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Avionics Glossary

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ACARS Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System ACAS Airborne Collision Avoidance System ACP Audio Control Panel ACS Audio Control System A/D Analog-to-Digital ADAHRS Air Data and Attitude Heading Reference System ADC Air Data Computer ADF Automatic Direction Finder ADI Attitude Director Indicator ADIRS Air Data Inertial Reference System ADIRU Air Data Inertial Reference Unit ADM Air Data Module ADS (1) Air Data System (2) Automatic Dependent Surveillance ADS-A Automatic Dependent SurveillanceAddress ADS-B Automatic Dependent SurveillanceBroadcast ADSEL Address Selective. A SSR system electronically arranged to address each transponder selectively. Only a particular transponder will respond, thus avoiding garbling. ADSEL uses a monopulse technique to provide more accurate bearing measurement. ADSP Automatic Dependent Surveillance Panel AEA Aircraft Electronics Association AET Aircraft Electronics Technician (certified by NCATT) AFCS Automatic Flight Control System AFD Autopilot Flight Director AFDC Autopilot Flight Director Computer AFDS Autopilot Flight Director System AFIS (1) Airborne Flight Information System (2) Automatic Flight Information Service AGACS Automatic Ground-Air Communication System. It is also known as ATCSS or data-link. AGATE Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiment AGC Automatic Gain Control. AGC is used to maintain the output level of the receiver. AHC Attitude Heading Computer AHRS Attitude Heading Reference System AIR DATA Those parameters that can be derived from knowledge of the air mass surrounding the aircraft. AIRMETS Advisories of significant weather that describe conditions at intensities lower than those that trigger sigmets. ALC Automatic Level Control. A circuit used to maintain the output of a transmitter regardless of variations in the attenuation of the system. ALT (1) Altimeter (2) Altitude. ALT HOLD Altitude Hold Mode ALTS Altitude Select AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display AMO Aviation Maintenance Organization ANC Acoustic Noise Cancellation Annunciator A system designed to provide warning lights/ audio alerts to pilots to warn of off-normal conditions. ANR Active Noise Reduction ANT Antenna A/P Autopilot. A computer-commanded system for controlling aircraft control surfaces. APC Autopilot Computer APS Autopilot System ARINC Aeronautical Radio Inc. ASD Aircraft Situation Display ASDL Aeronautical Satellite Data-Link ASR Airport Surveillance Radar ASU Avionics Switching Unit ASTM American Society for Testing & Materials ATCRBS Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System ATCSS Air Traffic Control Signaling System. A system to provide information between the pilot and air traffic control using the VHF communications transceiver in conjunction with data-link equipment. ATE Avionics Training Excellence Award, presented by the Aircraft Electronics Association. ATI Instrument Size Unit of Measure (instrument hole, standard 3 1/8 inch instrument cutout is 3ATI) ATT Attitude
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Avionics Aviation electronics Autopilot An automated flight control system designed to reduce pilot workload by controlling the aircraft along one or more axis. AWG American Wire Guage B RNAV Basic Area Navigation BARO Barometric Baro-Corrected Altitude Pressure altitude-corrected local barometric pressure. BCRS Back Course BDI Bearing Distance Indicator BGAN Broadband Global Area Network Boomset A lightweight version of a headset used in low-noise cockpits, such as jets. CAI Caution Annunciator Indicator Calibrated Airspeed Corrected for instrument errors and errors due to position or location of the pressure source. At standard sea-level conditions, CAS is equal to true airspeed (TAS). Carrier An AC signal that can be modulated by changing the amplitude, frequency or pulse of the signal. CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority (Australia) CAT I Operational Performance Category I. An ILS facility providing operation down to a 60-meter (200 feet) decision height and with runway visual range not less than 800 meters (2,600 feet) and a high probability of approach success. CAT I Enhanced An ILS approach to lower-than-standard Category I and, in some cases, to Category II minimums, based on guidance-to-touchdown provided by a Category III-capable head-up guidance system, per FAA Order 8400.13. CAT II Operational Performance Category II. An ILS facility providing operation down to a 30-meter (100 feet) decision height and with runway visual range not less than 400 meters (1,200 feet) and a high probability of approach success. CAT IIIa Operational Performance Category IIIa. An ILS facility providing operation with no decision height limit to and along the surface of the runway with external visual reference during final phase of landing and with a runway visual range of not less than 200 meters (700 feet). CAT IIIb Operational Performance Category IIIb. An ILS facility providing operation with no decision height limit to and along the surface of the runway without reliance on external visual reference; and subsequently taxiing with external visual range of not less than 50 meters (150 feet). CAT IIIc Operational Performance Category IIIc. An ILS facility providing operation with no decision height limit to and along the surface of the runway and taxiways without reliance on external visual reference. CODEC Coder/Decoder CDI Course Deviation Indicator CFIT Controlled Flight Into Terrain Com or Comm Communications Receiver
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Compass Locator A low-power radio beacon, used in conjunction with ILS. A compass locator has a two-letter identification and a range of at least 15 miles. Cone of Confusion An inverted conical shaped area extending vertically above a VOR ground facility that is void of the bearing signal. Contour Contour or iso-contour refers to a weather radar display presentation that blanks the echo returns in the center of a storm cell. The area blanked out is called contour and corresponds to the return levels that exceed a predetermined threshold. CNS Communications, Navigation, Surveillance CNS/ATM Communications, Navigation, Surveillance / Air Traffic Management CPDLC Controller-Pilot Data-Link Communications CRS Certified Repair Station CRT Cathode Ray Tube CTAF Common Traffic Advisory Frequency CV/DFDR Cockpit Voice and Digital Flight Data Recorder CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder CWS Control Wheel Steering DA Drift Angle. The angle between heading and track. It is due to the effect of wind currents. Sometimes called the crab angle. Data-Link A system that allows exchange of digital data over an RF link. ATCSS is a data-link system used by the air traffic control system. ACARS is a data-link system used by airline command, control and management system, using VHF communication frequencies. DER Designated Engineering Representative DG Directional Gyro DGPS Differential Global Positioning System DH Decision Height DME Distance Measuring Equipment. A system that provides distance information from a ground station to an aircraft. DNC Direct Noise Cancelling DO-160 RTCA Document 160, Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment, issued 12/04/89. DO-178 RTCA Document 178, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, issued 03/22/85. DP Departure Procedures DSP Digital Signal Processing, used with some ANR headsets. DUAT Direct User Access Terminal Duplex A communications operation that uses the simultaneous operation of the transmit and receive equipment at two locations. EADI Electronic Attitude Director Indicator EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
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Echo The portion of the radiated energy reflected back to the antenna from the target (WXR). EFB Electronic Flight Bag EFD Electronic Flight Display EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System EGPWS Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature EHSI Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator EICAS Engine Indication Crew Alerting System E-LSA Experimental Light-Sport Aircraft. Ultralights and unregistered aircraft that fit the description of LSA; kit-built aircraft that do not meet the experimental amateurbuilt rules; or aircraft originally built as a Special-LSA (S-LSA). ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter ENC Electronic Noise Cancelling ENR Electronic Noise Reduction FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control FBO Fixed Base Operator FDRS Flight Data Recorder System FDU Flux Detector Unit FF Fuel Flow FIS-B Flight Information ServicesBroadcast FITS FAA Industry Training Standard Flight Director An enhanced attitude direction indicator equipped with course prompter bars (F/D or FD). FLIR Forward-Looking Infrared FLTA Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance FMS Flight Management System FREQ Frequency FYDS Flight Director / Yaw Damper System GCAS Ground Collision Avoidance System GDOP Geometric Dilution of Precision. A term referring to error introduced in a GPS calculation due to the positioning of the satellites and the receiver. GGS Global Positioning System Ground Station GHz Gigahertz (billion hertz) Glidepath The approach path used by an aircraft during an instrument landing or the portion of the glideslope that intersects the localizer. The glidepath does not provide guidance completely to a touch-down point on the runway. Glideslope The vertical guidance portion of an ILS system. GLNS GPS Landing and Navigation System
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GLNU GPS Landing and Navigation Unit GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System GLS GPS Landing System GLU GPS Landing Unit GND Ground GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System Goniometer A device that combines the two signals from two loop antennas. The goniometer (or resolver) contains two fixed coils and one rotating coil. The rotating coil is connected to the ADF bearing indicator needle to indicate the relative bearing from the aircraft to the NDB station. The mechanical position of the rotor represents the bearing of the station, and the position is electrically transmitted to the RMI. GPS (1) Global Positioning System (See NAVSTAR) (2) Global Positioning Satellite GPWC Ground Proximity Warning Computer GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System Gray Code Special binary code used to transmit altitude data between framing pulses of a transponder reply. A cyclic code having only one digit change at a time. Used in Mode C to transmit aircraft barometric altitude. Also known as Gilham code. GWS Graphical Weather Services Gyroscope A rotating device that will maintain its original plane of rotation, no matter which direction the gyroscope mount is turned. HDG Heading HDG SEL Heading Select HDOP Horizontal Dilution of Precision Heading The direction of an aircraft path with respect to magnetic or true north. Headset A tool used in the cockpit to improve communications and reduce hearing loss. HF High Frequency. The portion of the radio spectrum from 3 to 30 MHz. HF communications systems operate in the 2 to 30 MHz portion of the spectrum. HHLD Heading Hold HSD High-Speed Data HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator. An indicator that displays bearing, glideslope, distance, radio source, course and heading information. HSL Heading Select HUD Head-Up Display Hz Hertz (cycles per second) IAS Indicated Airspeed. The speed indicated by a differential pressure airspeed indicator that measures the actual pressure differential in the pitot-static head. It is the actual instrument indication for a given flight condition. ID Identifier

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Ident The action of the transponder transmitting an extra pulse along with its identification code (at the request of a controller). IDS (1) Integrated Display System (2) Information Display System IFE In-Flight Entertainment IFR Instrument Flight Rules ILS Instrument Landing System. The system provides lateral, along-course and vertical guidance to aircraft attempting a landing. IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions in. hg. Inches of Mercury IND Indicator Indicated Altitude The altitude above mean sea level (uncorrected for temperature). Intercom System An electronic device designed to allow headset communication along with transmissions from com, nav and entertainment sources. ISA International Standard Atmosphere ISP Integrated Switching Panel IVSI Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator kHz Kilohertz (1000 cycles per second) LAAS Local Area Augmentation System LADGPS Local Area Differential GPS LCD Liquid Crystal Display LDGPS Local Area Differential Global Positioning Satellite LMM Locator Middle Marker. An NDB co-located at the same site as the 75 MHz middle-marker beacon. LOC Localizer. The lateral guidance portion of an ILS system. Lock-On The condition that exists when the DME receives reply pulses to at least 50 percent of the interrogations. Valid distance information is then available. LOM Locator Outer Marker. An NDB co-located at the same site as the 75 MHz outer-marker beacon. LORAN Long-Range Navigation. A system using a ground facility composed of a master station and a slave station. The airborne receiver computes the position of the aircraft by using two or more received master-slave pairs of signals. LORAN-A Operates at 1850, 1900 and 1950 kHz. LORAN-C operates at 100 kHz. LORAN-A was replaced by LORAN-C in 1980. LORAN-C Long-Range Navigation System LRU Line Replaceable Unit LSA Light-Sport Aircraft. Small, simple, low-performance, low-energy aircraft limited to 1,320 pounds maximum takeoff weight; one or two occupants; single engine; maximum stall speed of 45 knots; maximum airspeed in level flight of 120 knots; fixed landing gear; and fixed propeller. Includes airplanes, gliders, gyroplanes, balloons, airships, weight-shift-control and powered parachutes.
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Lubber Line A fixed line placed on an indicator to indicate the front-to-rear axis of the aircraft. MAP Missed Approach Point Marker Beacon A transmitter operating at 75 MHz that provides identification of a particular position along an airway or on the approach to an instrument runway. The marker beacon is continuously tone-modulated by a 400-Hz, a 1,300-Hz or a 3,000Hz tone. Marker beacons along an instrument runway provide along-course (range) guidance and designate when an aircraft should be at a certain altitude if the aircraft is following the glidepath. MB Marker Beacon MCBF Mean Cycles Between Failures MDA Minimum Descent Altitude MEL Minimum Equipment List. The list of equipment the FAA requires onboard and working on an aircraft before flying. MF Medium Frequency. The portion of the radio spectrum from 300 kHz to 3 MHz. MFD Multi-Function Display MFDS Multi-Function Display System MHz Megahertz (million cycles per second) MIC Microphone. Also refers to the output signal of the microphone. MILSPEC Military Specifications MKR (1) Marker (2) Marker Beacon MLS Microwave Landing System MOA Military Operations Area Mode A The pulse format for an identification code interrogation of an ATC RBS transponder. Mode B An optional mode for transponder interrogation. Mode C The pulse format for an altitude information interrogation of an ATC RBS transponder. Mode D An unassigned, optional transponder mode. Mode S (1) Mode Select (a transponder format to allow discrete interrogation and data-link capability (2) Selective interrogation mode of SSR Moving-Map Display An electronic display that provides course and position information, frequently superimposed over ground features, including nav sources, airports and roads for improved flying situational awareness. MRO Maintenance Repair and Overhaul MSG Message MSP Mode S Specific Protocol MSSS Mode S Specific Services

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MTBF Mean Time Between Failures. A performance figure calculated by dividing the total unit flying hours (airborne) accrued in a period of time by the number of unit failures that occurred during the same time. Where total unit hours are available, this may be used in lieu of total unit flying hours. MTTF Mean Time To Failure. A performance figure calculated by dividing the summation of times to failure for a sample of failed items by the number of failed items in the sample. The same item failing N times constitutes N failed items in the sample. This is different from mean time between failures since no allowance is given to items that have not failed. Muting The process of either automatically or manually reducing the volume of a source. Typically found on music inputs for the pilot and co-pilot (automatic on receipt of transmissions) and on marker-beacon receivers (manual following station passage). NACO National Aeronautical Chart Office Nautical Mile (nmi) Equivalent to 6,076.1 feet, or approximately 1.15 statute miles. NAS National Airspace System Nav Navigation or Navigation Receiver Navaid Navigational Aid Nav/Com A combination navigation and communications receiver. Navigation Datacard A medium holding the customized navigation database. NAVSTAR The NAVSTAR global positioning system (GPS) is a system using 24 satellites, all reporting precise time signals, along with location keys. Eight satellites are in each of three 63-degree inclined plane circular orbits at 11,000 nmi in altitude. The system is used for navigation and determining exact position. NCATT National Center for Aircraft Technician Training ND Navigation Display. An EFIS presentation substituting for the horizontal situation indicator (HSI). NDB Non-Directional Radio Beacon. A ground station designed specifically for ADF use that operates in the 190-to-550-kHz range. Transmits a continuous carrier with either 400 or 1020 Hz modulation (keyed) to provide identification. Nearest Function of GPS and LORAN units to find the nearest airport, navaid, intersection, etc., used to reduce pilot stress in abnormal situations. Nexcom Next Generation Communications NFF No Fault Found Nexrad Next Generation Radar NGATS Next Generation Air Transportation System NM or NMI Nautical Mile Noise Undesired random electromagnetic disturbances or spurious signals that are not part of the transmitted or received signal. NPA Non-Precision Approach OAT Outside Air Temperature. The uncorrected reading of the outside temperature gauge.
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OBS Omnibearing Selector. A panel instrument that contains the controls and circuits to select an omni bearing and determine the to/from indication. OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer OM Outer Marker Omnibearing The bearing indicated by a navigational receiver on transmissions from an omnidirectional radio range (VOR). OrbComm Low earth orbit satellite system used for weatherdata transmissions, among other things. P-Code The GPS precision code. Paired Channels DME channels are paired with a VORTAC or ILS frequency and are automatically selected when the VORTAC or ILS frequency is selected. Most navigation controls have this feature. PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicators PAR Precision Approach Radar. X-band radar that scans a limited area and is part of the ground-controlled approach system. PD Profile Descent PDOP Position Dilution of Precision. A GPS term for error introduced into the GPS calculations. Performance Index A relative number used to compare the performance of different radar systems. It is calculated from transmitter peak power, antenna gain, pulse width, prf, antenna beam width and the receiver noise figure. PFD (1) Primary Flight Director (2) Primary Flight Display. An EFIS presentation substituting for the ADI. Phase Modulation A signal in which the phase varies (with respect to the original signal) with the amplitude of the modulatory signal, while the amplitude of the carrier wave remains constant. Similar to a modified frequency modulated signal. Pitot Pressure The sum of the static and dynamic pressures, and is the total force per unit area exerted by the air on the surface of a body in motion. Pitot Tube A forward-facing probe attached to the outside of the aircraft to sense the relative pressure of the aircraft moving through the atmosphere. Named for Henri Pitot who first used this method of measuring fluid-flow pressure. PMA (1) Parts Manufacturing Approval (2) Permanent Magnet Alternator PMG Permanent Magnet Generator PND Primary Navigation Display
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PNR Passive Noise Reduction POS Position PRAIM Predictive Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Pressure Altitude The altitude measured above standard pressure level. Based on the relationship of pressure and altitude with respect to a standard atmosphere. PSR Primary Surveillance Radar. The part of the ATC system that determines the range and azimuth of an aircraft in a controlled airspace. PTT Push To Talk. Also refers to the switching signal that enables the transmitter. Rabbit Tracks (1) Rabbit Tracks, or running rabbits, refer to the distinctive display produced by another (alien radar) radar system transmission. (2) The small dots left on the display of handheld GPS units that show the previously flown course. Radar Radio Detecting and Ranging. A system that measures distance and bearing to an object. Radar Mile The time interval (approximately 12.359 microseconds) required for radio waves to travel one nautical mile and return (total of 2 nm). Radial A line of direction going out from a VOR station measured as a bearing with respect to magnetic north. Radome The protective cover on the aircraft nose that fits over the weather radar system antenna. The radome is transparent at radar frequencies. RAI Radio Altimeter Indicator RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring RALT Radio Altimeter RCVR Receiver RDMI Radio Distance Magnetic Indicator RDP Radar Data Processing (system) RDR Radar REF Reference Reflectivity Factor (Z) This is a measurement of the ability of a target to reflect the energy from a radar beam. REL Relative Relative Bearing The bearing of a ground station relative to the direction the aircraft nose points, or the direction of an aircraft to or from an NDB.

Resolution Advisory A display indication given to the pilot recommending a maneuver to increase vertical separation relative to an intruding aircraft. A resolution advisory also is classified as corrective or preventive. RF Radio Frequency. A general term for the range of frequencies above 150 kHz to the infrared region (1012 Hz). RFI Radio Frequency Interference RHSM Reduced Horizontal Separation Minima RLG Ring Laser Gyro RLY Relay RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator R-NAV Area Navigation RNG Range RNP Required Navigation Performance ROC Rate of Climb ROD Rate of Descent RPM Revolutions Per Minute RTE Route RTCA Radio Technical Committee on Aeronautics RSTP Repair Station Training Program Runway Incursion The act of inadvertently crossing the runway holding point without ATC clearance. RVR Runway Visual Range RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum Rx Receiver SA Selective Availability (Refers to government detuning of GPS signal for national defense purposes.) SAT Static Air Temperature is the total air temperature corrected for the Mach effect. Increases in airspeed cause probe temperature to rise presenting erroneous information. SAT is the outside air temperature if the aircraft could be brought to a stop before measuring temperatures. Satcom Satellite Communications Satnav Satellite Navigation SD Secure Digital Search In this mode, the DME scans from 0 mile to the outer range for a reply pulse pair after transmitting an interrogation pulse pair. Sensitivity Level Command An instruction given to the TCAS equipment for control of its threat volume.

SID Standard Instrument Departure Sidetone The reproduction of sounds in a headset (or speaker) from the transmitter of the same communications set. This allows a person to hear his/her own voice when transmitting. SIGMETS Significant Meteorological Advisories Simplex A communications operation that uses only a single channel for transmit and receive operations. Communications can take place in only one direction at a time. SIU Satellite Interface Unit Skybound Datawriter A Jeppesen product designed to allow pilots to update the database of selected aviation GPS receivers and MFDs for reduced cost. Skywave A radio wave reflected by the ionosphere. The reflected radio wave may propagate along the layer of the ionosphere or be reflected at some angle. S-LSA Special Light-Sport Aircraft. An aircraft that may be used for personal use and for compensation while conducting flight training, rental or towing. SL Sensitivity Level Slant Range The line-of-sight distance from the aircraft to a DME ground station. SMS (1) Short Messaging Service (2) Safety Management System SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio SPKR Speaker Split or Split Mode Feature of new audio panels that allows concurrent pilot and co-pilot transmissions on two radios with two antennas at the same time. Spoking Refers to a display presentation that radiates outward from the display origin like the spokes on a wagon wheel. SQ or Sql Squelch Squall Line A squall line is a line of thunderstorms and developing thunderstorms. Squawk Reply to interrogation signal (XPD). Squelch A control and/or circuit that reduces the gain in response of a receiver. The squelch is used to eliminate the output noise of the receiver when a signal is not being received.

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Squitter (1) The random pulse pairs generated by the ground station as a filler signal. (2) The transmission of a specified reply format at a minimum rate without the need to be interrogated. (Filler pulses transmitted between interrogations) [XPD]. (3) Spontaneous transmission generated once per second by transponders. SSCV/DR Solid-State Cockpit Voice/Data Recorder SSCVR Solid-State Cockpit Voice Recorder SSFDR Solid-State Flight Data Recorder SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar. A radar-type system that requires a transponder to transmit a reply signal. Standard Atmosphere Represents the mean or average properties of the atmosphere. At sea level, static pressure is 29.92 In Hg and temperature is +15 C. Standby Mode A DME mode that applies power to the DME RT but the unit does not transmit. STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Routes STARS Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System Static Ports Flush-mounted openings in the skin of the aircraft fuselage used to sense static pressure. Static Pressure Ambient atmospheric pressure or static-pressure is the force per unit area exerted by the air on the surface of a body at rest relative to the air. Static Source Error Correction (SSEC) A correction applied to static source pressure measurements to partly or completely correct for pressure errors that are caused by airflow changes. It is computed as a function of Mach and altitude based on measured errors for a particular static system. STC Supplemental Type Certificate STOL Short Takeoff and Landing STP Standard Temperature and Pressure SUA Special Use Airspace Super-Heterodyne Receiver A receiver through which the incoming RF signal is mixed to produce a lower intermediate frequency. Suppressor Pulse A pulse used to disable L-band avionics during the transmitting period of another piece of L-band airborne equipment. It prevents the other avionics onboard the aircraft from being damaged or interfered with by the transmission and any noise associated with that transmission. SVS Synthetic Vision System TA Traffic Advisory (TCAS) TACAN Tactical Air Navigation System, which provides azimuth and distance information to an aircraft from a fixed ground station (as opposed to DME distance information). Tach Tachometer TAD Terrain Awareness Display TAF Terminal Area Forecast (ICAO) Target An aircraft within the surveillance range of TCAS. TAS True Airspeed TAT (1) Total Air Temperature. The air temperature including heat rise due to compressibility. (2) True Air Temperature. TAU TAU is the minimum time a flight crew needs to discern a collision threat and take evasive action. It represents the performance envelope (speed and path of aircraft) divided by the closure rate of any intruder aircraft (TCAS). TAWS Terrain Awareness Warning System TBO Time Between Overhauls TC Transport Canada TCCA Transport Canada Civil Aviation TCA (1) Terminal Control Area (2) Throttle Control Assembly TCAS Traffic Alert Collision Avoidance System TCAS I A baseline system that provides a warning (TA) to the flight crew of the presence of another aircraft (potential collision threat) within the surveillance area. No avoidance maneuver is suggested. TCAS II A collision avoidance system providing traffic information (within 30 nmi) to the flight crew, in addition to the resolution advisories for vertical maneuvers only. A TCAS II-equipped aircraft will coordinate with TCAS II-equipped intruder aircraft to provide complementary maneuvers. TCF Terrain Clearance Floor TCN TACAN TCU (1) TACAN Control Unit (2) Telephone Conversion Unit TDOP Time Dilution of Precision. A term used to describe the error introduced by variances in the calculated time. TDR Transponder Temperature Probe A sensor protruding into the airstream to sense air temperature. Requires correct ion to get static air temperature. TERPS (1) Terminal En Route Procedures (2) Terminal Instrument Procedures TFR Temporary Flight Restrictions
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TFT Thin Film Transistor TGT Target THDG True Heading Threat A target that has satisfied the threat detect ion logic, and thus requires a traffic or resolution advisory (TCAS). TIAS True Indicated Airspeed TIS Traffic Information Service TK Track Angle TKE Track Angle Error To/From Indicator Indicates whether the omnibearing selected is the course to or from the VOR ground station. Touchdown The point at which the predetermined glidepath intercepts the runway. TPR Transponder T/R (1) Transceiver (see RT) (2) Transmitter Receiver Track (1) The actual path, over the ground, traveled by an aircraft (navigation). (2) In this mode, the DME transmits a reduced pulse pair rate after acquiring lock-on (DME). (3) Estimated position and velocity of a single aircraft based on correlated surveillance data reports (TCAS). TRACON Terminal Radar Approach Control Traffic Advisory Information given to the pilot pertaining to the position of another aircraft in the immediate vicinity. The information contains no suggested maneuvers. (Traffic advisory airspace is 1,200 feet above and below the aircraft and approximately 45 seconds distant with respect to closure speed of the aircraft.) [TCAS] TRANS Transition Transceiver A receiver and transmitter combined in a single unit. Same as RT. Transponder Avionics equipment that returns an identifying coded signal. TRK Track TRP Mode S Transponder True Airspeed The true velocity of the aircraft through the surrounding air mass. True Altitude The exact distance above mean sea level (corrected for temperature). True Bearing The bearing of a ground station with respect to true north.

True North The direction of the north pole from the observer. TSA Transportation Security Administration TSO Technical Standard Order. Every unit built with a TSO nameplate must meet TSO requirements. TSO operating temperature extremes are not the same as the manufacturing burn-in limits. TTR TCAS II Receiver/Transmitter TTS Time To Station. An indication that displays the amount of time for an aircraft to reach a selected DME ground station while traveling at a constant speed. TVE Total Vertical Error TWDL (1) Terminal Weather Data-Link (2) Two-Way Data-Link TWDR Terminal Doppler Weather Radar TWIP Terminal Weather Information for Pilots TWR Turbulence Weather Radar TX Transmit (see XMIT) UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter UHF Ultra-High Frequency. The portion of the radio spectrum from 300 MHz to 3 GHz. ULB Underwater Locator Beacon Ultralight A vehicle that is manned by one occupant for recreation or sport purposes. Unpaired Channel A DME channel without a corresponding VOR or ILS frequency. Uplink The radio transmission path upward from the earth to the aircraft. USB Universal Serial Bus UTC Universal Coordinated Time VASI Visual Approach Slope Indicator VDL VHF Data-Link VDR VHF Digital Radio Vertical Speed The rate of change of pressure altitude, usually calibrated in hundreds of feet per minute. VFO Variable Frequency Oscillator VFR Visual Flight Rules VG/DG Vertical Gyro/Directional Gyro VGA Video Graphics Array VHF Very High Frequency. The portion of the radio spectrum from 30 to 300 MHz. V/L VOR / Localizer
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VMC (1) Visual Meteorological Conditions (2) Minimum Control Speed with Critical Engine Out V/NAV Vertical Navigation VNE Never Exceed Speed VNO Maximum Structural Cruising Speed VNR VHF Navigation Receiver VOR VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range. A system that provides bearing information to an aircraft. VOR/DME A system in which a VOR and DME station are co-located. VOR/MB VOR/Marker Beacon VORTAC A system in which a VOR and a TACAN station are co-located. VOX Voice Transmission VPATH Vertical Path VREF Reference Velocity V/S Vertical Speed VSI Vertical Speed Indicator VSL Advisory Vertical Speed Limit Advisory. May be preventive or corrective (TCAS). VSM Vertical Separation Minimum VSO Stalling Speed in the Landing Configuration VSWR Voltage-Standing Wave Ratio. The ratio of the amplitude of the voltage (or electric field) at a voltage maximum to that of an adjacent voltage minimum. VSWR is a measurement of the mismatch between the load and the transmission line. V/TRK Vertical Track VX Speed for Best Angle of Climb VY Speed for Best Rate of Climb WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System (method of differential GPS) WADGNSS Wide Area Differential Global Navigation Satellite System Waypoint A position along a route of flight. WD Wind Direction Whisper-Shout A sequence of ATC RBS interrogations and suppressions of varying power levels transmitted by TCAS equipment to reduce severity of synchronous interference and multipath problems. WINDMG Wind Magnitude WINDR Wind Direction Wing Leveler Rudimentary autopilot that maintains the wings of the plane level. WMA WXR Antenna Pedestal and WXR Waveguide Adapter WMI WXR Indicator Mount WMS Wide-Area Master Station WMSC Weather Message Switching Center WMSCR Weather Message Switching Center Replacement WPT Waypoint WRT WXR Receiver/Transmitter WX Weather WXR Weather Radar System WYPT Waypoint Altitude X-Channel A DME channel. There are 126 X-Channels for DME operation. For the first 63 channels, the ground-to-air frequency is 63 MHz below the air-to-ground frequency. For the second 63-X channels, the ground-to-air frequency is 63 MHz above the air-to-ground frequency. XCVR Transceiver XFR Transfer XMIT Transmit XMTR Transmitter XPD ATC Transponder (also XPDR, XPNDR, TPR) XPDR Transponder XTK Crosstrack (crosstrack error) Yagi Antenna An antenna with its maximum radiation parallel to the long axis of its array, consisting of a driven dipole, a parasitic dipole reflector, and one parasitic dipole director or more. YD Yaw Damper Z-Marker A marker beacon, sometimes referred to as a station locator, that provides positive identification to the pilot when the aircraft is passing directly over a low-frequency navigation aid.

Portions reprinted with permission from Rockwell Collins.

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