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Estimation of Design Parameters of Single-Phase Distribution Transformers From Terminal Measurements

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4, AUGUST 2017 2031

Estimation of Design Parameters of Single-Phase

Distribution Transformers From
Terminal Measurements
Reza Kazemi, Student Member, IEEE, Saeed Jazebi, Senior Member, IEEE, Digvijay Deswal, Student Member, IEEE,
and Francisco de Leόn, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, a novel method is proposed for the esti- limbs), can be estimated using nameplate data and information
mation of the design parameters of single-phase distribution trans- obtained from terminal measurements. This method is practical
formers using data acquired from terminal measurements along both in field and laboratory settings.
with nameplate data and external tank dimensions. Transformer
parameters that can be measured from terminals, for example, There are very few research studies published on the estima-
leakage inductance, saturation inductance, and winding resistance, tion of transformer design parameters. In [8], the authors have
are considered first. These parameters are analytically correlated utilized the nameplate information and common design prac-
with the geometrical information of the transformer structure. A tices combined with external dimensions of the tank to obtain
system of nonlinear equations is derived accordingly. Winding di- an initial approximation of the range of some of the transformer
mensions and the number of turns are computed with acceptable
engineering accuracy. The core dimensions (including its cross- design parameters. The proposed method is straightforward.
sectional area) are calculated using winding information. The ob- However, it is not capable of calculating crucial parameters
tained data can be utilized to develop white- or gray-box models to such as thickness and height of windings, the radii of the inter-
be used in the investigation of the thermal and/or electromagnetic nal windings or inter-winding insulation spaces.
behavior of power transformers as presented in several research In this paper, transformer characteristics such as winding re-
studies published to date. Examples on laboratory and utility-grade
transformers are shown for illustration and validation of the pro- sistances, leakage inductance, and saturation inductances are ob-
posed design parameter estimation method. tained from terminal measurements. Since the aforementioned
characteristics are functions of the transformer design parame-
Index Terms—Leakage inductance, parameter estimation,
saturation inductance, transformer design.
ters, design formulae and measured values can be used to write
a set of equations. This system of equations is solved using a
I. INTRODUCTION non-linear least-square method to estimate the radius, height,
and thickness of all windings, in addition to the number of turns
ERIVATION of physically realizable models to represent
D the internal electromagnetic or thermal behavior of power
transformers presents an important challenge. Researchers have
in each winding. The estimated winding information is then uti-
lized to calculate the transformer core geometrical information
including the cross sectional area and the length of the limbs
developed transformer models using terminal measurements and and yokes.
assumptions on common design practice in the past [1]–[3]. Ac- The proposed method is successfully applied to the iden-
curate models capable of representing the transformer behavior tification of the construction dimensions of five single-phase
under wide working conditions require the knowledge of the transformers of various sizes (from 1 to 167 kVA). The obtained
design parameters [4]–[7]. The detail design data is usually un- results show good precision when compared with the actual de-
available for old equipment or inaccessible due to intellectual sign values. The presented method can be applied to a wide
property rights of the manufacturing companies. Measurement range of single-phase three-limb distribution transformers with
of the parameters by opening the transformer is destructive, ex- concentric windings. In practice, however, such transformers
pensive, and not feasible for industrial consumers, utilities or usually exist in the range of up to 167 kVA. Since the analytical
other end users in most cases. Alternatively, the design param- expressions are general, the method is applicable to either disk
eters such as dimensions of the windings, number of turns in or layer windings. The arrangement of the separate turns and
each winding, and dimensions of the core structure (yokes and number of winding layers has limited impact on the accuracy of
the proposed method because of the low frequency nature of the
Manuscript received March 7, 2016; revised June 2, 2016, August 2, 2016, and measurement tests used to formulate the problem. In addition
September 22, 2016; accepted October 24, 2016. Date of publication October the method is based on the inner dimensions of the transformer
26, 2016; date of current version May 19, 2017. Paper no. TPWRD-00283-2016.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, rather than the external tank dimensions, or assumptions made
New York University, Brooklyn, NY 11201 USA (e-mail:; on the manufacturing practices that vary widely with the trans-;; former capacity and the utilized accessories, such as tap chang-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at ers, relays, etc. This produces a method potentially applicable
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2016.2621753 to a wide range of transformer sizes.
0885-8977 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

The cross section of the yoke is assumed to have a rectangular

shape. The yoke cross sectional area is taken as half of the limb
cross sectional area as each yoke carries half of the flux (since
optimally they are designed at the same flux density). For large
transformers, the core cross section is circular similar to the
windings. In this case, wlimb and wyoke would become equal to
the diameter and radius of the limb respectively. This is further
discussed in Section IV.
In the next sections, an example of a single-phase 4-winding
transformer has been presented to illustrate the measurement
setups and discuss the utilized formulae.

A. Leakage Inductance
The leakage inductance between each pair of windings is
measured using standard short circuit tests [16]. The measure-
ments are carried out taking two windings at a time, energizing
one, while another is short-circuited, and all other windings are
in open circuit [17]. For example, the leakage inductance be-
tween windings 1 and 2 (L12 ) is measured from winding 1 while
winding 2 is in short circuit and the other two windings (3 and
4) are in open circuit
Fig. 1. Core and winding configurations of a single-phase three-limb The distribution of the leakage flux across the windings de-
transformer. pends on the dimensions and geometrical configuration of the
windings. A simple schematic of the geometrical arrangement of
The obtained data can be used for constructing white-box the windings is depicted in Fig. 2(a). A trapezoidal flux distribu-
models for the study of low frequency phenomena, such as tion is assumed for the leakage flux between each pair of wind-
inrush currents, ferroresonance and geomagnetically induced ings [18]. For each case the flux increases linearly across the
currents [10]. It can also be utilized to derive parameters of inner winding thickness, remains constant in the inter-winding
the ladder-type gray-box models that represent the transformer space (insulation), and decreases linearly along the outer wind-
internal behavior up to 1 MHz [11], [12]. These models are pop- ing thickness; see Fig. 2(b). The leakage inductance for each
ular to detect axial and radial deformations and displacements pair of the windings can be calculated as follows [18]:
μ0 N 2 lij  ai aj 
of the windings that are consequences of mechanical stresses
produced by short circuit currents or transportation. This can Lij = + dij + (1)
h 3 3
be done with the comparison of FRA plots before and after an
incident [13], [14]. The obtained design parameters are also nec- where N is the common number of turns, lij is the mean length
essary to derive steady state or transient thermal models where of the winding turns, h is the average effective height of the
internal dimensions are required [15]. windings (all windings are assumed to have the same height for
simplicity), ai is the mean thickness of winding i and dij is the
II. PROBLEM FORMULATION distance between winding i and j.
Assuming cylindrical geometry for the windings l can be
For the estimation of winding information, it is necessary expressed as:
to measure the transformer electrical characteristics. Analytical
formulae for the same characteristics as functions of transformer lij = π(ri + rj ) (2)
internal dimensions and material properties are utilized to cor-
where ri is the mean radius of winding i.
relate the measured values with the geometrical information of
Although the flux was assumed to have a linear distribution,
the windings. To avoid unnecessary complications, the windings
fringing effects often cannot be neglected especially for the
are assumed to be cylindrical.
non-adjacent windings in a multi-winding transformer. To take
The geometrical configuration of a single-phase two-winding
fringing effect in to account, the winding effective height is
three-limb power transformer is depicted in Fig. 1. This figure
calculated using the Rogowski factor [19]. The Rogowski factor
introduces the parameters that are to be estimated: a1 and r1
is a function of the windings and the inter-winding insulating
represent the thickness and mean radius of the inner-most wind-
thicknesses and can be calculated as follows:
ing. Similarly, a2 and r2 are mean thickness and radius of the
outer-most winding, h is the average height of the windings and (ai + aj + dij )(1 − e−π h/(a i +a j +d i j ) )
KR = 1 − (3)
d12 is the inter-winding distance. lyoke is the length of the yoke πh
and llimb is the length of the limb. Hence, the final relation for the leakage inductance is given by:
The cross section of the limb is assumed to be square for
small transformers for simplicity, meaning the width (wlimb ) μ0 N 2 π (ri + rj )  ai aj 
Lij = + dij + (4)
and depth (dlimb ) of the limb are considered to be the same. KR h 3 3

Fig. 3. Positive part of the saturation curve and operation of transformer with
a dc-biased ac excitation around a deep saturation operation point [20].

Fig. 4. Test setups to measure saturation inductance of each winding in a

4-winding transformer using a non-ideal rectifier (NIR); (a) L 1sat , (b) L 2sat ,
(c) L 3sat , (d) L 4sat .

natural ac voltage ripple has been utilized as the voltage source

as shown in the test setup of Fig. 4. The voltage measurement is
taken from the secondary winding to eliminate the effect of the
voltage drop caused by the resistance of the excited winding.
The selection of the secondary winding can have an effect on
the measurement results. To improve the measurement accu-
racy, it is recommended to measure the voltage on the adjacent
outer winding of the winding being excited rather than inner or
Fig. 2. (a) Geometrical configuration of the windings and core shown on outer windings, so that almost all the flux coming out of the
the right half side of the transformer frame (single-phase three-limb core); excited winding can be captured. As illustrated in Fig. 5 taking
(b) trapezoidal flux distribution along the windings and in the inter-winding the measurement on the inner or outer windings can introduce
insulator spaces.
measurement errors since not all flux would be captured. For
measuring the saturation inductance of the outer-most winding
B. Saturation Inductance the voltage needs to be measured on the same winding. Thus
To measure the saturation inductance, a hybrid (dc-biased ac) the voltage drop on the winding resistance needs to be con-
source is used to drive the transformer core in to deep satura- sidered. This latter method can be applied similarly to any of
tion [20]. In saturation the ac component sweeps on the lin- the other windings when the position of the windings is not
ear (saturated) region of the magnetizing characteristic around known. In our experience, caution must be used when subtract-
the dc operating point; see Fig. 3. A non-ideal rectifier with ing the resistive voltage drop. Winding resistance changes with


sin2 ϕ
2 2
Mi (ri , h) =  dϕ (7)
π 0 3 ki 2 cos2 ϕ + sin2 ϕ

ki = (8)
4ri 2 + h2
and ϕ is the azimuthal angle. The expression returns accurate
values for the windings when the radius assumed to be much
larger than the winding thickness which is a valid assumption
for transformer windings.

C. DC Resistance
The very small dc resistance of a winding can be measured
with a Kelvin Bridge. Simultaneously, the dc resistance depends
on the geometry, wire gauge, and the number of turns of the
Fig. 5. Illustration of magnetic flux lines of transformer windings in saturation winding. An expression for the calculation of the dc resistance
inductance test with the middle winding (w 2 ) excited.
can be obtained by expanding the basic resistance formula as
temperature and frequency during the test. For better accuracy, ρL ρ(2πri N ) 2πρri N 2
the resistance should be measured right after the test or extracted
Rdc = = = (9)
A ff h ai ff h ai
from the voltage and current wave shapes using FFT. There are N
also alternate methods to measure transformer deep saturation
characteristics with low power sources; see references [21]–[24] where ρ is the resistivity of the conductor, ff is the filling factor
for example. of the winding, A is the winding cross sectional area, L is the
Based on the harmonic frequency content of the utilized total length of the winding conductor and all other parameters
non-ideal rectifier, the fundamental component or any domi- are the same as defined for (1). Parameter ff gives a measure of
nant triplen harmonic of the measured voltage and current can the density of the conductors in the cross sectional area of the
be extracted from the recorded signals. Fast Fourier Transform winding. Note that, ff is also obtained in the estimation process
(FFT) is utilized for this purpose and results are used to calculate along with the other physical characteristics of the transformer.
the saturation inductance as below [20]:
D. Geometrical Relations
Lsat = (5) Simple geometry can be used to derive additional equations
2πf nI h for the problem formulation. As illustrated in Fig. 2(a), the
radius of any winding can be calculated using the dimensions
where V h and I h are the amplitude of fundamental or harmonic
of the adjacent windings and insulation thicknesses. The radius
components of the measured voltage and current as shown in
of any winding (except the inner-most) can be calculated by
Fig. 4, f is the harmonic component frequency, and n is the
adding the radius of the adjacent inner winding to the insulation
turns ratio. Although all the harmonic components are supposed
thickness in between the windings and half of the thickness of
to return very similar numbers, to guarantee best results it is
each winding as:
recommended to use the dominant rectifier harmonic for the
calculations. ai ai+1
The saturation inductance can be calculated directly using the ri+1 = ri + + di,i+1 + (10)
2 2
geometrical dimensions of the windings. Increasing the wind-
ing excitation up to the core deep saturation region causes the For instance, the radius of winding 2, (r2 ) can be calculated
permeability of the iron to reduce steeply as the flux density using the dimensions of the adjacent inner winding (r1 and a1 )
increases until it reaches the permeability of air. In this situa- together with the insulation thickness in between the windings
tion, it can be assumed that the incremental flux closes its path (d12 ) as follows:
solely through the air. A closed form expression to calculate the a1 a2
r2 = r1 + + d12 +
inductance of coaxial concentric single-layer coils is presented 2 2
in [25]. In [26] the authors applied Barky’s transformation to
E. Completing the System of Equations
the elliptical integrals that had simplified and reduced the air-
core inductance expressions. The saturation inductance can be When the number of unknown design parameters exceeds the
calculated using the following expression [26]: number of equations that could be derived using the transformer
 2   characteristics, additional equations are needed to be used. In
N 3 2π particular, the number of turns in any winding can also be calcu-
Lsat = 4πμ0
ri Mi (ri , h) − (6)
h 3 lated directly as a function of transformer parameters according

to Faraday’s law. The number of turns for any winding has a TABLE I
relation with the induced voltage in the winding as [18]: 120–240/120–240 V, SINGLE-PHASE TRANSFORMER
V = 4.44f N Aeff Bm ax = 4.44f · N · SF · A · Bm ax (11)
Parameter Actual Estimated Error (%)
In this relation, f is the nominal frequency, Aeff and A are
the effective and physical core limb cross-sectional area respec- r1 38.1 mm 40.3 mm 5.8
r2 44.3 mm 45.8 mm 3.5
tively, SF is the core stacking factor that can range from 0.9 to r3 50.4 mm 51.6 mm 2.3
0.98 for power transformers [31] and Bm ax is the maximum de- r4 56.4 mm 57.2 mm 1.5
sign flux density. Depending on the transformer size and rating, a1 4.85 mm 4.79 mm –1.2
a2 4.85 mm 5.19 mm 7.1
the maximum flux density can have a value between 1.5 T (for a3 4.85 mm 5.17 mm 6.6
small transformers) and 1.8 T (for large transformers). The nom- a4 4.85 mm 5.05 mm 4.1
inal voltage and frequency are also known through nameplate d1 2 0.5 mm 0.55 mm 10.1
d2 3 0.5 mm 0.54 mm 9.5
data and the core limb cross sectional area can be replaced by d3 4 0.5 mm 0.54 mm 9.6
the relation that calculates A (the mechanical cross section) us- h 63 mm 63.5 mm 0.8
ing the innermost winding information as shown in Section IV. N 108 105 –2.8
Consequently, the number of turns can be estimated from:
N= = (12) problem has been bounded with constraints based on the outer
4.44f Aeff Bm ax 4.44f · SF · A · Bm ax
dimensions of the transformer, common design practices, and
For dual voltage transformers (e.g. secondary at 120–240 V), nameplate information. The height of the tank is used to bound
the windings are similar and additional equations can be used the height of the windings and the width of the tank is utilized
to give better results. For instance, the winding thicknesses and to bound the outermost winding radius. The BIL values (avail-
insulation system is assumed to be the same, which reduces the able on the nameplate or known from the test sheet) are used
number of unknowns and guarantees consistency of winding to bound the insulation thicknesses. The boundaries for wind-
dimensions. ing thicknesses were set according to assumptions on common
design practice on voltage per turn and current densities of the
F. System of Equations wires [27]. The number of turns can be bounded using the same
Equations (1)–(12) along with the terminal measurements are information as for winding thicknesses. With the boundaries for
used to construct a set of non-linear equations as follows: winding thicknesses and the outermost winding, the boundaries
⎧ for the inner windings can be set respectively [8], [27].
⎪ cal(n )
⎪fk = Lm
⎪ ij
− Lij (N, h, ri , rj , ai , aj , dij ) = 0 The utilized method minimizes the second norm of the ob-

⎪ m es cal(n ) tained expressions which are functions of transformer wind-

⎪ fl = Li sat − Li sat (N, h, ri ) = 0

⎪ ing parameters. The equations consist of the difference be-
⎨ m es cal(n )
fo = Ri dc − Ri dc (N, h, ri , ai , f f ) = 0 tween the values obtained by measurements and calculated

⎪ cal(n −1) cal(n ) with the proposed formulae or the difference between values

⎪ fp = ri − ri (ri − 1 , ai − 1 , ai , di,i−1 ) = 0

⎪ calculated through formulae in current and previous iterations

⎪ i≥2

⎪ expressed as:

⎩ cal(n −1) cal(n )
fq = N −N (r1 , a1 , d12 ) = 0 min (F (r1 , r2 , ..., ri , a1 , a2 , ..., ai , d12 , d23 , ..., dij , h, N ))
=⎛ min ⎞
The superscripts mes and cal indicate the measured and cal-
f1 2 (r1 , r2 , ..., ri , a1 , a2 , ..., ai , d12 , d23 , ..., dij , h, N )
culated values respectively and the superscript (n) represents ⎜ 2 ⎟
the value of the variable at the nth iteration. Subscript k is ⎜ f2 (r1 , r2 , ..., ri , a1 , a2 , ..., ai , d12 , d23 , ..., dij , h, N ) ⎟
⎜ ⎟
within 1 ≤ k ≤ m(m − 1)/2 where m is the number of the ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ... ⎠
windings of the transformer. Subscript l is within km ax < l ≤
fn 2 (r1 , r2 , ..., ri , a1 , a2 , ..., ai , d12 , d23 , ..., dij , h, N )
km ax + m. Subscript o is within lm ax < o ≤ lm ax + m. Sim-
ilarly, Subscript p is within om ax < p ≤ om ax + m − 1 and
The solution of this system of equations gives the design
finally q = pm ax + 1. In total, minimum of m(m + 5)/2 equa-
parameters of the windings. The proposed method has been
tions can be derived for our estimation problem. The obtained
applied to five single-phase transformers with different ratings
non-linear set of equations is solved numerically to obtain the
(1, 1.8, 5, 75, and 167 kVA) and characteristics to validate the
intended winding design parameters.
accuracy and the range of applicability.
The estimation results for winding parameters of a 4-winding,
1 kVA, 120–240/120–240 V, single-phase transformer are pre-
PARAMETERS sented in Table I. Since the transformation ratio is one, all
To solve the set of equations given in (13), a bounded, non- windings have the same number of turns (N). The errors are
linear, least-square method is used to minimize the error. To small for all of the parameters (10% in worst case). The results
guarantee the best results and shortest computing time, the for a 4-winding, 1.8 kVA, 120–240/120–240 V, single-phase


Parameter Actual Estimated Error (%) Parameter Actual Estimated Error (%)

r1 47 mm 46.6 mm –0.7 r1 101.4 mm 102.7 mm 1.2

r2 50 mm 50.4 mm 0.9 r2 130.3 mm 132.7 mm 1.9
r3 52 mm 54.1 mm 4.1 r3 159.2 mm 162.8 mm 2.3
r4 55 mm 57.7 mm 4.9 a1 16.0 mm 16.3 mm 0.8
a1 3.8 mm 3.58 mm –5.8 a2 32.0 mm 33.3 mm 4.2
a2 3.8 mm 3.58 mm –5.8 a3 16.0 mm 16.3 mm 1.7
a3 3.8 mm 3.33 mm –12.3 d1 2 4.86 mm 5.25 mm 8.0
a4 3.8 mm 3.46 mm –8.5 d2 3 4.86 mm 5.25 mm 8.0
d1 2 0.22 mm 0.20 mm –8.1 h 238.2 mm 224.4 mm –5.8
d2 3 0.22 mm 0.20 mm –9.1 N 14 14 0
d3 4 0.22 mm 0.20 mm –9.1
h 70.0 mm 71.4 mm 2.0
N 132 146 10.6 TABLE V
120–240/480–960 V, SINGLE-PHASE TRANSFORMER Parameter Actual Estimated Error (%)

r1 123.6 mm 129.8 mm 4.9

Parameter Actual Estimated Error (%) r2 162.4 mm 167.4 mm 3.1
r3 201.2 mm 205.0 mm 1.9
r1 67.1 mm 68.9 mm 2.8 a1 16.0 mm 16.7 mm 4.5
r2 71.9 mm 72.6 mm 1.0 a2 43.7 mm 40.9 mm –6.5
r3 80.6 mm 77.8 mm –3.4 a3 16.0 mm 16.7 mm 4.5
r4 86.7 mm 84.2 mm –2.8 d1 2 8.89 mm 8.82 mm –0.8
a1 3.1 mm 3.37 mm 8.9 d2 3 8.89 mm 8.82 mm –0.8
a2 3.1 mm 2.84 mm –8.2 h 263.5 mm 280.0 mm 6.3
a3 5.5 mm 5.75 mm 4.6 N 9 9 0
a4 5.5 mm 5.8 mm 5.4
d1 2 0.56 mm 0.59 mm 7.3
d2 3 0.84 mm 0.9 mm 7.4
d3 4 0.56 mm 0.59 mm 7.3
h 85.7 mm 86.7 mm 3.5
winding. This introduces undesirable errors in the calculations.
N 30 30 0 In addition, for our small transformers, insulation distances and
winding thicknesses are very small. Therefore, the errors associ-
ated with their measurement (using a Vernier) are not negligible
in relative terms. For instance, take the 1.8 kVA transformer
transformer are given in Table II. The results for this case also
presented in Table II, the difference between the estimated and
show good accuracy for all parameters (around 12% in the worst
measured value for the thickness of winding 3 is less than 0.5 mm
case). For the 5 kVA, 120–240/280–960 V single-phase trans-
but it shows as a relative error of 12%. Thus, the winding thick-
former, results are presented in Table III. The estimation errors
ness can be determined with very small absolute error (under
for all design parameters are again small (under 9% in the worst
half a millimeter), that became a relatively large error (12%).
These relatively large errors are negligible on the overall design
For further validation of the method two utility-grade trans-
and performance of the transformer. It can be seen from the
formers, one rated at 75 kVA, 7.2 kV/120–240 V and another
calculations made on the 75 and 167 kVA transformers that the
one rated at 167 kVA, 14.4 kV/120–240 V were used. Detailed
estimated and actual values match more closely.
construction information along with standard test data were uti-
lized to build a 3D finite element model of the transformer. All
the measurement tests described in Section II have been car- IV. CALCULATION OF THE GEOMETRICAL INFORMATION
ried out using finite element simulations to obtain the required
transformer characteristics. The proposed estimation method The knowledge of the cross sectional area and the physical
has been applied to obtain the design parameters subsequently. or relative dimensions of the iron core are imperative when
The results, presented in Tables IV and V, show that the largest building a transformer model capable of accurately representing
error is 8% for the 75 kVA transformer and under 7% for the the iron core behavior in low- and high-frequency transients
167 kVA transformer. Overall, the results from the five cases [9], [28]–[30].
show acceptable engineering accuracy. In this section multiple expressions have been derived to ap-
Note that not all errors come from the accuracy of the method proximate the core design characteristics such as cross sectional
itself. There are always some discrepancies between the de- area and length of limbs and yokes. These equations are based on
sign values and the final product. Some of the dimensions, the simple geometrical rules that utilize the winding parameters
such as winding thicknesses or radii, are not uniform along the obtained in the previous section.


Parameter Actual Estimated Error (%)

l yoke 115 mm 106.2 mm –7.6

A yoke 15.1 cm2 16.5 cm2 9.2
llimb 85 mm 87.2 mm 2.6
A limb 34.5 cm2 33.1 cm2 –4.0

the yoke Ayoke is assumed to be half of the limb cross sectional

area as discussed previously.
We believe that the method can be extended to larger trans-
formers, which are built with staked laminations of different
widths. The core cross section can be considered cylindrical
similar to the windings which makes the calculations less com-
plicated. In this case, the core radius can be obtained from:
rlimb = r1 − − d12 (16)
where rlimb denotes the limb radius. The limb and yoke cross
sectional areas are calculated accordingly. However, full valida-
tion remains to be done against practical data.
The lengths of the yoke and limb (lyoke and llimb ) can also be
estimated using the windings dimensions. lyoke is calculated by
adding the diameter of the outermost winding to the width of the
yoke, neglecting the insulation distances as mentioned earlier,
(lyoke = 2r2 + wyoke ); see Fig. 6. llimb is computed as the height
of the winding plus the width of the yoke (llimb = h + wyoke );
see Fig. 6(b).
The shape of the bobbins for distribution transformers is more
frequently rectangular than cylindrical. Therefore, the cylindri-
cal assumptions might not be very accurate in these cases for
geometrical calculations since considering the same perime-
Fig. 6. Transformer core and windings; (a) top view; (b) side view.
ter, the calculated radius (if cylindrical), becomes larger than
the actual width and smaller than the actual length (if rect-
Note that in all the calculations for small transformers, wind- angular). Calculation results show that, these equations can
ing thicknesses and insulation distances have been neglected for overestimate the length of the yoke. Hence, to overcome this
simplicity. Furthermore, neglecting these parameters compen- challenge, the winding thicknesses and insulating distances
sates for the effects of the simplifying assumptions made on the have been neglected in the calculations. In addition, the so-
geometry of the core cross-section (such as assuming a square lution of equations is bounded by the external dimensions of
core cross section versus rectangular cross-section). transformer tank (length of the transformer tank minus width
As illustrated in Fig. 6(a), the limb of the core is encircled by of the yoke). As a result, lyoke can be estimated by taking the
the inner-most winding. Hence, the diameter of the limb equals minimum of the value calculated using the dimensions of the
the inner diameter of the low voltage winding neglecting the windings and the upper bound enforced by the external dimen-
insulation distance. Considering the assumptions made for the sions of the transformer. Consequently, length of the yoke is
dimensions of the core, after the application of simple geomet- approximated by:
rical rules, the cross sectional area for the limb can be computed
√ 2 lyoke = min [(2r2 + wyoke ) , (ltan k − wyoke )]
A = dlimb × wlimb = 2(r1 ) = 2r1 2 (15)    
r1 r1
= min 2r2 + √ , ltan k − √ (17)
2 2
Remember from Section II that r1 represents the mean radius
of the low voltage (inner-most) winding, r2 is mean radius of The length of the limb (llimb ) is approximated by taking the
the high voltage (outer-most) winding, dlimb and wlimb denote minimum of the values calculated using the average height of
the depth and width of the limb, dyoke and wyoke denote the depth the windings and the upper band enforced by the external dimen-
and width of the yoke respectively. The cross sectional area of sions of the transformer tank (height of the tank minus width of



Parameter Actual Estimated Error (%) Parameter Actual Estimated Error (%)

l yoke 126.3 mm 130.8 mm 3.6 l yoke 410.5 mm 428.2 mm 4.3

A yoke 23.4 cm2 21.8 cm2 –6.8 A yoke 162.6 cm2 163.4 cm2 0.5
l limb 101.3 mm 104.4 mm 3.1 l limb 346.1 mm 358.2 mm 3.5
A limb 44.8 cm2 43.5 cm2 –2.9 A limb 325.2 cm2 333.8 cm2 –5.2


SINGLE-PHASE TRANSFORMER CORE In this paper a non-destructive method has been proposed
to estimate the design parameters of single-phase distribution
Parameter Actual Estimated Error (%) transformers using electrical terminal measurements and name-
plate data. Transformer characteristics such as leakage and satu-
l yoke 190.5 mm 206.2 mm 8.2
A yoke 52.0 cm2 47.5 cm2 –8.6 ration inductances along with winding dc resistances have been
l limb 151.1 mm 137.4 mm –9.0 measured using standard or proposed tests. The dependence of
A limb 104.0 cm2 95.0 cm2 –8.6 the measured characteristics on the internal dimensions of the
transformer has been utilized to estimate the winding dimen-
TABLE IX sions and the number of turns in each winding with acceptable
ESTIMATED DIMENSIONS OF A UTILITY 75 KVA, 7.2 KV/120–240 V, engineering accuracy.
SINGLE-PHASE TRANSFORMER CORE The dimensions of the core and cross sectional areas of the
limb and the yokes have been estimated using the results from
Parameter Actual Estimated Error (%) the solution of a system of equations bounded by external di-
l yoke 328.3 mm 347.4 mm 7.3
mensions of the transformer tank. Overall, the computational
A yoke 111.7 cm2 105.4 cm2 –5.6 results are accurate, despite of the diversity of the calculated
l limb 306.3 mm 297.0 mm –3.0 parameters.
A limb 223.5 cm2 210.8 cm2 –5.7
The proposed method is capable of calculating the radii,
thickness, and height of all windings. It can also compute the
inter-winding insulating spaces which are not possible with the
the yoke): estimation methods based on external dimensions of the trans-
former. In addition, this method is applicable to a wide range
llimb = min [(h + wyoke ) , (htan k − wyoke )] of single-phase distribution transformers since it uses electrical
r1 r1 measurements linked directly to design equations.
= min h + √ , htan k − √ (18)
2 2
where htan k and ltan k are height and length of the transformer
tank, respectively. In case of large transformers, the wyoke can The authors would like to thank Dr. Juan Carlos Olivares from
be replaced by rlimb in (16). Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Azcapotzalco), México,
The results for the core dimensions of the 4-winding 1 kVA, for information and useful discussions on transformer design.
120–240/120–240 V transformer described in the previous The last author would like to thank Mr. Val Tatu from Pioneer
section are given in Table VI. The accuracy is high for Transformers for years of valuable discussions on transformer
most of the parameters and around 9% in the worst case. design and construction.
Similarly the estimation results for the 4-winding, 1.8 kVA,
120–240/120–240 V, single-phase transformer is presented REFERENCES
in Table VII. The results are accurate for all parameters
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