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3 Transformador Q652B

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Solid State Ignitor Spark Generator


• Mounts in the same space used by conventional

ignition transformer.
• Withstands 90% relative humidity at 104°F (40°C).
• Weighs 1 pound (0.42 kilogram) versus up to 8-1/2
pounds (3.9 kilograms) for standard transformers.
• Meets Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)
requirements for radio frequency interference (RFI).

The specifications given in this publication do not
include normal manufacturing tolerances. Therefore,
this unit may not match the listed specifications
exactly. Also, this product is tested and calibrated
under closely controlled conditions and some minor
APPLICATION differences in performance can be expected if those
conditions are changed.
The Q652B Solid State Ignitor Spark Generator is a Model: Q652B1006 Single high voltage electrode for gas,
light-weight solid state spark generator (ignitor) for use on with “Rajah” and screw connectors.
commercial and industrial gas burners.
Electrical Ratings:
Voltage and Frequency: 120 Vac (+10%, -15%), 60 Hz.
FEATURES Output peak voltage at 21 kHz: 14.0 kV.
Secondary open circuit voltage: 10 kV equivalent RMS.
• Ignites interrupted gas pilots with ignition electrodes Power Consumption:
spacings between 0.029 to 0.125 inches (0.7 to 3.2 40 Watts maximum.
Interrupted Ignition only:
• Q652B1006 is used for gas applications. Duty cycle: 20%.
• Q652B1006 has 14.0 kV output peak voltage for reliable 45 seconds on.
light-off. 180 seconds off.

• Recommended for interrupted ignition applications Spark Characteristics:

only. Spark Gap: 0.029 to 0.125 in. (0.7 to 3.2 mm).
Firing Rate: 20,000 sparks per second.

Application ........................................................................ 1
Features ........................................................................... 1
Specifications ................................................................... 1
Ordering Information ........................................................ 2
Installation ........................................................................ 2
Operation .......................................................................... 3
Checkout .......................................................................... 4

® U.S. Registered Trademark

Copyright © 2003 Honeywell International Inc.
All Rights Reserved 63-2159-5

Energy Discharge: 1 millijoule per spark. Approvals:

Discharge TIme: 50 microseconds per spark. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Component Recognized: File
Maximum air velocity in gap is 55 ft. (16.76 m) per sec. No. MH14381 (Gas).
CSA File No. LA66894.
Ambient Temperature Range: 14°F to 113°F (-10°C to
+45°C). Recommended Ignition Cable:
32004766-001 24 in. (610 mm) Ignition Cable Assembly.
Maximum Ambient Humidity: 90% RH at 95°F (40°C). 32004766-002 120 in. (3.05 m) Ignition Cable Assembly.
32004766-003 Ignition Cable (per foot, specify required
Weight: 0.925 lb. (0.42 kg). length).
32004766-004 60 in. (1.52 m) Ignition Cable Assembly.
Dimensions: See Fig. 1. Cable should be rated for 25 kV at 482°F (250°C).


120V CONNECTION, 2-25/32

2-3/4 (74) 2-9/32 (58)

3-3/8 (84)

3-21/32 (89)

4-15/16 (102) M20870

Fig. 1. Q652B dimensions in in. (mm).

1. Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow them Electrical Shock Hazard.
could damage the product or cause a hazardous Can cause serious injury, death or property
condition. damage.
2. Check the ratings given in the instructions and on the Disconnect power supply before beginning installation
product to make sure the product is suitable for your to prevent electrical shock and equipment damage.
application. More than one disconnect may be required.
3. Installer must be a trained, experienced, flame
safeguard control technician. IMPORTANT
4. After installation is complete, check out product 1. All wiring must comply with applicable local electrical
operation as provided in these instructions. codes, ordinances and regulations.
2. Voltage and frequency of the power supply
connected to this device must be 120 Vac, 60 Hz.
3. Make sure the Q652B is properly grounded.

When purchasing replacement and modernization products from your TRADELINE® wholesaler or distributor, refer to the
TRADELINE® Catalog or price sheets for complete ordering number.

If you have additional questions, need further information, or would like to comment on our products or services, please write or
1. Your local Honeywell Automation and Control Products Sales Office (check white pages of your phone directory).
2. Honeywell Customer Care
1885 Douglas Drive North
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4386
In Canada—Honeywell Limited/Honeywell Limitée, 35 Dynamic Drive, Scarborough, Ontario M1V 4Z9.
International Sales and Service Offices in all principal cities of the world. Manufacturing in Australia, Canada, Finland, France,
Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, U.S.A.

63-2159—5 2

Equipment Damage Hazard.
Improper grounding may burn out device.
Ground Q652B chassis at all times, even for bench TRANSFORMER
testing. Otherwise, device may burn out. IGNITION BURNER ASSEMBLY

The Q652B can be mounted in any position. See Fig. 1 for
mounting hole locations. Ensure that enough space is
available to make the high voltage connections without




Electrical Shock Hazard. Fig. 2. Grounding the Q652B to the burner assembly.
Can cause serious injury, death or property
damage. NOTE: Q652B power input wiring can be one of the
Disconnect power supply before beginning wiring to following:]
prevent electrical shock and equipment damage. More
than one disconnect may be required. 1. Blue Wires: connect to normal Ignition output
terminals of your device and L2. If your flame
1. All wiring must comply with applicable Underwriters signal decreases when sparker is on, reverse the
Laboratories Inc. regulations. wiring connection.
2. Voltage and frequency of the power supply connected to 2. Blue Wires with White Xs: Connect the white X’d
the 652B must be 120 Vac, 60 Hz. lead to the output terminals of your device. The
3. Be sure the mounting chassis of the Q652B is properly solid blue colored wire is connected to L2.
grounded. 3. Blue and Brown Wires: Connect the blue wire to
the output terminal of your device and the brown
Ignition (Secondary) Wiring wire to L2.
1. Keep the secondary cable as short as possible to keep
radio frequency interference (RFI) to a minimum. Electrode Setting and Positioning
2. If the high voltage cable is longer than 24 inches (610
mm), modify it with insulating material in such a way
that it stays more than 2 inches (51 mm) away from the
Gas Burner Systems
ground terminal. Ignition electrode location must be found by trial and error,
3. Ignition cable connections may be either “Rajah” or taking into account the following points:
screw type. If screw connections are desired, simply
loosen the “Rajah” terminal. 1. Ignition electrodes must not interfere with the normal
4. Use ignition cable rated for continuous duty at 350°F flame pattern.
(177°C) and 20,000 volts. See Recommended Ignition 2. Ignition electrodes should not be positioned such that
Cable in the Specifications section. they will be overheated by the flame.
3. The flame detection device must not be adversely
IMPORTANT affected. In the case of flame rod sensors make sure
The ignition cable should not exceed 15 feet (4.6 that the ignition spark does not disturb the flame signal
meters) in length. unduly. See Ignition Spark Response Test in the
Checkout section.
5. Make sure the ground connection between the Q652B
and the burner body is secure. NOTE: For ultraviolet (UV) sensors, ensure that the spark
To ground the Q652B to the burner assembly: does not give a false flame indication. See Ignition
Spark Response Test in the Checkout section.
1. Use a No. 16 or No. 18 wire.
2. Attach one end of the wire to the Q652B ignition trans- OPERATION
former end (GND).
3. Wrap the wire around the igniter (high tension) lead as
shown in Fig. 2. Four or five wraps are sufficient. Principles of Operation
4. Connect the other end of the wire to the burner assem- Referring to Fig. 2, it can be seen that the Q652 essentially
bly (GND). comprises an RFI filter circuit, a solid state oscillator circuit
and a high voltage transformer. The solid state oscillator is
comprised of a transistor controlling an LC resonant circuit.
The capacitor in the LC circuit charges and discharges and
the voltage developed across the inductor is stepped up by
the high voltage transformer.

3 63-2159—5

with the ignition off, then on. A difference greater than

1/2 microampere (0.5 Vdc if using 7800 SERIES flame
safeguard control) indicates the presence of ignition
TRANSFORMER interference. If ignition interference is detected, take the
appropriate following steps:
STATE OUTPUT a. Check for correct spacing of ignition electrode
b. Depending upon the particular situation, rearrange
the flame electrode, ignition electrode and ground to
provide sufficient physical spacing to prevent
electrical interaction (interference) between these
Fig. 3. Internal schematic of Q652B Solid State c. Add more ground area in the form of a flat plate
Ignitor Spark Generator. between the flame rod and ignition electrode (refer
to flame sensor instruction sheet).
CHECKOUT d. Try wrapping the ground lead around the igniter wire
as shown in Fig. 2, if not already done.
e. Repeat steps 1 through 6.
After the Q652B installation has been completed, make the 8. If the flame relay pulls in, replace the flame safeguard
following checks to ensure that the system is working control.
properly. 9. If replacing the flame safeguard control does not
eliminate flame relay pull in, contact your local
Honeywell branch office.
WARNING 10. If an ultraviolet flame sensor is being used, the UV
Explosion or Fire Hazard. detector may be responding to the UV radiation being
Can cause serious injury, death or property emitted by the electric spark. To determine whether the
damage. UV detector is responding to the ignition spark and to
Follow instructions on opening and closing fuel valves eliminate the response, take the appropriate following
carefully to prevent fuel buildup and possible fire or steps:
explosion. a. Sight the UV detector far enough out on the pilot
flame so the ignition spark is not sensed. If sensed,
reverse the Q652 power leadwires.
Ignition Spark Response Test b. Construct a barrier to block the ignition spark from
The flame relay should not respond (pull in) to ignition spark. the UV detector view.
To determine flame detector sensitivity to ignition spark, c. Reposition the ignition electrode so it is screened by
perform the following steps: the pilot burner itself.
d. Restrict the UV detector viewing angle by using a
1. Shut off the fuel supply to both pilot and main fuel valve slightly longer sighting pipe.
manually. e. Repeat steps 1 through 6.
2. Start system by raising controller set point or pressing 11. If the flame relay pulls in, replace the flame safeguard
start button. control.
3. Energize the Q652B Solid State Spark Generator so 12. If replacement of the flame safeguard control does not
that ignition spark is produced between electrode and eliminate the relay pull in, contact your local Honeywell
ground. branch office.
4. Check to make sure that ignition has not occurred (there
should be no flame). Repeat steps 1 through 3 until
there is no flame. Pilot Turndown Test
5. Check the flame relay on the flame safeguard control. If Refer to the flame safeguard control instructions for the exact
the relay has not pulled in, the system is operating procedure to be used in performing the pilot turndown test.
properly. Restore the fuel supply and continue the
checkout with the Pilot Turndown Test.
6. If the flame relay pulls in, stop the system as the flame Final Checkout
relay may pull in (flame indication) whenever ignition is After other checks have been completed, restore the system
on regardless of the condition of the pilot or main burner to normal operation and observe at least one complete cycle
flame. to be sure of satisfactory burner operation.
7. If a flame rod sensor is being used, ignition interference
may be the cause of relay pull in. Ignition interference is
most easily detected by measuring the flame current

Automation and Control Solutions

Honeywell International Inc. Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limitée
1985 Douglas Drive North 35 Dynamic Drive
Golden Valley, MN 55422 Scarborough, Ontario
M1V 4Z9

Printed in U.S.A. on recycled

63-2159—5 G.R. Rev. 05-03 paper containing at least 10%
post-consumer paper fibers.

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