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A Detailed Lesson Plan on DNA Structure

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a) identify the key structural features of DNA;
b) recognize the importance and function of DNA;
c) create a model of DNA molecule.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: DNA Structure
Reference: Grade 9 Learners Manual
Materials: guitar, colored paper, scissors, glue, tape, cartolina
Skills to be developed: Thinking skill and creativity
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Daily Routines

a) Customary Greetings
“Good morning Class!” “Good morning, ma’am!”

How are you today? We’re good ma’am!

Have you taken your breakfast? Yes ma’am

That’s good!

Everyone! Before taking your seats,

kindly arrange your chairs and pick
up all the litters.

You may now take your seats. Thank you, ma’am!

b) Checking of attendance
Who is absent today? (The class secretary will give his report on
the attendance for the day)

Thank you Carlo.

B. Review of the Past Lesson

What was our topic yesterday?

Anyone? We discussed about sex-influenced traits.
Very good!
Can anyone recall what sex- Sex-influenced traits are traits that are
influenced traits are? expressed in both sexes but is more
frequently observed in one sex over the
That is correct!
Where are the controlling gene for
sex-influenced traits located? Ma’am in the somatic chromosomes.

Well said.
Can you give examples of sex-
influenced traits?
Pattern baldness, gout are more common in
males while rheumatoid arthritis is more
common in female.

C. Motivation

Today I bring with me a guitar

because I will be teaching you a new
Can anyone in the class know how to
(A volunteer student will play the guitar)
play a guitar?
Yes ma’am!
This will be the chords.
Okay class you have to listen because
the tune is very hard. So you have to
listen carefully to a professional
singer like me.

The tune of the song is Row, Row,

Row Your Boat
Ma’am that sure is very hard tune.
Yes it’s true, so here’s the song

(unknown author)

We love DNA
Made of nucleotides
Sugar, phosphate and a base
Bounded down one side
Adenine and Thymine
make a lovely pair
Cytosine without Guanine
(The students sing the song)
Would feel so very bare

It’s your turn to sing

D. Presentation

What do you think is our topic for Our topic for today is DNA Structure

That’s right! Our topic for today is

about the structure of DNA

E. Discussion

Based on your past lessons during

your Grade 8, what does DNA DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid.
stands for?

Very good! DNA is a substance that carries genetic

And what is the function of DNA? information in the cells of plants and

That’s right. They carry the genetic

information in the cell.
DNA is the information molecule.
They contain the instructions of an
organism needs to develop, live and
These instructions are found inside
every cell, and are passed down from
parents to their children.

Let us study the song we sing a

while ago. According to the song,
what makes a DNA structure? DNA is made of nucleotides.

Very good! Each strand is made up

of individual units called nucleotides.
A nucleotide has 3 components. So
according to the song, what
composes a DNA nucleotide? DNA nucleotide is composed of sugar,
phosphate and a base.
That’s correct!

There are also four types of

nitrogenous bases. What are those? Adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine.

The hydrogen bonding contributes to

the specificity of base pairing.
Adenine is preferentially paired Thymine!

While cytosine is preferentially
paired with?

A DNA has two strands. If the Left

strand has the nitrogenous base
sequence of Adenine, adenine,
guanine, cytosine, thymine, cytosine,
what would be the sequence at the Thymine, thymine, cytosine, guanine,
right strand? adenine, guanine.

Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and
Cytosine are the four bases that
codes hereditary information.

The nitrogenous base is attached to

the pentose sugar molecule. In your
Applied Chemistry class, what do we
mean when we say pentose sugar?
It is a sugar with 5 carbons.

Very good!

What do we call that pentose sugar?

That’s right!

For your activity today you are going

to create a DNA Model. Please go to
your respective groups.
(The students form their group)
Did you bring the materials that I
asked you to bring?
Yes Ma’am!
Very good!

I will now distribute the activity

Can you read the objectives? (A student read the objective)

Please read the procedure. (A student reads the procedure)

Is the procedure clear to all groups? Yes Ma’am!

Group leaders come over and pick a

DNA nucleotide sequence for your
group. (Leaders draw a nucleotide sequence from
the draw lots box)
This will be the Rubrics which will
be used to give each group
corresponding points. It is included Yes ma’am!
in the activity paper that I gave you.
(Reads the Rubric). Are you
amenable with the criteria?

Okay so we are set. I will give you

20 minutes to finish your work.
Group leaders be sure that all of the
members has specific task to do.
Choose a representative who will
present your work. Your 20 minutes
start now. (Give reminder about the
time every after 5 minutes)

(After 20 minutes, each group will

present their work in front of the
class) The group assembles their DNA Model

Very good everyone!

F. Generalization (Group representatives present their work in
Let us now answer the guide

What are the common parts of a


Correct! Sugar, phosphate and nitrogenous base.

What is the one part of the nucleotide
that differs among the other different
nucleotides The one part of the nucleotide that differs
among the other different nucleotides is
the nitrogenous base.

That is correct!
Is there always going to be an equal
number of adenine and thymine
nucleotides in molecule?
Yes ma’am.
Why do you think so?
Very good! Because they always come in pair.
Is there always going to be an equal
number of cytosine and guanine
nucleotides in molecule?
Yes Ma’am!
Very good! Because they are paired bases.
G. Value integration

What do you think are the uses of

DNA in our society?
Ma’am DNA testing is very important in
solving crimes. It is used to match blood
stains and other vital evidences which can
lead to knowing who the culprit is or
Very well said. If you are watching identifying an unknown dead person.
SOCO every Saturday, DNA testing
and matching is very helpful for the
team in solving crimes.
DNA testing is also used to determine if a
person is related by blood to another person.
This is used especially when finding the real
parents or finding ancestors.
Excellent! It is not just in telenovelas
but it is true in our real life that there
are some people who tries to find their
real parents and end up using DNA test
to help them.

Do you have any question or

clarification about our lesson?
(Students may ask questions for
clarification or for additional information)

H. Evaluation

Alright, I will now give the score of

each group for your DNA Model.
(Reads the Rubric scores)

I. Agreement

For tomorrow I would like you to get

prepared for our First Summative Test.

That’s all for today Class. I hope you

learned something from our lesson.

Goodbye! God bless!

Goodbye and thank you Ma’am!

Prepared by:

Master Teacher II

Noted by:

Head Teacher III

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