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Archaeology: Publications

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This document outlines the extensive publications and scholarly contributions of an academic, including books, edited volumes, journal articles, and current works in progress.

The author has produced both single-authored and jointly edited books on a variety of topics related to ancient Greece and Persia. They have also written book chapters for collected volumes.

Some of the journal articles and chapters covered topics like Achaemenid administration, Greek concepts of freedom, emendations to genealogies, and textual notes on Xenophon's works. Many of the pieces were published in well-known classics and ancient history journals.




1. The Failings of Empire: A Reading of Xenophon Hellenica 2.3.10-7.5.27, Stuttgart: Franz

Steiner, 1993, 264 pp.
2. Achaemenid Studies. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1996, 226 pp.


1. Science and Mathematics in Ancient Greek Culture, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002, xvi +
379 pp. Jointly edited with T.Rihll.
2. Pontus and the Outside World: Studies in Black Sea History, Historiography and
Archaeology, Leiden: Brill, 2004, xiv + 288 pp.
3. Xenophon and his World Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2004, 524 pp.
4. Persian Responses: Political and Cultural Interactions (with)in the Achaemenid Empire,
Swansea: University of Wales Classical Press, 2007, xxvi + 371 pp.
5. Xenophon: Ethical Principles and Historical Enquiry, Leiden: Brill, 2012, pp. xii + 791
pp. Jointly edited with F.E.Hobden.
6. The Arshama Letters from the Bodleian Library. Jointly edited with J.Ma. January 2014. 265 pp.


Published items
1. “Cantores Euphorionis”, in F.Cairns (ed.), Paper of the Liverpool Latin Seminar I
(Liverpool 1976), 1-24.
2. “Aeneas Tacticus Poliorcetica 18.8”, LCM 1 (1976), 127-131.
3. “Kyniskos of Mantineia”, LCM 2 (1977), 5-10.
4. “The Athenian Embassy to Sparta in 372/1 BC”, LCM 2 (1977), 51-56.
5. “The identity of the superintendent of Caesar’s projected Isthmian Canal”, LCM 3 (1978),
6. “Coelius or Cloelius? The Third General in Plutarch Pompey 7”, Chiron 9 (1979), 137-45.
7. “Cantores Euphorionis Again”, CQ n.s.29 (1979), 358-60.
8. “Thucydides I.42.4 and the Megarian Decree”, CQ n.s. 29 (1979), 301-7.
9. “Two proper names in the text of Diodorus XV”, CQ n.s.29 (1979), 347-57.
10. “The Freedom of the Greeks of Asia: on the origins of a concept and the creation of a
slogan”, JHS 100 (1980), 141-54. Co-authored with R.J.Seager.
11. “Some emendations to the family tree of Isocrates”, CQ n.s.30 (1980), 299-305.
12. “An unrecorded variant of the Passio Sanctae Christinae and the Old English Martyrology”,
Traditio 36 (1980), 161-236. Co-authored with Professor J.E.Cross.
13. “Catullus 68”, CQ n.s.31 (1981), 113-139.
14. “The date of the union of Corinth and Argos”, CQ n.s.32 (1982), 75-83.
15. “Satyros and Athens: IG ii2 212 and Isokrates 17.57”, ZPE 49 (1982), 121-28.
16. “Fathers and Sons: Aristophanes Ecclesiazusae 644-5”, GRBS 23 (1982), 325-30.
17. “Lysias xix, the Cypriot War and Thrasybulus” Naval Expedition”, Philologus 127 (1983),
18. “Timotheus and Corcyra: Problems in Greek history, 375-373 BC”, Athenaeum 72 (1984),
19. “Pausanias and Plutarch’s Epaminondas”, CQ n.s.34 (1984), 346-58.

20. “Imperial Tyranny: reflections on an ancient political metaphor”, in P.Cartledge & D.Harvey
(edd.), Crux: Essays in honour of G.E.M. de Ste Croix (Exeter, 1985), 348-375.
21. “Military Engagements in Xenophon’s Hellenica”, in I.Moxon, J.D.Smart & A.J.Woodman
(edd.), Past Perspectives: Studies in Greek and Roman Historical Writing (Cambridge,
1986), 37-66.
22. “Four textual notes on Xenophon Hellenica VI”, Philologus 130 (1986), 24-8.
23. “The fate of Thespiae during the Theban Hegemony”, Athenaeum 74 (1986), 321-41.
24. “Sumpriasthai in Lysias Against the Corn-dealers”, Hermes 114 (1986), 495-8.
25. “Xenophon’s Exile Again”, in L.M.Whitby, P.Hardie, M.Whitby (edd.), Homo Viator:
Classical Essays for John Bramble (Bristol, 1987), 59-68.
26. “The Administration of the Achaemenid Empire”, in I.Carradice (ed.), Coinage and
Administration in the Athenian and Persian Empires (Oxford, 1987), 109-66.
27. “The Treaty of Boiotios”, in H.Sancisi-Weerdenburg & A.T.Kuhrt (edd.), Achaemenid
History II (Leiden, 1987), 133-53.
28. “The Leuctra Campaign: Some outstanding problems”, Klio 69 (1987), 72-107.
29. “Xenophon and the Garrisons of the Achaemenid Empire”, AMI n.f.20 (1987 [publ.1989]),
30. “Persian Garrisons in Xenophon and other sources”, in A.T.Kuhrt and H.Sancisi-
Weerdenburg (edd.), Achaemenid History III (Leiden, 1988), 67-70.
31. “The False Drusus”, Latomus 47 (1988), 781-807.
32. “The False Neros of the First Century A.D.”, in C.Deroux (ed.), Studies in Roman History
and Latin Literature V (Brussels, 1989), 364-404.
33. “The Persian decor of Xenophon’s Cyropaedia”, in H.Sancisi-Weerdenburg & J.W.Drijvers
(edd.), Achaemenid History V (Leiden, 1990), 17-30.
34. “The Coinage of Aryandes”, in P.Debord (ed.), Proceedings of the Conference “L’Or Perse
et l’Histoire Grecque” [Bordeaux March 1989] = REA 91 (1990), 61-86.
35. “Darius and the Suez Canal”, in H.Sancisi-Weerdenburg & A.T.Kuhrt (edd.), Achaemenid
History VI (Leiden, 1991), 237-83.
36. “Modern and Ancient Travellers in the Persian Empire: Byron’s Road to Oxiana and
Xenophon’s Anabasis”, in H.Sancisi-Weerdenburg & J.W.Drijvers (edd.), Achaemenid
History VII (Leiden, 1991), 37-57.
37. “The ‘Persian Bird: an ornithonymic conundrum”, AMI n.f.25 (1992 [publ.1993]), 125-8.
38. “Persians as Medes”, in H.Sancisi-Weerdenburg & A.T.Kuhrt (edd.), Achaemenid History
VIII (Leiden, 1994), 235-66.
39. “Xenophon, Sparta and Cyropaedia”, in A.Powell & S.Hodkinson (edd.), The Shadow of
Sparta (London/New York, 1994), 127-81.
40. “Praxiphanes on Thucydides”, Arkhaiognosia 8 (1993-94) [published1995], 181-197.
41. “Persian Cyprus”, Transeuphratène 9 (1995), 149 (summary)
42. “Education and Fiction in Xenophon’s Cyropaedia”, in A.H.Sommerstein & C.Atherton
(edd.), Education in Fiction (Bari, 1997), 65-162.
43. “Medism and its causes”, Transeuphratène 13 (1997), 155-85.
44. “The seasonal migration of Achaemenid Kings: a report on old and new evidence”, in
M.Brosius & A.T.Kuhrt (edd.), Studies in Persian History: essays in memory of David
M.Lewis (Leiden, 1998), 63-114.
45. “Demosthenes Olynthiacs and the nature of the demegoric corpus”, Historia 47 (1998),
46. “Achaemenid Arithmetic: numerical problems in Persian history”, Topoi Supplément 1
(1997) [published1998], 365-421.
47. “Greek racism. Observations on the character and limits of Greek ethnic prejudice”, in
G.Tsetskhladze (ed.), West and East (Leiden, 1999), 47-75.

48. “Cornelius Nepos and the origins of political biography”, in C.Deroux (ed.), Studies in
Roman History and Latin Literature (Brussels, 2000), 124-161.
49. “Xenophon in Media”, in G.Lanfranchi, M.Roaf & R.Rollinger (edd.), Continuity of
Empire(?): Assyria, Media, Persia (Padua, 2003), 351-389.
50. “Xerxes’ March from Doriscus to Therme”, Historia 52 (2003), 385-409.
51. “Heroes in Xenophon’s Anabasis”, in A.Barzanò, C.Bearzot, F.Landucci, L.Prandi,
G.Zecchini (edd.), Modelli eroici dell’antichità alla cultura europea (Rome, 2003
[published 2004]), 115-156.
52. “The Persian Empire”, in R.Lane Fox (ed.), The Long March: Xenophon and the Ten
Thousand (New Haven-London, 2004), 154-183.
53. “Xenophon, Artemis and Scillus”, in T.Figueira (ed.), Spartan Society (Swansea, 2004),
54. “Doctoring the Persians: Ctesias of Cnidus, physician and historian”, Klio 86 (2004),
55. “Xenophon and his World: An Introductory Review”, in C.J.Tuplin (ed.), Xenophon and
His World (Stuttgart, 2004), 13-31.
56. “Herodotus and Xenophon’s Anabasis”, in V.Karageorghis & I.Taifacos (edd.), The World
of Herodotus (Nicosia, 2004), 351-364.
57. “Medes in Media, Mesopotamia and Anatolia: empire, hegemony, devolved domination or
illusion?”, Ancient West & East 3 (2004) [published 2005], 223-251.
58. “Darius’ accession in (the) Media”. In P.Bienkowski et al. (edd.), Writing and Ancient Near
Eastern Society (New York & London, 2005), 217-244.
59. “Fratama”, ARTA 2005.4 (
60. “Delian Imperialism”, Arkhaiognosia 13 (2005) [published 2006], 11-68.
61. “Slavery and the critique of the ancient polis”, in A.Sergidhou (ed.), Fear of Slaves - Fear of
Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean (Besançon, 2007), 57-74.
62. “Xenophon on Achaemenid Anatolia”, in I.Delemen (ed.), The Achaemenid Impact on Local
Populations and Culture in Anatolia (Istanbul, 2007), 7-31.
63. “The Achaemenid Impact on Anatolia: a summary”, in I.Delemen (ed.), The Achaemenid
Impact on Local Populations and Culture in Anatolia (Istanbul, 2007), 291-297.
64. “Introduction”, in C.J.Tuplin (ed.), Persian Responses: Political and Cultural Interactions
(with)in the Achaemenid Empire (Swansea, 2007), xiii-xxv
65. “Treacherous hearts and upright tiaras: on the head-gear of Persian Kings”, in C.J.Tuplin
(ed.), Persian Responses: Political and Cultural Interactions (with)in the Achaemenid
Empire (Swansea, 2007), 67-97.
66. “Continuous Histories (Hellenica)”, in J.Marincola (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to
Greek and Roman Historiography (Oxford, 2007), 159-170.
67. “Taxation and Death. Certainties in the Fortification Archive?”, in P.Briant, W.Henkelman
& M.W.Stolper (edd.), L’archive des fortifications de Persépolis dans le contexte de
l’empire achéménide et ses prédécesseurs (Paris, 2008), 317-386.
68. “Boeotians and the Anabasis”, V.Aravantinos (ed.), Proceedings of the IVth Congress of
Boeotian Studies Livadeia 9-12 September 2000 = Epetêris tês Hetaireias Boiotikôn
Meletôn 4B (Athens, 2008) , 689-709.
69. “The Seleucids and their Achaemenid Predecessors. A Persian inheritance?”, in S.M.R.
Darbandi & A.Zournatzi (eds), Ancient Greece and Ancient Iran: Cross-Cultural
Encounters (Athens, 2009), 109-136.
70. “The Gadatas Letter”, in L.Mitchell & L.Rubinstein (edd.), Greek History and Epigraphy.
Essays in honour of P.J.Rhodes (Swansea, 2009), 155-184.
71. “Culture and power: some concluding remarks”, in P.Briant & M.Chauveau (edd.),

Organisation des pouvoirs et contacts culturels dans les pays de l’empire achéménide
(Paris, 2010), 415-428.
72. “Dareios’ Scythian expedition revisited”, in J.Nieling & E.Rehm (edd.), The Achaemenid
Impact in the Black Sea: Communication of Powers (Aarhus, 2010), 281-312.
73. “All the King’s Men”, in J.Curtis & St.J. Simpson (edd.), The World of Achaemenid Persia:
History, Art and Society in Iran and the Ancient Near East (London & New York,
2010), 51-61.
74. “All the King’s horses. In search of Achaemenid Persian cavalry”, in M.Trundle & G.Fagan
(edd.), New Perspectives on Ancient Warfare (Leiden, 2010), 100-182.
75. “Xenophon and Achaemenid courts: a survey of evidence”, in B.Jacobs & R.Rollinger
(edd.), Der Achämenidenhof (Wiesbaden 2010), 189-230.
76. “The limits of Persianization: reflections on cultural politics in the Persian Empire”, in
E.Gruen (ed.), Cultural Identity and the Peoples of the Ancient Mediterranean (Los
Angeles 2010), 150-182.
77. “The Marathon campaign: in search of a Persian dimension”, in K.Buraselis & K.Meidani
(edd.), Marathon: Deme and Battle (Athens 2010), 251-274.
78. “Xenophon at Celaenae: palaces, rivers and myths”, in L.Summerer, A.Ivantchik & A. von
Kienlin (edd.), Kelainai-Apameia Kibotos: Développement urbain dans le context
anatolien. Actes du colloque internationale Munich 2-4 April 2009 (Bordeaux 2011),
79. “Ctesias as military historian”, in J.Wiesehöfer, G.Lanfranchi & R.Rollinger (edd.), Ktesias’
Welt (Wiesbaden 2011), 449-488.
80. “Managing the World: Herodotus on Persian imperial administration”, in R.Rollinger et
al. (edd.), Herodotus and the Persian Empire (Wiesbaden 2011), 39-64.
81. “Introduction”, in F.Hobden & C.J.Tuplin (edd.), Xenophon: Ethical Principles and
Historical Enquiry (Leiden, 2012), 1-41. Co-authored with Dr F.Hobden.
82. “Xenophon’s Cyropaedia: Fictive history, political analysis and thinking with Iranian
Kings”, in L.G.Mitchell & C.Melville (edd.), Every Inch a King: Comparative Studies in
Kings and Kingship in the Ancient and Mediaeval Worlds (Leiden 2013), 67-90.
83. “Berossus and Greek Historiography”, in J.Haubold et al. (edd.), The World of Berossus
(Wiesbaden 2013), 177-199.
84. “Intolerable clothes and a terrifying name: the characteristics of an Achaemenid invasion
force”, in C.Carey & M.Edwards (edd.), Marathon: 2500 Years. Proceedings of the
Marathon Conference 2010 (London 2013), 223-239.
85. “Arshama, prince and satrap”, in J.Ma & C.J.Tuplin (edd.), The Arshama Letters
in the Bodleian Library (January 2014),
86. “Commentary”, in J.Ma & C.J.Tuplin (edd.), The Arshama Letters in the Bodleian Library (January 2014), 3.1-151.
87. “The military dimension of Hellenistic kingship: an Achaemenid heritage”, in F.Hoffman &
K.S.Schmidt (edd.), Orient und Okzident: Antagonismus oder Konstrukt?
Machtstrukturen, Ideologien und Kulturtransfer in hellenistischer Zeit (Vaterstetten,
2014), 245-276.
88. “Le salut par la parole. Les discours dans l’Anabase de Xénophon”, in P.Pontier (ed.),
Xénophon et la rhétorique (Paris, 2014), 69-120.
89. “The changing pattern of Achaemenid imperial coinage”, in P.Bernholz & R.Vaubel
(edd.), Explaining Monetary and Financial Innovation (Cham, Heidelberg, New
York, Dordrecht & London, 2014), 127-168.
90. “The sick man of Asia?”, in G.Parmeggiani (ed.), Between Thucydides and Polybius. The
Golden Age of Greek Historiography (Harvard, 2014), 211-238.

91. “Ephorus on post-Herodotean Persian history”, in P. de Fidio & C.Talamo (edd.), Eforo di
Cuma nella storia della storiografia greca (Atti dell’Incontro internazionale di studi,
Fisciano-Salerno, 10-12 dicembre 2008) = La Parola del Passato 68 (2013) [2014],
92. “From Arshama to Alexander. Reflections on Persian responses to attack”, in S.Gaspa,
A.Greco, D.Morandi Bonacossi, Simonetta Ponchia, R.Rollinger (edd.), From Source
to History: Studies on Ancient Near Eastern Worlds and Beyond (Festschrift for
Giovanni B.Lanfranchi) (Münster 2014), 668-696.
93. “The justice of Darius: some reflections on the Achaemenid empire as a rule-bound
environment”, in A.Fitzpatrick-McKinley (ed.), Assessing Biblical and Classical
Sources for the Reconstruction of Persian Influence, History and Culture (Wiesbaden
2015), 73-126.
94. “The Persian military establishment in western Anatolia: a context for Celaenae”, in
A.Ivantchik, L.Summerer & A. von Kienlin (edd.). Kelainai-Apameia Kibotos: une
métropole achéménide, hellénistique et romaine (Bordeaux 2016), 15-27.
95. “Xenophon and Athens”, in M.A.Flower (ed.), Cambridge Companion to Xenophon
(Cambridge 2016), 338-359.
96. “Serving the satrap. Subsatrapal officials in Greek and Aramaic sources”, in B. Jacobs,
W.F.M. Henkelman & M.W.Stolper (eds.), Die Verwaltung im Perserreich –
Imperiale Muster und Strukturen. / The Administration of the Achaemenid Empire –
Tracing the Imperial Signature (Wiesbaden 2017), 613-676.

In press
97. “Warlords and mercenaries in the Achaemenid Empire”, forthcoming in T.Ñaco de Hoyo
& F.López-Sánchez (edd.), Warlords, War and Interstate Relations in the Ancient
Mediterranean, 404 BC – AD 14 (Leiden).
98. “Dogs that do not (always) bark. Herodotus on Persian Egypt”, forthcoming in E.Irwin &
T.Harrison (edd.), The Past in the Present: Interpreting Herodotus after Charles
W.Fornara (Oxford).
97. “Sigillography and soldiers: cataloguing military activity on Achaemenid period seals”,
forthcoming in E.Dusinberre & M.Garrison (edd.), The Art of Empire in Achaemenid
Persia. Festschrift in honor of Margaret Cool Root (Leiden).
100. “Plato, Xenophon and Persia”, forthcoming in G.Danzig & N.Alon (edd.), Plato and
Xenophon: Comparative Studies (proceedings of a conference held at Tzuba in June
2014) (Leiden).
101. “Military organization and equipment”, forthcoming in B.Jacobs & R.Rollinger (edd.),
Blackwell Companion to the Achaemenid Empire. (Malden & Oxford). Co-authored
with B.Jacobs.
102. “Mercenaries”, forthcoming in B.Jacobs & R.Rollinger (edd.), Blackwell Companion to
the Achaemenid Empire (Malden & Oxford).
103. “Paradise revisited”, forthcoming in Iranica Antiqua.
104. “Heartland and periphery: some reflections on the interactions between power and religion
in the Achaemenid Empire”, forthcoming in R.Aschenbach (ed.), Die Religionspolitik
der Achämeniden und die Rolle der kleinasiatischen und vorderasiatischen
Lokalheiligtümer (Proceedings of an international conference in Münster: February
2016, to be published as a special number of Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und
Biblische Rechtsgeschichte).

105. “War and peace in Achaemenid imperial ideology”, forthcoming in F.Muccioli et al.
(edd.), Looking East. Iranian History and Culture under Western Eyes (Proceedings of
an international conference in Ravenna, January 2016, to be published as a special
number of Electrum).
106 “The Great King, his god(s) and intimations of divinity. The Achaemenid hinterland to
ruler cult?”, forthcoming in Ancient History Bulletin.

107. “Where have all the soldiers gone? In search of the Achaemenid military environment”. To
appear in M.Jursa (ed.), Governing Ancient Empires (Proceedings of the final conference
of the NFN Imperium and Officium project: Vienna, November 2014) (Vienna).
108. “Logging history in Achaemenid, Seleucid and Parthian Babylon. Historical entries in
dated Astronomical Diaries”. To appear in J.Haubold & K.Stevens (edd.), Keeping
Watch in Babylon: from evidence to text in the Astronomical Diaries (Proceedings of
an international conference in Durham, June 2016).
109. “The balance-sheet of Achaemenid warfare: gathering the evidence”. To appear in
R.Konijnendijk & M Dal Borgo (edd.), War in the Ancient World: the Economic
Perspective (Proceedings of a conference in London, April 2016).
110. “The Ten Thousand in Mesopotamia”. To appear in R. da Riva (ed.), Routes and
Travellers between East and West: Cultural Exchange in the Ancient World
(Proceedings of Melammu Workshop 3, Barcelona, March 2017).
111. “Mercenaries in the Greek world: a Persian perspective”. To appear in P.Sänger (ed.),
Shaping Politics and Society: Mercenaries in the Greek World (Proceedings of a
conference held in Halle, November 2016).
112. “Medes in Anatolia: a return visit”, Anatolian Studies.


1. “Digest XXXIV 4-9 & XXXIX”. Translations in W.A.J.Watson (ed.), The Digest of Justinian
(Philadelphia, 1985), 3.165-81, 374-420.
2. Ten entries (translation and commentary) in I.Worthington (ed.) Brill’s New Jacoby
Artavasdes (678), Lysanias (426), Theodectes (113), Xenophon (24), Athenocles
(682), Diocles (693), Hermesianax (691), Pharnuchus (694), Simacus (683), Zeno (684)


1. Entries in D. Bowder (ed.), Who Was Who in the Greek World (Oxford, 1982), passim.
Entries on 144 Greek, Macedonian and Persian individuals prominent in fourth century
BC political and military history
2. Maps with commentary in R.J.A.Talbert (ed.), Atlas of Classical History (Beckenham,
1985), 18-25, 44-49, 58-59, 61-69.
The Persian Empire 530-330; The Persian Wars; Marathon 490; Thermopylae 480;
Artemisium 480; Salamis 480; Plataea 479; The Athenian Empire; The Peloponnesian
War; Pylos and Sphacteria; The Anabasis; Leuctra 371; Chaeronea 338; The Growth of
Macedonian power 359-336; Alexander’s Campaigns 334-323; R.Granicus 334; Issus
333; Gaugamela 331; R.Hydaspes 326.
3. “Xenophon”, in J.Cannon, R.H.C.Davis, W.Doyle & J.P.Greene (edd.), The Dictionary of
Historians (Oxford, 1988), 459-60.

4. Twenty-three entries in S.Hornblower & A.J.Spawforth (edd.), Oxford Classical Dictionary

[third edition] (Oxford, 1996).
5. “Cunaxa (Battle of)”, “Cyrus”, “Darius”, “Xenophon”, “Xerxes”. Entries in R.Holmes (ed.),
Oxford Companion to Military History (Oxford, 2001), 245, 247, 249, 1009-10.
6. “Herodotus on the Persian Empire.” Appendix in R.B.Strassler (ed.) The Landmark
Herodotus (New York, 2008).
7. “Persia in Xenophon’s Hellenica.” Appendix in R.B.Strassler (ed.) The Landmark
Xenophon’s Hellenika (New York, 2009), 340-346.
8. “The historical significance of the Tatarlı tomb-chamber”. In L.Summerer & A. von Kienlin
(edd.), Tatarlı: Renklerin Dönüşü = Tatarlı: The Return of the Colours (Istanbul, 2010),
9. “Prologo”, in D.Gomez Castro, Relaciones internacionales y mercenariado griego: del
final de la Guerra del Peloponeso a la Paz del Rey (404-386 a.C.) (Barcelona, 2012),
10. “Xenophon”. Encyclopaedia Britannica (Britannica Online) Xenophon
11. “Xenophon”. In E.Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica. articles/xenophon
12. “Salamis”. In E.Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica (on line)
13. Comment on H.Dominguez del Triunfo, “La tolerancia religiosa de los Aqueménidas: el
caso de Sardes”, S.Loukas (ed.), Proceedings of “Ricerche a Confronto” 2012
(Zermeghedo (Vi), 2015)
14. Entries in D.Kelly, P.Londey & I.Spence (edd.), Conflict in Ancient Greece and Rome:
The Definitive Political, Social, and Military Encyclopedia (Santa Barbara, 2016).
o Xenophon, Artaxerxes I, Artaxerxes II, Artaxerxes III, Darius I, Darius II,
Darius III, Cyrus the Great, Cyrus the Younger, Xerxes, Achaemenid Empire
15. “Appendix C: The Persian Empire”, forthcoming in S.Brennan & D.H. Thomas (edd.) The
Landmark Xenophon’s Anabasis (New York).
16. “Appendix D: The Persian army”, forthcoming in S.Brennan & D.H. Thomas (edd.) The
Landmark Xenophon’s Anabasis (New York).


1. “In the footsteps of the Ten Thousand : P.Briant (ed.), Dans les Pas des Dix-Mille”, REA 101
(1999), 331-366.
2. “Helleniceties. Marginal notes on a book and a review” (J.Hall, Hellenicity: Between
Ethnicity and Culture), Ancient West and East 4 (2005) , 421-429.
3. “Racism in classical antiquity? Three opinions. 1” (B.Isaac, The Invention of Racism),
Ancient West and East 6 (2007), 327-338.
4. “Fragmented historiography. Sniffing out literature in a sharp-nosed historian”
(E.Occhipinti, Hellenica Oxyrhyncia and Greek Historiography), AHB 30 (2016),


1. G.L.Cawkwell, Philip of Macedon, CR n.s.29 (1979), 268-70.

2. R.Warner & G.L.Cawkwell, Xenophon: A History of my Times, CR n.s.30 (1980), 6-9.
3. J.B.Wilson, Pylos 425 BC: A Historical and Topographical Study of Thucydides’ Account of
the Campaign, LCM 6 (1981), 29-34.

4. M.Hatzopoulos & D.Loukopoulos (edd.), Philip of Macedon, CR n.s.32 (1982), 239-41.

5. C.J.Emlyn-Jones, The Ionians and Hellenism, JHS 102 (1982), 265-6.
6. J.Buckler, The Theban Hegemony, History 67 (1982), 158-9
7. P.Krenz, The Thirty at Athens, JHS 104 (1984), 242.
8. A.Wallace-Hadrill, Suetonius, JACT Bulletin April 1984, 36-7.
9. P.Harding, Translated Documents of Greece and Rome II: from the End of the
Peloponnesian War to the Battle of Ipsus, LCM 10 1985), 60-2.
10. J.F.Lazenby, The Spartan Army, LCM 11 (1986), 25-8.
11. O.Lordkipanidze, Das alte Colchis und seine Beziehungen zur griechischen Welt vom 6.zum
4. Jh.v.Ch., Gnomon 59 (1987), 32-5.
12. R.Meiggs & D.M.Lewis, A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions [revised edition], LCM
14 (1989), 11-12.
13. P.M.Fraser & E.Matthews (edd.), Lexicon of Greek Personal Names I, CR n.s.39 (1989),
14. P.R.McKechnie, Hellenica Oxyrhyncia, LCM 14 (1989), 157-61.
15. D.Kagan, The Fall of the Athenian Empire, History 74 (1989), 230-1.
16. R.Sealey, The Athenian Republic, History 74 (1989), 290-1.
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1. A Commentary on Xenophon’s Anabasis (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

Edited Book
2. Arshama and Egypt. The Bodleian Letters in Context (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
• Co-edited with J.Ma

Research essays
3. “Arshama Prince and Satrap”, “Machimoi , Mercenaries and Medes: Soldiers in
Achaemenid Egypt”, and “The Fall and Rise of the Elephantine Temple”. For C.J.Tuplin
& J.Ma (edd.), Arshama and Egypt. The Bodleian Letters in Context (OUP)
4. “The intersection of gods and kings in Achaemenid Iran”. For E.Pachoumi (ed.),
Conceptualising Divine Unions: Revelations, Internalisations and Identifications with
the Divine in the Greek, Near Eastern and African Worlds (Proceedings of an
international interdisciplinary conference, Potchefstroom, April 2017).
5. “Slavery in Aramaic texts”. For J.E.Rowlandson (ed.), Slaves and Dependents in Ancient
Egypt (Cambridge).
6. “Now you see them, now you don’t. Greco-Carian mercenaries in Saite and Persian
Egypt”. For the proceedings of Religion, Violence and Interaction. An
interdisciplinary approach to Herodotus’ narrative on Cambyses (Heidelberg, June
7. “Of darics, disks and staters: some issues in Achaemenid imperial space”. For the
proceedings of Coinage in Imperial Space (Krakow, July 2017).

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