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Vector Spaces: Fchapter Be (F, T,)

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FChapter at a Glance

pefinition: (V,O) be a commutative group and (F, t, ) be a ficld. An external

jon iknown as "scalar multiplication" is defined as a mapping (FXV) > V denoted by

o Then V is
defined to be a vector space over the field F if the scalar multiplication
satisfying the following
1)xOa E V Vx E F; Va E V
x O r 0 a ) = (x.y)Oa Vx, y E F; Va E V

x0(a®P) (X©a)e(EOB)
Vx E F; Va,ß EV
9(+y)Oa= (zO«)®VOa) Vx,y EF; Va EV
= a Va EV
) 1a
[l is the identity element in F.]
The elements of V and
Note: A vector spaceV over the field F is written as V(F). are vectors

those of Fare

A vector space the field of Real Numbers is defined as a Real

Real Vector Space: over

Vector Space.
An Important Vector Space:
ThesetR= { , x 2 . . ,x,)/x, E R} is a real vector space with respect to operations
(vector addition) and O (scalar multiplication) in R" defined as follows:

CX,); Vc E R
cO2 X) (cX1,CX2
nd(1,2 ) E R".

Some Elementary Properties:

IfV(F) is a vector space, then
()0.a 0, Va EV
i) c.0 = 6, Vc EF

am)C.a 6 eitherc 0 ,or a= 6 =

i-(c.a) c.(-a) (-). a; Vc E F, Va EV

= =

pace: Let V (F) be a vector space and W be a non-empty subset of V. If W forms a vector
ae over the same field F and with respect to the same compositions (Addition and

pcation) as in V, then W is said to be the subspace of the vector space V(F).

Theorem: A non-empty subset W of a vector space v(F) is a subspace of V if and only if
i ) a E W,BE W *a+ß ew
i) cE F, a E W = ca E W
Equivalently, the two conditions can also be written as ca + dß E W, Va,ß ¬

Vc, dEF W,
Theorem: The intersection of two subspaces of a vector space V (F) is a subspace of .
In other words, if S and T two
subspaces of a vector space V (F), then S N T is a
of V. ospace
Note: The union of two subspaces of a vector
space V (F) is not, in general, a subspace of V,
Linear Independence and
of Vectors
In a
V(F), a finite subset of n vectors {1,V2
vector space
Vn is said to be
Linea y
Independent(L. ) if c^v tc2v2 t* + U , =6 (c ¬ F)
G =0, (i =1,2,.., n)
In a vector space V(F), a finite subset of
{1,V2 ,
n vectors
V,ns is said to be Lineaty
Dependent (L. D) if there exists scalars C (i=1,2,.,n) not all 0 (zero) such th
C1 tC22 t**+ c,v, = 6 ( ; ¬ F)
An infinite subset S of a
V(F) is said to be Linearly Independent (L. I) if even
vector space
finite subset of S is linearly independent and S is said to be
Linearly Dependent (L. D) if some
finite subset of S is linearly dependent.
A few important results:
If a finite set S contains null vector 6, then S is linearly dependent. (In other words, an LI
set cannot contain the null vector.)
IfS =
{v}, v #0;i.e., S is a singleton set of non-null vector, then S is L.I
Subset of an L.I set is L.I and Superset of an L.D set is L.D.
Theorem In the vector space R" (R)the VEcto

(11,a21 n1); 2 (12a22**,n2) =

(1n a2n *,an )are linearly independent iff|a,,| *#0.

Linear Combination of Vector:
A vector v is said to be linear combination of S =
{vi, V2, ....., v,}, if there exists st

EF (i= 1, 2,.. n) such that CqV, tc,v2 t * t c,v,

The set of vectors{(C1tC2V2 t****+ Gqv,)/c; ¬ F} is known as linear
o f a

et S and denoted by L(5).


D i m e n s i o n
of a Vector Space:
vector space (F) is said to be of dimension n if there exists finite subset
Sspans V; and
having n linearly independent and also the set
S {2 Va vectors

written as dinm(V) n.

Vector Space:
Basis of a
Tet V(F) be a vector space. If S be a subset of V such that

and (i) S is linearly
independent set
defined as a Basis of .
Then Sis
basis containing n elements, then dim (V) =
1.fVbe a vector space having a
fthe vector space{6}, (where 6is the null vector) then dim(V)

Linear Transformation

Let Vand W be vector space over a field F. A mapping T:V > W is said to be linear mapping

or linear transformation if it satisfies the following conditions:

0T(a+B) =T(«)+ T(B), Va,f EV
Va ¬EV
ciyT(ca) cT (a), VcEF;

In particular, if V
W, then 7 is said to be a linear operator on V.

Equivalent condition:T(ca + dß) = dT(a) + dT(B), V ,d E F; Va,ß EV

Kernel of a linear mapping and Nullity:

Let V and W be vector space over a fieldF. Let T: V> W be a linear mapping. The set of all
vector a E V such that T(a) = p, p being the null vector in W, is said to be the Kernel of T
and is denoted by Ker (T) = {a ¬ V\T(a) = p}.

Ker(Tis also called Null Space ofTand dimension of Ker (T) is known as Nullity(T).

Image of a linear mapping and Rank:

Let V and W be vector space over a fieldF. Let T: V > W be a linear mapping. The images of
the elements of V under the mapping T forms a subset of W. This subset is said to be the image

of7 and denoted by Im(T) = {T(«)\a ¬ V}

m(T) is also called Range ofTand dimension of Im(T) is known as Rank(T).

neorem (Sylvester's Law of Nullity): Let T: V> W be a linear mapping, where V is finite
imensional. Then Rank (T) + Nullity(T) = dim V.

Theorem: Let V and W be fieldF and T': V > W be
vecto space over a a linear
T is injective if and only if Ker (T) =
pping T
Theorem: Let V andW be vector space over fieldF and T: V W be
a a linear
that (T) = {4}. Then the of images linearly independent set of vectors in
mapping s
V are 1.
independent in W. linea
Theorem: Let T: V W be a linear mapping and a1,2.*, nbe a basis of V
{T(«4),T(a,),.T(a,) Jgenerates Im (T)
Theorem: If V and W be both finite dimensional vector spaces of same
to one
dimension, then Tic.
implies that 7 is onto and vice-versa.
Inverse of Linear
Let Vand W be vector space over a fieldF and a linear
T(x) y) is invertible if and only if T is one to one
= mapping T: V W (defined
and onto mapping, and
denoted as T:W> V and inverse of 7:
defined as =
T(y) x.

Multiple Choice Type Questions

1.1. The set of
a) linearly dependent
vectors{(2, 1,1). (1, 2,2). (1, 1,1)} in Ris WBUT 200
c) basis of R b) linearly independent
Answer: (a) d) none of these

1.2. The value of

kfor which the
dependent is vectors(1,2,1), (k,1,1) and (1,1,2) are linear
a) 2 WBUT 2006
b) c)-1
Answer: (6)

1.3. The value of K

for which the
linearly dependent (1,2,1). (K, 1,1) and (0,1,1) a=
a) 1
b) 2 WBUT 2007
Answer: (c) c) 0
d) 3
1.4. The four vectors
(1, 1, 0, 0 ), ( 1, 0, 0, 1 ). (1, 0, a, 0
independent if ), (0, 1,
a) a, b) are linea
a0,b+2 b) a+2,b+ 0 c) WBUT 2008]
Answer: (c) a0,b*-2 d} a-2,b#

10 0
lo o 0
1 0 a O =0 a 0-a
a b 0 a b
0 1a
=-a-(ab +a) = -2a-ab = -a(2+b)
The vectors are L.I if a(2+b)0 i.e. a #0,b+-2

i K. IfS and T are two subspaces of
a vector space V, then which of the
subspace of V also?
WBUT 2009, 20181
a) SUT b) SnT c)S-T d) T-S

Answer: (b)
the following sets is linearly independent? WBUT 2010]
1.6. Which of
a){(1,2),(2, 4)] b) {(1,2,3), (2,4,6), (1,1,1)}
c){(2,0,0), (0,3,0),(0,0,4)} d) none of these

Answer: ()

17.7:RRis defined by T(%,a)= (2x,-A, t s ) . Thenkernelof Tis

WBUT 2008]
a{1.2)) b) {(1,-1)} o{(0,0)} d)(1.2)).(1,-1).
Answer: (C)
T)=(2,-g, +2).7,)eR?
Le, (,x,)e Ker(T)
Then, T,)=(0,0)
2- =0 x + =0

=0,x =0
1.8. If a linear transformation T: R R be defined by T(x1,x2) = (x1,x2), then

Ker(T) is WBUT 2006]

((-1,-1).(1,1)} b2)(1)}
(1,0).(0,1)} d) f(o,0))
Answer: (d))


1.9. If a

then ker(T) is
linear transformation )=%+3
T: R2 - R2 be defined by 7T(7, *2)=
WBUT 2007
{(1,-1)} b)(1,0)o{0,0)} d 10). (0,1
Answer: (a)

LShort Answer Type Questions

EXamine if the set of vectors ((1,2,2), (2,1,2), (2,2,1)) is linearly independent in

R3 WBUT 2004
I 2 2
212 2-1-3)-2(-2)+2(2)=5*0
Hence, the given vectors are linearly independent.

2.2. Does S = {(x,y,z) E R:2x -y+ 3z = 0) form a subspace of H*? Justify

[WBUT 2006
Let, a, peS. Then we may write

If a,be R°,then we have

aa+bß=al-y +z. , Z)+b-y +Z2, 2, 2)
(a- +z)+b-y, +Zz) ay +by2, az, +bz,)
=--by,)+(az, +bz,)) ay +by2, azj +bz,) =(-1+m,1, m)e S
Since =ay, +by, e R and m =az, +bz, e R°
Therefore, a,beR' and a, ße S a a +bßeS
Therefore, Sis a vector subspace of R°

2.3. Showthat (3, 1,-2).(2,1,4).(1,-1,2) form a basis of R

WBUT 2007, 2008, 2010
Since, |2 1 4=3(2+
4)-1(4-4)+ (-2)(-2-1) =24 (#0)
1 -1
So, the given set of vectors S is L.I set and number of vectors in S = 3 dim R*.
Therefore, S is a basis of R°(R).

24. Show that the vectors (1, -2, 3). (2, 3, 1), (-1, 3, 2) form a basis of R.

[WBUT 2018]

Let S={1, -2, 3). (2, 3, 1). (-1, 3, 2)}

|I 2-
Since,-23 3=1(6-3)-2.(-4-9)+(-1)(-2-9)-3+ 26+11= 40 (#0)
Since, -2 3
3 1
So, the given vectors S is L.I set
and number ofvectors in S=3=dim(R').
Therefore, S is a basis of R'.

2.5. In the vector space R°(R), show that the vectors E, = (1,0), E, = (0,1) are
linearly independent. [MODEL QUESTION]
LetcE+c,E2 =6, c C2 E R
G1,0)+c2(0,1) = (0,0)

( ) =(0,0)
Thus, both c C2 0 and hence, the given set of vectors {E, E,} is L.I set.

2.6. In the
space R vector (R), showthat the vectors
E-(1,0,,0),E = (0,1,,0), E(0,0
(0, ,0,,1) are

linearly independent. [MODEL QUESTION]

LetcEt CEz + + E, =
0, cyz ., E RR
q ( 1 , 0 , , 0 ) +c2(0,1,,0) + + ,(0,0,,1) = (0,0,,0)

(c, c ,n)= (0,0,,0)

q =0,c2 0,,=
Hence, the set ofvectors {E, E E,} is L.I set.

2.7. In the vector space R(R), verify whether the vectors v = (1,1),vz = (2,2)

are linearly independent/ dependent. [MODEL QUESTION]

Let cv + c2v, = 0 , c,c2 E R
G(1,1)+ c(2,2) = (0,0)

G+22 C + 2c,) =

C+2c2 = 0, C+2c, = 0
C t2c2 =0 c + 2c, = 0 a = = k ¬ R (Say)

=-2k, c2 =k
Hence, the given set of vectors {v1, v2} is L.D set.

the set of
2.8. In the vector space R (R), verify whether
S{(1,1,0), (1,0,1), (0,1, 1)} is linearly independent/ dependent.
Since, o 11(0-1) - (1-0) +0 = -2 (+0)
lo 1 1
So, S is an L.I set.

2.9. In the vector space R°(R), verify whether the set of vectors
S= {(1,2,-3), (2,-3,1),(-3, 1,2)} is linearly independentI dependent.
1 2
-3 = 1(-6-1)-2(4+3) 3(29)= -7-14 +21 =0
So, S is an L.D set.

2.10. Examine whether the set of vectors S= {(2,-3,1),.(3,-1,5).(1,-4,3)} is

linearly independent / dependent. [MODEL QUESTION
Since, -4= 2(-3+20)-3(-9+4) +1(-15+1) = 35(#0)
So, S is an L.I set.

2.11. Find k so that the vectors (1,-1,2). (0,k, 3) and (-1,2,3) are lineary
dependent. [MODEL QUESTION]
For linearly dependence ofthe given vectors, |-1 k = 0
2 3
or, 1(3k - 6) - 0 +(-1)(-3-2k) =0

sk-3 0 k=

212. Ifa , , y .are

42.f a,,Y linearly independent vectors, show that a +B,8 + YYta are
linearly independent. [MODEL QUESTION

A(a+) + %(B +v) + oa(r ta) =

t + (c tc2)ß+ (c2 + cg)y =0

Since, a,B, are linearly independent vectors, we get
t 0 , t a 0,C2tG=0
Solving three equations, cg 0 .
we get
the c C2
Lence, the vectors a + B,B +7y t a are linearly independent.

213.Show that S={(x,y,z) ¬ R°:2x 4+y-z = 0}is a subspace of R.

tis obvious that, (0,0, 0) E S, so, S is non-empty.
Leta = , Z , ) E S; B=22z2) E S, where xY,z, ER

2x1t 1-Z10)
2x t y-2 =
tz2 ¬ K
Now, a +B (x1tz» Y1 ty2»z1 t+z2)and x t+ Y t
2(4+ 2)+ ty)-(4+z,)
(2x +y-z)+ (2x2 +y2-z) =0+0
= = 0 using (1
Thus,a +B ES,V a,ß ES
) Again, let CE H Now, ca = (Cx1,y, Cz1)

Sine, cx,, cz, E R and 2(x) + ey-(cz,)= c(2x,+ - z ) = c .0 = 0

Thus, ca ES, Vc E R; a ES
Hence, S is a subspace of R".

214. In the vector space R"(R), show that the

the vectors
( 1 , 0 , . . , 0 ) , E , = ( 0 , 1 , , 0 ) , , E , = (0,0, * * , 1) forms a basis

K and hence find the dimension of R". [MODEL QUESTION]

) Let
S={E, E ,En
ER", then v =
(xX2,"" ,x,): where x, ER.
E L($)
+x,Ez +
OTe, v =(x,xz,x,)
(X1 = x,E,

Thus, R" EL(S)

S R"
Also, as S C R " > L(s)
R* E R
Therefore, L(S)

0, c1,C2C
Let cE + c2E,
+ +cE, 1) (0,0,..,0) =

(i) ++C, (0,0,",

c(1,0,,0) + c(0,1,,0)
(0,0,, 0)

C2 0,**,n is L.I set.


E , , En
So, the set of vectors {E,
,E}is a basis of R".
Hence, S {E, E, vectors in basis n.
= =

Number of =

contains n vectors; so, dim(R")

Since, S
,E,J is known
as standard
of R.
Note:, E2
is a basis of R(R), and :find
S {(0,1,-1),(1,1,0), (1,0,2)}
2.15. Show that [MODEL QUESTION
relative to this
the co-ordinates of (1,0,-1)
0 1 1
0=0(2-0)-1(2-0)+ 1(0 =--1(#0)
is observed that 1 1
-1 0 2 3 dim R3
in S = =

is L.I set and number of

So, the given set of vectors S

Therefore, S is a basis of R$ (R).

Now, let (1,0,-1) =

(0,1,-1) + cz(1,1, 0) +3(1,0,2)

Therefore, c2 + 1, CtC2 0, -C1 t 2c3

Solving, we get c=-3, c2= 3,cg-2
(-3,3,-2)are the coordinates.

and find te
2.16. Show that S {(1,0,0), (1,1,0),(1,1,1)} is a basis of C(C),
co-ordinates of (3 + 4i,6i,3 +7i) with respect to this

11 1 1
It is observed that 0 1 1=1 (#0)
lo 1
So, the given set ofvectors S is L.I set and number of vectors in S= 3 =

Therefore, S is a basis of c(C).


Now, let (3 + 41,61,3 + 71)= c,(1,0,0)+ ez(1,1,0) + ca(1,1,1)

(tCa t C C2 t g, c)
Therefore, C t C2 tCa3+4i, c2 +c 6i, c = 3+ 71
Solving, we get C 3 2i, c2 =-3- i,c=3+7t
(3-2i,-3 arethe coordinates.

217. Show that the transformation T:R3» R2 defined by 7(x,y,z) = (z.y),

where (z,y, 7) ER° is a linear mapping from R to R? [MODEL QUESTION]

Let a (Y1,Z1) E R° and ß (*2,2, 22) E R3

= =

.Tla)= T(zY1,z2)= (z1Y1) and T(B) = T(z2y2»z2) = (7¥2)

Again, a += (7itz2% th»z1tz2) ER'

andT(a+ B) = T(x, t x 2 1 ty2,Z1tz2)

= *1)+(TV2)= T(a)+T(B) condition ()]

vcEF,T(ca)= T(cx1,¬Y,cz) = ( c x 1 ) =c ( * , ) = cT(«)

[condition (i)]
Thus, both the conditions are satisfied and hence, Tis a linear mapping.

Long Answer Type Questions

3.1. Prove that the set of all second order real square matrices is a vector space
with respect to matrix addition and multiplication by a real number. WBUT 2006]
a b
Let be the set of all 2x2 real matrices. Then A |

e d
where a, b, c, d, x, y, z, w are real numbers

Then 4+B= atx b+y].

Dcdz wc+z d+w]
t can be easily shown A+B = B+A for all 4, BeV
For every n V there exist 0 o0 00 in V such that

leallo oe
a -b
For every
every A=| in V, there exist -A-c in Vsuch that A+(-A)=0
A= d
Let e be any real number then
a b ae be
e A=e
ce de
1A=1 " where 1is the real number
Now for any real number k and k2

a . k,a k=k(k)
(,) 4=kl dkc kd
For any real number k and 4, B in V

a+x b+y ka +kx kb+ ky ka

k(A+ B)=c+z d+
(d+ kc +kz kd +kwkc kd|kz kw
x Y=kA +kB

Again for any real numbers x, x and A in V

+6Ja (4 +4,)]
(6+h)4-(+k +k)e (6+k,)d|
ka+ ka kb+k^bka kbk kb
ke+ke kd+k^d] ke kd] ke kd

Hence all the conditions are satisfied.

i s a vector space.

3.2. Examine whetherthe set {(1, 2, 1), (2, 1, 0), (1, -1, 2)) is a basis of R.
WBUT 2005]
Let a (1,2,1), a, = (2,1,0),a, = (1,-1,2).
Let us consider the relation
Ca +Ca, +Ca, =6
where Ci, C2, C3 are real.
Then C(1,2,1) + C(2,1,0) + C(1,-1,2) (0,0,0)


This gives
C+2C% +C =0
2C +C2-C =0
and C +2C =0
This is a homogeneous system of equations in Ci, C2, C3.
Here the
coefticient determinant2 1 -1=-9 #0
O 2
Cramer's rule, there exists a unique solution and the solution is
C0, C2 =0, C3 = 0.
This proves the set is linearly independent.
Also, number vectors in S= 3 dim R3. =

Therefore, S is a basis of R3

a set. of n-vectors? Show

that the
3.3. What is meant by linear independence of
2008, 2009]
vectors (1, 2, 1), (-1, 1, 0) and (5, -1, 2) are linearly independent.[WBUT

Let be a vector space over a field F. A finite subset {a, a2,...a, of vectors of V is
said to be linearly independent, if every relation of the form
iaiSn implies
a,a +a,, t...+a,a, =0, a, ¬F,
4 =0 for each 1sisn

Let, a, b. c be scalars such that

af,2,1)+b(-1, 1, 0)+c(5, -1, 2) =(0, 0, 0)
ie.(a-b+Sc,2a +b-c, a+2c) =(0,0, 0)
which gives
a+2c= 0
(1 -1 5)
Theco-efficient matrix is A =|2 I - |
io 2
1-1 5
Now,det A=2 1-1=2#0
0 2
Therefore rank of A =3 =number of variables and hence the system of equations have

uniquesolution. Hence a=b=c= 0 is the unique solution,

Thus the given set of vectors is linearly independent.

3.4. Show subspace of H°.

that. =
{(x,y, z) E R:2x +y -

z =
0} is a
Find its
dimension. WBUT 2005
S={(x,y,z) ER' |2x+y-z =0}
Let a=
(x},Z) and f=(7%,2,z2)¬S
2 + - z =0and 2x +2 -zz =0
imply that 2(% +*a)+( +%)-(+2)=0
Thus a +B= (x +*2»y+y2.z +Z) ES.
Let C be a real number and aeS.
Then Ca=C(hMa)= (Cxj, C,Cz)
Now 2Cx +Cy-Cz =C(2x +-z)=C.0=00
Thus CaeS.
Therefore S is a subspace of R'.
Let = (a,b,c) ES.
Then a,b,c ER and 2a+b-c=0
5 = (a,b,2a + b) =a(1,0,2) + b(0,1,1)
Let y = (,0,2) and S = (0,1,1).

Then=ay +bÑ EL{y,}

Therefore ScL{y,8}
Again yeS and SeS. This implies that L{y,6}ES.
Consequently S= L{y.ö}.
To examine linear independence of the set {y.8}, let us consider the relation
Ca7+C8=0 where Cj,C ER
C1,0,2)+C,(0,1,1) = (0,0,0).
We have C = 0, C =0 and this proves thatthe set {y.8} is linearly independent. Hence
{7.8} is a basis of S and since the basis contains two elements, therefore the dimension
of S is 2.

3.5. Showthat W= {(x,y,z) ¬ R°:2x - y + 3z = 0} is a subspace of R°. Find a

basis of w. What its dimension? WBUT 2007, 2008]

1s Part: Refer to Question No. 2.2 of ShortAnswer Type Questions.

2nd Part:
Let a = (a, b, c) be an arbitrary element of W.

Therefore, 2a -b +3c =
0b =
2a + 3c
a - (a,b, c) = (a, 2a + 3c, c)


=a(1,2,0) + c(0,3, 1) = av t+ cvz (say)

vector a E W can be expressed linear combination of set of vectors
Thus, any as

Now, C tG2=
c(1,2,0) +ca(0,3,1) = (0,0,0)
(C 2e, +3ca, c2) = (0,0,0)
Therefore, {vi,"2} is linearly independent.
Hence, (,,a}= {(1,2,0), (0,3, 1)]is a basis of W.
Therefore, dim W = No. of vectors in basis =

3.6. If W {(zy.z) ¬ R:x +y +z = 0}, show that W is a subspace of *°,

and find a basis of WV. WBUT 2008]
1' Part:
It is obvious that, (0,0,0) E S; so, S is non-empty.
Let a=(1z2) E S; B= (x22,z,) E 5, where z,z, E R

Therefore, 1tt20 ....(1)

() Now, +ß =(*1tX2 Y1 ty2»Z1 t22)and xj t*2 Y1+y71 tz2 E K

(z1t x2) t+ C1 ty2)+ (7tz)

( 1 t 1 +z2)+ (x2+y2 t z) =
0+0 =0
[using (1)]
Thus, a + ß ES,V a,ßES
i) Again, let cE R. Now, ca = (cx,Y , Cz)
Since, cx cy cz, E R and cx +cy t cz c(x + + z ) = c.0 = 0
Thus, ca E S, VcE R; a ES
Hence, S is a subspace of R°.

2nd Part:
Let a = (a, b, c) be an arbitrary element of W.

Therefore, atb+c = 0c= -a - b

a = (a,b,c) = (a,b, - a - b)
a(1,0,-1) + b(0,1,-1) = av, t bv, (say)

combination or
of vector
Tnus, any vector linear
can be expressed
a E W

Now, C tc2v2 = 6
c(1,0,-1) + c,(0,1,-1) = (0,0,0)
CC2 =0
2-c-C2)= (0,0,0) independent.
is linearly
nerefore, {vi,v} {(1,0,-1),(o,1,-1))

Hence, (v, v2} is a basis of W. 2 basis=

Therefore, dim W =
No. of vectors in
for all (x,y) E R*; Show that T
R> Ris given by T(x,y) (x, 0),
3.7. If T:
dim Im(7,)=2.
dim Ker (T) +
is linear transformation and verify that
[WBUT 2004
(xzYz) E R
Let a=
( )E R and =

T(a)= T(zn)= (70) and T(8) =T(z22)= (xz,0)

Again, a +B (x1 +z2 y1 +y2)

and T(a + B) = T(x1 txz¥1 t )

= (z +x,0)
(x1,0)+ (x2,0) = T(a) +T(B) condition ()]
Let cE R,T(ca) T(cx, cy)
(cx,0) =
c(z,0) =
cf(a) condition (i)]
Tis linear mapping.
Thus, both the conditions are satisfied and hence,

Tofind Ker(T):
Ker(T)-.v)e R3 :T(x,y)= (0,0)}
Let us consider T(x,y) =(0,0)
(x,0)= (0,0)
Therefore, (0,y) = y(0, 1) E Ker(T) for any y ER

Thus, Ker(T) = {(0,1)}

Therefore, dimKer(T) =

Tofind Im(T):
Letv= (a, b) ¬ R?
T(v) = (a,0)
Im(T) = {T(v):v ¬R} = {(a,0)} = {a(1,0):a ¬ R}

Thus, Im(T) = {(1,0)}


Hence, dimim(T) = 1,

Hence, dimKer (7) + dim/m(T) = 1+1 2

3.8. If T: R° R< be a linear mapping such that T(1,0) = (3,2),

r(1,1)= (2,3). Find T(x,y).


Let a ( 1 , 0) E R*and ß = (1,1) ¬ R?

First ofal, we have to show that fa, }is a basis of R.

Since. 1 (#0)
a , i s linearly independent set containing two vectors and dim R' =2.
{a, Pjis a basis of R2
So, any vector of R* can be expressed as the linear combination of {a,B}.
Let (7,) E R° be an arbitrary vector and
let(x, y) = ca + dß

( z y ) = e(1,0) + d(1,1)

%y) (c + d, d)=

=c+d= x,d=y
Therefore, (-v)a
(,y) =

Hence, T(z,y) = (x-y) T(«) + y T(B)
T(zy)= (x-y)(3,2) +y(2,3) = (3x - ,2x +y)
This gives the transformation T.

3.9. Determine the Linear transformation T:R' R* which maps the basis
vectors (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1) of R to the vectors (0,1,0), (0,0,1), (1,0,0)
respectively. Find Ker(T), Im(T). WBUT 2004]
Let a = (x,y,z) E R* be an arbitrary vector.

Then a =
(x, y,z)x(1,0,0) + y(0,1,0) +z(0,0, 1)

Since T is a linear
T(a) = x T(1,0, 0) + y T(0,1,0) + z T(0,0,1)
=x (0,1,0)+y (0,0, 1) +z (1,0, 0) =
herefore, the linear transformation is T(x,y, z) = (z,x,y), for all (x, y, z) ¬ R'

Tofind Ker(T):
Let us consider T(x,Y, z) = (0, 0, 0)

(z,x, y) = (0,0,0)
* =y =z = 0

Therefore, Ker(T) =
Tofind Im(T):
{r(v): v ¬ R'} =
{r(1,0, 0),r(0,1,0), T(0,0,1)
Im(T) =

((0,1,0), (0,0, 1),(1,0, 0)}

is defined by
A linear transformation
3.10. WBUT 2006
T(7,y,2) =(x+y,x-z).
Find its rank and nullity.

Let (x, y, z)e KerT.

Then r+y, x-z)= {0, 0)
and x- z
= 0
X+y= 0
y=-*, z=x
x, y, =)= (x, -x, x)= x{1, -1, 1)wherex
KerT=Lla|/wherea = (1, -1,1)
vector a
KerT is linear span of the
Dimension of KerT is 1. Thus,
the Nullity(T)
1,0)and T(0,0,1).
ImTis the linear span of the vectors T(1,0,0), T(0,
and (0,-1)
But (1, 1) is linearcombination of vectors (1,0)
are linearly independent.
Again vectors (1, 0) and (0,-1
and (0, -1), that is Im(T) ((1,0),(0,-1

Im T islinearspan ofthe vectors (1,0)

that is Rank (T) =2.
Thus, dimension of Im T is 2,

T: R > R defined by T(x,y)

3.11. Examine whether the mapping WBUT 2008]
is linear.
Iet a=(x,M} &ß=(xz,V) be two vectors in R


T(-T()=(2 -J,i)
Let a,b, ER

then aa+bB ER?

Tlaa+b)=T{al4-M)+b{*.))=T(ay +bx2,ay +bys)

2i ay +bs--ba +bx=al2-ya)+b{2,-,a)
ar ()+bTr() = o7(a) + br()
Tis lineartransformation.
3.12. a) Define linearly dependence and independence of vectors. Prove that a set
of vectors containing null vector is linearly dependent. WBUT 2018]
In a vector space V(F), a finite subset of n vectors {v,v2, .. . , V} is said to be Linearly

Independent (L ) ifca"i tev2 t****+ caVn=0 (cEP)

0 , =1,2,.,n)
In a vector space V{F), a finite subset of n vectors {V,V2,..,V,} is said to be Linearly
Dependent (L. D) if here exists scalars ci.( i =1,2,...,n) not all 0 (zero) such that

(cE F)
Let,V2..,V,,6} be a set of (n +1) vectors having a null vector 0 in a vector space
Since, in vector space V(F)
) 0.a = 0, Va E V
(i) c.6 = 04, Vc EF

So, O.y +0.v, +....+0.v, + C.0 =0+0+.+6+0=6

From the above relation, it is clear that all the scalar are 0, except C(which may be
Hence, from the definition of L.D the set of vectors containing the null vector is
linearly dependent.
b) Find a basis of real vector space R'containing the vectors (1,1, 2), (3,5,2).
WBUT 2018]
We know that {0,0,0),(0,1, 0), (0, 0,1)} is a basis of R.

Now, we have to select any one from the above basis such that
it will forms
s a basis
with the given
set of vectors (1,1,2). (3,5,2). whether the
Now, let and then verily vec.
us consider the first vector (1,0,0) a
d,0,0),(1,1, 2), (3, 5, 2)} are linearly independent.

Now, |1 1 2=1.(2-10)=-8 (*0)

3 5 2
is linearly independent.
Hence, the set S ={(1,0,0), (1, 1,2), (3,5, 2)}
Again, dim(R') =3 = No.of Vectorsin S.
basis of R' and hence the required basis
containing (1,1, 2), (3, 5,2) i
So, S forms a

S={0.0,0),(1,1,2), (3,5,2)}
c) Let T:V->W be a linear transformation such
that T(%)=B, 7()=P+
and T(a,)=A+B+B where (a,,a,,a,) and (B.B,B) are basis of V and w
basis. Hence find whether 7
matrix of T relative to these
respectively. Find the
exist. Find the matrix which will represent 7 WBUT 2018
The linear transformation can be expressed as
T(4)=1 +0.4, +0,4
T(a)=1,A +1,, +0,,
T(a)=1,6, +1, +14,
to the given basis is represented
. The matrix of linear transformation T relative
(1 1
[r]=0 1
0 0 1
Now, det([7T]) =|0 1 =1(#0)
1- 0
IT] exists, that is, [T]" :W>V existsand given by [7]' =|0 -
0 0 1


If T be a
3.13. linear operator on R defined by
f+.Y,2)= (x,y-z,x tytz), (x, y, z) ¬R3, Show that Tis invertible and find

To verify One
ro verify One-to-One mapping, let (x, y,z) ¬Ker (T)
Therefore, x,y,z) = (0,0,0)
( , y - z , x + y t z ) = (0,0,0)
X = 0,y-z = 0,x+ytz =0

x = 0,=0, z = 0

Therefore, Ker(T) = {{0,0,0)) and hence, T is One-to-One.

Therefore, dimKer(T) = 0, that is Nullity(T) = 0

Again, from Sylvester's law of Nullity, we know that

Rank(T)+ Nullity(T) = dim R3

Rank (T) +0=
Rank (T) =3
Therefore, the range/ image of T is Im(T) = R and hence, 7 is Onto mapping.
So,T is One-to-One and Onto, and hence invertible.
Let (a,b, c) ¬ R' (co-domain set) be an arbitrary element and (t,y,z)E R' (domain
set) be the pre-image of (a, b, c) such that
T(%y,z)= (a,b,c)
(,y-z,x +y +z) (a, b,c)
a, y -2= b,x +y+z=c
C-atb C-a-b
x a, y 2 2 2
Therefore, T":R3> R" is defined by
T(a,b,c) = (z,y,2)
- atb


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