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Heat Duty

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HeatCalc is a
Thermart Software
program. © 2012
by Arthur E. Morris. A Natural Gas Heat of Combustion Calculator
Calculations based on combustion of 1 gram-mole of natural gas.
SI Units
pressure: atm or bar
volume: m3 Heat of C
amount: g-mol Nat Gas
mass: g or kg Burner CO2, H2O, N2
energy: kJ

Enter/Edit values in blue-bordered cells only!

Natural Gas Properties

Species Mol. mass Vol % Mass % Mass, g DH°comb
Methane CH4 16.04 94.10% 87.76% 15.10 -754.99
Ethene C2H4 28.05 0.50% 0.82% 0.14 -6.62
Ethane C2H6 30.07 1.60% 2.80% 0.48 -22.84
Propane C3H8 44.10 0.90% 2.31% 0.40 -18.40
Butanes & higher C4H10 + 58.12 0.50% 1.69% 0.29 -13.28
Hydrogen H2 2.02 0.20% 0.023% 0.004 -0.48
Carbon monoxide CO 28.01 0.10% 0.16% 0.03 -0.28
Carbon dioxide CO2 44.01 1.10% 2.81% 0.48 0.00
Nitrogen (by diff.) N2 28.01 1.00% 1.63% 0.28 0.00
Molecular mass of NG 17.20 DH°comb, kJ/g-mol NG -816.90

moles mass
CO2 produced by combustion 1.031 28.88
H2O produced by combustion 2.003 36.09
O2 required for combustion 2.033 65.04

Table I. Molar DH°formation at 25 °C Table II. Molar DH°reax at 25 °C

kJ/g-mol Reaction to form H2O(g)
CH4 -74.81 2O2 + CH4 → CO2 + 2H2O(g)
C2H4 52.47 3O2 + C2H4 → 2CO2 + 2H2O(g)
C2H6 -84.68 3½O2 + C2H6 → 2CO2 + 3H2O(g)
NG constituents C3H8 -103.85 5O2 + C3H8 → 3CO2 + 4H2O(g)
C4H10 -126.15 6½O2 + C4H10 → 4CO2 + 5H2O(g)
H2 0.00 ½O2 + H2 → H2O(g)
CO -110.53 ½O2 + CO → CO2
CO2 -393.51 Reaction to condense water vapor
Combustion products H2O(g) -241.81 H2O(g) → H2O(liq)
H2O(liq) -285.83
HeatCalc Operation
The heat of combustion of natural gas is calculated at 298.15 K in SI units,
ion Calculator converted to eleven other units. Data in Tables I and II are from the FREED da
Calculations are for one gram-mol of natural gas burned completely to CO2 and
-mole of natural gas. H35:H36 display the oxygen required for stoichiometric combustion of 1 gram-m
The calculator contains a sample system. Changing any blue-bordered cel
result in recalculation of all other dependent values. The molar DHcomb is calcu
Heat of Combustion of H2O(g) as a combustion product and posted in cell I30. The Lower Heating Val
Natural Gas obtained by changing the sign of the DHcomb and posting this value to cell K15.
other units are calculated in column K by using conversion factors.
LHV HHV Units The Higher Heating Value (HHV) is calculated in cell L15 by taking into acco
816.90 905.07 kJ/g-mol of condensation of water vapor (cell K48). Values for other units are calculated
by using conversion factors.
195.24 216.32 kcal/g-mol
The non-SI energy units are thermochemical in nature. 1 kcalth is equal to 4
351,438 389,370 Btu/lb-mol
1 Btuth is equal to 1054.35 J. The definition of STP for standard volumes is liste
47,489 52,615 kJ/kg
11,350 12,575 kcal/kg boxes near cell N24. For SI, the standard temperature is 0 °C.
Worksheet HofReax vsT examines the variability of DHcomb with temperatu
20,430 22,636 Btu/lb
13.19 14.62 kwh/kg
36,446 40,380 kJ/scm
Pstd = 1 atm
8,711 9,651 kcal/scm References
35,969 39,852 kJ/scm 1. Wikipedia contributors, "Heat of combustion", "Standar
Pstd = 1 bar
8,597 9,525 kcal/scm 2. Fact-Web programs,
926.10 1026.1 Btu/scf STP = 1 atm & 60 °F 3. NIST Chemistry WebBook,
4. Thermart Software,
Element Balance
moles mass
C 1.042 12.514
H 4.006 4.038
O 0.023 0.368
N 0.02 0.280

°reax at 25 °C
lated at 298.15 K in SI units, and
and II are from the FREED database.
burned completely to CO2 and H2O. Cells
metric combustion of 1 gram-mol of NG.
anging any blue-bordered cell value will
s. The molar DHcomb is calculated for
l I30. The Lower Heating Value (LHV) is
posting this value to cell K15. Values for
nversion factors.
in cell L15 by taking into account the heat
for other units are calculated in column L

n nature. 1 kcalth is equal to 4.814 J, while

P for standard volumes is listed in the text
ature is 0 °C.
lity of DHcomb with temperature.

"Heat of combustion", "Standard enthalpy of formation", Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, July 2012, http://
ttp:// Use Reaction-Web.
Heat of Combustion vs. Temperature

WordPad Document
Please read Data: Heat of Formation, J/g-mol

T (K) 300 320 340 360 380 400

CH4 -74,865 -75,474 -76,089 -76,704 -77,314 -77,917
C2H4 52,408 51,773 51,144 50,525 49,917 49,323
C2H6 -84,777 -85,788 -86,784 -87,759 -88,712 -89,640
C3H8 -103,970 -105,296 -106,590 -107,848 -109,067 -110,246
C4H10 -126,317 -127,845 -129,354 -130,838 -132,292 -133,713
H2O(g) -241,831 -242,032 -242,234 -242,436 -242,639 -242,841
CO2 -393,509 -393,523 -393,538 -393,552 -393,568 -393,585
H2O(liq) -285,773 -284,509 -283,239 -281,937 -280,574 -279,097

Calculations: Molar DH°Combustion, kJ/g-mol at different temperatures.

Reaction to form H2O(g)
temp, K 298.15 300 320 340
2O2 + CH4 → CO2 + 2H2O(g) -802.33 -802.31 -802.11 -801.92
3O2 + C2H4 → 2CO2 + 2H2O(g) -1323.1 -1323.1 -1322.9 -1322.7
3½O2 + C2H6 → 2CO2 + 3H2O(g) -1427.78 -1427.7 -1427.4 -1427.0
5O2 + C3H8 → 3CO2 + 4H2O(g) -2043.94 -2043.9 -2043.4 -2043.0
6½O2 + C4H10 → 4CO2 + 5H2O(g) -2656.96 -2656.9 -2656.4 -2656.0
½O2 + H2 → H2O(g) -241.81 -241.83 -242.03 -242.23

Reaction to condense water vapor

H2O(g) → H2O(liq) -44.02 -43.94 -42.48 -41.01
Process Design & Simulation

360 380 400

-801.72 -801.53 -801.35
-1322.5 -1322.3 -1322.2
-1426.7 -1426.3 -1426.1
-2042.6 -2042.2 -2041.9
-2655.6 -2655.2 -2654.8
-242.44 -242.64 -242.84

-39.50 -37.93 -36.26

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