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Energy Science and Engg. KOE-043

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PREPARED BY-Abhishek singh bhadouria
DEPARTMENT OF Mechanical engineering

•Solar Energy: Introduction to solar energy

•Fundamentals of solar radiation and its measurement
• Semiconductor junctions: metal-semiconductor junction &
p-n junction,
•Essential characteristics of solar photovoltaic devices
•Basic physics of semiconductors, Carrier transport,
generation and recombination in semiconductors,
• First Generation Solar Cells, Second Generation Solar Cells,
Third Generation Solar Cells

The Sun

Composition of the Sun

The Sun is mainly composed of hydrogen. The rest is prevalently He4. Hydrogen is the fuel for
the nuclear fusion that takes place inside the Sun and produces helium. However, the He4
contained in the Sun for the most part
originates from previous stellar lives.

What is solar energy ?

 Solar energy is the energy

received by the earth from the
sun. This energy is in the form of
solar radiation, which makes the
production of solar electricity
Types of solar energy
 Passive Solar Energy
 Active Solar Energy
 Photovoltaic Solar
 Solar Thermal Energy
 Concentrated Solar
Passive solar
Passive Solar Energy is a method in which solar
energy is harnessed in its direct form without
using any mechanical devices. Drying Clothes in
daylight is an example of using solar energy
Passive Solar Energy has a few applications
which all of us can use (where ever there is

Passive Solar Heating

Active solar
The Active Solar Energy employs mechanical or electrical
equipment for functioning and increase system efficiency. As
an example water pumps are used to circulate water through
the active solar energy water heating system.
Some Applications of Active Solar Energy which can be very
helpful to all of us.
Active Solar Water Heating

Active Solar Pool Heating

Active Solar Space Heating

Solar thermal
Solar Thermal Energy is the heat energy derived from the incident
solar energy (sunlight). This is used by Solar Heating Panels.
Yes, you guessed it right. Solar Thermal Energy does have advantages
like other forms of solar energy.
Solar Water Heating

Solar Pool Heating

Solar Space Heating

These are the common uses of Solar Thermal Energy. By taking
advantage of these you can get plenty of benefits. Electricity can be
generated using solar energy commonly this is known as
Solar Thermal Electricity
The Energy generated by incident solar energy (light) into
electricity is termed as Photovoltaic Solar Power. This is done
using Photovoltaic Solar Cells.
Every one of us can get the benefits of the applications of
photovoltaic solar power.
Solar Electricity

Photovoltaic Solar Lighting

Photovoltaic Cooling
Concentrated solar
Concentrated Solar Power is a branch of Solar Thermal Energy which
is used to generate solar power electricity.
Electricity is produced on a large scale by using this technology. This
technology is not in either of our scope. But we can surely get its
benefits from a renewable energy supplier or green power from the
electricity supply company.

Knowing about the different solar energy types can be very helpful.
You can use this knowledge in order to decide in what way the solar
energy can be used for your advantage. Come what may you will
always get the benefit of any types of solar energy and help you
contribute to make this world a better place!
Application of solar
 A solar power plant of the size 10–100 kW
depending on the load demand, is preferable
Particularly with a liberal subsidy to raise the
quality of life of the people subjected to
poverty in these areas.
Centralized power generation and distribution,
individual DLS (domestic lighting systems) are
also common in many rural unelectrified
Uses of solar
 Heat Your Swimming Pool With
Solar Energy
 Solar Energy Can Heat Your Water

 Solar Energy For Battery Charging

 Power Your Home With Solar Energy

 Solar Energy For Cooking

 Solar Energy for Indoor Lighting

Solar Technologies

o Daylighting
o Passive Solar
o Active Solar
o Concentrating Solar
o Photovoltaics (PV)
How solar panels are made ?

 Solar World manufacturers solar panels entirely

in the USA from raw silicon to completed solar
panels. This process involves four main steps:
crystal growing, wafering, solar cell production
and solar panel assembly.
 Crystal
 growing
 Solar cell production
 Solar panel assembly
Active Solar Heating

Flat Plate


Evacuated Tube
Concentrating Solar
How a Power Tower
Advantages of Solar
All chemical and
radioactive polluting
byproducts of the
thermonuclear reactions
remain behind on the sun,
while only
pure radiant energy reaches
the Earth.
Energy reaching the earth is
incredible. By one
calculation, 30 days of sunshine
striking the Ear th have the
energy equivalent
Disadvantages of Solar
• Sun does not shine consistently.
• Solar energy is a diffuse source.
To harness it, we must
concentrate it into an amount
and form that we can use,
such as heat and electricity.
• Addressedbyapproaching
the problem through:
3) Storage .

Fundamentals of Solar
Radiation and its
Measurement Aspects
Solar radiation

Solar radiation, often called the solar resource,

is a general term for the electromagnetic
radiation emitted by the sun. Solar radiation
can be captured and turned into useful forms
of energy, such as heat and electricity, using a
variety of technologies. However, the
technical feasibility and economical operation
of these technologies at a specific location
depends on the available solar resource.

Extraterrestrial Solar Radiation:

“The energy received from the sunper unit time on a unit area of surface,
perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the radiation at the
earth’s mean distance from the sun outside the atmosphere.”
• It is denoted by ISC and is estimated as1367 W/m2.
1.The value of solar constant remains constant throughout the year.

• 2.Its value changes with location.
• The extraterrestrial radiation observed on different days is known as
solar irradiance (W/m2) apparent extraterrestrial solar radiation
(irradiance) and can be calculated on
• any day of year with given equation:
Terrestrial Solar Radiation
The radiations receive on the earth surface is called the terrestrial radiation
and is nearly 70% of extraterrestrial solar radiation. Its maximum value on
horizontal earth surface is 1000 W/m2, because a large part of radiations are
absorbed, reflected, attenuated back by earth’s atmosphere.
• Direct or Beam Radiation (Ib): The radiation received on the earth’s surface
directly without change in direction and does not get absorbed, reflected
and scattered while passing through atmosphere.
• Diffuse radiation (Id): The radiation received on earth surface at a location
from all the directions. This radiation changes the original direction after
scattering, reflection in the atmosphere as well as by ground surface. Its
average value is nearly 20% in the morning hrs and decreases to 5-10% of
the total radiation during the clear day but increase in the hazy and cloudy
conditions of sky.
• Total or Global Radiation (It): The sum of beam and diffuse radiation
intercepted at the surface of the earth per unit area of location is called the
total /global radiation or insolation:
• It = Ib +Id
The Sun is nearly a “blackbody”!

The Sun is practically a blackbody. The difference between a true blackbody and the
Sun is due to the fact that the corona and the chromosphere
selectively absorb certain wavelengths.
R. Rigon 1
Monday, December 10, 12
The Sun is nearly a “blackbody”!

The area below the curves is given by the Stefan-Boltzmann law. The curves
themselves are given by Planck’s law.

R. Rigon 1
Monday, December 10, 12
The complete electromagnetic spectrum


The spectrum of solar radiation stretches far beyond the visible band where, however,
nearly half the available energy is concentrated

R. Rigon 1
Monday, December 10, 12
Angle of latitude of a particular location (□): It is the vertical angle between
the line joining that point of location to the centre of the earth and its projection
on an equatorial plane. It is 00 for a point on the equator and ±900 for a point at
the poles.
Declination angle (δ):It is the angle made between the line joining the sun to earth
and its projection on the equatorial plane. Due to the inclination of earth’s axis, the
line joining the Sun and Earth will not lie on the equatorial plane. It varies through the year
from + 23.450 to -23.450.
Its value can be calculated as: ð = 23.45sin (284+n)×360; n = no. of days in year 365
Hour angle (ω): It is the angle representing the position of the sun with respect to
clock hour and with reference to sun’s position at 12 noon. In other words it represents
the angle through which the earth must rotate so that the meridian at a point comes into
alignment with sun’s rays. It is a constant and equal to 15 0/hr.
Solar altitude angle (α): It shows a horizontal plane drawn at any place on earth.At
any point the line joining sun to the centre of this horizontal plane and the line
joining the projection of sun and the centre of the horizontal plane makes a vertical
angle α, which is called the altitude angle.

 Zenith angle (θZ): If a vertical line is drawn to this horizontal plane, at its centre, the line
joining sun and the centre of the plane
will make an angle θZ with this vertical. This angle is called the zenith angle.

Local solar time (LST): This is also called Local Apparent Time (LAT) td calculated using
various values of θZ. The time so calculated the Local Solar Time.This will vary from the
actual clock time by approximately 4 minutes. This variation changes with the month of the

A semiconductor is a material that has a resistivity lies between that of a conductor
and an insulator. The conductivity of a semiconductor material can be varied under
an external electrical field. Devises made from semiconductor materials are the
foundation of modern electronics, including computer, radio, telephones and many
other devises. In a metallic conductor, current is carried by the flow of electrons. In
semiconductors, current can be carried by either flow of electrons or flow of holes
or both. Germanium and Silicon are the best examples for semiconductor materials.
Both are tetravalent (i.e. four valence electrons) and both have diamond crystal
structure. At T=0K, the semiconductor acts as insulator. Semiconductors are
classified into two types, they are

1. Intrinsic semiconductor

2. Extrinsic semiconductor
Extrinsic Semiconductors
Types of Dopants in Extrinsic Semiconductors
Crystals of Silicon and Germanium are doped using two types of dopants:
Pentavalent (valency 5); like Arsenic (As), Antimony (Sb), Phosphorous (P), etc.
Trivalent (valency 3); like Indium (In), Boron (B), Aluminium (Al), etc.
The reason behind using these dopants is to have similarly sized atoms as the pure
semiconductor. Both Si and Ge belong to the fourth group in the periodic table. Hence, the
choice of dopants is from the third and fifth group. This ensures that size of the atoms is not
much different from the fourth group. Hence, the trivalent and pentavalent choices. These
dopants give rise to two types of semiconductors:



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