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Release 4

System Description
AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System

116-P-ASAFE-SYSTEMD/EGB Rev. H, 2017-06-06, Autronica Fire And Security AS


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System Description, AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, 116-P-ASAFE-SYSTEMD/EGB Rev. H, 2017-06-06, Autronica Fire and Security

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................... 7
1.1 About the Handbook .......................................................................... 7
1.2 The Reader ....................................................................................... 7
1.3 Reference Documentation................................................................. 7

2. Compliance to Standards ................................................ 8

2.1 Compliance with Regulations and Standards ................................... 8
2.2 EN 54-2 Functionality List ................................................................. 8
2.3 Optional functions with requirements of this European Standard ..... 8
2.3.1 Functions relating to other parts of EN 54 .............................. 10
2.3.2 Ancillary functions not required by this European
Standard .................................................................................. 10
2.4 CE Marking Information..................................................................... 11
2.5 Terms, Abbreviations/Acronyms and Definitions .............................. 11

3. System Characteristics ................................................... 14

3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 14
3.2 Cyber Security ................................................................................... 14
3.3 Safety Functions ................................................................................ 14
3.4 Onshore Market / Maritime Market .................................................... 15
3.5 Petrochemical, Oil & Gas Market ...................................................... 16
3.6 Maritime Gas Installation ................................................................... 17
3.7 AutroNet - the Local Area Network ................................................... 18
3.8 AutroFieldBus – the Low Level Protocol for Field Devices ............ 18
3.9 System Capacity ............................................................................... 18
3.10 AutroSafe Dual Safety Concept ........................................................ 19
3.10.1 Description .............................................................................. 19
3.10.2 AutroKeeper BN-180 ............................................................... 19
3.10.3 Scenarios for Transfer of Loop Control / Switchover of
Loop Access ............................................................................ 20
3.10.4 Connection of Loop Driver Modules ........................................ 21
3.10.5 Rules of Thumb ....................................................................... 21
3.10.6 Example 1: Connections Using AL_Com+ only ...................... 22
3.10.7 Example 2: Connections using both AL_Com+ and
AutroFieldBus .......................................................................... 23
3.11 Dual CPU concept ............................................................................. 24
3.12 Zoning Concept ................................................................................. 24
3.13 Communication Ports ........................................................................ 25
3.14 AutroMaster ISEMS ........................................................................... 25
3.15 Interfacing Peripheral Equipment ...................................................... 25
3.16 Language Options ............................................................................. 26
3.17 Environmental Requirements ............................................................ 26
3.18 Configuration / Service ...................................................................... 26
3.18.1 Downloading from one central point ....................................... 26
3.18.2 AutroSafe Remote Access ...................................................... 26
3.19 SelfVerify® Function.......................................................................... 27
3.20 Operation Classes for different Detection Methods .......................... 27
System Description, AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, Release 4, 116-P-ASAFE-SYSTEMD/EGB Rev. H,
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3.21 Performance Classes for Environmental Adaptivity .......................... 28

3.22 Interactive Detectors with Dynamic Filtering (DYFI+) ....................... 29
3.23 Built-in Short-circuit Isolator .............................................................. 30
3.24 Integrity of Transmissions Paths ....................................................... 30
3.25 FWRE, Common Trouble and Panel Operation State ...................... 31
3.25.1 Fault Warning Routing Equipment (FWRE) Output ................ 31
3.25.2 Common Trouble Output ........................................................ 31
3.25.3 Panel Operational State Output .............................................. 31
3.26 Heat Dissipation ................................................................................ 31

4. System Units .................................................................... 32

5. Examples of Network Solutions ..................................... 34

5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 34
5.2 AutroNet T opologies ......................................................................... 34
5.3 General Guidelines ............................................................................ 34
5.4 Phoenix Ethernet Switches ............................................................... 35
5.4.1 Overview ................................................................................. 35
5.5 AutroNet Redundant Star Topology .................................................. 36
5.5.1 Network Solution – Example 1 ................................................ 36
5.5.2 Network Solution – Example 2 ................................................ 36
5.5.3 Network Solution – Example 3 ................................................ 37
5.5.4 Network Solution – Example 4 ................................................ 37
5.5.5 Network Solution – Example 5 ................................................ 38
5.5.6 Network Solution – Example 6 ................................................ 39
5.5.7 Network Solution – Example 7 ................................................ 40
5.5.8 Network Solution – Example 8 ................................................ 40
5.6 AutroNet Single Star Topology .......................................................... 41
5.6.1 Network Solution - Example 9 ................................................. 41
5.7 AutroNet Ring Topology .................................................................... 43
5.7.1 Network Solution – Example 10 .............................................. 43
5.7.2 Network Solution – Example 11 .............................................. 44
5.7.3 Network Solution – Example 12 .............................................. 45
5.7.4 Network Solution – Example 13 .............................................. 46

6. Internal Modules .............................................................. 47

6.1 Module Capacity inside the Fire Alarm Control Panel and
Controller ........................................................................................... 47
6.2 Overview............................................................................................ 47

7. Loop Units ........................................................................ 48

7.1 Overview............................................................................................ 48
7.2 Detectors ........................................................................................... 48
7.3 Input and Output Units ...................................................................... 49
7.4 Manual Call Points and Release Stations ......................................... 49
7.5 Control Units ...................................................................................... 49
7.6 Alarm Units ........................................................................................ 49
7.7 Loop Panels ...................................................................................... 49

8. Detectors for Special Requirements .............................. 50

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8.1 Overview............................................................................................ 50
8.2 Aspirating Detectors .......................................................................... 50
8.3 Flame Detectors ................................................................................ 51
8.4 Beam Detectors ................................................................................. 51

9. Communication Modules ................................................ 52

10. Detection Loops............................................................... 53

10.1 Description ........................................................................................ 53
10.2 Branch-offs ........................................................................................ 53
10.3 Capacity on the Detection Loop ........................................................ 54
10.3.1 Maximum Loop Units .............................................................. 54
10.3.2 Current Consumption .............................................................. 54
10.3.3 Guidelines ............................................................................... 55
10.3.4 Example - using Scores to Estimate ....................................... 55
10.3.5 Example – using Exact Values to Calculate ........................... 56
10.3.6 Example – Calculating the Exact Cable Length ...................... 57

11. Cable Specifications ........................................................ 58

12. Shielding and Earthing .................................................... 59

12.1 Definitions .......................................................................................... 59
12.2 Single Earth Systems - PowerLoop .................................................. 60
12.3 Dual Earth Systems - PowerLoop ..................................................... 62
12.4 Shielding and Earthing AutroFieldBus .............................................. 63
12.5 Earth Fault Detection - AutroFieldBus ............................................... 64

13. Power Distribution, Calculation and Consumption ....... 65

13.1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 65
13.2 Power Calculation Example – 4 Power Cabinets BP-405............ 66
13.3 Power Consumption .......................................................................... 68
13.3.1 System Units ........................................................................... 68
13.3.2 Loop Units ............................................................................... 69
13.3.3 Phoenix Ethernet Switches ..................................................... 69

14. Appendix .......................................................................... 70

14.1 Zoning Concept ................................................................................. 70
14.1.1 General ................................................................................... 70
14.1.2 Detection Zone ........................................................................ 70
14.1.3 Alarm Zone .............................................................................. 71
14.1.4 Operation Zone ....................................................................... 71
14.2 Configuration Examples .................................................................... 72
14.2.1 Simple Configuration Example ................................................ 72
14.2.2 Configuration Example with Several Operation Zones ........... 73

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1. Introduction
1.1 About the Handbook
This document provides a description of the AutroSafe Interactive Fire
Detection System, Release 4.

1.2 The Reader

This handbook is intended for consultants, sales personnel, potential
customers and distributors.

1.3 Reference Documentation

The table below shows an overview of the technical marketing
documentation for AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System,
Release 4.

Document Name Part number File name

System Description 116-P-ASAFE-SYSTEMD/EGB asafesystemd_egb
Installation Handbook 116-P-ASAFE-INSTALL/DGB asafeinstall_dgb
Commissioning Handbook 116-P-ASAFE-COMMISS/EGB asafecommiss_egb
Connecting Loop Units 116-P-CONNECTLOOPUNIT/DGB connectloopunit_dgb
User Guide, Remote Access 116-P-ASAFE-REMOTEAC/EGB asaferemoteac_egb
Operator’s Handbook 116-P-ASAFE-OPERATE/FGB asafeoperate_fgb
User Guide 116-P-ASAFE-USERGUI/LGB asafeusergui_lgb
Wall Chart 116-P-ASAFE-WALLCHA/LGB asafewallcha_lgb
Menu Structure 116-P-ASAFE-MENUSTR/MGB asafemenustr_mgb
Datasheet; Fire Alarm Control Panel BS-420 116-P-BS420/CGB bs420_cgb
Datasheet; Operator Panel BS-430 116-P-BS430/CGB bs430_cgb
Datasheet; Repeater Panel BU-BV-420 116-P-BUBV420/CGB bubv420_cgb
Datasheet; Fire Brigade Loop Panel BU-110 116-P-BU110/CGB bu110_cgb
Datasheet; Information Loop Panel BV-110 116-P-BV110/CGB bv110_cgb
Datasheet; Controller BC-420 116-P-BC420/CGB bc420_cgb
Datasheet; Controller Unit Rack BC-440 116-P-BC440/CGB bc440_cgb
Datasheet; Power Cabinet BP-405 116-P-BP405/CGB bp405_cgb
Datasheet; Power Unit BPS-405 116-P-BPS405/CGB bps405_cgb
Datasheet; Power Unit BPS-410 116-P-BPS410/CGB bps410_cgb
Datasheet; AutroKeeper BN-180 116-P-BN180/CGB bn180_cgb

For detailed technical information on Phoenix Ethernet Switches, refer

to Phoenix Contact web site at

For detailed technical information on DSL Modem and Fiber

Converters, refer to

System Description, AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, Release 4, 116-P-ASAFE-SYSTEMD/EGB Rev. H,
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Compliance to Standards

2. Compliance to Standards
2.1 Compliance with Regulations and Standards
AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, Release 4, complies with
IEC-61508 SIL2 requirements, EN 54-2, EN 54-4 and
EN 54-13 regulations, AS 7240.2 and AS 7240.4 regulations, FM
regulations (Factory Mutual) and the maritime SOLAS (Safety Of Life
At Sea) requirements. The system complies to IMO SOLAS
convention including the amendment Safe Return to Port (AutroSafe
Dual Safety, see chapter 3.10).

Certified according to Construction Products Directive (CPD) and

Marine Equipment Directive (MED).

2.2 EN 54-2 Functionality List

With reference to 12.2.1 in EN 54-2.
h) a general description of the equipment, including a list of the:
 optional functions with requirements of this European Standard
(chapter 2.3 in this handbook)
 functions relating to other parts of EN 54 (chapter 2.3.1 in this
 ancillary functions not required by this European Standard (chapter
2.3.2 in this handbook)

2.3 Optional functions with requirements of this

European Standard
EN 54-2 Imple- Option text Description/Requirement AutroSafe functionality
Clause mented
7.8 Yes Output to Fire Automatic transmission of
Alarm Device(s) fire alarm signals to fire
alarm devices.
7.9.1 Yes Output to Fire Automatic transmission of Indicated by separate light
Alarm Routing fire alarm signals to fire emitting indicator.
Equipment alarm routing equipment.

7.9.2 No Confirmation Reception and indication of

input from Fire signal from fire alarm routing
Alarm Routing equipment.
7.10.1 Yes Output type A: Transmission of fire alarm Only Output type A
Output to Fire signals to controls for implemented
Protection automatic fire protection
Equipment equipment.

7.10.2 No Output type B:

Indication of
signals to Fire

7.10.3 No Output type C:

System Description, AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, Release 4, 116-P-ASAFE-SYSTEMD/EGB Rev. H,
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Compliance to Standards

EN 54-2 Imple- Option text Description/Requirement AutroSafe functionality

Clause mented
input from Fire

7.10.4 No Fault monitoring Reception and indication of

of Fire Protection fault warning signals from
Equipment Fire Protection Equipment.
7.11 Yes Delays to outputs Delay the actioning of Prepared through
outputs to fire alarm devices configuration.
and/or fire alarm routing Entering Day-mode (input
equipment and/or fire or menu) activates delays.
protection equipment. Manual call points may
override delays.
7.12 No Dependency Inhibit either the indication of First release will meet the
fire alarm condition, or the requirements of the “7.12
operation of outputs, until Co-incidence detection” of
confirmatory signals are EN 54-2:1997. Outputs
received. inhibited until confirmatory
signals. Manual call points
overrides co-incidence.
7.13 No Alarm counter Record the number of Search ‘filters’ in Log may
instances that the c.i.e. give alarms or resets only
enters the fire alarm (with date/time).
8.3 Yes Fault signal from Faults shall be indicated at Interpreted to be better to
points least as zone faults. give detailed point info.
8.4 No Total loss of An indication shall be given
power supply for a period of at least one
8.9 Yes Output to Fault Transmission of fault signals
Warning Routing to fault warning routing
Equipment equipment.
9.5 Yes Disablement of Disabling and enabling If all points within a
addressable points individually, or in detection zone are
points groups, by manual disabled, the indication
operation. changes to zone

10 Yes Test condition Testing the processing and

indication of fire alarm
signals from zones.
11 No Standardized Standardized input/output Communication options
input/output interface, suitable for the available. Serial line
interface transmission and reception protocol to cover required
of signals to and from functionality in 11a) and
ancillary equipment. 11b) to be defined. See
also ancillary function list.
12.5 Yes Integrity of 12.5.4. c.i.e. in more than Power supply in separate
transmission one cabinet. cabinet.

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Compliance to Standards

2.3.1 Functions relating to other parts of EN 54

EN 54 part no Description
EN 54-4 Power supply equipment Battery internal resistance and deep discharge.

2.3.2 Ancillary functions not required by this European Standard

Ancillary function Description

Pre Alarm condition A warning level from the detectors with zone indication on display.
Point info. available. Implemented as a condition in line with those
required by the standard.
Self Verifying Function An automatic, calibrated test of all detectors, interfaces,
connections and cables for 300- and 500-series equipment. Series
200 without SV.
DYFI+ Dynamic Filtering, introduced in our BS-100 c.i.e., further
enhanced in AutroSafe and Autroprime.
Environmental Adaptivity Autroprime detectors may be programmed for environments,
clean, normal, industrial.
SOLAS functionality Mandatory functional requirements given by Safety Of Life At Sea
(SOLAS) for installations on ships.
Co-incidence detection As defined in EN 54-2:1998 7.12 Co-incidence detection.
Delayed co-incidence detection Norwegian requirement according to HO-2/98. (Also as described
in EN 54-2:A1:2006 Annex E Type C dependency.)
Operator panels Event indication and handling, menu available.
(In accordance with Annex G, an ancillary function without
requirements. See also above option: 11 Standardised
input/output interface)
Repeater panels Function / type of panel (Fire Brigade Panel or Information Panel)
determined by switch settings (see Installation Handbook for
Short circuit isolators integrated in Communication path between neighbouring loop units may be
loop units. isolated in case of short circuit or break. Provided connection as a
loop (recommended), no loop units will be lost in case of such a
Alarm zones Means of sub-dividing the alarming area in an installation during
fire alarm condition

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Compliance to Standards

2.4 CE Marking Information

Autronica Fire and Security AS

7483 Trondheim


EN 54 –2:1997/A1:2006

Control and indicating equipment for fire detection and fire alarm systems
for buildings


Provided options:
See chapter 2.2.1 in this handbook.

Other technical data:

AutroSafe Installation Handbook 116-P-ASAFEINSTALL/DGB

2.5 Terms, Abbreviations/Acronyms and Definitions

Term Abbr/ Definition
Activation To bring a component into (one of) its active activation states
(depending on type, a component may have several active activation
states). Examples of activation are turning a fire extinguisher on and
making a sounder to issue a EVACUATE or ALERT signal.
Components may be activated and deactivated either on command
or on alarm.
Active Mode The AutroSafe system is in Active Mode when it controls the
detection loops (see Dual Safety).
AL_Com The Autronica loop communication protocol for detectors and I/O
AL_Com+ The Autronica protocol between the panel and the Loop Driver.
Alarm Zone AZ The geographical area throughout which Fire Alarm Devices give
identical alarm signals present identical audible information in
response to the same event. An alarm zone is activated by one or
several Detection Zones.
The alarm zone assigned to the detection zone in alarm is called the
parent alarm zone. Fire Alarm Devices in a parent alarm zone will
always give EVACUATE signal.
To any (parent) alarm zone there may be defined a number of
System Description, AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, Release 4, 116-P-ASAFE-SYSTEMD/EGB Rev. H,
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Compliance to Standards

Term Abbr/ Definition

neighbour alarm zones. Fire Alarm Devices in neighbour alarm
zones will give alert signal when its parent alarm zone gives
EVACUATE signal.
AutroCom The Autronica communication protocol between AutroSafe and
AutroMaster or other third party systems.
AutroFieldBus AFB The Autronica serial interface and low level protocol for field devices
(loop controllers and power units / AutroSafe).
AutroKeeper BN-180 A unit that controls the Loop Driver’s access to the loop.
AutroMaster The Autronica top-level graphical presentation system.
ISEMS ISEMS: Integrated Safety and Emergency Management System
AutroNet The system’s local area network.
BLC-Eq Basic Loop Controller Equipment (equipment part for all Loop Units
and I/O modules, i.e. Eq-part for Loop-Ctrl, Point-Ctrl, FPE-Ctrl etc.)
Component An assembly of one or more modules, implementing a system
function. The following components are defined in the AutroSafe
Interactive Fire Alarm System (also see detailed description of
Components, Chapter 1):
Points (fire detectors, manual call points)
Detection Zones
Fire Protection Equipment (fire extinguishers, ventilation controllers)
Fire Alarm Devices (sounders, information panel, visual indicator)
Fire Alarm Routing Equipment
Fault Warning Routing Equipment
Operator Panels
Condition Meaning similar to «state», but used only in conjunction with the
control and indication equipment. (EN54 standard).
Control and c.i.e Equipment supplying power to, as well as accepting fault and alarm
indicating signals from detectors. A c.i.e. will indicate an alarm condition
equipment audibly as well as visibly and indicate the location of danger.
Deactivation To bring a component into its inactive activation state (a component
can have only one inactive activation state). Examples of
deactivation are turning a fire extinguisher off and silencing a
Detection Loop Wired from the Loop Module to connect all loop units.
Detection Loop Loop circuit connecting a number of fire detectors, manual call-
points and other Loop Units. A detector loop is connected to control
and indicating equipment.
Detection Zone DZ One or more fire detectors and/or manual call-points logically
belonging together for geographical, functional or other reasons.
Dual Safety DS An AutroSafe system consisting of a Primary System and a
Secondary System. The purpose of the concept is to ensure that the
Secondary System takes over the control of the detection loops if
the Primary System is lost for any reason.
Fault Warning FWRE Intermediate equipment which routes a fault warning signal from (B)
Routing to a fault warning signal receiving station.
Fire Alarm FAD Equipment used to give warning of fire, for example, sounder or
Device visual indicator.
Fire Alarm A centre from which the necessary fire protection measures can be
Recieving initiated at any time.
Fire Alarm FARE Intermediate equipment which routes an alarm signal from control
Routing and indicating equipment to a Fire Alarm Receiving Station.
Fire Detector The part of an automatic fire detection system which constantly or at
frequent intervals monitors suitable physical and/or chemical

System Description, AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, Release 4, 116-P-ASAFE-SYSTEMD/EGB Rev. H,
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Compliance to Standards

Term Abbr/ Definition

phenomena for detection of fires in the area under surveillance.
Fire Protection FPE Fire control or fighting equipment, e.g. extinguishing installation.
Loop Unit A Point, an I/O unit or an Electronic Sounder that is connected to a
detection loop.
Manual Call- A device for the manual initiation of an alarm.
Operation Zone OZ An Operation Zone defines the scope of an Operator Panel. One
operation zone may encompass one or more detection zones.
Operation zones are allowed to be contained in other operation
zones, building an hierarchy consisting of different levels of
operation zones.
Operation zones must be fully contained in each other, i.e. the
operation zone can not be partly contained in (overlap) another
operation zone.
One operation zone may be controlled by more than one Operator
Point A detector or a manual call point.
PowerLoop The Autronica loop communication protocol for high power gas and
flame detectors. 2-wire loop for both power and communication.
Primary System The AutroSafe system that is designed to be in Active mode during
normal operation (see Dual Safety).
Secondary The AutroSafe system that is designed to be in Standby mode
System during normal operation (see Dual Safety).
SOLAS A program version of the AutroSafe software, spesially designed for
maritime application - Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS).
Standby Mode The AutroSafe system is in Standby Mode when it is ready to take
over the control of the detection loops if the system in Active Mode
fails (see Dual Safety).
System Unit A unit that is directly connected to AutroNet.

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System Characteristics

3. System Characteristics

3.1 Introduction
AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, Release 4, provides
advanced functionality within fire detection for a wide range of
applications. The system is designed to meet requirements in the
high-end segment of the land, maritime and offshore market, and is
developed for worldwide standards and regulations.

AutroSafe 4 operates on a high-speed and fully redundant Ethernet-

based network solution; AutroNet, providing extremely fast data
transmission. A maximum of 64 system units (panels, controllers) can
be connected to the AutroNet in a standard system (depends on the
type of configuration). A standalone system is also possible, using the
Fire Alarm Control Panel BS-420 (the mandatory panel in any

The system has a great capacity, and the fact that all types of loop
units can be connected to the same detection loop gives large

3.2 Cyber Security

To ensure cyber security, we strongly recommend that the Ethernet
ports are not part of a public internet. Also, to prevent unauthorized
personnel from accessing Ethernet connections we recommend that
the fire alarm control panels (BS-420) and controllers (BC-420) are
placed in a locked room.

3.3 Safety Functions

The main safety function of the AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection
System is detection and action to alarms. The system supports both
fire and gas detection and alarming. The cause & effect from input to
output is very flexible and configurable.

An alarm from a Point activates outputs to FPE (Fire Protection

Equipment), FAD (Fire Alarm Devices) and FARE (Fire Alarm Routing
Equipment) according to the Site Specific Configuration data. The
Alarm causes Point and Detection Zone status to be sent to external
systems via AutroCom, and appears at the panel by indicators and
text in the display.

To ensure that the safety is available in the life cycle of the system
internal diagnostic runs continuously and alerts if any discrepancies
are found.

See Operator’s Handbook for more information on modes of


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System Characteristics

3.4 Onshore Market / Maritime Market

The illustration below shows an example of an installation for the
onshore or maritime market.

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System Characteristics

3.5 Petrochemical, Oil & Gas Market

The illustration below shows an example of an installation for the
petrochemical market (Integrated Fire and Gas Detection – IFG).



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System Characteristics

3.6 Maritime Gas Installation

The illustration below shows an example of a Maritime Gas

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System Characteristics

3.7 AutroNet - the Local Area Network

AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, Release 4, features an
Ethernet-based local area network called AutroNet. The main circuit
board in each single panel/cabinet provides two Ethernet ports,
enabling redundancy.

AutroNet consists of one of the following solutions:

 AutroNet Redundant Star Topology – AutroSafe’s standard
redundant network
 AutroNet Single Star Topology – a system consisting of several
panels with a single network connection to one panel or several
 AutroNet Ring Topology – a redundant network with ring topology

The maximum number of system units supported by AutroNet

depends on the type of system (see System Capacity below). In a
standard system the maximum number is 64.

For detailed information on network solutions, including guidelines and

information on Ethernet switches, refer to Example of Network
Solutions, chapter 5.

3.8 AutroFieldBus – the Low Level Protocol for

Field Devices
AutroFieldBus is the system’s serial interface and low level protocol
for field devices (loop controllers and power units). All power cabinets
and field devices communicate on the AutroFieldBus to achieve fault
monitoring and control, .

3.9 System Capacity

Maximum number of Standard Dual Safety SIL2 Ring
System System System Topology
System units (panels) per system (connected 64 16 (Pri) 32 32
to the local area network; AutroNet) 16 (Sec)
Loop units per system 15000 5000 7500
Modules per fire alarm control panel / 12 18 12
Detection Loops per fire alarm control panel / 6 12* 6
Loop units per system unit (panel) 512 1024 512
Loop units per detection loop 127 127 127
Loop units per branch on a detection loop 32 32 32
Loop units per Intrinsically Safe (IS) branch on 20 20 20
a detection loop
Loop units per Powerloop 15 15 15
Socket sounder / loop sounders per detection 40 40 40
AutroFieldBus units connected to 31 31 31
Ethernet ports per fire alarm control panel / 2 2 2
USB host ports per fire alarm control panel / 2 2 2
* 6 Loops on panel internal I/O stack and 6 loops on BSD-321 I/O stack.

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System Characteristics

3.10 AutroSafe Dual Safety Concept

3.10.1 Description
AutroSafe version 4.3 and more recent versions feature the AutroSafe
Dual Safety concept.

The concept is based on two individual AutroSafe systems physically

connected to the same set of fire detection loops. One system acts as
the Primary System and the other as the Secondary System. The
purpose of the concept is to ensure that all detection loops are able to
communicate with the Secondary System if the Primary System or
parts of the Primary System for any reason fails to communicate with
some or all detection loops (for more details, see chapter 3.10.3).

The two AutroSafe Systems, using an AutroKeeper (BN-180) in

addition to each Loop Driver Module, provides a total system with a
primary and a secondary loop control (AutroSafe Dual Safety).
An AutroMaster can communicate with both the Primary and
Secondary System via AutroCom.

Patented component to meet the SOLAS requirement “Safe

Return to Port”, NO20083912
3.10.2 AutroKeeper BN-180 Patent application PCT/NO2009/000319

Two AutroSafe Interactive Fire Alarm Systems using AutroKeepers

(BN-180) to access one set of detection loops, provides a total system
with a primary and a secondary loop control. If, by any reason, the
primary loop control fails, the secondary loop control will take over,
and fire detection is thus maintained. Redundancy is achieved without
introducing two set of detection loops and thus avoiding twice the
amount of cabling and detectors.

The AutroKeeper is physically placed between the Loop Driver Module

(BSD-310) and the detection loop and thus controlling/providing the
loop controller access to the loop. The AutroKeeper’s function is to
make sure that only one system through one loop controller can
control the detection loop or part of the detection loop at the same
time. The two AutroKeepers connected to one loop will communicate
using the detection loop and strive to make sure that one of the two is
in active mode and the other is in standby mode (see definitions,
chapter 2.5).

The AutroKeepers will continuously monitor critical parameters to

ensure loop access without conflict through either the primary or the
secondary AutroKeeper. As already implied the AutroKeeper giving
loop access is in active mode while the other AutroKeeper is in
standby mode. User commands are available to appeal for a transfer
of control to the AutroKeeper in standby mode.

Commands may be rejected due to loop access conflicts or the

standby AutroKeeper not being able to take over. Automatic
switchover also has acceptance and rejection criteria like this.

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System Characteristics

A detection loop switchover makes the active AutroKeeper standby

and the standby AutroKeeper active. The transfer/switchover time
is so short that the loop units will be operating during the switchover,
powered by their internal battery capacitor (version dependent).

Two BN-180 AutroKeepers control loop access


10 12 Autro
Autro AL_Com+ AL_Com+ (if remote)
Safe Stack 16 9 11 14 Stack Safe
15 Detection 13
14 Loop 16
13 12 10 15
BSD-310 BSD-310
Loop 11 9
control control

modules as STANDBY modules


An AutroKeeper in standby mode creates galvanic isolation between

its loop controller (system) and the detection loop. Thus, the two
systems connected to one set of loops, can have different sources of
power. A detection loop earth fault will only be detected and will only
affect the system on the detection loop's active side. A disabled loop
will set both AutroKeepers in standby mode and leave the loop
unpowered and floating.

The AutroKeeper will normally have one 24VDC power input. If power
is lost, the AutroKeeper will still be operational by using power
provided from the detection loop, but it will try to leave the active
mode. If both power sources fail, there will be a switchover if the
standy AutroKeeper is ready to become active.

3.10.3 Scenarios for Transfer of Loop Control / Switchover of Loop

Manual transfer of loop control:
The System “appeals” AutroKeeper for transfer and the appeal is
accepted. This causes immediate transfer on a per loop basis. The
AutroMaster or AutroSafe may also appeal a “Take” or “Give”,
which is on a per panel basis, including at most all of its loops.
Transfer will occur for all loops if the appeal for transfer of all loops
is accepted.

Automatic switchover of loop access:

 The AutroKeepers watch the state of the two Systems (Primary
and Secondary), by communicating with them. They also watch the
other AutroKeeper. Based on what they see, there may be a
delayed switchover to a better alternative, on a per loop basis.
 If the loop access is such that two loop controllers may
communicate on the loop, this is detected by the AutroKeepers.
The one that detects this “collision” first will withdraw to standby
 If a loop looses power or it is disconnected, there will be an
immediate switchover. If there is a shortcircuit, then the loop will be
raised again by the side that was active when the shortcircuit
For all these scenarios the action may fail. In any case the connected
system will be informed at any new or present mode.
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System Characteristics

3.10.4 Connection of Loop Driver Modules

To avoid twice the amount of Autrosafe panels compared with existing
non Dual Safety systems, the panel loop capacity is doubled from 6 to
maximum 12 detection loops. A set of maximum 6 Loop Driver
Modules are stacked together in the panel I/O stack. If more than 6
Loop Driver Modules are to be connected to one panel, two or more
I/O stacks have to be used. One I/O stack can be connected to the
panel’s main board directly (AL_Com+ flat ribbon cable length
maximum 3 meters).

An alternative connection to be used is through the panel

AutroFieldBus by using the AutroFieldBus Protocol Converter
BSD-321. The AFB capacity is up to 12 BSD-321 for the connection of
Loop Driver Modules and the maximum AFB cable length is 1000
meters (see AFB spec. for more details). Booster equipment can be
added to expand the AFB cable length even further.

The connections that are to be used between the Primary/Secondary

System and the detection loops depend on distances and the number
of Loop Driver Modules/detection loops used. Refer to Rules of
Thumb and the examples in chapter 3.10.6 and 3.10.7.

3.10.5 Rules of Thumb

Note that the following rules of thumb goes for both systems in a Dual
Safety configuration:
 Up to 12 Loop Driver Modules can be connected to one panel
through AutroFieldBus (up to 12 I/O stacks). This solution has to
be used if the cable length between the panel’s main board and the
I/O stack exceeds 3 meters, but can also be used for cable lengths
less than 3 meters.
 Only Loop Driver Module BSD-310 can be used (not BSD-311).

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System Characteristics

3.10.6 Example 1: Connections Using AL_Com+ only

The figure below illustrates an example of the system concept where a
Primary System and a Secondary System share a detection loop.

The distance from the Primary Panel to the Loop Driver Module is less
than 3 meters. An AL_Com+ flat ribbon cable is used between the
panel AL_Com port and the I/O stack (including the Loop Driver

The distance from the Secondary Panel to the Secondary Loop Driver
Module is less than 3 meters. An AL_Com+ flat ribbon cable is used
between the panel AL_Com port and the I/O stack (including the
Secondary Loop Driver Module).

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System Characteristics

3.10.7 Example 2: Connections using both AL_Com+ and AutroFieldBus

The figure below illustrates an example of the system concept on a
vessel where a Primary System and a Secondary System share a
detection loop.

The detection loop covers an area of Fire Zone 1, and all equipment in
the Primary System plus the Loop Drivers in the Secondary System
are located in this fire zone.

The panels in the Secondary System are located in Fire Zone 2. Only
the AutroFieldBus crosses the boundary between the fire zones.

An AutroMaster (top-level Integrated Safety and Emergency

Management System) is located on the bridge, and communicates
with both the Primary and Secondary System via AutroCom. The
AutroMaster operator has a complete graphical view of the entire
system, and can easily see which system is in Active or Standby
Mode during normal operation (see definitions, chapter 2.5). If
necessary, the operator can manually transfer the control of detection
loops from the Primary to the Secondary System, and vice versa.

The distance from the Primary Panel to the Primary Loop Driver
Module is less than 3 meters. An AL_Com+ flat ribbon cable is used
between the panel AL_Com port and the I/O stack (including the Loop
Driver Module).

The distance from the Secondary Panel to the Secondary Loop Driver
Module is more than 3 meters. An AL_Com+ flat ribbon cable
(maximum 3 meters) is used between the AutroFieldBus (AFB)
Protocol Converter BSD-321 and the I/O stack (including the
Secondary Loop Driver Module). The AFB Protocol Converter is
connected to the panel’s AFB. The AFB cable length can be up to
1000 meters. Booster equipment can be added to exceed the AFB
cable length even further.

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System Characteristics

3.11 Dual CPU concept

By combining the functionality of Dual Safety and analyzing certain
events in the system (see criteria below), the AutroSafe supports dual
processing of signals for increased reliability. In a Dual Safety system,
loops will be transferred individually on certain faults (for more details,
see chapter 3.9.3).

In a Dual CPU configuration all loops will be transferred from primary

to secondary system based on the following criteria:

 Same criteria as for Dual Safety (see chapter 3.9.3.)

 Faults on both networks in primary or secondary system
 Loss of external communication links where “Loss of Comm Loop
Switch over” is enabled.(see Configuration Handbook for details)

Distributing the processors provides higher reliability by eliminating the

problem of single source of failure. With Dual CPU, the redundant
processor in the secondary panel can be installed in a different
location than the primary panel.

3.12 Zoning Concept

To describe the functional hierarchy of the system we use the term
"zone". Assigning system components to zones enables hierarchical
control from detection to activation of alarm. This hierarchy consists of
the following zones:
 Detection Zone (DZ)
 Alarm Zone (AZ)
 Operation Zone (OZ)

Fire Alarm Control Panels

Operator Panels
Information Panels
Repeater Panels

(Detectors /
Detection Alarm Sounders
Call Points Zone

For detailed information on each zone, refer to Appendix.

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System Characteristics

3.13 Communication Ports

The system offers the following communication ports:
 2 Ethernet ports for AutroNet and/or AutroCom, plus downloading
of configuration data and system software
 1 AL_Com+ interface
 1 AutroFieldBus (AFB) interface
 1 RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 serial port for communication with
third party equipment (AutroCom/ESPA4.4.4/MODBUS/VDR)
 2 USB host ports for the connection of a printer and for the
connection of a memory stick for downloading configuration data
and system software
 FailSafe relay output

3.14 AutroMaster ISEMS

AutroMaster ISEMS is an Integrated
Safety and Emergency Management
System which can be used together with
the AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection

The AutroMaster ISEMS has an intuitive

control and monitoring interface, providing
an easy-to-understand graphical
presentation of the premises and events
that may occur. Navigation is fast and
instinctual, and the powerful zoom
functions allow you to monitor all areas in
great detail.

3.15 Interfacing Peripheral Equipment

For communication with peripheral equipment / third-party equipment
the following protocols are used:

 ESPA 4.4.4, allowing connectivity with devices such as AutroTel

alarm routing via telephone networks and pocket paging systems.
 NMEA-0183, allowing connectivity with devices such as the
maritime Voyage Data Recorder (VDR).
 MODBUS, allowing connectivity with Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLC).

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System Characteristics

3.16 Language Options

AutroSafe version 4 supports the following languages (listed in
alphabetical order):

 Danish
 Dutch
 English
 English (version intended for the Oil & Gas market)
 Finnish
 French
 German
 Hungarian
 Icelandic
 Italian
 Norwegian
 Polish
 Portuguese (Brazilian)
 Russian
 Spanish
 Swedish

3.17 Environmental Requirements

For information on environmental requirements for AutroSafe
equipment, refer to separate datasheets.

3.18 Configuration / Service

3.18.1 Downloading from one central point

Downloading of configuration data or system software to the entire
system can be done from one central point during normal operation.
The USB port is used for downloading data from a USB memory stick.

To replace the existing configuration data with new configuration data,

a system restart must be performed after the configuration is

3.18.2 AutroSafe Remote Access

AutroSafe provides access to a web site where you can perform
system service functions from a computer via the Ethernet
connections. Refer to the User Guide, 116-P-ASAFE-

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System Characteristics

3.19 SelfVerify® Function

AutroSafe SelfVerify® solves all issues of manual maintenance,
leaving time-consuming and costly physical testing no longer
necessary. With AutroSafe SelfVerify®, the system checks all
detectors, interfaces, connections and cables – from detector chamber
to alarm output – every single day.

Not only does the system test whether a detector is capable of

provoking an alarm, it even verifies the sensitivity of every detector
with a calibrated signal. The SelfVerify system ensures that each
detector always responds to the correct alarm level. In the event of
irregularities, the display on the operating panel will accurately
pinpoint the source of any problem.

3.20 Operation Classes for different Detection Methods

The MultiSensor detector can be set to three different Operation
Classes, allowing you to choose the MultiSensor’s detection method
and calculation. The Operation Classes are as follows;
 MultiSensor (optical detection with heat enhancement)
 Heat only (thermal detection only) - class A1
 MultiSensor with Heat (a combination of optical detection with heat
enhancement and Heat class A1)

By means of a command from AutroCom (AutroMaster) it is possible

to disable the smoke detection for a given time and make the
MultiSensor work as a pure heat detector. The MultiSensor will return
automatically to its configured Operation class when the time has

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System Characteristics

3.21 Performance Classes for Environmental Adaptivity

AutroSafe uses detectors that can be programmed to one of three
different Performance Classes, with sensitivity settings covering the
following environments:
clean environments, for example laboratories, data rooms etc.
normal environments, for example offices and hospitals etc.
industrial environments, for example, factories and warehouses etc.

By choosing a sensitivity setting that suits the environment, it is

possible to achieve an accurate and reliable system, providing the
optimal detection, whilst virtually eliminating false alarms.

All three different sensitivity settings comply with the C.E.N.

regulations EN-54.

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System Characteristics

3.22 Interactive Detectors with Dynamic Filtering

AutroSafe features detectors with the digital filter technology DYFI+.
False alarms are virtually eliminated, and the system provides the
earliest possible warning of a potential fire - before it becomes a

The DYFI+ digital filtering is present in each detector. Each detector

has three different filter functions:

The smouldering fire filter provides

accurate and quick detection in the event
of a smouldering fire, i.e. in a situation
where a potential fire with no flames
develops during a longer period.

The transient filter virtually eliminates false

alarms caused by phenomena that are not
related to a real fire. Such phenomena can be
short pulses caused by, for example, vapour,
cigarette smoke etc.

The pollution filter maintains the chosen

sensitivity throughout the detector’s entire
lifetime, even with a polluted detector..

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System Characteristics

3.23 Built-in Short-circuit Isolator

The loop resistance on the detection loop is continously monitored to
register a possible break or short-circuit on the detection loop. Each
individual detector has a built-in short-circuit isolator.

In the event of a short-circuit in the detector cable, the short-circuit

location will be isolated as the short-circuit isolator will be activated in
the detectors on either side.

3.24 Integrity of Transmissions Paths

Reference document EN 54-2, chapter 12.5.2.

Means, specified and provided, to limit the consequences of faults

(short-circuit or interruption):

Detection loop:
 Built-in short-circuit isolator (no loop units lost in case of a short-
circuit or interruption).

 Built-in short-circuit isolator (no loop units lost in case of a short-
circuit or interruption).

 The main circuit board in each single panel/cabinet provides two
Ethernet ports, enabling redundancy

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System Characteristics

3.25 FWRE, Common Trouble and Panel Operation State

3.25.1 Fault Warning Routing Equipment (FWRE) Output

Fault Warning Routing Equipment (FWRE) has 3 states:
 OK: 8mA current is sourced (max 10V), reverse polarised. Relay is
 FAULT condition: 24V is sourced to the output. Relay is activated.
 De-energised panel or System Fault: Open output. Relay is

3.25.2 Common Trouble Output

Common Trouble connected to a BSB-310 output no 1-3 or BSJ-310
has 2 states:
 OK: The system is operational. Relay is deactivated.
 Activated: One or more faults, Inhibits, Disablements are present in
the system. Relay is deactivated.

Common Trouble connected to a BSB-310 output no 4 has 3 states,

just like the FWRE:
 OK: 8mA current is sourced (max 10V), reverse polarised. Relay is
 FAULT condition: 24V is sourced to the output. Relay is activated.
 De-energised panel or System Fault: Open output. Relay is

3.25.3 Panel Operational State Output

The Panel Operation State indicates the operational state of a panel
(any with BSA-400/BSA-400A), i.e. operational or non-operational.
Note that the state is per panel, not per system.

The states are as follows:

 Operational is an initialized panel
 Non-operational is a panel that is deenergized, not initialized or in
safe state/system fault

3.26 Heat Dissipation

Note that it is important to calculate the power consumption in order to
ensure an acceptable temperature range during normal system
operation. High temperatures within the specified temperature range
will reduce the lifetime.

Cooling is strongly recommended if the Fire Alarm Control

Panels/Controllers or system racks are placed in environments where
the temperature during normal operation is likely to exceed +55oC for
long periods of time. Note that batteries placed in high temperatures
will have reduced lifetime and need to be replaced more often.
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System Units

4. System Units
System Units Description
Fire Alarm BS-420 is a complete fire alarm control panel with full
Control operating capabilities. The panel serves as a operating
Panel panel for one or several operation zones.
All alarm handling and system features can be controlled
and monitored from the panel.
The fire alarm control panel is available in three different
variants specifically designed for the land market (BS-420),
maritime market (BS-420M) and petrochemical oil & gas
market (BS-420G) / IEC 61508 SIL 2 approval (BS-420G2).
Operator The Operator Panel serves as a operating panel for one or
Panel several defined operation zones.
All alarm handling and system features can be controlled
and monitored from this panel.

Controller The Controller serves as a connection unit for Loop Driver
Modules and I/O modules.

Controller The Controller Rack Unit BC-440 serves as a connection
Rack Unit unit for the detection loop, alarm sounders, controls and
inputs. It is a variant of the BC-420 Controller prepared for
rack installations. Together with the IO modules the unit will
have the full functionality of the BC-420 Controller.

Repeater The Repeater Panel BU-BV-420 serves as both a Fire
Panel Brigade Panel and an Information Panel.

Settings on a dipswitch determine the type of panel .

The Fire Brigade Panel allows you to operate alarms

related to the relevant operation zone.
The Information Panel serves as an indication device only.

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System Units

System Units Description

BU-BV-420G2 It provides information related to the operation zone(s).
Power  The Power Cabinet BP-405 provides space for two
Cabinet 12V/18Ah batteries (not included).

The maximum power available is 24V/5A.

Supply Unit BPS-405: 24V/5A power supply
BPS-405 / BPS-410: 24V/10A power supply
Both units include:
 Power Board BSF-400, including:
 AutroFieldBus interface
 115VAC /230VAC input
 6 outputs 24VDC (max. 2A each)
 1 fault relay output

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Examples of Network Solutions

5. Examples of Network Solutions

5.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with general guidelines, Ethernet switches, DSL
modems, fiber converters and a selection of different examples of
network solutions.

In the examples the following parameters vary:

 the type of AutroNet topology (refer to next chapter)
 the number of system units
 the use, number and type of switches
 the use and the number of DSL modems and fiber converters
 the transmission length between the system units/switches or
between the system units/DSL modems/fiber converters
 the cabling (Cat 5 cable max. 100m, or single-mode/multi-mode
optic fibre)

5.2 AutroNet Topologies

AutroNet consists of one of the following network topologies:
 AutroNet Redundant Star Topology
 AutroNet Single Star Topology
 AutroNet Ring Topology

5.3 General Guidelines

 The smallest network solution consists of two panels (example 1).
The use of Cat 5 cable type/category allows a maximum
transmission length of 100 meters between panels/switches.
 The transmission length between two panels using Cat 5 cable
type/category can be extended by using Ethernet switches
(example 2).
 A network solution based on Star Topology or Single Star
Topology (AutroNet) with more than two panels requires the use of
switches (example 3).
 A network solution based on Ring Topology does not require
switches. DSL modems and fiber converters can be used to
exceed the transmission lengths between the system units
 To secure AutroNet redundancy (communication between panels),
the origin of power to switches serving one network shall be from a
different source than the origin of power to the switches serving the
other network, such that a power cable break or power loss in one
network will not affect the operability of the other.
 Transmission lengths that exceed 100 meters require the use of
single-mode or multi-mode optic fibre.

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Examples of Network Solutions

5.4 Phoenix Ethernet Switches

5.4.1 Overview
A network solution based on Star Topology or Single Star Topology
(AutroNet) with more than two panels requires the use of switches.
Only Phoenix Ethernet switches (see table below) are approved and
supported by Autronica Fire and Security AS.

All Ethernet switches can be used for the Onshore market. Only
Ethernet switches that are indicated in coloured rows (the first 9 that
are listed) can be used for the Maritime market and the Petrochemical
Oil & Gas market.
The switch type and the number of switches depend on the actual
installation / network design (number of panels and the distances
between the panels/switches). For information on current
consumption, see chapter 13.3.3.

Switch type (Phoenix) Description Autronica part number

FL SWITCH SFNT 5TX 5 RJ45 ports 116-5151-030.2127
 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFNT 4TX/FX 1 fibre optic multi-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2128
FL SWITCH SFNT 8TX 8 RJ45 ports 116-5151-030.2129
 7 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFNT 7TX/FX 1 fibre optic multi-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2130
FL SWITCH LM 5TX 5 RJ45 ports 116-5151-030.2131
 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH LM 4TX/FX 1 fibre optic multi-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2132
 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH LM 4TX/2FX 2 fibre optic multi-mode ports (SC) 116-5151-030.2133
 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH LM 4TX/FX SM 1 fibre optic single-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2134
 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH LM 4TX/2FX SM 2 fibre optic single-mode ports (SC) 116-5151-030.2135
5 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFNB 5TX 116-5151-030.2136
8 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFNB 8TX 116-5151-030.2137
 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFN 4TX/FX 1 fibre optic multi-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2138
 7 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFN 7TX/FX 1 fibre optic multi-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2139
 6 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFN 6TX/2FX 2 fibre optic multi-mode ports (SC) 116-5151-030.2140
 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFNB 4TX/FX SM 20 1 fibre optic single-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2142

SFNT: Standard Function Narrow High Temperature Unmanaged Switches

LM: Lean Managed Switches

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Examples of Network Solutions

5.5 AutroNet Redundant Star Topology

5.5.1 Network Solution – Example 1

A system equipped with maximum two panels can be installed without
the use of any Ethernet switches. In this case, the transmission length
between the two panels cannot exceed 100 meters.

max.. 100m

5.5.2 Network Solution – Example 2

The maximum transmission length between the two panels is
increased (compared to example 1) by using Ethernet switches to
boost the signal.

max.. 100m max.. 100m

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Examples of Network Solutions

5.5.3 Network Solution – Example 3

A simple network system. The transmission length between the panels
and an Ethernet switch does not exceed 100 meters.

5.5.4 Network Solution – Example 4

The simplest Ethernet switch is equipped with five Tx ports. The
switch allows five connections, for example, five panels can be
included in a system.

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Examples of Network Solutions

5.5.5 Network Solution – Example 5

If the transmission length between two Ethernet switches exceeds 100
meters, a fibre optic cable can be used to achieve longer distances.
Multi-mode optic fibre is a type of optic fibre mostly used for
communication over shorter distances, such as within a building. An
Ethernet switch equipped with a multi-mode fibre optic port is required.

The transmission length depends on the fibre optics cable specifications.

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Examples of Network Solutions

5.5.6 Network Solution – Example 6

If the transmission length between two Ethernet switches exceeds 100
meters, a fibre optic cable can be used to achieve longer distances.
Single-mode fibers are mostly used for communication links longer
than 1000 metres.

The transmission length depends on the fibre optics cable


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Examples of Network Solutions

5.5.7 Network Solution – Example 7

All AutroSafe panels within a system are linked together using an
internal Ethernet network. The AutroSafe system uses the same
network to communicate with AutroMaster ISEMS (Integrated Safety
and Emergency Management System).

5.5.8 Network Solution – Example 8

By using a single (two for redundancy) Ethernet switch, up to eight
AutroSafe panels can be linked together making one system.

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Examples of Network Solutions

5.6 AutroNet Single Star Topology

5.6.1 Network Solution - Example 9

As an option, AutroSafe 4 allows also single Ethernet connections to
one or several panels in a system consisting of several panels if
redundancy is not required. Ethernet 1 must always be used for single
Ethernet connections.

In the example below all panels have redundant connections to the

system, except for the Repeater Panel, which has a single Ethernet

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Examples of Network Solutions

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Examples of Network Solutions

5.7 AutroNet Ring Topology

5.7.1 Network Solution – Example 10

In an AutroNet Ring Topology all panels are connected to each other
forming a closed loop. The first panel is connected to the second, the
second is connected to the third, and so on, preferably from Ethernet
1 (Connector J1) to Ethernet 2 (Connector J2) , from Ethernet 2 to
Ethernet 1, from Ethernet 1 to Ethernet 2 and so on.

A ring topology is a redundant network, as all panels will continue to

operate even with a single break or short-circuit on the ring.

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Examples of Network Solutions

5.7.2 Network Solution – Example 11

A system solution with an AutroNet Ring Topology can communicate
with AutroCom (AutroMaster ISEMS or third party equipment) via an
Ethernet switch.

In this example, the Ethernet switch is connected to the ring between

a Fire Alarm Control Panel and a Controller. In the Configuration Tool,
AutroCom can be added to either of these two panels, but the one that
is chosen must be physically connected to AutroCom, for example, to
Ethernet 1 (Connector J1) on the Fire Alarm Control Panel.

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Examples of Network Solutions

5.7.3 Network Solution – Example 12

A system solution with an AutroNet Ring Topology can communicate
with AutroCom (AutroMaster ISEMS or third party equipment) via an
Ethernet Switch.

In this example, a redundant connection to AutroCom is achieved by

using two Ethernet switches. One Ethernet switch is connected to the
ring between a Fire Alarm Control Panel and a Repeater Panel, the
other is connected to the ring between the Controller and the Fire
Alarm Control Panel.

In the Configuration Tool, AutroCom can be added to the Fire Alarm

Control Panel (Ethernet 1, Connector J1) and to the Controller
(Ethernet 1, Connector J1). This solution not only provides a
redundant connection to AutroCom, it also provides panel redundancy
as two panels are connected to AutroCom.

Alternatively, a redundant connection to AutroCom can be achieved

by adding AutroCom to both Ethernet 1 and Ethernet 2 on the Fire
Alarm Control Panel (no panel redundancy).

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Examples of Network Solutions

5.7.4 Network Solution – Example 13

In this example all panels are connected to each other by means of
DSL modems and fiber converters in an AutroNet Ring Topology.

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Internal Modules

6. Internal Modules
6.1 Module Capacity inside the Fire Alarm Control
Panel and Controller
Each Fire Alarm Control Panel or Controller provides an internal
Power Module, BSS-310 and Communication Module, BSL-310.
In addition to these 2 mandatory modules, each system unit can
accommodate up to a maximum of 12 optional modules. Refer to the
next chapter.

The limitation of 12 modules is due to the total capacity in one system

unit. Maximum 6 of these modules can be Loop Driver Modules, due
to traffic capacity and power consumption.

6.2 Overview
The Fire Alarm Control Panel and the Controller can be equipped with
the same modules. All outputs are freely programmable from all
detectors, manual call points and input signals.
All modules have the same dimensions and are easily plugged onto
each other on a standard mounting rail inside the unit.

Modules in the Fire Alarm Description

Control Panel / Controller
Loop Driver BSD-310 / Each Loop Driver Module provides 1 detection loop with 127 loop units.
Module BSD-311
Loop Driver BSD-310/N Each Loop Driver Module provides 1 detection loop with 127 loop units.
Module Zone 2 only.
Output Module, BSB-310A Each module provides 4 monitored output circuits (sounder output circuits).
monitored May be used for Fire Alarm Devices (FAD), Fire Alarm Routing Equipment
(FARE), Fire Protection Equipment (FPE) and other fault outputs.
Output Module BSJ-310 The module can be used for relay or LED operation.
Each module provides 8 open collector non-monitored outputs.
Input Module, BSE-310 Each module provides 4 monitored inputs.
Input Module BSE-320 Each module provides 8 non-monitored and galvanic isolated inputs.
Communication BSL-310 The module serves as an interface for the common internal communication
Module line between the I/O modules.
BS-100 Loop BSD-330 The BS-100 Loop Interface, BSD-330 is used as an interface between the
Interface AutroSafe detector loop protocol and BS-100 loop protocol. The interface
makes it possible to connect BS-panel type detectors to the AutroSafe
system, including detectors used in systems BS-3, BS-30, BS-60, BS-80, BS-
90 and BS-100.
Power Module BSS-310A The module provides 24V and 5V to the I/O modules.

Dual Power BSS-311 The Dual Power Monitoring Module BSS-311 provides redundant power input
Monitoring to the BSS-310A module

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Loop Units

7. Loop Units
7.1 Overview
The AutroSafe System offers a wide range of fire alarm detectors,
manual call points and input/output units, control units and alarm units
that are developed and approved according to European directives
(CPD) requiring EN 54 compliance.

Both input and input/output units are also available with the
SV-function. Input units can also be delivered in series 500 and

For more information on loop units, refer to the Product Catalogue.

Detailed information for each loop unit is provided on separate data

7.2 Detectors
The detectors are available both with or without the Self-Verifying
Function (SV-function).

The system offers the choice of the following three main series:
 Series 200, standard interactive addressable units.
 Series 300 with SelfVerify, interactive addressable units.
 Series 500 with SelfVerify, interactive addressable units designed
for use in heavy-duty applications and hazardous areas.

The system also offers Exn and Ex ia-approved versions intended for
high-risk applications. Smoke detector series S comprise special high
sensitive smoke detectors.

Each individual detector has a built-in short-circuit isolator. In the

event of a short-circuit in the detector cable, the short-circuit location
will be isolated as the short-circuit isolator will be activated in the
detectors on either side.

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Loop Units

7.3 Input and Output Units

AutroSafe offers a wide range of input and output units for many
different applications. The system features Exn, Exia and Exd
approved input and output units for high risk applications. All input and
output units feature automatic addressing and short-circuit protection.

7.4 Manual Call Points and Release Stations

AutroSafe offers a wide range of manual call points for different
applications, every unit features SelfVerify. Two main series are

 Series 300 with SelfVerify, interactive manual call points.

 Series 500 with SelfVerify, interactive addressable manual call
points designed for use in heavy-duty applications and hazardous

The system also offers Exn and Ex ia-approved versions intended for
high-risk applications.

7.5 Control Units

Autronica offers control units for enabling and disabling of detectors,
as well as daytime/nighttime units.

7.6 Alarm Units

Autronica offers a wide range of alarm units for monitoring on
detection loops or dedicated alarm outputs.

7.7 Loop Panels

Loop Panels Description
Fire Brigade The Fire Brigade Loop Panel features the following:
Loop Panel  Connected and powered by the detector loop
BU-110  The panel presents fire alarms on the display
 The panel allows Silence and Reset of alarms

Information The Information Loop Panel features the following:
Loop Panel  Connected and powered by the detector loop
BV-110  The panel presents fire alarms, faults and disablements
 Scrolling function within each window
 No system operations are allowed (Silence, Reset,
BV-110 menu functions)

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Detectors for Special Requirements

8. Detectors for Special

8.1 Overview
Some situations or applications demand a little more from the fire
detection system. For these Autronica deliver custom solutions with
special detectors.

For more information on these detectors, refer to the Product

Catalogue. Detailed information for each detector is provided on
separate data sheets.

8.2 Aspirating Detectors

Aspirating detectors function by sampling air via a network of pipes,
sampled air is passed through a dust filter and into a detector
chamber where the air is analysed for traces of smoke. The detectors
are capable of detecting the small amounts of smoke that are
generated in the initial phases of a smouldering fire, ensuring the
earliest possible warning of a potential fire while distinguishing real
smoke from dust and pollutants, reducing unwanted alarms to a
minimum. Every detector is “trainable” for the specific environment in
which it is installed. Typical applications include laboratories, large
open spaces, corrosive environments, archives/historical buildings
and industrial areas.

The AutroSense series are stand-alone detectors, but can also be

connected to fire alarm panels. These are highly sensitive detectors
with patented “artificial intelligence” (ClassiFire), which means they
are able to adapt to any environment regarding optimal sensitivity,
alarm limits and minimum unwanted alarms.

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Detectors for Special Requirements

8.3 Flame Detectors

Flame detectors are especially suitable for use in connection with the
general protection of large open areas where spreading of flames are
expected to happen very quickly. They detect radiation from fires, the
detection based on ultraviolet radiation (UV radiation), infrared
radiation (IR radiation) or a combination of UV and IR radiation.
Typical applications are large open areas, such as atria, aircraft
hangars and shopping centres as well as storage rooms for flammable

8.4 Beam Detectors

Beam detectors are used in large open areas instead of a quantity of
point smoke detectors. The detector protects a given area by sending
signals (infrared light beam) between a transmitter and receiver, and
detect dimmer or changes in frequency by heat or smoke. Beam
detectors are suited to applications in open spaces where costs
associated with point smoke detectors would be prohibitive. Typical
applications include warehouses, hotels, hospitals, schools, public
buildings, etc.

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Communication Modules

9. Communication Modules
Autronica provides a large range of communication modules:

 AutroFieldBus Protocol Converter BSD-321; interfacing

AutroFieldBus and AL_Com+
 AutroSafe Communication Module BSL-310; interfacing the
common internal communication line between all the different I/O
 Multi Mode Fibre Optic Converter BSL-321; amplifier for
AutroFieldBus networks.
 Single Mode Fibre Optic Converter BSL-322; amplifier for
AutroFieldBus networks.
 AUTROLON/AutroFieldBus Communication Amplifier, BSL-325;
amplifier for communication signals on networks
 AutroSafe BU-70 Interface Module BSL-337; enables connection of
BU-70/BU-100/BU-101 (BS-100 systems) to AutroSafe.

In addition, Autronica provides integrated fire and gas modules

intended for the oil & gas market (refer to Product Catalogue and
separate datasheets).

Furthermore, Autronica provide the AutroSafe OPC Server, enabling

communication between several fire detection systems and other
control systems. The solution improves the compatibility between
AutroSafe and surveillance systems from other manufacturers.

For more information on these communication modules, refer to the

Product Catalogue. Detailed information for each module is provided
on separate datasheets.

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Detection Loops

10. Detection Loops

10.1 Description
A detection loop is connected directly to the Loop Driver Module. A
maximum of 6 Loop Driver Modules can be installed in one Controller
or Fire Alarm Control Panel.

The detection loop must be wired as a loop. This installation method

provides optimum safety. The cable for the detection loop must be in
accordance with local/national regulations.

Note that all types and series of AutroSafe detectors, manual call
points and I/O units can be connected to the same detection loop.

Detectors, manual call points and input/output signals are freely

programmable during system configuration.

I/O Unit Manual Call Point

Detector BN- 320

Interface unit BREAK G LASS



Module BN- 320


Interface unit



10.2 Branch-offs
For optimum safety and as a general rule, the detection loop must be
wired as a loop. If necessary, a branch-off can be connected to a
detection loop if the existing cable layout requires this, but this is not
recommended, as the safety will be reduced. To ensure a correct
addressing of the detectors on a branch-off when configuring the
system, there can not be more than one branch-off per detector.

For safety reasons, the number of detectors on each branch-off must

be kept to a minimum (a maximum of 32 detectors on each branch-
off), as the detectors on a branch-off will not operate in case of a
break og shortcuit on the branch-off.

Accepted NOT Accepted!

Branch-off Branch-off

Loop Loop

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Detection Loops

10.3 Capacity on the Detection Loop

10.3.1 Maximum Loop Units

There can be a maximum of 127 loop units per detection loop.

A loop unit is defined as a point (detector or manual callpoint, an I/O

unit or an Electronic Sounder) that is connected to a detection loop.

10.3.2 Current Consumption

The table below shows the current consumption for loop units in
normal status and in alarm status. A detector with active LED
indication will also draw current on the detection loop. In a
configuration where it is required that several LEDs must be activated
simultaneously, the number of detectors on the loop must be reduced.

Loop Unit Current Current

Consumption in Consumption in
Normal Status Alarm Status
Detector, Manual Call 0,3mA 0,3mA
Point and I/O Unit
Electronic Sounder 0,3mA 5mA

The maximum number of activated LEDs is 6 when using Loop Driver

Module BSD-310, and 18 when using the Loop Driver Module high-
power version BSD-311.

Loop Driver Module Maximum Current

BSD-310 (standard version) 100mA
BSD-311 (high-power version) 200mA

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Detection Loops

10.3.3 Guidelines
To easily estimate the type of loop driver module to be used and the
maximum length of the detection loop when projecting, each type of
loop unit is given a score.

Each detector, manual callpoint or I/O unit is to be given 1 score.

Each electronic sounder is to be given 15 scores.

Type of loop driver module

The type of loop driver module (standard or high-power version) to be
used depends on the total number of scores.

Total no. of scores Type of loop driver

1-300 BSD-310
301-450 BSD-311
451-600 BSD-311
> 600 Not allowed.

Maximum lenght of detection loop

The table below shows the maximum length of the detection loop
based on the cable dimension and the total number of scores (2-wire
cable measured from output to input).

BSD-310 BSD-311
Cable dimension Scores 1-300 Scores 301-450 Scores 451-600
0,75mm2 1100m 660m 430m
1mm2 1470m 880m 580m
1,5mm2 2200m 1320m 870m
2mm2 2940m 1760m 1160m
2,5mm2 3670m 2200m 1450m

10.3.4 Example - using Scores to Estimate

A detection loop consists of 60 detectors, 10 manual callpoints, 14
electronic sounders and 10 I/O units, which adds up to 94 loop units
(below the limit of 127).

The following scores apply:

60 detectors: 60 scores
10 manual callpoints: 10 scores
14 electronic sounders: 210 scores
10 I/O units: 10 scores
Total number of scores: 290 scores

In this example, the total number of scores is below 300, and the
standard loop driver module BSD-310 can thus be used. The
maximum length of the detection loop for various cable dimensions is

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Detection Loops

shown in the second column of the table above (within the range of 1-
300 scores).

10.3.5 Example – using Exact Values to Calculate

A detection loop consists of 86 detectors, 10 manual callpoints, 5 I/O
units and 26 electronic sounders, which adds up to 127 loop units
(within the limit of 127).

86 detectors: 86 x 0,3mA= 25,8mA

10 manual callpoints: 10 x 0,3mA= 3mA
5 I/O units: 5 x 0.3mA= 1,5mA
26 electronic sounder: 26 x 5mA= 130mA
Total current consumption: 160,3mA

In this example, the high-power loop driver BSD-311 is required, as

the total power consumption is > 100mA and <200mA (see table
below). The calculation is based on values measured in alarm status
(worst case).

Loop Driver Maximum Current Maximum

Consumption resistance () /
capacitance (F)
BSD-310 (standard version) 100mA  Standard loop
driver module
Rmax=50 total
and Cmax=0,5F
BSD-311 (high-power version) 200mA  High-power
Rmax=20 total
and Cmax=0,5F

The cable type, cable dimension and maximum cable length, plus the
maximum resistance and capacitance is included in the table below
(refer to Cable Specifications, chapter 11). As the high-power version
BSD-311 is required in this example, the maximum resistance is
Rmax=20 total and the maximum capacitance is Cmax=0,5F.

Cable type / Cable Maximum cable length Maximum

category dimension (m) resistance () /
capacitance (F)
2 x 0,75mm2 18 AWG 400m High-power version
2 x 1,5 mm2 15 AWG 800m BSD-311: Rmax=20
2 x 2,5 mm2 13 AWG 1320m total and Cmax=0,5F

Note that when measuring the total resistance on the detection loop,
always measure the resistance on the plus-wire and multiply the
measured value by 2.

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Detection Loops

10.3.6 Example – Calculating the Exact Cable Length

The following equation can be used to calculate the exact cable length
of a detection loop:

L = the total cable length

r+ = the resistance on the plus-wire (<10)
A = the cable dimension (mm 2)
ρ = the specific resistance of copper (0,017)

r+ x A r+ x A
L= =
ρ 0,017


10 x 1,5mm2
L= ~ 882m

 x mm2

The cable dimension (1,5mm 2) and calculated cable length (882m)

requires the use of the high-power loop driver module version
BSD-311 (as shown in the shaded row in the table below).

Cable type / Cable Maximum cable length Maximum

category dimension (m) resistance () /
capacitance (F)
2 x 0,75mm2 18 AWG 400m High-power version
2 x 1,5 mm2 15 AWG 800m BSD-311: Rmax=20
2 x 2,5 mm2 13 AWG 1320m total and Cmax=0,5F

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Cable Specifications

11. Cable Specifications

For the complete information on cable specifications, refer to Cable
Specifications, part number 116-P-ASIFGCABLESPEC/CGB
(file name: asafeifgcable_cgb).

For specific information on cable specifications for integrated fire and

gas detection systems, refer to the separate IFG handbook; System
Design and Engineering, 116-P-SYSDEENGIN-IFG/XGB.

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Shielding and Earthing

12. Shielding and Earthing

The shielded cable shall be connected to the instrument earth (IE) at
one end and left floating at the other end.

12.1 Definitions
Local Frame Earth
The electrical connection to the framework at the described physical
position, such as the frame or chassis of a cabinet, the power cable
outlet etc.

Conductive structure encapsulating the wire in a harness or cable,
normally in the form of a mesh or foil forming a Faraday cage.

Mechanical protection to avoid physically damaging electrical cables
or circuits.

Instrument Earth (IE)

An earth reference that is normally used to reference measurements
of electrical signals. It may be the same as the Protective Earth (single
earthed systems).

Protective Earth (PE)

An earth reference that is normally used as a
coupling path for unwanted electrical signals, like
transients and over-voltage. The chassis or
framework of the installation is normally
considered to be the local Protective Earth. As
the name implies, it is intended to provide a safe
electrical potential for human safety.

Synonym for Earth, in this handbook Earth is used.

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Shielding and Earthing

12.2 Single Earth Systems - PowerLoop

Firstly, consider a Single Earth system for simplicity.

Please note that an Integrated Fire and Gas system with PowerLoop
shall by no means be designed as a single earth system. Refer to
section 12.3 for details about keeping the PowerLoop as a dual earth

1) All PowerLoop cabling shall be shielded.

Every segment of the PowerLoop cable has to be protected by a

shield that effectively attenuates the radiated field from the cable.

The shielding is required to avoid radiated emissions and hence

crosstalk from one PowerLoop to any other. Armouring is normally not
considered to be a sufficient shield.

2) Shield shall be terminated at one end only.

The shield shall be terminated close to the BSD-340 PowerLoop

Driver. As the cable forms a full loop, the return path of the cable
shield shall not be terminated. No electrical connection to earth shall
be made anywhere in the system, i.e. the units shall be installed and
galvanically isolated from the chassis.

The termination of the shield will be defined by the site installation, to

a earth terminal in the cabinet or similar.

PLA+ 6
PLA- 7
IE 8


PLB+ 9
PLB- 10

Max 30 cm

3) Maximum permissible non-shielded length of cable - 30 cm

This implies that the internal cabling in a rack or enclosure where the
BSD-340 and / or the Loop Units are installed also needs to be fully
shielded. The requirement includes termination / junction boxes and
all field wiring as well.

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Shielding and Earthing

4) Shield shall be continuous

The PowerLoop cable will be split in two segments, separated by field

equipment including junction boxes or Loop Units. The shield shall be
continued through these separations. There shall be no electrical
connection to the local frame earth.

In the following figure the junction boxes includes a strap / jumper to

continue the shield between the cable segments (these straps /
jumpers should be made of a suitable low-impedance cable).

PLA+ 6
PLA- 7
IE 8


PLB+ 9
PLB- 10

Note jumper !

If there are break-outs from the main loop (to make local small loops
that return to the same break-out box), care shall be taken to avoid
local closed loops. See the figure below.

PLA+ 6
PLA- 7
IE 8

BSD-340 Break!

PLB+ 9
PLB- 10

5) Maximum cable length

The PowerLoop Calculator will define the maximum length of each

cable segment, this tool however determines length only from the
power loss of the specified cable. The cable or wire capacitance will
not affect the cable length as much as the resistive loss will restrict the
power, not the communication.

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Shielding and Earthing

12.3 Dual Earth Systems - PowerLoop

PowerLoop installations use both Instrument Earth (IE) and Protective
Earth (PE) as two separate earthing paths. In this case, the shield
(inner layer of cable) shall be continuous and earthed at one end only.
The outer braid, shield or armour, is then connected to the Protective
Earth connection. This will normally be the local connection point to
the PE, the chassis of the cabinet or a chassis connection close to the
field equipment. The two earth systems shall be kept isolated.

PLA+ 6
PLA- 7
IE 8


PLB+ 9
PLB- 10

PE will make earth loops as they are terminated at multiple points,

however the loop area will be narrow or closed as the armour will be
close to the frame or earth. It is essential that the armour is kept on
the same equipotential around to avoid EMC problems or large current
flow in the PE. PE may be connected through glands to the junction
boxes to form a continued protective armour or shield. Still the internal
shield and IE shall be kept isolated from the PE.

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Shielding and Earthing

12.4 Shielding and Earthing AutroFieldBus

A description of the local earthing requirements for each unit that may
be connected to AutroFieldBus is included in the respective
datasheets. In the total system overview, some key issues needs to
be taken care of:
 Shielded cable is recommended. There are no absolute
requirements for shielding, however if severe electromagnetic
interference is expected, shielding should be applied. Unshielded
cable may be used inside the cabinet.
 If shielded cable is used, the shield shall be kept continous. Care
should be taken to avoid earth/shield loops. As a guideline,
connect the shield to the B-side of the AutroFieldBus Driver EAU-
341 / Controller Board BSA-400 and not to the A-side.
 If segments of the AutroFieldbus cable is isolated, as it will be
when including BSL-325 Booster, BSL-321 Multimode Fiber or
BSL-322 Single Mode Fiber, local earthing of the isolated
segments is required. See figure for example. We follow the
cabling counter-clockwise:


322 Fiber 322
EAU-341 /
BSA-400 1

3 Junction
2 BSD-340

The cable shield is referenced to earth at Earthpoint 2 according to

the guidelines above. Through the BSD-340 the shield is continued.
There’s a galvanic isolation in the Booster (BSL-325) that makes the
cable (on the right side) floating. To avoid this, the Center Tap of the
transformer of the AutroFieldBus (internal in the BSL-325) is
terminated to the local Earth at Earthpoint 3.

An alternative is to rather bring the reference from the other side of the
Booster across it, to continue the shield in that way. Note that the bus
needs to be referenced by connecting the CenterTap (pin 3 or 6) to
Earth. On the left side, this is ensured by the AFB-CT to Earth at the
EAU-341 / BSA-400, while the BSL-325 right side needs to be tied to
Earth or to the reference of It’s left side, by for instance connecting pin
3 to 6.

Further on, the BSL-322 to BSL-322 also isolates. If there had been
several fiber jumps, each individual cable segment between the fiber
segments would have to be earthed. In this case, the segment
following passes through a BSD-340, the shield is kept continous and
it is referenced to earth at Earthpoint 1, close to the EAU-341 / BSA-
400. An alternative to this would be to terminate at the other end of
this segment, at the BSL-322.

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Shielding and Earthing

The main rule is: Ensure that all segment’s shield are terminated at
one end and one end only.

Dual Earth systems acts similar to the description of the PowerLoop,

as long as the inner Instrumental Earth shield is kept according to the
above rules, the outer protective shield may be terminated at multiple

12.5 Earth Fault Detection - AutroFieldBus

The Earth Fault detection mechanism monitors the cable segment that
is electrically connected to the AutroFieldBus Driver EAU-341 /
Controller Board BSA-400. However, if the cable is interrupted
electrically by a BSL-325 Booster or a Fibre modem, these segments
may need additional Earth Fault Monitoring. This may be achieved by
including a BSD-321 into this segment, and enable the Earth Fault
Monitoring at this device.

Care shall be taken to avoid two units monitoring the same segment,
as they may interfere with each other on this feature.

All earth fault monitoring is done towards Instrument Earth (IE) in the

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Power Distribution, Calculation
and Consumption

13. Power Distribution, Calculation

and Consumption
13.1 Introduction
The power supply provides power to AutroSafe, AutroSafe’s existing
I/O module stacks, battery monitoring and charging, plus 24 voltage
contacts for other external equipment.

 2 x 24V outputs of 2A to AutroSafe panel

 2 x 24V outputs of 2A to I/O stack
 2 x 24V outputs of 2A to third-party equipment
 1 input for battery
 1 input for battery charger
 Communication
 Power control for battery
 Control signals for battery charger
 All internal voltage levels are monitored
 Temperature sensor for compensation of charger voltage

Power Supply
Interfaces /
24 V

(Autro- 24 V
FieldBus) Switches
Autro Safe for I/O I/O Stack

24 V Stack 24 V

Contact, Contact,
24 V Temperature
24V/2A 24V/2A

3rd party power outputs


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Power Distribution, Calculation
and Consumption

The Power Cabinet BP-405 supplies a maximum of 5A, of which 3A is

available for the fire detection system. 2A is used for the charging and
maintenance of the battery. Note that the maximum load for each
output (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) is 2A.

Output A supplies 2A and functions as a single output for all

Controllers BC-420 and panels (BS-420, BS-430, BU-BV-420).

Output C supplies 2A to the internal modules mounted on the rail

inside the Controller BC-420 and Fire Alarm Control Panel BS-420.

Note that if there is a maximum load from both output A and C, the
total load would be 4A, which in this case would exceed the limit of
3A. It is therefore important to calculate the total power consumption
for each Power Cabinet BP-405 to ensure that this limit is not

The example described in the next chapter shows how you can easily
find out if the power consumption in a system is within the given limits.

13.2 Power Calculation Example –

4 Power Cabinets BP-405

Cabinet 1 A1 Panel BS-420 and BC-420 720 mA
A2 Panel BS-420 and BC-420
B1 External  Fibre converters 2x LM 4TX/2FX
800 mA
B2 External  Fibre converters 2x LM 4TX/2FX
 Internal 1860 mA
 C1 (I/O stack) BS-420 and BC-420
Total power consumption 3380 mA

All outputs in Power Cabinet 1 are correctly set up for redundancy and
are below the limit of 2A. However, the total power consumption is
3,38A, meaning that the limit of 3A is exceeded by 0,38A. The total
power consumption must be reduced by 0,38A, or another power
cabinet has to be added.

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Power Distribution, Calculation
and Consumption

Cabinet 2 A1 Panel 2 x BC-420 720 mA
A2 Panel 2 x BC-420
B1 External
B2 External
 Internal 1860 mA
C1 (I/O stack) 2 x BC-420
Total power consumption 2580 mA

Power Cabinet 2 is correctly set up, as no outputs exceed the limit of

2A and the total power consumption is 2,58A, i.e. below the limit of

In order to reduce the total power consumption for Power Cabinet 1 to

3A (the limit), one of the fibre converters powered from Power Cabinet
1 can instead be powered from Power Cabinet 2. The total power
consumption for Power Cabinet 1 will then be reduced by 400mA to
2980mA (<3A). Both Power Cabinets will now have a total power
consumption within the limit of 3A.

Cabinet 3 A1 Panel BU-BV-420 220 mA
A2 Panel BU-BV-420
B1 External Various additional external equipment 24V 500 mA
B2 External Equipment that does not require redundancy 750 mA
 Internal
C1 (I/O stack)
 C2
Total power consumption 1470 mA

A Repeater Panel BU-BV-420 is powered from a Power Cabinet 3.

Power Cabinet 3 supplies redundant power to the Repeater Panel BU-

BV-420. In addition, it supplies power to equipment that does not
require redundant power. If redundancy is not required, power can be
supplied from one output (for example, output B1 or B2). Output C1 or
C2 cannot be used to other equipment, as this output is shut off 3
seconds during an initialization of the system.

Cabinet 4 A1 Panel 1x BC-420 680 mA
A2 Panel 1x BC-420 and BS-420
B1 External Various relays and door magnets
2500 mA
B2 External Various relays and door magnets
 Internal 2300 mA
C1 (I/O stack) BC-420 and BS-420
C2 BC-420 and BS-420
Total power consumption 5480 mA
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Power Distribution, Calculation
and Consumption

The power distribution from Power Cabinet 4 is not according to legal

specifications of the Power Cabinet BP-405.
 BS-420 is not supplied with redundant power. Power must also
be supplied from output A1.
 The power consumption from output C1 and C2 exceeds the
limits. The internal modules (I/O stack) draw too much power.
 The total power consumption exceeds 3A.

Power consumption status:

 Output A
The power consumption is below the limit (2A), but the BS-420
must have redundant power, and thus must be supplied with power
from A1.
 Output B
More than 2A is supplied to equipment that does not require
redundant power. This means that this output can supply a
maximum of 4A (2A + 2A).
 Output C
This connection is not satisfactory as the power consumption is
above 2A.

The total power consumption (5480mA) related to the power
distribution in Power Cabinet 4 is far too high. More power must be
supplied. A separate power supply can be used to supply power to
equipment that does not require redundancy. If the power
consumption is reduced by 2,5A, power supplied from Power Cabinet
4 will be sufficient, as the power needed is no longer exceeding the
total limit of BP-405. Port C is still above 2A and must be reduced
either by removing components that are not needed or by using an
additional Power Cabinet BP-405.

13.3 Power Consumption

13.3.1 System Units

System Unit Current Consumption

Fire Alarm Control Panel BS-420  156mA/27,2VDC (idle)
Controller BC-420 Max. 340mA/27,2VDC (lamp test)
Repeater Panel BU-BV-420 156mA/22,2V DC (idle)
Max. 220mA/27,2V (lamp test)
Operator Panel BS-430  175mA/27,2V DC (idle)
Max. 340mA/27,2V DC (lamp test)
Power Board BSF-400 85mA

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Power Distribution, Calculation
and Consumption

13.3.2 Loop Units

For information on the current consumption for various loop units,
refer to technical specifications provided in the relevant datasheets.

13.3.3 Phoenix Ethernet Switches

The current consumption for each Phoenix switch is shown in the
rightmost column below.

Autronica part Consumption
Switch type (Phoenix) Description
number (max.) @ 24V
FL SWITCH SFNT 5TX 5 RJ45 ports 116-5151-030.2127 120mA
 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFNT 4TX/FX 1 fibre optic multi-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2128 160mA
FL SWITCH SFNT 8TX 8 RJ45 ports 116-5151-030.2129 153mA
 7 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFNT 7TX/FX 1 fibre optic multi-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2130 175mA
FL SWITCH LM 5TX 5 RJ45 ports 116-5151-030.2131 250 mA
 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH LM 4TX/FX 1 fibre optic multi-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2132 380mA
 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH LM 4TX/2FX 2 fibre optic multi-mode ports (SC) 116-5151-030.2133 400mA
 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH LM 4TX/FX SM 1 fibre optic single-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2134 380mA
 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH LM 4TX/2FX SM 2 fibre optic single-mode ports (SC) 116-5151-030.2135 400mA

5 RJ45 ports 13.3.4 180mA

FL SWITCH SFNB 5TX 116-5151-030.2136

13.3.5 8 RJ45 ports

FL SWITCH SFNB 8TX 116-5151-030.2137 138mA

 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFN 4TX/FX 1 fibre optic multi-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2138 140mA
 7 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFN 7TX/FX 1 fibre optic multi-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2139 190mA
 6 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFN 6TX/2FX 2 fibre optic multi-mode ports (SC) 116-5151-030.2140 230mA
 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFNB 4TX/FX SM 20 1 fibre optic single-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2142 175mA

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14. Appendix
14.1 Zoning Concept

14.1.1 General
To describe the functional hierarchy of the system we use the term
"zone". Assigning system components to zones enables hierarchical
control from detection to activation of alarm. This hierarchy consists of
the following zones:
 Detection Zone (DZ)
 Alarm Zone (AZ)
 Operation Zone (OZ)

Fire Alarm Control Panels

Operator Panels
Information Panels
Repeater Panels

(Detectors /
Detection Alarm Sounders
Call Points Zone

14.1.2 Detection Zone

A Detection Zone (DZ) is defined as a zone with one or more points
(detectors or manual call-points) that logically belong together,
determined by geographical/functional parameters (for example, the
sales department on the second floor).

A point can only be assigned to one detection zone, and can only
refer to one specific location in the system (for example, a specific
office on the second floor in a building).

The Detection Zone will be the trigger to generate outputs to the Alarm

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14.1.3 Alarm Zone

An Alarm Zone (AZ) is activated by one or several detection zones.

An alarm from one of the devices in DZ3 will activate sounders in AZ1.

Within the same alarm zone, alarm sounders give the same audible

Geographically associated alarm zones can be defined as neighbour

zones, such that these can operate outputs for alarm zones adjacent
to the incident.

14.1.4 Operation Zone

An Operation Zone (OZ) defines the scope of an Operator Panel.

The operation zone can cover one floor or one building, and is
designed to restrict the operators’ sphere of influence on the system
as a whole. At least one Fire Alarm Control Panel / Operator Panel
should have the overall control of the system.

Operation zones on higher levels may encompass several other

operation zones.

Input / Output units (for example, Door Control Units, Sprinkler Control
Units etc.) can be controlled from an Operation Zone.
An Operation Zone given these properties and necessary parameter
settings is referred to as a Control Operation Zone.

Different day / night operation for different areas (i.e. detection zones)
requires the use of several Operation Zones / sub-operation zones
with different Day / Night Operation. An Operation Zone given these
properties and necessary parameter settings is referred to as a Day /
Night Operation Zone.

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14.2 Configuration Examples

14.2.1 Simple Configuration Example

The simple configuration example is based on the AutroSafe Demo
Board configuration, and it looks like this:


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The building is divided into three sections, the CANTEEN, the SALES
OFFICE and the CORRIDOR SOUTH, each section defined as a
Detection Zone (1, 2 and 3).

The system is divided into two Alarm Zones (1 and 2). The Electronic
Sounder in Alarm Zone 1 is triggered when alarms are activated in
Detection Zone 2, and the sounders (Fire Alarm Devices) in Alarm
Zone 2 are triggered when alarms are activated in Detection Zone 1
and 3.

One Operation Zone defines the scope of the Fire Alarm Control
Panel BS-420, including all Detection Zones, Alarm Zones, plus Fire

Fire ext.. acktivated

Fire vent. activ.

Fire Brig. recvd.

More Alarms
Silence buzzer

Silence sounders


Alarm Routing Equipment and Fire Warning Routing Equipment.

1 2 3
Early warning
Fault 4 5 6
System fault
7 8 9
Function disabled
Test C 0

Self Verify

The BS-420 provides one Loop Driver BSD-310. All Loop Units are
connected to this loop. The BS-420 also provides one Output Module
BSB-310 with monitored outputs for Fire Alarm Routing Equipment
(FARE), Fire Alarm Devices (FAD), Fire Protection Equipment (FPE)
and Fault Warning Routing Equipment (FWRE).

14.2.2 Configuration Example with Several

Operation Zones
The illustration below shows an example of a configuration with 4
operation zones, where Operation Zone 1 is on the top level
encompassing the other operation zones (2, 3 and 4). The example
shows 4 buildings. Building A is the main administration building with a
Fire Alarm Control Panel.

Operation Zone 3 Operation Zone 4

To BS-420 Alarm Zone 3 To BS-420 Alarm Zone 4
Operation Zone 2
To BS-420
Alarm Zone 2

Fire ext.. acktivated

Fire ext.. acktivated Silence buzzer
Silence buzzer Fire vent. activ.
Fire vent. activ. More Alarms Silence sounders
Fire Brig. recvd. Fire ext.. acktivated
More Alarms Silence sounders
Fire Brig. recvd. Reset Silence buzzer
Reset Fire vent. activ.
More Alarms Silence sounders
Fire Brig. recvd.
Prewarning Reset
1 2 3 Power
1 2 3 Early warning
Early warning Fault 4 5 6
Fault 4 5 6 Prewarning
System fault
8 9 1 2 3
System fault
7 Early warning
7 8 9 Function disabled
Function disabled 0
4 5 6
Test C Fault
Test C 0 System fault
7 8 9
Function disabled
? Test C 0
Self Verify
Self Verify ?

BS-430 BS-430 BS-430

S elf Verify

Top Level Operation Zone 1

BS-420 Alarm Zone 1
To FARE 1 Output 1


To FARE 2 Output 2 Fire ext.. acktivated

Fire vent. activ.

Fire Brig. recvd.


More Alarms
Silence buzzer

Silence sounders


1 2 3

To FARE 3 Output 3
Early warning
Fault 4 5 6
System fault
7 8 9
Function disabled
Test C 0

S elf Verify

To FARE 4 Output 4

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The table below describes how the system is configured, and what is
Configuration What is achieved
This configuration allows the Fire Alarm Control Panel to operate,
Operation Zones control and monitor the entire building complex.
The Fire Alarm Control Panel in building A Information is selectively routed. In the event of a fire alarm in
serves as an operating panel for all operation building B, for example, detailed information (information on the
zones. detection zone/detector) will be shown only on the panel's display
in building B and in the main administration building. Remote
information on the fire alarm location, i.e. building B, will be
The panel's defined Operation Zone 1 is on the shown on the panel's display in building C and D.
top level, encompassing Operation Zone 2, 3
and 4. The buzzer will be activated on the panels in building A and B in
the event of an alarm.
Fire Alarm Routing Equipment (FARE) A fire alarm in, for example, Operation Zone 3 will trigger output 3
The Output Module (BSB-310) in the Fire Alarm on the output module. In this way, the fire brigade will be able to
Control Panel is configured as follows: know exactly in which building the fire has occured, in this case,
Each Operation Zone (1-4) has a dedicated building C.
Alarm Zones A fire alarm from a detector in building B, for example, will
Each building is defined as an Alarm Zone. The activate all sounders (default 0,5 second ON / 0,5 second OFF)
Detection Zones in each building are connected in this building, plus in the main administration building.
to each building's Alarm Zone, and in addition to Simultaneously, a neighbour alert signal (default 0,5 second ON /
the main administration building's Alarm Zone. 3,5 seconds OFF) on all sounders will be heard in building C.
In addition, the following Neighbour Zones are
C is defined as a neighbour zone to B.
B and D are defined as neighbour zones to C.
C is defined as a neighbour zone to D.

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Page 74
Autronica is a leading innovator, manufacturer and supplier of fire safety equipment. Our
products ensure safety in applications on land and sea worldwide. The company is owned by
United Technologies Corporation (UTC) and employs more than 380 people with great skill and
experience in the developing, manufacturing and marketing of fire safety equipment.
Autronica Fire and Security AS is an international company based in Trondheim, a dynamic city
known as the technological hotspot of Norway.

Protecting life, environment and property

Autronica Fire and Security AS

Haakon VIIS gt. 4, NO-7041 Trondheim, Norway | Tel: +47 90 90 55 00 | Fax: +47 73 58 25 01
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