Coal Silo
Capacity (m3) 1120
Capacity (MT) @ Density (t/m3)= 0.8 896
Capacity (MT) @ Density (t/m3)= 1.2 1344
Seal Air Fan(2X100%)
RPM 1480
Motor Rating(KW) 110
Volume(m3/Sec) 16
Pressure(mmwc) 508
Density(Kg/m3) 1.028
Lubrication Sump oil Lubrication
Set Reset Relieving
Detail KKS Pressure(Kg/ Pressure(Kg/ Blow Capacity
cm2) cm2) (Kg/h)
291 282.3 3 203417
Seperator A
291.4 282.7 3 203695
291 282.3 3 203417
Seperator B
291.4 282.7 3 203695
270.7 262.6 3 170181
Main Steam 271.1 263 3 170431
268 260 3 Later
64.3 62.4 3 180518
66.3 64.3 3 186450
60.8 59 3 195094
HRH 61.1 59.3 3 196040
62.9 61 3 201995
Soot Blowing 01HCB01AA701 40 38.4 4 30290
Proximate Analysis Design Coal Coal -I Coal-II
Ultimate Analysis
Carbon 35.3 32 37.2
Hydogen 3.02 3 3.01
Sulpher 0.46 0.28 0.59
Nitrogen 0.84 0.83 0.84
Oxygen 9.98 9.84 8.86
Moisture 18.9 12 24
Ash 31.5 42 25.5
HGI 50 60 45
Ash Characteristics Design Coal -I Coal-II
Initial Deformation Temp 1150 1100 1200
Hemispherical temp 1300 1400 1200
Fluid Temp 1300 1400 1200
Ash Analysis
SiO2 57.33 58.25 55.25
Al2O3 27.95 28.63 26.8
Fe2O3 7.13 6.32 6.96
TiO2 1.65 1.72 1.59
P2O5 1.46 1.57 1.43
CaO 2 1.55 2.75
MgO 0.77 0.6 1.2
SO3 0.76 0.38 1.36
Na2O+K2O 0.95 0.98 2.66
Particular Unit Value
Viscosity @ 40 C cSt 400
Density @ 15C Kg/m3 890-950
Flash Point C 66
Pour Point C 20-40
Water Content max % volume 1
Sediment max % Weight 0.25
Sulphur Content max % Weight 4.5
Ash Content max. % Weight 0.1
GCV (approx) kcal/kg 10000
Particular Unit Bharat Stage-II Bharat Stage-III
Viscosity @ 0 C cSt 4.5 12
Viscosity @ 40 C cSt 2~5 2~4.5
Density @ 15C Kg/m3 820~870 820~855
Flash Point C 66 66
3 For Winter 15 3 For Winter 15
Pour Point C For Summer For Summer
Water Content max % 0.05(volume) 0.02 (Weight)
Sediment max mg/100ml 1.5 N/A
Sulphur Content max % Weight 0.05 0.035
Ash Content max. % Weight 0.01 0.01
GCV (approx) kcal/kg 10000 10000
Medium Metal
Detail Material Temp Temp
SH Platen SA213 T91 516 566
SA213 T92 507 557
SH Front SA213 T92 564 603
SA213 T92 558 597
SH Front Crossover tubes SA213 T92 564 564
SA213 T92 558 558
SH Rear Cross over connect Tubes TP347H 578 617
SA213 T92 578 578
SH Finish Rear SA213 T92 577 577
SA213TP347H 578 617
SA213 T91 525 564
SA213 T12 489 528
LTRH SA213 T92 525 564
SA213 T22 525 525
Finish RH S304H 604 643
TP347H 581 620
FurnaceSpiral Wall SA 213 T12 436
Furnace Front & Side Vertical Wall SA 213 T12 475
Furnace Rear Vertical Wall SA 213 T22 480
Economiser SA210Gr C 342 353
Manufacturer BHEL
Installation/Unit 2 2 2
FAF 26.6/12.5-1 SAF 38.5/25-1 PAF 20/11.2-2
(Axial Reaction) (Axial Reaction) (Axial Reaction)
Control type Variable Blade Pitch Control
Bearing Lubrication Forced Oil
Stages 1 1 2
Speed (RPM) 990 745 1490
Critical Speed 2572 1974 4202
Volume(m3/Sec) 280 710 220
Density(kg/m )3
1.028 0.772 1.028
∆ P (mmwc) 440 585 1400
Design Temperature 50 150 50
Efficiency (Fan)
BMCR 86.7 86 88
TMCR 84.5 84.5 87.5
Type Sq. Cage Induction Motor
Motor Rating (KW) 1650 5650 4050
Voltage 11KV 11KV 11KV
RPM 996 746 1494
Full Load Current 106 356 242
No load Current 39 102 48
Make BHEL,Hyderabad
Type of Mill Bowl Mill
Size of Mill HP 1103 with Static Classifier
Gear Drive Planetary Gearbox
Mill Outlet Temp. 77 C
Mill Capacity in T/hr 81.5
Classifier Static
Fineness 70 % Thru 200 Mesh
Bowl Speed (RPM) 33.5
Min. Coal Flow to Mill 21.722 TPH
Air Flow at MAX. Coal Flow 130.77 TPH
Air Flow at Min. Coal Flow 92.201 TPH
Motor Rating (KW) 696
Voltage( Volts) 6600
Full Load (Amp) 88
No Load Current (Amp) 46
Motor Speed (RPM) 989
Material of Mill
Housing grinding Zone ASTM A-36 or Equiv.
Grinding Ring Sintered Carbide
Roller Sintered Carbide
Spring Spring Steel
Type FAA-9X 45M-2X128150-2
No of Precipator/Unit 4
Number of GAS Path/Unit 4
Number of Fields in series/Gas Path 9
Pressure Drop across ESP (mmwc) 25
Collecting Electrodes
No of rows of collecting electrodes/Field 65
No of collecting electrodes/Field 390
No .collecting electrodes arranged in each
row /field 6
Total no of collecting plates 14040
Nominal Height X Length (mm) 15000 X 750
Emitting Electrodes
Type Spiral with hooks
Size 2.7 mm dia
No of electrodes in a frame 54
No of electrodes/Field 3456
Total no of electrodes /Boiler 124416
Length of elctrodes(m) 21911
Plate/Wire spacing 200 mm
Collecting Emitting
one drop hammer per row One drop hammer for
two rows of electrodes
No & Type collecting electrodes having
surface of 135 m2
Rapper size 4.9 Kgs 3.0 Kgs
Varying from 15 raps/Hour 10 raps per hour
Frequency of rapping at inlet field to 0.5
raps/hours at exit field
Drive Geared electric motor Geared electric motor
at the bottom of collecting On middle frames of
Location emitting system frame
elctrodes work
Quantity/ESP 18 18
415,50 Hz,0.5 HP,1.1 rpm 415 V ,50 Hz,0.5 HP ,2.5
Motor Rating
95 KV DC (peak),1400 mA
DC(mean),mineral oil 18
Silicon Diode ,Full wave
bridge conn.
Quantity/ESP 18
Heating System
Shaft Insulator Support Insulator
Quantity/ESP 432 72
Type Tublar Breathing type tubular
Rating 0.5 KW,415 V,50Hz 1.0 KW,415 V, 50 Hz
Thermostat setting for Heater 120°C 140 °C
Design parameter
Design Coal (TMCR) Worst Coal(BMCR)
Gas flow rate (m3/s) 1074 1244.4
Temperature (°C) 125 146
Inlet Dust concentration(gm/Nm3) 48.2 68.7
Outlet dust conseteation(with one field out)
(mg/Nm3) 50 50
ESP efficiency 99.90% 99.93%
Hopper Heaters
0.5 KW
Tap of the steam Tap off Platen SH O/L header
Inlet Pressure Bar 259.09
Steam Pressure Bar 29.4
Steam Temperature C 354.39
Safety Valve Poping Pressure Kg/cm2 40
Reset Pressure Kg/cm2 38.4
Blowdown (%) 4
Relieving capacity Kg/Hr 30290
Wall Blowers LRSB AH Blowers
Nos 100 44 2
Operating Pressure Kg/cm2 11 12.5
Duration min 1.5 13.68
Total Time for one cycle min 75 602
steam consumption/cycle kg 6125 60264
rate of steam consumption/blower kg/h 125 2007
HP Heater
Flow BMCR 660MW 528MW 396MW 330MW
Superheater Outlet t/h 2110 1917.2 1525.1 1121.7 930 1685.8
Reheater Outlet t/h 1697.8 1608.5 1300.6 975.1 817.7 1663.3
Feed Water t/h 2025.6 1840.5 1464.1 1076.8 832.8 1618.4
SH Spray t/h 84.4 76.7 61 44.9 37.2 67.4
RH Spray t/h 17 0 0 0 0 0
AH Outlet(Primary) t/h 746 704 607 503 401 727
Tempering Air t/h 13 39 23 13 17 22
AH Outlet(Secondary) t/h 1628 1442 1131 804 682 1510
Total Combustion Air t/h 2513 2311 1887 1446 1226 2385
Flue gas at RAPH inlet t/h 2836 2609 2130 1630 1383 2691
Flue gas at RAPH outlet t/h 3051 2817 2324 1813 1562 2871
Coal t/h 474 436 356 272 231 450
HP Heater
Temperature BMCR 660MW 528MW 396MW 330MW
Seperator Outler °C 426 421 413 385 366 410
Platen SH Inlet °C 436 432 423 399 377 420
Platen SH Outlet °C 496 495 494 495 498 486
Final SH Inlet °C 478 476 475 470 469 465
Final SH Outlet °C 568 568 568 568 568 568
LTRH Inlet °C 342 335 326 333 337 350
LTRH Outlet °C 500 489 481 478 476 495
Finish RH Inlet °C 490 489 481 478 476 495
Finish RH Outlet °C 596 596 596 596 596 596
Economiser Inlet °C 293 290 277 261 251 195
Economiser Outlet °C 347 342 331 317 310 297
Ambient °C 27 27 27 27 27 27
AH Outlet (Primary) °C 314 311 297 279 268 256
AH Outlet (Secondary) °C 321 317 302 282 271 259
SH Platen inlet °C 1173 1171 1159 1108 1088 1150
Finish RH inlet °C 1051 1043 1016 954 923 1029
Finish SH inlet °C 929 916 882 820 787 909
LTRH inlet °C 661 648 617 575 552 645
Economiser inlet °C 512 498 472 449 437 505
Airheater inlet °C 350 342 323 301 288 281
Airheater outlet °C 125 125 117 113 111 108
HP Heater
Pressure(Steam & Water) BMCR 660MW 528MW 396MW 330MW
Superheater Outlet kg/cm2 255 253.5 250.8 189.9 159.5 251.8
Separator Outlet kg/cm2 275.5 270.8 263 198.8 165.6 265.3
Economiser inlet kg/cm 2
298.3 290.1 276.5 208.6 172.4 280.3
Feed Check Valve Inlet kg/cm 2
303 294 279 210.5 174 283.3
LTRH inlet kg/cm2 56.5 53.6 43.3 32.3 27.1 56.2
Finish RH outlet kg/cm 2
54 51.2 41.4 30.9 25.9 53.8
Pressure Drop
Superheater system kg/cm2 20.5 17.3 12.2 8.9 6.1 13.5
Eco. I/L to separator O/L kg/cm 2
22.8 19.3 13.5 9.8 6.8 15
Feed check v/v i/l to Eco I/L kg/cm2 4.7 3.9 2.5 1.9 1.6 3
Reheater system kg/cm 2
2.5 2.4 1.9 1.4 1.2 2.4
HP Heater
Pressure & Drafts (Air & Gas) BMCR 660MW 528MW 396MW 330MW
Primary air
PA Fan inlet mmwc -15 -14 -11 -8 -6 -14
PA Fan outlet mmwc 1055 1021 959 922 934 996
Air heater inlet mmwc 1039 1010 938 902 915 975
Air heater outlet mmwc 992 965 903 877 895 930
Mill inlet mmwc 778 731 704 663 696 737
Mill outlet mmwc 354 331 319 300 318 329
Secondary air
FD fan inlet mmwc -17 -14 -9 -5 -4 -15
FD fan outlet mmwc 285 251 196 155 140 255
Airheater Inlet mmwc 263 231 184 147 137 238
Airheater outlet mmwc 189 171 144 122 117 178
windbox pressure mmwc 100 100 100 100 100 100
Furnace mmwc -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5
SH Platen inlet mmwc -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5
Finishing RH inlet mmwc -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6
Finish SH inlet mmwc -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -10
LTRH inlet mmwc -19 -17 -13 -11 -9 -17
Economiser inlet mmwc -30 -26 -19 -13 -11 -28
Economiser outlet mmwc -62 -53 -37 -24 -19 -57
Airheater inlet mmwc -90 -78 -58 -41 -34 -83
Airheater outlet mmwc -190 -168 -120 -83 -67 -168
EP inlet mmwc -239 -212 -154 -108 -89 -213
EP outlet mmwc -263 -232 -168 -116 -95 -234
ID fan inlet mmwc -320 -289 -213 -154 -131 -289
ID fan outlet mmwc 65 56 42 29 24 58
HP Heater
Mill & Burner Unit BMCR 660MW 528MW 396MW 330MW
No of mills in operation Top 7 Top 7 Top 6 Top 5 Top 4 Top 7
(B-H) (B-H) (C-H) (D-H) (E-H) (B-H)
Mill loading % 89.4 82.82 78.3 71.9 76.3 84.9
Air flow per mill t/h 108.4 106.2 105 103 104.3 107
Air Temp at mill inlet °C 310 296 287 274 260 249
Mill outlet temperature °C 66 to 90
Fineness(thru'200 mesh) % 70
Burner tilt Deg 30 to +30
O2 in gas Eco Outlet % 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56
CO2 in gas at ECO Outlet % 15.69 15.69 15.69 15.69 15.69 15.69
Excess air in gas at ECO Outlet % 20 20 20 20 20 20
HP Heater
Heat Balance Unit BMCR 660MW 528MW 396MW 330MW
Dry Gas % 4.87 4.79 4.46 4.35 4.31 3.89
H2O in fuel,surf & inherent % 3.7 3.69 3.67 3.67 3.66 3.64
H2O from comb. Of H2 % 4.72 4.71 4.69 4.68 4.68 4.64
H2O in air % 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.1
Radiation % 0.17 0.19 0.23 0.3 0.35 0.18
Unburnt Carbon % 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Unaccountaed loss &
Manufacturer Margin % 1.17 1.16 1.18 1.19 1.2 1.15
Total Losses % 15.55 15.46 15.14 15.1 15.11 14.4
Heat Credits % 0.56 0.57 0.57 0.58 0.57 0.57
Efficiency % 85.01 85.11 85.43 85.48 85.46 86.17
Manufracturer BHEL Ranipet
APH Drives
Main Motor
Power KW 37
Air Motor
Type HEA
Number 16/Boiler
12 joules/spark
Capacity of each ignitors
4 spark/sec
Economiser 179
Separator 15
Furnace 112
Super heaters 91
Re-heater 362
Startup system 15
Total 774
Boiler Circulation Pump
Manufacturer Hayward Tyler,UK
Model Name 10.5X13.5X24.5
Type Glandless
Flow m3/Hr 1350
Design Pressure m 110.1
Suction Temp 84.4
Suction Head m 5.7
Total Pump Head m 38.3
NPSH require m 12.2
Type of Drive Wet wound SQ I M
Motor Power KW 580
Voltage V 6600
RPM 1462
Current(No Load/Full LoAmp 23.21/71.5
Motor Cooler
Flow 3.23 l/sec
Temp(Inlet/Outlet) 39/44.84
Actual Peformance Data for Boiler
Description Unit Boiler Load