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Concorde-X Flying Manual • Navigation • 193

The navigation system includes those items that provide position and direction data to the flight crew.
The system includes both ground dependent and independent position indicating systems.

Air Data System

Two separate and independent air data systems are supplied by two air data computers, ADC 1 and ADC
2. The air data computers receive input signals from the following:
Total Pressure Located on left hand side of droop Located on right hand side of droop
nose; Pitot Probe (P03) nose; Pitot Probe (P02)
Incidence (Local) Sensor No.1 Sensor No.2
Total Temperature Tт Sensor No.1 Tт Sensor No.2
Droop Nose Angle Transmitter Unit Transmitter Unit
Output A Output B
Static Pressure Cross connected Static ports S17 Cross connected Static ports S16
& S18 on left and righthand side of & S19 on right and lefthand side of
main fuselage. main fuselage.
Aircraft Weight FQI Panel FQI Panel
CG Channel Selector CG Channel Selector
Each ADC has a built—in servo monitor system which checks the servo channel operation for altitude,
airspeed, Mach number, temperature, vertical speed and incidence.
A comparator system compares the altitude, airspeed, Mach number and incidence outputs for the ADC’s.
ADC 1 supplies the Captain’s dash panel instruments and the Flight Engineer’s Machmeter, all No.l
automatic systems, the N₁ limiter of engine 4, the secondary air doors and ground idle control of engines
1 and 4, No.l ATC transponder and INS 1 and 3.
ADC 2 supplies the First Officer’s dash panel instruments and the Flight Engineer’s Altimeter (see
chapter 10) all No.2 automatic systems as detailed overleaf, the secondary air doors and ground idle
control of engines 2 and 3, No.2 ATC transponder and INS 2.

Inertial Navigation System

Three separate and independent inertial means of the mode selector unit (MSU). There is
navigation systems INS 1, INS 2 and INS 3 provide one MSU for each INS and these are located on the
navigation, heading and a�itude information. forward leg of the Flight Engineer’s panel. Once
Normally INS 1 supplies data to the le� dash panel the selector has been set to NAV mode the MSU is
and AFCS 1, while INS 2 supplies data to the right not operated unless a failure of the INS occurs.
dash panel and AFCS 2. INS 3 can supply a�itude The INS is continuously self-monitored during
data to the le� or right dash panel by operation flight. A comprehensive system of warning
of the ATT-INS switches but cannot supply indications is provided, including action and
data to either AFCS. Each INS has an associated malfunction codes from the control modules.
control module (euphemistically known as the External monitoring is provided by a comparator
CDU (Control Data Unit)) located on the upper which protects the AFCS against undetected INS
and lower pedestal which provides facilities for failures. This comparator compares signals which
obtaining current navigation data in digital display the INS send to the AFC systems. The comparator
form and the loading of route data. unit examines the outputs from the three inertial
INS 1 and 2 supply steering commands to AFCS 1 platforms and also compares a�itude on each
and 2 respectively, to provide automatic navigation ADI with the other and heading on each HSI
when the auto pilot is selected to the INS mode. with the other. At all times above 600 feet the
Alignment of the inertial platform takes comparator looks at pitch and roll a�itude outputs
approximately 15 minutes and is initiated by from all three platforms and uses voting logic to
194 • Navigation

decide which platform is faulty in the event of Horizontal Situation Indicator

any significant discrepancy. Below 600 feet with The Horizontal Situation Indicator displays
LAND or GLIDE selected the comparator reduces commands from three sources, VOR, ILS and INS.
the detection threshold on pitch and roll a�itude Input source to each HSI is controlled by a RAD/
discrepancy and, in addition, looks at vertical INS switch (Main and First Officer’s panel).
acceleration and heading outputs from the INS and
course se�ings on the AFCS.
Radio Altimeter
A comparator warning will normally cause
disconnection of the associated AFCS as well Two independent radio altimeters provide low
as indicating the failed INS. In the case of an altitude information in the height range from
a�itude failure in INS 1 or INS 2, the sphere in the 0 to 2500 feet. The radio altimeter provides the
associated ADI will tilt 90° pitch down, providing pilot with the actual height of the aircra� above
the ADI comparison threshold has been exceeded the runway or the ground. The radio altimeter
and INS 3 is providing valid a�itude data. is used with the automatic landing system and
low altitude flight systems.To ensure the best
In comparing a�itude and heading on the ADIs possible integrity of the system, a monitoring
and HSIs of the Captain and First Officer the system checks the system three times per second.
comparator unit generates a warning when
they differ from each other by more than 4°. Height information, from No.l system is supplied
This monitoring is effective at all times and the to the Captain’s radio altimeter, the First Officer’s
detection level is slightly tighter than that for INS ADI and No.l autopilot, and from No.2 system is
a�itude monitoring above 600 feet. supplied to the First Officer’s radio altimeter, the
Captain’s ADI and No.2 autopilot.
In case of failure of INS 1, the Captain can select
his NAV-INS switch to INS 2 to regain navigation The decision height is adjustable and visual and
display on his HSI. Similarly the First Officer can aural warnings are given at the selected height.
switch his HSI to INS 1.
Marker Beacon System
Radio Navigation The pre-tuned marker beacon system provides
Duplicated radio navigation systems provide visual and aural signals to the flight crew.
bearings of a VOR or ADF beacon, distance to
a DME beacon and localises and glide slope
In normal operation No.l compass coupler
system feeds the Captain’s ADF-RMI and the
 Carousel IV-A INS 1.51 Documentation
For complete CIVA documentation,
navigate to the FSX/CIVA/DOCS folder
First Officer’s VOR-RMI and No.2 compass in Acrobat Reader PDF format.
coupler system feeds the Captain’s VOR-RMI
and the First Officer’s ADF-RMI.
Concorde-X Flying Manual • Navigation • 195

Air Data System

a MWS ADS Light (Red) 1
On - indicates that a discrepancy has been
sensed by the comparator system of both
air data computers. Accompanied by audio

b ADC 1 & ADC 2 Light (Amber) 2

On - indicates that the associated monitor
system has detected a fault that has remained
for two seconds or the power supply has been
interrupted for more than one second.
The warning is locked on once activated.
Accompanied by the MWS ADC light (amber) 1
and audio (gong).
Pressed - resets the monitor warning system a
thus allowing the warnings to disappear if
the fault no longer exists.

c TEST Light (Blue) Detail: Le� section, Master Warning System

On - indicates the successful conclusion of a
test selected on the TEST rotary selector.
Pressed - cancels the overspeed audio
(warble) during tests. 2
b c b
d ADC Switch
ON - the air data computer is powered and d d
indications are armed.
OFF - isolates the ADC and de-energizes the
Detail: Bo�om le� section, Lower Pedestal (SHIFT+7)

e ADC 1 TEST Rotary Selector & ADC 2 TEST Rotary Selector

2 - tests the overspeed warning system by simulating an overspeed condition of VMO, IMO MMO
nose down and visor down. At the same time the relevant instruments and systems are driven to
supersonic values. Test 2 is only available on the ground.
1 - tests the stall warning system by simulating an excessive angle of a�ack. At the same time the
relevant instruments and systems are driven to subsonic values. Test 1 is only available on the
MON - tests the ADC monitoring system operation by simulating faulty conditions on some
parameters. At the same time the instruments show failure indications. Test MON is only available
on the ground.
NORM - each air data system is supplied the following by its own ADC: pressure altitude, airspeed,
Mach number, vertical speed, total temperature, static temperature, true airspeed and incidence.
COMP - tests the comparator system by simulating excessive differences between the outputs of
the ADCs. Altitude, Airspeed, Mach No. Incidence. COMP test can be made with ADC 1 or ADC 2
TEST rotary selector.
196 • Navigation

INS Control Module (CDU) (Sheet 1 of 4)

The INS Control Modules (CDUs) are physically located

on the upper and lower pedestal. For simulation purposes,
CDU 1 and CDU 2 (a�ached to MSU 1 and MSU 2) are also
available as separate pop-up panels from the main panel.

a Le� Data Indicator

Displays latitude, track heading, cross track,
distance, wind direction, or desired track
as selected by the data selector. Altitude of
DME station and the computer programme a b
designation can also be displayed.

b Right Data Indicator

Displays longitude, ground speed, dri�
angle, track angle error, time, wind speed,
or system status, as selected by the data
selector. Frequency of DME station can also
be displayed.


c d e f g h

c HOLD Switch Light (White) f ALERT Light (Amber)

On - when pressed permits, in conjunction On - two minutes before track change is due.
with other controls, freezing of displayed Flashing - past waypoint in MAN mode and
present position, to perform a manual ground speed in excess of 250 knots.
position update, to display inertial present
Off - when INS automatically switches to
position, programme designation and
next navigation leg in AUTO mode.
recorded malfunction codes.

g BAT Light (Amber)

d REMOTE Switch Light (Amber)
On - system is operating on ba�ery power.
On - permits simultaneous loading and
inserting of waypoint and DME station data
in multiple system installations with a single
control module when the REMOTE switch on
h WARN Light (Red)
On - system self-check circuits detect an out
each CDU is pressed. of tolerance condition.

e INSERT Switch Light (White)

On - whenever the keyboard is armed.
Controls entry of keyboard data into the
Concorde-X Flying Manual • Navigation • 197

(Sheet 2 of 4)

Used in conjunction with WAY PT on the data selector. Selecting 1 through 9 determines the
waypoints and DME stations for which data is to be inserted or displayed. Selecting 0 displays
either the coordinates of the original departure point inserted during alignment, or the coordinates
of the last manually inserted position update or course change data.

j FROM-TO Indicator
Indicates the flight leg for which navigation data is being computed. Automatically goes to “12”
when system is turned on and waypoint data has been inserted. When keys 7 and 9, or 3 and 9 are
pressed simultaneously (right mouse-click on each key to simulate simultaneous action), FROM
indicator goes blank and TO indicator flashes number of DME station currently loaded.

i j k 7&9 There’s a way to press the 7

& 9 or the 3 & 9 keys at the
l same time! Simply right mouse-
click on each key to simulate
3&9 simultaneous action.
o p

k Keyboard (Bu�ons 0-9)

Used to load data into data indicators and to
change numbers in FROM-TO indicators.

l DIM Control
Used to vary the intensity of the following
data displays: le� and right data indicators,
FROM/TO indicator. ALERT light, HOLD,
p CLEAR Switch
Used to clear data indicators when erroneous
m DATA Selector data has been Loaded.
Used to select data to be displayed in the
data indicators.
q TEST Push Bu�on
Pressed - le� and right data displays and
n WY PT CHG Switch FROM - TO indicator display all 8s.
Allows different waypoint or DME station HOLD, REMOTE, INSERT, ALERT, BAT,
numbers to be loaded into FROM-TO WARN and WY PT CHG lights on CDU and
indicator through the keyboard. READY NAV and BAT lights on MSU are on.
Digital displays on associated HSI read 0888
o AUTO-MAN Switch and R NAV light on associated dash panel is on.
AUTO - the waypoint numbers in the FROM- When WARN light is on and data selector on
TO indicator automatically sequence to the DSR TK/STS, pressing TEST switch causes
next flight leg when waypoint is reached. action code in right hand display. Further
pressings of TEST switch causes malfunction
MAN - the next flight leg number must be set
codes to replace action code.
manually through the keyboard.
198 • Navigation

(Sheet 3 of 4)
Data Selector Modes

Toggle Keyboard
Press the screw to enable
& disable keyboard mode.

 illuminates (yellow)
when keyboard mode is

TK/GS • Track / Ground speed

Present track displayed in le� data indicator; ground speed in right data indicator. If GS < 75kt, true
heading is displayed instead of present track.

HDG DA • Heading / Dri� Angle

Airplane true heading displayed in le� data indicator; dri� angle in right data indicator.

XTK TKE • Cross track distance / Track error

Cross track distance (L or R) displayed in le� data indicator; track error in right data indicator.

POS • Position
Position latitude displayed in le� data indicator; longitude in right data indicator.

WAY PT • Waypoint
Used with waypoint/DME selector and keyboard to insert and display waypoint and DME station
data. Latitude or altitude in le� data indicator; longitude or frequency in right data indicator. Also
used to display inertial present position (see HOLD switch).

DIS/TIME • Distance to waypoint/ Time to waypoint

Distance to waypoint or DME station in TO indicator is displayed in le� data indicator; time to
waypoint in TO indicator is displayed in right data indicator.

WIND • Wind direction & wind velocity

Wind direction displayed in le� data indicator; wind velocity in right data indicator.

DSRTK/STS • Desired track / System Status

Desired track displayed in le� data indicator; system status (alignment status, performance index, or
malfunction codes) in right data indicator. On pressing the HOLD bu�on the le� data indicator will
display computer programme designation.
Concorde-X Flying Manual • Navigation • 199

Status Display (RH Indicator)

1 2 3 4 5 6

1st digit: ALIGN/NAV mode

0 = INS in ALIGN mode
1 = INS in NAV mode (depicted).
2nd & 3rd digits: Action or Malfunction Codes
02 CODE - ATT (depicted).
03 CODE - ATT if navigation data degrades
04 CODE - Ground Operation Only
05 CODE - Check MAL code
MAL CODE 55 - Reload NAVAID Data
06 CODE - Check MAL code
MAL CODE 41 or 43 - Reload present position
MAL CODE 49 - Check manual update and flush if necessary.
5th digit: Accuracy Index
Sequences through Accuracy Index (AI) 9-8-7-6-5 during
alignment. 5 = alignment achieved (depicted).
If NAV mode is not selected, AI continues sequencing through 4-
3-2-1-0 indicating quality of alignment.
When NAV mode is selected, AI indicates quality of indicated
position data, ranging from 1 through 9.
(1 = good, 9 = poor)
6th digit: Mode Index
During alignment, indicates mode index required for normal
alignment (always 5).
In NAV mode, MI=5 - indicates independent INS operation, and
MI=4 indicates aided operation.
When ‘1’ is keyed and inserted the unit goes into position update
eradicate mode then automatically reverts to independent
operation with MI=5 displayed.

Carousel IV-A INS 1.51 Documentation

 For a complete explanation of status codes, navigate to the FSX/CIVA/DOCS folder for the
“ActionAndMalfunctionCodes.pdf” file.
200 • Navigation

INS Route Reader Guide

a Toggle Route Reader

Press the screw on the lower le� corner of the
CDU to open or close the route reader.

b Route Selection Window

Selected route or messages appear in the
selection window.

c Route Selection Bu�ons

+ (plus) - cycles available flight plans with a
.AWC and VOR DME catalogues with .ADC
file extensions by incremental addition.
- (minus) - cycles available flight plans with
.AWC and VOR DME catalogues with .ADC b
file extensions by incremental subtraction.
Load - loads the displayed flight plan or
catalogue into INU memory. The “Reading...”
message replaces the flight plan displayed. c 10.AWC
When the route is loaded, the applicable .AWC
loaded route displays in the window.
Clear - If the loaded route has programming
errors, the “Route error...” message will
display in the window. Press the Clear bu�on
to clear the “Route error...” message.
Route error...

Concorde-X Flight Plans

The British Airways Concorde fleet was originally fi�ed with
ADEU (Auxiliary Data Entry Unit) card readers that accepted
data cards coded with waypoints and/or DME station data.
The units were removed and a new system was programmed
into the memory of the INU as catalogues (programmed
routes), numbered 1-100. These numbered catalogues allow
for quick importation of the flight plan and DME data.
Flight plans in .PDF file format - located in the
documentation/flight plans folder - are included with
Concorde-X. Each flight plan specifies which route number
to load for the initial phase of flight, and, if required,
subsequent route numbers. The route numbers are framed
by a hollow triangle and a respective black triangle. In the
example, the 10.AWC file would be loaded prior to the
departure, and the 11.AWC route number would be loaded
when specified later in the flight plan.
Additionally, pre-programmed VOR positional data can
be uploaded for DME updating purposes. Each .ADC card
loads VORs on the route for INS updating purposes. In the
example – “Load DME Cat 90” - 90.ADC would be loaded
prior to flight into INS 1 and INS 2 to provide the requisite
VOR data for dual DME updating.
Concorde-X Flying Manual • Navigation • 201

INS DME Update (Sheet 1 of 2)

To help understand how DME updating works, we

will view the relevant catalogue card (located by 1 1
default in the ...Microso� Flight Simulator X\Civa\ 3
ADEU folder). 3

1. Open the 90.ADC file with Windows

Notepad. The text file contains the actual VOR
frequencies used and their position within the 2
INS when loaded. The 90.ADC (EGLL-KJFK
VOR DME) file contains:
CPT 114.35 BCN 117.45
; Carousel IV-AC INS
; For use with FS Labs ConcordeX
114.35 117.45
1 N 51*29.5 W 001*13.1 00 ; CPT 114.35
2 N 51*43.5 W 003*15.7 01 ; BCN 117.45
3 N 50*08.1 W 005*38.2 01 ; LND 114.20
4 N 51*50.4 W 008*29.6 00 ; CRK 114.60
5 N 47*29.1 W 052*51.1 01 ; YYT 113.50
6 N 44*55.3 W 063*24.1 01 ; YHZ 115.10
7 N 41*16.9 W 070*01.6 00 ; ACK 116.20
8 N 40*37.9 W 073*46.2 00 ; JFK 115.90
9 N 40*07.2 W 076*17.5 00 ; LRP 117.30 >>KIAD
2. Within Concorde-X, open CDU 1 & 2 (SHIFT+8
& 9) to load the 90.ADC file into both INS 1
using the card LOAD bu�on (assuming dual
DME updating). 
3. Once airborne and clear of the initial element of  
the Compton Standard Instrument Departure
(SID) select VOR 1 frequency to CPT 114.35
and VOR 2 to BCN 117.45, these being the first
DME updating fixes. NOTE Tuning both VHF
NAV on the same frequency will not improve
the single DME updating both in efficiency and
velocity. The most efficient method being to
dual DME update with one DME on your track
and the other at least 15nm off track. 
4.  Rotate the Data Selector to WAY PT.
 Right-click the keypad 7.
 Right-click the keypad 9. 
This puts the INS into DME updating mode.
 Press the keypad 1 (CPT is position 1 on
the ADC card in Notepad text above).
 To check that all data is correctly selected,
rotate the Data Selector switch to the DIS/TIME
position. The CDU’s right hand indicator will
display the INS-computed distance (not slant) 3
to CPT VOR. The CDU value should be close to
the value on the DME 1 indicator.
 Press the INSERT bu�on.
The yellow R NAV light will illuminate
indicating that the INS 1 is updating.
202 • Navigation

5. Rotate the Data Selector switch back to POS to

exit DME updating mode.
6. Repeat the procedure for CDU 2 & VOR 2
(Steps 4 & 5) using BCN (Brecon) VOR.
7. Once CPT is out of range, select the frequency
for LND (Lands End) 114.20 on VOR1. When
the DME Indicator scale comes live re-enter
DME updating mode by right clicking 7 and
9 on INS 1. Click 3 (position for LND) and
INSERT. Once again the orange RNAV light
will come on the Captain’s side indicating that
the INS1 is now updating using this new VOR
8. Rotate the Data Selector switch to POS to exit
out of DME updating mode.
9. Repeat the procedure for INS 2 using Cork
(114.60) on VOR 2 when Brecon is out of range.
10. A�er Cork tune St Johns 113.5 (YYT) on INS 1
to capture this VOR once across the Atlantic.
Note: Dual DME updating is not available as the ; Carousel IV-AC INS
Halifax VOR (YHZ) will not come be in range ; ADEU DME STATION Data Card
; For use with FS Labs ConcordeX
until a�er YYT is out of range. ; CONCORDE INS PROGRAM #90
11. Continue to load alternate VOR frequencies 1 N 51*29.5 W 001*13.1 00 ; CPT 114.35
into the two INS units as you continue along 2 N 51*43.5 W 003*15.7 01 ; BCN 117.45
3 N 50*08.1 W 005*38.2 01 ; LND 114.20
track to maximise DME updating efficiency. 4 N 51*50.4 W 008*29.6 00 ; CRK 114.60
5 N 47*29.1 W 052*51.1 01 ; YYT 113.50
6 N 44*55.3 W 063*24.1 01 ; YHZ 115.10
How to DME update manually 7 N 41*16.9 W 070*01.6 00 ; ACK 116.20
8 N 40*37.9 W 073*46.2 00 ; JFK 115.90
Additionally, manual data entry can be 9 N 40*07.2 W 076*17.5 00 ; LRP 117.30 >>KIAD
accommodated for routes where no .ADC card is
available. For example, to manually set CPT as a
DME updating fix using CDU 1:
1. Set CPT (114.35) on VOR 1
2. Rotate Data Selector switch to WAY PT.
3. Right-click 7 & 9 in succession via the keypad
4. Select a waypoint number to store CPT using
the waypoint selector wheel. For example,
rotate to number 1 and store CPT here. Enter
the Lat Long for CPT: input N51295 and click
INSERT. Then select W1131 (you do not need
to use preceding zeros) and click INSERT. Concorde-X beta te
Special thanks to sing for
t and Søren Dis
5. Select 1 on the keypad and INSERT. members Paul Shor and
h DME ADC cards
their expertise wit
6. Rotate Data Selector switch back to POS,
DME updating.
orange RNAV light will come on within a
couple of seconds.
Concorde-X Flying Manual • Navigation • 203

INS Mode Selector Unit (MSU)

a INS Mode Selector Unit (MSU) (3)

Located on the Forward Leg of the Engineer’s
panel. For simulator purposes, MSU 1 and
2 have been also been “a�ached” to Control
Modules 1 & 2. Rotation of the mode selector
on MSU 1 or 2 that are “a�ached” to CDU 1 or
2 will rotate the respective selector located on
the Forward Leg panel.

b READY NAV Light (Green) a

On - with the mode switch in ALIGN, when
the alignment status of the INS reaches 55.
Location of MSU 1, MSU 3 & MSU 2 on Forward Leg.
Remains lit until NAV is selected. Is on
momentarily when alignment is accomplished
with the mode selector in NAV.

c BAT Light
On - only if while operating on ba�ery power
the INS automatically shuts down due to
low ba�ery unit voltage. The INS operates Control Module 1 & MSU 1 Control Module 2 & MSU 2
on ba�ery for one 12 seconds period during
coarse levelling. If the ba�ery unit charge is
below the required minimum level during this
period, the INS shuts down and the BAT and SHIFT+8 SHIFT+9
WARN lights (red) are on.

b c Pull & Rotate

The selector knob must be
pulled before rotation from
d STBY to ALIGN and NAV to
ATT is possible. The same
procedure is required for ATT
to NAV and ALIGN to STBY.

d MODE Rotary Selector

This rotary selector selects the modes of the INS. The knob must be pulled for rotation across
mechanical stops between STBY and ALIGN and between NAV and ATT.
STBY - used only during ground operation; starts fast warm-up.
ALIGN - used only during ground operation while the airplane is parked. Starts gyro operation
and automatic INS alignment provided the unit is warmed up. Fine alignment does not start until
present position is inserted at the control module
NAV - used for normal operation a�er automatic alignment is complete. Must be selected before
moving the airplane. The INS automatically sequences through the standby and alignment modes
of operation when the NAV position is selected from any other position provided the airplane is
parked and present position is inserted. Going directly from OFF to NAV eliminates the automatic
shutdown feature in the event of an overheat. The automatic ba�ery check is also eliminated.
ATT - used to provide only INS a�itude signals. Shuts down the computer so that navigation and
steering signals ark not provided. Can be selected from any other position. Once selected. INS alignment
is lost and it must be realigned on the ground before the navigation mode can again be used.
204 • Navigation

Automatic Present Position & Alignment

Concorde-X introduces some features that expand the functionality of the CIVA INS.

Automatic Present Position

This feature automatically inputs the aircra�’s present position into the INS.

1. Engines must be shut down.

2. Brakes must be set to Park.
3. MSU rotary selectors set to STBY.
4. Right-click on the area above MSU right-
side screw. The message “INS present
position updated” displays in the upper
le� corner of the simulator window.
The aircra�’s current position will be
automatically transferred to the CDU.
5. Press the key combination SHIFT+Z to
display the aircra�’s present position in
the upper le� corner of the simulator Left Click: Immediate Alignment
window. Right Click (in STBY): Enter Present Position

6. Rotate the CDU Data Selector to POS.

The coordinates in the CDUs L & R Data
display windows should match the FSX
aircra� position.

Automatic Alignment INS

This feature automatically aligns the INS and sets the MSU to NAV. Each step of the alignment
process is completed automatically.
1. Engines must be shut down.
2. Brakes must be set to Park.
3. MSU rotary selectors set to OFF.
4. Press the CTRL+I key combination.
The INS will align and the MSU selector will automatically set to NAV.

WHERE IS WHAT? CDU 1 & 2 are located on the Forward Pedestal (SHIFT+6), CDU 3 on the
Lower Pedestal (SHIFT+7) and the MSUs are located on the Forward Leg of the Engineer’s station
(CTRL+SHIFT+1). For Concorde-X, we’ve merged CDU 1 with MSU 1, and CDU 2 with MSU 2 to
reduce workload for the one pilot flight deck. These merged popups are a Concorde-X simulation
feature. Rotating a MSU selector that is “attached” to CDU 1 or 2 will rotate the corresponding MSU
selector on the Forward Leg (and vice versa). That clear things up?
Concorde-X Flying Manual • Navigation • 205

Quick Fly: Auto Load Utility

If Concorde-X is started with the engines running, a start-up utility will update the INS with the aircra�’s
present position. If the aircra� is positioned at any of the nine departure locations listed in the chart
below, the Quick Fly feature is initiated. The utility completes the INS alignment procedure, sets the MSU
to NAV mode and loads the first leg of the flight plan into the INS, ready to fly. No fuss, no muss!

Make sure the Park Brakes (CRTL+.(period)) are enabled. The FSX message
PARKING BRAKES - Press PERIOD (.) to release.

will display (by default) in the lower le� hand corner of the FSX window.

Concorde-X start-up messages will display in succession in the upper le� corner of the FSX window;
Concorde Systems Initializing... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0... ;
INS Present Position updated...

sets the aircra�’s present aircra� position to the INS.

If the brakes are set to park and the aircra� is positioned at one of the nine locations listed in the table
below, the Concorde-X messages will display in the upper le� window;
Loading INS... ;
INS Loaded - Nav Mode Mixed

loads the first leg of the flight plan into the INS, aligns the INS and sets the MSU to NAV mode.

ICAO IATA Location Destination Flight Plan INS 1st Leg

New York, Kennedy EGLL-KJFK.pdf
EGLL LHR London, Heathrow Washington, Dulles EGLL-KIAD.pdf 10.AWC
Boston, Logan EGLL-KBOS.pdf
LFPG CDG Paris, Charles DeGaulle New York, Kennedy LFPG-KJFK.pdf 70.AWC
KJFK JFK New York, Kennedy London, Heathrow KJFK-EGLL.pdf 54.AWC
KIAD IAD Washington, Dulles London, Heathrow KIAD-EGLL.pdf 20.AWC
TBPB BGI Barbados, Grantley London, Heathrow TBPB-EGLL.pdf 58.AWC
CYYZ CYZ Toronto, Pearson London, Heathrow CYYZ-EGLL.pdf 51.AWC
EGCC MAN Manchester International Toronto, Pearson EGCC-CYYZ.pdf 48.AWC
OBBI BAH Bahrain International London, Heathrow OBBI-EGLL.pdf 44.AWC
WSSS SIN Singapore, Changi Bahrain Intl WSSS-OBBI.pdf 40.AWC

We have provided saved situation files to load directly from the FSX Flights > “Load..” menu. In addition,
we have created panel states that you can load from the Add-ons> FSLabs> Panel State menu. Consult
the Panel State section of the Introduction for more details.
206 • Navigation

INS 1, 2, 3, & INS COMP Light

1 1

a R NAV Light (Yellow)

On - Captain’s side, indicates INS 1 updating
position from DME 1 data.
On - First Officer’s side, indicates INS 2
updating position from DME data.
b INS COMP Light (Amber)
On - indicates that the comparator has a
detected an internal failure and the
comparator functions are inhibited.

c INS 1 - INS 2 - INS 3 Lights (Red)

On - indicates internal auto detected failure or
a failure detected by the comparator.
Comparator detected warning is caused by an
error in one of the following:-
2 b
Pitch or roll a�itude during cruise (above
600 �). c
Pitch or roll a�itude, vertical acceleration
or compass coupler 1 and 2 magnetic
heading and INS 3 platform heading
during approach (below 600 �).
Threshold for a�itude comparison is tighter
during approach than in cruise. Accompanied
by the master warning system INS light (red)
and audio (gong).
If the failure is detected by the comparator
only (e.g. for INS 2): -
AP2 is disengaged
AT2 is disengaged (cruise threshold) if
altitude is less than 600 �.
If the failure is detected by the comparator
and INS 2, then AP2 and AT2 may be
disengaged depending on the AFCS mode
engaged. When only two INSs are operating,
a failure detected by the comparator causes
the INS lights for both these INSs to come on.
Concorde-X Flying Manual • Navigation • 207

Radio Navigation
a DME Mode Selector 1
S/B - DME interrogator is warmed up for 45
secs and not operative. 2
DME - normal position.
Distance information is available up to 200
nautical miles.
OVRD (Override) - distance information is
available up to 399 nautical miles.

b Selected Frequency Window 1


c TEST Rotary Selector

VOR UP/L - an internal test system simulates
an up deviation of glide and a le� deviation
of localiser, provided ILS frequency is
a c
DME DN/R - an internal test system simulates
a down deviation of glide and a right
deviation of localiser provided ILS frequency
Se�ing Frequency Se�ing Frequency
is selected.
Rotary Selector Rotary Selector
The TEST function is inhibited when the AP/ (Units & Tens of MHz) (Fractions of MHz by 0.05
FD is selected in VOR/LOC, GLIDE or LAND MHz increments)
d No. 2 VOR Pointer d
e No. 1 VOR Pointer
DME Indicator

f FAILURE Flags (Red/Black striped)

Top - loss of electric supply to RMI or heading
VOR Radio Magnetic Indicator
servo failure or magnetic heading reference
system failure. f
Windows - VOR failure or Station out of range.

Mouse Navigators  
f f
208 • Navigation

Automatic Direction Finder (ADF)


a No. 1 ADF Pointer

1 a
b No. 2 ADF Pointer

c FAILURE Flag (Red/Black striped) b

Indicates loss of electric supply to RMI or
heading servo failure or magnetic heading
reference system failure.

d Digital Frequency Indicator (2)

e Frequency Selector (2)

f BFO Switch (2)

Beat Frequency Oscillator

g TEST Push Bu�on (2)

Pressed - tests the ADF receiver and
operation of the ADF pointers.

2 d

Mouse Maneuvers
Adjust ADF Frequency (100kHz) Adjust ADF Frequency (100kHz) Adjust ADF Frequency Fractions
Mouse outside of selector Mouse on blue area of selector Mouse on centre of selector
Concorde-X Flying Manual • Navigation • 209

Horizontal Situation Indicator (MAG)

1 1
2 2

Captain’s & First Officer’s RAD/INS Switch

RAD - the associated HSIs display radio navigation data
referenced to the magnetic heading.
INS - the associated HSIs display inertial navigation data
referenced to true heading.

Desired Track/ Course

Shows the course selected on
MILES Indicator
the AFCS VOR LOC selector.
Shows mileage to go to next Heading Reference
waypoint whatever the
Shows MAG when RAD/ GND SPD Indicator
position of the RAD/INS
INS switch at RAD.
switch. Shows ground speed in
2 knots as computed in the
Data Source Indicators
Shows which radio navigation
1245 0625 Dri� Index
system (RAD) is providing
navigational data to the HSI. Shows dri� angle as
HDG computed in the INS.


Shows the heading HDG or TRK HDG Flag
TRK set in the AFCS HDG ANG Shows TRK or HOG
TRK selector. depending on selection at
the AFCS HDG TRK selector.

Course/Track Deviation
With ANG flag showing, Glide Slope Pointer
the bar shows angular Shows vertical position
displacement from VOR or relative to glide slope.
ILS over the deviation scale. 2 dots represents half
2 dots represents 10 degrees Compass Card TO-FROM Pointer degree.
on VOR or 2 ½ degrees on Shows magnetic Indicates whether The pointer is out of view
ILS. heading. aircra� is going to or when ILS frequency is not
Press TEST from selected radio selected.
bu�on to view beacon.
card rotate.
210 • Navigation

Horizontal Situation Indicator (TRUE)

1 1 1

2 2
Heading Reference
Shows TRUE when RAD/INS
switch at INS.
Data Source
Shows which INS is
providing navigational Course/Track Deviation
data to the HSI. With LIN flag showing
the bar shows linear
displacement from INS

TRACK over the deviation

scale - 2 dots representing
7 ½ nautical miles.

HSI Failures & Warnings

Data Source Indicator Heading Flag

May indicate 3 under certain (Black HDG on a red
failure conditions. background)
HDG - indicates that
Navigation Flag the selected heading
(5 White dots on a red reference is not valid.
White dots - indicates loss of Glide Slope Flag
selected navigational system. (Black G/S on a red
HDG Light (Amber) G/S - indicates that the
On - indicates, when both glide slope signal is not
RAD/INS switches are at the valid.
same selection, a discrepancy
between the two HSIs.
TEST Push Bu�on
Pressed - tests the digital readouts of
MILES and GND SPD displays (all 8’s)
and rotates the compass card thus testing
the source and discrepancy warnings.
Concorde-X Flying Manual • Navigation • 211

Radio Altimeter & Ground Proximity Warning

a TERRAIN Lights (2) (Red)

On flashing - indicates: 1 1
Excessive rate of descent near the ground (active 2
below 2500 �) (Mode 1) OR
Excessive closure rate with the ground (Mode 2)
Loss of altitude when the aircra� is below 700 �
a�er take-off or on go-around (Mode 3)
Landing gear retracted when aircra� descends 1
below 500 � or droop nose not at DOWN when
aircra� descends below 200 � (Mode 4)
Accompanied by a repeated audio (Whoop Whoop
Pull Up). The audio is repeated until the aircra� is
out of the hazardous situation.
Pressed - tests the Ground Proximity warning system
If the aircra� is below 1000 � and descending,
inhibits the audio warning of Mode 5 (Mode 5 is an
audio (glide slope) only with no visual warning) or
if the Mode 5 warning has already been triggered
will cancel it, if it is a “so�” warning.

b Pointer Mask (Black)

c TEST Push Bu�on

Pressed - tests the radios altimeter and its connection 2 f
to the ADIs. b
d DH (Decision Height) Se�ing Knob
The DH se�ing knob sets the index to the decision
Pressed - cancels the DH warnings on both ADIs and
Warning and Landing Displays. c d

e FAILURE Flag (Red)

- loss of instrument power supply.
- radio altimeter transceiver failure.
- slaving error.

f Index (Amber)
Shows the selected decision height.
212 • Navigation

Marker Beacon System

a Airways Light (White)
On - indicates aircra� is positioned over an
airway marker beacon. Accompanied by
audio warning (3000 Hz).

b Middle Light (Amber)

On - indicates aircra� is positioned
over a terminal middle marker beacon. a
Accompanied by audio warning (1300Hz).
c Outer Light (Blue)
On - indicates aircra� is positioned over a
terminal outer marker beacon. Accompanied
by audio warning (400Hz). d

d TEST Push Bu�on (Captain’s side only)

Pressed - lights each lamp in turn with
simultaneous audio warning.

Compass Control
Dual Compass Controller
Provides operational control and information
display for two magnetic heading reference

e Synchronization Annunciator (2) e

Indicates the magnitude of system error in
MAG mode by the amount of deflection.
f Slaving Cut-Out Indicator Light (Yellow) (2)
On - during slaving cutout or when in DG
g h
Detail: Lower le� section of A� Leg panel,
g DG MAG Switch (2) Engineer’s station
DG - the system follows the gyro heading
suppled by the inertial navigation system. The
slaving cut-out indicator will light and the
h DEC INC Selector (2)
Permits se�ing of an arbitrary heading. The
synchronization annunciator is inhibited. selector is springloaded to the centre and has
MAG - the system provides gyro-stabilized two positions, DEC to the le� and INC to the
magnetic heading outputs. When the right to control the desired rotation.
annunciator needle is centred the system is DEC - the system drives down-scale. and
synchronized. The slaving cut-out indicator decreases the heading.
is off when the system is operating in MAG
INC - the system drives up-scale, and
increases the heading.
Concorde-X Flying Manual • Navigation • 213

Instrument Transfer Switches


ATT INS 1 - supplies a�itude signals to the Captain’s ADI, roll, platform heading, digital
1 data (ground speed, latitude, longitude and along track acceleration) to
compass coupler 1.
ATT INS 3 - supplies a�itude signals to the Captain’s ADI, roll, platform heading, digital
data (ground speed, latitude, longitude and along track acceleration) to
compass coupler 1.
COMP 1 - magnetic heading information source to the Captain’s HSI and ADF/RMI
and the First Officer’s VOR/RMI is compass coupler 1.
COMP 2 - compass coupler 2 supplies magnetic heading to Captain’s HSI and ADF/
RMI, and First Officer’s VOR/RMI.
DEV 1 - the Captain’s HSI is supplied from No.1 VOR and ILS receivers.
DEV 2 - the Captain’s HSI is supplied from No.2 VOR and ILS receivers.
NAV INS 1 - supplies Captain’s HSI with navigational and heading data.
NAV INS 2 - supplies Captain’s HSI with navigational and heading data.
The normal position for the Captain’s instrument transfer switches is to the le�.

Captain’s and First Officer’s COMP NAV-INS and DEV transfer switches have an electrical interlock between
them to avoid cross feeding.

First Officer
ATT INS 2 - supplies a�itude signals to the First Officer’s ADI, roll, platform
heading, digital data (ground speed, latitude, longitude, and along track
acceleration) to compass coupler 2. 2
ATT INS 3 - supplies a�itude signals to the First Officer’s ADI, roll, platform
heading, digital data (ground speed, latitude, longitude and along track
acceleration) to compass coupler 2.
COMP 2 - magnetic heading information source to the First Officer’s HSI and ADI/
RMI and the Captain’s VOR/RMI is compass coupler 2.
COMP 1 - compass coupler 1 supplies magnetic heading to First Officer’s HSI and
ADF/RMI, and Captain’s VOR/RMI.
DEV 2 - the First Officer’s HSI is supplied from No.2 VOR and ILS receivers.
DEV 1 - the First Officer’s HSI is supplied from No.1 VOR and ILS receivers.
NAV INS 2 - supplies First Officer’s HSI with navigational and heading data.
NAV INS 1 - supplies First Officer’s HSI with navigational and heading data.
The normal position for the First Officer’s instrument transfer switches is to the right.
214 • Navigation

Intentionally Le� Blank

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