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Detailed Lesson Plan

School Grade 8
Teacher Learning English
Dates and Time Quarter 2nd-week
Day 3
A. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian
Literature as an art from inspired and influenced by nature; relationship of
visual, sensory, ad verbal signals in both literary and expository texts;
strategies in listening to long descriptive and narrative texts; value of literal
and figurative language; and appropriate grammatical signals or
expressions suitable to patterns of idea development.
B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by composing and
delivering a brief and creative entertainment speech featuring a variety of
effective paragraphs, appropriate grammatical signals or expressions in
topic development, and appropriate prosodic feature, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning Competencies
EN8WC-IIf-2.2: Develop paragraphs that illustrate each text type
(narrative in literature, expository, explanatory, factual and personal
recount, persuasive)
 Compose an essay from the given tone and mood
EN8LT – IIf-2.2 Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to
the theme of a particular literary selection
EN8LT-IIf-2.2.3: Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the
 Identify tone and mood in a given text
 Respond to a certain literature using the same tone and mood of a text
1. CONTENT: Determining The author’s tone and mood
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages: Curriculum Guide pp 180-183
2. Learner’s Materials pages:
3. Textbook pages: English Arts I pp 218,236
English Expressways II p 158
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
A. Other Learning Resources: LED TV, Worksheets, Manila paper,

Teacher’s Activity Time Students’
Allotment Activity
A. Reviewing Ask: How does hyperbole
previous lesson improve one’s writing skill?
or presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a Face of faces! 5 mins. Students
purpose for the The teacher shows students first identify
lesson faces of different facial the feeling
expressions. words
Next, the teacher shows the associated
faces again, and the students with the
tell whether it is a positive, expression
negative or neutral
( See attachment for sample
and link)
Processing Activity…
C. Presenting Next, the teacher provides 5 mins. Students
examples/ students with worksheet on will perform
instances of the feeling words. the activity.
new lesson The students will then
categorize the words as
positive, negative or neutral
( See attachment for the
Processing Activity…
D. Discussing new Teacher asks: 5 mins. Students
concepts and What feeling words have to will listen
practicing new do with the tone and mood of intently.
skills no. 1 a piece of
Literature? Students
may vary.
E. Discussing new (A PowerPoint presentation 7 mins. Students
concepts and will aid the discussion of the listen
practicing new concepts) intently.
skills no.2 The teacher will then
thoroughly discuss the
definitions of tone and mood,
including the elements of a
story and word choice that
help you determine tone and
(See attachment for the
power point presentation)
F. Developing Now the teacher begins to 10 mins. The
Mastery (Leads read the selected poem aloud students
to Formative to the students (found on will perform
Assessment 3) pages 217-218, English Arts the activity
I). as directed.
Students will be working in
groups to discuss the
possible answers to the given
questions as guide in
understanding the tone and
mood of the selection.
They are also given the
chance to describe the theme
of the selection in their own
Class sharing of ideas will
then follow.
(See attachment for the copy
of the poem and questions.)
G. Finding Practical Tone gives purpose to the 3 mins Students
applications of tension and perspective to listen
concepts and what you are reading. It attentively.
skills in daily stimulates the readers to
living read a piece of literature as a
serious, comical, spectacular
or distressing. In addition, it
lends shape and life to a
piece of literature because it
creates a mood.
H. Making Ask: 5 mins. Tone is a
generalizations What is a Tone? manner, a
and abstractions feeling or
about the lesson atmosphere
the author
has meant
to set in the
story or
towards a
What is a Mood?
Mood is the
feeling or
by the
Give some examples of reader.
Give some examples of students
Mood? will give
of tone)
will give
of mood)
I. Evaluating 1. Read the poem “Africa” by 10 mins The
learning David Diop and identify the students
tone and mood of the piece. will perform
Respond using the graphic the activity
organizer provided. as directed.
2. Write at least two
paragraphs explaining the
content of your graphic
(See attachment for the copy
of the poem)
J. Additional Create a classroom reference
activities for Poster to illustrate definitions
application or and examples of mood and
remediation tone.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
Name: _________________________ Date: ____________
Feeling Words
Directions: Write a (+) next to words with a positive feeling; write a (-)
next to words with a negative feeling; write an “N” next to words that are

happy excited frustrated confused

angry sad surprised anxious
scared unhappy nervous relieved
relaxed reassured passionate embarrassed
irritated disappointed uncertain skeptical
optimistic restless threatened offended
heartbroken mournful bored guilty
Retrieved from:
Retrieve from:

Retrieved from: content/files/moodtone.pdf

BY David Diop (Senegal)
Africa my Africa
Africa of proud warriors in the ancestral savannahs
Africa of whom my grandmother sings
On the banks of the distant river
I have never known you
But your blood flows in my veins
Your beautiful black blood that irrigates the fields
The blood of your sweat
The sweat of your work
The work of your slavery
The slavery of your children
Africa tell me Africa
Is this you this back that is bent
This back that breaks under the weight of humiliation
This back trembling with red scars
And saying yes to the whip under the midday sun
But a grave voice answers me
Impetuous son that tree young and strong
That tree there
In splendid loneliness amidst white and faded flowers
That is Africa your Africa
That grows again patiently obstinately
And its fruit gradually acquires
The bitter taste of liberty.
Retrieved from:

For the Young Yearning a Song of Green

Arnold Molina Azurin
Never tell the children trees are numb
They hold secrets
Of soil or sun; they lisp their quiet Melodies of green
Exuberance to passerby. Twigs trip the wind
So leaves may flutter
Their fragrant salutes, griefless goodbyes.

Within their trunk, rings are ingrained,

Telling of refrains
Of lush rain or bowing. Time’s pilgrimage.
But upon the bark
Tender passages are etched: Jun loves Easter
Complete with year.
Arrow and heart-border, despite the order:
“Defacing Trees is Punishable.”
Stillness is yet their clearest expression
In beckoning birds and
Orchids onto their limbs. Now bear in mind,
Each leaf falling.
Is a precious page in their petition
For still a verdant season….

Never tell the children trees are numb!

Each lovely flower
Is a prayer, each fruit a pregnant poem;
In their living sum,
They are the crown of the heartland and
The whole kindred realm
Of every horn, seed, petal, foot or wing

Comprehension Questions:
1. To whom is the poem addressed?
2. What is the significance of the line “Never tell the children trees are numb”?
3. What attitude of the writer towards the trees is revealed on the poem?
4. Is the message of the poem valuable? Give your reason.
5. What is the tone of the poem? Why do you say so?
6. Is it right for people to carve their names on the bark of trees? Explain.

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Creative Writing Creative Writing - Mood/Tone Mood/Tone 
Poor Fair Good Excellent
0 pts 1 pts 2 pts 3 pts
Word Choice  Poor Fair Good Excellent

Does not use word choice to create Uses one example of word choice Uses two examples of word choice Uses three or more examples of
mood.  per sentence to create mood.  per sentence to create mood.  word choice per sentence to create

Completion  Poor Fair Good Excellent

Does not attempt any of the Attempted one of the sentences.  Attempted three of four sentences.  Attempted all five sentences. 

Mastery of Poor Fair Good Excellent

Shows no knowledge of how tone Shows little knowledge of how tone Shows adequate knowledge of how Showed exemplary knowledge of
affects mood.  affects mood. Shows little attempt tone affects mood. Creates a how tone affects mood. Creates
to create complex sentences.  complex sentence or two out of the more than two sentences from the
simple sentence.  one simple sentence. 

Defined Tone and Poor Fair Good Excellent

Mood and tone are not defined.  Mood and Tone are not defined Only tone or mood is defined for Both tone and mood are clearly
clearly for every sentence.  each passage, not both.  stated under each of the sentences. 
Adopted from : iRubric: Creative Writing Exercise - Mood/Tone rubric
Retrieved from:

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