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WEF Shaping The Future of Construction

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Industry Agenda

Shaping the Future

of Construction –
A Landscape in
An Introduction
Prepared in collaboration with The Boston Consulting Group
January 2016
World Economic Forum
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REF 110116
Contents Preface

3 Preface The first report of the World Economic Forum’s Future of Construction Series
– The Future of Construction: A Healthy Outlook and How to Make It a Reality
4 Context and Objectives of – will be published in the first quarter of 2016. As input for discussion, this
the Report document includes the Executive Summary of the report, as well as its first
chapter, Introduction: The Construction Industry – Time for a Transformation.
5 Executive Summary
The remaining chapters – on companies as the spearhead of transformation,
7 1. Introduction: The the industry’s need to collectively drive transformation, the government’s need to
Construction Industry – encourage and enable this transformation, and the way forward – will be part of
Time for a Transformation the full report.

7 1.1 The industry is crucial to

the economy, society and

8 1.2 The industry’s future

will be shaped by several

9 1.3 The industry must

confront internal challenges
as well

11 1.4 The industry is ripe for

and capable of transformation

13 Abbreviations

14 Endnotes

15 Contributors

17 Bibliography

Shaping the Future of Construction – A Landscape in Transformation: An Introduction 3

Context and
Objectives of
the Report

This report is the first publication of a multi-year project for
guiding and supporting the Engineering & Construction
(E&C) industry during its current transformation. The report
describes the industry’s present state, assesses relevant
global trends and their impact on the industry, and devises
an industry-transformation framework with key areas
for development and action. It also features many best
practices and case studies of innovative approaches or
solutions, and offers a view – at different points of action,
such as at the company-, industry- and sector-level – of
how the future of construction might look.
The project’s subsequent phases and reports will deal
with specific topics or will explore the subject in-depth by

The project as a whole, and this report specifically, builds on

the findings of an earlier World Economic Forum project –
the four-year Strategic Infrastructure Initiative. That initiative
identified and described the key government measures
needed to close the infrastructure gap, by such means as
improving the prioritization of projects, enhancing public-
private partnership (PPP) models, improving the operations
and maintenance (O&M) of existing assets, and better
mitigating risks. During that research, it became evident that
important contributions can also be made from the supply
side – the Engineering & Construction industry – in the form
of improvements to and innovations in project delivery.

This report is aimed at all firms active along the construction
value chain, including suppliers of building materials,
chemicals and construction equipment; contractors; and
engineering, architecture and planning firms; as well as
project owners and developers.
Governments are another target audience, as they not only
have an impact on the industry via regulation but also act as
the main procurer of most infrastructure projects.
Finally, this report is also aimed at members of academia
and civil society, in view of the socio-economic importance
of the construction industry. The industry will rely on
effective collaboration with all stakeholders for its future

4 Shaping the Future of Construction – A Landscape in Transformation: An Introduction

Executive Summary

The Engineering & Construction (E&C) industry strongly Compared to many other industries, the construction industry
affects society, the economy and the environment as a has traditionally been slow at technological development. It
whole. It touches the daily lives of everyone, as quality of life has undergone no major disruptive changes; it has not widely
is heavily influenced by the built milieu surrounding people. applied advances in processes such as “lean”.1 As a result,
The construction industry serves almost all other industries, efficiency gains have been meagre. In the United States over
as all economic value creation occurs within or by means the last 40 years, for example, the productivity of construction
of buildings or other “constructed assets”. As an industry, labour has actually fallen.
moreover, it accounts for 6% of global GDP. It is also the
largest global consumer of raw materials, and constructed Given the sheer size of the Engineering & Construction
objects account for 25-40% of the world’s total carbon industry, even a small improvement would provide substantial
emissions. benefits for society. To capture such potential, this report
presents an industry transformation framework (Figure 1),
Multiple global megatrends are shaping the future of listing 30 measures, including many best practices and case
construction – trends related to markets and customers, studies of innovative approaches. Some of the measures can
sustainability and resilience, society and workforce, politics be adopted by private companies on their own, while others
and regulation. Consider just two developments: first, the require collaboration with their peers or with other companies
number of disasters reported last year amounted to three along the construction value chain. In addition, some of the
times the number in 1980, such that certain major hazard- measures can be adopted by government alone, acting both
mitigation endeavours are needed; second, the population as the regulator and as the major owner of infrastructure
of the world’s urban areas is increasing by 200,000 people projects.
per day, all of whom need affordable housing as well as
social, transportation and utility infrastructure. Such trends
pose challenges but also offer opportunities; either way, they
require an adequate response from the industry as a whole.

Figure 1: Industry Transformation Framework

Source: World Economic Forum; BCG analysis

Shaping the Future of Construction – A Landscape in Transformation: An Introduction 5

Substantial improvements are already within reach and it should engage local communities by means of
for companies participatory planning and ongoing community-involvement
initiatives during operations. A good example in that regard
It is companies themselves that should spearhead the is the Considerate Constructors Scheme, a non-profit,
industry transformation. Tremendous opportunities are independent organization founded by the United Kingdom’s
available through the application of new technologies, construction industry to improve its image.
materials and tools. New technologies in the digital space,
for example, will not only improve productivity and reduce The industry is also very much affected by politics and
project delays, but can also enhance the quality of buildings regulation, and thus needs to optimize its interactions with
and improve safety, working conditions and environmental the public sector. Again, companies should cooperate in
compatibility.2 Building and Information Modelling (BIM) their efforts here, to ensure constructive communication
plays a central role here, as it is the key enabler of and with public agencies, to monitor political developments
facilitator for many other technologies: the building of a accurately and to implement an effective advocacy strategy.
bridge, for example, can be greatly facilitated by combining In the German “national initiative on energy transition”,
robotics and 3D printing via a parametrically designed 3D for instance, the construction industry coordinated well in
model. Connecting these 3D models to all the dimensions developing a strategy on climate change with the German
available with Enterprise Resource Planning systems government.5
allows further improvement in the accuracy of processes
and operations. Although many innovative solutions are As both regulator and major client, the government too
already being applied on a small scale or in a few countries, needs to take action
the industry still needs a large-scale application or better
adaption of current technological developments. In any given country, the public sector, in particular the
national government, can enhance competition and
To unlock the potential lying in new technologies, materials productivity by simplifying and harmonizing building codes
and tools, the industry also needs to adopt the appropriate and standards. By setting and enforcing time limits for
processes. For instance, the benefits of BIM are reinforced regulatory and environmental approvals, governments can
if companies exploit the new opportunities it provides – greatly reduce project delays. Ideally, they should also
notably, a new way of collaborating and sharing information minimize barriers to competition at an international level.
between stakeholders. Large productivity improvements can And they should provide appropriate support to academia
be achieved by optimizing existing processes: the broader and companies for developing technological innovations.
use of lean principles and methods, for instance, could The British government, for example, recently put the
reduce completion times by 30% and cut costs by 15%.3 construction industry on the national agenda to develop
a long-term view of ways to put Britain at the forefront of
Another core lever is early project planning. To improve global construction.
such planning, companies should promptly draw on the
knowledge of all stakeholders, and should explore new Governments can also shape the industry by their actions
contracting models. A minimal increase in upfront costs of as key project owners. The Crossrail project in London,
about 2% to support optimized design will lead on average for instance, involves systematically generating, capturing
to life-cycle savings of 20% on total costs.4 and replicating innovative ideas and eventually translating
them to practical innovations and industry standards. It
Every change has to be driven and supported by the people also aims to raise the bar for other construction projects by
involved, so companies must focus on attracting, retaining making those ideas, technologies and practices available to
and developing talent, and establishing a company culture the industry as a whole. Finally, the issue of corruption on
conducive to innovation and improved skills. This is all the construction projects can only be resolved if all participants
more necessary as the industry is traditionally regarded as cooperate in developing and implementing effective anti-
not particularly attractive by prospective employees. corruption actions – actions that address both the supply
and demand sides of corruption.
Cross-company collaboration is pivotal

Engineering & Construction companies cannot realize the

full potential on their own. The industry is one of the most
fragmented in the world and relies on a seamless interplay
of all participants along the value chain and throughout
a project’s life cycle. To reduce complexity and improve
cooperation and exchange, companies need to enhance
coordination across the value chain and jointly define
standards and agree on them. Australia is duly pioneering
the standardization of project alliance agreements to reduce
initial costs.

To gain the support of society at large, the industry again

needs to work collectively, along multiple dimensions. For
example, it should promote itself as an attractive employer,

6 Shaping the Future of Construction – A Landscape in Transformation: An Introduction

1. Introduction: The Construction
Industry – Time for a Transformation

1.1 The industry is crucial to the 1.1.3. Environmental relevance

economy, society and environment The construction industry is the largest global consumer of
resources and raw materials. It consumes about 50% of
global steel production10 and, each year, 3 billion tonnes of
1.1.1. Societal relevance raw materials are used to manufacture building products
Construction is one of the first businesses that humankind
developed, and it continues to shape our daily life in unique About 40% of solid waste in the United States derives from
ways. Virtually all other businesses rely on the construction construction and demolition.11 Throughout the world, such
industry to provide and maintain their accommodation, plants waste involves the significant loss of potential valuable
and infrastructure, and almost everyone relies on construction minerals, metals and organic materials.
to some extent for housing, work and play. For almost
the entire population of the world, quality of life is heavily As for energy use, buildings are responsible for 25-40% of
influenced by the built environment.6 the global total. In Europe, buildings account for 40-45% of
energy consumption in society, and thereby contribute hugely
Hence the value of improving the quality of construction, to the production of carbon dioxide.12
increasing its sustainability and reducing its cost. Any
endeavour serving any of those causes is likely to generate
welcome benefits – whether for families investing in their
first private home, or governments embarking on a giant
infrastructure project.

1.1.2. Economic relevance

With total annual revenues of almost $10 trillion and added

value of $3.6 trillion, the construction industry accounts for
about 6% of global GDP.7 More specifically, it accounts for
about 5% of total GDP in developed countries, whereas in
developing countries such as India, it tends to account for
more than 8% of national GDP. The industry is expected to
grow greatly in coming years, to estimated revenues of $15
trillion by 2025.8

Construction is a “horizontal” industry (like the Financial

Services industry), catering to all industry verticals, – in
other words, construction has considerable interaction
with numerous other sectors. To mention a few, residential
housing accounts for 38% of global construction volume;
transport, energy and water infrastructure 32%; institutional
buildings 6%; commercial buildings 12%; and industrial sites
(from cement to automotive manufacturing) 13%. For all of
these sectors, value creation almost always occurs within or
by means of buildings or other constructed assets.

If countries are to enjoy inclusive and sustainable growth,

they crucially need modern and efficient infrastructure.
According to a 2014 estimate by the International Monetary
Fund, if advanced economies invested an extra 1% of GDP
into infrastructure construction, they would achieve a 1.5%
increase in GDP four years later.9

Shaping the Future of Construction – A Landscape in Transformation: An Introduction 7

1.2 The industry’s future will be
shaped by several megatrends
The construction industry is affected by megatrends in
four categories: markets and customers, sustainability and
resilience, society and workforce, and politics and regulation.
The industry needs to identify and implement optimal
responses to these megatrends – both to the opportunities
they offer and to the challenges they pose.

Figure 2: Megatrends Shaping the Construction Industry’s Future

Source: World Economic Forum; BCG analysis

1.2.1. Market and customer trends upgrading or replacing – an immense opportunity, and
responsibility, for the construction industry. The vast
As demand in emerging countries rises, the industry must “infrastructure gap” cannot be bridged by public-sector
identify how these new markets can benefit best from the money alone. Private capital is needed, so the trend in
technological advances and increased safety standards infrastructure construction projects is for PPPs. One other
being applied in developed countries, while taking into notable development is the increasing occurrence of
account local market conditions. infrastructure megaprojects, even though such projects have
a poor record historically in terms of on-time and on-budget
An increase in global competition will certainly produce delivery, environmental footprint and public support.13
winners and losers as strengths and strategies differ
between companies and countries. Many Asian construction 1.2.2. Sustainability and resilience trends
firms, on the basis of their cost advantages, put great effort
into securing construction contracts abroad. Most Western Increasingly, sustainability is becoming a requirement rather
markets, such as the United Kingdom’s, are characterized than just a desirable characteristic, and its pursuit is bound to
by a high degree of fragmentation, which impacts on their affect both the construction process and the built asset itself.
level of innovation and their ability to access foreign markets. The construction industry produces an enormous amount
Eventually, the firms with strong processes in place and the of waste, so the more efficient use and recycling of raw
ability to adapt their business models to new markets will materials (i.e. establishing a circular economy), even a small
prove to be the winners. Many of the others will disappear. improvement, offer huge potential benefits. New priorities
One particularly challenging area is that of infrastructure. are emerging accordingly, including optimizing space, for
Currently, fast-ageing infrastructure assets can jeopardize example, and ensuring more efficient methods of heating,
economic growth, and demand proper maintenance, cooling and lighting. The industry is increasingly involved

8 Shaping the Future of Construction – A Landscape in Transformation: An Introduction

with off-grid/distributed power sources, such as wind power, and labour legislation, and environmental standards.
geothermal energy and solar panels on roofs. New regulations in any of these areas can affect profits
adversely. If designed thoughtfully, however, regulation can
The industry also has to address growing concerns actually prove advantageous to companies.20 For instance,
over natural hazards (notably, flooding, hurricanes and retrofit investments prompted by Germany’s new Energy
earthquakes), and to enhance resilience. So new emphasis is Conservation Ordinance were a major driver of innovation for
being placed on risk-mitigating solutions, especially in urban the construction industry.
areas with high population density.
Next is the issue of bureaucracy. Construction permits are,
Finally, the industry must be engaged against the growing quite rightly, more and more subject to environmental and
threats to cybersecurity. No doubt many important benefits social-impact studies. If these are conducted inefficiently,
will emerge from the convergence of web, cloud and mobile however, or if there is a backlog in permit decisions, projects
platforms, as well as the Internet of Things, but vulnerability are needlessly delayed and their prospects suffer: cash
will increase as well. So the imperative to protect the industry flows start later than anticipated, thereby compromising
from threats without disrupting business innovation and profitability. An appropriate balance is required: on the one
growth has never been greater.14 hand, offering speedy approval processes; on the other,
giving all stakeholders their due say. Even once the permits
1.2.3. Societal and workforce trends are granted, infrastructure projects remain vulnerable to
cancellation, owing to the vagaries of national politics. Very
The world’s urban population is expected to exceed 6 billion often, a new government will set different priorities from those
by 204515 – and about a quarter of that population would of the previous government.21
live in slums if the current share remains constant.16 Hence
the need for a boost in affordable housing in urban areas Political instability is also an issue. The international
– the very areas where the construction process is most community has arguably managed to reduce overall levels of
complex, owing to the space constraints – and for increased violence in recent decades, but regional hotspots obviously
infrastructure spending on water supply, sanitation, and so persist and new ones flare up, at enormous human and
on.17 economic cost. Contractors are wary of getting involved in
such locations, even in post-crisis states – especially in long-
Another demographic trend, especially in developed term infrastructure programmes, where predictability is key –
countries, is the shifting age profile: the increasing proportion and need to find ways of mitigating the risks.
of elderly people in the population affects the construction
industry in two main ways: first, it creates a need to construct Finally, the challenge of corruption must be addressed. In
or adapt buildings to accommodate ageing and convalescent many countries, corruption remains one of the greatest
citizens; second, it threatens to reduce the available supply barriers to economic and social development. Although
of construction workers. That threat might seem less serious bribery and other forms of corruption afflict almost every
than in the past, since new technologies are now taking over industry sector, they are a particular concern for companies
many of the tasks that formerly required low-skilled workers.18 in the Engineering & Construction and Real Estate sectors,
However, the new technologies themselves require a highly given the nature of their business.
skilled workforce, and the construction industry – traditionally
perceived as less glamorous than other sectors – will struggle
to recruit the requisite “digital” talent.19
1.3 The industry must confront
Among the other challenges faced by the construction internal challenges as well
industry are those involving the rights or wishes of local
communities, and health and safety issues. Neighbourhood In most countries, over the past 50 years, productivity
lobby groups, for instance, might influence permit decisions improvements in construction have been almost negligible,
and, failing that, protestors might force the withdrawal of especially when compared to those in other industries. Some
permits already granted. Communities are also becoming new technologies have emerged, but the rate of innovation
more organized and professional – partly thanks to new and innovation adoption has been very slow.
forms of communication and social media. As for health and
safety issues, regulations and expectations are intensifying:
asbestos has been outlawed globally as a construction
material, and builders are increasingly motivated to ensure Looking at construction projects today, I do
that the living and work environments that they create are not see much difference in the execution of
ergonomic and allergy-free.
the work in comparison to 50 years ago.
1.2.4. Political and regulatory trends

The various political challenges relate to regulation, John M. Beck, Executive Chairman, Aecon Group, Canada
bureaucracy, instability and corruption.

Regulation impacts on many dimensions of the Engineering

& Construction industry: the industry is especially affected Weak industry performance is also reflected in stock prices:
by changes in health and safety requirements, financial in Total Shareholder Return (TSR) comparisons, listed
Shaping the Future of Construction – A Landscape in Transformation: An Introduction 9
Figure 3: Industry Productivity and Performance, manufacturing industries, for instance, production processes
1964-201223 are planned in advance to a very high level of detail, and large
quantities of data are continually collected. In that way, if
something goes wrong, a car manufacturer, for instance, can
quickly home in on the root causes and implement remedies
immediately. Few construction companies are set up in this
efficient way.

Little cross-functional cooperation. The conventional

construction process is generally sequential, as it reflects
the input of the project owner, designers, constructors and
key suppliers. This set-up militates against sophisticated
production planning. Ideally, the knowledge of all
stakeholders along the value chain should be fully used early
on in the design and planning process, but that is seldom
easy or even possible under current arrangements.

Little collaboration with suppliers. For many large contractors,

the purchasing strategy involves long-term relationships with
key suppliers; nevertheless, the final decisions are often still
made ad hoc, on a project-to-project basis. The problem is
even more severe in smaller construction companies, where
purchasing is almost exclusively project-based.

Conservative company culture. The construction industry

operates in a somewhat traditional environment and generally
Peer set based on US companies with Engineering, Construction and retains a conservative corporate culture. The widespread
Services-related Standard Industrial Classification codes. Financials are perception is, justifiably enough, that construction companies
inflation-adjusted and indexed to 1964; output per working hours.
are not quite progressive or forward-thinking.
CAGR = compound annual growth rate
Sources: Global Vantage; Compustat; Bloomberg; Shortage of young talent and people development. The
viewpoint/2013/issue_67.html;; S&P image that people have of the construction industry is a
Capital IQ; BCG ValueScience Center relatively poor one, with inadequate gender diversity and little
job security (owing to the cyclical nature of the business).
As a result, Engineering & Construction companies often
Why does the industry have such an unimpressive record?
struggle to attract talented recruits to their workforce. Relative
The underlying issues are many and varied.
to companies in other industries, construction companies
engage less often and less effectively in internal people-
Lack of innovation and delayed adoption. The lifeblood of any
development initiatives.
industry is research and development (R&D). The benefits
of R&D, however, are long term, whereas the costs occur in
In fairness, the construction industry does have some
the present. That mismatch is ill-suited to the project-driven
inherent characteristics that make it a structurally difficult
business in which the construction industry operates, so R&D
business and that hinder attempts at reform. It also
has received less attention here than in other industries.24
represents just one step out of several in the value chain, and
relies on many stakeholders. So the much-needed company
Informal processes or insufficient rigour in process execution.
and industry transformation is bound to be difficult. Figure 4
The processes typically adopted in construction companies
lists these unconducive characteristics in two categories: on
regularly lack maturity. Companies often seem to put greater
the left, some of the industry’s main peculiarities; on the right,
emphasis on defining the final product than on planning the
the specific issues resulting from the special role of its clients.
actual construction process.

Insufficient knowledge transfer from project to project.

Although each construction project will have its own unique
characteristics, the processes of construction itself are
repeated in their essentials from project to project. Lessons
learned from one project could therefore often be usefully Clients do not want to be guinea pigs.
applied to subsequent projects, and each construction
company would be expected to institutionalize this process.
Yet few companies have done so. Past experience is
therefore often lost, and projects continue to rely heavily on Roger Smith, Executive Director, Corporate Strategy, Fluor Corporation,
the expertise of the individual project manager.

Weak project monitoring. A related issue is the weak

monitoring of projects, relative to other industries. In many

10 Shaping the Future of Construction – A Landscape in Transformation: An Introduction

Figure 4: Unique Construction Environment

Source: World Economic Forum; BCG analysis

1.4. The industry is ripe for and All of this significant potential is ready for release. New
opportunities are emerging as transformative developments
capable of transformation reshape the Engineering & Construction industry – from
innovative technologies to revolutionary construction
Given the construction industry’s societal, environmental techniques. Productivity and efficiency will surge. It is up
and economic importance, even small improvements in to the industry to embrace these new opportunities more
performance will make a strong impact in all three domains: vigorously and change the way it has traditionally operated.

– Societal. A mere 1% reduction in construction costs Other industries, such as the automotive industry, have
would save society about $100 billion annually25 – a sum already undergone radical and disruptive changes, and their
equal to the entire global cost of cancer drugs. In fact, digital transformation is now well under way. Construction
the possibilities go far beyond that: the vision formulated companies need to act quickly and decisively: lucrative
by the UK government for 2025 is of a 33% reduction in rewards await nimble companies, while the risks are serious
the initial cost of construction and the whole-life costs of for hesitant companies. Witness the shake-up that digital
built assets.26 photography brought about in the affected sector.

– Environmental. According to the United Nations Given all the megatrends and internal challenges, the
Environment Programme, by harnessing the capacity construction industry should take action in several areas.
of the building sector, many countries can cut emission A comprehensive approach is outlined in the industry
rates cost-effectively and achieve energy savings of transformation framework shown in Figure 5.
more than 30%. The target set by the United Kingdom’s
construction industry for 2025 is a 50% reduction of The framework structures the various areas of action
today’s level of greenhouse gas emissions in the overall according to responsibility. Initially, the transformation relies
built environment.27 on the initiatives of individual companies – the adoption of
new technologies and processes, business-model innovation,
– Economic. The global shortfall in infrastructure capacity refinements to the corporate culture and organization, and
is expected to reach $15-20 trillion by 2030. According so on. Individual action is not enough, however, in such
to the B20 Infrastructure & Investment Taskforce, closing a highly fragmented and horizontal industry: many of the
that worldwide infrastructure gap could create up to 100 challenges need to be tackled collectively – the industry as
million additional jobs and generate $6 trillion in economic a whole has a responsibility also. It needs to establish new
activity every year in the long run.28 Up to 30% of this forms of collaboration, or to improve existing forms. Finally,
boost could come from improvements to construction governments have a large role to play as well, in their dual role
projects and to asset operations. as regulators and clients.
Shaping the Future of Construction – A Landscape in Transformation: An Introduction 11
Figure 5: Industry Transformation Framework

Source: World Economic Forum; BCG analysis

The full report, including chapters 2-4 that discuss the steps
all stakeholders must take, will be launched in the first quarter
of 2016.

12 Shaping the Future of Construction – A Landscape in Transformation: An Introduction


B20 Business 20
BCG The Boston Consulting Group
BIM Building and Information Modelling
E&C Engineering and Construction
GDP Gross Domestic Product
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
O&M Operations and Maintenance
PPP Public-Private Partnership
R&D Research and Development
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
TSR Total Shareholder Return
UN United Nations
UN DESA United Nations Department of
Economic and Social Affairs
UNEP United Nations Environment

Shaping the Future of Construction – A Landscape in Transformation: An Introduction 13


Lean in the context of construction is described in The 21
For a detailed assessment of such risks in infrastructure
Boston Consulting Group, 2015a. projects, see World Economic Forum, 2015b.
The Boston Consulting Group (in a forthcoming report 22
According to The Boston Consulting Group, 2015b, the
2016) has outlined the key technological developments and median TSR of the Engineering & Construction industry has
the potential impact and implications for key stakeholders. trailed the S&P 500 in three of the past five years.
See The Boston Consulting Group, 2015a. 23
Based on The Boston Consulting Group 2015c.
Kats, 2003 explains how an initial upfront investment of 24
For instance, in a survey of almost 15,000 companies from
$100,000 to incorporate green building features into a $5 enterprises in the United Kingdom, innovation activeness was
million project could lead to savings of $1 million over the consistently ranked as one of the lowest priorities. See HM
lifetime of the building. Government, 2014.
The German national initiative on energy transition, 25
See imshealth, 2015.
Energiewende, included a module focused on buildings, 26
See HM Government, 2013 and United Nations
Plattform Gebäude. The key recommendations were
Environment Programme, 2009.
developed jointly by the construction industry and the
government, and were incorporated into a national action 27
See HM Government, 2010.
plan, Nationaler Aktionsplan Energieeffizienz (NAPE). 28
See B20 Australia, 2014.
This is especially true, of course, for the more than 100
million people employed in construction worldwide.
This calculation is based on 2014 data from IHS, 2015,
Oxford Economics, 2015 and World Bank, 2015.
See Global Construction Perspectives and Oxford
Economics, 2013.
This estimate applies specifically to public-sector investment
into infrastructure. The effect is lower in emerging markets,
because of the generally lower efficiency there of public-
sector investment. See International Monetary Fund, 2014.
See World Steel Association, 2015.
See Environmental and Energy Study Institute, 2014.
See United Nations Environment Programme, 2007.
See Flyvbjerg, Bruzelius and Rothengatter, 2003.
See World Economic Forum, 2015a.
See UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Population Division, 2014.
See United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2014.
Further infrastructure needs are, for instance, in
transportation and social infrastructure.
Particularly in fast-ageing countries such as Japan, a heavy
push towards these technologies is under way.
For a view on the potentially negative impact that a
general workforce gap could have on national growth, see
The Boston Consulting Group, 2014. The impact will be
particularly severe where the cause is undereducation.
See Setar, 2013.

14 Shaping the Future of Construction – A Landscape in Transformation: An Introduction


Project Team ArcelorMittal

Patrick Le Pense, Manager, Flat Products; Business
Andreas Renz Development Construction - Infrastructure
Project Manager, Future of Construction Lakshmi Mittal, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Manuel Zafra Solas Arup

Practice Lead, Engineering and Construction Industries Gregory Hodkinson, Chairman
Peter Chamley, Director; Chair, Global Infrastructure Practice
World Economic Forum BASF
Pedro Rodrigues de Almeida Kurt Bock, Chairman
Head of Basic Industries, Member of the Executive Dirk Funhoff, Head, Construction Network Team
Consolidated Contractors Company
The Boston Consulting Group (Adviser and Knowledge Samer S. Khoury, President, Engineering and Construction
Partner) Jamal Akl, Group Vice-President, Sales, Proposals and
Philipp Gerbert Support
Senior Partner and Managing Director; Global Head of Digital Antoine Haddad, Vice-President, Sales, Estimation and
in Construction and Industrial Goods Proposals (Civil)

Santiago Castagnino Danfoss

Partner and Managing Director; Head of Construction and Niels Christiansen, President and Chief Executive Officer
Infrastructure Europe Nis Jessen, Vice President, Business Development and
Christoph Rothballer
Principal, Infrastructure Expert Essar Group
Prashant Ruia, Group Chief Executive Officer and Director
Steering Committee of the Future of Shiba Panda, Managing Director, Essar Projects
Construction Project
Acciona Fluor
José Manuel Entrecanales Domecq, Chairman David T. Seaton, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Luis Castilla, Chief Executive Officer, Acciona Infrastructure Mark Brown, Global Director, Fabrication

Aecon Lixil
John M. Beck, Executive Chairman Yoshiaki Fujimori President and Chief Executive Officer
Steve Nackan, President, Aecon Concessions Hanseul Kim, Director, Corporate Initiative Group

AkzoNobel Perot Group

Ton Büchner, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Henry Ross Perot Jr, Chairman of the Board
Board of Management Todd Platt, Chief Executive Officer, Hillwood Investments

Amec Foster Wheeler

Samir Brikho, Chief Executive Officer
Charles Mouzannar, President, Construction and Specialty
Consulting (CSC) Operating Unit
Shaping the Future of Construction – A Landscape in Transformation: An Introduction 15
SAP Aristeidis Pantelias, Lecturer and Course Director, MSc
Bill McDermott, Chief Executive Officer Infrastructure Investment and Finance, The Bartlett School
of Construction & Project Management, University College
Michael Shomberg, Global Vice-President, Engineering,
Construction and Operations Solutions
Bob Prieto, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Strategic
Program Management LLC
Joe Kaeser, President and Chief Executive Officer Spiro Pollalis, Professor of Design, Technology and
Management, Harvard Design School; Director, Zofnass
Roland Busch, Member of the Managing Board
Program for Infrastructure Sustainability
Norbert Pralle, Vice-President, European Network of
Construction Companies for Research and Development
Johan Karlström, President and Chief Executive Officer (ENCORD)
Nick Doherty, Executive Vice-President
Aaron B. Schwarz, Principal, Plan A Architecture + Design
Douglas Stollery, Stollery Charitable Foundation
Neil Alexander Bruce , President and Chief Executive Officer Jan Van Schoonhoven, Senior Advisor, PPP and International
Relations to the Netherlands Government

Tarkett Enrico Vink, Managing Director, International Federation of

Consulting Engineers (FIDIC)
Michel Giannuzzi, Chief Executive Officer
Remco Teulings, President, Europe, Middle East and Africa Edmundo Werna, Senior Specialist, Labour Administration,
Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health
Branch, Sectoral Policies Department, International Labour
WS Atkins Organization (ILO)
Uwe Krüger, Chief Executive Officer
James X. Zhan, Director, Investment and Enterprise, United
Jeff Herriman, Group Director, Corporate Development Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Advisory Committee of the Future of

Construction Project
Victor Chen Chuan, Professor of Engineering Management,
Business School, Sichuan University
James Dalton, Chief, Engineering and Construction, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers
Juan Elizaga, President, European Network of Construction
Companies for Research and Development (ENCORD)
Bent Flyvbjerg, First BT Professor and Inaugural Chair of
Major Programme Managemant, Saïd Business School,
University of Oxford
Timothy Geer, Director, Public Sector Partnerships, WWF
Tiago Guerra, Founder and Managing Partner, TG
International Manager
Shervin Haghsheno, Professor, Department of Civil
Engineering, Geo- and Environmental Sciences, Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology
Geoffrey Hamilton, Senior Officer, Economic Affairs, United
Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Franziska Hasselmann, Director, Studies CAS MIA, Institute of
Accounting, Control and Auditing, University of St Gallen
Fiona Murie, Global Director, Health and Safety and
Construction, Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI)
Ibrahim Odeh, Director, Global Leaders in Construction
Management - Research Group, Department of Civil
Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University

16 Shaping the Future of Construction – A Landscape in Transformation: An Introduction


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18 Shaping the Future of Construction – A Landscape in Transformation: An Introduction

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