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2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Work in Progress

ABC3D - Using An Augmented Reality Mobile

Game to Enhance Literacy in Early Childhood
Arjun Bhadra, Jamie Brown, Han Ke, Calvin Liu, Eun-Jeong Shin, Xikui Wang, Alfred Kobsa
University of California, Irvine
{abhadra, jkbrown, han.k, calvinl1, ejshin1, xikuiw, kobsa}

Abstract: a significant form of motivation in the completion of tasks

[10]. The skyrocketing popularity of video games [22]
This paper presents a work-in-progress project detailing a suggests video games may be a way to tap into children’s
novel augmented reality game designed to enhance interests and promote reading. Augmented reality (AR) is
preschool-aged children’s knowledge of print-based literacy. poised to be an interesting and powerful tool for education,
National testing scores suggest children struggle with aspects and its usage in early childhood education is ripe for
of literacy in later grades. With the rise of videogames as investigation. In this paper, we present a novel educational,
popular entertainment and the potential of augmented reality mobile game that utilizes AR to encourage young children to
to present unique affordances for learning, these factors practice techniques to improve reading comprehension.
suggest a confluence deserving of investigation. We present
ABC3D, a custom-deigned augmented reality (AR) mobile II. RELATED WORK/LITERATURE:
game that harnesses the motivating power of interest and the We utilize the concept of “considerate” texts [1] as a
affordances of augmented reality to engage children in metric to guide our implementation of functionality. The
practicing print-based literacy. ABC3D is bimodal, construct of “considerate texts” is applied by Linda Labbo
consisting of 1) a “scanning” mode which allows children to and Melanie Kuhn [13] as a way to examine parts of a CD-
scan drawn letters and view 3D images of content starting ROM that support children in creating stronger “chains of
with the same letter and 2) a “vehicle” mode which tasks cognition” as they develop an understanding of what they
children with collecting objects starting with certain letters as read, versus “inconsiderate” parts which distract.
specified by software or instructor. Future work involves
further polishing of the software, implementation of audio Eric Klopfer and Kurt Squire [20] established a definition
pronunciation and eventual user testing. of augmented reality as “a situation in which a real world
context is dynamically overlaid with coherent location or
I. INTRODUCTION: context sensitive virtual information”. Wu et. al’s review of
Literacy is essential to functioning in modern Western the AR literature [25] demonstrates that AR possesses
society. It has undergone a few substantial evolutions in affordances useful to education such as being able to view
research literature, transforming from a monolithic model of content in 3D and experience lessons in a situated context.
simply encoding and decoding to a spectrum that includes Klopfer and Squire’s studies with AR [20] support the
not only the reading and writing of print-based literature but idea that AR can be used to provide students with a situated
the multimodal, participatory practices that are emerging learning experience as opposed to the “skill and drill”
from the “new literacies” brought about by the Internet [17]. experiences that abstract the learning away from its usage.
While the concept of literacy has certainly expanded, print Their work developing the game Environmental Detectives
based encoding and decoding nonetheless remains an offered support for AR allowing situated experiences that
important component, especially in early childhood [4]. might otherwise be dangerous, expensive or impractical.
Tehcnology in the early childhood classroom seems poised Kerwalla, Luckin, Seljeflot and Wollard studied children and
to provide potential solutions - a study of 297 early education their interaction with AR in class using a “virtual mirror”
teachers found that around 80% of preschool classrooms had interface [11] of the earth and sun’s rotation. This interface
computers [6]. Unfortunately, the body of research invovles users standing in front of a monitor equipped with a
surrounding early childhood literacy and technology is still camera while holding a special card. The card is recognized
lacking [5]. by the AR system and the 3D image is drawn on screen on
There is compelling evidence that suggests our children top of the card. While students showed positive interaction
today are struggling with reading and reading and enjoyed the technology, the AR implementation was
comprehension. According to data from the National fairly limited and teachers regulated the children to a passive
Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP), 64% of role. The aforementioned studies were conducted with upper
fourth-graders have reading scores that are designated as elementary students; our project proposes an extension to
below “Proficient” [23]. One potential way to increase study AR interactions in early childhood.
reading performance and comprehension is to get children The rise of video games as a legitimate and popular form
interested in reading more [9]. Interest has been shown to be of entertainment has prompted a parallel academic interest.

978-1-5090-1941-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

Games as an area of interest for scholars has been
championed by researchers such as James Gee [8] and
Jonathan Alexander, who assert that gaming involves a IV. IMPLEMENTATION
“complex use of multiple modes of writing” and a “variety of
complex literacy skills”[1]. A study by Steinkeuhler showed We will discuss the implementation of ABC3D in the
video games touch on the important component of interest following sections:
and can be used to catalyze literacy practices that often A. UI and Game Mechanics
emerge surrounding games[21]. While this study was
conducted with older and only male students (the At the start of the application, the player will be placed at
aforementioned Pew study shows a clear gender difference in a start screen with two options, "Learn" and "Exit." Upon
reading performance), we believe it lends precedence to the pressing the exit button, the player will be taken back to the
idea of interest generated by games and the potential for device's main menu. Upon pressing the learn button, the
games to act as literacy facilitators. player will progress to the scan menu. There, they will be
prompted to scan a capital letter, ideally one written by the
III. PROJECT DESIGN player. A map of the UI layout can be seen in Fig. 1.
In order to enhance the reading ability of children, we
propose to design a mobile game to attract children to play,
and drive them to learn. In our game, we first design a
vocabulary list. Each entry of the vocabulary list contains a
letter, a word, and a 3D module which is used for the AR
display. One entry sample is described as below:

Letter Word Module Idx

'A' 'Apple' Module_Apple
'T' 'Tree' Module_Tree
… … ...

Our game is designed in two modules: a letter Fig.1 A mockup for the game UI
recognition and an object collection game module. In the
following sections, we will discuss the design of these two B. Recognition with AR
modules respectively.
At the scan screen, the system will scan in the capital
A. Letter Recognition Module letter, and generate a list of objects that start with the scanned
The purpose of the letter recognition module is to drive letter. The objects will be rendered in AR space along with a
the user to read and write letters by giving a visual text name. From there the player will be presented with a
representation of an item associated with that letter. The user "play" button at which point they will be transferred to the
will first write down a single, capital letter. The user[s] will object collection game proper.
then scan the letter through the mobile device's camera. The
system will then display the letter's corresponding model in
AR space. Next to the model, a text spelling of the object
will appear. By providing the user with a visual context, we
believe the user's interest will be stimulated, motivating them
to pursue more independent action. To further tap into this
interest, we have developed an accompanying game module
to reinforce the context from the first module.
B. Object Collection Game Module
In this module, we store the objects generated in the first
module into a list. For example, if the user scanned the letter
"T" and the system displayed a "tree" model, the game would
store the tree object in a list. The objects from the list will
populate the game world, along with a several other Fig.2 Sift feature visualization
randomly selected objects. The player will be tasked with
collecting objects they had scanned in from the first module. During the scanning process, the the system will
We anticipate that adding a game element that interacts with first extract visual features from images. In our project, we
objects from the first module will enhance engagement and choose to use the Scale Invariant Feature
reinforce interest in exploring more vocabulary. Transformation(SIFT)[24] technique, a widely used, robust
visual technique. We compiled several letter templates in our
system and extracted the respective features of each
template; the vizualization of the features of a template is
shown in Fig. 2. When a letter is scanned, we pair match the
letter features to the features in the templates and define the
best match as the recognized letter.
We used Unity 3D to create our Augmented Reality
software. For image processing, we used the Vuforia 5
SDK.The device camera will scan the letter and parse it
through the Vuforia text recognition library. The game will
then compare the information with a cloud database and Fig.4 Player (Tank) approaching to collect the car
retrieve the appropriate item name (such as "tree" for T).

Fig.5 Player collected the car and score is incremented

As a future design, we plan to implement a "read" button,
which will pronounce the name of the object that is being
displayed. Another future implementation is a button labeled
"show another object" which would allow a user to cycle
Fig.3 A running example of the AR software through several models beginning with a corresponding letter
such as "turtle" or "tree" for the letter "T." All models will be
After the letter is identified, the next step is to overlay it displayed in AR space and have an accompanying
with our AR element. The Unity 3D game design engine can pronunciation audio. We also intend to expand the amount of
easily integrate AR components into a mobile interface. As objects in our 3D library and animate the 3D models to
seen in Fig. 3, our application successfully detected the further enhance user interest.
location of the written letter "T". The AR module also
displays the model statically; the image positioning and Future versions will have enhanced functionality. The
orientation stayed constant despite testing several different user will have control over the level of vocabulary
viewing angles and lightning conditions. complexity active in the learning phase. For example, a
three-year-old scanning the letter "A" will trigger "apple",
while for a five-year-old the same "A" will bring out
C. Object Collection Game "Alligator". We also want to have an interface where the
teacher or parents of the user can load in certain vocabulary,
Based on what items were scanned within the AR so that ABC3D can be integrated into users' everyday
portion, the player will be prompted to collect a certain education.
number of items in the game portion. The player will be
placed within a bounded world as a car and will collect items We want to carry out a user study with three to five-
by touching them. Whenever a player collects the correct year-olds and their parents. The subjects will be balanced
item, a counter on the UI will increment. Whenever a player both on gender and current literacy level. We will have one
collects an incorrect item, the game will notify the player group of subjects using ABC3D and the other group using
with the message "No, that is a [item name]." Upon traditional education methods like books. We will measure
collecting all the required items, the player will be presented and compare 1) subjects' improvement in their level of
with a victory screen at which point they may choose to literacy, and 2) their motivation and interest in continuing to
return to the main menu or scan another letter. learn.
VI. CONCLUSION [15] Lankshear, Colin, and Michele Knobel. “New Technologies in Early
Childhood Literacy Research: A Review of Research.” Journal of
Our approach draws upon Hidi's concept of interest as a Early Childhood Literacy 3, no. 1 (2003): 59–82.
motivational variable for learning [10]. ABC3D is consistent [16] Lowe, David G. "Distinctive image features from scale-invariant
with Labbo and Kuhn's work as it creates cognitive chains by keypoints," International Journal of Computer Vision, 60, 2 (2004),
capturing user interest through a process of constant, self- pp. 91-110.
sustaining engagement [13]. Our system highlights the [17] MacArthur, Charles, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald. Handbook of
exploration of trends within and technology as agents of Writing Research. Guilford Press, 2008.
education. With the expansion of technological accessibility [18] McQuillan, Jeff, and Julie Au. “THE EFFECT OF PRINT ACCESS
ON READING FREQUENCY.” Reading Psychology 22, no. 3 (July
in classrooms [5] we propose ABC3D explores a new 2001): 225–48. doi:10.1080/027027101753170638.
medium from which to approach education, both from the [19] Richards, Heraldo V., Ayanna F. Brown, and Timothy B. Forde.
platforms of interactive media and the situated experiences “Culturally Responsive Instruction.” Accessed November 13, 2015.
of augmented reality.
[20] Squire, Kurt, and Eric Klopfer. “Augmented Reality Simulations on
Handheld Computers.” Journal of the Learning Sciences 16, no. 3
VII. REFERENCES (June 13, 2007): 371–413. doi:10.1080/10508400701413435.
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