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Apollo Experience Report Earth Landing System

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by Robert B. West
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Hozlston, Texas 77058



1. Report NO. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.

NASA TN D-7437
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
. November 1973
EARTH LANDING SYSTEM 6. Performing Orgaioization Code

7. Author(s1 8. Performing Organization Report No.

Robert B. West, JSC JSC S-370
10. Work Unit No.
9. Performing Organization Name and Address 914- 11 - 00- 00-72
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center 11. Contract or Grant No.
Houston, Texas 77058
13. Type of Report and Period Covered
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Technical Note
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Code
Washington, D.C. 20546

17. Key Words (Suggested by Author(s) ) 18. Distribution Statement

' Landing Aids

' SpacecraftLanding
* Water Landing

* Apollo Spacecraft

19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) I 21. NO. of P a w s I 22. Price
None None " I Domestic, $3.75
Foreign, 56.25

* For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22151

Section Page
SUMMARY ..................................... 1
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ........................... 3

I SIGNIFICANT PROBLEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Command Module Weight Increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Main-Parachute-Cluster Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

I Parachute Riser Abrasion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Main-Parachute Canopy Strength Increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

High-Density Parachute Packing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

I Forward-Heat- Shield Recontact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

I Win-Parachute Oxidizer Burn Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

CONCLUDING REMARKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


APPENDIX B- SUMMARY OF TESTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1



Table Page
I MAIN-PARACHUTE DESIGN LOADS ................... 7



BLOCK I1 DROGUE PARACHUTES ............. .... A-11





QUALIFICATION DROP TESTS . . . . . . . . . . .......... B- 13


PARAMETERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. C-21


Figure Page

Logic and redundancy in the ELS .................... 3

Normal recovery sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Pad- and low-altitude-abort sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

4 Total main-parachute load compared with Chl weight . . . . . . . . . 5

5 Increases i n CM recovery weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

6 Parachute attachment and disconnect fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

7 M a i n-parac hu te reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

8 Block I1 forward-heat-shield parachute system . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

A- 1 Block I ELS installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 1

A- 2 Block I drogue parachute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 2

A- 3 Block I drogue-parachute mortar assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 2

Figure Page
A- 4 Block I pilot parachute .......................... A- 3

A- 5 Block I pilot-parachute mortar assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 3

A- 6 Block I main parachute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 4

A- 7 Block I main-parachute retention assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 4

A- 8 Block I main-parachute harness assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 5
A- 9 Block I main-parachute attachment and disconnect fitting ....... A- 5
A- 10 Reefing-line cutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 6
A-11 Block 11 ELS general arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 6

A- 12 Block I1 main-parachute deployment bag and retention system . . . . . A- 7

A- 13 Main-parachute two-stage reefing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 9

A- 14 Reefing-line installation for two-stage reefing . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 9

A- 15 Final Block 11 main parachute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 10

A- 16 Final Block II drogue parachute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11

A- 17 Drogue-parachute r i s e r assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 12

A- 18 Increased Capability Block I1 drogue-parachute mortar assembly . . . A- 12

A- 19 Final Block 11 pilot parachute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 13

A-20 Block 11forward-heat- shield mortar installation . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 13

A-21 Block 11 forward-heat-shield mortar assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 14

B- 1 Instrumented cylindrical test vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4

B- 2 Parachute test vehicle .......................... B- 5

B- 3 Boilerplate test vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B- 6

B-4 Block I developmental drop-test summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B- 7

B- 5 Increased Capability Block 11 developmental drop-test summary ... B-11

Figure Page

B- 6 Deployment envelope
(a) Drogue parachute .......................... B-14
(b) Main parachute . .......................... B- 14

c-1 Spacecraft descending with one main parachute failed . . . . . . . . . C-4

c-2 Parachute system configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-5

c-3 Sequence of events during descent on the main parachutes . . . . . . C-7

c-4 Parachute location at time of failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-9

c-5 Parachute r i s e r damage during final descent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C- 10

C-6 Approximate location of recovery forces at 295 hours

9 minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
....... C-12

c-7 Main parachute connector link failure ................. C- 14

C-8 Magnified view of Apollo 15 Dacron r i s e r protective cover ...... C-15

c-9 Television frame and trajectory analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C- 18

c- 10 Position of forward heat shield relative to spacecraft trajectory . . . C-19

c-11 Results of forward heat shield/suspension system impact test ..... C-22

c-12 Forward heat shield damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-23

C-13 Parachute tow test loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-29

By Robert B. West
Lyndon 6. Johnson Space Center


The Apollo earth landing system operational requirements were defined through
detailed reviews of the total-mission environments associated with both normal atmos-
pheric entry and the various abort contingencies. These operational requirements and
the necessity for compatible interface with the command module dictated the basic de-
sign and performance requirements of the earth landing system. For example, the high
recovery weight of the command module ruled out the use of a single main-parachute
system because of the lack of experience with single parachutes i n a size needed to
recover the spacecraft within the limitations placed on the rate of descent. In addition,
the Apollo upper-deck structure presented formidable problems for packing and install-
ing a single parachute of the required size.

Although much was known relative to the system requirements during the initial
phases of the program, considerably more knowledge was gained during the course of
the development program. The more significant problems encountered during the de-
velopment of the Apollo earth landing system, the solutions, and the general knowledge
gained from having encountered these problems a r e discussed. A brief description of
the Block I, Block II, and Increased Capability Block II systems and a summary of the
test programs that were conducted are included.


In January 1962, the original specifications were released for a parachute recov-
e r y system to be incorporated on the Apollo command module (CM). The original pro-
gram to develop and to provide this system was anticipated to extend over a period of
13 months; however, the final Apollo earth landing system (ELS)qualification test w a s
not completed until July 1968. Then the system was considered suitable for manned
lunar missions.

Early i n the Apollo Program, the fact was recognized that, to accomplish the
lunar-landing mission, certain major changes would have to be made to the initial CM
design, In consideration of program cost and schedular, a decision w a s made to con-
tinue the original CM configuration (then designated as Block I) through the initial
earth-orbital system-verification flights. At the same time, a Block 11 program was
initiated to implement the changes to the CM that were needed to accomplish the lunar-
landing mission.

The major differences between the Blocks I and I1 spacecraft affecting the ELS
were as follows.

1. The docking tunnel w a s shortened and the tunnel wall was tapered slightly in-
ward. This modification significantly changed the shape of the main-parachute stowage
compartment and necessitated complete redesign of the main-parachute deployment bag
and the retention system.

2. A single structural assembly (called the flowerpot) was incorporated to attach

the two drogue risers and the three main-parachute risers to the CM at a single loca-
tion. This attachment fitting also served as the housing for the riser disconnects.

3. The pilot-parachute mortar mounts were moved from the deck of the forward
compartment and relocated on the side of the gussets.

4. The CM uprighting bags were removed from the gusset-mounted containers

and relocated under the main-parachute packs on the deck.

The drogue, pilot, and main parachutes remained essentially unchanged f r o m the
Block I configuration except for a length of steel riser incorporated in the lower end of
the main-parachute riser for protection from abrasion. After the spacecraft 012 f i r e ,
many modifications were made to the Block I1 CM, resulting in a significant increase
in vehicle weight. Analysis indicated that the projected weight increase would result
in parachute loads greater than those that either the ELS or the CM structure was
capable of withstanding safely. Therefore, in mid-1967, a program was initiated to
increase the capability of the ELS and to reduce the main-parachute loads to acceptable
levels with the greater CM weight. The major changes made to the ELS during this
program were a s follows.

1. The main-parachute reefing system was modified to incorporate an additional

stage in the inflation process to reduce the peak opening loads.

2. The diameter of the drogue parachutes was increased to reduce the dynamic-
p r e s s u r e conditions and to provide a more stable vehicle at the time of main-parachute

3. The size of the drogue-parachute mortar was increased to provide the addi-
tional volume required by the larger drogue parachute.

4 . The parachute reefing-line-cutter time-delay was modified to obtain delay

times of 6 and 10 seconds for the two-stage main-parachute reefing system.

The various components of the Block I , Block 11, and Increased Capability
Block 11 systems a r e discussed i n detail in appendix A. In appendix B the test pro-
grams that were conducted to develop and to qualify the ELS are outlined.


The ELS consists of the various parachutes and related components necessary to
stabilize and to decelerate the CM to conditions that a r e safe for landing. The ELS was
designed to recover the CM after either a normal entry o r a launch abort. Nine para-
chutes are installed on the CM all of which function during the recovery sequence.
Three main parachutes, three pilot parachutes, two drogue parachutes, and a forward-
heat- shield-separation-augmentation parachute are included.

The recovery sequence is initiated automatically through the closure of baro-

metric switches o r through the function of time-delay relays. A logic diagram illus-
trating each of the ELS functions is presented in figure 1. A normal-entry or
high-altitude-abort recovery sequence begins with the jettisoning of the forward heat
shield at a nominal altitude of 24 000 feet (fig. 2). Immediately after separation of the


24 O W f t

System A

Crew switch

(main-parachute ~ ~ i ~ -
System E disconnect) parachute

TD = t i m e-delay relay

11 am-n

Figure 1. - Logic and redundancy in the ELS.

heat shield from the CM, a small, 7.2-foot-
diameter parachute is mortar-deployed from
the forward heat shield. This parachute ex-
erts a force to extract the jettisoned heat
shield from the wake of the CM. Two
16.5-foot-diameter conical ribbon drogue
parachutes are mortar-deployed 1 . 6 sec-
onds after f orward-heat- shield jettison.
The drogue parachutes undergo a 10-second
reefed interval before disreefing to full
Splashdown velocitier
Three parachutes - 32 fps
Two parachutes - 36 fps
%@ open, and remain attached to the CM to an
altitude of approximately 11 000 feet. At
1. Forward heat shield jettisoned at 24 Mx) R drogue disconnect, three 7.2-foot-diameter
+0.4 sec
2. Drogue parachutes deployed reefed at
ringslot pilot parachutes are mortar-
24 OOO A +2 sec deployed. The pilot parachutes then pro-
3. Drogueparachute single-stage disreef,
10 sec
vide the force necessary to release the
4. Drogue parachutes jettisoned and main main-parachute retention system and to
parachutes deployed by pilot para-
chutes at 11 M)o A
extract the main-parachute -3ck assemblies.
5. Main-parachute initial inflation The main-parachute packs &rethen pulled
6. Main-parachute first-stage disreef,
6 sec
away from the CM and the three 83.5-foot-
7. vhf recoveryantennas and flashing diameter main parachutes are extracted
beacon deployed, 8 sec
8. Main-parachute second-stagedisreef,
from the deployment bags. Each main para-
10 sec, approximately 9 Mx) R chute then inflates through two reefing stages
9. Main parachutes released
to a full-open condition.
Figure 2. - Normal recovery sequence. If a launch abort should occur and
conditions are such that the maximum alti-
tude attained is below the opening altitude of the baroswitches, forward-heat-shield
jettison and deployment of the drogue and pilot parachutes occur on a timed sequence,
controlled by the time-delay relays. The events that occur during a launch abort are
illustrated i n figure 3.

Arm ELS and jettison launch escape

tower, boost protective cover, and S I GN I FI CANT PROBLEMS
docking ring (14 secl
Drogue parachutes
deployed (16 secl
forward heat shield
Canards deployed
111 secl
jettisoned (14 4 sed
8 Mainparachutes
Throughout the ELS developmental
program, emphasis w a s placed on provid-
ing a CM recovery system capable of func-
[ - ) + c ) tioning properly under extremely severe
flight conditions. At the same time, the de-
mands placed on the system in t e r m s of vehi-
Launch escape cle recovery weight, component stowage, and
motor ignited vehicle interface requirements continued
to grow. During the program, extreme
measures appeared to be necessary in t e r m s
Figure 3. - Pad- and low-altitude- of system o r spacecraft redesign to satisfy
abort sequence. the requirements imposed on the recovery


system. Through the applied efforts of the various groups and agencies associated with
the system, these problems were resolved with minimum design changes and with the
least impact on the Apollo Program.
In addition to resolving difficult design problems, devising and optimizing compo-
nent manufacturing and assembling techniques were also necessary to ensure that each
part would function properly once it was assembled and installed on the spacecraft. On
none of the previous space programs w a s it necessary to contain the parachutes i n the ,
limited volumes and in the irregular shapes necessary in the Apollo Program. This
requirement necessitated the development of precise techniques for packing the para-
chutes at very high densities without inflicting damage that could propagate during de-
ployment. The incorporation of steel cable as an integral part of the parachute risers
required the development of stowage techniques that would provide assurance that the
cable deployed consistently and safely.

In addition to stringent program requirements, several specific technical prob-

lems, the solution of which required the development of innovative methods and tech-
niques, were encountered. In the following section, the more significant problems
encountered, their solutions, and the knowledge gained are discussed.

Command Module Weight I ncrease

I tained on two of the three tests and because
of the first announcement of a CM weight

creased the strength of the structural
1 Figure 4 ' - main-parachute load members of the parachute. These changes
compared with CM weight. caused a significant increase i n weight and

5 11-
- 10--
14 x 10

= 1312 t-

- 13 OOO

Increased Capability
created new problems because of limited
stowage volume. Shortly after the start
of main-parachute-cluster tests , modifica-
tions had to be made to the main parachutes
to change their opening characteristics to
g- 8
8 150 Block II qualification achieve more evenly balanced load sharing
Block I
Block II
among the parachutes , thereby reducing the
% 7-

First ELS aerial
drop test
peak opening loads,

4 I vi I I By the time the Block I ELS had com-


pleted qualification, each system of the
spacecraft had progressed to the point at
Figure 5. - Increases i n CM recovery which accurate total-weight estimates were
weight. available. Although the maximum projected
weight for a Block II spacecraft was above
the specification values, the overweight
condition was not sufficient to justify major design changes in the ELS. Therefore,
the Block II program was pursued as a minimum-change effort.

During the months immediately following the spacecraft 012 accident, numerous
modifications were made to the CM. By mid-April 1967, weight estimates indicated
that the projected weight of the spacecraft had increased to a value greater than that at
which the ELS could recover the CM with an acceptable safety margin. The CM recov-
ery weight possibly could increase to as much as 13 000 pounds, which, i n turn, would
increase the parachute loads to levels unacceptable for the parachutes and the CM

The implemented solution consisted of increasing the size of the drogue para-
chutes and of providing the existing main parachutes with an additional reefing stage.
The larger drogue parachutes and the additional main-parachute reefing stage were
necessary to ensure adequate safety factors for the parachutes and the CM structure at
the 13 000-pound recovery weight. Larger drogue parachutes on the heavier CM re-
duced the dynamic pressure at drogue disconnect/pilot mortar fire to a level near that
of the smaller drogue parachutes on the lighter spacecraft. The additional reefing
stage i n the main parachutes reduced the individual and total main-parachute loads to
values no greater than the design loads for an 11 000-pound CM.

On July 31, 1967, a program was approved to implement these changes to the
ELS to become effective on the first Block II spacecraft (CSM 101). At the beginning
of the improvement program, very few data were available to provide a basis f o r a
detailed analysis of two-stage main-parachute reefing. Therefore, aerial drop tests
had to be conducted early in the program. These tests generated the preliminary per-
formance data that were used to establish reefing parameters and t o support an evalua-
tion Of the adequacy of the existing main-parachute design. From these initial tests,
two-stage reefing w a s proved feasible and the existing main-parachute design w a s
proved structurally adequate with the higher CM e i g h t . Reefed intervals of 6 seconds
in the first stage and an additional 4 seconds i n the second stage of inflation were se-
lected. These reefed intervals provided nearly uniform loading i n each stage and added
only 2 seconds to the total inflation time of the earlier single-stage reefing system.
The new reefing-time-delay requirement was then factored into the development of a

reefing cutter. In conjunction with the main-parachute-design changes, definition of the
maximum volume available for larger drogue-parachute mortars became necessary be-
cause the size of the drogue parachute w a s limited primarily by the size of the mortar
tubes that could be fitted to the spacecraft. Volume w a s made available for mortars
accommodating 16.5-foot-diameter drogue parachutes.

Because the Block 11 schedule required delivery of parachutes for installation on

spacecraft 101 (Apollo 7 mission) by mid-November 1967, the Increased Capability
Block 11program was recognized as a high-risk effort in t e r m s of potentially delaying
the first Block 11flight. Therefore, the total effort was afforded a high priority and
received the utmost support at all levels. Considering the schedule requirements, the
plan was to deliver the first production system for installation on spacecraft 101; the
followup system, which would be identical in configuration, was scheduled to support
the system-qualification aerial drop test. Satisfactory completion of the total system-
qualification effort w a s placed as a constraint on the Apollo 7 mission.

The main-parachute design-limit loads defined for the Block 11 11 000-pound CM

and the design-limit loads for the final Block 11 main parachutes with the 13 000-pound
CM are presented in table I. These load values provide an indication of the effective-
ness of the changes made to the Block II system. This table should not be used as a
direct comparative evaluation of the changes, because data obtained during the Increased
Capability Block 11 program allowed for considerable refinement of the parameters used
in establishing the design-load values. The changes that were made to the ELS effec-
tively counteracted the increase in CM weight and accomplished the required reduction
in main-parachute loads.


Design loads, lb
Parachute configurations
Original Block 11 ELS Final Block I1 ELS
with 11 000-lb CM with 13 000-lb CM


Fir st stage 2 1 800 22 000

Second stage 23 800

Full open 24 700 22 900

I Total cluster I 39 000 37 500

These values should not be used for direct comparison.

Main-Parachute-Cluster Interference
On November 27, 1962, the first aerial drop test was made using a parachute test
vehicle (PTV) to investigate the performance characteristics of a cluster of three inde-
pendently deployed 88.1-foot-diameter ringsail main parachutes. For the initial test,
the vehicle w a s ballasted to only 4750 pounds, one-half the weight of the CM. The con-
figuration of the parachute test specimens and the related components represented the
then-current spacecraft design. Deployment of the main parachutes was achieved by
simultaneously mor t a r - deployed pi lot parachutes .

The results of this test indicated a significant problem relative to the deployment
behavior of clustered ringsail parachutes and eventually led to some unique design fea-
tures i n the main parachutes. The three ringsail parachutes inflated in a nonsynchro-
nous manner, that is, one canopy inflated rapidly and inhibited the filling of the lagging
parachutes. This behavior was most pronounced during the inflation following disreef .
This crowding effect and nonsynchronous inflation, often referred to as cluster inter-
ference, was not a new phenomenon but was unusually pronounced with the ringsail de-
sign. This uneven load sharing resulted in abnormally high opening loads on the
leading parachute i n the cluster.

The approach taken to correct this condition was to explore modifications that
would reduce the rate of inflation of the parachute. Much of this rapid inflation of the
ringsail parachute w a s attributed to a characteristic of the canopy to continue to fill
during the reefed interval and thus produce a large reefed shape with internal pressures
throughout a large portion of the canopy. This characteristic, i n turn, contributed to a
rapid full-open inflation following disreef. The flow of air around the large bulbous
shape of a rapidly developed leading parachute w a s also noted to have a distorting ef-
fect on the adjacent lagging parachutes and to greatly inhibit the inflation in the reefed

The modificatioh demonstrating the most favorable effect in reducing the cluster
interference was the removal of 75 percent of the material from the fifth ring of the
canopy, thereby forming an open ring around the periphery of the crown. This open
ring limited canopy growth in the reefed condition to a more cigar-like profile and pro-
duced near-uniform growth of each of the three main parachutes during reefed and dis-
reefed inflation. A second change, greatly improving the shape of the lower skirt area
and allowing a more efficient inflow of air into all three parachutes, was the relocation
of the reefing rings on the skirt band from the radial seam-attachment point to a point
on the skirt band in the middle of the gore (referred to as midgore reefing).

Based on test results obtained during this s a m e effort, a decision was also made
to remove four complete gores from the main-parachute canopy to reduce weight. This
modification produced the basic 68-gore-configuration main parachute that would even-
tually be flown on Apollo spacecraft.

The combination of reduced peak opening loads and the removal of material re-
sulted i n a net allowable weight saving of approximately 45 pounds i n the main para-
chute and harness assembly without exceeding the specified maximum r a t e of descent
of 33 f p s at 5000-foot pressure altitude. The open-ring-configuration main parachutes
also reduced the system oscillations of the two-parachute cluster configuration f r o m
approximately t 20" to t So, causing a reduction i n landing hazards.

Parachute Riser Abrasion
On September 6, 1962, during the fifth total-system developmental test, using the
boilerplate (BP) 3 test vehicle, a s e r i e s of events occurred that resulted in separation
of the main parachutes and loss of the vehicle. The BP failed to stabilize during the
drogue-parachute interval, and the pilot mortars fired with the vehicle in an apex-
forward (approximately 60 ") flight attitude. The existing main-parachute r i s e r s , which
were joined at a confluence above the vehicle, hung under the airlock with the vehicle
i n this flight attitude. This anomaly prevented full deployment of the harness until the
vehicle rotated to a more favorable attitude. The parachute opening loads were trans-
mitted through the unprotected textile harness legs directly into the gussets and the air-
lock structure, promptly severing the harness legs.

After this test, the main-parachute harness assembly w a s completely redesigned

to preclude the possibility of its hanging during deployment. The test also made evident
the fact that the parachute system had to be capable of deployment from an unstable o r
oscillating CM. To provide this capability, steps were taken to minimize the number
of areas on the vehicle that could cause cutting and abrasion to the parachute r i s e r s .
Because of requirements external to the ELS, relocation of certain items of spacecraft
equipment o r provision of a surrounding structure that would not cause damage to the
fabric r i s e r s was not possible. It was necessary to provide risers with a high degree
of abrasive resistance.
Investigation of various types of protective sleeving resulted i n the selection of
Dacron felt with wire-braid covering and resin impregnation for the Block I main-
parachute attachment harness. The required degree of protection and the required
flexibility for stowage and deployment ruled out this approach for the drogue- and pilot-
parachute risers. Thus, the decision was made to pursue the development of steel
cable risers to provide the necessary abrasion resistance i n the lower portion of the
risers where there was high probability of contact with the CM structure.

The incorporation of the flowerpot parachute attachment and the disconnect fitting
on the Block I1 spacecraft made redesigning the main-parachute risers necessary
(fig. 6). The flowerpot concept brought the two drogue-parachute r i s e r s and the three
main-parachute risers into a common fitting. This concept reduced the available
volume and eliminated the possibility of using the bulky Block I-type protected-fabric
riser on the Block 11 spacecraft. Stowage tests on a Block I1 upper-deck mockup indi-
cated that steel-cable main-parachute r i s e r s could be incorporated and stowed i n a
manner assuring orderly deployment. Because the steel-cable main-parachute riser
provided a solution to the Block 11 volume problem and afforded the necessary resist-
ance to abrasion, the decision was made to incorporate it i n the Block 11 system.

Developmental tests on the drogue- and pilot-parachute systems incorporating

steel-riser segments demonstrated that the cable risers could be stowed with the para-
chute i n the mortar tube. A major problem i n using steel cable w a s the possibility of
kinks developing during deployment and seriously degrading the strength of the r i s e r .
Some kinking was experienced i n early developmental mortar firings; however, reverse
twisting of the cable while i t w a s being stowed and a modification to the cable-end fitting
eliminated the problem.

Drogue parachute
1 In several of the Block I1 aerial drop
tests incorporating the flowerpot parachute
attachment fitting, numerous cable strands
were damaged on the drogue risers. This
damage occurred in the portion of the cable
riser that contacted the lip of the flowerpot
fitting while the vehicle w a s oscillating and
the parachute loads were high.

Laboratory tests were conducted to

simulate the dynamics between the drogue
steel-cable riser and the flowerpot fitting
with loads applied to the r i s e r . A s the
parachute loads were applied through the
riser over the lip of the flowerpot, these
tests revealed sufficient deflection i n the
flowerpot lip to cause a local misalinement
between the two halves, resulting i n a slight
ridge over which the cable was abraded.
Figure 6. - Parachute attachment and Abrasion w a s also caused when the four
disconnect fitting. strands of cable in a r i s e r arranged them-
selves such that one cable would be loaded
a c r o s s another while bent over the lip of
the flowerpot.

A 4-inch-wide band of lead tape, wrapped around each of the drogue riser cables
where they crossed the lip of the flowerpot, provided excellent protection from abra-
sion and proved to be a simple and an effective solution to the problem. In the Blocks I
and 11 systems, the steel-cable parachute risers proved an acceptable design and func-
tioned correctly on all tests and flights.

Main-Parachute Canopy Strength I ncrease

During the second a e r i a l drop test in the original Block II developmental test
s e r i e s , a significant deficiency w a s found i n the structural capability of the main-
parachute canopy. The test was established to demonstrate the deployment character-
istics of the main parachute at a full-open limit-load condition following deployment
f r o m the Block 11 deployment bag. The main-parachute design remained unchanged be-
tween Blocks I and II; there was little concern about the structural capability of the
main parachute because it had been demonstrated at ultimate-load conditions in excess
Of 33 000 pounds during the Block I qualification program. During this test, however,
a complete gore was split from the skirt band to the vent band of the main parachute
under an axial load between 20 000 and 23 000 pounds while inflating from disreef to
full open. Although the parachute design previously had been subjected to significantly
higher loads following disreef, a post-test investigation revealed that it had never been
exposed to the conditions of this particular test.

Because of the inherent inflation characteristics of the main parachute, the con-
ditions of this test produced much higher local-stress levels i n the canopy skirt than
were experienced with conditions at a much higher axial load on previous tests. This

deficiency was corrected by the addition of circumferential reinforcing tapes to
strengthen the canopy (fig. 7). This test failure clearly illustrated the necessity for
demonstrating the inflation characteristics and the strength of the parachutes over the
entire range of possible operating conditions.

High-Density Parachute Packing

1-in 900-lb tape at
1-in. 900-lb tape at
trailing edge of ring
trailing edge of ring 5
9, one tape on in- During the Blocks I and 11 ELS develop-
side. one tape on mental programs, many modifications in-
volving added material were made to the
parachutes. However, increase i n available
stowage volume for the parachutes on the
spacecraft was minimal. Early in the
Block I program, the more conventional
hand-packing techniques had to be replaced
by machine-assisted pressure packing to
stow the parachutes in the available volumes.
The volumetric requirements for the
Blocks I and I1 main parachutes are depicted
i n table II. A s the density of the parachute
packs increased, the amount of damage to
the parachutes also increased.

Figure 7. - Main-parachute The general procedure followed in

reinforcement. packing the parachutes involved supporting
the parachute deployment bag i n a rigid
metal container and progressively folding
first the canopy and then the suspension lines into the deployment bag. In pressure
packing the parachutes, a r a m force was applied to the partially stowed parachute to
p r e s s it into the deployment bag. Because a high percentage of the main parachute is
fabricated from lightweight (1.1 ounce) nylon cloth and because the parachute also con-
tains numerous metal reefing-line cutters and reefing rings, i t was particularly sus-
ceptible to damage by pressure packing. Layers of cloth would tend to be pinched
between metal parts, causing cuts and t e a r s , and the pressure applied to the cloth
would cause strained seams, friction burns, and weave separations.


Volume of main- Net usable Volumetric efficiency Main-parachute

ELS test
programs parachute pack volume, of parachute pack, pack density,
assembly, cu in. cu in. percent lb/cu in.

Block I 5089 6808 74.8 0.0239

Block II 5 500 6925 79.4 .0241
Increased 5500 6925 79.4 .0247
Block I1

Because of the damage being sustained, a concerted effort w a s made to design
handling equipment and to establish procedures minimizing packing damage. During
this effort, approximately 70 trial parachute-packing operations were performed, in
addition to the parachute packing that was being accomplished to support the develop-
mental aerial drop tests. Steps taken to correct this problem were as follows.

1. Several basic deployment-bag designs were tried with many modifications to

each design. A Teflon-impregnated cloth liner was used in the deployment bag to re-
duce friction between the parachute and the bag.

2. A high-pressure packing ram w a s developed with rotating pressure feet,

swivel-mounted hydraulic cylinders, and other special features designed to aid packing.

3. The design of the packing pressure feet and protective pads was modified
many times.

4. A high-capacity vacuum system was used as an integral part of the packing

container to evacuate air from the folds of cloth during packing.

5. Several packing-container designs were tried with many modifications to

each design.

6. Packing-container inserts were designed to gain subtle changes in pack


7. Various lubricants (Teflon spray, Tef lon-coated cloth, et cetera) were used
on the walls of the packing container to aid in packing under pressure.

8. Variations in packing pressure and in soak times were introduced at various

stages in the packing process.
9. Combinations of high and low packing p r e s s u r e s were introduced at various
stages during the packing process.
10. Changes were made in the design of the reefing rings and in the method of
placing them i n the deployment bag.

11. Padded reefing-cutter packets were developed and incorporated into the

Because of the high densities achieved and because of the tendency for the para-
chute packs to expand when removed f r o m the packing container, form blocks and
vacuum packaging were necessary for storage of the parachute packs to ensure a proper
fit of the parachute pack during installation on the spacecraft.

The high-density parachute-packing equipment and the procedures developed and
refined throughout the program allowed for maximum use of the available stowage
volume on the spacecraft. Although minor packing damage (small cuts and burns) is
still present, it is reduced to a level no longer considered to be a hazard o r problem
to the parachutes.

Fo rwa rd-Heat- Shield Recontact

During the recovery sequence for spacecraft 009 (Apollo-Saturn (AS) 201), a data-
acquisition camera mounted i n the CM disclosed a potentially hazardous condition that
could have had an adverse effect on successful operation of the parachute recovery sys-
I tem. Immediately following the jettison of the forward heat shield, the cover separated
from the vehicle and then returned toward the upper deck at a relatively high rate.
Further aerodynamic studies revealed that the forward heat shield jettison system did
not provide sufficient energy to thrust the heat shield through the strong reverse flow
present in the wake of a stable CM. To ensure separation of the forward heat shield,
a conventional pilot-parachute mortar assembly was mounted in the apex of the cover,
oriented t o fire straight up from the vehicle, and initiated by the same signal that
initiated thruster firing of the forward heat shield. This modification was never tested
i n the Block I BP aerial drop tests (they were already completed), but w a s tested i n a
s e r i e s of ground firings and was incorporated successfully on each of the remaining
Block I spacecraft.
Because of the Block I recontact problem, consideration was given to the possi-
bility that this condition existed on the Block II vehicle. Analysis indicated that recon-
tact would not occur because of a 30-percent reduction i n the weight of the forward heat
shield and because of an increase i n thruster output; they combined to provide a separa-
tion velocity of 45 fps as compared to the Block I value of 24 fps. However, during the
final BP a e r i a l drop test in the original Block 11 ELS qualification program, onboard
cameras revealed that the same condition previously encountered on the Block I AS 201
flight was again present i n the Block II system.

The Block I1 forward heat shield w a s captured in the wake of the vehicle, and the
r e v e r s e flow, which w a s stronger than anticipated, forced it back toward the parachute
compartment. Because this condition represented a serious hazard to the ELS, appro-
priate corrective action was again taken through the addition of a Block 11 forward-heat-
shield-separation-augmentation parachute system (fig. 8).

Because this condition was observed on the final qualification drop test for the
original Block II system, and because no unmanned Block 11flights were scheduled,
i concern was focused on a method to demonstrate the fix. This problem was resolved
when the Increased Capability ELS program provided a means of evaluating +heper-
f ormance of the forward-heat-shield- separation- augmentation system during total-
system aerial drop tests.

Parachute pack Forward-heat-sh ield
jettison system
Mai n-Parachute Oxidizer
Redundant Two cartridges B u r n Damage
One Block I AS 202 main parachute,
retrieved following the spacecraft landing,
revealed many small burn holes throughout
the canopy and suspension lines. Labora-
tory analysis revealed that the parachute
had been damaged by nitrogen tetroxide
(N204)expelled from the CM reaction con-
t r o l system (RCS). The postflight investi-
gation disclosed that the ratio of fuel and
oxidizer carried i n the CM was such that,
-Y ’ L L a n d y a r d system
during the burn and dump modes (used to
purge the RCS after main-parachute deploy-
Electrical harness
Disconnect ment), the fuel was depleted before the oxi-
Redundant dizer, causing raw oxidizer to be dumped
Figure 8. - Block II forward-heat- into the air stream. The N204, which is
shield parachute system. very damaging to nylon parachute material,
was then sufficiently concentrated on the
parachute to burn many small holes. This
condition was corrected on subsequent missions by controlling the- ratio of fuel and oxi-
dizer loaded on the CM to ensure that the oxidizer would be depleted before the fuel
during the burn mode. Thus, only the fuel remained, and it does not react chemically
so as to degrade the strength of the nylon.

An anomaly occurring during the recovery of the Apollo 15 CM caused one of the
three main parachutes to collapse during the final descent. The posff light investigation
revealed three potential causes for the anomaly: (1)a possible collision of the jetti-
soned forward heat shield with the main parachute, (2) a failure of the suspension line
to the r i s e r connector links, and (3) RCS fuel burning the fabric riser o r suspension
lines. This investigation was seriously hampered because only one of the three main
parachutes was recovered following the landing, and the recovered parachute was not
the parachute that collapsed. Secondly, an onboard camera that clearly showed the
sequence of the parachute deployment was turned off just before the failure occurred.
After a thorough analysis of the existing data, and after considerable testing, the
following conclusions were reached,

1. Although it passed very close to the descending spacecraft, the forward heat
shield did not contact the Apollo 15 main parachute.

2 . Although faulty connector links were found in the recovered main parachute,
failure of connector links did not cause the main parachute to collapse.

3. The most probable cause of the anomaly was burning monomethyl hydrazine
(expelled from the C M RCS) coming in contact with the main-parachute fabric riser.
A complete description of this anomaly and the subsequent findings and corrective ac-
tions a r e presented as appendix C.


The performance of the ELS during many rigorous tests, and the performance of
each component of the ELS during the spacecraft flights proved that the program objec-
tives had been met. A parachute-recovery system was provided that satisfied the mis-
sion requirements, was compatible with the physical characteristics of the vehicle, and
had a high degree of reliability. The increasingly severe demands placed on the ELS
i n t e r m s of recovery weight, limited stowage volume, and a wide range of initial con-
ditions were met and resolved without undue impact on the overall Apollo Program.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Houston, Texas, July 2, 1973



The basic system concept of the ELS changed little throughout the program from
that described in the original statement of work. However, the individual components
of the system underwent numerous changes as the program progressed through the
Block I and 11phases. The following is a brief description of the major components of
the Block I, Block 11, and Increased Capability Block II ELS.


The original parachute system consisted of a single, mortar-deployed, 13. 7-foot-

diameter, 25" conical-ribbon drogue parachute which was attached to the CM in the
- Z quadrant of the forward compartment by a 56.75-foot fabric riser and three mortar-
deployed, 10-foot-diameter , ringslot-type pilot parachutes, used to extract and deploy
three 88.1-foot-diameter ringsail main parachutes. The main parachutes were joined
at a confluence fitting 62 inches above the CM. This fitting was attached to the CM by
four harness legs that suspended the spacecraft from points located at the top of the
forward-compartment gussets. Originally, a main-parachute disconnect was to be
contained i n this confluence fitting.
Problems such as vehicle weight increase, main-parachute inflation anomalies,
and r i s e r abrasion resulted in many modifications to components of the Block I ELS.
The Block I system flown on the first Apollo spacecraft is illustrated in figure A-1.
This system used two mortar-deployed drogue parachutes, attached by steel- cable
r i s e r s to a single disconnect fitting. Three mortar-deployed pilot parachutes extracted

Figure A-1. - Block I ELS installation.

the three main parachutes that were connected by fabric r i s e r s to a single confluence
fitting. Two harness legs extended from the confluence fitting down to two upper-deck-
mounted, main- parachute disconnects.

Drogue-Parachute Systems
The drogue parachute, a 13.7-foot-diameter conical ribbon type, was actively
reefed t o 39.3 percent of its nominal diameter by redundant reefing lines with two
8-second reefing cutters per line. This parachute is illustrated in figure A-2. The
drogue-parachute mortar assembly is illustrated in figure A-3. An electric current ~

first initiates burning of pyrotechnics in the pressure cartridges. Expanding gases [

then flow from the breech assembly through a restrictor and into the drogue mortar
tube. As the gas pressure increases in the tube, the sabot assembly, acting as a i
piston, ejects the drogue-parachute pack assembly into the airstream. The inertia in
the system, and the airloads, cause the drogue parachute to be extracted from the 1

deployment bag; the steel-cable portion of the riser, contained in a polyurethane foam
ring, breaks out of the foamed ring- and uncoils. The parachute then goes through a
n o r i a l inflation process.

-Cover I
Deployment bag, Ring, foamed rise;- 1
t t m-drogue parachute

Nominal diameter: 13.7 ft

No. olgores; 16
Constructed porosity: 23 percent
Reeling duration: 8 sec
\ -
s Restrictor

Drag area reefed: 41 ft2

Drag area disreefed: 68 $ Pressure cartridge
Surface area: 146 t12
Figure A-2. - Block I drogue parachute. Figure A-3. - Block I drogue-parachute
mortar assembly.

A- 2
P ilot- Pa rac hUte System
The pilot parachute, which extracts and deploys the main parachute, is illustrated
i n figure A-4. This was a 7.2-foot-diameter ringslot design permanently attached to
the main parachute and main-parachute deployment bag. The pilot-parachute mortar,
pack assembly, and related components are illustrated in figure A-5. As with the
drogue system, the pilot parachute was deployed through the action of expanding gas in
the mortar tube. The pilot parachute then
provided the force required to release the
main-parachute retention system and ex-
tract the main-parachute pack from the CM.
Ring, foamed riser - \\ -h

Pack assembly

Sabot assembly


1 Tebu-J assembly

Parachute type ringslot

Nominal diameter 7 2 fl
No of gores 17
Constructed porosity 22 percent %pilot pressure
@ragarea 24 4 ft2 cartridge

Figure A-4. - Block I pilot parachute. Figure A-5. - Block I pilot-parachute

mortar assembly.

Main- Pa rachute System

The main-parachute system consisted of the three main parachutes, three main-
parachute retention assemblies, a main-parachute harness assembly, and two main-.
parachute .attachment fittings. The Block I main parachute was an 83.5-foot-diameter
ringsail design, actively reefed to 9 . 5 percent of i t s nominal diameter by redundant
reefing lines with three 8-second reefing cutters per line. The final Block I main para-
chute is illustrated in figure A-6 (DR = diameter reefed). The main parachute w a s
packed in a deployment bag retained on the upper deck of the CMagainsttheairlock wall
by the main-parachute retention-flaps assembly (fig. A-7). Force exerted by the pilot

A- 3
- Deployment bag,
main parachute

7.25 Ib I 1 -

125 0 Ib

29.25 I Center flap ?-


Figure A-7. - Block I main-parachute

retention assembly.

parachute released a chain lace securing the
retention-assembly center panel to the two
side flaps and to the upper flap. Release of
the chain lace allowed the center flap to open
outward and release the main-parachute pack.
No. of gores: 68 A s the pilot parachute lifted the main-
Calculated total porosity: 12 percent
Reefing: 7 . 9 R DR (9.5 percent midgore) parachute pack away from the vehicle, the
Reefing duration: 8 sec main parachute was extracted from the de-
Drag area reefed: 353 ftZ ployment bag in an orderly manner beginning
Drag area disreefd: 4MxJ ft2
with the connector links, followed by the
suspension lines, and finally by the canopy.
Figure A-6.- Block I main parachute.

Main -Pa rac h Ute Ha rness Assembly

Two harness legs and a confluence fitting constituted the main-parachute harness
assembly. The harness assembly served as a bridge between the three main-parachute
risers and the harness-attachment fittings.of the vehicle. The main-parachute harness
assembly is illustrated i n figure A-8.

A- 4
Riser to main-oarachute n
pack, +Z bay Main -Pa rac h Ute Attach ment Fitting
Riser to main-
parachute pack, The two main-parachute attachment
fittings were located on the upper deck of
the C M at the base of longerons 3 and 4.
Each of the two fittings was capable of with-
standing the total opening loads generated
by the three main parachutes. A main-
parachute-harness disconnect wasincorpo-
rated into each of these attachment fittings.
This unit included a pyrotechnic pressure
cartridge which, when initiated, drove a
sharp blade into the harness retaining pin,
severing that leg of the harness and releas-
ing it from the vehicle. The main-parachute
attachment fitting and harness disconnect
a r e illustrated in figure A-9. As a safety
feature, the two disconnects received their
current from two separate electrical
Figure A-8. - Block I main-parachute sources; thus, an inadvertent premature
harness assembly. signal would disconnect only one leg of the
harness, and the main parachutes would
remain attached to the CM through the other


pressure A Reefing Cutters
The 8-second reefing-line cutters
used i n the Block I drogue and main para-
chutes were identical and interchangeable.
vehicle The reefing cutters were used to sever the
reefing line, which limited the inflated di-
ameter of the parachute for a predeter-
mined time, thus reducing the parachute
opening loads.

The reefing cutters (fig. A-10) were

contained i n cutter pockets sewed to the
skirt of the parachute. A lanyard was then
attached from the reefing-cutter shear pin
to a suspension line on the parachute. Ten-
sion i n the suspension line caused the lan-
yard to extract the cutter shear pin, cocking
and releasing the cutter firing pin. The
firing pin then struck and detonated a
Figure A-9.- Block I main-parachute primer that ignited an 8-second pyrotechnic
attachment and disconnect fitting. time-delay element in the cutter. At the

A- 5
r M o u n t i n g ring
end of the time-delay burn, a pyrotechnic
charge ignited and caused a cutter blade to
sever the reefing line. This same type of
reefing-line cutter was also used to release
Time-delay compound
(three to four pressings)
the VHF recovery antennas and the flashing
light, allowing them to deploy 8 seconds
Expansion chamber
after the main parachutes were deployed.


Changes made to the spacecraft upper

deck between Blocks I and I1 necessitated
modification of certain components of the
ELS. The docking tunnel was shortened
and the tunnel wall was tapered, significant-
Figure A- 10. - Reefing-line cutter. ly altering the shape of the main-parachute
stowage compartment. A single flowerpot
parachute attachment fitting was incorpor-
ated to replace the drogue-parachute attachment fitting and the two main-parachutk
deck- mounted attachment fittings. The ELS components affected by these changes in-
cluded: (1) the main-parachute deployment bag and retention system, (2) the main-
parachute r i s e r assembly, (3) the drogue-parachute cable- riser assembly, and (4) the
pilot-parachute mortar tube and breech assembly.

The general arrangement of the Block I1 ELS installed on the upper deck is de-
picted in figure A- ll. The Block I1 installation used the available volume in the forward
compartment more efficiently than did the Block I system. The incorporation of the
flowerpot parachute attachment fitting elim-
inated the large, bulky, two-leg, main-
parachute harness assembly and the
-Sea recovery confluence fitting and provided for much
better stowage of both the main- and drogue-
parachute r i s e r s .

Main-Parachute Deployment Bag

and Retention System
The main-parachute deployment bag
w a s generally reconfigured to fit the shape
of the Block I1 stowage compartment. The
net result was a Block I1 bag that was
shorter and wider than the Block I configura-
LUprighting bags tion. This change in shape resulted in the
under main parachutes
parachute Parachute
(three places) incorporation of a side-opening bag instead
of the Block I bottom-opening deployment
Figure A-11. - Block I1 ELS general bag.

A- 6
The Block I main-parachute retention flaps were replaced by a series of fabric-
covered, spring steel straps attached to the upper-deck structure. These straps were
then chain-laced by an interlocking length of cord to loops sewed to the face of the main-
parachute deployment bag (fig. A-12). Because the Block I retention flaps also pro-
vided environmental/thermal protection for the main parachutes, eliminating these
flaps necessitated the incorporation of these protective features into the Block II de-
ployment bag. This task was accomplished by adding a layer of 1/4-inch Dacron felt
to the walls of the deployment bag.

Figure A- 12. - Block II main-parachute deployment bag and retention system.

The Block II main-parachute deployment bag was a significant improvement over

the Biock I configuration. Because the new end-opening bag provideci a constant cross
section area as viewed through the open end, it was superior for packing the parachute
at a high density with minimal packing damage. The elimination of retention flaps re-
duced the amount of retention lacing and provided a much more efficient installation in
t e r m s of material required to retain the main-parachute packs on the spacecraft.

A- 7
Block I 1 Parachute Riser Assemblies
The Block II main parachutes incorporated r i s e r assemblies composed of steel
cable and fabric that attached each of the three parachutes directly to the CM. The
steel-cable portion was 80 inches long and was composed of six 0.28-inch-diameter
cables, assembled with swaged-steel end fittings. These end fittings were designed to
attach one end of the cable riser to the flowerpot fitting on the CM and to attach the
other end to the main-parachute fabric r i s e r . The entire cable riser, except the end
fittings, was encased in a thermally fitted, polyolefin sleeve to maintain the six indi-
vidual wire cables in their relative positions during stowage and deployment. The
fabric portion of the main-parachute r i s e r assembly remained generally the same as
in the Block I configuration, except for a slight reduction in length.

The drogue-parachute steel riser consisted of three 0.28-inch-diameter cables

with swaged-steel end fittings. With two exceptions, the basic cable configuration re-
mained the same for Blocks I and 11. The lower end fitting was redesigned on the
Block 11 version f o r compatibility with the CM flowerpot attachment fitting, and the
basic cable strength was slightly upgraded through selection control to satisfy the
Block 11 abrasion criteria.

P il ot-P a rac hute Morta r Assembly

The Block I1 pilot-parachute assembly, thermally insulated deployment bag,
fabric r i s e r , and steel riser were identical to the Block I version. The changes incor-
porated into the Block 11 pilot-parachute mortar assembly included the following.

1. The opposing-cartridge breech configuration was replaced by a side-by-side

cartridge arrangement and an eroding-type orifice to obtain the required muzzle veloc-
ity within the allowable reaction-load limits.

2. A s opposed to the deck-rail installation used on Block I, the mortar-mounting

provisions were changed to install the pilot mortars on the forward-compartment longe-
rons. This change allowed for more efficient use of the available volume and provided
added volume for the main-parachute pack assemblies.


Because of the increase i n CM weight, which occurred after completion of quali-

fication of the original Block I1 ELS, modification of the parachute system was necessary
to increase its capability to recover the heavier CM. The major changes were associated
with a redesign of the main-parachute reefing system to achieve a second reefing stage
and with an increase in the size of the drogue parachutes. A modification was also
made to the pilot-parachute assembly to assure adequate strength i n the r i s e r .

Although the incorporation of the Block I1 forward-heat-shield-separation-

augmentation system was not directly associated with the CM weight increase, it was
also developed and qualified during the Increased Capability Block 11 program.

A- a
Two- Stage Main -Pa rachUte Reefing
The significant difference between the Reefin
original Block II main parachute and the In- line B Reefing
creased capability Block II main parachute Reefing cutter Reefing
line A
was the incorporation of two-stage reefing.
The two-stage reefing system, illustrated
in figure A- 13, reduced the peak opening First stage Second stage
loads generated by each of the main para-
chutes. The incorporation of the additional
reefing stage reduced the initial drag area
present at high-dynamic pressures and then Line A
allowed the parachute to inflate to a larger - Shorter length (264 in.)
intermediate drag area before inflating to 6-second cutters

a full-open condition. The first- and Line B

Lonyr length 1780 in.)
second-stage disreefings were timed to oc-
cur as the dynamic pressure decreased to
near-minimum levels. These times were
established at 6 and 10 seconds after initial
10-second cutters

parachute deployment, o r 6 and 10 seconds

after line stretch.
The two-stage reefing system incor-
porated dual reefing rings mounted on the
skirt of the parachute canopy. The reefing-
Full open
cutter mounting provisions and midgore
reefing concept remained essentially un-
changed from the Blocks I and II configura- Figure A- 13. - Main-parachute
two-stage reefing.
tions. Redundant reefing lines were used
for the first stage because analysis showed Stage U reefing line-
that bypassing this stage of inflation could
generate loads that would destroy the para-
chute. This redundancy was not needed for
the second stage; therefore, only a single
reefing line w a s incorporated.

A typical reefing-line installation at

a first-stage cutter position is illustrated
in figure A-14. The first-stage reefing
lines are threaded through the lower holes
of the reefing rings. One of these lines
passes through the 6-second cutter in the
conventional manner; the other line by-
passes this cutter and passes through iden-
tical 6-second cutters located on other
gores. The second-stage reefing line is
routed through the upper holes of the reef-
ing rings, bypassing the 6-second cutters
and passing through 10-second cutters
mounted i n the same manner on other Figure A- 14.- Reefing-line installation
gores. for two-stage reefing.

Although single-stage reefing of parachutes has become a rather common practice
f o r reducing opening loads, the use of two-stage reefing was virtually untried before its
incorporation in the Block 11 system. This system proved to be effective and reliable ,
i n reducing the parachute opening load below what otherwise would have been encoun- I
tered because of the increased weight of the CM. The final Block 11 main-parachute
configuration is illustrated in figure A- 15.

Deployment bag, Reefing-Cutter Modifications

main parachute
The time intervals of 6 seconds f o r the
43.5 i n . 4 TI- first stage and 4 additional seconds f o r the
second stage were selected for the reefing
of the main parachute. Because the relia-
bility of the mechanical functions of the
8-second reefing cutters was amply demon-
Mal n strated on the Blocks I and 11 systems, only
the burning r a t e s of the pyrotechnic delay
138.5 Ib elements were modified.

Because two different time-delay reef -

ing cutters were used in each of the main
parachutes and because both had an identi-
c a l physical appearance , the possibility of
inadvertent interchange of the cutters
Link assembly 1.32 Ib existed. To minimize this possibility, a
black oxide was applied to the body of the
6-second first-stage reefing cutters, which,
I I I I in turn, were installed in olive-drab cutter
pockets of the parachute. The 10-second
Nominal diameter: 83.5 ft reefing cutters retained the untreated
No. ofgores: 68
Calculated total porosity: 12 percent finish and were used in natural-colored
Reefing cotton-duck cutter pockets on the parachutes.
First stage 7.0 ft DR1 (8.4 percent midgore)
Second stage 20.7 ft DR2 (24.8 percent m i d p i
Drag area (average)
First stage 285 ft D rogue-P a rac hute Modifications
Second stage 1080 f12
Full o w n : 4200 112
The drogue-parachute design for the
Figure A- 15. - Final Block II main Increased Capability ELS is a 16. 5-foot-
parachute. diameter, 25" conical-ribbon parachute
illustrated i n figure A- 16. Except f o r the
increase i n size and subsequent drag area,
geometric differences in the canopy f r o m the original Block I1 design were minimal.
A comparative summary of the original Block 11 and the Increased Capability Block I1
drogue-parachute design is presented i n table A-I.

Several significant departures f r o m Block I1 construction methods were used to

reduce weight, to minimize volume requirements, and to improve certain design fea-
tures of the parachute. A substantial saving of weight and volume was accomplished
by using continuous horizontal-ribbon construction in much of the canopy. The u s e of

A- 10
Deployment bag,
drogue parachute continuous ribbons with a single-lap splice
eliminated the added material previously
required to make multiple-gore splices.

A second significant departure from

the original Block I1 configuration was the
incorporation of an integrated suspension-
line/riser design, with an extension of the
suspension lines forming the riser. The
elimination of the suspension- line- to- ri s e r
connection and the use of multiple strands
of braided cord instead of the webbing riser
used in the Block 11 construction allowed a
weight saving of approximately 1 . 5 pounds.

The 16.5-foot-diameter drogue para-

chutes were reefed at 4 2 . 8 percent of their
nominal diameter f o r 10 seconds. The
Nominal diameter: 16.5 fl
No. of gores: 20 10-second reefing cutter used in the drogue
Constructed porosity 22 percent parachutes was identical to the reefing cut-
Reefed duration: 10 sec
Drag area reefed: 65 ft2 ter used in the main-parachute second-stage
reefing system.

Figure A- 16. - Final Block 11 drogue




Drogue-parachute characteristics Block I1 Increased Capability Block I1

Nominal diameter, ft ......... 13.7 16.5

Gores, number ........... 16 20

Drag area, sq ft . . . . . . . . . . . 68 114

Total porosity, percent . . . . . . . 23 22.4

Gore construction . . . . . . . . . . . Spliced horizontals Continuous horizontals

Riser material. . . . . . . . . . . . . Dacron webbing Continuation of suspension lines

Suspension-line material . . . . . . . Nylon cord Nylon cord

Rated strength, lb ......... 1500 2500

Maximum design-limit load, lb .... 12 600 17 200

Parachute-assembly weight, lb . . . . 25.4 37.4

Because of an increase in the drogue-parachute design loads from 1 2 600 to
17 200 pounds, the steel-cable portion of the drogue r i s e r had to be strengthened. This
strengthening was accomplished by replacing the three strands of 0.28-inch cable by
four strands of 0.25-inch cable, and by incorporating the necessary changes to the r i s e r
and fittings (fig. A-17). TO reduce the abrasive action between the steel-cable riser
and the spacecraft flowerpot fitting, a lead-
tape wrapping-was added to drogue cable
risers where they contact the flowerpot

180 i n

Drogue Mortar-Assembly
The drogue mortar function for the
Increased Capability Block I1 system was
identical to that of the Blocks I and 11 con-
figurations. The major difference was that
the new mortar assembly was designed to
deploy a larger and a heavier drogue para-
steel cables chute (fig. A-18).

To acquire additional volume for the

larger parachute, the drogue mortar was
increased in diameter from 11.4 to
12.6 inches, and the face of the mortar was
cQntoured to the inner radius of the forward
heat shield. The increase in ejected weight
Block II Increased capability presented a problem in attaining the neces-
Block Ll
s a r y muzzle velocity with the new mortar
Figure A- 17. - Drogue-parachute riser without exceeding the maximum allowable
assembly. reaction load. This task was accomplished
by using an optimized erodible orifice to
regulate the flow of gas from the breech

- 7Breech7 assembly into the mortar tube.

Drogue-parach ute tube
The design, performance, and struc-
tural integrity of the new drogue mortar
were demonstrated satisfactorily and were
qualified on the basis of successful per-
formance during the system-qualification
aerial drop t e s t s and in laboratory mission-
environmental qualification tests. The
mortar configuration remained unchanged
throughout qualification testing.
Riser assembly,
P iIot-P a rac hu t e System
Figure A-18. - Increased Capability
Block II drogue-parachute mortar The pilot-parachute mortar remained
assembly. unchanged from the earlier Block II design.
The significant changes to the assembly

A- 12
-Deployment bag,
pilot parachute
were modifications to strengthen the pilot .33 Ib
parachute. The parachute (fig. A-19) w a s
modified to increase the strength specifica-
tion of the suspension lines from 400 to
600 pounds, and was changed from a
multiple-ply-webbing riser to the integrated
suspension-line and riser configuration
similar to that used on the drogue para-
chute. The multiple-ply-webbing riser de-
sign was unsatisfactory because of
susceptibility to improper manufacturing.
In securing the plies of webbing, uneven
gathering of a single ply of webbing often
occurred. This condition was difficult to
detect by visual inspection and resulted i n
1 ".I in: ,I> Steel riser

1.47 Ib 111 in.

uneven load distribution between the plies I I T
of webbing. Because of this condition, Parachute type ringslot
the r i s e r assembly failed to satisfy the Nominal diameter: 7.2 it
No. of gores: 12
strength requirements. The design Constructed porosity 22 percent
Drag area: 24.4 ft2
changes incorporated into the pilot-
parachute suspension lines and riser re- Figure A- 19. - Final Block 11pilot
solved this deficiency. parachute.

BIock I I Forwa rd-Heat- S hield- Separation -Augmentation System

The incorporation of a forward-heat-shield-separation-augmentation parachute
system i n the Block 11 heat shield was somewhat more complex than the same modifica-
tion to the Block I system. The conical shape of the Block I forward heat shield allowed
for installation of the parachute mortar assembly directly under the apex of the cover.
With the Block II docking provisions, the forward heat shield assumed the shape of a
frustum that required the separation-augmentation mortar assembly to be installed on
the inner wall of the heat shield. This installation was further complicated by the re-
quirement to delay the mortar firing until
the forward heat shield had sufficiently sep-
arated from the CM to allow the parachute
pack assembly to be ejected through the
docking tunnel opening in the heat shield
without impacting the top of the docking tun- Mortar
ne1 (fig. A-20). This requirement was met
by incorporating a time-delay firing circuit,
activated by lanyards attached to the for-
ward heat shield. The firing current w a s
transmitted from the CM to the forward-
heat- shield mortar pyrotechnic initiators
through a n umbilical which was deployed
from the heat shield as it separated from
the CM. Because the mortar w a s mounted
on the inner wall of the heat shield, the in-
stallation of a ramp above the mortar was
necessary to deflect the parachute pack s o
that it would pass through the docking tun- Figure A-20. - Block 11 forward-heat-
ne1 opening in the heat shield. shield mortar installation.

A-1 3
The parachute used was a convention-
al Apollo 7.2-foot-diameter ringslot para-
chute identical to that used to extract the
main parachutes. To reduce the loads,
Ring, foamed riser- Cover 7
the parachute incorporated fixed o r perma-
nent reefing to reduce its effective drag
area. Because of volume limitation in the
CM forward compartment, the convention- I
al cylindrically- shaped pilot mortar could
not be used. By relocating certain equip-
ment in the forward compartment, it was
possible to install the elliptically shaped

forward-heat- shield mortar assembly LOrifice
illustrated in figure A-21. The Block II Pressure cartridge (two each, not shown)
forward- heat- shield- separation- Breech
augmentation system was successfully dem-
onstrated during the Increased Capability Figure A-21. - Block I1 forward-heat-
Block I1 test program. shield mortar assembly.

A- 14


Each component of the Block I, Block 11, and Increased Capability Block 11 ELS
was subjected to extensive testing during the developmental and qualification phases of
the programs. Considerably more developmental testing was associated with the
Block I effort because this program established the basic designs from which the
Block 11 and the Increased Capability Block 11 system evolved. However, the same
general approach and testing techniques were applied during each of the three programs.

A s the programs progressed, when defining the test requirements associated

with the modifications made to the system, much consideration was given to test data
generated during the preceding ELS programs. During each of the programs, before
qualification testing, each component had to demonstrate a sufficiently high degree of
performance and reliability during developmental o r prequalification testing.

In defining the tests for the ELS, two basic requirements had to be satisfied.
One requirement was to demonstrate that each component and subassembly of the total
system was capable of withstanding the total-mission environment and functioning prop-
erly with adequate margins and within specified tolerances. The second requirement
was to demonstrate that the total system would function properly in all potential flight
modes and that a safe interface existed between the various components of the CM and
the parachute recovery system.

The nature of the ELS made it impractical to combine these two requirements
into a single test program where the parts could be subjected to mission environments
in a laboratory and then to operating conditions in an aerial drop test. Considering
also such factors as the amount of time and handling required between the laboratory
and the test, this approach would not have been valid, nor would the results have been
representative of conditions encountered in an actual mission. Therefore, two separate
and somewhat independent test programs had to be conducted, that is, the aerial drop
tests and the laboratory tests.


The laboratory testing conducted during the program was generally confined to
individual component and lower assembly-level tests. Each component was evaluated
in t e r m s of potential loss of strength or performance (or both) resulting from exposure
to the environments of the Apollo mission and the interface between that component and
the spacecraft. In the laboratory, much effort was expended in testing various compo-
nents to support the selection of the most promising designs, to support the failure
analyses, and to obtain performance data on new designs. A f t e r each component had
demonstrated the required level of performance, it was subjected to qualification testing.
Each qualification test article w a s manufactured, inspected, and accepted as if it were
spacecraft hardware. During the qualification tests, if any item failed to meet the

B- 1,
prescribed levels of performance, the failure was formally reported, and a thorough
analysis was performed to determine the exact cause and the necessary corrective

The laboratory qualification tests performed on the various components of the

Block I ELS are summarized in table B-I. Laboratory testing on the original Block I1
system was centered mainly around the changes made between Blocks I and 11. This
testing included the redesigned main-parachute deployment bag, the main-parachute
steel-cable riser, and the redesigned pilot-parachute mortar.


Component Test conditions

Textile materials Temperature and vacuum

Suspension-line connector links Structural

Pilot steel-cable r i s e r Structural and abrasion

Drogue steel-cable riser Structural and abrasion

Main-parachute harness Structural and abrasion

Vehicle harness-attachment fitting Structural

Main- parac hute r i s e r Structural and abrasion

Main-parachute retention assembly Humidity, acceleration, vibration, thermal

vacuum , high temperatu r e

Reefing-line cutters Humidity, acceleration, thermal vacuum, drop,

high temperature, low temperature, physical

Pilot- mortar assembly Humidity, vibration, thermal vacuum, high

temperature, low temperature
Drogue-mortar assembly Humidity, vibration, thermal vacuum, high
temperature, low temperature
Main-parachute disconnect assembly Humidity, vibration, thermal vacuum, high
temperature, low temperature, immersion


During the original Block II program, emphasis w a s placed on ground testing to
thoroughly evaluate the changes made from the Block I design. These ground t e s t s
were used extensively to obtain comparative performance data on several main-
parachute-deployment-bag configurations being considered. The ground-test approach
considerably reduced the number of required aerial drop tests and reduced the program

Following the decision to modify the Block I1 ELS to increase its capability to re-
cover the heavier CM, the establishment of ground-test requirements was necessary.
Because each component of the ELS had been qualified previously for use on manned
spacecraft, the extent to which retest was necessary was governed strictly by the na-
ture and the extent of individual component redesign. F o r example, modifications
were made to the reefing cutters to vary the delay time from 8 to 6 and 1 0 seconds.
This change affected only the pyrotechnic time-delay element in the cutter, not the
structure o r actuating mechanism. Therefore, the redesign reefing cutters were sub-
jected only to the mission-environmental test conditions that could influence the per-
formance of the time-delay element, that is, acceleration, high and low temperature,
and high humidity.

Those components requiring major redesign, such as the drogue-parachute

mortar assembly, were subjected to extensive laboratory tests. In such cases, the
verification of the structural adequacy, performance characteristics, and overall re-
liability of the redesigned components over a wide range of mission conditions was
necessary. Much of this laboratory work had to be accomplished before integration of
the particular components into the aerial drop tests.


The aerial drop tests were conducted at the A i r Forcernavy Joint Parachute Test
Facility, El Centro, California. This facility was ideally equipped for Apollo-type drop
testing because it provided a fully instrumental test range, an onsite shop, and adminis-
trative office space. Sources for data acquisition included ground- to-air and air-to-air
photographic coverage, ground cine- theodolite tracking stations, and a telemetry
ground station. In addition, the El Centro test facility provided many of the drop air-
craft and the test-vehicle ground-handling equipment. All BP vehicle drop tests were
made from a modified C-133A aircraft provided by NASA and manned by contractor
Three basic types of vehicles used in the aerial drop tests included an instru-
mented cylindrical test vehicle (ICTV), a parachute test vehicle (PTV), and the boiler-
plate (BP) test vehicles. Often referred to as a bomb-drop vehicle, the ICTV w a s
simple in concept, rugged in construction, and low in cost (fig. B-1). The ICTV was
used on tests where the CM interface was not a consideration and where it provided
simplicity; minimizing test-preparation time. These vehicles were usually equipped
for telemetry and m5aard photographic dzita acquisition.

B- 3
Figure B-1. - Instrumented cylindrical test vehicle.

Well suited for testing at the total-system level, the PTV was designed to simu-
late the major features of the spacecraft upper deck (fig. B-2). Below the deck level,
the PTV was a simple cone shape of sturdy construction to eliminate impact damage.
Because the total drag area of the PTV was much less than that of a CM, this vehicle
was well suited for conducting system-level tests at dynamic pressure conditions above
the limits for spacecraft.

Figure B-2. - Parachute test vehicle.

The BP test vehicle was the most elaborate spacecraft- representative test vehicle
used in the parachute drop tests (fig. B-3). The test accurately simulated the CM
weight, the center of gravity, and the geometric profile. In addition to testing the total
parachute recovery system, the test could incorporate the forward-heat-shield jettison.
A l l the various components interfacing with the ELS (location aids, vehicle-uprighting
bags, and other spacecraft components) that could affect, or be affected by, the para-
chutes were installed on the BP. The BP was the first vehicle in which the spacecraft-
configuration ELS sequence controller performed the system-sequencing functions.
Instrumentation in the BP w a s similar to that used on the PTV, consisting primarily of
telemetry and onboard cameras.

Figure B- 3. - Boilerplate test vehicle.


During the Blocks I and 11programs, the aerial drop tests were classified as being
either developmental tests o r qualification tests. Developmental tests were further
grouped into individual test series according to specific test objectives.

The aeria1,drop tests made during the Block I developmental program a r e illus-
trated in figure B-4. During the first year of the Block I developmental effort, many
single- main-parachute ICTV drop tests were made to evaluate various main-parachute
design concepts. In 1963, much of the developmental testing consisted of multiple
1%2 1963 1964 1%5
eries Series objectives
1 Preliminary developmental tests, one T
main parachute
3 Developmental tests, one main parachute m T lCTV
6 Developmental tests, one main parachute m nmm T T ? W v PN
A BP test
7 Developmental tests, three main cluster V W vehicle
13 Developmental tests, three main cluster vv
17 Drogue tests, one and two parachutes v v V

18 Drogue tests, one parachute v v v

24 Drogue tests, one and two parachutes V v v .v
26 Modified main parachute i n clusters Wl
28 System test 7

29 Main-parachute design-verification tests T T T W

40 Main-parachute improvement tests T T 7
41 Main-parachute improvement tests T T T T T
44 Main-parachute improvement tests TTTTTVTT
46 Main-parachute strength verification m T T
48 Drogue-parachute design verification vv v c 7 0

50 BP total-system developmental tests AA A M A A& A A A A

Figure B-4. - Block I developmental drop-test summary.

parachute (cluster) t e s t s and the higher-level system tests. During these tests, the
main-parachute-cluster interference problems became a concern. Several two-main-
parachute ICTV drop tests were conducted during the first 6 months of 1964 to evaluate
the main-parachute modifications incorporated to improve cluster inflation. Following
a limited s e r i e s of total-system verification tests, the Block I developmental drop test
was concluded early in 1965 with drop tests to demonstrate the ultimate strength capa-
bility of the drogue- and main-parachute designs.

A s the time approachdd f o r the qualification aerial drop tests to begin to support
the spacecraft flights, certain qualifiable configuration components apparently were
not going to be available f o r the initial tests. Problems encountered during the latter
part of the developmental program required that some late changes be made to certain
components; time was insufficient to incorporate all these changes in the initial system-
qualification drop tests. Although a basic rule for qualification testing states that items
subject to qualification be of the spacecraft configuration, compelling schedules neces-
sitated initiation of total-system testing with certain items that were not yet in a quali-
fiable configuration. These items included the drogue and pilot mortar cartridges,
the main-parachute disconnect and cartridge, and the reefing-line cutters. The use of
these interim components was permitted on the basis of similarity to final design and
on the fact that the flight items were to be subjected to laboratory qualification tests.
The plan w a s to phase the final-design components into the qualification drop-test
program at the earliest date.

B- 7

From May 6, 1965, to February 24, 1966, 12 aerial drop tests were made to
complete qualification of the Block I ELS and to rate the system suitable for manned
flights. A summary of this program is presented in table B-11.


62-1 1 /“E
1 5-6-65

1 Normal entr)
a1ti tude


62-2 I 8-5-65

Pad a b o r t


62-3A I 9-23-65 IPadabort

‘62-4 [ 10-8-65 INormal entry



62-9 1 2-24-66 lkiigh-

a b o r t (one

aDynamic p r e s s u r e . b T e s t 62-3 p r o g r a m e r parachute failed to disconnect. ‘Test 62-4 failed to m e e t requifed t e s t conditions

The drop-test conditions were established to demonstrate the system under as

many operational flight conditions as possible. The following test conditions were
selected for the qualification drop tests.

1. Normal-entry simulations - three tests

2. High-altitude-abort simulation - two tests
3. Medium-altitude-abort simulations - two tests
4. Pad-abort simulations - two t e s t s
5. High-altitude-abort simulation with one drogue parachute - one test
Although 10 tests were planned in this series, 1 2 t e s t s were actually conducted because
of failure on two occasions to achieve the desired test conditions.

In these tests, the service ceiling of the C-133 drop-test aircraft (30 000-feet
maximum altitude) and other limitations would not allow complete duplication of the
operational flight modes. F o r example, i n an operational normal entry o r high-altitude
abort, the drogue parachutes would normally be deployed by closure of the high-altitude
baroswitches at approximately 24 000 feet. In a drop-test simulation of these opera-
tional modes, the BP test vehicle w a s released at 30 000 feet. To allow for a minimum
auxiliary-brake parachute- stabilization interval and some-finite free-fall interval to
achieve the required dynamic pressure condition, drogue-parachute deployment (initi-
ated by an auxiliary events controller) had to be delayed to altitudes moderately below
the normal 24 000-foot level. A s a result, two compromises were made in the total
performance of the ELS, that is, recovery was not initiated by the sequence-controller
barometric switches, and the normal drogue-parachute operating interval was reduced
from a normal 50 to 55 seconds to approximately 25 seconds. The first compromise
w a s reconciled by monitoring the sequence controllers for proper closure of the baro-
metric switches, thus acquiring evidence of satisfactory performance. Analysis
showed that the lack of the full drogue interval would not have a significant effect on
the test conditions at the time of main-parachute deployment because there would be
no substantial improvement in vehicle dynamic stability after the 25-second test inter-
val. Secondly, the shorter drogue interval represented a more demanding condition
pertaining to total-system operation than that which would be experienced in a compara-
ble spacecraft operation.

Although desired dynamic pressure and vehicle attitude could be programed into
the tests, a representative flight-path angle could not be achieved. Also, the marginal
stability of the BP vehicles made the acquisition of desired initial attitudes and CM
dynamics at the end of long free-fall intervals very difficult. At the end of the free-
fall interval, these test limitations generally resulted in vehicle dynamics more severe
than those predicted for an actual mission. Because the test conditions were more
severe than those the spacecraft would experience, the tests were judged as a satisfac-
tory demonstration of the systems capabilities.

With the exception of a minor modification in the main-parachute retention sys-

tem incorporated in the last four tests, the remaining six qualification drop tests were
conducted with the final Block I ELS configuration.


The major changes f r o m the Block I to the Block 11 ELS concerned the redesigned
main-parachute deployment bag and retention system, the steel-cable main-parachute
riser, the flowerpot parachute-attachment fitting, and the modified pilot-parachute
mortar. The Block 11 developmental drop-test program was oriented to demonstrate
that these modifications did not degrade the strength o r the performance of the system
in any way.

The developmental drop-test program was originally planned as a s e r i e s of three,

single, main-parachute PTV tests. However, during the second test of the series, a
strength deficiency was found in the main-parachute canopy, and three interim tests
were conducted to demonstrate the adequacy of the f i x to the main parachute before
conducting the final test of the developmental test series.


From October 19, 1966, to January 17, 1967, a series of four total-system
aerial drop tests was conducted using the BP-6 vehicle, modified to the Block 11 con-
figuration. This s e r i e s of tests (table B-111) completed qualification on what was then
believed to be the final ELS. Before entering this test series, a basic ground rule was
established stating that only qualified o r qualifiable parachute system components and
installation specifications would be used in the test series. This policy was maintained
throughout the test series; in contrast to the Block I test series, no configuration
changes were made to the hardware during the Block 11 qualification drop-test program.



Parachute disconnect Drogue mortar f i r e Pilot mortar f i r e

Test Recovery Forward-
Iste Simulation weight, ~~~~~d Altitude, qa, Time, Altitude, qa, Time, Altitude, qa, Time,
Ib jettison It x IO3 lb/ft2 It x IO3 lb/ft2 It x l o 3 lb/ft2

13-4 10-19-66 High-altitude 1 1 000 No 26.8 37.6 24.7 22. 5 114.8 36.4 10.8 50.1 75. 6
73-1 12-1-66 Pad abort with 11 785 Yes 8.9 46.4 73.08 8. 5 58.8 74.8 7.9 68.4 76.8
short drogue
73-3 12-20-66 Medium-altitude 1 1 785 Yes 19.2 46.7 49.7 18.7 53.251.5 4.4 49.7 101.8
abort with

73-5 1-17-67 Normal entry 1 1 785 Yes 25.0 70.1 29. 5 24.4 76.7 31.3 10.6 51. 6 80.4

'Dynamic pressure.

A second basic difference between the Blocks I and I1 test programs was an
attempt in Block 11 to eliminate the off-limit and overtest conditions prevalent in the
Block I series. Two of the Block I tests had to be repeated, and other t e s t s were
difficult to rationalize as fully valid because of their severity. In the Block I effort,
long free-fall periods, used to obtain high dynamic pressures, often resulted in a very
unstable vehicle and higher- than-desired dynamic pressures. In the Block 11 effort,
smaller programer parachutes were used; they remained attached to the vehicle and
remained operative until attaining the desired test conditions and attaining the initiation
of the recovery sequence. This technique permitted control over the attitude of the
vehicle and over body r a t e s to the point where the ELS functions began. This technique
resulted in near-nominal and sometimes below-nominal conditions for certain flight
modes; however, the t e s t s were far more representative of spacecraft conditions than
were many of the Block I tests.

B- 10
The Block II qualification drop tests were also characterized by two added opera-
tional simulations not demonstrated i n Block I. The first simulation involved an early
manual main-parachute deployment whereby the crew elects to override the automatic
sequence. This operation results i n a short drogue-parachute interval. The second
simulation concerned the main-parachute inhibit mode whereby the crew elects to delay
automatic main-parachute deployment and to extend the drogue interval. This tech-
nique could be used to avoid drifting back to a land landing in the event of a near-pad

One aspect of the Block II qualification drop tests, which might be considered as
being off -limit, concerned test-vehicle recovery weight. Although the specifications
still reflected a maximum vehicle weight of 11 000 pounds at the time of the tests, the
projected weight for Block II spacecraft had risen to 11 785 pounds. The three final
tests were conducted with the vehicle at this increased weight.
The results obtained from the Block I1 qualification drop tests demonstrated the
capability of the Block I1 ELS to land the CM safely under the conditions stipulated in
the specifications.


The a e r i a l drop t e s t s conducted in support of the Increased Capability Block 11

program began on July 10, 1967, and continued until July 17, 1968, when the final
parachute drop test was completed at El Centro, California. The developmental and
design-verification tests were established as five series, identified as 80, 81, 82, 83,
and 84 (fig. B-5). The individual tests in each s e r i e s were identified by dash numbers
(80-1, 80-2, et cetera). A 99 s e r i e s w a s later added to augment the drogue-parachute

1967 1968

80 Reefing evaluation, single TTTTTT T

81 Reefing evaluation, iwo- T TTT
parachute cluster v PN
a2 Main-parachute strength Y T Y T
a3 Main-parachute cluster V
test, missed second-
stage reefing (one of
three parachutes)
84 Total-system test, two v v
drogues, two and three
main parachutes
w Drogue-parachute strength T T T T
verification, two-para-
chute cluster
- I

Figure B- 5. - Increased Capability Block II developmental drop-test summary.

The 80 and 81 s e r i e s were quite similar in that both were aimed at developing
the two-stage main-parachute reefing system. The 80 s e r i e s was single main-
parachute tests; on the other hand, the 81 s e r i e s used clusters of two main parachutes.
In the 80 series, Seven single parachute tests were conducted with the primary objec-
tives being to confirm the effective canopy drag areas and load estimates, to determine
f i l l rates, to establish the time interval for the reefed stages, and to determine the
second-stage reefing-line load. Four 81 series cluster tests were conducted to evalu- I
ate staged reefing with a cluster of two parachutes, representing the design condition,
to establish reefed load sharing, to determine quantitatively the effect of nonsynchro-
nous deployment and disreef, and to obtain further verification of selected reefing I


Using single main parachutes and the ICTV, the 82 s e r i e s were verification tests
of canopy strength. This s e r i e s consisted of four tests conducted to demonstrate the
ultimate load-carrying capability of the main parachute in the first-stage reefed con-
dition, the second-stage reefed condition, and the full-open condition. I

The 83 and 84 s e r i e s were similar because both were combined drogue and clus-
tered main-parachute tests using the PTV. The 83 s e r i e s was planned primarily as
developmental type tests to establish drogue reefing parameters and t o obtain additional
performance data on main-parachute clusters. The planned 84 series w a s to have been
conducted with final spacecraft-configuration hardware and w a s to have included drogue-
parachute ultimate-strength verification tests. Because of delays in the test schedule,
the unavailability of spacecraft-configuration hardware, and'the close similarity
between the objectives of the 83 and 84 s e r i e s , only one of the 83-series tests was
actually conducted to demonstrate the effect of a missed second-stage reefing in one of
a cluster of three main parachutes. The test results supported an analysis showing
that the total axial load generated by a single main parachute (in a three-parachute
cluster) would not exceed the structural capability of the parachute if i t prematurely
disreefed from, o r bypassed, the second-stage reefing.

The 83 and 84 s e r i e s were followed by the 99 s e r i e s of supplementary drogue-

parachute-strength verification tests, which included one test to demonstrate drogue-
parachute deployment at an altitude of 40 000 feet. This test simulated a condition
wherein the astronauts would initiate an early drogue-parachute deployment to stabilize
the CM.


On April 4, 1968, the first of a s e r i e s of seven qualification aerial drop t e s t s

was conducted on the final configuration of the ELS. This series was completed on
July 3, 1968, approximately 1 year after formal approval of the ELS increased capa-
bility program and 3 months before the first flight of the system on a manned Apollo

During the qualification tests, each tested component was identical to the space-
craft production design with one minor exception. During the three final tests, strain-
gage link assemblies were incorporated in the main-parachute r i s e r to obtain parachute
load data under simulated operational conditions of the spacecraft.

B- 12
The Increased Capability Block 11 qualification program consisted of the following
tests (table B-IV).
1. Two pad-abort simulations were conducted; one test demonstrated the by-
passed drogue condition. One test included jettison of the forward heat shield.

2. The second test conditions pertained to high-altitude-abort simulations with-

out the forward heat shield. Both t e s t s used only one drogue parachute, and one test
used only two main parachutes.

3. The third test conditions concerned three normal- entry simulations, all
incorporating jettison of the forward heat shield. Two of these tests demonstrated
single-drogue parachute conditions; one of these tests demonstrated the system with
a 1 3 500-pound vehicle recovery weight. The apex-forward attitude of the vehicle,
required to achieve the desired test conditions, prevented the use of the forward-heat-
shield system during three of the tests.

The drop tests made during the qualification series were dispersed as widely as
possible over the potential operational envelopes for the drogue and main parachutes
(figs. B-6(a) and B-6(b)). Included in figure B-6 a r e the test conditions at which the
drogue and main parachutes have been demonstrated during the total system-level (BP
vehicle) tests. Limitations imposed by the drop aircraft prevented drogue-parachute
deployments at the higher altitudes; however, the high-dynamic-pressure conditions
were well demonstrated. For each of the qualification tests, the conditions obtained
were very close to desired values, and no discrepancies of sufficient magnitude were
encountered to invalidate the test o r to prevent fulfilling the test objectives.

On the basis of the performance of the parachute system during each of the
qualification drop tests, and on successful completion of laboratory qualification at
the component and lower-assembly level, the Increased Capability Block II ELS was
verified for use on manned Apollo spacecraft.


85-6 5-14-68 Pad abort 13000 No __ _- __ __ __ __ 10.2 92.3 3.0

85-5 6-6-68 Highaltitude 1 3 000 Yes 29.0 42.7 15.0 19.6 170. 5 36. 5 4.2 63.5 84.8
abort (one

1 85-4 6-li-68 Norniaientry
(one d r o m e ) I
25,fi I
19.6 29.1
4.3 65.1 96. 5

85-7 7-3-68 Highaltitude 1 3 OOO No 28.9 42. 0 20.1 22. 5 149. 5 35.4 4.4 63.3 91.6
abort (one
drogue and
two mains)

aDwarnie p r e s s u r e .

'0 o BP test points
/ Normal entry
r 30000- ,' " and hiah-
High-altitude abort

10000 -

4 .1 .2 .3 .4
,1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7
Mach number Mach number

(a) Drogue parachute. (b) Main parachute.

Figure B-6. - Deployment envelope.




Anomaly Report No. 1


Mission Evaluation Team


James A. McDivitt
Colonel, USAF
Apollo Spacecraft Program


December 1971


The t h r e e main parachutes of t h e Apollo 15 s p a c e c r a f t deployed and

i n f l a t e d p r o p e r l y at approximately 10 000 feet, a l t i t u d e . Films show t h a t
all t h r e e parachutes d i s r e e f e d and opened fully i n t h e proper sequence.
The s p a c e c r a f t and i t s parachutes were obscured by clouds at about 7000
f e e t a l t i t u d e . Upon emerging from t h e clouds a t about 6000 f e e t a l t i t u d e ,
one of t h e t h r e e main parachutes was d e f l a t e d as shown i n f i g u r e 1. The
s p a c e c r a f t and parachute system descended i n t h i s configuration t o water
landing. The t h r e e parachutes were disconnected and one of t h e good main
parachutes was, recovered. The failure occurred a b r u p t l y . A t about t h e
a l t i t u d e and t i m e of t h e f a i l u r e , t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d w a s i n c l o s e
proximity t o t h e s p a c e c r a f t and t h e r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system p r o p e l l a n t
d e p l e t i o n f i r i n g w a s about completed. An i n s p e c t i o n of t h e recovered
parachute showed one o f t h e s i x r i s e r links had a broken s t u d and t h r e e
o t h e r s had cracks. The i n v e s t i g a t i o n of t h e f a i l u r e w a s , t h e r e f o r e , fo-
cused on t h e r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system p r o p e l l a n t d e p l e t i o n f i r i n g , t h e
forward h e a t s h i e l d , and t h e f a i l e d l i n k s .


The e a r t h landing system decelerates and s t a b i l i z e s t h e command mod-

ule t o safe conditions f o r landing. The l a n d i n p sequence i s i n i t i a t e d a t
a nominal a l t i t u d e of 24 000 f e e t with j e t t i s o n i n g of t h e forward h e a t
s h i e l d . Immediately a f t e r s e p a r a t i o n of t h e heat s h i e l d from t h e command
module, a 7.2-foot-diameter parachute i s mortar-deployed from t h e forward
heat s h i e l d . This parachute prevents i n i t i a l recontact between t h e h e a t
s h i e l d and t h e command module.

Two 16.5-foot diameter conical ribbon-type drogue parachutes a r e mor-

tar-deployed 1.6 seconds a f t e r forward heat s h i e l d j e t t i s o n . The drogue
parachutes are deployed i n a reefed condition and, 10 seconds l a t e r , i n -
f l a t e t o t h e f’ully open configuration. The drogue parachutes a r e r e l e a s e d
from t h e command module a t an a l t i t u d e of about 11 000 f e e t . A t drogue
parachute disconnect, t h r e e 7.2-foot diameter r i n r - s l o t p i l o t parachutes
a r e mortar-deployed. The p i l o t parachutes provide t h e force necessary t o
r e l e a s e t h e main parachute r e t e n t i o n system a n d p u l l t h e main parachute
pack assemblies from t h e upper deck. A s t h e mair, parachute packs a r e
p u l l e d away from t h e command module, the parachute.. a r e e x t r a c t e d from
t h e i r deployment bags. Each main parachute i n f l a t e s through two r e e f i n g
s t a g e s t o t h e f’ully open configuration. The t h r e e main parachute assem-
blies ( f i g . 2 ) d e c e l e r a t e t h e command module t o t h e f i n a l descent v e l o c i t y .

Each main parachute canopy c o n s i s t s of twelve r i n g s of s a i l s with

each r i n g divided i n t o 68 gores, The canopy terminates i n 68 suspension


Figtire 1.- Spacecraft descetiding with one main parachute failed

Main parachute



Fabric riser

Steel cable riser
Fabric riser

Figure 2.- Parachute system configuration.

l i n e s which are a t t a c h e d by s i x s t e e l connector l i n k s t o s i x i n d i v i d u a l
l e g s of a f a b r i c r i s e r . The s i x l e g s of t h e f a b r i c r i s e r coverge i n t o
a s i n g l e l e g which connects t o t h e end of a s t e e l c a b l e r i s e r . The t h r e e
s t e e l cable r i s e r s of t h e p a r a c h u t e system coverge and a t t a c h t o t h e com-
mand module through t h e p a r a c h u t e attachment and disconnect assembly.


A d i s c u s s i o n of t h e a n a l y s i s , t e s t s , c o n c l u s i o n s , and c o r r e c t i v e
a c t i o n s a r e contained i n t h i s r e p o r t . A l l times shown i n t h i s r e p o r t
a r e elapsed time from range z e r o . Range zero i s t h e n e a r e s t i n t e g r a l
second p r i o r t o l i f t - o f f .


P e r t i n e n t d a t a and t h e sequence of e v e n t s a r e shown i n f i g u r e 3.

The d a t a showed no abnormal c o n d i t i o n s o r events p r i o r t o t h e f a i l u r e .
About 3.5 seconds b e f o r e t h e f a i l u r e , t h e r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system man-
i f o l d p r e s s u r e a b r u p t l y i n c r e a s e d t o a new l e v e l , i n d i c a t i n g t h e regula-
t o r had closed because a l l t h e o x i d i z e r w a s e x p e l l e d from t h e t a n k s . The
f u e l , however, w a s s t i l l b e i n g e x p e l l e d and was c a l c u l a t e d t o have been
d e p l e t e d about 4.7 seconds a f t e r t h e o x i d i z e r d e p l e t i o n . T h i s w a s based
on a determination of about 7 pounds of f u e l remaining at o z i d i z e r deple-
t i o n . About 8 seconds a f t e r t h e f a i l u r e , t h e r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system
purge was i n i t i a t e d by t h e crew. (The crew w a s unaware of t h e f a i l u r e
u n t i l some time a f t e r t h e purge.) The time of t h e purge i s i n d i c a t e d i n
f i g u r e 3 by t h e abrupt decrease i n system p r e s s u r e .

The f o r c e s a c t i n g upon t h e s p a c e c r a f t at t h e time t h e p a r a c h u t e

f a i l e d were determined from body-mounted accelerometer data. The f o r c e
v e c t o r change a t t h e parachute a t t a c h p o i n t w a s :

This r e s u l t a n t v e c t o r l o c a t e s t h e f a i l e d p a r a c h u t e as shown i n f i g -
ure 4 . The computed f o r c e v e c t o r w a s s u b s t a n t i a t e d by body-mounted r a t e
gyro data.


Figure 5 shows t h e s p a c e c r a f t and lower p a r a c h u t e system when t h e

s p a c e c r a f t was r e l a t i v e l y c l o s e t o l a n d i n g . The following o b s e r v a t i o n s
r e s u l t e d from s t u d y of t h i s f i g u r e and o t h e r photographic d a t a .

clouds ZY5:0Y:12 purge start 295:09:21.8
Last frame on onboard
camera film 295:08:43
First visual Reaction control system
First sighting of Second colored cloud
sighting depletion firing start Spacecraft f ~ b s c ~ by
~ r d Falling object signted below
295:08:05 295:08:22 damage 295:01):15 295:w:za
clouds 2Y5:08:47 the spacecraft 29545%
7 7 I

Pitch rate,



Roll rat.?,
dzylsec ’”:
acceler ation,
1 -5.0

Reaction :%
control 9
Reaction 305 -1
manifold 2 260
pressuree 245
helium 275
t2 r
manifold 1 260 acceleration, 0
psia Reaction
230 pressure, 245 9
psia bus A voltage, control -1
200 system 4000
215 t tank 2 Reaction
200 helium control
’i pressure,
psia lo00
tank 1
pressure, lo00
psia -2

Figure 3 . - Sequence of events during descent on the main parachutes.


Figure 4.- Parachute location at time of failure

a. Apparently t h r e e of t h e s i x legs of t h e f a b r i c riser were t a k i n g
t h e load.

b. There was no s i g n i f i c a n t canopy damage observed.

c. About two-thirds of t h e suspension l i n e s appeared t o be missing.


The Command Module P i l o t , while looking through t h e l e f t - h a n d rendez-

vous window, w i t n e s s e d t h e j e t t i s o n i n g o f t h e h e a t s h i e l d and t h e deploy-
ment of t h e drogue p a r a c h u t e s ; b o t h f u n c t i o n s appeared nominal. A f e w
seconds a f t e r drogue p a r a c h u t e r e l e a s e , t h e Command Module P i l o t observed
t h e deployment of t h e main parachutes i n t h e r e e f e d c o n d i t i o n . The para-
chutes maintained t h e r e e f e d c o n d i t i o n , a f t e r which d i s r e e f i n g o c c u r r e d ,
and a l l three p a r a c h u t e s i n f l a t e d normally. Following t h i s e v e n t , t h e
crewmen were performing v a r i o u s c o c k p i t t a s k s which i n c l u d e d t h e r e a c t i o n
c o n t r o l system d e p l e t i o n f i r i n g . After t h e completion of the f i r i n g , t h e
Command Module P i l o t observed t h a t t h e parachute had f a i l e d . A t t h e same
t i m e , he n o t i c e d t h e normal brown o x i d i z e r cloud from t h e purge. Other
f u n c t i o n s through l a n d i n g were nominal except that t h e l a n d i n g w a s harder
t h a n normal.


The p i l o t s and c o p i l o t s of t h r e e of the recovery h e l i c o p t e r s (Swim 2 ,

Photo, and Relay) observed t h e s p a c e c r a f t between main p a r a c h u t e opening
and l a n d i n g . The l o c a t i o n s of t h e recovery f o r c e s at t h e t i m e of t h e anom-
a l y are shown i n figure 6. The o b s e r v a t i o n s of t h e three h e l i c o p t e r crews
show that t h e anomaly occurred a t approximately 6000 feet and t h a t t h e
forward heat s h i e l d w a s f a l l i n g i n c l o s e proximity t o t h e s p a c e c r a f t , b u t
s l i g h t l y out of p l a n e from the o b s e r v e r ' s viewpoint. The h e l i c o p t e r crews
observed t h e brownish cloud and p u f f s of w h i t e smoke which normally occur
during t h e r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system purge.

The swimmers s u c c e s s f u l l y recovered one of t h e main parachutes and

t h e forward heat s h i e l d , although t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d parachute was
subsequently l o s t d u r i n g t h e recovery o p e r a t i o n s . An experienced para-
c h u t i s t who w a s a member of t h e recovery team s t a t e d t h a t t h e forward
heat s h i e l d p a r a c h u t e appeared t o be i n good c o n d i t i o n , with no t e a r s i n
t h e canopy nor broken shroud l i n e s .



0 0
m se
r o
m aN
24 0
0 d

. . -
0 0
.E 0
m e Qa


The recovered main parachute which had not f a i l t ? d w a s i n s p e c t e d and

t h e r e s u l t s of t h e i n s p e c t i o n were:

a. Nine consecutive suspension l i n e s were c u t approximately 1.9 feet.

above t h e r i s e r / s u s p e n s i o n - l i n e connector l i n k . A d d i t i o n a l l y , some 25
f e e t of l i n e w a s missing from e a c h . o f t h e c u t suspension l i n e s . (Lines
were c u t by N a @ swimmers t o free t h e parachute from t h e command module. )

b . Gore 11 of p a n e l 9 had a tear approximately 1 2 inches by 1 2 i n -

ches which d i d not appear t o have been caused by stress o r f r i c t i o n burn-
i n g , but probably occurred d u r i n g r e t r i e v a l .

c . Gore 55 o f p a n e l 5 had a n 8-inch h o r i z o n t a l t e a r which a l s o ap-

peared t o be . t h e r e s u l t of r e t r i e v a l o r p o s t f l i g h t h a n d l i n g o p e r a t i o n s
r a t h e r t h a n t h a t of f l i g h t damage,

d. There were numerous small (1/16-inch t o 1 / h c i n c h ) h o l e s . i n t h e

canopy. (These were probably caused by p o s t f l i g h t handling. )

e . The p i l o t p a r a c h u t e and riser were i n e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , a n d

t h e main parachute deployment bag had only minimal (normal) damage.

f. The canopy w a s s t a i n e d w i t h o i l and g r e a s e .

g. A broken r i s e r / s u s p e n s i o n - l i n e connector l i n k w a s found a f t e r

t h e p r o t e c t i v e Dacron b o o t i e had been removed ( f i g . 7 ) .

h . Evidence of high temperature was noted on t h e Dacron r i s e r pro-

t e c t i v e cover ( f i g . 8) and t h e Dacron connector l i n k b o o t i e .


The o v e r a l l appearance of t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d was c o n s i s t e n t

w i t h t h a t of t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d s p r e v i o u s l y recovered. The heat
s h i e l d w a s examined for evidence of foreign material and none w a s f’Jund.
The f o l l o w i n g s p e c i f i c p o i n t s were noted:

a. The l e a d i n g edge s e a l was not damaged.

b . Parachute c a b l e r i s e r marks were p r e s e n t on t h e o u t s i d e of t h e

forward heat s h i e l d . These marks occurred as a r e s u l t o f t h e normal f c r -
ward h e a t s h i e l d p a r a c h u t e deployment.


Figure 7 .- Main parachute connector link failure.

c . The forward h e a t s h i e l d mortar had f i r e d and t h e ramp had i t s
normal s c r a t c h e s . One pyrotechnic connector w a s b e n t , probably as a r e -
sult of ground handling.

d. The h a n d r a i l had been s e v e r e l y h e a t e d and approximately 7 inches

o f r a i l w a s missing. This c o n d i t i o n w a s caused by r e e n t r y h e a t i n g .

e. The minus Z s i d e w a s s l i g h t l y f l a t t e n e d from impact w i t h t h e


f . The lanyards and p i n s from t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d switch appeared

t o be normal.

g. The u m b i l i c a l s appeared t o be normal.

h. A s l i c e from t h e base of t h e a b l a t o r ( 7 inches by 1 . 5 i n c h e s by

0.75 i n c h ) on t h e p l u s Z s i d e was m i s s i n g , b u t t h e room-temperature vul-
canizing s e a l was undamaged. The damage t o t h e a b l a t o r w a s probably
caused by t h e recovery o p e r a t i o n .

i . A l l forward h e a t s h i e l d t h r u s t e r s appeared t o have functioned

normally from t h e appearance of t h e a r e a surrounding t h e p i s t o n r o d s .

j . Approximately 50 inches of t h e f a b r i c parachute r i s e r were s t i l l

attached t o t h e s t e e l r i s e r . The f a b r i c p o r t i o n of t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d
r i s e r was cut by t h e swimmers.


The i n v e s t i g a t i o n w a s e s s e n t i a l l y d i v i d e d i n t o t h r e e a r e a s which
were l i k e l y s u s p e c t s as t o t h e cause of t h e parachute f a i l u r e .

1. The forward h e a t s h i e l d w a s s u s p e c t because of t h e c l o s e prox-

i m i t y of t h e h e a t s h i e l d t o t h e s p a c e c r a f t f l i g h t p a t h during t h e p e r i o d
when t h e f a i l u r e occurred.

2 . A broken r i s e r / s u s p e n s i o n - l i n e connector l i n k w a s found on t h e

recovered parachute i n d i c a t i n g t h e p o s s i b i l i t y of broken l i n k s i n t h e
f a i l e d parachute.

3. The command module r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system p r o p e l l a n t d e p l e t i o n

f i r i n g had j u s t been completed and fuel e x p u l s i o n was i n p r o g r e s s at t h e
time o f t h e f a i l u r e , i n d i c a t i n g t h e p o s s i b i l i t y of damage from t h e pro-

The analyses and t e s t s performed t o i n v e s t i g a t e each p o s s i b i l i t y

a r e presented i n t h e following p a r a g r a p h s .

Forward Heat Shield

T r a j e c t o r y a n a l y s i s . - A t r a j e c t o r y a n a l y s i s was performed u s i n g s i m -
u l a t i o n s t o determine i f t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d could have c o n t a c t e d t h e
main p a r a c h u t e s . The simulations were based on t h e point-mass equations
of motion, which used t h e known mass and aerodynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of
t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d and s p a c e c r a f t parachute systems and t h e measured
downrange and crossrange winds.

The s i m u l a t i o n s and a n a l y s i s showed t h a t , at approximately 150 sec-

onds a f t e r t h e 24 000-foot a l t i t u d e had been reached, t h e s p a c e c r a f t and
forward h e a t s h i e l d were a t t h e same a l t i t u d e of about 5700 f e e t w i t h a
miss dastance of approximately 150 f e e t . This c o r r e l a t e s w i t h observa-
t i o n s of t h e recovery personnel. F u r t h e r , t h e a n a l y s i s i n d i c a t e s t h a t ,
at l a n d i n g , t h e s p a c e c r a f t and t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d were about 850 f e e t
a p a r t . This agrees w i t h t h e e s t i m a t e d s e p a r a t i o n d i s t a n c e of 900 feet on
t h e water.

Since t h e wind d a t a were measured s e v e r a l minutes b e f o r e l a n d i n g ,

some d e v i a t i o n s were expected. A wind p r o f i l e w i t h i n t h e expected devi-
a t i o n of t 2 knots w a s c o n s t r u c t e d t o determine i f contact between t h e
forward h e a t s h i e l d and command module parachute system was p o s s i b l e .

Based on t h e wind p r o f i l e t r a j e c t o r y s i m u l a t i o n s , t h e forward h e a t

s h i e l d could have contacted t h e s p a c e c r a f t p a r a c h u t e system a t an a l t i t u d e
near 6000 f e e t . The i n a c c u r a c i e s i n t h e measured data and t h e s i m u l a t i o n s
a r e such t h a t it cannot be conclusively s t a t e d t h a t t h e c o n t a c t d i d o r
d i d not occur. It can only be s t a t e d t h a t , i n a l l p r o b a b i l i t y , t h e m i s s
distance was s m a l l .

Photographic a n a l y s i s . - A c l o s e examination of t h e t e l e v i s i o n r e c o r d
of s p a c e c r a f t descent on t h e main parachutes e s t a b l i s h e s t h a t t h e forward
h e a t s h i e l d w a s below t h e s p a c e c r a f t at t h e time of t h e f a i l u r e . S p e c i f -
i c a l l y , t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d i s seen below t h e s p a c e c r a f t i n frame 588
( f i g . 9 ) a t 295:09:11:3, approximately 2 seconds b e f o r e t h e anomaly occur-
red. By c o r r e l a t i o n w i t h frame 775, which shows t h e parachute and forward
h e a t s h i e l d i n t h e same frame at 295:09:17.5, and by d i r e c t measurement
of t h e s e p a r a t i o n d i s t a n c e between t h e two o b j e c t s and measurement of t h e
known p a r a c h u t e dimensions, t h e v e r t i c a l s e p a r a t i o n d i s t a n c e s between t h e
forward h e a t s h i e l d and t h e s p a c e c r a f t were 580 f e e t f o r frame 588 and
1020 feet f o r frame 775.

The p o s i t i o n of t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d r e l a t i v e t o t h e guidance-

and-navigation-estimated t r a j e c t o r y i s shown i n f i g u r e 10. By extrapo-
l a t i n g t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d t r a j e c t o r y , t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d would
have i n t e r c e p t e d t h e s p a c e c r a f t at 295:09:03. This is 1 0 . 5 seconds be-
f o r e t h e s p a c e c r a f t data i n d i c a t e t h e anomaly occurred.

Television frame 588
295:09:11.3 elapsed time
Direct measurement
AH (1020 ft.) = 580 f t 4.04 inches
A H = 580 f t
0 1

Television frame 775 80 u n i t s - z l 4 0 f t

295:09:17.5 elapsed time
k r
AH = 574 (60/33) f t = 1042 f t
or 5 7 4 (140/80) f t = 1004 f t
AH = 1020 f t I.
574 units

(Direct measurement - 7.11 in.)

1020 - 580 ft/sec

17.5 - 11.3
AV = 7 1 ft/sec

Figure 9 . - Television frame and trajectory analysis.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U 0 9 N 03 d 0 9
9 9 In m d U d m
ij 'apnwiv

Assessment o f p r o b a b i l i t y of f o r v a r d h e a t s h i e l d c o n t a c t i n g s p a s -
c r a f t . - An assessment of t h e p r o b a b i l i t y of t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d con-
t a c t i n g t h e s p a c e c r a f t w a s made t o determine t h e hazard a s s o c i a t e d w i t h
c o n t a c t . Actual wind d a t a i n t h e form of frequency of occurrence of
winds as a f u n c t i o n of a l t i t u d e , wind v e l o c i t y , and d i r e c t i o n were used
as a b a s i s f o r t h e s t u d y . Wind d a t h were a p p l i e d t o nominal t r a j e c t o r i e s
of t h e s p a c e c r a f t and forward h e a t s h i e l d i n a p l a n a r ( 2 dimensional)
a n a l y s i s which y i e l d e d t h e frequency of occurrence of s p e c i f i c v a l u e s Of
range s e p a r a t i o n between t h e two bodies a t i n t e r c e p t a l t i t u d e . Range
s e p a r a t i o n values of l e s s t h a n 100 f e e t between t h e two v e h i c l e s were
considered c o n t a c t . The cumulative p r o b a b i l i t y of c o n t a c t i s 0.093 per-
c e n t . This a n a l y s i s considered no t r a j e c t o r y d i s p e r s i o n s . Subsequent
refinement of t h e p l a n a r a n a l y s i s t o i n c l u d e e f f e c t s of l a t e r a l d i s p e r -
s i o n (due t o t h e moderate l i f t o f t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d system and t h e
s p a c e c r a f t on t h e drogue p a r a c h u t e ) provided a method which i s much l e s s
sensitive t o variation i n i n i t i a l conditions, principally i n f l i g h t path
a n g l e . The r e f i n e d a n a l y s i s a l s o y i e l d s a c o n t a c t p r o b a b i l i t y of about
0.1 percent.

The wind d a t a a r e based on measurements during t h e month of August

over a 1 3 - y e a r p e r i o d f o r an area n e a r t h e Apollo 15 recovery zone. Wind
frequencies were c o n c e n t r a t e d i n t h e e a s t - n o r t h e a s t and west-southwest d i -
r e c t i o n s . These winds , and winds +22-1/2 degrees from e a s t - n o r t h e a s t and
west-southwest, were used t o provide a c o n s e r v a t i v e p l a n a r wind p r o f i l e
which permitted t h e a n a l y s i s .

The winds were used t o n o d u l a t e p o i n t mass, z e r o r l i f t nominal t r a c

j e c t o r i e s of t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d and s p a c e c r a f t . C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of
t h e t r a j e c t o r i e s a r e shown i n t a b l e I .

Forward h e a t s h i e l d / p a r a c h u t e suspension system impact t e s t s . - Drop

t e s t s were conducted t o determine t h e n a t u r e and e x t e n t of t h e damage t o
t h e m a i n parachute suspension l i n e s and f a b r i c r i s e r s when impacted by a
forward h e a t s h i e l d a t simulated f l i g h t c o n d i t i o n s . I n t e s t s of t h e p a r -
achute components, t h e r i s e r s and a s s o c i a t e d l i n e s were mounted a t t h e
f l i g h t angle (38 degrees from v e r t i c a l ) , w i t h t h e l i n e s c o r r e c t l y fanned
and pre-tensioned ( f i g . 11). I n t h e suspension l i n e t e s t , t h e forward
h e a t s h i e l d impacted 5 f e e t above t h e connector links, s t r i k i n g a l l 22
of t h e l i n e s used, breaking f o u r , and damaging 10 o t h e r s ( f i g . 11). The
room-temperature v u l c a n i z i n g material on t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d edge was
c u t a n d gouged where it s t r u c k t h e suspension l i n e s .

Two r i s e r t e s t s were made. I n t h e f i r s t , t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d

impacted 1-3/4 inches above t h e f a b r i c confluence p o i n t , and i n t h e sec-
ond, the forward h e a t s h i e l d impacted n e a r t h e c e n t e r of t h e 42-inch
r i s e r l e g s . I n both c a s e s , t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d bounced o f f w i t h o u t
damaging t h e r i s e r s . However , t h e room-temperature v u l c a n i z i n g material
on t h e l e a d i n g edge of t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d was gouged ( f i g . 12).


I n i t i a l Conditions

Forward h e a t s h i e l d j e t t i s o n
A l t i t u d e , ft .......... 23 300
F l i g h t path angle, deg ...... -73 1
Dynamic p r e s s u r e , l b / f t
..... 124
Spacecraft weight, lb ....... 12 810

Forward Heat S h i e l d

Weight, l b
Drag a r e a , .
CDS ft
L i f t c o e f f i c i e n t , CL .......


Drag area, CDS (Nominal h i s t o r y f o r twodrogue/

three-main-parachute operation 1
L i f t c o e f f i c i e n t , CL ....... 0
A l t i t u d e of i n i t i a t i o n of main
parachute deployment, ft . , , 10 700

Forward Heat Shield I n t e r c e p t

A l t i t u d e , ft , , ., ,
, , 6 415

Time from forward h e a t s h i e l d
j e t t i s o n sec . . . . . . . . . .
No-wind range s e p a r a t i o n , f t . , . .
Spacecraft downrange of forward h e a t s h i e l d .

c- 21
4 Forward heat shield leading edge

Broken and damaged lines

70 ft/sec

Two risers Impact point

Figure 11.- Results of forward heat shield/suspension system impact test.

I lcan izing

Figure 12.- Forward heat shield damage.

These t e s t s showed t h a t t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d c o n t a c t i n g <ne para-
chute could damage some of t h e suspension l i n e s , but would probably not
cause a l o s s of r i s e r l e g s .

Forward h e a t shield/command module impact tests.- Using t h e suspen-

s i o n l i n e / r i s e r t e s t s e t u p , two a d d i t i o n a l drop t e s t s w i t h t h e forward
h e a t s h i e l d impacting t h e s p a c e c r a f t were performed. I n t h e f i r s t t e s t ,
t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d impacted t h e s p a c e c r a f t upper deck i n t h e minus
Y and minus Z b a y s , causing very l i g h t s u r f a c e damage t o t h e s p a c e c r a f t ,
b u t severe damage t o t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d . I n t h e second t e s t , t h e
forward h e a t s h i e l d impacted t h e s p a c e c r a f t n e a r t h e h a t c h , b r e a k i n g t h e
o u t e r hatch window and gouging t h e a b l a t o r . Again, t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d
w a s s e v e r l y damaged.

Based on t h e impact t e s t s and a n a l y s i s , t h e worst-case damage which

could be expected would occur i f t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d I.mpacted the
crew compartment h e a t s h i e l d window. There i s a p o s s i b i l t t y t h a t b o t h
t h e heat s h i e l d window and i n n e r window would be broken.

Forward h e a t s h i e l d / p a r a c h u t e canopy t e s t . - A t e s t i n which a for-

ward h e a t s h i e l d was dropped o n t o a p a r a c h u t e was performed t o assess t h e
damage which might r e s u l t t o t h e p a r a c h u t e canopy. To simulate t h e i n -
f l a t e d main p a r a c h u t e , a 95-fOOt diameter p o l y e t h y l e n e b a l l o o n w a s i n -
f l a t e d t o 0.2-inch of water ( t h e dynamic p r e s s u r e d u r i n g steady-state de-
s c e n t ) w i t h t h e parachute p l a c e d o v e r t h e b a l l o o n and t h e suspension l i n e s
weighted. By u s i n g a guide c a b l e , t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d w a s guided t o
impact t h e parachute canopy. The impact produced c u t t i n g , t e a r i n g , and
burn-type damage. One p a r a c h u t e r a d i a l seam w a s broken, a n o t h e r w a s c u t ,
and s i x s a i l s were damaged. I f t h i s t y p e of damage had been experienced
i n f l i g h t , t h e p a r a c h u t e probably would have remained i n f l a t e d p r o v i d i n g
a near-nominal drag e f f e c t .

Conclusions from forward h e a t s h i e l d i n v e s t i g a t i o n s . - The forward

h e a t s h i e l d w a s not t h e cause of t h e f a i l u r e of t h e main p a r a c h u t e based
on two s e p a r a t e sets of d a t a . F i r s t , t h e t e l e v i s i o n t a p e shows t h e f o r -
ward heat s h i e l d emerging from t h e clouds approximately 3 seconds p r i o r
t o t h e anomaly. Second, t h e r e s u l t s of t h e suspension l i n e and r i s e r i m -
p a c t t e s t s w i t h t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d show t h a t s u b s t a n t i a l damage t o
t h e room-temperature v u l c a n i z i n g material on t h e l e a d i n g edge o f t h e f o r -
ward heat s h i e l d would have o c c u r r e d had t h e r e been c o n t a c t . The recovered
forward h e a t s h i e l d d i d not have t h i s t y p e of damage. There w a s no e v i -
dence of h e a t s h i e l d c o n t a c t w i t h t h e p a r a c h u t e .

Both t h e t r a j e c t o r y a n a l y s i s and t h e t e l e v i s i o n and o b s e r v e r d a t a

show t h a t t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d d i d come c l o s e t o t h e s p a c e c r a f t . The
a n a l y s i s p r e d i c t s t h a t , f o r f u t u r e f l i g h t s , p r o b a b i l i t y - o f - c o n t a c t i s less
t h a n 1 i n 1000. I n a d d i t i o n , t h e t e s t s of t h e forward h e a t s h i e l d impact-
i n g t h e suspension and r i s e r l i n e s , t h e s p a c e c r a f t , and t h e canopy, i n d i -
c a t e t h a t , should c o n t a c t occu'i-, t h e r e s u l t i n g damage i;ould not be c a t a s -
t r o p h i c . Therefore, Sased on t h e low p r o b a b i l i t y of c o n t a c t , and t h e

acceptable damage should t h e heat s h i e l d contact the s p a c e c r a f t and i t s
1 parachute system, no c o r r e c t i v e a c t i o n i s r e q u i r e d .

I Riser/Suspension Line Connector Links

I One s t u d i n a connector l i n k assembly on t h e Apollo 1 5 r e c o v e r e d para-

chute f a i l e d . The f a i l u r e w a s caused by s t r e s s c o r r o s i o n c r a c k i n g , hydro-
I gen embrittlement, o r some unknown mechanism, S t r e s s c o r r o s i o n i s a pos-
l s i b l e cause because t h e h i g h - s t r e n g t h s t e e l (4130) used i n t h e links
i s s u s c e p t i b l e at high s t r e s s l e v e l s t o cracking i n s a l t water. Hydrogen
embrittlement i s a p o s s i b i l i t y because of t h e s u s c e p t i b i l i t y of t h e high-
s t r e n g t h s t e e l t o cracking from d i s s o l v e d hydrogen. E a r l i e r i n t h e Apollo
program, s t u d s which were not p r o p e r l y processed a f t e r p l a t i n g f a i l e d be-
cause of hydrogen embrittlement.

Link t e s t i n q . - S e v e r a l t e s t s were performed on t h e connector links.

The r e s u l t s a r e d i s c u s s e d i n t h e following paragraphs:

Sustained-load t e s t : Two l i n k assemblies were s u s t a i n l o a d e d i n

t e n s i o n , a x i a l l y along t h e s t u d s , t o a s t r e s s of 132 000 p s i at t h e minor
diameter of t h e s t u d t h r e a d s . The t e s t was t o r e v e a l t h e p r e s e n c e of hy-
drogen e m b r i t t l e d m a t e r i a l ; however , t h e t e s t e d l i n k s had been exposed
t o s a l t w a t e r , and t h e r e f o r e , t h i s t e s t was not s u f f i c i e n t t o d i s t i n g u i s h
between delayed f a i l u r e from salt-water immersion o r hydrogen.
The f i r s t specimen f a i l e d 7.6 hours a f t e r load a p p l i c a t i o n . The
f r a c t u r e s u r f a c e had approximately twonthirds of t h e c r o s s s e c t i o n a l a r e a
i a t t h e s t u d shoulder exposed t o a c o r r o s i v e environment (probably s e a
I w a t e r ) p r i o r t o t h e s t a r t of t h e t e a t .

The second l i n k specimen f a i l e d 48.9 hours a f t e r load a p p l i c a t i o n .

I T h i s specimen d i d not have t h e l a r g e pre-corroded a r e a observed on t h e
f i r s t specimen; however, approximately 1 0 p e r c e n t of t h e c r o s s - s e c t i o n
had c o r r o s i o n p r e s e n t . The sustained-load induced-fracture a r e a was duc-
1 t i l e on b o t h specimens.
S t r e s s c o r r o s i o n t e s t s : Four s t u d s from t h e recovered p a r a c h u t e
links ( l o t U ) were loaded t o a stress of 132 000 p s i i n t e n s i o n at t h e
minimum s e c t i o n of t h e s t u d s . Three of t h e s e s t u d s were notched, and
t h e f o u r t h specimen was t e s t e d i n t h e o r i g i n a l c o n f i g u r a t i o n . A l l f o u r
specimens s u r v i v e d 200 hours of s u s t a i n e d load i n air. A f t e r 200 h o u r s ,
s e a w a t e r w a s p l a c e d i n contact w i t h t h e notched a r e a of two of t h e s t u d s
and t h e l o a d w a s maintained f o r an a d d i t i o n a l 48 hours. The t h i r d notched
specimen remained i n s u s t a i n e d l o a d as a c o n t r o l specimen. Although t h e
s i d e s of t h e notches exposed t o s a l t water were h i g h l y corroded, no fail-
u r e occurred. The unnotched specimen was removed a f t e r 200 hours of sus-
t a i n e d l o a d i n a i r and i n s p e c t e d under 25-power m a g n i f i c a t i o n f o r cracks

and none were observed. This unnotched s t u d w a s t h e n remounted i n a l i n k
assembly, t o r q u e d t o 120 i n - l b , which i s t w i c e s p e c i f i c a t i o n l e v e l , and
p l a c e d i n s e a water f o r 24 h o u r s . The l i n k s and s t u d s were t h e n a i r d r i e d ,
disassembled, and examined f o r c r a c k s . No cracks were found.

Eight a d d i t i o n a l s t u d s were t o r q u e d t o 200 i n - l b i n o r d e r t o simu-

l a t e t h e e f f e c t of t o l e r a n c e b u i l d u p of stresses a t s p e c i f i c a t i o n t o r q u e
l e v e l s . Two s t u d s f a i l e d d u r i n g exposure t o s e a water, t h u s confirming
t h e p o s s i b i l i t y of g e n e r a t i n g salt-water-induced stress c o r r o s i o n crack-
i n g i f t h e p a r t s are w i t h i n drawing l i m i t s .

T e n s i l e t e s t s : Two l o t T s t u d s , which had not been exposed t o S a l t

water, were p l a c e d under l o a d as s t u d s t o a stress l e v e l of 132 000 p s i ,
as computed f o r t h e minor diameter of t h e s t u d t h r e a d s . This stress w a s
maintained f o r 200 hours i n an a i r environment. The stress w a s maintained
while s e a water w a s p l a c e d i n c o n t a c t w i t h t h e s t r e s s e d t h r e a d s . After
48 hours, t h e sea water was allowed t o dry and t h e specimen w a s maintained
under load f o r an a d d i t i o n a l 24 hours. No cracks were found when t h e s p e c i -
men was examined under 25-power m a g n i f i c a t i o n . Both specimens were t h e n
p u l l e d t o f a i l u r e i n t e n s i o n , a f t e r e x h i b i t i n g y i e l d i n g , at 254 000 p s i
(normal notch s t r e n g t h e n i n g f o r t h i s m a t e r i a l ) . No evidence of pre-ex-
i s t i n g f l a w s or c o r r o s i o n was found on t h e f r a c t u r e s u r f a c e .

A t o t a l o f t e n s t u d s (two each from: a pack l i f e p a r a c h u t e , l o t U

t h a t had n o t been flown, and recovered p a r a c h u t e s used on Apollo 1 0 , 1 2 ,
and 13) were loaded i n t e n s i o n t o 1 3 2 000 p s i as c a l c u l a t e d f o r t h e minor
diameter of t h e t h r e a d s . No f a i l u r e s o c c u r r e d i n t h e accumulated 150
hours of a i r exposure t e s t t i m e on each specimen.

Two o t h e r t e s t s were performed t o p r o v i d e b a s e d i n e d a t a on s t u d

f a i l u r e s . An Apollo 1 0 s t u d was purposely charged w i t h w d r o g e n and
p l a c e d under a n e t s e c t i o n s t r e s s l o a d of 132 000 p s i . The s t u d f a i l e d
i n 30 minutes and t h u s v a l i d a t e d t h e hydrogen embrittlement s c r e e n i n g
t e s t . The second t e s t used l o t R links t h a t had o r i g i n a l l y been r e j e c t e d
due t o hydrogen e m b r i t t l e m e n t . These l i n k s were t e s t e d t o 132 000 p s i
f o r 200 h o u r s without f a i l u r e , i n d i c a t i n g t h a t t h e hydrogen e m b r i t t l e -
men t charact e r i s t i cs had decay e a .

The r e s u l t s o f m e t a l l u r g i c a l examinations and t h e s e t e s t s support

t h e following conclusions :

1. P h y s i c a l evidence f o r hydrogen-induced delayed f a i l u r e s of l o t

U and l o t T s t u d s does not now e x i s t b u t , due t o t h e long e l a p s e d t i m e
s i n c e p l a t i n g , hydrogen-induced f a i l u r e cannot be r u l e d o u t .

2. Sea water does not induce c r a c k s at t h e times and nominal s t r e s s

l e v e l s expected, although g e n e r a l r u s t i n g of exposed s t e e l occurs r a p i d l y .
S t r e s s corrosion cracks can be induced by exposure t o s a l t water at
s t r e s s l e v e l s h i g h e r t h a n t h o s e expected f o r a nominal 60 i n - l b t o r q u e .

i 3. For t h e f a i l e d s t u d s , t h e flaws probably o c c u r r e d a f t e r t h e
plating operation.

P u l l t e s t s : A s e r i e s of connector l i n k p u l l t e s t s were conducted.

An Apollo l i n k which had been p r e l o a d e d ( n u t s t o r q u e d ) f o r more t h a n 2

I The recovered Apollo 1 5 connector l i n k w i t h t h e s e p a r a t e d s t u d w a s

f i t t e d w i t h a r i s e r and suspension l i n e s and p u l l t e s t e d t o e v a l u a t e i t s
c a p a b i l i t y i n t h e t h r e e - n u t c o n f i g u r a t i o n . The l i n k had f a i l e d i n t h e
s t u d t h r e a d and t h e s t u d had a s h o u l d e r remaining i n t h e end p l a t e which

I could c a r r y l o a d . This l i n k w a s s u c c e s s f u l l y s u b j e c t e d t o two complete

f l i g h t l o a d c y c l e s , t h e n t h e l o a d w a s i n c r e a s e d t o 5000 pounds (which cor-
I responds t o canopy ultimate s t r e n g t h ) and s u c c e s s f u l l y h e l d f o r 2 minutes.
I These t e s t s demonstrated t h a t t h e s t u d f a i l u r e could have occurred p r i o r
iI t o p a r a c h u t e deployment. A f i n a l t e s t was made w i t h one end p l a t e removed,
s i m u l a t i n g a t e n s i l e f a i l u r e of one s t u d a t t h e s h o u l d e r , o r two sheared
I s t u d s . This l i n k f a i l e d at 1300 pounds, a v a l u e below t h e opening l o a d s
but higher than t h e steady-state loads.

R e l i a b i l i t y and q u d i t y assurance records review.- A review was made

I o f t h e manufacturing and i n s p e c t i o n h i s t o r y r e c o r d s o f t h e p a r a c h u t e l i n k
assembly manufactured by Northrop Ventura. Records were r e s e a r c h e d a t
North American Rockwell, Downey, C a l i f o r n i a ; Metal S u r f a c e s , I n c . , B e l l
Gardens , C a l i f o r n i a ; and Northrop Ventura, Thousand Oaks, C a l i f o r n i a .

The r e c o r d s show t h a t t h e p a r t s f o r Apollo 1 5 ( l o t Q p l a t e s , and

l o t U s t u d s ) and Apollo 16 ( l o t W p l a t e s and s t u d s ) were p r o p e r l y pro-
c e s s e d i n accordance w i t h t h e l a t e s t r e v i s i o n of t h e Northrop p l a t i n g

One s i g n i f i c a n t i t e m d i s c l o s e d by t h e review was t h a t l o t R s t u d s

which should have been scrapped were accepted and i n s t a l l e d i n f l i g h t par-
a c h u t e s . Lot R s t u d s were'flown i n one parachute on Apollo 14, and were
i n s t a l l e d i n a p a r a c h u t e t o be used f o r f u t u r e f l i g h t .

P a r a c h u t e tow t e s t s . - A s e r i e s of ground tow t e s t s w a s conducted t o

e v a l u a t e t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of t h e i n f l a t e d p a r a c h u t e arid r i s e r l o a d re-
sponse r e s u l t i n g from s e v e r i n g one, two, and t h r e e r i s e r l e g s of a fully
i n f l a t e d main parachute. I n f l a t i o n w a s o b t a i n e d by towing t h e parachute

i n t o the wind. When t h e canopy w a s f u l l y i n f l a t e d and s t a b l e , s e l e c t e d
r i s e r s were p y r o t e c h n i c a l l y severed. I n d i v i d u a l riser l e g l o a d s , t o t a l
r i s e r l o a d , and photographic documentation were o b t a i n e d .

When one of t h e s i x r i s e r l e g s w a s s e v e r e d , t h e canopy remained f u l l y

i n f l a t e d and, i n approximately 2 seconds, e x h i b i t e d f u l l riser l o a d . When
two a d j a c e n t r i s e r l e g s w e r e s e v e r e d , t h e canopy c o l l a p s e d but d i d c o n t i n u e
t o provide a drag f o r c e of approximately one-third t h e f u l l y i n f l a t e d V s l U e .
Three risers were severed i n t h e t h i r d t e s t ; two vere a d j a c e n t and t h e t h i r d
w a s s e p a r a t e d from them by a good r i s e r l e g . When t h e r i s e r s were s e v e r e d ,
t h e canopy c o l l a p s e d , w i t h t h e p o r t i o n o p p o s i t e t h e severed r i s e r s h o l d i n g
a i r f o r s e v e r a l seconds. The l o a d h i s t o r i e s f o r each of t h e t h r e e t e s t s
are shown i n f i g u r e 13. The i n i t i a l l o a d drop f o r t h e one-, two-, and
t h r e e - r i s e r t e s t w a s 600, 1700, and 2300 l b , r e s p e c t i v e l y .

These t e s t s i n d i c a t e d t h a t t h e Apollo main parachute w i l l remain

f u l l y i n f l a t e d and p r o v i d e normal drag w i t h one of i t s s i x r i s e r l e g s sev-
e r e d . When two or more a d j a c e n t r i s e r l e g s are s e v e r e d , t h e canopy w i l l
c o l l a p s e , and l o s e a t l e a s t two-thirds of i t s load-carrying c a p a b i l i t y .

Conclusions from connector l i n k i n v e s t i g a t i o n s .- The f a i l e d l i n k on

t h e recovered parachute i m p l i e s t h e p o s s i b i l i t y of a similar occurrence
on t h e f a i l e d p a r a c h u t e . However, t h e parachute tow t e s t s i n d i c a t e t h a t
a s i n g l e l i n k f a i l u r e would not have caused t h e l o a d change (approximately
1300 pounds) determined from t h e s p a c e c r a f t d a t a . Although t h e l i n k f a i l -
u r e i s not b e l i e v e d t o have caused t h e p a r a c h u t e anomaly, a complete rec-
ords review and a m a t e r i a l s t e s t program were performed t o determine t h e
cause of t h e flaws. The records show t h a t t h e Apollo 15 l o t l i n k s were
processed i n accordance w i t h a l l requirements. The l i n k t e s t s showed
t h a t t h e broken l i n k can c a r r y t h e f l i g h t loads ( i n t h e case of Apollo 1 5
t y p e b r e a k ) . The a v a i l a b l e evidence cannot r u l e out e i t h e r hydrogen em-
b r i t tlement o r salt-water-induced s t r e s s c o r r o s i o n a t h i gher-than-expected
s t r e s s l e v e l s as t h e p o s s i b l e cause o f t h e f a i l u r e . I n f a c t , t h e cause
of t h e flaw i s not known.

Command Module Reaction Control System

The cormand module r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system w a s considered as a p o s s i -

b l e cause of t h e anomaly f o r t h e f o l l o w i n g r e a s o n s :

a. The p r o p e l l a n t d e p l e t i o n f i r i n g t e r m i n a t e d 3.5 seconds b e f o r e t h e

s p a c e c r a f b r a t e s gave evidence of a major d i s t u r b a n c e . The excess f u e l
expulsion which followed t h e d e p l e t i o n f i r i n g w a s s t i l l i n p r o g r e s s a t t h e
time o f f a i l u r e .

b. The damaged parachute h e l d a p o s i t i o n g e n e r a l l y above t h e minus

Y r o l l engines while t h e f u e l e x p u l s i o n was i n p r o g r e s s .

4x lo3 .

0 -
-0.4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0
Time, sec

Figure 13 .- Parachute tow test loads.

c. Burning f u e l can cause damage t o t h e r i s e r s , suspension l i n e s ,
o r parachute canopy.

d. Evidence of m e l t i n g w a s found on t h e Dacron p r o t e c t i v e covering

of t h e f a b r i c r i s e r and t h e connector links on t h e recovered p a r a c h u t e
ass embl y .
System Operation.- Both command module r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l systems were
a c t i v a t e d normally a t 294:07:14. Both systems were used d u r i n g e n t r y as
opposed t o previous missions where one system w a s t u r n e d o f f p r i o r t o e n t r y .
System performance d u r i n g t h e c o n t r o l l e d p o r t i o n of e n t r y w a s n o m i n d as
v e r i f i e d by p r e s s u r e and temperature d a t a and from s p a c e c r a f t rates pro-
duced by commanded engine f i r i n g s .

The command module r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system c o n t r o l f i r i n g s were t e r -

minated normally a t 295 :06:44when t h e systems were e l e c t r i c a l l y d i s a b l e d .
A t t h i s p o i n t i n t h e m i s s i o n , t h e engines had been f i r e d approximately
680 times and t h e t o t a l f i r i n g t i m e was about 160 seconds. The p r o p e l l a n t
usage had been 20 pounds of f u e l and 36 pounds of o x i d i z e r , d i v i d e d e q u a l l y
between t h e two systems. P r o p e l l a n t consumption w a s e s t a b l i s h e d by p r e s -
s u r e , temperature, and volume c a l c u l a t i o n s and confirmed by t h e summation
of t h e engine f i r i n g t i m e s . Usable p r o p e l l a n t remaining at 295 :06:44,
p r i o r t o t h e s t a r t of t h e d e p l e t i o n f i r i n g , w a s 30 pounds of f u e l and 53
pounds of o x i d i z e r i n each system f o r a t o t a l of 60 pounds of f u e l and
106 pounds of o x i d i z e r . T o t a l p r o p e l l a n t remaining, i n c l u d i n g t h e t r a p p e d
p r o p e l l a n t s , was 69 pounds o f f u e l and 120 pounds of o x i d i z e r .

The command module r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system d e p l e t i o n f i r i n g w a s man-

u a l l y i n i t i a t e d a t 295:08:22. During t h i s f i r i n g , t h e two systems were
interconnected by opening s q u i b v a l v e s between t h e helium manifolds , t h e
f u e l manifolds, and t h e o x i d i z e r manifolds. The engine valves on a l l b u t
t h e two p l u s p i t c h engines were a l s o opened u s i n g t h e d i r e c t c o i l s . Sys-
tem p r e s s u r e s i n d i c a t e d t h a t t h e d e p l e t i o n f i r i n g w a s normal w i t h o x i d i z e r
d e p l e t i o n at 295:09:10. Fuel d e p l e t i o n followed 4.7 seconds l a t e r . These
times were confirmed by c a l c u l a t i o n s u s i n g t h e p r o p e l l a n t remaining p r i o r
t o t h e f i r i n g , and a mixture r a t i o and p r o p e l l a n t flow r a t e commensurate
w i t h s t e a d y - s t a t e f i r i n g from 10 e n g i n e s . Between t h e time of o x i d i z e r de-
p l e t i o n and f u e l d e p l e t i o n , about 7 pounds of r a w f’uel were b e i n g e x p e l l e d

The command module r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system l i n e purge o p e r a t i o n was

manually i n i t i a t e d a t 295:09:22. This o p e r a t i o n opened f o u r s q u i b v a l v e s
t h a t enabled t h e helium gas t o bypass t h e p r o p e l l a n t t a n k s and purge t h e
r e s i d u a l o r t r a p p e d p r o p e l l a n t s from t h e system manifold l i n e s . Regulated
helium p r e s s u r e and helium s o u r c e p r e s s u r e d a t a v e r i f i e d a normal purge
o p e r a t i o n . A t 295:09:25 and 295:09:28, c o l o r e d clouds ,were seen coming
from the s p a c e c r a f t . This i s normal and i s caused by t h e e x p u l s i o n of
unburned o x i d i z e r through t h e engines by t h e purge operati.on. Unburned
f i e 1 i s a l s o o f t e n seen about t h i s time i n t h e form of a w h i t e cloud.

P o s t f l i g h t t e s t i n g of t h e command module r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system
showed it t o b e i n normal working o r d e r . T e s t i n g i n c l u d e d leak checks
of t h e p r o p e l l a n t t a n k b l a d d e r s , engine valve leak t e s t s , engine valve
s i g n a t u r e t r a c e s t o v e r i f y p r o p e r opening c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , and e l e c t r o n i c
t e s t s t o v e r i f y t h e e l e c t r i c a l w i r i n g and t e r m i n a l b o a r d connections.

Command module r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system f u e l e x p u l s i o n tests.- Two

tests were performed t o i n v e s t i g a t e t h e p o t e n t i a l e f f e c t s of a r a w f u e l
expulsion on t h e parachutes :

The f i r s t t e s t w a s a f e a s i b i l i t y demonstration t o determine i f f u e l

sprayed on t h e p a r a c h u t e risers and suspension l i n e s would b u r n , assuming
t h a t t h e r e could b e an i g n i t i o n source. A simple nozzle w a s used t o s p r a y
r a w f u e l i n t o a 30 f’t/sec a i r stream and onto a sample of t h e r i s e r and
suspension l i n e s , p a r t of which was surrounded by a Dacron b o o t i e . Hot-
w i r e i g n i t i o n sources were imbedded i n t h e b o o t i e and r i s e r t o simulate
an i n f l i g h t i g n i t i o n source. These tests demonstrated t h a t , above c e r t a i n
t h r e s h o l d f u e l c o n c e n t r a t i o n l e v e l s , t h e fie1 on t h e b o o t i e s would burn i n
a wick-like manner. This r e s u l t e d i n r i s e r and suspension l i n e f a i l u r e s
due t o m e l t i n g of t h e nylon material.

The second t e s t c o n s i s t e d of f i r i n g a command module r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l

system engine followed by fuel cold flow (simulated f u e l e x p u l s i o n ) . It
w a s performed t o i n v e s t i g a t e t h e e f f e c t s of cold flowing r a w f’uel through
a h o t engine. For t h e s e t e s t s , a r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system engine and a
minus-pitch nozzle e x t e n s i o n were mounted h o r i z o n t a l l y i n an ambient t e s t
c e l l . There w a s no attempt t o simulate t h e r e l a t i v e air v e l o c i t y surround-
i n g a descending command module. The t e s t f i r i n g s c o n s i s t e d of a series
of h o t f i r i n g s of 10 t o 45 seconds i n d u r a t i o n , each followed by a 5 ~ s e c o n d
fuel cold flow (about 0.6 pound of f’uel). I n every c a s e , t h e raw f u e l ex-
p u l s i o n sequence produced b u r n i n g o u t s i d e of t h e engine. Burning fuel
vapor, b u r n i n g f u e l d r o p l e t s , and some unburned f u e l were observed during
t h e s e t e s t s . The flame f r o n t e x i s t e d up t o 8 feet from t h e engine e x i t
p l a n e and unburned f’uel was sprayed up t o 10 f e e t from t h e engine and t h e n
i g n i t e d by burning d r o p l e t s .

Conclusions from r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system i n v e s t i K a t i o n s . - A s a result

of t h e s e t e s t s , t h e h a z a r d of a raw f u e l e x p u l s i o n was demonstrated. I n
a d d i t i o n , s i n c e t h e f a i l e d p a r a c h u t e was p o s i t i o n e d over ,the r o l l engines
f o r t h e t i m e p e r i o d J u s t p r i o r t o t h e anomaly, t h e e f f e c t s n o t e d i n t h e
second t e s t were, most l i k e J y , t h e cause of t h e Apollo 1 5 p a r a c h u t e f a i l u r e .


The a n a l y s i s of t h e d a t a and r e s u l t s of t h e s p e c i a l t e s t s l e a d t o t h e
following conclusions:

a . The most probable cause of t h e anomaly was -the b u r n i n g o f r a w
f u e l (monomethyl hydrazine) b e i n g e x p e l l e d d u r i n g t h e l a t t e r p o r t i o n of
t h e d e p l e t i o n f i r i n g and t h i s r e s u l t e d i n exceeding t h e p a r a c h u t e - r i s e r
and suspension-line temperature l i m i t s .

b. The forward h e a t s h i e l d passed extremely c l o s e t o t h e command

module during t h e descent phase; however, at t h e t i m e of t h e anomaly,
t h e heat s h i e l d was 700 f e e t below t h e command module.

e . Impact of t h e forward heat s h i e l d on t h e paxachute r i s e r s , SUS-

pension l i n e s , canopy, or s p a c e c r a f t w i l l not cause c a t a s t r o p h i c d a m g e .

d . The f a i l u r e of a s i n g l e connector l i n k w i l l not cause a m a i n

parachute t o f a i l .

e. The flaw observed i n t h e recovered p a r a c h u t e connector l i n k prob-

a b l y occurred a f t e r t h e p l a t i n g o p e r a t i o n , and could b e due e i t h e r t o s a l t -
water-induced stress c o r r o s i o n or hydrogen embrittlement.


Corrective a c t i o n s f o r t h e r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system include landing

w i t h t h e p r o p e l l a n t s onboard f o r a normal l a n d i n g and b i a s i n g t h e pro-
p e l l a n t load t o provide a s l i g h t excess of o x i d i z e r . Thus, f o r t h e low-
a l t i t u d e a b o r t l a n d l a n d i n g c a s e , burning t h e p r o p e l l a n t s while on t h e
parachutes w i l l s u b j e c t t h e parachutes t o some a c c e p t a b l e o x i d i z e r damage
b u t w i l l e l i m i n a t e t h e dangerous b i r n i n g f u e l c o n d i t i o n . I n a d d i t i o n ,
t h e t i m e d e l a y which i n h i b i t s t h e r a p i d p r o p e l l a n t dump i s b e i n g changed
from 42 t o 61 seconds. This will provide more assurance t h a t ' t h e p r o p e l -
lant w i l l not have t o b e burned through t h e r e a c t i o n c o n t r o l system en-
g i n e s i n t h e event of a l a n d l a n d i n g .

The design of t h e suspension l i n e connector l i n k s has been modified

t o preclude t h e development of high stress l e v e l s due t o torque l e v e l s
and t o reduce t h e u n c e r t a i n t y of l o a d s due t o t o l e r a n c e buildup. The l i n k
material has been changed t o Inconel 718 t o e l i m i n a t e t h e requirement f o r
p l a t i n g and, t h e r e f o r e , t h e p o s s i b i l i t y of hydrogen embrittlement. In
a d d i t i o n , t h e l i n k s t u d t h r e a d s a r e r o i l e d r a t h e r t h a n machined t o improve
m e t a l l u r g i c a l p r o p e r t i e s of t h e m a t e r i a l , and t h e s t u d s a r e s u b j e c t e d t o
a proof t e s t designed t o screen f l a w s which could s u b s e q u e n t l y propagate
under s a l t water exposure.

C- 32 NASA-Langley, 1973 - 31 s- 370

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