Table of Contents
Hey badass! Thank you for your purchase.
Have you ever experienced the frustration of frequently not being able to
communicate clearly with people? You know, you say something and
people understand it differently? Do you also find it frustrating that you
can’t seem to connect with people, influence them or draw them to you? If
so, then you may be suffering from very poor interpersonal communication
The ability to make people get what you’re really saying can either help you
succeed or fail in attracting, influencing or connecting with people. That’s
why interpersonal communication skills are critical for personal success.
That’s also the reason why I wrote this book: I want to help you unleash
your inner badass alpha male, just like I did with many other men.
In this book, I’ll show you the two ways people communicate and how to
use them well. But before that, I’ll discuss one very important ingredient
that is critical for your interpersonal communications success, without
which all the success from techniques won’t succeed in the long term. By
having the right foundations for masterfully employing the two kinds of
interpersonal communications, you’ll enjoy success much faster and for
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What are you waiting for? It’s
7 Untold Secrets
, my best-selling guide on
women psychology, attraction and seduction.
Believe me: this stuff will change your life, you won’t regret it!
“The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.” – Blake Lively
People admire those who have self-confidence. Why? It’s because self-
confidence allows their other admirable qualities to shine forth. Without
self-confidence, those admirable qualities will be lucky to even be noticed
or glimpsed at.
Those qualities include effective communication skills. If you’re not
confident, no amount of communication skills training will ever suffice.
You won’t be able to successfully apply them because you’ll just be too
afraid to do it. Even if you tried doing it, your lack of self-confidence will
only jeopardize your efforts at communicating effectively.
Effective communications start from within. It starts with your belief in
yourself and in your ability to communicate well. The good news is that
lack of self-confidence isn’t something you’re doomed to suffer from for
the rest of your life. No my friend, it isn’t permanent. You can cultivate a
strong confidence in yourself and your abilities – enough to help you
become a very effective communicator.
There’s no perfect confidence in one’s self. However, there’s a level where
you’re able to do many things and succeed at them, including
communicating effectively. The key is to ensure you’re confident enough to
do so.
So how do you know? Consider the following comparisons and see which
among the alternatives are applicable to you most of the time:
-Do you do what you know is the right thing to do even if you get
criticized for it (confident) or is your behavior determined by what
others would think or say (not confident)?
-Are you willing to take risks and do more than what’s required to
achieve your goals (confident) or would you rather minimize risk
taking, avoid failure and stay within your comfort zone (not confident)?
-Do you owe up to your mistakes and learn from them (confident) or do
you deny them and where possible, cover it up (not confident)?
-Can you actually wait for other people to congratulate you when you
accomplish something (confident) or you’re eager to – and actually do –
toot your horn to as many people as possible (not confident)?
-When complimented by other people, do you thank them for it and
acknowledge the accomplishment (confident) or do you dismiss it and
say that it’s nothing special or others could’ve done it too (not
Did you notice the contrasts in each of the situations? Low self-confidence
usually appears as negativity at one’s self while self-confidence manifests in
a positive attitude towards themselves and life in general.
Self-confidence is dependent on two important factors: self-esteem and self-
efficacy. Self-efficacy refers to your ability to get things done and get them
done well, especially in very important areas of life. You have to admit,
even if you’re not generally confident about yourself, you often times have
confidence when it comes to the things you do or know really well. As
such, self-efficacy is the stronger foundation between the two to build self-
confidence on. It’s already there, it’s solid proof that you are capable. Such
confidence can allow you to accept bigger challenges and be resilient in the
face of setbacks and disappointments.
Self-esteem is how you view yourself. Often times, self-esteem is a by-
product of one’s self-efficacy or lack of it. But in many instances, it’s also a
by-product of how people see the person – social proof. You can improve
self-esteem through accomplishments and positive affirmations. Positive
affirmations, however, can only go so far. Yes, to some extent you can
speak yourself confident but if over time, those statements aren’t supported
or buttressed by actual accomplishments or competencies (self-efficacy),
your self-esteem will drop and continue to be low. The proof of the pudding
is in the eating and in terms of self-esteem, the eating is actual
accomplishments or competencies.
There are no shortcuts for long-lasting and enduring self-confidence. You
have to work at it but the good news is, you can succeed at it if you but stay
the course and persevere. In this case, slow and steady wins the race.
You can do this in several steps, which can be classified into 3 categories:
preparation, coming out (action) and acceleration.
Remember this, badass: failing to plan is planning to fail. This is especially
applicable to building up your self-confidence. Part of successful planning
is preparation.
Preparing yourself for this worthwhile endeavor requires serious reflection:
where are you now, where you eventually want to be, identifying
destructive mindsets and committing to the task at hand.
One way to prepare is by looking back on the things you’ve already
achieved. Why not list down your biggest life accomplishments on a sheet
of paper such as getting married (if you are happily married though),
academic honors, buying your first car, winning best employee award,
bagging that account everyone in your company’s been dying to close or
successfully giving a speech in a very important gathering. Look at your list
at least once a day to help you gradually boost your confidence.
Another thing you can do as part of preparing for project self-confidence is
something that’s normally done in the corporate world or in classroom case
studies: SWOT or Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
analysis. You may or may not refer to your achievements list to reflect on
your current state of affairs. You can also ask feedback from your friends as
to what your key strengths and weaknesses are.
When evaluating your weaknesses in particular, don’t do so from a point of
view that you absolutely need to fix it. Look at it more as an opportunity to
improve and further build up your confidence later on and not an obligation
or necessity. If this were not a confidence building exercise, that’d probably
be the best approach but since you’re looking to build up your confidence,
we’ll be more focused on what needs to be done. Same goes for
opportunities and threats you’ve identified. Look at it from the perspective
of strengthening your confidence and not further eroding it.
Next, consider what are the things you hold most dear and where do you
really want to go, i.e., what are the personal goals you want to accomplish.
When you identify what’s truly important to you, it’s easier to decide what
goals to prioritize. It will also help if your goals are SMART, i.e., specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. Why? It’s hard to know
exactly if you’re successful or not it can’t be objectively judged as such. A
clear example of a goal that isn’t SMART is this: I want to be filthy rich,
quick! Why is this not SMART? It’s neither specific (rich can mean many
things), measurable (how much money do you need to be “rich”?),
achievable (it’s impossible to know if you’ve already achieved something if
it isn’t specific), realistic (seriously, how else can you get filthy rich quickly
if not for the lottery?) nor time-bound (how many months or years is
A SMARTer way of expressing this goal would be: I want to start earning
an average of $1 million dollars annually within the next 10 years. It’s
specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and has a time frame. The
SMARTer your goals are, the higher your chances of being able to achieve
them and strengthen your self-confidence even more.
Lastly, you need to commit yourself 100% in this endeavor. Anything less
is unacceptable. Without a 100% commitment, you run the risk of dropping
the ball in the middle, fail and erode your self-confidence even more. If you
can’t commit, rather you stay where you are instead of eroding what’s left
of your confidence.
Coming Out (Action)
No, I’m not referring to my gay friends but to stepping out in faith to start
your journey towards building a strong self-confidence. This is where you
start the ball rolling and as you do the things that need to be done and
experience more and more successes, you’ll experience a growing self-
confidence that will neither be easily shaken nor robbed from you.
The first thing you’ll need to do is to acquire knowledge for success. Based
on your SWOT analysis during planning, you’ll be able to identify what are
the things you’ll need to learn in order to successfully build up your
confidence. And when acquiring such knowledge, don’t settle for just
enough. If you have the time and resources, go for classes or courses that
have a proven track record of quality and value for money learning. Even
better if such classes or courses will give you a certificate or qualification
credentials at the conclusion – something you can always look back on as a
symbol of your accomplishment and something you can use to advance in
your career.
Also, don’t get ahead of yourself when looking to enroll in such courses or
classes by going for more advanced ones. Stick to the basics first. The
important thing is to build a solid foundation upon which you can build
with more advanced techniques in later classes and courses. Can you
imagine building a 100-story building on shifting soil? I don’t think so.
Oh, and don’t aim for perfection. Aim for excellence instead. No one is
perfect or can ever be. But excellence is something that anyone can achieve
with the right amount of effort and attitude.
As you apply what you’ve learned, be careful not to fall into the trap of
quickie success. What this means is avoid aiming for big goals just yet.
Start with relatively small goals, which benefits you two ways. First, it
gives you a higher chance of succeeding more frequently. Second, as your
small but frequent victories pile up, your abilities, skills and confidence also
pile up but exponentially, i.e., it grows at a much higher rate. Allow your
confidence, skills and successes to grow naturally and you’ll be able to take
on bigger goals and achieve them in time.
As mentioned previously, as your successes and skills pile up, your
confidence and abilities grow at a faster clip than the previous one. At this
point, you are starting to accelerate your success and confidence building.
A word of caution though – acceleration requires stretching of your talents,
skills and even patience. It’s because as your goals become bigger and more
rewarding, so will the commitment needed, skills, talents and patience be.
You’ll also need to take on bigger risks and for that, you’ll need to walk at
the edge of your confidence.
Just like accelerating your car as you build up speed, there are some
precautions you’ll need to take. One is humility. Never let your successes
get into your head. There’s a difference between confidence and arrogance.
Arrogance often leads to taking on excessive risks and massive failures.
“The body never lies.” – Martha Graham
Whenever you interact with someone else, you unconsciously give and
receive subtle signals. All of your actions – from the way you sit, stand,
walk or even look at the person – send very strong messages that often
times escape the conscious mind.
There are times when your words contradict what you say and sad to say,
non-verbal communications often trump the verbal one. Often times, the
person you’re interacting with will tend to believe what they see over what
they hear. Often times, this manifests as a gut feel or the sensation that
something you said just isn’t right.
An example of this is when salespeople try to entice me to patronize their
products or services. Often times, I can tell if their verbal sales pitch is
truthful or if it’s just hogwash. When they’re too perky and seem agitated, I
know that either they don’t fully understand what they’re selling or they’re
exaggerating. Either way, they lose me as a potential customer.
The way you look, listen, react and move your body communicates to the
other person your sincerity and honesty – or lack of such. Non-verbal
communication skills are a powerful way to back up your words and when
they work together, you’re audience – regardless if he or she’s just one
person or a group – will get what you’re trying to say and follow your
suggestions hook, line and sinker. When they don’t, you generate doubt and
In what ways does non-verbal communication help you get the message
across effectively? One is through repetition of your verbal message in a
non-verbal way. If you say you’re the person for the job, your posture and
gestures can repeat the same message in a different form, thus validating
your claim.
Another way non-verbal communication can help you get your messages
across is by complementing what you just said. An example of this would
be when a dear friend you haven’t seen for quite a while tells you she
missed you a lot. Often times, merely saying it empathically sends the
message across but accompanying or supplementing hit with a very tight
hug that can rival a bear’s is like driving the final nail that seals the message
really tight. She did miss you lots!
Non-verbal communication also helps you get your message across by
substituting for words. If for example, you just lost your job and you’re not
in a good financial position, I’m pretty sure you’ll be very, very sad and
worried. If I see you from across the room, your posture and facial
expression will tell me exactly how you’re feeling, especially if we’re very
close friends. Even without saying a word, your body language – including
facial expression – will say it all.
Lastly, non-verbal communication helps you get the message across by
emphasizing what you just said. I can tell you I’m angry but you may not
necessarily get that until I throw my brandy glass at the wall, breaking it
into pieces.
If you don’t do it right, however, non-verbal communication can actually
kill your verbal message, without meaning to. For example, you’re pitching
your company’s services to a potential client by citing its many
accomplishments and awards but if your body language shows nervousness,
it may invalidate the truth you’re stating, at least in the potential client’s
Non-verbal communication may be considered as a quick-flowing and
reciprocal process that needs attention and concentration because if you’re
daydreaming or thinking about something else as this process is
commencing, you will miss out on the subtle but very important signals that
can spell the difference between successfully communicating to the other
person and offending him or her. As such, your 100% focus and attention
are required.
Stress Management
One of the best ways to prime yourself up for effectively communicating
sans words is by managing your stress well. Now what has stress got to do
with it? For one, stress can hamper your ability to effectively communicate
with your body. If you lack sleep, for example, you’ll probably act sleepy
during your social interactions and even if you say all the right things at the
right times, your sleepy body language may convey all the wrong things to
the other person. And unfortunately, body language often times trumps
words and even if the other person’s impression is totally wrong, it sticks to
him or her as if it were the truth.
When you’re stressed out, you also tend to be agitated and act as if you’re
angry or unpleasant, even if you’re not. Again, even if your words convey
interest and acceptance but your body language screams anger or
disappointment, guess which one will have more credibility?
Emotional Awareness
You need to be aware of your emotions and their effect on you if you want
to send the appropriate non-verbal cues and validate what you’re saying to
other people. You must be able to do that for others as well. When you’re
aware of both your and your audience’s emotions, you’ll be able to read
others very well and speak and act accordingly. You’ll also be able to
cultivate a deeper level of trust and understanding between you and others,
further validating what you say.
Thanks again for buying this book, badass.
I am confident that the information you learned here will motivate you to
start working on your interpersonal communication skills to help you
attract, influence and connect with people much better. By working, I mean
to say you will either start applying the things you learned here or research
more about the things you’ve read in my book.
Remember, knowing is just half the battle.
The other half is applying what you know. So start acting on what you’ve
learned and become a masterful communicator!
Since you are an action-taking badass who invests in himself, I decided to
give you a gift.
If you go ahead you’ll find a preview from my book Body Language
Training, which complements this book in a perfect way.
A badass body positioning is so rare nowadays: only political leaders and
famous actors know certain secrets that the sea of mediocrity is unaware of.
I will show you those secrets and teach you the exact method I followed in
order to make my body language stand out and my walk incredibly
Don’t lose this opportunity: yo
u ’
ll find it in the next chapter, so go ahead
and read it.
Thank you again, my friend, and good luck!
Robert Moore
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7 Untold Secrets
, my best-selling guide on
women psychology, attraction and seduction.
Believe me: this stuff will change your life, you won’t regret it!
This is George Clooney. As you can see, he clearly knows how to show his
#3 principle: slow down your movements.
Move slower!
Low status people move quickly and fidgety, they’re not comfortable, they
don’t believe in themselves.
From now on, you’ll cut your movements in half.
When you’re walking, when you’re turning your head, whenever you’re
moving your body around, do it slower, in half the time you do it right now.
#4 principle: be non-reactive.
Don’t react to something outside of your reality. When you’re talking with a
girl and you hear a siren or a noise, do not turn your head. Stay focused on
her and she will feel your masculine, dominant power. She won’t look at the
source of the noise and she will stay in the moment, following your high
status behavior.
Also, be aware of your fidgety movements and correct them: maybe you’re
touching your hands, or you’re moving your feet as a sign of anxiety.
Stop doing that. Be still and relaxed.
#5 principle: lean back.
Learn to lean back most of the time.
Remember that leaning in is a really low status behavior. Learn to make
people, especially girls, feel a subconscious urge to lean towards you,
simply by leaning back.
This little trick will change the whole dynamic of your conversations,
giving you the power of a badass.
This also means that when you’re walking or just standing, you will have
your shoulders up and back and your chin up. Just a masculine, healthy
Look at this picture: who is perceived as the highest status person here?
Berlusconi is relaxed, he’s leaning back and his legs are crossed.
Obama is leaning forward, his hands are closed, as well as his legs.
The answer is clear, right? This time, the Italian wins.
If you’re talking to a girl in a loud club (or whatever loud place) then move
slowly, lean in, whisper your words into her ear and then go back to leaning
back. This will make her come to you whispering in your ear: that’s how
high status men communicate in loud places, without leaning in in a low
status way.
If you want to know the other principles and the great exercises in order to
train your Body Language, then
click here
What if I told you that with some tips, your standing position could become
a real sign of POWER?
What if after reading this short guide, you will be able to attract the girl you
want, just sitting in a DOMINANT position or walking like a real badass?
Trust me, body language is really that powerful.
You should already know that human beings are constantly reading
situations and other people so that, really quickly, they can know what
category put them in: low status, middle status, and high status.
It’s just a survival mechanism, because you have to know who has the
power and who hasn’t. That’s something that’s been hardwired into us over
thousands and thousands of years.
So, most people don’t trust words, because we’ve been taught from a young
age to lie with them.
They prefer to read those status cues through the body language: THAT is
the honest signal!
High status body language = high status person.
It’s that simple, and we trust it.
Once we make the decision or opinion about that person, it’s almost
impossible for us to break it.
Therefore, your body language is the UNSPOKEN TRUTH.
When you have a high status body language, people conclude that you are
in CONTROL of your own reality.
Remember this, my badass friend:
"The body follows the mind, but the mind follows the body even
Keeping a high status body language will make you have a high status
mindset all the time: this can CHANGE YOUR LIFE for the rest of your
Now, this is what you'll discover in Body Language Training:
Why a High Status Body Language Is So Important For Your Life…
The 10 Foundational Principles of High Status Body Language…
My Best Tips and Tricks for Always Displaying a Powerful Body
The Secret Badass Body Language Training…
What Your Walk REVEALS About You…
How To Make Sure She Finds Your Walk Sexually Attractive…
How To Get An Incredible Confidence In Your Walk…
…and much more!
Amazon.com link:
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What are you waiting for? It’s
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Social Anxiety: Social Skills Training - Unleash Your Charisma!
Overcome Anxiety, Shyness & Fear
In any and every kind of society structure... school... a job... a city...there
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Or you can click on this link:
What are you waiting for? It’s
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, my best-selling guide on
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Believe me: this stuff will change your life, you won’t regret it!