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