Economics and Biodiversity
Economics and Biodiversity
Economics and Biodiversity
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All TEEB reports are available online at TEEB Foundations, TEEB in Business, TEEB in National
Policy and this report, TEEB in Local Policy, will be also published by Earthscan in an extended version as indicated
TEEB (2008) The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: An Interim Report. European Commission, Brussels.
TEEB (2009) The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Climate Issues Update. 32p.
TEEB Foundations (2010) The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Ecological and Economic Foundations.
Edited by Pushpam Kumar. Earthscan, London.
TEEB in Business (2011) The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Business. Edited by Joshua Bishop.
Earthscan, London.
TEEB in National Policy (2011) The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in National and International
Policy Making. Edited by Patrick ten Brink. Earthscan, London.
TEEB in Local Policy (2011) The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Local and Regional Policy and
Management. Edited by Heidi Wittmer and Haripriya Gundimeda. Earthscan, London.
ISBN 978-3-9812410-2-7
Layouted by
Printed by Progress Press, Malta
TEEB is hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme and supported by the European Commission,
the German Federal Environment Ministry and the UK government's Department for Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs, recently joined by Norway’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs and The Netherlands’ Ministry of Housing,
Spatial Planning and the Environment.
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Pavan Sukhdev, Study Leader
As a young banker working in Asia’s emerging Policy Makers, is so vitally important a part of the
markets through the 1990’s, I saw the blossoming of TEEB suite of reports.
many ‘tiger’ economies, many fast-growing cities, and
I saw entrepreneurs make vast private fortunes. At the The TEEB Approach
same time, I could not ignore the palpable ongoing
loss of Asia’s ecology and its effect on lives and on its ‘The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity’
common wealth. The Yellow River ran dry for 9 months study was commissioned by the G8+5 and launched
in 1997, the Yangtze flooded disastrously in 1998. in 2007 by Germany and the EU Commission. It builds
Vast smoke clouds from burning peatlands in Sumatra on the analysis of the Millennium Ecosystem Assess-
repeatedly clogged the air in Singapore, where I lived. ment and takes the analysis further by demonstrating
But what grabbed the headlines globally was the the economic significance of biodiversity loss and eco-
Asian debt crisis, the collapse of Thailand’s stock system degradation in terms of negative effects on
markets, the riots in Indonesia, and Malaysia tearing human well-being.
up its international currency and replacing it with
exchange controls. What was it about Natural Capital In order to make the economic value that nature
that made it so invisible, so unlike the Financial Capital provides visible, we need to estimate and disclose
of my world of global markets? Why was private values for nature’s goods and services (or so-called
wealth worth chasing, and worth reporting if it was ‘ecosystem services’). These estimated values can
lost, but not public wealth? inform policy choices, executive actions, business
decisions and consumer behaviour.
These questions made me understand that we really
did not measure what we thought we managed: TEEB suggests a tiered approach to analyzing
human well-being. Asian economies were declared problems and ascertaining suitable policy responses.
‘tigers’ based on high percentage rates of GDP We find that, at times, it suffices simply to recognize
growth. No account was taken of simultaneous losses value – be it intrinsic, spiritual or social. Recognition
of natural capital. This led me to start a private inquiry can stimulate policy response. At other times, policy
to account for ‘real’ growth in India, my home country, makers may need to demonstrate the economic value
as against ‘GDP growth’: a ‘Green Accounting’ project of a service in order to respond – wetland conserva-
was born ( My project partners and tion near Kampala, for example, was taken up as an
I understood that to draw any conclusion about India alternative to reclaiming land for agriculture because
as a whole would be meaningless: it would be too big, of the wetland’s natural sewage treatment function
everybody’s problem, hence nobody’s problem. So (Chapter 4 this volume). TEEB also focuses on instru-
we decided to conduct our economic inquiry at the ments that capture value by rewarding and supporting
State level – forming a ‘Green Indian States Trust’ to good conservation – through measures such as
conduct this inquiry. This was the appropriate level to payment for ecosystem services (PES).
provide information that was actionable by policy
makers. Evaluations of any kind are a powerful ‘feedback me-
chanism’ for a society which has distanced itself from
So my belief in the importance of the local government the biosphere, upon which its very health and survival
in addressing the problems of economic invisibility of depends. Economic valuations, in particular, commu-
nature goes back over a decade – and this is why I nicate the value of ecosystems and biodiversity and
believe that this Report, TEEB for Local and Regional their largely unprized flows of public goods and
Examining nature’s importance for human well-being The full list of authors, contributors, facilitators, re-
is a tricky thing. This planet has so many different faces viewers, editors and resource persons who helped in
and places! A report for local and regional policy producing this report are acknowledged on the last
makers should capture this diversity. We have not suc- page. We would especially like to thank Augustin Berg-
ceeded in considering the many particularities in local höfer, who has made it happen: organized the core
policy around the world. Within 200 pages this would team calls, co-ordinated the stakeholder review
be squaring the circle. But you may find it an inspiring process and initiated the case collection. Finally, we
starting point for thinking policy in a new way: We thank the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for their
cannot risk taking nature for granted. Too many oppor- financial support, and the Ministry of Environment in
tunities would be lost. Japan for their help at various stages.
What does it take to explore this message for local TEEB for local and regional policy makers uses three
policy makers around the world? What we did succeed formats: this report, a collection of more than 100 two-
in was bringing together a group of very experienced page case studies (available at, and a
professionals from complementary backgrounds to book, published by Earthscan in 2011, which is geared
form a dedicated Core Team. This team took much to environmental management students – the experts
effort in developing the ideas, structuring and finally of tomorrow.
writing the report, bringing in the expertise of their large
networks. Thanks to them, this report took shape. Many people have mentioned to us: “We need capa-
city building! Give us training in how to assess nature’s
Walking through local policy areas in different contexts values.” This report meets the request in a slightly
was made possible by several enthusiastic partners: different way: You can learn what tools are available,
they facilitated more than 30 stakeholder consultations how they work and what experiences others have had
in all continents over the past year. TEEB consultations with them. Throughout the book you will be referred to
provided substantial input and corrective feedback to further guidebooks and manuals. But in addition – and
the ideas in this report – even if not all comments after many discussions with people applying these
could be taken up explicitly. Particularly helpful here concepts – we feel it is important to point you to some
was the collaboration with the UNDP initiative “Bio- nuts and bolts, to the limitations as well as to the
diversity and Ecosystems: Why these are Important for potential of valuing nature (summarised in the last
Sustained Growth and Equity in Latin America and the chapter).
Caribbean”. In addition, the responses to our initial
call for evidence helped enlarge the report’s focus, and We sincerely hope that with this orientation you are
different contributors took great effort in providing well-equipped for appraising nature’s benefits.
valuable case studies.
Once the draft texts were on the table, each chapter Heidi Wittmer and Haripriya Gundimeda
was commented by 9 to 16 reviewers from local to
international organisations within just a few weeks. Coordinators
Tilman Jaeger (IUCN), Wairimu Mwangi (ATPS) and Nik TEEB for Local and Regional Policy Makers
Sekhran (UNDP) took the pain to revise the entire draft
report. We are indebted to all of them for their tremen-
dous support.
This report highlights the enormous potential for This is a problem because our natural capital is dimini-
securing and enhancing human well-being by taking na- shing. Wasteful use of resources and limited concern
ture’s benefits into account. It provides orientation, gui- for natural systems drive its loss. Ecosystems have their
dance and inspiration for local policy makers who want tipping points. After this point, restoration or seeking
to include these benefits in their policies in order to help alternatives for benefits lost, can consume considerable
create a sustainable future for local communities. time, money and effort. It takes years for a replanted
mangrove belt to provide effective coastal protection
I. THE OPPORTUNITY: THE VALUE OF again. While many pressures are beyond the local
NATURE FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT scope, local policy makers still have to deal with their
All economic activity and most of human well-being is
based on a healthy, functioning environment. By focus- TEEB suggests a shift in focus. Economic analysis indi-
sing on the various benefits from nature – ecosystem cates that maintaining healthy ecosystems is often a
services – we can see more clearly the direct and better, less expensive, option. Appraising ecosystem
ndirect ways that human well-being depends on the na- services provides a full picture, outlining the costs and
tural environment. Nature’s benefits are multiple and in- benefits of different policy options and highlighting the
clude all our food; our water; safe places for living; best local strategy for enhancing human well-being and
materials such as timber, wool and cotton; and many of economic sustainability
our medicines. Healthy natural systems regulate our
climate, protect against hazards, meet energy needs, II. THE TOOLS: APPRAISING
prevent soil erosion, and offer opportunities for breath- ECOSYSTEM SERVICES
taking recreation, cultural inspiration and spiritual fulfilment.
When appraising nature’s benefits we should seek
For local development, considering ecosystem services answers to these questions: Which ecosystem ser-
in policy making can help save on future municipal costs, vices are central to my local/regional society and eco-
boost local economies, enhance quality of life and secure nomy? Who depends on these services? Which
livelihoods. This approach also helps tackle poverty as it services are at risk? How will a policy action affect
discloses the distribution of scarce and essential resour- these services? Local knowledge and dialogue among
ces and services upon which people depend. colleagues and stakeholders can generate first ans-
wers that help orient policy.
So far, nature’s benefits have played a minor role in
policy. Policies and public investments for a functioning This report provides a hands-on overview of frameworks
environment are often considered a luxury rather than for considering nature. These frameworks structure our
life insurance. Why is this the case? It is largely due to take on nature in economic, ecological or developmen-
the fact that many ecosystem services are poorly visible tal terms.
and their continuous availability is often falsely assumed.
Also, many of nature’s benefits are public goods – such On that basis, different tools allow for appraising and
as pollination – belonging to all, so there is little incentive valuing ecosystem services. Qualitative tools describe
to take action on behalf of ‘everyone’. Finally, other the connections between ecosystem services and
needs and objectives may seem more pressing and de- human well-being. They also capture the appreciation
sirable and decisions are often made without knowing people attach to nature’s benefits. Quantitative tools
the environmental consequences. examine amounts, intensities and impacts of different
ecosystem services. Monetary tools attach monetary In rural development, we often promote ecosystem ser-
values to both the presence and loss of ecosystem vices with high market value to the detriment of regula-
services. ting services that are equally important, but less
obvious. Local officials play a key role in implementing,
The report also introduces three decision support adjusting and informing sustainable practices in forestry,
methods by which appraisal and valuation of ecosystem fisheries, agriculture and tourism.
services can directly inform policy choices: cost-benefit
analysis, participatory appraisal and multi-criteria Planning frameworks and environmental impact assess-
analysis. The strengths, weaknesses and requirements ments can proactively include ecosystem services. This
of each are discussed. allows the identification of economic potentials, rather
than simply identifying constraints.
TEEB’s stepwise approach
A stepwise approach helps navigate through the diffe- Protected areas can be an important local as well as na-
rent assessment options available. This approach is not tional asset. To enhance local benefits, protected areas
a fixed recipe, but is intended to guide policy makers in need to be connected with the management of the
designing their own processes for appraising and con- surrounding landscape. A focus on ecosystem services
sidering nature’s benefits in their policy decisions: is instrumental in zoning, management and fundraising.
(i) Specify and agree the policy issue with stakeholders
to avoid misunderstandings during decision making Locally adapted payment schemes for ecosystem ser-
and implementation. vices, as well as certification and labelling, can reward
(ii) Identify which ecosystem services are most relevant good stewardship of natural capital. What works well in
to the policy issue in order to focus analysis. theory may be demanding in practice. A successful
(iii) Define the information needs to tackle your issue and market-based instrument should build on transparent,
select appropriate methods for assessment. credible governance and incorporate effective monito-
(iv)Assess ecosystem services, expected changes in ring and enforcement.
their availability and distribution.
(v) Identify and appraise policy options based on your IV. THE LESSONS: HOW TO MAKE IT HAPPEN
(vi)Assess distributional impacts of policy options on Three issues, beyond the appraisal of ecosystem ser-
different groups in your community. vices itself, need attention if you wish to make natural
capital work for local development:
III. THE PRACTICE: ECOSYSTEM SERVICES (i) The distribution of rights to nature’s benefits. Policy
IN POLICY AND MANAGEMENT changes often affect service distribution or access –
and this needs to be considered during decision
Knowing their natural capital and the services it provides making.
can help local policy makers in rural and urban manage- (ii) The optimal use of available scientific and experience-
ment, in spatial planning, and in protected areas ma- based knowledge. The ecosystem services framework
nagement. It allows to refine government regulations provides a common language to capture diverse views.
and to develop market-based instruments. This report (iii) Well-informed facilitation of participatory processes.
explores reasons for and examples of applying a focus Stakeholder engagement is needed to bring all these
on nature’s benefits in these local policy areas. facets together, to prioritize and to develop feasible
and effective local policy action.
Cities depend on nature. Ecosystem services can pro- This report is to be treated as a catalyst for further
vide cost-effective solutions to municipal services, such thinking – a starting point for adopting ways to make
as wastewater treatment by wetlands. City managers your natural capital flourish. In addition to the examples
can enhance the flow and benefits of ecosystem ser- used in this report, hosts a collection
vices by influencing modes of production, procurement of more than 100 short case studies which illustrate a
and creating incentives. focus on ecosystem services in diverse settings.
TEEBcase: The TEEBcases are examples that illustrate how ecosystem services have already been taken into
account in local and regional policy making. Coming from all over the world, these cases were collected by
different means: the stakeholder consultations; the TEEB Call for Evidence; literature review, or indication by
practitioners and researchers in the field. All case descriptions contain full references, were reviewed by inde-
pendent experts, and are going to be available at (check the website also for additional cases
not cited in the report).
Glossary terms: The terms indicated with an arrow (→) are further defined in the glossary.
Ecosystem Services Icons: Described in Box 1.4 in Chapter 1, these icons are used along the whole report to
indicate where specific ecosystem services are mentioned or discussed. When the arrow points to the left (←)
the reference to the ecosystem service is found in the left column, to the right (→) indicates a service mentioned
in the right column.
Executive Summary.............................................................................................................................................0
PA R T I · T H E O P P O R T U N I T Y
Lead author: Heidi Wittmer (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ)
Contributing authors: Augustin Berghöfer, Johannes Förster, Kaitlin Almack
Reviewers: Philip Arscott, Regina Birner, Karin Buhren, Charlotte Karibuhoye, Sophal Chhun,
Lucy Emerton, Birgit Georgi, Karin Holm-Müller, Arany Ildiko, Tilman Jaeger, Mikhail
Karpachevskiy, Veronika Kiss, Wairimu Mwangi, Jennifer Nixon, Dominique Richard,
Marta Ruiz Corzo, Nik Sekhran, Hank Venema, Wouter Van Reeth, Susan Young,
Karin Zaunberger
Acknowledgements: Alice Ruhweza, Thomas Kretzschmar, Nigel Dudley, Tasneem Balasinorwala,
Kevin Urama, Frank Wätzold
Language editors: Simon Birch, Judy Longbottom
This report is aimed at policy makers involved in local describes how ecosystems provide different types of
and regional policy and public management. It show- services and what happens if development efforts only
cases how decision makers can promote local consider a few of them (1.4). We also explore how bio-
development by explicitly considering nature and diversity and ecosystems are impacted by climate
the services it provides for human well-being. This change and how a resilient environment can help
chapter explains what nature provides us (section 1.1), mitigate the impacts, or adapt to them (1.5). Finally it
why nature’s benefits are not fully recognized (1.2), and provides a guide to readers of this report (1.6).
what can be done about it at the local level (1.3). It
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
Key Messages
• Nature provides more than one solution. To provide a good quality of life for citizens local govern-
ments have many needs to address. Maintaining and enhancing natural capital can significantly
contribute to better the provision of municipal services, improve public health and help lower the cost
of energy.
• More than a nice sunset. Nature is an important asset for local economies and livelihoods. Asessing
the services porvided by nature – so called ‘ecosystem services’ – can make this asset visible and
help to identify cost-effective solutions.
• Small changes have a remarkable impact. Poor people, especially in rural areas, rely most directly on
nature’s services. Addressing the loss of ecosytem services can significantly contribute to reducing poverty.
• Just because you don’t see it, it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Ecosystem services with high market
value tend to be promoted to the detriment of other services, such as flood regulation or water filtration
that are less visible but equally important for local development.
• It’s a matter of priority. Maintaining healthy ecosystems is more urgent because of global climate change.
“More and more, the complementary factor in short supply (limiting factor) is
remaining natural capital, not manmade capital as it used to be. For example,
populations of fish, not fishing boats, limit fish catch worldwide.”
Herman Daly, former chief economist with World Bank in 2005
With this report we hope to provide: 3. An overview of how taking the economic value
1. A source of inspiration for improving local devel- of nature's services into account can help
opment by means of explicitly considering improve local development while maintaining
biodiversity and ecosystem services in local biodiversity. We highlight potential policy in-
decision making. We have collected examples struments and decision-making tools for public
from around the world to illustrate the options and management tasks at the local level. In six
opportunities that can make a difference at the chapters, we outline the potential, the challenges
local level. and the institutional prerequisites for explicit
consideration of biodiversity and ecosystem
2. A how-to guide and resource kit to adequately services in decision making.
assess and value ecosystem services.
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
the quality of life for citizens when financial resources provision, waste-water treatment, and protection
and capacities are often severely limited. against erosion or floods more effectively and
efficiently through natural rather than technical
The good news is that nature has a tremendous solutions.
potential to achieve exactly this. Protecting natural • In most places in the world, nature is the single
resources and biodiversity is sometimes perceived as most important input to local economies and
an impediment to local development when, in fact, it →human well-being providing materials, clean water
could actually enhance it: and good environmental conditions for industry,
• A municipality can save money by securing water agriculture and the services sector.
Box 1.1 Nature provides local benefits at a lower cost than technical solutions
New York: By purchasing and restoring the Catskill watershed for US$ 2 billion, New York has secured its
source of drinking water. A comparable pre-treatment plant would have cost US$ 7 billion (Elliman and Berry
India: Environmental authorities in Jaipur, a city of 3.3 million people, are enlarging urban green spaces as a
cost-effective way of reducing surface run-off and replenishing ground water during the monsoon. Water with-
drawal from thousands of boreholes has resulted in a serious decline in the water table in the city, and surface
run-off caused flooding (Rodell et al. 2009; Singh et al. 2010).
Australia: Local authorities in Canberra have enhanced urban quality of life by planting 400,000 trees. Besides
making the city greener, the trees are expected to regulate the microclimate, reduce pollution and thereby
improve urban air quality, reduce energy costs for air conditioning as well as store and sequester carbon.
Combined, these benefits are expected to amount to the equivalent of US$ 20–67 million for the period 2008–
2012 in terms of the value generated or savings incurred to the city (Brack 2002). On
you can calculate the economic and ecological value of trees.
Vietnam: Since 1994, local communities have planted and protected mangroves in northern coastal regions
of Vietnam, where more than 70% of the population is threatened by natural hazards (Dilley et al. 2005).
Restoration of natural mangrove forests is more cost-effective than building artificial barriers. An investment of
US$ 1.1 million has saved an estimated US$ 7.3 million a year in sea dyke maintenance (IFRC 2002). During
typhoon Wukong in 2000, the project areas suffered significantly less damage than neighboring provinces
(Brown et al. 2006).
Nicaragua: Large-scale deforestation in Nicaragua is being driven by clearance for livestock grazing.
However traditional grazing regimes on deforested land are often unsustainable. In Matiguas, silvo-pastoral
systems have been introduced, and degraded pastures planted with improved grasses, fodder shrubs and
trees. This improved habitat reduces surface runoff and soil erosion on steep slopes, benefits local wildlife
and, crucially, is also able to support a much higher density of cattle per hectare (FAO 2006).
Burkina Faso: For decades management strategies in the Sourou Valley wetland focussed on promoting
agriculture. IUCN conducted an economic valuation of the products obtained. The assessment revealed
that only 3% of the value relate to agriculture while other products generated by the wetland like forest
products, fodder, and fisheries accounted for more than 80%; several other benefits provided were not
included in the study. Local decision makers are now starting to integrate the valuation of ecosystem ser-
vices in development plans (Source: Wetland valuation changes policy perspectives, Burkina Faso. TEEB-
case, see
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
• Keeping and maintaining well-functioning natural increase the recreational value of city life and the real
ecosystems is the best strategy for local policy estate value of adjacent property. In addition, ecosys-
makers to deal with future pressures and threats, tems and biodiversity provide inspiration and are often
for example, those linked to climate change. an important basis of local culture.
We all depend on nature for our well-being. Eco-
systems provide us with food, fresh water, fuel, fibre, The Millennium Development Goals, agreed upon by
fresh air and shelter. →Biodiversity is defined as the world leaders at the United Nations, commit nations
variety of →ecosystems and ecological processes, and to a new global partnership to reduce extreme poverty
the diversity of plant and animal species, as well as (see Without safe-
different varieties and breeds within each species. It is guarding ecosystems and biodiversity, several of these
critical for maintaining the →resilience of ecosystems, goals cannot be achieved (see Table 1.1)
that is, their ability to function and provide critical
services under changing conditions. “Poverty is not simply about having a low income: it is
multidimensional deprivation – hunger, undernutrition,
Our dependency on nature is sometimes directly dirty drinking water, illiteracy, having no access to
visible, as with agriculture, fisheries and forestry. At health services, social isolation, and exploitation”
other times, it is less visible; the water supply of urban (CPRC 2004:1).
areas, the food sold in supermarkets, and the clean air
we breathe also relies on functioning ecosystems. These multiple aspects of poverty are connected to
each other and to a range of further political, eco-
In cities, urban parks and green spaces lower the sum- nomic and natural causes. As yet, we know little
mer temperature, improve air quality, reduce the amount about how different causes jointly drive poverty in
of flooding after heavy rains, and also significantly different settings (Agrawal and Redford 2006).
Forests resources directly contribute to the livelihoods of 90% of the 1.2 billion people around the world
living in extreme poverty (World Bank 2004) and 500 million people depend on coral reefs for their
livelihood (Wilkinson 2004). About 80% of the population in developing countries relies on traditional
medicine that is mainly derived from herbal plants (WHO 2008). Also, 50% of modern pharmaceuticals
are derived from or based on natural compounds (MA 2005). A large number of plant and animal species
still lie undiscovered and their potential benefits are yet unknown. These plants and animals may
contribute to curing diseases in the future, help to find new materials for industry, or provide solutions
for other future problems. There are, therefore, many good reasons to consider nature: economic;
cultural; ethical and social.
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
Table 1.1 The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and ecosystem services
MDG Ecosystem services linked to targets
MDG 1: The availability of food, fuelwood, water and biodiversity directly influences
Eradicate extreme poverty people's minimum standard of living and hence the incidence of poverty
and hunger and hunger.
MDG 3: The availability of fuelwood and water reduces the burden that falls
Promote gender equality and mainly on women and helps to improve gender equality (see Box 1.3).
empower women Women’s income is often directly dependent on ecosystem services,
for example collection of non-timber forest products.
MDG 4 and 5: Availability of clean water, clean air, plants for medicinal use, and biodiversity
Reduce child mortality can all reduce the spread of diseases. Healthy ecosystems help to provide
Improve maternal health all the above.
MDG 7: The natural capacity for wastewater treatment, soil formation and other
Ensure environmental regulating and supporting ecosystem services help maintain the resilience
sustainability of ecosystems and biodiversity.
Source: Adapted from TEEB (2008)
Nature’s benefits are often neglected in policy In a vicious circle, poverty can increase dependence
although the least well-off people in many countries and pressure upon ecosystem services, further spee-
depend substantially on nature’s benefits. Ecosys- ding up environmental degradation and exacerbating
tem services account for a large proportion of the the livelihood situation (Shackleton et al 2008). In con-
goods and services consumed by the rural poor in sequence, it appears a sound strategy for local policy
developing countries. For example, for 480 million makers to seek to secure the access to and continued
people in India, almost half of the population, eco- availability of ecosystem services most essential to es-
system services account for 47% of goods and sential to poor citizens. Efforts against poverty should
services consumed. In Brazil, the rural population certainly aim beyond maintaining people’s sources of
relies on ecosystem goods and services for up to 90% basic subsistence – the issue for local policy makers
of their total consumption. This has been calculated is to ensure that policies and projects do not uninten-
as the 'Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the rural tionally degrade those ecosystem services which are
poor'. (TEEB in National Policy, Chapter 3.5). currently essential for the poor. (Box 1.3).
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
• In Zimbabwe ‘environmental income’ (including forage for livestock production) formed some 40%
of total income for the poorest households relative to 29% for more well-off households (Cavendish
• Women in particular are dependent on a wide range of wild harvested products, from fruits to
craft materials, as a source of cash income. For poor women in the northeast of South Africa
income from sales of traditional brooms contributed more than 75% of cash income for one-third
of households surveyed. In Botswana, for example, basketry (from palm fronds) forms a crucial
source of income for thousands of poor women (Cunningham and Terry 2006).
• Open surface water is the major source of drinking water for 29% of Kenyan households,
almost all of them in rural areas. Families using untreated surface water are relying completely
on the regulating services of ecosystems to provide uncontaminated water in sufficient quantities.
• About 89% of rural Kenyans rely on firewood for their energy needs with more than 80% of house-
holds obtaining firewood within a 5-kilometer radius of their home.
• In the desert of Southern Namibia, the pastoral Topnaar people rely on the wild melon as their most
important food source during summer months. This plant grows
extensively near the river Kuiseb. In recent years, the construction of a dam has significantly
reduced the flooding of the river essential for the wild melon. In consequence, harvesting has
sharply declined (Mizuno and Yamagata 2005).
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
once the vegetation disappears and landslides or Furthermore, the local capacity to respond to the
flooding occurs. On the other hand, immediate value of nature is constrained. Decision making is
needs are often so urgent that there is little room often fragmented and those concerned with natural
for long-term considerations. Land conversion or resources lack power and money in government
logging creates short-term revenues. ministries and departments.
• Poor understanding of natural cause and effect.
The long-term impacts of destroying ecosystems Under the standard economic growth model, incen-
are sometimes difficult to anticipate. The benefits tives are often provided for activities that (uninten-
provided by biodiversity in meeting future develop- tionally) lead to destroying ecosystems (see TEEB in
mental challenges are often difficult to apprehend National Policy, Chapter 6 on harmful subsidies). Identi-
and information is not readily available. fying and implementing policies that effectively protect
• Public versus private benefits. Whilst the return and conserve ecosystems and biodiversity requires the
on private investment from exploiting nature is more collaboration of many agencies at different levels
easily quantifiable, the public benefits are often and other stakeholders. If the need for collective action
taken for granted. For example: coastal protection; is not understood, coordination becomes a challenge.
water regulation; or regional climate regulation. This is often hindered by the lack of institutional capacity
and effective governance mechanisms.
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
thereby try to influence national level policy making through the initiative of local committees with the
and public attitudes. Thailand, for example, has a support of NGOs (Birner and Wittmer 2003).
community forestry law that has been created
Provisioning Services are ecosystem services that describe the material or energy outputs
from ecosystems. They include food, water and other resources.
1. Food: Ecosystems provide the conditions for growing food. Food comes principally from
managed agro-ecosystems but marine and freshwater systems or forests also provide food
for human consumption. Wild foods from forests are often underestimated.
2. Raw materials: Ecosystems provide a great diversity of materials for construction and fuel including
wood, biofuels and plant oils that are directly derived from wild and cultivated plant species.
3. Fresh water: Ecosystems play a vital role in the global hydrological cycle, as they regulate
the flow and purification of water. Vegetation and forests influence the quantity of water
available locally.
4. Medicinal resources: Ecosystems and biodiversity provide many plants used as traditional
medicines as well as providing the raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry. All eco-
systems are a potential source of medicinal resources.
Regulating Services are the services that ecosystems provide by acting as regulators eg
regulating the quality of air and soil or by providing flood and disease control.
5. Local climate and air quality regulation: Trees provide shade whilst forests influence rainfall
and water availability both locally and regionally. Trees or other plants also play an important
role in regulating air quality by removing pollutants from the atmosphere.
6. Carbon sequestration and storage: Ecosystems regulate the global climate by storing and
sequestering greenhouse gases. As trees and plants grow, they remove carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere and effectively lock it away in their tissues. In this way forest ecosystems
are carbon stores. Biodiversity also plays an important role by improving the capacity of
ecosystems to adapt to the effects of climate change.
7. Moderation of extreme events: Extreme weather events or natural hazards include floods, storms,
tsunamis, avalanches and landslides. Ecosystems and living organisms create buffers against natural
disasters, thereby preventing possible damage. For example, wetlands can soak up flood water whilst
trees can stabilize slopes. Coral reefs and mangroves help protect coastlines from storm damage.
8. Waste-water treatment: Ecosystems such as wetlands filter both human and animal waste and
act as a natural buffer to the surrounding environment. Through the biological activity of micro-
organisms in the soil, most waste is broken down. Thereby pathogens (disease causing microbes)
are eliminated, and the level of nutrients and pollution is reduced.
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
9. Erosion prevention and maintenance of soil fertility: Soil erosion is a key factor in the process
of land degradation and desertification. Vegetation cover provides a vital regulating service
by preventing soil erosion. Soil fertility is essential for plant growth and agriculture and well-
functioning ecosystems supply the soil with nutrients required to support plant growth.
10. Pollination: Insects and wind pollinate plants and trees which is essential for the development
of fruits, vegetables and seeds. Animal pollination is an ecosystem service mainly provided by
insects but also by some birds and bats. Some 87 out of the 115 leading global food crops depend
upon animal pollination including important cash crops such as cocoa and coffee (Klein et al. 2007).
11. Biological control: Ecosystems are important for regulating pests and vector borne diseases
that attack plants, animals and people. Ecosystems regulate pests and diseases through the
activities of predators and parasites. Birds, bats, flies, wasps, frogs and fungi all act as natural
Habitat or Supporting Services underpin almost all other services. Ecosystems provide living spaces
for plants or animals; they also maintain a diversity of different breeds of plants and animals.
12. Habitats for species: Habitats provide everything that an individual plant or animal needs to
survive: food; water; and shelter. Each ecosystem provides different habitats that can be essential
for a species' lifecycle. Migratory species including birds, fish, mammals and insects all depend
upon different ecosystems during their movements.
13. Maintenance of genetic diversity: Genetic diversity is the variety of genes between and within
species populations. Genetic diversity distinguishes different breeds or races from each other
thus providing the basis for locally well-adapted cultivars and a gene pool for further developing
commercial crops and livestock. Some habitats have an exceptionally high number of
species which makes them more genetically diverse than others and are known as 'biodiversity
Cultural Services include the non-material benefits people obtain from contact with ecosystems.
They include aesthetic, spiritual and psychological benefits.
14. Recreation and mental and physical health: Walking and playing sports in green space is
not only a good form of physical exercise but also lets people relax. The role that green space
plays in maintaining mental and physical health is increasingly being recognized, despite difficulties
of measurement.
15. Tourism: Ecosystems and biodiversity play an important role for many kinds of tourism which in
turn provides considerable economic benefits and is a vital source of income for many countries.
In 2008 global earnings from tourism summed up to US$ 944 billion (see Chapter 5). Cultural and
eco-tourism can also educate people about the importance of biological diversity.
16. Aesthetic appreciation and inspiration for culture, art and design: Language, knowledge and
the natural environment have been intimately related throughout human history. Biodiversity,
ecosystems and natural landscapes have been the source of inspiration for much of our art, culture
and increasingly for science.
17. Spiritual experience and sense of place: In many parts of the world natural features such as
specific forests, caves or mountains are considered sacred or have a religious meaning. Nature is
a common element of all major religions and traditional knowledge, and associated customs are
important for creating a sense of belonging.
For further details on ecosystem services see: MA 2005; TEEB Foundations Chapters 1 and 2;
de Groot et al. 2002.
Icons designed by Jan Sasse for TEEB
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
All ecosystems naturally produce multiple ecosystem We often promote those provisioning services
services. Figure 1.1 illustrates this for different eco- with high market value to the detriment of other
systems: mountains; lakes; grasslands; cities; and services that are less visible but equally impor-
coastlines. tant.
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
Management can influence which services are baskets or furniture, medicinal plants and mushrooms.
increased and which are reduced. Obvious impacts All of these are provisioning services as they provide
include converting natural areas to roads or housing, people with goods.
or the pollution of air and water by industry. Other
changes affecting ecosystem services are less ob- Additionally, the same forest also ensures water purifi-
vious. For example, agricultural potential has, for cation, and watershed protection, whilst evapo-
centuries, depended on clearing land whilst irrigation transpiration results in clouds that can transport rain
systems increased yields. As long as ecosystems and therefore maintain rainfall patterns far away. By
functioned well and were abundant, yields were the providing shade, the temperature throughout the forest
prime concern. Nature provided its other services is moderated and the soil is protected against erosion
abundantly and, seemingly, for free. from heavy rainfall and wind. These are examples of
regulating services.
The figures below illustrate three different land use
intensities for a forest landscape. A natural forest The forest is also home to many wild plants and
provides a wide range of different products that can animals – a habitat service. The diversity of plants and
be used by people. This includes timber, fuel, fruits, animals ensures that the forest can resist storms or
wild animals, fodder or litter for domestic animals, regrow quickly after fire damage.
honey from wild bees, rattan or branches for making
The second illustration shows that clearing part of the is increased eg timber or fruits. However, the amount
forest and draining wetlands for agriculture increases of other services provided is reduced, and less plants
the amount of food produced in the same area. and animals can survive.
Likewise, if trees are systematically planted, production
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
WHEN ECOSYSTEMS REACH TIPPING death of coral reefs. Mangroves are also very suscep-
POINTS, THEIR SERVICES CAN tible to pollution (from industry or shrimp farms) and
CHANGE DRASTICALLY to reduced freshwater inflow which increases salinity.
This causes the loss of habitat for many species and
Ecosystems have a capacity to adapt to change of important services such as coastal protection
and to recover from disturbance, but when tipping against storm surges and sea-level rise.
points are reached they can change character –
and no longer produce certain services. Ecosys- Assessing ecosystem services allows us to recognize the
tems change naturally due to events like forest fires, values they provide. However, it does not tell us how eco-
diseases or natural climatic variability, all of which systems function, or when tipping points are imminent.
can influence ecosystem components and thus the This leads to considerable uncertainty about how far we
flow of services. However, human impact on eco- can intensify use before causing irreversible harm. In such
systems is now the greatest driver of ecosystem situations, precaution is imperative. In many cases,
transformation; increasing population density and a more balanced use leads to more balanced well-
changing consumption patterns can lead to air, soil being and reduces the risks of serious degradation.
and water pollution, the conversion of natural eco-
systems for agriculture or mining, for urban expansion WHO IS AFFECTED? LOCAL COSTS
or infrastructure development. The introduction of new AND GLOBAL BENEFITS
plant and animal species from other areas plus
human-induced climate change can all lead to major Conserving natural capital is often a local task
changes in ecosystems and the services they provide. which can result in considerable financial costs
though the benefits are often felt far beyond the local
These changes are often gradual, and to a certain level.
extent plants and animals are able to adapt to them.
However, if human impact exceeds the capacity of As public goods, many of nature's services such as
ecosystems to regenerate they can degrade or even fresh air and clean water are provided free to
collapse and can no longer provide the desired everyone. As long as natural ecosystems have been
combination or quantity of services. abundant, little thought will have been given to their
long-term sustainability. Increasing conversion of
The unsustainable use of one service (eg water) land for intensive and specialized uses, however,
can cause the entire ecosystem to degrade results in these natural services becoming scarce
leading to the loss of other important ecosystem and therefore more costly to provide.
services. Once ecosystems are heavily damaged,
restoration is very costly and takes a long time, and The reality is that intensive land use that generates
in some cases is impossible. commercial outputs results in greater benefits for the
owner of the natural resource, compared with
Other ecosystems are just as vulnerable. In the improving regulating services such as water provi-
Amazon, tropical forest rainfall patterns can change sioning or flood prevention that are freely provided
if the forest cover is reduced to a point where not to the public. Agriculture is one example.
enough moisture is evaporating. The loss of the
‘Amazon waterpump’ would severely affect agricul- The challenge many local decision makers face is
tural production in Argentina, Brazil and the that if they conserve nature by using it less inten-
neighboring Andean states – it would also shut sively, they often provide benefits not only to their
down Itaipu, one of the world’s largest hydropower own citizens but to others beyond their local
facilities (see TEEB Foundations, Appendix 1). community. Watershed protection in uplands, for
example, can significantly increase both water
In many parts of the world rising ocean temperatures quality and quantity far downstream. Again, as long
have reached a critical point, causing the large-scale as natural ecosystems are abundant this is not an
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
issue, but restoring degraded ecosystems can be development practice, if the benefits provided to the
expensive. Even if the overall benefits may outweigh regional, national – or even the global level – are
these costs, there is often no incentive at the local recognized and rewarded. Policy measures and
level to provide services to other communities if financing programmes are increasingly providing this
they do not share the costs. kind of transfer or compensation. This can create
incentives for local authorities who could conserve
Local communities are best placed to bear the costs natural resources if they do not have to bear the
for improving conservation as well as ensuring good costs alone.
Faced with rapid degradation of Leuser National Park, its Scientific Director commissioned a valuation
study to compare the impact of different ecosystem management strategies on the province’s potential for
economic development until 2030.
The study estimated that conservation and selective use of the forest would provide the highest return for
the region over the long-term (US$ 9.1-9.5 billion). Continued deforestation would cause the degradation
of ecosystem services and generate a lower overall economic return for the province (US$ 7 billion).
Source: Forest valuation stimulates green development policies, Indonesia. TEEBcase based on van Beukering et al. (see
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
atmospheric carbon; soils store up to 2,300 gigaton- hazards are increasing and are expected to increase
nes, nearly three times more than that of atmospheric in frequency and severity in the coming decades.
carbon; and the oceans store around 38,000 giga- As the example from Vietnam shows (Box 1.1), man-
tonnes, nearly 20,000 times the amount of atmo- groves can be more cost-effective than dykes for the
spheric carbon (Houghton 2007). Peatlands are the protection of coastal zones. Green areas help 쏟
most space-efficient carbon storage of all eco- protect urban areas during heat waves. For further
systems; they cover only 3% of the terrestrial earth examples see Chapter 5.
surface yet store 550 gigatonnes of carbon (Parish
et al. 2008). The carbon stored in terrestrial ecosys- Changes in temperature and precipitation will also
tems is released when ecosystems are destroyed or have significant negative impacts on crop yields.
converted, for example into farmland, or when peat Maintaining genetic diversity of crops can offer 쏟
is extracted for horticulture. Currently land use is varieties better adapted to future climate conditions.
causing the loss of about 1.5 gigatonnes of carbon Investing in soil fertility and water retention capacity
a year (Houghton 2007). Avoiding the degradation can likewise increase ecosystems' capacity to
and conversion of natural ecosystems therefore continue to provide services under changing climatic
contributes to climate change mitigation. conditions and therefore valuable for food security 쏟
(World Bank 2010).
ADAPT TO CLIMATE CHANGE As climate change is expected to increase the pressure
on ecosystems, safeguarding them now can consid-
Maintaining nature’s capacity to provide products erably lower the risk of their future collapse. Anticipating
such as food, fuel and fibre and to mitigate impacts the impact of climate change has two distinct ad-
of extreme events is critical for adapting to climate vantages: protecting ecosystems today is more cost-
change not only because of the multiple benefits for effective than attempting to repair them after damage
human well-being but also because it offers cost- has occurred; and improved ecosystems can provide
effective solutions. immediate benefits as they deliver multiple services.
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
Part IV – Conclusion: Chapter 10 discusses how If you belong to a sector agency which is typically
to make it happen; the chapter highlights some responsible for natural resource management, or are
common challenges encountered in previous chap- involved in extension programmes for agriculture,
ters concern-ing how to include the assessment and forestry or fisheries or are in charge of disaster
valuation of ecosystem services in decision-making prevention, then Chapter 5 will be of specific interest.
processes. You may also find Chapter 6 to be of interest since it
focuses on how to better include ecosystem services
All chapters explain how ecosystem services and in spatial planning and in environmental impact
biodiversity can be impacted, and they showcase assessment.
examples of how to explicitly recognize these
challenges in decision making. They contain tools or If you are a planner, then Chapter 6 is directly
instruments to facilitate these tasks, and provide relevant, but you might also find Chapters 4 and 5
links to further useful sources of information. The helpful as they relate to municipal service provisioning
appendix contains an overview of relevant tools for and natural resource management. Also relevant is
mapping and valuing services as well as databases Chapter 7 on protected areas, and how to protect
with further case examples. the most sensitive parts of ecosystems.
WHO COULD BENEFIT FROM THIS As a citizen, NGO, resident forum or village council
REPORT? member you often play a decisive role in communi-
cation, advocacy and awareness raising. Depending
Below we highlight which chapters might be most on the issues in your area you may find interesting
useful for you to focus on, depending on what role examples in all chapters.
you play in local development.
C H A P T E R 1 · T H E VA L U E O F N AT U R E F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
WRI (2007) Nature’s Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of Ecosystems Alkire S, ME Santos. 2010. Acute Multidimensional Poverty:
and Human Well-Being. This illustrated report summarizes the A new Index for Developing Countries. OPHI working paper
current state and future trends of Ecosystems in Kenya. no. 38. Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative (OPHI). This academic report introduces the Multidimensional Poverty
Index (MPI); incl. many graphs and figures.
CONABIO (2009) Capital Natural de Mexico. This very com- wp-content/uploads/ophi-wp38.pdf
prehensive report (5 volumes) presents the current knowledge
on biodiversity, the state of conservation, policy implications, Option values of biodiversity
and future scenarios. Biomimicry is an emerging discipline that studies nature’s best
pdf/CapNatMex/Capital%20Natural%20de%20Mexico_ ideas and then imitates these designs and processes to solve
Sintesis.pdf human problems. Inspiring examples are available at www.
UKNEA/UNEP-WCMC (forthcoming) United Kingdom National
Ecosystem Assessment. Following the example of the Identifying Policy Responses
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment the study assesses Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005. Response Assess-
the natural capital of the United Kingdom http://uknea. ment. The Report assessed the effectiveness of various types of response options, both historical and current, examining
the strengths and weaknesses of various response options
Further regional and local ecosystem assessments from around that have been used to manage ecosystem services. It also
the globe are available on the Millennium Ecosystem Assess- identifies some promising opportunities for improving human
ment website well-being while conserving ecosystems. http://www.millennium
Climate Change
The World Bank (2009); Convenient Solutions to an Inconve- UNDP - United Nations Development Programme (2010) Biodi-
nient Truth: Ecosystem-based Approaches to Climate Change. versity and Ecosystems: Why these are Important for Sustained
The report highlights ecosystem-based measures of adaptation Growth and Equity in Latin America and the Caribbean. This
to and mitigation of climate change. http://siteresources. report examines economic trends and policy initiatives focusing on natural capital in South America (launch: September 2010)
PA R T I I · T H E T O O L S
Key Messages
• You can chose. There are a number of different frameworks available to identify and assess ecosystem
services and biodiversity.
• Make the implicit explicit. A stepwise approach allows local policy makers to explicitly include
nature’s benefits in decision making.
• Context is everything. Decision making needs the full picture. The strengths of the Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment and the Total Economic Value frameworks are that they include the broad
range of ecosystem values and services.
• It’s more than what’s at stake. It’s who’s at stake. The Sustainable Livelihoods Approach makes
the effects that ecosystems have on well-being at the local and individual level visible. This approach
helps address the distribution of benefits amongst stakeholders.
C H A P T E R 2 · C O N C E P T U A L F R A M E W O R K S F O R C O N S I D E R I N G T H E B E N E F I T S O F N AT U R E
This chapter shows how different frameworks can • The local context (whether it is an urban or rural
be used so that ecosystem services and biodiver- setting, or in a developing or industrialised country);
sity can be taken into account in local develop- • Institutional and social conditions (data availability,
ment. One of the main reasons for the continued the degree of development of the planning process
degradation of →ecosystems and →biodiversity is that and legal system).
the benefits of conserving them go unrecognised.
Raising awareness of the benefits amongst stake- The key objective for each of these frameworks (the
holders is important, as is incorporating local people’s added value for local policy makers), is to make
needs into conservation proposals. benefits visible. The chapter presents a stepwise
procedure for explicitly incorporating →ecosystem
Each framework discussed in this chapter focuses on services into local decision making (2.1) and provides
different aspects of values and development. Which a broad overview of the frameworks linking them to
framework or combination of frameworks is most these steps (2.2). Each framework is considered in
useful will depend on various factors including: turn: the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment; Total
Economic Value; Ecological approaches and a more
• The policy area (a different approach is required developmental approach. Finally, action points are
for land-use planning compared with the provision suggested (2.3).
of better health care from medicinal plants);
C H A P T E R 2 · C O N C E P T U A L F R A M E W O R K S F O R C O N S I D E R I N G T H E B E N E F I T S O F N AT U R E
• Do all stakeholders see it this way? STEP 3: DEFINE THE INFORMATION NEEDS AND
• Do stakeholders have enough basic understanding SELECT APPROPRIATE METHODS
of hydrology and river basin management to
understand the potential root causes of the problem? The type of decision to be made determines the kind
What are the pressures on the ecosystem? of information needed. Assessments of ecosystem
• If the stakeholders lack understanding, can they services can differ in various ways: services to be
be convinced that further, more focused assess- considered, depth of detail, time horizon, spatial
ment is required? scope, monetization of the results, or the format of the
information. The better such aspects can be defined
Whilst the answers to these questions may be 'no', it beforehand, the easier it will be to select the method
is important to appreciate that successfully implemen- for analysis and interpret the findings. Methodologies
ting an ecosystem approach depends on cooperation that place a monetary value on ecosystem services
and shared understanding and expectations. are set out in Chapter 3. The question of whether or
not to apply a monetary measure-of-account should
Step 1 is likely to be coordinated by the decision maker but not obscure the fact that a system needs to be
it may be driven forward by another stakeholder such as applied to determine how important one ecosystem
an environmental Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). service is relative to others. Using ‘money’ is one
way, but not the only way. An alternative approach
STEP 2: IDENTIFY WHICH ECOSYSTEM SERVICES (multi-criteria analysis) is also discussed in Chapter 3.
Determining information needs is likely to be led by
A starting point is provided by the Millennium Eco- the decision maker; if valuation is to be implemented,
system Assessment (MA 2005). It presents a list of this is likely to be the domain of a technical expert.
ecosystem services some of which may be monetized.
Broadly speaking there are two ways in which services STEP 4: ASSESS THE EXPECTED CHANGES IN THE
can influence policy: FLOW OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES
• The policy or decision might depend upon the
provision of ecosystem services. For instance, the The key questions relating to this step are:
development of tourism, flower farms or agribusiness • To what extent is the policy or decision viable without
might depend on water availability and quality. the availability of ecosystem services? Is there a
• The policy or decision might affect the provisioning substitute and is the supply of this substitute de-
of ecosystem services. For instance, a switch from pendable? If the water supply is required for a hydro-
extensive to intensive agriculture that uses irriga- electric power plant, is there an alternative oil-fired
tion and fertilizer inputs might affect water generator available in the event of water shortage?
availability and quality downstream. • To what extent will the policy or decision impact
upon ecosystem services? What will be the expected
An appropriate scoping exercise in terms of both time change in ecosystem service availability? To what
and spatial scale is needed for Step 2. Water quantity extent will this affect local livelihoods? If water is
and quality may be low today because of actions taken diverted for irrigation, what will be the effect on users
ten years ago, whilst actions today might have an downstream and how will their productivity be affected?
impact ten years or more into the future. The spatial
scale may be large - water availability in the Serengeti Ecosystems respond to changes in a non-linear way:
in Tanzania depends in part on the extent of deforesta- if implementing a policy or decision, consider whether
tion in the Mao forest in neighbouring Kenya. it will result in any critical ‘tipping point’ being passed.
A relatively small increase in fertilizer may lead to a
Step 2 is likely to be carried out by internal technical massive change in water quality if an ‘algal bloom’ is
staff or external consultants. triggered. The biological frameworks described below
can help to identify tipping points.
C H A P T E R 2 · C O N C E P T U A L F R A M E W O R K S F O R C O N S I D E R I N G T H E B E N E F I T S O F N AT U R E
WRI (2008) outline a ‘report card’ system which is useful for step 4. This technique involves identifying:
• The affected ecosystem services (list them);
• How much the local area depends on the provision of each service;
• Recent trends in the provisioning of each service (are they stable, decreasing, or increasing?);
• The strength of the impact of drivers (how significant have the recent cumulative impacts been?
high, medium or low).
For our water example, the ‘report card’ responses might be:
• Regulation of water flows/waste treatment;
• High (demand from agri-business)/high (water treatment facilities incapable of dealing with
increased sedimentation or pollution);
• Decreasing (water availability)/increasing (pollution)
• High (land-use change: deforestation)/high (agricultural intensification).
Even if tipping points are not reached, the supply of STEP 6: ASSESS DISTRIBUTIONAL IMPACTS OF
the ecosystem service relative to demand needs POLICY OPTIONS
consideration, including cumulative impacts. Using 10%
of available water supply for irrigation in water-rich The final step assesses which stakeholders are likely
Scotland is likely to have a lower impact than the same winners or losers from a policy proposal. It is important
percentage being extracted in water-poor Cyprus. for determining whether the livelihoods of vulnerable
individuals or communities are being negatively impacted.
Step 4 is likely to be carried out by analysts, consulting Again, a score card system might be used, to establish
with stakeholders, including the decision-maker, but it how much each stakeholder is affected and to identify
could also be carried out by an NGO or local policy their vulnerability to this change. Do alternatives exist?
Distributional aspects relate to poverty and the impacts
STEP 5: IDENTIFY AND ASSESS POLICY OPTIONS on the less well-off in society. This analysis should be
carried out for ethical reasons irrespective of whether
Step 5 is the key evaluation procedure of the policy the poor can influence implementation.
option(s). A similar report card system might be applied
as in Step 4, but simply evaluating high, medium, or low Step 6 is likely to be carried out by an analyst with input
may be insufficient unless the decision is relatively clear- from the decision-maker.
cut. If monetization was decided upon in Step 3, this
would be applied in the assessment of available options. A SUMMARY OF THE STEPS
If not, the alternative measure would be employed.
These six steps are presented with the core TEEB vision
A risk assessment, as part of this step, will reflect the in mind: to provide an improved basis for local decision
risks inherent in implementing different option strategies. makers when considering projects and policies that
‘Sensitivity analysis’ is discussed further in the context impact upon natural ecosystems. According to the
of cost-benefit analysis in Chapter 3. A conventional specific situation, some steps are more important than
SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, others. The following frameworks can provide inputs
and Threats) can also be carried out for each option. and help adapt the steps to specific needs. Taken
together, adapted to local needs, and incorporated
Step 5 is likely to be carried out by either an experienced into the decision making procedures in place, these
member of the local policy team or an external technical steps are a systematic way to include ecosystem
expert in collaboration with the decision maker. services, and thereby natural capital, in local policy.
C H A P T E R 2 · C O N C E P T U A L F R A M E W O R K S F O R C O N S I D E R I N G T H E B E N E F I T S O F N AT U R E
Table 2.1 Summary of frameworks for valuing and evaluating ecosystems and biodiversity
Focus Framework Purpose and objectives
Socio-ecological Millennium Ecosystem Classifies ecosystem benefits into categories (e.g. supporting
Assessment (MA) and regulating services) which can in some cases be
Ecological Key Biodiversity Areas Designates priorities for conservation, but based purely on
(KBA) ecological criteria. Can be used in conjunction with economic
analyses but is ‘stand-alone’. Links to the MA – focuses on
biophysical processes.
C H A P T E R 2 · C O N C E P T U A L F R A M E W O R K S F O R C O N S I D E R I N G T H E B E N E F I T S O F N AT U R E
Box 2.2 Distributional issues: winners and losers from a conservation policy?
There are both ethical reasons and pragmatic reasons for taking distributional issues into account. For
instance, is it fair to force a landowner to stop using their land so as to protect a threatened species?
Such a policy may be in society’s interests, but the regulatory cost burden falls solely on the landowner,
whereas the environmental and social benefits are shared by all of society. If the livelihood of the land-
owner is affected, there is an ethical case for compensation. There is also a pragmatic case, as the
landowner is likely to oppose and resist such a change if their livelihood will be negatively affected.
free-market system that is the root cause of biodiver- option means for specific stakeholders. How policy
sity loss in the first place, or that sustainable manage- options impact on the poorer members of society is
ment of biodiversity may well be possible without addressed in the section on ‘Frameworks addressing
monetary valuation (see eg O’Neill 1997). A pragmatic impacts on livelihoods’ below.
response to this challenge is that policy makers usually
have a strong preference for assessments that are The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has
expressed in monetary terms. formulated a set of guiding principles called the
Ecosystem Approach (Box 2.3). The principles are
Another distinction between the frameworks is whether formulated in an abstract manner, and provide
or not distributional issues are considered. A local guidance on how decisions concerning ecosystems
decision maker is likely to want to know not just the and biodiversity should be made in society. Increasingly
overall picture, for example, the pros and cons of a the approach is being put into practice in different
particular conservation option, but also what the countries and this experience is available on the web.
The Ecosystem Approach was adopted by the fifth Conference of the Parties of the CBD in 2000 as the
main framework for action to achieve its three objectives: conservation, sustainable use and fair distribution
of nature’s benefits.
Many governments have adopted a framework which brings together concerns for the use and for the
protection of nature’s goods: the Ecosystem Approach is a set of 12 principles and five operational
guidelines which integrate the objectives and activities in the wider landscape, so that they are mutually
supportive. Instead of focussing on single goods (eg fish) and relying on one type knowledge only (eg fish
stock assessments), the Ecosystem Approach examines the functioning of the entire system (eg coastal
ecosystem), and to consider human beings and their knowledge as part of that system (eg fishing
communities - their needs, rules and practices). This approach emphasizes adaptive management to
overcome fixed sector perspectives as well as participatory decision making rather than a top-down model.
Local authorities can benefit from the ecosystem approach. It goes further than just analysing service flows.
A focus on ecosystem services orients attention to the connections between the natural assets and the
social system and can thus help to make best use of ecosystems in local development.
C H A P T E R 2 · C O N C E P T U A L F R A M E W O R K S F O R C O N S I D E R I N G T H E B E N E F I T S O F N AT U R E
THE MILLENNIUM ECOSYSTEM What we focus on in this report is the level of ecosys-
ASSESSMENT tem service in Figure 2.2, which provides the benefit
to human well-being that has a value which may or
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) frame- may not be recognised and expressed. We should also
work was launched by UNEP in 2003. The MA be aware that the service of say ‘cereal provisioning’
describes the linkages between ecosystem services which is then consumed by humans depends upon
and how these impact on →human well-being and the function of ‘biomass production’ which in turn
→poverty (MA 2005). The linkages are illustrated in depends upon the underlying biophysical structure of
Figure 2.1, which shows that ecosystem services ‘primary productivity’ depending on fertile soil, water,
directly affect human livelihoods and that we affect and plants.
the amount of ecosystem services available by our
socio-economic choices. A detailed case study application using the ecosystem
service approach proposed by the MA to assess marine
The way in which ecosystem services provide 'useful ecosystems in the UK is outlined in Chapter 3; an
things' is illustrated in Figure 2.2. Local decision makers economic analysis was conducted and the high values
act under resource constraints and conservation policy identified resulted in the designation of marine protected
options often need to be justified on the basis of ‘use- areas.
fulness’. Many people benefit from the ‘useful things’
that ecosystem services provide without realising it. TOTAL ECONOMIC VALUE
They may be willing-to-pay (WTP) for some services or
may already implicitly be doing so, for example, govern- Both the MA framework and the Total Economic Value
ment-funded projects that are paid for through taxation. (TEV) framework are similar in that they are both
If an assessment framework can be used to make concerned with ‘human endpoints’, in other words what
people aware of these benefits, then it is more likely affect nature has on our well-being. The difference is
that they will be taken into account in decision making. nuanced: TEV focuses almost exclusively on economic
C H A P T E R 2 · C O N C E P T U A L F R A M E W O R K S F O R C O N S I D E R I N G T H E B E N E F I T S O F N AT U R E
Figure 2.2 The TEEB pathway from ecosystems and biodiversity to human well-being
endpoints that can be measured in monetary terms discussed in Chapter 8 (see also TEEBcase Water
(the ‘human well-being’ box in Figure 2.2). fund for catchment management, Ecuador).
• Option use values: Preserving an ecosystem or
The TEV framework presents categories of ecosys- biodiversity so that its direct and indirect use values
tem benefits which fit into a standard economic can be potentially ‘consumed’ in the future. Such a
frame of reference. It is the dominant framework for value may be placed on avoiding species extinction
analysis of monetized benefits from ecosystems. Its in wild variants of commercially-grown crops as this
strength is that all benefits that humans obtain from genetic diversity may be valuable in the future.
nature and even the value of nature in its own right • Non-use values: These values differ fundamentally
(the intrinsic value) can be captured by one of the from the other value-types as they are not linked to
subcategories used in this approach. All inputs to the economic activity, either directly or indirectly. Non-
framework are required to be in quantitative monetized use values are also termed ‘existence values’ and
terms and are therefore directly comparable. A weak- refer to conservation for its own sake. For instance,
ness is that any benefits from conservation that we may value polar bears just because they are
cannot, or should not, be monetized are easily side- living creatures that we share the earth with and feel
lined and forgotten. TEV contains different categories that we have a moral duty to preserve the habitats
of benefits or values which are outlined below: that support them.
• Direct use value: The value derived from the direct
extraction of → resources from the ecosystem The total economic value of an environmental asset is
(fuelwood), or the direct interaction with the ecosys- the sum of the different value categories.
tem (recreational use).
• Indirect use values: Those values that support TEV is a useful approach even if we cannot determine
economic activity. For instance, the watershed monetary values for all the categories of benefit.
protection function of a forest leads to improved Having a monetary value for only some of the benefit
water quality which might in turn affect a flower categories may be enough justification for choosing
grower downstream. There is a clear link here with a conservation option over a more resource-exploita-
the potential for Payments for Ecosystem Services tive alternative. In most cases, a partial monetization is
C H A P T E R 2 · C O N C E P T U A L F R A M E W O R K S F O R C O N S I D E R I N G T H E B E N E F I T S O F N AT U R E
more likely, more feasible and quite possibly less risky. Critical Natural Capital (CNC) differs from other types of
By less risky we mean that any analysis must be natural capital in that it performs important and irre-
credible if stakeholders are to accept its findings. For placeable ecosystem services that cannot be sub-
a more detailed discussion of TEV and how to best stituted (Chiesura and de Groot 2003). An example of
apply it to biodiversity and ecosystem services see CNC is the ozone layer. Were we to lose or severely
TEEB Foundations (2010, Chapter 5); on valuation deplete the ozone layer, as might have happened but
methods see Chapter 3, this volume. for the 1989 Montreal Protocol, it is difficult to conceive
of a viable technological-fix that might perform its func-
ECOLOGICAL APPROACHES tions. Whether we categorize a type of natural capital
as critical depends on its importance and the degree of
The term ‘ecological approaches’ may be misleading threat. There are at least six domains under which
as it implies that other approaches do not have a natural capital is evaluated as critically important: 1)
clear ecological dimension. We use this term socio-cultural, 2) ecological, 3) sustainability, 4) ethical,
because the following approaches clearly prioritize 5) economic and 6) human-survival.
ecological values, and are not designed in a way that
economic values can easily be assessed. Rather An important issue to consider here is →resilience, as CNC
the focus is on identifying areas that are valuable does not only refer to global issues like ozone protection.
from an ecological point of view. The two approaches Diverting a river in order to build a dam and allow irrigation
discussed below can be thought of as ‘ecological might mean that an ecosystem downstream cannot be
stock-taking’ and can support step 4 above: asses- preserved in its current form – it is not resilient to the change
sing the expected changes in the flow of ecosystem and there would be irreversible damage. Depending on the
services. context, the river might be considered to be a form of CNC
(Brand 2009). There may also be critical areas for species
KEY BIODIVERSITY AREAS survival or the functioning of a particular ecosystem so
that it can continue to provide its services (Box 2.4).
The Key Biodiversity Areas Approach (KBA) is a rapid
assessment methodology that identifies local areas Box 2.4 Critical value – restoration of
salmon habitats, USA
which are globally important for species conservation.
Areas are classified using simple and standardized Investment in restoration of two acres of salmon
criteria including references to a species' status and habitat in North Wind Weirs proved critical. The
distribution. These criteria address the strategically decision makers’ options were either to convert the
important issues of →vulnerability and irreplaceability prime location to industrial use, or to conserve and
쏟 (Langhammer et al. 2007). restore critical salmon habitat.
Some existing initiatives include Birdlife International’s A simple analysis of the direct costs and benefits
Important Bird Areas program and Important Plant Areas on-site showed that the option of restoring habitat
run by Plantlife International in collaboration with IUCN. did not break even. However, the off-site impacts, in
particular the critical nature of this area for salmon
CRITICAL NATURAL CAPITAL APPROACH restoration throughout the entire catchment, make
this option a ‘bargain’. Treating these two acres as
Natural capital is a general term for the stock of natural the constraining factor in restoration efforts, it would
resources; hectares of forest or litres of freshwater, for be worth paying up to US$ 47 million per hectare to
example. As we produce and consume products of secure the restoration. Although the opportunity cost
natural capital, it is an input to the production process. of the land is potentially high, the area is argued to
In some cases we may think we can find substitutes be critical natural capital. Industry could be located
for natural capital, using plastic instead of wood to elsewhere, whereas salmon habitat must be situated
make a chair, for example, but plastic itself is a product where freshwater meets tidal salt water.
of natural capital – petrochemicals.
Source: Batker et al. 2005
C H A P T E R 2 · C O N C E P T U A L F R A M E W O R K S F O R C O N S I D E R I N G T H E B E N E F I T S O F N AT U R E
FRAMEWORKS ADDRESSING monetary income but also the other forms of capital
IMPACTS ON LIVELIHOODS that people have access to, including:
Both the MA and TEV frameworks assess policy • Natural capital (environmental resources such as
impacts at a societal level, and operate on the premise rights to access a freshwater stream);
that policies aim to maximize social well-being. However • Economic capital (cash and economic assets,
the impact of an ecosystem change can have a very such as privately-owned pastureland);
different impact on an individual or on different groups • Human capital (animal husbandry skills, knowledge
within society. of local market conditions, physical ability, traditional
Any policy change, even one that is ‘clearly’ good for • Social capital (family, neighborhood or other
society, is likely to leave some people worse off. social networks and associations such as a local
Securing land tenure for farmers, for example, may micro-finance project).
lead to a more →equitable society; improve the health
of the ecosystem as the farmers now have a stronger What makes livelihoods sustainable or not, depends
incentive to take care of the land and increase income on their vulnerability, i.e. the degree to which an
levels. However, the former landowner is unlikely to be individual or population is affected by a shock or the
as well off as before the change. There is therefore seasons. The level of resilience is their ability to cope
a ‘loser’. Virtually all policy options will have both and withstand the shock.
winners and losers.
Box 2.5 Shocks versus seasonal trends
Changes in the environment may involve tradeoffs
Seasonal shifts can mark changes in economic
between individual versus community strategies. It
activity, human and livestock health, price of
may well be sensible for community to adopt a
goods, migration patterns and social activities.
policy which leads to a few years of poor harvest, if it
Shocks can be natural disasters such as tsunamis
is compensated by years of plenty. If reserves can be
or locusts, but can also include economic shocks,
stockpiled, or the poor harvest dealt with in some other
conflict and other factors. Shocks differ from
way, this may be a good strategy. An individual may,
seasonal trends. Seasonal trends are more
however, be risk-averse and rationally prefer a lower
predictable and not one-off events. There are year-
average harvest yield with fewer annual fluctuations.
to-year variations in terms of seasonal trends such
as if and when the monsoon rains come to the
The frameworks discussed in this section provide a
Indian sub-continent. Shocks are in some senses
better understanding of the impact of policies on local
‘predictable’ in that we might have some idea of
livelihoods. They focus on how a policy proposal might
their frequency, if not exactly when they will occur.
impact different →stakeholders and how they might
For instance, climate change science tells us that
respond. The frameworks are particularly useful for
there are likely to be more devastating storms
assessing distributional impacts of different policy
in the future but science cannot predict exactly
options (step 6 above).
when these events will occur.
The Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) is a way The key questions are: How probable are shock and
of looking at how an individual, a household or a com- seasonality effects? Can they be dealt with? Do
munity secures its well-being over time (Serrat 2008; policies have impacts on livelihoods by providing
Carney 2002). ‘Livelihood’ in the context of the SLA additional income, or by decreaising the influence
is made up of the capabilities, the assets (stores, of seasonality, or by increasing social capital?
resources, claims and access) and activities required • Instruments to achieve this include Payments for
for day-to-day living. It not only takes account of Ecosystem Services (PES).
C H A P T E R 2 · C O N C E P T U A L F R A M E W O R K S F O R C O N S I D E R I N G T H E B E N E F I T S O F N AT U R E
Table 2.2 Links between Ecosystem Services and the Sustainable Livelihood Approach outcomes
Description Ecosystem Service Outcome in terms of
Food supply: Ecosystems can provide food directly Food Food security
쏟 eg from agricultural land, or indirectly, eg mushrooms or
berries from forests or fodder for livestock.
쏟 Health: Intact ecosystems with high biodiversity can Biological control Well-being, resilience
reduce the incidence of diseases.
Clean drinking water: In many parts of the world rural Freshwater Well-being, resilience
people depend directly on freshwater lakes and indirectly
on soil structure and quality which, in turn, regulates this
supply of freshwater.
Clean air: Some ecosystems can mitigate the effects Air quality regulation Well-being,
of air pollution which can, in turn, impact on crop food security
Fuelwood: Many people, especially the poor, rely on Raw material Well-being
fuelwood for cooking and keeping warm.
The majority of the poor directly depend on natural resour- In his analysis of the Bengal famine of 1943, Amartya
ces and ecosystem services for their livelihoods. They do Sen found that the devastating effects on livelihoods
not have the ability to use technology to create these were caused not by a lack of available food but by mar-
services or import them from elsewhere. The SLA frame- ket conditions. In the Bengalese case, Sen argues that
work allows local policy decision makers to define policy the opportunism and profiteering of speculators in the
options in terms of how they affect local livelihoods. The commodity markets meant that market conditions
evaluation of ecosystem services may initially seem created the famine as the poor were unable to pay for
somewhat detached from the framework, but in fact, it is food. Those who relied on earning wages to buy food
inherently inter-linked. Some of these linkages are outlined on the open market found that the purchasing power
in Table 2.2 and describe what ecosystems provide. of their wages was reduced catastrophically over a very
short period of time (Sen 1981).
Identifying who depends on the provision of
ecosystem services can help to prevent unintended There is a clear link to the →‘provisioning’ service in
impacts of development. This analysis can also the MA framework but the Entitlement Approach
potentially identify additional income streams. and its link to sustainable livelihoods goes further,
although there are also critical reflections on the
ENTITLEMENT APPROACH approach (Devereux 2001).
C H A P T E R 2 · C O N C E P T U A L F R A M E W O R K S F O R C O N S I D E R I N G T H E B E N E F I T S O F N AT U R E
right to the benefit, for example be allowed to collect to ecosystem services and how these individuals or
wild products from a forest while not having the right groups might be affected. (For more detail on
to manage the same forest or legally own the forest. property rights, see Apte 2006 or TEEB in National
When assessing different policy options it is therefore Policy 2011, Chapter 2).
useful to carefully analyse who hold what rights
C H A P T E R 2 · C O N C E P T U A L F R A M E W O R K S F O R C O N S I D E R I N G T H E B E N E F I T S O F N AT U R E
PA R T I I · T H E T O O L S
Lead authors: Salman Hussain (Scottish Agricultural College), Haripriya Gundimeda (Indian Institute
of Technology Bombay)
Reviewers: Ian Curtis, Lucy Emerton, Leonardo Fleck, Luis Miguel Galindo, Catherine Gamper,
TilmanJaeger, Veronika Kiss, Jean Le Roux, Emily McKenzie, Wairimu Mwangi,
Terry Parr, Nik Sekhran, Wouter Van Reeth, Hugo van Zyl, Jeff Vincent
Acknowledgements: Alice Ruhweza, Thomas Kretzschmar, Florian Matt
Editor: Heidi Wittmer
Language editor: Jessica Hiemstra-van der Horst
3.1 The Rationale For Valuing Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity ............................................................2
3.2 Valuation Methods ................................................................................................................................3
Market prices ........................................................................................................................................4
Market alternatives ................................................................................................................................4
Surrogate markets ................................................................................................................................6
Stated preference .................................................................................................................................7
Participatory Valuation...........................................................................................................................9
Benefits Transfer ...................................................................................................................................9
3.3 Decision-Support Frameworks: Cost-Benefit Analysis.........................................................................10
Project Definition .................................................................................................................................11
Classification of Impacts......................................................................................................................12
Conversion of physical impacts into monetary values ..........................................................................12
Overall policy or project appraisal ........................................................................................................13
Sensitivity Analysis ..............................................................................................................................13
Criticisms of Cost-Benefit Analysis ......................................................................................................14
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) .......................................................................................................15
3.4 Alternative Decision-Support Frameworks and Tools...........................................................................16
Participatory Appraisal ........................................................................................................................17
Multi-Criteria Analysis ..........................................................................................................................20
3.5 Conclusions and Action Points............................................................................................................23
For further Information.................................................................................................................................23
C H A P T E R 3 · T O O L S F O R VA L U AT I O N A N D A P P R A I S A L O F E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N P O L I C Y M A K I N G
Key Messages
• It’s time to acknowledge what we do. We commonly make decisions that implicitly involve trading
off nature protection against the production or consumption of marketed goods.
• Nature often does not have a market price but ‘priceless’ isn’t the same as ‘worthless’. Financial
appraisal often implicitly assumes that ecosystem services are ‘free’, making nature’s benefits invisible.
Monetary valuation explicitly values ecosystems and biodiversity so that their services (and the loss of
them) can be taken into account by decision makers.
• It’s worth it. Ecosystems are complicated. Fortunately, however, many tools have already been developed,
and the rationale for using them is simple: a considered (and comprehensive) valuation of ecosystem
services benefits everyone – from industry, to fisher, to farmer, to citizen.
• Use the right tool for the job. There are a variety of environmental valuation tools available. They vary in
terms of their complexity, underlying assumptions and reliance on resources. Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)
is a widely-used performance yard stick that uses valuation estimates. Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) and
Participatory Appraisal (PA) do not require monetary valuation. They are designed to help decision makers
integrate complex actions and multiple opinions into a single framework.
• If nature is valuable, input in invaluable: There is a diversity of experts – from village leaders to scientists
to analysts. Every participant has something to offer. The frameworks presented in this chapter offer
tools for listening – tools for translating complicated and divergent expertise into success at grass-roots level.
“A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.”
Oscar Wilde
This chapter’s aim is to present several methodological values; we focus on participatory approaches to project
tools for balancing the ambitions of development and evaluation as well as multi-criteria analysis (3.4).
conservation. It begins with an overview and rationale
for placing monetary values on ecosystem services and The intention of this chapter is to present options; it is
biodiversity (sections 3.1 and 3.2). It presents an over- not a ‘how to’ manual. Many aspects are complicated
view of different analytical frameworks such as Cost- and controversial. The aim is to present a snapshot of
Benefit Analysis (CBA) and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis the key framework features, not to assess the contro-
(CEA) to which non-market values can be applied (3.3). versy or explain the finer details. For greater detail and
Finally, the chapter discusses tools and frameworks for strategies for implementation, an annotated bibliogra-
decision making that do not rely primarily on monetized phy is included at the end of the chapter.
C H A P T E R 3 · T O O L S F O R VA L U AT I O N A N D A P P R A I S A L O F E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N P O L I C Y M A K I N G
Of course, pricing such commodities is often challen- Another concern is that placing a value on a particular
ging. For this reason, there are many different methods site may imply that the site is ‘for sale.’ As a con-
– accompanied by debate over their effectiveness and sequence less biodiversity may be preserved. If a
applicability. While the inherent value of ecosystems conservation site has a monetary value, a developer
services is uncontested, placing a monetary value on can buy it. Putting a price on ecosystem services
ecosystems and biodiversity may be controversial for makes them marketable. While this is a valid point, this
three broad reasons: scenario is likely to occur much less frequently than
1. It is deemed unethical; the alternative, that is, an essential ecosystem service
2. Less biodiversity may be conserved; is traded for nothing, with an implicit price of $0.
3. There is no price – for a good reason. Typically, placing a monetary value on ecosystem
services supports conservation and avoids destructive
These concerns are valid. The monetary valuation of extraction, which eventually incurs economic costs.
nature takes place for pragmatic reasons: it is necessary
to avoid placing an implicit value of $0 on ecosystem Concerns raised over whether or not it is possible
services that are essential to our well-being. Since trans- to arrive at a Dollar figure for nature’s services have
actions in the market generally take place in a monetized some validity. If we’re just estimating the value, how can
domain, a decision not to value nature in monetary terms we know that our estimate is right? Most ecosystem
for ethical reasons can imply that it has no value – rather services are not directly traded and thus do not have
than being ‘priceless’, it is ‘worthless.’ Furthermore, we a ‘true’ price. Further, when a service is traded, we
often make decisions that involve trading the benefits of don’t have foolproof mechanisms for evaluating
nature for the benefits of production and consumption. whether it was traded at the ‘right’ price.
Marketed goods have a monetary value and can be
traded. We may even trade more valuable ecosystem Non-market valuation responds to these concerns by
services for less valuable marketed goods; for instance, ‘mimicking’ what would happen if there were a market.
deforestation creates a marketed income from timber These methods are outlined in the following section.
sales but might reduce flood protection.
C H A P T E R 3 · T O O L S F O R VA L U AT I O N A N D A P P R A I S A L O F E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N P O L I C Y M A K I N G
1. Direct market Market prices Observe market prices Simple Provisioning services
ii. Damage cost How much spending was Simple Damage mitigation,
avoided avoided because of the carbon sequestration
ecosystem service provided?
3. Surrogate i. Hedonic Price Consider housing market and Very complex Use values only,
markets Method the extra amount paid for higher recreation and leisure,
environmental quality air quality
ii. Travel Cost Cost of visiting a site: travel costs Complex Use values only,
Method (fares, car use etc.) and also recreation and leisure
value of leisure time expended
C H A P T E R 3 · T O O L S F O R VA L U AT I O N A N D A P P R A I S A L O F E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N P O L I C Y M A K I N G
While in many ways this method is the most Box 3.1 Replacement costs in Fynbos biome
appealing, alternate valuation techniques usually need wetlands, Western Cape, South Africa
to be used. Often, market prices are not available.
Wetlands purify wastewater and retain nutrients.
Wetlands buffer much of Western Cape province’s
industrial and domestic waste. Waste passes
through the wetlands before being discharged
When direct market prices are not available, indirect
into water bodies. A replacement cost approach
market prices may be. Valuation based on market
was used to estimate the value of the wetlands’
alternatives can take three forms:
services. This involved quantifying the removal of
1. Replacement cost: What does the alternative
pollutants by the wetlands and estimating the
cost? (The value of fish habitat can be determined
equivalent cost of performing this service with
by measuring the cost of artificial fish breeding and
treatment plants.
stocking programs);
2. Damage costs avoided: What protection is being
The results of a valuation estimated the average
provided by ecosystems, and what is this pro-
value of the wetlands’ water treatment service to
tection worth? (A healthy mangrove forest protects
be US$ 12,385/ha annually. The values are high
against storm damage. What would be the costs
enough to compete with alternative land uses.
of damages if the mangrove didn’t exist?);
3. Production function: If nature is providing inputs Source: Wastewater treatment by wetland, South Africa,
TEEBcase based on Turpie et al. (see
to production, what are the monetary implications
of changing the quantity or quality of these inputs?
(Changes in land-use practices may alter the flow If mangroves protect shores from erosion, shore pro-
of ecosystem services). tection benefits may be measured by calculating the
monetary value of damages avoided. This method ap-
The underlying premise of the replacement cost me- plies to situations where it is possible to avoid damage
thod is that replacement costs can be used as a proxy costs. It has the advantage of using tangible data –
for the value of ecosystem services. Services provided and the cost of damages are often more apparent to
by healthy ecosystems ‘for free’ might be replaced by the public than benefits.
human-engineered alternatives. The value of eco-
system services is estimated based on the cost of Production functions outlines how a marginal
replacing them. This method is particularly useful for change in the management of an ecosystem, for
valuing services that have direct manufactured or instance changing a land use, will alter the provision
artificial equivalents, such as coastal protection or of ecosystem functions and ecosystem services that
water storage and purification. can then be valued. This alteration is measured in
order to value the services. For instance, blasting a
This method is relatively easy to apply and does not coral reef alters coastal protection services. To arrive
require complicated data analysis. Its limitation is that it at a monetary value, this method requires identifying
is often difficult to find human-made equivalents for a link between a change in ecosystem management
‘natural’ services. Because this method is based on hy- and ecosystem function. This method is complicated.
pothetical choices (or preferences), it may result in an over- In the above case, evaluation requires an understan-
estimation of value (see TEEB Foundations Chapter 5). ding of hydrology and ecology – not just economics.
C H A P T E R 3 · T O O L S F O R VA L U AT I O N A N D A P P R A I S A L O F E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N P O L I C Y M A K I N G
Every year, an average of four typhoons and many more storms wreak havoc on Vietnam’s coastline. A system
of sea dykes has been established behind mangroves. Rehabilitation of the mangroves protects the sea dyke
and helps avoid sea dyke maintenance expenses. Generally, the larger the mangroves stand, the more damage
costs are avoided. Mangrove stands provide a physical barrier that dissipates wave energy. They also stabilize
the sea floor and trap sediment.
In financial terms, the planning and protection of 12,000 hectares of mangroves cost Vietnam around
US$ 1.1 million. The cost of dyke maintenance, however, has been reduced by US$ 7.3 million annually. In
addition, a typhoon (Wukong) in October of 2000 damaged three northern provinces but did not damage the
dykes behind regenerated mangroves. For this reason, there were no deaths inland.
Source: Mangrove rehabilitation for coastal protection, Vietnam, TEEBcase based on World Disaster Report (see
the value of the ecosystem service in question. Two correlation between travel expenses and a site’s
common valuation methods are: value. This method uses questionnaires to determine
1. Hedonic price method: The price of a marketed who visitors are (how old they are, where they come
good relates to its services and characteristics; from); how much they spend (to get to the site, to get
2. Travel cost method: How much people are willing into the site, while they’re there); what their motivations
to spend to travel to and use a given ecosystem for visiting are; and how often they visit. This infor-
service (such as a park) reflects how much the mation is used to estimate the demand curve. The
service is worth. quantity demanded is expected to decrease as price
The hedonic price method commonly uses the real
estate market as a surrogate market. The price of a Estimating the ‘true’ cost of travel can be difficult
house with a view of the ocean is likely to cost more (should the calculation include wear and tear on cars?
than the same house with a view to a landfill site. In What costs do people actually report?) and the method
theory, the hedonic price method identifies how places a numerical value on leisure time. While most
much of a price differential is due to a specific people would agree that leisure time is inherently
environmental attribute. Once this price differential valuable, measuring it in terms of foregone income is
is determined, it is used to obtain willingness-to-pay controversial. This method has limited use beyond
for a particular environmental attribute. valuing recreational sites. It is dependent on a relatively
large data set and requires both time and complex
This method is useful when there are obvious and statistical modeling.
direct correlations between the value of a marketed
good and its surroundings. The price, however, may STATED PREFERENCE
also depend on several non environmental factors (for
example, crime rates, amenities). Hedonic valuation This method can capture cultural and spiritual values.
tends to require significant data collection, data hand- Stated preference methods evaluate people’s prefe-
ling and statistical analysis. Generally, it requires a rences and choices to determine ‘willingness-to-pay’
large sample and complex analysis to isolate and for services that are difficult to place a monetary
analyze the economic effect of a single ecological value on. Why people choose or prefer what they do
service. is complicated. Stated preference valuation, as a
consequence, is also complex. There are two broad
The travel cost method (TCM) uses data from visitors categories:
to determine the value of an area’s ecosystem ser- 1. Contingent valuation method (CVM): Respon-
vices. The underlying principle is that there is a direct dents place values on hypothetical environmental
C H A P T E R 3 · T O O L S F O R VA L U AT I O N A N D A P P R A I S A L O F E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N P O L I C Y M A K I N G
Some 200,000 divers and more than 3 million snorkelers enjoy the Hawaiian reefs every year. They pay a sub-
stantial amount to admire the state’s unique marine life, supporting a large aquatic tourist industry which benefits
the rest of the economy.
Copyrights: J. Hutsch 2006 / Wikimedia Commons
A TCM valuation study revealed that the total benefit associated with the reef
was estimated at around US$ 97 million every year.
Tourists were categorized into 14 different zones based on travel distance from
the Hawaiian coral reefs. Travel costs were estimated, considering the costs of
transportation, local expenditures, and costs related to travel time. Respondents
filled in travel and local spending amounts in the survey. To estimate the value
of costs related to travel time, a value of 1/3 of respondents’ wage was used.
Source: Recreational value of coral reefs, Hawaii, TEEBcase based on Cesar and Beukering (see
changes. For example, they are asked what they Another challenge is making sure that respondents
would be willing to pay to maintain a forested area understand what is at stake. A respondent may be
or what they would be willing to accept as com- asked to choose between a ‘nature reserve’ and
pensation for its loss. ‘grazing land,’ without knowing what the ecological
2. Choice Modeling: Respondents choose pref- differences between these choices are. Being clear
erences. Instead of determining willingness-to-pay, and avoiding jargon means that surveys are accessible.
people chose between different situations. Given
a ‘menu’ of options with differing levels of eco- Some issues to bear in mind when evaluating data
system services and differing costs, which is are:
preferred? 1. Zero Bids: If a respondent says they are willing
to pay $0, this could mean many things. It could
In contingent valuation, a detailed description of an mean they don’t think the change is valuable. It
environmental change is presented to a group of could mean they think it’s valuable, but that they
respondents who answer a series of questions. The shouldn’t be the one to pay for it (the state should
valuation attempts to ensure that the group is ‘repre- pay). It could even mean that they think it’s so
sentative’ (i.e. the characteristics of the sample – valuable that it is priceless.
gender, income, education levels etc. – is represen- 2. Exaggerated willingness-to-pay and yea-
tative of the wider population) and that certain known saying: Respondents may want to please the
biases are avoided. Biases arise because what surveyor or appear charitable. Since CVM is hypo-
happens in the ‘real’ and ‘hypothetical’ world may be thetical in nature, people may agree with questions
quite different. What a person would hypothetically regardless of content. They are, after all, only
pay to preserve a national park might be very diffe- stating what they would hypothetically pay.
rent from what a person would actually pay. The 3. Bidding format: The way the question is posed
challenge for CVM is to ensure that respondents give can influence the results, for example a one-off
realistic willingness-to-pay (or willingness-to-accept) question ‘are you willing-to-pay $x?’ versus an
estimates. open-ended question ‘How much are you willing-
C H A P T E R 3 · T O O L S F O R VA L U AT I O N A N D A P P R A I S A L O F E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N P O L I C Y M A K I N G
Box 3.4 Conservation of Asian Elephants in Sri Lanka – A contingent valuation study
Crop-raiding is a source of human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka. A CVM was conducted with 300 people
living in urban areas in Colombo to determine willingness to pay to conserve the Asian elephant.
The survey gave respondents some context (the status of the elephant and limitations to the protected
area network). The survey asked what they would be willing to contribute to a trust fund to mitigate conflict
Copyrights: Jagdeep Rajput / Sanctuary Photo Library
Source: Human-elephant conflict mitigation through insurance scheme, Sri Lanka, TEEBcase based on Bandara and Tisdell (see
Instead of stating willingness-to-pay directly, people of each set. Choice modeling requires complex data
choose their favoured option across a ‘menu’ of opti- analysis and collection.
ons, each with differing levels of ecosystem services
and differing costs. Each set has three or more PARTICIPATORY VALUATION
alternatives, one of which has a known monetary
value. Some sets may have non-monetary values Participatory valuation is often carried out after a focus
(social, cultural, spiritual). Respondents choose group exercise where stakeholders voice concerns
between different choice sets. Implicitly, as they and table issues to infer values indirectly. For in-
choose, they make trade-offs between the attributes stance, participants may be asked to use counters
There are 29 forest ecosystem reserves in Japan, including world heritage sites designated by the Forestry
Agency. The Oku-Aizu forest ecosystem reserve is the largest. However, in comparison with other forest
ecosystem reserves in Japan, its buffer zone is larger to allow for the use of forest ecosystem services by
locals (mushroom and wild plant harvesting, for example).
Choice experiments were used to estimate the economic value of Oku-Aizu forest ecosystem reserve.
A choice set consisted of three profiles (hypothetical protected area) and one status-quo scenario (keeping
things as they are). Each profile had four area attributes and one price attribute.
The data were collected through two identical surveys – a regional mail survey and a nationwide internet
survey. After analysis, the results showed a higher willingness-to-pay (US$ 89/year) for stricter protection of
the ecosystem as compared with maintaining the status quo (US$ 12/year).
Source: Valuing forests for different protection strategies, Japan, TEEBcase based on Kentaro Yoshida (see
Source: Human-elephant conflict mitigation through insurance scheme, Sri Lanka, TEEBcase based on Bandara and Tisdell (see
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As part of a wider study to support conservation of natural forests, a Participatory Environmental Valuation
(PEV) technique was used to ascertain the value of non-timber forest products (NFTP). Villagers were asked
to express the value of NTFPs in the context of their own perceptions, needs and priorities.
Villagers used rice to rank all the products extracted from the forest by placing counters on each product
harvested. The number of counters signified how important a particular product was to them. The value of
each product was then expressed relative to the value placed on rice. The wider study (which used other
data as well), concluded that NFTP were worth US$ 398 – 525/household annually.
Source: Participatory valuation of forests in subsistence economy, Lao PDR, TEEBcase based on Rosales et al. (see
(pebbles, rice) to represent the significance of certain ments might allow for inflation and exchange rates.
factors that are important to them. Some of these The least ideal implementation of a BT would be to
factors may be difficult to value using market prices use values from a previous study without adjusting
alone (security of water supply). Others may have a them. BT must be used with caution, and only to
direct market value (fuel prices, for example). provide a ‘ballpark’ estimate of value.
While determining causation is difficult, this process The following are the general steps to be followed
can elicit the significance of certain factors relative to when using benefits transfer:
others. If a respondent uses six grains of rice to 1. Identify existing similar studies;
describe impediments caused by irregularity of water 2. Examine how transferable they are. To be trans-
supply and four to describe obstacles created by ferable, the sites should have the same environ-
fuel prices, something can be inferred about the mental services and service quality. Ideally, they
significance of water security in relation to fuel prices. should be comparable in terms of the kind of
One important advantage of this methodology is that people who use them and the kinds of institutions
it can be used with respondents who are illiterate or that govern them;
not used to expressing preferences in monetary terms. 3. Screen studies to make sure they are theoretically
and methodologically robust;
BENEFITS TRANSFER 4. Adjust existing values to reflect the values of the
site under consideration – using relevant, availa-
Benefits transfer (BT) is not a methodology per se ble supplemental information.
and it includes several variations. BT uses primary
Copyrights: IUCN/Katharine Cross
C H A P T E R 3 · T O O L S F O R VA L U AT I O N A N D A P P R A I S A L O F E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N P O L I C Y M A K I N G
The total economic value of 63 million hectares of wetland around the world is estimated to be
US$ 3.4 billion per year.
A benefits transfer method was used to arrive at this estimate by extrapolating from 89 wetland studies.
Studies were screened for methodological robustness. Data were expressed in the same currency with
standardized values.
Once the value of certain kinds of wetlands was determined, a benefits transfer method was used to estimate
and predict the value of wetlands that had not been valued. The benefit function has been estimated using
the following variables: wetland type, size, location, population density and income per capita. Using the
estimated function values were transferred to approximately 3,800 wetlands around the world.
Source: The economic value of the World's wetlands, TEEBcase based on WWF (see
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PROJECT DEFINITION decline, increase or stay the same. Once this has
been determined, they evaluate the expected out-
The project’s time frame, scope and key stakeholders comes with the project.
need to be identified. A local biodiversity preservation
project may affect local, national and international If future water demand rises due to population
communities, but stakeholders that do not directly growth, a project to ‘merely’ maintain water availability
contribute (financially, legally) to the project, often fall at current levels is beneficial. Similarly, if a project
outside the project’s boundary. Typically, only costs proposes to extend the boundaries of a national park,
and benefits for agents directly involved in the project it is important to determine whether certain infra-
are considered. structures (such as warden’s offices and toilet facili-
ties) are sufficient. Some costs may already be
Analysts ask ‘What will happen with or without the covered by other budgets. Only additional costs
project or policy?’ In other words, what’s the outcome should be inputted into a CBA.
‘with’ the project, and what’s the outcome ‘without’
it? This is called the ‘with-minus-without’ principle. CLASSIFICATION OF IMPACTS
Analysts need to know which costs and benefits
stem from the project, and which ones would have The next stage identifies the incremental costs and
occurred anyway. If the proposed project addresses benefits that are expected to occur and when they
freshwater supply, analysts determine if freshwater are likely to occur.
supply, under current conditions, is expected to
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Biases at this stage can lead to inflated cost pro- While hotly debated, morbidity and mortality may
jections. Regulated costs may overstate the cost of be included at this stage. Certain projects and poli-
compliance because these are privately borne (by cies directly impact human lives and rate of injury.
firms, industry) while social benefits are publicly Conversion of a wilderness space for a mining ope-
borne. Industry also has little incentive to report ration, for example, may create a risk of injury or
under-estimation of incurred costs or reduced over- death to miners. The mine itself may pose health risks
head from improved technologies. for nearby communities if the mine disperses toxins
directly or indirectly.
Benefits can also be measured in terms of ‘avoided
costs.’ A key benefit of installing solar power cells is DISCOUNTING
avoiding greenhouse gas emissions. Benefits might
be measured in terms of the avoidance of biodiversity Discounting describes the practice of placing more
loss, or maintaining access to clean water. Costs and value on immediate costs or benefits as compared
benefits also include non-environmental factors; with those that occur in the future. People tend to
re-establishing a wetland for flood protection involves value future costs and benefits less than immediate
paying laborers, and buying raw materials. ones; when stakeholders are asked why they choose
overexploitation (harvesting timber at a rate higher
• The choice of discount rate affects how future costs and benefits are valued in terms of present values
(‘today’s money’).
• In some cases, interest rates are used. The opportunity cost of capital, as measured by the interest
rate needed to fund the project or policy, is used to determine the discount rate.
• The Stern Review of Climate Change argues for a differential rate to be applied for climate change.
This may be an appropriate benchmark for the conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity if such
conservation has a long-term impact.
• There are good reasons to use lower discount rates (1-4%) for projects affecting natural capital as we
can not assume we will have more of this resource available in the future.
• If people are very poor, immediate needs may be so pressing that higher discount rates may be appropriate.
• Primary extractive industries (agriculture, forestry and fisheries) might have low rates of return
compared to other industries, causing them to fail a CBA test if a high discount rate is applied.
(see TEEB 2008; TEEB Foundations 2010, Chapter 6)
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than the growth rate), they respond that they do so SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS
in order to meet immediate needs.
Estimations, and thus uncertainties, pervade CBA
A CBA attempts to find an appropriate, consistently frameworks. Some would argue that the potential
applied, discount rate – a means of converting costs for error is increased when non-market goods are
and benefits that occur at different times in the study monetized. Assuming that a policy maker has opted
period into ‘present value-equivalents’, i.e. what they to monetize ecosystem services, the key question
are ‘worth’ to us were they to occur today. Discoun- for the policy maker is: how do I ensure my num-
ting is routinely applied but has a big impact. For bers are as accurate as possible? Certain steps
example, a US$ 1000 cost or benefit incurred in must be built into the analysis to test the extent to
20 years time is equivalent to around US$ 150 today, which the outcome depends on the figures used.
if we apply a 10% discount rate. In purely mechanical This is called sensitivity analysis.
terms, discounting is the inverse of compound
interest: If I place US$ 150 in a bank today and earn Essentially, at this stage, analysts assess the
10% interest per year then I will have around robustness of the analysis. They make changes
US$ 1000 in 20 years time. to key variables to see the effect of these changes.
For example, if a strong NPV outcome depends on
OVERALL POLICY OR PROJECT an estimate that is imprecise or uncertain, the CBA
APPRAISAL is more sensitive to error. This observation triggers
caution, highlighting a potential need for further
There are two standard ways in which a project or po- research. If the CBA relies on data collected through
licy might be evaluated using CBA: Net Present a less robust method, the conclusions are also
Value (NPV) and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). sensitive to error. While uncertainty always exists
in the realm of hypothesis and estimation, the
Net present value expresses all costs and benefits greatest amount of certainty is optimal.
in terms of ‘today’s money.’ In mathematical terms,
this is the sum of the discounted benefits minus the CRITICISMS OF COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS
sum of the discounted costs. The theory is that if the
NPV is positive, the project or policy is expected to While there is a strong rationale for applying CBA in
improve social welfare. an environmental context, there are criticisms. These
are valid but we would argue that they do not consti-
The internal rate of return tells us the ‘return on tute a reason to not apply the framework. They
investment.’ In situations where funding is limited, this should prompt caution, transparency and analytical
can be a useful complementary performance indicator rigor. Criticism reminds analysts to document as-
alongside NPV. (IRR is the discount rate that brings sumptions, rationales and known limitations meticu-
the NPV to 0.) IRR and NPV can both be calculated in lously. Below is a list of common criticisms:
Excel or equivalent spreadsheet programs. Neither 1. There is uncertainty and inaccuracy in estimation,
measure, however, tells us anything about the distri- especially with benefits such as →‘resilience.’
bution of beneficiaries and losers. For this reason, it is 2. CBA does not generally consider the distribution
possible to apply a further step in the CBA to capture of winners and losers.
the distribution of winners and losers. This is called 3. Discounting presumes that we value costs and
a social CBA. A social CBA can help to plot who benefits that occur today more than those that
benefits most and who benefits least. occur in the future.
4. It is difficult (or impossible) to apply CBA in situa-
Supposing that two projects A and B have different be- tions where there is an irreversible change, such as
nefits and costs to the rich and the poor. Using social species extinction.
CBA one could choose between the projects by using 5. CBA is only as transparent and objective as its
various distributional weights to the rich and the poor. practitioners make it. Since the methodology is
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Marine ecosystems contribute to approximately two-thirds of global ecosystem services (Costanza et al.
1997). Recent studies report that the cumulative impact of widespread human activity on these ecosystems
is likely to cause a decline in many of the ecosystem provisions that human beings rely on (Halpern et al. 2008).
In response, a number of national marine conservation agendas are emerging. In the UK, legislation (the UK
Marine and Coastal Access Bill, 2009) has designated a network of marine protected areas. The government
used a CBA to test which sites would be designated as Marine Conservation Zones (MCZ). It also used
previously published studies (benefits transfer) to make estimates.
Two separate studies were commissioned, one to assess the benefits of implementation, and one to
address the costs (
The analysis made predications about the impact of humans on marine ecosystems over time and
considered measures already in place to mitigate these impacts (the with-minus-without condition). They
evaluated the expected impacts of these measures in order to make sure that the proposed measures
would not duplicate protection measures already underway.
Current measures were 3 statutory marine nature reserves, 76 Special Areas of Conservation (for marine
habitats and species) and 72 Special Protection Areas (marine habitats for birds).
Application of discounting
A standard discount rate of 3.5% was applied to both cost and benefit estimates. Choosing the same
discount rate is a requirement of the UK Impact Assessment guidelines, and a common procedure for many
OECD countries.
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The cost estimate relied on secondary data and interviews with affected stakeholders. Six industrial sectors
were considered: marine aggregates extraction; cables (telecommunications and power); renewable energy
(offshore wind, wave, tidal); oil and gas; fisheries; and recreation. Estimates were also made for administration
costs to the voluntary and non-profit sector. While costs are voluntarily borne by such institutions, the
argument for placing a monetary value on voluntary services is that, without these sectors, the government
(in effect, society) would bear these costs. The PV of costs ranged between US$ 0.6 to US$ 1.9 billion.
The net present value (NPV) is thus at least US$ 14.5 billion.
A cost-benefit analysis was a significant factor in creating legislation (the formation of the UK Marine and
Coastal Access Bill). Using the ecosystem perspective was useful in terms of justifying conservation on eco-
nomic grounds. It also demonstrated that the cost-benefit ratio of marine conservation in this case was 10:1.
presented as being objective, the outcomes are CEA is especially useful when decision makers are
perhaps less likely to be challenged than ‘softer,’ legally obliged to meet a broad policy objective. For
more qualitative evaluations. example, following the Rio Earth Summit (1992), local
6. Estimating the monetary worth of a human being policy makers in the UK were required to implement
(in disaster mitigation, for example) is controversial. Agenda 21, a sustainable development agenda (see
Chapter 4). Using CEA helped them determine the
COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS (CEA) most economical ways to implement changes to
meet new legislation. It is possible, in the future, that
CEA is linked to CBA. It is a decision-support tool for as climate change concerns are translated into law,
policy appraisal. Unlike CBA, this analysis does not more policy makers will make use of CEA. Rather than
evaluate benefits. It evaluates the costs of implemen- having to decide whether biodiversity or conservation
ting a given plan. CEA is useful in circumstances agendas should be considered, the main concern
where a policy decision has been made but several may shift to determining which options most cost-
implementation options exist. effectively meet biodiversity and conservation targets.
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The dilemma: The Maasai people, who have had access to Lake Naivasha (Kenya) for centuries, are now unable
to access it due to the development of agriculture around the lake’s border. The Maasai argue that their cattle
should be able to use the water for spiritual reasons and that they are entitled to lake access for fresh water. While
providing bore holes might solve the issue of freshwater availability, this would not address the spiritual concerns
of the Maasai. There are a range of consultative appraisal approaches a policy maker might choose to employ to
understand different stakeholder concerns and explore solutions.
Questionnaires are often the main survey instrument for both monetary and non-monetary techniques.
A well-designed questionnaire paints a clear picture of the local context for proposed changes. They glean both
quantitative and qualitative information from people. Structured questionnaires record respondents’ perceptions, at-
titudes, experiences or expectations. They can be filled out on the phone, by post, using the internet or face to face.
Semi structured, narrative or in-depth interviews are typically carried out face-to-face. This method is flexible,
allowing the interviewer to pursue lines of questioning in response to the answers they receive. This method of
determining different stakeholder viewpoints is especially useful in contexts where there are conflicts created by a
diversity of views and the interviewer needs to establish the source of the disagreement.
Farmers organized in the Lake Naivasha Riparian Association and the Maasai community could be given
questionnaires designed to ascertain key governance issues, identify water access changes that both groups might
agree to, identify costs, compensation opportunities and usage patterns. Semi-structured interviews could provide
a platform for industry and Maasai representatives to voice concerns and make comments.
Focus groups aim to elicit the positions of participants regarding a pre-defined issue or idea. Focus groups are useful
for gaining insight about institutional linkages and relationships as well as identifying spiritual and cultural values.
In some cases it may help to have separate focus group sessions with opposing parties, in this case industry and
Maasai, so that differences of opinion within each party can be discussed. Once internal differences have been clarified,
parties are in a better position to negotiate with each other (perhaps facilitated or mediated by an outside person).
Citizen’s juries are a means to obtain carefully deliberated and informed opinions of the public regarding
an issue or alternative proposals. Experts and stakeholders present evidence and answer questions – the jury
(usually composed of citizens) then deliberates and come to a view.
A citizen's juries could be formed to hear the position of the Maasai presented by NGO and advocacy groups,
along with views from hydrologists, industry bodies and local government and national government. Document
findings and reasons for decision taken by the jury.
Participatory appraisal creates a platform for local and indigenous knowledge and circumstances to play a
role in decision making, facilitating the involvement of stakeholders from an early stage, ideally making it possible
for stakeholders to perform appraisal, analysis and develop plans that are relevant to their community or
jurisdiction. It offers a large array of tools explained below.
Participatory appraisal could involve asking Maasai representatives to map the lake, identifying key areas of
spiritual or community significance.
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Q-methodology aims to determine the nature of individual relationships to and perceptions of environmental
problems and solutions. In the first step, large sets of statements regarding specific issues are identified.
Secondly, a smaller number of statements are selected from the larger set (usually 20-50). They are sorted
according to what participants identify as least and most important. The data is then statistically analyzed.
Both stakeholder groups could be asked to clarify their concerns. Agribusiness may raise concerns that
changes in land access might lead to job-loss, inefficiency and crop damage. The Maasai might assert that
they have ownership rights to the water. Analysts could ask each group to rank their views. These views could
be sorted for significance. This method may unveil unanticipated ‘clusters’ of both problems and solutions.
Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) can help structure decisions characterized by trade-offs between conflicting
objectives, interests, and values. MCA is particularly useful when stakeholders identify non-negotiable outcome
(explained below)
Delphi surveys do not directly appraise stakeholder views. A set of experts is selected to make group
judgments. This is particularly useful when existing knowledge is limited. This is an iterative process, involving
a series of deliberations.
Hydrologists, engineers and advocacy groups may be asked to provide expertise. This expertise can be used
to reach a solution or compromise that is technically and socially feasible.
Adapted from Christie 2008
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PARTICIPATORY MAPPING AND TRANSECT WALKING or a decision maker through a study area identifying
(for example) natural resources, soil-types and vegeta-
Participatory maps differ from conventional maps. tion, farming practices, ecological patterns. Transect
Stakeholders are requested to indicate resource walks can help cross-reference and verify information
availability, boundaries around services (education, on participatory maps. They can also highlight services
resources, health), or opportunities and conflicts that not indicated on the maps and how resource availa-
are relevant to their circumstances. These maps help bility has changed over time (indicating previous forest
to illustrate many things: where cultural activities take cover or river flow). Transect walks also create a social
place; where resources are and who manages or uses space – while walking, stakeholders may bring up new
them; how availabilities have changed over time, and discussion points and ideas that may be useful in
a host of data around people’s perceptions regarding further policy related discussion.
their geography.
Differences between maps drawn by people sharing
the same community and resources can help clarify The concept behind Venn diagrams is that issues and
key sources of conflict. The facilitator may ask partici- services are interconnected. A Venn diagram attempts
pants to debate differences as well as help determine to draw-up a holistic view on a given situation – linking
what needs to be included and excluded in the maps. sequences, causes and effects. In theory, seeing the
Several participatory maps can be converged/super- relationships between issues can help elicit solutions.
imposed on one another to get a sense of how
different issues and boundaries overlap and interrelate. The diagram below illustrates that both seasonal
migrants and permanent villagers make bamboo
Transect walks can aid in the process of knowledge baskets. People from both Village 1 and 2 participate
exchange and engagement. Villagers guide a facilitator in forest labor cooperatives while the migrant workers
Source: adapted from Participatory Rural Appraisal for Community Forest Management. Tools and Techniques.
Asia Forest Network (
C H A P T E R 3 · T O O L S F O R VA L U AT I O N A N D A P P R A I S A L O F E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N P O L I C Y M A K I N G
do not. In terms of ecosystem services provision, the Direct matrix: A list of services or priorities is given to
Venn diagram may identify sources of resource conflict. a participant who gives each item a numerical value
If the seasonal migrants extract resources for basket- (out of ten, out of 100 etc.).
making without participating in the cooperative, tension Splitting a total: Participants are given a fixed number
may arise between the migrants and the people in both of tokens (10, 100 etc.) that they can assign to a variety
Village 1 and Village 2. This diagram could also be of choices. A person may choose to assign all tokens
expanded to encompass governance and property to a given attribute or divide their tokens. The partici-
rights, effects of services on livelihoods, and how eco- pant assigns as much or as little value to the items as
system services are shared. he or she deems appropriate.
Ecosystems and the services they deliver change The strengths of Participatory Appraisal are that it is
seasonally and over time. Seasonal changes take flexible, adaptable and can capture (quantitatively and
place over the course of a year. Trends may take place qualitatively) a range of data types and levels of infor-
over a much longer period of time. mation from individuals, households, communities and
industry. This approach can assist with sketching out
Seasonal calendars show annual schedules of activity issues related to or underlying conflict and resource
and variation. This calendar may provide an overview use in a relative short period of time (usually between
of harvesting activity and the availability of certain 3-21 days). Significantly, the knowledge and skills of
resources at certain times of year. Seasonal calendars local people are used to understand situations and
allow for the inclusion of many cultural and socio-eco- systems in a local context. Not only can this ‘shed light’
nomic factors in an analysis of the interrelationship be- on why things work they way they do, but it can also
tween people and their environment. They can serve to give people autonomy over their own resour-
highlight certain activities that take place at certain ces. This has significant implications for improved local
times of year. Overharvesting of fish, irrigation, the governance and project and resource management.
dependence on wild food and human-wildlife con-
flicts often take place at a predictable moment in the In addition, while Participatory Appraisal need not in-
passage of the seasons. volve the monetization of environmental values, certain
proposed changes may have direct or indirect market
Trend analysis aims to ascertain how services have value. It can be used as a source of information for
changed (such as water availability) in a community other valuation analyses.
over the years. Participants identify and prioritize (per-
haps using counters) the most significant changes that Like any framework, Participatory Appraisal also has
have affected their community. Both tools are particu- limitations. It is location and context-specific. In effect,
larly useful in analyzing the importance of ecosystem this means that results are not easily transferable to
services for livelihoods (see Chapter 2). other settings. In addition, while many government
bodies welcome participation and for some decisions
RANKING it is even mandatory, some governments may limit the
ability for their constituents to voice their perspectives.
This technique gives stakeholders an opportunity to The robustness of the results depends on the selection
prioritize their preferences. Possible changes are iden- of the participants. Typical biases include: who is in the
tified, quantified and compared to alternatives. Options room? Who is allowed to/dares to make a statement?
for ranking are: Inhabitants of remote areas, minority groups, young
Pair-wise: Two items or attributes are compared. The people or women might not be in a position to voice
participant identifies which service (or combination of their concerns. This method of appraisal also comes
services) is of greater significance. with high expectations on the part of the community.
C H A P T E R 3 · T O O L S F O R VA L U AT I O N A N D A P P R A I S A L O F E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N P O L I C Y M A K I N G
For this reason, it is generally important that the goals MCA, like CBA, is useful for establishing scope, con-
and the objectives of the appraisal are made clear from text and options appraisal. Completed analyses also
the outset in order to avoid the risk of disappointment translate human assumptions and values into a reada-
regarding unmet expectations. ble format, indicating which alternatives carry the most
weight (socially, economically etc).
MCA has three (broad) phases with subsections:
Our final focus in this chapter is on MCA. This method 1. Problem structuring: Identifying the objectives,
requires the application of statistical expertise and criteria and options for a project. Who and what is
often complements a CBA, particularly in situations involved – and how?
where a decision involves implications that are difficult 2. Analysis: Analysts look at all the data gathered in
to monetize or even quantify. MCA is a decision-ma- the first stage and organize it. What are the most
king tool that allows decision makers to include a full important issues? What are the different options and
range of social, environmental, technical, econo- solutions? What are the ramifications of different actions?
mic and financial criteria in their decision making. 3. Judgment: All of the solutions are evaluated,
While CBA focuses on economic efficiency, an MCA checked for sensitivity and a choice is made about
can evaluate a project based on values expressed in the best plan or policy.
different terms.
This section will go through each phase of an MCA,
MCA may differ from CBA in terms of appraising the using a case study to guide the reader through the
same agro-forestry venture, for example. Such a venture process.
would affect (either positively or negatively) the flow of
ecosystem services to local people. This, in turn, could The Nairobi River Basin in Kenya faces high levels of
affect livelihoods. An analysis of costs and benefits degradation and it provides a number of ecosystem
would assign all services a monetary value to capture services to a wide range of people – farmers, resi-
the services’ value. Under MCA, the decision maker (or dential property owners, large scale industry and
consulted stakeholders) would determine how impor- smaller enterprises. The diverse group of people that
tant each service is relative to other services. Central to benefit from it often have different and conflicting
the framework of MCA is the concept of ‘trade-offs.’ The objectives concerning its management. The catchment
applications of MCA are vast in both scope and type. areas of the main rivers are wetlands (Ondiri swamp)
C H A P T E R 3 · T O O L S F O R VA L U AT I O N A N D A P P R A I S A L O F E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N P O L I C Y M A K I N G
or forest (the Dagoretti forest). While the stakeholders Identifying criteria is followed by an analysis of the
have a diversity of objectives, all of them, in one way impacts of various actions. These estimates can
or another, benefit from the catchment areas. An MCA be made quantitatively or qualitatively (using ‘per-
was used to find a compromise and create a land- formance’ and ‘effects’ matrices). Rows in a matrix
use policy that harmonized a diversity of interests – represent options and columns represent each
land tenure, legalities, administration, institutional and option’s performance under the proposed criterion.
other land use needs (TEEBcase Multi-Criteria-Analysis Impacts can be presented in various ways – numeri-
for resolving conflicting river basin uses, based on cally, in bulleted lists or with color coded charts.
Makathimo and Guthiga).
In the Nairobi River Basin, all criteria were measured
PHASE 1 PROBLEM STRUCTURING using the same set of indicators. The criteria were as
follows: domestic water supply; water for irrigation;
The first stage involves establishing the decision water for livestock; commercial water supply; recrea-
context. Analysts identify governance issues, ascertain tional services; and waste disposal (dumping).
who the affected stakeholders are and identify various
appraisal options. Stakeholders might include policy PHASE 2 ANALYSIS
makers, planners, local administrators, organizations,
and both commercial and subsistence users of a Ranking involves learning more from experts and
natural resources. stakeholders about the relative importance of each
criterion. The views, priorities and expertise of stake-
In the case of the Nairobi River Basin, the goal of the holders are given weight. Experts may be asked to
program was to improve the management of the basin. rank various criteria on a scale of 1 to 10 (cardinal
In order to do this, management options appraisal ranking), or in terms of importance (ordinal ranking).
were identified:
1. Strict protection of land close to water (riparian zone In the Nairobi River Basin, the performance matrix
and catchment areas); was calculated based on responses from stakeholder
2. Regulating land use (introducing extraction permits); interviews. 141 people (53% farmers, 30% commercial
3. Not making any changes (open access). users, 17% residential users) ranked the river’s attri-
butes in perceived order of importance.
Under the first option, strict protection, a riparian
reserve would be created. Individuals would not be After the importance of the criteria has been establis-
allowed to extract resources from the river. In the hed, it is necessary to transform the criteria into
second, regulated use would entail establishing regu- common measurable units. There are various
lations and fees for extracting river resources. Direct approaches. This is a technical, statistical issue which
extractive uses would be enhanced, while uses that re- we do not pursue further here. Further details can be
duced water quality would be prohibited or minimized. found below in ‘for further information’.
The third and final option would value all methods of
extraction equally. Each stakeholder would be free to Once all of the criteria have been weighted and given
extract from the river without regulations, restrictions a common measurable unit, the overall performance
or fees. of each option is assessed and scored. Analysts are
interested in finding out how well the options perform
After all of the options are defined, the relevant criteria relative to one another. There are many ways to do this
for decision making are identified. This can include such as creating a weighted average, an analytical
costs, benefits as well as qualitative criteria. Criteria can hierarchy and compromise programming. Again, we
be grouped into economic, social and environmental do not present further details here as most of these
categories or arranged hierarchically. In the case of the processes are statistically complicated. There is also
Nairobi River Basin, analysts chose to focus on econo- the option of not aggregating, called multi-criteria
mic viability, social acceptability and ecological health. mapping. This allows the options to be illustrated
C H A P T E R 3 · T O O L S F O R VA L U AT I O N A N D A P P R A I S A L O F E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N P O L I C Y M A K I N G
Please note that in scenario ‘total protection’ all values are weighted equal.
Source: TEEBcase Multi criteria analysis for resolving conflicting river basin uses, Kenya. (see
and leaves it to the stakeholders or policy makers to As the case in Kenya demonstrates, an MCA allows
decide on ranking. for the combination of divergent interests and
methods. It can be a very useful decision-support
Judgment and overall appraisal is the final step. The tool in complex situations. It does not require that
best option is selected based on scores and a sensi- every value receives a monetary weight, and can
tivity analysis. thus in-corporate social issues, cultural and spiritual
values. It can more easily incorporate different aspects
In the Nairobi River Basin, the option for regulated use in the analysis than CBA. Yet, MCA also has limita-
emerged as the most preferred type of river manage- tions. It relies on the judgment of stakeholders and
ment. 75% of respondents preferred this option. The experts; results may therefore not be representative.
MCA made it possible for the conflicting preferences CBA, if price distortions are adjusted, is more appro-
of a variety of stakeholders to enter the same analysis. priate to determine cost-effectiveness.
Importantly, a solution that satisfied the majority of
interests was reached.
C H A P T E R 3 · T O O L S F O R VA L U AT I O N A N D A P P R A I S A L O F E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N P O L I C Y M A K I N G
economically-feasible protected areas. Take the follo- • The purpose of valuation determines which method
wing aspects into account: is most appropriate. Consider the options based on
who the end-users of the analysis will be, who the
• Consider whether valuation might be used as an affected stakeholders are, and what resources are
input to your decision at local level, even if it is available.
partial and does not cover all ecosystem services. • Apply as much rigor to estimating qualitative
• Use the section on valuation to filter your options changes as quantitative ones – they should be well-
and find how-to manuals in 'for further information' researched and ‘grounded’.
below. • Be aware of subjectivity in your analysis and be
• Valuation fits into both the conventional economic transparent in setting out the assumptions made.
decision-making framework of Cost-Benefit Analy- • Always carry out a sensitivity analysis to determine
sis and also in alternatives such as Multi-Criteria how sensitive your results are to changes in certain
approaches. variables.
SCBD (2001) The Value of Forest Ecosystems (CBD Technical On his website Andy Stirling introduces his interactive appraisal
Series, no. 4). This report highlights the multiple values of forest technique of multi-criteria mapping. General Information and
and points out causes of forest loss. software tools are available at
Participatory Rural Appraisal
Barbier et al. (1997) Economic Valuation of Wetlands, a guide The Participatory Learning and Action website provides
for policy makers and planners. The handbook provides an extensive resources on participatory rural appraisal. www.
introduction to wetland valuation, presents 6 case studies
and illustrates – step-by-step – how to conduct a valuation. Partners for Development (2000) Field Manual for Participatory
valuation_of_wetlands.pdf Rural Appraisal. This manual provides a chronological intro-
duction to Participatory Rural Appraisal and explains the PRA
Bann (2003) The Economic Valuation of Mangroves: A Manual toolkit more detailed.
for Researchers. This academic how-to guide points out how FullDoc-PRA%20Field%20Manual-ENG.pdf
PA R T I I I · T H E P R A C T I C E
How do we translate what we’ve learned about the undesirable actions and tax breaks given to compa-
value of ecosystem services into effective policy nies whose practices are more ecologically sustaina-
action? There are many options for doing this – in ble. Other options include legal frameworks for
nearly every field of policy making. TEEB discusses in payments for ecosystem services schemes and the
two reports these options and shows examples of reform of harmful subsidies. Finally, governments can
successful policies that incorporate the value of directly invest in maintaining and restoring natural
nature: the TEEB Report for National and International capital.
Policy Makers and this one, TEEB for Local and Re-
gional Policy Makers. What might be the responsibility TEEB for Local and Regional Policy Makers: The
of the national government in one country may be ma- following six chapters in this volume (see Figure 2)
naged regionally in another. For this reason, regional explore options that are typically the responsibility of
level policy makers may wish to refer to both TEEB decision makers at sub-national levels. We present,
volumes to address the particularities of their situation. as outlined in the diagram below.
(available at
Chapter 4 examines public management and includes
The TEEB Report for National and International Po- a look at the provision of municipal services and public
licy Makers focuses on several themes for policy ac- procurement. Chapter 5 focuses on sector policies
tion: In the first place, governments can reform that concern natural resources (agriculture, forestry,
accounting systems to better reflect nature’s benefits fisheries, tourism) and disaster management. Chapter
through adequate indicators in national accounts. The 6 covers planning, from spatial planning to the plan-
obvious way to capture the value of ecosystem ser- ning of projects and policies. Chapter 7 directs atten-
vices is for government to regulate. Government can tion to the relevance of protected areas for local
forbid, restrict and reward certain actions. Polluters can authorities, outlining both their role and management
be made liable for damages caused. In addition, options. Chapters 8 and 9 present options for using
fiscal policy can be adjusted, with taxes levied on market-based instruments at the local level.
Opportunities for integrating ecosystem services and biodiversity into local and regional policy
PA R T I I I · T H E P R A C T I C E
Key Messages
• Cities depend on nature. Many essential services provided by local governments depend on and
impact the ecosystems around them, either nearby or further afield.
• Nature is good for your budget. Local authorities oversee many crucial public management
processes. Using an ecosystem services approach can provide cost-effective solutions to municipal
service provisioning, such as land use, water and waste management.
• Take less, get more. Increasing urbanization puts pressure on ecosystems and biodiversity. City
managers have the potential to shift to a resource-efficient and low-carbon future by influencing modes
of production, procurement and incentive policies, and consumption patterns.
• There are many ways to make a difference. Local government can act as a role model. It can
promote and set incentives and it can improve regulation. They can take initiative in many key areas –
urban greening, housing, land-use, urban sprawl, solid waste and waste-water treatment, water supply,
energy supply and transport.
• Integration is key. Using an integrated management approach to deliver ecosystem-dependent
services is likely to be most effective. The ecoBUDGET tool has been designed to enable the integration
of ecosystem services into decision-making.
“For too long, we have been of the opinion that there were only two types of capital
for development – financial and human capital, the latter being knowledge, skills,
creativity and education. We have been living in the illusion that there is nothing
like environmental or natural capital, and that we could use the environment, the
environmental capital free of charge. Only now, we can clearly see that this idea is no
longer carrying and not allowing for development processes, too. We have overspent
more than 60 percent of the ecosystem services available, as we luxuriously live
based on economic growth without reinvesting in the natural capital stock.”
Klaus Töpfer, Immediate past Executive Director UNEP, cited in UN-HABITAT et al. 2008
→Public management is defined as the processes and This chapter provides an overview of how local
procedures used to ensure that public and govern- governments can improve their performance, service
mental institutions providing public services fulfill all delivery and citizens’ well-being by taking into account
their goals and obligations to promote citizens’ well- →ecosystem services in public management. It high-
being and to manage the →resources available (UNEP lights the benefits of the ecosystem services
et al. 2001). approach (4.1); describes the increasing pressures
on ecosystems in a rapidly urbanizing world whilst
For the purpose of this chapter, focus will be put on exploring the potential of urban areas to more
local governments, although in many countries, a efficiently manage resources (4.2). Local govern-
higher level of government (province or state) has more ments’ options to act as linked to ecosystem services
influence on certain areas of public management. are discussed (4.3) and tools for integrating ecosystem
Political parties may differ in the way they address local services into public management through an integra-
governance, with some mandates resting at Ministry ted management approach using ecoBUDGET as
level, but overall, there is a clear trend towards growing an example are presented (4.4).
decentralization and local capacity building (‘localiza-
tion’ of mandates).
delivery, and foster economic prosperity in the area – Biodiversity Index (Box 4.7).
often without reinvesting in nature.
• Reducing public management costs – local
Through public management interventions, local governments work with limited budgets and need
governments can diminish, maintain, or increase the to find the most cost effective solutions to provide
provision of ecosystem services in their administrative their municipal services. Some services (see
area. Assessing ecosystem services and the bene- section 4.2), such as water supply and water
fits they provide in public management is an im- treatment, are highly dependent on healthy eco-
portant step to identify cost-effective management systems. Investment in natural capital and ecosys-
options. Such assessments can help to identify inter- tem-based approaches, for example, green infra-
ventions aiming at (re-)investing, maintaining and structure, can be cost-effective, when compared
restoring natural capital and the ecosystem services it with man-made solutions. Water treatment (Box 4.1 쏟
provides that will pay off and help decision makers and TEEBcase Water fund for catchment manage-
improve local wellbeing. Ideally, a municipality should ment, Ecuador) flood protection, climate regulation
base its development and the wellbeing of its citizens’ are some obvious examples.
on its own, local resources, hence decreasing its
dependence on those further away. Benefits of an eco- • Fostering economic growth in the area – by
system services based approach to public manage- emphasizing local ecosystem services and devel-
ment include: oping policies to support them, local governments
can sustainably enhance these services and foster
• Enhancing citizens’ quality of life in urban areas economic prosperity. A healthy and safe envi-
– a city with a healthy environment provides a higher ronment is likely to attract business and industry with
quality of life for its citizens. Locally generated its commensurate job opportunities and wealth
ecosystem services, such as air filtration, micro- creation. The beverage industry, for example,
climate regulation, noise reduction, rainwater depends on the supply of freshwater. Agribusiness
drainage, sewage treatment, and recreational and relies on nature’s pollination, pest control, and 쏟
cultural services, have a substantial impact on erosion control services while the tourism industry
→human well-being in urban areas (Bolund and benefits from this ecosystem’s recreational value. 쏟
Hunhammar 1999). By developing strategies (in →Ecotourism is a fast-growing sector which gene-
urban planning, housing, transport) for maintaining rates significant employment and opportunities for
or enhancing local ecosystems to provide services local development (see Chapter 5 Section 4). 쏟
in urban areas, local governments can also safeguard Building green infrastructure (green roofs, green
the environment for future generations, and profile spaces) will provide jobs as well as improve air
their city as a sustainable one. Examples include filtration, CO2 sequestration and energy saving. 쏟
the Toronto Green Belt (TEEBcase Economic value Växjö, Sweden has been successful in sustainably
of Toronto’s Greenbelt, Canada), a whole variety of managing its ecosystems and fostering growth
green planting initiatives (Box 4.5) or Singapore (see Box 4.9).
The Nakivubo Swamp in Uganda provides not only wastewater purification of Kampala’s sewage but also
nutrient retention. The results of an economic evaluation comparing this natural effect with manmade
solutions showed a high economic value between US$ 1 million and US$ 1.75 million a year, depending
on the economic analysis method used. Furthermore, the Wetlands Inspectorate Division and IUCN
showed that a sewage treatment plant would cost over US$ 2 million to maintain each year. Not only
was the cost of expanding the sewage treatment plant greater than the value of the wetland, there were
associated costs to livelihoods.
Source: Protected wetland for securing wastewater treatment, Uganda. TEEBcase based mainly on Lucy Emerton et al. (see
• Reducing poverty – there is a clear connection areas. Examples exist from the timber industry and
between livelihoods and ecosystems, which in the forest management in Brazil: in order to deal with
case of the poor is even more direct. Natural its ecological footprint, the city of Sao Paulo has
resources are a basic source of their income adopted a policy about using certified timber which
generation. Enhancing local ecosystem services can is having an immediate positive impact on the
help reduce poverty and provide the basic needs of Amazonas. Aichi Prefecture, Japan, has established
citizens. In rural areas the poor rely directly on a tap water fee in order to pay for sustainable forest
ecosystems for food, water and fuel. Though less management practices (TEEBcase Water fee for
pronounced, the same holds true for many cities. forest management, Japan).
Moshi in Tanzania, is introducing energy efficient
stoves to save the forest on the slopes of Mount • Becoming a political frontrunner – local gov-
Kilimanjaro. Nature in cities can also offer income ernment pioneers get recognition. Cities that have
opportunities: local people in South Africa have been proactive in protecting their ecosystems and
been trained to manage Pilanesburg National Park, halting biodiversity loss are internationally
쏟 which, with its unique wild-life, is also a tourist renowned (Boxes 4.3 and 4.6).
Box 4.3 Cities taking part in Local Action
쏟 for Biodiversity (LAB) initiative
• Protecting against environmental disasters – a
range of ecosystems act as important buffers for
With the aim of strengthening biodiversity ma-
natural hazards, mitigating the damage caused by
nagement 21 pioneering local governments from
extreme events such as floods, droughts and land-
around the world piloted LAB. Between 2006 and
slides. These events are increasing in intensity, as
2009, they took part in a coordinated process
well as frequency, due to climate change (see
of biodiversity assessment, planning and imple-
Chapter 5.5 and Box 6.5). There is an increasing
mentation. This was underpinned by political
number of examples. Kumamoto City, Japan, for
commitment through the signing of the internatio-
instance, has established a payment scheme for
nally-recognized Durban Commitment. The LAB
returning ‘used’ groundwater by flooding agricultural
initiative represents a partnership between ICLEI –
land between crop cultivation periods (TEEBcase
Local Governments for Sustainability and IUCN –
Payments for ground water recharge, Japan). Another
the International Union for Conservation of
interesting example of ecosystem based climate
adaptation comes from Mumbai, India (Box 4.2).
Source: Local Action for Biodiversity,
Box 4.2 Flood mitigation in Mumbai, India
“The global effort for sustainability will be won, or lost, in the world’s cities, where
urban design may influence over 70 percent of people’s Ecological Footprint. High-
Footprint cities can reduce this demand on ecosystem services and natural capital
greatly with existing technology. Many of these savings also cut costs and make
cities more liveable.”
Wackernagel et al. 2006
Cities are growing in size, population and economic patterns into the surface area needed to sustain the
power. More than half of humanity lives in cities, urban consumption, strives to present an indication
which occupy only 2% of the world’s land of this phenomenon. Many cities’ Ecological Footprint
surface, yet are responsible for 75% of the greatly exceeds their territory. In Greater London,
world’s natural resources consumed, and waste the Ecological Footprint was 49 million ha at the
produced (Klein Goldewijk and Van Drecht 2006 in Millennium, which is 42 times its biocapacity and 293
OECD 2008). This trend of global urbanization is times its geographical area (IWM 2002). Cities in
increasing and within the next two decades, 60% of developing countries will increasingly face similar
the world’s population will reside in urban areas challenges: Lagos, Bangkok, Guayaquil are following
(UN-DESA 2007; UN-DESA 2008). this trend already.
In this scenario, decision makers in developing Cities deplete natural resources such as forests,
countries may play an even more critical role than their agricultural land, water, air to provide for con-
counterparts in developed ones, when it comes to sumption needs of their inhabitants, as well as
sustainable use of ecosystem services and biodiversity demands for municipal infrastructure developments,
for development. There are two reasons for this: a) purchasing decisions and service delivery. According
93% of urbanization is expected to occur in devel- to OECD and IEA (2008), cities globally consume
oping countries (UNFPA 2007) and b) although often 67% of energy and at the same time emit 70% of
aware of biodiversity issues, municipalities in the South greenhouse gases (Figure 4.1). Waste, pollution, and
may be more constrained than their Northern coun- emissions produced affect not only city surroundings
terparts to manage biodiversity and ecosystem issues, but are transported to other regions and can cause
both in terms of their capacity and support from their global impacts.
national authorities. This is highly relevant considering
that the majority of the world’s biodiversity is con- This concentrated demand makes cities ripe for a
trolled by developing countries. global paradigm shift to a resource efficient and low
carbon future (Uhel and Georgi 2009). Cities have the
At the same time, urban development and the urban potential to manage resources more efficiently and
environment cannot be seen in isolation from each protect ecosystem services. They could delink urban
other. Growing cities and changing lifestyles require development from resource consumption (less living
an increasing quantity of natural resources for their space and less energy for housing and transport per 쏟
production and consumption needs, which are sup- person). For instance, increasing green spaces in cities
plied from rural and remote areas. The ‘Ecological would increase quality of life, while contributing also to 쏟
Footprint’ – an →indicator that translates consumption CO2 sequestration and thus climate change mitigation.
Figure 4.1 – The global impact of cities: energy demand and GHG emissions
Many cities have a high concentration of biodiversity Box 4.4 Cities and biodiversity
and high rates of urbanization often overlap with
critically endangered ecosystems or ‘conservation Rome is one of Europe’s largest cities with the
hotspots’ (Box 4.4). highest number of protected areas. The 19 terrestrial
and 1 marine reserve totaling 40,000 ha under
In many cases, the way in which current conservation protection (31% of the total area) are complemented
corridors or major wilderness areas (such as the Ama- by 5,000 ha of green public areas.
zon, the Central African forest or the forests of Borneo)
will undergo urbanization will determine whether The municipal area of South Africa’s Cape Town,
significant biodiversity will survive or not. A crucial role overlaps with the Cape Floristic Region, one of
in this resides with local governments and their managers only three areas in the world ranked as an urban
and their responsible management of this process. biodiversity hotspot.
For instance, the Southeastern deforestation border of the Source : Local Action for Biodiversity:
Amazon in Brazil is controlled by 16 municipalities (coming
together under the denomination ‘Portal of the Amazon’) Sustainable ecosystem-based management is a cru-
whose economy is based on timber extraction and cattle cial component of urban and regional spatial planning
ranching. Arguably, the most strategic investment for (see also Table 4.1 and Chapter 6). Other government
sustainability will be in building the capacity of these local units can also make use of ecosystem services in their
governments to manage urban and landscape planning, work. To name but a few services, urban ecosystems
‘green’ public areas, use ecosystem services and bio- provide:
diversity sustainably, raise citizen awareness as well as to • Food through urban agriculture which can be
promote and attract sustainable businesses. enhanced eg in community gardens, through
land-use management, urban planning, or urban
The benefits that urban areas derive from ecosystems greening,
are directly linked to public management, through • Healthy green areas or trees which increase mental
which the municipal activities and services are made health and exercise opportunity, reduce stress, as
accessible. As an example, the correlations between well as air and water pollution, to be taken into
urban green spaces and urban citizens’ health are account by health services, sports, urban planning,
provided in Box 4.5. urban greening,
Box 4.5 Urban green spaces contribute to better health and protection
Green spaces:
• provide protection from flooding, air pollution, noise, temperature extremes and – if biodiversity
friendly – from negative impacts of alien invasive species.
• promote relaxation and reduce stress. They enable sensory stimulation and time spent in natural light.
• provide inviting areas and encourage individual or group-based physical activity. Accessible,
appropriately-sized, and biodiverse green spaces are very likely to be used by neighborhoods
for exercise.
• promote social interaction and enhance community because they provide free public access
to parks and communal facilities.
Source: Adapted from Greenspace 2008
Out of these considerations, numerous urban greening or tree planting have been established:
• The city of Curitiba, Brazil, amongst other greening activities, has managed to increase green space
per person from less than 1 m2/capita to 52 m²/capita. Local residents planted 1.5 million trees and
tax breaks were given to building projects that include green space. New lakes in parks helped to
reduce the problem of flooding (ICLEI 2005).
• In Honduras, tree-planting and re-vegetation on slopes through schools, housewives’ action and
community work has been made part of a programme to fight extensive degradation of watersheds
and recharge areas around Tegucigalpa.
Local initiatives have found many occasions for encouraging tree planting:
• More than 10 million trees have been planted throughout Azerbaijan as part of the United Nations
‘Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign’.
• Nationwide efforts like the initiative of the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF)
to plant 7 million trees in Israel – one for each Israeli citizen. Project partner Zara-Mart offers its
customers four different ways of contributing a tree to this initiative.,
• Offsetting your vacation CO2 emissions: many airlines offer opportunities to offset carbon emission
caused by travel by paying an extra contribution to fund, for instance, reforestation projects. The
federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany created a ‘climate forest’. Tourists can either
buy ‘forest shares’ or plant trees themselves to offset the emissions caused by holiday-related
• Urban greening: Many municipalities have programmes offering to plant trees for weddings,
births or new immigrants. Montreal, Canada and Villa Carlos Paz, Argentina have introduced a
‘One baby, one tree’ programme.,
• The University of Leipzig, Germany celebrated its 600th anniversary by planting 600 additional
trees on its campus.
• Memorial trees: A vivid and lasting sign of remembrance are memorial forests. An American Forests
campaign planted a tree for each victim of the 9/11 attacks.
• Shelter through moderation of extreme natural on ecosystem services, balance the →trade-offs
events. This concerns urban planning, adaptation and act accordingly. Often synergies can be achieved
to climate change, and disaster management (for through working with nature rather than against it, by
further examples see Chapter 5.5). developing and using ecosystem-based approaches,
which provide multiple benefits. The City of Manila (UN
For local governments to make the most efficient, HABITAT 1998) and more recently, the city of Nagoya
cost-effective and responsible decisions, it is have successfully managed to reduce waste, lower
necessary to assess the impacts and dependence cost and protect local ecosystems (TEEBcase Waste
reduction to conserve tidal flat, Japan).
Green public Create green network with Incentives for citizens to Building standards that
places and green belts to enhance develop private green spaces, allows only certified wood
infrastructure ecosystems, biodiversity in green rooftops, community for public construction
urban areas and invest in gardens and green walls (see WWF 2009)
climate change mitigation
and adaptation measures
Low-resource Offer low resource Partnerships with local City development plan
consuming consumption public housing companies
Zoning plan
Housing including housing options for
Financial incentives and support
eg energy, land municipal employees
for public housing integrating
and water saving
ecosystem services
construction and
technology and Advice and educational
supporting programmes; promotion of
climate adaptation citizen construction groups
and biodiversity integrating ecosystem services
measures Bonus and off-setting schemes
to compensate biodiversity or
climate impacts from
Land-use / Locate public services Penalties for land-consumers City development plan,
urban sprawl / and public buildings inner-city development,
Promotional campaigns and
sustainable urban in inner-city and city compaction
attractive cultural and social
development neighbourhoods programme
Land-saving construction Sustainable city quarters
Properties stock-exchange
of public buildings and developments
Extension and improvement of
Building code for impacts
public transport along desired
on land/landscape due to
Bonus and off-setting schemes
to compensate biodiversity or
climate impacts from constructions
Solid waste Waste to energy, eg Education programme on how to Waste regulation that
treatment biogas production from reduce waste, reuse and recycle promotes polluter-pays
waste principle
Efficient waste management
Reduce municipal waste system, incorporating low waste Waste to energy solutions
and recycle production, appropriate collection
Kerbside collection
and recycling
Penalty scheme
Financial incentives, to reduce
waste ‘Pay as you throw’
Water supply Manage local and Partner with other levels of Water quality standards
and wastewater regional ecosystems to government, private sector and
Building code on natural
treatment enhance water supply citizens in order to find effective
rain water sinks
and treatment water management for the entire
catchment Surface sealing codes
Water saving programme
in public buildings, Set up payments for ecosystem
utilisation of rainwater service schemes for watershed
To prepare, implement and evaluate their decisions and targets, baseline inventories (carbon emission
in any of these options, there is a vast array of in- inventories, vulnerability assessments), urban planning
struments used by local governments to help manage and building codes, thematic action plans (such as
natural capital and reduce the negative effects on eco- Action Plans for Biodiversity and Climate Change
system services. These include planning, partnering Action Plans), biodiversity and ecosystem services
and facilitating, monitoring, reporting. Specific tools guidebooks.
which can be used include environmental indicators
“Decision-making needs to reflect and respond to the many interconnections that lie in
the fundamental drivers of urban development, yet the reality is that major gaps still
need to be filled. (...) Even if overall sustainable development strategies based on an
integrative concept are in place, sectoral and vested interests remain dominant where
decision-making, administration and budgets are fragmented (lacking institutional
integration) and decision-makers are not aware of the benefits of an integrated
approach.” (EEA 2009)
To deliver ecosystem-dependent municipal services and environmental management systems such as the
effectively, local governments need to integrate European Environmental Management and Audit
their public management of →natural capital due to: Scheme – EMAS, or the international →standard ISO
• the great interconnectivity between different types 14000 series (Box 4.6).
of ecosystem services (recreational, climate
regulation, pollution reduction, air filtering, spiritual An Integrated Management System (IMS) follows five
services), major steps that are repeated in regular cycles (EC
• the connection between cities’ activities and 2007; UBCCE 2008; see Figure 4.2). An Ecosystems
regional, national or even global natural capital, eg Services Assessment should be carried out as a
through emitting or mitigating greenhouse gases, baseline review documenting the current state of
• the impact of local governments’ decisions on a sustainability and the administrative situation, legal
future time or future generations, requirements and political priorities. Through facil-
• the uncertainty of local governments’ decisions in itated public participation, a target setting exercise
a rapidly changing environment, will develop goals for various aspects of local devel-
• the need to involve a variety of →stakeholders, eg opment and ecosystem management. Actions and
when developing and implementing a biodiversity initiatives identified according to current technologies
strategy or a climate adaptation strategy. and lifestyles then implement these targets. Political
commitment is needed throughout the cycle but
THE INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT becomes most crucial to mandate the implementation
SYSTEM (IMS) of targets and to reflect related actions in the munici-
pal budget (UBCCE 2008). The target timeframes
Ecosystem services and biodiversity can be integrated provide for future monitoring and evaluation of the
into public management and all local governments’ process. Implementation of actions will be based on
decisions through cyclic, integrated management and political priorities and monitoring will gather informa-
planning. Various approaches have been developed – tion on the functionality of the system and progress
such as Integrated Development Planning (IDP) towards targets. In the last step, evaluation and
and City Development Strategies (CDS) methods. reporting will assess the information collected and
Recently, 25 European cities and towns in the frame- analyze the success and draw-backs of the process.
work of the project Managing Urban Europe-25 have This provides the basis for a city council to decide
been developing an →integrated management system on how to continue in the next cycle. Once the
(EC 2007). This approach employs experiences from mechanism is established, the process is reiterated in
participatory processes, such as Local Agenda 21, subsequent years.
Local Agenda 21 (LA 21) was introduced with the UN Summit on Environment and Development in Rio,
1992. It called for participatory planning processes coordinated by local authorities to develop action plans
for local sustainable development. Since introduction, Local Agenda 21 has been a success story for
stakeholder involvement. By 2001 there were 6,500 LA 21 processes world-wide (ICLEI 2002).
The European Environmental Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a voluntary management
instrument for public and private organizations, in the European Union and the European Economic Area, to
evaluate, report and improve their environmental performance. To date, this is being applied by more than
140 public authorities at all governmental levels including regional, national and European, located in the
following Member States: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, Italy, Sweden and the United
Kingdom. (
ISO 14001 was developed and maintained by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO).
ISO 14001 specifies requirements for an environmental management system to enable an organization to
develop and implement policy objectives and targets which includes significant environmental aspects.
The integrated management approach is based on and multiple benefits. Integrated, cyclic management
appropriate information, consultation and involve- is highly adaptive and robust, and thus is responsive
ment of citizens and stakeholders at all steps of in addressing uncertainties.
the cycle. It has been successfully established in a
variety of local governments: Ludwigsburg, Germany; There are various instruments that can be used to
Province of Siena, Italy; Lahti, Finland; Kaunas, Lithua- feed into an IMS, for example, those of environmental
nia. With IMS, the effort lost in running several parallel accounting or the City Biodiversity Index proposed by
management systems can be turned into sustainable Singapore (Box 4.7).
Box 4.7: Singapore City Biodiversity Index (CBI) /Singapore Index (SI)
The CBI is referred to as the Singapore Index (SI) on Cities Biodiversity. It has been developed as a self-
assessment tool which allows local authorities to measure their performance not only on biodiversity itself,
but also on ecosystem services and governance of natural resources. The Singapore City Biodiversity Index
measures performance and assigns scores based on three categories:
The Index comprises 3 components:
1. Native Biodiversity in the City (including the percent of natural areas in the city, number of native plant, bird
and butterfly species in the city, etc.);
2. the Ecosystem Services Provided by Biodiversity in the City (including carbon sequestration, recreation
and educational services, etc.); and
3. Governance and Management of Native Biodiversity in the City (including budget commitment to
biodiversity conservation efforts by cities, biodiversity conservation project and programmer carried out
by city authorities, private sectors, non-governmental organisations, academic institutions, etc.).
Emphasis has been placed on selecting indicators that would more accurately measure positive actions
taken by the cities rather than dwell on consequences that result from adverse activities beyond the
control of the present generation. Twenty-five indicators were selected as this number optimised the
comprehensiveness and robustness of the index without it being onerous. The CBI is currently being tested
in 15 cities. The User’s Manual for the Singapore Index on Cities’ Biodiversity will be updated regularly on
the website of the CBD,
The following section will provide a concrete example resources are measured in physical units instead of
of how an integrated system could look using the tool monetary value (ICLEI 2004). Due to its participatory
ecoBUDGET. character, ecoBUDGET offers the potential for apply-
ing the participatory budgeting approach.
The aim is to keep environmental spending within
ecoBUDGET has been developed based on natural limits of an environmental ‘Master Budget’. The
capital management, and political and community in- Master Budget identifies environmental targets
volvement. It is a particular instrument that has been oriented to the sustainable management of natural
designed to explicitly address the integration of eco- capital. Once approved by the Council, the targets
system services in decision-making based on the IMS become politically binding. At year-end a Budget
principles described above. It provides a method to Balance indicates the city’s achievement against its
plan, control, monitor, report on and evaluate the targets.
consumption of natural resources (land, water, mate-
rials) including service functions (such as climate Being a political instrument, a key feature in the
stability, air quality including noise and state of biodi- ecoBUDGET cycle is systematic involvement of
versity). Box 4.8 and Box 4.9 provide experiences political decision makers and urban managers,
from the Philippines and Sweden. allowing political steering in the use of environmental
resources. ecoBUDGET embraces all environmental
ecoBUDGET follows the cyclical approach of local resources, not only the impact of delivering municipal
financial budgeting, familiar to local decision makers, services, but environmental spending by the entire
and has been developed for, and tested by, local community including industries, households, educa-
authorities (Figure 4.3). The traditional budgeting tion and health institutions and transport companies.
accounting system is complemented by an environ-
mental budget, in which ecosystem services or natural
After a process of consultation, the first step in June 2005 was the production of a shortlist of environmental
priorities by the 48-member Municipal Development Council. Over the next few months, several dissemination
events took place to keep the public informed and involved in the development of the draft Master Budget.
By December, the Budget was enacted by the Council based on six environmental resources: Drinking Water,
Forest Cover (Upland Forestry and Mangrove Cover), Timber/Fruit Trees, Coral Reefs and Seagrass Beds,
Quarry Materials and Good Built Environment.
A local implementing team (LIT) of nine municipal staff from different departments, coordinated by the municipal
planning and development department, together with a team from Bohol provincial government, prepared
an annual workplan for each municipal sector. During 2006, a variety of initiatives implemented included
reforestation of timber, fruit trees and mangroves, establishment of a new marine protected area and the
implementation of an ecological solid waste management program.
After one year, Tubigon had met most of its short-term targets and had realised ecoBUDGET’s potential as a
platform for linking its municipal vision, plans, strategy, resource allocation and performance measures in order
to promote sustainable development. The city is successfully addressing the aspects of sustainable tourism
and strengthening local fishery by protecting coastal zones, mangrove areas and coral reefs through their eco-
BUDGET. Tubigon has also learned that successful ecoBUDGET implementation requires a long-term vision,
well-defined targets, appropriate indicators, high level of political commitment and community involvement.
Source: EcoBUDGET Guide for Asian Local Authorities. ICLEI 2008.
Using forest waste collected from within 100 km of the city, more than 90% of the energy for heating is
renewable. Between 1993 and 2008 the emissions of carbon dioxide from Växjö have decreased by 35% per
capita and the city was able to increase its GDP/capita by 50%. Collective environmental thinking over the last
few decades has resulted in economic profits as well as cleaner air and water. Växjö officials are proud that
the municipality is well on its way to further achievements.
Figure 4.4 Energy consumption, GDP and CO2 emissions of Växjö, Sweden
Union of the Baltic Cities Commission on the Environment The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
(UBCCE), 2008 ‘Managing Urban Europe-25 project. Integrated is preparing a complementary guidebook which will include best
Management –Towards local and regional sustainability’. This practices, lessons learned, guidelines and recommendations
handbook, along with practical guidance including case studies on how to support local governments to effectively implement
and checklists, is available at the Plan of Action.
Information and case studies on urban agriculture are available
Elaborated baseline reviews and strategic programmes are on the Climate Institute website:
collected at international-action/urban-agriculture.htm
An overview of policy, management and planning instruments UNEP, FIDIC & ICLEI (2001) ‘Urban Environmental Manage-
along with 12 case studies from around the globe is presented ment: Environmental Management Training Resources Kit’.
in ‘Liveable Cities. The Benefits of Urban Environmental Earthprint
Planning’, The Cities Alliance, Washington, 2007. www.cities- United Nations (2010) ‘Avances en la sostenibilidad ambiental
del desarrollo en America Latina y el Caribe’, Chile, 2010
Guidelines on ecoBUDGET
A brief and easy-to-read introduction for local decision makers
is provided by UN-HABITAT, UNEP & ICLEI (2008); ‘ecoBUD-
GET Introduction for Mayors and Municipal Councilors’.
PA R T I I I · T H E P R A C T I C E
Lead authors: Simron Jit Singh (Institute of Social Ecology, Vienna); Nigel Dudley (Equilibrium Research)
Contributing authors: Heidi Wittmer, Nils Finn Munch-Petersen, Leander Raes, Thomas Kretzschmar
Reviewers: Mariana Antonissen, Regina Birner, Kanchan Chopra, Hamed Daly-Hassen, Mariteuw
Chimère Diaw, Adam Drucker, Tadesse Woldemariam Gole, Tilman Jaeger,
Shashi Kant, Fernando Leon, Musonda Mumba, Wairimu Mwangi, Jennifer Nixon,
Jeffrey Sayer, Nik Sekhran, Priya Shyamsundar, Carlos Soncco, Tim Sunderland,
Jongkers Tampubolon, Hank Venema, Susan Young
Acknowledgements: Augustin Berghöfer, Regina Birner, Karl Heinz-Erb, Fridolin Krausmann, Alice Ruhweza,
Sue Stolton, Rodrigo Cassola
Editor: Heidi Wittmer
Language editor: Judy Longbottom
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
Key Messages
• Desire for change is not enough. People and institutions may want to practice sustainable resource
use but are impeded by poverty, ineffective governance and poorly designed incentive schemes.
• It’s easier to act if you can see what you’re doing. Valuation makes the impacts of changes in
the flow of ecosystem services visible. This is useful in negotiations around the distribution of costs
and benefits.
• Integration is effective. Placing value (monetary and otherwise) on ecosystem services can help
make the case for integrated ecosystem management. Integrated approaches have already been
developed and applied around the world.
• Local officials play a key role in implementing sustainable practices in forestry, fisheries, water ma-
nagement, agriculture and tourism. They can initiate capacity building, balance the needs of various
sectors, promote locally-produced sustainable produce, run incentive schemes, and establish
regulations and management-use zoning. They can also promote and explain the economic benefits
of protected resources to their constituents.
• Local governments can make disasters easier to manage by maintaining and restoring eco-
systems. The role of ecosystem services in disaster mitigation is gaining increasing attention. Healthy
forests, mangroves, wetlands, floodplains, and reefs protect communities from natural disasters.
“We need to start looking at having a way of managing the whole ecosystem,
because you can't pick away at it piece by piece, you have to truly start being
coordinated and managing our resources as a system. We haven't gotten
to that point yet.”
Ted Danson
In this chapter we illustrate the relevance of an →eco- An ecosystem service perspective can make a
system service perspective in increasing the potential substantial contributiontothe effective management
for effective natural →resource management. We argue of natural resources for improved agriculture (5.1),
that such an approach is not only ecologically sound, fisheries (5.2), forestry (5.3), tourism (5.4) and di-
but also holds economic benefits both for those saster mitigation (5.5). Many decisions on the use of
directly dependent on them and for the national natural resources are typically made by the indi-
economy in terms of medium and long-term cost and viduals, families and companies engaged in these
benefits. Well-managed natural →ecosystems provide sectors, such as farmers, fishermen, logging com-
citizens with vitally important goods and services, panies and tourism operators. Local governments
including clear and plentiful supplies of water, high and other local actors (NGOs, local sector agencies)
quality farm soils, genetic material for medicines and can play an essential role in realizing the economic
crop breeding, wild foods including fish, and buffering potential of managing natural resources in a way that
against extreme weather events and climate change. values the ecosystem services, by providing advice,
These, along with a range of cultural, spiritual and creating economic incentives and playing a regula-
aesthetic →values that we derive from nature, are called tory role.
ecosystem services.
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
Under conditions of climate change, good manage- in both cases collective action may be necessary to
ment of natural resources becomes even more im- address management. Carefully designed policies
portant as healthy ecosystems can significantly can ensure that the costs and benefits of ecosystem
contribute to both mitigating climate change and services are fairly distributed across space and time,
providing good adaptation opportunities locally. but only if these are properly understood. Whilst the
For example, natural disaster management partic- legal framework for such interactions is often worked
ularly preventing damage from storms, avalanches or out at a national level, the day-to-day negotiations –
flooding, is a policy field where ecosystems can often and some of the most innovative approaches to
provide very cost-effective protection. solving resource conflicts – usually take place at
the local level. The final section of this chapter
Maintaining and managing ecosystem services can summarizes options for local policy to effectively
be challenging, either because benefits are far enhance ecosystem services in natural resource
removed from the local ecosystem or because some management.
problems only become visible after a certain time-lag,
Almost half of the world’s population live in rural areas, cooking (dung cakes and biogas). Careful man-
with their livelihoods and security depending directly agement, based on understanding local ecological
on the productivity of land and water resources conditions, can maintain or enhance productivity
(Engelman 2010). At the same time, rural areas whilst reducing some harmful effects of intensive
provide resources for urban populations, ranging from agriculture. In Japan, for example, rice farmers keep 쏟
food and fibre to water, minerals and energy. Agricul- the Aigamo duck, which removes weeds and pests
ture is the single most important sector in provi- from the rice fields. The duck also fertilizes the rice,
ding the basic necessities for human existence. It producing mulch around the rice plants (TEEBcase
accounts for about 37% of the world’s labor force or Fertilizing the fields with ducks, Japan).
about 1.2 billion people, even though this is well under 쏟
10% in most developed countries (CIA 2010). Maintaining an agro-ecosystem in a productive state
is a challenge. If a hill farm replaces all its trees with
For agriculture to be able to provide the service it a monoculture crop, the subsequent rains will wash
does, it must rely on a set of complex interdependent down substantial amounts of soil into the neighbor’s
and functional relationships between soil, crop low-lying fields and affect the soil fertility, for better
production, animal husbandry, and often forestry and or worse. Use of harmful pesticides on one farm may
wetlands. affect the neighboring farm through spray drift in the
atmosphere or being transported in waterways or
The most essential components of a farming en- may facilitate migration of chemical resistant varieties
terprise are the soil, crops, livestock, pasture, and of pest. Thus, explicitly considering ecosystem
household, but pollinators and natural predators are services and maintaining or restoring the system to
also important (Figure 5.1). The crops draw the a healthy state, is a valuable strategy for securing
nutrients from the soil to produce a harvest for or improving agricultural yields. Hiware Bazaar 쏟
subsistence and/or markets. By-products of the (Box 5.1) has achieved this through improved water
agricultural harvest enter the livestock system as management.
fodder or bedding for animals which in turn produce
meat, milk, eggs and fur, and in some cases, draught
power. Animal waste may either be used to manure
the soil, thus closing the nutrient cycle, or as fuel for
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
Figure 5.1 Agriculture interacts with the wider ecosystem and its services
Hiware Bazaar, an agrarian village in an arid district in the state of Maharashtra, has turned from abject
→poverty to become home to more than 50 millionaires (in Rupees) and boasts one of the highest average
rural incomes in India. In the 1970s, problems from low rainfall (400 mm annually) were exacerbated by
increasing run-off during monsoons, leading to a decline in water levels and acute water shortages. The
cause was deforestation and vegetation loss in the surrounding catchment. By 1989 barely 12% of the
arable land could be farmed and this crisis had already triggered a trend of out-migration.
Village elders and leaders realised that the way out of this vicious poverty cycle was better management of
water and forests. They drew up and implemented an integrated natural resource management plan
which was helped by the emergence of the Indian government’s Employment Guarantee Scheme (EGS) in
the mid-1990s. With additional resources, and good coordination between government departments
supporting the EGS, the village members regenerated 70 ha of degraded forests and built 40,000 contour
bunds around the hills to conserve rainwater and recharge groundwater.
The number of active wells doubled, the area under irrigation expanded from 120 to 260 ha between 1999
and 2006, while grass production went up from 100 to 6,000 tonnes. Consequently, livestock increased
dramatically, as did milk production from 150 litres to 4,000 litres per day. Income from agriculture alone
amounted to 25 million Rupees (US$ 550,000) in 2005. In less than a decade, poverty reduced by 73%
and there was an overall increase in the quality of life with people returning to the village. Hiware Bazaar
is a striking example of an integrated approach to natural resource management.
Source: Enhancing agriculture by ecosystem management, India.
TEEBcase mainly based on Neha Sakhuja (see
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
The demand for agricultural products is constantly Many wild animal and plant species play a role in agri-
increasing due to population growth, new food pre- culture; some damage crops and livestock (see Box 5.8);
ferences and an increase in purchasing power with others control pests through predation and competition 쏟
economic growth (Pretty et al. 2006). Although crop or provide essential services such as pollination. Such
and livestock production systems have been vastly agro-ecosystems build populations of valuable soil micro-
enhanced over the last 50 years, both the intensity organisms and use natural vegetation in field margins
of production and the growth in area cultivated and on slopes to stabilize soil and retain moisture.
are increasingly affecting ecosystem services
(MA 2005). In addition, crop genetic diversity – both cultivated
plants and the wild plants from which our crops
A major side-effect of agricultural intensification originate, are important resources for food security
is soil degradation and deterioration in water and economic stability. This diversity provides crops 쏟
quality. Animal effluent and run-off from agricultural well-adapted to local ecological and climatic conditions
fields that includes fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, and contributes valuable source material for crop
and high levels of nitrates may pollute ground water breeding. Estimates of the global value associated with
and nearby aquatic systems. Emissions from live- the use of plant genetic resources for crop breeding
stock stables and feedlots can additionally affect air vary from hundreds of millions to tens of billions of US
quality. The negative impact of intensive agricultural dollars per year (Stolton et al. 2006). Wild coffee,
production systems not only affects human →well- for example, with its associated potential genetic re-
being directly, but also reduces populations of bees sources for agriculture, is only maintained in the under-
and other beneficial insects that pollinate food crops storey of Ethiopian highland forests, which are rapidly
or provide biological control of pests. Agricultural disappearing (Gatzweiler 2007). Hein and Gatzweiler
intensification is one of the main threats to →bio- (2006) estimated the economic value (net present
diversity (EEA 2006). Agro-bio-diversity, the variety value) of these genetic resources at US$ 1,458 million
of different plants cultivated and animals produced, (over 30 years, 5% →discount rate).
typically also declines in intensive agricultural
systems. Whilst seed collections are useful and necessary, it is
also important to maintain healthy wild populations in
The most common →externalities with respect to the field – whether in protected areas or otherwise
the expansion of agricultural area are changes in conserved. Yet many of the places that are richest in
land-use at the expense of forests and other economically important crop wild relatives have low
ecosystems, land degradation and nutrient protected area coverage and many important species
depletion. At the same time this accelerates climate and varieties remain at risk of extinction (Stolton et al.
change, especially deforestation of tropical forests, 2008a). Conserving local crop varieties, and supporting
which is a significant source of green house gas farmers in improving them, can help secure local
emissions. livelihoods in the short-term and provide important
options for the future (Box 5.2).
The challenge today is therefore to secure and
increase yields while at the same time maintaining TAKING ECOSYSTEM SERVICES INTO
or enhancing other vital ecosystem services includ- ACCOUNT IN AGRICULTURE
ing water quality and quantity, maintaining soil fertility
and biological control. Fortunately, many successful Agriculture goes beyond the provisioning of essen- 쏟
examples of sustainable approaches to agriculture tials such as food and fibre; it also incorporates bio-
already exist around the world. diversity and genetic resources, biological control
mechanisms, soil microorganisms and habitats that
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
Box 5.2 Benefits of genetic diversity for rice farmers in the Philippines
A SEARICE-led initiative aims to empower local farmers and decision makers to conserve genetic diversity.
The project started with efforts to conserve different local varieties jointly with Philippine farmers. Rather
than just conserving varieties in their present state, farmers wanted to improve them further, in order to
increase food security and yields. Provided with the necessary know-how they were able to develop
locally well-adapted traditional varieties at a cost of ~US$ 1,200 per site for an annual breeding program;
considerably lower than those of formal crop breeding (~US$ 6,000 per year per site). Rice farmers benefit
from the genetic diversity conserved as the availability of good quality seeds increases, input and production
costs decrease and dependence on conventional plant breeding companies is reduced. Hence, decision
makers and farmers with knowledge about their regional genetic diversity gain immediate benefit (SEARICE 2007).
provide a range of other ecosystem services. Policy the elimination of agrochemicals. Yields obtained
makers have the power and capacity to bring an with these practices exceed those of the local
integrated ecosystems perspective to agriculture. For conventional methods with only half of the production
example, if looking to enhance productivity through costs. Many farmers around the park followed the
technology, it is important to avoid deterioration of example (TEEBcase Organic farming in private
other ecosystem services in the process. protected area, Russia). With the resulting increase
in wetlands and water quality, the biodiversity of the
쏟 Agricultural development requires a whole system region improved with the number of cranes and
approach and needs to be tailored to the particular storks increasing threefold. In Ecuador, for example,
opportunities and requirements of the ecosystem. the Quichua community has successfully shown that
In Muraviovka Park in Russia organic agriculture was reintroducing traditional crops and medicinal plants
introduced at a local level, along with a wetland con- led to a dramatic increase in agricultural productivity,
servation strategy. The use of traditional varieties, food security and income levels (Equator Intitiative
and a strategy of crop rotations with fallow, has allowed Award 2008).
Box 5.3 Traditional water management delivers multiple benefits, Sri Lanka
The early Sri Lankan society developed a system of irrigation tanks that retain river runoff mainly for the
purpose of irrigation agriculture. Besides the production of rice, the tanks provide goods such as fish, lotus
flowers and roots that diversify household income.
Since the 1970’s the demand for water in upstream areas for modern, large-scale agriculture and hydro-
power has risen and traditional management practices have been lost. This led to increased sediment load
and siltation with negative consequences for the livelihood of downstream users. Recently, local authorities
took over management of the tanks and raised the spill in order to rapidly restore their capacity for water
storage. This, however, did not solve the problem of siltation.
IUCN together with the local authorities conducted an →economic valuation of the goods and services that
the traditional tank system is providing for the livelihood of local communities in the Kala Oya river basin. The
analysis considers four different scenarios and shows two things: First, the ecosystem services perspective
revealed that only 16% of households obtain benefits from paddy rice cultivation, the most prominent purpose
of the tank, while 93% benefit from access to domestic water. Secondly, the analysis suggests that rehabilitating
tanks and continue ‘traditional management’ is the scenario with the highest economic return for local
communities with a net present value (NPV) of US$ 57,900 per tank (over 30 years, 6% discount rate) as a
broad range of services can be secured. Since the communities would directly benefit from the rehabilitation
of the tank system, they were positive about participating and taking over the restoration work.
Source: Water tank rehabilitation benefits rural development, Sri Lanka. TEEBcase based on Vidanage et al. (see
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
In many areas of the world people have developed Providing advisory services: Farmers may not be
and maintained sustainable production systems aware of land-use alternatives even if they make eco-
over a long time. These traditional landscapes often nomic sense. This is often the case for enhancing
fare well from an ecosystem perspective as they services through improved soil fertility, water retention,
provide multiple benefits. These systems are now pollination and biological control. Agricultural extension
increasingly threatened, due to urbanization, new services can help create awareness and access to
technologies, or population migration. While not all alternatives.
traditional systems are more productive or more
equitable, analyzing them from an ecosystem Supporting long-term investments: The deterio-
perspective can help to uncover benefits that often ration of ecosystem services becomes visible only after
go unrecognized, as the example of traditional water a certain time lag. Equally the benefits from investing
management system in Box 5.3 illustrates. Measures in improvements such as agro-forestry or contour
are urgently needed to recover the sustainable trenches to combat erosion are slow to be seen.
practices and knowledge involved to improve Therefore, even though the benefits often outweigh
agricultural technologies. The Ministry of the Environ- the costs, poor farmers are usually unable to make
ment of Japan and the United Nations University significant investments upfront so that credit schemes
Institute of Advanced Studies jointly initiated the or subsidies on investments can be decisive.
Satoyama Initiative to conserve these sustainable
types of human-influenced natural environments, and Creating incentives for maintaining ecosystem
the many species that depend on them. (TEEBcase services across scales: This is particularly important
Conserving cultural landscapes, Satoyama Initiative, where benefits are mostly public or accrue to others.
Japan). Practical experience with sustainable practices Examples include water supply, which may be depen-
is increasing rapidly (Box 5.4). dent on a watershed system hundreds of miles away;
carbon sequestration, which is not only locally sig-
HOW CAN LOCAL POLICY SUPPORT nificant but serves to regulate the global climate, and 쏟
SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE? maintaining habitat for species that are valued globally.
Where public benefits are local, as for local climate 쏟
Local governments, local sector agencies, non- regulation, recreation and health, there is a rationale
governmental organizations, and other actors at the for local governments to invest in providing these
local level have many opportunities to encourage services. Where the benefits occur elsewhere, local
sustainable practices by: policy makers have a role to play as intermediaries by
A study of 286 interventions in 57 developing countries assessed the impact of various sustainability-
enhancing agricultural practices: integrated pest management; integrated nutrient management; use of
conservation tillage; agroforestry; aquaculture; water harvesting and integration of livestock in farming
systems. A net crop productivity increase of 79% and an improvement in critical environmental services
was found over the 12.6 million farms that were studied.
Projects dealing with adequate use of pesticides reported a 71% decline in their use, while increasing yields
by 42%. The overall water use efficiency increased considerably by enhancing soil fertility and reducing
evaporation, using low-tillage techniques, improved varieties and inducing microclimatic changes to reduce
crop water requirements. Annual gains of 0.35t C per hectare in carbon sequestration potential offered
new opportunities for households to generate income from carbon trading schemes. Within a period of
four years, there was a dramatic increase in the number of farms (56%) and area (45%) that adopted
sustainable technologies and methods, with poor households benefiting substantially.
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supporting farmers in negotiations with distant bene- by limiting agricultural land use or providing wildlife
ficiaries. Integrating payment for ecosystem service corridors. Europe has implemented payment
schemes across levels are an instrument to do this schemes based on keeping land in ‘good agricultural
(see Chapter 8 for examples). and environmental condition’ (EEA 2006). Similar
schemes exist in Canada (Robinson 2006), USA
Enhancing coordination: Improving ecosystem ser- (Lenihan and Brasier 2010), New Zealand (Rosin
vices often requires collective action. For example, 2008) and Japan (Hiroki 2005). State and district
habitat conservation for biodiversity in intensely used authorities can define local desirable practices in
landscapes requires careful coordination between land agri-environmental schemes.
users. Farmers can support biodiversity conservation
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
Wetlands are under-valued, misunderstood and often viewed as unproductive waste areas that spread
disease and serve as rubbish dumps. But the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment estimated that wetlands
provided services worth US$ 15 trillion worldwide (MA 2005a), including:
Food: protein from fish and animals; plants used as food and fertiliser; mangroves are also important as
fish nurseries. Cambodia’s inland fisheries alone are worth up to US$ 500 million/year with 60% coming
from Tonle Sap Lake (ICEM 2003).
Water: for irrigation, industry and domestic use. Wetlands can be highly effective in reducing pollution
(Jeng and Hong 2005); the East Kolkata wetlands clean at least a third of the sewage from Kolkata in India
(Ramsar 2008, Raychaudhuri et al. 2008). Some water plants concentrate toxic materials in their tissues,
thus purifying surrounding water. In Florida’s cypress swamps, 98% nitrogen and 97% phosphorus from
waste water entering wetlands were removed before the water entered groundwater reservoirs (Abtew et
al. 1995).
Protection: by allowing space for floods and sea surges to dissipate their energy, including in river flood-
plains and coastal marshes. Wetlands have been shown to be very cost-effective ways to provide storm
protection services (see section on Disasters). Conversely, loss of protection from coastal marshes was
estimated to have been a major contributory factor in the US$ 75 billion damage caused by Hurricane
Katrina in the southern US (Stolton et al. 2008b).
Stabilisation: of climate change by storing and capturing carbon, particularly in peat, which although it
only covers 3% of the world’s land surface is estimated to be the largest carbon store, storing 550 giga-
tonnes of carbon worldwide (Parish et al. 2008; Sabine et al. 2004). In 2008, however, emissions from
degraded peat were estimated at 1,298 Mt, with over 400 Mt from peat fires, increasing the need for sound
management (Joosten 2009).
Cultural values and recreation: for many people, particular wetlands also have important cultural values
as places with high aesthetic quality, for sports and recreation, and also as sacred sites. These values often
have direct economic benefits. Economic valuation by the World Resources Institute estimated the value
of reef-related tourism and fisheries from just one area, Glover’s Reef Marine Reserve, contributed around
US$ 4.9-7.3 million a year to the national economy of Belize (Cooper et al. 2009).
In Argentina continued overfishing of the Argentinean Hake (Merluccius Hubbsi) is threatening the long term
ecologic and economic viability of the fish stock mainly because total allowable catch is ignored and
exceeded by up to 90%. At the same time discards increase due to the increased catch of juvenile fish
representing an annual loss of US$ 11-77 million. Ecological models project that if existing quota were met,
the already created no-fishing zones in the nursery grounds around the Isla Escondida were respected,
and the current 120% overcapacity of fishing vessels were reduced by 25-50%, the stock of hake would
recover leading to significant economic gains: compared to a continued →overexploitation the compliance
with the existing policies for the protection of the fish stocks would increase the Net Present Value (NPV)
from US$ 65.7 million to 118.5 million for the fresh fish fleet, and from US$ 263 to more than
US$ 460 million for the freezer fleet, over the period 2010 to 2030 (Villasante et al. 2009).
Source: Better fishery management could significantly increase catch, Argentina. TEEBcase based on Villasante et al. (see
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The wetland of Hail Haor, in north-east Bangladesh, provides fish and aquatic plants that are essential
sources of food and income for local communities. Severe over-exploitation put the annual benefits of
US$ 8 million at risk. This motivated local and regional efforts to improve wetland management and install
protection zones. Protecting just 100 ha of wetland, by restoring some critical habitats and establishing
closed seasons for fishing, contributed to increased fish catches across the 13,000 ha of the entire
Hail Hoar wetland by over 80% and local fish consumption by 45%.
Source: Wetland protection and restoration increases yields, Bangladesh. TEEBcase by Paul Thompson (see
OPTIONS FOR LOCAL ACTION bottom trawling; and protection of fish breeding sites.
These can all help maintain a rich and stable marine
Local responses to declining fish populations can environment, thus securing the livelihoods of subsis-
include, for instance, pollution control, restoration of tence or commercial fishing communities. In some
coastal habitats such as salt-marshes and man- parts of the world such practices have been known for
groves, anti-poaching patrols and changes to fishing centuries; in places where these ideas are still new, their
practices in addition to protection. Many national and introduction often takes careful negotiation, trials and
local governments have regulated fishing, with varying →trade-offs, which usually need to be undertaken at a
success. Co-management regimes, where local very local scale.
fishing communities manage fishing practices jointly
with the government, as well as management by local Water resources are under pressure in many parts
fishing communities themselves, have also proved of the world and are proportionately far less pro-
successful in managing fish stocks. Research in Lao tected than terrestrial ecosystems (Abell et al. 2007).
PDR found that co-management can be particularly Decisions about wetlands are usually made on a
successful for protecting fish (Baird 2000). Policy local scale and need to be based on wide ranging
makers can help local fishing communities to learn assessments that take all values into account.
from such cases. Successful management prac- Recognising the multiple values of wetlands is critical
tices include: changes in mesh size (to reduce by-catch to their maintenance and sustainable manage-
of young fish); better sorting; bans or restriction on ment.
The Kipsaina Crane and Wetlands Conservation Group formed in 1990 as a partnership of local communities
to conserve and restore the Saiwa Swamp National Park in Kenya. As a result of the group’s efforts, neighboring
communities have a reliable and clean water source all year round, and community members are now engaged
in new types of business such as beekeeping, eco-tourism, and agro-forestry. There has also been a fivefold
increase in the grey crowned crane population as well as increased income from fish and produce sales.
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Box 5.9 Wild products and wild animals from natural and semi-natural ecosystems
Wild products are often dismissed as being of minor importance but they remain a critical resource for
many poor people, who have no safety net if these resources become unavailable. All countries have
significant wild forest products markets and recent immigrants are also revitalising collection in some
countries. It is important to check if, and for whom wild products are important and how their
availability is altered by policy decisions and lack of good governance.
Foods: particularly wild fruits, nuts, and fodder for livestock. FAO estimates that 18,000-25,000 tropical
wild plant species are used as food (Heywood 1999), supplying hundreds of millions of people. Collecting
wild food also provides income; international trade in wildlife products like medicinal plants, live animals
and animal products including game meat and fur (excluding fisheries and timber trade) have been es-
timated at US$ 15 billion a year (Roe et al. 2002).
Bushmeat is a source of protein and makes up more than a fifth of animal protein in rural diets in over
60 countries (Bennett and Robinson 2000). It is an important food and income source for 150 million people
with a global value of US$ 7 billion (Elliott et al. 2002). However, over-collection is now creating a conservation
crisis in many countries (Redmond et al. 2006). Managing wildlife allowing a sustainable off take, often
combined with tourism, offers important income potential; options include game conservancies (Jones et
al. 2005), private farms or hunting reserves. The most famous example is Campfire, where local commu-
nities obtain significant income from fees for trophy hunting (Frost and Bond, 2008).
Benefits from wildlife need to be balanced against costs; human wildlife conflict is a growing problem in
many countries as rising human populations are forced into close proximity with wild animals. Wildlife
managers need to design and implement increasingly sophisticated methods for conflict management
through compensation payments for crops and livestock damage. An innovative idea is currently being
considered in Sri Lanka (TEEBcase Human-elephant conflict mitigation through insurance scheme, Sri Lanka)
and Pakistan (TEEBcase Insurance scheme to protect Snow Leopards, Pakistan).
Medicines: Medicines from wild plants play a key role in many pharmaceuticals (ten Kate and Laird 1999) and
in traditional herbal medicines, which are still the primary medicines for 80% of the world’s people (WHO 2002).
Global sales of pharmaceuticals based on materials of natural origin are worth US$ 75 billion a year (Kaimowitz
2005). Collection of wild medicines can be an important income source for rural women (Steele et al. 2006).
Materials: Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) such as rubber, latex, rattan, and plant oils remain important
for subsistence and trade. Annual trade in NTFPs globally is estimated at US$ 11 billion (Roe et al. 2002).
A meta-study of 54 cases of income generation amongst people living near or in forests found that forests
provided important resources at every income level and on every continent, providing an average of 22%
of total income (Vedeld et al. 2004).
Fuel: More than a third of the world’s population (2.4 billion people) relies on wood or other plant-based
fuels for cooking and heating (IEA 2002).
At present, forests occupy 31% of the world’s land way for agriculture and human settlements (FAO
area, of which one-third are primary and relatively 2010). Deforestation is a major cause of land de-
undisturbed forests. Forest cover is being rapidly gradation and destabilization of natural ecosystems 쏟
lost; 13 million hectares of forests (equal to the size and contributes significantly to climate change.
of Greece) are being cut down each year to make
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
Keeping carbon stored in ecosystems is increasingly a major business opportunity. Voluntary carbon
offset schemes are already operating and plans for official REDD (Reduced Emissions from Defore-
station and Forest Degradation) schemes are advancing. REDD-Plus goes beyond deforestation and
forest degradation, and includes the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and
enhancement of forest carbon stocks. Countries receive ‘carbon credits’ for maintaining carbon
stored in ecosystems and for improving this storage (for example through vegetation restoration
activities). REDD and REDD-Plus schemes are being explored in managed forests and in protected
There are still many practical problems to be solved; for example, how to reduce ‘leakage’ – conser-
vation in one place leading to people simply clearing more forest elsewhere; how to avoid perverse
incentives by rewarding countries with a high deforestation risk; and even how to measure accurately
carbon stored or sequestered (see TEEB in National Policy 2011, Chapters 3 and 5; TEEB Climate
Issues Update 2009)
Locally, this could be a direct source of raising revenue and will become an argument for particular
management choices regarding land within local planning decisions. Local governments will have
a role ensuring that local communities are represented in discussions about REDD and carbon
offsets, to avoid all decisions being made by powerful players at national level. The political and
economic contexts and the debates arising will change over time – currently there are opposing
views amongst NGOs concerning social rights versus the economic benefits arising (Dudley et
al. 2009).
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Water users have an incentive to find the lowest cost option for maintaining access to a clean,
regular water supply. In the Andean region, natural ecosystems provide these ecosystem services
at low cost, so investing in nature conservation makes economic sense. Downstream users partici-
pate in 'Water Funds' to compensate upstream land users for managing forests and grasslands that
provide clean water. They are long-term trust funds that involve a public-private partnership of water
users who determine how to invest in priority areas. The tool InVEST (Chapter 6 Box 6.7) was used
in the East Cauca Valley Water Fund in Colombia to help direct the fund’s conservation investments
towards areas with the highest potential for reducing sedimentation and maintaining water yield.
Scientists have estimated that the world’s forest eco- upon. Many local authorities are currently looking at
systems presently stock between 335 – 365 gigatons options for using the carbon sequestration role of
of carbon (MA 2005b), and an additional 787 billion forests in their region to enhance forest value and
tons in the top one metre layer of soils (IPCC 2001). benefit local communities.
Deforestation and forest fires not only release this
carbon into the atmosphere, but also reduce the WATERSHED MANAGEMENT 쏟
earth’s capacity to sequester carbon emissions from
industrial activity. Forests and peatlands have the Many countries are already facing severe water
ability to offset part of the carbon balance in the shortages and these are likely to get more serious; by
atmosphere and help mitigate climate change, thus 2025 around three billion people could be experien-
giving fresh impetus to their conservation. (See TEEB- cing water stress (Human Development Report 2006).
case Peatland restoration for carbon sequestration, Hydrologists are turning to natural ecosystems for key
Germany) water services. Well-managed natural forests
almost always provide higher quality water, with
Natural forests are known to keep accumulating less sediment and pollutants than water from other
carbon at a higher rate than we had previously catchments. Other natural habitats, including wetlands 쏟
understood (Baker et al. 2004; Luyssaert et al. 2008; and grassland, also play a key role in reducing pollu-
TEEB 2009; Lewis et al. 2009). Although planted tion levels. These values are recognized and used by
forests can also sequester carbon, sometimes very many local governments. Research has shown that
quickly, their establishment can also result in a huge around a third (33 out of 105) of the world’s largest
release of carbon from the soil. From a carbon cities by population obtain a significant proportion of
perspective, draining peat to plant fuel crops makes their drinking water directly from protected areas or
no sense. It has been calculated that it would take from forests that are managed in a way that gives
420 years of biofuel production to replace the carbon priority to maintaining their hydrological system func-
lost in establishment (Fargione et al. 2008). tions (Dudley and Stolton 2003).
Conserving forests and increasing their area is be- About 80% of Quito’s 1.5 million population receive
coming a priority not only for governments but is now drinking water from two protected areas; Antisana
recognized as a business opportunity in terms of (120,000 ha) and Cayambe-Coca Ecological Reserve
carbon credits (Box 5.10; Chapter 8; TEEB in (403,103 ha). To ensure that the reserves remain in
Business 2011 Chapter 5). Payments for carbon good enough condition to secure high quality water,
sequestration, when embedded in careful overall the city authority is working with NGOs to protect the
management strategies, can help increase market watersheds. Following initial investments from The
income from forests while allowing them continually Nature Conservancy, a trust fund was set up in 2000
to provide the other services local development relies in which water users helped to support conservation
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
The government has transferred the management of the Khata Corridor to local communities after together
developing strategies for sustainable forest management. Groups of forest users charge membership fees,
sell non-timber forest products and levy fines. The income has been used to purchase biogas systems for
the production of gas from manure. By using gas for cooking, less fuel wood is needed. This has reduced
forest degradation and reduced exposure by women and children to indoor smoke pollution and the
consequent acute respiratory infections. The new fuel also saves women time and effort, allowing them to
increase their income from trading non-timber forest products.
Source: Community forestry for public health, Nepal. TEEBcase based on D'Agnes et al. (see
projects in the watershed; revenue is now in excess to private forest owners, many municipalities own
of US$ 1 million a year. (TEEBcase Water Fund for forests themselves. This offers the possibility to
catchment management, Ecuador). assess the entire range of ecosystem services and
adapt management practices to take all relevant
Some natural forests, particularly tropical montane services into account. Local authorities can help with
cloud forests (forests often surrounded by mist), play negotiation of Payment for Ecosystem Services
an economically and socially important role in increas- schemes or can even be direct contributors to such
ing total water supply, by ‘scavenging’ droplets from schemes, for example, in the case of paying forest
humid air onto leaves, which then run down into the owners to maintain high quality water supplies.
watershed (Hamilton et al. 1995). Water gains from A further interesting option is the support of com-
cloud forest can be 15-100% or more than from munity forestry. While not always a success, in
ordinary rainfall. This function is lost if forests are many regions of the world this management option
cleared. Local authorities in a number of cloud forest has enabled secure benefits for local communities
countries, particularly in Central America, have colla- while at the same time conserving forests and
borated with landowners to maintain forest cover and biodiversity. An analysis of several studies reporting
thus water flow, for example, around Tegucigalpa in on the social and economic effects of community
Honduras. Cloud forests, and some other vegetation forestry (McDermott and Schreckenberg 2009)
types such as the paramos of the Andes, also release found that access to decision making by poor and
their water relatively slowly, thus providing an important marginalised people generally enabled them to gain
storage function. a bigger share of the benefits. Box 5.12 shows an
example where integrated forest management was
OPTIONS FOR LOCAL POLICY used to support community health care. Further
policy options are discussed in the final section of
In addition to the policy options discussed in the the chapter.
agricultural section to inform or provide incentives
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
need to connect with nature in order to function and to 57% in 2007, reflecting the emergence of new
flourish (Smith 2010). One consequence of this is a destinations, many in developing countries (WTO
growing desire by people to travel and experience new 2010). At the same time, countries are developing
landscapes and seascapes. domestic tourism, which may be more stable; in South
Korea, 99% of visits to national parks is domestic
A RAPIDLY GROWING SECTOR (KNPS 2009). In Austria, about 40% of all tourism is
domestic, with a large number of visitors spending
The tourism sector is one of the major employers their holidays in the countryside. Farmhouse and rural
in the world supporting over 200 million workers tourism is highly organized with farmers offering
(Backes et al. 2002). The rate of growth is enormous. accommodation, food and recreation (Statistics
In 2008, 922 million international tourists were re- Austria 2010).
corded compared with 534 million in 1995 (UNWTO
2009; Kester 2010). Remarkably 40% of these journeys AN OPPORTUNITY AND A CHALLENGE
were directed towards a developing country (Mitchell FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT
and Ashley 2010). In many countries, such as Australia,
Belize, Brazil, Costa Rica, Kenya, Madagascar, Mexico, Such numbers should not disguise the fact that tourism
South Africa and Tanzania, biodiversity represents the comes at a price. In many tourist destinations, the
primary tourism attraction (Christ et al. 2003). Accor- largest share of tourism-related income goes to non-
ding to the UN World Tourism Organization, the earnings local service providers whereas the costs are mostly
from tourism in 2008 touched a record US$ 944 billion borne locally. Some of the impacts include:
(provisional data, UNWTO 2009). Of the total in 2007, rising consumption of water; rising prices for local
US$ 295 billion were spent in developing countries, goods, services and property; increased waste and
almost three times the official development assistance pollution and rapid changes in local public life. Local
(Mitchell and Ashley 2010). policy challenges are to channel tourism develop-
ment in such a way that a fair share of income is
Thus, tourism is the primary source of foreign exchange retained locally, and that locals remain ‘sovereign’
earnings for the vast majority of Least Developed owners of their home place. This takes careful
Countries (UNWTO 2010). In Tanzania in 2007, for government planning and marketing, as well as local
example, tourism contributed US$ 1.6 billion (11% of regulation and capacity building. One important tool to
the total economy). Tanzania also secured about half help this process is the development of various national
the total value of the global value chain (the total and international →certification systems to set basic
amount tourists spend on a particular holiday) for →standards for sustainable tourism, such as the Euro-
Mount Kilimanjaro and Northern Safari Circuit, of pean Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected
which 28% (US$ 13 million) and 18% (US$ 100 million) Areas, coordinated by the EUROPARC Federation and
respectively went to the local poor (Mitchell and Faal the Pan Parks certification system (www.european-
2008). Many countries currently under-charge; a survey
of willingness to pay amongst visitors to Uganda sug-
gested that revenue at Mabira Forest Reserve could Local and national tourism can add value to
be maximised with a fee of US$ 47 (2001 prices) natural resources, directly through fees paid to park
whereas the charge then was just US$ 5 (Naidoo and authorities, private companies or in some cases to
Adamowicz 2005). A survey of 18 studies of willingness local communities, and through associated benefits
to pay in marine protected areas found overwhelming and economic opportunities from having more tourists
support for higher entrance fees amongst tourists in the region. In Maldives, which harbours rich bio-
(Peters and Hawkins 2009). diversity, the contribution of tourism has been estimated
at 67% of GDP, while that of the fishery sector is 8.5%
Tourists are also visiting new places. In 1950, the of GDP (TEEBcase Tourism more valuable than fishing,
top 15 destinations absorbed 98% of all international Maldives). But important economic benefits from
tourist arrivals; in 1970 the proportion was 75%, falling →ecotourism are not confined to poorer countries; it is
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
calculated that nesting ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) in benefit sharing from tourism supports a culture of
Scotland bring an addition US$ 7 million per year into tourism, and not only reduces conflicts but provides
the area as a result of nature tourism (Dickie et al. 2006). incentives for people to take care of their natural
and cultural heritage. Increased revenues can be
Tourism management often involves some degree generated by local governments in supporting local
of ecosystem management to ensure the provision tourist-related businesses such as accommodation,
쏟 of the tourism services (recreation, adventure, etc.). guiding, adventure, or the sale of local handicrafts or
This requires maintenance of landscapes and con- consumer products. The revenue can serve as an
serving habitats for local and regional biodiversity. incentive to protect and conserve biodiversity and
Flagship species such as elephants, rhinoceros the local ecosystem. Returns from tourism can be
and tigers may require special attention to attract quite high. The gross earnings for a small island of
tourists interested in wildlife safaris. Development of Samothraki in Greece, with a population of less than
tourism very much depends on the availability of other 3,000, is about €19 million annually, most of it
resources such as water, but also a local population attracted by its pristine landscape (Fischer-Kowalski
that is receptive and hospitable to visitors. Equitable et al. forthcoming).
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
The NGO Network for Sustainable Tourism De- who follow the classical traveller’s tradition of
velopment lists ten principles and challenges for a seeking the sublime in an idyllic landscape; the
sustainable tourism development in the 21st ‘fragmented’ who are driven by a distinct interest
Century: tourism must help overcome poverty; use such as in birds, butterflies, or fishing; those that
sustainable modes of transport; combine with cherish ‘a gentle engagement with nature’ through
regional development; protect nature and biodiver- activities such as bicycling, canoeing, walking or
sity; use water sustainably; maintain human dignity picking berries; the ‘adventurer’ with a determi-
and gender →equity; ensure local people participate nation to confront and conquer the perils of
in decision-making processes; promote sustainable nature through activities such as mountain climbing,
consumption and lifestyles; promote sustainable big game hunting, or rafting and finally the
tourism and fair trade in developing countries and ‘eco-tourists’ that derive their satisfaction from
show political commitment (Backes et al. 2002). living green and healthy while benefiting nature
and those engaged with it;
LOCAL POLICY PLAYS AN IMPORTANT • Planning: what infrastructure to provide and
ROLE where? Building and maintaining access roads or
nature trails, how to avoid selling off the entire
Tourism development is a typical case where it is waterfront to hotels and holiday houses;
worthwhile to adopt an integrated planning approach • Service provisioning: water and waste, information?
based on a careful assessment of the benefits of eco- This also affects what rates are charged for municipal
systems as well as the probable impacts of tourism services such as water and waste, which in many
operations on ecosystems as outlined in Chapter 2. locations do not cover full costs of these services.
How tourism develops depends on different depart- Being aware of the implications for ecosystem
ments of policy, planning and management as do the services can help to answer these questions so that
implications for local people and local ecosystems: local population does not lose out. Certification and
→labelling can help to communicate this to tourism
• Which type of tourists to attract? The ‘holistic’ operators as well as tourists (see Chapter 9).
In 1998, permission was granted to a foreign logging company to extract timber from the small island of
Rennell, part of the Solomon Islands. Logging has been very destructive on other Melanesian islands,
where clear-logging has destroyed unique environments as well as the livelihoods of local populations.
Rennell was a very special case, being one of only 25 raised atoll islands in the Island Pacific, all
comprised of porous coral rock. Soils are very shallow, and very vulnerable to being washed into the sea
and lake by heavy rain after logging. Rennell also has a very high endemicity index; numerous plants, at
least 60 species of insects, 11 species of birds, and snake, land snails and flying fox all endemic to the
island. The loss of the Rennell forest would have been a catastrophe for the local Rennellese as well
as for science.
Despite time constraints, the people of Rennell with my support developed a proposal for nature tourism
to present to parliament. It was calculated that a small guesthouse facility with 20 rooms and an
occupancy rate of 60% over 12 years would give a return equal to what the Rennellese had been offered
by the loggers. The proposal was accepted and the logging license revoked. Today the forest on Rennell
is thriving and there has been no loss of endemic species. There are now 10 small guesthouses on the
island, and Rennell has been named a world heritage site by UNESCO – the first in Melanesia.
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The city of Napa, California has successfully restored Investment in natural buffers saves money. An in-
floodplains which provide cost-effective protection vestment of US$ 1.1 million in Vietnam (planting
against floods. Such actions have the added benefit mangrove forests) saves an estimated US$ 7.3 mil-
of creating considerable investment opportunities lion annually in dyke maintenance. During typhoon
and increased property values (TEEBcase River restored areas experienced far less harm than
restoration to avoid flood damage, USA and Box neighboring provinces, which suffered significant loss
6.5). In Sri Lanka, two reserves in the Muthurajawella of life and property (TEEBcase Mangrove rehabilita-
Marsh have a flood attenuation value (2003 values) tion for coastal protection, Vietnam). Conversely, reef
estimated at US$ 5,033,800 per year. damage in Sri Lanka has led to erosion estimated to
be 40 cm a year on south and west coasts. The cost
LANDSLIDES of replacing reefs with artificial forms of protection
has been calculated at US$ 246,000-836,000/km
A European Commission review of landslides noted (UNEP-WCMC 2006).
that ‘The reforestation of hill slopes can help to reduce
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
An extreme form of soil degradation is desertification, Although ecosystem management clearly has no role
driven mainly by forest destruction, intensive agri- in preventing earthquakes, it can help prevent the
culture, overgrazing and excessive ground water aftermath – landslides and other environmental
extraction. At present, desertification affects over 100 hazards. Analysis of several thousand landslides
countries, mainly in Asia and Africa, with high popula- triggered by the 2005 earthquake in Kashmir found that
tion pressure and livestock units. Desertification leads forested slopes suffered less slippage than bare, agri-
to a drastic decline in an area’s biological productive cultural and shrub-covered slopes (Kamp et al. 2009).
capacity and the economic and social cost is high. Similarly, analysis of landslides following an earthquake
China experiences US$ 6.5 billion in damages each in the Neelum Valley (Pakistan) found landslide risk
year from sandstorms alone (UNCCD 2001). higher in deforested areas (Sudmeier-Rieux et al. 2008).
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
absorbing floods; restoration of flood plains on rivers; simultaneously. In the Napa Valley example mentioned
protection or restoration of forests on steep slopes above, the floodplains restored with appropriate trails
(through legislation, purchase, incentives or agreement); and green areas led to revitalization of the inner city.
protection; good management or if necessary, restora- A further case from Belgium (TEEBcase Changed agro-
tion of natural coastal defences including coastal management to prevent floods, Belgium) illustrates this
marshes, coral reefs and mangroves; protective plan- potential for a rural setting: restructuring land use for
ting against soil erosion and desertification. mudflow management not only reduced soil erosion,
but also led to an increase of biodiversity and
Reorganizing disaster prevention can create in- en-hancement of landscape quality. These new green
teresting opportunities to rearrange land manage- corridors attracted cyclists and allowed an increase in
ment so that different sector needs can be addressed the recreational potential through bicycle trails and
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
Box 5.16 A tool to assess and integrate ecosystem services in land-use decision making
A quantitative ecosystem services assessment helped Kamehameha Schools (KS), the largest private land-
owner in Hawai`i, to design and implement a plan that fulfils its mission to balance environmental, economic,
cultural, educational, and community values. With the Natural Capital Project, KS used the InVEST software
(see Box 6.7) to evaluate the impacts on ecosystem services of alternative planning scenarios on its iconic
10,500 hectare landholding on the North Shore of O`ahu. The scenarios included biofuel feedstock, diversified
agriculture and forestry, and residential development. Carbon storage and water quality were quantified, as
well as financial return from the land. Cultural services were also addressed. The results informed KS’ decision
to rehabilitate irrigation infrastructure and make the other investments required to pursue diversified agriculture
and forestry.
Source: Integrating ecosystem services into land-use planning in Hawai'i, USA. TEEBcase by Goldstein et al. (see
sector planning. Furthermore, local actors can play the benefits of an ecosystem have been identified,
a role as an intermediary between local farmers or local leaders can share what they have learned,
forest owners willing to protect watersheds and offering advice about disaster mitigation, best
distant beneficiaries of the enhanced water supply. fishing practices, water conservation and opportu-
5. Investment: Local governments can invest in nities for tourism.
ecosystem services through purchasing policy. 8. Research and promotion: Local agencies often
They can choose to buy local timber for govern- carry out research (alone or collaboratively with
ment buildings or create an atmosphere that research institutions) in order to assess the role of
supports buying locally-produced food, eg through local ecosystem services. Determining their value
local labels for local products. Some local govern- is a prerequisite for establishing what the best
ments have invested in ecotourism ventures, resource management practices are. Much of the
thereby supporting an industry that boosts the monitoring that forms the basis of such research
economy without overexploiting natural resources. is coordinated at a local level. The success of
Restoring ecosystems and thereby recovering monitoring and other measures often depends
degraded ecosystem services can be a very good on collaborating with well-informed local
investment (TEEB in National Policy 2011, Chapter 9). →stakeholders. Once benefits are assessed this
6. Incentives: Local governments can create positive information can be used to promote local products
incentives for improved ecosystem services or services; examples include local labels for
management. There are opportunities for Payment agricultural produce or sustainable tourism.
for Ecosystem Services schemes at private, public
and government levels (see Chapter 8). In some The following table provides an overview of TEEB-
cases authorities, sector agencies, regional cases available on that illustrate these
development banks and other programs have areas of intervention in practical applications. The last
funds to help promote green business ventures or column refers to further relevant chapters in this report
investments that aim to secure the long-term and in TEEB in National Policy, also available on TEEB
viability of ecosystem services. (see also TEEB in
Business 2011).
7. Extension services and capacity building:
Many environmental problems occur because
people do not understand the full implications of
their actions or the available alternatives. Farmers
may not be aware of alternatives that allow for a
more →sustainable land use, while at the same
time being economic from their perspective. Once
Planning Agro-ecological zoning, Brazil SEA for including ecosystem services in Integrating ecosystem services into spatial planning Preventing desertification 6,7
coastal management, Portugal in Sumatra, Indonesia. by establishment of PAs,
Morocco (section 5.5)
Wetland restoration incorporates ecosys-
tem service values, Aral Sea, Central Asia
Regulation Salinity Credits Trading Scheme, Temporary closures in octopus reserves Conservation law benefits communities and Local tourism TEEB in
Australia (Australian Government) increase catch, Madagascar biodiversity, Papua New Guinea within ecological National
limits (Box 7.4) Policy, Ch7
Benefits of Forest Certification, Solomon Islands
Management Re-introducing traditional Guidelines for harvesting crocodile eggs, Community forestry for public health, Community Changed agromanagement
practices, Ecuador (Box 5.13) Papua New Guinea (Equator Initiative) Nepal (Box 5.12) restricts tourist to prevent floods, Belgium
Organic Farming in private Wetland protection and restoration Discounts on entrance fees for excercising in Mexico (Box 5.14) Multiple benefits of urban
protected area, Russia increases yields, Bangladesh national park, India (in prep.) ecosystems: spatial planning
in Miami City, USA
layTEEB_D2_Druckvar_end:Layout 1 20.08.10 12:20 Seite 106
All examples refer to TEEBcases on unless otherwise stated.
layTEEB_D2_Druckvar_end:Layout 1 20.08.10 12:20 Seite 107
C H A P T E R 5 · E C O S Y S T E M S E R V I C E S I N R U R A L A R E A S A N D N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T
Jarvis et al. (2000). A training guide for In Situ conservation Step-by-step guidance on community forestry is provided by
on-farm: Biodiversity International. This handbook offers an the multilingual FAO community forestry manuals which are
introduction in situ conservation and a 'how to'-guide on the available at
implementation of efforts to conserve crop genetic diversity.
www.bioversityinter Tourism
publications/pdfs/611.pdf Honey, M. (2008) Ecotourism and Sustainable Development:
Who Owns Paradise? Island Press. The book provides an
World Bank (2008) World Development Report: Agriculture for introduction to Eco-tourism and several case studies from the
Development. Especially chapter 8 of this report with many Americas and Africa.
graphs and figures highlights the natural resource implications for
the agricultural sector. Information and a multilingual guidance on how to integrate
INTWDR2008/Resources/WDR_00_book.pdf sustainable practices in tour operators' supply chains as well
as a set of case studies is compiled on the website of the Tour
Fisheries Operator Initiative
IUCN (1999) Guidelines for Marine Protected Areas. Bests
Practice Guidelines number 3. These technical guidelines Disaster management
provide detailed information about the establishment and ma- UN/ISDR (2005) Know Risk. The illustrated book provides many
nagement of areas to protect both biodiversity and fisheries. best practice examples of ecosystem related disaster risk management. 160 authors compiled examples from marine and
coastal to urban and mountainous ecosystems.
MARE (2005) Interactive fisheries governance: a guide to
better practice. This easily accessible guide gives advice on Climate change adaptation
best practice governance. The World Bank website on the 'Economics of Climate Change
documents/bavinck_interactive.pdf Adaptation' provides reports on the costs of climate adaptation
for the forestry and the fisheries sector as well as on im-
Water management plications for disaster management and infrastructure.
WANI toolkit: The IUCN Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
together with 80+ partner organizations has developed a toolkit adaptation-climate-change-study-homepage
for practitioners to demonstrate best practice water manage-
ment (incl. case studies) that supports healthy rivers and Equator Initiative
communities. The Equator Prize is awarded biennially to recognize outstanding
community efforts to reduce poverty through the conservation
The WANI series covers the following topics: and sustainable use of biodiversity. Many showcases illustrate
FLOW: the essentials of environmental flows; CHANGE: best practice examples.
adaptation of water resources management to climate change;
VALUE: counting ecosystems as water infrastructure; PAY:
establishing payments for watershed services; SHARE:
managing waters across boundaries; RULE: reforming water
governance; NEGOTIATE: reaching agreements over water.
PA R T I I I · T H E P R A C T I C E
Lead authors: Vincent Goodstadt (The University of Manchester), Maria Rosário Partidário (IST-
Technical University of Lisbon)
Contributing authors: Elisa Calcaterra, Leonora Lorena, David Ludlow, Andre Mader, Lucy Natarajan, Holger
Robrecht, Roel Slootweg
Reviewers: Sophal Chhun, Leonardo Fleck, Davide Geneletti, Tilman Jaeger, Ricardo Jordan,
Nicolas Lucas, Emily McKenzie, Wairimu Mwangi, Stephan J. Schmidt, Sara Topelson,
Peter Werner, Sara Wilson, Juan Carlos Zentella
Acknowledgements: Robert Bradburne, Johannes Förster, Joe Ravetz, Alice Ruhweza
Editor: Heidi Wittmer
Language editor: Judy Longbottom and Jessica Hiemstra-van der Horst
This chapter highlights opportunities for policy spatial planning – as well as identifying the con-
makers to consider ecosystem services and bio- nection between spatial planning and climate change
diversity in both spatial planning and environmen- issues. The use of environmental assessments to ac-
tal assessments. Section 6.1 outlines challenges count for ecosystem service values and biodiversity
to spatial planning and describes the trend towards is presented in 6.5. Action points on spatial planning
its redefinition. 6.2 explores its relationship to eco- are in 6.4 and lessons from practice on environmen-
system services and →biodiversity, advocating the tal assessments in 6.7.
importance of incorporating ecosystem services in
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
Key Messages
• Seeing the forest for the trees. The overriding benefit of spatial planning is that it can encompass
the cumulative impacts of incremental decisions on ecosystems and their services. It examines the
‘parts’ to make decisions that affect the ‘whole.’
• Knowledge really is power. An effective planning framework can make the policy and planning
process transparent and inclusive, assessing who benefits from which ecosystem service, helping
to avoid conflicts, especially if different stakeholder groups are part of the planning process.
• Early thinking enables opportunities and management of changes. Strategic Environmental Assess-
ment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) can contribute to the integration of biodiversity
issues and ecosystem services in local and regional planning. This safeguards livelihoods, illuminates
impacts on ecosystem services and highlights the risks and opportunities associated with changes.
• Start locally to think globally. A good strategy considers both local and global systems and
stakeholders. Spatial planning, supported by EIA and SEA, may form a basis for sustainable,
economically and socially appropriate responses, for example, to climate change.
• Getting more than you bargained for can be a good thing. The proactive inclusion of ecosystem
services allows environmental assessment to identify the economic potentials, rather than simply
the constraints, associated with development that supports biodiversity.
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
Spatial planning can be delivered through development policy or through legally binding plans. Development
policy guides planning by formulating objectives and key areas of intervention while legally binding plans
define rules of action. In both cases, effective plans are monitored, measured and re-assessed when
necessary. Open and collaborative spatial planning helps to make agreement between diverse →stakeholders
with a variety of agendas, backgrounds and landscapes possible. Spatial planning integrates three perspectives:
Sectoral Planning targets specific ‘activities’ such as transport, water resources, forestry and mineral
extraction. Plans are often prepared by the government department or agency that manages these
Master Planning addresses areas requiring significant changes such as new communities or areas targeted
for regeneration. Typically, these plans are prepared by lead agencies in either the public or private sector.
Nested Planning addresses different scales of governance – from local to regional to national. Nested
planning increasingly encompasses mega-regions beyond state boundaries. Their shape is as variable as
the mechanisms and bodies that implement them, reflecting both their scope and purpose. It can be
influenced by broad and specific goals, geography and relevant legislation.
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA 2005c) development challenge: both where ecosystem ser-
recognized that when urban systems are managed vices can help improve quality of life (green agenda)
more equitably and the loss of →ecosystem services and where ecosystem services are affected by infra-
is purposefully addressed, the benefits to →human structure (brown agenda, Table 6.1).
well-being can be substantial. However, despite the
fact that effective spatial planning can be instrumental The European Environment Agency report on ‘Ensuring
in ‘greener’ urban development, the Global Report on quality of life in Europe’s cities and towns’ (EEA 2009)
Human Settlements (UN- HABITAT 2009) reports that identifies four common challenges for spatial planners:
although the sustainable urban development vision has 1. The sectoral nature of policies: The diverse
been embraced by cities all over the world, none are number and range of local strategies (transport,
yet able to simultaneously and comprehensively housing, environmental, economic) are often in
address the different facets of the sustainable urban conflict and are not integrated.
Ecosystems that provide green/ recreation space and Waste systems that recycle and remove
biodiversity protection. (solid, liquid, air) wastes from cities.
Water systems that provide a natural flow for both Energy systems that provide power, heating,
water supply and waste disposal. cooling and lighting for city functions.
Climate and air systems that provide cities with a Transport systems (including fuel) that enable
healthy environment. mobility in the city.
Agricultural and forestry systems (and other ecolo- Building and materials systems that provide the
gical services) that provide food and fibre for cities. physical infrastructure of cities.
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
2. Poor delivery mechanisms: Plan making and Integrated, inclusive and sustainable plans have
plan delivery are often managed by separate become the internationally accepted goal. For
agencies which are not aligned. Implementation example, the European Council of Spatial Planning
increasingly rests with private corporations, (ECTP) has set out a New Charter of Athens (ECTP
particularly in the case of major new infrastructure 2003) which focuses on the need to recognize social,
such as transit systems. environmental and economic connectivity. The
3. Lack of professional resources: A shortage of charter stresses the importance of both the ‘Precau-
planners limits the promotion of sustainable tionary Principle’ and environmental considerations
development – especially those who have an in all decision-making processes, not only when they
understanding of the role of the ecosystem are obligatory (see Box 6.10).
services approach in effective planning.
4. Administrative boundaries: Administrative Aligning local and regional spatial planning with wider
boundaries rarely coincide with economic, social global challenges is also critical to the delivery of the eight
or ecological systems. These boundaries may Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations.
create competition rather than collaboration Planning has been identified as a key tool for addressing
between municipalities across an ecosystem (eg wealth, health and educational challenges. This is because
one municipality may extract headwaters from a goals pertaining to welfare have a strong spatial dimension.
river system, affecting downstream areas).
Local communities can use benchmark planning
REDEFINING SPATIAL PLANNING systems with a range of criteria such as those set
out in the INTERMETREX Benchmarking System
The above challenges require a redefinition of spatial plan- (METREX 2006). In designing or re-designing planning
ning, to make it more value-driven and action-oriented systems to make them effective, decision makers may
(The New Vision for Planning, RTPI 2000). This has set consider the following: who holds development rights;
an agenda for planning that places greater importance on delivery mechanisms; public participation processes in
쏟 sustaining habitats that underpin ecosystems and bio- planning decisions; and how disputes are resolved.
diversity (Vancouver Declaration 2006). Planners can also rank the extent to which public benefits
are extracted from private development initiatives.
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
Road construction and paving in the Brazilian Amazon has been greatly debated in the last decades due to
its ‘positive’ impact on regional development and ‘negative’ impact on forest ecosystems.
In 2005 the Brazilian government announced plans to reconstruct a road between the states of Amazonas
and Rondônia as part of its Growth Acceleration Plan (PAC). This route, once connecting two capital cities
(Porto Velho and Manaus), requires 406 km of extensive paving, bridges and reconstruction. The impact of
improved infrastructure, however, is projected to cause extensive deforestation unless effective policy
measures can restrain forest clearing.
A pre-feasibility study used a Cost-Benefit Analysis to evaluate the effect of including environmental
externalities in both a ‘conventional’ and an ‘integrated’ scenario. Interestingly, both feasibility studies
indicated that the project was not economically feasible. The ‘conventional’ scenario focused on local and
regional benefits associated with cargo and passenger transportation savings as well as the costs of road
construction and maintenance. This study indicated that the project would result in a net loss of about
US$ 150 million. The ‘integrated’ scenario, which accounted for the costs of deforestation, projected a net
loss of up to US$ 1.05 billion; this means the expected value of the lost ecosystem services amounts to
US$ 855 million (NPV 25 years, 12% →discount rate).
The project is stopped at the moment because of several factors, the main one being the fact that the project
still does not have an environmental license approved by IBAMA, Brazil’s environmental agency, because
they considered the environmental impact study to be deficient. The study referred above was used by the
Brazilian Senate and the National Public Prosecutor's Office - MPF to question the feasibility of the road.
For example, cutting a few hectares of forest for a serious implications; however, if the trend continues,
new road or shopping mall mainly has local effects, cumulative consequences include soil erosion, 쏟
however, as a regional trend, urbanization affects the siltation, reduction of water availability and landslides.
function of natural ecosystems at large and this has Integrating an ecosystem services perspective
relevance for global climate change (DeFries et al. into spatial planning helps planners to identify and
2010). Equally, the first few farmers converting forests deal with →trade-offs and cumulative effects.
on hill slopes to agricultural production might not have
The Chocó eco-region is a biologically and culturally rich area. The region’s soils contain gold and platinum, making
it attractive for mining. Large-scale mining would destroy most of the area’s ecosystems and their services. Local
communities depend on these services for fishing, wood extraction and subsistence agriculture. For this reason,
local communities decided not to rent out land to large-scale mining companies but rather to extract minerals with
innovative and traditional low-impact mining practices that do not involve the use of toxic chemicals.
With this type of alternative land use plan, communities can generate income from mining while sustaining
biodiversity and ecosystem services. The strategy was implemented with the help of national and local NGOs
and foundations. This enabled the communities to get their minerals certified by FAIRMINED and sell it at a
premium in the growing market for low-impact mined minerals.
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
Decisions about climate-relevant ecosystem services In order for spatial planning to effectively use an eco-
cannot only be made on a project by project basis – system service approach, municipalities and other
which has often been the case to date. Those that agencies are advised to establish:
쏟 are relevant to climate regulation are both global 1) Legal Framework: This provides a statutory basis
and local in their extent and are delivered by a wide for local plans to guide both development and the
range of ecosystems, which are at risk to varying powers that enforce it (UN-HABITAT 2009). Without
degrees (MA 2005). Similarly, water services and a legal framework, the adverse impacts of proposals
regulation of extreme events are complex and vast. on ecosystem services cannot be fully controlled
Ad hoc and small scale approaches to their manage- or remediated. Planning systems can be made
ment risk the total value of the resource being lost more effective if local communities can design (and
because of the cumulative effect of the individual redesign) regulatory and legal systems to support
decisions (DEFRA 2007). Without a larger strategic effective development.
context there is a real danger of ‘not seeing the forest 2) Regional or national planning frameworks: In
for the trees.’ most countries, spatial planning takes place only
at the local level, making it difficult for municipalities
Sustaining ecosystems is therefore no longer just an to draw up strategies for entire ecosystems (such
environmental goal. It is necessary to ensure the as water catchments). Developing a regional or
conditions for sound economic and social develop- national planning framework helps to implement
ment. Therefore two key principles need to be plans that incorporate entire ecosystems (Box 6.4).
applied if we are to integrate an ecosystem services 3) Technical Resources: Planners need data and
approach into spatial planning: tools to draw up effective plans. This is a particular
• Planning must be undertaken for the functional challenge in developing countries, where there is
spaces within which people live and work rather often negligible information, for instance, about
than the administrative boundaries of a single slum neighbourhoods and informal settlements.
municipality or region. Ecosystems and the scales 4) Processes for engaging local communities:
on which they deliver services should therefore be Participatory planning is at the core of spatial
understood as the key building blocks for spatial planning. Community support is essential for an
analysis. effective plan. This depends on the political will and
• It is essential to integrate ecosystem services into the resources of the community, particularly in
socio-economic decision making, rather than areas where civic society does not have a demo-
addressing them separately. For this reason, cratic culture or institutions.
planners can develop a multi-scale approach to
decision making that accounts for both ‘horizontal’ Ecosystem services approaches can be operationa-
and vertical’ collaboration. lized within planning systems using three different
perspectives (Haines-Young and Potschin 2008):
The potential of ecosystem services is increasingly 1) Habitat: A focus on Habitat units is valuable
쏟 taken into account in regional and national land use because it has clear relevance to policy. It links the
planning (Box 6.4). At the local scale, the Global assessment of ecosystem services with biodiversity
Report on Human Settlements (UN-HABITAT 2009) has action plan processes.
identified eight potential planning responses for urban 2) Services: This approach focuses directly on the
쏟 zoning. These responses provide opportunities to ecosystem services themselves (such as water
incorporate the above principles into ecosystem supply or flood control) and is particularly effective
services planning (Table 6.2). Furthermore, assump- in assessing regional and national-level services,
tions that are based on historical experience no longer such as water basin management.
hold under climate change. Therefore, new tools and 3) Place-based: This approach identifies and evalu-
guidance is needed that include sophisticated meth- ates the interrelationships between all services in
ods like climate models for local and regional planning, a defined geographical area. This perspective may
which integrate ecosystem services (Box 6.7). overcome problems in defining an ecosystem.
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
China: Provincial and county planners in China now consider areas that are critical for the provision
of ecosystem services and for biodiversity conservation in order to develop multi-objective and cross-
sectoral land use plans. In Boaxing County, for example, InVEST was used to desing zones development
zones that help to protect areas with high ecosystem services value for sediment and water retention for
erosion control and flood protection as well as carbon storage. These are also key conservation areas
for biodiversity.
Source: Mapping conservation areas for ecosystem services in land-use planning, China.
TEEBcase by Wang et al. (see
Indonesia: Sumatra's next ecosystem-based spatial plan will guide local and regional decision-making
processes and assist planners to determine whether, and where, to award concessions for economic acti-
vities, such as oil palm and pulp and paper plantations. Using the InVEST tool, the location and quantity of
high-quality habitat, carbon storage and sequestration potential, annual water yield, erosion control, and
water purification were analyzed. This will help to locate and determine conservation activities such as pay-
ments for carbon or watershed services as well as best management practices for forestry and
Source: Integrating ecosystem services into spatial planning in Sumatra, Indonesia. TEEBcase by Barano et al. (see
Although both the ‘habitat’ and ‘service’ perspectives • Where do these ecosystems services emanate
are useful in assessing ecosystem services, political from? Are they local, or do they come from outside
decision making typically focuses on a particular geo- the area under consideration?
graphical area. For this reason, a place-based perspec- • Who relies on the services, and in what kind of
tive is potentially the most effective. It encourages capacity? How important are they to groups or
people to think about cross-sectoral issues, appro- individuals within and outside the area?
priate geographical scales for analysis, and the values • What is the value and priority of each service?
and priorities of different stakeholder groups (Box 6.5). Can the services be replaced, substituted or
acquired elsewhere?
A place-based approach to planning that incorporates • How can management and policy actions enhance
ecosystem services addresses several key questions services? In particular, how might actions that
(adapted from Haines-Young and Potschin 2008): address the flow of one service negatively or
• Which ecosystems services in the area are positively affect the flow of another?
important to human well-being?
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
The Napa River Basin ranges from tidal marshes to mountainous terrain and is subject to severe
winter storms and frequent flooding. The present value of damageable property within the floodplain is well
over US$ 500 million. After a major flood in 1986, the federal government proposed digging levees and
implementing a channel modification project. Local citizens, however, did not approve the plan. They were
concerned by the risk of salinity intrusion due to channel-deepening, water quality degradation and
problems associated with the disposal of contaminated dredge material.
In response to community concerns, the “Living River Initiative” was proposed – a comprehensive flood
control plan to restore the river’s original capacity to handle flood waters. Since 2000 it has converted over
700 acres around the city into marshes, wetlands and mudflats.
The project reduced or eliminated flood-related human and economic casualties: property damage; cleanup
costs; community disruption; unemployment; lost business revenue and the need for flood insurance. By
taking a cross-sectoral planning approach the project has also created an economic renaissance, instigating
the development of several luxury hotels and housing along the river which, at one time, was viewed as a
blighted area. Since approval, approximately US$ 400 million has been spent on private development
investment in downtown Napa. Urban citizens’ health has improved with access to trails and recreation areas.
At completion, the project will protect over 7,000 people and 3,000 residential/commercial units from
flooding catastrophe. The project also has a positive benefit-to-cost ratio since over US$ 1.6 billion in
damages is expected to be saved from flood protection expenditures.
Source: River restoration to avoid flood damage, USA. TEEBcase by Kaitlin Almack (see
concepts – ‘green networks’ and green infrastructure: rather than individual sites.
a. Green Networks promote linked spaces and b. Green Infrastructure is a strategically planned
corridors of biodiversity resources, sustainable and delivered network of ecosystems and green
transport networks and formal and informal public spaces including parks, rivers, wetlands and
open-spaces. This enables the identification of private gardens. It focuses on ecosystems that
network ‘gaps’ and implementation of manage- provide important services such as storm water
ment priorities with a focus on linked networks protection, water and air quality improvement as
Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (LBSAPs) create a local framework that can concurrently
address national and international conservation and biodiversity targets. LBSAPs functions are to:
• translate international and national policies and obligations into effective action at the local level.
• conserve important local and national biodiversity.
• provide a framework and process, coordinating new and existing initiatives, for biodiversity conservation
at the local level.
• assist sustainable planning and development.
• raise public awareness and involvement in biodiversity conservation.
• collect and collate information on an area’s biodiversity.
• provide a basis for monitoring biodiversity at a local level and make recommendations to regional
and national levels of government.
Source: adapted from Local Action for Biodiversity (LAB) 2009 (
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
3. Set priorities according to resource limitations shared outcome targets and joint programmes
(professional and financial). These can address the between municipalities and other agencies (EEA
level of urgency needed to tackle ecosystem chal- 2009).
lenges (eg focus on vulnerable drylands with high 5. Use the available tool-boxes. Strengthen the
population pressure and →poverty rates). Act before competences of planners and policy makers
the risks to ecosystem services become critical. generally. This can include utilizing the potential of
4. Create new forms of engagement that can GIS tools to make visible the impacts on ecosystem
deliver more integrated policy. This involves con- services of alternative scenarios, plans, policies
sultation at early stages, hands-on participation, and projects (Box 6.7).
Box 6.7 Tools for integrating ecosystem services into policy and decision making
Specific application software, such as CITYgreen, can be used to analyze the ecological and economic
benefits of tree canopy and other green features in cities. Planners can use it for scenario testing – for
projections related to stormwater run-off, air pollution control, carbon storage and sequestration and landcover.
Planners also have access to free software, such Marxan, a conservation planning toolset that can help
planners analyze a range of conservation design dilemmas (Marxan: It can
also be used to develop multi-use zoning plans for natural resource management and can be applied to
a wide range of problems associated with the management of reserves (including terrestrial, marine and
freshwater systems) and generate options that can encourage stakeholder participation. This has been used
in a range of situations, Madre Dios, Peru, for example (Fleck et al. 2010).
InVEST is designed to help local, regional and national decision makers incorporate ecosystem services into
a range of policy and planning contexts for terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems. It includes
spatial planning, SEAs and EIAs and maps where ecosystem services are provided and utilized. It can provide
biophysical results (such as meters of shoreline retained) and economic values (avoided property damage
cost). It also creates a relative index of habitat quality (although biodiversity is not given a direct economic
value). It can help design models which account for both service supply (living habitats buffers for storm waves)
and the location and activities of people who benefit from services.
Depending on data availability, InVEST includes relatively simple models (with few input requirements) and
more complex, data intensive models that can inform policy that requires certainty and specificity.
The InVEST process begins by identifying stakeholders’ critical management choices which can be analyzed for
effects on →ecosystem processes, biodiversity and flow of ecosystem services.
Outputs can inform:
• Spatial planning: assessing current and potential ecosystem services status under alternative,
spatially-explicit future scenarios.
• SEA and EIA: identifying how policies, plans and programs can affect multiple ecosystem services,
thus guiding selection of best alternatives.
• Payments for ecosystem services (PES): identifying how payments can be effectively and efficiently disbursed.
• Permits and mitigation: assessing impacts of proposed activities and providing guidance for where
mitigation will provide the greatest benefits.
• Climate adaptation strategies: demonstrating how changes in climate patterns will influence services delivery.
Source: Background information on InVEST and the Natural Capital Project is
available at
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
The United States is credited with first institutionalizing EIA in 1969, and was followed by other predomi-
nantly western countries. During the eighties, the EU instituted EIA legislation and the World Bank adopted
EIA as part of its operations. Since then, over 100 countries have followed suit. In comparison, SEA is less
widespread. Its application, however, is rapidly catching up. Approximately 35 countries have (as of 2009)
adopted regulations for SEA, largely due to the ‘Kiev Protocol’ which entered into force in July 2010.
Interest in SEA also sparked the call for more holistic, integrated and balanced strategic decision making
made in influential initiatives such as the 2002 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). International
financing institutions and co-operation organisations such as the World Bank and CIDA have played an
important role in introducing SEA to developing countries, funding many SEA studies. Principle 17 of the
Rio Declaration (1992) highlights the role of EIA in environmental policy for sustainable development.
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
A suite of impact assessment approaches with dif- are accommodated by floodplains. This ecosystem
ferent foci have emerged over time, but most are service is highly appreciated by fishers, while farmers
based on the EIA principles of pro-active information prefer to have embankments and regulated water
provision before decision making, ensuring trans- supply to be able to produce two crops per year
parency and stakeholder involvement. Examples (Abdel-Dayem et al. 2004). EIA and SEA can help
include social impact assessment, health impact identify different interests, creating an important base-
assessment, cumulative impact assessment and line for conflict resolution.
biodiversity impact assessment.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) was devel- RECOGNIZE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES
oped to address development choices at a strategic
level before projects begin. In order to be more From a spatial planning perspective, three situations
effective, SEA considers alternative options, weighing can be envisaged for impact assessment to effec-
and discussing the risks and opportunities they tively integrate ecosystem services into the planning
present (Partidário 2007; 2007a). process:
1. Sustainability-oriented spatial planning with
ECOSYSTEMS AND BIODIVERSITY IN pro-active SEA: SEA facilitates the planning
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS process in a pro-active and strategic way. It
identifies ecosystem services and their respective
Biodiversity is commonly described in terms of eco- stakeholders in a defined geographic area and
system and species diversity, numbers of individuals maps sensitivities. Both the status of biodiversity
per species and a number of other ecological terms. as well as direct and indirect drivers of change are
For planners required to deliver services and quality assessed. Some ecosystem services may be over-
of life to people, this language may be difficult to exploited and remediation or rehabilitation is needed,
relate to. Conservationists and planners frequently while others may identify an unexploited develop-
clash on biodiversity issues, particularly if SEA and ment potential (case studies 1, 2 and 3, Box 6.9).
EIA are perceived as legal requirements that can 2. Spatial planning with reactive SEA: SEA can be
hinder development, driven by environmental authori- used to assess consequences of proposed plans
ties. and developments in a defined spatial area. Pro-
posed activities and the planning area are known,
The CBD in its guidelines on biodiversity in impact and an inventory of ecosystems and their sensitivity
assessment (SCBD and NCEA 2006), tries to to identified drivers of change can be made (for
reconcile biodiversity conservation with develop- example, making a sensitivity map). In consultation
ment by highlighting the role of ecosystem services with stakeholders, potential impacts on ecosystems
as the basis for human well-being and livelihoods. can be translated into impacts on ecosystem ser-
By describing an ecosystem in terms of the services vices, expressed as opportunities or risks to social
it provides to people (including future generations), it and economic well-being (case study 4, Box 6.9).
is possible to identify groups of people having an 3. Detailed project planning and EIA: if a spatial
interest, or stake, in these services. Each ecosystem plan already subjected to an SEA has been estab-
provides multiple services. A forest provides both lished, and development is prioritized, alternatives
timber and non-timber forest products, anti-erosion may only need fine-tuning. EIA applied to these
services and carbon storage. Coastal dunes provide projects can make a detailed analysis of their
protection against storm surges, protect the hinter- potential consequences. Local biodiversity, related
land against underground seawater intrusion, conserve ecosystem services and the stakeholders can be
biodiversity and provide recreational facilities. determined. The assessment predominantly
focuses on (i) avoiding or mitigating impacts
Stakeholders do not necessarily share the same (through adjusting location, changing magnitude
interests. For example, seasonal floods in Bangladesh or timing of the activity or applying alternative
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
technologies), and (ii) the creation of an The efficacy of each of these approaches will depend
environmental monitoring and management plan . on intended outcomes and on the nature of the
planning system in each local setting.
Case Study 3: Restoration of wetlands for local livelihoods and health, Central Asia
Intensification and expansion of irrigation activities in Central Asia led to shrinking of the Aral Sea
and degradation of the Amu Darya delta in Uzbekistan, leaving only 10% of the original wetlands.
The Interstate Committee on the Aral Sea, in consultation with the World Bank, requested the development of
a coherent strategy for the restoration of the Amu Darya delta. An SEA approach was used to structure the
decision-making process. Valuation of the ecosystem services was instrumental in changing the course of
development from technocratic and unsustainable interventions, towards the restoration of natural processes,
better capable of creating added value to inhabitants under the dynamic conditions of a water-stressed delta.
The process created a strong coalition of local stakeholders and authorities, resulting in necessary pressure
to convince national government and the donor community to invest in a pilot project, the restoration of
the Sudoche wetlands. The project resulted in an increase in productivity of the region; the best →indicator
of success is the return of young people to the villages.
Source: Wetland restoration incorporates ecosystem service values, Aral Sea, Central Asia.
TEEBcase by Roel Slootweg et al (see
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
The use of SEA at the earliest stages of planning has guaranteed that environmental and social issues
beyond the boundaries of the project area were incorporated into the design process. Valuation of eco-
system services focused on those services affected by the transfer of water from the Nile to the desert
area. Simple quantitative techniques provided strong arguments for decision makers in the government
ministry and the World Bank to significantly reduce the scale of the initial phase.
The diversion of water from relatively poor smallholder farmers in the delta to large investors west of the
delta posed →equity problems, so a phased implementation was agreed. This provided time for the National
Water Resources Management Plan, which includes a water savings program, to be implemented.
Source: Water transfer project influenced by ecosystem service evaluation, Egypt. TEEBcase by Roel Slootweg (see
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
No net loss: Loss of irreplaceable biodiversity must be avoided. Other biodiversity loss has to be com-
pensated for (in quality and quantity). Where possible, identify and support opportunities for biodiversity
enhancement through 'positive planning'.
The precautionary principle: Where impacts cannot be predicted with confidence, and/or where there is
uncertainty about effectiveness of mitigation measures, be cautious and risk adverse. Employ an adaptive
approach (several small steps instead of one big step) with safety margins and continuous monitoring (see
also The Precautionary Principle Project,
Participation: Different groups or individuals in society have a stake in the maintenance and/or use of
biodiversity. Consequently, valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services can only be done in negotiation
with these stakeholders. Stakeholders thus have a role in the impact assessment process.
Local, traditional and indigenous knowledge is used in impact assessment to provide a complete and
reliable overview of issues pertaining to biodiversity. Views are exchanged with stakeholders and experts.
While physical drivers of change (such as hydrological changes) can be modeled by experts, impacts are
‘felt’ by people and are location specific (for an example see Sallenave 1994).
SEA and EIA need to distinguish between drivers that at the level of regional groundwater extraction policy.
can be influenced by a decision maker and others At higher and strategic levels of planning, the indirect
which may be beyond their control. The temporal, drivers of change may become relevant, making them
spatial and organizational scales at which a driver of particularly relevant in SEA. Changes in production
change can be addressed are crucial (SCBD and and consumption processes, for example, through in-
NCEA 2006). For example, overexploitation of ternational trade agreements, will act as indirect
groundwater cannot be dealt with at the level of one drivers. This in turn leads to direct drivers of change
individual groundwater well, but is better addressed (Slootweg et al. 2009).
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
Trigger - Combination Combination of 1 and 2 above Focus on area and direct drivers of change
of 1 and 2
Knowledge of intervention and area of
Policy is affecting known influence allows prediction of impacts on
direct drivers and area. ecosystem services and biodiversity.
Trigger 3 – neither area Are indirect drivers of change Focus on understanding the complex
nor sector are defined affecting the way in which a society: linkages between indirect and direct
• produces or consumes goods? drivers of change.
Interventions affecting
• occupies land and water? • Review existing cases and
indirect drivers of change,
• exploits ecosystem services? methodology (like the MA).
without direct biophysical
• Undertake original research.
Source: adapted from SCBD and NCEA (2006)
of this document to discuss biodiversity-inclusive best practice SEA should be fully integrated into a
screening criteria. planning (or policy development) process, and these
differ between eg national sectoral or regional spatial
In the scoping phase, experts, stakeholders and plans, or policy development processes. Different
competent authorities play a role in defining the issues approaches and guidance documents are available in
that need further study. The CBD Guidelines provide ‘for further information’ below.
an extensive 13 step approach to do good scoping
for biodiversity and ecosystem services (see SCBD There are, however, some procedures to verify the need
and NCEA (2006) below). to include ecosystem services in the SEA process.
Table 6.3 identifies ecosystem services triggers in a
Unlike EIA, the SEA process is not structured accord- policy, plan or program (Full detail is provided in SCBD
ing to a given procedure. The principal reason is that and NCEA 2006 and Slootweg et al. 2009).
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
Urban managers are faced with reconciling competing needs for land by a growing population - as here in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
C H A P T E R 6 · S PAT I A L P L A N N I N G A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L A S S E S S M E N T S
The Precautionary Principle OECD-DAC (2006) Applying SEA: Good Practice Guidance for
Guidelines, workshop report and several case studies are available Development Cooperation. The report explains the benefits of using
on the Precautionary Principle Project SEA in development co-operation and provide guidance using check-
publications___outputs.html including Cooney, R. (2004) The lists and more than 30 case examples.
Precautionary Principle in Biodiversity Conservation and dataoecd/4/21/37353858.pdf
Natural Resource Management:
PrecautionaryPrincipleissuespaper.pdf OECD (2008) Strategic Environmental Assessment and Ecosystem
Services. DAC Network on Environment and Development Co-ope-
Guidelines on Biodiversity-inclusive impact assessment ration (ENVIRONET). 26p. URL:
SCBD and NCEA (2006). Biodiversity in Impact Assessment: 54/41882953.pdf Advisory Note that supplements (OECD DAC
Voluntary Guidelines on Biodiversity-Inclusive Impact Assessment 2006) with a focus on how to integrate ecosystem services in SEA.
( Using case
studies ( the approach of eco- Various training manuals and best practice examples on SEA are avai-
system services has been applied to develop guidelines for a better lable on the SEA Network website http://www.seataskteam. net/
integration of biodiversity in impact assessments. library.php, e.g. Partidário, M. R. (2007a) Strategic Environmental
Assessment, Good practices Guide.
Slootweg et al. (2006) Biodiversity in EIA and SEA. Further infor-
mation on the CBD guidelines is presented in this multilingual CBD UNEP (2009) Integrated Assessment for Mainstreaming Sustainability
technical series. into Policymaking: A Guidance Manual. This handbook draws on
international experiences and highlights the connections between
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (2008) Resolution X.17 Environ- proposed policies and desired results such as job creation and
mental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assess- poverty reduction. Its "building-block" approach provides a powerful
ment: updated scientific and technical guidance. tool flexibly adapt assessment to different contexts and policy
pdf/res/key_res_x_17_e.pdf processes.
A luxury cruise ship approaches Puerto Williams, a remote village in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve at the Southern-most tip of Latin
America, where tourism is becoming an important economic activity.
PA R T I I I · T H E P R A C T I C E
Lead authors: Augustin Berghöfer (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ), Nigel Dudley
(Equilibrium Research)
Contributing author: Johannes Förster
Reviewers: Tadesse Woldemariam Gole, Humberto Gomez, Kii Hayashi, Marc Hockings, Tilman
Jaeger, Charlotte Karibuhoye, Wairimu Mwangi, Karachepone Ninan, Jennifer Nixon,
Leander Raes, Dominique Richard, Alice Ruhweza, Marta Ruiz Corzo, Andrej Sovinc,
Tim Sunderland, Márcia Tavares, Susan Young
Acknowledgements: Sue Stolton, Uta Berghöfer, Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend, Marianne Kettunen, Eduard
Muller, Roberto Pedraza, Emma Torres
Editor: Heidi Wittmer
Language editor: Jessica Hiemstra-van der Horst, Judy Longbottom
Local protected areas are an important resource for This chapter examines why PAs are important to local
policy makers and can be a benefit, not a burden to policy, in addition to being important to conserva-
local populations. By considering the ecosystem tionists (7.1). It looks at different options for local policy
services they provide, local policy makers can identify makers to become involved in PAs (7.2). Finally, it
these benefits, and provide motivation for the estab- explores how looking at ecosystem services can help
lishment of protected areas (PA) beyond conservation in various ways to face the challenges of PA manage-
– that of enhancing local human well-being. ment (7.3).
Key Messages
• Protect your assets. Protected areas (PA) can be an important asset to local government. They
secure ecosystem services, can create jobs and bolster a community’s reputation. To enhance local
benefits, protected areas need to be integrated in the management of the surrounding landscape.
• Get to know your neighbors. Where PAs are primarily aimed at national/international conservation
objectives rather than local ones, cooperation between local authorities and PA administration
harmonizes action. This helps lower costs, both for PAs and neighboring municipalities.
• Tailor-made fits better. There are different solutions for different challenges in and around protected
areas. Get involved. Local policy makers can (i) collaborate or co-manage with park authorities; (ii)
set up and run municipal PAs; or (iii) support indigenous and local communities to manage their own
• Discover the benefits. A focus on ecosystem services uncovers the benefits beyond protecting
species. This can help secure higher level backing and inform zoning and management. It also helps
create partnerships and raise conservation funds.
• A way to deal with conflicts. Local authorities are intermediaries between actors with diverse social
and economic interests. They can use an ecosystem services perspective to understand how costs
and benefits of conservation are distributed. This helps address conflicts related to PAs.
Box 7.1 Reasons for policy makers to consider PAs in local development
• PAs are connected to surrounding land, water, and local communities. They are part of a larger
social and ecological landscape.
• Coordinating regulation and management inside and outside PAs can decrease conservation-related
costs and increase conservation-related benefits.
• Good coordination can enhance and secure the flow of ecosystem services to local beneficiaries.
• Conservation and local development face common challenges; a growing demand on natural
resources, funding shortages, and contradicting sector policies. Coordinating efforts can be
mutually beneficial.
• If local authorities establish and (co-)manage their own PAs, they have more control over community
resources and objectives.
• Many local communities and indigenous peoples want PAs so they can conserve their landscape,
livelihoods, collective rights and culture.
because maintaining →natural capital is essential to Kitengela, Kenya)? Are the animals that use it reliant
the well-being of a community. In turn, PAs flourish on a wider landscape for survival (such as grizzly
best if they are embedded in a healthy landscape or bears in Yellowstone National Park, USA)? Secondly,
seascape in which the welfare of all →stakeholders is it is important to consider what benefits the PA can
considered. supply beyond its own border in terms of ecosys-
tem services, for example:
CONNECTED WITH • About a third of the planet’s largest cities receive
SURROUNDING LAND AND a significant proportion of their drinking water from 쏟
SEASCAPES watersheds inside protected areas (Dudley and
Stolton 2003).
Protected areas do not exist in isolation but interact • The Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park
constantly with their surroundings. When establishing in the Philippines restricted unsustainable fishing
or dealing with a PA, policy makers should consider practices, leading to a doubling of fish biomass 쏟
what ‘passes through’ it. For example, is it located on (Dygico 2006) (See also TEEBcase Temporary
a watershed (like the Danube Delta reserve in closures in octopus reserve increase catch,
Romania)? Is it located on a migratory corridor (as in Madagascar).
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) defines PAs as “a clearly defined geographical
space, recognized, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the
long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural →values”
( The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) says
it is “a geographically defined area which is designated or regulated and managed to achieve specific con-
servation objectives”. It is recognized that both definitions convey the same general message (Dudley
PAs vary enormously in management and →governance. Management models range from strict, exclu-
sionary protection to protected landscapes and seascapes that include farmland, forestry and settled
areas. PAs are governed and managed by national, regional or local authorities, trusts, indigenous peoples,
local communities and private individuals, often in collaboration with each other (Borrini-Feyerabend et al.
The development and activity on adjacent lands • In China, people living in close proximity to
influences the protected area, particularly when it Xishuang Banna Nature Reserve, claim that Asian
exists as fragmented ‘island’ of intact nature in an elephants cause crop and property damage
otherwise transformed landscape. For example, wind that account for 28-48% of their annual income
and water can transport fertilizers, pesticides and (Zhang and Wang 2003).
toxins. In turn, local communities can have a positive
impact on PAs because often traditional land-use While some of these concerns are beyond the scope
practices maintain →biodiversity: of local policy, local authorities often make choices
• In Serbia, extensive livestock production with that impact protected areas through planning,
indigenous sheep, goats and cattle maintains regulation, agricultural extension and public in-
mountain meadow →ecosystems of the Stara vestment. Local authorities have the opportunity and
Planina Nature Park (Ivanov 2008). obligation to ensure that PA management represents
as fully as possible the needs of local stakeholders.
However, human-wildlife conflict also occurs near The Ecosystem Approach (see Chapter 2) comprises
many PAs, where wildlife density is high and animals an internationally endorsed set of principles for an
stray into adjacent fields or grazing areas: →integrated management of different land uses.
Box 7.3 Ecological corridors: A tool for connecting PAs with surrounding landscapes
‘Ecological Corridors’ connect PAs with adjacent areas in a coordinated management regime so
migrating animals and ecological processes fare better even if land-use in neighboring land intensifies.
The Oak Forest Corridor in Colombia’s Eastern Mountain Range, includes 67 municipalities in an area of
~1 million ha. The corridor comprises oak forest and moorland in a region where less than 10% of the
original Andean forest remains. Inside the corridor, municipalities incorporated the unique characteristics
of the forest into their development plans and collaborated with environmental organizations in sustainable
production projects (Solano 2008).
Box 7.4 An economic success story of developing tourism within ecological limits
The small tropical island of Fernando de Noronha (Brazil), a former naval base with beautiful beaches,
was declared a national park in 1988. The island government ruled that the number of tourists on the
island should be kept within a limit so as to maintain the island’s ecological and socio-economic balance.
Furthermore, only people permanently living on the island were allowed to provide tourism services. In
consequence, most of the ~3000 inhabitants have a stable income from tourism, for example, more than
100 families developed small family hotels on the island.
Source: MMA 2001; IBAMA et al. 2005
A thorough understanding of costs and benefits them. Policy makers should consider local depen-
associated with PAs can be achieved by a close dence on PAs for food, fibre and cash income because
examination of the flows of ecosystem services. these factors contribute to access-related conflicts.
A clear picture of the economic benefits available at a
local level can help people understand the role of PAs Ideally, people in buffer and transition zones should
in their livelihoods. This can help ensure that benefits have secure incomes from eco-friendly resource-use
areshared equitably and in some cases can aid in the to support PA conservation. As seen in the case of
development of realistic compensation mechanisms Namibia, communities benefit if local authorities
for people who have exchanged their immediate promote tourism-related private businesses such
쏟 concerns for the ‘greater good’. as accommodation, souvenir shops and wildlife
viewing tours. Keep in mind, however, that while these
In addition, such understanding is key to deciding businesses can play a key role, well-targeted govern-
which areas will be protected and how to manage ment or private financial support mechanisms may
Table 7.1 Costs and benefits of PAs in Namibia at local, national and global levels
Currently PAs cover 17% of Namibia’s national territory. Annually 540,000 visitors come to the country for
their holidays. Namibia’s 400 private hunting farms and conservancies on communal land cover 14% of the
territory (2004). The national benefit from tourism (US$ 335.6 million) is far higher than the management
costs (US$ 39.4 million). However, the number of local tourism-related jobs within or near a PA is low.
This table shows costs and benefits at different policy levels and provides data where available:
Costs Benefits
Costs carried by:
- PA management, government
- Local communities
- Private business in rural areas
- Local communities
Source: adapted from Turpie et al. 2009
also prove necessary (see Chapters 8 and 9). organizations and local businesses have to collaborate
In order to develop sound policies, local authorities, civic – and local governments play a key role in this arena.
• Co-management brings together a diversity of people, with distinct strengths, from different
institutions. Actors bring their own knowledge, interests, and views to the table. For this reason,
skilled facilitation is essential.
• Co-management involves negotiation, joint decision making and power sharing. Responsibilities,
benefits and management resources are shared. Each participant expects to have influence
and benefit from their involvement.
• Co-management is a flexible process. It requires on-going review and improvement rather than
a fixed set of rules. The success of co-management depends on partnerships.
Proposals for the Dyfi Biosphere Reserve were coordinated by EcoDyfi, a local NGO with representation
from local councils, farmers’ organizations, the tourism industry and environmental and social NGOs.
Its mandate is to promote environmentally sustainable developments within a watershed and it already
had a history of several years working in the community and consequent support from a wide range of
key stakeholder groups. EcoDyfi worked with the government-run conservation body, the Countryside
Council for Wales, to develop plans for the reserve.
Box 7.7 Protecting biodiversity in Cape Town: Multiple agencies and objectives
Some of the richest biodiversity in Southern Africa is within the city limits of Cape Town: Table Mountain
National Park, 22 municipal PAs and several natural reserves serve to protect this natural heritage. They
are managed by national and local authorities. A city-wide biodiversity strategy guides inter-agency
collaboration. While the National Park is a key attraction for Cape Town’s tourism industry, PAs in poorer
neighborhoods are used for community development. They facilitate education and social work with
youth by allowing people to reconnect with nature (Trzyna 2007).
with the same objectives. In the Brazilian city of Alta conserved areas. Local governments and stake-
Floresta (population < 50,000), a greenbelt is being holders can support the efforts of local communities
developed connecting forest on public land inside the to maintain or establish indigenous or community
urban area with private property (Irene Duarte, pers. conserved areas (ICCAs).
comm. 2010).
Community-based conservation is suitable for
By making small changes to regulations, local gov- protecting areas where collective needs, such as
ernments can enhance local benefits from PAs. For protection against erosion, outweigh private needs.
example, in Keoladeo National Park near the city of This kind of conservation is likely to be most success-
Bharatpur (India), park fees are waived for people who ful in areas where people’s livelihoods depend on
쏟 exercise between 5-7 am. In the heat of summer, up the responsible use and collective management
to one thousand ‘morning walkers’ take advantage of of jointly owned resources like fishing areas, grazing
쏟 this opportunity every day (Mathur 2010). grounds or forests, or where the site has important
cultural and spiritual values. Here, conservation
INDIGENOUS AND COMMUNITY- consists of place-specific land-use practices
BASED CONSERVATION that local inhabitants have developed, often over
Some areas and their associated economic and
cultural values have been conserved through the A common feature of ICCAs is stakeholders’ concern
decisions and actions of indigenous peoples and/or for ecosystem services because their quality of
other local communities. These areas are known as life and livelihoods often directly depend on them,
indigenous peoples’ protected areas, indigenous encouraging them to create regulations and pro-
peoples’ conserved territories or community tection measures that effectively protect key areas of
ICCAs are natural and/or modified ecosystems containing significant biodiversity values, ecological
services and cultural values, voluntarily conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities, both
sedentary and mobile, through customary laws or other effective means.
Since time-immemorial, the stewardship of the Chartang-Kushkizar wetland has been shared between the
Kuhi and the Kolahli sub-tribes of the Qashqai nomadic pastoralists of southern Iran. It is a crucial stopping
point in the Kuhi’s yearly migration between wintering and summering grounds and provides many
ecosystem benefits – water, reeds for handicrafts, medicinal plants, fish and wildlife.
Recently, the government earmarked part of the area for agricultural use. In response, the Council for
Sustainable Livelihoods of the Kuhi Migratory Pastoralists have petitioned and proposed to government
authorities that the wetland and surrounding rangelands become an ICCA regulated by community elders.
At present, the petition is under review and has received some support from government. Major agricultural
use of wetland water has been stopped.
an ecosystem. Conservation is here a communal support for ICCAs can have destructive effects on a
effort with its own set of use rules, eg for harvesting community’s collective capacity – influencing and
forest products (Hayes 2006). Members adopt and altering a community’s motivations (Axford et al.
are expected to respect land and water related 2008). Also, rural societies are subject to political and
regulations and communities agree on sanctions for economic change, and not all indigenous and local
people who breach rules. Substantial political communities equally maintain appropriate ecological
autonomy, stable economic conditions, land knowledge (Atran 2002).
tenure security and a culture of trust and
collective concern are usually critical for the That said, local governments have a role to play in
success of ICCAs (Becker 2003). supporting ICCAs, which need to be identified and
assisted at a local scale. Policy makers can play a
Policy makers should keep in mind, however, that key role in recognizing their legitimacy, communi-
different objectives and perceptions of what con- cating their self-identified needs and supporting them
stitutes successful community-based conservation in negotiating with national government, donors
makes external support a delicate affair. Financial and PA agencies.
In 1998, the government of Ecuador recognized constitutional collective rights for the 10,000 Shuar
Arutam people and their territory of 200,000 ha. In 2004, an Assembly of Shuar members decided to
create the Shuar Protected Territory (SPT). The SPT is not part of the National Protected Areas regime,
it is an autonomous territory governed by the Shuar people with a local indigenous government
that sustainably manages forests. The main objective of the SPT is to guarantee the survival and
development of the Shuar culture as well as the conservation of their land.
Shuar community participation has been key to the implementation of an effective conservation strategy:
only 8.8% of the forests in the SPT have been deforested. The SPT has allowed the Shuar people
to clearly limit their territory, create a legitimized authority, and determine the rules and vision of their
development model under the principles of autonomous governance based on Shuar tradition.
Protected areas are best understood as far-reaching If local policy makers focus on ecosystem services,
protection of the natural capital of a region – the the economic importance of a protected area be-
→assets upon which →human well-being and eco- comes clear. This knowledge can help local authori-
nomic development are built. ties effectively garner support for conservation,
especially when conflict is exacerbated by outsider
Stakeholders often are not aware that environmental interests in natural resources – like logging, mining
stewardship is in their economic interest. In fact, the or industrial fishing.
return on investment in PAs is often high. On a global
scale, it has been estimated that every dollar To gain support at the regional level, local policy
invested in PAs produces close to US$ 100 in eco- makers should ask: Which regional benefits will we
system services (Balmford et al. 2002). Although such miss out on if we do not start caring for this area
figures are necessarily highly approximate, they give an now? This can also work for less tangible benefits,
impression of the magnitude of the return for investing such as the appreciation of wolves as a charismatic
in, and successfully managing, these areas (see species. (TEEBcase Local value of wolves beyond a
also TEEB in National Policy, Chapter 8). protected area, USA)
Box 7.11 Flood regulation: Political support for a protected wetland in New Zealand
The Whangamarino wetland is a highly biodiverse peatland in New Zealand. It is home to many rare
plant communities, 60% of which are indigenous. Several are endangered, rare or vulnerable.
The case for protecting the wetland was furthered by highlighting its role in flood control and sediment
trapping. Its annual benefits are estimated at US$ 601,037 (2003). In flood years, this estimate is much
higher – US$ 4 million in 1998. The Department of Conservation concluded in 2007, “If Whangamarino
wetland didn’t exist, the regional council would be faced with constructing stopbanks along the lower
course of the river at a cost of many millions of dollars.”
MAKING INFORMED PLANNING AND Peoples’ meat demands? Tourism income? If carried
MANAGEMENT DECISIONS out well, and in a partic ipatory manner, an ecosystem
services assessment provides a holistic view of a com-
Policy makers are faced with many questions when munity’s concerns and enables a healthy, participatory,
designating a PA. Where should it be, and what size? decision-making process.
What restrictions should it have? How should it be
managed? What activities should be permitted? How There are different kinds of exercises for assessing
will communities be affected? Asking the right the make-up and distribution of ecosystem services
questions is crucial to effectively creating and (See Pabon-Zamora in ‘for further information’ section).
managing a PA. For example:
• A Cost-Benefit Analysis can determine which
Assessment of ecosystem services can help to decide PA regulations have the potential for the most
where to locate protected areas, their size, shape, balanced distribution of ecosystem benefits to
management model etc. Total evaluation studies stakeholders.
for a range of alternative management models can • Using participatory planning methods, stake-
compare and balance different options within regional holders can assign different ‘weightings’ to
planning processes. In general, an ecosystem services different ecosystem services to be considered
assessment connects ecological knowledge (how big in the overall decision.
does the area need to be for an ecosystem to function • Policy makers can evaluate a PA’s potential to
properly?) with economic and political concerns (how generate revenue under effective management.
will the PA alter the community’s economic and social
prospects?). For example, if policy makers are conside- Such exercises are especially productive if the PA
ring instituting an antelope hunting ban, this assess- is considered within the context of wider regional
ment model can help them get a clear picture of all planning exercises (see also TEEBcase Ecosystem
the relevant issues – such as, how will the ban affect Services for PA network planning, Solomon Islands).
the larger ecosystem? The antelope population?
For 150 years, a proportion of Swiss forests have been managed to control avalanches, landslides and
rock-falls, especially in the Alps (Brändli and Gerold 2001). Some 17% of Swiss forests are managed
for hazard protection, usually on a local scale. Support for these measures, and help in identifying
specific locations, is strengthened by calculations projecting that these ‘protection forests’ provide
services estimated at US$ 2-3.5 billion annually (ISDR 2004).
While conservation priorities are necessarily high in dramatically benefit people’s quality of life and their local
areas where unique biodiversity is under threat, some development outlook. (See also Chapter 6 on spatial
level of compromise in less-threatened areas can planning tools).
Box 7.13 Protected area zoning in the Mbaracayu Biosphere Reserve, Paraguay
This reserve, once 90% forest, is now highly fragmented. It supports large-scale cattle ranching and
soybean production as well as small-scale farming, hunting and foraging by indigenous Ache people.
When looking for solutions for this fragmentation, policy makers mapped cost and benefits and
concluded that linking two large forest patches with one wildlife corridor would provide more net benefits
than two alternative corridor options.
The study identified and assessed five ecosystem services provided by the Mbaracayu Biosphere
Reserve in order to determine those areas where the benefits from restricting access would outweigh
the costs of foregone benefits from not extracting resources. These were: Sustainable bushmeat
harvest, sustainable timber harvest, pharmaceutical bioprospecting, existence value (→intrinsic value
of unspoiled wilderness), carbon storage.
To calculate conservation benefits in different parts of the reserve, the study determined two things: (i)
Who would benefit; (ii) The value of each ecosystem service – per forest parcel, across six forest types.
Certainly these results have to be considered with care – some costs have not been calculated (conser-
vation management costs, for example) and opportunity costs are based on assumptions about future
development of the region which is difficult to anticipate. However, what the study demonstrates is that
a cost-benefit map is a highly useful tool for discussing options with stakeholders and authorities.
Wolong Biosphere Reserve, one of China’s most famous PAs, is home to the giant panda. In 2008,
there were more than 4,500 people living inside the reserve, most of them farmers. Their activities
(logging for fuelwood, agriculture, plant-collection, ranching) have significantly degraded and frag-
mented panda habitat within the reserve. Since 2002, →ecotourism has been promoted in Wolong
as a source for financing conservation and additional income for park inhabitants.
In order to protect the Giant Panda, it would make sense for park policy making to involve those
farmers who, for want of alternatives, continue to threaten panda habitat.
RAISING FUNDS FOR CONSERVATION agencies link aid funding, even for environmental issues,
with →poverty alleviation. Most agencies broadly inter-
Accurate and comprehensive assessments can help pret ‘poverty’ to include, beyond monetary value, phy-
to identify and generate the funding necessary for ef- sical health and general well-being, factors which the
fective management of PAs in the following ways: ecosystem services model also consider. However,
• Attracting donor funding demonstrating the economic benefits of a project is
• Payment for environmental services often a major factor in attracting funding. For example,
• Bioprospecting the World Bank and the UN Global Environment Facility
• Carbon sales both require annual assessments of management effec-
• Wildlife viewing and wilderness experience sales tiveness from the PAs they support. A clearly outlined
report on ecosystem service flows can make a strong
Attracting donor funding: Many donor countries and argument for the essential nature of their support and
In Kenya, coastal Kaya forests are under severe pressure from exploitation and conversion. They are
sacred sites for local people and of interest to conservationists, who value them as irreplaceable
relics of a once-extensive East African coastal forest.
Both socio-economic and valuation studies demonstrated the dependence of local communities on
the forests for fuelwood, food, medicinal herbs and building materials. These studies also revealed
the unsustainable nature of this exploitation. Local communities approached the National Museum
of Kenya for management and conservation assistance, in hopes that they might develop sustainable
utilization of the forests’ resources (Mhando Nyangila 2006).
As a result, new sources of revenue were created. The Kaya Kinondo Ecotourism Project uses local
guides to take visitors through the forests. In 2001 communities around Arabuko Sokoke Forest ear-
ned US$ 37,000 from guiding, beekeeping and butterfly farming (Gachanja and Kanyanya 2004).
for new or continued funding. Carbon sales: As the carbon economy continues to
expand, both voluntary and official offset schemes are
Payment for environmental services: Evaluating considering PAs as delivery mechanisms. Forest PAs
benefits can attract funds from those using the PA’s are often linked with possible REDD schemes
ecosystem services. For example, Coca Cola outside (although these schemes are still being developed).
Bogotá in Colombia pays a fee to maintain natural Calculations need to be precise, particularly with
páramo vegetation in Chingaza National Park above its respect to sequestration potential and measurement,
bottling factory because of the clean water it but there is potential for substantial funding. For
provides. Similarly, in Ecuador, Quito’s water supply example, research by consultants working for The
company pays residents in two national parks to Nature Conservancy calculated that PAs in Bolivia,
maintain the forest cover in order maintain water Mexico and Venezuela contain around 25 million ha
purity and reduce treatment costs (Pagiola et al. 2002; of forest, storing over 4 billion tonnes of carbon,
Postel and Thompson 2005). These schemes are often estimated to be worth US$ 39 and US$ 87 billion in
coordinated by local authorities (see Chapter 8). terms of global damage costs avoided (Emerton and
Pabon-Zamora 2009).
Bioprospecting: Increasingly, PAs are selling the
rights to benefits from biodiversity, such as potential Wildlife viewing and wilderness experience sales:
pharmaceutical products. In Costa Rica, the National Some PAs have the opportunity to charge visitors. 쏟
Institute for Biodiversity (INBio) has signed agree- Serengeti National Park in Tanzania earns several
ments with 19 industry bodies and 18 academic million dollars a year and fees charged for mountain
institutions to prospect in PAs in return for biodiversity gorilla viewing trips at Bwindi Impenetrable Forest
conservation funding. In the United States, the bacte- National Park in Uganda generate the majority of
rium Thermus aquaticus, collected from a hot spring funds to support the Uganda Wildlife Authority. Funds
in Yellowstone National Park, is useful in clinical can also be generated from private or charitable-
testing, forensics, cancer research and in helping to owned PAs. In the Lupande Game Management
detect the virus causing AIDS. Despite the major Area, adjacent to the South Luangwa National Park
profits eventually gained by the health industry from (Zambia), two hunting concessions earn annual
developments linked to the use of this bacterium, it revenues of US$ 230,000 for the 50,000 residents,
did not initially result in any direct benefits for the distributed both in cash to the local community and
National Park Service and took substantial lobbying to village projects such as schools (Child and
to secure any payments (Stolton and Dudley 2009). Dalal-Clayton 2004).
Box 7.16 Raising park entrance fees in Komodo National Park, Indonesia
Komodo, home to the Komodo dragon, attracts a large number of foreign and national visitors.
A study assessed people’s willingness to pay higher entrance fees (in 1996 < US$ 1). Over 500 visitors were
asked whether they would still come if entrance fees were increased to US$ 4, $ 8, $ 16 or $ 32. The study
showed that income could be maximized if visitors fees were set at around US$ 13. However, the increase in
fees would reduce visitor numbers. These ‘lost’ visitors would not spend on tourism-related services such as
accommodation and tour guides, so gains in entrance fees would be offset by losses for the local economy.
Taking these regional economic effects into account, the study suggested that a moderate increase to
around US$ 5 would be a good strategy for increasing park income without losing a significant number
of tourists. Further, having a differentiated pricing strategy (charging foreign visitors more than national
visitors), and providing clear information on how entrance fees are being utilised seem to increase park
income and acceptance of higher fees.
PA R T I I I · T H E P R A C T I C E
Lead authors: Haripriya Gundimeda (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Frank Wätzold (Univer-
sity of Greifswald)
Reviewers: Mugariq Ahmad, Michael Bennett, Sergey Bobylev, Kii Hayashi, Karin Holm-Müller,
José Javier Gómez, Tilman Jaeger, Gopal Kadekodi, Emily McKenzie, Wairimu Mwangi,
Leander Raes, Nik Sekhran, Kerry ten Kate
Acknowledgements: Nathaniel Carroll, Nigel Dudley, Enrique Ibara Gene, Ann Neville, Alice Ruhweza,
Christoph Schröter-Schlaack, Marc Teichmann
Editor: Heidi Wittmer
Language editor: Jessica Hiemstra-van der Horst
Payments for ecosystem services (PES) and conser- issues related to the effective design and implemen-
vation banking are both relatively new instruments for tation of PES (8.2). The sub-chapter on conservation
conservation. This chapter outlines the challenges banking (8.3) starts with a description of offsetting
policy makers face when using payments for ecosys- and a discussion of its opportunities and limitations.
tem services and conservation banking to promote It then turns to conservation banking, addressing its
sustainable natural resource management. It explains advantages and the pre-conditions for conservation
why PES is relevant to local policy makers (8.1) and banking to be successful.
offers a description and definition of PES and outlines
Key Messages
• Finding balance may be possible. When the actions of one stakeholder group are carried out at the cost
of another, payments for ecosystem services (PES) can compensate for lost ecosystem-related benefits.
• Make sure everyone’s on the guest list. A successful PES scheme is socially, ecologically and
economically appropriate. It should incorporate transparent, credible governance; appropriate incentive-
based structures; and effective monitoring and enforcement.
• Static schemes don’t help in dynamic settings. Sustainable PES schemes are adaptable to changing
ecological and economic conditions.
• Some doors may already be open. Significant opportunities for local governments may arise from
REDD and REDD-Plus schemes.
• It’s possible to take the pressure off. Well-designed conservation banking can alleviate development-
related pressures on biodiversity at a regional level.
• If the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t wear it. Conservation banking and offsetting are not always appropriate.
To be viable, they must meet several preconditions.
• You might find out you’re on the same team. Defending biodiversity need not create economic
adversity. Offsetting and conservation banking systems may be flexible, cost-effective instruments for
mitigating tension between development and biodiversity conservation.
• ensure that →ecosystem benefits are com- Direct public and government payments are
pensated by those exploiting them; government-financed schemes where the govern-
• create opportunities for local governments to ment pays service providers on behalf of their con-
benefit from REDD-Plus, projects which reduce stituents. Governments participate in these schemes
Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degra- to secure ecosystem services:
dation and enhance carbon stocks. Significant • where the service is a →‘public good’ with many
potential for these projects exists from various na- beneficiaries (like water provision);
tional and international donors. Carbon mitigation • where the beneficiaries are difficult to identify;
potential is estimated at € 23.6 bilion (~ US$ 33 bil- • if an asset such as an endangered species will
lion) annually (Point Carbon 2007); be lost if government does not act.
• can help alleviate →poverty; Communities profit from payments for ecosystem
• can be combined with other programs like services that are a public good by receiving income
→eco-labeling, local subsidies and →ecotourism from such payments and by shifting to less environ-
to strengthen such programs. mentally damaging economic activities.
PES schemes, however have a number of precondi- WHAT KIND OF PES SCHEMES
tions. Policy makers should keep in mind that any ARE THERE?
social hurdles, such as low levels of →institutional and
legal capacity, may result in failure of PES schemes. At present, most PES schemes protect watershed
PES programs require a great deal of cooperation that services (sediment and salinity control and flow
depends on state and/or community engagement. regulation, for example). These schemes benefit
Local confidence often has to be won and small easily identifiable local and regional users such as
stakeholders often need increased bargaining power households, municipalities, industry, hydroelectric
with more powerful stakeholders. facilities, farmers, fisherfolk and irrigation services.
Often, different users experience different benefits
DEFINING PES from the same area. The farmer, the fisher and the
mineral water company, for example, all depend on
Direct private payments are transactions that take a watershed for different services. These stake-
place between private service providers and users. holders’ interests may intersect or conflict, but there
Typically, they involve firms, conservation NGOs is usually room for collaboration.
or households that benefit directly from certain
environmental services. Stakeholders are motivated Copyright: Erika Nortemann (2010) / The Nature Conservancy
to conserve for a diversity of reasons – from ‘pure
profit’ (for example, a mineral water company that
depends on water quality and availability) to conser-
vation concern. Payments may also be made by
stake-holders who want to manage risk (avoid
running short of a →resource they rely on) or to
pre-empt anticipated regulations. For example, firms
are increasingly participating in carbon offsetting be-
cause of climate change concerns. These are often
voluntary and initiated without regulatory incentives
or requirements. Direct private payment schemes
tend to work well because it is in the buyer’s interest
to secure and monitor the service. Local policy
makers can consider initiating and supporting direct
private payment arrangements.
Direct private payments in Japan: The recharge ability of the Shirakawa river is forecasted to decrease
by 6.2% between 2007 and 2024 due to a combination of reduced rice production and increased ground-
water extraction. In 2003, Kumamoto Technology Centre, extracting groundwater for manufacturing
purposes, developed an agreement with local farmers to re-use the water to flood farmers’ fields between
crop cultivation. This facilitates the recharging of groundwater, which the company uses (Payments for
ground water recharge, Japan, TEEBcase by Hayashi and Nishimiya).
Direct public payments in China: The ‘Paddy to Dryland’ program, initiated in 2005, involves direct
payments from a Beijing municipality to farmers in the upper watersheds of reservoirs. These payments
provide financial incentives to convert water-intensive rice paddies to corn and other low water-use dryland
crops. Payments were originally set at approximately US$ 980/ha and have been increased to approxi-
mately US$ 1,200/ha in 2008 (all values calculated using 2010 exchange rates). To date, more than
5,600 ha of paddy fields have been enrolled in the program (Converting water-intensive paddy to dryland
crops, China, TEEBcase based on Bennett).
While watershed services schemes often benefit Determining which ecosystem services are targeted
stakeholders at more local levels, carbon markets varies among PES schemes. In certain cases, the pro-
mostly have global beneficiaries. Potential buyers tection of a single service protects several others.
include local, regional and national governments, Often, if a forest is protected for carbon sequestration,
international organizations, national and international an area’s beauty, biodiversity and watershed services
carbon funds, conservationists, and firms. Carbon are also protected (a ‘bundling of ecosystem services’).
sequestration schemes can include agroforestry,
reforestation and REDD programs. Markets for REDD FINANCING PES SCHEMES
have significant funding potential. International
donor agency funding for REDD projects is strong PES schemes succeed only if payments can be
and growing, providing a unique opportunity – the sustained over the long-term. Their success depends on
linking of local PES schemes with international funding availability – from implementation and operation
conservation strategies. to the cost of program maintenance, including continued
payments to service providers.
쏟 Biodiversity conservation services include habitat,
species and genetic resource protection. These ser- Often, external funding is required to establish a PES
쏟 vices benefit local, national and global communities. scheme. External funds can be raised through contribu-
Potential buyers include international and national tions from international organizations such as the World
NGOs. Increasingly, governments act as buyers as Bank and the Global Environment Facility, or from subsi-
well. For example, agro-environmental programs in dies from national governments with conservation
Europe target conservation of endangered species. mandates. Further financial support can be raised by
Landscape services encompass a variety of ser- earmarking revenues, collecting taxes, direct voluntary
vices such as wildlife conservation and the pro- payments from beneficiaries, trust funds, user fees and
tection of landscape beauty. They also benefit a charges and public-private partnerships. These direct
variety of stakeholders, from the local to the global payment mechanisms require that beneficiaries are con-
level. Potential buyers include municipalities, park vinced of program benefits. Local governments are ad-
쏟 authorities, tourism operators, rafting companies vised to explore various financing solutions, rather than
and hospitality-related businesses. These markets relying solely on external funding. To ensure a program’s
are similar to biodiversity markets but target long-term sustainability, a PES scheme can be linked with
services that depend on access to scenic beauty other programs and partnerships (such as international
and wildlife. carbon markets, or public-private partnerships).
Box 8.2 Cases from around the globe: different PES initiatives
Hydrological services: In China, the NGO Shan Shui Conservation Centre initiated a fresh-water conservation
program in 2007 in response to over-harvesting of community forests and the use of chemical fertilizers in
farming (in Pingwu County, Sichuan Province). These village practices threatened both water quantity and quality
downstream. The NGO, in cooperation with local government, designed a program for lending money generated
through water fees in Pingwu city to the village community. Villagers were given loans and provided training for
new, profitable, skill-sets (such as bee keeping and techniques for converting animal waste to fertilizer and
domestic biogas). (Payments for fresh water conservation in China, TEEBcase by Lu Zhi).
Biodiversity protection: In Rhode Island (United States) the practice of harvesting hay twice a year has been
identified as a key reason for a 40 percent drop in the bobolink population – because the bird’s nesting season
coincides with the hay harvest. The bobolink project was created, an initiative that raises money through voluntary
contributions. These contributions subsidize farmers for the cost of delaying their first harvest – giving the birds time
to nest (Conserving Bobolink through voluntary payments, Rhode Island, TEEBcase based on Stephen Swallow et al.).
Carbon sequestration: Farmers who participate in the Scolel Té program in Chiapas (Mexico) exchange
responsible farming and reforestation practices for carbon offset payments. They receive financial
incentives through the sale of voluntary emission reduction credits to private individuals and firms (Carbon offsets
for sustainable land use, Mexico, TEEBcase by Alexa Morrison).
Landscape beauty: The Bunaken Marine Park in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, is located in the Coral
Triangle. The park contains nine fishing villages that were engaged in environmentally destructive fishing practices.
Through a seven year process, central and local stakeholders established the ‘Council for the Park Governance,’
which comprises park authorities, local government, local businesses and community leaders. The council re-
zoned the marine park and established a dive fee and a park entrance fee in 2000. Park communities also
agreed to acknowledge rezoning and participate in a park patrol system. A portion of the fees covers the costs
of increased management effectiveness and administration. In addition, it supports economic empowerment
(village infrastructure and microcredit schemes). As a result, the reef and fish populations are improving and the
community is benefiting (Revenue sharing from marine park benefits communities' livelihood and
conservation, Indonesia).
Bundled services: In 2004, the Mexican government launched CABSA, a program aimed at developing markets
for carbon capture and biodiversity in order to establish and improve agroforestry systems and complement
existing PES schemes for hydrological services. CABSA supports reforestation activities and land-use change
in Mexico by linking them to national and international carbon capture and biodiversity programs (Bundling of
ecosystem services in agroforestry, Mexico. TEEBcase based on Kosoy et al.).
The Quito water fund in Ecuador (also known as FONAG) is a sustainable finance mechanism that allows
for long-term protection of natural ecosystems and the provision of important ecosystem services. The
watershed in Quito supplies around 80% of fresh water. Water users pay into the funds in exchange for
the fresh clean water that they receive. The fund in turn pays for forest conservation along rivers, streams
and lakes and also funds community-wide reforestation projects to ensure the flow of safe drinking water.
FONAG has served as a model for other water funds across the region. PES programs are financed through
water funds in some municipalities of Columbia, Peru and Brazil as well.
Source: Water fund for catchment management, Ecuador. TEEBcase by Veronica Arias, Silvia Benitez and Rebecca Goldman
Voluntary Mexico Domestic and commercial users may voluntarily contribute (Mex$ 1) on their
contribution (Coatapec water bill to finance watershed conservation, to recognize the link between
Muncipality deforestation and water scarcity (Voluntary user contributions for watershed
Veracruz) protection, Mexico. TEEBcase based on Porras et al.).
Monthly salary China In China, the Forest Ecological Benefit Compensation Fund was set up to provide
contribution (Xinjian →economic incentives to organizations, collectives and individuals who manage
Auto- key protection and special-use forests. Local and provincial governments are
nomous encouraged to provide matching funding. The Xinjian Autonomous region raises
Region) the funds through wage deductions from the monthly salaries of employees
(PES scheme funded through monthly salary contributions, China. TEEBcase
based on Xiaoyun et al.).
Annual fee Indonesia PT INALUM, an aluminum smelter and hydroelectric producer, pays an annual fee
(North to the North Sumatran district government. The fee covers investment in the reha-
Sumatran bilitation of critical lands in five districts within the catchment areas of the Lake Toba –
district gov- where the company draws its water for hydropower generation (Critical land rehabili-
ernment) tation through annual industrial user fee, Indonesia. TEEBcase based on Suyonto et al).
Endowment Brazil The program Bolsa floresta rewards traditional communities for their commitment
fund to stop deforestation. The funds are generated by the interest on a core fund first
established with contributions from Amazonas Government and Bradesco Bank
(Financing forest conservation through grant funds, Brazil. TEEBcase mainly
based on FAS).
Share of Japan (Aichi Citizens pay the fee of JPY 1 per m3 of water usage and the city setup the ‘Toyota
water charge Prefecture city tap water source conservation fund’ (Tap water fee for forest management,
and others) Japan, TEEBcase based on Hayashi and Nishimiya).
Watershed South China The ‘Household Responsibility’ system requires that industry pays a share of
protection fee (Xingguo their sales revenue to support tree-planting and management for soil conservation
from industry County) (chemical 3%; metallurgy 0.5%; coal, 0.1 Yuan/ton produced; hydropower, 0.001
Yuan/kWh) (Industries share sales revenue for watershed protection, China,
TEEBcase based on Bennett).
Certificate for Costa Rica Individuals or organizations purchase certificates to pay for environmental services
environmental (1 certificate = 1 ha of forest set aside for conservation). Buyers can specify how
services they would like their funds invested or let the National Forestry Finance Fund decide.
Individuals can deduct their contribution from their gross income tax (Certificate for
environmental services, Costa Rica. TEEBcase based on Russo and Candella).
Ecological Brazil Funds raised through sales tax are allocated by ICMS Ecológico (a common
sales tax name for initiatives launched by several Brazilian states) to municipalities
depending on their support and maintenance of protected areas or their
level of municipal sanitation infrastructure (Financing conservation through
sales tax, Brazil. TEEBcase based on Ring).
Box 8.4 PES Benefits from in-kind payments for farmers and communities
Colombia: In Cuencas Andinas, a municipality initiated a PES scheme to reduce nutrient loads in Fuquene
Lake. Payments were made in-kind in the form of provision of inputs (such as farm tools) to promote
and implement improvements such as a transition to organic fertilizers. Farmers in the municipality also
benefited in another way – funds from the PES scheme served as a guarantee (for 10% of the debt) to
assist them in securing loans (Reducing nutrient loads through providing debt-guarantees, Columbia.
TEEBcase by Marcela Munoz).
India: The Biorights Program in East Kolkatta is an innovative financial mechanism that provides micro-
credits to local communities in return for active involvement in conservation and restoration of wetlands.
The micro-credits are converted into definitive payments upon successful delivery of conservation services
at the end of a contracting period. The global and local stakeholders pay local communities to provide eco-
system services (Conserving wetlands through microfinance programs, India. TEEBcase based on Dipayan).
to consider is whether payments should be made to HOW MUCH SHOULD PARTICIPANTS BE PAID?
individuals, communities or to community representa-
tives. For example, in Mexico land was redistributed To ensure that providers participate, incentives need
among organized groups of peasants (called ‘ejidos’) to compensate for →opportunity costs – what parti-
as part of agrarian reforms. While individuals have cipants would expect to make if they engaged in other
land rights, land is community-owned, so authorities land-use practices (such as agriculture, animal
decided, rather than paying individuals, to pay repre- husbandry or construction). In addition, further costs
sentatives of the ‘ejidos’ who chose how to distribute of program participation, such as administrative costs
and use the PES funds. for providers, must be covered by the payments.
Given that conservation budgets are limited, payments
Because the aim of PES is to deliver a well-defined that exceed costs mean that fewer providers can take
commodity, both a careful identification of ecosystem part in the scheme. This results in less benefit.
services and consideration of the degree to which
service provisions are measurable, determines When participants provide equally, local governments
whether payments can be made directly or require can pay all providers the same amount. When benefits
proxies (such as particular land-use requirements). differ, however, and funds are not sufficient to cover
Forest protection schemes, for example, have clearly the costs of incentives to all participating providers,
measurable benefits for carbon sequestration, but not governments may examine the feasibility of paying
necessarily for biodiversity. When determining who more to those who provide more, prioritizing projects
gets paid for which service, payments can be made with the greatest benefits (Boxes 8.5 and 8.9).
directly for carbon sequestration. Payments for bio- Accounting for both opportunity costs and the quality
diversity may be made through a proxy – such as bio- of the environmental service delivered may lead to the
diversity-friendly forestry practices or the rehabilitation inclusion of more environmental services within a given
of degraded areas. conservation budget.
A related issue is to consider whether payments should EVALUATING EFFECTIVENESS AND COST-
be based on adherence to certain measures or on EFFECTIVENESS OF PES PROGRAMS
obtaining specific results – whether they will be ‘effort’
or ‘performance’ based. In Indonesia, a community Evaluation of a PES program ensures that environ-
쏟 group that performs soil and water conservation prac- mental services are actually provided and that financial
tices (River Care) is paid according to sediment load resources for PES are not wasted. The effectiveness
reduction (from US$ 250 for reductions of less than of a PES scheme can be measured by its outputs. It
10% to US$ 1,000 for a reduction of 30% or more) is effective if the result of implementation is an increase
(Outcome based payments for improved water quality, in ecosystem services or a halt in ecosystem degra-
Indonesia, TEEBcase). Measuring performance, howe- dation. This is not always the case, especially if the ef-
ver, is not always possible. In such cases, easy to fect of measures on intended outputs is not
monitor substitutes may be available such as afforested well-known (Box 8.6). Therefore, monitoring results is
or undistributed area. important.
Mexico: Mexico faces both high deforestation and severe water scarcity. The Payment for Hydrological
Environmental Services Program was designed to respond to these problems. It is designed as a
two-tiered fixed-price program. Cloud forest comprised the upper tier and non-cloud forest the other tier,
because cloud forests provide higher benefits than other forest due to their important role in capturing
water from fog in the dry season. To reflect these differences in benefits, it was determined that participants
would be paid Mex$ 400/ha (US$ 36.40) for cloud forests and Mex$ 300/ha (US$ 27.30) for other forests.
Box 8.6 Implementing a PES scheme does not guarantee program effectiveness
The Netherlands: Roughly 20% of farmland in the European Union is regulated by agri-environmental
schemes aimed at counteracting the negative impacts of modern agriculture on the environment. A study
of agricultural land in the Netherlands which compared land managed under agri-environmental schemes
and conventionally-managed land revealed that those under the schemes were not effective in protecting
the species richness of certain groups. It was determined that there were no positive effects on plant and
bird communities and in fact, the four most common wader birds were observed even less frequently on
fields with agri-environmental management.
Source: Kleijn et al. 2004
Box 8.7: Identifying sites with high benefits through a two-tier target approach
In the municipality of Copán Ruinas, Honduras, a PES program was developed to mitigate the impacts of
damaging activities to the watershed on which many families depend. A two-step approach has been
adopted to target sites where the provision of ecosystem services is both high and under threat. First, the
municipality ranked water sources based on the number of households they service, current levels of water
extraction, and the number of potential future households using the sources. Second, they ranked sites
based on their potential for providing watershed services and their →vulnerability to reductions of these
services. After targeting the program to high-benefit, high-risk sites, the next step was to precisely measure
the hydrological services these sites provide by developing an index of 15 combinations of land uses and
land management practices commonly observed in Copán.
Source: PES as incentive for farmers to shift to sustainable activities, Honduras, TEEBcase based on Madrigal and Alpizar
which environmental services buyers expect and then titles can be explored. For instance, when customary
negotiate the prices for trading these services. At the rights exist but land titles are unclear, policy makers
program design stage they can conduct feasibility can make an effort to legalize titles or clarify individual
studies, design mechanisms for payments, develop or group ownership. Such efforts may improve the
management plans, establish monitoring systems and participation of small landowners. For example, when
ensure the delivery of services. At the support stage, Costa Rica’s PES schemes were first developed, only
intermediaries can design technical, social and landholders with clear titles to land could participate
institutional land-management instruments for both (Pagiola and Platias 2007). This regulation blocked
providers and buyers. Finally, at the administration many poor farmers and so, in later schemes, methods
stage, they can draw up contracts, manage funds, were developed to include the landless. In another
coordinate monitoring and oversee technical issues case, in Indonesia, community forestry permits have
that arise (Porras et al. 2008). been issued since 2000 (TEEBcase Community forest
permits as rewards for provision of ecosystem
THE ROLE OF TENURE RIGHTS IN PROGRAM services, Indonesia). These permits were instrumental
DEVELOPMENT in the implementation of a conditional land tenure
scheme using tenure security rather than cash pay-
Determining who ‘gets paid’ for services usually ments as a reward. Cooperation between government
hinges on who ‘owns’ the area in question. Providers and local community for this type of mechanism is
with land tenure have a lot of control – they can important.
choose whether or not to participate and they can
stipulate how much their cooperation is worth. If pro- The success of a scheme is dependent on its socio-
viders have access rights, but not private land tenure, economic, cultural, political and institutional context. A
they retain rights to access the services provided by careful assessment of tenure rights followed by the im-
the area in question. If these services will be limited by plementation of small but significant changes in access
the proposed scheme, these providers should be or regulations may ‘make or break’ a PES scheme.
entitled to a share of payments.
Property rights relevant for PES program development
are: Close monitoring in three areas in particular is crucial
• rights to land, water, forests or other resources, as to a successful PES program:
well as the right to buy and sell ecosystem services 1. program implementation and participant
(government or private ownership). compliance;
• rights to manage resources, even if resources are 2. the scheme’s impact on the generation of services;
collectively owned (by traditional communities, for 3. the scheme’s impact on local users.
example). Careful program monitoring ensures that services are
• rights to income and other benefits from ecosys- generated, payments are adjusted and technical
tem services (these are guaranteed by law in the assistance is provided where necessary. Beneficiaries
case of some indigenous peoples). need evidence that their investments are instrumental
in effective change in order to continue participating.
When implementing PES programs, preference may Well-regulated monitoring practices allow for payment
be given to areas with clear tenure rights. Secure adjustments and contributions – they optimize the
tenure rights are generally necessary for a well- system.
functioning PES scheme, especially as they decrease
the risk of ‘elite capture’ – when more powerful indi- Depending on the scale of the project, several methods
viduals or groups benefit over others. However, this can be employed, from regular site visits to small sites,
bias may act against landless or mobile communities to random inspections in the case of more remote and
(pastoralists). Therefore, in appropriate contexts, inaccessible ones. Satellite imagery can also be used,
strategies for including people without formal rights or followed up by ground-truthing assessments.
Costa Rica: In 1996, the country adopted a law which explicitly recognized several of the services provided
by forests: mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions; hydrological services; biodiversity conservation; and
the provision of landscape beauty for tourism and recreation. This law provides both the legal framework
for regulating contracts with landowners as well as a mechanism for paying participants. Under this law,
the National Forestry Investment Financing Fund (FONAFIFO) is also empowered to issue contracts for
environmental services provided by privately-owned forests.
Source: Enabling the legal framework for PES, Costa Rica, TEEBcase based on Bennet and Henninger
Policy makers often need to ‘get the law on their side’. activity to a different area);
As compliance with PES regulations is critical to PES • lack of permanence (the program is not viable over
success, compliance also needs to be monitored. the long-term);
Legal enforcement, one of the most complicated • high transaction costs.
aspects of PES programs, is often crucial. In some
cases, failure to monitor compliance with the law may SUB-OPTIMAL PAYMENTS
result in the degradation of the ecosystems con-
cerned. If contracts have been breached, adequate Payments must, at minimum, cover opportunity costs.
sanctions need to be imposed. Such sanctions are Payments that are too low will not be sufficient to
easy to implement in schemes involving periodic pay- motivate landowners to adopt socially desirable prac-
ments but more challenging in the case of ‘one-off’ tices. Another common problem arises out of concern
payment strategies. to motivate participants. This may lead to the overpay-
ment of service providers. Overpayment is a problem
In general, a healthy legal environment is necessary for because available financial resources are limited and if
a healthy PES program. Such an environment some providers are overpaid, too little is left for others.
allows for amendments to existing laws, explicitly This results in less environmental services provision.
recognizes the environmental services provided by
certain ecosystems, clearly defines buying and selling The ideal scenario for avoiding this pitfall is to offer
rights, legally acknowledges property rights, acknow- differential targeted payments depending on the op-
ledges the autonomy of certain communities, portunity cost of land. However, opportunity costs may
ensures compliance with legal requirements and has not be known to the policy maker. Service providers
the ability to issue decrees in regards to environmental have an incentive to overstate them in order to receive
compensation. In some cases, the recognition of envi- higher payments. One way to overcome this problem
ronmental services in national law helps pave the way is to use →auctions to determine the payment. Auctions
for local schemes. At the same time, local schemes can often reveal information about opportunity costs.
be implemented without changes to national laws – Participants know that if they exaggerate opportunity
through minor changes to municipal legislation (for costs there is a risk that they cannot participate in the
example, investing revenues from water levies). program. However, this approach is expensive and
may present problems with implementation, partic-
AVOIDING COMMON PITFALLS ularly in countries with limited institutional capacity.
Several countries, however, are testing this approach
Common pitfalls for policy makers include: – among them Vietnam, India, New Zealand and
• sub-optimal payments to encourage desirable Australia.
land-use practices;
• paying for practices that would have been adopted LACK OF ADDITIONALITY
regardless of the scheme (lack of additionality);
• direct and indirect ‘leakage’ (whereby the PES If a program’s desired outcomes would occur without
scheme only displaces a certain ‘undesirable’ the scheme, the program lacks additionality. Targeting
USA: The Conestoga Reverse Auction Project in Pennsylvania was a two-phase scheme that paid
farmers to implement best management practices (BMPs) to reduce phosphorus losses in local waterways.
• In phase one, farmers bid to implement specific BMPs based on the USDA Environmental Quality
Incentive Program (EQIP) The cost of these practices was pre-determined based on standard BMP
costs and cost-share amounts.
• In the second phase, farmers bid on the price they were willing to accept to implement a BMP
(which could exceed the BMP implementation costs).
Bids were ranked based on the cost of phosphorus reduction. Based on the ranking, policy makers
determined the cut-off price for the auction budget. Bids lower than the cut-off price were successful
Source: Reverse auctions help farmers to reduce phosphorous content in local waterways, USA. TEEBcase based on Selman et al.
financial resources at practices that would be adopted of pastureland recovery, allowing restricted grazing
anyway is certainly not a good use of limited financial within project areas may limit displacement and asso-
resources! ciated impacts. As discussed earlier, a well-designed
monitoring plan can help mitigate project-related risks.
For this reason, ensuring additionality is an important
step in achieving the desired outcomes. Projects Besides this type of ‘direct leakage’, ‘indirect leakage’
demonstrate additionality when: is also possible. For example, enrolling agricultural land
in a scheme aimed at afforestation may cause the price
• they face implementation barriers that can only be of agricultural goods to increase. A reduced crop area
overcome with PES schemes; may lead to a reduced supply of agricultural goods –
• without a PES scheme, a project is not the most raising the price of these goods. If the price of agricultural
economically or financially attractive course of action goods rises, agricultural activities may become more
for participants, although it is socially desirable. attractive relative to other activities and land in neigh-
boring areas may be converted to agricultural production.
Local governments can help ensure the additionality of
a project by prioritizing areas with high degradation Unfortunately, indirect leakage is more difficult to avoid
rates (due to competing land-use practices) over those than direct leakage. However, it may only take place in
with relatively low degradation rates. But sometimes circumstances where PES programs are large enough
even if projects do not satisfy the additionality con- to affect the price of goods, through reduced supply.
dition, they are still implemented in order to minimize
risk that ecosystem services are lost. LACK OF PERMANENCE
DIRECT AND INDIRECT LEAKAGE The long-term success of a program depends on its
sustainability which, in turn, depends on the scheme’s
In some cases, a PES project may only displace envi- ability to maintain payments over the long-term – either
ronmentally damaging activities. Rather than creating through government funding or payments from willing
benefits, it shifts environmentally harmful activities beneficiaries.
somewhere else. This unintended side-effect is referred
to as ‘leakage’ or ‘spillage.’ For example, a project Similarly to the issue of leakage, some permanence
aimed at restoring pastureland degraded by over- issues can be addressed at the design stage. If pay-
grazing in an area may simply cause herdsman to shift ment schemes and contracts are designed to provide
the same overgrazing practices elsewhere. a structure of rewards that encourage landowners or
users to continue targeted activities far into the future,
Leakage, however, is a risk that can possibly be a program is likely to be successful in the long run. This
addressed in program design. For example in the case may present a challenge, however, since long-term
The Costa Rican national carbon offset program: In 1997, the government established the Protected
Areas Project to consolidate their national parks network. It purchased privately owned land within the
park in order to prevent the release of CO2 from deforestation in these areas. The government, however,
anticipated that the landowners would continue with their damaging activities outside the park
boundaries. It initiated a parallel program, the Private Forests Project (PFP), which provided farmers
with financial incentives to engage in forest-related land-use practices to prevent deforestation. The
environmental services of the program included CO2 fixation, biodiversity, water quality, and landscape
beauty. The project was independently certified, and the potential for slippage and leakage was consi-
dered negligible.
contracts may lack the flexibility necessary to adapt to lower costs/unit than smaller programs);
changing market conditions. This may deter some • number of parties included in the scheme (many
landowners, who want to keep their land-use options parties with many small land parcels may drive
open, from participating. operational costs up per parcel);
• type of contract the scheme employs;
For this reason, policy makers may opt to design a • waiting-times for contract approvals;
scheme that differentiates between short and long- • mode of payment for participants.
term payment options. While long-term payments may
be more attractive as they fetch a higher price, short- While it may seem attractive to keep transaction costs
term payments are still available for ‘hesistant’ parti- down by selecting large parcels of land and minimizing
cipants. Under the →Kyoto Protocol, for example, the number of users, such actions may decrease cost-
participation in CDM afforestation and reforestation effectiveness and result in inequity – excluding poor
projects can be increased by creating temporary cre- people from involvement in PES programs. While
dits that are issued with a defined expiry date. These considering strategies for minimizing transaction costs,
credits can be reissued or renewed every five years policy makers may want to consider the following
after independent verification confirms that sufficient recommendations:
carbon has been sequestered.
• Simplify guidelines for design and formulation
HIGH TRANSACTION COSTS of PES schemes. When feasible, contract directly
between users and providers because inter-
Transaction costs refer to costs incurred by buyers, mediaries, though useful for facilitating the process,
providers and the authorities to set up and run PES can also push up the transaction costs. Another
schemes. They include the costs for gathering the way to simplify the program is to opt for collective
necessary information to design and implement a contracting – where several small-scale farmers
proper scheme, the administrative costs related to conduct the contracting process together, reducing
running the scheme (including monitoring and enforce- the cost of individual transactions.
ment activities) and the administrative costs of parti- • Reduce the costs of monitoring and measure-
cipants. Taking transaction costs into account is crucial ment. While proper monitoring is essential, there
because if they are too high they may render a scheme may be opportunities to save on monitoring costs.
unsustainable. PES programs can utilize local experts (provided
they are appropriately skilled and independent)
Transaction costs tend to be highest during the start- rather than relying primarily on external experts.
up phase, decreasing significantly over time. Several Policy makers can also keep up to date with
factors determine transaction costs, such as: technological advances in monitoring schemes
• size of the scheme (a large program may have which may decrease monitoring costs.
• Adopt institutional innovations. There is a lot of these market handicaps may develop ways to assign
room for innovation – from forming specialized equitable rights to land and environmental resources
services to building on existing community devel- to financially disadvantaged participants. The scheme
opment programs, bundling environmental service might invest in education and training, establish
payments, reducing data costs, establishing market support centers or provide start-up capital.
large-scale area-wide projects and creating cost- They may also encourage land bundling and conso-
sharing mechanisms (Smith and Scherr 2002). lidation (Landell-Mills and Porras 2002; WWF 2006).
ARE PES SCHEMES INSTRUMENTAL A recent study estimates that markets for biodiversity
IN POVERTY ALLEVIATION? conservation could benefit 10-15 million low-income
households in developing countries. Carbon markets
쏟 While the primary goal of PES programs is to manage could benefit 25–50 million. Markets for watershed
environmental and natural resources effectively and protection could benefit 80-100 million and markets
cost-effectively, they also often help to alleviate for landscape beauty and recreation could benefit
poverty. 5-8 million by 2030 (Milder et al. 2010).
PES schemes have the potential to provide financial PES may lead to increased income for land-users if it
stability to poor households (as consumers or pro- is possible to market the improvement in environmen-
viders), generating income directly or indirectly. An tal services. This may require participation in an eco-
equitable scheme typically considers those things that labeling scheme to be able to sell goods produced in
poor people often lack – well-defined or secure land a sustainable manner to consumers. If payments
rights and access to certain resources (market focus on the conservation of charismatic species and
쏟 contacts, communication infrastructure, and capital improving landscape beauty, eco-tourism can provide
for start-up costs). A PES strategy that overcomes an additional source of income for a region.
While the term ‘PES’ is fairly new, the concept has existed for quite some time. In the 1970s, agricultural
land degradation led villagers in Sukhomajri to practice indiscriminate free-grazing, land-clearing and
tree-felling – perpetuating a cycle of land degradation and poverty. These actions affected the water supply
for communities downstream. In response, the Centre for Soil and Water Conservation Research and
Training Institute, supported by the Ford Foundation, constructed soil conservation structures to reduce
lake siltation and capture rainwater. As these structures could benefit only landowners, an important
element of the plan was to have better water sharing arrangements which could benefit all the villagers.
In return for protecting vegetation, a water-users association constructed rainwater collection dams which
improved village water supply and allocated tradable water rights to every household. Over time, the tra-
dable water right system was replaced by a user fee and in return the villagers received the revenue from
sale of forest products. In addition, families with no land or marginal land have been given land rights, and
those who wish to can sell water entitlement. An affiliated reforestation project is further expected to benefit
the community through timber extraction from communal property.
This PES scheme has, in the past 40 years, generated high economic returns for the once-poor commu-
nity. It has improved agricultural productivity and increased household income. Siltation in Sukhna Lake
has fallen by 95%, which saves the city downstream (Chandigarh) about US$ 200,000 annually in dredging
and related costs. The hillside vegetation is expected to raise the value of the forest to an estimated
US$ 700,000 annually (1997 exchange rate) from the sale of forest products and babbhar grass.
The Oriental White Stork, reliant on traditional rice-paddies for hunting, nearly became extinct by modernized
rice farming practices. In Toyooka, Japan, a PES scheme was introduced to restore the habitat quality of the
fields and this has benefitted both rice farmers and the stork. Since 2003, rice farmers have been encouraged
to use compost, organic fertilizers, and reduced or chemical-free pesticides. They have also been encouraged
to flood paddies deeper, retain water longer and keep a diary of living creatures. From 2003-2007, participating
farmers were paid US$ 330 per 1000m3 (US$ 80 to those joining today) for income and labor compensation.
As a result, the stork population has increased to 36. Importantly, the reintroduction of the stork has raised
municipal income by 1.4%.
Although growing rice to conform to eco →standards reduces yields by 25%, rice grown with reduced
pesticide use can be sold at 23% higher and organically grown rice at 54% higher.
Stork-related tourism is estimated to generate more than US$ 11 million annually. Visitors to Toyooka
include school children, students from China and Russia, farmers and researchers from Korea. Japan’s
largest travel agency sells 1,000 package tours to Toyooka every year.
Source: PES for habitat restoration to reintroduce Oriental White Stork. TEEBcase by Hayashi and Nishimiya
ACTION POINTS FOR PES SCHEME It may be possible to turn deficits into opportunities
IMPLEMENTATION for improving institutional structures when ineffective
government structures, corruption and poorly defined
Designing and implementing a successful PES scheme land-use rights are limiting resources and options.
is a complicated but economically rewarding process. • Land managers can be assisted in obtaining secure
There are no simple prescriptions, but a plan that property rights or legal clarification about customary
integrates local people, local infrastructure and the bio- rights.
physical context of the ecosystem services associated • Tailor-made PES schemes can be created when
with the scheme is most likely to be successful. Impor- this is not possible.
tantly, a successful plan is most likely adaptable, in- • Legal enforcement can be improved, as it is key to
clusive and creative – one that treats both land and PES success.
people as valuable resources. • The inclusion of poor people and women can
ensure greater collaboration and increase program
Find ways to use human resources that are effectiveness.
available. This may involve generating commitment to
participate from communities, landowners, institutions, Explore practical ways to support effective and
organizations or local leaders. cost-effective PES schemes
• Collective action at the community level can be • Find ways to establish trust between buyers and
mobilized through education (describing and providers. Support buyers of eco-products. This
explaining the program’s ground rules). will help to increase demand for products that
• Capacity building can take place for both buyers support sustainable resource use. Provide access
and service providers. to credit and promote appropriate technologies.
• Credible intermediary organizations like NGOs, civil Support the creation of new markets.
society institutions, community-based organi- • Help community organizations or associations to
zations can help raise awareness about the link keep transaction costs low.
between new practices and their subsequent • Choose payments that are slightly higher than
environmental benefits. the opportunity cost to the service providers,
and lower than the benefits generated from Find ways to make sure the plan can change when
increased environmental services provisioning. circumstances change. A flexible plan is open to
• Ensure that land enrolled in schemes passes the improvements and new economic opportunities.
additionality test. Minimize leakages and do your • Monitor outcomes regularly. If there is a provision
homework to ensure permanency. in national laws, local governments can use this or
Make sure that the people who make decisions create their own guidelines and regulations to help
are informed raise finance for PES schemes.
• Make use of credible scientific findings to show • Remove perverse incentives which may impede
how changes in land-use practices affect the the success of PES.
quality of ecosystem services provided. • Bolster the strength of the program by using a mix
• Make use of existing valuation studies that link PES of subsidies, eco-labeling and ecotourism, if
with increased environmental service provision. appropriate.
Developers, • An enhanced reputation and better relationship with local communities and
investors environmental groups.
and other • Increased regulatory goodwill, leading to faster permitting.
companies • A practical tool for managing social and environmental risks and liabilities.
• ‘First mover’ advantage for innovative companies resulting from strategic opportunities
in the new markets and businesses that emerge as biodiversity offsets become
more widespread.
restored areas) can be measured. At present, currencies are variants); and metrics of species’
currencies can be categorized under three princi- populations and persistence (see for more details
pal approaches: area alone (increasingly discredited); BBOP 2009b, BBOP 2009c).
area and condition or quality of biodiversity (current • The principle that ‘destroyed and restored habitat
best practice, of which many of US and German should be as similar as possible’ needs to be balanced
Box 8.13 Developing a wetland offset to mitigate habitat losses from copper mining
In the mid-1990s, Rio Tinto Kennecott Utah Copper mine, North America’s largest copper mine, needed
additional storage capacity for ‘tailings’. The company purchased an area of degraded saltpans and
industrial land containing designated wetland habitat. To offset their impact on the wetlands (required
by US law), Kennecott purchased water shares and 2,500 acres (1,011 hectares) of degraded lands
for creation of a shorebird and waterfowl refuge. A wetland plan was designed, establishing Kennecott’s
obligations for construction, operation, maintenance and monitoring. After the initial successes,
Kennecott went beyond its obligation by purchasing additional land and water to expand the site to
more than 3,600 acres (1,460 hectares) with the added benefit of mitigating for impacts from
other projects affecting wetlands in the same watershed. After completion, ‘The Kennecott Inland Sea
Shorebird Reserve’ now shows a 1,000-fold increase in bird use.
with conservation priorities. These may suggest for long-term management is by stipulating in offset
restoring a type of habitat unlike the destroyed one. arrangements that a trust fund is set up to finance
Several governmental policies espouse a ‘like for management with the interest rates generated.
like or better’ approach under ‘no net loss’ policies.
• Offsetting strategies depend on stakeholder While individual offsets are a step forward (in compa-
support – which often hinges on stakeholder rison to no compensation on the part of developers)
involvement. This does not mean that →ecological there are some pitfalls. This kind of ‘case by case’
values are negotiable. However, stakeholder in- compensation (restoration projects carried out
volvement can ensure that plans address local separately for each impact), makes it difficult to ensure
community needs (cf. BBOP 2009d). spatial cohesion of habitats and to find firms with a suf-
• Adequate governance structures support success- ficient expertise in habitat restoration. For this reason,
ful plans. Well-trained personnel (able to assess the conservation banking may be a cost-effective, flexible
ecological value of sites) and adequate administra- and ecologically effective alternative to offsetting.
tive resources (to ensure compliance with legal
requirements for offsetting) are key to effective plans. HOW CONSERVATION BANKING WORKS
• To ensure additionality, offsets should achieve
conservation outcomes above and beyond results The concept behind conservation banking is that
that would have occurred if the offset had not the market can deliver suitable offsets for those
taken place. It is important that offsets do not who need them. It applies the policy instrument of
replace conservation activities carried out by tradable permits to biodiversity conservation. So far,
government bodies or which are their original tasks. very few conservation banking systems exist (Species
• Restored sites often require long-term manage- Conservation Banking and Wetland Mitigation Banking
ment. One way how policy makers can assure funds in the US, Biobanking in Australia).
California introduced conservation banking to protect endangered species in 1995 (the term ‘bank’ is
used for a mitigation project). To receive approval to sell endangered species offset credits, agencies
must agree to preserve high quality habitat in perpetuity. Additionally, a conservation easement, legally
restricting the usage of the conserved land, must be signed. Typically, a permanent (non-wasting)
endowment fund is set up to pay for ongoing site management and maintenance. Credits can be sold to
compensate for public infrastructure projects or the impacts of private development.
More than 100 conservation banks have been set up in California since the introduction of the policy, and
the annual market volume has been estimated to be around US$ 200 million for the entire US. Prices for
credits per acre can be more than US$ 125,000, depending on habitat type and region. The majority of
credits are sold for a given area’s preservation, requiring either minor (or no) enhancements. In some
regions, categories are used to determine threat levels for certain species and trade between categories
is allowed. There are no explicit spatial trading rules but official guidance documents recommend that
mitigation sites should be located in what has been identified as core habitat areas or corridors.
Within a conservation banking scheme, habitat habitat is of higher value than destroyed habitat.
destruction for economic development projects is By better integrating new habitats into an existing
allowed if the developer submits a credit to a regula- habitat network, for example.
tory authority. Credits can be generated by restoring,
creating or enhancing habitat elsewhere. Credits are PRE-CONDITIONS FOR SUCCESSFUL
tradable. For example, firms can specialize in habitat CONSERVATION BANKING
restoration, earning money by selling credits to eco-
nomic developers. Effective trading rules ensure that In addition to meeting the basic requirements of any
the value of destroyed habitat is equivalent to the value biodiversity offset, there are several important precon-
of restored habitat. Similar to offsetting, a ‘currency’ ditions for conservation banking to be a successful
is necessary to compare the ecological value of form of offset implementation:
destroyed and restored habitats. • A certain level of market activity is necessary. This
enables sellers and buyers to find adequate trading
Demand for credits may come from private firms, partners. In extreme cases, an expected lack of
government departments (planning economic devel- demand deters land owners from engaging in
opment or infrastructure projects) or individuals and habitat restoration, potentially leading to market
NGOs interested in enhancing a region’s conservation break-down.
value (keeping credits rather than selling them). • Destroyed and restored habitat types should be the
Farmers, forest owners, ecological consultancies, same; otherwise, there is a risk that certain habitat
state authorities and conservation groups may supply types will decline, potentially leading to a rise in ex-
credits. The education and expertise of these groups tinction risks of some endangered species. However,
potentially results in well-managed conserved areas. if regulators focus on the conservation of highly
A competent regulatory authority is needed to best endangered species, trading rules can be designed
assess habitat values, oversee monitoring, enforce- to provide incentives for scarce habitat restoration.
ment and credit exchanges. • For the conservation of many endangered species
the spatial location of habitats and their connectivity
ADVANTAGES OF CONSERVATION are important. If spatial aspects are relevant trading
BANKING rules need to take them into account.
• Conservation banking is only suitable for habitats
A properly designed and implemented conservation that can be restored within a reasonable time
banking system has several advantages: frame. Lengthy restoration processes can lead to
• It is a flexible approach which conserves bio- significant ecological damage (if destruction is
diversity and allows for economic development allowed before restoration) or a lack of credit
simultaneously. supply (if destruction is not allowed before
• Market forces work in favor of biodiversity conser- restoration) because investors in habitat restoration
vation; land owners are able to earn money by have to wait too long to receive investment returns.
creating or restoring habitats. • It is particularly relevant for habitats with highly en-
• Conservation banking is cost-effective; it generates dangered species that at the time of habitat destruc-
incentives for conservation in areas with low tion, restoration or creation is completed. Otherwise,
opportunity costs (in terms of foregone benefits the time lag between destruction and creation may
from economic development) and allows economic threaten the survival of the species. If a species is
development in areas with high benefits from less threatened, a mechanism might be implemen-
economic development. ted to compensate for temporal loss. An example
• A sufficiently large credit market enables firms to for such a mechanism is a multiplier that requires
specialize in restoration, resulting in better quality offsets to have higher conservation values than the
restoration and cost-saving. destroyed habitat (see BBOP 2009b).
• The conservation value of a region may be en- • Areas with habitats may provide ecosystem services
hanced if trading rules stipulate that restored other than conservation (carbon storage, recreation,
maintenance of water cycle). This does not present of high value will be replaced by sites of low value.
a problem for conservation banking if differences To avoid this, trading rules may forbid sites of low
in these other services are not significant. If they value replacing sites of high value. Bear in mind
쏟 are significant (for example, sites may differ in that the introduction of this kind of regulation has
terms of recreational value), there is a risk that sites the potential to restrict credit trade.
Box 8.15 Conservation banking in New South Wales, Australia
In 2008, the New South Wales Department of Environment and Climate Change established Biobanking
(a biodiversity banking and offsets scheme). The aim of the scheme is to allow for economic development
while addressing biodiversity loss and threatened species. Credits are created by landowners through
the establishment of Biobanking sites and active management is required (fire, weed, grazing and human
disturbance). Credits may be purchased to offset the impact of economic development projects or to
support conservation (retired credits).
Two main types of biodiversity credits exist: credits for species and credits for ecosystems. Each site may
generate a number of different ecosystem or species credits which may be sold together or in groups.
The number of credits generated depends on various factors such as site values (structure and function
of ecosystems), and landscape context (values for connectivity and area of vegetation). Part of the revenue
from selling the credits goes to a BioBanking Trust Fund which uses this money to pay Biobanking site
owners for subsequent management of their areas. To protect valuable and scarce habitats and species,
development is, in principle, not allowed in so-called ‘red flag’ areas.
PA R T I I I · T H E P R A C T I C E
Lead author: Silvia Wissel (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ)
Contributing authors: Augustin Berghöfer, Robert Jordan, Sara Oldfield, Till Stellmacher
Reviewers: Sergey Bobylev, Justus von Geibler, Martha Honey, Tilman Jaeger, Mikhail
Karpachevskiy, Karina Martínez, Wairimu Mwangi, Rodolphe Schlaepfer,
Nik Sekhran, Matthew Wenban-Smith
Acknowledgements: Melanie Chatreaux, Nigel Dudley, Grit Ludwig, Alice Ruhweza, Anne Teller,
Frank Wätzold
Editor: Heidi Wittmer
Language editors: Simon Birch and Jessica Hiemstra-van der Horst
Key Messages
• Labels inform. Labelling can highlight ecosystem services connected with particular products. They
provide the opportunity for consumers to choose products that maximise environmental and social benefits.
• Certification assures. By setting and ensuring standards certification provides a credible guarantee,
that goods and services have been produced in a sustainable way. This helps to ensure the flow of
ecosystem services for local development.
• Labels pay. Certified products sometimes achieve a significant price premium; even if not certification
can help to ensure improved market access, increased market share or improved reputation.
• Labels create common ground. The process of working together with other stakeholders in finding
appropriate standards and working towards certification can help local actors to jointly address
ecosystem services.
• Choose your own path. Local governments, NGOs have many different options to support local business
through certification and labelling. They can inform, support, participate or develop their own schemes.
This chapter gives an overview of certification and ment. It outlines how certification can be supported
labelling. It defines certification and discusses its role and implemented, drawing from several regional and
as an instrument for sustainable resource manage- globally based schemes.
C H A P T E R 9 · C E R T I F I C AT I O N A N D L A B E L L I N G
Certification: A procedure by which a third party gives written assurance that a product, process or
service is in conformity with certain standards.
Accreditation: The evaluation and formal recognition of a certification programme by an authoritative
Standard: Documented agreements containing technical specifications or other precise criteria to be used
consistently as rules, guidelines or definitions, to ensure that materials, products, processes and services
are fit for their purpose. Standards include environmental standards; organic standards; labour standards;
social standards; and normative standards.
Label: A label or symbol indicating that compliance with specific standards has been verified. Use of the
label is usually controlled by the standard-setting body.
C H A P T E R 9 · C E R T I F I C AT I O N A N D L A B E L L I N G
also be reduced. Further, certification standards often In some regions, certified products can be sold at a
result in higher worker and external →stakeholder premium, helping local producers to defray certifi-
satisfaction, reducing the risk of criticism, boycotts cation costs and increase their profit. For example in
and blockades in the case of otherwise controversial Asia Pacific timber products can obtain premiums of
products (Araujo et al. 2009; Kooten et al. 2005). more than 20% for industrial plantations (TEEBcase
Benefits of Forest Certification, Solomon Islands).
For many reasons, the shift towards sustainable However, this premium can be negligible when the
production is usually costly. For example, more costs of certification are taken into account (Sedjo
expensive production processes and reduced and Swallow 2002).
harvests affect overall production expenses. Further
costs may be borne by the producer for assessment Even if certification does not lead to price premiums,
and monitoring. In addition, the upfront cost of there are other economic arguments for certifica-
obtaining certification may be prohibitive, particularly tion. Local businesses may choose to sell certified
for small-scale producers. For this reason, some products in response to consumer demand or
certifiers and NGOs are searching for alternative legislation (such as biomass in Germany), or in order
non-third party certification or verification mecha- to remain competitive. Certified timber does not
nisms for small-scale producers (see box 9.2 and necessarily get producers more money but allows
9.4). One example is Participatory Guarantee them access to retailers and users who insist on
Systems (PGS), with approximately 10,000 small- certified products. In Wallonia one community lost
scale farmers involved in over 20 countries world- PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest
wide. Farmers can establish their own democratic Certification, one alternative to FSC) certification in
organization, deciding on which standards they March 2010, because they did not succeed in mana-
want to follow and which verification procedures ging the game population. Sawmills in the region
they would like to implement. The most significant now fear they will not be able to sell their products,
operational cost for smallholders tends to be time because of the strong demand for certified products.
spent developing and running the scheme. Time Similar problems exist in surrounding communities,
invested, however, leads to capacity building, em- creating a strong incentive for them to fulfil standards
powerment and the protection of local biodiversity and remain certified (Druez and Burgraff 2010).
(TEEBcase Participatory Guarantee Systems for
organic agriculture, India).
In 2009 the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) awarded a certificate to two Tanzanian communities for
community-managed natural forest in Africa. Villagers participating in the Mpingo Conservation Project
have been able to develop sustainable forest management plans in accordance with Tanzania’s system
of Participatory Forest Management. This grants them secure tenure over the valuable timber resources.
Certification helps consumers to differentiate between timber produced from well-managed community
forests and illegally logged timber.
The timber (African blackwood or mpingo) is highly prized for making clarinets, oboes and bagpipes.
Certification is anticipated to enable communities to earn more than US$ 19 per log, compared to a
previous US$ 0.08. Central to the project’s success is consumer demand for sustainably harvested
timber (particularly from an international market), an important →driver for future community wood
production in the country.
Source: FSC Certification for maintaining ecosystem services, Tanzania. TEEBcase by Sara Oldfield (see
C H A P T E R 9 · C E R T I F I C AT I O N A N D L A B E L L I N G
Box 9.3 Standard setting process of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
The 'Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil' (RSPO) is a global, non-governmental multi-stakeholder initiative
whose members include palm oil producers, retailers and environmental and social NGOs. The aim of the
RSPO is to develop and implement global standards for sustainable palm oil that focus on the protection
of the ecosystem services of palm oil plantations. Setting standards is the key mechanism employed for
achieving RSPO goals.
The standard setting processes can be divided in two phases: standard development and certification
(von Geibler 2009). In the standard development phase of the RSPO, eight principles and 39 criteria for
sustainability were defined in respect to social and ecological issues with participation of various stake-
holders and public consultations. To ensure that the global principles and criteria consider national needs
and regulations,→indicators for individual countries were specified by different national interpretation
working groups, with engagement of sub-national organisations. The standard criteria have been evaluated
in practical pilot studies for two years from 2005 to 2007 (RSPO 2010). The certification phase implies
independent auditors checking palm oil mills as well as respective supply chain audits in order to ensure
compliance with the RSPO principles and criteria. In case of complaints against RSPO members a
grievance process aims to resolve disputes (RSPO 2010).
First certificates were given out in 2008 under the label of ‘GreenPalm’. Producers who can produce
according to the RSPO standards can register online with GreenPalm and receive certificates per ton
sustainably produced palm oil. The certificates are then sold on the Green Palm web-based trading
platform, where manufacturers or retailers buy certificates and thus support sustainable palm oil
production. The certification system will be reviewed by RSPO after two years.
Source: Palm Oil Certification, Indonesia. TEEBcase by Justus von Geibler (see
C H A P T E R 9 · C E R T I F I C AT I O N A N D L A B E L L I N G
An enormous number of certification schemes exist designed for a regional market (see Box 9.5).
for a wide variety of different products, such as • Management: Businesses, NGOs and consumers
fisheries (Marine Stewardship Council, MSC) or natural or state-led schemes (such as the new Euro-leaf 쏟
cosmetics. Schemes cover different industries from organic certification scheme run by the EU) can
food to electronics to green financial investments (see manage certification schemes. 쏟
also TEEB in Business 2011, Chapter 5). Schemes • Attributes: Certification standards may address
also exist for tourism, building standards (such as environmental, social and/or ethical issues.
LEED and BREEAM) and management practices • Scope: The impacts of market products or services
(see Chapter 4) to name a few. can be measured at different levels –– the product
Certification schemes can differ in many ways: itself (for example timber) during production (for
• Target market: Some schemes are designed for example organic agriculture), chain of custody or
international trade and export markets, (such as the whole life cycle of a product (from production,
forest and marine councils) while others are transport, consumption to disposal).
Following an analysis of the role of ecosystem There is a broad range of opportunities for local
services in local development, appropriate certification administration, producer corporations or NGOs to use
schemes can be sought out (see Figure 9.1). Before or support certification for regional goals.
selecting a particular certification scheme, it is prudent
to define the aims and goals of a scheme. Not all Providing information to consumers and produ-
schemes serve all purposes. Some may aim to support cers: Workshops can be organized and meetings
biodiversity while others may seek to maintain social arranged with experts. Consumers and producers can
and cultural values. In addition, different schemes have be provided with handbooks and best practice
different outcomes. Some may help to secure local guides. In Florida, for example, citizens have access
jobs better than others and certain production to resources such as ‘A Meeting Planner’s Guide to
methods may be easier to adapt for sustainability Going ‘Green’. Tips and Best Management Practices’
standards. In addition, not all sectors are relevant for (
every region. PlannerGuide.pdf) and the Green Lodging website
In order to decide whether certification is a useful
instrument, assess ecosystem services and Support for small-scale producers: Due to issues
development needs. When developing a certification related to cost and regulatory standards, certification
scheme, it is important to determine what is most currently favours producers in Northern countries
important to the region concerned. For example, an compared to small-scale producers in developing
ecosystem services assessment could be carried out countries (Pattberg 2005). While some certification
to determine which standards are needed and what schemes have developed approaches to support
kind of certification scheme might be most suitable and enable the certification of smaller businesses,
(see also Chapter 2). This assessment could be carried problems remain. Small-scale farmers, for example,
out for the purpose of the project or as part of another often need to find new structures and organizations
C H A P T E R 9 · C E R T I F I C AT I O N A N D L A B E L L I N G
if they choose to become involved in organic or generally the weakest players in the value chain –
sustainable certification. In countries with weak farmer even when certified. Local governments may choose
groups and limited cooperative culture, local govern- to increase the organizational and business capacities
ments and NGOs can support processes to strength- of smallholders. At the same, policy makers may take
en farmer groups and progressively build PGS. They it upon themselves to address external players (global
can encourage PGS projects by providing facilities corporations, in particular) that may need to be
such as meeting rooms and market stalls, in addition convinced to more effectively adapt their production
to skilled extension staff and access to land and methods to local conditions. This would allow for
local procurement policies. Legislation can also be a more sustainable, tailor-made certification within more
means to improve the status of small producers exem- equal partnerships.
plified by the case of Brazil’s ‘Social Fuel Seal’ which
requires large biodiesel producers to purchase a Public procurement and other incentive for cer-
significant share of their raw materials from family tification: Requiring certified products in public
farmers. Although the program has garnered criticism procurement creates demand. For example, since
from some corners, it is nonetheless a pioneering 2009, the United Kingdom requires that all forest
illustration how policy making can create a trickle-down products purchased by the public sector for con-
effect to small producers (Leopold and Aguilar 2009). struction, office furniture or office products such as
paper, should be from legal and sustainable sources.
Active promotion and integration of more bottom- In Florida (USA) state employees are required to book
up approaches to certification: Some local policy hotels for conferences and meetings that are part of
makers choose to take leading roles as mediators the ‘Green Lodging program’ whenever possible.
between local and external players and interests, Australia gives advantages to certified boat operators
particularly because small-holder producers are through extended licensing. It is within the power of
C H A P T E R 9 · C E R T I F I C AT I O N A N D L A B E L L I N G
Box 9.4 NGO support for Participatory Guarantee Systems in Southern India
Nilgiris, a hill district in southern India where most of the native forests have been destroyed. The areas
that are not destroyed are under continual pressure from the unsustainable collection of Non Forest Timber
Products (NFTP) (such as wild nutmeg, cinnamon, and herbal plants) by local indigenous communities.
Both sustainable harvesting and effective marketing of NFTP is central to rural development and the
protection of the full range of forested ecosystem services as well as the areas’ underlying biodiversity.
Keystone, an NGO, aims to help the local Nilgiris community develop a PGS. This PGS is intended to pro-
vide an affordable model of organic labelling with integrated ecological monitoring and capacity building
functions – ensuring sustainable harvesting.
Working with individual farmers, Keystone is reviving traditional crops, providing food security, improving
health and livelihoods. Its goal is assist in finding alternatives to the monoculture plantations which have
destroyed the ecology of the area. Keystone also hopes to decrease the local community's dependence
on nearby plantations for income. To this end, it has helped the local community establish a number of
‘green shops’, set up village seed banks and plant nurseries.
Source: Participatory Guarantee Systems for organic agriculture, India. TEEBcase by Robert Jordan (see
some governing bodies to give tax breaks and reduce Development and support of regional labels:
import duties for certified products (see TEEB in Support for regional labels can be a very direct way
National Policy 2011, Chapter 5). in which local governments can help producers in
their area but this approach requires a significant
Tailoring certification to meet local and regional amount of expertise and resources. Success requires
needs: Local governments and regulators often know that the labelled products or services have a ready
best about their region and the threats facing its local and informed consumer base and market with
ecosystem services. This knowledge can be valuable purchasing power. Such markets may be found in
to developing appropriate certification schemes, nearby cities or, if a biosphere reserve or similar
standards and monitoring systems. Some certification attraction is within the region, visiting tourists can
schemes include national and regional adaptation provide a suitable market. In regions with a high
(for example FSC or RSPO), in others it may have to recreational value, or regions with well recognized
be added on. Experience has shown that the process ecosystem services, there may be an option to use
of negotiating this can be helpful in better under- regional labelling to improve the marketing potential
standing local needs. for regional products.
The management of Schorfheide-Chorin, a UNESCO biosphere reserve in north east Germany, has de-
veloped a regional brand ('Prüfzeichen'). The 'Prüfzeichen' is a voluntary labelling scheme targeted at local
businesses and other stakeholders with the aim of encouraging the production of local and sustainably
produced goods and thus conserving the reserve's rich cultural and environmental legacy. Under this
scheme, in rural areas, short paths between points in the production line are given preference (a preference
for regional markets) because this reduces the need for transport.
The 'Prüfzeichen' currently exists for a range of different sectors including food, handicrafts, hotels, nature
tourism and sustainable timber processing. At present, there are more than ninety labelled enterprises,
with additional pending applications. The nearby capital, Berlin, is a potentially large market for certified
products and services.
Source: Regional labelling in biosphere reserve, Germany. TEEBcase by Beate Blahy and Jörg-Dieter Peil (see
C H A P T E R 9 · C E R T I F I C AT I O N A N D L A B E L L I N G
Box 9.6 The Blue Flag certification for coastal areas: an economic argument?
A blue flag is awarded annually to beaches and marinas that meet certain environmental, amenity and
safety criteria and assures recreational users of a quality visit to the beach. Those locations holding a Blue
Flag can use the award scheme to attract tourists and recreational users to the area (Cumberbatch 2005).
The Blue Flag certification scheme is targeted at local authorities, the public and the tourism industry in
coastal areas. Schemes now operate in 41 countries and more than 3,400 beaches from Europe to Latin
America and the Caribbean to Africa.
Some evidence suggests that the initiative has a significant effect. Studies from South Africa show
economic benefits from increased tourist visits due to the Blue Flag award. In the holiday town of Margate
along the Kongweni Estuary, the loss of Blue Flag status is estimated at a potential economic loss of
between US$ 2.7 million and US$ 3.4 million per annum (Nahman and Rigby 2008. In Durban, a decrease
in consumer confidence was attributed partly to the lost status in 2008 (personal communication, Alison
Kelly, National Blue Flag Program Manager at WESSA).
On the other hand, case studies focussing mainly on European and North American beaches did not
find a clear relationship between the award and tourist visits, providing a weak economic argument for
achieving the award (McKenna et al. in press).
Source: Blue Flag certification for beach quality, South Africa. TEEBcase by Anna Spenceley (see
Participation in national and international com- 2001, cities in Japan compete to become the ‘top
petitions and awards: A number of →certification eco-city’ ( The top city has
schemes target community and regional levels. Partic- to achieve an ambitious score out of 15 criteria
ipation may improve a local government’s reputation including waste reduction, the adoption of an
and lead to an exchange of information and access to environmental management system and a trans-
new strategies for best practices. This can also help portation policy. Nagoya, one of the cities that has
to improve reputation of the region and build identity recently competed, has created region-specific
and pride. waste policies which will both protect tidal flats
that are valuable for migratory birds and save eco-
A region's tourist industry, for example, can apply nomic costs. Less sustainable waste-management
for certification with Green Globe which certifies practices fill the tidal pools with waste while new
sustainability within the tourism sector. In North waste policies have helped reduce the amount of
America, the National Wetlands Awards are awarded waste and protect tidal flats. For this achievement
to individuals who make extraordinary contributions Nagoya won the Environment Grand Prix Award in
to wetland conservation. In the Slow Cities move- 2003 (TEEBcase Waste reduction to conserve tidal
ment, local communities jointly promote the mainten- flat, Japan).
ance of cultural values, quality of life and other
ecosystem services. Agricultural products can There is potential for international cooperation
apply for AOC-certification (Appellation d’Origine from local to local. Some regions or cities may
Contrôlée) which guarantees the origin of a product create special partnerships, and, in other cases,
and traditional production methods. relations between countries stemming from migrants
and holidays or business contacts may initiate
There is also potential for the sustainable manage- international relationships. These relationships
ment of a region or city to be recognized by several may assist with creating trade opportunities and
쏟 award systems such as the Habitat Scroll of Honour implementing certification or labelling. One example
Award run by UN-HABITAT or the European Green for this is JustUs!, a Canadian Coffee Roaster that
쏟 Capital award, first won by Stockholm in 2010. Since created a partnership with producers in Mexico.
C H A P T E R 9 · C E R T I F I C AT I O N A N D L A B E L L I N G
The benefits of this relationship are threefold. practices and Canadians have a guaranteed coffee 쏟
Mexicans get improved salaries, migrating birds are quality (TEEBcase Fair Trade Certification for coffee,
protected through more sustainable plantation Canada).
C H A P T E R 9 · C E R T I F I C AT I O N A N D L A B E L L I N G
Ethiopia is the world's sixth largest coffee producing country. Due to its popularity with coffee drinkers world-
wide, shade coffee contributes to about 20% of Ethiopia’s export earnings. Organic certification of Ethiopian
coffee began in the late 1990s and by 2007 a total of 12 forest coffee co-operatives were certified according
to Fairtrade Organic (an EU standard) and Utz Certified standards.
Research has shown, however, that forest coffee certification does not necessarily lead to the protection of
the forest ecosystem and biodiversity. Certification standards are designed for plantation or sun coffee and
not forest coffee. There is evidence that the increased demand and higher profits from certified coffee provides
an incentive for coffee farmers to intensify production by slashing the undergrowth and felling larger trees,
effectively destroying the forest and its biodiversity.
These findings are not an argument against certification, which can have substantial positive impacts.
These findings do, however, illustrate that, in order to avoid indirect and unwanted impacts, an
appropriate standard is one that fits the commodity being certified. In the case of Ethiopian forest
coffee, a step forward may be to certify the ecosystem coffee forests – not only the coffee or the coffee
cooperatives – and to reward sustainable forest management with a price premium.
Source: Certification for forest coffee, Ethiopia. TEEBcase by Till Stellmacher, Ulrike Grote and Jörg Volkmann (see
C H A P T E R 9 · C E R T I F I C AT I O N A N D L A B E L L I N G
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
Which window leads to the best policy option? Successful strategies take into account different rights to nature's benefits, they consider
local knowledge, and they involve stakeholders.
PA R T I V · C O N C L U S I O N
Lead authors: Augustin Berghöfer, Heidi Wittmer (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research)
Contributing authors: Alice Ruhweza, Lucy Natarajan
Reviewers: Regina Birner, Jetske Bouma, Lucy Emerton, Natalia Hernandez, Martin von Hildebrand,
Tilman Jaeger, Wairimu Mwangi, Jennifer Nixon, György Pataki, Isabel Renner,
Dominique Richard, Nik Sekhran, Susan Young, an anonymous reviewer from CEPAL
Acknowledgements: Elisa Calcaterra, Nigel Dudley, Franz Gatzweiler, Salman Hussain, Ashish Kothari,
Peter May, Christoph Schröter-Schlaack
Language editor: Jessica Hiemstra-van der Horst
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
Key Messages
• We need to change the way we think. Environmentally oriented policies and public investments
are often considered a luxury, rather than life insurance. Other needs and objectives may seem more
pressing and desirable. This is a lost opportunity. Natural systems can save on future municipal costs,
boost local economies, enhance quality of life and help secure livelihoods.
• It’s easier to see with the lights on. Understanding the full range of ecosystem services makes trade-
offs visible and helps local policy makers make informed choices about different policy options. Examining
which services will be enhanced and which ones degraded, can illuminate the various costs and benefits
of each policy option – as well as their distribution between different community groups.
• We can all speak the same language. The set of ecosystem services provides a common language
for stakeholders from different backgrounds. Diverse interests and views can be recognized. This
facilitates dialogue and negotiation.
• You have the tools you need. TEEB’s stepwise approach to considering ecosystem services in local
policy can help you identify which analytical procedure and methodology is most appropriate for your
• Making it happen. Three issues, beyond the analysis itself, need your attention to make natural capital
work for local development: the de facto distribution of rights to nature’s benefits; the optimal use of
available scientific and experience-based knowledge; and well-informed facilitation of the participatory
“What one needs is not a common future but the future as a commons. A
commons is the plurality of life worlds to which all citizens have access. It is not
merely the availability of nature as being but of alternative imaginations,
skills that survival in the future might require.”
Shiv Visvanathan 1991: 383
In the preceding chapters we explored reasons and 10.1) and then presents typical local policy scenarios
options for taking an ecosystem services perspective where the consideration of ecosystem services
to a range of local policy areas: municipal service would be useful, for example by applying TEEB’s
provision, spatial planning and impact assessments, stepwise approach (10.2). This leads us to pinpoint
natural resource management and extension for rural three common challenges to many local policy and
development, protected area management and decision-making processes (10.3). Finally, we provide
market-based instruments for conservation. answers to a series of very practical questions rela-
ted to making use of the concept of ecosystem ser-
This chapter first synthesizes the key lessons (section vices in local policy (10.4).
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
→human well-being through the appraisal of →eco- a balanced land-use policy that maintains a
system services has significant benefits. It allows us diverse mosaic in the landscape can sustain a he- 쏟
to assess →trade-offs involved when building infra- althy natural system, providing a broad range of
structure or other large-scale projects that affect ecosystem services.
nature and its services. It also allows us to identify • Official statistics and national accounting data
cost-saving options where →ecosystems can replace rarely capture the →values that nature provides
or complement infrastructure, for example, in water for human well-being and the local economy. If a 쏟
management or disaster prevention. With these local fish is sold on a distant market, the value
services nature provides important co-benefits such enters the national accounts (measured as ‘GDP’
as habitat, recreation, or biological control. Further, or National Income). If it is eaten by the fisher’s
appraising ecosystem services allows us to secure family or sold or traded locally, this is rarely accoun-
and develop natural →assets for the local economy, ted for in statistics. Local policy can better decide 쏟
for example, to support tourism or agriculture. Finally, on issues affecting the environment if official
it helps identify who is affected by environmental numbers and economic →indicators are comple- 쏟
changes and how they are affected – bringing local mented with insights into non-traded parts of the
livelihoods to the center of policy attention. local economy. An ecosystem services perspective
is an excellent way to capture such insights. (see
LESSONS: TEEB in National Policy, Chapter 3)
ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICY • Sound environmental policy is also good social
policy: in many instances, poor people are most
• Sound environmental policy is sensible long- dependent on intact ecosystems. Poverty alle-
term economic policy. The ecosystem services viation is not just about meeting subsistence needs
perspective helps identify important natural assets. – the issue for local policy makers is to ensure that
Mindful management helps ensure the long-term policies and projects do not unintentionally
functioning of the natural system from which these degrade those ecosystem services upon which the
services flow. Some services (like carbon seques- livelihoods of the less well-off depend. The eco-
tration) are global in nature while many (indeed most) system services framework makes clear who is
affect local and regional ecosystems and thus most affected by environmental degradation and
livelihoods. who benefits most from its protection. This infor-
• Local development efforts often focus on the pro- mation is essential for choosing the right policy
duction of goods and services with a high market measures.
price. Intensifying production often results in • Local government plays a critical role in se-
degrading less visible, equally important, local eco- curing not only availability of ecosystem services,
system services. From an ecosystem services but also access to them. The extent to which the
perspective, large-scale intensive monocultures costs and benefits derived from ecosystem
are often a less attractive land-use option, despite services are spread equitably amongst →stake-
their short term revenue stream. They have side holders is strongly influenced by the quality of local
effects. They often decrease water catchment governance. Inadequate or poorly implemented
capacity, pollute soils and rivers and degrade the policy or legal systems are likely to result in corrup-
functioning and habitat quality of the wider ecosys- tion and rent-seeking by a few powerful people.
tem. Even when prioritizing the pressing needs of • Costs and benefits from conserving ecosystems
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
and their services are unevenly shared between local, appraisal has been described in Chapter 2 (and is
national and global policy levels and this has negative summarized below). Other tools are available to
consequences for →ecosystem management. If bene- support decision makers in more specific analyses
fits occur mainly beyond municipal boundaries, poin- (see end of chapter and annex).
ting this out can help local governments secure • Participatory appraisal techniques, multi-criteria
support from higher levels. assessments (MCA), →monetary valuation and
Cost-Benefit Analysis are different approaches to
LESSONS: ENVIRONMENTAL identify the importance and value of a service.
POLICY AND MANAGEMENT Monetary valuation is a powerful instrument for
communicating the importance of →biodiversity for
• The ecosystem services perspective facilitates human well-being. However, monetary valuation of
collaboration among diverse actors and agencies. eco-system services needs to be carefully con-
It translates different interests and visions into a ducted and interpreted. Although the outcome
common ‘language’ of ‘provisioning’, ‘regulating’, may seem ‘concrete’ (in that precise values are
‘supporting’ and ‘cultural’ services. Considering determined), precision may disguise the fact that
the full set of ecosystem services makes visible valuation is often based on assumptions and
the trade-offs between different land-use options prognoses that are difficult to validate and predict.
– and helps to identify options where interests can • Approach is guided by purpose. The purpose for
be made compatible without jeopardizing nature considering ecosystem services determines which
itself. approach to take. Are you revising your munici-
• Some ecosystem services are more tangible and pality’s spatial plan? Do you require guidance on a
seemingly ‘useful’. Their direct link to local well- public infrastructure project? Do you want to run a
being is apparent – examples include freshwater public campaign for securing and enlarging your
쏟 quantity and quality. But other regulating and city’s green spaces? Does your marine protected
→supporting services, such as maintaining the area need more political backing? Do you want
diversity of microbes in soils, sustain these bene- your farmers’ association to raise funds for conser-
fits. We need to be cautious not to exceed vation from international carbon markets? These,
recovery thresholds of less visible services. Many and similar, entry points shape which services are
ecological connections are still poorly understood. being assessed and how. You choose the assess-
Future costs of damage to ecosystems may be ment instrument. This choice determines the degree
enormous. of detail you aim for, the time horizon considered
• There are a variety of ways to assess ecosystem and the value of future benefits as opposed to
services, all with varying degrees of detail and present ones.
different emphases. A stepwise approach for a first
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
society on the importance of nature’s benefits, them (financially) attractive to individuals, business,
attempting monetary valuation is often unnecessary, or communities. The valuation of ecosystem
• Where there is little consensus and benefit visibility, services is often important to the design of effective
demonstrating value is often required to reach regulations and incentives.
balanced decisions that take into account the full
implications on services. Valuation in these circums- In Chapter 2 we outlined a flexible, stepwise approach
tances facilitates local policy trade-offs between to appraising the value of nature. According to the
short-term benefits and long-term cost, between specifics of local policy situations, your own effort may
financial gains and quality of life; but also between focus on recognizing, demonstrating or capturing
concrete alternative land-use options and the nature’s benefits and the steps may carry different
bundles of ecosystem services they provide. In weights. You can adapt them according to your needs.
these situations, economic analysis of ecosystem
services provides important insights. How can these steps be undertaken in various
• Capturing value involves local policy responses settings? The following hypothetical scenarios illustrate
that promote desired use-practices by making typical opportunities for applying the TEEB stepwise
The relative importance of each step is determined by your situation and objectives. Taken together, adap-
ted to your needs, and incorporated into existing decision-making procedures, they offer guidance for
considering natural capital in local policy. Other technical, legal, economic and social information also
needs to be considered. The steps can also help you design a monitoring system and thereby track the
condition of your natural capital (Chapter 4.3).
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
approach: decisions on infrastructure, construction, derably less costly than constructing a new treatment
development proposals, agricultural extension and plant (Step 5). It has the added benefit of liberating
conservation management in protected areas. These funds for other infrastructure projects and will not
cases demonstrate that we cannot apply a fix recipe increase citizens’ water bills. The area is uninhabited
for assessing and considering ecosystem services in and unused, so an impact analysis on current users is
local policy. TEEB’s approach is flexible. There are in- unnecessary (Step 6). A local NGO agrees to help plant
stances where certain steps can and should be omit- the reconstructed wetland and you convince the earth-
ted, repeated or emphasized. Hopefully, the scenarios works company to remove the railroad tracks to make
encourage developing your own version of the process. space for a cycling and walking path.
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
in terms of jobs and local taxes. Conservation NGOs You compare alternative sites (Step 5) and decide to
insist on examining the less obvious impacts on relocate some to flat areas. You also learn that the new
tourism, coastal protection, the local fishing industry variety’s resistance to a local plant disease is uncertain
and real estate (Step 3). (Step 3). After consulting with the NGO, you decide to
investigate the risk of spreading the disease. Two
The expert group estimates future changes in the in- pilot sites will be surrounded by land known to have
volved ecosystem services (Step 4). In a second resistant plant cover.
public consultation, you present the estimates. Parti-
cipants say the fishery estimates are too high, as You also wonder how the new variety will affect the
catches have continuously diminished. Conversely, area’s small game populations which are important to
the importance people attach to beaches has been the region’s poor families (Step 6). The NGO agrees
underestimated. to careful monitoring and to keep you informed of
interim results which will be useful to you for future
City council reviews the two port options with a revised decision making.
set of monetary and non-monetary estimates (Step 5).
They decide in favor of the new port. Local NGOs and Investors and NGO proposals may overlook local
citizen groups in favor of protecting the original land- particularities. An assessment of ecosystem services,
scape communicate through the press that the dunes expected project impacts and management measures
effectively protect against flood waves. This is con- can help make a project locally relevant (Chapter 5).
firmed by the national office for coastal protection and
the project is shifted two miles to avoid affecting the Scenario 4:
core area of the dunes. A simmering conflict over protected
area regulations.
Considering ecosystem services in large construction
projects such as dams, roads or ports, can provide a As the manager of a newly protected wetland, you
more complete picture of construction consequences. oversee conservation of an internationally renowned
Because the stakes are high, you can expect controversy, bird habitat. Strict protection rules have been appro-
particularly when monetary valuation of ecosystem ved in the central office of the national wildlife agency.
services is involved (See also Chapters 4 and 6).
At an information session, several neighboring villagers
Scenario 3: voice opposition to the new restrictions (Step 1). They
An NGO proposes innovative are no longer permitted to use the wetland’s thatch 쏟
agricultural production methods. grass, which they use for roofing and basket weaving
(Step 2).
As a local authority or rural extension officer, you have
an interest in working with an external NGO that wants After discussing with colleagues, you conclude that a
to use a new plant variety in pilot sites to improve comparative study of tourism-related income and the 쏟
grazing land. This could substantially lower the risk of costs of lost access is necessary (Step 3). After exa-
overgrazing. With the backing of the national agency mination of local thatch prices and national park visitor
for promoting rural development, the NGO requests records (Step 4), your impression is that people benefit
your support. more from increased tourism than lose from restricted
grass harvest. You learn from consulting with villagers,
You examine their proposal and realize that the new however, that nature tourism income does not flow to
varieties need to be checked for drought resistance them (Step 4). Young people from the city have been
(Step 3). After a joint appraisal with the NGO and other trained to guide foreign bird watchers. You also learn
colleagues (Step 4), it’s determined that the new that farmers are complaining about lower yields be-
variety is unsuitable to sloped land because it has high cause they can no longer collect wetland bird feces 쏟
water needs and limited water retention capacity. to fertilize their fields (Step 3).
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
A local biologist tells you that thatch harvesting Taking a close look at winners and losers, and how
rejuvenates bird habitat and is therefore to some potential losses can be compensated for, is a powerful
extent beneficial to the wetland (Step 4). You discuss strategy for conflict resolution and avoidance (Chapter 7).
alternatives for changing the rules with colleagues
and local authorities (Step 5). Issuing permits for The formulation of a new development plan, decline
thatch harvesting is the most promising solution. You of traditional economic activities, increasing problems
propose it to a senior wildlife agency that agrees to in service provisioning and structural change within the
annual harvesting permits for villagers. local economy all provide further interesting entry
points to identify where natural capital can contribute
This solves one problem but many villagers remain more, where it is already overused or where potentials
discontent. You propose an additional voluntary charge lie to redirect economic development to sustainable
to birdwatchers to compensate the farmers for losses activities.
in yield. This works well after its purpose and history
are outlined on a flyer distributed at the park entrance.
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
We can characterize rights to ecosystem services by ecosystem services. Where connections between the
classifying them: services are understood, rules for private, public and
• private goods, from which others can be ex- collective goods can be mutually supportive in
cluded (the fruits in my garden). enhancing your natural capital. National laws that
• →public goods, where all enjoy more or less similar regulate good agricultural practice, such as the use of
benefits (micro climate regulation by a city’s green- pesticides, can complement spatial planning at water-
belt). shed level, a municipal payment scheme for watershed
• common property, where a group of people collec- services, or voluntary rules for certified organic farming.
tively enjoy and manage a limited service (water Likewise, the development of sustainable nature tourism
through a communal irrigation channel system). requires public rules – for example regulating access to
an attractive coral reef – to be considerate of public in-
Ecosystem services are interconnected. One ecosystem terest and of the needs of private users of ecosystem
can provide private, public and collective benefits. Inten- services, such as tourism operators and fisherfolk.
sifying agriculture may enhance private benefits (such
as crop production) that may be connected to fertilizer Policy makers can examine rules and policies through
accumulation in surface waters, resulting in a public loss the lens of their impact on availability of ecosystem
of water quality. Clearing the forest may improve private services and on access to them. This reveals not only
yields of shade grown coffee, but it may do so at the the social impact of rules, but also where regulations 쏟
cost of public services (maintaining genetic diversity, are counterproductive. Harmonizing regulations on
protecting against erosion and regulating water flows). ecosystem services in the public and private sphere 쏟
Inversely, the collective benefits of a pristine tourist desti- has enormous economic and environmental potential.
nation (such as a beach resort) can lead local government
to impose restrictions on private land use near the sea. Modifying rights to nature is a key option for local
policy makers. Most economic activity is based on
Local policy makers need to be aware of the mix of private ecosystem services. For this reason, they are
public, private and collective benefits from nature. often our main focus. Public and collective goods,
Focusing on ecosystem services presents an opportu- however, are also indispensable. They contribute to
nity for clarifying who has what rights to nature. This human well-being and society’s welfare. Trees in cities
framework facilitates giving equal attention to less improve temperature regulation and reduce air pollu-
visible cultural and regulating services, often public tion. This benefits everyone. If an ecosystem service
goods. It also illuminates who is dependent on which is not recognized as a public benefit (‘greenbelts’, for
ecosystem services irrespective of whether formal example), there is a risk that it will deteriorate. In many
rights to them have been acknowledged. Recognizing cases, it depends on local policy makers whether
customary rights and considering a community’s poor regulations and incentives can tackle pressures and
citizens is critical here. Loss or privatization of public/ ensure sustained ecosystem services.
collective services can result in the loss of poor people’s
crucially needed share. Poor people are rarely in a Your setting determines whether state-managed or pri-
position to claim or successfully defend their rights. vatized services fare better than collectively managed
ones. In Mexico, large parts of the country are under a
Local policy decisions often influence which services unique regime of collective ownership and stewardship
are accessible for whom – both in legal terms – who called ‘ejido’. In 1992 a national law was adopted to
is allowed to use the well? and in very practical terms promote their conversion to private lands. Despite the
– the well dries out if the forest responsible for ground law, less than 10% of ejido lands have been privatized
water recharge has been cut. Therefore, rights and since then (Registro Agrario Nacional 2007), partly
dependence on nature’s benefits need to be consi- because community forestry enterprises had develo-
dered during decision making. ped within the ejido structure. These successfully
generated high, yet sustainable, flows of income
Policy decisions also shape the overall availability of (Antinori and Bray 2005; Barsimantov et al. 2010).
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
Protected areas have been managed with varying Sometimes, people use the same words but mean
success either privately, publicly and collectively or in different things. For instance, what exactly is ‘nature’?
combinations of these (Barrett et al. 2001; Borrini- Plants and animals? Wild landscapes? With humans,
Feyerabend et al. 2006). Collectively owned and or without them? ‘Nature’ has inspired poets, po-
managed forest areas seem at least as effective in liticians, engineers and ecologists in very different
conserving biodiversity as state-run protected areas ways (Hinchliffe 2007; Ingold 2000). In local policy,
because they tend to develop and maintain site disregarding such difficulties can lead to great misun-
specific rules (Hayes and Ostrom 2005). derstanding.
Internal and external factors determine which combi- We have to make decisions when we are not
nation of rights, rules and management structures certain. While science generally knows how ecosys-
appear most appropriate. This can include connection tems develop under different circumstances, it is
to external markets or higher level policies. It can also often impossible for researchers to precisely antici-
include the ways in which communities depend on pate tipping points. Here site-specific knowledge can
local natural →resources and services. Factors differ be crucial: From experience and local observation
in weight according to context. They have been iden- insights can be drawn which are key to informing eco-
tified for common property regimes, (Agrawal 2001; logical science. Experience-based knowledge can
Ostrom 1990) and, more generally, for the sustaina- specify assumptions and prognoses from research.
bility of local human-environment systems (Ostrom Ecosystem science and concepts such as ‘critical
2007). natural capital’ (Farley 2008) can alert decision
makers, but to avoid irreversible environmental
KNOWLEDGE ABOUT NATURE: damage decision makers also need to recur to local
WHAT SCIENTISTS SEE AND observation. Nevertheless we cannot put our finger
WHAT OTHERS SEE on the exact moment from which a natural system will
not recover but turn into a different state. Precaution
Handling knowledge effectively is another key issue is therefore essential.
for making ecosystem services count in local policy.
Different kinds of knowledge must be brought together. When knowledge is rather limited, focusing on eco-
Our approach to what we know should also account system services can provide strong guidance for
for uncertainty – our knowledge is not exhaustive. policy. Determining who depends on which services
and in which ways, quickly and effectively identifies
We can understand ‘knowledge’ as a combination of critical environmental assets and helps prioritize policy
observations and ideas about how things are con- attention.
nected. A forest means different things to different
people. To a local inhabitant, it can be a cherished The lens of ecosystem services invites insight
childhood place. To a professional from a city’s water from different knowledge backgrounds. The
company, it is a catchment. A landowner may see it Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA 2003) pro-
as a source of timber revenue while a biologist re- vides a means to classify different benefits from
cognizes it as habitat for a rare woodpecker. nature – from ‘provisioning’ to ‘regulating’ services
and from ‘supporting’ to ‘cultural’ services. Such
The framework of ecosystem services captures all of classification may conflict with the experience and
these views. But for stakeholders it may be a difficult worldviews of people who feel these things cannot be
exercise. Appreciating other people’s knowledge separated. However, the framework does important
requires recognizing other worldviews. It also involves work. It structures debate and draws attention to a
understanding that different ideas are expressed in broad range of benefits. The framework is also not
different ‘languages’. Biologists do not always grasp static. There are options for adapting it to other
the meaning of childhood narratives. Foresters knowledge systems. Stakeholders can agree on
may have trouble interpreting hydrology jargon. locally appropriate ways to classify services in their
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
Scientists can support stakeholders to identify and agree on the problem. They can develop a study design
together with stakeholders and conduct an ecosystem services assessment. They also help policy makers
in interpreting the results.
Often, scientists are privileged knowledge holders and make use of their expertise to formulate concrete
policy recommendations: “This is what you should do!”. However, such recommendations imply value
judgments or policy trade-offs beyond the scientific realm. Values and trade-offs should be subject to local
policy debate. Thus, instead of recommending one best decision, scientists describe the consequences
of various alternative options and to leave it to policy makers and stakeholders to discuss and decide
about values and trade-offs, based on this information (Pielke 2007).
own way based on how much they depend on them. logical knowledge in people’s biodiversity registers
The framework is also open in terms of how relations was fiercely opposed, as the rights to the local
between services are described and how their values knowledge (for medical uses, for example) could not
are expressed. be protected.
Bringing scientific and experience-based know- From a policy perspective, site-specific environ-
ledge together is a particular challenge. Experience- mental knowledge is an important asset. Local
based ecological knowledge from local, traditional resource-use patterns and cultural practices reflect
or indigenous knowledge-holders often fails to be fully local expertise (Maffi 2001). Rather than seeking to
recognized as valuable. This knowledge is rarely extract secrets, policy makers should seek to engage
expressed in the vocabulary of formal science. In with local experts in an open and respectful manner.
many cases, it reflects the best available site-specific This can bring an enormous diversity of views and
understanding of an ecosystem. Apart from the diffe- expertise to inform the decision-making process
rent languages and worldviews upon which know- (Berghöfer et al. 2010). But such diversity also requi-
ledge builds, knowledge ownership is a frequent res us to take care when appreciating the quality of
challenge for bringing together local and external diverse local knowledge (Atran et al. 2002). One stra-
experts. In India, for example, a system to record eco- tegy to verify local knowledge claims is to ask peers
The coastline of Lebanon has been massively developed over the past decades. As a result, the coast is
under severe pressure. A UNEP taskforce was set up in the 1990’s to support conservation efforts. They
identified one bright green spot along Lebanon’s coast: the forest of Harissa.
The forest landowner, the Maronite Church of Lebanon, was sent a 48-page scientific, economic and legal
document demanding that the Church abide by national and international laws to ensure the future pro-
tection of the forest, due to its enormous ecological importance. The Church, which had owned the land
for centuries, did not reply. It had guarded the forest because it harbored one of its most important cathe-
drals. The document had made no mention of the forest’s spiritual, cultural and historical significance.
In a follow-up attempt, representatives from a local NGO met the head of the Maronite Church. They made
the case for protecting the forest and within half an hour, the church committed to protect the forest in
perpetuity. This happened because it made sense in Maronite theology, culture and tradition to protect
nature, and in particular this forest – irrespective of scientific arguments.
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
Most religions promote taking good care of the earth ( This can translate into local
environmental action when religious leaders assume responsibility for the environment. Religious leaders
may lead by example or seek to directly influence policy. The role of religion in influencing environmental
policy cannot be underestimated.
For guidance on how to connect religious convictions to environmental action, consult ARC/UNDP
to comment on them or to have local group discussions dialogue. If well done, participation brings stakeholder
about them. Local knowledge cannot be judged by concerns to the fore. It can bring different knowledge
the same criteria as academic science. Each type of backgrounds into fruitful exchange, preventing con-
knowledge builds on its own equally valid worldview. flicts and strengthening the knowledge base out of
which decision are made. Participation can strength-
PARTICIPATION IN DECISION MAKING: en local environmental awareness and create a sense
WHO SHOULD BE INVOLVED? of ownership regarding decisions. In sum, participa-
tion can improve both the quality of decisions and
How can acknowledging rights to nature and their chances of being successfully implemented
knowledge about nature support mainstreaming eco- (NRC 2008).
system services in local policy? Participatory decision
making is where knowledge and rights converge. Participation means different things to different
people. To some, participation is about empowering
Stakeholder participation in local policy goes beyond the poor, to others it is about improving the effective-
people’s right to be part of processes that affect ness of projects. One way to clarify is to distinguish
them. Participation is an important element of effective the degree to which participants share power with
local policy. The credibility and legitimacy of policy those convening the process. Are participants merely
efforts is enhanced when there are opportunities being informed? Are they being asked their opinion
for stakeholders to become involved. Also, local regarding certain measures? Are they part of the
perspectives often surface through reflection and planning processes, and if so, how? Are they consulted
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
on the objectives of the policy/project? Do they have pacts of policy change is agreeing on which stake-
a formal influence on the final decision? Which degree holders are dependent on which ecosystem services.
of power sharing is most appropriate depends on
your situation, but transparency on what partici- Where people are at risk of losing certain services,
pants can expect is key to a successful process. their rights need to be taken seriously. This may be a
basis for rethinking the original decision, or it may help
In policy settings with divergent worldviews, conflicts define adequate compensation. Public consultation
can be anticipated by elucidating different knowledge on ecosystem services means that conflicting
and opinions in participatory processes. This is parti- interests and disputes over alternative options are
cularly important in situations of high uncertainty grounded in broadly acceptable information. This
(Renn 2008). Step 1 of the TEEB approach (10.2) helps the debate. And it helps the project or policy
emphasizes the need for consensus regarding the proponents who can expect concrete feedback.
problem and its parameters. This can involve ex-
changes of opinion and negotiation. A focus on ecosystem services also makes trade-
offs between services visible. This focus can make
Well-conducted participatory processes can also play plain the implications of each choice. Debate is better
a key role in bringing to light de facto rights to resour- informed, based on a clear picture of the social and
ces and services – important for dealing with con- economic implications of different options. It illumina-
flicting interests. tes what people stand to lose and what people stand
to gain. Another virtue of discussing environmental
Several principles have proved useful for organizing implications in this way is that ecosystem services
participation (Box 10.5): provide a common language. This builds bridges
between distant positions. Through this lens, dispa-
There is a direct correlation between the accessibility rate concerns are made equally visible and valid.
of information and the utility of the participatory pro-
cess. A focus on ecosystem services provides infor- Finally, a note of caution: when conducting eco-
mation in a format that is very relevant to stakeholders. system service assessments using participatory
It helps identify stakeholder-specific dependencies processes, the method and its underlying assump-
on certain services. This helps to outline the implica- tions need to be understood by all. People cannot
tions of policy change on the stakeholders and their make informed choices or debate results if they do
activities. The first step to recognizing the social im- not understand what is being assessed and how.
How can participation help people peacefully relate to each other and act together in their own best inte-
rest? A challenge! Facilitating participation requires caution in both word and deed. The following principles
are helpful guides:
• For each participatory process, organizers should specify: Who participates? On which terms? For what
purpose? Stakeholders need to have a clear idea of what they can expect from the process.
• Organizers should analyze (politically and in economic terms), interactions and power relations within
the local context as well as between a locality and its wider structural setting. Examining the distribution
of ecosystem services provides important insights. If power relations are neglected, the process may
be used by those with the most power to capture additional benefits.
• Participation should include everyone directly affected by the decision, as well as those relevant to
implementation. Different actors will have different concerns. Bilateral meetings, or ‘shuttle diplomacy’,
can support process facilitation.
• The success of a participatory process largely depends on the trust stakeholders place in it. For this
reason, the reliability and transparency of the facilitator are key.
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
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Qualitative assessment also is a better choice where it ries. This is precisely why applying the precautionary
is considered unethical to value services or species in principle when managing local nature, or at least iden-
monetary terms. Assessing in qualitative terms ensures tifying potential option values for future development,
that their value is explicitly considered in the decision- is so important.
making process.
It is useful to identify which variables will have a signifi-
Question 6: cant effect on the results if they are adjusted. If these
How can I assess cultural services? (or proxies) can be monitored, it becomes easier to
determine when and what type of updates might be
Some cultural services can be assessed and monetized required to ensure that the valuation remains valid.
quite easily, such as the value for tourism (see Chapter
3) while inspiration, religious importance or sense of Question 9:
place are better captured in a qualitative manner. Even Are there sound monitoring systems
쏟 if services are only identified and discussed, decision for ecosystem services?
makers can be made aware of what these services
mean for the population and future development As indicated in section 10.2, there are many different
potential. Often, the more urbanized and industrialized occasions where conducting an assessment of ecosys-
an area becomes, the higher the potential value of tem services can be beneficial. In the medium and longer
쏟 recreation, health, peace of mind, and inspiration. term it is beneficial to monitor and stay abreast of the
Good quality enquiry could include questions such as: state of important natural resources and the services that
• Will our children be able to play in the forests as we did? flow from them (the stock of natural capital). Again, your
• Can I be buried where my ancestors lie? monitoring system should respond to your information
• Will this still feel like home once large parts of the needs and be adapted to your situation. ecoBUDGET
natural surrounding are transformed in order to (Chapter 4. 4), is an example of a management system
allow for construction or industrial development? for local natural capital. It in-cludes the agreement on
needs-oriented indicators for monitoring.
Question 7:
What if my results are very different In 2010 a City Biodiversity Index is being developed
from studies in other places? under CBD auspices, combining indicators on bio-
diversity, ecosystem services and environmental policy
In this case the first important step is to analyze and for urban management ( ).
understand why this is so:
• Were all pertinent ecosystem services included in Question 10:
the analysis? How do ecosystem service assessments
• Is important data missing? relate to other assessments?
• Are only very few people affected?
• Is the income of this people and/or their purchasing While ecosystem service assessments can inform
power much lower than in comparable biomes? other monitoring and assessment efforts, they should
• Was a very high or very low discount rate used? not duplicate or replace them. They can be incorpo-
Ecology is often very complex, so be aware that values rated into spatial contexts and their respective tools
may differ strongly from place to place. It is therefore impor- and management systems (maps, GIS). Several tools
tant to identify crucial or critical areas (compare Box 2.3) exist to incorporate ecosystem services explicitly into
management systems and GIS databases. The most
Question 8: comprehensive is InVEST (see Box 6.7 and annex).
How long do my estimates remain valid?
A focus on ecosystem services can be incorporated
There is no clear cut answer to this question. It de- into strategic environmental assessments or environ-
pends on many factors, from ecosystem to beneficia- mental impact assessments (Chapter 6). Any social
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
impact assessment of projects or policies would also system services. A clear plan for how to insert results
benefit from such a focus. Including ecosystem services into a decision-making process is most important.
in other assessments can be the most practical and
cost-effective means to explicitly take ecosystems and Question 12:
their services into account. How can this be done? The How do I involve stakeholders in
key issue here is to revise and complement the design using results of assessments?
of these other assessments, checking which services
are already covered and which ones would need to be Assessing the availability, future changes or the value
included. of ecosystem services is insightful. This is especially
true if services are viewed in the context of other avail-
Often, impact assessments are fixed in a legally required able knowledge, such as business knowledge about
format. When local authorities have to commission, com- the local economy, higher policy level experience con-
ment on or endorse impact assessments this presents cerning the political and legal context and your peers’
a good opportunity to request that assessment teams professional experience in different local policy areas.
expand their focus to include ecosystem services.
It is a good idea to use assessments as input in dis-
Question 11: cussion with stakeholders. This may prompt different
How can I make the most of ecosystem interpretations of the results and tease out implications.
service assessments? This is best done if there is sufficient time for it, if results
are presented at disaggregated levels (for each service
Some typical opportunities for taking up an ecosystem or for each area separately) and if assumptions and
services perspective have been described above. They assessment methods are understood (though not
include: necessarily agreed upon) by all involved.
1. making visible the trade-offs among different de-
cision alternatives (land use, infrastructure projects); Focusing on ecosystem services, and their importance
2. understanding the social impact of certain en- for human well-being, can also provide a common
vironmental changes; language between different parties. This is the case
3. making a strong case for wider consideration of even where there is no agreement on specific values,
your natural capital; or on which services are to be prioritized, in your local
4. adopting a systematic approach for doing so setting.
(see the steps described above).
Assessments of ecosystem services can be very help- In complex or conflict-prone settings, it is advisable to
ful when devising local and regional policy response. make use of formal decision-support systems such as
They can improve the design of incentives schemes multi-criteria assessments (MCA). This does not require
and compensations, taxes and charges; rules and additional steps in your process, but is a tool for
regulations; spatial planning and environmental moni- bringing together insights from different realms in a
toring (See Chapters 4-9). transparent and recognizable way (see Chapter 3).
MCA can be very helpful for structuring difficult deci-
In order to make the best use of assessments, their sions regarding trade-offs for your community.
function and scope in the policy process needs to
be clear to you and to others. For this, it is helpful to Question 13:
adapt your study design to the intended use of the How can I ensure that monetary estimates
assessment. It is also helpful to be transparent about do not backfire?
the assumptions in your assessment when you com-
municate results. Combine the assessment or valua- In Bulgaria, some years ago, a project estimated the
tion of services with other information you draw from. economic value of medicinal plants. This information
It is important not to allow any debate to be narrowed quickly spread. Eventually, the police had to protect the
down only to an estimate of the value of selected eco- areas where these wild plants occurred. This shows
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
The multidimensional index goes beyond income measure. Policy makers can adapt it to their information
needs in twelve steps procedure. They define what aspects of poverty are most relevant, which indicators
would be feasible and meaningful to apply. For each indicator a threshold determines from when onwards
someone is regarded deprived in regard to the indicator. For example, lack of education may be deter-
mined by less then 3, 4 or 5 years of school enrolment. Subsequently, for each indicator the situation of
households is assessed and finally,
if desired, weighting and aggre-
gation can bring this information
into a single score.
there are concrete dangers involved in disclosing or Monetary estimates of ecosystem services can frame
attributing monetary values to ecosystem services. the debate about decisions affecting the environment
in terms of costs and benefits. While a comprehensive
While monetary estimates are a powerful means of cost-benefit analysis would include existence and
communicating value, the way they are perceived and option values of all ecosystem services, in most cases
used in local communities and policy debates cannot we have only partial estimates because only a selection
be anticipated or controlled. They may take on a life of of services have been used to produce the estimate.
their own, and persist in the collective memory for a Omitted services, preferences and arguments need to
long time while the assumptions and conditions under enter the decision-making process in non-monetary
which the estimates were made are not part of that formats. At local policy level, an estimate of a total
memory. Numbers can also be used to argue for economic value seems seldom the best choice in face
opposing causes. If calculating future costs of a loss of these difficulties.
of water catchment capacity and habitat for pollinators
gives a very low monetary estimate, even small mone- Monetary estimates need to be embedded into a chain
tary gains from deforesting land may seem like an of arguments or into a multi-criteria analysis if you want
attractive choice. It is important to keep in mind that to ensure that they do not backfire. Another safeguard
the benefits (from timber, for example) do not replace is to keep estimates at disaggregate levels. Instead of
the losses of the other services if different people are claiming that green spaces in a town are worth X, you
affected or different time periods are considered. should state that their air quality value is equivalent
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
to Y and their leisure value is equal to Z. This makes are an example of this. There are several options for
communication more complicated but helps you and local policy to improve the use of natural capital –
your audience in interpreting results. through taxation, specific credit programs and fees
or charges. Local policy can also create incentives
Question 14: for citizens and businesses to invest in natural capital.
Why should I examine WHO benefits from nature?
Local policy can also make rules to guard against
Ecosystem services benefit different people or groups very damaging and dangerous practices. A clear
in different ways. Making distribution visible is a good understanding of local natural capital provides a
precondition for designing policies that contribute to good basis for this. Local government, or related
→equity and poverty reduction. When designing an organizations such as municipal water companies,
ecosystem service assessment, it is important to can directly invest in ecosystems by buying up land
ask (for each service): ‘Who benefits from this service?’ or setting up payment schemes for ecosystem
and ‘Who uses or depends on this service?’ For services (Chapter 8).
services such as flood control, microclimate regulation
or erosion control, a spatially disaggregated analysis When restoring nature, it can take a considerable
can also help identify who are the main beneficiaries amount of time for services to fully resume. Carefully
and who is at risk of losing a service. identify when costs and benefits occur and who will
benefit and who will lose. This will help with devising
The sustainable livelihoods approach and participatory tailored approaches to overcome gaps. Communica-
appraisal techniques (Chapters 2 and 3) provide ting and explaining (to all parties involved) when and
methods and tools for a more detailed analysis on who how benefits and costs will occur is an important first
depends on ecosystem services. Implications of step. Knowing short-term loss will be compensated by
changes in ecosystem services, especially for the daily medium-term gain can help mobilize resources and
life of poorer populations, can often be captured in help you to plan accordingly. Many people and firms
descriptive terms, such as the time required to access may not be able to finance the investment using their
clean water, or the health risks of contaminated water. own resources. Credit lines or easements can help
overcome the ‘dry spell’ before benefits cover costs.
To address environmental conflicts, local policy makers Grants or subsidies can cover parts of the initial invest-
benefit from considering the full range of ecosystem ment. Other instruments can make an investment
services, from obvious to elusive ones. Two things accessible to private parties. Make sure support is tran-
need to be clarified. Firstly: Which services are actually sitory and compatible with cost and benefit streams.
affected? This includes services which are indirectly
involved. Secondly: Who has which rights to these The same principles apply at the municipal level.
services? In combination, responses to these ques- Although conserving or restoring nature is often a good
tions can help map conflict lines between different investment (TEEB in National Policy, Chapter 9), muni-
public and private interest holders. This is useful for any cipal budgets might not be able to cover costs on their
conflict resolution strategy. own. State level or development banks might have
adequate credit lines. Incentive programs may be
Question 15: set up at the national level. Some foundations set up
How can a focus on ecosystem projects or competitions that can help cover parts of
services strengthen the local economy? the costs. Selling shares to citizens and involving them
in the investment might also be an option.
Natural capital is an important asset for business.
Managing it well can help reduce risks and secure Transition is not only a financial challenge. Changing
business opportunities. The efficient use of natural how we manage natural resources requires a change
resources, and the prevention or limiting of pollution, in how we relate to nature. It requires a change in how
secures long-term economic growth. Local fisheries we perceive it and what we value. Investing in wetlands
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
We have offered tools and frameworks for conside- on the side of caution when-ever we are in doubt
ring ecosystem services in Chapters 2 and 3. We about the consequences of our actions. Without eco-
have presented options and experiences with this system services, life on earth could not be supported.
approach in a range of local/regional policy areas They are essential to our survival. Safeguarding them,
and →public management tasks in Chapters 4-9. In quite simply, is common sense.
this last chapter, we have outlined key governance
issues and practical questions for shifting local We simply cannot risk taking nature for granted.
policy on the basis of stronger environmental argu- Twenty years from now, we may see more clearly the
ments. implications of what we are already seeing signs of
today. We might understand better how overexploi-
A focus on ecosystem services makes it clear that tation affects people and natural systems directly and
a functioning natural system is an indispensable indirectly. We may also notice that governments,
pre-requisite for our well-being. Some of the conse- whose strategy is to balance needs with supply, have
quences of degraded services are difficult to quantify had a significant positive impact on the environment
even though the connections are well understood. and quality of life.
Losing green spaces in cities certainly affects the
mental health of city-dwellers – even if calculating Let us consider ‘quality of life’ as the beacon that
the impact of this loss is difficult – and some of the orients local policy, recognizing that a healthy envi-
benefits of maintaining ecosystems accrue over many ronment is our natural life support system. On these
years. We do not know yet, except in a vague sense terms, visionary leaders of cities and rural commu-
based on our hypotheses, how important it will be to nities, working to secure the future of our planet and
maintain genetic diversity. Because we do not know its people, will ultimately be proven right.
what the future has in store, it is prudent for us to err
C H A P T E R 1 0 · M A K I N G Y O U R N AT U R A L C A P I TA L W O R K F O R L O C A L D E V E L O P M E N T
IUCN WANI toolkit. The IUCN Water and Nature Initiative ESR (Corporate Ecosystem Services Review). This structured
(WANI) together with 80+ partner organizations have developed methodology developed by the World Resource Institute helps
a toolkit which includes a guide on the use of valuation. It pro- corporate managers to proactively develop strategies for mana-
vides guidance for water management at the local and national ging business risks and opportunities arising from their company’s
level ( dependence and impact on ecosystems (
toolkits). project/ecosystem-services-review).
The Katoomba Group offers PES learning tools for develo- NVI (Natural Value Initiative) is an assessment approach (toolkit)
ping agreements for payments for ecosystem services (PES). which enables the finance sector to evaluate how well the food,
It outlines important steps for getting started with PES and beverage and tobacco (FBT) sectors are managing biodiversity
provides links to further guides ( and ecosystem services risks and opportunities (www.natural-
Designer Carrots decision support tool. The tool helps IBAT (Integrative Biodiversity Assessment Tool) is in development
decision makers to assess whether market based instruments by Conservation International, drawing on rapid ecological
(MBI) are a suitable tool for solving issues of natural resource assessment methodologies and aims to enable companies to
management and which type of MBI may be most appropriate. identify potential site specific impacts and risks associated with
MBI Guide: biodiversity (
0/docs/DST_%20final_web.pdf (http://www.marketbased- SDRN (2007) Emerging Methods for Sustainability Valuation
and Appraisal provides an overview on (valuation) methods
Poverty-Forests Linkages Toolkit. Developed by PROFOR in (
collaboration with several partners the toolkit includes a set of final.pdf).
rapid appraisal methods to gather information on economic
as well as other contributions from forests to households, E c o s y s t e m - B a s e d M a n a g e m e n t To o l s N e t w o r k
especially the poor ( ( is a database that provides a list of tools
poverty_toolkit). for ecosystem-based management in coastal and marine en-
vironments (
CRISTAL (Community-based Risk Screening Tool - Adaptation
& Livelihoods) is a tool developed by IISD and IUCN to facilitate SOFTWARE TOOLS
the integration of risk reduction and climate adaptation into deve-
lopment strategies of local communities ( InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and
2007/brochure_cristal.pdf). Tradeoffs) is a GIS based tool developed by The Natural Capital
Project. It can be used to model and map the delivery, distri-
Ecosystem Services Management: A briefing on relevant bution, and economic value of ecosystem services. It helps to
public policy development and emerging tools (Fauna & Flora visualize the impact of decisions, identify tradeoffs and syner-
International). The publication provides a brief introduction to gies, and assess possible scenarios including climate change
markets and assessment tools of ecosystem services (
Publications/Ecosystem_Services_Management.pdf). CITYgreen by American Forest is a proprietary GIS-based
software tool enabling city planners to integrate the benefits of
BRS (2008) Measuring Corporate Impact on Ecosystems: urban forestry in decision making (
A Comprehensive Review of New Tools. Overview of some productsandpubs/citygreen).
existing tools; presenting their pros and cons to help decision
makers in selecting the tool that suits their needs best MIMES (Multiscale Integrated Models of Ecosystem Services)
( is available in an early version (“beta plus”) from the University
of Vermont’s Gund Institute for Ecological Economics.
ARIES (Assessment and Research Infrastructure for Ecosystem BGIS (Biodiversity GIS) is a web-based mapping tool providing
Services) is under development by the University of Vermont’s free information on biodiversity aiming to assists decision
Ecoinformatics “Collaboratory”, Conservation International, makers and spatial planners in South Africa (
Earth Economics, and experts at Wageningen University
( AGWA The Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment
(AGWA) Tool is a GIS-based watershed management tool
Marxan is a conservation planning software developed by the that parameterizes and runs two watershed models, KINEROS2
University of Queensland, Australia. It supports decision makers and SWAT. AGWA is designed to provide qualitative estimates
with reporting on the performance of existing reserve systems, of runoff and erosion relative to landscape change (www.tucson.
designing new reserves and developing multiple-use zoning
plans (
Biodiversity Planning Toolkit is developed by the Association
itree by US DA Forest Service is a toolbox for city planners and of Local Government Ecologists (ALGE) and uses interactive
urban arborists to integrate tree benefits in landscape architecture maps to incorporate biodiversity in spatial planning (
and apply urban forest effects model (
Database Organization Weblink
Case studies
Biodiversity Economics IUCN and WWF
International Model International Model
Forest Network Forest Network (IMFN)
Database on Ecosystem
Services & Sustainable Management
Natural Capital Database Natural Capital Project
CCBA Standard Climate, Community
and Biodiversity Alliance
Innovation Cases in Forestry EU, BOKU, EFI
Market based instruments
Species Banking Ecosystem Market Place Netwok
Ecosystem Service Project CSIRO
Ecosystem Service Expert Directory World Resource Institute
Wiser Earth Network Wiser Earth
Indigenous and Community Conserved UNEP-WCMC
Areas Registry
Biodiversity and conservation
World Database on Protected Areas UNEP-WCMC, IUCN
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species IUCN
Biodiversity Hotspots species database Conservation International
BirdLife International data zone BirdLife International
Global Biodiversity Information Facility Data Portal Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Alliance for Zero Extinction Database Alliance for Zero Extinction
Important Plant Areas (IPA) Database (UK only) PlantLife International
General information & research
Research Ecosystem Services Stockholm Resilience Center
SANDEE research database SANDEE
EcoLex Environmental Law Database FAO, IUCN, UNEP
EarthTrends Database World Resource Institute
Biodiversity (a contraction of biological diversity): The varia- Ecosystem function: A subset of the interactions between eco-
bility among living organisms, including terrestrial, marine, and system structure and processes that underpin the capacity of
other aquatic ecosystems. Biodiversity includes diversity within an ecosystem to provide goods and services.
species, between species, and between ecosystems.
Ecosystem health: see Ecological stability
Biological diversity: see Biodiversity
Ecosystem process: Any change or reaction which occurs
Biome: A large geographic region, characterized by life forms that within ecosystems, either physical, chemical or biological. Eco-
develop in response to relatively uniform climatic conditions. system processes include decomposition, production, nutrient
Examples are tropical rain forest, savanna, desert, tundra. cycling, and fluxes of nutrients and energy.
Certification: A procedure by which a third party gives written Ecosystem services: The direct and indirect contributions of
assurance that a product, process or service is in conformity with ecosystems to human well-being. The concept ‘ecosystem
certain standards. (Box 9.1) goods and services’ is synonymous with ecosystem services.
Conservation easement: permanent restriction placed on a Ecotourism: Travel undertaken to visit natural sites or regions
property to protect some of its associated resources like water without harming them.
quality. The easement is either voluntarily donated or sold by the
landowner and constitutes a legally binding agreement. Equity: Fairness in the distribution of rights and of access to
resources, services, or power.
Cost-effectiveness: referring to the least cost option that meets
a particular goal. Existence value: The value that individuals place on knowing that
a resource exists, even if they never use that resource (also
Discount rate: A rate used to determine the present value of sometimes known as conservation value or passive use value).
future benefits. (Box 3.8)
Externality: A consequence of an action that affects someone
Direct use value (of ecosystems): The benefits derived from the other than the agent undertaking that action and for which the
services provided by an ecosystem that are used directly by an agent is neither compensated nor penalized through the markets.
economic agent. These include consumptive uses (eg harvesting Externalities can be positive or negative.
goods) and nonconsumptive uses (eg enjoyment of scenic
beauty). (Chapter 2.2 under TEV) Governance (of ecosystems): The process of regulating human
behavior in accordance with shared ecosystem objectives. The
Driver (direct or indirect): Any natural or human-induced factor term includes both governmental and nongovernmental mecha-
that directly or indirectly causes a change in an ecosystem. nisms.
Ecological stability or Ecosystem health: A description of the Habitat service: The importance of ecosystems to provide living
dynamic properties of an ecosystem. An ecosystem is considered space for resident and migratory species (thus maintaining the
stable or healthy if it returns to its original state after a disturbance, gene pool and nursery service).
exhibits low temporal variability, or does not change dramatically
in the face of a disturbance. Human well-being: A context- and situation-dependent state,
comprising basic material for a good life, freedom and choice,
Ecological value: Non-monetary assessment of ecosystem in- health and bodily well-being, good social relations, security, peace
tegrity, health, or resilience, all of which are important indicators of mind, and spiritual experience.
to determine critical thresholds and minimum requirements for
ecosystem service provision. Indicator: Information based on measured data used to represent
a particular attribute, characteristic, or property of a system.
Indirect use value: The benefits derived from the goods and Standard: Documented agreements containing technical
services provided by an ecosystem that are used indirectly by an specifications to be used consistently as rules, guidelines or
economic agent. For example, drinking water that has been definitions, to ensure that materials, products, processes and
purified as it passed through the ecosystem. (Chapter 2.2 under services are fit for their purpose (Box 9.1)
Substitutability: The degree to which elements can replace each
Institutions: The rules that guide how people within societies live, other, e.g. human-made capital vs. natural capital (or vice versa).
work, and interact with each other. Formal institutions are written
or codified rules, such as the constitution, the judiciary laws, the Supporting services: Ecosystem services that are necessary for
organized market, and property rights. Informal institutions are the maintenance of all other ecosystem services. Some examples
rules governed by social and behavioral norms of the society, include biomass production, production of atmospheric oxygen,
family, or community. soil formation and retention, nutrient cycling, water cycling, and
provisioning of habitat.
Intrinsic value: The value of someone or something in and for itself,
irrespective of its utility for someone else. (Chapter 2.2 under TEV) Total economic value (TEV): The value obtained from the various
constituents of utilitarian value, including direct use value, indirect
Kyoto Protocol: international agreement linked to the United Na- use value, option value, quasi-option value, and existence value.
tions Framework Convention on Climate Change, which sets
binding targets for industrialized and developed countries to Trade-offs: Management choices that intentionally or otherwise
reduced greenhouse gas emissions change the type, magnitude, and relative mix of services provided
by ecosystems.
Label: A label or symbol indicating that compliance with specific
standards has been verified (Box 9.1) Vulnerability: Exposure to contingencies and stress, and the
difficulty in coping with them.
Market failure: situation in which markets fail to allocate the
resources efficiently and effectively due to incomplete informa-
tion, existence of a dominant firm or externalities LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS
Natural capital: An economic metaphor for the limited stocks of CBA Cost-Benefit Analysis
physical and biological resources found on earth. Also referring CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
to the capacity of ecosystems to provide ecosystem services. CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CNC Critical Natural Capital
Non-use or passive use: Benefits which do not arise from direct EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
or indirect use.(Chapter 2.2 under TEV) ICCA Indigenous or Community Conserved Area
KBA Key Biodiversity Area
Open access: Accessible to all LBSAP Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
MA Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Opportunity costs: foregone benefits of not using land/ecosys- MCA Multi-Criteria Analysis
tems in a different way. PA Protected Area
PES Payment for Ecosystem Services
Over-exploitation: Use in excess of a sustainable use level PGS Participatory Guarantee Systems
REDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and
Potential use or Option value: The use(s) to which ecosystem Forest Degradation
services may be put in the future. SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment
SLA Sustainable Livelihoods Approach
Public goods: A good or service in which the benefit received by TEV Total Economic Value
any one party does not diminish the availability of the benefits to
others, and where access to the good cannot be restricted.
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Slootweg, R.; Rajvanshi, A.; Mathur, V.B.; Kolhoff, A. (2009) Bio- Patrick ten Brink. Earthscan, London.
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services for human well-being. Cambridge University Press.
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TEEB for Local and Regional Policy Makers
Coordinators: Heidi Wittmer (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ) and Haripriya Gundimeda (Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay - IITB)
Core Team: Alice Ruhweza (Katoomba Group), Elisa Calcaterra (IUCN), Augustin Berghöfer (UFZ), Nigel Dudley (Equilibrium
Research), Salman Hussain (Scottish Agricultural College – SAC), Holger Robrecht (ICLEI), Ben Simmons/Ahmad Ghosn (UNEP),
Simron Singh (Institute of Social Ecology Vienna), Anne Teller (European Commission), Frank Wätzold (University of Greifswald)
Lead authors: Augustin Berghöfer (UFZ), Nigel Dudley (Equilibrium Research), Vincent Goodstadt (The University of Manchester),
Haripriya Gundimeda (IITB), Salman Hussain (Scottish Agricultural College), Leonora Lorena (ICLEI), Maria Rosário Partidário
(IST-Technical University of Lisbon), Holger Robrecht (ICLEI), Simron Jit Singh (Institute of Social Ecology, Vienna), Frank Wätzold
(University of Greifswald), Silvia Wissel (UFZ), Heidi Wittmer (UFZ)
Contributing authors: Kaitlin Almack, Elisa Calcaterra, Johannes Förster, Marion Hammerl, Robert Jordan, Ashish Kothari, Thomas
Kretzschmar, David Ludlow, Andre Mader, Faisal Moola, Nils Finn Munch-Petersen, Lucy Natarajan, Johan Nel, Sara Oldfield, Leander
Raes, Alice Ruhweza, Roel Slootweg, Till Stellmacher, Anne Teller, Mathis Wackernagel
Further input by: Adedoyin Ramat Asamu, Tasneem Balasinorwala, Uta Berghöfer, Regina Birner, Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend,
Andrew Bovarnick, Robert Bradburne, Nathaniel Carroll, Rodigo Cassola, Melanie Chatreaux, Karl-Heinz Erb, Franz Gatzweiler,
Kii Hayashi, Enrique Ibara Gene, Marianne Kettunen, Fridolin Krausmann, Grit Ludwig, Florian Matt, Peter May, Friederike Mikulcak,
Eduard Muller, Ann Neville, Hiroshi Nishimiya, Joe Ravetz, Christoph Schröter-Schlaack, Sue Stolton, Marc Teichmann, Emma Torres
and many more
Reviewers: Mubariq Ahmad (University of Indonesia), Francisco Alarcon (GTZ), Mariana Antonissen (CEPAL), Philip Arscott (Village
Enterprise Fund), Michael Bennett (Forest Trends China), Marion Biermans (CEPAL), Regina Birner (IFPRI), Sergey Bobylev (Moscow
State University), Jetske A. Bouma (VU University Amsterdam), Karin Buhren (UN-HABITAT), Sophal Chhun (Ministry for Environment
of Cambodia), Kanchan Chopra (Institute of Economic Growth Delhi), Marta Ruiz Corzo (Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve -
Queretaro), Ian Curtis (Curtis NRA Australia), Hamed Daly-Hassen (IRESA), Mariteuw Chimère Diaw (International Institute of Tropical
Agriculture), Adam Drucker (CGIAR), Lucy Emerton (Environmental Management Group), Giovanni Fini (Comune di Bologna),
Leonardo Fleck (Conservation Strategy Fund), Catherine Gamper (World Bank), Luis Miguel Galindo (CEPAL), Davide Geneletti
(University of Trento), Birgit Georgi (EEA), Tadesse Woldemariam Gole (ECFF), Humberto Gomez (FAN Bolivia), Jose Javier Gomez
(CEPAL), Kii Hayashi (Nagoya University), Natalia Hernandez (Gaia Amazonas), Oliver Hillel (SCBD), Marc Hockings (University of
Queensland), Karin Holm-Müller (University Bonn), Martha Honey (Center for Responsible Travel), Arany Ildiko (CEEweb for Bio-
diversity), Tilman Jaeger (IUCN), Ricardo Jordan (CEPAL), Gopal K. Kadekodi (CMDR), Shashi Kant (University of Toronto), Charlotte
Karibuhoye (FIBA), Mikhail Karpachevskiy (Biodiversity Conservation Center), Mike Kennedy (Pembina Institute), Veronika Kiss
(CEEweb for Biodiversity), Andreas Kontoleon (University of Cambridge), Jean Le Roux (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency),
Fernando Leon (MINAM), Nicolas Lucas (Secretary of the Environment of Tierra del Fuego), Karina Martinez (CEPAL), Emily McKenzie
(Natural Capital Project), Musonda Mumba (UNEP), Wairimu Mwangi (ATPS), Karachepone Ninan (ISEC), Jennifer Nixon (Village
Enterprise Fund), Heather Page (CEPAL), Terry Parr (CEH), György Pataki (Corvinus Universtiy), Leander Raes (Humboldt University
Berlin), Isabel Renner (GTZ), Dominique Richard (European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity), Jeffrey Sayer (IUCN), Rodolphe
Schlaepfer (Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne), Stephan J. Schmidt (Cornell University), Nik Sekhran (UNDP), Priya Shyamsundar
(South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics), Matthew Wenban Smith (OneWorldStandards), Carlos
Soncco (GTZ), Andrej Sovinc (Sečovlje Salina Nature Park), Tim Sunderland (Natural England), Jongkers Tampubolon (Nommensen
University Indonesia), Márcia Tavares (CEPAL), Kerry ten Kate (BBOP), Sara Topelson (Undersecretary of Urban Development and
Territory Planning), Kevin Urama (ATPS), Wouter Van Reeth (INBO), Hugo van Zyl (Independent Economic Researcher), Hank Venema
(IISD), Jeff Vincent (Yale University), Justus von Geibler (Wuppertal Institut), Martin von Hildebrand (Gaia Amazonas), Peter Werner
(IWU), Sara Wilson (Natural Capital Consulting), Susan Young (Village Enterprise Fund), Karin Zaunberger (European Commission),
Juan Carlos Zentella (Secretaría de Desarrollo Social, Mexico). Management of review process: Ines Höhne (UFZ)
Language editors: Simon Birch, Judith Longbottom, Jessica Hiemstra-van der Horst
Management of TEEBcases: In India: Sanjib Jha, Ritwick Ghosh, Tamali Chakraborty, Sasha Rodricks, Kaavya Varma, Siddharth
Jain. In Germany: Augustin Berghöfer, Johannes Förster, Kaitlin Almack, Tasneem Balasinorwala, Melanie Chatreaux, Rodrigo
Cassola, Friederike Mikulcak, Tim Besser
layTEEB_D2_Druckvar_end:Layout 1 20.08.10 12:21 Seite 212
Facilitators Stakeholder Consultations: Augustin Berghöfer (UFZ), Maria V. Boccalandro (UNDP), Alexandra Bukvareva
(Biodiversity Conservation Centre), Elisa Calcaterra (IUCN), Sossten Chiotha (LEAD), Russell Galt (IUCN), Haripriya Gundimeda (IITB),
Yolanda Kakabadse (for UNDP), Padma Lal (IUCN), Leonora Lorena (ICLEI), Andre Mader (ICLEI), Moses Masiga (Katoomba Group),
Ernawati Mbak (Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia), Shela Patrickson (ICLEI), Keith Ripley (UNDP), Alice Ruhweza (Katoomba Group),
Ignace Schops (Regional Landschap Lage Kempen), Victoria Stone-Cadena (UNDP), Jeff Wilson (Conservation Ontario and Eco-
logical Goods and Services Working Group), Heidi Wittmer (UFZ), Elikiamu Zahabu (Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania),
Claudia Martinez Zuleta (for UNDP).
Stakeholder Consultations - International Events: Diversitas Open Science Conference - September 2009; European Conference
on Conservation Biology – September 2009; Local Action for Biodiversity International Conference – October 2009; One Year Before
CBD COP10 International Conference – November 2009; RedLAC Annual Conference of the Network of Conservation Funders in
Latin America and the Caribbean – November 2009; RIDEPES/CIAT – Amazon Network on Payments for Environmental Services
Expert Workshop – November 2009; CBD Expert Workshop on Innovative Financial Mechanisms – January 2010; CBD Meeting of
the Global Partnership on Cities and Biodiversity – January 2010; International Association of Impact Assessment Annual Conference
– April 2010
Stakeholder Consultations - Africa: Western Cape, South Africa, December 2009; Lilongwe, Malawi, January 2010; Hoima
District, Uganda, February 2010; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, February 2010; Mpumalanga, South Africa, March 2010; Gauteng,
South Africa, March 2010
Stakeholder Consultations - America: Mexico City, Mexico, August 2009; Lima, Peru, September 2009; Lima, Peru, November
2009; Quito, Ecuador, November 2009; Caracas, Venezuela, November 2009; Bogotá, Colombia, November 2009; Panama City,
Panama, December 2009; Guatemala City, Guatemala, December 2009; Toronto, Canada, March 2010
Stakeholder Consultations - Asia: Fiji, September 2009; Indonesia, October 2009; Jerusalem, Israel, October 2009; Nagoya,
Japan, November 2009; Peechi, India, November 2009; Jakarta, Indonesia, December 2009; Jakarta, Indonesia, January
2010;Tokyo, Japan, February 2010; Bangalore, India, March 2010; China, April 2010; Mumbai, India, April 2010; Nagoya, Japan,
May 2010
Stakeholder Consultations - Europe: Bonn, Germany, April 2009; Bangor, Wales, July 2009; Moscow, Russia, February 2010;
Hasselt, Belgium, February 2010; French Regions, February 2010;
Wider TEEB
TEEB Study Leader: Pavan Sukhdev (UNEP)
TEEB Scientific Coordination: Heidi Wittmer, Carsten Nesshöver, Augustin Berghöfer, Christoph Schröter-Schlaack, Johannes
Förster (UFZ)
TEEB report coordinators: D0: Pushpam Kumar (UoL); D1: Patrick ten Brink (IEEP) D2: Heidi Wittmer (UFZ) & Haripriya
Gundimeda (IITB) D3: Josh Bishop (IUCN)
TEEB Office: Benjamin Simmons, Fatma Pandey, Mark Schauer (UNEP), Kaavya Varma (GIST), Paula Loveday-Smith (UNEP-
WCMC), Lara Barbier
TEEB Communications: Georgina Langdale (UNEP)
TEEB Coordination Group: Pavan Sukhdev (UNEP), Aude Neuville (EC), Benjamin Simmons (UNEP), Francois Wakenhut (EC),
Georgina Langdale (UNEP), Heidi Wittmer (UFZ), James Vause (Defra), Maria Berlekom (SIDA), Mark Schauer (UNEP), Sylvia Kaplan
(BMU), Tone Solhaug (MD)
TEEB Advisory Board: Joan Martinez-Alier, Giles Atkinson, Edward Barbier, Ahmed Djoghlaf, Jochen Flasbarth, Yolanda
Kakabadse, Jacqueline McGlade, Karl-Göran Mäler, Julia Marton-Lefèvre, Peter May, Ladislav Miko, Herman Mulder, Walter Reid,
Achim Steiner, Nicholas Stern