7-Day Challenge: BB3 Fitness & Nutrition Center Presents The
7-Day Challenge: BB3 Fitness & Nutrition Center Presents The
7-Day Challenge: BB3 Fitness & Nutrition Center Presents The
7- Day Challenge
Program Overview:
It is going to take more than 7 days to achieve the body you want. That is
true. However, if you don’t get past day one, then you will never get to your
destination. That is why the 7-Day Challenge is vital to your success. It is
about instilling the habits of physical change into your daily life. It is only
through living these habits that you can achieve and sustain your vision and
goals. Within the first seven days you will begin to experience more energy,
greater health and unstoppable momentum. You are laying down the
foundation for extraordinary results.
Remember achieving physical excellence is a great feat and with any great feat it does
not happen by accident. It requires 100% commitment, iron discipline and legendary
perseverance. You will face adversity along the way and sometimes you may think it’s
not worth the effort. Now is the time to decide whether you are in or you are out. There is
no turning back.
You are greater than anything that will stand before you.
Burn these words in your heart and know that there is no greater experience in life than to
master one’s self.
Looking back at any accomplishment including physical change, you will discover that
every journey is a series of many small steps that lead to a Big LEAP!
The Big Leap is the celebration…the acknowledgement of WINNING!
It’s the Glory!
Getting on the scale and seeing a number that gives you chills (in a good way).
Pushing up a weight that you once couldn’t budge
Seeing your six-pack for the first time.
Running a 5k effortlessly when you could barely run to the bathroom without passing out
In sports, it is winning the Super Bowl!
Or knocking out the Champ!
We all know the feeling of VICTORY!
That moment of ecstasy is what drives us to success!
But how do we get there and more importantly, keep getting there!
If you want a leaner, chiseled body so damn bad then what is stopping you?
That’s a great question with a simple answer.
The reason you have not been able to get there yet is a matter of FOCUS.
We all FOCUS on the celebration, the BIG LEAP.
Yet we forget what created the momentum to take that BIG LEAP.
What created the momentum was KAIZEN!
Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning “Continuous Improvement”.
Most people dread the small steps that push them toward the realization of their desires.
They whine, complain and cry about working out, eating clean and being sore. They see
the small steps as a nuisance that they HAVE to do or they will get fat. Then there are the
physically elite and the soon to be physically elite who choose to attack the small steps
with vim and vigor...who embrace the challenge and always strive to improve. They
possess the KAIZEN mindset and reap the rewards of victory.
The daily GRIND
Getting enough sleep
Going to the grocery store
Preparing your food
Planning your meals
Eating optimally one meal at a time
Drinking water each day
Consuming high octane foods
Focusing on and celebrating the smallest, positive improvements.
This is KAIZEN!
Improving every day, getting one more rep, eating a little cleaner than the day before,
being in the PRESENT moment.
This is KAIZEN!
If you begin to exercise this mindset the rewards will be astonishing. I leave you with
these powerful words from author, Og Mandino, to stoke the fire within:
“I will act now. I will act now. I will act now. I will walk where failures
fear to walk. I will work when failures seek rest. I will act now for now is
all I have. Tomorrow is the day reserved for the labor of the lazy. I am not
lazy. Tomorrow is the day when the failure will succeed. I am not a
failure. I will act now. Success will not wait. If I delay, success will become
wed to another and lost to me forever. This is the time. This is the place. I
am the person.”
What do I eat?
How to Create a High Octane Meal?
Sample Menus
Day One:
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs (1 whole egg & 4 egg whites), ½ avocado
Snack: 20 raw almonds & organic apple
Lunch: Grilled chicken breast over bed of baby spinach w/ extra virgin olive oil & lemon
Snack: 1 scoop of Formula-1 with 1 Tbsp Almond butter
Dinner: Turkey southwestern style (see recipe below)
Evening: Apple slices with cinnamon and 1 Tbsp almond butter
Post-workout shake (Protein with Greens)
Day Two:
Breakfast: organic chicken sausage and strawberries
Snack: Formula-1 – Snickers Shake (see recipe below)
Lunch: Blackened Shrimp Salad with balsamic vinaigrette
Snack: Tuna Salad & Organic Pear
Dinner: Grilled salmon w/ sautéed peppers/basil/garlic
Day Three:
Day Five:
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs (1 whole egg & 4 eggs whites), ½ avocado
Snack: Berry Blast Shake (see recipe)
Lunch: Grilled chicken & asparagus w/ 20 raw almonds
Snack: BB3 Shot of Whoop Ass
Dinner: Scrambled eggs (1 whole egg & 4 egg whites) w/ spinach & sweet potato
Dessert: 2 stone ground millet muffins
Post Workout Shake: Chocolate Mint Shake (see recipe below)
Day Six:
Breakfast: 1 stone ground millet muffin, protein shake, 15 raw cashews
Snack: Funky Monkey Shake (see recipe)
Lunch: Tongol Tuna w/ chopped basil, apple, pear (all mixed together) served on a bed of
romaine lettuce.
Snack: Chocolate Mint Shake (recipe below)
Dinner: Seared Ahi Tuna w/ steamed broccoli & salad w/ oil & vinegar dressings
Dessert: 2 stone ground millet muffins
Day Seven:
Food Journal
Meal Time Lean Protein High Octane Carbs
“Let your greatness shine so sparks are ignited throughout the world!"-Marlon Smith
Day 2
“I hated every minute of training, but I said, "Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your
life as a champion."” – Muhammad Ali
Your Action Steps for Today:
Eat a High Octane Meal every 3 hours. (Hint: be sure to plan ahead)
Drink ½ your bodyweight in oz. of water.
Complete 15 minutes of Cardio.
Complete your food journal.
Write your Goal in the box below. See it in your mind!
Food Journal
Meal Time Lean Protein High Octane Carbs
Day 3
"Dreams will get you nowhere, a good kick in the pants will take you a long way." – Baltasar
Eat a High Octane Meal every 3 hours. (Hint: be sure to plan ahead)
Drink ½ your bodyweight in oz. of water.
Complete 15 minutes of Cardio.
Complete your food journal.
Write your Goal in the box below.
Perform Resistance Training.
Visualize yourself having already achieved your physical goal for 5 minutes.
Food Journal
Meal Time Lean Protein High Octane Carbs
Day 4
“An adult laughs an average of 15 times a day. A pre-schooler laughs an average
of 400 times…the moral is: Yield to the child within you."-BB3
Your Action Steps for Today:
Eat a High Octane Meal every 3 hours. (Hint: be sure to plan ahead)
Drink ½ your bodyweight in oz. of water.
Complete 15 minutes of Cardio.
Complete your food journal.
Write your Goal in the box below.
Visualize yourself having already achieved your physical goal for 5 minutes.
Plan and Prepare for tomorrow.
Food Journal
Meal Time Lean Protein High Octane Carbs
Day 5
"I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a
grain of sand. Henceforth I will apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all
and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy."- Og Mandino
Eat a High Octane Meal every 3 hours. (Hint: be sure to plan ahead)
Drink ½ your bodyweight in oz. of water.
Complete 15 minutes of Cardio.
Complete your food journal.
Write your Goal in the box below.
Perform Resistance Training.
Visualize yourself having already achieved your physical goal for 5 minutes.
Plan and Prepare for tomorrow.
Food Journal
Meal Time Lean Protein High Octane Carbs
Day 6
Eat a High Octane Meal every 3 hours. (Hint: be sure to plan ahead)
Drink ½ your bodyweight in oz. of water.
Complete 20 minutes of Cardio.
Complete your food journal.
Write your Goal in the box below.
Visualize yourself having already achieved your physical goal for 5 minutes.
Plan and prepare for tomorrow.
Food Journal
Meal Time Lean Protein High Octane Carbs
Day 7
“Never, Never, Never Give Up!” – Winston Churchill
Eat a High Octane Meal every 3 hours. (Hint: be sure to plan ahead)
Drink ½ your bodyweight in oz. of water.
Complete 20 minutes of Cardio.
Complete your food journal.
Write your goal in the box below.
Food Journal
Meal Time Lean Protein High Octane Carbs
Day 8 Diana’s Millet Muffins
• 1 Cup “Bob’s Red Mill Whole Grain Millet Flour: Stone Ground” (Whole Foods Market)
• 1 Cup unsweetened organic apple sauce
• 1 organic whole egg & 9 egg whites
• 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (only medical grade protein)
• ¼ Cup of sliced almonds
• 1 tablespoon of organic agave nectar/syrup
• 2 teaspoons of organic vanilla extract
• 1 organic smashed banana
• Cinnamon (as much as desired)
1. Thoroughly mix all ingredients together in a large bowl
2. Pour batter into a previously greased (organic pam olive oil spray) cupcake sheet.
3. Bake @ 350-375 temperature for 25-30 minutes
2. Add 1 tsp of Coconut Oil to prevent sticking and to add potent health benefits
3. Chop 1-2 Cups of your favorite high octane vegetables and add to skillet
4. Then break up Ground Turkey breast in to small chunks and add to separate skillet.
• ½ organic banana
• 1 ice cube
• ¼ C. Slivered Almonds
• 2 ice cubes
4. Blend on Medium speed and while blender on add the ice cubes.
Live Greatly,
At BB3 Personal Training and Performance Center we have a special guarantee that I
am extending to you. If you successfully complete the seven-day challenge and do not feel
healthier, stronger and more energized then I will give you a free case of beer and even throw
in a bag of potato chips. Simply mail in your completed food journal and we will give you the
fat belly and cellulite producing combo meal.