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Question Bank in PEC-1

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Question Bank in Philippine Electrical Code B. 300 mm D.

250 mm

Test 2 8. A clearance of not less than ____ shall be secured

1. The maximum electrical trade size of intermediate conduit between bare current carrying metal parts and any metal
is surface of an auxiliary gutter.
A. 150 mm C. 200 mm A. 26 mm C. 13 mm
B. 125 mm D. 100 mm B. 24 mm D. 12 mm

2. Before starting any installation work, alteration, repair or 9. No box shall have an internal depth of less than ____.
extension on any electrical system, what type of permit is A. 15 mm C. 12 mm
needed? B. 10 mm D. 14 mm
A. Building permit C. Electrical Permit
B. Working permit D. Mayor’s permit 10. Which of the following electrical conductor has the highest
2 2
3. The Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) is intended for ____ A. 3.5 mm C. 2.0 mm
2 2
applications by government bodies exercising legal B. 8.0 mm D. 5.5 mm
jurisdiction over electrical installation.
A. Advisory C. Mandatory 11. A device or equipment which is suspended from overhead
B. Optional D. All of these either by means of a flexible cord carrying the current, or
4. RME Board Exam October 1995 A. Rosette C. Fixture
Equipment for installation in hazardous locations must be B. Pendant D. Air terminal
tested and approved for use according to the classification
of the hazards involved. These are divided into _____ 12. In the schedule of loads for motor circuits, which of the
groups. following is NOT included?
A. 4 C. 7 A. Type of motor
B. 3 D. 6 B. Motor’s manufacturer
C. Motor as numbered or identified in the power layout
5. Individual branch circuits using type FCC (flat conductor D. Number of phase
cable) shall have ratings not exceeding ____.
A. 20 A C. 15 A 13. RME Board April 1996
B. 30 A D. 40 A What is the allowable ampacity of THW insulated copper
conductor with an area of 8.0 mm and exposed to an
6. Which of the following conductors is applicable for ambient temperature of 30C?
underground service entrance conductors? A. 45 A C. 30 A
A. type THWN C. type MI B. 20 A D. 60 A
B. type UF D. type USE
14. For the two conductors inside the conduit, the ampacity of
7. RME Board Exam 1995 the conductors shall be derated to what percent?
If there are three wires of 150 mm connected to one A. 90% C. 70%
terminal entering a cabinet or a switchboard, the bending B. 80% D. none of these
space at each terminal shall NOT be less than ____,
provided the conductors do not enter or leave the 15. RME Board April 1996
enclosure through the wall opposite its terminals. Electrical equipment may be best mounted on a concrete
A. 200 mm C. 400 mm wall using one of the following. Which one of this?
A. Wooden plug C. Load plug 23. Transformer exceeding 112.5 kVA, shall not be located
B. Expansion bolt D. Plastic plug within ____ from combustible materials of the building.
A. 400 mm C. 200 mm
16. What is the neutral load of a range that has a demand load B. 300 mm D. 500 mm
of 10.4 kW?
A. 7.28 kW C. 13 kW 24. Electrodes of iron or steel shall be at least _____ in
B. 13 kW D. 10.4 kW thickness.
A. 6.2 mm C. 6.0 mm
17. If the project is expensive and requires more time for B. 5.8 mm D. 6.4 mm
checking and for computations of fees, the issuance of the
electrical permit need to be issued immediately. However, 25. The frame of the vehicle-mounted generator shall be
the delay shall not be longer than how many working permitted to serve as the grounding electrode for a system
days? supplied by a generator located on the vehicle under which
A. 7 C. 5 of the following conditions?
B. 6 D. 8 A. The vehicle of the generator is bonded to the vehicle
18. Splices in ground conductors shall be as few as B. The generator supplies only equipment located on the
practicable and shall be attached so as to withstand a pull vehicle
test of _____. C. The non-current carrying metal parts of equipment
A. 900 Newton C. 800 Newton and the equipment grounding conductor terminals of
B. 880 Newton D. 890 Newton the receptacles are bonded to the generator frame.
D. All of these.
19. Locations which are hazardous because of the presence
of combustible dust. 26. The minimum insulation level for the neutral conductors of
A. Class I C. Class III a solidly grounded system shall be ____.
B. Class II D. Class IV A. 600 V C. 500 V
B. 300 V D. 1,000 V
20. RME Board October 1996
For an ambient temperature of 30 C, a THW insulated 27. RME Board October 1996
copper conductor with a cross sectional area of 3.5 mm The following copper conductors have the same cross
and buried underground has the following ampacity. Which sectional area but are made up of different number of
one is correct? strands. Which one has the least resistance to AC current?
A. 20 A C. 15 A A. 19-strand conductor C. 7-strand conductor
B. 40 A D. 30 A B. Single solid conductor D. 37-strand conductor

21. All extended parts located within ____ of the lighting 28. Advisory rules in the Code are characterized by the use of
protection system shall be bonded thereto. word ____.
A. 1,500 mm C. 1,800 mm A. will C. shall
B. 1,600 mm D. 2,000 mm B. would D. should

22. Operation at substantially constant load for an indefinitely 29. A device capable to drawing lightning discharge to it in
long time. preference to vulnerable parts of the protected area.
A. Periodic duty C. Continuous duty A. Ground terminal C. Ground mat
B. Intermittent duty D. Short time duty B. Lightning trap D. Air terminal
30. Conductors normally used to carry current shall be of
______ unless otherwise provided in the PEC. 37. A heavy duty lamp holder shall have a rating no less than
A. aluminum C. copper clad aluminum ____.
B. copper D. all of these A. 450 W C. 600 W
B. 500 W D. 660 W
31. RME Board April 1996
Light fixtures suspended from the ceiling by chains should 38. RME Board April 1995
be wired so that the In rigid metal conduit wiring, conduits shall be supported at
A. chain is grounded least every
B. wires help support the fixture A. 2,500 mm C. 3,000 mm
C. wires will not touch the chains B. 3,500 mm D. 2,000 mm
D. wires do not support the fixture
39. Conductors used in open wiring method within ____ from
32. An appliance, which is fastened or otherwise, secured at a the floor shall be considered exposed to physical damage.
specific location. A. 3,000 mm C. 2,000 mm
A. Permanent appliance C. Portable appliance B. 2,500 mm D. 1,800 mm
B. Stationary appliance D. Fixed appliance
40. Heating elements of cables shall be separated at least
33. Which one is a standard rating of an inverse time CB? ____ from the edge of outlet boxes and junction boxes.
A. 140 A C. 120 A A. 200 mm C. 150 mm
B. 130 A D. 110 A B. 100 mm D. 300 mm

34. Aerial cable under non-metallic extensions shall have a 41. RME Board April 1994
clearance of not less than ____ from steel structure Auxiliary gutters shall not contain more than ____ current
members or other conductive materials. carrying conductors at any cross section.
A. 60 mm C. 50 mm A. 38 C. 30
B. 30 mm D. 40 mm B. 32 D. 24

35. Above ground tanks containing liquids at atmospheric 42. Circuits rated from 201 to 400 A requires a minimum
pressure are considered to be protected against lightning if insulation resistance of
the following requirements are meet. Which one is NOT A. 25,000 ohms C. 100,000 ohms
included? B. 50,000 ohms D. 12,500 ohms
A. The metal roof shall have a minimum thickness of 4.8
mm 43. No overcurrent device shall be connected in series with
B. The roof shall be welded, bolted or riveted to the shell any conductor that is
C. All pipes entering the tank shall be metallically A. stranded C. closed
connected to the tank at the point of entrance B. current carrying D. intentionally grounded
D. None of these
44. Which of the following size of single-phase transformer is
36. RME Board April 1995 NOT standard?
According to the Republic Act No. 184, a licensed Master A. 30 kVA C. 75 kVA
Electrician may operate and tend generator rayed up to a B. 37 ½ kVA D. 20 kVA
certain voltage. What is the voltage?
A. 440 V C. 220 V 45. For the purpose of lightning protection, a high rise building
B. 750 V D. 460 V is a building with a height over ____.
A. 23 m C. 20 m
B. 50 m D. 15 m 53. Non-metallic boxes shall be permitted only with ____.
A. concealed knob and tube wiring
46. Branch circuits are classified according to the maximum B. non-metallic sheathed cable
____. C. open wiring on insulators
A. voltage across it D. all of these
B. load being served
C. power consumed 54. RME Board April 1995
D. setting off the overcurrent device A building or other structure serve shall be supplied by
only one service drop EXCEPT for
47. Cable tray shall NOT be used in A. multiple occupancy building
A. hoistways B. fire pumps
B. dry locations C. emergency electrical system
C. industrial establishment D. all of these
D. all of these
55. Air terminals exceeding 600 mm in height shall be
48. What type of electrical conductors has a trade name supported at a point NOT less ____ of its height.
“moisture resistant thermoplastic“? A. three-fourths C. one-half
A. TW C. THWN B. two-fifth D. one-third
B. THW D. All of these
56. RME Board October 1994
49. A device used for the purpose of minimizing irregularities This type of cable is a fabricated assembly of insulated
in the flow of welding currents. conductors enclosed in a flexible metal sheath.
A. Rheostat box C. Reactor A. Ground wire
B. Grounding transformer D. None of these B. Integrated gas spacer cable
C. Medium voltage cable
50. For all land-based electrical installation under the scope of D. Armored cable
the Philippine Electrical Code, where should an electrical
permit be filed? 57. RME Board October 1996
A. Department of Energy The following are common splicing rules EXPECT one.
B. Office of the City/Provincial Engineer Which one is this?
C. Office of the Mayor A. A splice must provide a path for the current to pass
D. Local Building Office through
B. A joint must be mechanically as strong as the wire
TEST 4 itself
51. For each 2-wire laundry branch circuit, a feeder load of C. All splices must be mechanically and electrically
NOT less than ____ shall be included. secured by means of solder
A. 1,800 VA C. 2,000 VA D. Wires of the same should be spliced together in line
B. 1,500 VA D. 1,200 VA
58. Service entrance cables shall be supported by straps or
52. The computed load for the branch circuit installed to other approved means within _____ of every service head
supply exterior signs and outline lighting shall be A. 300 mm C. 600 mm
computed at a minimum of ____ volt-amperes. B. 500 mm D. 400 mm
A. 1,200 C. 1,800
B. 1,500 D. 1,000 59. RME Board October 1994, RME Board April 1995
A point in a wiring system at which current is taken to be A. 75C C. 90C
used in some equipment B. 60C D. 110C
A. Grounded C. Service entrance
B. Conductor D. Outlet 67. A conductor encircling a building and interconnecting all
ground terminals?
60. RME Board October 1995 A. Bonding C. Air terminal
The clearance from the top of a switchboard to a ceiling B. Interlink D. Counterpoise
which is combustible shall NOT be less than_________.
A. 1,000 mm C. 900 mm 68. RME Board April 1995
B. 800 mm D. 1,250 mm The use of surface nonmetallic raceway may NOT be used
in the following locations EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
61. RME Board April 1995 A. In dry locations
In concealed knob and tube wiring, the clearance to be B. Where subject to severe physical damage
maintained between conductors is C. Where the voltage is over 300 V
A. 55 mm C. 76 mm D. Where concealed
B. 45 mm D. 50 mm
69. For installation consisting of not more than two 2-wire
TEST 6 branch circuits, the service disconnecting mains shall be
62. RME Board April 1995 rated NOT less than what rating?
What is the total number of mechanical degrees that a A. 20 A C. 30 A
PVC conduit run maybe bent between pull points (pull B. 40 A D. 50 A
boxes, junction boxes or utility boxes)?
A. 360 degrees C. 120 degrees 70. For a dwelling unit having a floor area not more than 50
B. 180 degrees D. 270 degrees square meters shall be permitted to have a single 20-A, 2-
wire branch circuit provided the total load shall NOT
63. RME Board October 1994 exceed how many volt-amperes?
The sum of the cross sectional area of all conductors in a A. 3,680 C. 3,080
wireway must not exceed ____ percent of the cross- B. 3,860 D. 3,068
sectional area of the wireway.
A. 15 C. 10 71. RME Board April 1995
B. 20 D. 25 Flat conductor cable (FCC) system shall NOT be used in
the locations enumerated below EXCEPT one. Which one
64. RME Board April 1996 is this?
A lighting fixture shall be wired with a flexible lighting cord A. Locations where subject to corrosive vapors
with a cross section area of NOT less B. Damp locations
2 2
A. 0.75 mm C. 0.50 mm C. Residential buildings
2 2
B. 2.00 mm D. 1.25 mm D. Outdoors

65. RME Board April 1994 Test 8

Flexible metal conduits must not be used in 72. RME Board April 1994
A. wet locations C. storage battery rooms A run conduit between outlets, between fittings, between
B. hoistways D. all of these outlet and fitting shall not contain more than the equivalent
of _________ quarterbends.
66. What is the maximum operating temperature of type A. 2 C. 3
THWN conductor? B. 4 D. 5
79. The minimum diameter of air terminal used at the top of a
73. RME Board October 1995 heavy duty smoke or vent stacks shall be ____, exclusive
Transformers that contain liquid that will burn shall be of the corrosion protection.
installed only in approved vaults and shall also comply A. 10 mm C. 13 mm
with the following conditions EXCEPT one. Which one is B. 15 mm D. 20 mm
A. Ample ventilation’s shall be provided for the 80. ______ are used on conduits and are located inside and
continuous outside of the box.
B. Vent openings shall lead to a safe location outside the A. Couplings C. Locknuts
building B. Bushings D. Washers
C. All vent ducts and openings shall be of sufficient
areas to reliable explosion pressures within the vault 81. No parts of cord connected fixtures, hanging fixtures or
D. There shall be a robust door between the vault and pendants shall be located within a zone measured ______
any non-hazardous location horizontally from a bathtub rim.
A. 900 mm C. 800 mm
74. RME Board October 1994 B. 1,000 mm D. 700 mm
To provide for small appliance in a dwelling unit, the
feeder should be computed at 82. Busbars shall be copper having a minimum conductivity of
A. 2,400 watts C. 1,500 watts ____.
B. 3,000 watts D. 3,600 watts A. 100% C. 98%
B. 96% D. 97%
75. RME Board October 1994
Cables operated at over ____ shall be shielded. 83. RME Board April 1995
A. 2,000 V C. 3,000 V What is the temperature rating of THW insulation?
B. 1,000 V D. none of these A. 60°C C. 75°C
B. 85°C D. 90°C
76. The nearest ground terminal shall NOT less than______
from the foundation wall. 84. Individual open conductors and cables other than service
A. 760 mm C. 550 mm cables shall NOT be installed within______ of every grade
B. 800 mm D. 600 mm level.
A. 3,100 mm C. 3,700 mm
77. RME Board April 1994 B. 2,500 mm D. 3,000 mm
The circuit conductors between the service entrance
equipment or isolated generating plant and the branch 85. An insulated grounded conductor of 14 mm or smaller
circuit overload device or devices. shall be identified by a continuous ____ outer finish along
A. overcurrent protector C. motor controller its entire length.
B. feeder D. disconnecting switch A. green
B. black
78. Conductors shall be securely attached to the buildings C. green with yellow stripes
using fasteners. Fasteners shall be spaced NOT more D. white or natural gray
A. 760 mm C. 880 mm 86. Messenger support wiring is permitted only in ____
B. 600 mm D. 900 mm establishments where maintenance personnel service the
A. industrial C. both A and B
B. commercial D. neither A or B 94. Which of the following metals is the best conductor of
87. In damp or wet locations, boxes and fittings should be A. Steel C. Aluminum
properly placed or insulated to prevent B. Iron D. Copper
A. dust from entering the box or fitting
B. water from entering the box or fitting 95. Incandescent lamp fixtures shall be marked to indicate the
C. wiring exposure allowable wattage of lamps. The markings shall be
D. grounding permanently installed in letters at least ______ high.
A. 6.0 mm C. 6.3 mm
88. Equipment having an open circuit voltage exceeding ____ B. 6.4 mm D. 6.5 mm
shall NOT be installed in dwelling occupancies.
A. 500 V C. 250 V 96. If the duty cycle of a motor-generator arc welder is 100%,
B. 300 V D. 230 V the supply conductors shall NOT be less than______ of its
rated primary nameplate current.
89. RME Board October 1995 A. 115% C. 100%
Connected knob and tube wiring conductors shall be B. 125% D. 130%
rigidly supported on knobs not more than a certain
minimum distance apart. What is this distance? 97. Most wires used in residential house wiring are usually
A. 2,000 mm C. 1,300 mm insulated by
B. 1,500 mm D. 2,500 mm A. Asbestos C. Thermoplastic
B. Cotton D. Varnished cambric
90. Which of the following materials is used to support the
conductor in the open wiring method? 98. Open wiring on insulators shall be permitted for wiring
A. insulated wire stoppers C. rosettes systems of ____ or less.
B. insulated nails D. split knobs A. 150 V C. 300 V
B. 240 V D. 600 V
91. The minimum size of type IGS cable shall be
2 2
A. 100 mm C. 150 mm Test 10
2 2
B. 125 mm D. 200 mm 99. RME Board April 1996
The branch circuit conductors that supply one or more
92. Watercraft’s switchboards shall be provided with a clear units of data processing systems shall have an ampacity
working space of at least ____ at the front. not less than ____ percent of the total connected load.
A. 1,500 mm C. 1,600 mm A. 150 C. 125
B. 1,200 mm D. 1,000 mm B. 100 D. 200

93. RME Board October 1995 100. Communication cable and wires shall have a voltage
For grounding electrode to which portable or mobile rating NOT less than _____.
equipment system neutral impedance is connected, shall A. 400 volts C. 600 volts
be isolated from the ground by at least a certain distance B. 300 volts D. 250 volts
from any other system or equipment grounding electrode.
What is this distance? 101. RME Board October 1995
A. 4,000 mm C. 5,000 mm Metal clad cables shall be permitted for installations in the
B. 6,000 mm D. 3,000 mm following locations EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
A. Signal circuits
B. Branch circuits
C. Direct burial in the earth C. as direct burial to earth
D. Aerial cable D. all of these

102. RME Board October 1996 109. Where “U” pulls are made on the pull box, the distance
A 15-A or a 20-A branch circuit shall be permitted to between each raceway entry inside the box and the
supply lighting units and other utilization devices. The opposite wall of the box shall NOT be less than ____ times
rating of any one cord and plug connected appliance shall the trade diameter of the largest raceway in a row.
NOT exceed a certain percentage of the branch circuit A. 8 C. 6
rating. What is this percentage? B. 7 D. 5
A. 80% C. 70%
B. 90% D. 60% 110. Reference ambient temperature for explosion proof
electrical equipment shall be ____ degree Celsius.
Test 12 A. 30 C. 50
103. The bonding conductor used in agricultural buildings shall B. 40 D. 60
be copper, insulated, covered or bare, NOT smaller than
____. 111. Welding process wherein coalescene is produced by
A. 8.0 mm² C. 14.0 mm heating with an electric arc with or without the application
B. 5.5 mm² D. 3.5 mm² of pressure and with or without the use of filler metal.
A. Resistance welding C. Arc welding
104. In any watercraft, the motor circuit shall have an ampacity B. Spot welding D. All of this
of NOT less than ____ of the motors full load current
rating. 112. RME Board April 1995
A. 125% C. 115% The use of underground feeder cables may NOT be used
B. 100% D. 130% in the following conditions EXCEPT one. Which one is
105. RME Board October 1994 A. Embedded in concrete C. Direct burial
The largest size of electric metallic tubing is B. Hazardous location D. Theaters
A. 75 mm C. 150 mm
B. 125 mm D. 100 mm 113. Face plates of insulating materials shall be non-
combustible and less than ____ in thickness.
106. The overload relay used to protect each motor- A. 2.5 mm C. 2.0 mm
compressor set shall be selected to trip at NOT more than B. 1.5 mm D. 3.0 mm
____ of the motor-compressor rated load current.
A. 125% C. 150% 114. Conductors supplying two or more motors shall have an
B. 130% D. 140% ampacity equal to the sum of the FLA rating of all motors
plus ____ of the highest motor FLA in the group.
107. RME Board October 1994 A. 30% C. 20%
Lamp protection shall be provided by elevation of at least B. 15% D. 25%
_____ meters from the normal working surface.
A. 2 C. 2.5 115. RME Board April 1995
B. 1 D. 3 Which of the following colors identifies the grounded
conductor of a branch circuit?
108. Type UF cables shall NOT be used ____. A. Green C. White
A. as branch circuits B. Black D. Blue
B. as service entrance
116. An enclosure of porcelain or other insulating materials 123. The alternate or Back-up source of power in a hospital
fitting with terminals and intended for connecting the shall have a capacity to sustain its connected loads for a
flexible chord carrying a pendant to the permanent wiring. minimum of ____.
A. Rosette C. Cable bus A. 1.5 hours C. 1.0 hours
B. Raceway D. None of these B. 2.0 hours D. 2.5 hours

117. Receptacles installed for the attachment of portable cords 124. Cable trays shall NOT be used in ____.
shall be rates at NOT lest than ____ 250 V. A. hoistways C. dry locations
A. 20 A C. 10 A B. industrial establishments D. all of these
B. 30 A D. 15 A
125. The load for the required branch circuit installed for the
118. Motors with marked service factor of less than 1.15 shall supply of exterior signs or outline lighting shall be
have an overload protection equal to ____ percent of the computed at a minimum of ____ volt-amperes.
motor’s FLA. A. 1,000 C. 1,500
A. 100 C. 120 B. 1,200 D. 1,600
B. 125 D. 115
126. RME BOARD April 1996
119. Cables and cords supplied through plugging boxes shall The usual function of a disconnect switches in high voltage
be of circuits is to
A. aluminum C. aluminum or copper A. isolate from energized buses, equipments which are
B. copper D. copper-clad aluminum not in service
B. open or close the circuit under load
120. RME Board October 1995 C. open the circuit in the event of an overload
Which of the following statement is NOT correct? D. maintain continuity of service
A. Overcurrent devices shall be located where they will
not be exposed to physical damage. 127. Pendant conductors where not cabled and longer than a
B. Overcurrent devices shall be readily accessible. certain length shall be twisted. What length is this?
C. Overcurrent devices maybe located inside clothes A. 1,000 mm C. 600 mm
closets B. 900 mm D. 800 mm
D. In a multi-family dwelling, each occupant shall have
ready access to all overcurrent device protecting his 128. The ampacity of the phase conductors from the generator
occupancy. terminals to the first over current device shall NOT be less
than ____ percent of the nameplate current rating of the
121. A conductor or group of conductors, in switchgear generator.
assemblies which serves as a common connection for two A. 125 C. 115
or more circuits. B. 110 D. 120
A. Bus C. Cut-out
B. Lug D. Terminal Block 129. RME Board October 1994
What is the maximum number of conductors permitted in a
122. The ampacity of capacitor circuit conductors shall not be wireway at any cross-section, signal circuit or starter-
less than ____ of the rated current of the capacitor. control wires are not included?
A. 125% C. 135% A. 30 conductors C. 40 conductors
B. 115% D. 150% B. 50 conductors D. 25 conductors

130. Each motor shall be provided with how many disconnects?

A. Two 138. RME Board April 1994
B. Any number (optional requirement) An overheated cord often indicates
C. Only one A. defective cord
D. Not required by the PEC B. corroded terminals
C. corroded terminals and detective cord
131. Energized parts of a generator operated at more then D. none of these
____ volts to ground shall NOT be exposed to accidental
contact where accessible t0 unqualified persons. 139. Individual arrester grounding conductors shall be no
A. 50 C. 48 smaller than ____ copper.
B. 30 D. 60 A. 8.0 mm² C. 5.5 mm²
B. 14 mm² D. none of these
132. A hoisting and lowering mechanism equipped with a car or
platform which moves in guides in a substantially vertical 140. A generic term for an artificial source of light.
direction and which serves two or more floors of a building A. Lumen C. Candle
or structure. B. Lux D. Lamp
A. Dumbwaiter C. Elevator
B. Escalator D. All of these 141. Cable bus shall securely supported at intervals NOT
133. An assembly of a flexible cord with an attachment plugs on A. 3,600 mm C. 3,800 mm
one end and a cord connector on the other. B. 3,000 mm D. 4,000 mm
A. Extension cord C. Appliance cord
B. Fixture cord D. None of these 142. Snap switched used with open wiring on insulators shall
be mounted on insulating material that separates the
134. Any box not over _____cm³ in size, intended for mounting conductors at least ____ from the surface wired over.
in closed building construction shall; be affixed with A. 12 mm C. 11 mm
anchors or clamps as to provide a rigid and secure B. 10 mm D. 13 mm
A. 1,540 C. 1,800 143. RME Board April 1996
B. 1,760 D. 1,640 The usual nameplate data on DC motors include the
following EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
135. In battery rooms with alkaline batteries, the shelves shall A. Manufacturers name C. Rated frequency
be lined with steel sheet NOT less than _____ thick. B. Rated frequency D. Rated speed
A. 70 mm C. 65 mm
B. 60 mm D. 75 mm 144. Vertical runs of wireways shall be securely supported at
intervals NOT exceeding____.
136. A disruptive discharge around or over the surface of a A. 4,000 mm C. 3,600 mm
solid or liquid insulator. B. 2,400 mm D. 4,500 mm
A. Sparkover C. Flashover
B. Corona D. Skin effect 145. Size 0.75 mm² fixture wire has an ampacity of
A. 6 A C. 4 A
137. Emergency lighting of ____ lux shall be provided in exit B. 10 A D. 8 A
paths from all areas of attended stations.
A. 10 C. 30 146. Type MI cable shall NOT be used ____.
B. 20 D. 15 A. in dry, wet or continuously moist locations
B. where exposed to destructive corrosive locations
C. for services, and feeders
D. all of these 154. In type AC cable, all bends shall be made so that the cable
will not be damage and the radius of the curve of the inner
147. Each receptacle for DC plugging boxes shall be rated at edge of any bend shall NOT be less than times the
NOT less than _____. diameter.
A. 20 A C. 15 A A. 4 C. 6
B. 30 A D. 40 A B. 5 D. 3

148. RME Board October 1995 155. Non-metallic sheathed cable shall be supported within
Insulated ground conductor of 14 mm² or smaller shall be from every cabinet, box or fitting
identifies by a continuous while outers along its entire A. 150 mm C. 250 mm
length or another color which is B. 200 mm D. 300 mm
A. green C. striped green
B. natural gray D. striped white 156. RME BOARD APRIL 1995
What is the nominal supply voltage specified by the
149. Metal covers for boxes shall be lined firmly attached Philippine Electrical Code for residential homes?
insulating material not less than ____ in thickness. A. 225 volts AC C. 240 volts AC
A. 0.80 mm C. 0.75 mm B. 230 volts AC D. 220 volts AC
B. 0.50 mm D. 0.64 mm
157. Messenger supported wiring shall NOT be used in ____.
150. Electrical non-metallic tubing shall NOT be used where the A. hoistways
voltage is over B. multi-conductor underground feeder
A. 500 V C. 300 V C. metal clad cable
B. 230 V D. 600 V D. all of these

151. Bus ways shall be marked with which of the following? 158. Temporary electrical power and lighting installations shall
A. voltage rating C. current rating be permitted for a period not to exceed ____ for Christmas
B. manufacturer’s name D. all of these decorative lighting, carnivals and similar purposes.
A. 100 days C. 90 days
152. The system neutral conductor shall not be connected to B. 120 days D. 60 days
ground EXCEPT
A. when the generator frame is not grounded 159. Which of the following conductors is NOT applicable on
B. through the grounding impedance wet locations?
C. through a grounding transformer A. Type THHN C. Type RHW
D. when a ground fault is very common B. Type THW D. Type THWN

TEST 14 160. A surge of unidirectional polarity.

153. RME BOARD APRIL 1996 A. Skin effect C. Flashover
When thermal overload relay are used for the protection of B. Corona D. Impulse
a three-phase induction motor, their primary purpose is to
protect the motor in case of 161. For each small appliance branch circuit, the feeder load
A. short circuit between lines shall be per 20 A circuit.
B. reversal of phase sequence A. 1,000 VA C. 1,500 VA
C. high voltage B. 1,200 VA D. 1,800 VA
D. sustained overload
162. RME BOARD OCTOBER 1995 B. Interlink D. Bonding
The electrical plans for residential house include the
following items EXCEPT one. Which one is this? 170. The grounding electrode conductor shall be ____.
A. Substation plan A. copper C. aluminum
B. Location plan B. copper-clad-aluminum D. all of these
C. Floor plan showing location of service
D. Layout of wiring plan for general lighting and 171. Mats of insulating rubber or other suitable floor insulation
receptacle outlets shall be provided for the operator where the voltage to
ground exceeds
163. Tools and portable handlamps likely to be used in wet and A. 150 V C. 250 V
conductive locations shall not be required to be grounded B. 100 V D. none of these
where supplied through an isolating transformer with an
ungrounded secondary of not more than 172. How many 20 A branch circuit shall be provided for all
A. 100 V C. 50 V receptacle outlets for the small appliance load?
B. 150 V D. none of these A. One or more C. Only one
B. At least two D. None of these
164. The minimum size of branch circuit capacity to supply
laundry receptacle outlets shall be . 173. For a one family dwelling unit having an initial load of 10
A. 20 A C. 25 A kVA or more, the minimum service entrance capacity shall
B. 15 A D. 30 A be ____.
A. 100 A C. 60 A
165. Conductors in open wiring on insulators shall be rigidly B. 90 A D. 30 A
supported within from a tap or splice.
A. 200 mm C. 250 mm 174. RME BOARD OCTOBER 1996
B. 100 mm D. 150 mm Flexible cords used in locations where there is a lot of
flying flint or fibers shall comply with following EXCEPT
166. Main and equipment bonding jumper shall of ____. one. Which one is this?
A. copper C. both A and B A. It shall be approved for use in locations which are
B. aluminum D. neither A or B vapor-filled
B. It shall contain in addition to the conductors, a
167. The minimum insulation level for neutral conductors of grounding conductor
solidly grounded system shall be . C. It shall be of type approved for extra hard usage
A. 500 V C. 600 V D. It shall be provided with suitable seal to prevent the
B. 300 V D. 750 V entrance of dust

168. For class II lighting materials, the minimum diameter of a 175. A point at which the load of a given area is assumed to be
solid copper air terminal shall be ____. concentrated.
A. 15.9 mm C. 10.5 mm A. Switchboard C. Panel board
B. 12.7 mm D. 9.5 mm B. Outlet D. Load center

169. RME BOARD APRIL 1994 176. The workspace about electrical equipment shall be
Connection between conductive or inductive metal object adequate to permit at least degree opening of doors
in an element of a lightning protection system to or hinged panels.
accomplish electrical continuity A. 90 C. 60
A. Connectors C. Counterpoise B. 45 D. 75
B. 1,500 VA D. 1,800 VA
The multiplying factor for determining the size of branch 184. Which of the following is not a standard content of an
circuit protection for non-time delay fuse is electrical plan?
A. 300% C. 250% A. Location plan
B. 175% D. 150% B. Legend and general notes
C. Schedule of maintenance
178. For banks, the general lighting load shall be computed at D. Specifications
____ per square meters of the floor area.
A. 24 C. 30 185. RME BOARD OCTOBER 1996
B. 20 D. 28 When installing cables or raceway type wiring method
parallel to the framing members such as joists, rafters, or
179. In dwelling units, the computed lighting and small studs, the cable or raceway shall be installed and
appliance load above 120,000 volt-amperes shall be supported so that the nearest outside surface of the cable
computed at what demand? or raceway is NOT less than a certain distance from the
A. 35% C. 45% nearest edge of the framing member. What is this
B. 25% D. 20% distance?
A. 20 mm C. 10 mm
180. Which of the following statements is NOT one of the B. 30 mm D. 50 mm
primary objectives of the Philippine Electrical Code?
A. To establish electrical work standards 186. Which of the following is NOT a standard ampere rating of
B. To establish basic materials qualities a fuse?
C. To ensure safety in using electricity A. 60 A C. 45 A
D. None of these B. 125 A D. 55 A

181. The Code has been approved and adopted by the Board, 187. Cabinet and cutout boxes shall have an air space of at
PRC. What does the acronym PRC stands for? least between any energized metal parts of
A. Philippine Registration Commission enclosed fuses and the door.
B. Professional Regulation Commission A. 20 mm C. 25 mm
C. Philippine Regulation Commission B. 13 mm D. 15 mm
D. Professional Registration Commission
188. Auxiliary gutter shall be supported throughout it entire
182. Are sheet metal troughs with hinged or removable covers length at intervals ____.
for housing and protecting electric wires and cables and A. 1,500 mm C. 1,200 mm
which conductors are laid in place after this object has B. 1,800 mm D. 1,600 mm
been installed as a complete system.
A. Wireways 189. A lighting and appliance branch circuit panelboard is one
B. Busways having more than ____ percent of its overcurrent device
C. Cable trays rated 30-A or less.
D. Non-metallic extensions A. 10 C. 15
B. 12 D. 16
183. Portable appliances equipped with proper cord and plug
caps and NOT more than maybe installed without 190. Open wiring on insulators shall be permitted on systems of
an electrical permit. up to
A. 1,200 VA C. 1,000 VA A. 600 V C. 230 V
B. 500 V D. 300 V current of the transformer. What is this maximum
191. Conductors in concealed knob and tube wiring shall A. 110% C. 100%
maintain a clearance of NOT less than between B. 125% D. 140%
A. 64 mm C. 76 mm 199. Outdoor lighting fixtures and associated equipment ____
B. 50 mm D. 100 mm permitted to be supported by trees.
A. shall be
192. RME BOARD OCTOBER 1994 B. shall not be
The minimum size of wire used in electrical wiring is the C. either A or B
former number 14 AWG. Under the metric system shown D. none of these (not specified in the PEC)
in the PEC, the diameter is
A. 2.0 mm C. 1.6 mm 200. Rosettes shall be rated at 660 W, 250 V with a maximum
B. 3.2 mm D. 2.6 mm current rating of
A. 6 A C. 4 A
193. Non-metallic sheathed cable shall be secured in place at B. 10 A D. 12 A
intervals NOT exceeding .
A. 1,300 mm C. 1,500 mm 201. Heating cables shall be furnished complete with factory
B. 1,200 mm D. 1,800 mm assembled non-heating leads at least ____ in length.
A. 2,000 mm C. 2,300 mm
194. RME BOARD APRIL 1994 B. 2,200 mm D. 2,100 mm
Motor A has a full load current of 8 A and motor B, 10 A.
What is the ampacity of the feeder conductor supplying 202. Conductors supplying one or more motor-compressors
these two motors? with or without additional loads shall have an ampacity not
A. 9 A C. 18 A less than the sum of the rated load plus ____ percent of
B. 20.5 A D. 24.2 A the highest motor-compressors rating in the group.
A. 30 C. 20
195. The bending radius of type SNM cable shall NOT be less B. 25 D. 15
than times the diameter of the cable.
A. 3 C. 5 Test 16
B. 4 D. 6 203. Capacitors containing more than ____ liters of flammable
liquid shall be encased in vaults or outdoor fenced
196. Flexible metallic tubing shall NOT be used in lengths enclosures.
longer than A. 10 C. 9
A. 2,000 mm C. 1,900 mm B. 12 D. 11
B. 1,800 mm D. none of these
204. RME Board April 1996
197. Size 1.25 mm fixture wire has an ampacity of ____. Writings methods/materials allowed by the code for
A. 10 A C. 12 A gasoline stations include all the ff. EXCEPT on. Which one
B. 8 A D. 9 A is this?
A. Type MI cable with approved terminal fitting
198. RME BOARD APRIL 1995 B. Threaded steel intermediate conduit
Each transformer up to 600 V nominal shall be protected C. Rigid non-metallic conduit
by an individual overcurrent device on the primary side at D. Threaded rigid metal conduit
not more than a certain percentage of the rated primary
205. A main bonding jumper shall be a B. 20 A D. 15 A
A. bus C. wire
B. screw D. any of these 213. rEE Board April 1994
Branch circuit conductors supplying a single motor-
206. RME Board October 1995 compressor shall have an ampacity not less than ____ of
What does the symbol consisting of rectangular with solid either the motor-compressor rated load or the branch
shading indicate? circuit selection current, whichever is larger.
A. Fuse cut- out A. 100% C. 115%
B. Telephone exchange B. 125% D. 130%
C. Safety switch
D. Lighting panel board 214. What size of branch circuit is required to supply a fixed
lighting load of 21.5 A used of continuous duty?
207. The ampacity of conductors supplying therapeutic A. 30 A C. 40 A
equipment shall NOT. Be less than ____ of the current B. 20 A D. 25 A
rating of the equipment
A. 125% C. 130% 215. Potential transformers installed indoors or enclosed shall
B. 115% D. 100% be protected with ____ fuses.
A. Primary C. neither A or B
208. For 800 A circuits, the min. insulation resistance shall be B. Secondary D. both A and B
A. 12,000 ohms C. 5,000 ohms
B. 6,000 ohms D. 8,000 ohms 216. Which of the ff. is NOT a standard size of disconnect?
A. 30 A C. 50 A
209. Branch circuits shall be classified according to the B. 60 A D. 100 A
maximum permitted
A. kW rating C. ampere rating 217. RME Board October 1995, RME Board April 1996
B. voltage rating D. all of these A disconnecting means shall be provided in each
ungrounded conductor for ach capacitor bank and shall
210. RME Board October 1996 NOT be less than ____ percent of the rated current of the
Medium voltage shall be permitted for installation on the capacitor.
following EXCEPT one. Which one is this? A. 125 C. 150
A. Where installed in cable trays B. 115 D. 135
B. Where exposed to direct sunlight
C. Power system up to 35,000 volts in dry locations 218. RME Board April 1996
D. Power systems up to 35,000 volts in wet locations If a 460-V switch board has exposed parts one side and
grounded parts or concrete on the opposite side, what
211. Each autotransformer up to 600 V shall be protected by an working clearance between the two sides is permitted by
individual overcurrent device rated not more than ____ the Code?
percent of its rated full load current. A. 500 mm C. 1,500 mm
A. 125 C. 175 B. 1,900 mm D. 1,100 mm
B. 150 D. 300
219. Cells in rubber or composition containers shall require no
212. Each of the three 3.5 mm² TW conductors are in a conduit additional insulating supports where the total nominal
has an ampacity of 20 A. If there will be six of them in the voltage of all cells in series does NOT exceed a certain
conduit, what will be the ampacity of each conductor? level of voltage. What is this level?
A. 12 A C. 16 A A. 100 V C. 200 V
B. 150 V D. 300 V 228. RME Board April 1994
Is a multi-contact switch, which fixes the operation
220. What is the maximum load of a 15 A circuit breaker sequence of the major device during starting and stopping
protecting that supplies a continuous load? or during other sequential switching operations
A. 15 A C. 12 A A. Motor operation sequence switch
B. 20 A D. None of these B. Manual transfer switch
C. Position Switch
221. Aircraft energizers shall be the so designed and mounted D. Field circuit sequence switch
that all electric and fixed wiring shall be at least above floor
level. 229. Circuits from portable switchboards directly supplying
A. 460 mm C. 640 mm equipment containing incandescent lamps of not over 300
B. 500 mm D. 400 mm W shall be protected by over current device having a
setting device
222. Each patient bed location where in patient care is provided A. 15 A C. 30 A
at least ____ branch circuit(s). B. 20 A D. 40 A
A. One C. Three
B. Two D. Four 230. RME Board October 1996
The electrical code requires that electrical plans and
223. Generators compartments shall be lined with galvanized drawings shall be drawn on sheets of the ff. standard size.
steel, not less than ____ thick. Which one is NOT considered standard?
A. 0.40 mm C. 0.30 mm A. 600 mm x 900 mm C. 760 mm x 100 mm
B. 0.50 mm D. 0.60 mm B. 217 mm x 279 mm D. 500 mm x 760 mm

224. RME Board October 1996 231. Disruptive discharges between electrodes of a measuring
For a rigid steel conduit of trade diameter 50 mm, the field gap.
bend shall be so made that the radius of the inner edge A. Lighting C. Surge
shall not be less than a certain radius of conductors B. Flashover D. Spark over
without lead sheathed. What is this radius?
A. 450 mm C. 300 mm 232. The chassis-grounding terminal of the battery shall be
B. 250 mm D. 375 mm bonded of the vehicle chassis with a copper conductor of
____ size or its equivalent.
225. For all deck or floor plans, the standard scale to be use is A. 5.5 mm² C. 8.0 mm²
A. 1:1000 C. 1:100 B. 3.5 mm² D. 2.0 mm²
B. 1:10 D. None of these
233. The length of the cord from the case of attachment plug
226. In locations where flammable anesthetics are employed, cap to the point where the enters the mobile home shall
the entire area shall be considered hazardous location NOT be less than
which shall extend upward to a level ____ above the floor. A. 5 m C. 8 m
A. 1,000 mm C. 1,800 mm B. 10 m D. 6 m
B. 1,300mm D. 1,500 mm
234. Non-metallic sheathed cables shall be supported within
227. As rule branch circuits shall NOT be supplied by of a non-metallic outlet box without cables lamps
A. an autotransformer C. a transformer A. 200 mm C. 180 mm
B. a generator D. a motor generator set B. 150 mm D. 220 mm
235. RME Board October 1996 243. RME Board October 1996
A test lamp using and ordinary bulb is use to test one of If an electrician does not understand the instruction that
the following. Which one is this? were given by the supervisor which of the ff. is the best for
A. Overload C. Polarity check him to do?
B. DC or AC check D. Ground check A. He asks that the instruction be repeated and clarified
B. He does the job the way he thinks best
236. Air conditioning load has a demand load of C. He work out the solution to the problem himself
A. 80% C. 125% D. He gets one of the other electricians to do the job
B. 100% D. 150%
244. The branch circuit load for dying equipment is the larger of
237. How many sets of the complete electrical plans and either the VA rating of the nameplate or
specifications singed and sealed by a PEE shall be A. 5,000 VA C. 4,000 VA
submitted as one of the requirements in filling for an B. 6,000 VA D. 3,000 VA
electrical permit?
A. 5 C. 3 245. For hallways ____ or more in length at least one
B. 4 D. None of these receptacle outlet shall be installed.
A. 2,000 mm C. 5,000 mm
238. If there will be six or more 2-wire branch circuits for a one B. 4,000 mm D. 3,000 mm
family dwelling unit the minimum service entrance capacity
shall be 246. The minimum headroom of working space about service
A. 60 A C. 90 A equipment switchboard, panel board, etc. shall be
B. 100 A D. 120 A A. 1,800 mm C. 1,700 mm
B. 2,000 mm D. 1,900 mm
239. A unit of an electrical system which is intended to carry but
not utilize electric energy. 247. The equipment-grounded conductor of a branch circuit
A. Wire C. Outlet shall be identified by a continuous ____ color.
B. Device D. Utilization equipment A. White C. Green
B. Yellow D. Gray
240. Service entrance cables shall be supported at intervals
NOT exceeding. 248. The sum of the continuous ratings of the load consuming
A. 900 mm C. 760 mm apparatus connected to the system or any part thereof.
B. 800 mm D. 1000 mm A. Peak load C. Average load
B. Connected load D. Continuous load
241. An over current device with a circuit opening fusible part
that is heated and severed by the passage of over current 249. RME Board April 1996
through it. An outlet box should be fastened to a concrete wall by the
A. Overload relay C. Thermocouple use of
B. Fuse D. Magnetic contactor A. Wood plug and nail
B. Toggle bolts
242. What is the maximum size of lighting load that can be C. Porcelain insert and screw
connected to a 20-A single phase branch circuit supplying D. Expansions bolts
a fixed appliance load of 7 A?
A. 10 A C. 12 A 250. A ___ branch circuit shall be permitted to supply fixed
B. 16 A D. 8 A lighting units with heavy duty lamp holders.
A. 40 A C. 50 A
B. 20 A D. 30 A B. 50C D. 90C

251. In every kitchen, family room, living room, parlor, bedroom 257. RME Board October 1995
or similar rooms of area of dwelling units, receptacle Concealed knob and tube wiring conductors shall be
outlets shall be installed so that no point along the floor rigidly supported on knobs not more than a certain
line any wall space is more than ____ measured minimum distance apart. What is this distance?
horizontally from an outlet in that space. A. 2,000 mm C. 1,300 mm
A. 2,000 mm C. 1,900 mm B. 1,500 mm D. 2,500 mm
B. 1,800 mm D. 2,100 mm
258. RME Board October 1995
252. The path to ground from circuits equipment and metal In the installation of power resistors, a thermal barrier shall
enclosures for conductors shall be required if the space between the resistors and any
A. have capacity to conduct safely any fault current combustible material is less than ______ mm. What is this
B. have sufficiently low impedance minimum clearance?
C. be permanent and continuous A. 150 mm C. 200 mm
D. all of these B. 300 mm D. 250 mm

Test 18 259. RME Board October 1995

253. RME Board October 1994 In estimating the loading of a branch circuit, what loading
Where the voltage between conductors does not exceed shall be used for each receptacle?
300 V and the roof has a slope of not less than 100 mm in A. 160 volt-ampere C. 180 volt-ampere
300 mm, the clearance can be reduced to B. 120 volt-ampere D. 150 volt-ampere
A. 500 mm C. 1000 mm
B. 800 mm D. 900 mm 260. RME Board October 1995
Where the conduits enter a switchboard at the bottom, a
254. RME Board April 1995 sufficient space shall be provided to permit installation of
The uses of non-metallic extensions are NOT allowed in the conductors in the enclosure. The minimum spacing
all but one of the following. Which one is this? between the bottom of the enclosure and the non-insulated
A. As an aerial cable bus bar shall be ________.
B. Where exposed to corrosive vapors A. 155 mm C. 255 mm
C. Where subject to corrosive vapors B. 300 mm D. 200 mm
D. Through floors or partitions
261. What is the minimum vertical, horizontal or diagonal
Test 20 clearance for open conductors from signs, chimneys, radio
255. RME Board April 1996 and televisions, antennas, tanks, or other non-building
What is the minimum horizontal clearance for open structure?
conductors from windows, doors, porches, fire escapes or A. 1000 mm C. 1800 mm
similar location? B. 1500 mm D. 1200 mm
A. 1800 mm C. 1200 mm
B. 1500 mm D. 1000 mm Test 22
262. Contact device installed at the outlet for the connection of
256. RME Board Exam April 1995 a single attachment plug.
What is the maximum allowed temperature of type TW A. Junction box C. Rosette
conductors? B. Reactor D. Receptacle
A. 75C C. 60C
extending from the minimum cover distance required to a
263. RME Board April 1996 point ____ above finished grade.
With respect to the safety value of the insulation on A. 2,000 mm C. 2,400 mm
electrical maintenance tools, it can be said properly that B. 2,500 mm D. 3,000 mm
A. the insulation provides very little protection
B. its value is mainly to the untrained electrical helper 271. For installations to supply only limited loads of a single
C. the insulation should not be used as the only branch circuit, service entrance conductors shall NOT be
protective measure smaller than ____ hard drawn copper.
2 2
D. it adequately insures the safety of the user A. 3.5 mm C. 5.5 mm
2 2
B. 8.0 mm D. 14.0 mm
264. For the range of 8.75 kW or more in rating, the minimum
branch circuit rating shall be 272. The upper most portion of a lightning protection system.
A. 30 A C. 50 A A. Surge Arrester C. Ground terminal
B. 40 A D. 60 A B. Lightning rod D. Air terminal

265. Service heads and goosenecks in service entrance cable 273. Where no standard electrical equipment of the exact size
shall be ____ point of attachment of the service drop to the or rating required is available, ____ maybe used.
building. A. the next lower standard size
A. above the C. at the center of the B. the next larger standard size
B. below the D. at the back of the C. any size available
D. none of these
266. A disruptive discharge around or over the surface of a
solid or liquid insulator. 274. RME Board April 1995
A. Flashover C. Corona The minimum size of service drop copper conductors
B. Sparkover D. Surge allowed by the Philippine Electrical Code is one of the
following. Which is the size?
2 2
267. The minimum size of service lateral conductors using A. 3.5 mm C. 2.0 mm
2 2
copper wires shall be ____. B. 5.5 mm D. 8.0 mm
2 2
A. 5.5 mm C. 8.0 mm
2 2
B. 3.5 mm D. 2.0 mm 275. Entrances to rooms and other guarded locations
containing exposed energized parts shall be marked with a
268. Plug fuses shall not be installed in circuits exceeding ___ ____.
between conductors. A. welcome sign C. warning sign
A. 125 V C. 300 V B. no entry sign D. all of these
B. 250 V D. 150 V
276. Appliance outlets installed in a dwelling unit for specific
269. RME Board April 1995 appliances, such as laundry equipment, shall be installed
A continuous electrical load is one where the maximum within ____ of the intended location of the appliance.
current is expected to continue for a minimum duration of A. 1,800 mm C. 2,000 mm
time. What is this minimum duration of time? B. 1,500 mm D. 1,000 mm
A. 1 hour C. 3 hour
B. 4 hour D. 2 hour 277. What is the maximum permitted load of a 20-A branch
270. Direct buried conductors and cables emerging from the A. 20 A C. 12 A
ground shall be protected by enclosures or raceways B. 15 A D. 16 A
278. For warehouses or storage, a general lighting load of ____ 286. For four to six conductors in a conduit, the derating factor
shall never be used. for the conductor ampacity is ____.
2 2
A. 2 VA/m C. 8 VA/m A. 70% C. 80%
2 2
B. 4 VA/m D. 10 VA/m B. 90% D. 60%

279. Outlets for heavy-duty lamp holders shall be rated ______. 287. RME Board October 1996
A. 500 VA C. 660 VA When soldering two copper surfaces together, they should
B. 600 VA D. 550 VA be kept clean while heating by
A. applying the solder quickly
280. RME Board October 1996 B. not admitting the open flame to touch the copper
When fastening an outlet to a brick wall, the electrician surfaces
should use no one of the following. Which one is this? C. frequently rubbing the tip with emery cloth
A. Expansion bolts C. Temporary nail D. the use of flux
B. Toggle bolts D. Wooden plug and nail
288. Circuit of a voltage of 600 V or less in a rigid metal conduit
281. A portion of a lightning protection system extending into or in a rigid metal conduit or in rigid non-metallic conduit
the earth. approved for direct burial and placed under driveway and
A. Air terminal C. Surge Arrester parking areas of a one or two family dwelling units, shall
B. Counterpoise D. Ground terminal have minimum cover distance of ____.
A. 300 mm C. 460 mm
282. Open conductors passing over public streets, alleys, B. 150 mm D. 600 mm
roads, parking areas subject to truck traffic shall maintain a
vertical height ____ from finished grade. 289. Plate electrodes of non ferrous metal shall be at least ____
A. 3,700 mm C. 5,500 mm in thickness.
B. 4,600 mm D. 3,100 mm A. 1.2 mm C. 1.5 mm
B. 1.4 mm D. 1.8 mm
283. Using copper, the minimum size of service entrance
conductors shall be ____. 290. Conductors are selected at not less than ____ of
2 2
A. 14.0 mm C. 5.5 mm nameplate rating of the water heater.
2 2
B. 8.0 mm D. 3.5 mm A. 125% C. 120%
B. 100% D. 130%
284. RME Board October 1996
When testing the insulation integrity of a new or old 291. The Philippine Electrical Code requires at no electrical
electrical wiring installation circuit of 5.5 mm conductors, installation, alteration or addition shall be connected or
the Code specifies a minimum insulation resistance of reconnected to any electrical power supply without _____.
what value? A. payments of application fees
A. 1,000,000 ohms C. 500,00 ohms B. a certificate of inspection
B. 250,000 ohms D. 100,00 ohms C. an electrical permit
D. a certificate of completion
285. What test is usually made on cables after installation?
A. Copper loss test 292. Neutral current up to _____ is computed at 100%.
B. No-load test A. 100 A C. 200 A
C. Insulation resistance test B. 150 A D. 300 A
D. Ampacity test
293. RME Board October 1996
In the general layout of motors and power outlets not 300. Mandatory rules of the PEC are characterized by the use
exceeding a total of ____ maybe including in the lighting of the word ____.
layout provided such inclusion will not make the reading, A. shall C. both A and B
interpretation and or checking of the said plan difficult. B. should D. neither A and B
A. 8 C. 12
B. 10 D. 6 301. RME Board April 1996
Give the minimum vertical clearance from finished grade
294. Direct grade level access is defined as being located not of a service drop conductor installed between buildings on
more than ____ above grade level and being readily the residential properties and driveways?
accessible. A. 5,500 mm C. 3,700 mm
A. 2,000 mm C. 1,800 mm B. 4,600 mm D. 3,100 mm
B. 1,500 mm D. 2,500 mm
302. Where the neutral is NOT available, the grounding
295. For the armories and auditorium, the general lighting load impedance shall be installed between the _____.
shall be ____ VA/m². A. grounding electrode and any of the current carrying
A. 8 C. 10 conductor
B. 12 D. 16 B. grounding electrode and any neutral derived from
grounding transformer
296. RME Board October 1999 C. grounding electrode and the system neutral of other
Before the ammeter is disconnected from an energized station
current transformer circuit, one of the procedures should D. all of these above
be followed. Which is the one?
A. Primary winding should be shorted 303. The voltage developed between the portable or mobile
B. Secondary winding should be shorted equipment frame and ground by the flow of maximum
C. Secondary winding should be opened ground fault current shall NOT exceed ____.
D. Primary winding should be opened A. 100 V C. 150 V
B. 50 V D. 30 V
297. Power conductors on the poles, below communication
conductors shall maintain a spacing distance of _____. 304. A single electrode consisting of a rod, pipe or plate shall
A. 760 mm C. 800 mm have resistance to ground of _____ or less.
B. 600 mm D. 540 mm A. 20 ohms C. 25 ohms
B. 15 ohms D. 30 ohms
298. It is the intent of the PEC that factory-installed internal
wiring or the construction of the equipment need not be 305. Where more than one electrode is used, each electrode of
inspected at the time of installation of the equipment one grounding system shall NOT be less than _____ from
EXCEPT any other electrodes of another grounding system.
A. to test for continuity A. 1,800 mm C. 2,400 mm
B. to test for durability B. 2,000 mm D. 1,900 mm
C. to detect alternator or damages
D. all of these 306. RME Board April 1995
Who shall make the final decision in the implementation of
299. The standard conductor sizes shall be expressed in controversial provisions of the Philippine Electrical code?
A. mils C. square millimeters A. IIEE Board of Governors
B. circular mils D. American wire gauge B. Board of Electrical Engineering
C. Building Official 314. A 2.0mm² TW copper conductors has an ampacity equal
D. IIEE Code Committee to______.
A. 20 A C. 15 A
307. For equipment protected by a 20-A over current device, B. 10 A D. 25 A
the minimum size of the equipment grounding conductor
using copper shall be _____. 315. Circuits with voltage of 600 V or less in a rigid non-metallic
A. 2.0 mm² C. 1.25 mm conduit approved for direct burial without concrete
B. 3.5 mm² D. 5.5 mm² encasement and placed in trench below a 50 mm thick
concrete or equivalent shall have a minimum cover
308. The height of the air terminals shall be such as to bring the distance of _____.
tip not less than ____ above the object to be protected for A. 300 mm C. 460 mm
6,000-mm maximum intervals. B. 400 mm D. 200 mm
A. 250 mm C. 300 mm
B. 254 mm D. 150 mm 316. A single enclosed raceway for conductors or cables.
A. Box C. Cabinet
309. The minimum clearance between the overhead ground B. Duct D. Gutter
wires and the highest protection on the protected structure
shall be _____. 317. Which of the following statement is NOT correct?
A. 1,600 mm C. 1,800 mm A. The use of inductive ballast for fluorescent lamps is
B. 1,500 mm D. 1,700 mm usually because it is the most efficient.
B. Lighting fixtures having exposed ballast shall be so
310. REE Board April 1994, RME Board April 1995 installed that they will not be in contact with
S2 means combustible materials.
A. duplex switch C. 2-way switch C. Ballast which incorporates an autotransformer to raise
B. two-pole switch D. two-throw switch the voltage to more than 300 V shall be supplied only
by a supply system which is grounded.
311. Which of the following conductors is applicable only on dry D. A receptacle outlet installed outdoors shall be located
locations? so that water accumulation is not likely to touch the
A. type THW C. type RH outlet cover or plate.
B. type THWN D. None of these
318. Conductor crossings of more than ____ type FCC cable
TEST 24 runs shall not be permitted.
312. Enclosures for over current devices shall be mounted in A. two C. four
____ position. B. three D. five
A. horizontal C. diagonal
B. vertical D. any of these 319. A generator set used for standby power systems shall
have a time delay feature permitting a ____ minute setting
313. RME Board October 1995 to avoid retransfer in case of short time reestablishment of
What is the minimum depth of clear working space in front the normal source.
of a switchboard rated at 4,160 volts, where there are A. 10 C. 12
exposed energized parts on both sides of the workspace? B. 8 D. 15
A. 1,000 mm C. 1,600 mm
B. 1,900 mm D. 2,000 mm 320. Rigid metal conduit shall be firmly fastened within ____ of
each outlet box.
A. 800 mm C. 760 mm
B. 900 mm D. 600 mm
328. Intermediate metal conduit shall be shipped in standard
321. Type TW conductors have a minimum operating lengths of ____.
temperature of _____. A. 5,000 mm C. 2,000 mm
A. 75°C C. 60C B. 4,000 mm D. 3,000 mm
B. 50°C D. 90°C
329. The smallest copper conductor of type MC cable shall be
322. Type UF cable shall be permitted for use ______. ______.
A. underground including direct burial to earth A. 2.0 mm² C. 0.75 mm
B. underground but concealed with a rigid metal conduit B. 1.25 mm² D. 3.5 mm²
C. underground but not direct burial to earth
D. none of these 330. If a bare live conductor is touched accidentally, the
severity of the electric shock is determined primarily by
323. Enclosures of metal foe electrodes of electric discharge A. the size of the conductor
tubing’s shall NOT be less than ______ thick sheet metal. B. the type of the power supply, whether AC or DC
A. 0.40 mm C. 0.45 mm C. the contact resistance between the bare wire and the
B. 0.35 mm D. 0.50 mm person at the point of contact
D. the current flowing in the conductor
324. A general-purpose single-phase motor rated 0.5 hp has a
current rating of 5 A. What should be the setting of the 331. Smallest electrical trade size for flexible metal conduit.
overload relay that is installed to protect the motor? A. 15 mm C. 25 mm
Assume the service factor of the motor to be 1.0. B. 20 mm D. 10 mm
A. 5.75 A C. 5.0 A
B. 5.5 A D. 6.25 A 332. As applied to circuit breaker, a term indicating there is
purposely introduced a delay in the tripping action of the
325. The grounded conductor of type FC (flat conductor) cable CB.
shall be identified by means of a distinctive and durable A. Delay-on C. Inverse time
white or ____ marking. B. Adjustable trip D. Delay-off
A. green C. brown
B. natural gray D. yellow stripe 333. A factory assembly of one or more conductors each
individually insulated and enclosed in a loose fit non-
326. For multiple motors on a single crane or hoist, the metallic flexible conduit as an integrated gas spacer.
minimum circuit ampacity of the power conductor shall be A. type MC C. type FCC
the nameplate full load ampere raring of the largest motor B. type NMC D. type IGS
for any single crane motion, plus ____ percent of the
nameplate full load ampere rating of the next largest 334. Hazardous locations are classified by the Philippine
motor. Electrical Code in how many classes?
A. 25% C. 40% A. Two classes C. Three classes
B. 30% D. 50% B. Four classes D. One class

327. Individuality covered or insulated grounding conductors 335. The branch of circuit conductors supplying one or more
shall have a continuous outer finish that is either green, or units of data processing system shall have an ampacity
green with one more ______ stripes. NOT less than ____ of the total connected load.
A. white C. yellow A. 110% C. 100%
B. gray D. violet B. 125% D. 115%
A. 3% C. 5%
336. The main disconnecting means for all electric driven B. 4% D. 6%
irrigation machines shall be visible and NOT more than
____ from the machine. 343. As a general rule, equipment rated 1,000A or more and
A. 10 m C. 12 m measuring more than 1,900 mm wide, containing over
B. 15 m D. 8 m current devices, shall have an entrance at both ends of the
switchboard room. The width and height of each entrance
337. A factory assembly of two or more insulated conductors shall be NOT less than the following dimensions. Which
having an outer sheath of moisture resistant flame- one is correct?
retardant, non-metallic material. A. 800 mm wide x 2,000 mm high
A. Non-metallic sheathed cable B. 600 mm wide x 2,000 mm high
B. Mineral insulated cable C. 600 mm wide x 2,200 mm high
C. Armored cable D. 800 mm wide x 2,200 mm high
D. Medium voltage cable
344. Type AC cable shall be secured by approved staples,
338. The bottom of sign and outline lighting enclosures shall straps hangers or similar fittings within _____ from every
NOT be less than ____ above areas accessible to outlet box, junction box, cabinet or fitting.
vehicles. A. 200 mm C. 400 mm
A. 5,000 m C. 4,700 m B. 150 mm D. 300 mm
B. 4,800 m D. 4,900 m
345. RME Board April 1995
339. Which is the most important thing to do when a person has Maximum electric trade size of liquid tight flexible metal
been shocked by electricity? conduit.
A. Separate the victim from the electric wire as soon as A. 125 mm C. 100 mm
possible making sure that you do not become another B. 150 mm D. 200 mm
B. Call for competent help 346. Communication conductors shall be separated at least
C. Apply resuscitation _____ from conductors of any electric light or power
D. Disconnect the switch circuits.
A. 50 mm C. 60 mm
340. As applied to lighting protection, an attachment to secure B. 40 mm D. 75 mm
the conductor to the structure or building.
A. Bonder C. Support 347. Receptacles used in circuits operating at less than 50V
B. Stapler D. Fastener shall have an ampere rating of not less than _____.
A. 20 A C. 15 A
341. In a watercraft, when the source of electric power is a B. 10 A D. 5 A
generator, it shall be automatically started and connected
to the emergency switchboard within ____ seconds of loss 348. Each resistance welder shall have an over current device
of the main source of electrical power. rated set not more than ______ percent of the conductor
A. 40 C. 25 rating.
B. 50 D. 45 A. 300 C. 175
B. 250 D. 150
342. Generator neutral maybe connected in common, provided
that the third harmonic content of the waveform of each 349. To support conduit on a hollow block wall, use one of the
generator does NOT exceed _____. following methods. Which one is this?
A. Machine screw C. Toggle bolt 358. A hoisting and lowering mechanism equipment with a car
B. Lag screw D. Through bolt which moves in guides in a substantially vertical direction,
the floor area of which does not exceed 0.85m² and which
350. Circuit containing electric discharge lighting transformers is used exclusively for carrying materials.
exclusively shall NOT be rated in excess of ______. A. Elevator C. Dumbwaiter
A. 20 A C. 15 A B. Stairway chair lifts D. None of these
B. 30 A D. 40 A
359. Which of the motor starters does not stress the motor
351. The transformers secondary open circuit voltage used in winding severely?
electric signs shall NOT exceed _____ A. Across the line starter
A. 15 kV C. 12 kV B. Wye- delta starter
B. 20 kV D. 10 kV C. Soft-start starter
D. Transformer-type starter
352. Conductors external to motors and control in cranes and
hoist shall NOT be smaller than ____. 360. The demand factor for two elevators on a single feeder
A. 2.0 mm² C. 3.5 mm shall be _____.
B. 1.25 mm² D. 0.75 mm² A. 95% C. 94%
B. 96% D. 97%
353. For three crane supplied by a common conductor system,
a demand factor of ______ percent shall be used. 361. Concealed knob and tube wiring shall NOT be used in
A. 90% C. 92% A. theaters C. commercial garage
B. 91% D. 88% B. motion picture studios D. all of these

354. Intermediate metal conduit shall be supported at least TEST 26

every ______. 362. In the banks and office buildings, a unit load of ____ VA
A. 2,500 mm C. 1,800 mm per square meters shall be included for the general
B. 2,000 mm D. 3,000 mm purpose receptacle outlets when the actual number of
outlets is unknown.
355. An over current device rated or set at NOT more than A. 6 C. 10
_____ percent of the conductor rating shall protect B. 8 D. 12
conductors that supply one or more motor generator arc
welders. 363. Type AC cable shall be permitted in one of the following.
A. 300 C. 150 Which one is it?
B. 200 D. 125 A. for branch circuits
B. for feeders
356. Type MI cables shall permitted for ______. C. in cable trays where identified for such usage
A. branch circuits C. services D. all of these
B. feeder circuits D. all of these
364. Interlocked type armored cable or corrugated sheath
357. Conductors in open wiring on insulators shall be supported cables shall have a bending radius of NOT less than ____
at intervals NOT exceeding _____. times the external diameter of the metallic sheath.
A. 1,200 mm C. 1,300 mm A. 7 C. 12
B. 1,500 mm D. 1,400 mm B. 10 D. 5
365. The use of rigid metal conduits shall be permitted under all B. 5% D. 2%
atmospheric conditions subject of the following conditions
EXCEPT one. Which one is this? 372. An exposed wiring method using cleats, knobs, tubes and
A. Aluminum fittings and enclosures shall be permitted to flexible tubing for the protection and support of single
be used with rigid steel conduits. insulated conductor run in or on building or not concealed
B. Ferrous metal conduits shall be permitted to be by the building structure.
installed in concrete. A. Open wiring on insulators
C. Conduits shall be permitted to be used in sand fill B. Concealed knob and tube wiring
which is subject to permanent moisture. C. Armored cable wiring
D. Where the ferrous raceways are protected solely by D. Metal clad cable wiring
enamel, the use is permitted only indoors.
373. Conductors in concealed knob and tube wiring shall
366. The radius of the inner edge of any bend for type MI maintain a clearance of NOT less than ____ between the
cables shall NOT be less than ____ times the diameter of conductor and the surface over which it passes.
the cable. A. 30 mm C. 28 mm
A. 5 C. 7 B. 25 mm D. 26 mm
B. 6 D. 8
374. General purpose and appliance branch circuits using type
367. The rating the branch circuit using flat cable assemblies FCC cable shall have ratings NOT exceeding ______.
shall NOT exceed ____. A. 20 A C. 30 A
A. 40 A C. 20 A B. 15 A D. 40 A
B. 30 A D. 10 A
375. A unit or assembly of units or sections and associated
368. REE Board April 1997 fittings, forming a rigid structural system used to support
Where receptacles are connected to a 20-A branch circuit, cables.
the maximum allowable cord and plug connected to load A. Cable tray C. Wire way
shall not be more than B. Cable bus D. Bus way
A. 30 A C. 16 A
B. 24 A D. 20 A 376. Overcurrent in transformers affect all of the following
369. At least how many receptacle outlet(s) shall be installed in A. breather effectiveness C. life insulation
the bathroom? B. mechanical stresses D. rise in temperature
A. One
B. Two 377. The rating of the branch circuit serving a continuous load
C. Three shall NOT exceed ____ percent of the continuous load.
D. None of these (Not specified in the PEC) A. 100 C. 125
B. 130 D. 115
370. Rigid metal conduit shall be supported at least
every______. 378. One or more non-metallic surface extensions shall be
A. 2,000 mm C. 3,000 mm permitted to be run in any direction from an existing outlet,
B. 2,500 mm D. 1,500 mm but NOT on the floor or within ____ from the floor.
A. 50 mm C. 75 mm
371. What is the maximum allowable voltage drop from the B. 100 mm D. 25 mm
distribution panel to the farthest load? 379. Where a conduit enters a box, fitting or other enclosure, a
A. 10% C. 3% ____ shall be provided to protect the wire from abrasion.
A. lock nut C. fastener 387. A factory assembly of two or more insulated conductors
B. fuse D. bushing with or without associated bare or covered grounding
conductor under a non-metallic sheath, approved for
380. RME Board October 1996, RME Board April 1997 installation in cable trays or in raceways.
Bonding jumpers which connect communications cable A. type NM C. type TC
grounding conductions and the grounding electrode of the B. type FCC D. type USE
building shall NOT be smaller than what copper size?
2 2
A. 5.5 mm C. 14.0 mm 388. Rod electrodes of steel or iron shall be at least ____ in
2 2
B. 8.0 mm D. 3.5 mm diameter.
A. 10 mm C. 14 mm
381. In hospitals, the general lighting load required shall be B. 12 mm D. 16 mm
2 2
A. 24 VA/m C. 16 VA/m 389. The minimum size of conductors to be used for lighting
2 2
B. 12 VA/m D. 28 VA/m purposes is
2 2
A. 1.5 mm C. 1.75 mm
2 2
382. Each plate electrode shall expose NOT less than ____ of B. 1.25 mm D. 2.0 mm
surface to exterior soil.
A. one-fifth square meter 390. Conductors on poles shall have a separation of NOT less
B. one-fourth square meter than ____ where not placed on racks or brackets.
C. one-third square meter A. 300 mm C. 400 mm
D. one-half square meter B. 250 mm D. 150 mm

383. Non-metallic sheathed cable shall NOT have a bending 391. Type FCC cable shall be permitted for the following
radius less than ____ times the diameter of the cable. applications EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
A. 8 C. 5 A. for branch circuits C. in damp locations
B. 7 D. 6 B. for service entrance D. in heated floors

384. Conductors after the final overcurrent device and before 392. Non-metallic surface extensions shall be secured in place
the load served. by approved means at intervals NOT exceeding ____.
A. Branch circuit conductors C. Feeder conductors A. 100 mm C. 300 mm
B. Service conductors D. None of these B. 500 mm D. 200 mm

385. In every drawing, the title block shall be a standard strip, 393. RME Board April 1996
which shall contain the name of the project, owner, title of Any unguarded metal sheathed service cable, service
the sheet, scale used, name and signature of the PEE. conduits, metal fixtures and similar non-current carrying
How wide is this strip? parts, if located in urban districts and where liable to be
A. 35 mm C. 40 mm charged to more than a certain voltage to ground shall be
B. 30 mm D. 45 mm isolated or guarded so as not to be exposed to accidental
contact by unauthorized persons. What is this voltage?
386. Intermittent operation in which the load conditions is A. 1000 V C. 150 V
regularly recurrent. B. 500 V D. 300 V
A. Varying duty C. Periodic duty
B. Intermittent duty D. Short time duty 394. Auxiliary gutters may enclose conductors or busbars but
shall NOT enclose which of the following?
A. Switches C. Appliances
B. Overcurrent devices D. All of these A. 1000 mm C. 1500 mm
B. 2000 mm D. 2500 mm
395. Republic act which is known as the “New Electrical
Engineering Law”. 403. The conductors including splices and taps shall NOT fill
A. RA 7902 C. RA 7920 the wireway to more than ____ percent of its area at that
B. RA 7290 D. RA 7209 point.
A. 65 C. 75
396. Where an intermediate metal conduit is used, there shall B. 70 D. 80
not be more than the equivalent of ____ quarter bends
between pull points. 404. Liquidtight metal conduit smaller than ____ electrical trade
A. 3 C. 5 size shall NOT be used.
B. 4 D. 6 A. 20 mm C. 12 mm
B. 15 mm D. none of these
397. Underground cable feeder and branch circuit cables shall
be permitted for use in any of the following applications 405. Service drop conductors passing over residential property
EXCEPT one. Which one is this? and driveways and those commercial areas not subject to
A. Where embedded in poured concrete truck traffic shall have a vertical clearance of ____.
B. For interior wiring A. 4600 mm C. 3700 mm
C. For direct burial B. 5500 mm D. 4800 mm
D. Where used in corrosive locations
406. The equipment bonding jumper shall be permitted to be
398. Rigid metal conduits smaller than ____ electrical trade installed inside or outside of a raceway or enclosures
size shall NOT be used. where installed on the outside, the length of the equipment
A. 15 mm C. 12 mm bonding jumper shall NOT exceed ____.
B. 20 mm D. 16 mm A. 2000 mm C. 1800 mm
B. 1500 mm D. 1200 mm
399. Flexible metal conduit shall be secured by an approved
means at intervals NOT exceeding ____. 407. An electrician should consider all electrical equipment live
A. 1200 mm C. 1500 mm unless he definitely knows that they are not. The main
B. 1300 mm D. 1400 mm reason of this practice is to avoid.
A. personal injury
400. Which of the following premises wiring installations is NOT B. energizing the wrong circuit
covered in the scope of the Philippine Electrical Code? C. de-energizing the wrong circuit
A. Parking lots C. Quarries and mines D. unnecessary work
B. Dockyards D. Motor vehicles
408. Electrical floor assemblies shall NOT be installed ____.
401. An auxiliary conductor used in connection with remote A. where subject to corroded vapors
measuring devices or for operating apparatus at a distant B. outdoors
point. C. in wet or damp locations
A. Tie wire C. Pilot wire D. all of these
B. Jumper wire D. Dummy wire
409. In cases where there are energized parts normally
402. RME Board April 1994, RME Board October 1995 exposed on the front of switchboards or motor control
Service entrance conductors passing over roots shall have centers, the working space in front shall NOT be less than
a clearance over the roof which they pass of ____.
A. 1000 mm C. 2000 mm
B. 1500 mm D. 1800 mm 417. A load where maximum current is expected to continue for
three hours or more.
410. Cabinet and cutout boxes shall have an air space of at A. Continuous load C. Maximum load
least ____ between the base of the device and the wall of B. Connected load D. Average load
any metal cabinet or cutout box in which the device is
mounted. 418. Communication conductors shall NOT be smaller than
A. 1.5 mm C. 2.0 mm _____.
2 2
B. 1.8 mm D. 2.4 mm A. 2.0 mm C. 3.5 mm
2 2
B. 1.25 mm D. 5.5 mm
411. Service conductors in cable shall NOT be smaller than
____. 419. Receptacle and attachment plugs shall be permitted to be
2 2
A. 5.5 mm C. 3.5 mm of lower ampere rating than the branch circuit but NOT
2 2
B. 8.0 mm D. 14.0 mm less than ____ percent of the fixture full load current.
A. 100 C. 115
TEST 28 B. 125 D. 130
412. For non-dwelling receptacles loads, the demand factor for
the first 10 kVA or less shall be 420. A wye-delta starter for a single voltage three phase
A. 60% C. 80% squirrel cage induction motor would require the connection
B. 70% D. 100% of a certain number of wires from the motor. How many
wires would be needed?
413. In each conduit run entering an enclosure for switches, A. 3 wires C. 6 wires
circuit breakers, relays and others that may produce high B. 9 wires D. 12 wires
temperatures, seals on the conduit shall be installed within
the certain length before entering the enclosure. What is 421. At least how many receptacle outlet(s) shall be installed
this length? outdoors for a one family dwelling unit?
A. 900 mm C. 250 mm A. One C. Three
B. 750 mm D. 460 mm B. Two D. None of these

414. The ampacity of the conductors can be derated at most, 422. What is the maximum permitted load of a 15 A branch
____ times(s). circuit?
A. two C. three A. 10 A C. 12 A
B. one D. four B. 15 A D. 8 A

415. In the schedule of loads for lighting, which of the following 423. Where a feeder supplies continuous load or any
contents is NOT necessary? combination of continuous and non-continuous load. The
A. Protective device rating rating of the overcurrent device shall NOT be less than the
B. Panel as numbered in the feeder diagram non-continuous load plus _____ of the continuous load.
C. Number of lighting outlets per circuit A. 125% C. 150%
D. Frequency rating B. 110% D. 175%

416. If potential exceeding _____ are employed, a permanent 424. Faceplates of insulting material shall not be combustible
warning sign shall be displayed. and NOT less than _____ in thickness.
A. 600 V C. 300 V A. 2.0 mm C. 3.0 mm
B. 500 V D. 1,000 V B. 2.3 mm D. 2.5 mm
be less than _____ percent of its rated primary nameplate
425. RME Board April 1994 current.
For raceway 20 mm trade size or larger containing A. 90 C. 75
conductors 22 mm or larger, the minimum length of the B. 80 D. 85
box in straight pulls shall NOT be less than _____ times
the trade diameter of the largest raceway. 433. Refers to the power plant mounted on wheels as used in
A. 8 C. 6 the railroad transportation industry.
B. 10 D. 12 A. Electric locomotive C. LRT
B. Electric train D. None of these
426. Type MC cable shall NOT be used _____.
A. where exposed to corrosive materials 434. If the terminal of the equipment grounding conductor is not
B. as direct burial to earth visible, the conductor entrance hole shall be marked with
C. where exposed to cinder fills the word _____.
D. all of these A. green C. gray
B. white D. black
427. Using aluminum or copper clad aluminum conductors, the
minimum size of service entrance conductors shall be 435. Type NMC (non-metallic sheathed cable) shall have an
_____. outer covering which have the following characteristics.
2 2
A. 8.0 mm C. 5.5 mm Which one is NOT included?
2 2
B. 14.0 mm D. 3.5 mm A. flame retardant C. corrosion resistant
B. moisture resistant D. none of these
428. Ground counterpoise conductor shall be soft copper wire
NOT smaller than 436. RME Board April 1996
2 2
A. 5.5 mm C. 3.5 mm Power and control tray cables (type TC) maybe used
2 . 2
B. 2.0 mm D 8.0 mm under one of the following conditions. Which one is this?
A. Where exposed to physical damage
429. The disconnecting means for motor circuits rated up to 600 B. Where installed as open cable on brackets
volts, shall have an ampere rating of at least _____ C. Where installed in industrial establishment where a
percent of the full load current of the motor. registered master electrician will service the
A. 200 C. 150 installation
B. 115 D. 125 D. Where direct buried underground

430. How many amperes will a 100 circuit breaker hold before 437. Where rear access is required to work on de-energized
tripping open the circuit? (Use rule of thumb). parts on the back of the enclosed equipment, a minimum
A. 200 A C. 400 A working space of horizontally shall be provided.
B. 500 A D. 300 A A. 1,000 mm C. 800 mm
B. 900 mm D. 600 mm
431. A device for transferring one or more load conductor
connections from one power source to another. 438. A one family dwelling unit shall have a disconnecting
A. Disconnecting switch C. Isolating switch means of at least _____ where the initial computed load is
B. Master switch D. Transfer switch 10 kVA or more.
A. 60 A C. 100 A
432. For an AC transformer and DC rectifier are welder having B. 90 A D. 30 A
a time rating of one hour, the supply conductors shall NOT
439. Large batteries are those connected to a charging device B. 2,000 mm D. 2,200 mm
with an output of more than _____.
A. 1.0 kW C. 2.0 kW 446. A luminous discharge due to ionization of the air
B. 1.5 kW D. 2.5 kW surrounding a conductor caused by a voltage gradient
exceeding a certain critical value.
440. Which component of a DC motor is used to control the A. Corona C. Johnson’s effect
speed? B. Skin effect D. Surge
A. Carbon brush assembly C. Commutator
B. Armature winding D. Field winding 447. Branch circuit that supplies a number of outlets for lighting
and appliance.
441. Switches used in watercrafts, shall be capable of breaking A. Multi-purpose branch circuit
and making safely a load current equal to _____ of their B. Special branch circuit
rated current at the rated voltage. C. Individual branch circuit
A. 100% C. 125% D. General purpose branch circuit
B. 130% D. 150%
448. The minimum number of branch circuits shall be
442. A wiring method using knobs, tubes and flexible non- determined from the _____.
metallic tubing for the protection and support and single A. total computed load and the size of disconnected
insulated conductors concealed in hollow spaces of walls needed
and ceilings of buildings. B. total computed load and the rating of the circuits used
A. Open wiring on insulators C. size or rating of the circuits by the PEC
B. Open wiring with knobs, tubes, etc. D. minimum number required by the PEC
C. Concealed knob and tube wiring
D. Knob and tube wiring 449. The insulated conductor of type TC (cable tray) cable shall
be in sizes _____ through _____ copper.
2 2 2 2
443. The ampacity of the branch circuit conductors and the A. 0.75 mm , 500 mm C. 1.25 mm , 500 mm
2 2 2 2
rating or setting of overcurrent protective devices B. 0.75 mm , 300 mm D. 1.25 mm , 300 mm
supplying fixed electric space heating equipment
consisting of resistance elements with or without a motor 450. A motor-generator arc welder has a 70 % duty cycle, the
shall NOT be less than _____ of the total load of the supply conductors shall NOT be less than _____ of its
motors and the heaters. rated primary nameplate current.
A. 125% C. 115% A. 86% C. 84%
B. 130% D. None of these B. 80% D. 88%

444. A repulsion motor equipped with one of the following. 451. A frequency meter is connected as a potential device,
Which one of this? which is connected across the line because of one of the
A. A set of slip rings following reasons. Which one is this?
B. A commutator A. A transformer maybe used for different voltages
C. Both commutator and slip ring B. The reading will be independent of the varying current
D. Neither a commutator nor a slip ring C. Only the voltage has frequency
D. It is safer than a series device
445. Communication conductors shall have a vertical clearance
of NOT less than _____ from all points of roofs above, 452. Rigid non-metallic conduit approved for direct burial
which they pass. without concrete encasement shall have a minimum burial
A. 2,500 mm C. 2,400 mm of _____.
A. 500 mm C. 460 mm 460. Non-metallic boxes not over _____ cu. cm shall be
B. 400 mm D. 440 mm permitted only on non-metallic wiring method.
A. 1,725 C. 1,700
453. All metal parts associated with the hot tub shall be bonded B. 1,520 D. 1,640
using copper bonding jumper, insulated, covered, or bare,
not smaller than _____. 461. The equipment bonding jumper (the connection between
2 2
A. 5.5 mm C. 14.0 mm the equipment grounding conductor and the grounding
2 2
B. 8.0 mm D. 3.5 mm impedance) shall be _____.
A. an unspliced conductor run
454. All lighting fixtures, submersible pumps and other B. a spliced conductor run
submersible equipment used in fountains shall operate at C. either A or B
_____ or less between conductors. D. neither A or B
A. 230 V C. 250 V
B. 300 V D. 500 V TEST 30
462. RME Board April 1995
455. The ground counterpoise when installed in earth shall be According to its make, conduits maybe classified as
placed _____ above all cable in a trench. A. rigid metal C. flexible metal
A. 75 mm C. 80 mm B. rigid non-metal D. all of these
B. 100 mm D. 50 mm
463. In no case shall the grounding conductor be smaller than
456. Type FCC cable shall NOT be used in any of the following ____ copper.
EXCEPT A. 5.5 mm² C. 3.5 mm
A. outdoors C. wet locations B. 8.0 mm² D. 2.0 mm
B. indoors D. hazardous locations
464. Hazardous location in which flammable gases or vapors
457. The ampacity of the conductors and the rating or setting of are present in the air in quantities sufficient to produce
overcurrent devices in a circuit of a solar photovoltaic explosives or ignitable mixtures.
system shall NOT be less than _____ of the computed A. Class IV C. Class II
current. B. Class III D. Class I
A. 100 % C. 125%
B. 115 % D. 130% 465. The system neutral conductor shall NOT be connected to
ground, EXCEPT through the neutral ____.
458. For signalling circuits NOT exceeding _____ volts, the A. grounding impedance
current required shall not exceed one ampere. B. grounding electrode
A. 24 C. 30 C. grounding transformer
B. 12 D. 40 D. derived from other system

459. The grounding electrode shall be _____. 466. In damp or wet locations, cabinets and cutout boxes of the
A. the nearest available effectively grounded structural surface type shall be mounted with at least _____ air
metal member of the structure space between the enclosures and the wall.
B. the nearest available effectively grounded metal water A. 6.0 mm C. 7.0 mm
pipe B. 6.4 mm D. 7.5 mm
C. the nearest concrete encased electrode
D. any of these
467. The minimum diameter of a solid air terminal under class I B. 100 mm D. 200 mm
material requirements shall be ____ for copper ____ for
aluminum. 475. Where a rigid metal conduit is used, there shall NOT be
A. 9.5 mm, 12.7 mm C. 8.0 mm, 12.5 mm more than the equivalent of ____ quarter bends between
B. 12.7 mm, 9.5 mm D. 12.5 mm, 8.0 mm pull points.
A. three C. five
468. Circuits with a nominal voltage of 600V or less in a rigid B. four D. two
metal conduit or intermediate metal conduit and placed in
a trench below a 50 mm thick concrete or equivalent shall 476. There shall be at least _____ down conductor(s) on a
maintain a minimum cover distance of______. heavy-duty smoke or vent stacks.
A. 150 mm C. 460 mm A. one C. three
B. 250 mm D. 300 mm B. two D. four

469. RME Board October 1995, REE BOARD October 1993 477. If the setting of the over current device in a circuit ahead of
Vertical clearances of all service drop conductors above the equipment is 60A, the minimum equipment grounding
roofs shall NOT be less than one of the following values. conductor using copper shall be _____.
A. 2000 mm C. 3000 mm A. 5.5 mm² C. 2.0 mm
B. 2750 mm D. 2500 mm B. 3.5 mm² D. 8.0 mm²

470. The lighting or conductor ground terminal shall extend 478. An exposed wiring support system using a messenger wire
vertically NOT less than ______ into the earth. to support insulated conductors.
A. 2000 mm C. 4000 mm A. Metal clad cable wiring
B. 3000 mm D. 2500 mm B. Concealed knob and tube wiring
C. Messenger cable wiring
471. The circuit supplying an autotransformer type dimmer shall D. Messenger supported wiring
NOT exceed ______ the between conductors.
A. 240 V C. 230 V 479. Air terminal shall be within ____ of outermost projection of
B. 250 V D. 200 V roof edge.
A. 700 mm C. 800 mm
472. A spark occurring between nearby metallic objects or from B. 760 mm D. 600 mm
such objects to the lighting protection system or to ground.
A. Flashover C. Spark over 480. In replacing a busted fuse which of the following is
B. Side flash D. Discharge important?
A. same size and type
473. Covers for boxes shall be permanently marked. The B. same size but different rating
marking shall be on the outside of the box using the block C. same type but different rating
type letters at least ______ in height. D. different size and type
A. 10 mm C. 15 mm
B. 12 mm D. 20 mm 481. RME Board April 1994
Which of the following wires has 75-ohm impedance?
474. RME Board October 1995 A. Foam-filled twin lead C. Flat twin lead
When wiring a raceway at least a certain length of free B. Coaxial D. None of these
conductors shall be left at each outlet. What is the
minimum length? 482. Rigid metal conduit shall ship in standard lengths of ____.
A. 75 mm C. 150 mm A. 3000 mm C. 4000 mm
B. 6000 mm D. 5000 mm handle when in its highest position shall NOT be more
than ____ above the floor or working flat form.
483. RME Board April 1995 A. 2000 mm C. 1500 mm
The term given to an insulated standard wire B. 1800 mm D. 2100 mm
A. Durability C. Length
B. Cord D. Volume 490. For straight pulls, the length of the pull box shall NOT be
less than ____ times the outside diameter of the largest
484. Exposed non-current carrying metal parts of fixed non-shielded conductor or cable.
equipment likely to become energized shall be grounded A. 42 C. 32
under the following conditions. Which one is NOT B. 48 D. 30
A. where located in wet or damp locations 491. Aluminum electrode ____ permitted to be used.
B. where in electrical contact with wooden floor A. shall not be C. either A or B
C. where in a classified hazardous locations B. shall be D. neither A or B
D. where supplied with a metal raceway or other wiring
methods 492. Electrical non-metallic tubing shall be clearly and durably
marked at least every
485. Electrical equipment except x-ray tube inside anesthetizing A. 2000 mm C. 3000 mm
room shall be located at least ____ above the floor. B. 1000 mm D. 1500 mm
A. 2000 mm C. 2400 mm
B. 2500 mm D. 2300 mm 493. Which of the following sizes of fuse NOT standard?
A. 80 A C. 125 A
486. Where the distance requirement in making holes cannot B. 45 A D. 75 A
be maintained, the cable or raceway shall be protected
from penetration by screws or nails by a steel plate or 494. RME Board April 1996
bushing at least ____ thick and of approved length and a The Philippine Electrical Code, Part 1 does not cover
width to cover the area of the wiring. wiring of equipment installed within or to or from one of the
A. 2.0 mm C. 1.8 mm following. Which one is this?
B. 1.5 mm D. 1.6 mm A. Trailers C. Water crafts
B. Mobile homes D. Airplanes
487. The entire area of the aircraft hangar, including any
adjacent communication areas not suitably cut-off from the 495. The smallest electrical trade size of intermediate metal
hangar shall be classified as hazardous up to a level of conduit.
____ above the floor. A. 15 mm C. 12 mm
A. 400 mm C. 500 mm B. 20 mm D. 25 mm
B. 460 mm D. 480 mm
496. The use of electrical metallic tubing shall be permitted
488. RME Board April 1996 for_____.
In which method of starting a motor is the starting current a A. exposed works C. both A and B
minimum? B. concealed works D. neither A or B
A. star-delta C. direct on line
B. starter-rotor starter D. autotransformer 497. The zone of protection of an overhead ground wire is
conventionally taken as a
489. All switches and circuit breakers used as switches shall be A. cone C. triangular prism
so installed that the center of the grip of the operating B. cylinder D. all of these
498. The minimum spacing between bare metal parts of 506. Line and ground connecting conductors to surge arresters
opposite polarity where mounted on the same surface shall NOT be smaller than ______ copper or ______
shall be ____ for voltages rated not over 250V nominal. aluminum.
2 2
A. 26 mm C. 30 mm A. 2.0 mm², 2.0 mm² C. 3.5 mm , 3.5 mm
B. 32 mm D. 28 mm B. 3.5 mm², 2.0 mm² D. 2.0 mm², 3.5 mm²

499. The maximum electrical trade size of flexible metallic 507. Electrical metallic tubing shall be securely fastened in
tubing shall be ____. place at least every______.
A. 15 mm C. 32 mm A. 2,000 mm C. 3,000 mm
B. 20 mm D. 100 mm B. 1,800 mm D. 1,500 mm

500. A protected device for limiting surge voltage by 508. For the purpose of lighting protection, class I ordinary
discharging or by passing surge current. building is one that is at less than_____ in height.
A. Arrester C. Lighting rod A. 20 m C. 24 m
B. Circuit breaker D. Thermocouple B. 22 m D. 23 m

501. RME Board October 1994 509. RME Board October 1994
A convenience outlet circuit consisting of 8 outlets For dwelling units, the demand factor for the first 3000 volt-
connected across a 220-V supply considering 180W per amperes of load is
outlet, what is the maximum circuit current? A. 95% C. 100%
A. 4.56 A C. 8 A B. 85% D. 80%
B. 6.54 A D. None of these
510. Ventilating pipes for motors, generators or other rotating
502. Plug fuses and fuse holders shall NOT be installed or such electric machinery or for enclosures for electric equipment
in circuit’s exceeding ____ between conductors. shall be of metal NOT less than _____ in thickness.
A. 200 V C. 230 V A. 0.50 mm C. 0.40 mm
B. 250 V D. 150 V B. 0.45 mm D. 0.60 mm

503. RME Board October 1994 511. Direct burial cables or conductors with nominal voltage of
The standard length of rigid metal conduit is 600V or less and passes under streets, hi-way, roads,
A. 30 feet C. 8 feet alleys, driveways and parking lots shall have a minimum
B. 10 feet D. 20 feet cover distance of ____.
A. 500 mm C. 460 mm
504. For warehouse, the feeder demand load for the general B. 600 mm D. 550 mm
lighting and small appliance load for the first 12,500VA or
less is 100%, while the remainder over 12,500VA is TEST 32
charged at ____. 512. A factor assembly of parallel conductors formed integrally
A. 40% C. 70% with an insulating _____ material web specifically
B. 60% D. 50% designed for field installation in metal surface raceway.
A. type FC C. type TC
505. Liquid tight flexible non-metallic conduit shall NOT be used B. type MI D. type FCC
in lengths longer than
A. 1,500 mm C. 2,000 mm
B. 1,800 mm D. 2,500 mm
513. Snap switches shall not be grouped or ganged in A. 1,800 mm C. 2,000 mm
enclosures unless they can be so arranged that the B. 1,500 mm D. 1,000 mm
voltage between adjacent switches does not exceed ____.
A. 250 V C. 150 V 521. Where circuit breakers are used to protect the primary side
B. 300 V D. 100 V of a transformer over 600 V nominal, their continuous
current rating shall NOT exceed _____ of the rated
514. Wiring located above heated ceilings shall be spaced not primary current.
less than ____ above the heated ceiling and shall be A. 250% C. 175%
considered as operating at an ambient of 50° C. B. 300% D. 200%
A. 100 mm C. 75 mm
B. 50 mm D. 40 mm 522. The lowest standard size of disconnect is ______.
A. 20 A C. 60 A
515. RME Board April 1994 B. 30 A D. 15 A
Are rectangular sheet metal enclosures equipped with
removable covers providing access to conductors inside 523. RME Board April 1995
A. Metal clad cable C. Busways The primary winding of the step down transformer shall be
B. Multiple cable conductors D. Wireways protected on the primary side by an overcurrent device
rated NOT more than a certain percentage of the primary
516. Each unit length of heating cable shall have a permanent current. Which is this percentage?
legible marking of each non-heating lead located within A. 110% C. 80%
____ of the terminal end. B. 125% D. 150%
A. 75 mm C. 80 mm
B. 70 mm D. 85 mm 524. For a two wire FCC cable system with grounding, the
grounding conductor shall be _____ conductor.
517. Metal faceplates of receptacles shall be of ferrous metal A. the middle C. the rightmost
not less than ____ in thickness or of non-ferrous metal not B. the rightmost D. any of these
less than ____ in thickness.
A. 0.76 mm, 1.0 mm C. 0.64 mm, 1.0 mm 525. Where passing through wood cross members in plastered
B. 0.76 mm, 1.2 mm D. 0.64 mm, 1.2 mm partitions, conductors in concealed knob and tube wiring
shall be protected by insulating tubes extending NOT less
518. Surface mounted incandescent fixture shall be permitted than _____ beyond the wood member.
to be installed in clothes closets provided there is a A. 80 mm C. 76 mm
minimum clearance of _____ between the fixture and the B. 70 mm D. 64 mm
nearest point of the storage area.
A. 150 mm C. 250 mm 526. Branch circuit conductors supplying a single motor shall
B. 200 mm D. 300 mm have an ampacity NOT less than _____ percent of the
motor full load current rating.
519. Thermal insulation shall not be installed within _____ of A. 115 C. 125
the recessed fixture enclosure. B. 120 D. 130
A. 40 mm C. 38 mm
B. 35 mm D. 42 mm 527. RME Board October 1995
In indoor wet locations, the entire wiring system including
520. Lighting track load shall NOT be installed where less than all boxes, fittings, control boards and panelboards shall be
_____ above the finished floor EXCEPT where protected installed on walls with a minimum clearance. What is the
from physical damage. clearance?
A. 10 mm C. 20 mm 534. An insulator designed to electrically insulate the end of a
B. 5 mm D. 15 mm type FCC cable.
A. Spool insulator C. Insulating end
528. Type NM cable shall NOT be installed ______. B. Bonding insulator D. Cable connector
A. where exposed to corrosive material
B. where embedded in concrete 535. RME Board October 1994
C. in a shallow chase in masonry, concrete or adobe Consists of three or more flat copper conductor placed
D. all of these edge to edge separated and enclosed within an insulating
529. Dry type transformers installed indoors and rated 112.5 A. Armored cable C. Sheathed cable
kVA or less shall have a separation of at least ____ from B. Flat cable assemblies D. Flat conductor cable
combustible material.
A. 500 mm C. 300 mm 536. Lampholders installed in wet or damp locations shall be of
B. 400 mm D. 200 mm the ____ type.
A. heavy-duty C. weatherproof
530. A factory assembly of two or more insulated conductors in B. waterproof D. all of these
an extruded core of moisture resistant, flame retardant,
non-metallic material covered with an overlapping spiral 537. The single phase conductors supplying the phase
metal tape and wire shield and sunlight resistant non- converter shall have an ampacity NOT less than
metallic material. ____times the full current rating of the motor or load being
A. type SNM cable C. type SE cable served.
B. type NM cable D. type AC cable A. 2.50 C. 2.16
B. 1.25 D. 1.75
531. RME Board October 1996
To cut rigid metal conduits, an electrician should do one of 538. An assembly of the two insulated conductors within a non-
the following. Which one is this? metallic jacket or an extruded thermoplastic covering.
A. Order it cut to size from the supplier A. Shielded non-metallic sheathed cable
B. Use a three-wheel pipe cutter B. Non-metallic sheathed cable
C. Use a cold chisel and ream the ends C. Non-metallic extension
D. Use a hack saw and ream the ends D. None of these

532. Where the overload relay selected using the factor 125 % 539. Dry type transformers rated over ____ volts, shall be
is not sufficient to start the motor or to carry the load, the installed in vaults.
multiplying factor shall be increased but shall NOT exceed A. 25,000 C. 35,000
_____ percent. B. 10,000 D. 50,000
A. 130 C. 150
B. 140 D. 125 540. In walls or ceilings of concrete tile, or other non-
combustible materials, boxes and fittings shall be installed
533. Where the protection of a motor-compressor load is not that the front edge of the box or fitting will NOT set back of
sufficient for the start current of the motor, the rating or the finished surface more than_____.
setting shall be increased but not more than ____ of its A. 5.0 mm C. 6.2 mm
rated load current. B. 6.4 mm D. 7.6 mm
A. 200% C. 250%
B. 225% D. 275% 541. RME Board April 1994
A type of cable which is a single or multi conductor solid 549. RME Board October 1996, REE Board March 1998
dielectric insulated cable rated 2001 volts or higher. As compared with solid wires, stranded wires of the same
A. MC C. FCC cross sectional area have the following advantage
B. MV D. AC EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
A. It is larger in overall diameter
542. In selecting the maximum setting of an instantaneous trip B. It is easier to skin off the insulation
CB to be used to protect all AC motors from short circuit, a C. It is better for high voltage
multiplying factor of ____ shall be used. D. It has a higher current rating
A. 250% C. 150%
B. 300% D. 700% 550. Each length of the rigid metal conduit shall be clearly and
durably identified in every _____ as required.
543. The paper spacer thickness if type IGS cable having a A. 3,000 mm C. 4,000 mm
2 2
conductor size of 125 mm to 500 mm shall be______. B. 2,000 mm D. 1,000 mm
A. 1.20 mm C. 0.92 mm
B. 1.02 mm D. 1.12 mm 551. For all single-phase motors, to protect them from short
circuits and ground faults, a multiplying factor of _____ of
544. RME Board October 1995 its full load current rating shall be used the protective
What is the maximum number of overcurrent devices of a device selected is a non-time delay fuse and ____ if the
lighting and appliance panel board that shall be installed in protective device is a time delay fuse.
a cabinet? A. 300%, 175% C. 250%, 175%
A. 36 devices C. 48 devices B. 300%, 150% D. 250%, 150%
B. 24 devices D. 52 devices
552. Flexible metal conduit shall be supported within ____ on
545. Intermediate metal conduit shall be firmly fastened within each side of every outlet box, junction box, cabinet or
_____ of each outlet box junction box, cabinet or fitting. fitting.
A. 750 mm C. 800 mm A. 300 mm C. 460 mm
B. 1000 mm D. 900 mm B. 200 mm D. 150 mm

546. Resistance type heating elements in electric space heating 553. The maximum electrical trade size of electrical metallic
equipment shall be protected at NOT more than ____. tubing shall be_____.
A. 50 A C. 40 A A. 125 mm C. 100 mm
B. 30 A D. 60 A B. 150 mm D. 200 mm

547. Heavy-duty lighting track is a lighting track identified for 554. RME Board October 1996
use exceeding____. For installations of 2.0 mm conductors in 600-v circuits,
A. 15 A C. 30 A what is the minimum insulation resistance allowed by the
B. 20 A D. 10 A Philippine Electrical Code?
A. 1,000,000 Ω C. 250,000 Ω
548. For three-phase motors supply by any 3-phase system, B. 750,000 Ω D. 500,000 Ω
the number of overload units required shall be ____.
A. three, one in each phase 555. Askarel insulated transformers installed indoors and rated
B. two, in any two of each phase over ____ kVA shall be furnished with a pressure relief
C. one, in any one phase vent.
D. none of these A. 37.5 C. 50
B. 25 D. 15
Branch circuit conductors supplying a single phase motor
556. In straight pulls, the length of the pull box shall not be less shall have an ampacity NOT exceeding
than ____ times the trade diameter of the largest raceway. A. 100% C. 200%
A. 8 C. 10 B. 125% D. 115%
B. 6 D. 5
564. Pits within ____ horizontally from the flammable vapor
557. REE Board October 1998 source, shall be considered a hazardous location under
Busways shall be securely supported at intervals NOT Class I, Division I location
exceeding ____ unless otherwise designed and marked. A. 6,000 mm C. 7,600 mm
A. 1,000 mm C. 2,500 mm B. 5,000 mm D. 4,600 mm
B. 2,000 mm D. 1,500 mm
565. Type TW conductor is a ____ type.
558. The smallest electrical trade size of a liquidtight flexible A. moisture and heat resistant
non-metallic conduit shall be. B. moisture and heat resistant thermoplastic
A. 15 mm C. 20 mm C. moisture resistant and thermoplastic
B. 12 mm D. 25 mm D. heat resistant and thermoplastic

559. Boxes intended to enclose flush devices shall have an 566. The current in amperes a conductor can carry continuously
internal depth of NOT less than ____. under the conditions of use without exceeding its
A. 24 mm C. 16 mm temperature rating
B. 20 mm D. 28 mm A. Ampacity C. Rating
B. Capacitivity D. Amperage
560. A branch circuit supplying a fixed storage type water
heater having a capacity of 450 liters or less shall have a 567. RME Board October 1995
rating not less than _____ of the nameplate rating of the Flat conductor cables maybe installed in any of the
water heater. following location EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
A. 100% C. 120% A. On hard concrete flooring C. For branch circuits
B. 115% D. 125% B. In wet locations D. In damp locations

561. Defined as the shortest distance measured between a 568. Operation of loads and intervals of time both of which
point on the top surface of any direct buried conductor, maybe subject to wide
cable, conduit and the top surface of finish grade. A. Periodic duty C. Continuous duty
A. Trench C. Tray B. Intermittent duty D. Varying duty
B. Cover D. Duct
569. For equipment rated 1200 A and over 1,900 mm wide
TEST 34 containing overcurrent devices and control devices at least
562. A wall screen or fence less than ____ in height shall NOT one entrance of NOT less than ____ wide and ____ high
be considered as a preventing access unless it has other shall be provided at each end.
features that provide a degree of isolation equivalent to the A. 600 mm, 2,000 mm C. 80 mm, 2,000 mm
height of the fence in question. B. 600 mm, 2,500 mm D. 800 mm, 2,500 mm
A. 2,000 mm C. 3,000 mm
B. 2,500 mm D. 1,500 mm 570. Batteries and direct current circuits shall be physically
separated by at least a ___ gap or other approved means
563. RME Board April 1994 from circuits of a different power source.
A. 12 mm C. 20 mm
B. 15 mm D. 10 mm
577. RME Board October 1994
571. Where contactors are used as the disconnecting means A device actuated by the operation of some devices with
for fuses an individually externally operable switch, such which it is directly associated to govern succeeding
as tumbler switch for the control of each contractor shall operations of some or allied devices
be located at a distance of not more than ____ from the A. Selsyn C. Interlock
contactor. B. Automatic D. Relay
A. 1,500 mm C. 2,000 mm
B. 1,800 mm D. 2,400 mm 578. RME Board October 1994
The underground service conductors between the street
572. No electrical installation, alteration and or addition shall be main, including any risers at pole or other structure or from
connected or reconnected to any power supply or any transformers and the first point of connection to the
other source of electrical energy without services entrance conductors.
A. an electrical permit A. Service drop C. Service lateral
B. an application for inspection B. Service cable D. None of these
C. certificate of payment
D. certificate of final inspection 579. For 101 A to 200 A circuits, the minimum insulation
required shall be___
573. RME Board April 1996 A. 50,000 ohms C. 250,000 ohms
Four (4) 3-phase motor are supplied by one common B. 100,000 ohms D. 75,000 ohms
feeder cable. The full load current ratings of the motors are
10 A, 20 A, 30 A, and 40 A. What should be the minimum 580. Which of the following is NOT a standard kVA rating of a
ampacity of the feeder cable? single-phase transformer?
A. 110 A C. 150 A A. 175 C. 167
B. 125 A D. 100 A B. 150 D. 100

574. Thermal barrier shall be required if the space between the 581. RME Board October 1995
resistors and reactors and any combustible material is less For voltage above 600 V, the minimum insulation
than ___. resistance shall be ____
A. 600 mm C. 500 mm A. 1,500,000 ohms per kilovolt rating
B. 400 mm D. 300 mm B. 500,000 ohms per kilovolt rating
C. 1,000,000 ohms per kilovolt rating
575. The ampacity of conductors that connect a capacitor to the D. 2,000,000 ohms per kilovolt rating
terminals of a motor circuit conductor shall not be less than
____ the ampacity of the motor circuit conductors and in 582. The rating of any cord and plug connected utilization
no case less than 135% of the rated capacitor current. equipment shall NOT exceed ____ of the branch circuit
A. one-third C. one-half rating.
B. one-fourth D. one-fifth A. 100% C. 125%
B. 80% D. 90%
576. The load for each ungrounded feeder and services
conductor supplying 5 to 8 receptacles that supply shore 583. If there will six or more 2-wire branch circuits, the service
power for boats shall be calculated as ____ of the sum of disconnecting means shall NOT be smaller than ____.
the rating of the receptacles. A. 100 A C. 60 A
A. 80% C. 90% B. 90 A D. 30 A
B. 70% D. 60%
584. For direct current motors, the multiplying factor to be used 591. What is the minimum vertical clearance for service drop
in selecting the size of overcurrent device using an inverse conductors (not over 600 volts) above finished grade or
time CB shall be____ percent of its full load current. sidewalks accessible only to pedestrians?
A. 125 C. 175 A. 3100 mm C. 4600 mm
B. 150 D. 200 B. 3700 mm D. 5500 mm

585. Specifications written on the plans or submitted on TEST 36

separate standard size sheets shall show___. 592. RME Board Exam April 1996
A. types of writing, i.e. service entrance, branch circuit, Busways shall be permitted to be installed behind panels if
feeders, etc. means of access are provided and if the conditions below
B. nature of electrical services, i.e. no. of phase, voltage, are met. One of them is NOT valid. Which one is this?
frequency, etc. A. No over current are installed on the busway other than
C. special equipment5 to be installed indicating ratings for an individual fixture
D. all of these B. The busway is so installed that the joints between
sections and fitting are accessible for maintenance
586. RME Board April 1996 purposes
An appliance which is fixed in one place to another in C. The busway is open and of the ventilator type
normal use D. The space behind the panels is not for air handling
A. Fixed appliance C. Portable appliance purposes
B. Stationary appliance D. None of these
593. The OCPD for resistance welders shall NOT exceed ____
587. In starting a large DC motor, a starter is primarily used in of the conductor’s ampacity supplying the circuit.
order to A. 200% C. 300%
A. save electrical power B. 250% D. 400%
B. limit the starting current
C. add more power 594. For installations to supply only limited load of a single
D. reduce the voltage drop branch circuit, the service disconnecting means shall have
a rating of NOT less than _____.
588. Hazardous locations in which easily ignitable fibers are A. 20 A C. 40 A
stored and handled. B. 30 A D. 15 A
A. Class III, Division 2 C. Class II, Division 2
B. Class III, Division 1 D. Class II, Division 1 595. Metal clad cable (MC) can be used in systems of 600 V or
589. In commercial garages, repair and storage areas, the A. less C. both A and B
entire area up to a level of ____ above the floor shall be B. more D. neither A and B
considered to be Class I, Division 2 hazardous location
A. 400 mm C. 460 mm 596. Open conductors passing over residential driveways and
B. 500 mm D. 450 mm those commercial areas not subject to truck traffic where
the voltage exceeds 300 V to ground shall have a vertical
590. Conductors passing over roof surface, a vertical clearance clearance of ____.
of ____ shall be maintained. A. 3,700 mm C. 3,100 mm
A. 2,500 mm C. 2,000 mm B. 4,600 mm D. 5,500 mm
B. 1,500 mm D. 3,000 mm
597. MC cable insulation have a maximum operating
temperature of not less than ____.
A. 75°C C. 90°C a motor larger than 0.125 hp in combination with other
B. 80°C D. 60°C loads, the total computed load shall be on ____ percent of
the largest motor load plus the sum of the other loads.
598. The ampacity of conductors in non-metallic sheathed A. 100 C. 150
cable shall be used at ____. B. 125 D. 130
A. 75°C C. 90°C
B. 60°C D. 80°C 606. Exposed AC cable shall closely follow the ____ of the
599. What is the radius of a solid round conductor, which id the A. finish C. both A and B
nearest equivalent of a stranded conductor whose total B. studs D. neither A and B
area is exactly 8.0 mm²?
A. 1.597 mm C. 3.191 mm 607. A three- phase general purpose squirrel cage motor draws
B. 1.596 mm D. 3.192 mm a full load current of 40 A. What id the maximum size of
time delay fuses that may be used for short circuit
600. For high impedance grounding, the system _____ protection?
conductor shall not be connected to the ground EXCEPT A. 120 A C. 40 A
through the grounding impedance. B. 80 A D. 100 A
A. line C. both A and B
B. neutral D. neither A and B 608. A 5.5 mm² TW copper has a conductor ampacity of ____.
A. 30 A C. 20 A
601. Service equipment rated over 600 V located on mezzanine B. 40 A D. 50 A
floors shall be required to be accessible by permanent
____. 609. The branch circuit load for continuous duty receptacles
A. stairways C. both A and B shall be calculated at ____ VA per receptacle.
B. ladders D. neither A and B A. 150 C. 180
B. 175 D. 200
602. The load for household electric clothes dryer in dwelling is
the larger of the nameplate or ____ VA. 610. Ground rod clamps shall be secured with at least ____
A. 4,000 C. 6,000 bolt(s) or cap screws
B. 5,000 D. 8,000 A. one C. three
B. two D. four
603. Each lighting and appliance branch circuit panel board
shall be protected individually on the supply side by not 611. Over current protection devices in emergency system shall
mare than two main CBs or two sets of fuses having a ____.
combined rating not ____ than that of the panel board. A. be coordinated
A. less C. both A and B B. clear in steps
B. greater D. neither A and B C. not trip the main device
D. all of the above
604. The long time rating for x-ray equipment is based on an
operating time of ____ minutes or longer. 612. The underground service conductors between the street
A. five C. six main, including any risers at the pole or other structure or
B. eight D. ten from transformer and the first point of connection to the
service entrance of the conductors in a terminal box. The
605. For circuits supplying loads consisting of motor operated point of connection is considered to be the point of
utilization equipment that is fastened in place and that has entrance of the service conductors into the building.
A. Service entry C. Service lateral A. horizontal C. both A and B
B. Service raceway D. Service drop B. vertical D. neither A or B

613. Down conductors on a heavy duty smoke or vent stacks 620. There shall be no more than ______ disconnects per
shall be protected from physical damage of NOT less than service grouped in any location.
____ above finish grade. A. four C. six
A. 2,000 mm C. 2,500 mm B. five D. three
B. 2,300 mm D. 2,400 mm
621. When a circuit breaker handles are operated vertically
614. The PEC permits ____ 90° bends in a single conduit run rather than horizontally, the “up” position of the handle
A. one C. three shall be the ___ position.
B. two D. four A. off C. neutral
B. on D. any of these
615. A warning sign shall be posted where ____ voltage is
available in service equipment. 622. RME Board October 1996
A. high C. both A and B AC equipment on board watercraft shall operate
B. low D. neither A and B satisfactorily at the following voltage limitations. Which one
is correct?
616. Circuits with a nominal voltage of 600 V or less in rigid A. Minus 5% to plus 10%
metal or non-metallic conduit and placed under a minimum B. Minus 6% to plus 10%
of 100 mm thick concrete exterior stab with no vehicular C. Minus 10% to plus 6%
traffic shall have cover distance of ____. D. Minus 10% to plus 10%
A. 200 mm C. 400 mm
B. 300 mm D. 100 mm 623. Emergency power panel conductors supplying a building
are tapped on ____.
617. Conductors supplying a group of motor-generator arc A. The line side of the service
welders are sized at ____of the third largest welder plus B. Any subfed panel
the percentage of the other welders. C. Any circuit breaker main
A. 65% C. 70% D. Any feeder circuit
B. 85% D. 75%
624. Where buildings exceed three stories or 15 meters in
618. Which of the following statements on winding in height, overhead lines shall be arranged, where
commercial garages and shops is NOT correct? practicable, so that a clear space of at least ____ wide will
A. The ground conductor shall be connected to the be left to facilitate title raising of ladders when necessary
ground terminal of the utilization equipment for fire fighting.
B. Receptacles, attachment plugs and similar devices A. 2,000 mm C. 1,900 mm
shall be of the polarized type B. 1,800 mm D. 1,500 mm
C. Lamps and lamp holders for fixed lighting that are
located above vehicles shall be installed not lower 625. For the purpose of lighting protection, a smoke or vent
than 2,500 mm stack is classified as heavy duty if the cross sectional area
D. Battery chargers and batteries being charged shall not of the flue is greater than ____ square meter and the
be located in location classified as hazardous height is greater than 23 meters.
A. 0.50 C. 0.42
619. Conductors may travel horizontally through ____ sections B. 0.32 D. 0.27
of switchboards if isolated from busbars by a barrier.
626. Voltage drop shall be considered to service laterals run at 634. Grounding conductor installed over lightning cables for the
_____ distance. purpose of interconnecting the system ground electrodes
A. short C. both A and B and providing lightning protection for the cables.
B. long D. neither A and B A. Anchor C. Elevation rod
B. Counterpoise D. Air terminal
627. Conductors used in lightning protection system shall have
no bend forming an included angle of less than ______. 635. The surge arrester for services less than 1,000 volts
A. 60° C. 50° connected by copper conductor to grounding electrode
B. 75° D. 90° conductor or the equivalent grounding terminal shall NOT
be smaller than _____.
2 2
628. Control conductors used for load management can be A. 8.0 mm C. 3.5 mm
2 2
routed with the service entrance conductors in the same B. 5.5 mm D. 2.0 mm
A. raceway C. either A or B 636. The OCPD for arc welders with transformers shall NOT
B. cable D. neither A or B exceed _____ percent of the primary full load current.
A. 200 C. 250
629. A lighting fixture shall be wired with a flexible lighting cord B. 300 D. 400
with a cross sectional area of NOT less than a certain
minimum area. Which is this? 637. On circuits of less than 1000V, the rating of the surge
2 2
A. 0.75 mm C. 0.50 mm arrester shall be ___ the maximum continuous phase to
2 2
B. 2.00 mm D. 1.25 mm ground power frequency voltage available at the point of
630. Service conductors shall not be run in such a manner as to A. equal to or greater than
block _____ to buildings. B. not less than
A. openings C. both A and B C. not less than 125%
B. driveways D. neither A and B D. none of these

631. Continuous duty loads shall be figured at ____ percent for 638. The long time rating used to select OCPDs to protect
branch circuits. circuits to x-ray equipment shall be _____.
A. 100 C. 120 A. 125% C. 175%
B. 115 D. 125 B. 150% D. 100%
632. Enclosures for overcurrent devices in damp or wet 639. A 3.5 mm TW copper conductor has an ampacity equal to
locations shall be identified for use in such locations and ____.
shall be mounted so there is at least _____ air space A. 20 A C. 30 A
between the enclosure and the wall. B. 15 A D. 12 A
A. 10 mm C. 15 mm
B. 12 mm D. 20 mm 640. Which of the following statements on lighting fixtures NOT
633. What type letter for conductors has a trade name A. Outdoor lighting fixtures and associated equipment
“moisture and heat resistant rubber”? shall be permitted to be supported by trees
A. RH C. XHHW B. Metal fixtures and enclosures rated at 250 V and
B. RHW D. THW installed up in the ceiling shall be grounded.
C. Stranded conductors shall be used in wiring a fixture
supporting chain and other movable flexible parts.
D. Fixtures and lighting equipment operating at over 250
V shall be grounded 648. RME Board April 1996
In a switchboard there shall be an air space of at least
641. Conductors from the service point to the service ____ between the energized metal part and the door or the
disconnecting means are considered service____. cabinet.
A. subpanels C. both A and B A. 30 mm C. 15 mm
B. conductors D. neither A and B B. 20 mm D. 25 mm

TEST 38 649. Electrical metallic tubing shall be securely fastened in

642. Connection or fittings shall not connect grounding place within ____ of each outlet box, junction box, cabinet
electrode conductors to equipment by means of _______. or fitting.
A. solder C. pressure connectors A. 300 mm C. 900 mm
B. lugs D. clamps B. 600 mm D. 800 mm

643. Each length of non-metallic conduit shall be clearly and 650. Lead-in antenna conductors for television or radio
durably marked at least every ______ as required. equipment shall be securely _____ to antennas.
A. 3,000 mm C. 4,000 mm A. attached C. both A and B
B. 2,000 mm D. 5,000 mm B. fastened D. neither A or B

644. Doors leading into a transformer vault shall be kept locked 651. Lighting fixtures approved for damp locations shall be
and access allowed only to ______. installed only in _____ locations.
A. the owner A. damp C. flooded
B. qualified person B. wet D. all of these
C. general public
D. any person working in the building 652. What is the metric size equivalent of 1,000 MCM?
2 2
A. 250 mm C. 500 mm
2 2
645. Resistors and reactors shall not be installed in close B. 750 mm D. 1,000 mm
proximity to combustible materials such that it constitutes
a fire hazard. What minimum clearance is required by the 653. Antenna conductors for television equipment shall be
Code? installed so they will not ____ under open electric light or
A. 250 mm C. 400 mm power conductors where possible.
B. 300 mm D. 100 mm A. parallel C. both A and B
B. cross D. neither A or B
646. The ground conductor shall be equal to the largest ____
conductor. 654. For churches, the general lighting load shall be computed
A. bonding C. ungrounded service at ____.
2 2
B. phase D. equipment A. 8 VA/m C. 16 VA/m
2 2
B. 12 VA/m D. 24 VA/m
647. Completely enclosed, ventilated transformers equipped
with a 80C rise insulation may be installed in a room 655. Surface metallic raceway shall NOT be used where the
____. voltage is ____ volts or more between conductors unless
A. with concrete walls the metal has a thickness of not less than one mm.
B. designed as a vault A. 300 mm C. 150 mm
C. of fire resistant construction B. 250 mm D. 400 mm
D. built with tile blocks
656. Electric discharge lighting shall be connected by flexible 664. Transformers that are installed in unsupervised locations
cord if the cord is visible for _____ percent of its entire and rated over 600 V are protected by fuses on the
length. primary side cannot exceed ____ percent of the primary
A. 50 C. 90 full load current.
B. 80 D. 100 A. 150 C. 200
B. 300 D. 250
657. What is the latest edition of the Philippine Electrical Code,
Part 2? 665. Each length of intermediate metal conduit shall be clearly
A. 1994 C. 1992 and durably identified at ____ intervals with the letters
B. 1990 D. 1988 “IMC”.
A. 760 mm C. 900 mm
658. All circuit conductors between the service equipment or B. 600 mm D. 1,000 mm
the generator switchboard of an isolate plant, and the final
branch circuit over current device. 666. RME Board Exam April 1995
A. Service C. Branch Circuit What is the maximum rating of a molded case circuit
B. Feeder D. All of these breaker to protect a 10 hp squirrel cage induction motor
rated at 230 volts, 3-phase, 60 Hz with a full load rating of
659. A disruptive discharge through insulation. 28 A?
A. Breakdown C. Overload A. 30 A C. 70 A
B. Surge D. Fault B. 50 A D. 100 A

660. Insulators used to support wires under cross arms are TEST 40
A. pin C. suspension 667. The sum of all contained conductors of an auxiliary gutter
B. spool D. strain at any cross section shall NOT exceed ____ of the interior
cross sectional area of the said gutter.
661. A pliable corrugated raceway of circular cross-section with A. 10% C. 20%
integral or associated couplings, connectors and fittings for B. 15% D. 25%
the installation of electric conductors.
A. Electrical metallic tubing 668. Fluorescent lighting fixtures installed in _____ ceilings
B. Rigid non-metallic conduit shall be attached to the framing of the ceiling by clips,
C. Electrical non-metallic tubing screws, or rivets.
D. Rigid metal conduit A. rocked C. both A and B
B. suspended D. neither A or B
662. The scope of the PEC covers all electrical conductors
including optical fiber cable and equipment installed within 669. RME BOARD APRIL 1994
or to or from any of the following premises, which one is In rigid metal wiring conduit, conduits shall be supported at
NOT included? least every
A. Aircraft C. Railway rolling stocks A. 2,000 mm C. 3,500 mm
B. Motor vehicles D. All of these B. 2,500 mm D. 3,000 mm

663. The maximum size of liquid tight flexible metal conduit 670. Direct burial cables or conductors with a nominal voltage
shall be ____ trade size. of 600 V or less and passes under airport runways
A. 50 mm C. 150 mm including adjacent areas where trespassing is prohibited,
B. 125 mm D. 100 mm shall have a minimum cover distance of _____.
A. 460 mm C. 600 mm
B. 500 mm D. 300 mm
679. The sum of the cross sectional areas of all contained
671. If the voltage level is from 250 to 600 V, the air space conductors at any cross section of the wireway shall NOT
between the wall, door or gutter partition of any cabinet exceed _____ percent of the interior cross sectional area
shall be at least _____. of the wireway.
A. 24 mm C. 28 mm A. 30 C. 50
B. 22 mm D. 26 mm B. 40 D. 20

672. For motors with a marked service factor not less than 1.15, 680. Where nails or screws are likely to penetrate non- metallic
the multiplying factor to be used in determining for size of sheathed cable or electrical non- metal tubing, a steel
overload protection shall be _____. sleeve or steel clip NOT less than _____ in thickness shall
A. 110% C. 120% be used to protect the cable or tubing.
B. 115% D. 125% A. 1.6 mm C. 2.0 mm
B. 1.5 mm D. 1.8 mm
For a motor starter to be in sight of the controlled motor, it 681. An auxiliary gutter shall NOT extend a greater distance
must NOT be more than _____ meters away. than _____ beyond the equipment, which it supplements.
A. 20 C. 25 A. 8,500 mm C. 9,100 mm
B. 10 D. 15 B. 8,900 mm D. none of these

674. Pipelines with impedance heating shall NOT operate at 682. A clearance of NOT less than ____ shall be provided from
greater than _____ AC. recessed fixtures and their trims, ventilating openings and
A. 30 V C. 50 V other such openings in room surfaces.
B. 24 V D. 100 V A. 100 mm C. 50 mm
B. 70 mm D. 30 mm
675. The area within _____ horizontally from an aircraft power
plant shall be classified hazardous under Class I, Division 683. Storage batteries in solar photovoltaic systems for
2 Location. dwellings shall have cells operating at less than _____.
A. 1,200 mm C. 1,800 mm A. 50 V C. 24 V
B. 1,500 mm D. 2,000 mm B. 30 V D. 12 V

676. Fixture chains shall be wired with ____ wire from the outlet 684. The minimum spacing between the bottom of enclosure
box connections to the sockets of the fixture . and the insulated busbars, their supports and other
A. solid C. either A or B obstructions shall be _____.
B. stranded D. neither A or B A. 200 mm C. 215 mm
B. 210 mm D. 205 mm
677. Metal faceplates for flush mounted snap switches shall be
of ferrous metal NOT less than _____ in thickness. 685. RME BOARD OCTOBER 1994
A. 0.6 mm C. 0.8 mm Consist of a group of wire twisted to form a metallic string.
B. 0.7 mm D. 0.9 mm A. Duplex wire C. Solid wire
B. Loomex wire D. Stranded wire
678. Flexible metallic tubing smaller than _____ electrical trade
size shall NOT be used. 686. Service drop conductors passing through sidewalk
A. 20 mm C. 12 mm accessible only to pedestrians where the voltage is limited
B. 15 mm D. 32 mm to 300 V to ground shall maintain a vertical clearance of
NOT less than _____ at the electric service entrance to A. 0.25 C. 0.125
buildings. B. 0.33 D. none of these
A. 3,700 mm C. 4,600 mm
B. 3,100 mm D. 5,500 mm 693. Hazardous locations in which combustible dust is in the air
under normal operating conditions in quantities sufficient
687. Secondaries of transformers supplying voltage for to produce explosive or ignitable mixtures.
impedance heating of vessels are computed at NOT less A. Class II, Division 1 C. Class III, Division 1
than _____ percent of the heating load. B. Class II, Division 2 D. Class III, Division 2
A. 150 C. 125
B. 100 D. 130 694. A fixture requiring supply wire rated higher than 90 C
shall be so marked in letters _____ high prominently
688. The ampacity of supply branch circuit conductors displayed on the fixture.
supplying diagnostic equipment and the current rating of A. 6.0 mm C. 6.4 mm
the overcurrent protective devices shall NOT be less than B. 10 mm D. 8.4 mm
_____ percent of the momentary rating or _____ percent
of the long time rating which ever is larger. 695. Rosettes for exposed wiring shall be provided with bases
A. 50, 100 C. 60, 100 that shall be high enough to keep the wires and terminals
B. 60, 125 D. 50, 125 at least _____ from the surface wired over.
A. 10 mm C. 13 mm
689. In dwelling units and guestrooms of hotels, motels and B. 12 mm D. 15 mm
similar occupancies, the voltage shall NOT exceed _____
volts nominal between conductors that supply the 696. RME BOARD OCTOBER 1995
terminals of medium base screw shell lamp holders. Branch lighting circuits shall be protected by overcurrent
A. 250 C. 300 devices not rated more than _____.
B. 230 D. 150 A. 40 A C. 30 A
B. 20 A D. 50 A
The grounding electrode for grounding communications 697. Solar photovoltaic systems in a one- family dwelling units
systems may be connected to the nearest accessible with circuits rated over _____ to ground while energized
location on any of the following EXCEPT one. Which on is shall NOT be accessible to other than qualified persons.
this? A. 50 V C. 100 V
A. Buried interior PVC water piping system B. 150 V D. none of these
B. Grounding electrode conductor
C. Building structure of a concrete building 698. Where liquidtight flexible metal conduit is installed as a
D. Grounding terminal of service equipment if provided fixed raceway, it shall be secured at intervals NOT
by the utility company exceeding _____.
A. 1,500 mm C. 1,400 mm
691. Transformers used to step down voltage for general use B. 1,250 mm D. 1,300 mm
are classified as _____ systems.
A. separately derived C. direct 699. An approved assembly of insulted conductors with fittings
B. classified D. emergency and conductor terminations in a completely enclosed
ventilated protective metal housing.
692. For a portable motor rated at _____ horsepower or less, A. Cable tray C. Gutter
the controller shall be permitted to be an attachment plug B. Cablebus D. Busway
and receptacle.
The inner strand of ACSR is made of 707. Conductors supplying a heating unit shall be calculated at
A. Brass C. Copper ____ percent times the heating load plus the blower motor.
B. Steel D. Lead A. 110 C. 130
B. 100 D. 125
701. If two or more buildings are supplied by a grounded by a
grounded system from one main service, each building 708. Masts separate from the structure to be protected shall be
shall have separate ____. a minimum of _____ from the protected structure.
A. phases A. 1,800 mm C. 1,900 mm
B. neutrals B. 2,000 mm D. 1,500 mm
C. grounding electrode systems
D. service drops 709. Lighting track conductors shall be a minimum of _____ or
equal and shall be copper.
2 2
702. The continuous load supplied by a branch circuit shall A. 2.0 mm C. 5.5 mm
2 2
NOT exceed the branch circuit rating by more than _____ B. 1.25 mm D. 3.5 mm
A. 50 C. 80 710. The walls and roofs of transformer vaults shall be
B. 60 D. 90 constructed of materials that have adequate structural
strength for the condition with a minimum fire resistance of
703. A cable provided with a wrapping or metal usually steel _____ hours.
wires or tapes, primarily for the purpose of mechanical A. 1.5 C. 2.5
protection. B. 2.0 D. 3.0
A. metal clad cable C. armored cable
B. metallic sheathed cable D. flat conductor cable 711. RME BOARD APRIL 1995
In order to protect a personnel and prevent shock, the
704. RME BOARD APRIL 1995 equipment should be connected good earth ground
In all cases where there are energized parts on the front of through the
the switch boards or motor control centers, the working A. conduit pipe C. cold water pipe
space in front of such equipment shall NOT be less than B. hot water pipe D. rigid conduit pipe
minimum distance. What is this distance?
A. 2,000 mm C. 1,500 mm 712. When computing the service load with the standard
B. 500 mm D. 1,000 mm method, more than three fixed appliances are computed
with a demand factor of _____ of the nameplate rating.
705. Border lights shall be installed around stages in theaters A. 80% C. 70%
on circuits rated at _____ less. B. 65% D. 75%
A. 20 A C. 30 A
B. 15 A D. 10 A 713. When computing the service load with the standard
method, a 2 kW electric space heating unit is computed at
706. RME Board April 1995 _____ percent.
Wirings allowed to be installed outside buildings are A. 80 C. 90
enumerated below EXCEPT one. Which one is this? B. 100 D. 125
A. type MC cable
B. flat conductor cable 714. Where knobs are used, conductors shall be securely tied
C. rigid metal conduit there to by _____wires having insulation equivalent to that
D. open wires on insulators of the conductors.
A. tie C. guy
B. bonding D. splicing 721. In dwelling units, when the actual number of receptacle
outlet is not known, an additional load of ____ volt-ampere
715. A photovoltaic power source having one conductor of a 2- per square meter shall be included.
wire system over _____ volts shall be solidly grounded. A. 10 C. 8
A. 100 C. 50 B. 4 D. 6
B. 150 D. 200
722. RME Board April 2003
716. RME BOARD APRIL 1996 Conductors of AC and DC rated up to 600 V nominal shall
The Code requires that all energized part of electrical be permitted to occupy the same equipment wiring
equipment operating at _____ or more shall be guarded enclosure, cable tray or raceway (pipes). Is this being
against accidental contacts by approved enclosures. What allowed under Section (c) (1) Art 5.1?
is this voltage? A. Installation is correct C. True
A. 24 volts C. 230 volts B. False D. Acceptable
B. 110 volts D. 50 volts
723. The point of attachment of the service drop conductors to
717. What is the minimum size of the aluminum or copper clad a building or other structure shall NOT be less than ____
aluminum conductors, used as service entrance above finished grade.
conductors? A. 3100 mm C. 3000 mm
2 2
A. 8.0 mm C. 5.5 mm B. 2800 mm D. 3500 mm
2 2
B. 14.0 mm D. 3.5 mm
724. RME Board April 2003
718. RME Board April 2003 Which type of temperature detector is used in motor
When removing insulation from the wire before making the windings?
splice, care should be taken to avoid nicking the wire A. Capacitance C. Inductance
(slightly cutting the wire) because of one of the following. B. Resistance D. Reluctance
Which one of this?
A. the wire might break 725. If there will be 6 or more 2- wire branch circuits for a one
B. the ampacity will be reduced family dwelling unit, how much is the minimum service
C. the wire tinning (protective coating) will be injured entrance capacity required?
D. the resistance will increase A. 60 A C. 90 A
B. 100 A D. 120 A
719. RME Board April 1994, RME Board October 1994
The unit lighting for a dwelling unit expressed in watts per 726. EE Board October 1996
square meter shall be Determine the minimum appliance and laundry load
A. 8 watts C. 24 watts required for a dwelling unit.
B. 40 watts D. 16 watts A. 4000 volt-amperes C. 3000 volt-amperes
B. 1500 volt-amperes D. 2000 volt-amperes
720. RME Board April 2003
Wires and cables used in dry and wet locations for over 727. RME Board April 2003
2000 volts insulation and ozone resistant with moisture Underground communication conductors in a raceway,
and heat resistance rubber and has a maximum operating handhole or manhole containing electric light and power
temperature of 90 C is _____ type. conductors, shall be in a section ____ from such
A. MI C. THW conductors by means of a separator (brick, concrete or
B. RHW D. THHN tile) under Art (a).
A. combined C. included A. 55 C. 40
B. separated D. inside B. 38 D. 30

728. RME Board October 1995 734. RME Board April 1997
Which of the raceway methods is NOT allowed to be used This type of loads will NOT require Electrical Permits nor
in a hazardous location? Certificate of Inspection. Which one is this?
A. Rigid metal conduit A. Fixed water heater
B. Liquidtight flexible metal conduit B. Fixed electric range
C. Rigid non-metallic conduit C. Window type room air-conditioner
D. None of these D. Potable appliances rated not more than 1200 volt-
729. RME Board April 2003
Where raceways are exposed to widely different 735. RME Board April 1997
temperatures they shall be _____. The electrical drawing of single family shall show the
A. grounded C. isolated following. EXCEPT one
B. sealed D. bonded A. Floor plan
B. Computation of illumination
730. RME Board April 2003 C. Local Plan
Art 1. 10.2 of PEC 1 requires working spaces for D. One-line diagram
equipment operating 600 V, nominal or less to ground.
This is required for live parts on the other side, like 736. RME Board April 2003
concrete, brick or tile walls and shall be considered as Where extensive metal in or on buildings may become
grounded. What is this minimum distance for Condition 2? energizer and is subject to personal contact ____ will
A. 1300 mm C. 1200 mm provide additional safety.
B. 1400 mm D. 1100 mm A. Bonding
B. Suitable ground detectors
731. RME Board April 1997 C. Suitable arresters
Where galvanized steel conduit is used, the primary D. Adequate bonding and grounding
purpose of the galvanizing is to
A. retard rusting 737.
B. provide good electrical contact for grounding 738.
C. increase mechanical strength 739.
D. provide a good surface foe painting 740.
732. RME Board April 2003 742.
A protective device for assembly as an integral part of a 743.
motor or motor compressor and which when properly 744.
applied, protects the motor against dangerous overheating 745.
due to overload and failure to start. 746.
A. Fault current C. Thermal heat
B. Ground fault D. Thermal protector

733. RME Board April 2003

Underfloor raceways may be occupied up to _______
percent of the area.

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