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Personal & ProNet
Edition Version 4

Here and now
Table of contents
Practice: “Using VERIM”

License agreement
Introduction – The Power of VERIM

Software Installation
Setting the language
Setting the BF device

The Main Screen

Help in the main screen
Help - Module
PLOT’s Help Screen
General tips for the training

Energy Room
Luna Park

Resource Room
Problem Prison

Intelligence Room
Music Plot
Plot It
Match Curve

Network Room
Follow Me
Dolphins Run

Progress Database
Exporting saved sessions data

Closing remarks

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 2

Theory: Psychointeractivity – Another Step beyond Biofeedback

PART ONE - Biofeedback

What is biofeedback?
Biofeedback methods
History of GSR

PART TWO - Psychointeractivity

A step toward Interactivity
A step toward Psychointeractivity
Biofeedback versus Psychointeractivity
Computer as Inner Theater?

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 3

License agreement
for the VERIM – software

Dear User,

Thank you very much for choosing VERIM, one of the front biofeedback applications,
which will help you to achieve your personal goals.

Depending on your purchased VERIM version (Personal Edition or ProNet) you have
received an activation key, which determines which version will be available.

The activation key is a single user license. It means that you can use the software
on one computer at the same time only. This kind of license enables you to install the
software on your laptop, home computer or even on your work computer but you
agree just to use one at the time.

The “Personal Edition” license is restricted for private use only.

The “ProNet” license enables you to use the system for commercial, educational and
research purposes and it includes a single user network license.

We recommend to attend one of our training seminars when you plan to use
professionally VERIM.

The duplication of the software is permitted for backup or update purposes only.

VERIM takes no legal responsibility for any kind of psychic and psychosomatic
results which can originate on account of improper use of the software.

Your VERIM team

More information you can find at:

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 4

The Power of VERIM®
Virtual Energy-, Resource- and Intelligence Management

 We believe that learning is the most valuable

resource, now and in the future

 Learning is a process taking place everywhere

and anytime – “here and now”

 VERIM is working with the new means of


 Systemic Learning – psychological and

physiological processes are one in

 Self organized learning, you learn yourself

how to learn optimally

 Monitoring and self regulation in real time,


 Mental Training in a game environment,

learning about yourself is a great fun
bringing you powers of the mind

 Find out how good you are compared to

others in the “Mind-Unlimited”

Note: In this manual we have selected “you” form. When you are working with
clients the you form refers to them, of course.

Stress reaction is a very positive feature embedded deep in our brain. It helps us
to deal with everyday problems and activates us in the states of fear. The problem
is that in today’s everyday life we are exposed to increasingly many stress
invoking factors…

We know today that too much stress may lead to psychological and
psychosomatic problems.

VERIM is a biofeedback and self didactic system which will help you to recognize
your own stress patterns and you will be able to learn how to “change” yourself.

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 5

Change to more self conscious, acting and successful person, leaving the
powerless victim of your inner patterns behind. There are many ways to move on
this path, VERIM is one of them, very objective, well tested in seminars, attractive,
effective and a modern one. Still it is just a very good tool and a learning system
like an intelligent mirror showing you what is going inside – of you; how your
thoughts are connected to your body and what power they have. You can learn to
use this power inside of you and change your perception of the real world.
Welcome to VERIM!

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 6

 Please download the latest version of VERIM from and unzip the downloaded file to a
temporary directory.
Run the “setup.exe” and follow the instructions.
Please, note that the installation may take some time. Depending on
the speed of your computer and operating system you will have to
allow to install the software etc. Especially under VISTA it may take
a while until the installation process begins. Also some longer
animations will be loaded and at that time it appears there is no
installation progress. Please wait for a few minutes.
 Click in the first window on >next<
 Sign the license agreement marking the checkbox field (below left
„agree with the above. . .”)
 Please leave default or set the determination folder and click again
on > next <
 The installation begins.
 Click after the ending of the installation process on > finish <

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 7

In the VERIM box you have received a
document including the activation code
looking similar to the picture on the left.

Please follow the instructions to

activate your software and you will
receive your user name and PIN per

If the activation code is missing please

contact VERIM directly at

or your dealer for further assistance.

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 8

When the program starts for the first time you
will see your user name as received during the
activation process.

Please be aware about the use of small capital

letters in your user name.

Click with the mouse on the empty PIN field and

enter your 4-figure PIN code received by email
after activation - the program logs in
automatically when you enter the correct data.

Important: Write down the name and the

PIN just like it is written in the registration
mail. Please, give no special signs and do
not confirm with "RETURN"!

After the logging you will see the "main screen“ of


If you are VERIM ProNET user you will see 4

"rooms"; "network", "intelligence", "resource" and

"network" is not visible in VERIM Personal

edition, but it can be switched on any time by an
upgrade of the license.

VERIM ProNET supports a multi-user data bank

which is important if you want to work with

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 9

Setting the language

Click on this icon to open the preferences. Select the language and confirm to exit the
preferences. Now all help screens will appear in
the chosen language.

Setting the BF device

In the settings or at the right bottom corner on the main screen you can select the BF

Please read the online support section for more information first!

The Main Screen

After login the main screen will appear

displaying VERIM's educational “Rooms”:
„Energy”, Resource”, „Intelligence” and

“Network” is available in the ProNet version


You can upgrade from Personal Edition to

ProNet any time. You will just have to
deactivate the current version and activate
again with a new activation key for ProNet.

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 10

Help in the main screen
On the lower left corner you can select the following menus:
(Click with the left mouse key on the suitable symbols in each case)
If these 3 icons are With „X Shut down
pulled up, other sub- VERIM“ you can close the
menus will appear application

If these icon is Now you can change the
pulled up, you will volume moving the slider
see the volume slider

Help / Support
If this question mark With „contact VERIM“
will be pulled up, you will be provided to the
further sub-menus VERIM information screen
will appear
If you click below on the
left on the question marks
key, you see further
details on screen

Progress Data base to the

practice results

Settings, like language

and user management

to exit VERIM

Select “Energy” –Room.

Here you will see several “Modules”. Please select “Balance” as an example.

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 11

Help - Module

If this symbol will be With „X shut down VERIM“
pulled up you can you close the program.
see further sub- With „change to main-
menus menu“ you will come to the
main screen
If this symbol will be Now you can adjust the
pulled up the volume volume moving the slider
slider appears

If this symbol will be With „contact VERIM“ you
pulled up you can will be provided to the
see further sub- VERIM information screen
If you click below on the left
on the question mark , you
can select the option
„Explanations to the module“.

Now you can see detailed

descriptions and
explanations of all available
options and settings.

By clicking on the
background you can leave
this help screen.

Before you start a session in any of the modules, you must first connect the Mind-
Reflection biofeedback device and you put on the electrodes over two fingers.
Then you have to activate the device with the "BTN" button.
The LED beside the BTN switch shouldn’t blink (on / off) but it should change its color
from red to yellow to green.

Please refer to the Mind-Reflection’s manual before plugging it in.

If you take off the electrodes, the Mind-Reflection switches itself off after
several minutes. Before you can start with the next session you have to press

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 12

the "BTN" switch once more to activate the device otherwise the software will
display a warning!

If „incorrect“ data of the Mind-Reflection will reach the

software VERIM, an alert will be displayed. Please,
check the connections and if the device is properly
switched on, and that the electrodes are properly
connected and if they were correctly pulled over the
fingers. Then restart the session.

Now you are ready to start with the VERIM.

Through many years of experiences using VERIM in seminars we know how

important it is in the beginning of the training to correctly understand the
measurement process and the interpretation of the “Plot”.

One of the best “Relaxation” scores by Daeng Oraphan Feb. 2009

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 13

PLOT’s Help Screen
Start with the module "center" in the "Energy" room. Please set the sensitivity second
to the right and the difficulty in the middle.

This is a "classical" biofeedback module. When you relax and focus at the same time
the circling “bubles” will move more to the center. Just do nothing at the beginning,
just observe how the bubles move towards or outward the center. Then observe what
will happen when you try to “control” them, what happens when you stop breathing
for a short period of time. After about 15 minutes stop the session and look at the

What is the meaning of the lines and the numbers?

 The plot shows you the GSR change over time. When you relax the
curve will go down, when you activate it will move up.
The plot is relative to the start value, which is calculated at the
beginning of the session. The start value is represented by a
horizontal dashed line. The average value is represented by the
constant horizontal line.
 The “Maximum” is again relative to the start value and is shown in
percent. In this example the maximum of relaxation is 241.9%, in
the last minutes of the session. Its absolute value in KOhm is
 The “Minimum” is also relative to the start value and shows the
maximum of the activation in negative percentage. In the example it
is -1.4% in the first seconds of the session and its absolute value in
kilo ohms is 684.3
 The start value in KOhm, in the example 694.2
 The average value, of the whole session in kilo ohms, here 1789.1
VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 14
In this example you can see that the skin resistance, measured in kohms gets
greater when you relax, lowers when you get stressed or activated. Or other way
around: the skin conductivity gets greater when you stress or activate yourself and
gets lower when you relax. More about it later in the “Energy Room”.

The skin resistance in humans can change over 1000% during a day. That’s why the
system calibrates itself each time you start the session and the plot is represented in
relative values.

Our experience shows that a maximum relaxation of 100% in the “western” culture is
already a very good result, but some people in Asia reached over 800% in that time.
This comparison shows you well how powerful our activation/relaxation system really

When you click on the question mark symbol at the left bottom more explanations.
Just click anywhere on the screen to exit the help screen.


At each modules start screen you will find this symbol. Here you can
display your last session, if available, or open saved ones.

Now, as you understand much better the evaluation of a VERIM session, we can
start with the training itself.

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General tips for the training
Two questions are asked very often:

The first one is: „Which module should I start with ?“

And the second is: „How can I relax effectively?“

To both of them there is one clear answer: „We do not know it, only you can find it
out with the help of the VERIM“. Not that we don’t want to answer this question, but
we do not want to interfere with your own personal learning process. Nobody knows
in advance how you will react in each module and you will have to find out yourself
what are your strength and weak points.

The activation and relaxation is your internal processes and the software does not
know what you think. However, the software can measure your activation and
recognize an instant "change", fluctuation of your stress level. The modules are so
constructed that specific abilities can be trained. For example, with the module
"Centre" you can work on your ability to relax, and with the module "Balance" to
effectively focus yourself and with the module "labyrinth" you can learn more about
inner flexibility.
In order to structure the training we have divided the modules into four categories,
four virtual “Rooms” (Network included).

For every module the following areas are described:

 „Your goal“ – what you can try to achieve in this module

 "Settings" – which parameters like "sensitivity", “difficulty”,
“biofeedback loop” etc. are available and how they influence the
training environment
 „This module you can apply for“ – generally what you can do with
the this module, as for example train with closed eyes or to monitor
your GSR in real time on a plot (Music Plot).
 „This tool is ideal for“ – for what learning purpose, goals you can
use this particular module, e.g. “to practice relaxation”, “to develop
the flow state” etc.

Here is a suggestion, based on our years of experience, for a possible sequence of

modules to start with:

 Center – to practice relaxation and concentration

 Labyrinth – to reach flexibility
 Balance – internal balance, focus
 Music plot – some exercises with closed eyes
 Luna park – the first experiences in direction of "The Flow"

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 16

In case you encounter some problems in the passive modules like “Center” or
“Labyrinth” then try the more active ones in the “Resource” Room.

The more you train with VERIM the more experienced you get and then you will know
what specific modules are good for. VERIM is an open learning tool, it means you
can use specific modules for different purposes. For example you can use “Music
Plot” to monitor acoustically your relaxation progress but you can use it for setting
markers to view your GSR value in a communication training.


At you will find more about the VERIM seminars and the "Mind
Unlimited" Championships with VERIM.

Here the three best nominees in 2009

from Thailand. Daeng in the middle, Nok
to the left and Tuang to the right.

The world record in

“Relaxation” in 2009 by
Daeng Oraphan from

It shows very well that even

a “Master” can get better
after training with VERIM.

Compare the February 2009

measurement and this one
from April 2009.

She scored over 120%

better than in February!

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 17

What is the inner ENERGY?

What we mean here as energy is the mind’s ability to work properly, and not
only the physical energy – the one which you can measure in calories.
We can learn to use this energy of the brain very effectively and not to waste it
in unnecessary stress. When we become aware of how the connection of
thoughts, emotions to our stress level work together we can also learn to
regulate this fine network and tune it to our specific goals like learning,
relaxation or even activation.

In our turbulent times it is more and more of advantage to be skillful in “stress-

energy management”. Why dissipate much of our mind’s energy instead of
using it in a constructive way? In this sense focus means the centering,
concentration of the mental energy and relaxation is an open state enabling
minimum “power consumption” and self-regeneration.

VERIM is a very powerful tool, based on years of experience in seminars and

coaching. It combines the objectivity of the measurement and virtual training
environment. It consists not only of passive training, in some modules you
have to be very active as well – in your mind and body.

In a modern way we use computer based virtual environment for learning, but
please do not forget who is learning about whom? In this meaning the learn
effect is very, very real and this experience based knowledge you can use in
everyday situations.

Sometimes learning with VERIM can be very hard and direct. It simply will be
objective. But still it is better to learn what really is, free yourself of self made
illusions. Maybe you believe you can relax very well and it may be on the
contrary…or you find out you have problems to activate yourself? With the
help of VERIM you will find out about your own responses in specific situations
and then you will have the choice to use the old patterns or try new strategies.

GSR (or skin resistance, electrodermal activity etc.) is a very good, if not the best,
psycho-physiological parameter representing your inner arousal at a very deep level
(activation of the autonomic nervous system: sympathetic nervous system).

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 18

In the Energy Room you can work on the following key issues of energy

Self regulation -

 Relaxation – we define it as the ability to reduce your

stress level measured directly by GSR (skin resistance).
 Activation – as a stress level which can be induced by
fear, frustration, aggression, or feeling of joy. Activation
cannot be differentiated on this level as positive or

GSR (or skin resistance, electrodermal activity etc.) is a very good

psycho-physiological parameter representing your inner arousal at
a very deep level (activation of the central-autonomic-nervous

Flexibility – the ability to chose proper strategies for specific tasks

and situations. First you have to recognize your patterns and then
be able to dissolve them using other possible ways of reacting.

Focus – the ability to concentrate, without the necessity to activate

yourself too much. You just use the necessary energy and nothing
more as you can focus yourself on the specific task. When you are
not well focused your mind is wondering around and spending
energy on things which are of no concern in this moment. It is
wasting the energy. The focus and relaxation are correlated very

The Flow – is a an optimal state of the mind for the specific task.
Often it is the ability to stay in focus although the situation activates
you very much.

It is not a mystic state at all, but a real psycho-physiological one,

where you are very focused, creative and productive.

This is the state you know you give a good presentation, dance
performance or solving of equations - just your mind and body are
perfectly working together and you are focused on the task, never
matter what you do, the things flow without unnecessary effort and
you are here and now.

You cannot force yourself into relaxation. That is why we do not use the terms like
“Mind Control”, we more talk of Mind-Tuning and self-regulation. Tuning and
regulation require that you first know where you are and then find a way to open
yourself to the desired “change”. In order to do this you need to focus yourself,
otherwise you are doing something other but not opening yourself to the state you

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 19

want be in. You can compare the situation with VERIM and biofeedback in general as
trying to learn a child to use the steering wheel. The child has to find out itself what
movements it has to do so that it can turn its bobby car to the left or to the right. The
same with your mind – it has to learn how to reach this or that state, and VERIM is
just your environment. It objectively shows you which direction you take and
sometimes provoke you for a learning experience... But you will learn yourself and
decide where to drive.

A fast activation and a slow relaxation…

For many of us it is much more difficult to activate ourselves than to relax. As

relaxation is so important for regeneration or learning the more activation is important
for our survival. Without the activation we would not survive as a species. Observe
how fast a reptile is changing from relaxation into flight or fight? This same process is
encoded into our bran structure as well.

The activation can go high very rapidly

because it is so important for our life.
Relaxation can wait… and takes some
time – it is a secondary for our survival.
Today we are exposed to so many
threads, the stressors, that we have no
much time left to come to peace and
relax. We tend to stay at a higher
activation level and it works well…for
some time. If we do not break this habit
we will be faced with burn out
syndromes sooner or later.

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 20

When in danger a reptile can activate itself very
fast and needs much more time to calm down.

Here you can see what is possible:

A GSR measurement of a Thai
business women, Daeng Oraphan in a
VERIM seminar in Thailand.

In the first seminar in February 2009

she made 459% GSR change with
open eyes and 629% with closed eys.
For comparison, a good result is
already when you can relax 100%.

Two month later, after working with

VERIM she achieved in the next
seminar word breaking record of 821%!

More on the un-limits of the mind you

can find on:

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 21


This module is a classical biofeedback application for relaxation and focus.

Bubbling bubbles circle around a center.

Try to bring all bubbles into the center and let them stay there for ten
If you manage this, you will go to the next level. Try to bring the
bubbles into the center again and hold them there for 10 seconds.
You can go in this way through seven levels.

This tool is ideal for:

 To practice relaxation / concentration

 To learn the self regulation (Mind tuning)
 To develop "The Flow" state
 The Development of the sensitivity for internal changes
 To investigate connections between state of excitement, emotions and thoughts

Settings:  Level 1: relaxation (10 s)

 Level 2: relaxed focus
 Focus
 Difficulty – the higher the setting the faster the
bubbles will rotate
 Sensitivity – the higher the setting the more
will the bubbles respond to your GSR change;
they will move to the center when you relax and
focus but will spiral to the outside when you get
activated and distracted. Through the
“sensitivity” setting you also change the
threshold of each level. When you are already
good at the training you should lower the
sensitivity and this way challenge yourself!

 Please set the „difficulty“ to 3 and the „sensitivity“ 4 in Level 1
 Try to breathe relaxed, slowly and deeply

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 22


This module is a classical biofeedback application for learning flexibility.

Steer your ball through a labyrinth. Should you bump into obstacles
and you get stuck, you can escape again and continue the trip by a
suitable activation or relaxation.

This tool is ideal for:

 To practice relaxation / concentration

 To learn the self regulation (Mind tuning)
 To develop "The Flow" state
 The development of the sensitivity for internal
changes at the psycho physiological level
To investigate connections between
state of excitement, emotions and thoughts


 Difficulty – sets the horizontal speed of the ball

 Sensitivity – the higher the setting the more
sensitive will the ball react to your GSR change
 Biofeedback looped fixed to positive – when
you relax will the ball go down

 Please set the „difficulty“ to 3 and the „sensitivity“ 4
 Try to breathe relaxed, slowly and deeply and try not to control
the ball through breathing

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 23


This module is a classical biofeedback application for learning to stay in focus.

On a swing board there is ball representing your inner focus. Your

goal is to keep the ball in the center, staying focused for a selected
period of time. If you change your activation to rapidly, a single
thought is enough, the ball may roll down. If it rolls off the board you
have failed, if not you have achieved your goal and you may increase
the difficulty setting…

This tool is ideal for:

 Focus – to practice concentration

 The application as a monitoring of the concentration with the
meditation, even purely acoustically applicable
 To learn the self regulation (Mind tuning)
 To develop "The Flow"
 The Development of the sensitivity for internal changes at the
psycho physiological level
 To investigate connections between
state of excitement, emotions and thoughts


 Level 1: the ball can not fall off while the traing.
Places of potential fall off are marked in the
 Level 2: the ball may fall off which ends the
 Difficulty – the higher the difficulty setting the
more sensitive will the module react to your
local GSR change and you will have harder to
„stay in balance“. The ball will roll to the left
when you relax to fast or to the right when you
activate to fast.
 Timeout – the Timeout for the session.

 Please set the „difficulty“ to the minimal value first and the
timeout to 2 minutes in level 1. When you can keep the ball for
this settings increase the difficulty and timeout values
 Try to breathe relaxed, slowly and deeply

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 24

Luna Park

With this module you are able to drive a psycho interactive roller coaster.

You sit in a roller coaster and you have the possibility to drive with
high speeds and drop to huge depths to drive yourself then for a
short time on your head standing and then again you drive up to
vertiginous heights. You steer the speed alone through your
relaxation state or excitement state.

This tool is ideal for:

 To develop "The Flow"

 To practice relaxation / concentration / activation
 To learn the self regulation (Mind tuning)
 The development of the sensitivity for internal changes
at the psycho physiological level
 To investigate connections between state of excitement, emotions
and thoughts

 Difficulty – the higher the value the slower is
the base speed of the rollercoaster
 Sensitivity – the higher the value the more
sensitive to your GSR change will the
rollercoaster react
 Biofeedback loop
 Positive: the rollercoaster will move
faster when you relax
 Negative: the rollercoaster will slow
down when you activate yourself
 (X) no influence on the speed of the
rollercoaster by the GSR
Level – 1 to 3; three different landscapes with
some surprises on the way and one backward
trip as well (Level 4)

 Set the sensitivity and difficulty to 3 to start with the training in
Level 1

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 25


With this module you are able to find out your typical "day state" and learn to reach
your desired "level".

You glide with the lift in a Tower upwards or downwards.

Fix for yourself first the floor which you would like to reach, and
determine how much time you want to give to get there. Try to reach
the chosen floor in the given time. You steer the lift through change of
your relaxation state or state of excitement.

This tool is ideal for:

 To practice relaxation / concentration

 To learn the self regulation (Mind tuning)
 To develop "The Flow"
 The Development of the sensitivity for internal
changes at the psycho physiological level
 To investigate connections between
state of excitement, emotions and thoughts

 Difficulty – the higher the value the less
seconds you have to accomplish your goal to
reach the target level (the timeout is in seconds)
 Sensitivity – this parameter has to be set when
you first time use this module. This module uses
the absolute values of the GSR and has to be
calibrated for each user separately to reflect the
current “energy level”. Follow the instructions on
the screen.
 Biofeedback loop (fixed)
Positive: the elevator will move up when you
activate yourself
 Target level – set your desired level here

 Set the difficulty in such a way that the elevator is somewhere
in the middle floor. This way you will have enough
„floors”/levels for moving up or down

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 26

What are resources and which learning aims you pursue with the
modules in the resource room?

Human resources develop out of a combination of thoughts (knowledge) and

the dealing with your feelings. One of the most central resources in the
learning process of the emotional intelligence is itself becoming conscious of
personal qualities; that means to develop a self-confidence. In the perception
and with the knowledge about our strengths and weaknesses so we can form
more intelligently the access to ourselves and to our surroundings.
The concept „Humanly resource“ comes in all fields of work stronger and
stronger in the center of the attention. The knowledge and the social
intelligence of the employees show a determining factor of an enterprise in an
information society.

Important resources can be:

Patience – To be patient means:

• To be better in handling with unexpected situations
• To react on external demands and difficulties with a
good feeling and inner balance
• To meet problems with patience
• To develop a general patience in everyday life
• Simply having less stress and more pleasure in life
Frustration tolerance – increasing it means:

• To accept contradictions and to react in a constructive way to

• Learning to handle with loss and defeats
• To admit own mistakes as a part of a learning process.
• To avoid aggressive reactions
Concentration and good Response Time – To remain a long time
in the Focus and to be able to react very fast.

You can use it everyday situations like car driving, at work, sports,
dance & martial arts, playing cards etc…

Having the ability of focusing on a task while remaining aware of the

surrounding environment and having very fast reaction time is life
saving. (Avoiding car accident, pooling a child drowning in a pool….)
VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 27
The Flow – is a an optimal state of the mind for a specific task.
Often it is the ability to stay in focus although the situation activates
you very much.
This is the state you know you are creative, give a good presentation,
give the best dance performance or solve equations – just your mind
and body are perfectly working together and you are focused on the
task, the things flow without unnecessary effort and you are “here &
"Mind Tuning“ or Self-regulation – mastering it will help you:

• To react to external stress factors not by rigid reaction patterns

but to be able to act consciously in a self defined way – not to
react, but to act –
• To investigate own feelings and to name them
• To recognize internal “programming”
• To visualize oneself in upcoming situations and to prepare
oneself for them

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 28


With this module you are able to play properly with the "mouse", to catch insects
and to experience their "psycho interactive" behavior as a mirror of yourself.

Many ants run through the screen. Keep your head and catch all ants
by clicking on them. The clicked ants change immediately into beetle.
If all ants have changed into beetle they can be animated (again by
clicking) to fly away from the screen.

This module is ideal for:

 To learn self regulation (Mind tuning)

 To shorten reaction time
 To develop "The Flow"
 To learn patience
 The development of a sensitivity for internal changes at the
psycho physiological level
 To investigate connections between state of excitement,
emotions and thoughts

Settings:  Difficulty – the higher is this value the more

faster is the basic speed of the insects
 Sensitivity – the higher is set the sensitivity the
more will the insects react to your GSR change
( only when the biofeedback loop is set to
positive or negative)
 Biofeedback loop
 Positive: the insects will move faster
when you relax
 Negative: the insects will move faster
when you activate yourself
 (X) no influence on the speed by your
GSR change
 Level – 5 levels (1-3 relaxation/activation, 4-5

 Please set the „difficulty“ to 3 and the „sensitivity“ to 4

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With this module you are able to play properly with the “mouse“, to catch cubes
and to experience their psycho-interactive behavior

50 colored cubes appear on your screen and in an unpredictable

manner they disappear again.
Click every cube once - and they becomes slightly transparent. If
you click by mistake a transparent cube the play begins again from
the start. Each time you make a mistake the time is marked on the

This module is ideal for:

 to reach an improvement of the contact with failure and frustration

(frustration tolerance)
 To learn self regulation (Mind tuning)
 To shorten reaction time
 To develop "The Flow"
 To learn patience
 The development of a sensitivity for internal changes at the
psycho physiological level
 To explore connections between state of excitement, emotions and

Settings:  Difficulty – the higher is this value the more

faster is the basic speed of the cubes
 Sensitivity – the higher is set the sensitivity
the more will the cubes react to your GSR
change ( only when the biofeedback loop is
set to positive or negative)
 Biofeedback loop
 Positive: the cubes will jump faster
when you relax
 Negative: the cubes will jump faster
when you activate yourself
 (X) no influence on the speed by your
GSR change
o Level 1: relaxation/activation
o Level 2-3: focus

 Please set the „difficulty“ to 3 and the „sensitivity“ to 4

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With this module you are able

to pass and to train typical mental phases of the biathlon like

 Activation - running
 Relaxation - preparation for shooting
 Concentration – shooting

This module is made up of two phases and each phase divides itself
into the segments Activation, Relaxation and Concentration.

In the activation you must mobilize your forces, and move your body
into an active state. A feedback about your activation you receive by
means of two rings which will move faster at a suitable activity.

In the relaxation it is your job to be settled down again. Your efforts

are indicated by turning discs which come with success to the
standing position.

In the concentration, consisting of a balanced mixture between

activation and relaxation, you are asked in the shooting gallery to
deliver shots on targets. Try to move the cross-hair in the middle,
while you concentrate upon your aim.

This module is ideal for:

 To learn self regulation (Mind tuning)

 To develop "The Flow"
 The development of a sensitivity for internal changes at the
psycho physiological level
 To investigate connections between state of excitement,
emotions and thoughts

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 Activation
 Threshold – the higher you set this
value, the more you have to activate
yourself in this phase
 Timeout – maximum time for this phase
 Relaxation
 Threshold - the higher you set this
value, the more you have to relax in
Settings screen: this phase
 Timeout – maximum time for this
 Concentration/Focus
 Repeat – the number of the shots (5
is standard)
 Timeout – the time for each shot in
this phase


Activation: green- threshold reached, red – timeout

Relaxation: green- threshold reached, red – timeout
Focus: blue – targeted, yellow - missed

• Suggested settings for the phase 1 & 2:
◦ Activation: 20%, 60 s
◦ Relaxation: 50%, 120 s
◦ Focus: 5x, 60 s

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Problem Prison

With this module you are able to write personal contents / events in the training
software and to “head” for them and to free yourself emotionally from them

Select three problem fields in your life, and write this in suitable three
fields “neutral level“, “extreme level“ and “low of level“.
Now you ca “travel” along your problem fields. You only go past to
the “high level“ field, while you relax. To go past to the field “low
level“, you must activate yourself. With the field “neutral level“ you
have the free choice how you would like to pass the problem. While
you try to pass the single problem fields, get involved mentally in
your respective problems and observe your inner reactions.

This module is ideal for:

 To recognize emotional problem areas and to work on their

 To recognize own feelings
 To try out alternative strategies solutions for the emotional
 To learn self regulation (Mind tuning)
 The Development of a sensitivity for internal changes at the
psycho physiological level
 To investigate connections between state of excitement,
emotions and thoughts

Settings:  Difficulty – sets the horizontal speed of the ball

 Sensitivity – the higher the setting the more
sensitive will the ball react to your GSR change
 Biofeedback looped fixed to positive – when
you relax will the object go down
 Problem Zones
 High Level Problem – here you write
down the name of a person, a short
description of a situation etc. which
“invokes” an activation in you - you get
angry, frustrated and you want to train to
change your response to more neutral
or even relaxed in this specific situation
 Neutral Level Problem – here you write
down the name of a person, a short
description of a situation etc. which does
not “invoke” an or relaxation activation in
you – there is no response in you and

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 33

you want to train to change your
response to more active or relaxed in
this specific situation
 Low Level Problem – here you write
down the name of a person, a short
description of a situation etc. which
“invokes” a relaxation in you - you get
“unmotivated”, no drive and you want to
train to change your response to more
active in this specific situation, be more
motivated, have more drive

 Please set the „difficulty“ to 3 and the „sensitivity“ to 4
 Begin with persons close to you, with real situations and avoid
abstract definitions.
 You can repeat sessions with the same entries – the problem fields
will distribute randomly so that you can avoid the same patter of
 Reconsider the problem definition after several sessions – other
 A typical example: Your boss in High Level – you feel stressed
when you see your boss, your thoughts are not focused, your hands
are getting wet and cold. This is a good training “person” for
searching a new pattern in your behaviour. Maybe a constructive
talk with the boss, feeling the boss (empathy)?
Your partner in Neutral Level – In recent weeks you are not
feeling very empathetic towards your partner. You want to change it
and look for more extreme reactions.
Jogging in Low Level – you want to motivate yourself to do your
jogging minutes in the morning – activate yourself!

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What is Intelligence on psycho-physiological level?

The “Intelligence Room“ creates a virtual space for learning

the self-verification and self-enhancement.

The GSR is an easy, but very direct, indicator of the stress level and it shows us our
basic arousal patterns and of other animals. You can not develop emotional
intelligence without integrating this foundations of our “old brain’s programs”.
Even a single thought or an emotion can cause a rapid change of the skin resistance.
Read more on Fight-or-flight response.

A single thought or an emotion can cause a change of the skin resistance.

In this training “Room” your abilities in the self-verification are mostly coached by
means of a plot. You will quickly learn to be aware of your own psycho-physiological

You will also be able to understand better the connections between the thoughts, to
the emotions and the internal psycho-physiology of the people around you. Thereby
you become “more intelligent” also at the emotional level. You will thereby become
“more sensitive” for yourself and more emphatic for the people around you. Using
this knowledge you can make new decisions, because the internal processes
become clearer for you. You may be surprised to find out how few people do act
“logically”, and how many react “emotionally”. The logic is very often used as a post
explanation of an emotional act.

If you have taken the step to the introspection, your vision about yourself will change.
Your self-esteem will gain strength. Too often we act as „emotional robots“ of being
incapable to make our own, responsible decisions. If you, however have experienced
these internal processes and you have integrated them into your life, you will also
feel no desire to fall back into the old behavior patterns.

You will simply attain new emotional freedom, “be enhanced”, with a new
responsibility for yourself and others.

Psycho-physiology is a good starting point for discovering how much we are

entangled as mammals by the evolution, what Lewis, Amini and Lannon called very
nicely the Limbic Resonance in their book “A General Theory of Love (2000)”.

More on this in the group psychointeractivity, which is a complementary concept to

the lymbic resonance, which can be presented objectively with VERIM.

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On which learning goals you will focus in the modules in the Intelligence

Intelligence on the psychophysiological level – helping you:

• To be better in self-verification
• Having better relations with others
• Increase your emphatic abilities
• Having less stress and more pleasure in life
„Mind Tuning“ or Self-regulation – mastering it will help you:

• To recognize own internal “programming”

• To investigate own emotions and to verify your psycho-
physiological reactions.
• To react to external stress factors not by rigid reaction
patterns but to be able to act consciously in a self defined
way – not to react, but to act –
• Achieve deep relaxation and high focus

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Music Plot

With this module you are able

 to make a long time recording of the GSR:
Monitoring including setting markers during
the session (as in every VERIM module
using the F1 to F12 keys which are key
coded on the plot)
 to train with eyes closed due to sound
 to show how sensitive the GSR is to your
thoughts and feelings

Here the changes of your skin resistance are recorded as a curve

and are returned as a sound. According to your physiological
reaction the sounds change in this module. Try to move consciously
between the sounds or to stay with some sounds for a self-
determined time. This is a very open tool, with (almost) no limits to
recording time and possible application.

With this module you are able to draw your GSR curve and play a sound changing
to your GSR.

Settings:  Difficulty – sets the speed of the plotted line

 Sensitivity – the higher value the more
sensitive will the plot react to your GSR change.
If you have over clipping lower the sensitivity
value next time
 Biofeedback loop fixed
 Positive: when you relax the plotted line
will move down
o Levels: 1 – relative activation, 2 – adaptive
activation, 3 - focus

 Please set the „difficulty“ to 3 and the „sensitivity“ 4
 In Music Plot you have sound feedback so you can do the training
with closed eyes.

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Plot It

With this module you are able

to draw your subjective GSR curve, and to

compare this curve after the meeting to the really
measured curve.

In this module you draw with the mouse the plot of your skin
resistance in the way you feel it by yourself and then you can
compare this subjective curve to your really measured curve.
The program will evaluate the correlation as well.

This module is ideal for:

 Development of sensitivity for internal changes at the psycho physiological

 To investigate connections between state of excitement, emotions
and thoughts

 Difficulty – sets the speed of the plotted line
 Sensitivity – the higher value the more
sensitive will the plot react to your GSR change.
If you have over clipping lower the sensitivity
value next time
 Biofeedback loop fixed
Positive: when you relax the plotted line
will move down

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No correlation – the subjective feeling is not corresponding to the measurement!

Negative correlation – the feeling is very good but it's interpretation oposite!

 Please set the „difficulty“ to 5 and the „sensitivity“ to 4
 You need some experience with Music Plot in order to work with this
 During the session you may close the eyes and take the sound as
reference of what you are plotting.

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 39

Match Curve

With this module you are able to learn to recognize your measured curve GSR,
and to make a distinction from the simulated curve

In this module two measuring curves are shown to you at the same
time. Develop strategies to find out which curve is yours.

This module is ideal for:

 To learn faster your self-assessment (GSR)

 The development of a sensitivity for internal changes at the
psycho physiological level
 To investigate connections between state of excitement,
emotions and thoughts


 Difficulty – sets the speed of the plotted line

 Sensitivity – the higher value the more
sensitive will the plot react to your GSR change.
If you have over clipping lower the sensitivity
value next time
 Level – 1 & 2

 Please set the „difficulty“ to 3 and the „sensitivity“ to 4

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Why training in a network?

The ProNet user have the possibility to train in pairs, teams or groups. But what is so
different while training alone or with others? We can say from the seminar experience
–“Everything!”. The social situation changes our inner responses diametrically. In
seminars we have seen how masters in personal training fail completely in team
The group psychointeractivity of VERIM was granted the European patent in 2006.
It can be applied to tele-coaching settings but may lead to a cultural revolution in art
and media as well.

On which learning goals you will focus in the

modules in the Network Room?
Self verification in a group on the psychophysiological level
– helping you:
• To be better in self-verification in a social context
• In self-enhancement in a social context
• Increase your emphatic abilities
• Having less stress and more pleasure in life
• Having better relations with others
Emphatic abilities – mastering them will help you:

•Respect others emotions without their personification

•To investigate own emotions and to verify your psycho-
physiological reactions in a social context
• To react to external social trigers not by rigid reaction
patterns but to be able to act consciously and mature
Team-building – mastering it will help you:
• To learn “The Flow” in a group
• To adjust your inner focus for group processes
• To activate or deactivate your inner energy for group
• Flexibility in a group
• To learn the paradox of dolphins run versus rats run.

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 41

At the present time we offer two open network modules and are already working their
expansion. The network modules have been tested in seminars and we offer a
“VERIM Coordinator” extra module controlling via the server up to 16 users.

It is strongly recommended that you make VERIM Trainer's certification before you
start “networking”! championships in Poland 2009

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 42

Follow Me

With this module you are able chat with others in the network and communicate via
GSR level as well

Follow Me is an open network tool and has no fixed goals to

achieve. It may be empathy or open coaching training. You see
yourself and your partner(s) as rotating rings, which correspond to
your GSR change. In the chat room you can exchange messages
and see the reaction to them.

This module is ideal for:

 Empathy-Training, Negotiation-Training, Leadership –Training

 The development of a sensitivity for internal changes at the psycho physiological
level in yourself and others
 To try out alternative non-conflict strategies
 To learn the Mind-Tuning in a social context
 To investigate connections between state of excitement, emotions and thoughts

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 43

Dolphins Run

With this module you are able chat with others in the network and communicate via
GSR level as well and run a championship in relaxation and concentration.

Dolphins Run is network module for conducting championship in

a constructive way – the winner is the one who can more relax
and concentrate. You can use the module for team training as

This module is ideal for:

 Negotiation-Training, Leadership –Training

 The development of a sensitivity for internal changes at the psycho physiological
level in yourself and others
 To investigate connections between state of excitement, emotions and thoughts

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 44

Progress Database

In VERIM ProNet you have the possibility to work with many clients. Each client's
settings are saved together with main statistical values of each session.

On the three screens you can follow the tendency.

By clicking on each square you can display some information about the session.

Currently the functionality of the Progress Database is being expanded and will be
available for VERIM 4 users.

Exporting saved sessions data

In case you want to export a sessions data into a statistical program here is a short
example how to prepare the file for import.

All the data is being saved in .txt files so you can open them easily without any

In the square parenthesis after “#data:” the GSR values in Ohm are being saved
(every 0.5 s). All you need is to copy it to a text file without the parenthesis and its
done. Here a short example from VERIM 3. VERIM 4 sessions are processed in
analogous way:

[#User: "Example", #myDate: "2017-11-02", #myTime: "20:15", #startValue:

2813572.2222, #AverageValue: 2515032.4074, #Markers: [[5, 15]], #data:
[3023850, 2920750, 2895900, 2882450, 2835625, 2773825, 2706425,
2659900, 2623425, 2597150, 2573375, 2546000, 2513475, 2490650, 2465800,
2443550, 2410375, 2362450, 2317625, 2277850, 2250700, 2243275, 2235600,
2223650, 2219850, 2215500, 2196850]]

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you change to

3023850, 2920750, 2895900, 2882450, 2835625, 2773825, 2706425, 2659900,

2623425, 2597150, 2573375, 2546000, 2513475, 2490650, 2465800, 2443550,
2410375, 2362450, 2317625, 2277850, 2250700, 2243275, 2235600, 2223650,
2219850, 2215500, 2196850

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 46

Closing remarks

VERIM has already a long history. It was founded by Dr Kloeckner and me in 2000.
The predecessor to VERIM was Mental Games, where the first concepts of
psychointeractivity were implemented. Meanwhile VERIM is being applied in many
fields, and is being praised for its simplicity and clear structure and effectiveness in
self regulation.

My personal feeling is that present times are even more ready for VERIM as almost
20 years ago. And 20 years working with people is a lot of experience which is
bringing new VERIM's possibilities.

Please visit for lectures, training and seminars.

I invite you to read the appended theory part, as it may explain some of the
concepts used in the manual.

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 47

© 2000 - 2018 Andrzej Andamon Slawinski

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Biofeedback is today a well represented and scientifically acknowledged field of
studies. The biofeedback technology has found a wide range of applications in the
therapy of psychosomatic, psychic and neurological problems. Also it has been
successfully applied in stress management and sport training programs.

There are many definitions of biofeedback and several theoretical approaches.

The literature list about biofeedback runs into thousands of publications.

Before going through several definitions of biofeedback let’s consider the following
measurement’s options, for example measuring the temperature of a person’s body:

A single measurement gives a possibility of a diagnosis, like “high”, “low” or normal.

When you measure this parameter over time, plotting, recording or just observing it,
we “monitor”. This technique may be useful to follow a development of a certain
parameters for example for life signs monitoring: heart rate, respiration, EEG etc. Still
the person being measured is not instructed to observe or change the displayed
Exactly here begins the biofeedback – when the measured person can observe the
specific parameter and is aware of it. The next step is when the person tries to
regulate the specific parameter – here we can talk of biofeedback training already.

And here are some modern definitions of biofeedback:

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 50

Three main theoretical models underlying these definitions are:

 Learning theory model – Biofeedback is instrumental conditioning of

neuromuscular and autonomic activity using the fed in signals as positive

 Cybernetic model – Biofeedback as the external feedback loop of

physiological signals makes possible for a motivated person to make
appropriate inner adjustments.

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 51

 Stress management model – Biofeedback is used as a tool for stress

All these definitions and models have in common the therapeutic aspect of
biofeedback. Another branch of biofeedback technology has developed parallel to
the clinical applications and is connected to the “self-awareness” ideas. Here is not
the therapy of some “abnormal” human condition the main goal of biofeedback
application, but the achievement and control of “expanded” states of consciousness.

One of the pioneers of these ideas, C. Maxwell Cade, formulated this in the following

Before I introduce a new concept for the application of biofeedback technology let us
take a short look at different methods of gaining psychophysiological information and
also at some historical aspects of this fascinating field.

Any possible method for gaining the signals coming from the human body can be
theoretically used for biofeedback. Some of the most
applicable methods today are:

 Skin Resistance – Terms: galvanic skin response (GSR), electrodermal

activity (EDA) consisting of electrodermal response (EDR) and
electrodermal level (EDL), skin conductance activity (SCA) and its
components SCR and SCL, skin resistance activity (SRA) and the specific
parts SRR and SRL. Two electrodes are placed over the sweat glands 1 of

A gland of the skin that secretes perspiration and opens by a minute pore in the skin
VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 52
the skin, and a small voltage is applied to the electrodes, a circuit is
created, and an electric current in microampere range will flow.

 Electromyography – EMG. It measures the electrical correlate of the

muscle contraction in the micro volt range.

 Respiratory Feedback – RESP. A belt or a distance sensor over a chest

or temperature sensor in front of the nose / mouth is monitoring the
respiration process.

 Peripheral Temperature and Finger Phototransmission as correlates of

peripheral vasoconstriction.

 Heart Rate – HR. The heart rate measured by an ECG system or finger /
ear phototransmission sensor unit.

 Electroencephalogram – EEG. Small electrical changes in the micro volt

range are being picked up by a system of electrodes fixed on the surface
of the head. For biofeedback application the “brain waves” are being
analyzed for their local distribution in the left, right hemisphere and their
spectral (frequency) distribution.

Other, more exotic form of biofeedback like light evoked ultra-weak

photoluminescence, are very promising but still in the stage of research and very are

Skin resistance or applying the historical term, galvanic skin response (GSR), is one
of the easiest and robust methods for biofeedback. Although it is simple in
application it delivers quite complex data from which many aspects of activation,
relaxation but even concentration/focus can be derived.

Here is an example of plotted


 EEG - left and right

 Pulse
 Respiration
 GSR represented by two
lines; the base in green
and the local change in

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Of course such a way of displaying the data is of no much use for biofeedback
training. It has to be transformed into audio-visual, analog representation.
Just transforming the first two channels of the EEG sample by FFT algorithm you can
display a “Mind-Mirror”, showing in real time the spectral distribution – which
frequencies are active in the left and right part of the brain.

“Mind-Mirror” of the EEG

data of the previous
example here translated
into spectral bars of the
left and right hemispheres’
activity – here clear Alpha
range at 9-10 Hz.

Such representation is
already quite suitable for
EEG biofeedback training
with open eyes. The
training person can “see”
the frequencies in his
brain and so has the
proper visual feedback to
observe any changes.

It is difficult to fix the point when

biofeedback era began.

Some refer to Galvani’s discovery

of the electrical process in nerve
and muscle action, which quickly
stimulated research into the
On the painting: medical applications of the
Here a picture showing the setting
Luigi Galvani electricity. for his experiments.

By 1840, it was widely believed that electrical process over the body provided a basis
for explaining disease and generating diagnoses and therapies. By 1870
sophisticated instrumentation and procedures had been developed as part of
electrophysiological research methodology.

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 54

Sudden changes in skin resistance were seen as a source of artifact at this time and
even special instruments were build to control or suppress these changes. First in
1879, Romain Vigouroux measured skin resistance in several cases of hysterical
In 1888, Chatles Fere, a colleague of Vigouroux, noted changes in skin resistance
after physical stimulation.
In 1915 this process was called galvanic skin response (GSR) and Fere’s study was
referred to as the first statement of an arousal theory.
Several years earlier, a German researcher, Hermann, found out that GSR is
connected to sweat gland activity, thus giving a physiological explanation for the
In 1889, the Russian investigator, Ivan Tarchanov, was able to show that mental
activity could cause changes in GSR. The works of Fere and Tarchanov were
forgotten for many years.
In 1904 as a Swiss engineer, E. K. Müller, noticed that GSR changed even with
regard to psychological events. He passed his observations to the Swiss
neurologist Veraguth, who was a friend of Carl G. Jung.

Carl G. Jung used the GSR in word associations experiments

and by 1907 he considered GSR or “psychogalvanic reflex”
as a method to objectify unconscious “emotional tones”.

He was also the one who brought the ideas of GSR to the
United States.

The actual state of the GSR in biofeedback is very well described by Charles J. Peek
in one of his standard works:

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 55

For all this reasons GSR was a perfect method to start with the development of
stress management biofeedback software modules: “Mental Games” and “VERIM”.

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In the first stage of the development “Mental Games” was designed as a standard
biofeedback application and this is reflected in the “Level I – Psychophysiological”. At
first I tried to develop the training modules using “Delphi” and C++ but soon I found
out that it was rather an arduous way to follow this project.
I decided to implement a standard multimedia authoring system, “Director”, in order
to have a quick access to flexibility and interactivity. The C++ codes were only used
to communicate between the GSR device, ThoughtStream, and the multimedia
application itself. This strategy paid off in shorter times of development and the
increase of esthetic representation and led to a new concept combining multimedia
and biofeedback technology.

Level II of Mental Games, “Sensomotoric” gave me the first impulses for

developing the concept of psychointeractivity: the positive and negative biofeedback
loops. Further ideas for the concept emerged while designing and programming of
VERIM modules and their practical application in seminars for sport and
management. Also the preparation for the patent pending on biofeedback network
technology resulted in new ideas about psychointeractivity.

I have chosen this term to stress the psychological aspect of biofeedback, here
represented by GSR, and the interactivity, which became an inherent part of
multimedia application, or a human – computer interface.

A simple implementation of biofeedback into a multimedia production does not

justify the need for coining a new term. In my opinion, there is a practical necessity
for a new name, differentiating between standard biofeedback applications and new
possibilities or even philosophy of psycho – inter – active technology.

Remark in 2010: As I wrote this text in 2000 I did not dare to think of the impact the PI-
Technology may have on our culture. Today, as this technology finds more and more ways
into our life, for me it is just a logical step, a necessity of personalization.
As we have more and more technical possibilities to interact with each others, make thinks
personal, it is obvious we will go farther in creating the world spinning technology more and
more human. And then the “psycho physiological signals” will be the key opening new
dimensions. I am working on a portal specially dedicated to the PI, please visit www.mind- for more philosophical issues.

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 58

Imagine biofeedback as a mirror in front of a person. The person can see
in the mirror a representation of his psychophysiological parameters,
for example the GSR level.

The mirror is merely a reflecting plane, an algorithm displaying the GSR level in
some form, unable to react on its own. Only the human (and animals?) can react to
the displayed information in this setting.
The interaction, or the loop is limited to one way only.

Now, imagine that the mirror becomes a psychointeractive crystal cube.

The GSR of the person is not displayed directly to the person by the cube but is
being stored and processed inside to enable a decision what information or action
will be displayed as next to the person. It may be just a linear “mirroring” as in
biofeedback but it may also be a quite different, nonlinear reaction; a new scene, a
new situation, a new game.

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 59

This will invoke a reaction in the psychological system of the person, which will show
itself in the GSR. The GSR is being monitored by the cube. In this sense our
psychointeractive cube knows the actual arousal state of the user with regard to its
actions and now two way interaction is possible.

The idea of psychointeractivity is not only restricted to human – computer interface but
can be also used for human - human interaction via psychophysiological parameters.

An interesting aspect about the psychophysiological signals is that they are often not
conscious and are not controlled by the user. This gives the psychointeractive
system a communicative advantage.

In her book “Computer as Theatre”, Brenda Laurel writes:

VERIM® Manual Version 4.148 © 2018 Andamon Table of Contents 60

This is precisely the way a standard play is build. Brenda Laurel uses her knowledge
of theater as a basis for developing multimedia productions.

Now, how can data relating to the emotional tension the observer is experiencing
according to the play’s development, change the play itself?
Can you think of a film changing its scenes, action and story depending on the
emotions it invokes in you? What about a multimedia adventure game branching into
multiple paths where each “node” scene evaluates your mental, conscious reactions
and your mental, emotional actions of which you are not aware?

What about a film where you watch together with others and the plot is reacting to
the group?
After many years it is clear to us that the concept of psychoineractivity was crucial to
the development of VERIM. But bthe story does not end here.
We are working on new VERIM products like VERIM Duo or VERIM PI, where the
concepts of psychointeractivity and lymbic resonance will entangle each other.

Above PI-decision points creating a topology The first point, we call “differential decision
of a story board. I created them as a point” switches the plot depending on a
theoretical framework together with my son simple reaction of the “user” in/to the specific
Aurelius, for his masterwork in scene. The plot can become very complex
Psychointeractivity. and it is an artistic challenge to make the
story still meaningful and congruent to the
“reactions” of the user.

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