Petition For Certiorari: Court of Appeals
Petition For Certiorari: Court of Appeals
Petition For Certiorari: Court of Appeals
From the foregoing, San Jose has sixty (60) days from 1 December
2019, or until 1 February 2020, within which to file the instant Petition for
B. San Jose may be served with notices, orders, resolutions and other
processes of this Honorable Court through the undersigned counsel at the
address indicated below.
3. The truth of the matter is that respondent was only 19 years old, not
21 years old, when she married the petitioner on 5 September 2002, having
been born on 12 March 1983 as shown in her Certificate of Live Birth
hereto attached as ANNEX “E”. Likewise, ABBY SAN JOSE is not the
daughter of petitioner with respondent, but a daughter of Rudy Gwapito, as
shown in the child’s Certificate of Live Birth hereto attached as ANNEX
“F” .
parties are even liable for perjury under Article 183 of the Revised Penal
V. D I S C U S S I O N
Other reliefs as may be just and equitable are likewise prayed for.
I, PEDRO SAN JOSE, under oath, hereby depose and say:
That I have not theretofore commenced any other action involving the
same issues in the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals or different
divisions thereof, or any other tribunal or agency ; and there is no similar
action or proceeding which has been filed or is pending before the Supreme
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