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4 Qubits

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Four qubits can be entangled in nine different ways.

F.Verstraete1,2 , J.Dehaene2 , B.De Moor2 and H.Verschelde1

Ghent University, Department of Mathematical Physics and Astronomy Krijgslaan 281 (S9), B-9000 Gent, Belgium
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Research Group SISTA Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium

We consider a single copy of a pure four-partite state of qubits and investigate its behaviour under
the action of stochastic local quantum operations assisted by classical communication (SLOCC).
This leads to a complete classification of all different classes of pure states of four-qubits. It is
shown that there exist nine families of states corresponding to nine different ways of entangling
four qubits. The states in the generic family give rise to GHZ-like entanglement. The other ones
contain essentially 2- or 3-qubit entanglement distributed among the four parties. The concept of
concurrence and 3-tangle is generalized to the case of mixed states of 4 qubits, giving rise to a seven
arXiv:quant-ph/0109033v2 18 Mar 2002

parameter family of entanglement monotones. Finally, the SLOCC operations maximizing all these
entanglement monotones are derived, yielding the optimal single copy distillation protocol.

PACS numbers: 03.65.Ud

One of the open questions in the field of quantum in- lowing Gisin [9], we claim that these operations maximize
formation theory is to understand the different ways in the true 4-partite entanglement.
which multipartite systems can be entangled. As the Interestingly, we found that there exist eight families
concept of entanglement is related to the non-local prop- of pure 4-qubit states that cannot be brought into lo-
erties of a state, local quantum operations cannot affect cal stochastic form by finite SLOCC operations. These
the intrinsic nature of entanglement. It is therefore nat- states do have the peculiar property that they have
ural to define equivalence classes of states generated by the maximal amount of 2- and/or 3-qubit entanglement
the group of reversible SLOCC operations[1, 2]. In this shared between all 4 parties. In some sense their entan-
letter we are concerned with SLOCC operations on one glement is maximally robust against the loss of one or
copy of a state, which means that we are considering two qubits.
actions under LOCC operations on one copy of a state An interesting feature about entanglement that
without imposing that they can be achieved with unit emerges out of the results of this letter is the fact that a
certainty. Two states belonging to the same class are quantum state has only a finite susceptibility for entan-
able to perform the same QIT-tasks, although with a glement. This will be illustrated by the fact that the op-
different probability. erations maximizing the true 4-partite entanglement are
In the case of a single copy of an entangled pure state precisely the operations that destroy all local correlations
of two qubits, it is well known that it can be converted (i.e. the local density operators are made stochastic) and
to the singlet state by SLOCC operations [3]. In the that also destroy the 3-partite entanglement (i.e. the 3-
case of three entangled qubits, it was shown [2, 4, 5] tangle of the states obtained by tracing out one party
that each state can be converted by SLOCC operations becomes equal to zero). The states having maximal 2-
√ or 3-partite entanglement shared among the four parties
either to the GHZ-state (|000i√+ |111i)/ 2, or to the W-
state (|001i + |010i + |100i)/ 3, leading to two inequiv- on the other hand are exactly the states having zero gen-
alent ways of entangling three qubits. The GHZ-state uine 4-partite entanglement (i.e. the 4-concurrences are
is generally considered as the state with the genuine 3- all equal to zero).
partite entanglement, while the W-state has the pecu- Before developing the mathematical formalism, it
liar property of having the maximal expected amount of should be noted that the study of states of four qubits is
two-partite entanglement if one party is traced out [2]. particularly interesting as the current experimental state
In this letter we extend these results to the case of four of the art allows to entangle four photons [10, 11, 12] or
qubits. Furthermore the widely celebrated entanglement ions [13]. Furthermore SLOCC operations can relatively
measures concurrence [6] and 3-tangle [7], characterizing easily be implemented on photons, and it is therefore
the amount of genuine two- and three-qubit entangle- of interest to implement the optimal SLOCC operations
ment, are generalized to the case of four qubits, giving such as to yield a state with maximal 4-partite entangle-
rise to a 7 parameter family of entanglement monotones. ment.
The SLOCC filtering operations maximizing all these en- This letter is organized as follows. First we derive
tanglement monotones are derived, and it is shown that a simple way of determining whether two pure 4-qubit
these are the unique operations [8] (up to local unitaries) states are connected by local unitary operations. Next
bringing a state into a locally stochastic form (i.e. bring- some advanced linear algebra is used to determine the
ing all local density operators equal to the identity). Fol- orbits generated by SLOCC operations. This leads to

nine different families of states, corresponding to nine given in equation (1), and SLOCC operations therefore
essentially different ways of entangling four qubits, al- correspond to left and right multiplication of R (2) with
though only one family is generic. This analysis gives complex orthogonal matrices. The challenge is now to
rise to seven independent entanglement monotones char- exploit the two times 12 degrees of freedom of these com-
acterizing the 4-partite entanglement. Finally the opti- plex orthogonal matrices to bring A into an unique nor-
mal SLOCC operations are derived such as to maximize mal form with maximal 8 real degrees of freedom left.
all these entanglement monotones. This will be possible using some advanced techniques of
Let us now first consider the problem to determine linear algebra.
whether two pure 4-qubit states are equivalent up to local We will now state a technical theorem that is a gener-
unitary operations. Therefore the following accident in alization of the singular value decomposition to complex
Lie-group theory can be exploited: orthogonal matrices.

SU (2) ⊗ SU (2) ≃ SO(4) Theorem 1 Given a complex n × n matrix R, then there

always exist complex square orthogonal matrices O1 and
Here SO(4) denotes the family of real orthogonal ma- O2 such that R′ = O1 RO2 is a unique direct sum of blocks
trices with determinant equal to 1. More specifically, it of the form:
holds that ∀U1 , U2 ∈ SU (2) : T (U1 ⊗ U2 )T † ∈ SO(4) 1. m×m blocks of the form (λj Im + Sm ) being symmetric
where 
1 . . 1

Jordan blocks (see for example [14] 4.4.9), and λj is a
1  . i i .  complex parameter (note that the case m = 1 corresponds
T = √   . (1)
2 . −1 1 .  to the scalar case).
i . . −i 2. m × m blocks consisting of an upper left (m1 + 1) × m1
A pure state of four qubits is parameterized by a four part being the matrix obtained by taking the odd rows
index tensor ψii i2 i3 i4 with ij ∈ {1, 2}. This tensor can and even columns of an (2m1 + 1) × (2m1 + 1) symmetric
be rewritten as a 4 × 4 matrix ψ̃ by concatenating the Jordan block, and a lower right (m − m1 − 1) × (m − m1)
indices (i1 , i2 ) and (i3 , i4 ). Next we define the matrix R part being the transpose of the matrix obtained by taking
as the odd rows and even columns of a (2(m − m1 ) − 1) ×
(2(m − m1 ) − 1) symmetric Jordan block.
R = T ψ̃T † . (2)
Proof: Consider the 2n × 2n complex symmetric matrix
It is then straightforward to show that a local unitary  
0 R
transformation |ψ ′ i = U1 ⊗ U2 ⊗ U3 ⊗ U4 |ψi results in a P = . (5)
RT 0
transformation R′ = O1 RO2 with O1 , O2 ∈ SO(4) and
O1 = T (U1 ⊗ U2 )T † , O2 = T (U3 ⊗ U4 )T T † . A normal Due to theorem 5 in ch.XI of [15], there exists a complex
form under local unitary operations can now be imposed orthogonal Q such that P = QP ′ QT with P ′ a direct
as follows: make the (1, 1) entry of R real by multiplying sum of symmetric m × m Jordan blocks Ji with eigen-
the whole matrix with the appropriate phase, and use value λi . Next we observe that whenever [v1 ; v2 ] (v1 and
O1 and O2 to diagonalize the real part of R through the v2 both have n rows such that [v1 ; v2 ] has 2n rows) is
unique real singular value decomposition. This procedure the eigenspace of P corresponding to a symmetric Jor-
eliminates all 13 degrees of freedom of the local unitary dan block Ji , then [v1 ; −v2 ] is the eigenspace of P corre-
operations, and two states are therefore equivalent up to sponding to a Jordan block −Ji . Due to the uniqueness
local unitary operations iff they have the same normal of the Jordan canonical decomposition, these eigenspaces
form. will be either linearly independent (this holds for example
Next we move to the central problem of this let- for sure if the corresponding eigenvalue is different from
ter, namely characterizing the local orbits generated by zero), or equal to each other (which implies that the cor-
SLOCC operations of the form responding eigenvalue is equal to zero). If the first case
applies, both v1 and v2 are orthogonal matrices.
|ψ ′ i = A1 ⊗ A2 ⊗ A3 ⊗ A4 |ψi (3)
The second degenerated case however is more difficult.
with {Ai } full rank and therefore invertible 2×2 matrices. In this case, it holds that [v1 ; v2 ] = [v1 ; −v2 ]Q for some
There is no restriction in choosing {Ai } ∈ SL(2, C), and orthogonal Q. Let us first calculate the standard non-
then a new useful accident arises: symmetric Jordan canonical form J˜ of the symmetric
Jordan block with eigenvalue 0: J = U † JU ˜ with U uni-
SL(2, C) ⊗ SL(2, C) ≃ SO(4, C). (4) tary and symmetric. If we define [x1 ; x2 ] = [v1 ; v2 ]U † and
Q̃ = U † QU , the following identities hold: Q̃T SipQ̃ = Sip,
SO(4, C) denotes the non-compact group of complex Q̃J˜ = −J˜Q̃ and [x1 ; x2 ]T [x1 ; x2 ] = Sip (the matrix Sip is
orthogonal matrices OT O = I4 . Again it holds that defined as the matrix permuting all vectors [x1 , x2 · · · xn ]
∀A, B ∈ SL(2, C) : T (A1 ⊗ A2 )T † ∈ SO(4, C) with T to [xn , xn−1 · · · x1 ]). The conditions on Q̃ imply that Q̃

is equal to the matrix Q̃ij = ±(−1)i δij .Therefore [x1 ; x2 ] b+c b−c
+ (|0101i + |1010i) + (|0110i + |1001i)
is either of the form 2 2
a+b a−b
    Labc2 = (|0000i + |1111i) + (|0011i + |1100i)
x1 a 1 0 b 1 0 c1 · · · 2 2
= (6) +c(|0101i + |1010i) + |0110i
x2 0 a2 0 b 2 0 · · ·
La2 b2 = a(|0000i + |1111i) + b(|0101i + |1010i)
    +|0110i + |0011i
x1 0 a1 0 b 1 0 · · · a+b
= . (7) Lab3 = a(|0000i + |1111i) + (|0101i + |1010i)
x2 a 2 0 b 2 0 c2 · · · 2
Due to the constraint [x1 ; x2 ]T [x1 ; x2 ] = Sip, the row + (|0110i + |1001i)
dimension of [x1 ; x2 ] and therefore of J has to be odd, i
+ √ (|0001i + |0010i + |0111i + |1011i)
as otherwise the upper rightmost entry cannot be equal 2
to 1. Retransforming to the original picture with the La4 = a(|0000i + |0101i + |1010i + |1111i)
unitary U , it holds that this structure is preserved, and +(i|0001i + |0110i − i|1011i)
the eigenspace [v1 ; v2 ] is of a form (6) or (7).
La2 03⊕1̄ = a(|0000i + |1111i) + (|0011i + |0101i + |0110i)
As the dimension of a Ji giving rise to the degenerated
L05⊕3̄ = |0000i + |0101i + |1000i + |1110i
case has to be odd, it is compulsory that there is an even
number of degenerated cases (indeed, the non-degenerate L07⊕1̄ = |0000i + |1011i + |1101i + |1110i
cases give rise to two times a similar block and the total L03⊕1̄ 03⊕1̄ = |0000i + |0111i
dimension is even). More precisely, for each [v1 ; v2 ]j of
the form (6), there has to exist a [v1 ; v2 ]k of the form (7) The complex parameters a, b, c, d are the unique eigenval-
(eventually of different dimension). The eigenstructure ues of P (5) with non-negative real part, and the indices
of such pairs of degenerate cases can then be brought Lαβ··· are representative for the Jordan block structure of
into the form P (e.g. La2 03⊕1̄ means that the eigenstructure of P con-
 i i sists of two 2 × 2 Jordan blocks with eigenvalues a and
a1 b1 · · · ak1 bk1 · · · 0

0 ··· 0 0 ··· −a, and a degenerated pair of dimension respectively 3
··· 0 0 · · · 0 0 · · · ai2 bi2 · · · ak2 bk2 · · · and 1).
by right multiplication with a permutation matrix W . Proof: If theorem 1 is applied to a 4 × 4 R, it is easily
The effect on Ji and Jk is to transform them as checked that 12 different families arise where a family is
defined as having Jordan and degenerated Jordan blocks
 
0 0 Ki 0
0 0 KkT  of specific dimension. Note however that the orthogo-
Ji 0  0
WT W = T

nal matrices obtained by application of the theorem can
0 Jk  Ki 0 0 0 
0 Kk 0 0 have determinant equal to −1, while the SLOCC oper-
ations correspond to an orthogonal matrix with deter-
where Kν represents the matrix obtained by taking the minant +1; this is however not a problem as these op-
odd rows and even columns of the symmetric Jordan erations correspond to SLOCC operations followed by a
block Jν . permutation of the qubits (1 ↔ 2) or (3 ↔ 4). One can
Collecting all the pieces, it is now easily verified that proceed by checking that permutations of qubits (2 ↔ 3)
the canonical form obtained is exactly of the form stated or (1 ↔ 4) transform different families into each other. It
in the theorem. This completes the proof. is indeed true that R = J1 (a) ⊕ J1 (b) ⊕ K3⊕1̄ transforms
Due to the equivalence of SL(2, C) ⊗ SL(2, C) and into R′ = J2 (a) ⊕ J2 (b) if qubit 2 and 3 are permuted.
SO(4, C), the normal forms arising in the above lemma This also happens in the case J1 (a) ⊕ K5⊕1̄ → J4 (a).
will immediately yield a natural representative state for Moreover it can be shown that J1 (a)⊕K3⊕3̄ is equivalent
each class of 4-qubit states connected by SLOCC op- to J1 (a) ⊕ J3 (0). Therefore only 9 essentially different
erations. The normal form encodes the genuine non- normal forms are retained.
local properties of the state, while the SLOCC operators A generic pure state of 4 qubits can always be trans-
needed to bring the state into normal form character- formed to the Gabcd state. This state is peculiar in the
ize the local information. The following classification is sense that all local density operators, obtained by tracing
obtained: out all parties but one, are proportional to the identity.
Theorem 2 A pure state of 4 qubits can, up to permu- As shown in [8], this is the unique state (up to local
tations of the qubits, be transformed into one of the fol- unitary operations) with this property of all states con-
lowing 9 families of states by determinant 1 SLOCC op- nected by SLOCC operations. In the light of the results
erations (3): of Gisin [9] and Nielsen about majorization [16, 17], we
a+d a−d claim that this is the state with maximal 4-partite en-
Gabcd = (|0000i + |1111i) + (|0011i + |1100i) tanglement on the complete orbit generated by SLOCC
2 2

operations: the more entanglement, the more local en- The state L05⊕3̄ is somehow a hybrid of both the 4-
tropy. In a later section this argument will be made hard qubit W-state and LO7⊕1̄ . Again a mixed 3-tangle of 1/2
by showing that a whole class of entanglement monotones is obtained if qubit 2,3 or 4 is traced out, a mixed 3-tangle
are indeed maximized for the locally stochastic state. equal to zero if qubit 1 is traced out, but now the mixed
It is interesting to note that the 3-tangle [7] of the state obtained by tracing out qubit 1 and (3 or 4) has a
mixed states obtained by tracing out one party of this concurrence equal to 1/2, while the other concurrences
Gabcd state is always equal to zero. Indeed, if the right- vanish.
unitary matrix U
  Another interesting state belongs to the family √ La4
1 1 β 1 −β
U = p with a = 0: |ψi = (|0001i + |0110i + |1000i)/ 3. Its
2(1 + |β|2 ) β 1 −β 1
q mixed 3-tangle equals 2/3 in the case of tracing out qubit
1 or 4 and vanishes otherwise. Moreover the concurrence
β = −q + q 2 − r
vanishes everywhere if 2 qubits are traced out except in
q = 8 a2 d2 + 8 b2 c2 − 4 a2 b2 − 4 a2 c2 − 4 d2 b2 − 4 d2 c2
the case of tracing out qubit 2 and 3, resulting in a con-
r = (a2 − d2 )(b2 − c2 ) currence of 2/3.
is applied to the 8 × 2 matrix After this zoological survey, let us next move on to the

a+d . . a−d . b+c b−c .
topic of entanglement monotones. The complex eigenval-
. b−c b+c . a−d . . a+d ues of P (5), given by ±(a, b, c, d), are the only invariants
under all determinant 1 SLOCC operations (note that
being the square root of the density operator obtained an eigenvalue 0 is associated to the degenerated Jordan
by tracing out the first qubit, 4 3-qubit W-states are ob- blocks). In [8] it was proven that all real positive func-
tained. If we define the mixed 3-tangle [8] as the convex tions of the parameters of a pure state that are linearly
roof of the square root of the 3-tangle, this quantity is homogeneous in ρ and remain invariant under determi-
clearly equal to zero. Therefore the SLOCC operations nant 1 SLOCC operations, are entanglement monotones
maximizing the 4-partite entanglement result in a loss of (in the case of mixed states they are defined by the convex
all true 3-partite entanglement. This is reminiscent to roof formalism). Therefore all real positive homogeneous
the case of 3 qubits where the 2-qubit state obtained by functions of (a2 , b2 , c2 , d2 ) are entanglement monotones,
tracing out one particle of a GHZ-state is separable. such as
Let us next discuss some specific examples. A com-
pletely separable state belongs to the family Labc2 with
a = b = c = 0. If only two qubits are entangled, an EPR Mα (ψ) = |aα + bα + cα + dα |2/α .
state arises belonging to the family La2 b2 with a = b = 0.
A state consisting of two EPR-pairs belongs to Gabcd
with (a = 1; b = c = d = 0) or a = b = c = d, depending Taking into account one degree of freedom due to the
on the permutation. The class L03⊕1̄ 03⊕1̄ consists of all phase, this gives rise to a seven-parameter family of en-
3-qubit GHZ states accompanied with a separable qubit, tanglement monotones. All these entanglement mono-
while the 3-qubit W-state belongs to the family La2 03⊕1̄ tones are maximized by the operations making the den-
with a = 0. sity matrix locally stochastic [8] (meaning that the iden-
The 4-qubit |Φ4 -state [18] belongs to the generic fam- tity is obtained when all qubits but one are traced
ily, while the 4-qubit W-state (|0001i + |0010i + |0100i + out). The optimal single-copy distillation procedure for a
|1000i)/2 belongs to the family Lab3 with a = b = 0. This
generic pure state is therefore to implement the SLOCC
W-state can be shown to have a mixed 3-tangle equal to
zero, but has a concurrence of 1/2 when whatever two operations bringing it into its normal form Gabcd . This is
qubits are traced out. On the contrary the state LO7⊕1̄ in complete accordance with the results of Nielsen on ma-
has all concurrences equal to zero if two qubits are traced jorization [16]. Note that all the other normal forms can
out. This state is completely symmetric in the permuta- only be brought into the local stochastic normal form by
tion of the qubits 2,3 and 4. It has the property of having a filtering procedure whose probability of success tends
a mixed 3-tangle equal to 1/2 if particle 2,3 or 4 is traced to zero [8].
out. This can be proven by considering the 8 × 2 ”square
root” In summary, we have identified all different families of
1 1 . . . . . . 1 pure states of 4 qubits generated by SLOCC operations.
2 . . . 1 . . 1 . Only one family is generic, and all states in it can be
Some straightforward calculations show that the average made locally stochastic by SLOCC operations. The same
square root of the 3-tangle of the vectors obtained by SLOCC operations represent the optimal single-copy dis-
multiplying this matrix with whatever 2×n right-unitary tillation protocol. The eight other families correspond
matrix is equal to 1/2. Similar arguments show that only to states having some kind of degenerated 4-partite en-
three-qubit W-type entanglement (τ = 0) is retained if tanglement and are the 4-partite generalizations of the
the first qubit is traced out. 3-partite W-state.

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