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MOM Industry Briefing Sanitation

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Minutes: Industry Briefing for Interested Organisations

Activity Sanitation Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Research (W-2-11)

Date Friday, 12 January 2024

Time 10 AM WIB Jakarta Time

Location Zoom Webinar meeting

Note: The PowerPoint deck presented during the Briefing for Interested Organisations (the Briefing)
provided the structure and details for the content of the Briefing and is an integral component of the
Minutes. The PowerPoint presentation is in Attachment A.

Introduction and Opening

The Industry Briefing started with an opening remark by Dina Syarifa, HR and Procurement Manager.

About KIAT

Phillip San Jose (KIAT Program Manager) provided an overview of KIAT. KIAT is a 10-year facility to
assist the Government of Indonesia (GOI) in achieving sustainable and inclusive economic growth
through improved access to infrastructure for all people.

Phillip also highlighted that KIAT has been working with a range of stakeholders across the GOI, the
private sector, multilateral development banks (MDBs) and civil society to achieve the following KIAT
End-of-Facility Outcomes:

1. Improved GOI policies and regulatory frameworks for infrastructure development

2. High quality projects prepared and financed by GOI, the private sector and/or MDBs
3. High quality infrastructure delivery, management and maintenance by GOI
4. Infrastructure policies, design and delivery are more inclusive for women and people with
5. Improved policy, planning and design results in lower-emission, more climate-resilient

About the Activity

Lutz Kleeberg (KIAT Lead Adviser Sanitation) discussed the background, scope of works and
deliverables of the Sanitation Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Research activity.

The activity has three components: emission data collection; national estimates; and policy
engagement. The activity is expected to commence in March/April 2024.

Procurement Process


Phillip San Jose (KIAT Program Manager) explained the tender evaluation criteria for both technical
and financial proposals. His key points include:

• This is quality-cost based selection. Technical and financial evaluations are weighted 80% and
20%, respectively.
• The following are the technical assessment criteria (scored out of 100):
o Criteria 1: Organisation’s Experience and Capabilities - 20
o Criteria 2: Approach and Methodology - 35
o Criteria 3: Personnel – 45
• Only proposals that meet the minimum technical score of 70 will proceed to financial
• The upper budget limit for this activity is AUD 2,200,000 (two million two hundred thousand
Australian Dollars) excluding VAT/GST.
• Financial Proposals must be expressed in Australian Dollars.

Proposals should be submitted as per the instructions provided in the Request for Tender (RfT), both
for the submission process and the sequencing of documents within Technical and Financial

Organisations must submit tender documents (Technical and Financial Proposals) by email to on or before Friday, 9 February 2024 (by 23:59 GMT+7)

Phillip enumerated the key dates for this tender. These are:

• 21 December 2023: RfT released to the market

• 2 February 2024: Tenderer enquiry cut off date
• 9 February 2024: Tender closure (submission deadline)
• February – March 2024: Evaluation, negotiation and contracting
• March/April 2024: Activity commencement

Additional Points to Note

• Tenderers are encouraged to regularly visit the KIAT website (opportunities page) to view
information or amendments regarding this RfT.
• If the size of Technical Proposal file is above 10MB, tenderers can split this into different
emails during submission.
• Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal must be submitted in separate emails.
• There is a risk of submission delay due to email traffic during the last minutes of the
submission deadline therefore submit with ample time to spare.

Briefing Questions and Answers

Responses to questions asked by the participants are in Attachment B.

Jakarta, 15 January 2024

KIAT Tender Evaluation Committee

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Attachment A: PowerPoint presentation

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Attachment B: Industry Briefing Questions and Responses


1 In the Task 1, the consultant is expected to collect Typically, common systems (eg, onsite
emissions data, where "common systems (onsite sanitation) should be sampled more
sanitation system) should be sampled more intensively (ie, the proportion of sampling
intensively", do you have certain expectations for should roughly match the proportion of
the number of sampling to represent the diverse systems in use), including untreated
condition across Indonesia? domestic wastewater.

For centralised systems, the various

applied technologies should be
acknowledged/considered in the research.
2 Annex 1. Description of Services says that Yes, in the context of this activity.
component 2 is to "estimate the national "Domestic wastewater" includes
Indonesian GHG emissions emitted from the unmanaged wastewater (black and grey)
generation and management of human waste...". and the management of faecal sludge, as
However, your slide here says it is to estimate a key element of safely managed on-site
emissions from the generation and management sanitation.
of "domestic wastewater". These seem like
different things. Does "domestic wastewater"
include unmanaged waste and management of
faecal sludge?
3 In the DoS, there are no specific positions and The tenderer shall propose a team with
qualifications requested. Can you specify? relevant research expertise/skills and
experience to carry out the required
services and take responsibility for the
preparation of all activities and outputs.
See section 7.2 of the Description of
Services (DoS).

Two core positions are specified in the

DoS (Team Leader and Deputy Team
Leader). A list of other required
expertise/team skill requirements is stated
in the DoS (table for Team Skills
4 What is the ballpark figure of the project? As the The upper funding limit for the activity is
project is not seen in the procurement plan and AUD 2.2 million.
no personnel requirement in which we typically
have to estimate the budget.

5 Where will be the location of the project? The tenderer should propose the
locations. Indicative distribution of
population is as follows: 60% Java, 20%
Sumatra, 20% East Indonesia
6 What is the man-month of the team requested See response to question no. 3 above.

7 Is there a minimum number of ARF personnel that See response to question no. 3 above.
must be met in this position?

Page 4 of 6
8 Could you please clarify whether this opportunity Any legally registered international and
is exclusively open to internationally recognized national institutions with the relevant
universities or research organizations, or are research capacities and experience are
consulting companies also eligible to participate? eligible to tender.

Per DoS, partnership between

international and Indonesian institutions
is anticipated for this activity.
9 Is there an exchange rate for AUD-IDR applied for No.
this proposal?

10 In the description of the work document (annex 1), See response to question no. 8.
"The Contracting organization must be an
internationally recognized university or research
organization" is this still applied ?
11 February 14th there will be a general election . KIAT will evaluate the tenders in February.
Before & after the election will the government At the earliest, the expected
(include Bappenas & MPWH) be effective in commencement of this activity is March
handling the program (determined the location?) 2024.
12 Could you share this morning presentation Industry briefing minutes (including the
materials? presented deck) will be published on KIAT
website within five working days after the
13 Do you have limitation of age and nationality for None.
Team Leader of Researcher
14 There are many carbon emission calculators used It is the tenderer’s responsibility to
to calculate scope 1, 2, and 3. Can this be our propose adequate methodologies for
methodology in the proposal? Of course it will be emissions calculations.
related to the sanitation aspects in question. What
about sanitation that in rural areas seems to be Individual/household sanitation refers to
very simple and difficult to get communal “onsite sanitation”.
sanitation in the village? Is this what is meant for
individual/household sanitation?
15 Is there any expectation for a climate financing The is no immediate correlation between
expert in this project? What is the correlation the activity and climate financing however
between this project and climate financing? as part of team skill requirements (from
DoS), knowledge on climate financing
mechanisms is required.
16 Who will determine the location of the project? See response to question no. 5.
Which City in Java?

17 For financial proposal. What is the maximum There is no advance payment that will be
downpayment of project cost. Is the a bond to be made to the contractor. The contractor is
provided against the downpayment. required to pre-finance the activity per
relevant clause in the RfT. The contractor
will submit to KIAT its invoices
(reimbursable costs and management fee)
every month.
18 City Classification: Small city (20.000 - 50.000 Systems in both urban and rural areas can
population), Average city (50.000 - 100.000 ), Large be included as part of the sampling,
City (100.000 - 1 million), Metropolitan City ( 1 - 5 noting that Indonesia’s population is
million), Megapolitan (> 5 million) as well as dominantly urban, and centralised and
Village . which will be our pilot/ sample? decentralised systems are mostly in urban

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areas. For onsite systems, tenderers
should focus on factors relevant to
emissions to determine appropriate
contexts and locations.
19 Is it okay if we finish earlier than the 2-year timeline Tenderers must comply with the intended
as long as we finished all the objective 24-month implementation period.

20 Who will finance the implementation/contraction Whilst infrastructure funding is a key

of the integrated sewerage system? Central or element for the overall sector
Regional Government) This is very important development scenario, it is not directly
question, we need to identify the Regional relevant for the implementation of this
Government who has budget? activity.

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