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Diabetes causes marked changes in function and metabolism of

rat neutrophils
T C Alba-Loureiro, S M Hirabara, J R Mendonça, R Curi
and T C Pithon-Curi1
Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes 1524,
05508-900 São Paulo SP, Brazil
Institute of Health Sciences, University of São Judas Tadeu, Taquari, 546-Mooca, 03166-000 São Paulo SP, Brazil
(Requests for offprints should be addressed to T C Alba-Loureiro; Email:

Several studies have shown impairment of neutrophil insulin-treated (2–4IU/day) diabetic rats. Phagocytosis
function, a disorder that contributes to the high incidence and phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-stimulated H2O2
of infections in diabetes. Since glucose and glutamine play production were decreased in neutrophils from diabetic
a key role in neutrophil function, we investigated their rats. The activities of G6PDH and glutaminase were
metabolism in neutrophils obtained from the peritoneal decreased, whereas that of PFK was raised by the diabetic
cavity of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. The activi- state. The activities of the remaining enzymes were
ties of hexokinase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase not changed. Diabetes decreased the decarboxylation
(G6PDH), phosphofructokinase (PFK), citrate synthase, of [1-14C]glucose and [U-14C]glutamine; however,
phosphate-dependent glutaminase, NAD+-linked and [6-14C]glucose and [U-14C]palmitic acid decarboxylation
NADP+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase were assayed. was increased. These observations indicate that changes in
Glucose, glutamine, lactate, glutamate and aspartate, metabolism may play an important role in the impaired
and the decarboxylation of [U-14C], [1-14C] and neutrophil function observed in diabetes. The treatment
[6-14C]glucose; [U-14C]palmitic acid; and [U-14C]gluta- with insulin abolished the changes induced by the diabetic
mine were measured in 1-h incubated neutrophils. state even with no marked change in glycemia. Therefore,
Phagocytosis capacity and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) insulin may have a direct effect on neutrophil metabolism
production were also determined. All measurements were and function.
carried out in neutrophils from control, diabetic and Journal of Endocrinology (2006) 188, 295–303

Introduction These cells also utilize glutamine at high rates, which is

mainly converted to glutamate, aspartate, lactate and CO2
Patients with diabetes mellitus have increased susceptibil- (Pithon-Curi et al. 1997).
ity to and severity of infections. Several studies have High levels of glucose and ketone bodies seem to
shown alterations in neutrophil function, an effect that influence neutrophil function through production of
contributes to the high incidence of infections in diabetic polyols (Wilson et al. 1986). Decreased rates of glycolysis
patients. The observed changes in neutrophils include and glycogen synthesis were observed in leukocytes of
impairment of the following: adhesion to endothelium diabetic patients. These changes are abolished by in vivo
and migration to the site of inflammation (Pereira et al. insulin administration (Esmann 1983). Walrand et al.
1987), chemotaxis (Mowat & Baum 1971), bactericidal (2004) postulated that insulin may normalize neutrophil
activity (Tan et al. 1974), phagocytosis (Nolan et al. 1978) functions, not only by re-establishing the control of the
and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Sagone intermediary metabolism, but also through a direct effect
et al. 1983). of the hormone on the cells. These authors postulated that
Neutrophil functions require energy (Mowat & Baum changes in neutrophil metabolism might play a key role in
1971, McMurray et al. 1990, Walrand et al. 2004), which the impaired function of these cells in diabetes.
is produced mainly by the metabolization of glucose to In the present study, the metabolism of glucose and
lactate (Beck & Valentine 1952, Borregaard & Herlin glutamine in neutrophils obtained from streptozo-
1982). Only 2–3% of glucose is oxidized through the tocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats was investigated.
Krebs cycle in neutrophils (Beck 1958, Wood et al. 1963). Key enzyme activities of glycolysis (hexokinase and

Journal of Endocrinology (2006) 188, 295–303 DOI: 10.1677/joe.1.06438

0022–0795/06/0188–295  2006 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain Online version via

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296 T C ALBA-LOUREIRO and others · Function and metabolism of diabetic rat neutrophils

phosphofructokinase), the pentose-phosphate pathway optical microscope by Trypan blue exclusion (Pires de
(glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase), the Krebs cycle Melo et al. 1998, Pithon-Curi et al. 2002).
(citrate synthase) and glutaminolysis (phosphate-dependent
glutaminase) were determined. In addition, the activities
of NAD-linked and NADP-linked isocitrate dehydrogen-
ase were also determined. Decarboxylation of [U-14C], Neutrophils (1106) were incubated for 40 min at 37 C
[1-14C] and [6-14C]glucose; [U-14C]palmitic acid; and in 1 ml RPMI 1640 medium with opsonized particles of
[U-14C]glutamine was measured in incubated neutrophils. zymosan. The particles (1107) were opsonized by incu-
Glucose and glutamine utilization, and production of bation in the presence of control rat serum for 30 min at
lactate, glutamate and aspartate by incubated neutrophils 37 C. The cells that were capable of phagocytizing
were determined. Phagocytosis and production of hydro- three or more particles were determined in a Neubauer
gen peroxide were also evaluated. The measurements chamber under an optical microscope by the violet crystal
were carried out in neutrophils from control, diabetic and coloring method. The percentage of phagocytosis was
insulin-treated diabetic rats. expressed by the number of cells that had three or more
particles of zymosan per total number of cells counted.

Materials and Methods Hydrogen peroxide production

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production was measured by
Animals the method of Pick and Mizel (1981), which is based on
Male Wistar rats weighing 20020 g (about 2 months of horseradish peroxidase-dependent conversion of phenol
age) were obtained from the Department of Physiology red by H2O2 to a colored compound. Briefly, the cells
and Biophysics, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, were incubated in the presence of 5 mM glucose and a
University of São Paulo. The rats were maintained at solution of phenol red (0·5%) and horseradish peroxidase
232 C under a cycle of 12-h light:12-h darkness, and (5 mg/ml) (222 units/mg) at 37 C for 1 h. The produc-
were allowed free access to food and water. The animal tion of H2O2 was measured at rest and after stimulation
ethical committee of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) (20 nM). The
approved the experimental procedure of this study. reaction was terminated by addition of 10 µl 1 M NaOH
solution, and the amount of product formed was measured
by spectrophotometry at 620 nm.
Induction of diabetes
Assay of the enzyme activities
The experimental type 1 diabetes was induced by intra-
venous injection of 65 mg/kg STZ dissolved in citrate The activities of hexokinase (E.C. 2·7·1·1), glucose-6-
buffer (pH 4·2). Control rats were injected with buffer phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) (E.C. 1·1·1·49),
only. At 48 h after STZ injection, the diabetic state was phosphofructokinase (PFK) (E.C. 2·7·1·11), citrate syn-
confirmed by blood glucose levels above 200 mg/dl thase (E.C. 4·1·3·7), phosphate-dependent glutaminase
estimated with the aid of a glucose meter (Roche). Blood (E.C. 3·5·1·2), NAD+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase
samples were obtained from the cut tip of the animal’s tail. (E.C. 1·1·1·41) and NADP+-linked isocitrate dehydro-
One group of diabetic rats was treated with neutral genase (E.C. 1·1·1·42) were determined as previously
protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin. The daily dose was described (Mansour 1963, Crabtree & Newsholme 1972,
2–4 IU by unique s.c. injection at 0900–1000 h for Curthoys & Lowry 1973, Bergmeyer & Bernt 1974,
2 weeks. The NPH insulin treatment was not sufficient to Sugden & Newsholme 1975, Alp et al. 1976). Enzyme
restore the glucose blood levels to control values. activities were expressed as nmol of substrate utilized/min
per mg protein. A similar procedure was used in our
previous studies (Guimarães et al. 1993, Costa-Rosa et al.
1996, Otton et al. 2002).
Experimental procedure
After 2 weeks of diabetes induction, fed rats were killed
Cell incubation for measurement of consumption and
by decapitation without anesthesia at 1100–1200 h.
production of metabolites
Neutrophils were obtained by intraperitoneal lavage with
30 ml PBS, 4 h after the intraperitoneal injection of 10 ml Neutrophils (1·0106) were incubated for 1 h at 37 C in
1% (w/v) glycogen solution (Sigma type II, from oyster) PBS with glucose (5 mM) or glutamine (2 mM). After
in PBS. The cell suspension was centrifuged at 4 C (500 g incubation, the cells were disrupted by the addition of
for 10 min). The number of viable cells (>95% neu- 0·2 ml 25% (w/v) trichloroacetic acid solution. Protein
trophils) was determined in a Neubauer chamber under an was removed by centrifugation, and the supernatant fluid
Journal of Endocrinology (2006) 188, 295–303
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Function and metabolism of diabetic rat neutrophils · T C ALBA-LOUREIRO and others 297

was neutralized with a Tris (hydroxymethyl-amino- Table 1 Body weight gain and blood glucose levels of the control,
methane)/KOH (0·5–2·0 M) solution for the measure- diabetic and insulin-treated diabetic groups
ment of the metabolites. Body weight gain Blood glucose levels
n (g) (mg/dL)
Assays of the metabolites Groups
Control 15 525a 814a
Samples of the incubation medium were used for Diabetic 10 254b 36525
measurements of glucose (Berham & Trinder 1972), Insulin-treated
glutamine (Windmueller & Spaeth 1974), lactate (Engel & diabetic 11 442 30113
Jones 1978), glutamate (Bernt & Bergmeyer 1974) and
aspartate (Bergmeyer et al. 1974). Rats were rendered diabetic by streptozotocin injection (65 mg/kg, i.v.)
and the measurements were carried out 2 weeks afterward. NPH insulin
(2–4 IU/day) was subcutaneously administered during the experiment
period. Values are presented as means S.E.M.. n indicates the number
Spectrophotometric conditions of the enzyme assays and of rats used in each group. aP<0·001 as compared to diabetic and
metabolite measurements insulin-treated rats; bP<0·05 as compared to insulin-treated rats.

Activities of hexokinase, G6PDH, citrate synthase and

PFK were assayed at 25 C and activity of glutaminase at
37 C. Citrate synthase activity was assayed by following assess the significance of differences between groups. Data
the rate of change in absorbance at 412 nm and the were considered as statistically significant at Pc0·05.
remaining enzymes at 340 nm. The final volume of the
assay mixtures in all cases was 1·0 ml. The production of
NADH or NADPH was monitored in a Pharmacia Results
Biotech spectrophotometer (model: Ultrospec 3000).
Relative to controls, animals rendered diabetic by STZ
injection exhibited a significant reduction in body weight
Incubation procedure for determination of metabolite
gain during the experimental period (Table 1). Blood
glucose levels were significantly elevated in comparison to
Neutrophils (1107) were incubated for 60 min at 37 C controls (by 3·5-fold). The treatment of diabetic rats with
in 1 ml PBS with the following labeled metabolites: NPH insulin (2–4 IU/day) did not restore the blood
[U-14C], [1-14C] or [6-14C]glucose (5·0 mM and glucose levels to the values of the control group (Table 1).
0·2 µCi/ml); [U-14C]palmitic acid (0·1 mM and 0·2 µCi/ Neutrophil counts were performed 4 h after the intra-
ml); or [U-14C]glutamine (2·0 mM and 0·2 µCi/ml). peritoneal injection of 10 ml 1% (w/v) glycogen solution.
Palmitic acid was previously dissolved in ethanol (20 mM) In all groups, a similar number of cells had migrated into
for addition to incubation medium. The incubation was the peritoneal cavity. The mean values (107; S.E.M.)
stopped by adding 0·2 ml chloridric acid. 14CO2 produced were as follows: 23·32·7 (control, n=11), 21·12·6
from these metabolites was collected as previously (diabetic, n=6) and 23·42·5 (insulin treated, n=7).
described (Leighton et al. 1985) in a special apparatus Phagocytosis and PMA-stimulated hydrogen peroxide
containing phenylethylamine and methanol solution production by neutrophils from the diabetic group were
(1:1 v/v), and the radioactivity was measured in a decreased (by 17% and 31% respectively) as compared
Beckman-LS 5000TD scintillator (Beckman Instruments, with controls. The daily treatment with insulin restored
Fullerton, CA, USA). A similar procedure was used in our phagocytosis and H2O2 production to the values found in
previous studies (Otton et al. 2002, Hirabara et al. 2003). neutrophils from control rats (Fig. 1A and B).
Another procedure was used to estimate the palmitic G6PDH activity was decreased (by 59%) in neutrophils
acid decarboxylation. The decrease of [U-14C]palmitic from diabetic rats as compared with controls. The diabetic
acid from the medium and cell preparation after 1-h state also decreased phosphate-dependent glutaminase
incubation was determined. activity (by 22%) and increased PFK activity (by 32%)
(Fig. 2). The treatment with insulin abolished the effect of
diabetes on G6PDH, glutaminase and PFK activities.
Protein determination
Hexokinase, citrate synthase and NAD+-linked and
The total protein content of neutrophils was measured by NADP+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase activities were
the method of Bradford (1976), using BSA as standard. not changed by diabetes (Fig. 2).
Glucose and glutamine utilization by incubated
neutrophils was not markedly affected by the diabetic
Statistical analysis
state. Lactate production was decreased (by 24%) in
All results are expressed as means S.E.M. Student’s t-test or neutrophils from diabetic rats as compared with controls,
ANOVA followed by the Tukey–Kramer test was used to but the production of glutamate and aspartate was not Journal of Endocrinology (2006) 188, 295–303
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298 T C ALBA-LOUREIRO and others · Function and metabolism of diabetic rat neutrophils

Figure 1 Phagocytosis capacity (A) and hydrogen peroxide production (B) by neutrophils. The values are presented as means S.E.M. of
10 determinations from at least five animals in each group. aP<0·05 as compared to control, bP<0·01 as compared to insulin-treated
diabetic rats and cP<0·05 as compared to diabetic rats.

modified. The treatment of diabetic rats with insulin Conflicting results have been reported about the
restored the production of lactate by neutrophils to the production of H2O2 by neutrophils in diabetes. In un-
values of the control group (Table 2). stimulated neutrophils from diabetic patients, no significant
Diabetes decreased the decarboxylation of [1-14C]glu- effect on H2O2 production was found (Noritake et al.
cose (by 31%) and [U-14C]glutamine (by 22%) by 1-h 1992, Inoue et al. 1996), while Zozulinska et al. (1996)
incubated neutrophils. On the other hand, [6-14C]glucose found it to be increased. After incubation with PMA,
(by 55%) and [U-14C]palmitic acid (by 83%) decarboxy- neutrophils from diabetic patients have shown low
lation was higher in neutrophils obtained from diabetic (Noritake et al. 1992, Inoue et al. 1996) or unchanged
rats. The treatment with insulin abolished the changes (Zozulinska et al. 1996) production of H2O2 as compared
induced by diabetes (Fig. 3). Similar results for palmitic with cells from healthy subjects. Neutrophils from diabetic
acid decarboxylation (data not shown) were obtained by patients with nephropathy have shown increased produc-
measuring the decrease of [U-14C]palmitic acid in the tion of H2O2 as compared with those without kidney
medium and cell preparation; there was an increase of 61% complications (Watanabe 1992). In our study, neutrophils
(P<0·01) in neutrophils obtained from diabetic rats, from diabetic rats showed low production of H2O2 after
and the treatment with insulin abolished the changes PMA stimulation was abolished by treatment with insulin.
induced by the diabetic state. The decarboxylation of There was no other study on H2O2 production by rat
[U-14C]glucose was not affected by the diabetic state; neutrophils in diabetes. An increase in H2O2 production by
glucose decarboxylation by neutrophils of the control and nonactivated neutrophils in the insulin-treated group was
diabetic groups was 14·90·6 and 14·01·1 nmol/h per observed. Some studies have shown that insulin activates a
107 cells (mean S.E.M. of two determinations from six plasma membrane enzyme system that presents properties
animals in each group) respectively. of a Nox (NADPH oxidase enzymes). The enzyme system
catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to superoxide (2 O2–
+NADP++H+), which is spontaneously or by action of
Discussion superoxide dismutase converted to H2O2 (Mukherjee et al.
1978, Rhee et al. 2003, Goldstein et al. 2005).
Neutrophils constitute the first line of defense against Impairment of phagocytosis and decreased release of
bacterial and fungal infections. Phagocytosis stimulates the lysosomal enzymes in neutrophils from diabetic patients
respiratory burst of neutrophils as a result of activation of have been observed by many researchers (Bybee & Rogers
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) 1964, Bagdade et al. 1972, Sagone et al. 1983, Wilson &
oxidase (Bellavite 1988). The superoxide anion (O2–) Reeves 1986). Studies with diabetic rats and mice also
is the first metabolite generated through reduction of showed a decreased neutrophil phagocytosis capacity
molecular oxygen by NADPH oxidase (Tauber et al. (Canturk et al. 1998, Panneerselvam & Govindasamy
1985, Bellavite 1988). The O2– formed dismutates spon- 2003). The lowering of blood glucose levels by insulin
taneously or via superoxide dismutase to H2O2, which is treatment has been reported to have significant correlation
converted to hypochlorous acid by myeloperoxidase with the improvement of phagocytosis capacity by
released from neutrophil granules (Tauber et al. 1985). neutrophils (Jakelic et al. 1995, Delamaire et al. 1997).
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Figure 2 Enzyme activities of neutrophils. The results are expressed as nmol/min per mg
protein, and the values are presented as means S.E.M. of 10 determinations from five
animals in each group. aP<0·01 as compared to control, bP<0·05 as compared to diabetic
rats, cP<0·05 as compared to control and dP<0·01 as compared to diabetic rats.

In our study, the decreased capacity of neutrophils from and Munroe & Shipp (1965) did not observe differences
diabetic rats to phagocytize zimosan particles was reversed in glucose utilization by neutrophils from healthy
by insulin treatment even under high blood glucose levels. and diabetic patients. Nevertheless, decreased utilization
Previous studies on the effect of diabetes on glucose of glucose by neutrophils from diabetic patients was
metabolism in neutrophils are controversial. Esmann (1972) found by others (Martin et al. 1954, Esmann 1983). Journal of Endocrinology (2006) 188, 295–303
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300 T C ALBA-LOUREIRO and others · Function and metabolism of diabetic rat neutrophils

Table 2 Consumption and production of metabolites by 1-h incubated neutrophils from the control, diabetic and insulin-treated diabetic groups

Glucose Lactate Glutamine Production of

n consumption production consumption Glutamate aspartate Lactate
Control 6 855170 94565 111095 3905 51550 2155
Diabetic 5 755150 70065a 101570 38010 55565 23040
Insulin-treated diabetic 6 815150 93535 111585 3905 51060 23035

Consumption of glucose and glutamine and production of lactate, glutamate and aspartate were determined in 1 h incubated neutrophils. The cells
were obtained from the peritoneal cavity of the rats, and the results are expressed as nmol/h per mg protein. The values are presented as means S.E.M.
n represents the number of rats per group. aP>0·05 as compared to control and insulin-treated diabetic rats.

Munroe & Shipp (1965) did not observe alteration, activity was observed in lymphocytes from diabetic rats
whereas Martin et al. (1954) and Esmann (1983) found (Otton et al. 2002), whereas no significant change was
decreased production of lactate by neutrophils from dia- found in macrophages (Costa-Rosa et al. 1996). There was
betic patients. In the present study, there was no alteration no study on glucose oxidation, or NAD+-linked and
in glucose utilization by neutrophils from diabetic rats, NADP+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase activities by rat
whereas lactate production was decreased. These findings neutrophils in diabetes.
support the proposition that the diabetic state reduces The pentose-phosphate pathway oxidizes glucose-6-
glycolysis activity in neutrophils. phosphate to intermediates of the glycolytic pathway,
Neutrophils from diabetic rats had no significant generating NADPH and ribose-5-phosphate for fatty acid
change in glucose oxidation, citrate synthase, and NAD+- and nucleotide synthesis respectively (Casazza & Veech
linked and NADP+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase 1986). NADPH is important for NADPH oxidase activity
activities, suggesting that the flux of substrates through the and for glutathione reductase to recycle oxidized gluta-
Krebs cycle was not altered. Decreased citrate synthase thione in neutrophils (Pithon-Curi et al. 1998, 1999).

Figure 3 Decarboxylation of labeled metabolites by 1 h incubated neutrophils. The values

are presented as means S.E.M. of eight determinations from four animals in each group.
P<0·01 as compared to control, bP<0·05 as compared to diabetic rats and cP<0·05 as
compared to control and insulin treated diabetic rats.

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Function and metabolism of diabetic rat neutrophils · T C ALBA-LOUREIRO and others 301

Similarly, glutamine is also probably very important in oxidation and glutaminase activity were significantly
neutrophils to provide glutamate for glutathione synthesis decreased in neutrophils from diabetic rats. Glutamine
(Newsholme et al. 2003). plays an important role in protein (as amino-acid source),
To examine the flux of glucose through the pentose- lipid (through NAD(P)H production) and nucleotide
phosphate pathway of neutrophils from diabetic rats, synthesis (through purine and pyrimidine production),
G6PDH activity and decarboxylation of [1-14C] and and in NADPH oxidase activity (Newsholme et al. 2003,
[6-14C]glucose were determined. The difference between Curi et al. 2005). Glutamine raises the in vitro bacterial
CO2 production from [1-14C] and [6-14C]glucose esti- killing activity and the rate of ROS production by
mates the flux of glucose through the pentose-phosphate neutrophils (Ogle et al. 1994, Pithon-Curi et al. 1998,
pathway (Larrabee 1989). The difference for neutrophils 2002). Pithon-Curi et al. (2003) showed that glutamine
(107;  S.E.M.) from the diabetic group was 2·35 has a protective effect on neutrophil apoptosis. Therefore,
0·2 nmol/h compared with 3·790·15 nmol/h for the decreased glutamine utilization may contribute to the
control group (decrease of 38%; P<0·001). Insulin treat- impaired function by increasing the occurrence of apop-
ment abolished the difference between the decarboxylation tosis in neutrophils from diabetic rats. This issue remains
of [1-14C] and [6-14C]glucose. The activity of G6PDH to be investigated.
was decreased in neutrophils from diabetic rats, as was also Diabetes leads to an increase in plasma levels of free
found in macrophages and lymphocytes (Costa-Rosa et al. fatty acids and triacylglycerols (Boden 1999, Kelley &
1996, Otton et al. 2002). These findings support the Mandarino 2000). We have previously demonstrated
proposition that the activity of the pentose-phosphate increased fatty acid oxidation in lymphocytes from
pathway is decreased in leukocytes from diabetic rats. diabetic rats (Otton et al. 2002). Herein, we observed
Leukocytes with deficiency of G6PDH activity present that palmitic acid decarboxylation is also elevated in
impaired phagocytosis, bactericidal capacity and superox- neutrophils from diabetic rats.
ide production (Gray et al. 1973, Roos et al. 1999). In summary, neutrophils from diabetic rats present
Moreover, decreased flux of glucose through the pentose- impaired metabolism of glucose and glutamine. On the
phosphate pathway is expected to reduce the production other hand, palmitic acid oxidation is increased, and this
of NADPH and ribose-5-phosphate. Therefore, reduced may compensate for the reduction in glucose and
pentose-phosphate pathway activity may be related to glutamine utilization for ATP production. These meta-
impaired neutrophil function in the diabetic state. bolic changes may be related to impaired functions of
Although the production of NADP-linked isocitrate de- these cells, such as phagocytosis and hydrogen peroxide
hydrogenase activity was not affected by the diabetic state, production. The changes in metabolism and function of
this may not be sufficient to compensate for the reduced neutrophils from diabetic rats are fully abolished by insulin
flux of substrates in the pentose-phosphate pathway. treatment, even with no marked changes in glycemia.
Although decreased lactate production was observed in These findings show that insulin may have a direct effect
neutrophils from diabetic rats, the PFK maximal activity on neutrophil metabolism and function.
was increased. Similar results were observed in mesenteric
lymph nodes and thymus lymphocytes from diabetic rats
(Moreno-Aurioles et al. 1996, Otton et al. 2002). The Acknowledgements
activity of PFK is stimulated by fructose 2,6-biphosphate
(Wegener & Krause 2002) and inhibited by ATP at low The authors are indebted to the constant assistance of E P
fructose 6-phosphate content, but not at high fructose Portiolli and G de Souza. This research is supported by
6-phosphate concentration (Mansour 1963). In this study, FAPESP, CNPq and CAPES. The authors declare that
we did not observe changes in the glucose consumption there is no conflict of interest that would prejudice the
and oxidation in neutrophils from STZ-induced diabetic impartiality of this scientific work.
rats, but lactate production and pentose-phosphate path-
way activity were markedly reduced. Therefore, it is
expected that the content of intermediates of glycolysis,
such as fructose 6-phosphate and fructose 2,6-biphos- References
phate, are elevated in this condition. This may partially
Alp AR, Newsholme EA & Zammit VA 1976 Activities of citrate
explain the increase in the PFK activity. In accordance synthase and NAD+-linked and NAD+-linked isocitrate
with this proposition, Moreno-Aurioles et al. (1996) dehydrogenase in muscle from vertebrates and invertebrates.
found increased fructose 2,6-biphosphate content and Biochemistry Journal 154 689–700.
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