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C Ebu Institute of Technology University: Plant Visit

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N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City





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Carmen Copper Corporation (CCC) was incorporated in September 16, 2004 as a

subsidiary company of Atlas Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation
(ACMDC) to operate the Toledo copper mine located at Barangay Don Andres Soriano,
Toledo City. Carmen Copper Corporation (CCC) is majority owned by Atlas
Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation (Atlas) and its partner Crescent
Asian Special Opportunities Portfolio (CASOP). CCC has exclusive operating rights over
the in situ mineral resources and ore reserves of Carmen, Lutopan and Biga, collectively
known as the Toledo Copper Mines.


Carmen Copper Corporation (“Carmen Copper”) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Atlas

Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation (“Atlas Mining”). Carmen Copper has an
operating agreement with Atlas Mining and it has exclusive operating rights over the in situ
mineral resources and ore reserves of Carmen, Lutopan and Biga mineral deposits, collectively
known as Toledo copper mine covering 1,674 hectares. This is part of the Atlas mineral property
covering 5,218 hectares, consisting of 3,284 hectares Atlas-owned mining claims and 1,934
hectares of mining claims belonging to claim-owners who have valid operating agreements with
Atlas. Carmen Copper resumed the Toledo mining operation in September 2007.
Mining Operations
A total of 92 million metric tonnes of combined extracted and waste materials were
moved from the Lutopan and Carmen open pit mines, 18 million dmt or 20% of which consisted
of extracted ore while the remaining 80% or 74 million dmt were stripped waste materials.
Lutopan Pit produced 43% of the ore materials delivered to the mill amounting to 8 million dmt
with a head grade of 0.347%. Carmen Pit produced a total of 10 million dmt at 0.330% head
grade. Carmen Copper continued to accelerate the development of Carmen Pit to ramp-up ore
production. Two (2) units of PC2000 excavators and six (6) units KOM375-7 dump trucks were
added to the existing fleet in Carmen Pit in November and December, respectively. Some of the
hauling trucks from Lutopan Pit were also transferred to Carmen Pit during the later part of the
year, in line with plans to concentrate mining operation in Carmen Pit by 2015. Carmen
Copper’s newly expanded processing plant posted a 20% improvement in its total milling
tonnage as it ended 2014 with 18 million dmt of copper ore milled with an average mill head
grade of 0.314%. Likewise, the plant’s average daily milling throughput increased by 14% to
49,225 tonnes per day from last year’s 43,010 tonnes As it continues to improve the process flow
of its expanded plant, Carmen Copper recorded its highest average daily milling throughput in
July 2014 at 57,000 tonnes per day reaching its expanded nameplate milling capacity of 60,000
tonnes per day for the most part of the month of July. Maintenance works, process improvements
in the secondary and tertiary crushers as well as enhancements in the primary mills were
implemented during the second half of 2014. Conversion of one (1) tertiary crusher (TR 900) to
a secondary crusher, and the modification of the grinding circuit to satisfy the particle size
requirement of the secondary mills were implemented to further boost overall plant productivity. 
The new RIVS technology plant testing is scheduled by second quarter of 2015 with a
new collector in copper flotation to boost Molybdenum in the concentrate. Production is
expected to come in by third quarter of 2015 on estimated 2-3 tons per day of molybdenum
concentrate at marketable grade of 46%. 
Feasibility study of magnetite plant will be reviewed first half of 2015. The plan is to
rehabilitate the existing plant and revive the magnetite circuit at very minimal cost.
Atlas Mining aims to be the leading copper producer in the Philippines, a preferred
employer in the industry and a role model for responsible mining and good governance.
Anchored on this vision, Atlas Mining will enhance value for its shareholders by
pursuing long-term prospects for stability, growth and diversification while harmonizing safe and
efficient business practices with the social and environmental needs of its host communities.
We conduct our work with high ethical standards and a positive behavior. We are
determined to achieve our goals and fulfill our commitments in an excellent, timely and
consistent manner that will serve the needs of our internal and external customers.
We are accountable to our organization. We will be a good representation and steward of
Atlas Mining. We will protect and take care of our image, name and resources and we will
contribute to the achievement of company goals and objectives. 
We value teamwork and collaboration and the greater outcome it brings to our organization. We
commit to support each other, contribute our individual strengths and work together

We will consistently pursue excellence in our work and seek new opportunities for
growth. We will adapt to change and new ways of doing things and will strive to be a
competitive, relevant and a valuable contributor to our organization.
We are sensitive to the needs of our employees, our community and the environment. We
will ensure a safe working environment for our people, participate in programs that will promote
growth within our host communities and contribute to the conservation of our resources and the
protection of the environment.

Organizational Chart
Carmen Copper Corporation
(Owns 100% of Toledo Copper Mine)
Carmen is supported by investors with a long Philippines resource sector track record and a
robust financial position
With a solid track record in responsible resource extraction that spans for more than 60 years,
Atlas Mining remains committed to applying best practices in environmental management by
protecting and enhancing the environment, reducing and preventing adverse environmental
pollution, and rehabilitating mined-out areas, thus maintaining ecological balance within and
outside the environs of its mining complex.
To restore its forest cover and enrich the areas impacted by its operations, in 2014 alone, the
Company has planted more than 69,000 seedlings in mined-out lands, orchards and re-vegetated
slopes inside the mining complex. Since 2007, the Company’s reforestation program has already
grown 715,989 seedlings of different tree species in 519 hectares of mine-affected lands.  In
support of the National Greening Program (NGP), the Company has also donated 172,900
seedlings in 2014 to the different agencies and local government units. As of 2014, the Company
has donated a total of  351,693 seedlings to the NGP that will be used in the respective forest
rehabilitation efforts of different groups from the academe, LGUs, non government organizations
and the private sector.
Biodiversity and Land Management
The Company vigorously pursued its environmental protection and enhancement activities. It
accelerated enrichment of sparsely vegetated areas and transformed once barren agricultural
lands into orchards that will become a wildlife-rich habitat. Continuous slope stabilization
resulted into new mantles of vegetation on otherwise bare slopes and pocket forests envelopes
even residential compounds.
Reforested areas within the mines complex

Loay side, May


Loay side, May

Waste, Water,
Energy Use and
Air Emission
Mineral waste such as rocks and tailings produced from mining and ore processing are properly
disposed under waste management plans currently in place. The Mabais-Sigpit Waste Dump
receives most of the waste materials from the development of Carmen Pit while tailings are
deposited in the Biga Tailings Storage Facility, which has a capacity of 294 million cubic meters
or 470 million wet metric tonnes (WMT). Carmen Copper sources its water for industrial and
domestic use from the Malubog Reservoir. Water conservation efforts have permeated in all
activities of the mining operations. Carmen Copper seeks to improve the energy efficiency of its
operation, putting priority to GHG emission reduction. It launched a company-wide campaign to
conserve energy to save costs and to control ozone-depleting substances. Regular monitoring of
sulphur oxides (SOx) and nitrous oxides (NOx) emissions ensure that it remains at the acceptable
standard.The Company heightens its implementation of various climate change mitigation and
adaptation activities to reduce its carbon footprint. By enriching 517 hectares of lots since 2007
and by regular Preventive Maintenance Servicing (PMS) of all company vehicles, Carmen
Copper aims to reduce its carbon emissions. Regular water sprinkling along major access roads
also minimizes dust pollution.
Environmental Management Certification
To further heighten its thrust for responsible business operations, Carmen Copper is
recommended for certification of its Integrated Management System 14001:2004 (Environmental
Management) after the conclusion of the SGS Philippines external audit last July 20-24. The
Company’s safety and health management programs primarily ensure its employees’ protection
and well-being.  It also covers accident prevention, emergency response, and medical aid outside
the borders of the mining complex.
Safety Management
Focused on safe operations every day, a significant headway on safety management has
improved considerably in 2014 with the reduction of lost-time accidents from 9 in 2013 to 3 in
2014, with zero fatalities.  This is primarily attributed to a stronger safety leadership and
compliance, rigorous enforcement of safety rules and regulations on secure work practices, and
the recognition of employee achievements in the promotion of safety targets.
The full implementation of the Permit To Work system in 2014 in all critical activities in the
mine and its facilities has greatly contributed to the drop in the number of accidents recorded
because it permitted the risks to be addressed through strict implementation of safety procedures
and appropriate control measures.
Last Minute Risk Assessment and Traffic and Road Safety are also among the rules that
were strictly implemented to promote a safe working environment. For emergency preparedness,
rapid reaction teams which include fire-fighting crew, first aid crew and mine rescue unit are on
round-the-clock standby for immediate dispatch in case of accidents and disasters not only inside
the mining camp but also in the neighboring barangays and nearby provinces.

Occupational Health
Nestled inside the mining complex is the Carmen Copper Corporation Hospital. It is a 30-bed,
Level 1 medical facility equipped with state-of-the-art equipment which provides healthcare
services to all employees and their dependents and the community on a daily 24-hour duty. It is
also an accredited DOH-PHILCAT Certified TB DOTS Center. The Hospital’s essential service
components include emergency and admitting sections, laboratory, pharmacy, nursing services,
X-ray, pediatrics, internal medicine, Ob-gynecology, dental services, and ophthalmic services. It
has also a fully functional operating theatre that will attend to patients who needs surgical
The whole plant site in the Carmen Copper Corporation was very huge. It is really a good
idea to use vehicles as a mode of transportation. As soon as we arrived on the plant site. The
security guards at the gate were very keen to inspect our bus and the number of people inside.
This is to monitor the number of people entering their plant. During the orientation, they’ve
really took emphasis on safety, wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) all the time, and
the Do’s and Don’ts inside the plant to both workers and visitors. They’ve also provided us a
safety officer to be with us in the whole tour to monitor the participants.

During our tour, I can’t help but notice the many signage which were all about safety.
This is a good indicator that the company really prioritizes safety on their work. They’ve
installed a trafficking system which were strictly obeyed by all personnel, as huge excavating
vehicles roams inside the plant and avoid vehicular accidents. There were many checkpoints
guarded by security personnel to monitor the vehicles entering and leaving a particular
area/sector in the plant. In our case, we weren’t able to visit a particular area in the plant as they
were conducting blasting, series of explosion dynamites, on that area. They provide health clinic
to their workers inside, showing that they value the people involved in the operation.
Unfortunately, we weren’t able to observe the fire prevention system in each sector due to
limited time. In all their whole excavation process, they make sure that they follow the DENR
code, e.g. water treatment, smoke emission, etc. and that when they excavate, they follow a
particular pattern to prevent soil erosion. Overall, it was a pleasant and safe trip.

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