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Words of Life Bible Study Notes: The Letters To Titus and Philemon

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WORDS OF LIFE SERIES 27 Notice verse 12, ‘It teaches us…’ which means that grace trains us or

BIBLE STUDY NOTES THE LETTERS TO TITUS AND disciplines us. Many people think that salvation means having our sins forgiven
PHILEMON and receiving a new life, but it is much more than this. The grace that saves us
by Francis W. Dixon goes on to sanctify us in two ways:-
(1) Negatively – ‘No to ungodliness and worldly passions’. The word ‘No’ means
just that; the word ‘ungodliness’ refers to all that is unlike God – compare
Study 5 THE WONDROUS GRACE OF GOD Romans 1:18-32. The words ‘worldly passions’ refer to any unspiritual desires,
(Scripture Portion: Titus 2:11-14) and Hendriksen says that in the scriptural usage of this word ‘passions’, the
following may be included: inordinate sexual desire, the liquor mania,
This classic passage gives us the clearest statement of the grace of God in the excessive yearning for material possessions, longing for pleasure, power, self-
New Testament. What is the grace of God? It has been defined as ‘the favour pleasing – compare 1 John 2:16; Titus 3:3.
of God shown to the undeserving.’ The late Dr W. H. Griffith Thomas pointed (2) Positively – we should ‘live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this
out that grace may be viewed from three standpoints: What grace is in God, present age.’ To be saved is not just to receive a ticket to Heaven; it is to be
what grace is in Christ, and what grace is in the believer. 'Grace in God is ‘self-controlled’ (our self-ward attitude), ‘upright’ (our man-ward attitude), and
God’s mercy pitying, God's wisdom planning, God’s power preparing and God’s godly’ (our God-ward attitude).
love providing. God’s grace thus stretches from Eden to Calvary. Grace in How do you fit in to this picture? Now the Apostle tells us:-
Christ is saving grace suggested by Jesus, sanctifying grace suggested by
Christ, sovereign grace implied by Lord, and satisfying grace by the little word 3. WHAT GRACE WROUGHT
our. Paul was able to say that he was what he was “by the grace of God” We have this in verse 13. The fact that the grace of God has brought salvation
(1 Corinthians 15:10).’ Another definition worthy of note is that ‘God’s grace is means that we have a ‘blessed hope’. What is the Christian’s ‘blessed hope’?
His active favour bestowing the greatest gift upon those who have deserved the It is the personal return of Jesus Christ. The word ‘hope’ does not imply
greatest punishment.’ Notice that verse 11 begins with the word ‘For’. Paul has uncertainty; it means ‘a confident expectation’. The hope of Christ’s coming is
been giving Titus instructions as to how he is to teach various classes of blessed indeed. Think of the One who is coming and see how He is described
people, and he connects this with the outline of doctrine that is contained in in verse 13, and think how He is coming – first to rapture the Church into His
verses 11-14, showing us again the connection between belief and behaviour, presence – look up John 14:3; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-
creed and conduct. To simplify this study we are using an intriguing outline 17, and then to reign in great glory – look up Revelation 1:7, and compare
published by Mr. George Goodman in ‘Words of Life and Beauty’ in 1898. Matthew 25:31; 2 Thessalonians 1:7 and 9. We as Christians are to live looking
up! Do we live like this? Where do we look? – at the world, its upsets, unrest
1. WHAT GRACE BROUGHT and sins, or are we looking for Him? Compare Luke 21:28. Now notice:-
What did grace bring? Grace brought salvation (verse 11). Notice that only the
grace of God brings salvation; the law did not do it, science does not do it, 4. WHAT GRACE SOUGHT
psychology cannot do it, humanism will not do it and philosophy is unable to do What did God’s grace seek? What was the great objective of the Incarnation?
it. None of these can save, but the grace of God evolved a method of saving The answer is in verse 14: ‘to purify for himself a people’. It means a ‘different’
men and women – look up Ephesians 2:8-10. Notice three things about the people, a people ‘of His very own’. This is marvellous – that the Lord should
salvation that grace has brought:- seek us because He wanted us for Himself! This is why Jesus died: First, ‘to
(1) Salvation is embodied in a Person. The Person is Jesus Christ the Lord, redeem us from all wickedness’, and then, ‘to purify for himself a people…eager
whose name ‘Jesus’ means ‘Saviour’. In verse 11 there is a reference to the to do what is good.’ Here, then, we have a description of the kind of people that
Incarnation – compare Matthew 1:21 with Acts 4:12, also compare Luke 2:27- grace seeks:-
30 and 19:19, both of which emphasise that salvation is in the Person of the (1) A Redeemed people – a Saved people.
Lord Jesus Christ. (2) A Cleansed people – a Sanctified people.
(2) It is a full and a free salvation. If grace provides it, it must be so. It means (3) An Eager people – a Serving people.
that salvation is altogether of God’s providing, and therefore it is entirely free for In case we have emphasised grace to the exclusion of works, Paul’s paragraph
the taking. This is the meaning of ‘grace’ – refer again to Ephesians 2:8-10. closes on the note of good works. We do not work in order to be saved, but
(3) It is available to all people, everywhere. This is the significance of the words when we are saved, then we work with great eagerness for the glory of God.
‘all men’. This salvation is universal in its scope. It does not mean that when
Jesus came all men saw Him appear; it means He came to make salvation PO Box 334, EASTLEIGH, SO53 2UB, UK
available to everyone – thank God! – look up Romans 10:12-13.

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