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Cookery (Tvl-He) : Name of Learner: Grade/Section: Learning Strand: Date Submitted

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Name of Learner: Grade/Section:

Learning Strand: Date Submitted:



TOPIC: Clean, Sanitize, and Store Kitchen Tools and Equipment

Background Information for Learners

Cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment must be part of the standard
operating procedures that make up your food safety program. Improper cleaning and
sanitizing kitchen surfaces allow harmful microorganisms to be transferred from one
food to another.

Cleaning is the process of removing food and other types of soil from a surface, such
as dish, glass, or cutting boards. Cleaning is done with cleaning agent that removes
food, soil, and other substances. The right cleaning agent must be selected because
not all cleaning agents can be used on food-contact surfaces. (A food-contact
surface is the surface of equipment or utensil that food normally comes into contact.)
For example, glass cleaners, some metal cleaners, and most bathroom cleaners
cannot be used because they might leave an unsafe residue on the food contact
surface. The label should indicate if the product can be used on a food contact
surface. The right cleaning agent must also be selected to make cleaning easy

Sanitizing is done using heat, radiation, or chemicals. Heat and chemicals are
commonly used as a method for sanitizing in a restaurant than radiation. The item to
be sanitized must first be washed properly before it can be properly sanitized. Some
chemical sanitizers, such as chlorine and iodine, react with food and soil and so will
be less effective on a surface that has not been properly cleaned.

Learning Competency

LO 1. Clean, sanitize, and store kitchen tools and equipment

1.1 identify the chemicals to be utilized in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools
and equipment. TLE_HECK9-12KP-Ia-1
1.2 prepare cleaning agents in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
1.3 clean and sanitize kitchen tools in accordance with prescribed standards.
1.4 store cleaned kitchen tools and equipment safely in the designated space.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Arrange the jumbled letters to reveal the word that is being describe. Write your
answers on the space provided below the jumbled letters.

1. STTEERNDEG These are cleaning agents, solvents or any
____________________ substance used to wash table wares, surfaces, and
2. OLTNEVS SREEANLC They are used on surfaces where grease has burned
____________________ on and they are commonly referred as degreasers.
3. CIDA EAENRSCL It is periodically used in removing mineral deposits
____________________ and other soils that detergents cannot eliminate such
as scale in washing machines and steam tables, lime
build up in on dishwashing machines and rusts on
4. SSEIAARBV They are generally used to remove heavy
____________________ accumulations of soil that are difficult to remove
detergents, solvents, and acids.
5. GNINLEAC The process of removing food and other types of soil
____________________ from a surface, such as a dish, glass, or cutting
board and it is done with a cleaning agent that
removes food, soil, or other substances.

Activity 2: FILL ME IN
Direction: Complete the table below.
Chemical Concentration Contact Advantage Disadvantage

7 seconds


30 seconds

compounds 30 seconds

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Situation: Your group is assigned to clean the utensils used after handling a birthday
party. In three paragraphs, explain the different tasks to be fulfilled.


CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Clear Exceptionally Generally Lacks clarity, Unclear,
clear, easy toclear, able difficult to impossible to
follow to follow follow follow
Concise The The The The
explanation explanation explanation explanation
posed and
posed and posed and posed and
methods used methods methods used methods used
are advanced used are are somewhat are in adequate
appropriate simple
Comprehensive Thorough and Substantial Partial or not Misunderstandi
comprehensive explanation comprehensive ng or serious
explanation explanation misconception
Relevance Highly relevant Generally Somewhat Irrelevant
relevant relevant


Direction: Fill the sentence with the missing words. Choose your answer on the pool
of words. Write your answers on the blank.
Contamination Inverted Covered Imperious
Soapy Easy Color Back

1. Remove all the equipment and scrub shelves with _______ water.
2. Think about what you reach most often and make sure it gets a position
that’s _______ to reach.
3. Take a cabinet full of glasses and line them up by _______. Make sure all
of the front are facing out and straight. (Jeff Lewis-Style)
4. Take a step ______ after one shelf is done and make someone else look at
what you’ve done.
5. Kitchen tools and utensils should be stored in a clean dry place adequately
protected against vermin and other sources of ________________.
6. Cups, bowls, and glasses must be _________ for storage.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

7. When not stored in closed cupboards or lockers, utensils and containers
must be __________ or inverted whenever possible. Utensils must be
stored on the bottom shelves of open cabinets below the working top level.
8. Racks, trays and shelves must be made of materials that are _________,
corrosive-resistant, non-toxic, smooth, durable and resistant to chipping.


Direction: Choose the correct answer from the options given below. Write the letter
that best corresponds to your answer. Place your answers beside each number.

1. Arrange the steps in cleaning refrigerator

1. Rinse and dry thoroughly
2. Wipe up spilled foods immediately
3. Flush drains weekly
4. Wash inside shelves and trays

a. 1,2,3,4 b. 2,4,1,3 c. 4,3,2,1 d.

2. Aling Tessie finds it hard to remove tough soils from the used pots and
pans. It does not respond to the different cleaning agents that she has
used. If you will help her, identify which of the following will you
recommend that will surely solve her problem?
a. Abrasive b. acid cleaner c. detergent d.
solvent cleaner
3. Choose among the choices the proper way of storing cutting board.
a. Hang on a rack
b. Store it inside the cabinet.
c. Store it vertically or in upright position
d. Store it horizontally or in downward position.
4. Select among the following choices is good practice in washing dishes.
a. Dishwashing detergents can also be used for handwashing dishes.
b. Wash plasticware first before glassware, greasy pots and pans.
c. Use rubber gloves to protect hands.
d. Dishes may be air dried.
5. Arrange the proper steps in washing dishes.
1. Lay your dishes out on a rack and let it dry
2. Wash the lightest soiled items first
3. Rinse out
4. Scrape all the food on the dishes and pre-rinse.

a. 4,2,3,1 b. 4, 3,2,1 c. 4, 2,1 3 d. 4,1,2,3


To keep your family healthy always remember to clean, sanitize and store
kitchen tools and equipments regularly. But you need also to keep in mind the
suitable cleaning agents.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Cookery Manual Module 1 of 2

Answer key

Activity 1:

Activity 2:

Chemical Concentration Contact Advantage Disadvantage

Chlorine 50ppm in water Effective on a Corrosive,
between 75% wide variety of irritating to the
and 100% bacteria; skin,
7 seconds highly effectiveness
effective; not decreases with
affected by increasing pH of
hard water; solution;
generally deteriorates
inexpensive during storage
and when
exposed to light;
rapidly; loses
activity in the
presence of
organic matter
Iodine Forms brown Effectiveness
12.5-25 ppm in color that decreases
water that is at indicates greatly with an
least 75°F 30 seconds strength; not on crease in pH
affected by most active at
hard water; pH 3.0; very low
less irritating acting at 7.0;
to the skin should not be
than is used in water
chlorine; and that is at 120°F
activity not lost or hotter; and
rapidly in the might discolor
presence of equipment and
the organic surfaces
Quaternary U to 200ppm in Non-toxic, Slow destruction

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

ammonium water that is at odorless, of some
compounds least 75°F 30 seconds colorless, microorganisms;
noncorrosive, not compatible
non-irritating; with some
stable to heat detergents and
and relatively hard water
stable in the
presence of
matter; active
over a wide
pH range

Activity 4
1. soapy
2. easy
3. color
4. back
5. contamination
6. inverted
7. covered
8. imperious

Activity 5:
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. A

Prepared by:


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

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