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CV Ballini

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Curriculum Vitae

Personal information
First name i Surname Paola Ballini
Address Via Risorgimento 80 - 5'1037 Montale (pT) tTALy
' Telephone(s) Mobile: 0039 338 3675440
E-mail pqolaballin

Nationality Italian

Date of birth 6u,January 1974

Gender Female

Desired employment EU Projects

Work experience

Dates 7 April2014 - 26 February 201S

0ccupation or position held Project Assistant, External Evaluator
Main activities and responsabilities Management of prgects (e'g, \/ project
design (Erasmus
Alliances - deadtine 26 February 20i5), Horizon zozo'1'soéietul
-- + M2 Sector Skills
Name and address of the employer Extemal evaluator of the project Capacity Buitding tor iLP
lyAa{ _ LLe
Type of business sector centro studi 'cultura sviluppo' (GSC§)- via p-uccini, go'Jìlo6ffiil-ffi,v.cscs,it

Dates 12 March 2014 - 4 Aprit 2014

Occupation or position held Evaluator of ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 2 (EACEA) cail for proposal
Dates 25 June -23 July 2013
Occupation or posifion held Evaluator of lntra ACP ACADEMTC MoBlLrTy scHEME (EACEA)- proposars
2 cail for
Dates 20 I'lay 2012- 15 June 2012
Occupation or position held Evaluator of lntra ACp ACADEMIc MoBtltry scHEME (EACEA)-
2 cafi for proposats
Dates 23-27 l,lay 2011
Occupation or position held Evaluator of lntra ACP ACADEM|O MoBtLtry scHEME (EACEA)- cail for proposats
Name and address of the employer EACEru35/10
EAcEA - European commission/ Agenzia Nazionare Erasmus +/rNDrRE
Avenue du Bourget, 1 - Bruxelles - Belgium/via G,del
Monte _ Roma

Dates 15 October 2012 - 20 December 2013

Occupation or position held Senior Business Development Manager
Main activities and responsabilities to the development of tendeis within the Europeaid market,
lupport as member of a bid drafting team,
Name and address of the employer in particular in the lifelong learning sector
Type of business lsELlN consulting , 26g Farnborough Rd, Farnborough, Hants, GU14 7Ly,
United Klngdom

Dates 1 September 2007 -31 August 2008

Occupation or position held Conhact agent (competition EpSO CAST 25)

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Ballini Paola
Main activities and responsibilities Legal expert in charge of implementing the administrative procedures
for the adoption of decisions
the projects financed by the EU Budget and by the European Development
?pproving Fund for Africa,
Caribbean and Pacific countries.
' Revision of Financing Proposals and related documents before
the launch of the lnter Service
Consultation (especially towards the Legal Service and DG Budget),
- Contribution to ISC with the formulation of legal opinions (knowledge
of the legal bases,
including the Financial Regulations), in responselo the concerns raised-by
the consu'lted DGs,
- Preparation of Financing Agreements between the EC and the ACp
State: revision of Technical
and Administrative provisions and related documents; drafting of the contract,s
Conditions; transmission to the Delegation
- Consultancy on the different legal aspects related to the procurement
and to the management
of service contracts for external cooperation projects in ACP States (Results O-riented
Monitoring issues),
- Conhibution to the preparation
of the new adminiskative templates for decision making
procedures and financing agreements for external
cooperation inshuments (especially EDF]
DCI and ENPI).
- Check of new legislative provisions and communication of their impact
to the Unit.
- Participation in relevant Member States Committees.
Name and address of employer European Commission - EuropeAid Cooperation Office Directorate ,,Sub-Saharan
Caribbean - Pacific" - Unit C/3 "Coordination lntra-ACP and
- C Africa -
OCTs, Pan-African issues and horizontal
aspects" - Rue de la Loi 41 - Brussels
Type of business or sector Public institution

Dates 1st March 2001 - 30th August 2007

0ccupation or position held Responsible for EU Policies and Programmes; EIC Project
Manager; Responsible for kaining. Full
time permanent contract
Main activities and responsibilities Responsible for EU policles and programmes
Project design, implementation and technical/financial reporting
of actions and expenses within
the projects co-financed by EU.
' ltpty to questions on EU financing programmes in all the sectors
and on Community policies.
' Editing of articles on newspaperi, in-house organs, e-mail
alerts; publication of news and
technicalsheets on websites about EU policies and programmes,
EIC Project Manager
- Management of the annual operating grant contract for
EIC (MAp SMEs, Clp) and supervision
of its execution by the different sectors of the office,
- Technical/financial forwardlclanning and six-monthly reporting
activity to the EC.
- lnterface with the DG ENTR and pàrticipation to national
unu erròpàln nàtworring meetings.
- Member of the national EIC Steering Gioup.
Responsible for haining.
- Elaboration of the training offers on EU policies and programmes,
in conformity with lSo g001
Quality Certification program,
' Organisation of one to four-day seminars in Florence,
Rome and in other places in ltaly, and of
one-day public events. with high level speakers trom euròpàan
lirstitutions, National
Governments and Local Bodies. The activity consisted
of planninf ayiarly training agenda,
draftin.g the programmes of seminars, contàcting lecturers
and ag-reeing tne content of their
commitment, arranging the logistical aspects regàrding
,unru, p*ii.ipiniaccommooation and
entertainment activities. Ex..of issues: prolect désign
àno finanlia re;ili;g, EU programmes,
Structural Funds, energy, education and hàining, dèvebpment
aiO, etc.
- lgctulng on EU financial opportunities and pqoject management techniques. Examples: 14-1g
I'llay 2007, "Minimaster forlhel<nowledge ano'use
of ru-tuÀ0s,, rir.n.à; rs December 2006,
"2007-2013: which future for EU funds-?",
Ascoti piceno; 29_3d
public administrations: poricies and financing
opportunities", Firenze,
Name and address of employer consozio
lyp9ro"Éello confesercenti. Euro lnfo centre 1T362, via pistoiese 155, 5014b
Firenze tel, 055/3 1 5254, fax 055/3 1 0922, www,infoeuropa.ii
Type of business or sector The Euro lnfo Centre (now European Enterprise Network)
is a European Commission-DG ENTR led
Community network for information and assistance abouiCommuniiy pori.i.i
ano instruments, which
is hosted by the ltatian Business Association confesercenti,
The Eli ù ;p;;ùhd in providing
services to public administrations (provinces and municipalities),
in aooitiànìo §ùÈs.

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Ballini paola

Mother tongue Italian

Other languages
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing
European level(-) Listening Reading Spoken inleraction Spoken production

English C1 C1 C,I C1 c1
French C1 c'l C1 C1 cl
German A2 A2 A2 A2 A2
Spanish A1 A1 A1 A1 A1
(*) Co.rlltlton Europe,an Framework of Reference for Lanqllaaes

ln addition to the knowledge acquired at the High School and developed at work, the languages have
been practiced in the following occasions:
English: Studying & Living: Juty 198€. Wimbtedon (U,K.) by a famity; July 1990, Southampton (U,K,)
by a family July 1992. Torquay (U.K.)by a family;August iS95. Studying & Living by Catiornia'State
University Long Eeach (USA),4 weeks,
French: September 2007-February 2008: French course, niveau 6, European Commission,
March-July 2001: Private lessons by the Linguistic lnstitute Speak l)p wiih mother tongue
German: September 2003-May 2004: Frequency of the course organized by thi Municipality
Montemurlo, with mother tongue teacher.
Spanish: May - August 2008: private lessons with mother tongue teacher

Social skills and competences the management of EU projects, I took part in a lot of missions abroad, thus fostering a natural
ability in communication skills, with a view to entertain effective personai and business-oriented
multilateral relationships. Ex. of such missions: presentation of a website to the
European parliament
in Shasbourg, implementation of kaining seminars in Hungary. Different partner meetings for
designing or reporting purposes were implemented, like in BoiOeàux, Marseille,
Bratislava, eiague,
Bucharest and Brussels. ln-the context of the EIC project management, lactiveiy
gonferelcgg |t9t! uythe EIC network (12-13-14 June200z Oulu-, Fintand,2-5 oòtouer2003 Lisbon,
Portugal; 20-22 October 2004 Bucharest, Romania),
During 1995/6 lworked for the daily newspaper "ll Tirreno", editing articles about public policies,
chronicle, culture and society for the page of the municipality of Moitemurlo. This
experience realy
helped to develop self-confidence and savoir faire.

0rganisational skills and As made known by the EC probationary report (due after g months), within EuropeAid ,,was
I abte to
competences address, with success, a large number of different responsibiiities, under
complex legal and
adminishative situations" and. "responded positively to an increasing workload,
eipeciatti in the
context of the closure of the gth EDF, whlle at the sametime ensuring à hign standarO in terms of the
quality of the work".
Working by the EIC gave me the possibility to expand many competences,
in a dynamic environment
where proactive attitude was. constantly prized by the taliing over
of new Responsibilities. I have
matured the capacity to work in stress related coniexts, put tithe
test e.g. by thà'applications for EU
Prolects. and..the management of multipartner p§ects. I was in cha e'for
the coordination of
traineeships (both at the EIC and at Europeaid),

Technical skills and competences Project design and implementation of European projects. Examples:
- lmplementation of training activities for the transfer of the acguls communautaire
in the
context of the capacity buìlding proiect SME FIT (Phare Business
- Support programme 2) or
for M-TW.- Making Tourism Work (Leonardo
- Pilot Projècts) for the'creation of common
qualifications and training tools in the wellness sector,
Diffusion_ of the entrepreneu.rial spirit among students of
secondary schools by connecting them with
successful business men (L'esprif d'entreprise); improvement of the quality
'SME and effectiveness of
Community legislation (ntgractive MakinO, Panels ana'Entrépreneurial
!9ticy Regions in
Europe) in order to transmit to the EC the voice òf small undertakings anO common
citizens which
face problems with the everyday implementation of EU laws (Multianùal
erogiamme for Enterprises

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Ballini Paola
Lectures on EU issues, carried out by public adminishations or private consultancies. Examples:
- 15 June 2007, Lecturing in "EU opportunities in the vocational training secto/', Firenze;
- 29 January 2005, Lecturing in "EU opportunities for local development", Pavia;
- 20 July 2004, Lecturing in "Project management Techniques", Business lnternational, Roma;
- 3 May 2004, Lecturing in "EU financing", Municipality of Carpi;
- 22 July 2002, Lecturing in "EU financing for local development", Municipality of Novara;
- 14 November 2002 Lecturing in "EU programmes for local development", Province of Lucca;
- 26 November - 20 December 2001, Lecturing in 4 meetings about EU lnstitutions and
financing opportunities, Municipality of San Giuliano Terme (Pisa);
- 27-28 September 2001. Lecturing in "EU and national opportunities for local development",
Organization of high level events, Examples:
. National lnfo day on Comenius, Grundtvig, Leonardo, 13 March 2007, Firenze
r National info day Culture 2007-201 3, 1 I January 2007 , Fienze
r National lnfo day on lntelligent Energy Europe, 16 June 2006

Computer skills and competences Good knowledge and use of Windows systems; Office package (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher,
Outlook); Netscape and Explorer browsers,
Knowledge of European Communlty databases.

Other skills and competences I was in charge of the selection of an expert in "EU policies and Programmes" within a public
competition in the Province of Ancona, ln particular, I prepared the multiple choice test for the first
selection, chose the themes for the written exam, conected the works, interrogated the candidates in
occasion of the oral exam and finally selected the winner,
Paper publications, Editing of articles regarding European policies and financing instruments on:
- Various newspapers with regional diffusion (also about seminars and events); THOT (periodic
of national business association Confesercenti).
- ln-house organs of the business association Confesercenti (COME, bi-monthly publication),
- Conhibution to the publication Guide to European Programmes 2001-2013,
Websites. Editing of the general presentation of EU Programmes directly managed by the EC and of
technical sheets regarding EU policies and programmes, for the website and; editing of the presentation of all the EU Policies, publication of the
news of the European Parliament and of the most important national and European events for the
website unryw.europafo[um.ii; publication of events with EU relevance for the website www,eurnet.orq.
Electronic publications. Newsletter (bimonthly publication of lnfoeuropa News) and e-mail alerts (daily
publication of new European programmes, relevant call for proposals, partnership searches, national
and European events),

Voluntary activity Member of the non profit association Proloco Fognano, Scouting of financial opportunities and project
design for the different development activities concerning the valorization and animation of the
Driving licence License B

Additional information ' Mr Dominique David - Head of Unit C/3 Europeaid -

European Commission - Avenue Hugo
References van der Groes '108 - 1160 Bruxelles (BELGIUM) - 4, rue Latécoere -
37500 Seuilly (FMNCÉ)
E-mail: GSM +32 486 205446
- -
Mr Lucio Scognamiglio Director of Consorzio Eurosportello Confesercenti EIC lT 362 Via
Buonvicini 33 - 50100 Firenze (ITALY) - E-mail: scoonpqì.ioljo@eurosporiellocgnfgsercenti,it
Tel. +39 055 3905148 - GSM +39 33S 8143839
- Mr Giovanni crisonà President at cscs, via N, puccini - s1100 pistoia (lTALy)
crisona@cscs,it GSM +39 393 3342353

The following documents can be transmifted upon iequest: Probationary report by the European
Commission - EuropeAid, reference by Mr Scognamiglio and Mr David

Date: 1 March 2015 Signature: Paola Ballini

I authorize the use of my personaldata in compliance with D,Lgs 1g6/03,

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