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Berde Project (Siklab) 2

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Describe your project entry

Sta.Catalina Integrated National High School (SCINHS) Supreme Student Government (SSG) Officers have
created a project for one of the core-values which is makalikasan entitled Barangay Environmental
Rehabilitation and Develpoment (BERDE) through this project SSG officers help the barangay that they
chose to clean to prevent unclean environment. Because environment is a place where humans as well
as plants and animals live. Keeping it clean and neat is our responsibility. It is necessary to keep our
environment clean because we get fresh air, reduce pollution etc. An unclean environment leads to a
bad condition of a society, arrival of diseases and many more. We all know that cleanliness is the most
importance for physical well-being and a healthy environment. It has bearing on public and personal
hygiene. It is essential for everyone to learn about cleanliness, hygiene, sanitation and the various
diseases that are caused due to poor hygienic conditions.SSG officers decided to cleaned the following
barangays Barangay San.Francisco,Barangay Sta.Catalina (Regidor and Lopez Jaena),Barangay San
Miguel and Barangay Pook because they notice that the following barangays not already clean and SSG
officers while cleaning they collect the plastic bottles and other waste that they can sell on the junkshop
and the money that they collected they added to SSG's fund. Anyway,before SSG officers proceed to
clean the all barangay's they talked to the barangay chairman because SSG officers need an approval to
them to prevent misunderstanding because maybe the barangay chairman offended because SSG
officers chose that barangay to clean and the meaning of these,that barangay was not clean and it is the
purpose of approval of the barangay chairman's and also SSG officers explain why that barangay that
they chose to cleaned. For those people not familiar what is environmental cleaning,environmental
cleaning is cleanup laws govern the removal of pollution and contaminants from environmental media
such as soil,sediment,surface water or ground water.Also cleaning is the method used to achieve a clean
environmental. It can best be viewed as a fundamental environmental management process of putting
unwanted matter in its proper place. This ensures an environment that is sustainable and functioning.
Cleaning also is a systematic science-based process. All people have a discipline but also some people
forgot how to used these that simple instruction put all waste on a trashcan. The point of these project
is to maintain the health of all person and to prevent some of diseases.To maintain a clean environment,
people need to reduce the use of toxic materials, conserve water and energy, dispose of garbage
properly, recycle waste products, purchase recycled products, invest in green energy and drive fuel-
efficient cars with reduced carbon dioxide emissions.Cleaning the environment reduces pollution,
protects unique ecosystems, prevents the extinction of endangered species and conserves resources,
such as water, land and air. A clean environment ensures the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems
upon which human life and all other life on Earth depends. SSG officers feel happy because they help
some people and also our environment.

2. How does the project adress the problem of community?

The Barangay Environmental Rehabilitation and Development (BERDE) Project is getting your community
involved in a neighborhood cleanup can be a great way to create an awareness in your area, and can lay
the groundwork for future waste-reducing efforts. A cleanup can also bring about a sense of community
and responsibility to keep our homes and common areas safe and clean. Visible results might lead to a
heightened interest and involvement among community members in reducing garbage and food waste,
and preserving the environment. These project also need a cooperation by a member because if only
one person do that maybe he or she finished that after a week but if they have a cooperation they fast
to finish that kind of project. This project also help to know that Sta.Catalina Integrated National High
School student's was so kind and helpful. Another purpose of this project was want to be safe from any
trash that can make person hurt like can,glassware etc. The ultimate goal is to understand the problem
better and to deal with it more effectively, so the method you choose should accomplish that goal. They
will offer some step-by-step guidelines here and go over a couple of specific ways to determine the
causes of the problem. First,justify the choice of the problem. Second,frame the problem. Third identify
whose behavior and/or what and how environmental factors need to change for the problem to begin
to be solved. Forth,analyze the root causes of the problem. Fifth,identify the restraining and driving
forces that affect the problem. Sixth,find any relationships that exist among the problem you’re
concerned with and others in the community. Seventh,identify personal factors that may contribute to
the problem.Eighth,identify environmental factors that may contribute to the problem.And
lastly,identify targets and agents of change for addressing the problem. They will offer that because for
they you will know fast the number 1 one issue of our community.

3. Who and how many beneficiaries of the project? How did they benefit from the project?

The beneficiaries that involve of this project came from Majayjay called Majayjay Citizens or
Majayjayeños. This are the barangays that involve to this project. First,barangay San Francisco
Majayjay,Laguna estimated with 210 members. Second,barangay San Miguel Majayjay,Laguna estimated
with 200 members. Third,Regidor Street barangay Sta.Catalina Majayjay,Laguna estimated with 150
members. Forth,Lopez Jaena Street also barangay Sta.Catalina Majayjay,Laguna estimated with 248
members. And lastly,barangay Pook Majayjay,Laguna estimated with 267 members. And they benefit
with SSG officers project's called BERDE Project because they let go from some diseases like for example
dengue,asthma etc and they also benefit this project because after thet finished that project
majayjayeños live with fresh air environment and reduce pollution. Living in an uncluttered environment
also helps to reduce distractions and improve concentration two important factors for kids with
homework assignments or even adults working in a home office. Overall, a clean and healthy
environment lowers stress and contributes to a positive outlook on life. They also benefit the muscle
development power cleans are technically considered a shoulder exercise, but they do more than build
up your deltoids. They hit your posterior chain hard, giving you well-developed muscles in the legs
including the calves, glutes, and hamstrings. The power clean technique also targets the muscles in the
lower and upper back and traps and explosive power if you are looking for weight lifting exercises that
improve explosiveness quickly, then look no further. The 1st pull portion of the power clean motion
builds explosiveness rapidly. The rest of the motion also builds general strength and speed, which
equates to yet more power and explosive potential. Because some of majayjayeños make an exercised
while cleaning and because of that they improved their muscle development and explosiveness.
Remember, a clean environment is essential for healthy living.

4. What is the impact of the project to the stakeholders?

The Barangay Environmental Rehabilitation and Development (BERDE) Project impact the stakeholders
through they realize how our environment so important to maintain cleanliness because environment is
one of the thing that human need to survuve in life also environment needs people to survive. In short,
environment needs oxygen and buman needs carbon dioxide. This project want to change a behavior of
human who not caring our environment because nowadays some people abused our environment. · The
idea of sharing responsibility for environment cleanliness can be challenging for many palces, but it can
also make your program more successful. The goal is to promote environmental stewardship across the
community so that each stakeholder group barangay captain,councilor,teenagers,visitors and vendors
takes personal responsibility for both the environment and the global environment. Schools can
promote stewardship simply by sharing their success stories with the community. The goal is to promote
environmental stewardship across the school community so that each stakeholder takes personal
responsibility in both the school environment and the global environment. Adopting recycling
throughout the school, buying recycled paper and plastic, conserving water and energy and using
environmentally preferable (green) cleaning chemicals are among the many opportunities a school has
to be more green. Our project that we made is to maintain a cleanliness to our environment. Another
reason why we decided to do this project is because we notice that most people don't care about our
environment. From us, this project have a good impact to many stakeholders because they improved
their self to maintain the cleanliness after we do that project to their barangay.

5. Who are involved and what are their role to the project?

Majayjayeños are the involved of this project. First what is role? Roles is generally, roles are the
positions team members assume or the parts that they play in a particular operation or process. And
majayjayeños role to this project is a supporter of the goals of the environmental movement, "a political
and ethical movement that seeks to improve and protect the quality of the natural environment through
changes to environmentally harmful human activities". Another role is the practice of protecting the
natural environment by individuals, organisations and governments. Its objectives are to conserve
natural resources and the existing natural environment and, where possible, to repair damage and
reverse trends. The common role of Majayjayeños to this project is to successfully perform the tasks
that have been allocated, keeping the project manager informed of progress as well as any issues that
may arise. The role often requires team members to work on their own initiative in areas where they are
the 'experts'. SSG officers need the cooperation of majayjayeños to finish this project. SSG officers make
that kind of project to prove that they are concerned to their fellow citizens to prevent any kind of
diseases and not hurt by any kinds of things that brokened. SSG officers make this project also to works
to correct the damage as well as prevent future destruction, spawning numerous environmental groups
in America and around the world. Even with the combinations of legislation and improved corporate
behavior, nonprofit organizations still play a significant role in achieving environmental goals.As such, an
environmentalist or member can be found covering issues related to water, air, waste reduction and
recycling, as well as biodiversity. Moreover, they can do things as varied as lobbying for environmental
laws, enforcing the pre-existing ones or protesting and publicly opposing harmful projects.

6. How does project promote the idea of teamwork and solidarity among its stakeholders?

On this project promote the idea of teamwork and solidarity while SSG officers explain what is the
advantages that they given if some of members cooperate to this project. Solidarity is a tool for reducing
inequality and social injustice in the world. Solidarity leads to the sustainable development of peoples.
For this reason, it is essential that it be used for the benefits it can offer to a particular cause. Solidarity
can be cultivated through education, as children or adults.The solidarity is also more the idea than the
concrete definition. It expresses the respect, acceptance and understanding. Solidarity is an important
principle which is supposed to form our social life. It is generally believed that one should prefer the
sake of the society to his own. Solidarity or teamwork is so important to this project why? because
solidarity is represents the basis of many other human values, such as friendship, companionship, loyalty
or honour. It allows us to feel sentimentally united to those people who are supported.
Ofcourse,solidarity is an awareness of shared interests, objectives, standards, and sympathies creating a
psychological sense of unity of groups or classes. It refers to the ties in a society that bind people
together as one. If they have a solidarity they fastest to end this project and become successfull because
of teamwork of all members.That is to say, we may describe solidarity that derives from some intrinsic
characteristic of the participants or from extrinsic characteristics. When we speak of intrinsic
characteristics, related to organic solidarity, we typically include such types as family, racial/ethnic
groups, national and to some extent religious affiliation. Alternatively, inorganic solidarity, related to the
more voluntary, associational characteristics of such organization, suggests greater volition on the part
of its members. In short,SSG officers promote the teamwork and solidarity to their fellow citizens.

7.What innovation did the team introduce in implementing the project?

How to Promote Innovation on Project? For the most part, when you say the words project
management and innovation in the same sentence, you get blank stares and head scratching. This is
often driven by the outdated view of project management as a rigid framework for command and
control of a project, its resources, and all of the decisions that are inherent in that project.But over the
last several years, a more nuanced relationship between management and innovation has begun to
emerge, and I have witnessed its emergence with my clients in fields like IT, entertainment and the
nonprofit sector.This more nuanced role has taken some of the best ideals from methodologies like
Waterfall and Agile and combined them with creativity and flexibility to create environments where
innovative new ideas are harbored and created, while deadlines and ship dates are still met.To say that
encouraging innovation within your organization means that you succumb to a project management
methodology that has no framework at all is false, but likely the best methods for achieving innovative
outcomes on projects is going to be closer in relationship to Agile than Waterfall.Because a decision and
project framework gives you the backbone for setting goals and understanding where your projects are
in their lifecycle, it is important to lay out a basic framework from which to make decisions.The basic
framework that I use when allowing my teams the flexibility to make decisions while still taking
innovative action more closely resembles risk management than either agile or waterfall and contains
these four elements: Set goals, objectives, and timelines,plan and initiate,project implementation,and
monitor and change.Here are some ideas on how you can apply this framework in your own
business.Set Goals, Objectives and Timelines. Most of the times, when we think about allowing our
teams to innovate, we freak out because that seems like we have opened ourselves up to a blank check
and endless meandering down interesting pathways and through countless pointless changes.By
beginning any project with a clear outline of the goals, objectives and timelines, every decision that the
executives and the project teams make in regards to a project can be made in the context of what the
established measurements of success have been established.In many instances, much of the changes
and delays come because these measurements of success are only loosely defined or are fluidly
enforced.To ensure that this doesn’t arise in your projects, you should build in milestones, check-ins,
and meetings along the way where your progress is measured against your outcomes. Planning in this
context will enable you to much more successfully focus your teams and your managers.

8. How were the team able to fund the project?

Project finance is the long-term financing of infrastructure and industrial projects based upon the
projected cash flows of the project rather than the balance sheets of its sponsors. Usually, a project
financing structure involves a number of equity investors, known as 'sponsors', a 'syndicate' of banks or
other lending institutions that provide loans to the operation. They are most commonly non-recourse
loans, which are secured by the project assets and paid entirely from project cash flow, rather than from
the general assets or creditworthiness of the project sponsors, a decision in part supported by financial
modeling see Project finance model. The financing is typically secured by all of the project assets,
including the revenue-producing contracts. Project lenders are given a lien on all of these assets and are
able to assume control of a project if the project company has difficulties complying with the loan
terms.Generally, a special purpose entity is created for each project, thereby shielding other assets
owned by a project sponsor from the detrimental effects of a project failure. As a special purpose entity,
the project company has no assets other than the project. Capital contribution commitments by the
owners of the project company are sometimes necessary to ensure that the project is financially sound
or to assure the lenders of the sponsors' commitment. Project finance is often more complicated than
alternative financing methods. Traditionally, project financing has been most commonly used in the
extractive (mining), transportation,telecommunications, power industries as well as sports and
entertainment venues.Risk identification and allocation is a key component of project finance. A project
may be subject to a number of technical, environmental, economic and political risks, particularly in
developing countries and emerging markets. Financial institutions and project sponsors may conclude
that the risks inherent in project development and operation are unacceptable (unfinanceable). "Several
long-term contracts such as construction, supply, off-take and concession agreements, along with a
variety of joint-ownership structures are used to align incentives and deter opportunistic behaviour by
any party involved in the project." The patterns of implementation are sometimes referred to as "project
delivery methods." The financing of these projects must be distributed among multiple parties, so as to
distribute the risk associated with the project while simultaneously ensuring profits for each party
involved. In designing such risk-allocation mechanisms, it is more difficult to address the risks of
developing countries' infrastructure markets as their markets involve higher risks.

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