Phys 222 Lecture Notes PDF
Phys 222 Lecture Notes PDF
Phys 222 Lecture Notes PDF
Heat conduction is a wonderland for mathematical analysis, numerical computation, and
experiment. It’s also highly practical: engineers have to make sure engines don’t melt and computer
chips don’t overheat.
If heat flux is constant throughout a solid, then dT/dx can be replaced by T/x:
400 C
100 C
A copper plate that is 3 mm thick is sandwiched between stainless steel plates that are each 2 mm thick.
The left surface of the sandwich is held at 400 C, and the right surface is held at 100 C. The thermal
conductivity of stainless steel is 17 W/(Km), and the thermal conductivity of copper is 373 W/(Km).
What are the temperatures at the left and right surfaces of the copper plate?
This is a case of one-dimensional steady state heat flow, so q is constant.
(q through steel plate on left) = (q through the copper plate) = (q through steel plate on right)
We also know that Tsteel + TCu + Tsteel = 300 C, the total temperature difference across the sandwich.
We now have two equations in two unknowns and can find Tsteel = 145 K and TCu = 10 K. From this,
we see that the temperatures on the two sides of the copper plate are 255 C and 245 C.
q hTsurface T
where T is the temperature of the surrounding fluid (possibly air), and h is called the heat transfer
coefficient. A convective boundary condition requires convective heat flow at the surface to equal the
conductive heat flow at the surface:
h Tsurface T k
dx surface
Let’s try to get rid of the absolute value bars. Consider a slab between x1 and x2, where x1 < x2. Suppose
both surfaces are warmer than their surroundings, so heat flows out through the surfaces (heat flows from
hot to cold):
x1 < x2
We see that dT/dx is positive at x1 and negative at x2. Therefore the convective boundary condition at x1
hT x1 T k
dx x1
hT x2 T k
dx x2
These equations also work if the slab is colder than its surroundings. Why? Draw T(x) and
examine the slope at the surfaces. What if the temperature throughout the slab is hotter than the
surrounding fluid on one side but colder than the surrounding fluid on the other side?
Lecture 2: The One-Dimensional Heat Equation
(Lienhard and Lienhard pp. 17-19, 56-61)
Now we’re going to use Fourier’s law to derive the one-dimensional heat equation. Please pay
attention to the “tiny volume analysis” that we’re about to do because we’ll use this technique throughout
the semester.
Consider a very thin slice of a solid with thickness x and cross-sectional area A (perpendicular
to the diagram). Heat Q(x) flows in from the left, and Q(x+x) flows out through the right. The
temperature changes according to
kA kA mc
x x x x x t
kA mc
x x x x x t
kA Ax c .
x x x x x t
Now let’s think about the approximation f ( x dx) f ( x) f ' ( x)dx . This just means that any
function is approximately linear if you zoom in close enough. Since f’(x) is also a function, it’s also true
that f ' ( x dx) f ' ( x) f ' ' ( x)dx . Therefore
T T 2T
x x x x x x 2
2T T
kA 2 x Ax c
x t
Now we divide both sides by Ax:
2T T
k 2 c .
x t
Finally, defining = k/c as the thermal diffusivity, we have the heat equation in one dimension:
2T T
x 2 t
First, let’s consider steady-state heat flow, so the time derivative is 0:
d2T/dx2 = 0
Example: Steady-state slab
A slab has one surface at temperature T1 at x = 0, and the other surface is at temperature T2 at x = L.
Determine the steady-state temperature T(x) throughout the slab.
We can confirm that the solution to d2T/dx2 = 0 is T = C1x + C2, where C1 and C2 are constants that we
have to determine from the boundary conditions: T(0) = T1 and T(L) = T2. Doing the algebra, we obtain
T = T1 + (T2 – T1)x/L
Example: Steady-state slab with convection on one side
A slab has one surface at temperature T1 at x = 0, and the other surface at x = L is subject to convective
heat transfer with the surroundings at temperature T. Determine the steady-state temperature T(x)
throughout the slab.
As before, the solution to the steady-state heat equation is T = C1x + C2, so we only have to
determine the constants. The boundary conditions are T(0) = T1 and h [T(L) - T] = -k dT/dx (at x = L),
where T(L) = C1L + C2, and dT/dx = C1. Doing the algebra results in T = T1 + (T - T1) h x/(k + h L).
kA qAx kA mc
x x x x x t
kA qAx mc
x x x x x t
T T 2T
Just as before, we use x :
x x x x x x 2
2T T
kA 2 x qAx mc
x t
And as before, we write m = Ax and divide by Ax:
2T T
k 2 q c
x t
So we arrive at
1 T 2T q
t x 2 k
Example: An exothermic slab
A slab of concrete is hardening such that its internal energy generation is q . On side of the wall is at x =
0, and the other is at x = L. Both surfaces of the wall are held at T. Determine T(x).
In steady state, the time derivative is 0, so
d 2T q
dx 2 k
If we integrate twice, we find the general solution
T = (- q /2k)x2 + C1x + C2
To determine C1 and C2, we use the boundary conditions, T(0)= T(L) = T. Plugging the boundary
conditions into the general solution yields:
T(0) = T: C2 = T
T = (- q /2k)x2 + q Lx/2k + T
The temperature distribution is parabolic with a peak at the center of the slab. Why doesn’t the
temperature change with time? Why isn’t temperature increasing since an exothermic process is
occurring throughout?
Qout qA hAT T .
hAT T mc
Defining = T - T,
hA mc .
Now we can separate variables: put dt on one side, and everything with in it on the other:
hA d
Integrating both sides gives
t C ln ,
where C is a constant of integration. Solving for :
C ' exp t ,
where C’ = eC is a new constant defined for convenience. Replacing with T - T,
T C ' exp t T .
If initial temperature T(0) = Ti, then we find C’ = Ti - T, so
T Ti T exp t T .
Now we’d like to know when this formula is valid. Our assumption was that T was uniform
throughout the object. When is this approximately true? What’s really happening is that heat is flowing
convectively out of the object at the surfaces, as heat is flowing conductively to the surfaces from
the interior of the object. Let’s suppose that the temperature in the center of the object is T larger than
T at the surface. Then the conductive heat flow is approximately
q kT/L,
where L is a “characteristic length” of the object (its radius, if it’s a sphere).
Conductive heat flow to the surfaces equals convective flow from the surfaces:
q hT T .
Setting conductive and convective heat flow equal, and solving for T:
T T .
If this is small, temperature is approximately uniform. Specifically, if<< 1, temperature in the
Lh Lh
object is approximately uniform. is called the Biot number: Bi = . If Bi > 1, temperature is
k k
not uniform, but as Bi increases, the surface temperature approaches T.
Why is it impossible for the temperature of the bead to be exactly uniform if it’s not at the same
temperature as its surroundings?
Lecture 4: Heat fins
(Lienhard and Lienhard pp. 163-173, 176-177)
A very practical application of heat conduction is in the design of heat fins. Heat fins are used to
increase the rate of convective heat transfer, to cool off engines and electronics, for example.
To analyze a heat fin, let’s assume it has constant cross-sectional area A with perimeter P. At x =
0, the fin is in contact with a solid at temperature T0. The fin has length L and is surrounded by a fluid at
temperature T. Let the heat transfer coefficient of the fin be h , except at the tip (x = L), where it is h L .
Qconv T
T0 Q(x) Q(x+x)
x=0 x=L
To derive a fundamental equation, we once again analyze a tiny volume with length x. In steady
state, the heat flowing in equals the heat flowing out:
Using Q(x) = qA and Qconv hPx T T , where Px (perimeter length) is the external surface area
of the tiny volume, we find
hPx T T kA
dT dT
dx x dx x x
dT dT
dx dx
kA x x x
hPT T ,
dT dT d 2T
once again using 2 x , and solving for d2T/dx2:
dx x x dx x dx
d 2T hPT T
m 2 T T ,
dx kA
where m is defined for convenience. This fin parameter can be thought of as “convectiveness”
divided by “conductiveness.”
To solve the differential equation, we need the boundary conditions
T(0) = T0
and, at x = L, conduction equals convection:
h L AT ( L) T .
dx L
d 2
m 2 .
The general solution is
C1e mx C2 e mx ,
and we must use the boundary conditions to solve for the constants.
(0) = T0 - T, so C1 + C2 = T0 - T
h L (L) , so km C1e C2 e
mL mL
h L C1e mL C2 e mL .
Now we have two equations in two unknowns, C1 and C2. It’s straightforward but tedious to do the
algebra to solve for them. Using the first boundary condition, we solve for C2 = T0 - T - C1. Then we
can plug this into the second boundary condition:
km C1e mL (T0 T C1 )e mL h L C1e mL (T0 T C1 )e mL
Taking terms with C1 to one side and all other terms to the other:
(km h L )(T0 T )e mL
C1 .
2h L sinh(mL) 2km cosh(mL)
(km h L )(T0 T )e mL
C2 .
2h L sinh(mL) 2km cosh(mL)
(T0 T ) (km h L )e m ( x L ) (km h L )e m ( L x )
2h L sinh(mL) 2km cosh(mL)
(T0 T ) km cosh[(m( L x)] h L sinh[(m( L x)]
h L sinh(mL) km cosh(mL)
This is a very versatile equation. The fun really begins when we start investigating special cases. Let’s
consider an insulated tip ( h L = 0):
(T0 T ) (T0 T )
( L) , or T ( L) T
cosh(mL) cosh(mL)
What does this function look like? As mL gets big, 1/cosh(mL) e-mL/2. This means that as L
increases, the temperature at the tip decreases exponentially.
We see that for L > 5/m, the temperature at the tip is approximately T.
What’s most important is the heat flow from the object. This is what we’re trying to maximize.
Heat flow from the object into the fin at x = 0 is
kAm(T0 T ) sinh(mL)
Q kAm(T0 T ) tanh(mL)
Plotting Q as a function of L is just a plot of tanh, assuming fixed m:
We see that increasing L beyond 3/m doesn’t improve heat flow. Conceptually, why is this the case?
Lecture 5: Fourier series—invented to solve the heat equation!
(Lienhard and Lienhard pp. 203-207)
We’ve looked at steady state heat flow (no time dependence). We also looked at the lumped-sum
approximation (negligible spatial dependence). What if temperature depends on both position and time?
Then we have to solve the full heat equation, which has (partial) derivatives with respect to both time and
2T T
x t
Example: A lucky initial condition
The sides of a slab are held at 0 C: T(0,t) = 0 and T(L,t). The initial temperature distribution in
the slab is T(x,0) = T0sin(x/L). Determine the temperature distribution T(x,t) at all times.
The way to solve this partial differential equation is to assume that the temperature T(x,t) is a
product of a function of x and a function of t: T(x,t) = X(x)(t). (When is this assumption true? It’s true
as long as there are no constant terms in the boundary conditions. If the temperature was T0 instead of 0
at the boundaries, we’d have to define = T – T0 to make = 0 at the boundaries.)
d2X d
dx dt
Now I’m going to divide both sides by X to get all the x dependence on one side and all the t dependence
on the other. (I’ll divide by too.)
1 d2X 1 d
X dx 2
The left hand side is a function of x (which can’t depend on t). The right hand side is a function
of t (which can’t depend on x). Then how can the two sides possibly equal each other? Only if they’re
both equal to the same constant! I could call the constant C or k, but for later convenience, I’ll call the
constant -2.
1 d2X 1 d
X dx 2
Now I can separately determine X(x) and (t):
1 d2X
2 and 1 d 2
X dx
Let’s find X first:
2 X
What functions are proportional to the negative of their second derivatives? Sines and cosines! By
plugging the following expression into the preceding equation, you can confirm that
X = Asin(x) + Bcos(x).
A and B are constants that we’ll determine from the boundary conditions and initial condition. If you
didn’t know in advance to write Asin(x) + Bcos(x), you could have written Asin(kx) + Bcos(kx) and
plugged into the differential equation to determine k = .
What function is proportional to its own first derivative? An exponential function:
= exp(-2t)
If we multiplied exp(-2) by an unknown constant, it would still satisfy the differential equation.
However, since we’re going to multiply and X together, we can safely ignore the multiplicative constant
for ; equivalently, we can pretend that A and B were already multiplied by the multiplicative constant for
The boundary condition on the left is T(0,t) = 0. If we plug this into T(x,t), we find B exp(-2t)
= 0, which can only be true at all t if B = 0. Now we only have A and left to solve for:
T(x,t) = Asin(x)exp(-2t)
The boundary condition on the right is T(L,t) = 0. If we plug this into T(x,t), we find
Asin(L)exp(-2t) = 0
We’d better not satisfy this by setting A = 0 because then T(x,t) = 0 and we can’t satisfy the
initial condition. So we must satisfy this boundary condition by setting sin(L) = 0, so = n/L, where n
is an unknown integer. Now our expression for T(x,t) is
T(x,t) = Asin(nx/L)exp[-(n/L)2t]
Finally, we look at the initial condition: T(x,0) = T0sin(x/L). Plugging this into T(x,t) yields
Asin(nx/L) = T0sin(x/L)
Evidently, the initial condition is satisfied if A = T0 and n = 1. Therefore, the final solution is
T(x,t) = T0sin(x/L)exp[-(/L)2t]
We were lucky. What if the initial condition isn’t a sinusoid that equals 0 at x = 0 and x = L?
Example: Uniform initial temperature
The sides of a slab are held at 0 C: T(0,t) = 0 and T(L,t). The initial temperature distribution in
the slab is uniform: T(x,0) = T0. Determine the temperature distribution T(x,t) at all times.
Everything except the initial condition is the same as in the previous problem. And the initial
condition was the last fact used. So it’s still true that we need to solve the heat equation
2T T
2 .
x t
It’s still true that we define T(x,t) = X(x)(t) and find
1 d2X 1 d
2 .
X dx 2
It’s still true that a solution is
T(x,t) = Asin(x)exp(-2t).
It’s still true that the boundary condition on the right requires = n/L, so
T(x,t) = Asin(nx/L)exp[-(n/L)2t].
Now, there’s no way this expression can satisfy the initial condition T(x,0) = T0. So we must use the fact
that the sum of solutions to a linear differential equation is also a solution. So the general solution to
the differential equation is actually
nx n 2
T ( x, t ) An sin exp t ,
n 1 L L
where each term in the sum can have a different coefficient An. Now our job is to use the initial condition
to solve for An for each term in the infinite sum! The initial condition T(x,0) = T0 gives
n sin
T0 .
This is called a “Fourier series expansion” of T0. In fact, any function can be written as a sum of
sinusoids (a Fourier series). In this case, the function happens to be a constant.
We have a single equation with an infinite number of unknowns, An (n = 1, 2, 3, ….)! How can
we possibly find an infinite number of unknowns with a single equation? We’ll use Fourier’s ingenious
idea: we’ll multiply both sides by sin(mx/L), where m is an integer, and integrate from 0 to L.
An sin sin
dx T0 sin
0 0
This isn’t really new math; this is just a clever application of Calculus 1. Since this isn’t a
calculus class, we don’t need to discuss the method of solving these integrals; we can even just use an
online integral calculator (wolfram alpha or However we do the integrals, we
obtain an amazing result: all the terms on the left hand side integrate to 0, except for n = m! So we can
set n = m and drop the terms that become 0:
nx nx
An sin 2 T0 sin dx
0 L 0 L
These are elementary integrals that we can do by hand, by using a table, or by using an online
calculator. The result is
So An = 4T0/n for odd n, and 0 for even n. We’ve now determined An for all positive integers n! The
final solution is thus
4T0 1 nx n 2
T ( x, t ) sin exp t
n1,3,5... n L L
Notice that the “higher order terms” (bigger n) have two characteristics: the spatial dependence is
wigglier (smaller distance between peaks), and the exponential decrease with time occurs much more
rapidly. The lowest order term (n = 1) has the least wiggly spatial dependence (it’s a single sinusoidal
“hump”), and the slowest decay. So over time, the temperature distribution evolves toward a single
sinusoidal hump (the n = 1 term); the higher order terms decay away.
[Asin(x) + Bcos(x)]exp(-2t),
we see that it always contains a term that exponentially decays to 0 over time. So, unless the final,
steady state of a system is 0 throughout, we need a steady-state term Ts(x) to add to the transient
term Tt(x,t), which always decays away.
The surfaces of a slab are set to 0 at x = 0 and T0 at x = L. We know the steady state solution is
Ts(x) = T0x/L. But suppose the initial temperature distribution is T(x,0) = T0(L-x)/L, the mirror image of
the final steady state distribution. What is T(x,t): how does the temperature distribution evolve from
T0(L-x)/L to T0x/L?
The problem statement gives the steady state solution:
Ts(x) = T0x/L.
(If this wasn’t given, we’d obtain it quickly from the steady state heat equation, d2Ts/dx2 = 0, combined
with the boundary conditions.)
The full solution has a steady-state and a transient term:
T(x,t) = Ts(x) + Tt(x,t).
Now we need the boundary conditions and initial condition on Tt(x,t). Since Tt(x,t) = T(x,t) - Ts(x),
Tt(0,t) = T(0,t) - Ts(0) = 0 – 0 = 0
Tt(L,t) = T(L,t) - Ts(L) = T0 – T0 = 0.
Good! The transient term always decays to 0, so we’ll have no trouble satisfying the boundary conditions
at all t. Now, what’s the initial condition on Tt(x,t)?
Tt(x,0) = T(x,0) - Ts(x) = T0(L-x)/L - T0x/L = T0(L-2x)/L.
Now we can plug T(x,t) = Ts(x) + Tt(x,t) into the heat equation:
2Tt Tt
2 :
x t
Tt must independently satisfy the heat equation.
The method we use to solve for this function, whose boundary conditions are 0, is identical to the
method used in the previous lecture. We set Tt(x,t) = X(x)(t) and just as before find
1 d2X 1 d
2 .
X dx 2
It’s still true that a solution is
Tt(x,t) = Asin(x)exp(-2t).
It’s still true that the boundary condition on the right requires = n/L, so
Tt(x,t) = Asin(nx/L)exp[-(n/L)2t].
nx n 2
Tt ( x, t ) An sin exp t .
n 1 L L
nx T0 L 2 x
n sin
As before, we multiply by sin(mx) and integrate from 0 to L. As before, all the terms on the left
integrate to 0 except m = n. So we’re left with:
4T0 1 nx n 2
Tt ( x, t ) sin exp t
n2, 4,6... n L L
and finally
T x 4T 1 nx n 2
T ( x, t ) Ts ( x) Tt ( x, t ) 0 0
sin L exp L t
L n 2 , 4 , 6... n
How do I know if I’m right? I plot the equation in MATLAB and see if the temperature changes as
expected: gradually evolving from the initial condition T(x,0) = T0(L-x)/L to the final steady state
solution Ts = T0x/L.
Which of the curves implies the greatest heat flux at the center of the slab? Which implies the
Lecture 7: Finite difference approxmation
(Yener and Kakac, Heat Conduction, 4th ed., Ch. 12)
We’ve seen that solving the heat equation can take a lot of work. Depending on the boundary
conditions, it may even be impossible to find an exact solution! Therefore, we need to develop a
method of finding an approximate solution, using a computer. (This is called a numerical solution, as
opposed to an exact analytical solution.)
Let’s develop an approximate equation for two-dimensional heat flow. Instead of a slab (through
which heat flows in only one direction, approximately), we might think of a column. We can impose
different thermal boundary conditions on the four sides of a square column.
We divide our solid into tiny volumes xyz, where z is perpendicular to the diagram. We
assume the temperature is approximately uniform throughout each tiny volume. We use the subscripts m
and n to represent the x and y coordinates, as shown in the diagram, and the superscript p represents time.
We want to determine T(x,y,t+t) = Tp+1m,n.
We do the energy balance
QL + QB – QR – QT = mc T/t
= Tpm,n+1
= Tpm,n-1
Now use Q = qA = -kA (spatial derivative of T), with A = yz or xz, the surface through which
heat flows into or out of the central volume.
Choose small values of x, y, and t. Requirement: the total coefficient of Tpm,n in the previous
equation must be positive, so 1 - 2t/(x2) - 2t/(y2) > 0.
Given initial conditions, we know T1m,n for all points. (I’m using p = 1 to represent t = 0, so p = 2
represents t = t, p = 3 represents t = 2t, etc.)
Determine T2m,n for all interior points using the equation above. Apply boundary conditions for
all points on the boundaries. (If the temperature is specified at the boundaries, this is easy. We’ll
look at convective boundary conditions soon.)
Iterate the previous step: Knowing T2m,n, we can use the equation to determine T3m,n. Continue
for as long as desired.
The steady-state case is harder because there’s no starting point. We solve for T m,n and drop all
p’s because there’s no time dependence:
QL + QB – QR – QT = mc T/t
Ql is the same as before, but QR is now hyz(Tpm,n - T), and the surface area through which QB and QT
flow is only (x/2)z. (Tpm,n now represents the temperature in the little rectangle.)
= Tpm,n+1
= Tpm,n-1
For an insulated boundary, set h = 0. For a corner with convective boundaries, the expression
may be derived by drawing the appropriate diagram and following the procedure used above. Do we need
a special expression for a corner where both walls have fixed temperatures?
Lecture 8: Radially symmetric temperature distribution
(Lienhard and Lienhard pp. 67-68)
Let’s derive the heat equation in cylindrical coordinates, assuming the temperature is radially
symmetric (no dependence on or z). Our tiny volume in this case will be a cylindrical shell, of
infinitesimal thickness r, and height L (perpendicular to the diagram):
Q(r+r) q V
Q(r) r
r + r
I’ll allow for the possibility of internal energy generation ( q ). As always, we begin with the energy
where the volume of a cylindrical shell is V = (r+r)2L - r2L 2rrL, dropping the (r)2 term because
r << r. (The figure isn’t to scale; r approaches infinitesimal dr.) Using Q = qA = (-kT/r)A,
k 2rL q 2rrL k 2 (r r ) L mc
r r r r r t
T T 2T
2 r
r r r r r r
I’ll plug this in and drop the (r)2 term from the result:
2T T T
k 2L rr 2 r q 2rrL mc
r r t
2T 1 T q 1 T
r 2 r r k t
This is usually written slightly more compactly as
1 T q 1 T
r r r k t
The same strategy allows us to derive the heat equation for a spherically symmetric temperature
distribution. The only difference is that the volume of a spherical shell is (4/3)(r+r)3 – (4/3)r3
4r2r, and the final result is
1 2 T q 1 T
r .
r 2 r r k t
If you’ve taken multivariable calculus, you recognize that we’ve derived the radial part of the Laplacian
in cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
Example: Cylinder with fixed wall temperatures
A cylindrical shell has inner radius ri and outer radius ro. The temperature of the inner surface is
Ti, and the temperature of the outer surface is To. Determine the temperature throughout the cylindrical
Since there’s no internal heat generation and no time dependence, the heat equation reduces to
d dT
r 0.
dr dr
Integrate this once:
r(dT/dr) = C1,
where C1 is a constant of integration. Bring dr/r to the right side and integrate a second time:
T = C1lnr + C2.
Solve for C1 and C2 using the boundary conditions, T(ri) = Ti and T(ro) = To:
Ti = C1lnri + C2
To = C1lnro + C2
Subtract one from the other to find
Ti - To = C1lnri - C1lnro,
C1 = (Ti – To)/ln(ri/ro).
Plugging this into the Ti equation:
Ti = (Ti – To)lnri/ln(ri/ro) + C2,
C2 = Ti - (Ti – To)lnri/ln(ri/ro).
The final result is
T = (Ti – To)lnr/ln(ri/ro) + Ti - (Ti – To)lnri/ln(ri/ro) = Ti + (Ti – To)ln(r/ri)/ln(ri/ro)
Does this work regardless of which surface is hotter?
Lecture 9: The two-dimensional heat equation
(Lienhard and Lienhard pp. 146-150)
We’ve already derived the one-dimensional heat equation, and the finite-difference
approximation of the two-dimensional heat equation. If we wanted, we could consider a tiny volume and
derive the two-dimensional heat equation:
2T 2T T
x 2 y 2 t
2T 2T
x 2 y 2
A long slab has surfaces at x = 0, x = L, y = 0, and y = (something very large ). The surfaces
at x = 0 and x = L are held at 0C. The temperature distribution along the y = 0 surface is T(x,0) =
sin(x/L). Determine T(x,y) throughout the slab.
When T depended on x and t, we wrote T(x,t) = X(x)(t). Similarly, when T depends on x and y,
we write T(x,y) = X(x)Y(y). We plug this into the heat equation:
d2X d 2Y
Y X 0.
dx 2 dy 2
1 d 2 X 1 d 2Y
X dx 2 Y dy 2
1 d2X 1 d 2Y
X dx 2 Y dy 2
The left side is a function of x. The right side is a function of y. The only way they can equal
each other is if they’re both equal to the same constant, which I’ll again call -2. This gives us two
differential equations, one in x, and one in y:
2 X
d 2Y
2Y .
X = Asin(x) + Bcos(x).
The solution to the y equation is
Y = e-y,
where I’m neglecting e+y because I don’t want infinite temperatures as I get far from y = 0. I’m also
neglecting the multiplicative constant because I’m going to multiply X and Y together, and I’ve included
the constants in X.
Now we apply boundary conditions to determine A and B. Since T(0,y) = 0, B = 0. Since T(L,y) = 0,
sin(L) = 0,
T(x,y) = Asin(nx/L)e-ny/L,
and the only unknowns are n and L. Since T(x,0) = sin(x/L), we see that A = and n = 1, so
T(x,y) = sin(x/L)e-y/L.
We’re done, but we were lucky. What if the boundary condition T(x,0) is anything but a
multiple of sin(nx/L)?
Example: A triangular thermal distribution at one wall
A long slab has surfaces at x = 0, x = L, y = 0, and y = (something very large ). The surfaces
at x = 0 and x = L are held at 0C. The temperature distribution along the y = 0 surface is T(x,0) = x for
0<x<L/2, and T(x,0) = (L-x) for L/2<x<L. Determine T(x,y) throughout the slab.
Just as before, we separate variables, so T(x,y) = X(x)Y(y), and
d2X d 2Y
Y X 0,
dx 2 dy 2
which leads to
2 X
d 2Y
2Y .
dy 2
X = Asin(x) + Bcos(x)
Y = e-y,
so just as before, a solution is
Even the boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = L are the same, so B = 0 and = n/L. Therefore a
solution is
T(x,y) = Ansin(nx/L)e-ny/L,
but we’ll need a sum of these solutions to satisfy the final boundary condition at y = 0. The complete
solution is
nx ny / L
T ( x, y )
n 1, 2, 3
An sin
e .
Now all we have to do is solve for an infinite number of coefficients An. We do this by using the
boundary condition at y = 0:
These are just integrals, and you can find the solutions using any method you like, including online
integral calculators. The result is
1 d2X 1 d 2Y
When I separated variables, how did I know to put the minus on the y side: ?
X dx 2 Y dy 2
Equivalently, how did I know to set both sides of this equation equation to -2 instead of +2?
Circuit analysis doesn’t have much in common with heat conduction. However, as promised,
we’ll continue to practice the broadly applicable skills we’ve learned: while analyzing circuits, we’ll use
Fourier series (Problem Set 15), finite difference approximations (Problem Set 16), and the Arduino (Labs
3 and 4). Also, the new skill we’ll learn, Laplace transforms, will be applied to heat conduction (Problem
Set 16).
Lecture 10: Op amps
(Santiago, Ch. 10)
First let’s review the relationship between voltage and current in resistors, inductors, and
These equations are true if we draw the current I flowing from A to B. Notice that the voltage across a
resistor is proportional to current, the voltage across an inductor is proportional to the derivative of
current, and the voltage across a capacitor is proportional to the integral of current (which is charge).
Notice, too, that these equations are true even if we don’t show the rest of the circuit. We know
that current only flows in a loop, but we don’t have to show the whole loop. In fact, I’ll almost never
show the whole loop like this:
I’ll imply exactly the same thing with this abbreviated diagram (where VB = 0, ground):
I use the current-voltage relationships shown above for resistors, inductors, and capacitors; and I
use Kirchhoff’s current rule. I almost never explicitly use Kirchhoff’s voltage rule! Let’s see how I
analyze a useful circuit:
This circuit is called a voltage divider, and we’ll see many variations of it. Here’s the key idea:
current flows from (a battery or other power supply whose voltage is) Vin, through R1 and R2, and
into ground; we assume (for now) that negligible current flows through the wire labeled Vout. (This
assumption is 100% true if nothing is connected to this wire: if it’s just sticking out in space. The Vin
wire, on the other hand, must be connected to a voltage source. If you wish, you may explicitly draw a
battery whose negative terminal is connected to ground and whose positive terminal is connected to V in.
Even if we don’t draw it, this battery—or equivalent voltage source—is implied!)
As long as we’re assuming that negligible current flows along the Vout wire (which is therefore
just a label or tag), the same current must flow through R1 and R2.
The current through R1 is
I = (Vin – Vout)/R1,
and the same current through R2 is
I = (Vout – 0)/R2.
We can combine these equations to eliminate I and find Vout in terms of Vin, but the algebra is simpler if
we write the current through the series combination:
I = (Vin – 0)/(R1 + R2).
Make sure you understand where these equations come from! All three of them are applications of
VA – VB = IR, with current flowing from A to B. If you combine any two of the three equations to
eliminate I, you find
Vout = [R2/(R1 + R2)]Vin
Now we’re ready to introduce the op amp, which will allow you to easily design many useful
circuits. The op amp is made of many transistors and is usually packaged as an “integrated circuit” (a tiny
black box with metal pins sticking out) with 8 pins. However, we usually represent only three of those
pins in a circuit diagram:
Golden Rule for current: I+ = I- = 0. This is always (approximately) true. No current flows in or
out of the op amp inputs. However, current may flow in or out of the output.
Golden Rule for voltage: V+ = V-. This is (approximately) true for most op amp circuits, but it
depends on the circuit design. More on this later.
Now let’s apply these rules to some simple but practical op amp circuits.
In this circuit, V+ = Vin and V- = Vout. The voltage Golden Rule gives us Vout = Vin. The output
follows the input. Although this is the simplest op amp circuit, its purpose may be the hardest to
understand: What’s the point of this circuit?
Think back to the voltage divider.
Remember our dubious assumption that no current flows into Vout? If we connect the voltage divider’s
output to the follower’s input, then the assumption is guaranteed to be true, by the current Golden Rule.
Now V+ = [R2/(R1 + R2)]Vin, the output of the voltage divider, which is also the output of the op amp,
because this is a follower circuit. So we can apply our desired voltage, [R2/(R1 + R2)]Vin, across any
resistor (known as a “load” in electronics jargon); the resistance of Rload will not affect the voltage
across Rload. The current through the load comes from the op amp output, not the voltage divider. The
follower circuit acts as a buffer that transmits a voltage without draining any current from the
source (which would lower the output voltage).
If we connected the load directly to the output of the voltage divider, current would flow through
the output wire of the voltage divider (our earlier assumption would be false), and the voltage across the
load would be (confirm this)
R2 Rload
R2 Rload
Vin .
R2 Rload
R2 Rload
Without the follower circuit, the output of the voltage divider depends on the load resistance, which
is undesirable; we’d like to say, “The output of our voltage divider is [R2/(R1 + R2)]Vin, no matter what
we apply this voltage across.”
Inverting amplifier
The voltage Golden Rule gives V- = 0 since V+ = 0 (ground). The current Golden Rule requires I
through R1 to equal I through R2; no current flows into the op amp input. Applying Ohm’s law to each
I = (Vin – 0)/R1
I = (0 - Vout)/R2,
Vout = (-R2/R1)Vin.
Noninverting amplifier
The voltage Golden Rule gives V- = Vin. The current Golden Rule requires I through R1 to equal
I through R2. Applying Ohm’s law to each resistor:
I = (Vout – Vin)/R1
I = (Vin- 0)/R2,
so, after some algebra,
Vout = (1 + R1/R2)Vin.
Here’s a circuit that does calculus! The voltage Golden Rule sets V- = 0. The current Golden
Rule requires I through R to equal I through C. Ohm’s law gives
I = (Vin – 0)/R1
and the equivalent rule for capacitors, Q = C(0 – Vout), is differentiated to give
I = -C dVout/dt.
Setting them equal gives
dVout/dt = -Vin/RC,
so Vout = -(1/RC)Vindt.
What’s the difference between V+ and V-?
That’s enough circuits for today, but to design op amp circuits, we have to know the difference
between V+ and V-. If we reverse them, the circuit won’t work! Let’s glance inside the op amp and
pretend that there’s a smiley stick figure who monitors the inputs and controls the output.
How does Stick Figure decide how to set Vout? Stick Figure follows these rules:
Condition 1. If V+ > V-, Vout will increase.
Condition 2. If V- > V+, Vout will decrease.
Condition 3. If V+ V-, Vout will stay how it is (the voltage Golden Rule is achieved!).
Let’s see how these rules apply to a correctly designed follower.
Suppose the input and output voltages are initially 5 V. Stick Figure sees that the circuit is in condition 3:
the inputs are equal, so the output voltage shouldn’t change.
Now, suppose the input increases to 6 V. The output voltage does not change instantaneously and
is still 5 V. Stick Figure sees that the circuit is in condition 1: V+ = 6 V, which is greater than V- = 5 V.
Therefore, Stick Figure causes the output to increase. It increases to 5.1 V, but the op amp is still in
condition 1. The output increases to 5.5 V, but the op amp is still in condition 1. The op amp output
increases to 6 V, when finally the op amp is in conditions 3, and the output doesn’t need to change any
Next, let’s analyze an incorrectly designed follower, whose + and – are reversed:
Once again, suppose that the input and output voltages are initially 5 V, so the circuit is in condition 3.
Next, the input voltage increases to 6 V. Stick Figure now sees that the op amp is in condition 2: V- = 6
V, which is greater than V+ = 5 V. Now, poor Stick Figure (who really doesn’t know any better) has to
decrease the op amp output, first to 4.9 V, then 4 V, then 0 V, then even lower. But the op amp remains
in condition 2 (and gets further and further from condition 3).
The op amp’s output can’t decrease forever. To predict the voltage it reaches, we must discuss
two additional pins in the op amp: the supply voltages. Here’s a pin diagram for a typical op amp:
Just in case you’re curious, here’s one final detail: Why do I keep saying V+ V- instead of V+ =
V-? If we want to be extremely precise, we can replace the voltage Golden Rule with the exact equation
Vout = A(V+ - V-), where A is a huge number (~ten million) called open-circuit gain. Apply this to the
Vout = A(V+ - V-) = A(Vin – Vout). Solving for Vout: Vout = VinA/(A + 1) Vin, which is what the voltage
Golden Rule gives us (much more quickly).
Look back to the R, L, and C diagrams at the beginning of the lecture. What if I is negative? Is
this allowed? Are the equations still true? What if we don’t know the direction of I?
Lecture 11: An RC circuit and 3 ways to analyze it
(Santiago Ch. 13 and 15)
Consider this simple circuit:
I’m interested in a sinusoidal input vin(t), but I’m noncommittal about phase; for vin, I’m equally
happy with Vinsin(t), Vincos(t), or Vinsin(t+), where is an arbitrary constant. (I’m using
lower-case letters for instantaneous voltages and currents and upper-case letters for
constant amplitudes.)
We can reasonably expect vout to also be sinusoidal, but the output amplitude (Vout) will
be smaller than the input amplitude (Vin). Also, there will be a phase shift between the input and
output: the peaks of the input will not occur at the same time as the peaks of the output.
Our goal is to determine the ratio of output amplitude to input amplitude, Vout/Vin, and as
a secondary interest, to determine the phase shift between input and output. We will solve this
problem four ways! (Three ways today, and a fourth way in Lecture 13.)
Q = Vin/(1/C2 + 2R2)1/2
= -tan-1(RC),
q = Vin/(1/C2 + 2R2)1/2 sin(t-tan-1(RC))
vout = q/C = Vin/(1 + 2R2C2)1/2 sin(t-tan-1(RC)).
Therefore the output amplitude
Vout = Vin/(1 + 2R2C2)1/2,
and the output amplitude is smaller than the input amplitude by a factor of
Vout/Vin = 1/(1 + 2R2C2)1/2.
The phase shift is -tan-1(RC).
You might think of the phasor diagram as a visual mnemonic for the results we obtained
from Method 1. If you want to take it a step further, imagine the whole diagram rotating
counterclockwise with frequency . The projections of the arrows onto either a horizontal or
vertical axis (your choice) give instantaneous voltages. See
We can use the phasor diagram without really understanding why it works. But let’s try
to understand it.
We know that IR is the amplitude of the voltage across a resistor. But why is I/C the
amplitude of the voltage across the capacitor? If
q = Qsin(t+),
i = dq/dt = Qcos(t+),
thus current amplitude
I = Q.
VC = Q/C (the basic capacitor equation)
VC = I/C.
Why is I(1/2C2 + R2)1/2 equal to the input amplitude? In Method 1, we found
Q = Vin/(1/C2 + 2R2)1/2,
Vin = Q(1/C2 + 2R2)1/2 = I(1/2C2 + R2)1/2,
simply by substituting Q = I/.
This is really just a voltage divider since we get to treat 1/jC as a resistor. We could skip to the result,
but let’s derive it.
The same current i flows through R and 1/jC. Applying Ohm’s law to 1/jC, we see
vout = i/jC.
Applying Ohm’s law to the series combination, we see
i = (0 – vout)/(1/jC) = -jCvout.
Combining these equations:
vout/vin = -1/jRC.
(We could have arrived here immediately by recognizing the circuit as an inverting amplifier with R1 = R
and R2 = 1/jC.)
The magnitude of vout/vin is
G = Vout/Vin = 1/RC.
So the gain is inversely proportional to frequency. We can understand this conceptually. The
greater the frequency, the less time the capacitor has to charge; the input voltage reverses before the
capacitor accumulates much charge. Since the output voltage is the capacitor’s voltage, the output
voltage is small when the input frequency is high.
Conversely, when the input frequency is low, the capacitor has a lot of time to charge. And we
see that when frequency is 0 (constant, or DC, input voltage), the gain is infinite: the capacitor keeps
charging forever (well, only until the op amp output reaches a supply voltage).
Now, this is a problem for any input voltage: any input voltage is bound to have a DC
“component.” Even if the input is sinusoidal, and nearly centered on 0 V, in reality, it’s probably not
perfectly centered on 0 V, so the actual input is a sinusoid plus a small constant. This small constant
causes the capacitor to charge more than discharge over each cycle, until finally the op amp output
reaches a supply voltage, which we want to avoid.
How can we prevent this problem? In other words, how can we eliminate the infinite gain at =
0? By putting a resistor in parallel with the capacitor:
The new resistor, Rf, is in parallel with the capacitor. We can form the parallel combination:
We see that for low , G Rf/R. How could we have predicted this without writing anything down? If
we look at the circuit, we see that the capacitor’s impedance is huge at low . Rf dominates the parallel
combination; the capacitor is negligible, so the circuit looks like an inverting amplifier at low .
As high , G 1/RC, which is the gain for an integrator. We could have predicted this by
recognizing that the impedance of the capacitor is very small at high ; the capacitor dominates, Rf has
negligible effect, and the circuit looks like an integrator.
Now let’s try a fancier circuit, called a Sallen-Key low-pass filter.
We’re going to have a lot of unknowns, but we’ll have enough equations to eliminate all the unknowns
except vout and vin.
First, let’s use Ohm’s law (generalized) to find each of the three currents:
i1 = (vin - vA)/R1
i2 = (vA – vout)jC2
i3 = voutjC1
Kirchhoff’s current law at point A lets us write
i1 = i2 + i3
vA = vout(jR2C1 + 1).
Plug this into the equation that came from Kirchhoff’s current law:
We see that G = 1 at low frequency and G = 0 at high frequency. This is called a low-pass filter: low
input frequencies pass through, but high frequencies are blocked. At what frequency does the transition
occur, from “pass” to “block”? We define this transitional frequency as the frequency where G = 1/21/2.
This frequency is called 3dB because a gain of 1/21/2 is -3 decibels: dB = 20logG.
Let’s think about how to choose resistances and capacitances for a desired 3dB. For simplicity,
let’s choose R1 = R2 = R and C1 = C2 = C. Now
=1/(1 + 2R2C2)
= (G – 1)1/2/RC
Although angular frequency [rad/s] is mathematically convenient, in the lab we set and
measure frequency f [Hz], so f = /2, and in this case,
f3dB = 0.1/RC
To set our cut-off frequency to 1 kHz, we could choose R = 10 k and C = 0.01 F.
The integrator is also a low-pass filter. Why is the Sallen-Key low-pass filter better?
Lecture 13. Laplace transforms
(Santiago Ch. 16)
The Laplace transform is a method for solving differential equations. It transforms a differential
equation into an algebraic equation. This diagram compares the Laplace transform with the direct method
of solving a differential equation:
Laplace transform: direct Algebraic equation in s
Differential equation in t
calculation or table or website
There’s no new math in this definition; the Laplace transform is just an integral. The original variable t is
integrated away. A new variable s appears. s exists only in intermediate calculations, kind of like the u
in u substitution. Our final answer won’t have s in it; the inverse Laplace transform gets rid of s and
restores t. In this course, our method for finding inverse Laplace transforms will be to use a table or an
online tool ( Analogously, we use calculators to determine cos39; we don’t do it by
hand. (There are lots of techniques for manipulating Laplace transforms until they’re in a form found in a
table. But I think it’s more likely that you’ll have internet access than a hard copy of a table of Laplace
transforms. And since accepts Laplace transforms in any form, we won’t spend time
learning how to massage Laplace transforms into the form found in a table.)
Let’s use Laplace transforms to analyze the RC circuit to which we already applied three
methods. So this is
Method 4: Laplace transforms
Evaluation of this method: This method is not ideal for sinusoidal inputs. However, this method
is useful for most non-sinusoidal inputs, especially voltage “spikes” (infinite voltages of infinitesimal
duration: impulse functions).
We’re applying Laplace transforms to the same RC circuit to make sure we get the same result
we got three other ways:
Since we want to solve the same problem we solved before, the input voltage has to be sinusoidal.
But remember, I was noncommittal about the phase of the input voltage, so this time, let vin(t) =
Vincos(t-), where = tan-1(1/RC). Let’s further assume that the capacitor is initially uncharged, so
vout(0) = 0.
The output voltage plus the voltage across the resistor is the input voltage:
Vincos(t-) = iR + vout
I want to write i in terms of vout. vout is the voltage across the capacitor, q/C, so
dvout/dt = i/C. So
f(t) F (s)
where I used vout(0) = 0. I can simplify this by evaluating sin and cos. Since = tan-1(1/RC) from the
problem statement, I can draw the right triangle
(2R2C2+1)1/2 1
f(t) F (s)
vout(t) = [Vin/(2R2C2+1)1/2]sin(t).
As before, the output amplitude is found to be a factor of 1/(2R2C2+1)1/2 times the input amplitude.
Now, let’s practice using the definition of the Laplace transform just to demystify it; it really is
just an integral. Let’s return to our differential equation
dvout st
Vin cos(t )e st
dt RC e dt voute st dt
0 0
dt 0
The first integral can be evaluated with the help of an online integral calculator. The final integral is the
definition of V out (s) .
The remaining integral requires some work. We need to use integration by parts:
0 0
u = e-st, so du = -se-stdt
dv = dvout, so v = vout:
dvout st
0 dt e dt e vout
0 out se st dt
vout (0) s voute st dt
sV out ( s )
How would the Laplace transform differ if the capacitor had an initial charge?
Lecture 14. Transfer functions
(Santiago Ch. 11)
Let’s again consider the same circuit, though with a non-sinusoidal input:
i = C(dvout/dt),
vin(t) = RC(dvout/dt) + vout.
We can take the Laplace transform of this even though we haven’t specified vin(t). Assuming the
capacitor is initially uncharged, vout(0) = 0, and
V out ( s)
T ( s) .
V in ( s)
The transfer function is defined for initial conditions of zero: capacitors are initially uncharged (and
there’s no initial current through any inductors).
T ( s)
1 sRC
For any chosen vin(t), we can
V out ( s) .
s(1 sRC )
Finally, take the inverse Laplace transform of this, using a table or
vout(t) = VA(1 – e-t/RC)
This is the familiar RC charge curve: the voltage across the capacitor asymptotically approaches
VA as the capacitor charges up.
Example: Impulse function (voltage spike)
Considering the same circuit, suppose vin(t) = A(t), where (t) is the impulse function (Dirac
delta function). Roughly speaking, (0) = , and (t) = 0 for all other t. The useful property of the
impulse function is the sifting property: f (t ) (t )dt f (0) .
Determine vout(t).
First let’s find the transfer function, by finding the equation relating input and output. The input
voltage is the output voltage plus the voltage across the resistor:
vin(t) = iR + vout(t),
vout(t) = L(di/dt),
L 0
i (t ) vout (t ' )dt ' , assuming i(0) = 0.
Now we can take the Laplace transform, using the fact that L[f(t’)dt’] = F ( s) / s :
V in ( s) V out ( s) V out ( s) .
The transfer function is
V out 1
T ( s) .
V in 1 R / Ls
But it’s even more convenient to solve for V out :
1 s
V out ( s) V in ( s) V in ( s)
1 R / Ls s R/L
If vin(t) = Au(t), we already know that its Laplace transform is A/s. Plug this into the equation
V out ( s) .
s R/L
The inverse Laplace transform (from a table or website) is
vout(t) = Ae-Rt/L.
Now we consider the other input, vin(t) = Atu(t). The Laplace transform of this (from a table,
website, or direct calculation) is A/s2. In this case,
V out ( s) .
s ( s R / L)
The inverse Laplace transform of this is
vout (t )
1 e Rt / L .
How do things change if the initial current is not 0?
T ( s)
1 sRC
We see that they’re the same, if we make the substitution s = j. In fact, this always works: To obtain
the transfer function, obtain vout/vin from Ohm’s law generalized, replacing j with s. In other words, use
1/sC as the impedance of a capacitor, and use sL as the impedance of an inductor.
Now we see that this is a voltage divider, so we can immediately (or gradually) obtain
vout/vin = [1/(1/R2 +sC2)]/[1/(1/R1 +sC1) + 1/(1/R2 +sC2)
= 1/[(1/R2 +sC2)/(1/R1 +sC1) + 1]
The inverse Laplace transform of this is messy but can be obtained from wolfram alpha:
vout (t )
AC1 t (1 / R1 1 / R2 ) /(C1 C2 )
C1 C 2
( R1 R2 )
1 e t (1 / R1 1 / R2 ) /(C1 C2 )
In the following figure, initial current i1 (down) is 1 A and i2 (to the right) is 1 A. Determine
vout(t) if vin(t) = (2 V)u(t).
We can’t use the shortcut to the transfer function because the initial currents are nonzero. So we
have to find the differential equation the long way.
i = i1 + i2
di1/dt - di2/dt – i2 = 0,
vin – i – di1/dt = 0
I I1 I 2
s I 1 i1 (0) s I 2 i2 (0) I 2 0
V in I s I 1 i1 (0) 0
I I1 I 2
sI 1 sI 2 I 2 0
V in I s I 1 1 0
We have three equations in three unknowns. Ultimately we want i2 because vout = i2(1 ). Plug the first
equation into the third:
V in I 1 I 2 s I 1 1 0
I 1 I 2 (s 1) / s
V in I 2 (s 1) / s I 2 I 2 (s 1) 1 0
Solve for I 2 :
1 V in 1 V in
1 1/ s 1 s 1 1/ s s 3
1 2 / s s2
1 / s s 3 1 s 2 3s
i2(t) =
which is numerically the same as vout(t) = i2(t)(1 ). Doing the arithmetic,
where t is in seconds.
Why was the Laplace transfer of Kirchhoff’s current rule so simple? Why was there no explicit s
in the equation?
The third problem in Problem Set 16 is so complicated that I want to spend this whole lecture on
it. The problem is to simulate V1 vs. V2 in this chaotic circuit described in “Simple Autonomous Chaotic
Circuits” by Piper and Sprott:
First we need to understand that the voltage Golden Rule doesn’t apply to the upper op amp.
Suppose V2 is negative, so V+ > V-, and the op amp raises its output voltage. The left end of RC is held at
ground (by the lower op amp). So the increase in the upper op amp’s output doesn’t lower V2. In fact,
increasing I3 probably increases I5, which actually lowers V2, moving the op amp further from satisfying
the Golden Rule.
Do you want to convince yourself that the voltage Golden Rule does apply to the lower op amp?
Suppose V- is negative, so V+ > V-, and the op amp raises its output voltage. This happens very quickly,
and the charge on the capacitor doesn’t have time to change much. Therefore, with the voltage across the
capacitor staying roughly constant, an increase in the op amp output must raise V- until V- V+ = 0.
How can we even begin to analyze this circuit? First I use Kirchhoff’s current rule, and then I
write all currents in terms of voltages to eliminate currents from the equations:
I3 = I1 + I5 (A)
I5 = I2 + I4 (B)
Q1 = C1(0 – V1), so
Q2 = C2(V2 - 0), so
I2 = C2 dV2/dt. (2)
I3 = V3/RC. (3)
V2 – V1 = L dI4/dt, so
I5 = -V2/R. (5)
The final goal, algebraically, is to find an equation containing a single voltage and its time
derivatives; this is the differential equation we have to solve numerically (there are no exact analytical
solutions). Which voltage should we choose? We should choose V2 because V3 can be written only in
terms of V2. Specifically, the upper op amp doesn’t obey the voltage Golden Rule, so when V+ > V-, its
output increases as much as it can (approximately to the positive supply voltage, which is 9 V if we use 9
V batteries), and when V- > V+, its output decreases as much as it can (approximately to -9 V). And since
V+ = 0 and V- = V2, V3 = 9 V when V2 < 0, and V3 = -9 V when V2 > 0. More concisely,
V3 = -k sgn(V2),
Let’s plug Eqs. (1)-(5) into Eqs. (A) and (B) to eliminate currents. Actually, we need to
differentiate Eq. (B) to use Eq. (4).
Next I want to combine these equations to eliminate V1. From Eq. (6),
This equation has no exact (analytical) solution, so Laplace transforms aren’t helpful. Instead, we
have to use an approximation (numerical) technique to replace the derivatives with finite differences. The
simplest technique is the Euler technique:
d3V2/dt3 is what we just derived! So if we know initial values of V2, dV2/dt, and d2V2/dt2, Euler’s
method allows us to step forward in time:
Calculate d3V2/dt3 from the equation we derived, using current values of V2, dV2/dt, and d2V2/dt2.
Determine the next value of d2V2/dt2, using (dV22/dt2)|t+t (dV22/dt2)|t + (d3V2/dt3)t.
Determine the next value of dV2/dt, using (dV2/dt)|t+t (dV2/dt)|t + (d2V2/dt2)t.
Determine the next value of V2, using V2(t+t) V2(t) + (dV2/dt)t.
These “next values” are now our current values. Return to the first step and iterate as long as
How do you know how small t has to be? I explored this empirically by reducing t until the result
basically stabilized.
Looking back at the circuit diagram, can you explain where I1 and I4 go? Why didn’t I apply
Kirchhoff’s current rule to the junction at V1?
We’ll find that the skills we’ve learned have prepared us well for mathematical, computational,
and experimental investigation of simple semiconductor structures.
Actually, the electrons are arranged on the corners of a tetrahedron; they’re not all in the same plane, but
we draw it that way.
Si Si Si
Si Si Si
Si Si Si
At a temperature of 0 K, all the valence electrons are stuck in the valence bands; no current can
As temperature increases, some electrons acquire enough energy to escape the bonds. These free
electrons leave behind “holes,” which behave as positive charges that can more around:
Si Si o Si
Free electrons can conduct electricity. These electrons are said to be in the “conduction band.”
The electrons that are stuck in bonds are in the valence band. Free electrons have more energy than the
electrons in bonds, so the conduction band is at higher energies than the valence band. This is represented
in a band diagram:
How many free electrons are there in pure silicon? This is the intrinsic carrier concentration,
ni. ni increases with temperature. At room temperature, ni = 8.3 109 cm-3. (This seems like a lot, but
the number of silicon atoms per cubic centimeter is larger by a factor of almost 1013. So an extremely
small fraction of atoms contributes free electrons to the conduction band.)
Semiconductors are useful because we can precisely engineer the concentration of free electrons
and holes by adding small amounts of another element. This process is called doping.
In n-type doping, we add an element like phosphorous that has more than four valence electrons.
Phosphorous has five valence electrons:
Si P Si
Phosphorous is this case is called a donor because it donates a free electron. The concentration
of donors is called ND. Except at extremely low temperatures, each donor atom donates one free electron.
Assuming ND >> ni, the free electron concentration n0 equals the donor concentration: n0 = ND. In n-type
silicon, electrons are called majority carriers, and holes are called minority carriers.
In p-type doping, we add an element like boron that has fewer than four valence electrons.
Boron has three valence electrons:
Si B o Si
Boron is this case is called an acceptor because it can accept an electron from another atom,
effectively moving a hole to the other atom. The concentration of acceptors is called NA. Except at
extremely low temperatures, each acceptor atom produces one hole. Assuming NA >> ni, the hole
concentration p0 equals the acceptor concentration: p0 = NA. In p-type silicon, holes are called majority
carriers, and electrons are called minority carriers.
If we know the doping level (ND or NA), we know the concentration of majority carriers. But
how do we determine the concentration of minority carriers? In turns out, in equilibrium it’s always true
n0p0 = ni2
This is exactly analogous to a fact you may have learned in chemistry: [H30+][0H-] = (10-7 M)2.
n0 = ND and p0 = ni2/ ND
p0 = NA and n0 = ni2/ NA
What do you suppose happens if a material is doped with both donors and acceptors, but there are
far more of one than the other?
If a semiconductor absorbs a photon with larger energy than the bandgap energy, then the photon
energy can be transferred to an electron in the valence band, boosting it to the conduction band:
conduction band
A hole is left behind in the valence band, so the absorption of a photon creates an electron-hole pair.
The concentrations of electrons and holes increase above equilibrium level:
electron concentration n = n0 + n
hole concentration p = p0 + p
where (for our purposes) n = p, and this is called the excess carrier concentration.
At low levels of illumination, such that the excess carrier concentration is less than the dopant
concentration, only the minority carrier concentration increases significantly:
n-type: n = ND + n ND, p = p0 + p
p-type: p = NA + p NA, n = n0 + n
Consider the photon flux N0 [cm-2s-1] of light shining on the surface of silicon. As we look
deeper into the silicon, the photon flux decreases because some of the photons have already been
absorbed. The photon flux decreases with depth according to
N(x) = N0e-x,
short wavelengths (blue light) have large and are absorbed near the surface
long wavelengths (red light) have small and are partially absorbed throughout
These facts are very significant in the design of solar cells, which are intended to absorb all
wavelengths as efficiently as possible.
Now we’re ready to define the generation rate G [cm-3s-1]: the rate at which electron-hole pairs
are generated per unit volume. For monochromatic illumination (a single wavelength and therefore a
single ), the generation rate depends on depth according to
G(x) = N0e-x.
Electron-hole pairs are created by the absorption of photon energy. The electrons in the
conduction band spontaneously drop back into the holes in the valence band. This process is called
recombination. The recombination rate U [cm-3s-1] is proportional to excess carrier concentration n:
The minority carrier lifetime is the average time between the generation of an electron-hole pair
and its spontaneous recombination. can be different for electrons and holes and so is often specified as
n or p. There are different recombination mechanisms that reduce lifetime. In crystalline silicon solar
cells, much recombination occurs through defects: energy levels in the bandgap due to imperfections in
the crystal structure. A big challenge in solar cell engineering is to reduce defects as cheaply as possible,
or to minimize their impact.
Free electrons and holes can move around. In the absence of electric fields, they move around
randomly. Random motion causes a net movement of charge carriers from high concentration to low
concentration. This is called diffusion. The diffusion length is the average distance an electron or hole
travels between generation and recombination:
L D ,
where D is the diffusivity [cm2/s]. Since D and can be different for electrons and holes, L is also
different for electrons and holes. We specify the carrier type with subscripts:
Ln Dn n and L p D p p
The movement of charge is current. The diffusion current density [C cm-2 s-1] is given as
Why is there a minus sign in one case but not the other? Let’s first consider an electron concentration that
increases in the positive x direction:
Electrons spontaneously diffuse from high concentration (high x) to low concentration (low x). Since
electrons have a negative charge, conventional current is in the opposite direction as the electrons’
motion. Therefore, current is in the positive direction and should have a positive value. Since dn/dx is
positive, qDn(dn/dx) is positive as needed.
Holes spontaneously diffuse from high concentration (high x) to low concentration (low x). Since holes
have a positive charge, conventional current is in the same direction as the holes’ motion. Therefore,
current is in the negative direction and should have a negative value. Since dp/dx is positive, qDp(dp/dx)
is positive, which is why we need to add a minus sign for hole diffusion current.
Would you expect a very thin solar cell to have a better efficiency under red or blue illumination?
Now we’re ready to derive the minority-carrier diffusion equation. The derivation is much like
the derivation of the heat equation! As before, we consider a very tiny volume of thickness x and cross-
section area A (perpendicular to the diagram):
x x+x
Let’s take the case of n-type silicon, so we’ll derive the minority-carrier diffusion equation for holes. We
simply have to keep track of the change in the number of holes in our volume:
Some holes diffuse through the left side at x. They diffuse in if Jp(x) > 0.
Some holes diffuse through the right side at x+x. They diffuse out if Jp(x+x) > 0.
Some holes may be generated within the volume (Ax)
Some holes may recombine within the volume (Ax).
Jp(x) is charge per unit area per unit time. We want the number of holes per unit time flowing
through the left edge, which is AJp(x)/q.
Similarly the number of holes flowing through the right edge is AJp(x+x)/q
The number of holes generated per unit time in the tiny volume is G times the volume: GAx.
Similarly, the numbers of holes recombining per unit time is UAx = (p/p)Ax.
rate of change in number of holes = rate of holes flowing in – rate of holes flowing out
where the number of holes is the hole concentration times the volume:
Divide by Ax:
This is the minority carrier diffusion equation for holes. Since p = p0 + p, and p0 is a constant, we can
write the diffusion equation in terms of p and its derivatives:
Notice how similar this is to the heat equation! G is analogous to internal energy generation. The
recombination term, however, has no counterpart in the heat equation.
Consider p-type silicon with an acceptor concentration of 1016 cm-3. The sample is illuminated
with infrared light such that there is a uniform generation of 1010 cm-3s-1. There is a uniform electron
concentration of 106 cm-3. What is the minority carrier lifetime? At t = 0, the light is blocked, so the
generation rate becomes 0. Assume electron concentration remains uniform. Find n(t).
We start with the diffusion equation, where the derivatives are 0 because the electron
concentration is uniform and also constant (while the light shines on the silicon):
0 = G – n/n
In steady-state, generation equals recombination and n = n/G = (n – n0)/G n/G = 10-4 s. (I knew n >>
n0 because n0 = ni2/NA, and I approximated ni 1010 cm-3 to find n0 104 cm-3.)
At t = 0, the light is blocked, so G = 0 and n must change, so the time derivative is no longer 0:
dn/dt = –n/n
The solution to this differential equation is n = Aexp(-t/n), where A is a constant determined by the
initial condition: n(0) = 106 cm-3 = A.
In thick p-type silicon in the dark, electrons arrive from the left at x = 0 such that n(0) = 1012 cm-3
in steady-state. Find n(x) and Jn(x) for positive x.
We start with the minority carrier diffusion equation, with the time derivative zero because we’re
in steady state. Generation rate is also 0.
0 = Dn(d2n/dx2) – n/n
n = Aekx + Be-kx,
where A, B, and k are constants that need to be determined. We can immediately set A = 0 because we
don’t want infinite n at infinite x. (We’re allowed to do this only because we’re told that the silicon is
thick. If the silicon were thin, we’d need a boundary condition for the surface.) Plugging n = Be-kx into
the differential equation yields
Now we just need to find B from the boundary condition, n(0) = n0 + n(0) n(0) = 1012 cm-3 = B.
So n = (1012 cm-3)exp(-x/Ln)
n = n0 + n = n0 + (1012 cm-3)exp(-x/Ln)
Far from x = 0 where excess electrons are arriving, the electron concentration is n0. Electrons recombine
as they diffuse away from x = 0.
Why does the magnitude of current decrease as x increases? Where does the lost current “go”?
Why must the current through a metal wire remain constant, and what makes a semiconductor different?
The minority carrier diffusion equation has generation rate G in it. G isn’t proportional to excess
carrier concentration or its derivatives; mathematicians say that G is a nonhomogeneous term. So far, we
haven’t solved any nonhomogeneous differential equations. But we’re about to.
Beginning at time t = 0, p-type silicon is illuminated with gradually dimming light such that
there’s a uniform generation rate G(t) = G0e-bt, where G0 and b are constants. Find n(t), assuming
equilibrium at t < 0, and neglecting surface recombination. (Uniform generation combined with
negligible surface recombination means that n is uniform.)
Write the minority carrier diffusion equation, where the spatial derivative is zero because n is
G0 1
s N N
s b n
Solve for N :
s bs n
Take the inverse Laplace transform (using a table or Wolfram Alpha):
e bt e t / n
n G0
1 / n b
If you plot this, you find that it starts at 0 (because the silicon is in equilibrium before the light comes on).
Then it rises (because generation exceeds recombination). Then it decays to 0 (because generation decays
to 0).
The Laplace transform made this problem easy, but some problems can be solved more easily by
another method. So let’s learn an alternative method.
We can build the complete solution n as a sum of two functions: the particular solution np
and the complementary solution nc. How do we find these two solutions? Read on!
First we attempt to find a particular solution to the differential equation: we stare at the
nonhomogeneous term and try to guess a solution:
Since the nonhomogeneous term is proportional to e-bt, it seems likely that we can solve this equation by
guessing that n is also proportional to e-bt:
np = Ae-bt
where A is a constant that we’ll need to determine, and I’ve used to subscript p to emphasize that this is
called the particular solution.
The exponential terms conveniently divide out, and we can solve for A:
1 / n b
Now we need the complementary solution nc: this is the solution to the equation obtained by
dropping the nonhomogeneous term:
dnc/dt = –nc/n
nc is evidently Bexp(-t/n), where B is a constant that we need to determine from the initial condition.
n e bt Be t / n
1 / n b
To find B, use the initial condition n(0) = 0:
0 B,
1 / n b
1 / n b
and we obtain the same solution that Laplace transforms gave us previously.
A constant monochromatic photon flux of N0 illuminates the surface (x = 0) of thick p-type Si.
Find n(x), neglecting surface recombination. (This means dn/dx = 0 at the surface, as we’ll see in the
next lecture.)
Write the minority carrier diffusion equation, where the time derivative is 0 because nothing is
This is a nonhomogeneous equation because of the generation term. Since the nonhomogeneous
term is proportional to e-x, let’s guess that the particular solution
np = Ae-x
Solving for A:
N 0
1 / n 2 Dn
Now we look for the complementary solution nc by dropping the nonhomogeneous term:
0 = Dn(d2nc/dx2) – nc/n
The solution is
nc = Bexp(-x/Ln),
where I’ve dropped the exp(+x/Ln) solution because the silicon is thick and n can’t approach infinity as
x gets very large.
N 0
n e x Be x / L ,
1 / n Dn
2 N0 B
0 ,
1 / n Dn Ln
2 N 0 Ln
1 / n 2 Dn
N 0
1 / n Dn
e x Ln e x / L n
The algebra’s getting messy. In the next lecture, it gets worse. Much worse.
Look at the solution above. Mathematically and conceptually, is it possible for excess carrier
concentration to be negative at any location?
Every silicon atom wants to bond with four atoms surrounding it. At the surface of silicon, there
are no more atoms in one direction, so the surface atoms can’t achieve a fourth bond: there are dangling
bonds at the surface. The dangling bonds create energy levels within the bandgap, and this causes a lot of
recombination at the surfaces.
The surface recombination rate [cm-2s-1] is the recombination rate at the surface per unit area.
All of the diffusion current into the surface results in recombination because the current can’t keep going.
We divide by q to obtain the number of minority carriers flowing into the surface (per unit area
per unit time), rather than the total charge of these carriers flowing into the surface (per unit area per unit
Also, the surface recombination rate is proportional to the excess carrier concentration at the
where S is called the surface recombination velocity (if only because it has units of velocity).
Sn(surface) = Dn|dn/dx|surface
(Notice that this is exactly analogous to a convective boundary condition with T = 0, from the very first
lecture: h Tsurface T k )
dx surface
Let’s see how we can get rid of the absolute value sign. Carriers must flow into surfaces where
recombination occurs because the surface recombination is gobbling up carriers, not sending them out. If
we plot n vs. x, n must slope down towards surfaces: if x increases to the right, the slope must be
positive at the left surface (x1) and negative at the right surface (x2):
x1 < x2
For the rest of this lecture, let’s drop the p and n subscripts from D, , and L.
Find n(x) in p-type silicon with constant uniform generation G and identical surface
recombination S at both surfaces (x = W/2).
We start with the minority carrier diffusion equation, where the time derivative is 0.
0 = D(d2n/dx2) + G – n/
First we look for a particular solution. Since the nonhomogeneous term is a constant, it’s a good guess
that np is a constant (and the spatial derivative is 0):
0 = G – np/
So np = G.
Next, we look for the complementary solution, dropping the nonhomogeneous term:
0 = D(d2nc/dx2) – nc/
We’ve see this before. But now, let’s write the solution in terms of cosh and sinh:
Generally, when a material is (infinitely) thick, it’s most convenient to use exponential functions. But
when a material is thin, it’s most convenient to use cosh and sinh.
Because the silicon and the illumination are symmetrical about x = 0, we know that n must be
an even function, so B must be 0. The complete solution is then
n = G + Acosh(x/L),
At x = W/2,
Sn(W/2) = -D(dn/dx)|W/2
sinh S cosh
L 2L 2L
In p-type silicon with the same surface recombination velocity on both surfaces (x = W/2), the
excess carrier concentration, due to illumination, is initially uniform: n(x,0) = C. At t = 0, the
illumination ceases. Determine n(x,t).
n(x,t) = X(x)T(t)
Divide by XT :
How can a function of T equal a function of X? If both equal the same constant. Let’s call it -2.
So we now have two equations:
(1/X)(d2X/dx2) = -2.
The solution is
T = exp[-t(1/ + 2D)]
X = Acos(x),
So a possible solution is
n = Acos(x)exp[-t(1/ + 2D)]
Sn(W/2,t) = -D(n/x)|x=W/2
Plug n into the boundary condition (and divide out the time function):
SAcos(W/2) = DAsin(W/2)
cot(W/2) = D/S
cot(W/2) = (2D/SW)(W/2)
This is a transcendental equation. It has no exact analytical solutions! We can solve it with a computer.
We can also understand it better by solving it graphically: plot cot(W/2), the black curves below, and
also (2D/SW)(W/2), the red line, as functions of W/2:
Where the red line intersects a black curve, we’ve found a value of W/2 that satisfies the transcendental
equation. As you can see, there are infinite possible values of , and we label them with subscripts.
So the complete solution we need is a sum of solutions with all possible values of :
n Ai cosi x exp t i D
How do we determine Ai for each of the infinite terms? We use the initial condition n(x,0) = C:
C Ai cosi x
What’s next? Fourier to the rescue! We multiply both sides by cos(jx) and integrate from –W/2 to W/2.
All the terms integrate to 0 except for i = j. (It’s not obvious that this should be true, but you can confirm
it by evaluating the integrals where i isn’t j.)
For i = j:
W /2 W /2
Since both integrands are even functions, let’s simplify by changing the lower limits to 0 (we’ve
divided both sides by 2):
W /2 W /2
C iW sin(iW )
sin(iW / 2) Ai
i 4i
4C sin(iW / 2)
iW sin(iW )
sin(iW / 2)
n( x, t ) 4C cos(i x) exp t (i D 1 / )
i 1 iW sin(iW )
Why did I used hyperbolic trig functions in the first example, but circular (regular) trig functions
in the second?
Lecture 22: p-n junction: the heart of solar cell, LED, or other diode
Suppose we have some p-type silicon, and we cause a high concentration of donor atoms to
diffuse into the material on one side. The donor concentration overwhelms the acceptor concentration
and locally transforms the material to n-type. But the opposite side of the silicon is still p-type. Where n-
type and p-type meet, we have p-n junction, and the device so formed is called a diode. The physics of
the p-n junction dominates the behavior of solar cells, LEDs, and even transistors.
Free electrons in the n region cheerfully drop into holes in the p region. This process can’t continue
forever because electric charge builds up: Negative charge builds up on the p side, and positive charge is
left behind on the n side. This creates an electric field (pointing, as always, from positive charge to
negative charge). The electric field prevents additional electrons from moving to the p side (electrons are
repelled by the electrons that have already gone over).
The charged region is called the depletion region because it’s depleted of mobile charge carriers.
(The free electrons have left the n-side, and the holes on the p-side recombined with those electrons.)
Recall that voltage is the (negative of the) integral over an electric field, and the electric field
points from high potential to low. So there’s a built-in voltage across the depletion region, with the
higher potential on the right.
What happens when an external voltage is applied across a p-n junction? Suppose the positive
end of the battery is connected to the p-type material (this is called forward bias):
We want to derive an equation for I through the diode as a function of applied voltage V across it.
The result is called the ideal diode law. Let’s take a look at carrier concentrations on both sides of the
The equilibrium minority carrier concentrations are np0 = ni2/NA on the p side and pn0 = ni2/ND on the n
side. We assume that these equilibrium concentrations exist far from the depletion region. However,
at the edge of the depletion region, the minority carrier concentrations are affected by applied voltage V.
We need one new equation (for each carrier type), the law of the junction (minority carrier concentration
at junction edges increases exponentially with V):
The law of the junction gives us boundary conditions, so now we simply solve the minority
carrier diffusion equation in each region. We assume steady-state conditions and no illumination (for
now). So in the n-type region the diffusion equation is
0 = Dp(d2p/dx2) – p/p,
and the boundary conditions are p(0) = pn(0) – pn0 = pn0(eqV/kT -1), and p(x) doesn’t get infinitely large
at infinitely large x. (This boundary condition only works for thick diodes: the surfaces are very far
from the junction. For thin diodes, we’d need to account for surface recombination.) We’ve already
solved a nearly identical problem! The solution is
Plug it into the diffusion equation and the boundary conditions to confirm!
We want to know the total current density, J = Jp + Jn. The total current is uniform across the
diode because otherwise charge would accumulate somewhere. So if we can determine total current
anywhere, we know total current everywhere. So far we know minority carrier currents, but not majority
carrier currents. We now assume that the depletion region is so narrow that the each current density (hole
and electron) stays approximately constant across it:
So we know the total current density J = |Jn(0)|+ |Jp(0)| in the depletion region, and this is the total
current density everywhere:
where we gathered all the constants into one constant called I0, “dark saturation current.” We have now
obtained the ideal diode law!
To derive the I vs. V equation for a solar cell, the only modification we have to make is to add
illumination. If we assume a uniform generation rate G, the diffusion equation becomes
0 = Dp(d2p/dx2) + G – p/p.
The particular solution is Gp and the complementary solution is Bexp(-x/Lp), where we must determine
B from the boundary condition (the law of the junction). Since
and finally
where Isc = qG(Lp + Ln) is the short circuit current (when V = 0), which can also be called the light-
generated current. Minority carriers generated (by light absorption) within a diffusion length of the
junction are swept across the junction and contribute to light-generated current.
A photon absorbed at what location in the solar cell is most likely to contribute to photocurrent?
Suppose the emitter is n-type silicon and the base is p-type silicon. The p-n junction is where
the emitter and base meet. Why is the junction so close to the surface? Most sunlight is absorbed within
about 10 m of the surface. We want the light absorbed as close as possible to the p-n junction. If light is
absorbed more than a diffusion length away from the junction, the electron-hole pairs recombine before
they get a chance to contribute to photocurrent.
The antireflection coating is very important because bare silicon reflects about a third of the
photons that arrive. The antireflection coating is a thin film designed to minimize reflection. As you
learned in introductory physics, reflection is reduced if destructive interference is achieved: light
reflecting off the top of the thin film should interfere destructively with light reflecting off the bottom of
the thin film.
To improve solar cell efficiency, we must reduce other loss mechanisms as well. We can analyze
the quantum efficiency of a solar cell: the quantum efficiency is the fraction of photons (of a particular
wavelength) that generate carriers that contribute to photocurrent. The quantum efficiency at different
wavelengths informs us about loss mechanisms at different depths within the solar cell: short
wavelengths are absorbed near the front (the top), and long wavelengths are absorbed near the back (the
Very short wavelengths are absorbed too close to the front surface, and surface recombination
takes a heavy toll. The highest quantum efficiency occurs at wavelengths absorbed near the junction.
Long wavelengths lose quantum efficiency for three reasons:
long wavelengths have low absorption coefficients (some infrared light passes right through the
long wavelengths are absorbed far from the front surface, more than a diffusion length below the
long wavelengths are absorbed near the back surface, and carriers generated there are subject to
surface recombination
and depends on
If no load is attached, no current flows (we call this open circuit), and P = 0. On the other hand, if the
load resistance is 0 (we short circuit the two ends of the solar cell together with a wire), voltage is 0 and
therefore P = 0. So the solar cell delivers useful power at intermediate conditions. To understand the
optimal load resistance, let’s look at |I| vs. V and P vs. V:
The red curve is current |I|. As we know from the equation we derived,
We see that when V = 0, |I| = Isc, the largest possible current. |I| gradually decreases as V increases, until I
= 0 at open-circuit voltage (Voc). We’re most concerned with power, the product of current and voltage
(the blue curve). The power is maximized at the maximum power point, (Vmp, Imp). A quantity called
the fill factor is a measure of the “squareness” of the IV curve:
FF = ImpVmp/(IscVoc)
The efficiency of the solar cell is defined as the maximum electric power that can be delivered
by the solar cell, as a fraction of the incoming light power:
To increase solar cell efficiency, we try to increase short-circuit current, open-circuit voltage, and fill
factor. Let’s briefly consider design strategies for increasing each of these.
We can try to increase generation by reducing optical losses (reflection and shading due to front contacts).
We can try to increase diffusion length by increasing carrier lifetime (by finding ways to eliminate “trap”
energy levels in the bandgap, caused by crystalline defects).
Voc = (kT/q)ln(Isc/Io+1)
It looks as though increasing temperature would be helpful, but unfortunately I0 (which we want to
minimize) also increases with temperature. So actually Voc decreases with temperature. This is why
some cooling mechanism (possibly heat fins!) is required for concentrator cells, on which mirrors focus
concentrated sunlight.
The fill factor is influenced by resistance in the solar cell. A solar cell can be modeled as a diode,
a current source, and two resistors:
The series resistance is due to the resistivity of the emitter and the base, as well as the contact resistance
of the metal on the silicon. The series resistance is ideally 0. The shunt resistance, however, is ideally
The typical efficiency of commercial solar cells is 14-19%. These are usually multicrystalline
silicon solar cells; multicrystalline silicon is cheaper (and lower quality) than the monocrystalline silicon
used for computer chips.
The best efficiency for a solar cell with a single p-n junction is 29.1%. It’s made of gallium
The world record efficiency is 46%, for a solar cell with four p-n junctions.
Let’s understand the limitations of a solar cell with a single p-n junction. If the solar cell is made
of a single material (crystalline silicon, for example), there’s a single bandgap energy. Photons with less
energy than the bandgap energy cannot generate electron hole pairs; the energy of these photons is lost.
Photons with more energy than the bandgap energy create electron-hole pairs, but photon energy in
excess of the bandgap energy is converted to heat. So a particular bandgap energy is optimized for a
particular photon energy. A solar cell with four p-n junctions is made of four different materials, each
with a different bandgap energy. The material with the highest bandgap is on the top, and it absorbs the
photons with the highest energies. The photons with lower energies pass right through the top material
and are absorbed by a material with a lower bandgap energy. The following diagram illustrates how this
works in a solar cell with two junctions:
(This plot is courtesy of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO.)
To reduce reflection losses in a solar cell, why can’t we just paint it black? (This is a question I
actually asked a more experienced student when I was new at Georgia Tech.)